Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 615 1 TO ESTABLISH SYSTEM OF SECURITY Axis Powers Wooing Yugoslavia Paris. April 22. his learned in well-informed circles that conversation- between Britain. France and Turkey to establish a gxMein of M Ciirit) in Eastern Mediterranean are on the point of being successfully concluded. Well-informed circles
    Reuter.  -  615 words
  • 206 1 Reuter. Boycott Were Complete London. April 21. Japan could not continue war agains China for six months longer without iin ports fiom the west, said Mr. Quo iaichi speaking at the Manchester Reform Club. Pressure against Japan by boycotting her exports and placing an
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 48 1 Ottawa, A.pril 21. The mvsterv of the alleged submarine off the Canadian coast has beer, solved by a statement made by the Defence Minister. Mr. Mackenzie, to the effect that investigation showed that the vessel sighted was not a submarine but a fishing boat.
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  • 57 1 The finals in the amateur waltz competition were held at the Elysee Cabaret last night. Mr. Cheah Teong Chye, partnering Miss Noni Lee carried off the first prize, while Mr. Runnie and Miss Lilian Poon annexed the second prize. The judges of the competition were Messrs. I.
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  • 165 1 —Reuter. Dutch Reply To German Query London. April 22. The Dady Telegraph Hague correspondnt reports that the Dutch Government answered Herr Hitler’s question as to whether it regarded Germany’s attitude threatening. The Government has hitherto refused to give the text of the answer but t is
    —Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 53 1 Reuter. Three Forced By Dutch To Land Hag’ues, April 21. The authorities here are investigating three reported cases of German military planes flying over Dutch military positions in the past few days. It is understood Dutch military planes forced three of the machines concerned to land
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 28 1 Berlin, April 21. President Roosevelt and M. Lebrun were notable exceptions among the heads of States throughout the world who teleerranhed birthday congratulations to Herr Hitler.
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  • 26 1 Oberon is lying seriously HI in Hollywood Luise Nainer, is not seeking a divorcs, according to a report received today.
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  • 294 1 Far Reaching Effects Of New French Decrees Paris, April 21. The Cabinet has approved a series of decrees providing, inter alia, increase?, in taxation, and reductions in expenditure with the object of meeting the cost of the recent defence measures unofficially estimated at seventeen
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  • 74 1 4 FTER lying low for nearly a foi tnight, the now-notorious Penang Hill tiger was heard roaring in the early hours of this morning according to a story told to a l Pinang Gazette” representative by a Chinese coolie engaged in repair work on one
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 tfSTf I I -4 1 i < for North Malaya Penang:— ij{C,J 'OWN DISPENSARY LTD., ppnanc and Ipob.
      17 words
    • 88 1 taSSr/GATE 11® Z. AO/? yog/j I I Agents for North Malaya <’- Pcnaao GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY 1 'I D., Penang and Ipoh. v 6 k J| BmM y if jar ’’WO! I rl. d fcg? ''<■ '-g-'a, A 5 I A meal in itself and an abundant source of energy- Place
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  • 203 2 .—Reuter. NO END OF WAR IN SIGHT Chinese Gain In Strength And Confidence London, April 21 The Manchester Guardian says th it when Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japin in November 1936, she undoubtedly hoped it would be a new
    .—Reuter.  -  203 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. Slovaks Open Fire On Hungarians Budapest, April 21 An official statement says that the Slovaks attacked a Hungarian frontier post with rifle fire last night and renewed the attack this morning with artillery. The Hungarians replied and suffered no casualties. A Hungarian liaison officer has been sent
    ,.—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 114 2 .—8.0. W. Instructions To Civil Authorities Rugby, April 21. All local authorities in England ar.i Wales and Scotland have been asked on behalf of the Government to arrange that priority is giver, to civil defence matters over all other business for the next t.iree months. The Government
    .—8.0. W.  -  114 words
  • 188 2 —Reuter Wireless. Council Appointed To Advise London, April 20. The Government intend to pass legislation for the new Ministry of Supply as early as possible as pending the Royal assent no active steps can be taken to constitute the Ministry. It is believed that priority powers
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  188 words
  • 156 2 Reuter. Soviet Proposals Being Considered London, April 21. Among the suggestions which come forward in the course of current discussions between the British, French and Soviet Governments are certain Soviet proposals which are now receiving the attention of the British and French Governments. These proposals follow
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 136 2 —Reuter Wireless. Advocated By Mr. Anthony Eden London, April 20. Mr. Anthem Eden, addressing an audience of 7 0( 0 at Bridlington, advocated a threefold peace policy: firstly, it should be made plain that aggression had its day; secondly, restoration of confidence in international good faith
    ’—Reuter Wireless.  -  136 words
  • 62 2 .—Reuter Wireless. Tokio, April 20 An assurance that Japan does not intend to “extend her lines of defence” to the Spratley Islands was given by RearAdmiral Kanazawa, Chief of the Admiralty Publicity Bureau. He said the Islands were useless for strategic purposes as they consisted mostly
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 248 2 ('lose Consultations JEjt), Great Britain London, April 20 Close consultations between Britain and Turkey are co t ing but reports that they have concluded do not appear strictly accurate, states Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent t understood that clear understanding of Turkey’s attitude S cularly as regards her
