Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 581 1 Nazis Suffering From Nerves 20 PLANES CIRCLE OVER DANZIG Hitler To Visit Free City On July 20 Danzig, June 30. Twenty planes from the Reich circled over Danzig <ii route to East Prussia. A group of Army leaders in mufti arrived by express t'.-ain to
    Reuter.  -  581 words
  • 113 1 Dr. k a p, l j. M’R' KHAKDT, 48 -.38 '-old Sv., ss f?, toiy professor, who is L< of Nations’ High Com missioner l i Danzig and m s ordered by the League Council yesterday to return to i.'ts pose in view of the recent i
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  • 199 1 ,—Reuter. Italian Interpretation Of Halifax Speech Rome, July 1. '1 he view of well-mfor;<l circles is that Lord Halifax’s speech contains no concrete proposal which might tend towards the opening of conversations, thus leading to a European detente. It is felt on the contrary that the
    ,—Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 55 1 Reuter. 160 Dead And 400 Houses Demolished Sofia. June 30 One hundred and sixty persons are dead as a result of floods sweeping the district of Sevievo in Northern Bulgaria. Four hundred houses have been demolished and bridges smashed while several villages are completely under water. Considerable live
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 100 1 44 THETIS” DISASTER —Reuter. London, July 1. The amount raised for the national fund for dependents of the victims of the “Thetis” submarine disaster hitherto totals about .£112,000, announced the Lord Mayor at a meeting 1 at Mansion House at which trustees to
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 448 1 Reuter’s Chief On How To Counteract Foreign Propaganda LONDON, JUNE 30. THE VALUE OF “THE PRINTED WORD” WAS EMPHASISED BY SIR RODERICK JONES, CHAIRMAN OF REUTER’S AT THE EMPIRE PRESS UNION CONFERENCE TODAY. Sir Roderick claimed that propagation of the printed word was the
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  • 126 1 .—Reuter. Presidental Powers To Be Restored Washington, June 30 A joint conference of the Senate and the House of Representatives voted to restore to the Monetary Bill the Presidential powers to devalue the dollar and the administration’s authority to buy foreign silver and fixing the price at
    .—Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 77 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, June 30. The King will be accompanied by the Queen and Queen Mary when he reviews the parade of 20,000 National Service volunteers in Hyde Park on Sunday afternoon. Every branch of the voluntary national service and every air-raid precaution authority in
    —8.0. W.  -  77 words
  • 40 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, June 30. The Pan-American Airways flying boat Dixie Clipper, arrived at Lisbon last evening from the Azores on the first regular Transatlant'c paying passenger flight, carrying 22 passengers and 11 of the crew.—B.O.W.
    —8.0. W.  -  40 words
  • 110 1 —8.0. W. B. B. C. Director-Genera]’* Views Rugby, June 29. The Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. F. W Ogilvie, who lost his hand at Hill 60 Ln the war, broadcast in the German programme last night, and said that in his opinion the worldwide development of international
    —8.0. W.  -  110 words
  • 50 1 —Reuter. Paris, July 1. HTHE opinion is expressed in well-informed quarters that the Anglo-Franco-Soviet pact difficulties will be overcome and the pact signed next week. Reports received tonight suggest that M. Molotov will have another meeting with the British and French negotiators on Monday. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 96 1 .—Reuter. London. June 30. Gerard Lyons, aged 20, who was the fifth member of the I.R.A. tried at the Old Bailey today, was also sentenced to twenty years’ penal survitude on each of the four counts and ten on each of two others, all to
    .—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 55 1 Reuter. Seligman Sentenced By Jerusalem Court Jerusalem, June 30. The District Court sentenced Max Seligman to six months’ imprisonment with special treatment for conspiring to land illegal immigrants, but acquitted him of the additional charges of bribery and corruption. Seligman was granted leave to appeal and
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 IOQK7[S tfsrf j ftrn 1 Hitir ritonm I for North Malaya Penang?— Georgetown dispensary ltd.. Penang and IpoL.
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    • 69 1 ■HrjGATB youft Agents for North Malaya GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LID., Penang And Ipok. CONTENTS Page Latest Telegrams 1 16 Earlier Telegrams 2 Malayan News 3 Indian News 4 China News 5 Foreign News 6 Local News 7 Editorial 8 Local News 9 Financial News 10 Pictures 11 Radio News and Church
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  • 690 2 Preliminary Putsch In feu; Days RUMOURS OF WAR Mr. Greenwood Confident Of Victory For Democracy J 1 London, June 30. Mr. Arthur Greenwood, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, in a speech in London said: —“I hear rumours about war breaking out tomorrow. All
    —Reuter.  -  690 words
  • 174 2 -Re titer ILS. Neutrality Decision Washington. June 30. Phe House of Representatives by 159 votes to 15" uj set the Administration's Neutrality Bill plans by including a “compromise” arms ernoargo in it. I’hf Bill, a* introduced, would removt the present embargo on the export of all arms to
    . -Re titer  -  174 words
  • 63 2 .—Reuter. 20 Years’ Sentence For pour Men London. June 30 Four 1R A men were sentenced to twenty years- penal servitude each at theOld Bailey when they were found guilty o conspiring to cause explosions on Euston Road High Holborn and Charing Cross Road on Mav 4. The
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 43 2 —Reuter. Japanese Keeping Close Watch Hailar, June 30 Ominous calm prevails along the whole front. There are no signs of Soviet or Mongol planes today over any portion of the front. The Japanese, however, are maintaining the closest watch. Reutei.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 43 2 .—Reuter. Reduction Motion R ejected London, June 30 Durii* the Committee stage of the Budget, the Commons by 174 votes to 119 rejected the Labour amendment to reduce the Empire tea duty from six pence fr) two pence a pound.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 46 2 .—Reuter. Work To Be Resumed Tn Liverpool Bay London, June 30. After being delayed several days by bad weather, the salvage vessels, Zclo and Rantrer, sailed from the Mersey for Liverpool Bay to begin salvage work on the Thetis. The sea was smooth. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 35 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, June 30. CPHE domestic release 1 for the 17th tin quota period July J December 1939) has been fixed at 48 per cent of the assessments.
