Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 23 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 I’ii’il ISiil li liill.V <( 92- < >l. X( A 11. FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1939. PRICE 5 CENIS.
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  • 924 1 National Defence Campaign DR. BURGIN APPOINTED MINISTER OF SUPPLY Loudon. April 2 1. While European capitals hum with diplomatic activity. Britain is making rapid progress in her national de‘ence campaign. I he W ar Office today introduced two Army reforms. I he first reduces the
    —8.0. W.  -  924 words
  • 193 1 Reuter Hoose veil M a v Take Action Xew York, April 20. i, Roosevelt will await Herr t< his peace appeal before a iding w son. Ambassador to Berlin nd. e to “informed sour 8 ted Press Un State Department. 1!t i that Signor Must President Roosevelt’s
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 77 1 G'ppo.ition Io South Af.lcan Police Bill Capetown, April 20. •i J ’rein South West Africa is we would from the Union” i'"itzog speaking at the se♦he South-West Africa the House of Assembly. ■"V>" will protect territory as Wt- Would <>ur own nationals. 1 opposition Leader, move»' “1
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  • 268 1 I''blings Of Burma Riot Inquiry Committee London, April 20. 1 ‘•■'■mo’ political mischief-making’ by the younger Buddhist exposed in the final report of the Burma Riot Inquiry Comp 1 il conspicuous cause of the “disturbed political conditions in t two years of self-government”. —Reuter. r»i,
    .—Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 145 1 —Reuter. What Chinese Success Means London, Apri’ 21 It would be as great a mistake to minimize as to exaggerate its importance, omments. riie Times after e?;amini r r the inf se offensive The papei adds that besides givin proof which was indeed hardly need-d I of
    ’—Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 123 1 .—Reuter. Japanese Lose Rich Source Of Coal Supply Peiping, April 22. Wrecking trains and blowing up coal mines are among the latest activities in North China. Travellers arrivine at Kinhan describe seeing a long military train completely wrecked at a point a few miles north
    .—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 310 1 In Resisting Aggressors NO LIMIT Olf RESERVATIONS IN PLEDGE OF SLPPORT London, April 21. The veil over the Brii’sh approaches 'he Soviet to -ecure her adhesion f o the anti-aTg re<s»on fton t was lilted this looming by the Daily Telegraph. The British
    ,euter.  -  310 words
  • 94 1 .—Renter. Vatican City, April 21. The Pope has aslc J. for prayers for ■pr u t la. sa: thr< ityhoiit the Catholi world. 7/;< reqv.r st is conta.iv a in a. bttci to C Maylion Papal >3e< reta.ry of in which His Holiness
    .—Renter.  -  94 words
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    • 12 1 v// 1f ed on mW &GATE 6 'l nf *•> 0” LiD. X***
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    • 101 1 1 COW GATE Jf Agents for .'forth Malaya o '‘coaiicr—- GEORGE I'o'A X' I>l SPE •'R Y J n Penanc and Ipoh C.S. 91A N feg|i|g TkLm. w. wtMi I "■’< II Y V* x i- f-W: A- < X /ine quality MUTTON at extreme!v low prices Highest grade of
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  • 397 2 8.0. W. DUCE’S INDIRECT REPLY TO ROOSEVELT World Conference Not Likely To Succeed* Rome, April 20 A direct reference to President Roosevelt’s message to the dictators was made by Signor Mussolini, addressing the executive committee of the Rome Universal Exhibition of 1942 at the
    8.0. W.  -  397 words
  • 283 2 Mr. Menzies To Form Government Canberra. AprT 20. Following the election of Mr. R. g. Menzies as leader of the United Australia Party. Sir Earle Page, Leader of the Country Party, who had been Acting Prime Minister since the death of Mr. Lyons, re gned tcday
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  • 36 2 —Reuter Jerusalem, April 20 A. Jewish supernumerary policeman was killed and five were injured when the lorry in which they were travelling struck a land mine near Rehoboh. west of Jerusalem. —Reuter.
