Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 472 1 German Shot Dead /M POLISH POLICE OFFICER Feelings Roused By Attempt To Wreck Berlin Express Warsaw, July 9. German troop reinforcements have arrived at the former Czech Polish frontier, according to Teschen reports which state that barbed wire entanglements, twenty to fort v yards deep, are
    .—Reuter.  -  472 words
  • 36 1 Lord Rothermere, who was Secretary of State for Air when the Air Ministry was created in 1918, has made a gift of £lO,OOO lor the genera) benefit of R.A.F. sportc.
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  • 54 1 An gio-Japanese talks at T okio are Lkely to be extremely difficult, says Reuter, as the Japanese intend to enlarge the scope of th> discussions to embrace the uh ol ques f o nof fa cign concessions in China (See Page 2). Map above shows the p
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  • 294 1 Desperate Fighting In Outer Mongolia (From Reuter’s correspondent at the front) Hailar, July 10. With heavy thunderstorm drowning the roar of their surprise bombardment, Japanese troops on Saturday night penetrated through Outer Mongol positions and tried to gain their objective namely, the banks of Halahar River which
    .—Reuter.  -  294 words
  • 327 1 Reuter. London, July 8. The world’s most up-to-date news clearing house begins operation tomorrow in Fleet Street which is London’s newspaoer land. This is the new headquarters of Reuter’s and the Press Association, in which building news will flow in an uninterrupted stream for 24 hours
    Reuter.  -  327 words
  • 210 1 /CONFESSION that he passed certain information about Jews on to Berlin while he was? in London, has been made by Dr. Ilans W. Thost, who was expelled from Britain in 1935. Dr. Thost, former London correspondent of the “Voelkischer Beobachter,” makes th’s revelation in
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  • 50 1 Reuter. Rut No Definite Result Moscow, July 10. William Seeds, M. Naggiar, Mr. Strang and M. Molotov had a conference lasting 170 minutes yesterday—the longest “parley” since the negotiations began. A statement by the Tass Agency regarding the conference says: “The interview produced no definite result. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 44 1 member of (he Council of State. —Reuter V. dSflksT M. Koolen (<> Form < .alline! Hague, July 8. Dr. has abandoned the task or lerming the Government which is now bein<r undertaken bv M. Koolen. Catholic member of (he Council of State. —Reuter
    member of (he Council of State.—Reuter V. dSflksT ''  -  44 words
  • 81 1 ,—Reuter. Chungking, July 10. 'HE Government has announced that a new tax to be known ps the “emergency period excess profits tax” will tie imposed dating retrospectively frown January 1. The rate of payment is based on the amount of profits in relation to capital. It
    ,—Reuter.  -  81 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 sW/ LER” fed on cow GATE WgO yQI < for North fir Penang:— i Georgetown dispensary i/id., Penang and Ipoh.
      19 words
    • 77 1 COW GATE Ar/ents for North Malaya Penang:— GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LID.. Penang and ipoh. i I 8 ■Ox -IS FINE because it is so good for the brain and nerves, also for helping to maintain correct balance in the diet. We can offer an unequalled variety of the choicest fish and,
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  • 617 2 If Scope Of Tokio Talks Is Widened WHOLE QUESTION OF CONCESSIONS TO BE DISCUSSED Paris,. July 8. French diplomatic circles, which have been closely watching ihe Far East position, consider the AngloJapanese talks ai Tokyoybn Tientsin are likely to beextreinely difficult. According;
    .—Reuter.  -  617 words
  • 73 2 .—Reuter. New Instructions To Moscow Moscow, July 8. The Anglo-French Ambassadors, accompanied by Mr. Strang, resumed the pact negotiations with M. Molotov laie this afternoon. Fresh instructions from London had been received yesterday. The British and French Ambassadors, accompanied ty Mr. Strang, had a two and a
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 128 2 .—Reuter. U. S. Govt. Confident Of Passage Washington, July 8, The attempt last year by President Roosevelt to remove certain Senators recoiled today upon the Administration when Mr. Cordell Hull and other high officials tried to persuade Senators Gillette and George to vote for the Government
    .—Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 52 2 —Reuter. Departure On Visit To Spain Rome, July 8. Count Ciano embarks on board a cruiser on Sunday en route for Spain. The Telegrafo says that the visit will cement collaboration between. the two countries in the economic, political and military fields with a view to very wide
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 51 2 .—Reuter Wireless. Soviet Purchase Of 800 Head Of Livestock London. July 8. The Soviet delegation to the Royal Agricultural Society’s centenary show at Windsor bought 800 head of British livestock. it is revealed tonight. Officials of the show stated that this may only be the beginning.—Reuter
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  51 words
  • 25 2 .—B O.W Rugby. July 8. The new 34.000-ton Cunard White Star liner “Mauretania” concluded the maiden trans-Atlantic round voyage at Southampton yesterday.—B O.W
    .—B O.W  -  25 words
  • 251 2 —Reuter Wireless. Danzig Farce Features Anti-Aircraft Guns Danzig, July 8. Reuter’s correspondent visited the forbidden zone at Bischofsberg, which is still dominating Danzig, in order to test a statement in the Nazi local press that children’s playgrounds are being built there. As the correspondent
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  251 words
  • 122 2 .—Reuter. Negotiations For Closest Collaboration London, July 7. Negotiations are well advanced for coilaboratiqn between the British and French Air Forces, it is gathered. It would clearly be the greatest value if the personnel of the two Air Forces are able to obtain practice in
    .—Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 91 2 .—Reuter Wireless. Returning To Berlin For Further Instructions Bucharest, July 8. The economic section of the German Foreign Office, which has been here discussing a Rumano-German economic treaty, is returning to Berlin to obtain further instructions. Contracts were signed recently for the exchange of Rumanian cattle
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 72 2 —Reuter. Receives German Order From Hitler Amsterdam, July 8. Herr Hitler has honoured a Jew. Dr. H. M. Hirschfeld, of the Trade Industry Department, Ministry of Economic Aflairs, by conferring the Order of the German Eagle, according to a Jewish telegraphic agency which states that the order was
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 52 2 .—Reuter Wireless. Suspended By High Commissioner Damascus, July 8. The High Commissioner has suspended the Svrian constitution and entrusted the executive authority to a council under his direction A communique says that it does not mean that France Intends to repudiate the treaty granting Syria full independence next
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  52 words
  • 44 2 —Reuter Wireless. Compulsory Registration Of Foreign Currencies Prague, July 8. The Protectorate Government has decreed compulsory registration of all foreign currencies, precious metals, bonds and credit balances held by Czechs abroad. These are to be sold to the Government. —Reuter Wireless.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 106 2 —Reuter. Co-Operation In AH Spheres Ankara, July 9. The fact that a treaty was in the course of preparation providing Anglo-Turkish co-operation in all spheres was announced by the Foreign Minister, Mr. Sarajoglu, in the Grand National, assembly. Details of a long-term agreement to include France were
    ’—Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 209 2 —Reuter. British Plans Accelerated London. July 9. The Navy's enormous shipbuilding programme is being further accelerated, and as a result, practically a whole fleet will put to water within the next few months, according to the Daily Telegraph naval correspondent, while next week a new world record
    —Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 97 2 .—Reuter Return To Normal Conditions London, July 8. The turn of the half vear witnessed the return to normal conditions with the n-arket of the opinion that it can look forward to an indefinite period to a growing floating debt This week’s rate for Treasury bill allotment
