Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 576 1 ACTION NEEDED FOR PEACE Inns Embargo A False Illusion, Says Hull Washington, July 14. Pr< "i<h*nt Roosevelt in a special message to Conappeals h jsely and firmly for enactment of the utrality legislation this session. Mter referring to the Foreign Relations Commitvote postponing action on neutrality until the next
    Reuter.  -  576 words
  • 31 1 —Reuter. Hongkong, July 15. Reuter learns that a Bill has been introduced into the Hongkong Legislature to make training with local volunteer units compulsory for British subjects.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 89 1 Reuter. London, July 15. When the plane in which th e Duke of (Kent who had been visiting Aberdeenshire inspecting the herring industry was taking ofl at the aerodrome yiear Aberdeen for Hendon, the wheel became bogged. The machine staggered, then spun round. Hundreds of
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 53 1 SIR KINGSLEY WOOD who inspec tec the new Rolls Royce factory at Crew yesterdcy. i.» seen above expert ■nvent ny with the latest “K class observer's aim at Vickers-Armstron g*s neu works at Croy ford. The yun is gas operated and fires ten to eleven hundred
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  • 265 1 NEUER SUCH EFFORTS IN HISTORY .—Reutei. The increase in personnel requirements together with the various measures that had been taken to augment the effectiveness of the Air Force h d made it necessary to submit a supplementary estimate for a further increase of no less than 32,000 officers and men
    .—Reutei.  -  265 words
  • 178 1 No Negotiations Between Poland And Germany Warsaw, July 15. The situation in Danzig is unchanged except that false rumours are dying down, declared an official spokesman, who adds that the Polish Government is not satisfied will! the situation inAhe Free City. “We are watching the situation carefully
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  • 127 1 .—Reuter. Test In North England Midlands London, July 14. Great cities and ports inc uding Manchester, Hull, Newcastle, Sheffield and Leeds took part in a big blackout test from midnight covering large areas in sevent en counties in north England and the Midlands. Unlit streets and screened lights
    .—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 65 1 .—8.0. W. Gang Leader 17 Others Arrested Rugby, July 14. A telegram from the High Commis sioner for Palestine reports yesterda that troops arrested Mansur El Yuse the gang leader and 17 of his gang in eluding a minor leader Salem Seheb in Daburiya village east
    .—8.0. W.  -  65 words
  • 74 1 -8.0. W. Strength Now Brought Up to 295,000 Rugby, July 14. Returns of recruiting for territorial field army for the fortnight ended July 8, during which time field force units were in many cases in camp or getting ready to go to camp, show an increase of 1,659
    -8.0. W.  -  74 words
  • 118 1 —Reuter. Chungking, July 15. Pandit Jawaharlal, Nehru, Indian Nationalist leader, is expected to visit China shortly, according to the Chinese press which says that public bodies here are making preparations to give him a hearty welcome. Pand t Nehru, interviewed by Reutf visit China but
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 44 1 —Reuter, London. July 14 The report that the Anelo-Polish agreement is about to be signed for substantial credits to Poland is somewhat premature. The negotiations are well advanced but are un’ikely to be concluded before next week at the earliest.—Reuter.
    —Reuter,  -  44 words
  • 89 1 .—Reuter. Reports Dismissed As Nonsense Rome, July 15. The Italian Ministry of Propaganda dism ssed as "nonsens' renewed reports of the presence of German divisions in Italy and the handing over of Trieste to Germany. Reports that Germany has leased Trieste are also den’°d by a
    .—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 157 1 300,000 Beds Required In Casualties Hospitals London, July 24. Three hundred thousand beds will be itquired for civilian casualties in case of an emersjency and provision is contemplated for a large number of base hospitals outside the towns and the use of the existing hospitals for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 Itw A- h .tfohya Penanj:w Pl N ARY LTD.. CEOKGETOW m ftriing *nd Ipoh.
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    • 66 1 S Agents for North Malaya Prnanfr GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LID.. Penang and Ipok. CONTENTS Page Latest Telegrams 1 16 Earlier Telegrams 2 Malayan News 3 Indian News 4 China News 5 Malaria Cases In K.L. 6 Local News 7 Editorial 8 Local News 9 Financial News 10 Pictures 11 Radio News,
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  • 767 2 Bombs Thrown At British Consulate BUT LITTLE DAMAGE CAUSED British Ships Entering Port Detained Shanghai, July 14. Two bombs were thrown this morning at the British Consulate at Tsingtao. Nobody was injured but the windows were broken and other minor damage done. The
    —Reuter.  -  767 words
  • 73 2 —Reuter. Japanese Report Atr o-Uie Nonsense London, July 11. The report carried by the Japanese Xeas A.tfi.u Sir Archibald < rk Keri has resigned and that his resignation has keen accepted by the British Government is denied by official qua. lt rs in
    ’—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 50 2 Reuter Wirel'ss Arrival At IL A.F. Base At Felixstowe Ixmdon, Ju’y 14. The American 15-ton bomber hying boat arrived at the R.A.F. base, l elixstow at 6.15 after crc.< ing U All; tic from Newfoundland in fifu n and a quarter hours. Reuter Wireb s*
    . Reuter Wirel'ss  -  50 words
  • 29 2 Reuter. Berlin, Jul; 14. Herr ITtler will speak on Sura a at Munich when he op ns the three-day Festival of German Art. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 370 2 .—Renter Wireless. Britain's New Defence Loan London, July 14. The rising tide of Britain’s astronomical defence budget and the continued calling up of men under arms is a matter of wide comment in British nomes today. The nation’s newspapers naturally dve yesterday's announcements in the House of
    .—Renter Wireless.  -  370 words
  • 257 2 Will Remain Neutral In War, Says Franco Lisbon. July 14. In the event of war, Spain would remain neutral if her territory, honour and vital interests were not affected, General Franco declared in an interview with the editor of the Diario de Noticeas. He added
    —Reuter.; Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 90 2 —Reuter Credits For Purchase Of War Materials London, July 15. It is noped that agreements arising from the Anglo-Polish military economic conversations in London will be signed uOday, according to the Daily Telegraph diplomatic correspondent who understands that the British and French Governments will contribute £5,000,000 and £3.500,000
    —Reuter  -  90 words
  • 71 2 Members Of German Socialist Party Warsaw, July 14. The Danzig police have arrested seventy members of an illegal German Socialist party according to reports reaching here. It is stated that the arrests were made after a search of various houses in which arms and explosives were found. —Reuter.