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  • 246 2 Reuter. Sharp Decline In September April London, June 30 Britain’s stock of monetary gold on May 31 1939 amounts to 79,949,000 ounces which at 148/6 per ounce gives a total value of £594,000,000. On the occasion of the last Treasury .statement giving the position on September
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 157 2 -Reuter. Not Against Germany But Against Aggression London. June 30 Another important speaker at th* Institute of International Affairs was the Liberal economist Sir Walter Layton who stated that friends and critics of the Government alike fully appreciated the significance of the steps taken since March to rebuild
    -Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 76 2 —Reuter Plutocratic Britain On Decline Rome, June 30. “Pontifical lacking of any constructive proposals” is the Piccolo's opinion of Lord Halifax's speech of which a good summary was printed in the morning papers. The Popolo di Roma says that the speech was bitter and threatening and as lacking
    —Reuter  -  76 words
  • 57 2 i —Rev.ter Dr. Colijn To Form New Ministry Harne, June 30. London, June 30. Mr W J. Wilcoxson, formerly adviser of the Malayan delegation to the international Tin Committee, has been appointed a member of the Malayan delegation and Mr. J. H. Rich lias been appointed
    i —Rev.ter  -  57 words
  • 328 2 To Enable Destroyers To Evacuate Britons London, June 30. The Japanese have postponed the blockade of Foochow for a few days to enable two British destroyers there to evacuate British residents, says a Tokyo message. After evacuation the boom across the harbour mouth will be completed.
    Rt liter.  -  328 words
  • 139 2 —Reuter. Default Through Sheer Inability To Pay London, June 30. The announcement to default the reorganisation loan and the 6 per cent 1934 loan did not come altogether as a surprise, says the Financial Times. It is recognised that the revenue on which ser vice of these issues
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 41 2 .—Reuter. Underwriters Left With 93| Per Cent. London, June 30 Underwriters for the London County Council loan have been left with 933 per cent. This is more than anticipated Dealings began at forty shillings discount and weakened later. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 88 2 Chungking, June 13. An American, Mrs. Lily Estrand, wife of a medical professor, was injured by pieces of flying glass, while eight Chinese were killed and many injured during the bombing of West China Union University, near Chengtu, by Japanese aircraft, according to telephone messages received
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  • 49 2 .—Reuter. London, June 30. Mr. W. J. Wilcoxson, formerly of the Malayan, delegation to the International Tin Committee, has been appointed a member of the Malayan delegation and Mr. J. H. Rich has been appointed adviser in succession to Mr. Wilcoxson. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 51 2 Reuter. Cabinet Crisis In Holland The Hague, June 30. Dr. Colijn has tendered the resignation of the Cabinet as Ministerial differences of opinion among the Ministers ever the 1940 budget have proven insurperable. The Queen has charged Dr. Colijn with the formation of a new
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 121 2 .—Reuter. Shooting Of Russian By Japanese Admitted Shanghai, June 30 Japanese authorities officially admitted today that Vladimir Kott was killed by a Japanese sentry who mistook the Russian for a Chinese burglar in the dark. It is explained that in the vicinity of the shooting burglars have
    .—Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 127 2 —Reuter General Malim Craig’s 3-Point Programme Washington, June 30. On the eve of his retirement from the past of Chief oi Staff, General Maim Craig recommended a three-point defence programme including the creation of five small seasoned hard-hitting divisions to strike with lightning rapidity against any enemy which
    ..—Reuter  -  127 words
  • 51 2 Reutei. Dr. Funk Invited To Visit Holland Berlin, June 30. The Minister of Economics, Dr Funk, will visit Holland nex* week to discuss the strengthening of Dutch-German Yf lations, according to the National Zeitung which adds that Dr. Funk was inuted by the Netherlands Economics Minister, Dr. Steenberghe.-
    Reutei.  -  51 words
  • 22 2 .—Reuter London, June 30 The Lords passed the second reading of the Ministry of Supply bill —Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 Became Beautiful in a week WRINKLES GONE SOFT SMOOTH SKIN —LOVELY COMPLEXION 1 H ill 1 > JK Six H fW Jh&r AS Ji aS SHE J Miss Drouet made this amazing change in her appearance in 8 days. Read below her personal letter in which she explains exactly how
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  • 811 3 8.M.8.C.’s Negotiations With Government POWER OF TRANSMITTER TO BE INCREASED Singapore. IF present negotiations with the Government are brought to a successful conclusion, listeners in Malaya will shortly have extended programmes from the Singapore station of the Mr. O.R.S. Bateman, chairman of the corporation, disclosed
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  • 56 3 When Mrs. Edith Blake went to Tilbury to meet her sister Jessica, from- Canada, whom she last saw as a child of seven, she watched the passengers’ fingers, for Jessica had lost cn.‘3 in a childhood accident. Here are the sisters at the home of Mrs.
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  • 187 3 Estate Labourer Sent For Trial Johore Bahru. The inquiry into the death of a 15-year-old Tamil girl, Rasimah, alleged to have been stabbed by an estate labourer on June 9 at Gunong Pilai Estate, 18th mile Pontian Road with a knife, was concluded on Wednesday before
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  • 59 3 Johore. An astonishing case of mass poisoning hns bee*a reported from Bcradin Estate, Paloh, Central Johore. It appears that 30 or 40 coolies bee ’me violently ill after drinking toddy, with the result that six men died The rest have recovered. It is believed that the toddy
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  • 495 3 By Mistake FINDINGS IN TITI CASE Seremban. AKING the prosecution as a I whole, I hold that the prosecution have entirely failed to prove what they set out to prove. All that has been established is that the defendants, by mistake, have contravened the Enactment to the extent
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  • 151 3 Alleged Breach Kuala Lumpur. G. Davis, formerly manager of the Pavilion Cinema, Kuala Lumpur, who was arrested in Singapore on a warrant issued by the Kuala Lumpur magistrate, on the allegation that between Oct. 1, 1937 and May 31, 1938, while being a
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  • 190 3 Mr. Carl Lawson And Miss J. M. A. Gow Kuala Lumpur. Amateur theatricals often lead to romance. The forthcoming production of French Without Tears by Singapore Amateurs is no exception; it resulted on Wednesday in the unexpected wedding of Mr. Carl Laws or. the producer, and Miss
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  • 259 3 Kuala Lumpur. Messrs. Bata Shoe Company. Ltd., were the victims of a daring burglary some time during Wednesday night, when their store at Market Street, was broken into, and cash amounting to over J4OO stolen. The money, which represented two days’ takings, was
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  • 431 3 Dispute Over House Rent Kuala Lumpur. the first time in many years, a woman stood in the dock at the Selangor Assizes on Thursday, charged with murder. The accused, a middle-aged woman named Nagammah, was charged with the murder of a young Indian named Sundaraju at
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  • 125 3 Kuala Lumpur. Arrested here on a warrant issued in Klang, a young Chinese named Soon Loy was on Thursday morning produced before Mr. R. C. Redman, the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, when he was given bail in $lOO till he appears in the Klang Court. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 I——l M 2 SPSKiII AUSTRALIA IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER luxurious comfort FucHT. The Twice weekly service in fast luxurious convenience. Steward and or buffet service on Douglas and Lockheed Air Liners. board each liner. A..<rralia is brought Within easy reach of you AIR/BEA INTERCHANGE. Return tickets can be made
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    • 375 3 P wi cS £b Pains Sf° m Vanished Like many sufferers from serious stomach disorders, Mr. P. tried many unsuccessful remedies before he found the one that brought him the relief he so badly needed. If you are struggling with gastric pains or indigestion, if the agony of stomach damage
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    • 508 4 Cochin Ministers Address At Cranganore Tt-fv u f Io nakulam, Juno 13. hon. Di A. R. Menon, Minister for Rural Development, at th st h»nd T’ Pai<) ViSit Ol Sunday t 0 Crwanore, to study, at hist hand, the pressing needs ol the rural folk in
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    • 1612 4 ADVICE TO HONORARY MAGISTRATES Justice Krishnaswami Iyengar’s Address Madras, June 13. “JT is essential that you should not only do your duties well but it is equally essential, or perhaps more essential, that the public should know that you are doing your duties well and efficiently.
