Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 23 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE LAST T.DlTiny ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY 1,7 \<>l. XCVII \ll. u WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1939. PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    U JTLUJi fi- Reuter  -  627 words
  • 94 1 Reuter. Senator Sam Mcßev nolds Washington, July 12. The death has occurred of Senator j Sam Mcßeynolds, Chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and author of the. first Neutrality Bill of 1936 and one of the strongest opponents of isolation. Senator Mcßeynolds had
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 166 1 —Reuter. Air. Stanley Gives An Explanation I London, July 12 In the House of Commons. Mr. T. Johnston drew the attention of Mr. Oliver Stanley to tins of Japanese salmon stamped with the word "can" and with a convertible label carrying the words "foreign .produce" and "Empire
    —Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 132 1 RERUN PRESS ADMITS —Reuter. Berlin, July 12. Despite repeated assertions that there was nothing new in Mr. Chamberlain’s Danzig statement, the press and official circles continue to comment on it. The “Diplomatische Korrespondentz” admits that Britain is certainly not bluffing when “with suspicious eagerness” she
    —Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 245 1 Chinese Take Enemy By Surprise Chungking, July 12. fighting is reported today at Shansi where the Japanese employing four divisions two of wh’ch have just arrived from Japan, ar d one mixed brigade are converging from north, west and east. A Chinese spokesman stated today that
    —Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 142 1 Reuter. Tug Officer’s Evidence At 44 Thetis” Inquiry London. July 11. At the resumed Thetis inquiry Lieut. Coltart added he could not get through to the short because at th? time communication was very bad and the tug’s radio-telephony set was very weak While they were sitll
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. Attending President’s Dinner To Army Chiefs London, July 12. The War Office announces that Viscount Gort, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, accompanied by three officers will visit Paris from today until July 14. They will be the guests of the French Government. Among
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 121 1 —Reuter. To Be Next U.S. A. iee-i'resident? Washington, July 12. President Roosevelt has nomiul McNutt, High nmraissiz.ner of the Philippines, is i ederal Security Administra- or. The appointment is regard’d in informed circles as one of die most significant, politically. I which President Roosevelt has
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 43 1 ;.—Reuter liuiep iideDCv And Neutrality Peiyrade July H. Fillowint a talk between the Bulgai an Mini.ter, M. Kossievtu.ov anti th Yugoslav Foreign Minist< r. M. Markovitch a communique was publi hed stating that the policy of independence and neutrality was countries.—Reuter.
    ;.—Reuter  -  43 words
  • 117 1 —Renter. I pnkow, Jnl i 11. The possibility of a J.p-jno blockade of the French Con- :> here has increased following i jectlon by the French Consul of demands by the prc-Japti.rsc Ma or, Chang Jen-li. it; conn- ction ti lth suppressioi by th- French
    .—Renter.  -  117 words
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  • 467 2 DEMONSTRATION AT TSINGTAO Serious View Taken Of Matter (Delayed by Censor) Ts’ngtao, July 11. Japanese-sponsored Chii.ese demonstrators tiirew stones at the Britisn Consulate-General this morning and fired crackers, causing some (damage. The demonstrators also attacked the premises of the Hongkong and Shanghai and Chartered Bar<E
    —Reul e<r.; Reuter.  -  467 words
  • 114 2 nuns uri —8.0. W. Question For Balkan States To Settle Rugby, July 11. Asked in the Commons whether any approach had been made to the Rumanian Government to add to the stab’lity of Eastern Europe and Roumania’s own security by ceding Southern Dobruja to Bulgaria and by exchanging
    nuns uri —8.0. W.  -  114 words
  • 146 2 vaiiauic —Reuter. All Leaders On Holiday Berlin, July’ 11. Most cf Germany’s leaders, both political and military, are packing for their holidays if they have not already departed and the Wilhelmstrasse is preparing to relapse into vacation calm after the recent hectic months. Herr Hitler has gone
    vaiiauic —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 175 2 io nyngia .—Reuter. 1 150 R. A. F. Planes Leave For France London, July 11. Twelve squadrons, comprising 150 warplanes left various aerodromes for a flight to France. Each carried sealed orj ders. When they reach their destinations they will alter their course and return to England without
    io nyngia .—Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 195 2 —Reuter No Further Action To Maintain Stability London. July 11 Asked whether in view of the determined attack by the Japanese authorities on the Chinese dollar, any further action was contemplated by the British Government towards maintaining the stability of the Chinese currency. Sir John Simon, in the
    —Reuter  -  195 words
  • 626 2 Premier Has Clarified British A ttitude London, July 11 The Times, commenting on Mr. Chamberlain’s speech, says there can be no margin for misunderstanding where Britain stands with regard to Danzig after thi statement. The British Government, in fact, believe—and other Governments share their belief—that
    pi UUVIIII —Reuter  -  626 words