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  • 54 2 Reuter. Scat Retained By Liberals London, July 24. Ntorih Cornwall I «y-election resulted as follows: Mr. P. L. Horrabin (Lib.l 17,071' Mr. E. R. Whitehouse (Con.) 15,608 No change. The Liberals had to fight the election with the inclusion of Mr Churchill in the Cabinet
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 44 2 —Reuter. First Commercial Round Trip Completed New York, July 14. The “Yankee Clipper’’ arrived at Port Washington completing the l'n round of its trip on a commercial dig l to Southampton and back over th Southern trans-Atlantic route, brought back 18 passengers.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 40 2 Reuter. Paris Indifferent To Italian Protest parts, July 14. The Italian note mak'ng reservat’™ regarding the Franco-Turkish ments was received with indiifcrein It is probatle that the Government^--not follow the matter up beyond ly acknowledging receipt of the fivu
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 168 2 .—Reuter, Release Of Extra 100,000 Metric Tons London, July 14. The International Sugar Council’s decision to release an extra 100,000 metric tons of sugar for consumption during the current quota year is causing some fluttering in the sugar market dovecotes. Quarters accustomed to deal pricipally with Cuba
    .—Reuter,  -  168 words
  • 86 2 .—Reuter. “Voluntary Evacuations," Says Berlin Press Berlin, July 14. The first public mention of the Tyrol evacuations is made by the German News Agency which describes as “flood of lies’’ the reasons given by the certain Anglo-French newspapers It deelares that the measures are solely a question
    .—Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 86 2 Reuter. Due To Spark From Torch Igniting Petrol Norfolk, Virginia, July 14. A spark from a torch igniting a stream of petorl which poured over the vessel’s s de when a seaman opened the gasket to the petrol tank caused the explosion and fire on the U.S.S.
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 28 2 THE PHENIX .—Reuter. Attempt To Raise 111-fated Submarine Fails Saigon, July 14. An attempt to raise the “Phenix” failed owing to the snapping of the lifting cables. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 241 2 Paris, July 14. Not since the Victory March on July 14, 1919 have such scenes been witnessed as those connected with today’s parade in which British troops and naval forces participated for the first time since then. Hours before the parade was due to start, thousands
    —Reuter  -  241 words
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    • 104 2 jiMKsssy '*®iF n» /Bl \ou II call it thr finest J iHCtf OflA s gl ketchup you ever tasted. Xj SOTJutf All'ty® H Made of big. red-ripe to-f Q 11 matoes, picked at tlw It height of their per- X/ A y fretion. pressed and I w I skillfully seasoned
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  • 894 3 Counsels Criticism Of Procedure In Postman’s Trial CHARGED TWICE FOR OFFENCE KwJa Lumpur. WILL assume that there is no king in the Penal (V-D or in the CrTtfnal Code which specifically prohibits the procedure whi h adopted *.i this case. But obviously both Codes contempt te
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  • 759 3 Allegations in Murder Trial Kuala, Lumpur. Saying that what they had told the Magistrate in their confessions was not l true. Yap Swee and L *e Kwee, two of the four accused in the police court inquiry into the Simpah murder alleged, when g ving evidence,
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  • 318 3 Goods Believed To Be Japanese Klang. See Choon Lai and Kow Moy. two Chinese living at Port Swettenham, were charged before Mr. R. Middleton-Smith, the Klang magistrate, with the criminal intimidation of Tan Chong Teck, proprietor of a bicycle shop at. Port Swettenham. The complainant said
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  • 162 3 A TALL red-bearded New Zealander is invading London’s art world with nearly 100 wickedly clever caricatures. His name is Alan Reeve, and he used to le an advertising salesman. Then he turned h s gift for persuasive letter writing t<~> the business of preva
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  • 25 3 A mounted tokes off his coat <ts a pillow for a boy knocked down by a bus in Loudon.
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  • 465 3 Commodore's Evidence Of Signature Singapore. 4 DENTAL that he h?<i put his itutia! or signature on on alleged Adir 'ralty mLnite paper was irnd” l by Commodore T. B. Drew, Com- c_ore M ’a. a, when the tri?] of M V. Frugtn’et ard C. G. Rodrigo
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  • 280 3 R.A.F. OFFICER FINED Singapore. An R.A.F. officer, H. W. stationed at Seletar was on Thursd.-.v fined S5O on a charge of driving with inhead and tail lights on. along Katong Road during the black-out on June 13 He was also fined $lO
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  • 550 3 SPECIAL FILM FOR M.A.H.A. EXHIBITION There is- considerable activity at the M.A.H.A. grounds at the present time as the final touches are being given to the new buildings which have been erected to house the various sections for the Exhibition to be held from Aug. 5
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    • 351 3 STOMACH SUFFERER AVOWS OPERATION Cnly those who have experience 1 the agony of an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum can fully appreciate what it means to gain complete relief. So often does this dreaded disorder lead to an operation that when Mr. J. D. gained his freedom, without going
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    • 498 4 Mr. Harihara Aiyars Appeal Ernakulam, July 2. IT is the inherent quality in the Orient, nurtured by age and tradition and particularly remarkable in the rural areas, which repels the idea of a change in the existing oidei ot things, that accounts in a large measure
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    • 996 4 Mr. F. E. James On Federation Salem, July 4. 4 DDRESSING the European Association, at Yercaud today, Mr. F. A. James, M.L.A (Central), expressed the view that although Provincial Autonomy had made an immence advance in the Provincial field, no further advance in India’s status was possible
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    • 424 4 Collector’s Tribute To Gudipad People Cuddapah. June 30. MR. T. Sivasankar. 1.C.5., Collector, Cuddapah, paid a visit to Gudipod village yesterday and inspected the site which was destroyed by fire on June 16. A subscription list was opened and Rs. 50 were subscribed immediately for relief.
