Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 310 1 Further Anti British Demonstrations Planned On A Bigger Scale WARSHIP STANDING BY Stern Warning To Japanese A uthorities Tsingtao, July 12. The British Consulate-General here has received information that anti-British demonstrations have been planned for Friday and Saturday which may be of a more serious nature than those which occurred
    —Reuter.  -  310 words
  • 104 1 Reuter. British Pledge To Greece And Rumania London, July 12. ek a rreement has been r which the British of Overseas Trade will 000.000 for the Greek I .itish goods. The relawill bear interest at val;le over twenty years i of th° sale will finance Reuter. I.
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 130 1 British Ambassador Negotiating London, July 12 i rt Craigie continues his tin Colonel Spear’s re- Butler in the House of ma. ns it question time. ir Henderson asked if it >ntrary to the accepted I ird to diplomatic im- this British military ateven be
    130 words
  • 51 1 1 "iin Kir B O.W. >•( Credits Extended t(>0.000,000 Rugby, July 12. Mini-ter informed Mr. Leader of the Oppo- nons that the second Overseas Trade Guar--11 extends to £60,000,000 •’hi the Board of Trade Hut from those justified al merits alone and fie of the necessary Aould be
    1 ■ "iin Kir B O.W.  -  51 words
  • 24 1 V.V7, Rugby, July 12. 11 'iderson, British Am1 lln who recently reconsult his medical buck ir. Berlin today.
    ** V.V7,  -  24 words
  • 176 1 —Reuter. No Further Report Before August London, July 12. In the House of Commons, replying to numerous questions on the League and the Palestine White Paper, Mr. MacDonald said another report of the Permanent Mandates Commission was unlikely to be publ'shed before the House adjourned in August. Mr.
    .—Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 225 1 —Reuter. Mongol Border Fighting Tokio, July 13. Two hundred Soviet and Outer Mongolian tanks are reported to be in action in renewed fighting on the Manchukuo-Mongolian border. According to the Japanese press reports the tanks together with large transport corps were repulsed when they tried to
    —Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 83 1 ies at pi csci —Reuter. Hong Kong, July 13. An R.A.F. plane crashed into the sea at Taitam Bay on the eastern side of Hongkong shortly after 10 a.m. this morning and sank. Two R. A. F. personnel on board were killed. One
    ies at pi csci —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 215 1 —Reuter. Reduction In Palestine Quotas London. July 13. The question of the recent illegal entry of a large number of Jews into Fale-st’ne was raised in the Common by Mr. Sutcliffe. Mr. Malcolm Macdorald, replying after emphasising the Gnve nment’s anxiety to help in a settlement
    ’—Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 54 1 Reuter. Chungking, July IJ. 7 here is very little evidence of any response in the so-called “Free China” to the appeal of Wang Ching-Wei that China should make peace with Japan Chungking’s reply takes the form of huge signs at street corners disavowing all thoughts
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 74 1 .—Reuter. Staff Talks To Be Held Paris, July 12. A French general of high rank will be sent to Moscow immediately to confer with the Soviet General Staff, according to the evening newspapers. Political circles bel eve the report to be accurate though official confirmation is
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 265 1 “Encirclement From The Air” GERMAN WARNING TO BRITAIN Paris. July 13. A London message states that another flight over France by British bombers on an even 1 arger scale is being planned and will take place very soon, probably next week. While the exact number
    .t first, inei ,—Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 99 1 it.—Reuter. London, July 12. In the House of Commons Mr. Arthur Henderson asked whether attention had been drawn to official charges of espionage made by the German Government against the British Government in general and against the British Consul-General in V:enna in particular. Mr. Butler stated
    it.—Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 84 1 up to ai —Reuter. London, July 12. Trade stocks and Government reserves of nearly all raw materials were more than adequate for three months’ consumption without imports into Britain on the estimated war requirements said the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the House
    up to ai .—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 299 1 8.0. W. London, July i>2. A graphic description of the fatal d ve of the Th' tis was given by the master of the accompanying tug, Captain God/rey, at the resumption of the incuiry. He sad: “The Thetis went down stern first and started to
    8.0. W.  -  299 words
  • 60 1 I pi —Reuter. Employers’ Complaints In Berlin Berlin, July 13. Employers’ complaints of wholesale conscription of employees on work alleged to be of national importance have led Marshal Goering to issue a decree controlUng more strictly priority of rights to commandeer labour. The number of conscr pted
    I pi —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 IS tfSTf z *jL? 1 Malaya Penang:• H PENSARYLTD p. r>g and Ipoh.
      13 words
    • 65 1 Mar/ cate ly ST If on roufi Agents for North Malaya GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LUX. Penang and Ipoh. CONTENTS Page Latest Telegrams 1 16 Earlier Telegrams 2 Malayan News 3 Indian News 4 China News 5 Australian News 6 Local News 7 Editorial 8 Local News 9 Financial News 10 Motor
      65 words

  • 386 2 OPERA HONS STARTING ON SA TURDAY Evacuation Of Foreigners Requested Shanghai, July 12. The Jcrpanese authorities have notified the Consular body'that they ?»*e starting military operations on July 15 against Chuanchow, Tungshan and Lhaoanhsien, all ir« Fukien Province, and requesting fbe evacuation of toird power
    —K. ut .  -  386 words
  • 43 2 e.—Reuter. Conservative Rcturne Unopposed London. July 12 At the by-election at South P r sniouth. Sir Jocelvn Lucas (N: tion.d vai.<<• was returned unopposed. Th elec lion was due to the elevation of S.r H. Cayzer to the peerage.—Reuter.
    e.—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 90 2 no tne August 'nt Reuter Wireless. To Re Considered By Cabinet London, July 12. .1 bill t< deal more rigidly with Irsh R< 'iubl Army outrages is likely to be considered at a Cabin t meeting today. It may be thought necessary that sue'', 'i.
    no tne August 'nt Reuter Wireless.  -  90 words
  • 22 2 >. —Reuter. Brussels, July 12. M. Pierre Forthomme, ex-Cabinet Minist r. hat been appointed Ambassador to Tokyo. —Reuter.