    ..—Reuter Wireless.  -  248 words
  • 156 2 lania and Germany would profit.—Router* Wireless. Passes Down English Channel Rugby, April 21 Units of the German fleet, which are to undertake their spring exercises off the Spanish coast, passed down the English Channel during last evening and early this morning. A pilot of a Dutch airliner reported
    lania and Germany would profit.—Router* Wireless.  -  156 words
  • 113 2 i. —Reuter. American Ambassador On World Situation London. April 21. The American Ambassador. Mr. Joseph Kennedy, upon receiving the freedom of the City of Edinburgh todav. declared that, while he did not wish to minimise the tragic implications of the present international situation, the
    i.—Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 361 2 8.0. W. What Germany Missed Rugby, April 21 The President of the Board or Trsr .Mr. Oliver Stanley, in a speech night, referred to the visit recently by Mr. Robert Hudson to th. no tS capitals and to the visit that did not J place—that which Mr. Hudson
    8.0. W.  -  361 words
  • 55 2 MR. JCtSJtPH American ambassador in London 1 who received the freedom of the City cf Edinburgh yesterday. MR. OLIVER STANLEY spoke on British trade relations with Berlin last uighi. aK4 a w V udroca9ed a three fold pew I l 1 to an audience of
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  • 173 2 —Reuter. Paris, April 21. The press was unsympathetic to Signor Mussolini’s reply to President Roosevelt in yesterday’s speech. Referring to the question of ten years’ guarantee L’Oeuvre recalls that Herr Hitler once proposed a ten, even a twenty-five-year European truce based on reciprocal
    ».—Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 76 2 -Reuter in Rome Signor Mussolini's speecn day was received with c gcle s the fullest agreement'' in po ]v t 0 preIt is regarded as an Indira algo ansidept Roosevelt’s propo-- 1 the deother decisive demonstratio Ronie* mocracies of the sclidai Berlin Axis. dotit that A political
    , -Reuter  -  76 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 3 DDKB Lwojl TBIP TO MtemMfinsTßaufi LUXURIOUS COMFORT IN FLIGHT r\ J T L. The superbly equipped planes contain every F/lSt ItIXUriOUS DOUgltlS CIVKI L-tOCK.“ possible convenience. Steward and or buffet 7 1 service or. board each liner. heed air liners. Full night s sleep on land every night. Y
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  • 491 3 5 Need For Chinese Chemists To Keep Records [From Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, April 21 1 plea for the strict enforcement on Chinese chemists to keep proA per records of poison in their possession in order to avoid fatal mistakes in their prescriptions was
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  • 260 3 Son*» Broadcast Tonight a ..p ial programme of Tamil music v be broadcast from the Penang WireiMS Station ZHJ tonight, commencing at 7 o’clock, by Elsie and Esme the daugh.\,s of the late Dr. J. R Jacob <Govcm-r.-nt Pathologist. Malacca) and Mrs. Jacob. The children have made remarkable
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  • 162 3 Accident At Alor Star JUDGE’S GAR INVOLVED <From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, April 21 A very nasty accident occurred at Alor Star at noon yesterday, when a car K. 5, belonging to the Hon. Mr. Justice G. B. Kellagher, the European Judge, and travelling towards Penang
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  • 210 3 Court Grants Month’s Grace On the application of Mr. T. L. Tan. the Assistant Official Assignee, in the Penang Supreme Court yesterday, the Hon. Mr. Justice Howes allowed V. S. Madar, erstwhile partner of Messrs. V. S. Madar and Co., one month in which to file
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  • 112 3 Film Record Shown (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April 21. The Rev. Hamilton Aikin, at the request cf the Ipoh Y.W.C.A, showed at the Y.W.C.A. tonight a film record of the places he visited in his travels on his way home from leave. The Rev. Aikin
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  • 149 3 In the District Court yesterday before Mr. J. L. McFall, the District Judge, hearing of the case was postponed to May 10 in which a Tamil, K. P. Pillai, was charged on two counts of causing grievous hurt and, also, one of causing nurt. The
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  • 942 3 Alleged Failure To Ret urn Loaned Articles A a woman was alleged io have cheated two persons bv J, obtaining articles, either on loan or on the pretence that f xx puld sell it for them, and later pawning them was related m
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  • 114 3 Man Attempts To Climb Through Window Have Penang’s "Peeping Toms" been transferring their unwelcome activities to that salubrious health resort, Tanjong Bungah A couple honeymooning at one of the holiday bungalows at the eighth milestone, Tanjong Bungah, had a rude shock to see a man trying to
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  • 299 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Farit Buntar. April 19. A fine of $lO, in default ID days’ rigorous imprisonment, was imposed on Keh Lee Chuan w'hen he pleaded guilty to-day in the District Court, Farit Buntar, to a charge of having been in possession of dutiable
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  • 161 3 Perak Branch’s Celebrations Tonight (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, April 21 An attempt to create a mediaeval atmosphere is being made by the St. George’s Society, Perak Branch, for the annual supper and dance at the Ipoh Club tomorrow night to celebrate St. George’s Day. The premises
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 C. P. TOOLS i ARE LONG-LASTING and TROUBLE-FREE there is not a job you do that we cannot HELP YOU TO DO CHEAPER WITH COMPRESSED AIR °R PORTABLE. ELECTRIC TOOLS. There never was a period when economy of operation was more necessary than it is now and compressed air is