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    • 135 4 66 An Intolerable Position 5 Allahabad, July 4. A CCORDING to information received in the A. I. C. C. office, 1.300 Indians, the bulk of whom aic cultured and educated, residing in Abyssinia, Italian Somaliland and Eritrea, are subjected to humiliating ard discriminatory regulations. They are
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    • 310 4 jyj Subhas Chandra Bose the ex-President of the Congress is now continuing a vigorous propaganda that a Forward Bloc is necessary in the Congress, owing to the difference of mon between himself and the present High Command of the Congress. Of special interest to our Indian
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    • 119 4 Non-official Advisers Io Be Appointed Calcutta, J urn 2fi. r Tie United Press understands that the Government of India propose have three Non-Oflicial Indian Advisers to the Government in connection the trade talks with Japan Inviting the Federation of I ndlan Chambers of Commerce and Industrj to nominate
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    • 167 4 Arrangements For Annual Conference Alleppey. A meeting of the Reception Committee- of the first annual Conference to be held under the auspices of the Travancore Coir Factory Workers Union, was held in the office of the Union urrier the presidency of Mr P. N. Krishna Pillai,
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    • 100 4 Madras, June 24. Under the auspices of the Thyagarayanagar branch of the branch o' the Madras Unemployed Federation a meeting was held yesterday at the Cooperative Society Hall. Messrs. A T. Krishnamachariar, K. G. Raghavan and S. Narasimhm stressed the r.?cd to tackle the problem of
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 453 4 Tonight Saturday, 15th July, 1939. GALA ATTRACTION AT WEMBLEY CABARET DANCING 9 00 P.M. TO 1 AM. “CHINA CHEMICAL BANDOENG NIGHT” "Hostesses in Sarongs Kebaya s Await You. SPOT DANCES BALLOON DANCES! Prizes Kindly Presented By Messrs. NIE JOO &.CO., Sol? Agents For The China Chemical Works. Excellent Music Supplied
      453 words
    • 67 4 MAJESTIC OPENING TONIGHT 6.15 and 9.30 ■i'-r lea’s la uBh a er P Man’ .«thanks < w," fEvetftbuiy the year's freshest comedy idea f brought you by oil theta stars I f ADOLPHE MENJOU-JACK OAKIE JACK HALE* ARLEEN WHELAH H TONY MARTIN BINNIE BARNES GEORGt BARBIER V, AR REN HYMER
      67 words
    • 104 4 QUEEN*? 3 SHOWS TODAY TGMO PPriU AT 3 P.M ,6 MATINEES AT 3 P.M. Reduced Prices Downstair, 15, 30 50 Cents LUPINO LANE in “THE LAMBETH u r with Seymour Hicks Sall-.- <; rau The Picture That Their M if 2 King Queen Selected !-<„■ screenin on board the “Empires
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    • 223 5 -Central News. (lIIM’.S INITIATIVE IN Til El Ii EMANCIPA TION Support I'or Her People's Heroic Struggle Chungking, July 11. d the Chinese women, Madame Chiang Kai-shek 0 !'lt el greetings to the International Alliance of at L e and Equal Citizenship which is holding
      -Central News.  -  223 words
    • 92 5 Central News. Hongkong, July 11. Extending landing operations to the southern tip of the West River Delta region, Japanese naval units on th«c. mornin: of July ’> landed four- to five hundr; d marines at Oishek, a point i along the coast n the Chungshan district—
      Central News.  -  92 words
    • 523 5 J)RIVATE Nakayama Tamctsu of the Japanese army, now an inmate in the concentration camp foi Japanese prisoners of war in Sian, capital of Shensi Province, went voluntarily with only one meal a day for five days and saved a Chinese dollar. Together with a letter penned by
      523 words
    • 85 5 an laiitb/iiiiu fund drive. Central Ho' kong, July 11. ition between 1 Swatow has been 1 nese <» ,fl 1,1 te J the entry m and barri- i nit the vharves. making it imcn mi m i a. i al, the Swatow mpn '*> hur.d
      an laiitb/iiiiu fund drive. Central  -  85 words
    • 147 5 nesc Government is so anto revolu’:onize agriculture oiertific ii nes that it has gone r Ge extent of insuring the farmers ll accept tv. seeds against any 111 cr iy be incurred ir. experiir ntinjr with the tn. hi the southwestern province of ’ii-si the government-endowed riiuental stations
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    • 40 5 Cp ntral News. Hongkong, July 11. when a Japan. 11 -it a sampan < i tile British !,b r Company of >n bun I along lientsin yesterday Port c, 1 to a Tientsn refnt 'al News.
      Cpntral News.  -  40 words
    • 1187 5 Nation Rushes To Help Government ICAR days in Rondon when crowds thundered “No” as speakers hurled at them the question, “Are you downheartedwere echoed in Chungking in March when a war-chest campaign netted the Government $2,500,000 —more than 52.000,000 in excess of the amount raised
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    • 70 5 Central News. Canadian League Chairman’s Cable Chungking. July 11. Mr. MacLeod, National Chairman of the Canadian League for Peace and Democracy, sent a cable to Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek as tollows: “On the second anniversary of your heroic struggle for freedom, we send our warmest
      Central News.  -  70 words
    • 84 5 Central News. Hongkong, July 11. The British China Campaign and China Relief Committee have dispatched three medical doctors to join the Chinese Red Cross. They are at present on their way to Kweichow Province in Southwest China via Haiphong. It is understood that some medical
      Central News.  -  84 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 392 5 WF o< 7 I suffered so much with indigestion," writes Airs. Singleton, oi Bow, that 1 dreaded mealtimes coming round. 1 was afraid to eat. Since taking Bisurated Magnesia I can eat anvthing. Mv husband also suffered for years with Gastric Ulcers, but since taking Bisurated Magnesia he has been
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 40 5 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES Came and 1 r 1 F“ v- J v..fiK JMK W.. 7? ._J UTh? 7 UQHfgmAe. tn ’O-w froelc Hobby s f/te sawt/e Serf EniQi/s >tei- i&, but hqn a shock! If /alien 'he tup of 'ea.