    >.—Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 267 2 rne presence ui —Reuter Wireless. Italy’s Feeble Excuse 1 Rome, July 12 5 Italy's action in expelling foreigners 1 from South Tyrol followed secret police reports regarding “certain persons belong- 1 .ir. to Western nations in the province of Bolzano,” according to an official communique. The communique
    rne presence ui —Reuter Wireless.  -  267 words
  • 187 2 .—Reuter. £28.000-003 For Militia London, July 12. The amount of £79,000,000 is set forth in the Supplementary Army Estimate issued this morning. An explanatory note shows that additional charges, which will be provided by loan for the Regular Army and calling out of reserve forces and Ter
    .—Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 85 2 —Reuter. Members On Trial At Munich Berlin, July 12. Several members of the “International B ble Searchers” movement which is prohibited in Germany are now on trial in the Munich special court. The organisation is described by National Socialist Mirror of Law as one which “spreads pacifist ideas,
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 77 2 .—Reuter. Visit To Royal Naval College London, July 12. The King wear ng an Admiral’s uniform accompanied the Royal barge to Westminster Pier and proceeded to Greenwich amid the cheers of thousands on both banks of the river. He dined at the Officers’ Mess in the
    .—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 88 2 iiQS anci trit —Reuter. Six Killed And Many Injured Shanghai, July 12. Six Chinese were killed and scores injured today as a typhoon battered Shanghai. Trees wore uprooted hoard- ing, signboards, fences, roef tiles and tram wires were blown down and many streets were flooded and traffic
    iiQS anci trit .—Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 140 2 Cilia W u —Reuter. Magnitude Of Programme London. July 12. The supplementary estimates rtveal the magnitude oi British naval rearmament.” The Daily Telegraph naval correspon dent learns from an authoritative source that more than forty new warships and several auxiliary vessels will be afloai before the end
    , Cilia W u —Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 81 2 Reuter. New Appointment In Rome Rome, July 12. Count Grandi, Italian Ambassador in London, has been give:* an appointment in Rome. He will be Lord Chief of the Seal of the Rtßdm. Count' Grandi succeeds Signor Sclmi, who has resigned the post for personal reasons.
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 121 2 —Reuter. To Attend Conference At Nuremberg Tokyo, July 12. The ex-War Minister, General Count Terauchi and Admiral Osumi, Member of the War Council, have accepted Herr Hitler's personal invitation to attend the Nazi Conference at Nuremberg. They will be accompanied by stall officers and will leave on Tuesday.
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 167 2 —Reuter. Move By U.S. Senator RESTRICTION OR BAN ON ARMS SUPPLY N Washington, July 12. Senator Pittman who voted against the postponement of Congressional action on the Neutrality Bill revealed' that he had submitted to the committee a joint resolution empowering the President to restrict foreign
    .—Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 134 2 —Reuter. Scheme To Insure Ships And Cargoes London, July 12. The Government scheme to insure shipping and caroges in wartime, outlined in the War Risks Insurance Bill, was introduced by Mr. Stanley in the Commons yesterday. The B 11 deals with insurance on ships and cargoes, insurance
    —Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 89 2 Reuter. All Records Broken In June Rugby, July 12. Regular Army recruiting during June broke all records for that month since the Great War. Recruits accepted were 4.672 —an increase of 1.069 over June last year. The total intake during the quarter ended June 30 was 14,281 compared
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 48 2 80... Total Expenditure Of £311.695,283 Rugby, July 12. Exchequer returns show that the total ordinary revenue amounts to £161,171,302 compared with £150,363,456 at the corresponding date last year. The total expenditure, less self-balancing items, is £311,695,283 compared with £267,674 182 at the corresponding date of 1938.
    80...  -  48 words
  • 244 2 Latest Evidence Of Services Co-operation is not 1c —Reuter. London, July 12. The latest evidence of Anglo-French services co-operat'on is that for the first time in two centuries, the British and French will take part in firing exercise manoeuvres of the French Atlantic squadron. The
    is not 1c ’—Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 96 2 roiiiuie iraut s— B.O.W. Increase Purchases Of Greek Tobacco Rugby, July 12. British trade with the Balkans was mentioned in two Parliamentary answers today. The President of the Board of Trade stated regarding the question of increase in British purchases of Greek fobacco that the matter
    roiiiuie iraut s—B.O.W.  -  96 words
  • 71 2 German Universities Summer Holidays Berlin, July 12. All German Universities will close down for their summer holidays on Friday to enable students to help bring in harvest as soon as poss ble. Some thirty thousand students will help peasants. Miners are now included in the
    71 words
  • 62 2 u, leaving ciuuua u. —Reuter Wireless. Ontario Sky Lit For Four Miles London (Ontario), July 12. The sky four miles was lit by a blazing meteor, which streaked across south-western Ontario, estimated at a quarter mile from the ground. Traffic stopped and the people were struck with terror.
    u, leaving ciuuua u. —Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 48 2 .—Reuter. Italian Journalists Given Notice To Leave Paris, July 12. The Government has requested the Italian, Concetto Petinatto, the Paris correspondent of the Popolo di Roma to leave France at short notice. The action follows the expulsion of M. Dcvau and M. Guyon from Italy.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 62 2 2o reel —Reuetr. Safety At Distance Of 25 Feet From Explosion London, July 12. A White Paper reveals that tests with 500-lb bombs have shown that Anderson “back garden” galvanised steel shelters which are being distributed by the thousand by the Government will provide safety at
    2o reel —Reuetr.  -  62 words
  • 45 2 Reuter. Nanda Devi Climbed By Poles Warsaw, July 12. The first Polish expedition to the Himalayas succeeded in climbing its eastern peak at 26,600 feet at Nandu Devi. The summit was reached on July 7 after a strenuous five weeks on its mountain.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 St iuX ftKTK..e: DIAMOND SHEET STEEL EQUIPMENT o•AM o N D io »a. In I I H' ii U—’ e rang ~1 EhSoSs y rim 4 R I- Ldrj STEEL SHELVING, STEEL CUPBOARDS, STEEL LOCKERS. Write /or descriptive fulicr to the Manufacturers: DIAMOND METAL PRODUCTS CO.. L I D., 601,
      113 words

  • 615 3 PRELIMINARY INQI IKY Kuala Lumpur. rpHE preliminary inquiry commenced before Mr. 11. C. Redman, the First \l. tn.' Kuala Lumpur, in which four C uni- Yap Swc.’, Lee Kwee, Wong Choy and On" Giap Soon are charged in c hi. clion with the death of
    615 words
  • 206 3 Noting Cliinese Acquitted A t Assizes Singapore. I 1; don three counts of forgery of !l tor $350. forgery of a letter and of an order, Loo Ho Cheng, a :1 Cliinese, was found not guilty by a “aninious verdict of the jury before Mr. 1 Manning
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  • 46 3 Brother and sister won two challenge cups at Richman Horse Show. Brother and sister won two challenge cups at Richman Horse Show. The Cord Mayor of London is seen presenting the Citv of London cup to John Coates, whose sister Ann won the Queen Mary cup.