  • 350 2 ,o tne pr&lt; —Reuter. London, July 11. Thirty British subjects are affected by the Police order to all permanent residents who are British, French, Dutch or Swiss to leave Italian Tyro! within 48 hours. The time limit has already expired but it is
    ,o tne pr< —Reuter.  -  350 words
  • 95 2 -Reuter. Supplementary Estimates London, July 11 The total supplementary est mates is sued today aggregate nearly £12,000,000. £lO,OOO is allocated to the establishment of a Foreign Publicity Department Other items include expenses in connec tion with the Military Training Act. Women’s Land Army and Palestine. The estimates
    -Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 58 2 —Reuter. Sandiego, July 11. A 15-ton flying boat called “Conso lidated 28” —five were built here for the R.A.F. —has left for England with a crew of three. The chief pilot is Captain Russell Rogers. After reaching Botwood, Newfoundland, the machine is flying non-stop to Felixstone
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
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    • 90 2 T star of Warner Bros. &lt;&gt; I Pictures, appearing 13 in "Four Daughters" j. I &lt;■ ■&lt; V; PEPSODENT (TOOTH PASTE AND POWDER ...CONTAIN IRIUM for GREATER CLEANSING POWER I Radiance will always be with you the minute you smile the minute you reveal that exciting flashing brilliance in your
      90 words
    • 218 2 “Up To Your Neck In New Frillings Embroideries Laces sJM //A A j/ J Embroideries so dainty, organdies so sheer that cr s P loveliness is the only answer Fresh and youthful are the I Ibaffl? Summer Fashions their secret is simple Crisp organdies to give line as well as
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  • 563 3 “Move Derogatory To Indians’ Self-respect Malacca. 11/lEMBERS of the Indian Association of Malacca, at an extraordinary general meeting held in the Association premises in Lorong Panjang on Friday night, disapproved of the suggestion of a section of members of the Indian Association of Singapore that a
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  • 57 3 Sheep-shearing contests, which were held io Eyde Park. cere primarily designed to llow young farmers of England and Wales to show their prowess at an ancient craft. But they also provided a treat to many children from L. C. C. schools, ,of whom you see
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  • 312 3 Foundation Stone Laid By His Excellency Singapore. The foundation stone of the new’ Si. Andrew's School, at Woodsville Estate. Serangoon, was laid ’ey the Governor. S r Sbenton Thomas, on Monday evening The new buildings are expected to ready for occupation by the middle cf next
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  • 210 3 Alleged Breach Of Trust Seremban. Before Mr. J. S. H. Cunnyngham Brown in the Police Court on Monday, a Malay named Omar bin Ahmad, formerly employed as a clerk in the Land Office. Seremban. was convicted of criminal breach of trust as a public servant
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  • 196 3 Prominent Member Of French Community Singapore. The death of Mr. F. Tatin. according to a cable received in Singapore, occurred in Paris a few davs ago. Mr. Tatin. who was connected with Singapore for the last eight years, was general manager of the Far Eastern
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  • 246 3 Petition Considered NO IMMEDIATE CHANGE TO SALARY SCHEME LIKELY Kuala Lumpur. pOLT ING a petition signed by all Asiatic Inspectors in the F.M.S. to the Inspector-General of Police last year asking for a better salary scheme and improvements in their uniform, it is now understood
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  • 130 3 Opened By Ruler Of Pahang Kuala Lumpur H.H. the Sultan of Pahang opened the new cinema and dance hall at Bentong on Saturday night. Towkay Tan Choo, a well known contradtor, is the proprietor, builder and designer of the hall, which is ’znown as the
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  • 162 3 Man Slashed Across Face Kuala Lurr.our Admitting that he caused hurt to another man by striking him with his (Ist. but denying that he caused the man hurt with a penknife, Baliah, a Tamil, claimed trial before Mr. R. C. Redman in the First Police Court
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  • 447 3 Death Of Royal Engineer Johore Bahru. jIOW Lance-Corporal James Parker 1 1 of the Royal Engineers, met his death while driving a motor van at Plenthong. South Johore, on June 16 was told cn Monday when Raja Suleiman held an inquest in the Coroner’s Ccurt. Stating that
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  • 522 3 SOLDIER FINED FOR ASSAULT Singapore. WILL tq,ko into account the fact that you were in a hurry and were in a fit of temper but you must understand that an assault on a public servant will not be viewed very lightly,” remarked Mr. L.C. Goh in
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    • 641 4 Osmania University Ideals Hyderabad (Deccan), June 21. rp’HE achievements of Osmania Unb- versity in the acedcm c field, particularly in Research work conducted by its alumni, wc men’s education and the need always to foster inter-communal harmony in the acad mic life of the University
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    • 45 4 Calcutta, June 28. In a press note, the Government of Bengal state that, having considered the individual cases of the undermentioned convicts and the recommendations of the Advisory Committee thereon, they have ordered them to be released Santipada Chakravarti, Narendra