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  • 2950 6 PAYMENT OF FEE SHOULD BE STOPPED Proposal At Advisory Board Meeting the meeting- of the F.M.S. Lialaria Advisor} Board, at Kuala Lumpur, reference to the payment ot a fee for the notification of malaria cases in Kuala Lumpui was made by Di. Cameron, who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 205 6 7iSiT THE EP-TO-DAT& SPGRTS HOUSE NAHA.R&CO ’Phone 1505. 3-5, Light Street, PENANG Stockists of HIGH CLASS SPORTS GOODS I VIA DE BY BRITISH LABOUR, B Buv British anil Be Satisfied. f |B| HOCKEY, FOOTBALL, ■Or BADMINTON. !Hl Specialists TENNIS, EK9E ,n HRk Restringiuc Rackets. GOLF, J Branches Singapore, K. Lumpur
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 46 6 All in a Day’s Work— by Rick Etnies I REM* FF MO />- MO NEED To Y— BqT MAK& <°SLU f /X J tiaat fuss 7 i g O M U V i hadn't 7 fcv 7/ f A cu&k j MB .jBS a 1 z A
      46 words

  • 826 7 BOGUS TIMBER DEAL Singapore. “1 1 is th; T >OUn 8 mcn llk y«« should come up n Chaises like this.’ With these words. Mr. Justice Manning yesterda? afternoon sentenced to 18 months’ risorous in> prisonment each VI. V. Frugtniet and C. G. Rodrigo
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  • 305 7 Maximum Fine For I mo Chinese maximum fine was imposed by Inr Koon Teck in the Middle Court 11 a on two Chinese, Loh Bak Sun a: a ran All Bak who pleaded guilty liar-, cs ot fraudulent possession of 1 suspected of having been
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  • 121 7 Kulim. Awaiig bin Mat Saniaii, a Malay vouth. was produced in the District Court before Tuan Syed Hassan, the ’irst Magistrate charged by Inspector Che Rrahim (0.C.P.D.) with housebreaking and theft under section 456. The accused pleaded guilty, and Inspector Che Ibrahim, the prosecuting ifficer.
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  • 323 7 Visitor From K.L. Charged Further heart e into the ease in which a Chinese Lee Tai See. wa. c charged with causing hurt by rash act to a riesha puller Lai Choe Chit, was continued in tl Penang Police Cuuri Itsfore Mr. A. W Bellamy yesterday, when
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  • 486 7 First Prize For Pulan Betong Balik Pulau. THE third biennial Malay Schools Exhibition was held on the 11th and 12th instant at the premises of the Kongsi Malay School. Thousands of people of various nationalities flocked to see the exhibition, vdiich was a great success. There
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  • 148 7 Rubber Dealer Robbed Of Cash And Jewellery Tapah. gURGLARS made another big haul at Bikam. on Thursday, south of Batang Padang District, where a rubber dealer was robbed of over $7OO. It is learnt that a Chinese womun, a rubber dealer at Bikain Village
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  • 148 7 fwo Chinese Charged Taiping The old Ford car PK.2694 belonging to the China Distress Relief Association, Paiping, which disappeared from the Garden Park on Wednesday afternoon, ias been traced and brought back to Paiping by the police on Thursday afternoon. In connection with the disappearance of
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  • 225 7 Parents’ Day At Balik Pulau Balik Puiuu. On the occasion of the annual parents’ day of tlie Malay Solicols in the South West District of Penang, a sports meet was leld on Thursday evening at the Kongsi ichoci grounds, watched by a large gathering. The weather was
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  • 169 7 Appointment Of Che Mohamed Hashim Kuala Kangsur His Highness trie Sultan of Perak has been pleased to appoint Che Mohamed Hashim bin Jaragan Abdul Shukor as Orang Kaya Kaya Stia Bijaya di-Raja with effect from July 1, 1939. Che Mohamed Hashim was on September 1,
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  • 32 7 A26r &ta*. Cit burglars are still aduve ur. Alor Star. At the besuaam< of the weak the' broke into some servants’ quarters in the College compound
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  • 372 7 Girl Acquitted Of Serious Charge Parit Buntar. Without calling on the defence, Inche Ja’al bin Jamun, A.D.0., Krian, acquitted a Tamil girl named Javamanee, aged abou: 16, in the District Court of having secretly disposed of a child, whether the child died before or after during birth,
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  • 143 7 Agreement At End H Month Likely Ipoii The wages dispute betwen Chinese foundry owners in Kinta and their employees is in its third week. Early this month some 350 foundry hands in Kinta downed tools following t joint decision by their employers to make reductions in
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  • 69 7 Function Prior To Transfer Kulim. It is understood that the staffs of District Office, Sanitary Board office and Treasury Department will be giving a farewell function in honcur of Tuan Syed Hassan, the Kulim District Officer, who is going on transfer to Alor Star. It is gathered
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 405 7 Hew I Sot Hid Of SUPERFLUOUS HAii^c vcr 1 TRAINED NURSE ■'A!;,.; were cov ere PJwith ugh g dark hair. I tried |g| everything &C N irritatin «L. smelh po d< even pa i electric ments. I it f razor or.!', it; A hh? hairgrov fa-‘ ‘ra coarser '1 her
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  • 455 8 4 CL RIOUS sidelight into the indecorous haste with which Municipal Commissioners arrive at important decisions was provided at the meeting on Tuesday when discussion ensued over a decision-in-Committee to sell South View.” one oi the Municipal bungalows on Penang Hill. The offer made by the Harbour Board
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  • 671 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. F. H. Grumitt left for Cameron Highlands yesterday. His Excellency the Bishop Qi Malacca tDr. Devals) is administering confirmation at Cameron Highlands tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Hashim have issued invitations to dinner at “Penawar.’ 218 Ayer Itam, on Saturday. July 29 at 8 p.m. cn