    .—Reuter  -  97 words
  • 29 2 —Reuter. Berlin, July 8. The Appeln area of the Polish frontier fifty miles -south-east of Breslau is declared a prohibited zone for foreign Army officers—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 183 2 Reuter. Desperate Struggle For Nomanhan Haiiar. July 8. The Manchukuo fighting takes place along a ten-mile front on the borders of Manchu’ruo, Outer Mongolia, on a scale reminiscent of the struggle for Changkufeng last summer. Aeroplanes, tanks and heavy artillery are taking part in a desperate struggle for
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 61 2 —BOW. Shelter Tunnels For Factory Workers Rugby. July 8. The Lord privy Seal, Sir John Andersen, was the chief guest at a demonstration of A.R.P. organisation held at tne New Southgate factory of Standard Telephones and Cables. Limited, yesterday at which 6.0C0 factory workers were
    —BOW.  -  61 words
  • 551 2 •—8.0. W. London, July 9. The black-out passed off without a hitch. A novel feature was the “invisible” policemen wearing capes treated with luminous paint which showed only when the rays of the shielded car lights fell upon them. They were stationed at various
    •—8.0. W.  -  551 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 211 2 Figuratively jA I speaking here is a fascinating and X. I beautiful new fabric. Elastic X. f 1 lace by W.B. A cunning two- x. I way-stretch material with the X. 3/ I same strong personality as W.B.’s 1 elastic net and an added beauty which Z' A will make
      211 words

  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 Th s iioung u'/wuin, during r- < nf h< it wave in London tdly hanged her clothes for a bathing costume and was Iftsur'ly making her way to th» Ily' r i Park .Lido....
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  • 358 3 Sweep Pickets Missing Malacca. Lim Thian Soo, a former postman of the Malacca Post Office, appeared before Mr. Thorogood. the District Judge, on Thursday on a charge that he. being an fficer of the postal Department, committed theft of 100 Penang Turf Club tickets valued $lOO
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  • 173 3 Woman Charged With Abetment Singapore. Wong Yin Nam and Wong Ah Kam, charged with being involved in the mysterious shooting drama enacted in a t oih t -shop at the junction of Jalan Besar and Rowell Road on June 2, again mad? their appearance in
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  • 513 3 Report Of Chief Inspector Of Mines Kuala Lumpur. A FTER stating that the department, with inadequate means and equipment at its disposal, attempted to prove certain areas of State land before they were converted to reserves and so closed to mining, Mr.
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  • 160 3 Accused Fined 850 Kuala Lumpur. Pleading guilty to being in possession of six packets of ganja, Ramaya, a Tamil, was on Thursday fined $5O. in default two months rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. R C. Redman, the First Magistrate. Kuaia Lumpur. Mr. M. C. Manby. A. S.
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  • 159 3 Gets Off Lightly Singapore. A former Singapore 'bus driver who was convicted on his own .plea on a charge of robbery was bound over for a year in two sureties of $75 each by Mr. J. McFall in the Singapore Criminal District Court on Friday. It
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  • 481 3 Drops In Share Values and Speculation Singapore. TTRIBUTING his insolvency to the depreciation of rubber A h ares and other speculati on, Mr. Moses Joseph Nassim, living at 21 Amber Mansions, appeared before Mr. Justice Pe ow in the High Court on Friday for his public
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  • 348 3 Coroner’s Inquiry SingE.xire. account of the desperate attempt made by three of his fellow coolies to escape when earth from the high side of the trench slid down from a hillock on to the bed of the trench where they were working was given by Beh Swee at
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  • 342 3 Accused Gets 10 Years For Chopper Attack Singapore. U W HAT you have done to this young boy is very brutal and very cruel,” said Mr. Justice Manning to Yee Yu, a young tailor’s apprentice, whom he sentenced to ten years’ rigorous imprisonment in
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  • 276 3 REVOLVER AND SIX ROUNDS Kuala Lumpur. “He first came to our notice in 1935,” said Mr. C. -T. Dobree, Officer-in Charge. Detectives, to Mr. R. C. Redman, the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, referring to Cheah Wai, the Chinese who was arrested on June 29 at Sungei
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 PENANG Rysist ON HVI. S. ALIY'S V.. WMF F Saiaaitfil tilqSaM ■< iS w rJHKI < 9. a Jri > »19 ■Sm&i b I 4711” Classic Eau de Cologne I The world's favourite invigorating, fragrant W and cool. I I er I Me U 1! i ToSCa” Eau de Cologne
      95 words

    • 108 4 .—Reuter. A North West Frontier Incident Kohat (N. W. F. Province). ,4 POLICE constable kidnapped and carried.over the border b> Waziri tribesmen owes his freedom to the pluck of a Waziri woman. Following the kidnapping the British authorities arrested several Waziris on suspicion of complicity
      .—Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 173 4 Disturbance At Bombay Meeting Bumbay, June 22. The uprear created hy a group of people in the audience held up the proceedings at a Prohibition meeting held in Vanmati Hall, Dadar, under the auspices of the Prohibition Propaganda Board, which was addressed by Mr. Shankar Roa Deo. A
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    • 117 4 Indian Art But Not From India London, June 29. Priceless treasures of Indian art are to be shown at a special exhibition at Burlington House next year. Yet none of them will come from India. The Royal Academy, which is arranging this show on the lines of the Italian, Flemish,
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    • 98 4 —Reuter. Gandhi Prefers Simpler Life Bombay. Because Mahatma Gandhi desires as little evidence as possible of city life, delegates to the next Indian National Congress at ißantgarh, Bihar State, may find that the “town” erected for them is without electricity. The Congress town, or “Nagar” which
      . —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 480 4 “A Decided Success” Salem, June 27. T>KIOR to his departure from Salem lor Vellore, Sir T. A ijayaraghavachariai, Chairman ot the Committee on Co-opera-tion, gave his impressions of his tour in Salem district during the last one week. lie expressed the x ieu that Prohibition reform had
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    • 218 4 Karalam Ryots’ Meeting Trichur, June 27. A largely-attended public meeting of tire agriculturists of Karalam, Moorkanad and adjoining villages in the vicinity of Kattur, was held yesterday evening at the local Thiyya Yuvajana Samaj Office, under the presidentship of Mr. Mathew George Alappadan, President of the Karalam
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    • 66 4 —Reuter. Simla, (By Aix). The Government of India announces that tlie whole of the outstanding balance of the 5 Per Cent Loan. 1939 44 will be repaid at par or. July 15, 1939, with all the interest due. To facilitate redemption of the Loan the Public Debt
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 819 4 Jews’ Problems Bombay. TT/RITING in the “Harijan” Air. Gandhi refers to an article in the “Jewish Frontier” published in New York, in which the writei. Mr. Hayim Greenberg, replies to Mr. Gandhi’s article on the Jewish question published some time ago. Mi. Greenberg says
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    • 266 4 MEETING IN CALCUTTA Calcutta. June 21. ri'HE Bishop of Rangoon and four others from Burma who are now in the city, addressed the Corporation councillors at the invitation of the Mayor of Calcutta tonight at the Council Chamber on “Moral rearmament.” The Bishop of Rangoon presided. Introducing the
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    • 182 4 Cochin Committee’s Decision Ernakulam. June 27. The Advisory Committee on Industries ard Commerce, appointed by the Cochin Legislative Council, met in the Huzur Secretariat, Ernakulam. on Saturday. Besides the ncr.-official members, the DewanPeishkar, the Directoi- of Industries and Commerce and the Registrar of Co-operative Societies were present.