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    • 322 3 Cf i >’ -V7 I I IT S WHIPPED TO A CREAMY PERFECTION HEIaZ i MfIYOKWE Qualify beyond compare Mayon noise made with fresh eggs, purest olive oil and plenty of rich cream./ Irresistible, i J •<.. igl 2APB 63 M. Millions Must Face this Fact Alter forty, we have
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  • 409 4 a rule, speeches delivered at the annual meetings, of local co-operative societies do not rouse more than a passing interest but one little observation made by Mr. H. E. Nixon on ednesday to Penang mercantile employers, deserves the closest attention: “Asiatic family customs, most commendable in themselves,
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  • 627 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. J. M. Meade has assumed duties as Superintendent of Education, Kedah., Inche Hassan, District Treasurer, Segamat, has returned after a pilgrimage to Mecca. Mr. E. de la M. Stowell, Superintendent of Education, Kedah, left by Imperial Airways liner on leave. Mr. G. S. Reis, J. P., Manager
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  • 585 4 Unstamped Letters nnhe conviction of two Canton- ese women in the Middle Court the other day on a charge of acting as carriers or receivers of unstamped letters calls attention to what may appear to be a rare offence but which, in truth, is a highly prevalent
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  • 537 4 Saturday, April 22. France is certainly not taking things easy. Yesterday evening the Cabinet sat for 2 I|2 hours and passed a series of decrees which, Reuter predicts, are bound to have far-reaching effects on every branch of economic life. The cost of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 1 I <^ p AMONTILLADO FINO I SHERRY 1 nffi nnr2(? > I s\\ i f ii IVJ -7U/ g|< Ask ~’X >; >S d *4<:# *fcx ?•s*?** DISCLOSED SY Tek Often hidden behind a row of gleaming white teeth, decay is eating its way to their nerve centres. Tek
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    • 42 4 Ml'li ’TiivMni I lUk t wtol I ;< M IELMR "BULLFINCH 1 BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG,*h. Singapore and Kuala Utßupur.
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  • 1018 5 Profit Of $1,652 For Last Year i profit 01 $1,625.52 is revealed in the report of the Penang A Government Medical Department Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., for last year, and a dividend of three per cent, is be declarcd at the fifth annual general
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  • 110 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, April 21 Charged with being found in possession of apparatus for the manufacture of illicit intoxicating liquor, a Chinese, Teoh Teik Huat, claiming trial, told the Taiping Magistrate that the still was found by his children in a jungle. He was
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  • 201 5 Alleged Commitment Of Mischief Mr. G. D. Cooper, Market Inspector was summoned before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday, for committing mischief by kicking a salt fish into the drain, thereby causing loss or damage to the extent of $2.70 at about 9
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  • 183 5 Repeat Performance At \X embley Tonight Patrons of the Wembley Park and enthusiasts of the Malay opera will be glad to note that, as a result of requests of numerous opera fans, Inche Yem. the General Manager of the Grand Nooran Opera, will be repeating the success performance
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  • 123 5 Tamil’s Excuse For Having Samsu (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, April 21 That he had bought the samsu as an offering to God was the explanation given by a Tamil named Sundram when charged in the Ipoh First Magistrate’s Court this morning before Mr. P. F. Y.
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  • 39 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, April 21. For house-breaking and stealing, Mat Isa bin Abdullah was fined $5O, in default one month’s rigorous imprisonment, by the Batu Gajah MagLstrate, Da toll Muda Razalli, yesterday morning.
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  • 48 5 France and Marianne, the 3ft. high dolls given to Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret by the children of France, were recently exnibited at St. James’s Palace. France (left) is shown here dressed in an Ascot gown and Marianne in an ermine cloak worth 200 guineas.
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  • 43 5 MARRIED IN MID-CHANNEL: Mr. John C. Shillock and his bride, M’ss Mary Louise Hess, with Commodore Randall, captain of the United States liner Manhattan, who marr ed them in mid-Channel recently. The bridegroom is junior United States Consul at Lisbon.
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  • 226 5 PLEA FOR MERCY GRANTED (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. April 21. Before the Hon. Mr. Justice MurrayAynsley. in the Perak Supreme Court this morning, Lee Pow, a 66-year-old Chinese, appealed against the sentence of the First Magistrate, Ipoh, who sentenced him to one year's rigorous
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  • 169 5 Entertained Before Leaving For Home (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. April 21. There was a very big gathering at the Kepala Bat as Aerodrome Rest House yes it rday evening when the staff of the Education Department, Kedah, gave an “At Home” in
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  • 118 5 From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, April 21 Travelling by’ train from Bukit Mertajam to Taiping without a ticket, a Tamil named Marimuthu was yesterday arrested by the Railway guard and produced before Raja Salim this morning. He was fined $5 or a week's imprisonment in
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  • 95 5 (.From Our Own Correspondent) Teluk Anson. April 19. Alleged to have voluntarily caused hurt to his elder brother, Awaluddin bin Osman, with an axe at Kampong Pasir Sa lak at 9.30 a.m. on April 8, a Malay named Mat Nordin bin Osman was fined $5O.