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  • 532 8 Pulau Bi man Monster journalists rarely lose our nerve. I can recall only one example. It followed the investigation of the Pulau Riniau monster story by one of our bright, young reporters. ‘‘lt’s all right!” cried he, joyfully, on his return. "It’s real! I’ve seen it.” "You’ve
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  • 366 8 Saturday, July 15. expected. President Roosevelt has sent a special message to -Gongress appealing for enactment of the neutrality legislation this session. "It has been abundantly clear to me for some time,” he says "that for the cause of peace and in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 262 8 |r ALLSOPPS The best Beer Under the Sun l Sole Importers CALDBIECK’S PENANG wfSffict DISCLOSED BY Tck Often hidden behind a row of gleaming white teeth, decay is eating its way to their nerve centres. Tek "Short-Head" toothbrush, is the only genuine and patented brush which will reach those hidden
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    • 35 8 When Buying Hams ALWAYS SPECIFY tum w Well-known throughout THE WHOLE WORLD» OBIAIN ABLE FROV AH the Leading Dealer» SOLi? A GEN TS Henry Waugh Co., Ltd.. PEN AN G Singapore, Ipoh, A Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 571 9 Eurasian Youth Who Posed As Police Officer 1 WANT romance in prison,” shouted Alexander E rasia y° uth «he left the Singapore Third Pohce Court, yesterday, after being sentenced to six month,’ rigorous imprisonment to be followed by 12 months police supervision ot< .a charge
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  • 130 9 Today on the Esplanade from 6 to 7.30 p.m. March The Little Drummer Dowell Overture The Bohemian Girl Balfe Selection Yes Uncle Ayer Waltz Thoughts Alford Intermezzo The Valley Of -Poppies Ancliffe Selection The Naughty Pnncess Curillier Quick Step Let’s Have A Tiddley At 1 The Milk Bar
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  • 199 9 Magistrate’s Advice !n Negligence Case Tapping You must not follow too closely bend other vehicles,” said Raja Salim ttrda'. ’.hen he fined a “learner” motor ■iist $lO for negligent driving at Trong Road. The man was Phoon Sung who was harged with negligent driving and running his
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  • 188 9 Customs Officers Raid House Sungei Putam. Before Tuan Syed Hussain. Jamallulai’, the First Magistrate, in the District Court, a Chinese. Lim Ah Cheau. stood his trial on three charges; tr distilling sarnsu without licence, (2' having in possession unlicensed distilling utensils, and <3) being in possession of illicit
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  • 170 9 Large Attendance At Funeral Batu Gajah. The funeral took place on Thursday iternoun at Batu Gajah. cf Madam ah Loh, mother of Mr. Khoo Leang p i. Assistant Station Master, Batu 'th. The deceased, has been ailing ome time, took a sudden turn for the rse about
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  • 41 9 Kuala Kangsar. Hls Highness the Sultan of Perak 1 mpanied bv his aide-de-camp. Raja R ’.zman and Dato Panglima Bukit Ganleft for Tanjong Ma Lim on Friday by cay. Highness will take part ir. the Tac-
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  • 64 9 Price For Assessment Of Duty F.M.S. Government Gazette notification issued yesterday states that in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by (section 15 of the Customs Enactment, 1936 (No. 5 of 1936) the Hisfh Commissioner fixes the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the
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  • 181 9 DRIVER SEVERELY INJURED 4 SERIOUS motor crash occurred at Jelutong Village at“abbut 7 o’clock last night, when a. car, proceeding along the road went out of .control and skidded into the drain. The car was reported to have been driven by Mr. Soo Hoo Siew, who was
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  • 205 9 Stolen Fowls Traced To Estate Kulim. A Malay, Mat bin Saad, was charged by Inspector A. Halim (A.0.C.P.D.) with theft of four fowls. or with retaining stolen property at Bukit Kabu, Mahang. The accused pleaded guilty. Inspector A. Halim related that on I C. 4.58 at 6.30
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  • 150 9 \ou th Committed To Assizes Batu Gajah. Further evidence was recorded on Thursday in the preliminary inquiry in the case in which a young Malay named Mohd. Ali bin Pritah. is charged with the murder of a Malay widow, Rabani binii Haji Rashat, aged about 45,
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  • 74 9 Taken To Hospital By Ambulance The ambulance was called out to Perak Lane at about 11,30 last night to attend to a Chinese who was said to have been assaulted by some .patriots. The Chinese who was brought to the General Hospital bleeding from several injuries, was said
    74 words
  • 258 9 Loss Of Two Million Ticals Estimated JI is estimated that a of about two million ticals has been suffered as the result of the disastrous fire which ravaged Haadyai on Thursday. A “Pinang Gazette” representative, who visited the town yesterday afternoon, found that the principal
    258 words
  • 130 9 i Machine Removed From House Ami Abandoned After dismantling parts of a bicycle, which was removed from a house .n Perak Road in the early hours of yester I day morning, the machine was abandoned i a short distance away from the premises The parts stolen were
    130 words
  • 211 9 Possession Of Excess Tin-Ore Batu Gajah. Three Chinese wemen, Leng Quitn, Chin Thye and Chow Wall were charged in the Batu Gajah Court on Thursda. morning before Che Bahaman bin Samsudin With having in possession three piculs and 70 katis of tin-ore in excess of the quantity
    211 words
  • 100 9 Non-Registered Chandu Smoker Lim Eeng Keat. who described himself as a clerk employed in the Ban Hin Lee Oil Mill, was produced before Mr. Lim Kcon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday morning, charged with having in hls possession chandu. to wit, one chandu pipe containing
    100 words
  • 324 9 Mr. \an Kee Leong, the well-known A.alacca artist and cartoonist, is setting cut on a tour of Malaya to exhibit his oil paintings, about 50 in number, and to give lectures on art and kindred subjects. He will visit Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh.
