Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 327 1 POLAND’S FOUR-POINT POLICY Jose Collaboration With Britain And France London, July 7. h is learned that when the Danzig Polish Ambassado. in London returns from Warsaw tomorrow, he will take an early opportunity of informing Lord Halifax of the Polish Governments attitude. Il
    327 words
  • 119 1 —Reuter. 1 «><■ Supported By Jewish Union Berlin, July 7. sl Onion to which all Ger">d State-loss Jews in Germany 'mpelled to belong has been by a new law. The Union ’idquarters will be in Berlin •upport destitute Jews so that o not become a burden
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 158 1 —Reuter. Negotiations Now Proceeding Rome. July 8. Official communiques will be published shortly dealing with negotiations which have been proceeding for some time in Berlin to settle the question of the German-Italian population in South Tyrol. It can be stated that there has never been any
    .—Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 100 1 —Reuter. Indo-Burma Defence To Be Discussed Simla. July 7. The defence talks which sir Archibald Cochrane will have with the Viceroy here next week, are expected to embrace questions cf coastal defence, air strength, the co-ordination of war supplies and the financial aspects of these subjects. Major-General McLeod.
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 66 1 —Reuter. 600 Germans Return From Brazil And Argentine Berlin, July 6. About 600 Germans who have been living in Braziland, Argentina, returned to Germany today and were festively welcomed at Hamburg. The official explanation is that the “rising prosperity’’ of German business has drawn them back.” Lately
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 73 1 .4« appeal to powers to fulfil their obligations and enforce economic sanctions against Japan and give (.hina material assistance was made \by MADAME CHIANG KAISHEK in a broadcast to the United States 'he request of the American Committee for non-participation in aggression of which Mr. Stimson •s
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  • 131 1 Lil O 1 Vzlll —Reuter. No Incidents In North China Peiping, July 7. The sec/;d anniversary of the start of the Sino-Japanese hostilities passed off very quietly. The city went about its normal business without incidents. General Sugiyama visited Lukuchiao where the hostilities began and afterwards issued
    Lil O 1 Vzlll —Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 86 1 Will uv W .—Reuter. 40 To Be Constructed In England And Wales London, July 7. In the Commons, Mr. Elliot stated that between thirty and forty evacuation camps will be constructed in England and Wales which will be used as school camps in peacetime. Thirty sites have hitherto
    Will uv W .—Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 80 1 8.0. W. By The King Rugby, July 7. The King at Buckingham Palace today received in audience Sir Warren Fisher on relinquishing his appointment as Permanent Secretary to the Treasury and head of the Civil Service. Colonel J. A. Herbert, now Governor
    8.0. W.  -  80 words
  • 223 1 Reuter. Britain Does Not Want F urther Delay London, July 8. While no indication of the nature of the new instructions sent to the British and French Ambassadors in Moscow is forthcoming in official circles in London, the Press’ Association’s diplomatic correspondent surmises that they deal
    Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 79 1 Reuter. No Need For Demarche Aboard Berne, July 7. The General Council decided that the neutrality of Switzerland was beyond discussion and therefore there was no reason for a demarche abroad on the matter. A semi-official note says that the Council came to the decision after hearing
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 238 1 f VUVI ’—B.O.W. Mr. Eden On Situation In Europe Rugby, July 6. Mr. Anthony Eden, speaking in Strat-ford-on-Avon tonight, said: “We can expect no change for the better until all Governments are finally ccnvinced that any further act of aggression must inevitably -involve, all Europe in conflict.
    f VUVI ’—B.O.W.  -  238 words
  • 86 1 —Reuter. 27 PLANES OVER CHUNGKING Chungking. July 7. The British gunboat. Falcon, was shaken when a bomb from one of the 27 raiding Japanese planes fell withut fifty yards of her. The Falcon w’as jerked towards the river bank. Water splashed on the deck and pictures
    .—Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 137 1 —Reuter. Berlin, July 8. Bulgaria is referred to as a “factor of order” in south-east Europe in a communique issued tonight at the conclusion of the visit of M. Kiosseivanoff. The communique speaks of the “natural traditional” friendship between Bulgaria, Germany and Italy
    —Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 61 1 Berlin, July 8. In order that Hitler shall not be disturbed by the noise of aeroplanes, Berchtesgaden and the immediate surroundings are officially decreed a prohibited zone for aircraft. The ban covers an area of some 45 square miles. The Buehrer will apeak at the
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  • 121 1 Reuter. NEW U.S. NAVY SECRETARY Wahsington, July 7. Mr. Charles Dison, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, automatically succeeds Mr. Swanson as Secretary of the Navy.—Reuter. Vienna, July 7. Seventy-four St. Vincent de Paul Catholic char'table soc’eties in Vienna and Lower Austria were dissolved and their funds transferred
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 71 1 National Defence Cabinet For Holland re to Lun i Reuter. The Hague, July 7. Queen Wilhelmina has decided to consult the Presidents of the Chambers and also the Army and Navy chiefs. This is the first time that such a step has been taken by a Dutch sovereign in modern
    re to Lun i Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 W- 9 &ST[ n f--r North Malaya Penang:— r (lR( t iOWN DISPENSARY LTD., j Penang and Ipoh.