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  • 56 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, April 21 Alleged to have committed pocket-pick-ing, a Chinese named Wong Choy was this morning produced In the Ipoh First Magistrate’s Court before Mr. P. F. T. Radcliffe by Mr. D. N. Livingstone, A.S.P. Accused claimed trial and was remanded till April 27,
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  • 365 5 Report Of Messrs. A.A. Anthony And Co. The general tendency of the share market during the past week has been downwards and sellers predominate in all sections, with very -few buyers in evidence. and those only at bargain prices. Rubber has be°n a slightly better market during
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  • 88 5 At the annual general meeting of the members of the Sam Tor Eh Yeoh Chong Teik Seah held at No. 3, Chulia Street Ghaut, Penang, on Wednesday, April 19, 1939, the following were elected officebearers for the ensuing year: President, Mr. Yeoh Kok
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  • 156 5 Quite a commotion was caused in Argyll Road in front of an Indian eating house at three o’clock yesterday morning, when a party of Malayalees came to blows with some Filipino musicians. A free fight between the two parties ensued resulting in some of the
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  • 320 5 OFFICE AT SINGAPORE TO BE CLOSED THE office of the Rotary International Secretariat at Singapore is to be closed on April 30, in acct rdance with a decisior, reached by he board with a decision reached by ■w> bomd of directors. District Governc rs. or club officers, in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 "This BIOCELI SKINFOOD certainly lakes away I WRINJKLESI J 1 IJh < 111 FREE I r tri! this I recipe tonight I Its effect was Im■■•■bm almost magical. In a couple of weeks it made ine look 10 years younger. Biocel a doctor told me—is the discovery of a great
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 254 6 HURRY FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE ONE BIG SHOW IN TOWN y i sr« > Alt Mr l v r•> >4 Fl I 4 SHOWS TODAY .3 SHOWS TOMORROW 11.30 3.00 6.15 9 30 1 11.30 6.15 9.30 NOTE: 11.30 A M &3 P M MATINEES AT REDUCED PRICES: 20,
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    • 76 6 ROYAL LAST 2 DAYS TODAY AT 3.00 6.15 9.30 P.M. ANOTHER MEMORABLE TAMIL TALKIE “Navarasa Alangaram’ with Miss T. R. Kriashna Veni, Duraisamy Iyer, Kannapiran, Miss J. Susila Devi and Miss Ranganayagi WITH SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION All-India, Burma and Ceylon Eucharistic Congress (LECTURE IN ENGLISH BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF MADRAS)
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  • 1275 7 a fui fixture list foi iv.b Ox trit Football Association, excluding games already played off. fixtures in the First Division of the League are printed in black type, the other fixtuics beht£ those in the Secor.J Division unless otherwise .specified. Ihe venues oi matches are
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  • 45 7 .—Reuter. His Majesty accompanied by the Queen opened* the new £850,000 Westminster Hospital which was removed from the old site opposite Westminster Abbey to elsewhere in Westminster. Two children’s wings bear the names respectively of Princess Elizabeth and Pnrziess Margaret Rose. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 476 7 WEMBLEY PARK Tonight Saturday 22nd April, 1939. Sun See Toy Cantonese Opera: Day Show “QUAH Beng Foo Chew" Night Show “Foo Chiew Toh Loong Kone Starring Mr. Lee Tv? Hun. fraud Nooran Opera By special request will repeat the performance of that wellknown Malay Talkie Success “LA.ILA MJAJNON" With Inche
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 775 8 Interviews With Albanian Refugees Banned ZOG and his family are virtual prisoners of the Greeks in the little town of Larissa. So afraid are the Greeks of oil endin g Italy that they will not allow the Albanians to speak to
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  • 232 8 Expulsion Is Held Up Then Hkifa. PLOUGHING through the same waters as the spring cruise liners 1,200 Jews in two little tramp steamers are now in the second month of their search for a home on the Mediterranean. The ships are the Rumanian Sandu
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  • 300 8 Jerusalem. PALESTINE’S leading antl-Bntish agitator, the rebel chieftain Aref Abdul Razzik. who styled himself Arab Generalissimo.” stumbled into small French military post at Fiq Syria) near the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee and gave himself up to the
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  • 301 8 Halifax. rr xvo wives are awaiting the return of I the'r "Peter Pan" husbands who tave been away on an adventure t rey UrPimcd sitoiit 8«S t?O\S. Since the frinds set out with another man more than a month ago the messages the wives
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  • 289 8 Biarritz. A BEAUTIFUL young South American, Mme. Margot de Topete, caused a minor riot one night w’hen she strolled into Biarritz casino wearing on her smart black evening gown an “axis” belt bearing in bold diamond letters the names Tokyo-Rome-Berl:n. She w’as with two
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  • 75 8 Malta. Seventeen English Boy Scouts, under the leadership of District Commissioner Flewitt, South Fylde. Lancashire, and Grcup Scoutmaster Hemming, have arrived here from Syracuse, having travelled overland from England to spend their Joflays heiie guents of the local Boy Scouts Association. During their
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  • 46 8 100 Chinese Students Leave For Yunnanfu One hundred Chinese Studens (boys and girls) have left Rangoon for Lashio en route to Yunnanfu. They are being taken on an educational tour. There was a large gathering of parents and friends to see them off.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 8 As a result of explosions at London Tube stations no tusgage may be left in any Underground station cloakroom without the contents being first examined. Here arc officials in<pe(fn u suitease at Holboru
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  • 811 8  -  by A. Blackmore April 10. Foreign Policy THE whole British nation is united in support of the new departure in foreign policy, which was announced by Mr. Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, in the House of Commons on March 31. Referring to rumours of a projected attack by
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  • 267 8 Congress Activity Resented “HINDU HEGEMONY Delhi. Growing unrest among the M"de.ns is reflected in the resolutions adop e at a meeting cf the Council of All-India Moslem League here. the suggestion was made for the o mation of a Nation'll Guard all-India basis. Mr. M. A. Jinna
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 540 8 Afraid to Eat? Dieting can’t cure you, says Dr. P. B. Scott, M.D., Paris. You’d be surprised how many stomach sufferers come to me with this complaint They say: But, Doctor, I’m afraid to eat I get such terrible pains after meals.” Often they are really ill—weak from under nourishment
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  • 524 9 yiuiry Candidates For R.A.F. J ohmteer Reserve (’’rom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, April 20. It was revealed by 'the president at yesterday’s meeting o f the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club that the call for candidates for the R. A. F. Volunteer Reserve had received
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  • 243 9 WIFE SAYS SHE LEFT HIM Kuala Lumpur. April 20. Before Mr. Middleton-Smith, the Klang Magistrate, four Tamils. Perumal. Manickam ghanmugam and Sethuraman. were charged with enticing away a married woman named Ponnammah on Feb. 22. at Bukit Kuda. Klang. Mr. R. Doraisamy Ai.ver prosecuted while Mr.