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    • 1694 4 SIR ABDUL HALIM GHUZNAVI WARNS PRINCES No Amount Of Treaties Will Prevent Pressure Simla. June 23. ’’HE logical and inevitable result of setting up autonomous provincial units is some sort of federatirn at the centre, with the provinces if
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    • 315 4 Plea For Retention Of Good Aspects Alleppey, June 21. A T a public meeting held this even /V ing, in the local Y. M. C. A., Mr. Mammer. Tharakan, Additional District and Sessions Judge presiding, Mr. S. S. Rajagopalan. of Madras, spoke on the Wardha
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    • 473 4 Princes Protection Act Invoked In Punjab Lahore, June 23. I qpHE Punjab Government have announced their decision to bring sections 4 to 7 of the Indian States Protection Act into force throughout the Province for a year. These sections will enable District Magistrates to keep a check on
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    • 310 4 TONIGHT SPECIAL LADIES’ CONCESSION NIGHT (2 LADLES WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE PARK FOR 1 TICKET .ONLY) WEMBLEY PARK Sun Sec Toy Cantonese Opera "BAN LEE HUNG SEE” Part 8. Starring Mr. Lee Taj Hon. NOORAN OPERA OF MALACCA Presents C. R. Bakar’s Outstanding Malay Historical Story. Continuation of "PUL
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 78 4 1 Tonight Wednesday, 12 th July, 1939. It You Are In Of Pleasure, You Will Get Your Money’s Worth At WEMBLEY CABARET THE CABARET THAT IS CONSISTENTLY GOOD TWO BANDS IN ATTENDANCE MORALES HIS SWING BOYS MORALES HIS HAWAIIAN BOYS Tonight Dancing 9.00 p.m. To 12 Midnight FLOOR SHOW BY
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    • 80 4 QUEEN'S TONIGHT —LAST NIGHT 6.15 9.30 Grand Stage Screen Attraction I ON THE STAGE The world renowned Turkish sandow “SYED MOHAMED AFFENDY” Who will display his wonderful feats of strength ON THE SCREEN Re-issue of one time world’s Biggest Picture "QUEEN CHRISTINA” with GRETA GARBO JOHN GILBERT. MATINEE TODAY AT
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    • 399 5 Chungking, July 8. i-’i-shek sent a broadcast message to the G al zones yesterday on the occasion of the .nd the commencement of the third anstance campaign, pointing out the guidagainst the Japanese domination in the is cognizant of their sufferings and has ten
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    • 89 5 —Centra! News Chungking, July 8. The first special radio programme broadcast for the Chinese in China from the stations in Moscow and Khaborovsk was successfully relayed by the Central Broadcasting Station XGOA here to local listeners and the inland provinces yesterday. The progamme included ten numbers
      —Centra! News  -  89 words
    • 57 5 ;quad for "delinquency.’’—Central Mews. Milo, Hunan, June 26. Over a dozen puppet officials at Yoyang have been executed by’ the Japanese military garrison recently, according to reliable information received here. Fel Chu-ju, chairman of tne Yoyang peace preservation committee, was also shot by a Japanese .QmiQZl f*rvr»
      ;quad for "delinquency.’’—Central Mews.  -  57 words
    • 362 5 JF ork Long Hours For Low Salaries 'J 1 HE shortage of men in Japan is now so acute that women and girls are taking over many of the tasks formerly performed by men. The war with China is bringing undreamed-of independence to Japanese
      362 words
    • 156 5 MORE ACTIVE HELF PLANNED London. June 22. little jprogress has been recorded in the Angle-Soviet talks despite the rising tension in the Far East, The Times’ Correspondent reP' rts from Warsaw that the Soviet Government have called their Ambassador Luganetsorelsky from China for reporting on the
      156 words
    • 66 5 No Nfm Trade Agreement Canberra, Jue 27. Australia and Japan are not entering mto a new trade agreement to replace the present one which expires on June 30. Japan, however, has given a voluntary' undertaking to crant Australia two-thirds of her total wool imports and maintain the
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    • 80 5 Cent! al News. Chungking, July 8. The Chinese communities throughout free China, besides Chungking, enthusiastically and solemnly commemorated the second war anniversary yesterday, according to reports received here. In Chungking, tn&lt; National Government and the Central Kuomintang Headquarters jointly met, with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek presiding and
      Cent! al News.  -  80 words
    • 1425 5 Madam Chiang’s Broadcast Message tailure of China to continue successfully to resist until aggressor is driven from her shores would mean the creation of a menace to the whole Democratic world—a menace which would first jeopardize the safety and the security of Australia and then
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    • 157 5 -Central News. Presented To Chiang Kai-shek f Chungking, July 8. 'TWO pictures of the flag of the In- ternational Peace Campaign sent to China for the presentation to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek evoked prolonged applauses at a mass meeting here yesterday on the occasion of the second anniversary
      – -Central News.  -  157 words
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 48 5 Of ’-EAR/S /ADVENTURES: River Camo (2) .of ■JF v E?R f -A ot f I’J: n l i j. ruw Dad's to hunt for them-and Look/ Doicn on Dad it flaps Quick! Fly! &lt; can jo. rhe gale lhe porker's blanket took. Hut he'll catch them and bp.