    46 words
  • 1139 3 Cheap And Reliable Service For Malayans r g HERE are many advantages in appointing the Public Trustee to act under trust deeds or as executor of wills, says the annual report o! that Department for last year. The Public Trustee, being a corporation sole, is
    1,139 words
  • 286 3 Appeal Against Censor’s Ban All film- before being shown in Malaya have to be submitted to the censor in Singapore, who can prevent them being shown in the Straits. F.M.S. and Johore. In the case of alterations or exclusions the censer, on demand by the
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  • 237 3 Another Still At Large In Jungle Muar. One of the two convicts who escaped from Muar prison last w ek was arrested early on Monday morning in a “pondok pad!” (a small att-ap shed in a padi field) in Serom. The Police received a report that a
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  • 198 3 NEW VISA REGULATIONS IMPOSED Singapore. are being taken in the Straits Settlements to con--1 1 trol Japanese immigration. Neu regulations have been imposed which require that in future Japanese wishing to enter the colonv must send their applications direct to Singapore.
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  • 107 3 Progress Of Business Women’s Club Kuala Lumpur. The monthly social evening of the Y.W.C.A. Business and Professional Women’s Club, held on Monday at Lie Y.W.C.A. was most successful and interesting. A large number cf members met i'l tea, which was served in a “he’.i your self” style,
    107 words
  • 295 3 SequtJ To Young Woman’s Complaint Malacca, Sneaking shyly and in a low tone, a young and recently married Hakka woman named Chen Nget Siam gave her evidence in a case in which she was the complainant, brfore Mr. Rappoport, in the Police Court on Monday. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 XX /X ywA hi l// Z Wishing \t J fl You and Ourselves W Many Happy Returns t 4 W A year ago Shell introduced something entirely new in \\\j lubrication to their friends and customers the motorists. f I I A year is not a long time, but it
      141 words

    • 677 4 Office Peon Sentenced To Eighteen Months Tanjore, June 28. THE punishment in this case should serve as a lesson to othei public servants whose similar misconduct was bound to be a great setback in the co-operative and banking enterprises of the country and the
      677 words
    • 1637 4 Sir Mirza Ismails Tribute NEED FOR TRAINED NURSES URGED Bangalore, June 28. 4LTHOUGII we in Mvsore, as an inland country, may hope to escape the horrors of war and even of airraids, our doctors and nurses and our young men and women will not, 1
      1,637 words
    • 350 4 KAILMAY CONCESSION Emakulam, June 27. As a result of the representations made by the Cochin Government, the Railway authorities have now offered concession rates on the export of pineapples to Bombay and Calcutta from two Railway stations in the State, viz., Trichur and Oliur. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL The Cochin
      350 words
    • 258 4 Accused Sentenced Jaipur, June 27. Judgment was delivered in th riot case, in which Nash uddin Hyd > Khar, and 12 other Khaksars stoo charged for inciting a Muslim mo to violence. Nasirucdin Hyder Khar and ter other Khaksars were sen ter.eed to six months’ R. 1.,
      258 words
    • 205 4 Technological Laboratory’s Work THE Indian Central Cotton Com- mittee Technological Laboratory iias invented a greatly improved apparatus for measuring the strength of textile fibres. Numerous instruments have been Jesigned all over the world for determing the breaking strength of cotton and other textile fibres. Mostly they belong to
      205 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 395 4 Tonight Thursday, 13th July, 1939, For Entertainment Value Unsurpassed. Your Choice Should Be The WEMBLEY CABARET Where Facilities For Fullest Enjoyment Are Provided. CHARMING HOSTESSES ARE AT YOUR PLEASURE. Courteous “Boys” Are At Your Command. Two Popular Bands Are At Your Service. MORALES HIS SWING BOYS MORALES HIS HAWAIIAN BOYS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 59 4 bO BBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Fishing Luck l. v l ~-g Hovrs he aat No ,-3h appeared. A bite at last! And Hobby swung Too far The porker shouted Mind! Give it up," the porker jeered. Lack violently. The fish is fiung— It falls back in the stream behind.! Further adventures
      59 words
    • 123 4 M-G-M do it again Another British Comedy Winner A LT4 ROADS WILL LEAD TO QUEEN'S 6.15 OPENING TONIGHT 9.30 You’ve danced it .You’ve sung it Now take your partners and see the year’s gayest and best Musical Comedy Hit LUPINO LANE in “THE LAMBETH WALK” with Seymour Hicks Sally Gray.
      123 words

    • 136 5 < t’tral News. iiU!l _king, July capital expHl-' i oonlight ight to v iudist Mission en l,l Consulate pe/A -nstricts were ■■J' ll ter Women n rt ireu p i,.>pib jell so near > plaster injh itr>'; ,-tarted two the other befirei, on- flense smoke the
      < • t’tral News.  -  136 words
    • 1002 5 BALANCE SWINGING IN HER FAVOUR Many Barter Agreements Concluded has forced China to rest rt b. hei age-old system of for- ign tiade, that ot trading her g»x»ds for whatever she needs on a purely barter basis. Since the Lukouchiao outbreak, she has concluded
      1,002 words
    • 783 5 KI \MIXG HAIPHONG LINE nEN’DIXGiI ompletion vi the Yunnan-Burma Railway on I nidi lii"i'sands upon thousands of Chinese workmen led by engineers are eating' everyday, China at war has to depend coniderahb »n the railroad from Kunming, provincial capital of the wrderpr'ince of Yunnan, to
      783 words
    • 93 5 Shanghai. Construction of the first lepei hospital in West China, which will be located on the campus of the West China Union Universitv in Cheng tu, Szehuen Province, has started following the receipt ol a grant of £1,200 from the Mission to Lepers in London.