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  • 696 9 Regarding Will Of Millionaire Singapore, April 20. Application for directions on various matters relating u) the will of rhe late Mr. Scah Liang Seah, well-known Singapore Chinese millionaire, and one of the first settler.' in Malaya, was made n Hioh Cmirt to Mr. Justice pedlow yesterday.
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  • 426 9 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, April 20. “Reading VVithou: 'fears” was the subject of an interesting address delivered by M*. M. C. ff Sheppard, of rhe Federal Secretariat. <>n Wednesday night ar rhe premises of rhe General Clerical Service Association at Kandang
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  • 187 9 Malav Charged With Theft Kuala Lumpur. April 20 When charged yesterday before Mr. A.J Grattan Bellow, First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, with the theft of $lOO worth of articles, including 13 rubber coupons, four land grants, one coat and a compass the accused. Mohd. Nor, claimed trial.
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  • 166 9 Kuala Lumpur. April 20. Pleading guilty to criminal misappro.priation, Khoo Ah Wah. a Chinese, was fined $l5, in default 21 days’ rigorous imprisonment, yesterday by Mr. A. J. Grattan Eellew, the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. D. S. Palmer, the prosecuting officer, said that on March
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  • 541 9 Alleged Negligent Driving By Warder ■om vur Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 20. a secuei to the death of a Chinese s.mah, Koh Yob. vv2 n UC 7‘"n d fter «"°>ved in ~n accident cn Woodlands Road, Singapore, lohore Europe prisons T J. ec 'T !ck Fuller,
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  • 69 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, April 20 With a cloth pad behind the head and a piece of rotted doth round the neck, the. body of a Tamil was found in a stream which runs through Effingham Estate, Damansara. The police, who were summoned, are
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  • 390 9 From Our f. jundent.) Kuala I-i.. pi-. 20. '1 hat he was unaware that tile piece: goG<ls were dutiable was the defence put up by r| .Sikh police constable, Amar Singh when charged before Mr. A. -L Giattan-llcllew this morning, in the First Court
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  • 24 10 Dividend 7.29 per cent. (10 5-12 per cent.). Net profits for year £7,567 (£10,972). Dividend will be payable on April 24.
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  • 800 10 British Finance Commerce By B. Mac Kay /JIHE important part played by British 1 banks and insurance companies in promoting the commercial prosperity of the country can hardly be exaggerated, and the powerful influence of these institut ons is largely due to the immense credit which
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  • 182 10 t Front Our Own Correspondent J REMARKABLE statement conA cerning the part playel by Aberdonians in the development and present administration of Guthrie and Co., Ltd. was made by Sir John Hay, London managing director of the firm, when he was a guest of honour at a
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  • 945 10 Automobile Production Falls On War Fears (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 12. lONDO.N observes regard the Tin outlook as gloomy. Both in -J the United States (where 50 per cent, of the world's tin output is normally consumed) and elsewhere demand for
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  • 206 10 The sixth ordinary general meeting of Dennistown Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 4 at 19 Leadenhall-street, London, E. C. Mr. J. L. Milne, who presided, said that the net profit for the year was £6,995 and the balance brought forward £3,542, making-, a total of
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  • 1100 10 Marked Diminution Of Profits The twelfth ordinary general meeting of the Bukit Untong Rubber Co. Ltd. was held on Wednesday, April 12, at the registered office, 50 51. Birch Road, Seremban. The representative of the Secretaries (Messrs. Mansergh Tayler, Ltd.) having read the notice convening the meeting,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 395 10 YEARS OF STOMACH AGONY ENDED Are you a victim of what you believe to be inevitable stui.ur.i trouble? Mr. S.T.W. has a strong sympathy for those who, like him, have struggled with the misery of long-drawn-out stomach suffering’. So delighted is he now, at having found complete relief, that he
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    • 968 10 BANKS I THE MERCANTILE BAN> INDIAN I OF INDIA, LTD. LTD. *A licorporated tn England) Capital Authorised «.OW.*- I Capital Subscribed Reserve Fund and Reiff ti -47* capital Paid Up Head Office 11 1 7 r f I BOARD OF DIRECTORS. I Sir Charles A'exander Innes, Beach, ivLrto I K.C.S.L,
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  • 396 11 Hot Fight First Flat Season Winner ''l VI-KVCIXG opened happily at Lincoln with a runaway win lor the favourite. lop picture shows Hot fight Smith up) pa-sing the post six lengths ahead of Hangan in the first nice. cheerful crowd watched Hot fight (left) being
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  • 47 12 Today at the Esplanade from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March: Rolling Home To Merry England: Arbuckle. Selection: Leslie Stuart’s Songs: Godfrey. Waltz: Espagnole: Mascheroni. Overture: Gildercy: Berger. Intermezzo: My Sumrun Girl: Hirsch. 1 Selection- Vanity Fair: Finck. Fox Trot: Whistle Waile You Work: Churchill.