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    • 61 1 Mmvcate |y aT W LfORVOUR Aqents for North Malaya Ptnang f GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LID.. Penang and Ipoh. CONTENTS Page Latest Telegrams 1 16 Earlier Telegrams 2 Malayan News 3 Indian News 4 China News 5 Foreign News 6 Correspondence 9 Editorial 3 Local News 9 Financial News 10 Pictures H
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  • 442 2 Press Expected Amount To Be Higher London. July 7. With the «ingle exception of the Daily Express (which says that Britain should lend her money to Empire countries, not pour it into the shifting sands of European politics), there is universal approval for the decision
    ’—Reuter.  -  442 words
  • 91 2 the hold had been flooded.— Reuter Wireless. Police Suspect Incendiarism London, July 7. The police are actively investigating the possibility of an era of incendiarism j in connection with the fire on the Dutch steamer Taponoeli with a cargo of copra and tapioca in Liverpool Docks.
    the hold had been flooded.—Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 168 2 .—Reuter. PHILIPPINE BONDS CASE New York. July 6. Mr. William P. Buckner, American stockbroker who was convicted of con spiracy’ and mail fraud in eonection with manipulation of Philippine railway bonds, was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and fined $2,000. William J. Gillespie, another broke! who
    .—Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 92 2 —Reuter. Chungking, July 7. Japan is denounced for alleged violation of the League Covenant and the Washington and Kellogg trentries in a message which General Chiang Kai-shek addressed to nations of the world on the occasion of the second anniversary of the SinoJapanese hostilities. He
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 100 2 Reuter. Vigorous Defence By Senator Borah Washington, July 7. Senator Borah vigorously defending in Senate the action of the Representatives in retaining the arms embargo, declared: “If we are determined on our foreign policy because European nations are denouncing each other, we would be changing it about once
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 34 2 CSLUIUIg in —Reuter. Washington. July 7. President Roosevelt has signed the compromise Monetary- Bill prolonging the existence of the Stabilisation Fund and restoring his power to devalue the dollar.—Reuter.
    CSLUIUIg in .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 584 2 SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE WAR More Active British Help In China Urged London, July 7. The second anniversary of the outbreak of the SinoJapanese war inspires leader writers to take stock of the position and moralise on the lessons of the conflict for the world.
    , witnarav ’—Reuter.  -  584 words
  • 784 2 Death Of V.S. Secretary Of Navy London. July 8. The death has occurred of Senator Claude Augustus Swanson, U. S. Secretary ol the Navy. The first news of Senator Sw anson s death, which occurred at Rapidan Camp, irginia, came fr om the White
    784 words
  • 48 2 i Wednci —Reuter. Japanese Version Of Air Battles Tokio, July 7. The Japanese version of the fighting on the Manchukuo-Mongolian border says that twelve out of 110 Soviet and Mongol aeroplanes were brought down after a spectacular air battle on Wednesdav .t-. eight Japanese aircraft. —Reuter.
    i Wednci —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 103 2 -Reuter. Japanese Putting Dn The Screw London. Julj The latest restrictions on North China exports are generally regarded as due the desire of the Japanese military authorities to put on the screw to the utmost posslHe in view of the Tokyo Conference. Reuter understands that while
    -Reuter.  -  103 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 i o t th® X K. I I 1 I —I- 4 Last time the journey took weeks. But times have changed for the quicker by Imperial flyingboat. So comfortable, too —nice being able to smoke —nice being able to stroll about if you get tired of sitting— not that
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  • 1069 3 Cowardly Attack With Axe WOMAN TELLS HOW SHE REPELLED ADVA NCES Singapore. ‘lt is quite obvious that Sarbini attacked me because be wanted my wife,” stated Kasman bin Singokiino, a 45-year-old Javanese rubber tapper in the Fifth Police Court on Thursday, when Sarbini bin
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  • 260 3 Summons Against K. L. Chinese Kuala Lumpur. Hats, Carpenters' tools, chandu pipes and a variety of other articles formed exhibits in a case on Thursday, when a 55-year-old Chinese. Teow Choon. appear 'd before Raja Ayoub, the third magistrate, to answer a summons charge of carrying
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  • 56 3 The parents of Ivy May Hargrove, of Bexley Heath, Kent, and Mr. Ernes! Sharpe, thought that their children were too youi:j to marry. They are 19 years of age. But the Dart ford magistrates gave their consent to the wedding. Here is Ivy leaving Christ Church,
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  • 300 3 Coroner’s Inquiry Concludes Singe.pore. With two deep stab wounds on the chest and the abdomen, a 37-year-old Chinese. Chee Hang Kec was removed to the general hospital on June 15. where he died five days later. In returning a verdict of culpable homicide amounting to murder,
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  • 266 3 TAPPER WHO STABBED WIFE (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. SENTENCE of death passed by Mr. Justice Gordon Smith at the last Selangor Assizes on Ratnavelu, a 30-year-old Indian rubber tapper formerly employed on Tanjong Rhu Estate, Sungei Bileh, for the murder of his
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  • 635 3 To Be Held At K.L. Next Month (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. LUMPUjR frbm August 8 to 12 will be the ve.r«ue cf tile largest educational conference ever held in Malaya. Educationists fnom all ’parts of the country will come to Kuala Lumpur for the