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    • 134 4 Reuter. EVERYONE IS SELF-SUPPORTING Bombay. About 600 Jewish refugees from Central Europe have found asylum in India during the last six months. Not one of them is a charge on the public funds. Some 100 are qualified physicians and surgeons from Vienna and elsewhere. They are
      Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 143 4 Calcutta, June 23. The upward trend noticed in industrial activity in Italy during the month of February, 1939, continued during the following month, the general index of industrial production rising from 116.5 (revised) in February to 129.1 in March, says the monthly report of the Indian
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    • 172 4 Cool Travel In India: Dust Eliminated Reuter- Simla. AIR-CONDITIONED railway coaches have become so popular "in India that the facility is to be extended shortly to many new routes. Air-conditioned travel was first introduced in December 1937, on the Bombay-Calcutta mail service. A few months
      Reuter-  -  172 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 308 4 -It—, Tonight Monday, 10th July, 1030, If You Are In Quest Of Pleasure, You Will Get Your Money’s Worth At WEMBLEY CABARET THE CABARET THAT IS CONSISTENTLY GOOD TWO BANDS IN ATTENDANCE MOI! A I ,ES HIS SWING BOYS MORALES HIS HAWAIIAN BOYS Tonight Dancing 900 p.m. To 12 Midnight
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    • 73 4 QUEEN'S Last 3 Shows TODAY AT 3 P.M., 6.15 <fc 9.30 Matinee At. 3 p.m. Reduced Prices Downstairs 15, 30 50 cents. Deanna Durbin HELEN PARRISH NAN GREY IN “3 SMART GIRLS GROW UP” with CHARLES WARN INGER MATINEES TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY AT 3 P.M. WARNER OLAND in “CHARLIE CHAN
      73 words

    • 465 5 Loyang, June 27. rxjLLOWING a series of relentless counter-offensives, Chinese forces in South Shansi recaptured Yuanku, strategic town near the Honan border, on Sunday. The town was, lost to the invaders last week. As a result ot the Chinese s access, the
      465 words
    • 48 5 Izyang. June 2«. More than 1,300 Chinese irregulars under Japa iesr employ at Tsungchow on the Tientsin72 miles southwest of Tientsin in south Hopei, have revolted against their Japanese master» and joined the ranks of the Chinese army. They are being reorganised into guerilla units.
      48 words
    • 104 5 4 ’antral News. Chungking, June 26. A spokesman of the Ministry of I'lnance, in a statement issued yesterday, declared that the restrictions on withdrawals from Chinese banks in Shanghai, which were enforced last week, will be removed as soon as the financial situation in the port c'ty
      4 ’antral News.  -  104 words
    • 166 5 Woman’s Eight With Four Robbers Hongkong, June 2b. Fang Fo, junk foki, was shot in the chest and killed when four armed robbers boarded a junk in Fang Lau Bay. British waters in the early hours of Saturday morning. Fang dice at the Kowloon Hosp’tai
      166 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 5 STRONG MEN tor a t nth job. These sturdy fallows with odd Iw kng rakcalled cron'bs. clear the woods uhich threaten to |-h< k the ip n r reaches of the rivers in Norfolk and Suft dk.
      39 words
    • 729 5 Life Behind The Firing Line Early in member, lyjd. ii young nurses of the Chungking I unici pal Hospital. ranging from /6 to 'I years old, resigned en bloc ana went to the front for ar sen ice. They were assigned to
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    • 255 5 Several Mills Destroyed Or Seized Chungking. June 24 OINCE the war, China has lost 1,800.000 spindles and 18.000 looms, approximately 70 per cent, ol her pre-war textile strength, which represent a total financial loss of more than 81 <><>.- 000,000 Chinese national currency News.
      News.  -  255 words
    • 412 5 Several Universities Affeeted Chungking. .June 22. r pHE effect oi the Sinc-Japanese hostilities upon China’s institution of higher learning is disclosed in a booklet just issued by the Ministry ot Education. Seventy-seven of China’s 108 universities, colleges ai d technical schools, according’ to the
      412 words
    • 74 5 ,-Cen. News. A Chinese Art Exhibition will be held in Moscow sometime in September under the sponsorship of the Soviet Government. Mr. Sun Fo, President oi the Leg is-, lative Yuan, who is now in Soviet Russie as Chine’s special envoy, has telegraphed to Mi.