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  • 523 12 Mrs. Roosevelt Gets Her Own Back New York. A concert which may have considerable effect on the next president-la! election in America wjs held in Washington last week. The siiger was Marian Anderson, a contralto with a voice described by the maestro
    523 words
  • 179 12 News that Germany is building a 40,000-ton battleship has been made public by Italy Germany’s W’shes. Ihe information was given to the J’.alia» G<> rnment and to the other Powers which agreed to naval limitatior of size two months ago. It was at
    179 words
  • 670 12 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER (S ’nt George M. Patro.iil Festival) 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 8.00 a.m. Choral Eucharist. 8.45 a.m. Mattins and Address. Psalm 120. 123. Hymn 179. Hymn: 125. 9.30 a.m. Matins (Tamil). 9.30 a.ta. Mattins and Holy Communior (Chinese). 10.30 a.m. Mattins
    670 words
  • 315 12 THE WIZARD PRINTER Among the thousands of machines which, men have made in the last few centuries few are more astcnislng or more complicated than the Linotype. Only a comparatively few years ago this wonderful machine was unknown. but it ha s now become so vitally important in
    315 words
  • 419 12 Washington’s tree —not the one he did not tslb a lie about, but his family tree —has been inserted in the guide to the British section of the World’s Fair at New York. This is to dispel any doubts that the first President of the
    419 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 429 12 PROGRAMMES PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (49.30 m. t TODAY I’ M. 5.55 Chinese Music. 7.00 Indian Music 8.00 Malay Music. 9.0 G Close down TOMORROW P.M 12.00 St. George’s day programme. 1) Ix>nd of Hopei anj Glory (Elgarl. 2) He mage March 'Haydon Wood). 3» Harry Dearth: "A Fine Old
      429 words
    • 363 12 SINGAPORE ZHL 1,333 keis (225 m.) TODAY 12.45 Light Orchestral Concert, played by the Adelphi Hotel Orchestra conducted by A. Bershadsky. Relayed from the Adelphi Hotel. 1.30 Mid-day Rubber and Tin Prices. 1.32 Light Orchestral Concert relayed from the Adelphi Hotel (cont.) 2.00 Interval. 4.50 Burning Commentary on the Ist.
      363 words
    • 437 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London. April 15: Following <s the probable BBC Service Schedule ror the Far East in Malayan standard time for week beginning April 16. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m. GSF.
      437 words

  • 309 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIK Al All.S OUTWARD AND THE WEST (Empire Air Mail): For Ac la exce Pt Victoria Point), India, «tine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, t. > a Uganda, Zanzibar. Northern Af rp R hodesia, Nyasaland. South Great Britain, Ireland, Canada n,
    309 words
  • 1065 13 DEPARTURES Todiay: ADRASTUS -for Halifax, Boston. New York and New Orleans. BULAN for Teluk Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port Sweeter.ham, Malacca and Singapore. KEDAH for Belawan-Deli, m.s. DANMARK for Malacca Singapore Kohsichang, Manila, Hong Kong, Tokio, Shanghai, Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka ard Dairen. ALIPORE far Colombo. Bombay and Karachi.
    1,065 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 472 13 blue funnel line Wj.EKI.V SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Leave* Penan DrT T'NBEG Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr. 24 May 24 ‘*7'x Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 28 May 24 i/\i \t'FARIC Calls Antwerp Mlddlesboro May 5 June 2 GL f .v ma¥ SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVtrt ;Y BATES omits Havre,
      472 words
    • 35 13 DODWELL-CASTLE LINE SAILINGS FOR New York, Boston and Baltimore (via Cape of Good Hope) Due Due Penang New York m.v. THURLAND Apr. May CASTLE 24 31 AGENTS:— Tel. Nos. 568 559. Paterson Simons Co., Ltd.