    635 words
  • 443 3 Driver Fined For Negligence Remarking that a sericus motor accident would have occurred, had th< complainant dnven his car at a faster rate. Mr. Lim Koon Teck. Middle Court Magistrate, yesterday imposed a fine of $25 oi ten days' rigorous imprisonment or. a Malay syce, Dollah
    443 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 257 3 Which Is Your LUCKY SHADE of Face Powder Ik SHADES 3 PARIS 9 cut of 10 women use the wrong shade of face powder I Fhe wrong shade of powder gives you a horrid, hard made-up look makes you appear years older. The only’ way to find your right <
      257 words

    • 619 4 Demand In Sri Mulam Assembly Trivanrum, June 2G. r T’HE Fra vancore Sri Mulam Assembly resumed its sitting today with the Dewan-President m the Chair, Non-ofticial business was taken up and finished quickly. The Travancore Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Bill was passed. The second Reading of
      619 words
    • 1012 4 Effects Of Party System MR. SATYAMURTI’S ADDRESS TO JOURNALISTS Bangalore, June 22. Ido not know what is in store lor you (Mysoreans) by way of Reforms. I have no doubt that you will have a good legislature. You must, apart from political and other differences, send to
      1,012 words
    • 261 4 "‘Capture Al) The Seats’’ Bangalore, June 23. ***** Y hope is both the authorities and the people will conduct themselves in such a way as to avoid fight in Mysore”, observed Mr. S. Satyamurti. in the course of an interview prior to his departure for Bombay
      261 words
    • 184 4 Young Boy Commits Suicide Mysore, June 28. Veerabhadrappa. a boy aged about twelve and son of one Mr. Siddalingiah, an employee in the Wesleyan Mission Press, committed suicide yesterday by drowning himself in a small but deep tank situated within the Kantarajurs temple compound. It
      184 words
    • 123 4 Simla, June 22. The Raja of Bilaspur to whose State, the bulk of Simla’s riesha coolies belong, has taken a hand in the literacy drive in which two other agencies, namely the Simla Municipality and voluntary private workers like Miss Copeland are already at work. The Raja
      123 words
    • 339 4 India Government’s Condition Bombay, June 23. THE Government of India are reported to have adopted a firm attitude with regard to the scope of the forthcoming Indo-Ceylon trade talks, according to information received here by some members of the Imperial Indian Citizenship Association, who have ben
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    • 447 4 Reuter. Visit To India Still In View London (By Mail). r F*HE outstanding success of the x Royal Visit to Canada and the United States is encouraging the hope that Their Majesties may soon undertake a tour of goodwill in some other part of the Empire. A
      Reuter.  -  447 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 357 4 Tonight, Saturday 9 Bth July, 1939, For Entertainment Value Second To None Come To The WEMBLEY CABARET The Pioneer Cabaret In North Malaya. TWO BANDS IN ATTENDANCE MORALES HIS SWING BOYS MORALES HIS HAWAIIAN BOYS Tonight Dancing 9.00 p.m. To 1 a.m. “LAMBETH WALK” Competition In Conjunction With “THE LAMBETH
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    • 229 4 STOMACH PAIN relieved in 5 minutes To anyone suffering under the bur den of a troublesome stomach It lf} always interesting to read how other, have gained relief» Here is a letter from one whose livelihood itself was threatened by weeks of pain. His joy at the quick freedom that
      229 words

    • 793 5 WIDE RANGE OF LUXURIES TO BE PROHIBITED Move To Stimulate Export Trade Chungking, July 3. JQR. H.H. Kung. President of the Executive Yuan anti concurrently Miniscei ot Finance, announced the new regulations pertaining to imports and exerts. The measures were adopted with a view
      educe their volur —Central .News,  -  793 words
    • 122 5 I nternationa 1 News. Shaokwa 1, luiy 4. Foochow is ready for a siege m view of the Japanese advar? n. .n Pagoda Anchorage, alsout 25 miles on the Min River from the city. Military circles heie are f >jam n that the Japanese advar.?e ulo:
      . I nternationa 1 News.  -  122 words
    • 1111 5  - BUT PLEASE WHY DO YOU STARE SO MUCH? (Mirror of Autumn) jITAIA DEAR, —-You write “dear Mary” when you are fond of person, don’t you? lam going back to China after six month* in England. The other day you looked at me and said. U I could only know what
      1,111 words
    • 226 5 Efforts Doomed To Failure Shanghai. Juiy i. 'llly cctrvitie.'- oj’ Wurg Ching-wc ait de jmed to failure owing io utt:? lack of general Chinese support, in t opii '.u i of well info? med circles nerc. Wang’s Intest mar.’festo stated tha Japan also wants peace and does
      226 words
    • 86 5 ir. >. —lnternational N< General Li’s Work Coniinended Shaokwan, July After a trip to Chungking to submit a. report oi the Central Aur’ o» ties on the conditions in South Ch’nx General Li Han-yun, Chairman, of t.b Knvangtung Provincial < fovwr m. nt turned here today.
      ir. . >. —lnternational N<  -  86 words
    • 90 5 International N» \vs Kweilin uly 4. ■Chinese mechanised units are parti cipatir- r i. t the drive -don? to.- &lt;y. i tou-Hankow Railway in the riiimiv of Sunkai (Hsinchieh) abo&gt; i 10 die r.ortii of Canton, where a suite of alarm is felt. Chinese varguard .nits
      International N» \vs  -  90 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 45 5 hen visiting Ay-r Itam your pleasure would not be complete without calling at the GHWEE LIM KHOO RESTAURANT 85, AYER ITAM RD., PENANG Excellent meals, cold drinks and light refreshment served. Bar Situated in cool and pleasant •Uiroiinflinof-. -tog yp £252 for j cur lequirements
      45 words
    • 350 5 OcafC I n v nGlibke Guaranteed Sold in London //j Ok Stores J\IJ f [iS Men’i Strong Serviceebie “Shock- fProof f,ever Vk rist Watch. UeaulUuli.7 shaped Dust an d Damp-proof tinlic nisLable 0h r oiu) nin t ree Gme. Latent. London gtylo Dial with clear WJjJJ tikjurts. Unbreakable 1 pla-g.