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    • 239 4 Discretion In Hard Cases Cape Town, June 12 rE Asiatics Bill was read a thi time in the Senate after a protest by Senator Brookes. Mr. -oittaford, Minister of the Interior, said, “I propose exercising my powers under the exemption section in as sympathetic a manner as
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    • 161 4 Scheme For A National Guard Lahore, June 12. A scheme “for the protection, of the rights and property of Muslims all over India.” was drafted at a meeting of the National Guard Subcommittee of the All-India Muslim League, held today at the residence of Sir Mohammad
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    • 99 4 Bombay, June 26. Opposition is growing here to the Prohibition law which the Crongress Government of the Bombay Presidency have annouced will be put into operation in Bombay city on August 1. The Bombay Chamber of Commerce, which include prominent British and American business men have
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    • 75 4 Simla, June 12. Tlie total approximate gioss earnings of all State-owned railways for the period ending May 31 amount to Rs. 288 lakhs, which is one lakh of rupees more than the approximate gross earnings for the corresponding period of the previous year. The total approximate gross
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    • 536 4 Action On All India Basis Calcutta. June 10 IT is understood that the Madras Government have sent out communications To Governments in other vinces in India and the Government of India urging the necessity of tackling the problem of bandloom weavers on an all-Indian basis. They have
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    • 101 4 Rival Bodies To Unite Lahor. The representatives of the two Trade Union Congresses in the Punjab again met Dr. Suresh Banr. rjee, President of the All-India Trade Union. Congress, before his departure for Calcutta, to discuss the question of uniting the two bodies. After ar. exchange
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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    • 42 4 6.15 9.30 QUEEN'S Tonight Tomorrow MATINEE TOMORROW AT 3 P.M. Reduced Prices— Downstairs 15, 30 50 cents. BERNARD SHAW’S “PYGMALION” With LESLIE HOWARD Wendy Hiller Matinee Tomorrow at 11.30 a.m. “ROCKET SHIP” With LARRY “BUSTER” CRABBE. Popular Prices— Downstairs 15 30 cents.
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    • 24 5 A pm tv of London Labour agents arm inarm with Mr. Herbert Morrison, on their way to the conference hall.
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    • 248 5 Japanese Drive Checked Sian, June 13. forces in Shansi Province have won another victory over the Japanese as a result ol a fierce counter-offensive against the invaders driving towards the Yellow River bank in the western part of the province in an attempt
      encircled by the Chinese.—Central .News.  -  248 words
    • 122 5 Fifth Session of Joint Commission Called Nanking, June 20. The fifth session of the Joint Commission of the Provisional and the Reformed Governments will be held at Peking on July 1. The Re'o’.meJ Government will be represented by Mr. Liang Hung-cih. President of the Executive Yuan,
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    • 110 5 Straits Chinese Wins Valuable Scholarship I’ham Ah-kow, Fisheries Field Assistant, Government Fisheries Department, has been awarded the Tan Beng-gum scholarship. One of the most valuable scholarhips available to students from the Dominions and Colonies, the award is Worth £5OO a year for two years at a ny
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    • 50 5 Shanghai, June 20. A total of £500,000 worth of tea was exported to Soviet Russia during the first four months of the current year, according to Chinese business circles here. These exports, amour.t--in 8 to about 9,000 tons, represent 86 4 4 J 4 I —-A—
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    • 154 5 Dairen. STRANGE stories of the quaint habits of the people of Inner Mongolia, of fantastic rites of the fast-dy-ing Shaman cult, and of rare tarchaeological discoveries were told by Mr. Werner Jacobsen, advance guard of the Royal Danish Geographical Society’s expedition into Central Asia, on
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    • 41 5 Central News. Chengchow, June 21. A chance encounter near Nar.lo, south-east of Taming in southern Hopei. resulted in over lOf) Japanese casualties. The Chinese raided the Japanese at Taying, south of Tsaochiang, in south Hopei, exacting considerable losses.—
      Central News.  -  41 words
    • 293 5 Sends Ex-Lover Cakes With Typhoid Germs Kobe. A WOMAN physician seeking revenge against a former lover sent him a box of attractive cakes which she had filled with typhoid germs. Dr. Kikuko Hirose, 38, confessed to the police that she was responsible for the effort to murder Dr.