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  • 707 6 —Reuter. Vital Discovery ‘"At Any Moment” London. QTRIKING statements on the pro gross of cancer research wer made by S’r Frederick Gowland Hop kins, former President of the Roya Society, and of the British Association. for the Advance of Science, in an address at the opening
    —Reuter.  -  707 words
  • 94 6 A mobile chemical firc-fi’htinu unit and crew from the R A F camp at North Weald attacking blazing trees in Epping Forest, set alight by a crashing plane. The plane had taken off from the camp a few minutes before. Touching the win, of another machine,
    94 words
  • 1413 6  -  By HENRY ST, DENTS Between the A'..s Powers and the nations that have united for jcace, lie a m_ir.ber cf smaller n ’ticns, whose trad-t onal p 1 cy .s strict neutiality, but they know th it. &lt;n any corJl ct (hi: neutrality
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  • 517 6 Harvard School’s Experiment THROUGH use of the radio and cooperation with civic croups the Harvard, Graduate School of Education during the last two months has taken steps towards solving one of the n:aior problems of modern educate nal scientist —how to translate their research and findings
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  • 117 6 Reuter Police Chase Ends In Disaster Rabat, (French Morocco). A midnight police chase of suspected drug-smugglers ended at Sale, French Morocco, when the trafficker’s car took a curve at high speed swerved off th road and crashed into a telephone pole The pole snapped, the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 50 6 Applications ‘“At Present Useless” Berlin. Many German soldiers have applF 1 to be “earmarked” for colonial serviie states the German ‘‘Army Orders Gazette. The Gazette adds that such anplica tions “are at present useless,” since no ••emulations have been made to covet them.
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    • 417 6 HER HAND WENT DEAD Helpless With Rheumatism At time she thought she would lose the use of her right hand. But when she started the little daily dose of Kruschen, it soon put her right. I was sure in a bad state,” she writes, ‘ln fact, I could not
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  • 1460 7 “REVISION OF RULES OVERDUE” SAYS DR. LEE TIANG KENG F till Discussion at Commissioners’ Meeting rpHE dismissal of’ Mr. Yeap hoo Eng, Conservancy Inspector, from the Municipality was again brought up before the Commissioners when four motions, standing in the name of Dr. Lee
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  • 940 7 Excellent Offer From P.H.B. v 0 thrct vote." for and nine aganst, p,.; n. Municipal Commissioners meeting yesterday turned down by Mr. F. H. Grumitt asking i .on of the Commissioners in r/.mniitb &lt;• regarding the proposed sale s i-.b View Bungalow, Penang Hill, Hfnin
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  • 716 7 QUESTIONS BY HON. MR. H. H. ABDOOLCADER y i yesterday’s meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners, a number of questions asked by the Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader, relating to labourers employed by the Municipality land the accommodation provided for them, were tablet! bv the President,
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  • 529 7 “Why So Much Secrecv? r —Dr. Tiang Keng The following questions by Dr. Lee Tiang Keng and the answers thereto iby the Pres dent, Mr. J. A. Black, were tabled at yesterday’s meeting of the I Penang Municipal Commissioners. The questions by Dr. Lee Tiang Keng were:
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  • 760 7 DR. ONG HUCK CHYE’S MOTIONS CARRIED the initiative of Lr. Ong Hutk Chye, two decisions of the General Purposes 4 uniii ittee were referred hack to the Connn'.ssie lers in committee for further c. nsideration at yes terday’s meeting of the Penang Miui.cipal Cc..Wnissioners
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    • 372 7 SB Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! “Libras Goodness nose I did! MAC LEAHS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Repreientotive A. T Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore. If you use a solid dentifrice, try MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE I OwMWMi tb« A WHITE DOT B 1 Genuine ||o LIFETIME Pen Be
      372 words

  • 460 8 J?y spite of having to speak largely on a subject which is very much in the air and at a lime of tension, anxiety and suspicion. Mr. Chamberlain succeeded on Monday in painting with bold, firm strokes the course or British policy with regard to Danzig.