    —Reuter  -  36 words
  • 147 2 .—Reuter Birthday Of <ir Berlin. April '>o Herr Hitler rose at six this i., J millions of Germans Reich and annexed territories J to celebrate his fiftieth birthclay > pomp and glory benefitting an e:nnr-v Equipped with woollen blank» parcels of food, hundreds of tho i j
    .—Reuter  -  147 words
  • 238 2 .—Reuter. With 50,000 Troops Participating Berlin, April 20. Fifty thousand troops are assembling early morning to take part in the biggest parade the capital had known in honour of the birthday of Herr Hitler who is fifty today. For five hours from 4 a.m, they will Chancellery
    .—Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 208 2 —Reuter. To Respond To Any all By Premier London, April 20 Speaking lengthily on the international situation at the dinner of the Canada Club, Mr. Winston Churchill dealt win the part played by the Empire and J on some fateful day Mr. Chamberlain was compelled to give
    ’.—Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 151 2 —Reuter. Diplomatic Comings And Goings London, April 20. There never was a busier international “lull” than the present one. This is the apt conclusion of The Times diplomatic correspondent reviewing the comings and goings of Kings, Rulers and diplomatists, while the world awaits Herr Hitler’s answer
    ’—Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 191 2 —Reuter. Bulgarian Ministei’s Arrival In London Sofia, April 20 With the arrival today of the Bulgarian Minister in London to report, diplomatic activity here and in London recently concerning Bulgaria seems to be approaching the stage of definite results. King Boris has been in conference with his Premier,
    .—Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 275 2 —Reuter- Shanghai, April 20. Hardly a day passes now without further cla rn.s of Chinese successes on the various fronts. Among the latest assortment is one alleging that Chinese vanguards reached a point only five miles from Canton from which the Japanese are
    —Reuter-  -  275 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 A z ‘T JjA I j i -E >1 I sEm 1 -&> huMa XT- Sff <24 c£> -fl? '£&&j££cXJr CCIJt y&ui c/i*"<^fet, «3 AYER) ZzZLzZ fr I 111. —lll II» —IM T- MM- W.P S 4 xxr. «M» With LUX TOILET SOAP its easy to have a lovely skin
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  • 1613 3 plea To Minimise Use Of Horns MEETING OF PERAK branch of Aa m. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. April 20. 1 apain appeal to members to limit the use of v in ‘built up' areas to the minimum, otherwise ri vc danger of
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  • 109 3 Euroean Officer On Thistle Glen <Fi m Cur Qwn Singapore, April 2(1. Mr. Harr> K< inert.son A-ho landed, len days a'jo at St. John’s island Quarantine Station from the British vessel Thistle Gien’’ suffering from smallpox, died this morning. The “Thistle Glen,’ on which the deceased
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  • 296 3 Protest Against K.K. Bns Service (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, April 19. Kuala Kangsar citizens woke up this morning to find not a single riesha on the streets. One hundred ricsha-pull*is had called strike as a protest against the recently inaugurated cheap bus service to and
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  • 72 3 —Reuter. Britain and France Not Represented Berlin, April 20 Official giiests representing at least twenty-three countries will be present at the birthday celebrations Britain and France are not sending official delegations but two Britons, Major-General Fuller and Ix>rd Brocket, are private guests of the Fuehrer.— —Reuter. JAPANESE CONGRATULATIONS
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 552 3 Wife Of Singapore Chinese Lawver. o' Singapore. April 19. EUROPEAN woman. Mrs. Ruth Isohel lan. was to- v granted her application for divorce from her husband. a Singapore law ver. Mr. lan Peng Yong, in the High Court before Sir Percv McbJwaine. citing as
    552 words
  • 154 3 Failure Tt i .»v By Sub-con l raclm* The disappearance of a Chinese subcontractor, Ng Chcon. caused some conternatiun on Tuesday among about 15J coolies, mostly women, at Bukii Alenajam, who had not received their wage for periods varying from three weeks to iwo months. The coolies,
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  • 97 3 Reuter I-ondon, April 19 It is understood that at today’s meeting the Cabinet approved in principle the proposal to set up a body to deal with the question of supply of munitions materials for the War Office consequent upon the recent decision oi a double strength Territorial