      350 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 BC3BY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Quick Work 'U' 1 fRA T If W fa—. -’M RJL 1 j Bobby said. rhar bi r.. Th' bike s.iut fontara, did a swerve. We can make it tow rhe mower Thty’re not keepiny -ery sr-axyhtl There's trouble as they take the curve
      47 words
    • 106 5 QUEEN’S 3 SHOtf S TODAY AND NEXT CHANGE TOMORROW AT 3 P.M. KE ISSUE OF one Tl me 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. world’s best picture MATINEE AT 3 P.M. (RFTA Ci If I’o REDUCED PRICES LKLI ’l OAKtMJ Deanna Durbin tN t4 OUEEN Her sth Successive Hit v “3 SMART
      106 words

  • 166 6 London, June 30 E*RHTSH ex: or»; of auc aft njatei ta J continue to rise. m spite o; i',e tremendous (knurik &lt;»n iuGiutry I' Royal Air Eorc»' expansion program»: Value of last year' •*:&lt;(&gt;' s. exclndi» “government owned stores" of aeroplanes, engines and other equipment sent to
    166 words
  • 3069 6 xlfr. Handle v s Great V-" (Career Among recent deliveries to foreign &lt; Gentries is a batch of Hawker Hurricane 8-,-im single-seat fighters to Belgium. in &lt; Jdition to which a mucn larger number will be built under ii pn&lt; in Belgium f actories. F
    3,069 words
  • 289 6 ciety of British Aircraft Construe tors. Dominating the exhibition hall, and the largest aeroplane on view, will be a Vickers Wellington twin engir.ed “geodetic” bomber—a twin engined monoplane capable of carry ing a war load over distances of up to 3240 miles nor.-stop. A squadron of
    289 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 f- X ~J wKk H ill U&gt;3- -jwsbß'' wirl JalK X i "--S’-l?;- -’■'•lS W J X' A W--'_ A'S"'-- *wa c- XI i t JIB z z k l-l F/ X X W 7^"'%' ft W f tn &lt; ft a d aX-aW-X: ’Um Kt); |B si 3'/ X
      153 words

  • 45 7 Yoa see, both •••llwr’* daughter- jot n-arrief the same if.ty—father is Mr. Urines of Ewell—ai t after he had delivered Molly at the altar he sprinted to pick up Iris. \h&lt;»v&lt; is Mr. Ha-nes at the end of his sprint.
    45 words
  • 715 7 &lt;i. geokge the MARTY R 5I It 'I ND \Y Ml Lit lItIN I I Y 7.60 a.m. Holy Communion. 3.0 U a.hi. Holy Communion. U.'o in. Mattins and Address 9.30 am. Mattins «Tamil». 10.30 i.m. Mattins «&lt; Holj Communion (Chinese). 4.1 u pan. Sunday School (Parsonage. 6.00
    715 words
  • 1497 7 Observance Of ‘Double 7’ At Penang, Ipoh, Singapore And Kuala Lumpur Chinese throughout Malaya observed the “Double Seven yest trday, not only with memorial services for the fallen, hut with special effects to augment the China Distress Relief Fund by selling flowers in
    1,497 words
  • 222 7 Wife Of Ipoh Law ver ipoh. The death c.rurren un Inuisday o. Mrs. Kit S- Kliong. nee Loke Soh Gaik, wife of the local lawyer, m her ivsidencc Southern Cross. 56. Gopeir. Road. Deceased wa; aboir 40 years of uee and is survived n-.-r
    222 words
  • 601 7 Alleged Extortion From ’Mee* Seller Yesterday, tv o Cantonese youths, Chan Ab Aling, aged 20. and Lee Kok Chun'.'. aged IC, were arraigned before Mr. Lim Kcon Teck in the Middle Court, on tv o counts of extortion. I First, they were charged with extorting &gt;i
    601 words
  • 33 7 LEPROSY LEUCODORMA Acute or chronic n hat' \e&gt; extensiv* and howe.'e; lone-fl and in,'’ cured radically and o»-iinam-ntly in four veeks. Many testimoiiiai &lt; r»-r»-ived Particulars on -»ph--'. Kamala Works P». Panchpota. B’-ngal l.mlia
    33 words
  • 90 7 hiturustinsf By 1 )r. ii I Ipoh. An aiteresun. lec-tuir on Chinese Culture in H -lat.- ii to Mo'l.-rn Lite" was giv n Di (Au Lien teh at ihe Fortaiehtly Group 'l f&gt; tin-' &lt; the Y.W.C.A. or rhiu .'lav iiieht at tn-- Y.W.C.A. Rest
    90 words
  • 104 7 I pvh. Believed to ha quarrelled violently with h&lt; r husband before retiring for th»- niei’l a 21 tu.-okl woman was found hanyme from the u-am cf her room on Thursday morning in a h» use in Tanjong Itainbutan. Stu was dead. Following a &lt;juarr»T the
    104 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 169 7 (jiuu me ii t/o,u Honest broiun eves» tjlful to be with vou I ruxiin.!; and luise. (j real-hearted fellow A hit o/ a scani/&gt;, Sprightlv couipanion To take on a tramp. Qame /or a romp, Walks close al heel, Hides all his bones, knjoxs ci ct v meal. Qii e
      169 words

  • 403 8 r r HE decision of the British Government to establish a Foreign Publicity Department marks a further step in Britain’s gradually evolving policy cf replying to the Dictators in their own language. The analogy oi the Ministry oi Propaganda, which did such effective work during the
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  • 635 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL H.H. the Sultan of Kedah is on a visit to Penang and in residence at Kedah House. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kedfearn of But terworth are on holiday at Cameron Highlands. Mr. A. Simpson, general manager oi Rim Estate, Jasin, is going home on leave shortly. Mr.