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  • 603 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Sir Shenton Thomas laid the founda tian stone of the new St. Andrew’s: School, at Woodsville Estate, Seranzoon. on Monday. x- Christian Science Society, Kuala Lampur, announces a Testimony Meetng in the Masonic Hall. Venning- Road, day, at 6.30 p.m. Mr. D. J. Dumbrell, Mining Engineer, cuthern Malayan
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  • 478 8 Penang's Military Consciousness ¥T seems to me that Penang is getiing military-conscious. Take yesterday’s gun test. Long before the actual hour for the firing, hundreds had turned up at the Fort to see how the whole thing would go off. V ou couldn’t find a more enthusiastic
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  • 478 8 Wednesday, July 12. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT is not pleased at the moment with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Yesterday the Committee decided by twelve votes to eleven to postpone consideration of the neutrality issue till the next session. The Administration is keen on securing
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    • 265 8 FAMOUS from SCOTLAND wife fo penang w A *&lt; K »#&gt;•*. JtF DOE"" VAGUE ASK FOR O' Haig NO FINER WHISK* COES INIO ANY BOTTLE sole agents:- JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. PENANG. t Incorporated to Engl *nd). OLNGAi'OKff KUALA LUMI’UB IFOB «5 .4 sJStiiMttUiMMMiaifMGiBISIB MBH Ml U H I Z
      265 words
    • 41 8 »"b V EVERYBODY’S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION 3 Vi'lld Hrodore of mr famous fulm &gt;ENIS MOUNIE CO., L&lt; HJSAL Established tn IAHS Sole Ageute -ienry Wauah Co., Ltd. I mail g, Singapore. Ipoh A Kiu'* Lu«up** B .V.V.V.V. B .VA B
      41 words

  • 1479 9 f inal Instructions By Regional Inspector 120 SECTORS TO BE MANNED MR- H. Hall A.R.P., Regional Inspector, Penang, conveyed final instructions to the Wardens with regard to their duties during) the coining black-out, which takes place from 11 p.m. on July 17 to 6 a.m.
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  • 899 9 S.S. (PENANG) ASSOCIATION IN FULL SUPPORT THE Straits Settlements (Penang) Association, at a recent general committee meeting held at the Penang hambei of Commerce, agreed with their nominee on the Municipal Commission, Mr. F. H. Grumitt, that life-saving appliances should be provided on public bathing
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  • 1298 9 BROADCAST TALK BY MR. M. J. THORPE [VIR. M. J. THORPE, President of the Penang Wireless Society’, gave a broadcast talk from station ZHJ last night on “How To Get The Best out of your Wireless Receiving Set.” Mr. Thorpe
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 Outwit The Mercury A COOLING TRELVTMENT &gt; bv Elizabeth Arden has a deliciously cool and beautifying treatment for days when the mercury runs riot. Pour Arden Skin Tonic V into a chiiled bowl with it moisten a pad of cotton wool. Dip into your jar of Ardena Cleansing Cream and
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    • 187 10 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST Buyer» Sellers MINING Ampat 3/6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/3 4/6 Batu Selangor 1.17 J 1.22 J Berjuntai 8/6 9 Hong Fatt 60 621 Jelebu 57 i G2j K. Kamunting 6/ 6/6 K. Lanjut 14/ 14'6 Kamra 1/6 1/9 Kuchai 1.17 J 1.22 J Larut 3/9 4/
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    • 172 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MININO Ampats 3/6 3/9 Berjuntais 8 '6 9/ Burma Malays 20/ 21 z cd Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Jelebus 55 69 Johans 23 26 Katus 20 9 21/6 K. Lanjuts 14/ 14/6 Kuchais 1.17$ 1.22$ K. Kampars 9/3 9/9 Laruts 3/9 4/
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    • 71 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 12. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.12$ Business 50 tons Singapore Tin $113.12$ RUBBER: Penang (Spot 28 l/8c Singapore (Spot) 28 l/4c COPRA: Sundried $3.95 Black Pepper $9.50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.35 Fair Seed $3.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.40 No. 2 $6.30 Rangoon White No. 1
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    • 41 10 —Reuter. London, Tuesday. The brighter initial undertone gave place subsequently to a definite upward trend in prices with buying also slightly larger. Gilt-Edged and Oils show useful final gains, while Kaffirs benefited wider particularly, non-producers. Wall Street was stronger.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 39 10 The local branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank furnish the following telegram from their Head office in Hongkong:— Hongkong Shanghai Barking Corporation Interim Dividend £2.10/per share payable on August 14 subject to deduction of Income Tax.