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 V 1 IN McCail ykl-„■ V// N. N M prinfea fi 'Si Z N ok -11 K 1 1 Ugh Printed M "S’ X liR OB 3m Pcßern Z R OS St-w\ 3,39 S SPUN FLORALS JR 1 H 75 cts. vd. "'■'t PRINTED RITZO S t 70 cts y<L
      163 words

  • 545 4 IT is foreshadowed that im- provements in Singapore traffic regulations may result from the deliberations of a committee appointed by Government to consider how the F.M.S. Road Traffic Enactment may be incorporated in the legislation of the Straits Settlements. If this is preliminary to
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  • 538 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL On Sunday, 23rd instant, being St. George’s Day, Evensong at St. George’s Church will have a special significance for members of the Royal Society of St. George and for all Englishmen. w Mr. John Hands arrived back in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday morning by the mail train from
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  • 628 4 Parking Lights» THE question of car lighting makes one thing clear and that is, very confused ideas exist regarding the law on this subject. I often wonder whether there is any obligation on the part of a motorist who parks his car after dark to put on
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  • 371 4 Friday, April 21, 1939. ORITAIN is evidently leaving nothing to chance. While the whole of Europe hums with diplomatic activity, she quietly (and Quickly) gets on with her national defence campaign. The clamour for a supply of Ministry has been met by the
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  • 361 5 (\|)l \N GOES TO GAOL been quite ck-ar that you have V >1 trving to uiake money by cheat- tins is the first time you have r ight up, I will treat you as a nd r but you must realise that if ;U
    361 words
  • 142 5 ACCUSED REFUSED BAIL 4N Indian Mohammedan named Mohammed bin Ibramsa. was arraigned be- fore Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court, tnis momir.j on a charge of an act. namely stabbing Shariff bin Abdul Kadir with a pen-knif«* with such intention or knowledge and
    142 words
  • 91 5 lotirnament Results The following are the results of ties played in the Penang Sports Club’s bowls tournament: PROFESSION PAIRS: J. E. Miller an u I. A. McEvoy beat J. M. Venters ap d A. J. Drake 21—13. MEN’S DOUBLES HANDICAP: Plus D. Sturrock anj A. Milne
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  • 68 5 Reuter. t roops From India To Proceed To Egyp* Cairo, April 20. General Percy Scarlett and several other officers of the indian Army will be arriving at Cairo from India in four days’ tiipe to discuss the garrisoning of troops from India in Egypt in
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 29 5 Ihe Rest defeated England by seven goals to two in the annual St. George’s Society water polo match played yesterday evening at the Penang Swimming Club
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  • 962 5 Discussion Of Subjects Of Special Interest To stimulate interest ami efficiency of Wardens who have received training, and to enable them to meet and discuss subjects of special interest, and to provide a channel through which the views of the rank and file of their
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  • 119 5 THERE WAS A MAIN ROUTE BREAKDOWN OF ALL TELEPHONE LINES IN MALAYA LAST NIGHT AT 7.45. The cause of the breakdown was a cocorrdt tree in a plantation alongside the Posts and Telegraphs Store near Bukit Mertajam crashing through the asbestos roofing of the store also and
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  • 223 5 Further Classes Arranged The following further First Aid Classes will commence training at the times and dates specified: Class XVII: Eurasian Association and P. R. Club (Men) 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 125, at Penang Recreation Clugl, Dr A. F. H. Aeria. Class XVIII: Eurasian Association and
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  • 70 5 A special programme of Tamil music will be broadcast tomorrow starting at 7 p.m. from the Penang Wireless Station by Misses Elsie and Esme Jacob, daughters of the late Dr. J. R. Jacob (Govt. Pathologist, Malacca) and Mrs. Jacob. E.M. Papineau of D. Gestetner (Eastern)
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  • 258 5 HOBBS’ HORSES IN FORM (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. JNTERFST this morning at Bukit Timah was centred mainly round Hobbs’ string, exercising here for the first time since training commenced for the Summer Meeting. His Cup candidates— Empiric, Bombus and Where Am I attracted much attention.