      ,-Cen. News.  -  74 words
    • 71 5 B. S. Property In Swatow Occupied Swatow, '7me 28. Messis. Butterfield aid Swires’ east property has been occupied by the Japanese. The Union Jack was lowered twice now and has been replaced by the Japanese flag. The property is now being used as a lanaing
      71 words
    • 67 5 NO LUXURIES JAPAN’S TRADE WITH FRANCE Tokyo, Juno 27. ‘‘Urgeutlj necessary’’* goodu arc to re; lace luxuries in Japan’s trad? with Fiance, under th<- new T’radc Agreement, which was. signed on June 23. Japan, wall buy about £2,300.000 w ortb of iron, .maclrnery and chemicals annually from France, instead of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 DIAMOND Bedsteads F CM» 1 1 J > 3 o n The high reputation that /p» ’’Diamond” Bedateada have established throughout.Malajr is based on merit. rtU for many years their A extreme durability and Una finish has become increa- singly recognised a-« thd standard of quality and z R 4
      106 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 59 5 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Dodging School P 7 > r a Mt bk ''V'-’ "'-5.. r- 'l- p'H —L. J J J tes cream/ MtiC'i mere fun than gums. Beneath the bridge they quickly skip. Jn she sun baked grass it lay, But. look out. nobby. Father comes. But Percy let
      59 words

  • 132 6 SUCCESS OF F. 8.1. SCHEME London. ri'HE progress of the Fedetat.on of British Industries Scholarship scheme for training Chinese engineer apprentices in Br.tisli workshop-? was reviewed by Sir George Macdonogli, chairman of the F. 8.1. Com nuttee. when 26 Chinese apprentics who are being trained
    132 words
  • 106 6 IN lhe back room of a chemists shop in Glasgow a young doctor fought desperately to save the life of a baby boy who was choking to death. The child. 13-monlh-oki Ronald Breiruier, ol Midicm-dnve CardoJ am, was eating' a banana when a piece lodged
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  • 495 6 Tackling Problems Of Life And Labour London. r pHE organisation of a “World Brains Trust” of scientists to tackle problems of life and labour that are distracting the world is rapidly taking shape. Since the British Association formed its “Division of Social and International
    495 words
  • 91 6 r jpHKEE cows equipped with sets of false teeth will be taken 3.000 miles from Voroshilovgrad in lhe Ukraine for the great AU-Union Agricultural Show which opens at Moscow in August. The exhibition has been under construction for three years ai-d was originally planned to open
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  • 176 6 London. MR. WILLIAM LENG, a Southse t cabinet inaker. left Portsmouth Harbour five years ago at the helm of the 32ft. yacht Driac. Last week Mr. Leng, who is a member of Portsmouth Sailing Club. returned to harbour after a cruise of 50,t)00 miles.
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  • 115 6 has become of the ‘watch pride’ that our grandfathers knew?” asked Mr. L. H. Bonnaire at the annual conference of the National Association of Goldsmiths in London. “Who among us,” he added, “has net seen people who own luxury cars boast of the possession of the
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  • 216 6 London ELEVEN- YEAR-OLD Charles Edwards, with half a razor blade in his stomach, lay in bed in a Boothe hospital and told me that he swallowed it. in school, for a joke. Near him, in the other bed, lay Ronald Williams, with the other half
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  • 305 6 London. LORD WJANKEKTON, Lord Alness anl Lord Fairfield met the other day in Downing street and ta’ked about Araba Tonuah of the Gold oast. They talked about Araba Tanuah because five years ago she made an affidavit. It was translated to her in the Fanti
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  • 104 6 RUSSIA is counting on women to fill its industrial and defence breachesin case of war. Already women are being enrolled on a large scale for training. In the Donetz basin, 5,000 housewives have worked in the coal mines since Commissar Lazar Kaganovich issued an appeal
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  • 136 6 rip HIS is the house in Vieux-Conde, on the frontier of France and JL Beltciunt. in which police have discovered an underground rail system designed for smuggling. Il was observed that earth was being removed constantly from the house, and the police raided it. Three persons have been
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  • 316 6 Bishop Just Hates “Boom' rrxHE Bishop of Chelmsford, ;Dr Henry W’lson. doesn’t like organists who go “boom!” Writing in the “Chelmsford Diocesan Chronicle.” he says: -“I think that Church music has, in general, greatly improved. “But as I go about the diocese I come across
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 Cfalf&t iff- one quality lhe world over ’rfO" W !H JM W'' v£tvbi .eaz UOT X- rfecuv n vll It s rea > h"’° l 'i c °".‘v nwnU'.' ,V“;«r-' ’WMM» I tM< Of' "Jrtiw e the larg'« g&g l >- ,*rZ y t» -■’T-t y •< kMh n«M o
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 89 7 Farewell Tour Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie. G.0.C., Malaya, who u> shortly to retire after a thrce-year tour of service, arrived in Penang on Saturday and was entertained t dinner at the E. O. Hotel on Saturday night by the Officers of the Penang and Province
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  • 126 7 Alleged To Have Darted Out Of Junction A nasty motor crash involving a car and an Indian cyclist, occurred at Penang Road near the junction of Argyll Road at 10 am. yesterday. The cyclist was thrown off his machine and sustained a few injuries. It would
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  • 80 7 Two Machines Missing Over Week-En d Bicycle thieves in Penn ng were busy during the week-end, end two bicycles were reported missing to the police. The bicycles were parked in the streets in town with their respective owners forgetting to lock up their machines They left their
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  • 94 7 A commotion was caused in Penang Road in front of the Jual Morah at about 9.30 last night, when a Chinese was seen dashing out of Hutton Lane with a number of pursuers hot on his heels. The Chinese, a youth, w r as subsequently overtaken
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  • 8 7 Nurse Doreen Mitt ell.
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  • 99 7 Attendant Dies On Way To Hospital Kuala Kangsar A young Chinese lorry attendant, KuW Chew, aged 24 years, was killed wnen he fell off a moving lorry nea r Sungei Siput on Saturday evening. He is believed to have missed his footing. The man died half
    99 words
  • 234 7 Toddy Tapper’s 60h Fall 4 DISTRESSING tragedy occurred at 8. coco/iut plantation in Jelutong VTlage yesterday afternoon, when an Indian tree climber, while engaged :in tapping toddy, missed his footing and fell to the ground. Death was almost instantaneous as the man fell from a height of
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  • 268 7 ‘“Lambeth Walk*’ Results Appearing in three speciality dances. Sev-ryn and Rosalind scored again at. the Wembley Cabaret on Saturday night. There was a large crowd which enjoyed the speciality dances cleverly executed by Sfveryn and Rosalind. They presented three numbers—the Adagio Tango, the Indian Manipvri Dance
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  • 199 7 Accused Sells It To Estate Coolie Kulim. In the Kulim Court, a Malay named Yayaha bin Haji Jusoh, of Kampong Akor Kuching, was charged by Che Ahmad (Sub-Inspector) with theft of a goat under Section 379 P.C., the value of which was $B. The accused pleaded guilty.
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  • 38 7 Nurse Doreen Mittell, of Himmersmith Hospital, photographing some of her friends at the London County Council nurses' annual sports meeting. Thousands of nurses were present in relays as they came off or went on duty.