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    • 163 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 Batu Selangor 1.18 1.21 Berjuntai 8/6 9 Hitam 31 33 Johan 24 26 Kampong Lanjut 14/ 14 6 Katu 20/6 21/6 Kramat Tin 9 6 10/ Kuchai 1-48 1.21 Kundang 6 6 Laruts 3/9 4/ Nawng Pet 24 26
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    • 183 10 RUBBER Buyer» Seller» Ayer Panas 1.07 J 1.15 Bassetts 47$ 52$ B. Lintangs 1.02$ 1.07$ Bendas 1.00 1.05 Bro* as 57 60 Indragiris 1.17$ 1.22$ Kuala Sidims 2.15 2.25 Lunas 1.47$ 1.57$ Malaka Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 38 40 Pa jams 1.65 1.75 Sungei Tukangs 1.00
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    • 312 10 Directors’ Report The nineteenth annual general meeting of the Glenshiel Rubber Estates Company, Ltd. was held at the registered office of the company, 85 Gracechurch Street London, E.C.3, on Friday, June 23 at 12.30 p.m. Following is the report by the directors for the year ended December
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    • 244 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS Buyers Seller» Ampats 3/6 3/b A. Hitama 49/9 °O/9 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrins 48/ B. l-17$ 1-22$ Berjuntais 8/9 9/3 Chenderiangs 10/9 H/ e Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras 1/4J 1/7$ Kamuntings 8/ K. Lanjuts 44/3 14/9 Kramais ®/6 40/ Kundang» 6/® Kuchais 1.17$
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  • 552 10 Sir Francis Voidest Viovs London, July 1. The fourteenth annual general mecun of Kuala Muda Rubber Estates Ltd. h/’ld yesterday in London. Sir Francis M. Voules, C. B. E. (the chairman), said that the profit for the year amounted to £24.967 and the payment &lt; a dividend
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  • 127 10 TUESDAY. JULY 11. prev. Latest Paris 176 47/64 176 23/32 New York 4.68 5,32 4.68 3 16 Montreal 4.69 3/16 4.69 116 Brussels 27.77 27 55 Geneva 20.76 20.76 1 2 Amsterdam 8.81 3/4 8.81 13/16 Milan 89 1/32 89 Berlin 11.66 3/4 11.66 1/2 Stockholm 19.42 19
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 891 10 BANKS THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England by w z'a Roval Charter 1853) I hp InHlfin fl Paid-up Capital £3 000,000 "&lt;5 KUlUcill VFVCI Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 Bank Ltd (Incorporated in British. India) Head Office No, 38 Blshopgate, London, EC.
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    • 137 10 FINE FOR KIDNEY AND BLADDER WEAKNESS S”O? GETTING UP NIGHTS look and feel younger Keep your kidneys and pro&gt;t.Ue free from poisons and ac.d. purity .he blood and pu hea-th activity into k.dneys and bladder and you 11 b&gt;healthier, happier and longer lite. One most efficient and harmless way to
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  • 326 11 ar af&lt;wof ;&gt; model aeroplane enthusiasts who were competing the trial, a i Fairev’s Aerodrome, Hayes, for the Lord Wakefield In«rnational Trcphy. First, the aeroplane is wound up Cxbove), then it S hel&lt; n:u, y for the ‘take-off’ (be low). s
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  • 442 12 Proved Value Of Research London, June 28. The Imperial Qancpr Research Fund’s new £30,000 laboratories at Mill HilL Middlesex, were pfficvally opened yesterday. Viscount Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, was to have performed the ceremony, but was unable to attend. In a note expressing his regret, Lord
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  • 237 12 Roy Baboneau Hoare, 19, a student at the Royal College of Music, was bound over for three years, at the Old Bailey for coining offences. His father is a schoolmaster living at Windsor. He pleaded guilty to silvering a farthing with intent to make it pass
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  • 238 12 Surnames For The Turks It is often a source of either amusement or worry to discover two people with the same Christian names and surname living in one town, but feiV of us can realise how difficult it must have been to administer affairs among the people of
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  • 431 12 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS Outward EUROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For Burma (except Victoria Point), India, Aden. Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa. Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and Newfoundland. Kuala
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  • 225 12 Appeals Sent To Government Paris. Renewed interest in the Channel Tunnel scheme has been aroused by efforts in Parliamentary, commercial and military circles to draw attention to the uses of a tunnel in war and in business exchanges. Resolutions pressing the Government to tske up
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2869 12 S T BERLIN W DJB 15.20 mc/s (19 7 mJ |W A WBkB Vpl (W? tBM DJQ 15.28 mc/s &lt; l9 6 m W WW» «Mm»! WS DJN 9.54 mc/s (3145 m.) Bpi &lt;~ Jg DJA 9.56 mc/s &lt;31.3 m.) r «H 12.25 p.m. Call (German. English). Ger1 «pi W
      2,869 words
    • 30 12 All in a Day’s Work— Sy Rick Eltnes SOLD i IWi I) 41 'llli i' 1 I/11!|i IBW m'lfea I I J Oil I j&E ll 1 111 L lllJ
      30 words

  • 329 13 Ger ged’ A rex ion. Attempt I ion, June 28. 1 hile of unj St. 1 or, Mark (j 1 who was found H Grove-terrace, "sth-.u' 1 1 G rtler had 1xu.,,.’. u m l' t a fortnight &lt; ‘&gt;hy. i. old. He was vi i
    329 words
  • 163 13 Bombay, June 28. A deputation of the European Association waited upon the Hon. Mr. B. G.. Kher, Premier of Bombay, today, in the absence of the hon. Dr. M. D. Gib ter. Excise Minister, who is at present in Poona. The deputationists made representations with regard to
    163 words
  • 1066 13 Arrivals iODAY, JULY 12. ss. “Bulan” from Singapore via ports s.s. “Bangka” from Tandjong-Pvera. fUMORROW, JULY 13. s.s. “Achilles” from Singapore. s.s. ’’Canton” from London via ports. m.v. “Yasukuni Maru” Japan via Singapore. RIDAY, JULY 14. m.v. “Nanking” from Singapore, ss "Mentor” from Liverpocl. SATURDAY, JULY Ad.