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    • 172 5 Hongkong, June 19. KHAN, great Mongol leader who overran ail Asia 700 years ago,, is still safe with China. The Japanese had planned to seize his body and make it the centre of a great campaign uniting all Mongols against Chiang Kai-shek. But the Chinese
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    • 180 5 Continued Harassing Puts Thousands Out of Work Shekki, June 21. Continuously harassed by the Japanese navy in Kwangtung waters, the fishing community has suffered the loss of 10,000 lives and $2O 00G,000 including the destruction of over a thousand fishing boats, since the declaration of the blockade in
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    • 277 5 Grave Concern Among Japanese Shi Mighai. THE continued influx of Jewish emigres into Shanghai frs n Europe is causing serious, auixiety among members of the Japanese community in Hongkew, the portion of the International Settlement under Japanese control and often referred to as
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    • 107 5 Two Exhibitions In Hongkong About 300 war pictures, showing wad *time conditions and reconstruction work in China, were shown at an exhibitio at the Hongkong Chinese Women’s Club. These pictures were secured from various sources at considerable cost and with great difficulty. The picutres will be
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 339 5 FOO CHEONG CO. Furniture Manufacturer* 89. Bishop Street, Penang. Phone: 636. Ipoh Agents'. FOO LOON CO., 101, Brewster Road. Phone: 875. When visiting Ayer Itam your pleasure would not be complete without calling at the CHWEE LIM KHOO RESTAURANT 85, AYER ITAM RD., PENANG Excellent meals, cold drinks and 1
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 9 5 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Who's Afraid? «r r~ i hijii
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    • 75 5 GREETED BY PACKED HOUSES AT ALL SHOWS Majestic 3 SHOWS TO-DAY TO-MORROW 3.00 6.15 9.30 Matinees at reduced prices 20, 40 and 60 cents Downstairs Smashing Double Attraction ON THE SCREEN 20th Century-Fox’s Million Dollar Triumph “SLAVE SHIP” starring Warner Baxter Wallace Berry ON THE STAGE “HOLLYWOOD ON PARADE” with
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  • 204 6 Mo. bourne. morning cn the 32-day voyage of the Blue Funnel freighter M’ ‘don xto Melbourne, < fficers of the ship had the hatches removed frc;m the hoi ’s, descended r.vith torches and groped around for a few minutes, then, with tears in their
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  • 127 6 Sydney. Strung criticism of the Federal Gcvernment and the Navy Board for allowing trained men to leave the service after 12 years “to walk the streets,” was voiced by the Federal president of the Ex-Naval Men’s Association, Mr. A. J. Martin, at the amual
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  • 76 6 Auckland. Children are not always a burden. Resiaents of a settlement near Ashburton offer a family with three or four children of school age, a house free of rent and land for a few cows, if the ch ldren are sent to the local school.
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    • 206 6 SYDNEY does not need night trotting. Its introduction with legalised betting, would represent merely another avenue of unneessary gambling, with its unfortunate consequences for the wage-earner. Sydney suffers already from too much racing. Trotting meetings are held on Mondays; races are run on a provincial
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    • 95 6 will be palatable to the bears.—“ Austral News.” Sydney Of all the strange occupations, tnat of the eucalyptus or gum leaf taster at Koala Park, New South Wales, must be among, the most strange. Only one out of every hundred or so types of these leaves in the
      will be palatable to the bears.—“ Austral News.”  -  95 words
    • 997 6 Duties As King’s Deputy WHAT are the duties of a Governor-General? his life is fir from being a long round of gaiety and pleasure. Years of hard work await the Duke and Duchess of Kent in Australia. In undertaking the duties of Governor-General of Australia, the
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    • 905 6  -  Good Results In Australian Waters By ZANE GREY rTTHE outset of my second fishing trip to Australian waters was to have the good fortune to make good my brag about the future of Australian fishing. In my own mind I had no doubts at all. I had
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    • 506 6 i Skilled Labour Shortage NEW ZEALAND is «leveloping quite a big trade in “importing” skilled tradesmen frcin Australia. At the moment that is a good thing for both the Dominions —Australia has fewer unemployed, and New Zealand gets the sk’lled labour it needs. i But w r
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    • 215 6 Melbourne. The Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies, and living ex-F'rime Ministers will be invited to sit for their busts in bronze, by Mr. Wallace Anderson, the sculptor, who will model them for presentation by Mr. R. A. Crouch to the Ballarat Botanic Gardens. Mr Crouch has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 i I FL L/^C 4 s fpc v 1 WrtMWg 1 iiKaißz Slasllc PEt P. I S CARTERS S-T-R-E-T-C-H-AROUND YOUR WAIST EVEN IF YOU WEIGH 275 IBS. They simply won't bind your legs they won’t chafe with oil their amazing elasticity they won t slip they're on secure as they
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  • 867 7 Food Sufficiency In Kanipongs PERAK RULER’S STRIKING SPEECH Taiping. qpHE necessity of being able to produce sufficient foodstuffs in the kanipongs and so become self-supporting in this respect so that a blockade by an enemy power would not cause an acute food shortage, was
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  • 1316 7 Good Tinies Expected: Penang's Hopes For Team Prize TJETTER times are expected to be put up at the Speed Hill Climb, organised by the Automobile Association of Malaya (Penang Kedah branch), which will be held at Mount Pleasure, Tan°jong Bungah, tomorrow, commencing at 9 a.m. Good
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  • 124 7 Fancy Dress Social This Evening The Penang Chinese Epworth League will hold a Grand (Fancy Dress Social tonight at 7.15 pm. sharp at the Chinese Methodist. Church. Madras Lane. The Social will be preceded by a short Business Meeting. Two handsome prizes for ladies, and two for
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  • 147 7 BOY BURIED IN SAND Kamppr. A landslide occurred yesterday morning at about 8.15 at th? Idris Fiydraulic Tin Mines, Krzanji Section, Kaimpar Two attap houses, which were occupied by the watchmen, situated rear the office, were washed away with the occupants by a strong flow of
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  • 82 7 Revision Of Salary Schemes Taiping. It is understood from a reliable source that a petition was recently sent to the Inspector-General of Police, F.M.S., by the Asiatic Inspector of the F.M.S. Police asking for a revision of their salary schemes ard improvements in their uinform, among other
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  • 566 7 COURT HEARS OF BLACK MAGIC Ipoh. A murder inquest, which has come to be known locally as the “nude body murder case,” in which an aged Chinese, named Wong Kong Fong was found dead in his hut in Jalan Bendahara on January 8, with a score
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  • 131 7 78 Scars On Girl’s Body Ipoh. A Ch nese woman, Ng Ah Mui, was convicted by Che Ismail bin Mat Sah in the Ipoh Second Magistrate’s Court yesterday on a charge of wilfully illtreating her adopted daughter, Yap Kam Yeong. Mr. C. H. Dakers, Protector of