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    • 273 5 International News. Kweilin. &lt;AFAJN is tired of and exhausted by the war, and if we can carry on vigorously for a year or two, the enemy will collapse.” This is the statement of General Pai Hsung-hsi, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Headquarters here. He
      International News.  -  273 words
    • 96 5 Shanghai. In ora.r tu swell the war chest of the Chinese Government, Mr Chiang Ching-Kuo, elder son of General Chiang Kai-shek, and other sons and daughters of Chinese notables became “neivsboys” for a day at Kian, Kiangsi, which was at one time the headquarters
      96 words
    • 584 5 Honoured By Generalissimo On 100th Birthday TN the midst ot a strenuous war, Chinese officialdom in Chungking t&lt;.»ok time off on April 6 to pay homage to Mr. Ma Hsiang-po, China’s Grand Old Statesman, on his 100th birthday. From Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek down, more
      584 words
    • 346 5 IPOH DOCTOR’S TALK TO Y.W.C.A. WU LJEN-TEH, wellknown Straits-born Chinese who was until recently head of the Chinese Quarantine Service, and is now living in Ipoh, spokt on Chinese culture in relation to modern life in a speech to the in ternational group of
      346 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 r IRIUM THRILLJ MILLIONS-, k ZTooth Paste is thrilling millions morning after morning, by the new W dazzling whiteness of their reeth! Never before has T there been such radiance with a tooth paste so utterly sale Yes. there’s never a risk with IPJUM-containing Pepsodent. never chance or harming your
      82 words

  • News And Views From Australia
    • 246 6 Sydney. tTNDER existing laws, according to J electoral ant. stat st cal authorities. anybody can chance bis name wit'icu* complying with an; legal foirnula. The Alien Registration B’ll. to bt consick red by Federal Parliament, emphasises the J res nt slip-shod system wh’ch
      246 words
    • 632 6 Visitors Thrown With Men And Women Who Have Records Of Crime W-'T’JIERE are night clubs aroun u Sydney frequented bv gunmen, Lashers and vic lent criminals of the worst type,” said a police officei lie did not exaggerate (tvrites a reporter of the ‘Sydney
      632 words
    • 94 6 Elsie Bird and Jessie Nutt work all the week anJ go cycling on Sunday with “bib and brace” tweed outfits and towell ng shirts. Sydney business gerls are look ng smarter than ever. Here is the secret of how some oj them d.d it. Patricia
      94 words
    • 245 6 Export Market In Singapore Canberra. THE Commonwealth government has now definitely cecided to subsid se the establishment of the motor car industry in Australia, in the interests of defence, industrial expans on. conservation 01 oversee, funds, imnrgration and the use of indigenous raw materials. It has
      245 words
    • 173 6 Melbourne. IF modern schoolgirls give up reading and cultural studies as soon as they leave school, it is largely because of the’i own cr their parents’ desire to get schooluavs over too early says the new heaumastei of the Methodist Ladies’ College (the Rev. A. H.
      173 words
    • 240 6 —Austral News. But Japanese Like Them And Their Beer Sydney. Candid opiniors of Australians were expressed by Mr. Torao Wakamatsu, former Consul-General for Japan before sailing to become Consul-Gen-eral in Calcutta. “Australian women have great natural beauty, fyut spoil it with too much paint
      ’—Austral News.  -  240 words
    • 78 6 Determined To Die Auckland. an elderly Maori man fractured his skull by striking himself with an axe and later threw himself into a fire, the injuries and burns causing his death, was told at an inquest at Rotorua. The Maori rose at midnight, grabbed an axe and battered
      78 words
    • 290 6 At ytral News. Progress Illustrated THE Pret dent ui the annual convention of the Australian Federation of Commercial BroadcastinStations (Mi. David Worrall) in his pres uential address said tha‘ broadcasting had experienced a good y .ar Licences had increased by m&lt;i2 thar. 10 per cent. The number
      At ytral News.  -  290 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 j I toss w Z2: _z? y —-7 &gt; |i -M. &/.ft NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL PHONE No. 60, TANJONG BUNGAH, PENANG. For your pleasure we have erected a diving stage complete with spring board Rates) Moderate. The best place for y’our holidays I BRITISH MALAYAN COFFEE PLANTATIONS S^gSjre* r/Tfi^^ f.m.s.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1384 7 Story Of $4,000 Mortgage Related In Court xftci a full day’s hearing of the case in which ayoungChinChuah Ean Soon, stood his trial before the District Judge, Mi. fl. V Eorrer, in the District Court yesterday on a charge of cheating one Oh
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  • 45 7 Today’ on the Esplanade from 6 to 7.30 p.m. March Teddy O'Neal Hume Overture I Puritani Bousquet Selection Sons O’Guns Coots Waltz Lustige Bruder Voiistadt Intermezzo By The Shrine Of The Sun Elliot Selection The Vagabond King Friml Pox Trot Empty Saddles Hill
    45 words
  • 433 7 Six Mouths For \ou ii 2 Man ti. unsucct.ASiui attempt tu roo a cold- arink seller, by throwing a substance, litv’ed t &gt; be pepper, into his eyec, resumed in sentence of six months’ hard labour being passed on a young Cantonese from Ipon named Phoon
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  • 130 7 Rev. C. D. (&gt;anamani At Prai The Rev. c. D. Ganamani, of the S.P.G Mission, Singapore, who returned from India after a short holiday, gave an interesting lyrical sermon at St. Anne's English School, Prai. He was introduced by Mr. G. Sandosham, the Headmaster, and the subject was
    130 words
  • 549 7 Bajk Pulau. A graphic account of how an Indian Muhamedan woman, who had just given birth to a child, was suddenly crushed to death when a coconut tree fell right across th' centre of the building almost dividi’- the house into two, was
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  • 871 7 CHINESE MARRIAGES PARENTS' FAULTS Mr. Heah Joo Seang's Rotary Talk ACTING -without prejudice and O vvith an intimate knowledge of local conditions I make bold to state that successful marriages fall far short of expectaticns,” said Mr. Heah Joo Seang, in the course of his address to the Penang Rotary
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  • 197 7 Two More Thefts Reported PENANG’S cat burglars, whos. nefarious activities In the last feu weeks have beer respe isible for special police precaut ns b&lt; n&lt;z tuk i, contir.uc to operate with alarming success. Penang- In- .&gt;ver been subjected to a burgl a menace of such magnitude
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 Why I use I the new PoudreTokalon I ir 3 J I x &lt; I *4 JK PRINCESS ALA TROUBETZKOY JL. It is n:;;de in so many up-to- St d; te nattering shades. -L- It is finer and lighter than any B S other powder I knov S S ’Sv
      303 words

  • 500 8 XX/L are glad that the A.R.P. organisation in Penang has lost no more time in staging, on Julj 1 1. the first black-out for the Island. Singapore has already held two such tests and it is high time that we take similar steps iu examine the efficacy
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  • 560 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Dr. E. Goldstein, a mental expert, has been appointed to the Central Mental Hospital, Tanjonff Rambutan, as Assistant Superintendent. v Mr. Justice Poyser, Chief Justice, F.M.S., has gone to the Supreme Court, Seremban, to determine a number of civil actions in Chambers. Mr. V. C. Bath, of Messrs.