      35 words
    • 899 13 P&O (Incorpoikted in EnctaDd) PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KARAPARA” SAILINC Sunday, 23rd April, 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under For Teluk Anson, Bagan Datoh, Poll SwetteDham Malacca and Singapore. Ourwanfc iron. London tor China 1' Japan o S MATA HARI Apr 28 due Penang Sailing Of Steamers
      899 words

  • 534 14 Details Of Past Performances BELOW are records of additional newcomers making their debut at the Singapore Summer Meeting today, those of other new horses having been published in the Pinar.g Gazette. GLADNESS b.a m. Manfred-Whitwood 4 yrs. Ran 15 times as three won once, places four
    534 words
  • 191 14 Four Teams In Kota Star League The Kota Star Football League Competition for the Stuart Sh’eld will commence next Friday when the Alor Star Police meet the Merrylads. Only four teams have entered for the competition, namely the Alor Star Police. Merrylads, Minstrels Sports Club and Abdul
    191 words
  • 221 14 iT<on? the notable non-qualifiers.—Reuter Wireless. Padgham And Burton To Replay London, April 22. AIFRED PADGHAN of Sundridge Park and R. Burton of Sale t ed for first place in the S Iver King golf tournament at Moor Park with the aggregate of 285. The replay
    iT<on? the notable non-qualifiers.—Reuter Wireless.  -  221 words
  • 367 14 Action By Stewards THE following action was taken by the Stewards at the Selangor Gold Cup Meeting, according to the latest number of the Straits Racing Assoj.’atio Calendar just issued: FIRST DAY—March 11. RACE No. 4 —Horses, Class 4, Div. 2. The Stewards investigated a case
    367 words
  • 1086 14 Race 1: Horses Class 2 Div. 3— Abt. 7E,— 7 o fl I w,,)^p.rn t 1. 01 3 FOUR O’CLOCK 4y 9.04 Mr. A. Van Tooren I 2. 4 0 0 KALILI 3y 8.13 Major Fox &lt;&lt;z Mr. Handle' 3. 0 0 0 VEDAS )y &lt;CI3
    1,086 words
  • 105 14 tod out K' d Battling Khoo who knocKe Ali some time ago at the 1 stadium, will have Nai Sai nt m stylish Siamese boxer, as his opP 1 {O the main event over 12 2-mifl 1 nl n;,’y morrow night at the Lunar Hui. Park.
    105 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 SAVE YOUR GOOD LOOKSBrylcreem to °f I the health and ap' z of your hair by the daily use of Brylcreem. &gt; You’ll find there’s nothing /L better for keeping your hair w in good order—smart an d well groomed S. \XI a y« Start to Brylcreem your hair I
      190 words

  • 329 15 WILL HE REPEAT 1938 SUCCESS? What Punters On The Course Fancy GOING LIKELY TO BE GOOD (Special Telegram From The Track) Singapore, Today. The opening of the Singapore Summer Meeting is vested with more than ordinary interest on account of the Anniversary Cup
    329 words
  • 208 15 ioV “Trespasser’ “The Major” “Man On The Spot” “Epsom Jeep” “Eureka” RA IE (Cviiang) (Penang) (Singapore) t (Ipoh) (Ipoh) (K. L.) harvest HARVEST FESTI- the poacher harvest festi- speranza U. FESTIVAL VAL Hravest Festival VAL Harvest Festival &lt; k Lucky Life Mountain Stream Lucky Life r
    208 words
  • 159 15 Team lor Coining Singapore Meeting Tr.&lt;- C mmittee of the Chinese Sv..;; :\ completed their task of dr..:.:; s are to represent them in the for.;. aquatic meet, and the following are expected to acquit themcred/-... x: week-end in Singapore: Miss Lin S. k Khim (100 m.
    159 words
  • 49 15 l. ican golf competition 1 -M. H O’:e. 2 up. Miss M. '•db ru’ai'or-up. a the S.X.I. ground at 10 y‘"‘ M. A'.tbar, A. Rahman, y 111 U Ahamed, A. R Siru, I mail Hashim, Abideen, U ;;an and I. Md. Neer. m Ismail Ibrahim. K. Noor,
    49 words
  • 533 15 St. George's Day Soccer In Penang England held the Rest to a draw, two goals being shared, in the annual St George’s Day Soccer match played on the Esplanade yesterday. The game was keenly contested but on the run of play the Rest deserved to
    533 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 15 ,v 'r the final fence to give Major Roddick his third consecutive winride in the Grand Military Gold Cup at Sandown Park.
    23 words
  • 104 15 Com.ietitors in the Penang Lawn Tennis Championships are informed that the entries for the Men’s Singles. Men’s Doubles and the Mixed Doubles will close on Monday. April 24. at 6 p.m. instead of today. Owing to the extremely poor support for the Ladies Singles and Veterans’
    104 words
  • 34 15 There will be a return badminton match of 4 men’s Doubles and one Men’s Singles between the Mende B.P. “B” team and the “88” BF. at 3.30 today at the latter's court.