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  • 174 5 European’s Silverware Stolen One of the most ingenious and audacious daylight burglaries of recent months was perpetrated on Tuesday afternoon, when a Chinese got clean away with silverware worth $3OO belonging to a European resident of Free School Road. The house burgled was one of the Municipal
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  • 127 5 —Reuter. London, April 20. The following is the result of the Blue Riband Trial Stakes run at Epsom over 9 furlongs today:— BLUE PETER 3y 8.2 (Lord Rosebery» 1 DIADOQUE 3y 8.12 (Mr. S. Vlasto) 2 FAIRFOX 3y 9.0 (Miss D. Paget) 3
    ■.—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 59 5 Mr. C. W. A. Sennett, who came back from leave on the P. O. s.s. Rajputana yesterday, will assume duty as District Officer, Butterworth, or. Monday. Mr. A. V. Aston who has been Acting District Officer for the last two months leaves fo rTeluk Anson on Sunday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 359 5 I A small extra cost but perfection to the last Swe gPRESS 'T 5 CIGARETTES ARDATH TOBACCO CO.. LTD., LONDON. SHERLEVS &ULC auJl The basis of good health in all dogs is pure, cool blood When a dog’s blood becomes impure, his system becomes sluggish. He gets listless, his appetite
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  • 1836 7 AS reported in the Pina ng Gazette yesterday, a centre of the R.A.l' olunteer Reserve (Pilot Section) is to be established at L'enang ano applications to join are invited. Below are particulars oi conditions of service. Persons *no would be interested in ;oinmg
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 428 7 WEMBLEY PARK loni/thi Friday 21st April, 1939 si < I '>v Cautonese Opeia: Nllll > Sb I, TAI TH EAN WONG" Starring Air. Lee ’lye Hun 6ra ii<l Opera SITI ZL’BAIDAH” Last Part A Malay Historical Story. Capital Talkie» [wo shows nightly at 7.30 9.30 p.m Y ivouiite Stars In
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    • 116 7 11 1,1 i Runny me de Hotel I Saturday 22nd I ANNUAL DINNER BALL > OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ST. GEORGE i RECEPTION 8.00 p.m. i t DINNER 8.45 p.m. Late Launch 2.30 a.m. Late Hill Train 2,30 a.m. ADMISSION DY INVITATION ONLY u e *4 IA DIAMOND 1
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  • 635 8 Sydney. /CLAIMING that he was inspired, and V 4 that for sewn years, until his task was accomplished, he could not rest, Mr. Austin E. Byrne, railway employee, of Bannerman-crescent, Rosebery has completed an elaborate (memorial to the late Sir Charles Kingsford
    635 words
  • 102 8 JX)RD MOTOR CO. assembled its 27,000,000 th automobile at the branch plant at Richmond, California, on February 15. L.P. Cutler, president of the Golden Gate International Exposition, which was officially opened on Feb. 18, took the wheel of the car as it came off the assembly line and
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  • 93 8 Two 1,050 h.p. liquid-cooled engines ar> fitted in some recent batches of the Wellington “geodetic” monoplane boninr, large numbers of which are issuing from the Vickers works at Wry bridge. The new powerplant gives thecraft a considerable step-up in power and increases their already high spe xl
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  • 50 8 Several British engineering hrms pursuing research directed to design <‘" construction of efficient “compr ssiontion” oil-burning engines for installati"' aircraft. British aircraft now in construe ion, however, are unlikely to have h-a-.-oil engines because their perform m markedly inferior to that easily achieved by existing British petrol
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  • 56 8 Five hundred and seventeen overseas Dominions and the accepted for appointment to con mi in the Royal Air Force last y< were enlisted either through fh'm. v nels overseas—and cons i passages paid to England siastic young men who m e way to England and took
    56 words
  • 64 8 Two more British bipliu 1 ordered by the Divisao de f- vi' Transportes Aereos, Portugues African commercial air servo Th-e company began operate with two de Havilland Dram 1 l Dragonfly, and a Hornet M*a p.. a and sixth aircraft, now old» rt f gon-Rapides with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 375 8 I*l*l IhMPfw vC 874-K-E WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel And Yen’ll J*a* y of Bed Full of Vim and Vigour. Your liver should pour out two pinta of H<juid bile into your bowels daily. If this bOw Is not flowing freely, your food doesn’tdigeatIt just decays in the bowels.