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  • 621 8 The Thirteenth Of July EVERYONE in Ireland knows the significance of the 12th of July. Outside of Ulster, however, few are familiar with the proceedings of the 13th. On the day following the Orange celebrations the members of the Royal Black Preceptories, which constitute a higher branch
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  • 353 8 Thursday, July 13 gEHIN D the little announcement that all German Universities will be closing earlier for their summer holidays in order to enable students to help to bring in the harvest lies the possibility that Hitler is contemplating war. The significance is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 240 9 Midnight Street Chase Y&lt; &gt;1 JTH’S ACTION COMMENDED BY MAGISTRATE 4 NOT HER snatch theft was reported at about 12.30 last» night Light Street. The culprit, young Chinese, was arrested by an ex-Boy Scout who happened to be in the vicinity. It appears that a
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  • 561 9 Passengers By “Canton’’ TIE following is the full list of I Malayan passengers who arrived 1 in Penang by the F. and O. liner “Canton” this morning from London and ports en route: Mr. E. A. G. Anderson, Police Head Quarters, Kuala Lumpur. Miss G. J. Balfour, and
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  • 73 9 Said To Have Fought With Teacher A alleged fight between one of the teachers and the headmaster of a Chinese school in Penang following an argument at about 8.30 a.m. yesterday has been reported to the Police. Ihe headmaster was admitted into the General Hospital suffering from
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  • 303 9 93 Volunteers Leave Today /'COLOURS were presented to the Penang Contingent, numbering 93 mechanics and motor-car drivers, who formed the third Malayan Mechanical Unit to leave for the war front in China, at the Lunar Hall, Wembley Park at four o’clock yesterday afternoon. Smartly clad in the
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  • 92 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Today. A COLLISION between a motor-bus and a lorry laden with stones, which occurred yesterday morning on Klang Road, had a fatal turn when a lorry attendant, reported to have been seriously injured, succumbed yesterday afternoon. It transpires
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  • 135 9 Membership Campaign To Be Launched A resolution that the Committee be authorised to conduct a membership campaign for a period not exceeding three months and, during such period, at its discretion, to waive entrance fees was unanimously confirmed at the special general meeting of the Old Frees’ Association
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  • 69 9 $76,000 Promised By Local Chinese In commemoration of the 2nd Anniversary cf the Double Seven incident, the following donations have been premised (Chinese Currency) Mr. Lim Lean Teng $30,000.00 Mr. Lau Geok Swee $10,000.00 Mr. Soon Eng Kong $10,000.00 Mr. Loh Boon Ghee $10,000.00 Mr. Saw Soon
    69 words
  • 455 9 Cooking Demonstr a t ion s B ell Attended NEXT MONTHLY TIFFIN JUNE has been a very busy the Penang f Y.W.C.A., as everyone has been working h?rd to pet things ready fo*' the Garden Fete held on July
    455 words
  • 112 9 Offence At Paya Terubong A ncavy fine of $75, in default five weeks' rigorous imprisonment on each of the two charges was imposed bj Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday, on a Chinese, Cheng Ah Suar. who pleaded guilty to two charges of fermenting intoxicating
    112 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 118 9 iq MACARONI MACARONI PREMIERE QUAUTE. TNAve»*- raarttnox 'llt V I avruwAxl VERMICELLI „■*&lt; SPAGHETTI TRAVERS' PERFECTION I 9 1 MM SHIP BRAND CEREALS JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS LTD., Singapore penang kuala. lumpur. MV 6 Wk W A IA &lt; --Ul ■w Enough to make anyone turn ‘"-T round Chnd.-e i Io':
      118 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 177 9 STATION /lI J Tomorrow’s Studio Programme npOMORROW evening at 8.20 a stu1 dio programme of unusual interest will be broadcast from Station Z.H.J. in the form of a pianoforte recital by Madame Alice Carrard, who has, on a number of occasions broadcast from European stations. Madam? Carrard is on a
      177 words

    • 133 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Bellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 Ayer Weng 73 76 Bangrin 18/3 18/9 Batu Selangor 1.18 1.21 Berjuntai 3/3 8/9 Hitam 31 33 Hong Fatt 60 62 Kampong Lanjut 14/ 14/6 Kuchai 1.17 1.20 Laruts 3/9 4/ Pangnga River 5/3 5/9 Pattani 2/10| 3/1J Petalings
      133 words
    • 250 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Seller» Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Hitams 19/6 20/6 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrins 18/9 19/3 8. Selangor* 1.17 J IJ22| Berjuntais 3/6 9/ Chenderiangj 10/9 11/6 Hong Fatt SI 63 Kamras l/4j l/7j Kamunting- 3/ 8/6 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kramats 9/6 10/
      250 words
    • 262 10 London, July L The value of manufactured goods fron Japan has steadily fallen during the past three years, as a result, it is believed mainly of a refusal by the public to b’ly Japanese goods. At the same time, how ever, the value of “raw material”
      262 words
    • 182 10 RUBBER Buyers Sellar» Ayer Panas 1.074 1.15 Bassetts 47 5 524 B. Lintangs 1.024 1.074 Bentas 1-00 1-05 Brogas 57 60 Indragiris 1.174 1.224 Kuala Sidiins 2.15 2.25 Lunas 1.474 1.574 Malaka Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 38 40 Pajams 1-65 1.75 Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.04 Tapahs
      182 words
    • 167 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers eeliers MINING Ampats 3/6 3/9 Berjuntais 8/6 9/ Burma Maiayt 20/ 21/cd Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Jelebus 55 50 Johans 23 26 Katus 21/ 21/9 K. Lanjuts 14/ 14/6 Kuchais 1.174 1.224 K. Kamparc 9/3 9/9 Laruts 8/9 4/ Lukuts 45 50 Nawng
      167 words
    • 97 10 Ottawa. An informative index on the prosperity of the people of Canada is shown by Government income tax returns. Tax collected during the fiscal year ending March 31, 1938, amounted to $40.444,836 ind was paid by 237,064 persons. Of this otal, those persons with an income under 12,000
      97 words
    • 136 10 $2,000.000 Produced Annually Dawson City, Yukon. The famed Klondike placer fields of the Yukon continue to be an important source of gold in Cansda, producing approximately $2,000,000 of the precious metal annually. The Klondike contains sufficient reserves to keep the dredges now working in operation for more than
      136 words
    • 186 10 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST Buyers Sellers MINING Ampat 8/6 3/9 A. Amaigamaied 4/3 4/6 Ayer Weng 73 76 Ayer Hitam 22/6 23/C Berjuntai 8/3 8/9 Hitam 82 35 Hong Fact 60 62| Ipoh Tin 20/ 21/ex Jelapang 24/6 25/6 Johan 24 27 Jelebu 574 62i K. Lanjut 14/ 14/6 Kamra
      186 words
    • 259 10 The nineteenth annual general meeting of the Sabrang Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, 85 Gracechurch Street, London E.C. 3, on Friday June 23 at 12 noon Following is the report by the directors for tile year ended December, 31, 1938.