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  • 104 7 Taiping. Jabar, a Mohamcdan Indian, who was alleged to have attacked a Chines* convert named Hashim seriously on the itomach, and also to have attacked his wife and daughter when they tried to help the victim, last Thursday night at Upper Station Road,
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  • 52 7 Taipfng. Che Jan Lin Ngah Mohammed, Settlement Officer, Larut. was entertained at a dinner mld by ius friends at the Kempe Club, Taiping, on Wednesday night. Che Jan js proceeding on transfer to Parit Buntar. Numerous peeches were made at the dinner, to which Che Jan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 180 7 I I A ©L p Aged for months and months tn wood to bring out oil the mellowed goodness—-the rare flavour that only Heinz knows. KEINZ VINEGARS J2S 2APB 67 M. Unbreakable OaA Wafer proof Wrist Watch wfeGuaranteed 10 years 1 Men’s Streamline” Service Model $13.15 Sold in London Stores
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  • 447 8 Th the war which ail the world now fears should come (and with the crisis in Danzig developing every day, the possibility cannot be dismissed lightly) its burden will fall as heavily on the press as on most other forms of human activity. Supplies of paper
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  • 662 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Munusam.v, Chief Clerk of the District Court, Penang, is an inmate of the General Hospital Mr. C. C. Scott, Bandmaster of th? Town Band, who is a patient in the General Hospital. i<= mak’n? satisfactory progress. Mr. and Mrs. Leong Sin Nam, of Ipoh, who have been
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  • 575 8 Through One's Hat TTONESTLY, one feels rather cmbarrassed. One means to say a Recorder, last week, declared, "There is no historical or religions basis for this absurd business of telling women that they have to zvear hats in court” W hich is all very well, but one
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  • 483 8 Saturday, July 1. have been no developments in Danzig up to the time of writing but the atmosphere is so tense that Nazi circles fear Poland may adopt German tactics and strike the first blow. Although he has made no statement, Dr. Karl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 i A, ALLSOP P'S The best Beer I Under the Sun Sole Importers CALJDBECK'S PENANG i_ deceptive cleanliness MAY SCREEN EXISTING DECAY ®A front of gleaming white enamel may hide from you and others a process of decay, until toothache sounds a r note of warning. Tek toothbrushes p \Xj
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    • 20 8 ‘tttt.v.VtV.vJ Be /wre you Miy DEL MONTE Agents for Malaya. Henry Waugh Co,. Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■W.WeW.V.%
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  • 716 9 Sydney N ewspaper’s Revelations DANGERS OF TOURING ARTISTES revelations Concerning the dangers confronting show girls touring Malaya, ithe Netherlands East Indies and other countries in the Malaysian Archipelago are contained in a report! in the ‘Sydney Srulf*,” which is reproduced below. The story is
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  • 274 9 IOUNG CHINESE GIRLS LOSS Dt UJIRKM ounishn Put meted o it by the local Police Courts do not appear to have an effect on snatch th>ves, *ho continue to vict.'mj’se unwart girls n Penang. Last night, two Chinese girls while diking along Chulia Street in the
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  • 230 9 First Outrage Teluk Anson rhe first incident of tarring in Teluk Anson occurred here on Thursday night when a Chinese general merchant’s shop No. -17, at, junction of King Street ana Ah Cheong Street in front of the Teluk \nson Chinese Club was the victim
    230 words
  • 58 9 The Penang Chin Woo table-tennis team ruler the captaincy of Woo Guen Kum nd supporters numbering well over 20, ■•'ill go over to Butterworth this evening ut 7.30 when they will meet the Butterworth Chinese Club in a game of tableennis consisting of 8 singles and one doubles.
    58 words
  • 164 9 The Grand Charity Fair organised by the Central Committee ot Catholic Action Societies in Penang, for very deserving causes, takes place this evening on the S.X.I. ground. There will be all sorts of games and amusements for old and young, and participation in the various competitions costs
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  • 40 9 An Indian fisherman’s home in Telok Kumbar was broken into yesterday afternoon, when clothing to the value of five dollars was stolen. Entry into the premises was effected while the occupant of the house was away fishing.
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  • 247 9 Annual Meeting Of Malaya Branch Of A.C.C.A. REFERENCE to the recent amalgamation of two accountant bodies was made at the annual general meeting of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants (Malaya Branch) held in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. fhe chairman, Mr. A. C. J. I
    247 words
  • 219 9 Workers Complaint Of Long Hours A MEETING was called by the prorV pretors of the local Chinese l^hnn e *5 IOPS at the Coffee Kiln P Rn ee J e i rS ********** in Brick I Kiln Road last night to consider the irnfflt° n
    219 words
  • 127 9 Successful Pupils Of Mrs. Tan The following are the results of the Trinity College of Music examinations in Pianoforte playing conducted by Dr. Alfred Mistowski, held at the St. George’s Girls' School on Monday. Out of ten candidates who entered all passed, eight with Honours. All
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  • 112 9 TOOK FOUR ROUNDS TO KILL DOGG A Eurasian, Anthony Mitchell who took four rounds to kill a dog, was fined $3 when he appeared in the Middle Court yesterday. The accused vas charged before M*. Lim Koon Teck with cruelty to animals by shooting a dog in
    112 words
  • 1006 9 Municipal Commissioners Adopt Mr. F. H. Grumitt’s Motion r |'HE Mur’cipal Commissioners, Penang, will provide life-saving apparatus along the bathing beacaes within Municipal limits, by erecting a post every 100 yards with a life belt and life line inside a’receptacle, such is being used
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 I I fe* j| w «k A B B < hSOwORB JO A Wm w BHi i<> turn si Fl Cmldrci /j/- Co v <& Gate. Not only for its pleasant, kHHBI soothing flavour, but for the feeling oi contentment and geouci tov'■. < satisfaction they associate with it dental
      74 words

    • 252 10 SOON THEAM CO's NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Sellers Ampats 3/7J 3/10J A. Hitams 19/9 20/9 A. Weng 72 75 Bangrins 19/ 19/6 B. Selangors 1.17 J 1.22 J Berjuntais 9/ 9/6 Chenderiangs 10/9 11/6 Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras 1/6 1/8 Kamuntings 8/6 9/3 K. Lanjuts 14/6 15/ Kramat.s 9/6
      252 words
    • 183 10 RUBBER Buyers Seller» Ayer Panas 1.15 1.20 Bassetts 50 55 Batu Lintangs 1.04 1.08 Bentas 1.04 1.08 Brogas 59 62 Indragiris 1.20 1.25 Lunas 1-50 1.60 Kuala Sidims 2.224 2.324 Malaka Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 40 42 Pajams 1.774 1.85 Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.04 Tapahs 1.55
      183 words
    • 108 10 Berlin. Some 20 British farmers have been invited to Germany to study German agriculture by the reichs naehrstand. This organisation is the controlling body of nazi agriculture and includes rot only all agencies concerned with food and food production, but also marketing and distribution.