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  • 682 8 65 And Still Pulling A Ricshu TSN’r there some one in Penang who looks after riesha pullers." Last night I hailed one and was surprised to see an old but game little fellow. He spurted steadily for half a mile or so but that was all. Age
    682 words
  • 378 8 Saturday, July 8. important statement on BriI tain's, attitude towards any at- tempt to change the status of Danzig is expected to be made by Mr. Chamberlain in the House of Commons on Monday afternoon. I he statement carries added weight in view
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 257 8 |r W A LLSOPP'S The best Beer Under the Sun Sole Importers CALIDIBIECIK’S PENANG I DENTALLY INSURED with tJi& "SHDRT-HEAD POLICY Fe sure your children grow up with healthy strong teeth, clean not only jp* i'AA in the front but at the back, in all \yx those nooks and crann?ae,
      257 words
    • 19 8 M fib* p 0 O iSS L R H 1 5 s R H AV AILABLE AT ALL GARAGES
      19 words

  • 230 9 Chinese Minister To Cuba In Penang “I/INAL victory will be China’s,” said Dr. P. T. ;Lee, the newly-appointed Chinese Minister to Cuba, who passed through Penang by the Blue Funnel liner’, Sarpedon yesterday, in an interview with the “Pinang Gazette” in which he commented on
    230 words
  • 120 9 Education Office Safe Rifled Alor Star. ERE teas a mild stir in the Education Office at Jalan Langgar. Alor Star, on the morning of 17.558, when the Superintendent of Education for Kedah, .V/r. J M. Meade on going to his office, found that the key to
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  • 304 9 Sikh Convicted On Two Charges Kam par. A Sikh named Thara Singh was produced in the Kampar Police Court on Wednesday morning before Che pawan Teh and charged with outraging the modesty of a Chinese woman Wong Ket Moci and voluntarily causing hurt to her husband,
    304 words
  • Correspondence
    • 183 9 |&lt;&gt; th»* Editor, “Pinang Gazette”) Sii. As you already know, that historical play ‘‘Lady Precious tnam is to be staged by the Penang &lt; in» s&lt; Amateur Players at the Town Hall on July 28 and 29 under the dis- uished patronage of the Resident ~i:x allot
      183 words
  • 267 9 Latest Success 3 SMART GIRLS GROW UP” DEANNA DURBIN neeeds no introduction to Per.ang cinemagoers. She is easily one of the most popular &lt; t screen stars here, and any picture m which she appears is bound to be box-office draw. Her lates hits Three Smart Girls
    267 words
  • 124 9 Success Of Severyn And Kosalind severyn and Rosalind, two Continenartistes. now on a world tour, con- 'o draw good crowds at the emhley Cabaret. They w’ll present mtiie change of programme tonight. Mis&gt; Rosalind will be giving her I iality number. ‘‘The Indian Mani--1 Dance,” in which she
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  • 21 9 Must Fall,’’ Emlyn Williams '«ssful Jay, will be presented by rovin&lt;e Players at the Town Hall, •Jiang, tonight
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  • 338 9 Headmaster’s ’Boy Loses Cash Penang’s cat burglars are on the prowl again! Continuing their activities, they broke into the servants quarters oi the residence of Mr. J. Craig, Headmaster of the Government Trade School in Batu Lanchang Lane, in the early hours &lt; f yesterday morning
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  • 210 9 Took Corner At Great Speed “It is perfectly clear to me that you are not the sort of person to be in charge of car. You must have taken that corner at a tremendous speed.” remarked Mr A W. Bellamy. Police Magistrate. Penang. in sentencing a local
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  • 243 9 Taken For A Ride By Stranger MALAY woman of Baling, Kedah, visitor to Penang, was the victim of a clever crime after her arrival here and was relieved of all the jewellery that she was wearing. The woman, aged about 30 y ears, arrived by train
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  • 168 9 Arrested yesterday morning, a Tamil, Odaigan, was produced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday afternoon charged with house-breaking by entering into Block 5, Patani Road Coolie Lines on May 19 during the hours ct daylight, with intent to commit theft o' $3O, one pair
    168 words
  • 71 9 A Straits Government Gazette notification states: Information having been received that a dangerous infectious or contagious disease, namely, cholera, exists in an epidemic state at Macao, it is hereby declared by His Excellency the Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 58 of the Quarantine
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  • 57 9 Butterworth. A Malay boy, while bathing at the sea-shore at Bagan Ajam, got into difficulties and was drowned yesterday evening. Though efforts were made to rescue the lad, they were of no avail, the boy being carried away by the swift current. The body was later
    57 words
  • 108 9 “Only the mugs will miss it!” This declaration in the advertisement of Y.W.C.A. Garden P’ete to be held this evening commencing from four o’clock to seven o’clock at “Goodwood,” No. 360, Macalister Road, Penang, aptly indicates the rare treat in store for everyone who
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 422 9 Indigestion By Dr. F.B. Scott, M.D., Paris Of all the aches and pains which patients come and tell me about, indigestion pains are probably the most common. “&gt; get such stabbing, griping pains after meals,” they say, or “my meals give me such a horrible full-up feeling.” Well, it doesn’t
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    • 250 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Seller» Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Hitama 19/9 «&gt;4)/y A. Weng 7o 75 Bangrins ig/g jg/g B. Seiangora 1.17$ Berjuntais 9/ 9/0 Chenderiangs 10/y u/6 Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras 1/4$ 1/7$ Kamuntings g/y 9/3 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kramats 9/6 10/ Kundangs 6/6
      250 words
    • 124 10 FRIDAY. JULY 7. Prer. Latest 176 47/64 176 23/32 New York 4.68 1/8 4.68 3/16 Montreal 4.69 5 16 4.69 3 4 Brussels 27.54 27.54 1/2 Geneva 20.76 1/2 20.76 3/4 Amsterdam 8.81 5/8 8.82 Milan 89 1/32 89 Berlin 11.66 3/4 11.66 1/2 Stockholm 19.42 19.41 I'2
      124 words
    • 337 10 London. The endeavour of Japanese agents to “unload on the British market a large consignment of salmon’’ was drawn to the attention of the President of the Board of Trade by Mr. Barnes (Labour M.P. for East Ham South). He asked whether, as it is not
      337 words
    • 183 10 BOBBER Buyers Seller» Ayer Panas 1.10 1.174 Bassetts 47 4 524 B. Lintangs 1.024 107&gt; Bentas 1.00 1.05 57 60 Indragiris 1.174 1.224 Kuala Sidims 2.20 2.30 Lunas 1.50 1.60 Malaka Pinaas 1.20 1.25 Mentakalis 39 41 Pajams 1.70 1.80 Sungei Txikangs 1.00 1.04 Tapahs 1.50
      183 words
    • 170 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Seders MINING A. Amalgamated 4 4$ 4/74 Ayer Wengs 724 774 Burma Malays 20/ 21 cd Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Johans 23 26 Katus 20/3 21/ K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kuchais 1.174 1-224 K. Kampars 9/3 9/9 Laruts 3/9 4/ Lukuts 45 50
      170 words
    • 184 10 MESSRS. BOUSTEAD COMPANY During the week the London and New York markets have continued to rule extremely dull but with little or no variation in price. Locally the market lias been extremely dead with practically no business passing at all. The political situation, both in Europe and in the Far
      184 words
    • 144 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellejx TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.224 Berjuntai 8/6 9/ Hitam 32 34 Heng Fatt 61 63 Kampong Lanjut 14/3 14/6 Kamra 1/6 1/74 Klang River 1.75 1.80 Kramat 9/6 10/ Kuchai 1.18 1.21 Laruts 3/9 4/ Petalings 6.55 6.70 Rahman Hyd.