      259 words
  • 153 10 Natural Resources Of S. Rhodesia Salisbury’. Southern Rhodesia, June 30. The report of the Commission to inquire into the preservation of the natural resources of the colony is hailed as one of the most important documents ever precented in Southern Rhodesia. Soil erosion is shown to
    153 words
  • 71 10 THURSDAY. JULY 13. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.374 Business 25 tons Singapore Tin $113.374 RUBBER: Penana (Spot) 28 l/4c Singapore (Spot) 28 3/8c COPRA: Sundried $3.85 Black Pepper $9-50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.35 Fair Seed $3.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.40 No. 2 »6.30 Rangoon White No. 1
    71 words
  • 506 10 Share Market Review Tin iicLs rcmaincci a steady iii&lt;nk.cL since our last Report and the latest London cabled quotations are Spot £229. 15. 0. and 3 months £224. 15. 0 Loyally the price is given to-day as $113.00 per picul. Fluctuations in the price of Rubber
    506 words
  • 121 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. Prev. Latest Paris 176 47/64 276 23/33 New York 4.68 5/32 4.68 3/16 Montreal 4.69 1/16 4.69 Brussels 27.77 27.55 Geneva 20.76 1/2 20.77 Amsterdam 8.81 3/4 8.81 13/16 Milan 89 89 1/32 Berlin 11.66 1/2 11.66 3/4 Stockholm 19.42 19.41 1/2 CopestfMifen 22.40 23.40
    121 words
  • 55 10 Reuter. London, Wednesday’. firmness was not maintained owl’ to lack of support, while small continental offerings in Oils and Kaffirs gave the market a rather easier appearance at the close. Industrials however continued steady. Cocmnodities: Sugar fell on bull liquidations based on fears of action to relieve shortage.
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 29 10 Interim Dividend Declared Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation declare an interim dividend of £2. 10s. per share payable August 14 subject to deduction of Income Tax.
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 875 10 BANKS HONG KONG AND I Nederlansche SHANGHAI BANKING Handel-Maalschappii CORPORATION (Incorporated in the Colony of Hongkong) The liability oi members is limited to the 01*1929 olTthe Colony (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY) AuthortS Captei HONG K&lt; SW)OV.OOO (Incorporated In the Netherlands u““ed Ind luUypaid up 120 000.000 With limited liability.) Reserve Fund:
      875 words

  • 207 11 B'.OLLOWING tin outputs for the month of June have been announced: Bangrin Tin 1,187 piculs, (363,800 c. yds. in 1,878 hrs.); Siamese Tin Syndicate 1,104 piculs; Hitam Tin Ltd., 11.66 piculs; Kampong Kamunting 169,35 piculs, (40,000 c. yds., 295 hrs.), Nett value $11,830; Pungah Tin No.
    207 words
  • 348 11 Berlin, (By Air). Germany is now employing 113,000 foreigners as farm hands, according to a statement by the Secretary of State in the Labour Ministry. These comprise 37,000 Italians, 15,000 Yugoslavs. 12,000 Hungarians, 5,000 Bulgarians, 4,000 Dutchmen, 40,000 Slovaks and a large number of Czechs.
    348 words
  • 285 11 Llandudno. Amalgamated Engineering Lnion has decided to accept the employers* offer of a 2s. a week advance in bonus, writes Frank Machin, in the Daily Herald, London. The acceptance, however, is likely to be the forerunner of a new wage programme. A gentleman’s
    285 words
  • 52 11 The Engineering Joint Trade Union Movement, which includes all unions ■ir. membership will the Confederation of H hipint'tiding and Engineering Unions, and one or two organisations outside, unanimously accepted the offer of a weekly increase in the national btnjjLs in the engineering industry of 2s. for all adult
    52 words
  • 117 11 Official “Aerobus” For Ministers Camberra. The federal government has ordered a six-seater aeroplane for the use of Ministers between the capital and Sydney and Melbourne, so that they will no longer have to waste timewaiting for mail ’planes. It has become almost the usual thing for Ministers and
    117 words
  • 1405 11 Institution For Overage Pupils: Expectations Fulfilled The annual prize-giving of the Anglo-Chinese Continuation School was held on Tuesday, and the report, which we reproduce below, was read by the headmaster: I’he proceeding started with the follownil programme of entertainment: Piano Solo by Miss Selma Samuel;
    1,405 words
  • 501 11 LEWIS PEAT LIMITED Rubber Market Report PLANTATION. —The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the exchange of Cotton and Rubber was published in a White Paper on June 23. The British Government will deliver rubber free on board in Singapore or other
    501 words
  • 867 11  -  ONE by one the pioneers of the motor industry pass on, and with their passing goes something of the romance of their earlj, endeavours. Sii Raymond Dennis, who died recently' in his 61st year, was, as far back as 1895, before the petrol era,
    867 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 II STEEL I WINDOW FRAMES I FRENCH DOORS etc. etc. Ilffryi I R Equal to the best ‘"'"■“fl imported makes. j manufactured by I EASTERN NHL CO. Bl I ,H 1. River Road I H Penang. J PHONE 148%
      39 words

  • 752 12 K.C. DEAD WIFE’S 'JEALOUSY’ Husband On Cellar Murder Charge London, June 28. Describing a woman whose husband was charged with murdering her and burying her in a cellar, Mr. R. O’Sullivan, K.C., prosecuting, at Nottingham Assizes yesterday, said: “She was said to have been a bonnie woman, ant when her
    752 words
  • 268 12 Egypt's ~New Hospital It is pleasant to know that in this old world of ours we still have people anxious to share a good thing when they have found it for themselves. In recent years institutions of Great Britain or America have been extended and developed in other countries,
    268 words
  • 375 12 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS Outward EL ROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For Burma (except Victoria Point), India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa. Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and Newfoundland.