      108 words
    • 111 10 A.A. ANTHONY CO's QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/3 4/6 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.224 Berjuntai 9 9/6 Hitam 30 32 Hong Fatt 60 624 Kampong Lanjut 14/6 14/9 Katu 20/6 21 6 Klang River 1.75 1.80 Laruts 3/9 4/ Petalings 6.60 6.75 Rantau 1.27 J 1.30
      111 words
    • 181 10 MESSRS. BOUSTEAD COMPANY Report Of Rubber Sales Department Penar.g, Wednesday. During the week there has been little or no alteration in the home market, London and New York being dull but steady. Locally there has been but little fluctuation in price, which, on balance, remains unchanged at 28 5/8 cents,
      181 words
    • 316 10 Reuter. Through Suez Canal Cairo (By Air Mail). The share of British shipping in the total tonnage which passed through the Suez Canal in 1938 rose by 3.1 per cent., according to Mr. G. A. Hardy, Chairman of the Port Said British Chamber of Commerce in his
      Reuter.  -  316 words
    • 80 10 The funeral of the late Mrs. Khoo 800 Hock nee Madam Thcr Cncng Baik, who passed away at her father’s residence, No. 56, Jelutong Road on June 23 took place at 10.30 a.m. yesterday for interment at the Seh Khoo Cemetery, Thean Tek Estate,
      80 words
    • 168 10 LEAN CO's QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING Ampats 3/6 3/9 Ayer Wengs 724 77 i B. Selangors 1.20 1.25 Hong Fatts 62 64 Jelebus 524 574 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9 Kramats 9/6 10/ Kuchais 1.174 1.224 Kuala Kampars 9/6 10/Laruts 3/9 4/ Lukuts 45 50 Pungahs 15/9 16/3 Pahangs 11/3 12/
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    • 467 10 Weekly Share Report There has been no change for the better in conditions generally in the local share market over the past week. Prices again show practically no change and the market remains lifeless and uninteresting. Rubber has moved within narrow limits and has been quite featureless.
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  • 67 10 An Indian coolie, while working on loard a lighter at the Swettenham Pier at about 2.30 pm yesterday, accidentally sEppcd, knocking his head against some herd objects The man was removed to the General Hospital by ambulance bleeding profusely, and appeared to be in a semi-cons-cio’ts
    67 words
  • 160 10 DOW JONES AVERAGES. Prev. Latest High Low New York, Friday. 30 indus 130 05 130.63 131.16 128.97 20 rails 25.99 25.85 25.90 25.57 20 utilities 22.69 22.97 23.08 22.55 40 bonds 88.43 88.34 Business done 820.000 600,000 STOCKS Prev. Latest Am. Tob. B. 82J Anaconda Cpr. 214
    160 words
  • 74 10 .—Reutei. London, Friday. On the Stock Exchange, Lord Halifax’s speech was respons ble for the improved market sentiment but ■giltedged were depressed by initial dealings in London County Loan at 2*2 <fi s count. Elsewhere distillers advanced sharply'on the maintenance of the ciiv:dend at 22y 2 per cent
    .—Reutei.  -  74 words
  • 126 10 FRIDAY, JUNE 30. Prev. Latest Parts 176 23/32 176 3/4 New York 4.68 9/32 4.68 1/8 Montreal 4.69 1/4 4.69 3/8 Brussels 27.54 27.52 1/2 Geneva 20.77 1/2 20.78 Amsterdam 8.81 916 8.81 7/8 Milan 89 1/32 89 Berlin 11.67 11.66 1/2 BtocKZV' i ai 19.41 19.43 Uopevt-ieen
    126 words
  • 134 10 London. The International Sugar Council haa decided that part of the additional sugar required during the current quota year should be obtained by allowing the British Dominions and Colonies to increase their quotas for that year by the 153,265 metric tons adjustment they claimed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 855 10 BANKS HONG KONG AND Nederlanscbe SHANGHAI BANKING Handel-Maatschapnii CORPORATION (Incorporated in the Colony of Hongkong) The liability of members is limited to tne extent and in manner prescribed y /vr<riirDl ANTTIQ I'D t TAINT/'' Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony (NETHERLANDS 1 RADING SOCIETY) Head Office: HONG KONG.
      855 words
    • 44 10 ——r -J -z: 4«? Y <e<>«n»s on you. e w j!* always by regular dating with Benbaw Iho original conditioner tor doj» ot all ondall atea. Kaeontiai in aU caeet ot MAJtef. ECZEMA, ate. full pur Hculart free on rtqueti. 1 BartholoKiew Cloee. UaAoa.
      44 words

  • 198 11 ERNIE RODERICK FAILS R inning on points all the way, Henr y Armstrong easily defended his world welter-weight championship against Ernie Roderick at Harringay Arena. But Roderick was game, and the fight wtent the scheduled fifteen rounds. Above: Roderick misses with a right suing. Left:
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  • 650 12 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES (Penang, Province Wellesley, Kedah Perak.) REV. M. DODSWORTH D.D.—DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, PENANG. Wesley Church (Fitzgerald Memorial) Corner of Bumiah and Larut Roads Pastor: Rev. M. Dodsworth D.D. Morning Service of Worship 9.00 a.m. Sunday School 9-00 a.m. Evening Service of Worship 6.00 pm. Tamil Church KEBON
    650 words
  • 613 12 Early Missionaries’ Problems The Christian Church in the West Indies, to which I have recently paid a visit, writes the Very Rev. C. A. Alington, D.D., Dean of Durham in the L<aily Telegraph,” has so romantic a history and is faced with such acute problems that
    613 words
  • 291 12 Detectives Readers of Sexton Blake, Dr. Thorndyke and Sherlock Holmes are in danger of associating detectives with a kind of “melodrama” background which does not really exist. On the other hand, science has certainly come to the aid of those whose business it is to keep track of
    291 words
  • 464 12 A Light-footed “Rheingold” Much talk has been heard of the difficulties in the organisation of the Covent Garden season this year, writes Richard Capell in the “Daily Telegraph’’, and sometimes there has been evidence of them —but not the other night, at the opening of “The
    464 words
  • 152 12 Arthur (Ginger) Sadd, of Norwich, outpointed Freddy Mills, the 19-yesr-old* Bournemouth middleweight in a keenly-fought ten-round contest at Winter Gardens Hall, Bournemouth. Sadd seemed puzzeld by Mills’ Fishes in the early rounds, and the Bournemouth man landed one or two hard rights to the face. But Sadd’s
    152 words
  • 303 12 Left Him Penniless Miles From Home Evidence was given at a Southwark inquest of how a young artist, stated to* have been "thoroughly lazy,” was driven 400 miles from home by nls brother and left penniless in an attempt to bring him to his senses.