      144 words
    • 1261 10 48 Acres Of New Planting Opened Up The twenty-fourth ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Matang Rubber Estate Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, 44, Queen Victoria Street, London, E. C. 4, recently Mr. F. O. Streeten (Chairman of the Company) presiding. Mr.
      1,261 words
  • 284 10 “We are in a far worse regaids food supply- than &gt;;.p Sit Herbert Matthew the Ministry of Fcod duri said this at Norwich recently He was making hi., pn f ac’dress to the Congress of t| i, ?l&gt; trial Transport Association “The Government’s Food
    284 words
  • 51 10 losses wi. Reuttfi. London, Friday. The Stock Exchange was moderately steady at the close following a hesitant start. Early trading war very quiet but small Provincial buying in the late afternoon caused the advance 01 leading industrial shares while oils recovered after initial losses Wall Street was slightly
    losses wi. Reuttfi.  -  51 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 794 10 BANKS HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION The Indian Overseas (Incorporated in the Colony of Hongkong) Bank, Ltd., The liability oi members is limited to the r y extent and in manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of J 929 of the Colony (Incorporated in British India) Head Office: HONG
      794 words

  • 310 11 J'HH T®OK TO THE WATER— 'J'FIE problem of keeping coot in hoi Heather is an obi ami much-argued one. bul dc-pilr scientific and other contrail iclioiis auo-l people -till Milir i‘ b) gelling into die neai'C’t patch ol cold waler. The girl al lolkestonc not
    310 words

  • 223 12 London, June 23. The death penalty may be inflicted on currency smugglers following the announcement that a law is being drafted to put ar. end to smuggling money abroad, states a correspondent of the “Daily Telegraph”. The law will also provide that persons accused of
    223 words
  • 140 12 Woman Awarded £3(l London. Miss Florence Jessie. Adams, a shop assistant, of St Paul’s-way, Bow, E., whose claim against H. Baker and Son. hairdressers, of Burdett-road, Bow. was settled in Bow County Court, alleged that her hair turned bright green. Deputy Judge Forbes granted
    140 words
  • 269 12 A Rew Alloy Wonderful experiments that lead to marvellous discoveries are so common in this new age of science that perhaps we overlook them. A recent victory of the steamengine may be regarded as one ol che most dramatic achievements of Lie big world ol mechanical engineering. In
    269 words
  • 174 12 Husband For Trial A reference to another mini was contained in an alleged statement mentioned at the South-Western court when Alfred Ernest Smith, 41, handyman. of Poynders-gardens 'liiphan; Park, was charged on r.unard with administering to his wif&lt; a certain poison or other noxious thim.
    174 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1854 12 w w JBhI W &gt;;- ;J y* -WL Twjmmr Kum-j* &lt; mt I Kong Chain Choi Yang. 4) Kam l//\ J Sang Tew Harp Chi Chip Siew Keen. 7 qq Indian Music. D R 8.00 Malay Music. ij, Vz. Lagu-lagu modern: Di-pantai laut, Kasehan, Sabatang kara, KemTHANSMISSION -ON) bang wangi.