    375 words
  • 84 12 Mails for BANGKOK will leave Penang at 9.40 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, and incoming mails will arrive in Penang at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays and Thursdays. Mails for F.M.S., SINGAPORE, etc. will leave Penang at 8.30 a.m. and 9 p.m.; Ipoh 1.36 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; and
    84 words
  • 493 12 Service After The University Hertford, June 23. The effect of conscription on public schoolboys was referred to at Haileybury College Speech Day today. The master, Canon E. F. Bonhote, said. “One matter which is causing very grave concern to headmasters in these days is the
    493 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2658 12 JJBM.U.IJLIH &lt; *w t '*i i„ii _j_ jft'jyW championships 10.20 ‘Week-end Return.’* .1.20 The News. Greenwich. Time Signal |k-&gt; zCC" z t 11.35 p.m. 11.35 'Caras on the Table. HE» &lt;?■'.■' 'C h f 11.50 ‘Leaves of Memory,’• by An Old Timer. 12.05 Snorts News. Market Notes. W&&. ■■&gt;:'■ Ba
      2,658 words
    • 116 12 SINGAPORE ZHL 1.333 mc/s (225 m.) 5.00 p.m. A programme of Lagu Melayu from the Studio, by the Sentosa Amateur Party (Johore). 6.00 Cantonese Request Programme. 7.00 Childrens’ programme. (English). 7.15 Tune, Weather. News and Announcements. 7.30 “From the Studio Armchair.” 7.45 The Request Programme.* 835 The News. Relayed from
      116 words

  • 381 13 I’ei sonal Belies At Exhibition ho ion, June 24. I x)n&lt;|(i exhibition this year th- centenary of Ce4&lt;tnne iri ,n 1 that opening on I &gt;ld&lt;‘nstein’s, New 11 '1 “IToinhge to T W. Earp in I :h.' in some of 'll 1 e a new deparol
    381 words
  • 1215 13 Arrivals TODAY JULY 13. s.s. “Acnilies” from Singapore. s.s. ’’Canton” from London via ports. TOMORROW, JULY 14. m.v. “Nanking” from Singapore. s.s. “Mentor” f rom Liverpool. s.s. “Van Heutsz” from Singapore Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. sj&gt;. “Tosari” from Bclawan-Deli, Asahan and Paneh (Laboean-Bilik). s.s. “Mandar” from Belawan-Deli,
    1,215 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 444 13 BLUE funnel line V v HATCH TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Dti- T.onHn n lluH -Tilly 13 AIJP- in :;i \ntwerp and Middlesboro July 15 Au 35 rj.'"' Marseilles Giasgow July 22 Aul 17 U AV lo u»m k rOOl. VTA has-. t S ’»*T&lt;x- Glasgow July 2 0 Aug, 19
      444 words
    • 1002 13 P O BRITISH INDIA (Incorpoikted 1b SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. ‘•GINTON” SAILING THURSDAY, 13th JULY, 1939. rontract a i^‘U? r 7? t 2- S N C 0" ÜBder Teluk Anson. Bagan Daloh, Port Lond^Md^a^BMt a ffi^J Governmen Swettenham Malacca and Sineanore uwiuon ana bar East Mail Service. s/S “Bill.AN” Tut™
      1,002 words

  • 1022 14 defeat Of Snowberry And Quartier Al (litre Newmarket, June 28. form is not working out too well, and two supposed good things on the Royal Heath running, in Snowberry and Quartier-Maitre, met with defeat here this afternoon. Quartier-Maitre failed to hold off Heavy Weight in the
    1,022 words
  • 78 14 /&lt; /7. VALENTINE, the Kent cricketer who toured India as a mt nib er of Jardine s side in *****4 and is almost certain to lead the team to tour India, according to private advices received at Karachi. It is stated that Hammond himself is very keen
    78 words
  • 62 14 Huber (“Oppy”) Opperman, the champion Australian endurance cyclist, will shortly visit England to try and establish new road records there. During his last visit Opperman made many records all of which have now been beaten by Syd Ferris and Cyril Hepplestone, the English cyclists. Opperman
    62 words
  • 670 14 HOME CRICKET AVERAGES London, June 26. BELOW are the first-class cricket averages. Batting (Qualification: 10 innings; average 38) Time not Hightes Inns, out Runs score Avge. W.R. Hammend 16 2 1117 302 79.78 Sutcl ffe 17 2 1056 234* 70.40 Compton (D.) 21
    670 words
  • 960 14  -  Building Fund Should Bp Started A SOCCER stadium is badly needed in Perang. There are many playing fields in the Settlement but there should be one in which the P.F.A. League fixtures and Cup matches can be regularly held. The advantages of the Association possessing a
    960 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 72 14 K^esssss sss x l h iISSIRj(2 2zf AUSI IN i Jgg= BmMr EIGHT i IISSSSSSSS W' &lt; J -fs|Ĕ BRITAIN’S fk i. dependable -■&gt; if 'w o w w IWbi Kwy M mo* 1•. l# &lt; 7 /q-wimWiwl ENTIRELY NEW DESIGN SPECIAL CHASSIS CHROMIUM PLATED &gt; V radiator front WBB*^wMbß
      72 words

  • 346 15 \Vvill&lt; Henderson, the S British Ambassador in witched the race tor at Hamwinner was bU T Urh ridden by Streit, head in L ,tu nnanden with id a hah* Octavianu awa'- third. ICHb'* ind'.. was fourth a ten-marks stak( ToU'- a places—l 4 mark W,n
    346 words
  • 94 15 (.hine-e olimteers Too Good I-or I*. S. C. Maintaining th ir unbeaten record, the D" ‘Chinest Cumpanj of the P.&P.W. V.C. '3rd Bn. S.S.V.F.) scored nine goals in their return match with the Penang Sports Club yesterday evening. Swimming “nthusiasts were entertained to an int&lt; l
    94 words
  • 54 15 hl. w, I. ipy Primary Sc hool will be annual sports at their «roimo at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday. July 26 Mrs. L. W. Arnold, wife ter tin Penang Free oo] has kindly consented to give away the prizes. *****1 '-’nt' ..s.nua athletic sports I’.uit BunRi Padang 15
    54 words
  • 24 15 ''l //.&gt;// RIFLE, owvt-ed by Miss Dorothy Paget, uinni).'/ th&lt; Sorthult D&lt; rby from, White Face II ar d Win Over, who dead-heated
    24 words
  • 612 15 ANGLO FRENCH RUGBY FIXTURES IN anticipation of the resum pt ion of relations between the British rugby unions and F rance, Blackheath and Newport have arranged the provisional dates for matches in London and Baria with the Racing Clu b de Paris: Home Sports Jottings Nov. 1. 1939 —Racing Club
    612 words
  • 323 15 Ipoh. Al piion.iUx yooj entries rvCv v ed for the Perak Cycling Championship I*. v K,u :,t Ipoh on Sunday, Julv 2'l i h i hu race was ongm- H 1 his Saturday but th l, l,c f support at Mtog s Pompon
    323 words
  • 105 15 FIXTIKES FOR WEEK-END The following are the Senior Badminton fixtures for the week-end: FIXTURES FOR SATURDAY 3.00 p.m.—Senior Inter-team (Semifinal)—3 doubles. Limstead B P. vs. Mayfieldß.P. Umpires: Mr. T. Khoon Inn and K. Ewe Chan. FIXTURES FOR SUNDAY 10.00 a.m. —Senior Inter-team (Quarterfisal) —3 singles. Young Ansonians
    105 words
  • 135 15 Arthur W. Stollery, the Dulwich Hamlet trainer, is to be head trainer to Chelsea F.C. First news of the appointment was announced at the club’s annual meeting of shareholders, and at the same time it was made known that Norman Smith is the new assistant trainer. Stollery
    135 words
  • 95 15 Min Sin Seah v. Trade School On the G.T.S. ground today at 5.15 p.m Min Sin Seah —Mun Fatt: Chin Earn, Kam Hoong; How Kheng, Seng Chuan. Ah Chan; Fook Heng, Mun Foo, Seng Lee, Phee Aun. Ah Kow. M. R C. vs. C. A. C. On Friday,
    95 words
  • 559 15 Victories By Odd-Goal Margins P. C. F. A. REAT SEPOY LINES R. C. fERDAX S First Division match in the P. F. A. League between the Penang Chinese Football Assoc -ation and the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club was spoiled by the tendency on
    559 words
  • 50 15 Hole In One WINNER OF P. S. C. CHAMPIONSHIP The final of the Club Championship .played at Giugor last Sunday over 36 holes was won by Halliday who beat Isherwood. Halliday holed the sth hole in one stroke in the afternoon round and paid the usual penalty.