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  • 158 9 (J’.O.'S ORDER I I I EC I fVE u V r issued bj the Chief Police Mr. BAT B. O'Connell, notifying to lock their machines. when s r in public places seems to i effect. Before the order was ,v thefts in Penang averaged
    158 words
  • 240 9 v. preferred against an I Wed be tore the Middle Court xm r ly charged with into the fowl-iou-'C of 141. A: r Itam village, and also m respect pot valued $l5. in 56 30 am. on April 4. made, ttu dv j erday produced cn
    240 words
  • 156 9 '""■'•'■i■'< Inquiry Begins I *"in our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat, April 19. I <i'en by a Malay schoolboy, n S '"'nyak Beku on February, collided with a Chinese, Ah lj miles from Batu Pa- was taken to the General he expired. era.- the inquest (into
    156 words
  • 50 9 11 Our Own Correspondent.) •j Singapore. April 20. p c on- Chamber of Commerce t at a general meeting of C <ile Chamber, elected Mr. C. f r v as tlle representative of the n Hie Legislative Council to :r John Bagnall, who has gone
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  • 925 9 Yesterday’s Tea Party At Khoo Kongsi r pHE Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe was entertained to a tea partv by the members of Khoo Kongsi in honour of the recent conferment upon him ol the 0.8. E. He was highly praised for his public-spi
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  • 415 9 Heard Neighbour Sing Love Songs To Her And Lost Control Of Mind, Says Counsel (From Our O»n Correspondent), ipoh, April 20. THAT the accused was under extreme provocation when, on returning home, he found his neighbour singing love songs to his wife and
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  • 126 9 tFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. April 19. A young Malay, aged about 2c, while on a visit to his father at Alor Pulai. mukim Kangkong in die district of Kota Star, was waylaid and assaulted by another Malay resulting in the joung Malay receiving serious wounds
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  • 52 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. April 20. Mr. V. P. F. Walsh, a well-known sportsman. died suddenly at the General Hospital this monjing. He was playing golf only yesterday evening and he took ill suddenly this morning. Aged 45, he is survived by his wife
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  • 145 9 German firms ar'' “almost certain' to secure a contract for a £1.200.00 1 dry dock from the Dry Dock Company of Valparaiso. Chili, says Mr. J. W. Hitchman. London-box n mar agei of the firm. Mr. Hitchman explains that the Germans offered liberal
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  • 100 9 I’ROGRAmiE OF BROADCAST r IVIE Coronation Amateur Party, of the X Malay Recreation Club, will broadcast at the Station ZHJ, Penang on Saturday. April 22 at 8 p.m. lnma Grand Nooran Opera will also take part. Ihe following programme has been arranged:—
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  • 177 9 From Our Own Correspondent.) Sungei Palani. April 19. A charge oi I’oJuntarily causing grievous hurt to his wife, Karsanama, was explained to a Tamil, Itaniasamy, a coolie employed on United Patani Rubber Estates. Abu Bakar Division, in the Sungc Patani High Court. Second Division, before Wan
    177 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 284 9 S' c Jll y,/ TOl l j a 1 11 8 I k< I k 8 The perfect X’mas present A gift of distinction Not only streamlined but heat controlled Delivery arranged in the Brit. Isles v .-TZT" w Rm j Prevents scorching and can be used with greater -r—,
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  • 2615 10 But Quota May Be Increased For JulySeptember Quarter BRITISH U. S. GOVERNMENTS ANXIOUS TO INCREASE WAR RESERVES London Stockbrokers Criticise “Misleading Production Costs Figures (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 11. VFT'HAT are the rubber price and quota prospects in view