      1,854 words
    • 640 12 HOLLAND I’ransnussion Schedule of the Netherlands Shortwave. Phohi-Stations. P.H.I. and p.C.J, 6.30 —7.30 p.m. (1688 m.) K.R.O.* 7.30 8.35 (16.88—19.71 m.) PHOHI.t —8.35 8.50 (16.88 —19.71 m.) v.P. RO; 8.55 9.55 (16.88 m.; K.R.O.* HONGKONG One of the following frequencies will be used. ZBW2, 609 Mc/s (49.26 m.) ZBW3, 9.52
      640 words

  • 157 13 Latest Posting Times Al Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS (hituard &lt; HOPE \\|&gt; IHE n EST IMPERIAL Empire Air Mail): bot "•urtna (except Victoria Point), India A l‘ 11 Palestine, Egypt. Sudan, Kenya or anyika. Uganda. Zanzibar. Nor- "i and .Southern Rhodesia, Nyasa”i&lt;J. South Africa. Great
    157 words
  • 84 13 Mails for BANGKOK will leave Penang at 9.40 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, and incoming mails will arrive in Penang at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays and Thursdays. Mails for F.M.S., SINGAPORE, etc. will leave Penang at 8.30 a.m. and 9 p.m.: Ipoh 1.36 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; and
    84 words
  • 1116 13 Arrivals TO-DAY, JULY 8. m.v. “Lassiebank from China via Srngass. •JBehar" from Kobe via ports. m.v. “biantar’’ from Java Ports \ia Singapore. s.B. ‘Hosang'' from Calcutta m.v. “Gienogle” tr«n United Kingdom via Suez. IOMOKROW, JULY «a, "Steel Scientist” fiom Singapore via Port Swettenham and Btla.vanDeli. MONDAY, JULY
    1,116 words
  • 125 13 West End Production London, June 26. ‘The Devil to Pay,” the play written by Dorothy Sayers for the 1 Canterbury Festival this year, writes the Theatre Corespondent of the “Daily Telegraph.” is to be produced at His Majesty’s Theatre on July 20. At the recent production at
    125 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 505 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE HEEKIA SERVICE IO LONDON A NUH'IH CONTINENT ACHILLES Calls Hull tZ" w GLENGARRY Calls Antwerp and Middlesboro July 15 AuT 15 DEUCALION Calls Marseilles Glasgow j u i y 2 2 Aur 17 TEN DAY SERVICE If) uoaHMIL VIA BAvif g LVCAON calls Glasgow Jul 20 XiT'w
      505 words
    • 892 13 P&O BRITISH INDIA (lAcorpotrted ia Fnglaad), PORT SWETTENHAM. MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KHANDALLA” SAILING SUNDAY, 9th JULY, 1939. Teluk Anson Datoh, Port 8 Government Swettenham. Malacca and Singapore London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN" Julvl4 Outwards frore London for China Japan y S/S “CANTON due Sailing Of steamers Or
      892 words

  • 1016 14 Grounds All Over The Country GAME PLAYED FROM BOYHOOD challenge for the Westchester Cup was ever more carefully launched than that of 1939, but once again America have triumphed at Meadowbrook—they won the first match on June 4 by 11—7 and the
    1,016 words
  • 299 14 S. African Soccer Stars Return Cape Town. OOUTH African soccer players who went to England in search of fame and fortune are literally flocking back to their home country. Some of them have achieved what they set out to do, others have returned home to start
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  • 40 14 London At Burnley, in the Lancashire League, playing in brilliant all-round form Amarnath enabled the Nelson Club tc beat Burnley. Nelson scored 217 for 6 wickets declared (Amarnath 56» while Burnley scored 121 (Amarnath seven for 40).
    40 words
  • 25 14 GREYHOUND DERBY: Brig-Gen. AAV Russel l(?ft) making the a rub assisted by Mr. Percy Brown, White City’s racing manager, at the Savoy Hotel.
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  • 95 14 Milan ONE of the best known racing motorists of Italy, the 26-year-cld Emilio Villoresi, was killed during a practice run on the Monza track. Villoresi was trying out a new racing car of the Alfa-Romeo works. After passing the chief turn of the
    95 words
  • 63 14 Larry Gains, once Empire heavyweight boxing champion, walked recently for a wager against Mr. Arthur Hazard, at whose Southend hotel gymnasium Eric Boon was in training. They were settl’ng an argument about fitness Larry completed the course from Pitsea to Scuthend pier entrance, about ten
    63 words
  • 40 14 Dorothy Odam, 18-year-old London shorthandtypist, who recently set up a new world record for women’s high jumping with sft. 5 3/Bin., taking a hurdle when training. She won the Empire title for England in Australia last year.
    40 words
  • 719 14  -  rpHE Siamese players who will compete it) the Malayan tennis championships in Ipoh next month are Muang Roeng, Capt. Kasom Chatikavanij, Sanok and Miss Sanguan. The team have left for a tour of Japan, Hong Kong. Manila and Saigon and will arrive in Singapore in
    719 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 123 14 Three Features/ "FLAVOUR five charm of this Grand Old Scotch Whisky will be readily appreciated by fh? trye connoisseur. (RAkirrci linrW MELLOWNESS 1 HI te Sbß Years of maturing and careful LT f* il f SS t lending undi 1 ideal natural condi- *ne nedrr 0l bcorlenu S tions makes
      123 words

  • 1685 15 Past Performances Of New Horses is the full list o£ 119 horses and ponies in training for the Perak Turf Club’s July Meeting, together with the records of new horses running at the meeting. I poll July Races The training list is: K
    1,685 words
  • 153 15 I dill LMMdV —Reuter. St Andrews, July 7. TJICHARD BURTON won the British Open Golf championship with an aggregate of 290 and individual rounds of 70, 72. 77 and 71. Other scores are: Bulla 77, 71. 71, 73=292. Reginald Whitcombe 71. 75. 74, 74=
    I dill LMMdV —Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 1015 15 Yesterday’s First Division Football J)LA\ JNG a vigorous game, the Penang Sports Club again asserted their superiority over the Old Xaverians’ Association when they met in their return First Division fixture in the P.F.A. League yesterday, winning 1 1. The game started with a rush
    1,015 words
  • 134 15 .—Reuter. I.ondon, July 7. □THE! meeting of the Davis Cup nations at London, under the presidency of M. Barde of Switzerland, threw out Great Britain’s amendment ot the Davis Cup rules which, if passed, would have meant that the weaker nations would have
    .—Reuter.  -  134 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 I nuaWy I never vanes •A S*' nee 1 1 nr —'re«io” n drub’ or e.. V been I he^ arne a \.K&gt;d— lhcv 2 7 C 11 i ecmlness and z. a d mc wonderful flavour» thr° at ever c rce rr e @SBg Cruising on the ’Arandora
      97 words

  • 119 16 Only Three Horses Out This Morning (From Our Own ICorrespondent) Ipoh, Today. 4 LTHOUGH official training for the Perak Turf Club’s July’Meeting was to have begun this morning only three Morses from O’Neill’s stable were seen out on the sandl track. Turley and Van Breukelen are
    119 words
  • 205 16 Ipoh. The South China Football Team, which is touring Malaysia, will definitely play two matches at Ipoh. On Sunday. July 23. the South China Footballers will meet the Ipoh Chinese Corinthians, the league Champions, at the Kuala Kangsar Road Stadium and on Tuesday July 25.