    50 words
  • 142 15 Selection Of Penang’s Team Tht Second Trial for the forthcoming final of the All-Malaya Indo-Ceyloncse Soccer Competition was played off &lt; n tne Renong Ground on Sunday last when the Colours held the Whites to a draw, the teams sharing two goals. The play was of a
    142 words
  • 144 15 Chin Woo To Meet Black Eagles The Penang Chin Woo Basket-ball Team will meet the Black Eagle Team in a friendly game of basket-ball on the Chin Woo ground, on July 16, at 5.30 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Bedong Match The Sungei Yen Hong Hong Basket-ball Team
    144 words
  • 298 15 Municipal XI Go Down To Indians Although play was scrappy, yesterday’s First Division soccer fixture on the S.X.I. ground between the Indian Recreation Club and the Municipal Recreation Club was full of interest. The Indians, who won by a solitary goal netted by Jamal in the
    298 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 121 15 Climate» n r J.Collis Bro&lt;g Swbstitutß. Acts like charm In Chacka and arrests DIARRHCEA and FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. C-rrtlUlAr&gt;M PMIIIC Th. reliable Family remedy for STOMACH LHIL-I-D INFLUENZA, COUGHS. COLDS and is the only specific in CATARRH, ASTHMA, BRGHCHITIS. CHOLERA and A true palliative In DYSENTERY Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism Convincing
      121 words

  • 581 16 But Royal Hampton Tipped As A Certainty POINTERS FROM IPOH COURSE (FromlOur Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Today. r |’HE Ipoh; track was the scene of great (activity this morning when candidates for the Perak Turf Club July Meeting were given their winding up
    581 words
  • 48 16 —Reuter. 200 British Sailors To Participate Paris, July 12. It is announced that 200 Br tish bluejackets and the band of the Royal Marines, numbering 50, will participate in the “Bastille Day’’ military review. Admirals Sir Dudley Pound and Sir Edward Evans will also attend. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 200 16 into argui —Reuter. Fresh British Instructions London, July 12. It is understood fresh instructions are being despatched to Sir William Seeds tonight. It is hoped another meeting will be held shortly at which some outstanding difficulties will be cleared up. In the House of Commons, questioned regarding
    into argui —Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 142 16 Office-bearers For Ensuing Year At the ninth an.Tual general meeting of the Penang Chinese Football Association, held at the Min Sin Seah yesterday, the following office-bearers for the ensuing year were elected: President. Mr. Ong Keng Seng (reelected), Vice-presidents: Messrs. Wee Gim Leong (re-elected), Soon Eng Kong
    142 words
  • 86 16 Alleged to have stolen a pair of bangles, valued SlB. belonging to one Manikam at 234 Dato Kramat Road between 4 p.m. of July 9 and Julv 11. a Indian. Sarangam. was produced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday afternoon. The charge
    86 words
  • 52 16 oy impi e. Reuter. London. July 12. An infantry- brigade with supporting arms will shortly be moved from Palestine to Egypt, according to a War Office announcement which adds that the move which had been under consideration for some time, was made possible by improved conditions
    oy impi e.—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 759 16 Nazi Leaders Receiving Instructions Danzig, July 13. Events are nanging fire in the temporary absence of the Nazi leaders, Herr Foerster and Herr Zaske. The former has gone to Bavaria and the latter to Berlin for discussion on the next step urtd are receiving instructions.
    759 words
  • 169 16 Preventing Another Nazi “Smash And Grab” Washington, July ’3. It is believed that action by President Roosevelt on U.e neutrality legislation issue is comin g soon either in the form of a message to Congress or a broadc asU speech. U. S. Neutrality Issue ourage
    ourage hili ,—Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 180 16 Will IUIU 8.0. W. London, July 12 It is announced that Bunting Company Limited’s affairs are now sufficiently ascertained to enable the company to invite interested parties to a discussion. Reports of an impending settlement between Bunting Co. and the Co-operative Wholesale Society are described as incorrect.
    Will IUIU 8.0. W.  -  180 words
  • 114 16 London, July 12. The death has occurred of Adnr’ral F. W. Kennedy, a notable Grand Fleet Captain during the Great War. He was present at the bombardment of the Dardanelles in 1914, at the Dogger Bank and sinking of the German *hattle cruiser, Bluecher, in
    114 words
  • 257 16 Moscow Envoy For London Rome, July 13. One of Count Grandi's first big tasks in his new office will be to settle the Southern Tyrol migration question. His rame is also mentioned as poss bly the next Secretary of the Fascist Party. Count Grandi’s change of post
    257 words
  • 56 16 as guarding I. Reuter. Rescue By British Troops Jerusalem, July 12. British police troops today rescued alive ten Arabs who disappeared from Nazareth in the past two months and who were found huddled at the bottom of a well southeast of Nazareth. An Arab who was guarding
    as guarding I.—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 49 16 Reuter. British Notification To Council London, July 11. In the House of Commons replying to questions on sugar, M. Oliver Stanley said he had written formally to the International Sugar Council stating that he considered there was a shortage of sugar and asking them to take steps.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 48 16 “J auu uioi 15.—8.0. W. Rugby, July 12. Questioned in the Commons regarding the Anglo-Polish negotiations for financial and econom c agreement, the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs said the head of the Polish delegation returned to London from Warsaw yesterday and discussions were now in progress.—B.O.W.
    “J auu uioi 15.—8.0. W.  -  48 words
  • 64 16 Tamil Ac&lt;|iiilt&lt;‘d A case in which a Tamil charged with cheating a wonum Kumarayee by inducing her 1 &gt; co him on the promise of obumin Dloyment for her husband, cam&lt; ebrupt end yesterday afternoon, 1 W. Bellamy, Police 3ided to acquit and discharge without
    64 words
  • 34 16 ix this an 8.0. W. Rugby JU £ndon. The Polish Ambassadoi m w Count Raczynski, wh J sa* London from Warsaw o»i Hu Lord Halifax this afternoon a eign Office. —8.0. W.
    ix this an 8.0. W.  -  34 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 441 16 Head Office. 216 Penang n Phone 147? A w&gt;h Telegram.,: “Gazette’’ p ea *M. Rates of Subscription f or Pi nan and Sunday Gazette Piaang Gazette Local Delivery S.S X p u r Monthly $1.25 Mtt’ l Quarterly 375 Ur* Half-Yearly 7.50 )fj f H j Yearly 15.00 21 &gt;6
      441 words