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  • 206 7 Auctioneer And Appraiser Ipoh The death occurred on Saturday at the Ipoh District Hospital of Mr. Khoo Theam Seng, licensed auctioneer and appraiser, and one of the oldest residents in Perak. Deceased had been ailing for some time and was admitted to the Hospital
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  • 150 7 Possession Of 100 Tubes Taiping Khoo Ah Lee, the young Chinese nonya, who was produced before Raja Salim last week for possession of 100 tubes of chandu while not being a registered smoker, was fined $75 on Saturday when she was produced for sentence. Mr.
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  • 593 7 COFFINS AMONG ,'TS Ipoh. /AVER 25,000 Chinese, men, wor.E” 1 to have visited the Charity i Chinese Overseas Chinese in aid oil at the Jubilee Park, (farin'* the il iS t ixLCC <r 1 ,i: sic Opemi'lJ’ on Friday saw a record crowd. The Fair,
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  • 311 7 Tapah Tapah received Their Highnesses the Sultan of Perak and the Raja Perempuan in fitting fashion on the occasion of their first official visit to the district of Batang Padang on Saturday. There was a big reception toTheir Highnesses at the Tapah Padang, and the
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  • 149 7 Keig efce ID As a T' d' n by a lorry, a C se j Dug T k, ut> cu’l “d to i- it t'j. S■. i 1 ttani Gov n i r> i at ar 'ut 7.15 pm. on Friday night. It VTlrl ar il 1
    149 words
  • 60 7 A S.k'a •re 4 •> me’ d--m bv motor ’"r- *3 V I’agc csteru' ,d ’stain T yellse ’i?lv injuries. T!?-' to n wh?n it 'ar.v in 'j i the cyciut, who v.'s -yu; rrtd’ ,-d frem ’’Mice 3 'nd s'T ••p rad .r.i-c s. Tn- y-
    60 words
  • 182 7 An obscrv: F* id It tn, r n I’ nn, nay v- v, i ;».a.i< dt velopment in the S'. rr 1 dh Alabama, la n. m i.-nr. As lone diiv; ■< < in’l?" iof pine ft. nev/ industry -1- .i v.n:i'Jian an< h'inni.h > ”lpi i.itl.-'' c d
    182 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 1L IL W/j ---3 48 TY) cio'taAzo England less than a week away. Imperial Airways make it practical to go home within the limits of a month’s leave. And the trip is a pleasure in itself. Fares include all meals, hotel accommodation for night stops, and even tips. Bookings and
      56 words
    • 31 7 tßrigii’cu yrur kloLie WK a j i." 1 r x [II -PflK 1 f. ***<,,. I fIETAL polish sjarm hull tovriM. > j. «lhua/cmu. a? r ■Fit.» M «MdWW C id. .1.
      31 words

  • 481 8 f f fTi a lull which seemed too good to be true, Europe is awaiting Hitler’s next move with grevcing apprehension. The outlook is indeed threatening. Four hundred thousand men are being called to the Colours; Hitler alone can tell why. But it is easy enough to
    481 words
  • 577 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Lim Eow Thoon, J.P., has been elected to be a member of the Beard of Licensing Justices for Penang icr a further period of three years as from June 7. Mr. Eu Cheow Teik, the Penang State cricketer, was discharged from the General Hospital on Saturday. He
    577 words
  • 683 8 Working Hours Of Courtship r T'HE average young man (from 18 to 25 years of age) spends just under eight hours a week in paying court to the girl of his choice, if he happens to be engaged he spends a little more time with her; if
    683 words
  • 366 8 Monday, July 10. jgERLIN is reported to have had its first peaceful Sunday for a long time yesterday but all is far from being quiet in Warsaw and Danzig. German troop reinforcements are arriving at the former Czech-Polish front while barbed wire entanglements,
    366 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      294 words
    • 40 8 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER L O. SUAJI» >"N /1 I THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh. X Kuua
      40 words

  • 1365 9 Province Players Score A Distinct Success (Uy J. P.S”) much having already been written of this play for the local press a full critique appeared in these olumns of the production at Taiping on June 24—that tm-ther critique which sets out to
    1,365 words
  • 375 9 Passengers For Malaya THE P. and O. /..Ter. "Canton,’' is due to arrive here on Thursday morning with the following Malayan passengers from London and ports er. route: FOR PENANG: Mrs. E. E. Harry, Mi. R< C. R. Humphry, Mr. G. Jones. Mi. A. MacDonald and
    375 words
  • 184 9 DEATH OF MADAM SATHERAPUS KRANI The death occurred at the General Hospital at 4.45 a.m. on Saturday of Madam Satherapuskrani, wife of Mr S. Marimuthu of the Post and Telegraphs Office, at the age of 18. The deceased, who had been ailing for the past ten days, was admitted into
    184 words
  • 394 9 CLUB’S JUNE REPORT Result Of Law Cup Competition A WARNING to members against low flying when weather conditions make it essential, is contained in the monthly report of the Penang Flying Club for June, ‘‘low flying merely makes the Club unpopu- lar,” the report
    394 words
  • 200 9 TkAIL in the sum of $4,000 in two 1 > sureties was allowed a Chinese. Cheah Ean Seen, who appeared n the District Court before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. F'orrer, this morning on a charga of cheating. The charge against the accused
    200 words
  • 62 9 His Excellency and Lady Thomas, accompanied by the Private Secretary and Aide-de-Camp, will leave Singapoie by the night mail on Saturday, July 15, on a visit to Ipoh, and w'll return on Sunday, July 23 by train arriving in Singapore at 0.40 a.m. on Monday morning,
    62 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 BECAUSE THEY'RE MADE WITH ft U A V FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON...V, f *>■< 2 s sAY LM ER, natural flavour SOUPS 25 ’T Y W 4 A .1 wBBt Enough to ina'tc anvon? tarn ro mJ C'.i -j i ij’? Co ci Gate. No: on!’- f»rit Jr.* soothing flavour,
      120 words

    • 314 10 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST Buyers Sellers RUBBER. Allenby 1.10 1.20 Alor Gajah 85 95 Ayer Hitam 90 1.00 Ayer Molek 85 95 Ayer Panas 1.05 1.15 Bassett 45 50 Batu Lintang 95 1.05 Benta 95 1.00 Brega 55 60 Bukit Katil 65 70 Connemara 1.20 1.30 Glenealy 1.30 1.40 Hamilton
      314 words
    • 258 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Belleri Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Hitams 19/9 °O/9 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrins 18/9 19/3 B. Selangors 1.17 J 1.22 J Berjuntais 9/ 9/6 Chenderiangs 10/9 11/6 Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras l/4i 1/7* Kamuntings 8/6 9/3 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kramats 9/6