    1,066 words
  • 162 13 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND boys and girls at school, at college or working in shops and offices would gladly have stopped what they were doing to murmur a prayer of thanks to Mrs. Lettice Fisher —if only they had known her name. But these children of unmarried mothers,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 408 13 UE FUNNEL LINE U U I NORTH CONTINENT Leave" Pwnanc Dne London July 13 Aug. 10 n and Middlesboro July 15 Aug. 15 A -V .lies Glasgow July 22 Aug. 17 t-J-'c" AU L L‘O UUJU‘(»OL VIA HAVKjI 1 h» Livenxw’i v July 20 Aug. 19 jY Cao‘’ 1 ■■e
      408 words
    • 601 13 PA anc W BRITISH INDIA (Incorpoz irted In Knrland}; SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “CANTON” SAILING THURSDAY, 13th JULY, 1939. enin ular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His ajesty s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. wards f or- London for China Japan Homewards for Colombo. Aden.
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  • 735 14 Too Much Racing, Says Bookmaker HOW ‘SCHOOL’ OWNERS GROW RICH RAMBLING, legal and illegal, has become an organised industry Ln Australia. So wide is its field that even bookmakers are suggesting that opportunities for betting should be reduced, “Racing in and around Sydney is
    735 words
  • 323 14 Alleged Frauds On Racecourses Allegations of a widespread system of fraud on racecourses in various parts of the country were made at Bow-street against Benjamin Freeman, 28, a bookmaker's clerk, of Tyersstreet, Lambeth, S.E. He was remanded on bail charged with obtaurng several sums by false pretences,
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 14 YOUNG FRISCO. The well-known Filipino boxer, who is doing Very well in India. He left Malaya because he could not get enough opponents.
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  • 298 14 BUT W INS ON PROTEST jVJR. Harold S. Vanderbilt's new American 12-metre yacht, Vim, was surprisingly beaten in the Royal Western Yacht Club regatta at Plymouth. It was Vim’s second defeat ?n English waters. After f’ve successive victories tho yacht was first beaten by
    298 words
  • 66 14 The Football Association has had 8 special gold medal struck for six of it members who have been officials of County Associations for 50 years. They are: Mr. M. C. Frowde (Dorset), the new F. A. Council chairman, Mr. A. G. Hines (Nottingham), Mr. W. Hart
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  • 854 14  -  Harvey Should Be Pitted Against Louis 'y’HE “Pinang Gazette” telephone was kept busy yesterday morning mainly because at the other end were anxious inquirers for the result of the Harvey —McAvoy fight. That has set me thinking, and I am now convinced that Penang has
    854 words
  • 333 14  -  Remember These Rules For Our Junior Readers fey &gt;y the COACH C* HOOTING at marks on a wall in order to master shooting thoroughly, is a grand bit of training for ensuring accuracy in placing a ball. Unfortunately, this same accuracy in placing, while reasonably precise, also takes
    333 words
  • 61 14 Eric Boon. British champion, has beer, matched t"-12-iound contest at 9 st. 12 0’ Lcn Wickwar, of Leicester. The fight will take place on Rugby Football Ground, L U on July 17. and it will bt 1 last bout before he defends Ins weight
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 92 14 The pr&cUwk J ir* iMfe Wr i TONIC 180 c c Ffy Ink Boyer's TONIC, the roboront ond stitnu. lating remedy in all conditions of weakness and exhaustion, loss of appetite and digestive disturbances, nervousness, weakness of memory and rapid onset of fatigue.' RELIABLE GENERAL _a. Ba TONIC POWERFUL Tl
      92 words

  • 689 15  -  Stout Defence Saves Them From Heavy Defeat Penang League Soccer By 66 ACHILLES fpHi Penang Sports Club lost by two clear goals to 1 the Chinese Recreation Club when they clashed 1 tI in the First Division of the P.F.A. League had to thank their
    689 words
  • 779 15 Garrison Reserves Make No Mistake The Garrison Reserves made no mistake when they met the Eastern Smelting Club yesterday in a Second Dixis on fixture at Glugor, winning 4 0. In their first match last week at the Renong ground they had been held to a one-all draw.