    324 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 115 9 U!! 'Bras so X METAL POLISH D 'y FOR ALL METALS GIHIIIm C*. Slngtpf. A Kualt I I I V M 17 (QAJIIIr Strong, sturdy limbs, sour.J bones, the happiness- oi 1 abounding health —these are some of the gifts bestowed by MmW# aSC rlsS’ this famous English Food. r
      115 words

    • 255 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Seller! Ampats 3/6 3/0 A. Hitamo 19/6 20/6 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrins 18/6 19/3 Z. Selangors 1.17 J 1.224 Berjuntais 8,6 8/ Chendenangi 10/0 u/G Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras 1/3 1/6 Kamun tings 8/ 8/6 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kramats 9/6
      255 words
    • 167 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Bnyerr Sellers MINING Ampats 3,6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/3 4/6 Burma Malays 20/ 21/cd Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Jelebus 55 60 Johans 23 26 Katus 21/ 21/9 K. Lanjuts 14/ 14/6 Kuchais 1.15 1.20 Kundangs 6/9 7/3 Laruts 3/9 4/ Lukuts 45 06 Nawng
      167 words
    • 78 10 London, July 14. On the Stock Exchange, the sharp rise in Czechoslovak bonds was the main feature, reflecting satisfaction at the announcement that a scheme was pending for settling British claims against Czech assets. Gilt-edged were subdued following Sir John Simon’s reference to borrowing of £500,000,000. for defence.
      78 words
    • 35 10 Perak River Valley Rubber Co. Ltd. 24,649 and Juru Estates Limited 16,500 !b. Kuala Reman Rubber Estates Ltd. 149.600.. Lok Kawi Rubber Ltd. 36.000 and Bruseh Rubber Estates Ltd. 33.000 lb
      35 words
    • 182 10 RUBBER Buyers SeUen Ayer Panas 1.074 1.15 Bassetts 474 524 B. Lintangs 1.024 1.074 Bentas 1.00 1.05 Brogas 55 60 Indragiris 1.174 1224 Kuala Sidiuu. 2.15 2.25 Lunas 1.474 1.574 Malaka Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 38 40 Pajams 1.65 1.75 Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.04 Tapahs 1
      182 words
    • 187 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers I Sellens TIN Am pat, 3/6 3/9 Ayer Weng 73 76 Batu Selangor 1.18 1.21 Berjuntai 8/3 8/9 Hitam 31 33 Hone Fatt 61 63 Kampong Lanjut 14/ 14/6 Katu Tin 21/ 22/ Klang River 1.75 1.80 Kramat Tin 9/6 10/ Kuchai 1.17 1.20
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  • 946 10 World Stocks In June Fall By Over 4,000 Tons (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 4. The figures of stocks for the end of June show that the statistical position of Tin is now a strong one. World stocks during June fell by more than
    946 words
  • 559 10 Review William Jacks Lonaon, June 29 Commodities tend to Hue*; to day, falling in syinpv h? -.1, t; Stock Exchanges o) th< ing on the enormous dem md •■-:rn iu ment purposes. Barter arra. g- less arranged between Mercies in the respective countries eaan be looked upon as
    559 words
  • 135 10 FRIDAY, JULY 14 prev. Latest Paris 176 47/64 176 23/3i New York 4.68 3 16 4.68 //<■' Montreal 4.69 116 4.68 15 16 Brussels 27.57 1/2 27.56 3/4 Geneva 20.76 1/2 20.76 3/4 Amsterdam 8.80 1/4 8.80 1/8 Milan 89 8& V3 2 Berlin 11.66 3/4 11 66
    135 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 897 10 BANKS THE CHARTERED INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, BANK LTD. OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incerporated <S British Indtli) (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid-up Capital £3 000,000 luServc Liability of Proprietors Head Office: First Line Head Office Beach, Madras. No. 38 Blshopgatc, London, E.C. 2 LONDON BRANCHES Branches Penang,
      897 words
    • 38 10 doqs ifftnit mi you. him m <*-••» n l rt tr; •hnyi ly ro<ul*r dating with •hjinal co»i<ition«r tor lop of «II! Kmntiai in all caw» at MANGE, WORM», ECZEMA, etc. Full particulars Jree on requeu CiCT LvCdcC Ear.
      38 words

  • 270 11 Above. sou see Mrs. Ojansoon (left) ami Madame Schmidl. from Estonia. Miss !\adine P i i c h e r (left), of Greece. is wearing her wedding dowry—a necklace of gold coins. Below: Mrs. A. Meier, of Switzerland. poses for Miss Ruby Ann Burch. from
    270 words

  • 738 12 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 6TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 8.00 aun. Holy Communion. 8.45 a.m. Mattins and Litany (Said). 9.30 am. Mattins (Tamil). 10.30 a.m. Mattins Holy Communion (Chinese). 4.15 p.m. Sunday School (Parsonage). 6.00 p.m. Evensong Sermon. Psalm 33. Magnificat. Nunc Dimittis. Hymns 671.
    738 words
  • 297 12 Mastery of the Air It is a long story, the epic of man’s mastery of the air. Today it all seems so simple and commonplace, and even the leas sophisticated of us rarely trouble to look up when a ’plane zooms overhead. But for more than one generation
    297 words
  • 491 12 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS Outward EUROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For Burma (except Victoria Point)), India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia. Nyasaland. South Africa, Great Brita n, Ireland. Canada and Newfoundland.