      258 words
    • 184 10 RUBBER Buyers Seller» Ayer Panas 1.10 1.17 J Bassetts 47| 52| B. Lintangs 1.02 j 1.07 j Bentas 1.00 1.05 Brogas 57 60 Indragiris 1.17 J 1.22| Kuala Sidims 2.20 2.30 Lunas 1.50 1.60 Malaka Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 39 41 Pajams 1.70 1.80 Sungei Tukangs
      184 words
    • 166 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING A. Amalgamated 4/44 4/74 Ayer Wengs 724 774 Burma Malays 20/ 21; cd Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Johans 23 26 Katus 20/3 21/ K. Lanjuts 14/ 14/6 Kuchais 1.174 1.22 j K. Kampan 9/3 9/9 Laruts 3/9 4/ Lukuts 45 50
      166 words
    • 84 10 The Ayer Kuning (F. M. S.) Rubber Co., Ltd. 67,000; The Badek Rubber Estate Ltd. (Staffield Estate) 17,000; The Bradwall (F. M. S.) Rubber Estate Ltd. 43,000; The Chersonese (F. M. S.) Estates Ltd. 62,000; Dennistown Rubber Estates Ltd. (Dennistown Estates) 29,500; The Highlands Low’lands Para
      84 words
    • 71 10 MONDAY, JULY 10. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.00 Business 25 tons Singapore Tin $113.00 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 l/8c Singapore (Spot) 28 l/4c COPRA: Sundried $3.85 Black Pepper $9.50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.25 Fair Seed $2.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.40 No. 2 $6.30 Rangoon White No. 1
      71 words
    • 190 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 Eangrin 18/3 18/9 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.224 Ber junta! 8/6 9/ Hitam 32 34 Hong Fatt 61 63 Kampong Lanjut 14/3 14/6 Katu 20/6 21/6 Kuchai 1.18 1.21 Laruts 3/9 4/ London Tin 3 3/3 Petalings 6.55 6.70 Pungah
      190 words
    • 696 10 “Should Fulfil Its Claims’’ (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 27. “From the producer's point of view, 4ie Buffer Pool looks like confounding its many critics of last autumn- There is no reason why the ‘controversial .'incument' (i. e. the Buffer Stock Agreement) should not achieve all
      696 words
  • 507 10 Prices Tending To Ease Quiet conditions have prevailed in the share market throughout the week, and the prices have tended to ease in th.' absence of any buying support, stab Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co., Penang, in their weekly review:— Rubber shows a drop of about 1
    507 words
  • 117 10 SATURDAY, JULY 8. Prev. Latest Paris 176 47/64 176 23/32 New York 4.68 1/8 4.68 3/16 Montreal 4.69 5/16 4.69 3 4 Brussels 27.54 1/2 27.77 Geneva 20.76 1/2 20.76 3 4 Amsterdam 8.81 5/8 8.82 Milan 89 V 22 Berlin 11-66 3/4 11.66 1,2 Stockholm 19.42 19.41
    117 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 821 10 BANKS THE MERCANTILE Nederlansche BANK OF INDIA, LTD Handel-Maatschanpii (Incorporated in England) 11 Capital Authorised N. V. Capital subscribed £L8M)000 Reserve fund and Rest £l- 252 capital paid up £1050,00t (NETHERLANDS TRADING BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOCIETY) Sir Charles Alexander Innes, K.C.5.1., C.1.E., Chairman (Incorporated in the Netherlands Sir Thomas Smith
      821 words

  • Article, Illustration
    32 11 Mr. Alien, general secretary-elect staining), Mr. Squance, general secretary, and Mr. Evans, president, at the conference of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers anj Firemen held in llampstc id recently.
    32 words
  • 487 11 Prices Fluctuate Within Narrow Limits 17ERY dull conditions again prevailed in the local Share Market this week and lower prices were the rule, but recessions generally were light in the absence of selling pressure. The prices of Both rubber tin have moved within
    487 words
  • 517 11 Guthrie And Lewis And Peat's Singapore. Thursday. r ’’HERE is no market news of imnortI ance to record. The provisions of the barter agreement between Britain and the U.S.A, are now known to th< trades concerned, but there is still doubt as to how they will be
    517 words
  • 494 11 Awaiting Political Developments London, June 28. BUSINESS in the stock markets is still more or less at a standstill. and with investors “waiting for something to turn up” prices tend to vary slightly from day to day in accordance with the nature of the
    494 words
  • 113 11 ***** t auction, July 5. 1939. Catalogued 664.652 lbs tor.s 296.72 Offered 636,327 284.08 Sold 494.650 220.82 PRICES REALIZED RIBBED SMOKED CENT SHEET PER LB. Standard Quality 28' to 28% Good Average Quality 27% 27% Fair Average Quality 27 27% Off Quality No Sales Sheet
    113 words
  • 67 11 Messrs. Borneo Co. Agents for Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., inform that cabled advice has been received of the declaration of a first and final dividend of ls/6d per unit of stock les> tax, for the year erxied 31/3/39. The dividend is payable in London on July 27
    67 words
  • 684 11 London, June 27. Friday the Chancellor is due to tell us how much gold the Exchange Equalisation Account held on March 31 last. We know that it held £152,000,000 worth (valued at £7 an ounce) on September 30, writes Douglas Ga v, City Editor of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      233 words
    • 138 11 Asthma Cause Killed in 24 Hours Thanks to the discovery of an American physician, it now is possible to get rid of those terrible spells of choking, gasping, coughing and wheezing Asthma by killing the true cause which is Germs In the blood. No more burning of powders, no more
      138 words

  • 108 12 Rapid Fire. By Joan Butler. (Stanley Paul. 7s 6d.) MISS BUTLER, with her flair for concocting absurd situations, and her inexhausible supply of brisks, amusing dialogue, quite decidedly deserves her place among the more successful Ehglish humorists. Her latest book concerns an intelligent young man who has
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  • 112 12 Sir Robert Vansittart, Diplomatic Adviser to the Government, is writing dialogue for Alexander Korda's film, "The Thief of Bagdad.” row in course of production at Denham, Buckinghamshire. He was once attached to the Persian Legation, and learned to speak the language. “We are trying to
    112 words