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  • 155 12 Mr. A. W. Myers London, June 16. The death has occurred of Mr. Arthur Wallis Myers. Educated at Watford and the Leys, Cambridge, Arthur Wallis Myers began his journalistic career on the “Westminster Gazette.” He was later on the editorial staff of Geo. Newnes Ltd., He
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  • 68 12 Sir Abe Bailey celebrated Caerloptic’s victory in the Royal Hunt Cup at Ascot by giving £5OO to poor people conne< with racing in Great Britain, and h« asked the Jockey Club to distribute the asked the Salvation rn y to distribute £550 to poor people
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1637 12 Ay*"' gif w '9 iilllirji HJI TO^ Tea concert. 5.50 Haydn’s symphony No. DAY 101 in d. major. 2.20 Georges Boulanger and his orchestra. Brian Lawrance sings. 6.50 News and Weather reports. 7.12 From one thing to another. 7.40 What occupies us. 8.00 Rimsky Korssakof’s ShehereB r> zade op. 35.
      1,637 words

  • 247 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS Outward! LLK4IPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail); For Hurma (except Victoria Point), India, Aden, Palestine. Egypt. Sudan, Kenya, I anganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar. Northern. and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and Newfoundland.
    247 words
  • 1133 13 Arrival* TODAY, JULY 1. 8.8. “Ranpura” from Yokohama via ports. 4 s.s. “Islami” from Calcutta. TOMORROW, JULY 2. s.s. “Cyclops” from Liverpool. m.v. “Manoeran” from Calcutta, ±tangoon and Belawan. s.s. “Cremer” from Belawan-Deli. MONDAY, JULY 3. s.s. “Gen. Verspijck” from Lho-Seu-mawe, Sigh. Sabang. Olehleh and Sigh. s.s.
    1,133 words
  • 149 13 Plays Under Alias Of “Miss I. Greville” I’rincess Christina, daughter of exKing Alfonso of Spain, played under the alias of “Miss I. Greville” in the Middlesex County tennis championships at Chiswick. But her identity leaked out, and to get back to the pavilion, after being beaten
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 498 13 blue funnel line WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT SARPEDON Calks Marseilles Glasgow Ua es jX nR 7 n ACHILLES Calls Hull July 13 Aus' 10 GLENSHIEL Calls Antwerp and Middlesboro July 7 Au? 7 TEN DAY SERVICE TO Ll VEKKUuij VIA HAVftH bellerophon July 5 LYCAON Calls Glasgow July
      498 words
    • 671 13 P O BRITISH* INDIA (lacorpockted to PORT SWETTENHAM. MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KAROA” SAILING SUNDAY,. 2nd JULY, 1939. eI S k Dalot p»London and Fnr G< vernme nt Swettenham. Malacca and Singapore S/S Jul n s/s “CANTON” due SaUing Of Steamers Or The British •S/S “SOMALI” Juiv 26 India. S. N.
      671 words
    • 178 13 General Passenger Agents for Cunard White Star Line Ltd. HOLIDAY TRIP TO JAPAN Next Sailings from Singapore: s.s. “HUSIMI MARU” July 10 s.s. “HAKOZAKI MARU" July 23 5.3. “SUWA MARU” Aug. 7 Cheap Return Tickets to Hong Kong, Shanghai Japan, available for 2 month** To First class Second claas Hongkong
      178 words

  • 688 14 Game 100 Per Cent Brighter London, June 13. pIRST-CLASS cricket owes a deep debt of gratitude to the Australians for the eight-ball over and to that little-appreciated Cricket Commission who thought of the new system of scoring in the county championship, writes Charles Bray in
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  • 50 14 'Nurser y' For Women MIDDLESEX WOMEN’S CRI CKET ASSOCIATION are running a “nursery” twice a week at Ealing. Theiij invitation to girls who do not get the opportunity of playing at school has met with enthusiastic response. Here is Miss E. Yokes, the Middlesex captain, demonstrating the arts of batting.
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  • 791 14 On Games And Players By Meteoric Rise Of Gladys Loke T EN NIS has made immense strides among the Chinese in Malaya, and during recent years a few of their girls have shown such distinct promise that they were dubbed the local “Gem Hoahings.” Among them are
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  • 92 14 pRICKET POSER, No 17.—While taking a catch right on the boundary’ the catcher leans against the fence that constitutes the boundary. His feet are inside, but the ball when caught was definitely' over the boundary. Is the umpire justified in giving the batsman out? Answer to No.
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  • 187 14 Built Through A Wood fJTHE new golf course at Lilleshall Hall, Shropshire, the foimer home of the Dukes of Sutherland, is believed to be the only golf course in the world to be built through a wood. Half of the course goes through the wood; the first
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  • 64 14 Kid Berg, after his convincing victory in New York over Tippy Larkin, states that he intends to challenge Eric Boon and Ernie Roderick for their British light and welterweight titles. Berg said that in any case he would not be staying in America
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  • 126 14 SIR Malcolm Campbell, holder of the worlds speedboat record of 129.5 miles an hour, is to make another attempt to better his own mark. His present record was set up on Lake Maggiore, in Italy, last September, but this attempt will be made
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 257 14 ..-,i«'O ir I G»« tISS M. 'r <*W\ X StrLCC CnVt I ■-Jlf? w f\ '’•'■■''Y^L 7 «IjJFA m£ OK tc it f k Y *vR wa I' w!a B ®r w* a Perfect physical fitness demands strong, healthy jGjjgW teeth. That is why Doctors, Dentists, and Physical Trainers so
      257 words

  • 945 15 authentic and PHARIOL Final Day Of K. L. Extra Meeting (BY “TRESPASSER") TWO Penang horses,; Authentic and Phariol, are i most likely to score doubles at the final day’s races of the Selangor Turf Club’s Extra Professional Meeting at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.