    491 words
  • 424 12 Oration At Covent Garden London, June 26. At Covent Garden, on Saturday evening, the Russian Ballet’s first performance this season of “Les Sylphides” received and deserved an unusual ovation, writes Beryl de Zoete in the “Daily Telegraph.” It was less honoured at the begining by the late
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1664 12 RA bIO TO-DAY PENANG ZHJ 608 mc/s <49 3 m.) P.M. BO 6.00 Early Results of Ipoh Races. IJ. Vz. g. 05 Cantonese Music. Nan Heng Nan Tai (from Part I ™> of Ipoh Races. n 7? ?(25 M 7.05 Indian Music. GSB 9.51 Mc/s (3155 n>*> 800 Ba bin
      1,664 words
    • 138 12 his Band. 1.30 Interval. 5.45 Organ Recital relayed from Bethesda Hall. 6.00 Evening Service. Relayed from Bethesda Hall. 7.00 Song Recital by Peter Dawson (Baritone), t “Sylvia”—“On the Road to Mandalay” (Oley Speaks)— “Full Sail” —"Sea Winds” —“Kashmiri Love Song”. 7.15 Time. Weather, News and Announcements. 7.25 Orchestral Concert with
      138 words

  • 214 13 S’l’-a Of Cambridge I ndrrgraduate London. to have driven away in a r s car and attempted later suicide by lying down be- xhaust, Hugh Mure Gemn undergraduate at EmH<‘ge, Cambridge, of WoodEdgi toast on, Birmingeharged at Cambridge rei' 1 tating away, the car
    214 words
  • 153 13 Going To Hollywood Paris. M. Sacha Guitry, the French playwright and actor, whose most recent triumph was the performance staged before the King and Queen on the occasion of President Lebrun’s recent State visit to London, is to go to Hollywood to make a
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  • 1155 13 Arrivals 1 TODAY, JULY 15. m.v. “Nanking” from Singapore ss. “Mentor” from Liverpool. m.v. “Yasukuni Maru” fram Japan via Singapore. s.s. “Havre Maru” from Calcutta. m.v. “Muncaster Castle” from Belawan. s.s. “Rawalpindi” from Yokohama Ana ports. m.v. “Glengarry” from Far East via Singapore. s.s. ‘“Augsburg" from Europe.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 440 13 blue funnel line WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT rjENGARRY Calls Antwerp and Middlesboro u? n’ALION Calls Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aul’ i? ■VEXRN calls Marseilles, Antwerp Middlesboro July 28 AiS lUN DAY SERVICE TO LiVEBf'M». VIA HAVKJI g 23 YCAON Calls Glasgow j uly 2i AuPlq Ksrs Omits
      440 words
    • 764 13 P&O BRITISH INDIA (Incorpotkted 1b PORT SWETTENHAM. MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KARAPARA” SAILING SUNDAY, 16TH JULY, 1939. London and Far Ewt S q “vS Stownor. Outwards from London for (Sm Japan July 21 •S/s “Somali” due Sailing Of Steamers Or The British S/S “CARTHAGE” r ul v 27 India S N.
      764 words

  • 633 14 Punters Must Not Beturn For Their Glasses l> ACEGOERS am! those connected with the Turf have superstitions. A well-known Malayan jockey once told me that as a rule the little men in his profession do not want to pose for photographs while in the saddle, in
    633 words
  • 141 14 Mr. Johnny Best is hoping to sign Henry Armstrong for a return fight With Ernie Roderick at Anfield football ground, Liverpool, in the autumn either for Armstrong’s world welterweight title, or in ar over-weight match. Mr. Best has received an intimation from Mr.
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  • 44 14 Ex-President Of English Bowling Association The death has occurred of Mr Felix Hotchkiss, a former president of the English Bowling Association and the London and Southern. Coun ties Bowling Association, and sine» 1936 secretary of th»' National As sociation.
    44 words
  • 32 14 Madras, July 1. The Exefut-ve Committee of the Indian Olympic Association resolved that Feb. 9, 10 and 11, 1940, be fixe; for holding the All-India Olympi Games at Bombay.
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  • 35 14 Picture cf Sydney Wooderson (and hi; lefl ction) a.; he bye from the boat train when leaving London for the L’n tc run at the Princeton “Mila of the Centurj.”
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  • 547 14 Trials Likely In Australia 'T'HE South Australian Cricket Association is asking other States to give a trial to the l.b.w. rule amended so as to enable a bowler to dismiss a batsman with a ball turning from the leg. Already it is provided that a
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  • 435 14 A CCORDING to John Harding, N.S.C. manager, there is a possibility that Arthur Danahar will meet Ernie Roderick for the latter’s British welterweight title within the next four months. There is some doubt whether Dana’iar is liable to be called up as a militiaman.
    435 words
  • 130 14 |VO. 2.3 The wicketkeeper. in his eagerness to stump a batsman, broke tne wicket with his hand by knocking the oil' stump down and one bail oil. Batsman was still out of his ground and a near-the-wlcket tie Id er rushed up, seized the ball, and kneoked
    130 words
  • 52 14 Silver Spear 11., the 3-1 f Vl von the big South African Durban July Handicap, here. Mu- zzuowned by Mr. Askew, was seem Taj Mahal third. Silver Spear 11.. an Ameri colt, formerly belonged to M' Widener, and was a wii Liverpool Spring
    52 words
  • 74 14 l<’ell Dining Mali i Meadowbrook, J> >’ C. M. Woolley, the twenty 'a' l old captain of the Yale f niv< i < team, who only graduate) died in hospital without ~/l flg consciousness after the pony 11 him fell, tripping over its Woolley suffered
    74 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 168 14 $*n ce > YOU l>e«° M ten 1 •‘X W -Canted. U> r*. jd **M ,< W i, «round—V 6 te^i:f r WkAW user. F° aC ids, de f\ arU cies. leaw t, t neutral J? v harir uul I refre^ e lesS TO Your teeth are Ivory Castles—defend them
      168 words

  • 236 15 THE RIDING BOY’ TRESPASSER “MAN-ON-THE- EPSOM JEEP El REK V THE MAJOR j “CAPTAIN DASH Penang SPOT’’ Ipoh Ipoh K Lumpur Singapore "RACE 1 Maid of Cashel Maid of Cashel Maid of Cashel Prix Starlight Merry Widow The Poacher Batta lion Newzy Starlight The Poacher Maid
    236 words
  • 931 15 Perak July Meeting I Kan I: Horses Class 2 Div. 5 —6 Furs. —2.30 p.m. < 1 NEWZY 3y 9.04 Major Lindsay Vears Owner 2 10 0 SPEAR OF SARAWAK 5y 8.13 Mr. Ong Hood Hin Turley I’HE POACHER 5y 8.13 “Oontong Kongsi" Silley STARLIGHT 7y
    931 words
  • 196 15 Rest Team v Europeans Cricket ANNUAL ‘-TEST” At a meeting held yesterday evening, the following were selected to represent the Rest against the Europeans in the annual cricket “test” for the B P. de Silva Cup to be played on the Esplanade on Saturday July 21, Saturday, July 29 and
    196 words
  • 70 15 Cricket.— P.S.C. v. Selangor Club, JSsplanade, C.R.C. “A” v. Eastern Smelting Club, Victoria Green, 2.15 p.m. Racing: Opening day of Ipoh Meeting. Badminton.— Penang Senior Interteam semi-final, Free School Hall, 3 p.m. Athletic. A.C.S. Sports, Parit Buntar, 3 p.m.; Sports of Holy Infant Jesus, Penangi, St. Xavier’s
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  • 149 15 W eek-End Events There will only be swimming practices this afternoon at 4 at the Chinese Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah. Tomorrow at 10 a.m., however, the first try-outs have been scheduled, in which the progress of the possibles and probables will be closely observed and recorded in
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  • 235 15 —Reuter. Home Cricket SUTCLIFFE 107 NOT OUT London, July 14. 4T Northampton Yorkshire won by an innings and 98 runs. Northamptonshire 216 (Bowes 5 for 431 and 188 (Verity 66 for 58); Yorkshire 502 for 4 wickets declared (Sutcliffe 107 not out. Barber 128 not out).