    205 words
  • 100 16 FLYING DUTCHMAN —Reuter. ELIMINATED First Day Of A. A. A. Championships London. July 7. The Amateur Athletic Association championships at White City, begun in brilliant and sunny weather, with a slight breeze, opened with the surprise defeat of the “Flying Dutchman.” Van Beveren (holder) in the 220 yards. He was
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 67 16 The following are representing th -1 Penang Free School in the inter-school cricket match against the King Edward VII School. Taiping, now in progress on the latter’s ground: Um Keng Eok (Capt.), Lee Tiang Lok. Lee Tiang siew. Tan Hong Beng. Khoo Beng Een. Chung Kok Yuen, Lshak
    67 words
  • 221 16 Malaya Cup Soccer Singapore. July 7. In one of the best games in Johore, the Combined Services defeated Johore by the odd goal in three in the "Malaya" cup match played this evening at Johcre Bahru before a record crowd. It was a rousing game from
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  • 72 16 SATURDAY, JULY 8 MORNING QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.25 Business 50 tons Singapore Tin $113.25 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 1 8c Singapore (Spot) 28 l/8c COPRA: Sundried $3.82| Black Pepper $9.50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.25 Fair Seed $2.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.40 No. 2 $6.30 Rangoon White No.
    72 words
  • 67 16 —Reuter. Helsinki, July 7. rpaisto Maoki of Finland established a new world record for the two m’les, his time being! 8 min. 53 1 5 sec., previously held by Miklos Szabo* of Hungary with 8 min. 56. Touminen who was second in 8 min. 53
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 290 16 Wimbledon Men’s Singles Final Wimbledon, July 7. I) L. RIGGS beat E. T. Cooke 2—6, B—6, 3 —6, 6—3, 6—2 in the men’s singles final today. Play was almost monotonously perfect. It was the thirteenth meeting between the two Americans, who were both competing at Wimbledon for
    290 words
  • 40 16 St. Mark’s School will hold their sixth annual athletic sports cn the Butterworth Recreation Club Ground, on Saturday, July 15 from 3 pm. to 6.15 p.m. Mrs. I. V. T. Campbel! will give away the prizes.
    40 words
  • 178 16 -—Reuter. United States To Continue Buying London, July 7. r pHE United States Treasury’s deci- sion .to pay 36.75 cents .per ounce for foreign silver is causing those bul-, lion dealers who predicted the adjustment of the official United States quotation to the London price to congratulate
    -—Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 87 16 .—Reuter. M. Jean Tannerv Paris, July 7. The death has occurred of M. Jean Tannery, a prominent figure in French finance and Governor of the Banque de France in 1935. M. Tannery’s appointment was regarded as the first step in the reform of the Bank’s
    .—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 111 16 Today on the Esplanade from 6 to 7.30 p.m. March Fighting strength Jordan Overture L’Amour Au Village Bouillon Suite Folk Songs Suite Williams No. 1 March Come Sunday No. 2 Intermezzo Bonny Roy No. 3 March Folk Songs from Somerset Waltz Blumen Steinmann Intermezzo Lancashire Clogs Grimshaw Selection
    111 words
  • 393 16 Henley Regatta In Final Stages Henley, July 7. /CONDITIONS were more favourable but there was still a headwind. Kent School (America). holders, advanced to the semi-final of the Thames Cup. While the Tigre B.C. (Argentine) reached the semi-finals of the Wyfold Cup, for which
    —Reuter.  -  393 words
  • 45 16 •craft w Reuter Exercises In Central Mediterranean Rome, July 7. The first and second naval squadrons will carry out naval exercises in Central Mediterranean during the last week of July. The manoeuvres in which submarines and aircraft will participate will last 48 hours.—Reuter
    •craft w Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 48 16 VISIT THE UP-TO-DATE SPORTS HOUSE NAHAR CO. IPhone 1505. 3-5, Light Street, PENANG Stockists of HIGH CLASS SPORTS GOODS MADE BY BRITISH LABOUR. Buy British and Be Satisfied. CRICKET, I HOCKEY, I FOOTBALL, BADMINTON, ja Specialists g in TENNIS, I Restringing Rackets. GOLF. Branches Singapore, K. Lumpur Batavia.
      48 words
    • 668 16 NOTICES I Government Notification TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Settlement Engineer, Penang, up to noon of the 26th July, 1939, for the following works: Supply and Delivery of Steel Windows and Doors at New Police Headquarters, Penang. Copies of sets of plans may be obtained at
      668 words
    • 523 16 Head Office. 216 Penang Road p Pria Phone 1477 J 47» w rh Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang"'" Rated of Subscription for I’inang and Sunday Gazette b Piaang Gazette Local Delivery S.S. Ar FM S P Monthly $1.25 75 Quarterly 375 5.25 Half-Yearly 750 10. SO Yearly 15.0 C 21.r0 "4 Sunday
      523 words