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  • 266 15 Ties For Today And Tomorrow The following are the Open Badminton fixtures for the week-end: FIXTURES FOR TODAY 3.00 Chee Choon Keng v. R. F. Coombs (A) (Umpire: Mr J. A. Montano» 3.30 Khoo Eng Tong v. Tan Kong Tatt (B? (Teoh Khoon Inn» 4.CH) Tan Kin
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  • 132 15 The A.C.S. Union will engage the Balik Pulau Recreation Club in badminton, football, tennis, table-tennis and billiards friendlies tomorrow at the latter’s ground. The following will represent the A.C.S. Union: Badminton: Lim Teik Liang, J. A. Montano. Khor Kok Meng, Khoo Cheng Tee. Chuah
    132 words
  • 230 15 ‘THE RIDING BOY’ “TRESPASSER” “CAPTAIN DASH” “EUREKA” “MAN-ON-THE- “EPSOM JEEP” “THE MAJOR” Penang Penang Kuala Lumpur K. Lumpur SPOT” Ipoh Ipoh Singapore ~RACE 1 Dairy Maid Bali Girl Dairy Maid Comma Bali Girl Dairy Maid Bali Girl Bali Girl Veracity II Veracity II Veracity II Pat
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  • 1048 15 jDELOW are the acceptances and order of running for today’s races. The first race will be run at 2.30 p.m., the other events to follow at half-hourly intervals. Race 1: Ponies Class 2 Div. 3 —s| Fur. —2.30 p.m. 1. 3 3 0 DAIRY MAID
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  • 21 15 SPECIAL telegram received from the course, containing lastminute hints by “Capt. Dash,” appears on page 16.
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  • 396 15 Most of the events were team races, in which the winning house scored 10 points and the losing house 5 points. The races, all of which tok place in a small space, called for quickness and deftness rather than muscular power endurance. The audience were
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  • 196 15 i? i? vi Events ror ine Week-end Departing from their usual course of activities, the Chinese Swimming Club will hold instead a discussion on water-polo tactics at Tanjong Bungah this afternoon at 3. The theory of manoeuvres will be thoroughly discussed followed by a practice in shallow
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 232 15 Millions Must Face this Fact After forty, we have passed the meridian of life. We must take thought to guard ourselves against growing old prematurely. It Is not the years that make us old. It Is the deterioration of our tissues and the decline of our vital forces. Although we
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  • 92 16 Tdfiay’s Races REVISED SELECTIONS BY F«CAPT. DASH'’ [Special Telegram From Course By “CAPT. DASH”] z Kuala Lumpur, Today. THE weather is ideal, and the going for this afternoon’s races will he gkxjd. Unlike other days fyvpurifss are expected to oblige. These are my revised selections
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  • 91 16 Court Summons As a sequel to the fight between two cabaret girls on June 11, at about 1.45 am. in MacCallum Street, Nancy Teo, the girl who was alleged to have received a cut on the forehead during the fight, summoned the other girl, Molly Yeoh,
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  • 202 16 Hemchit Extended By Young Dundee (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 30. Tonight’s fights at the Happy World resulted as follows: Al Rodrigues (8.5=3 4) beat David Jayaraj (8.5=1|2) on points over six rounds. It was an unpopular decision Tiger Aman (8.1=11?) beat Little Herman (8.4=1|4) on points
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  • 99 16 A male child, about cne day old, was found abandoned near a pigsty in Kampong Bukit Kechil, the Kampong behind the District Officer’s house at Bukit Mcrtajam, yesterday moxning. The discovery was made by a Chinese woman, •and the baby is at present being cared fox
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  • 71 16 PENANG ELEVEN TO MEET TOURISTS On Monday at the C.R.C. ground: Penang XI: C. I. R. Burton, N. A Rahman, Sgt. Anderson; C. Danker, F Buchanan, Yeang Kar Chong; Tan Swee Cheng, Sapper Johnson, Abu Bakar oin Awang, Oh Chong Seng and M. Z.
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  • 723 16 The seventeenth annual Municipal Sports meeting will be held at the Esplanade today at 3 p.m. The programme consists of the following events in the order of run-off: high jump, Class A; 100 yards, Class A; putting the weight; half mile Class B; half mile, Class
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  • 277 16 Good Win For Indian Player Wimbledon, June 30. In the fourth round of the Men’s Championships, Ghaus Mohammed (India). gave an excellent performance, reaching the last eight, when he beat Szigeti, the Hungarian Davis Cup player, 64, 14 16, 2 6, 63, 64 after a 2)4-hour struggle. E.
    277 words
  • 84 16 Baby Succumbs On Way To Hospital Yet another case of a baby dying on its way to the General Hospital was brought to the notice of the local police yesterday. A three-da>-old Chinese baby boy, who v. as taken ill, was being conveyed to the hospital by
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  • 116 16 Ch ur ch Ser vi ce 4TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. Hymns 242, 321, 520. 8.45 a.m. Mattins and Litany. 9..30 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). 10.30 ajn. Mattins a? Holy Communion (Chinese).4.15 p.m. Sunday School (Parsonage). 6.00 p.m. Evensong
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  • 625 16 P.W.F. A. Lose To Garrison XI GIVING their best display of the season so far, the Penang Garrison Football Association surprisingly defeated the Province Wellesley Football Association 2—l in’ their First Division soccer encounter at Glugor yesterday. The champions were without the services of Ee Teik, one
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  • 71 16 SATURDAY, JULY 1. MORNING QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $114.00 Business 25 tons Singapore Tin $114.00 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 l/8c Singapore (Spot* 28 l/8c COPRA: Sundried $4.00 Black Pepper $lO.OO TAPIOCA: Medium $3.25 Fair Seed $2.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.60 No. 2 $6.56 Rangoon White No. 1
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1283 16 notices Government Notification Head orace. 21« penang Road p ena nPhone 147/ a 147 b with extension* Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang. TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Settlement Engineer, Subscription for I inang GazetP Penang, up to noon of the 26th July, ana Sunday Gazette 1939, for the
      1,283 words