  • 342 12 REVIVAL OF 'COQ D OR’ Fokine RimskyKorsakov An intensely interested and attentive audience witnessed “Jeux d’Enfants.” “Le Fils Prcdigue” and the first performance of “Le Coq d’Or” last night at Covent Garden writes Beryl de Zoete in the “Daily Telegraph.” The actual novelty was “Coq d’Or,” but “Le Sils Prodigue”
    342 words
  • 283 12 Tension Still Prevails Hyderabad (Resy.), June 27. About half a dozen persons were injured, some of them seriously, in the affray that took place in the Gowliguda area opposite the Sikh Gurudwara when the funeral procession of Mr. Arjun Singh, a Sikh, who was assaulted last
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  • 282 12 The Safely Museum Perhaps one of the greatest achievements of modern times is that although life is so dangerous it is being made safer for safer than it was in Elizabethan times. Every country has organisations that plan safety campaigns, and safety museums are a feature of many
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  • 578 12 Messrs. William Jacks Report London, June 29. Commodities tend to fluctuate from day to day, falling in sympathy with the Stock Exchanges of the world, and rallying on the erormous demand lor re-armament purposes. Barter arrangements, ur.’ess arranged betwee i Merchant groups in the respective countries, cannot
    578 words
  • 525 12 Woman’s Appeal To Lords Succeeds London, June 28. Members of a club max' rinc up j bookmaker on the club's public telephone and make Lets. This was the decision of the House of Lord's in a judgment delivered b; Lord Maugham, the Lord Chancellor, yesterday,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1713 12 —■■■Mill 1 1" JU Ji Jsi <LvJP TO— A corded music. 5.50 For the children by IIA Y Unci' D. k 6.20 Argentine Tango’s-Eng- l liS h selections. 6.50 News bulletin. 7.12 Disco news. 7.40 The art oi eloquence. Lecture. 8.00 Vocal concert. 8.30 Studio Bl) s Orchestra. 9.20 Fats’
      1,713 words
    • 756 12 BERLIN DJA 9.56 mc/s (31.3 m. 1 DJB 15.20 mc/s (19.7 in.) DJQ 15.28 mc/s <19.6 in.» DJN 9.54 me s (31.45 m.) 12.25 p.m. Call (German. English» German Folk Song. 12.30 Concert of Light Music. 1.20 News in German. 1.35 Concert of Light Music (continued). 2.10 Greetings to Our
      756 words

  • 219 13 Latest Posting Limes Al Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS (lulu aril »11 ROl’F. \NO 'ini’ V\ LSI IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For Burma (except Victoria Point), India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt. Sudan, Kenya Tanganyika, Uganda. Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland. South Africa. Great Britain. Ireland, Canada
    219 words
  • 134 13 Giant Kats «X. Birds That Live On Flies Sydney. Animals, birds, insects and plants hitherto unknown to science have been found in New Guinea by an expedition led by Dr. Richard Archbold which has just returned to Sydney. Dr. Archbold is the millionaire owner of the flying
    134 words
  • 59 13 Madras, June 28. Jt is learnt that the Radhaswami Sathsany. Association of Dayalbagh has purchased the Ink Factory, at Washermanpet, run by the Industries Department of the Government. The factory which will be handed over to the Association shortly will be shifted to Avadi where an an
    59 words
  • 1206 13 Arrivals TODAY, JULY 10. I s.s. “Gen Verspijck” from Lho-beu-1 inawe, Sigli, Sabang Sigh and Lho- tseumawe. sjs. "Alfoer” from Balot-Bahra. SMengeidar (Koealoet, Paneh, Berombang, Asahan and BelawanDeli. TOMORROW, JULY 11. ss. “Matue Maru" from Japan. s.s “Tinombo” from Belawan-Deli. s.s. “Buijskes” from Belawan-Deli, LhoSeumawe. Sigh, Sabang.
    1,206 words
  • 122 13 But Boys Are More Lniforni In Progress Studies of high-school records of 462 boys and 540 girls from 23 States and «Canada accepted for admission in recent years to the College of Liberal Arts, University of Cincinnati, indicate that girls maintain a slight but very
    122 words
  • 117 13 A uniformed official staggered into a Paris court with a large cramophone and a pile of records which purported t<f prove that Mme. Rene Durand's language to her husband was sufficient grounds for divorce. A few minutes later the official staggered out again—still carrying the gramophone
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 516 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE WELKI.Y SERA l( V, IO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT Leave* P-nanc I)hACHILLES Calls Hull July 13 Aug 10 GLENGARRY Calls Antwerp and Middlesboro July 15 Aug. 15 pF’.rcALTON Calls Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. 17 thN DAY SERVILE lO lan.nrUOL VIA HAV tU L4verpn»4 LYCAON Calls Glasgow
      516 words
    • 792 13 PJ? and Gt V BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in iCngland) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. ‘’CANTON” SAILING THURSDAY, 13th JULY, 1939. Peninsular and Oriental 3. N. Co., under I For Teluk Anson, Bagau Datoh. Port contract with His Majesty’s Government Swettenham Malacca and Singapore London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN”
      792 words

  • 420 14 Three Play For University •> London. tpOR the second year in succession a three Indians have been included in London University’s Cricket XI, two of them being rew “purples.” The trio consist of Masud Salah-ud-Din. the former Aligrah University and Jullundur fast bowler, who secured his
    420 words
  • 270 14 Coming Races In Australia Auckland. With the Melbourne Cup as his main mission. Defaulter will leave New Zealand for Australia before the end of winter and will undergo most of his spring training at Randwick. Defaulter will have only one other handicap race in Australia, the
    270 words
  • 38 14 Berchtesgaden, June 20. Herr Hitler received the German Olympic committee appointed this summer —Ritter Von Halt, General Von Reichenau and Karl Diem—and discussed preparations for the fifth winter Olympics to be held at Garmisch Partenkierchen.
    38 words
  • 62 14 IN aqu et corner .of the big Burhi 11 training centre Mrs. J. F. (earns, one of-the leading greyhound owners, visits her two Derby hopes, Balldancer and Bally joker. The two dogs have recordedthe fastest tiinZs over the course this season. I .Lllyt’ojker, winning the Wood
    62 words
  • 827 14 Miss Alice Marble Succeeds At Last TPHE curtain has been rung down on another Wimbledon. It has been a women’s Wimbledon all right. The men who have not turned professional do liot catch the imagination somehow, and it was left to the ladies to draw the crowds.