    34 words
  • 514 15 THERE are still over 100.000 Jew’s in Berlin. The total Jewish population in the Old Reich has fallen from 520,000 in 1933 to about 320,000. but the preportion in the capital has actually increased, because life is made not only intolerable but impossible for Jews in
    514 words
  • 172 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Teluk Anson, April 21. A ven’ pleasant afternoon was spent by the members of the Dew Recreation Club, Teluk Anson, yesterday when a scries of exhibition tennis matches were played on the Club courts. Fine weather prevailed throughout the afternoon and
    172 words
  • 75 15 BOW. Rugby, April 21 The appointment Is announced of Sir John Woodhead as Governor of Bengal with effect from June 11. It is a consequence of the grant of leave to Sir Robert Reid, Governor of Assam and at present Acting Governor of Bengal. It is
    BOW.  -  75 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      48 words

  • 66 16 MIDDAY QUOTATIONS HN LATEST Pfnang $112.75 R'-sine’s 25 tons Singapore $112.”5 AUBBER: Penang (Spot) 27%c S*’. M apore (Spot) 27 %c COPBA: Sundried $3.60 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Medium 53.30 Fair Seed $2.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.10 No. 2 56.00 White No 1 $6.70 Local
    66 words
  • 103 16 Prev. Latest Paris 176 45 64 176 34 New York 4.68/j 4.68 Montrea 1 4.07% 4- 70 /&lt;-. Brussels 27.85 27.85 2 Geneva 2G.86& 20.86?« Amsterdam 8.81% 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.67 11.67% Stockholm 19.41 19.42 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsing.’ors 227%
    103 words
  • 225 16 New York, Friday. Lower prices again failed to attract important operators. Rubber trading was primarily professional, some expect a five per cent quota increase but the belief was that consequent pressure was unlikely. Supplies at price level and the general busi ness outlook seem to be against
    225 words
  • 202 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBERS: Buyers Seilers Amalgamated Malay 1.40 1.50 Mentakab .35 40c TINS: Ampat 3,0 3 6 Ayer Weng .65 .70 3atu Selangor 1.20 1.25 Heng Fatt .63 66 Jelebu .55 .60 Klang River 1.60 1.70 Kramat 9 0 9 6 Kuchai Ord 1.07% 1.12% Loncon Tin 310 3:6 Marnbau
    202 words
  • 243 16 SOON THEAM CO. TINS: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3jo 3'4% A. Hitams 18'6 19'6 Ayer Wengs .65 .68 Bangrins 18,6 19J6 B. Selangors 1.20 1.23 Berjuntais 9|3 9'9 Chenderiangs 110 119 Horg Fatts .63 .65 Kamras 1(3 16 Kamuntings 7,9 8 6 K. Lanjuts 15i0 15 6 Kramats 910 9;6ex Kuchais
    243 words
  • 152 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3(0 34% Aust. Amalgamated 4'6 s’o Bangrins 18(3 19(0 Hong Fatt -62 .66 Jelebus .52% .57% Johans .23 .25 Kramats 8.9 9(3 K. Lan juts 14 6 15(0 Kuchais 1.10 1.15 Kur.dangs 6’4% 6J0% Laruts 4T% 4|6cd Lukuts .47% .52% Pungahs 16'0 16(6 Petalings
    152 words
  • 60 16 —Reuter. London, April 21. Despite week-end considerations and the proximity of the Budget, a brighter tone pervaded the markets with a marked ircrease of activity and strength of giltedgc-d. Kaffirs attracted Cape and local alter.ion, while Paris bought dividend payeit. Corr;-nodiliQs also experienced, cn tht whole, a more
    . —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 38 16 —Reuter. Conveyed On Board Another Vessel Havre, April 20. The liner “Champion” sailed from New Yoik carrying art treasures and passengers from the liner “Paris.” The passengers include Mrs. Lindbergh and her two children.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 120 16 ANTHONY CO. qpjjg. Buyers Sellers Ayer Weng -35 .70e«-i. Bangrin .3 19 Heng Fatt -33 .85 Jelebu .57% .82% Kampcng Lanjut 14 9 1513 Kanxra 10 16 Katu 19 9 20 3 Klang River 1.65 1.70 ex Kramat Laruts 4 0 4 J Marnbau .47% .52% Nawng Pet -25 .30
    120 words
  • 189 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Pawls 1.00 1.10 Bassetts 45 .50 Batu Lintang -95 1.00 Bentas -92% .97% Brogas 57 62 Indragiris 1.05 1.10 Kuala Sidims 1.90 2. OOex 1.42% 1.52% Malaka Pindas 1.07% 1.15 Mentakabs -35 -37jc Pajams 1.50 1.60 Sungei Tukangs .92% .97% Tapahs 1.45
    189 words
  • 232 16 A woman told the magistrates at Brentford, Middlesex, that she brought a theft charge against an “attractive, romantic young couple” because sne thought they needed a lesson. “I’m glad this has happened to •hem.” she said when the charge was dismissed. Sidney Alsace Russell, aged 24.
    232 words
  • 1139 16 KENNEDY CO., SHARE LIST NAIISS I S f fS i i KUBkKK (Dollar) i ?n 1 k.leubj ..uouct ..1-0 1 kioi u.]ai&gt; Kubber Estate n 2 iu&gt;«&gt;gauiate&lt;l Aiaia, Estate* 1 1 ijer Uliato I'UuUlltf bfi.dicete &gt;0 1 l kjc. Moiek Rubber L(i. 1 v M ct i -uas Rubber Estate*
    1,139 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 180 16 i I f Was so N METAL POLISH Z V /&lt;jO FOR ALL METALS Z" Agert: H»rp*r, Gllfillkn I C*. Lt*. Singapore, Ptr.ang I Kuala Lumpur X Z i i i M 17 fcl THE ORIGINAL jSQI conditioner Malta slept to health BSi AD® what other do? owners nave been
      180 words
    • 556 16 Head Office: 12. B, sh s i Phone 1477 H Telegram*- r •*)&gt;,.,. K Singaoore Office: "VB 5471. Tel; “Tim..» c’ re l&gt; Office: 25, Java StreM Mpore Office Brewster Road et 'pk hon Office: 40. 43 Fleet c On t Phone Central London. TelRates of Pin H Pinar.g G
      556 words