    —Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 78 15 Malay States Team v. Colony Ipoh. The Malay States Cricket XI for the match against the Coloing at Singapore on August 4, 5 and 6 has been selected as follows T. M. Hart (Perak) Capt. J. E. Slade (Perak). H. B. Noon (Perak). M. Appuni (Perak). FH. A.
    78 words
  • 119 15 Defending Malayan Tennis Title It is understood that Miss Doreen Sansoni of Ceylon will be defending her Malayan tennis title after being f last-minute entrant. Her partne) in the women’s doubles is Mrs. Purcell. Mrs. Carter, formerly Miss G. Grenier, who is now living at Bandar Baharu,
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  • 44 15 -—Reuter. American Professional Golf Long Island, July 14. In the Professional Golfers’ Association championship semi-finals over 3b holes Byron Nelson beat K. J. Karrison 9 and 8, and Henry Heard beat Dick Metz one up in the final tomorrow.—Reuter.
    -—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 106 15 London, July 14. A I Bisley meeting the Rajah of Kolapore's Imperial Challenge Cup Junior event was won by the Straits Settlements with 553 points. The placings are: 1. Stra ts Settlements 553 Pts. 2. Kenya 543 3. Trinidad 541 4.
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  • 99 15 Perak v. Selangor Next Friday r Kuala Kangsar. Tlie Perak Malay Tennis Team will be leaving for Selangor on Friday, July 21, to play Selangor in the first round of the Iskandar Cup Competition. The team will be in the charge ot Che Ramly. Honorary Secretary. Persekutuan
    99 words
  • 133 15 Aiderman Sir Percival Bower, Lord Mayor of Birmingham in 1925 and 1926, has been nominated for the vacancy on the Board of Directors of Aston Villa caused by the death of Mr. Rinder. 4c James Mackay and Craxfora F. C. became the second amateurs in the Midland
    133 words
  • 237 15 .—Reutei. Easy Victory In Eclipse Stakes London, July 14 The following is the result of the Eclipse Stages run at Sandown Park over lj miles today:— BLUE PETER 3y. 8.12 (Lord Rosebery)E. Smith 1 GLEN LOAN 4y. 9.10 (Mr. W. Murray)Jones 2 CHALLENGE 4y. 9.10 (Lord Milford
    .—Reutei.  -  237 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 163 15 Unbreakable Waterproof Wrist Watch lO year» 1 en s Streamline Service Model $13.15 iri London Stores for 126 50 Honey Refunded if not WHWHk fectly Satisfactory. A Fall cannot Damage this Wonderful Watch. Unbreakable, Waterproof. Sand- and Dustproof, Shockproof. Reliable Timekeeper, Non- Magnetic 15-Jewel Lever Movement. Chromium Case. Easily opened
      163 words

  • 382 16 Last-minute Hints From Course MALAYAN HORSES TO RACE IN CALCUTTA (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. {JOOD handicapping, good fields and excellent going will make racing very open this afternoon. Trainers M. van Breukelen and M. L. Silley are likely to have a good day.
    382 words
  • 73 16 SATURDAY, JULY 15. MORNING QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.37J Business fto tons Singapore Tin $113,371 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 5/16c Singapore (Spot) 28 3.8 c COPRA: Sundried $3.85 Black Pepper $9 50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.20 Fair Seed $2.80 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.40 No. 2 $6.30 Rangoon White
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  • 234 16 PJS.C. To Meet Selangor Club HTHE Penang Sports Club will meet the Selangor Club at cricket and soccer today. The following team will represent the P.S.C. at soccer on the Esplanade at 5.20 p.m. P.S.C. —J. E. Goodrich; T. Rafferty, T. A. Maxwell; G. A. Maltby, D. Mclntosh,
    234 words
  • 972 16 .—Reuter. DEBATE IN HOUSE OF COMMONS London. July 14. ERAL references to British exports credits to China were made in the course of the debate following Mr. Robert Hudson’s motion for the second reading* of the Government’s Overseas Trade Guarantees Bill which was carried without
    .—Reuter.  -  972 words
  • 1555 16 Subramaniam Scores Four Goals 'T’HE Province Wellesley Foot ball Association demonstrated their superiority over the Penang\Sports Club in no uncertain terms yesterday whe n they met on the Hospital ground in the First Division of the League, winning 7 —l. Subramaniam was in great for m
    1,555 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 THE CHINESE MUTUAL HELP ASSOCIATION Members are hereby informed that our member, Mr. Goh Swee Hoe, died at 217 H, Burmah Road, Penang, on the 13th instant and that the funeral will take place on Sunday, 16th. July, 1939. from his residence to Batu Gantong Cemetery, at 10.30 a.m. ONG
      153 words
    • 603 16 I Jtan&R©wilt I Head Office; 216 Penang r d Rhone 1477 h7x w Telegram,; "Gazette” Rate* of SubscriptioiTfor Pi nan r and Sunday Caret Pinang Gazette Local Delivery S-S. &F M C Monthly $1.25 $1 Quarterly 1.7 C 12 7 Ralf Yearly 7.50 t 0 7 0 Yearly 15. DC
      603 words