    827 words
  • 316 14 Queen Watches Contests London, June 29. THE Queen yesterday saw her daughters win prizes in swimming competitions at the Bath Club, Doverstreet, W. They were loudly cheerec by members and friends. One of the first th ngs the Princesses told the King and Queen their Majesties’
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  • 155 14 Highland Rum Wins By Three Lengths Highland Rum. who was the father of a litter of pups when only about 16 months old, won the Greyhound Derby of 1939 at the White City, Shepherd s Bush, before a record crowd of 92,000 spectators. The winner, a co-favourite with
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 336 14 Getting Fat SFj** "cyder TaKi JSSI) The a PP^ c s acknowledged to be the /jMIX itH most health-giving of all fruits. Cyder» aßn UM! as mat^c by Whiteways, is a direct product of the juice of the finest cyderapples and therefore is extremely /1 healthful and refreshing. It cleanses
      336 words

  • 339 15 —Reuter. WIMBLEDON TENNIS Wimbledon, July 8. With an American victory in the Mix(p jbh America won all titles and also ;nen consolation tournament for playbeaten in the first and second rounds, y; Neill beating the Belgian, Van den E ode 6, 6 2, in the
    —Reuter.  -  339 words
  • 289 15 (From Our Own Corresponrent) Kuala Lumpur. Selangor defeated Malacca easily by 13 matches to 4 in the inter-States tennis tournament played on the Selangor Club cou-is over the week-end. In Saturday’s ties Selangor led by 8 matches to 2 and Malacca were only able a walk-over
    289 words
  • 587 15 Charity Soccer Match At Ipoh (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. r J'HE Penang Chinese 'Football Association gained a surprisingly easy victory over the Ipoh Chinese Corinthians, League champ’ors and Cup holders, the margin being four clear goals. The match was played at the
    587 words
  • 20 15 —Reuter. The Hague, July 9. Sweden won the international bridge tournament which concluded today. England were placed sixth.-
    —Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 309 15 Henley July8 j ni Pic champions Jack s. eresford Jr and L F- hwood dead-heated after a Schorl- l< the Italians, and hroschi, in 8 m i ns S the final of the Ceninstit‘V J j OUbIQ Sculls an event Cm t UU< to comrnem
    309 words
  • 296 15 .—Reuter. Record Time A. A. A. MEET AT WHITE CITY London, July 8. In the Amateur Athletic Championships al the White City today, Sydney Wooderson won the mile for the fifth successive year in the time of 4 minutes 11.8 secs., a new British and championship record,
    .—Reuter.  -  296 words
  • 143 15 P. R. C. Defeat P. S. C. In Friendly The P.R.C. beat the P.S.C. in a friendly tennis match on the Western Road courts on Saturday afternoon. The scores were as follows (P.R.C. pairs mentioned first): E. C. Valberg and S. T. Stewart lost to J. R. Bumham
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  • 186 15 Singapore Trounce Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Singapore beat Malacca in the “Malaya” Cup match played on Saturday at the stadium by five goals to one. Tee Siang scored Singapore's first goal when, after obtaining .possession in midfield, he raced down and netted what was to be
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  • 83 15 —Reuter. Rheims, July 9. the course of 248 miles in 2 hr. 21 min. 11 sec., the German Muller, driving an Auto-Union, won the French Grand Prix with an average speed of 169.381 kilometres an hour. Armand Hug of Switzerland won the Sporting Commission's Cup,
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 179 15 Raffles Triumph By 188 Runs (FrcTTT Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Raffles won the inter-College match by 188 runs. Clark and Barker, Saturday’s not-outs, carried the overnight score of 101 for 4 to 202. enabling They to apply the closure shortly before lunch. ClaiK was undefeated with 80
    179 words
  • 253 15 Ooi Teik Hock Enters Final 001 TEIK HOCK beats Lee Hoo Chye 15— 8, 15 —7 in one of the men’s singles semi-finals of the Penang open badminton championships yesterday at the Fre« School Hall. He will meet the winner of the other semifinal, between Lim Ewe
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  • 93 15 In a return match of basketball yesterday evening th(; Penang Book Exchange Basketball Team drew with the See Yew Basketball Team. The teams scored 21 points each. The teams lined out as follows: P.8.E.8.8.T.: Ong Leng, Khoo Hock Poey, Teh Kee Hock, Oh Cheng Khoon, Lau Yang Pin,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 66 15 F LEY «RIDE and You Relax in this new B conception of 12 h.p. motoring’. MEDITATE upon the multiple 1 advantages WOLSELEY undouh- 4 tedly provides.... Q CONCLUDE you must! Never j before have you experienced the wJr X “Ti'ue Meaning’’ of Motoring Comfort, closely associated with I 1 Sparkling
      66 words

  • 312 16 Miss Zipp A Ready made Winner (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. QLOW work was done this morning) on the second track of the Ipoh racecourse in preparation for the Perak Turf Club's July Meeting, which begins on Saturday. Billett’s and Marland’s candidates, which arrived during
    312 words
  • 507 16 Stole Jewellery And Cash ]t<CXHAMED Kassim bin Nagore, an Indian with six previous convictions, pleaded guilty in the District Court before the District Judge Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning to a charge of theft of two pairs of gold-diamond earrings. valued at $55 one gold
    507 words
  • 144 16 —Reuter. Axis Relations Not Affected Mr. Sarajoglu declared that Turkey’s ,adherence to the peace front had not modified in the least the peace principles of J ttrkey who had decided to maintain normal relations with all states, including Germany and Italy. Speaking of the Anglo-Turkish and
    —Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 189 16 H anted To Communicate H ith Kedah Sultan Although claiming to have been a fortune-teller for more than twelve years and to) possess a fortune-teller's licence from the Sultan of Kedah, an Indian named Singaram could not convince the Mag strate that he had
    189 words
  • 987 16 P.R.C. Go Down To C.R.C. In Low-seoring Game OOWLERS were on top in tihe cricket match in which the Chinese (Recreation Club beat the Penang Recreation Club by 48 runs. The Chinese were out for 178, but their bowlers dismissed the P.R.C. for 30.
    987 words
  • 68 16 Reuter. Double Century By Hammond London, July 8. Owing to rain, play was possible in only three first-class matches today, at Southampton, the Oval and Westcliff. Close of play scores are as follows: At Southampton: Northants 146 (Hill 6 for 45); Hampshire 51 for 2 wickets. At the
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      75 words
    • 225 16 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the’ Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 11th instant. (By Order) T. W. DOUGLAS Secretary* to the Municipal Commissioners THE PENANG HARBOUR BOARD JUBILEE ARCADE MARKET, BAGAN WAR, PROVINCE WELLESLEY Applications are invited from persons
      225 words
    • 548 16 Head Office: 216 Penang Phone 1477 i 147 X w Telegrams: “Gazette cenan<. Rates of Subscription for Pinano and Sunday Gazette Pinang Gazette Local Delivery S.S. N >' V s o Monthly 11.25 Quarterly 3.75 5 x v Half-Yearly 7.50 10 7. Yearly 15.0 C 21-0 Sunday Gazette Local Delivery
      548 words