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  • 34 15 —Reuter. Amsterdam, July 11. JOPIE WAALBORG of Holland broke her owt. world record for the 200 lyards breast-stroke, returning 2 min. 40.3 sec. Her previous record was 2 min. 41.4 sec.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 265 15 Took Less Time Than Compton London, July 11. AMES, the Kent and England bats-man-wicket-kefeper, scored the fastest century of the season when playing against Surrey, taking 67 minutes. He beat Compton’s time of 82 minutes. Altogether he took 105 minutes for his u n finished 13
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  • 131 15 P.S.C. v. Chinese Volunteers THE following will represent the ‘TV’ (Chinese) Company of the 3rd. Bn. S.S.V.F. (P.& P.W.V.C.j in a return water-polo match 8t 6 p.m. to day at the P.S.C. Pte. Eu Cheow Eang; Pte. Kee Soon Bee; L/c. Tan Chin Cheng (Capt.) and Pte.
    131 words
  • 65 15 SO UTH CHINA SOCCER TOURISTS I o Meet Penang Malay Eleven It is understood that the South China Football Team will return to Penang after their present tour of Medan and that the tourists will meet the Penang Malays &gt;n a match on the Victoria Green on Saturday, July 22.
    65 words
  • 35 15 —Reuter. Madame Lacoste Retains French Title Le Touquet. July 11. Madame Lacoste retained the French women s open golf championship, beating» Miss Powell of Great Britain 10 and 9 in the 36-hole final.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 169 15 I MtrfßEla»'' I f Inr r 2 M 6 ■STEEL WINDOW FRAMES FRENCH DOORS etc. etc. Equal to the best imported makes. EASTERN MFG.CO. as 1. River Road Penang. PHONE 14&. j,.l j .-iff fci 1 u _I) w (Sssßigg w-rg -y &gt;•: r W Z; j CLASS LEADER FOR
      169 words

  • 274 16  -  This Morning's Track Work At Ipoh (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. 'I'HE only outstanding gallop this morning, at the Ipoh track was that of Pure Gold (McPherson), who was slipped from the sixth furlong at half pace, increasing the pace round the bend and finishing
    274 words
  • 107 16 The following table shows the present positions of the teams in the M.F. A. Boys’ League. Goals P. W. D. L. F. A. Pts. M.A.F.C. 4 4 0 010 2 8 Malay R. C. 4 2 2 010 2 6 Kg. Dodoi 3 3 0 0
    107 words
  • 128 16 In addition to their elementary and intermediate shorthand classes, another one for beginners will be formed by the Aspirants’ Association. The course will last five months, and as far as possible students will be helped to improve their English, as no proper use can be made of
    128 words
  • 235 16 complete, —Reuter. R.A.F. Bombers Set Out For France London, July 11. cpifE spectacular long distance 1 flights of twelve squadrons of British bombers into the interior of France and back today demonstrated not only the airworthiness and reliability of the latest modern service aircraft but the
    : complete, —Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 94 16 Cause Of Delay It is now understood that the delay in starting yesterday’s firing practice was due to some tong kangs being anchored in the line of fire. A motor-boat was seen speeding from one tongkang to another chasing them away from their positions. The ambulance was
    94 words
  • 70 16 —Reutei. Lcndon, July 12. The ‘7 inies” diplomatic correspondent writes that if the Japanese Cabinet bring" forward at the Tokio talks issues wider than those of the Tientsin blockade, the negotiations cannot succeed. “The British Government have neither the desire on their own account nor
    ’—Reutei.  -  70 words
  • 199 16 2 V v,** IM*J —Reuter. From South Tyrol FOR ‘POLITICAL REASONS*’ Rome. July 11. The British and French Ambassadors and the Dutch Minister called at the Foreign Office separately today to inquire about the order to their nationals to leave South Tyrol. The expulsion order refers to
    2* V v,** IM*J —Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 167 16 6 You Ought To Thank Your Lucky Stars’ “You ought to thank your lucky stars I that this man did not die,” remarked Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday, when he convicted a 20-year-old Malay, Din bin Mat on a charge of voluntarily causing
    167 words
  • 297 16 WANG CHING-WEI READY TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY Peiping, July 12. A plan to establish a federal government in Japan-ese-occupied China with Mr. Wang Ching-wei at the head appears on the point of realisation, According to messages from Peiping and Tokyo. —Reuter. Totio, July 12. Is
    —Reuter.  -  297 words
  • 493 16 Imaginary Worries WIDOWS TRAGIC EVIDENCE Singapore. A verdict that the deceased took his own life by hanging while the balance of his mind was disturbed, was returned by the Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter yesterday afternoon at the inquest I of Richard Caunce, Superintendent, Town Cleansing
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 547 16 i pranuMWßt Head Office; 216 Penang Road Phone 1477 147 b Telegrams; “Gazette» 1 Rate* of Subscription for Pin*n&lt;» r •nd Sunday Gazette Pinang Gazette Local Delivery S.S. F c Monthly $1.25 $1.75 Quarterly 3.75 5.25 Half-Yearly 7.50 10 JO Yearly 15.0 C 21.00 Sunday Gazette 8 Local Delivery S.S.
      547 words