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  • 22 10 Rembau Jelei Rubber Ltd.—The Board 'ecommend (final) dividend in respect of last financial year of per cent payable on May 18.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 947 10 BANKS HONG KONG AND NEDERLANSCHE SHANGHAI BANKING HANDEL-MAA! SCHAPPIJ CORPORATION. H.V. (Incorporated In the Colony of Hongkong The liability of members la limited to U extent and in manner prescribed 1 (NETHERLANDS TRADING Ordinance No. 6 of 192» of the Colon SOCIETY Hea4 HONG KONG. (Incorporated tn th* Netberlax.flg Authorised
      947 words
    • 47 10 I I STEEL 1 WINDOW FRAME'S I I FRENCH DOORS HHH etc. etc* 9 gK 3 S Equal tn the Ee«t 9 H K imported makes. 9 H g KAmJfAOTVMD BY 111 EASTERN NFB. CO. H H 0 I, River Road, I M I Penang. thonb im,
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  • 219 11 French President Goes Down The Mall "J 1 HE King and M. Lebrun, accompanied by the Duke of Kent and the Duke of Gloucester, who welcomed the French President at Dover, driving down the Mall in the State coach on their way to Buckingham Palace
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  • 234 12 l —Reuter. London. I A young Danish singer from leciand is among the new singers who have been 1 engaged to appear in leading parts in the I sixth Glyndebourne Opera Festival which [•opens on June 1. She is Maria Markan who is still in her
    l—Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 194 12 .—Reuter Shelter In War bondon r Fifty £20,000 camps, available as school camps in peace time and for accommodating evacuated persons in time; of war, are provided for in the new Campi Bill, the text of which has just been issued. Each camp will accommodate
    .—Reuter  -  194 words
  • 728 12 A GRATIFYING IMPROVEMENT Mr. J. Edgar Jones presided at the sixth annual general meeting otf the British Investment Trust. F.M.S.. Ltd. held at Chartered Bank Chambers, Ipoh or. Wednesday. April 19. 1939. at 12.30 p.m. Mr. G. G. Duddell attended while Messrs. C. S. B. M. Cooke,
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  • 267 12 Mechanical Wonders Ar Sea We have been looking at the Queen Elzatath. Let us look again at some cf the machinery on board. To begin with, there is the vast propellir.'* machinery, bigger than we can well imagine, so vast that it 'vill develop over 200.000 horsepewer—the very
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  • 828 12 “We have a wonderful future ahead cf us in any line of business today if we will just lift the lie! and say we know so little about anything.” This was the keynote of the address of Mr. Charles F. Kettering, Vice-Pres’dent
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  • 599 12 Pensions JBill To Be Circulated Rangoon In the .House of Representatives recently U Ba Hlaing (Rangoon Non-Indian Labour) moved that the Political Pensions Bill (1939) be circulated for elicit ing opinion thereon. U Ba Hlaing said that it was his first intention to refer the matter to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 799 12 LCLRJLTi. -z. “TelLl 3'o kAu .LCM I’ E N A N G ZH.J 6.08 mc/s (49.30 ni.) TODAY F.M. 5.55 Chinese Music. 7.00 For tne Children. 7.30 “Girger and his Nutcrackers.' Signature Tune ‘'Whispering.” 1) My Own (Miss Ivy Palmer 2) Lady B‘ Good (Lambert). 3) Don’t let Your T-ove
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    • 778 12 SINGAPORE ZHL 1,333 kc.s (225 m.) I TODAY I P.M. 5.00 Malay Drama. 5.30 Extra c Turns.) 5.45 Lagu Melayu.f 6.00 Teo[j cnew Drama.t 6.55 Teochew Orchestral jp Reci tai. v 7.00 C2i\'< vens’ Flrogarmme. e (English). 7.15 Time. Weather, News ar.d Announcements. 7.30 “From the y Studio. Armchair.’’ 7.45
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    • 409 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule I For Far Earl London. April 15: Following -’s the probable BBC Service Schedule tor the i Far East in Malayan standard time for week beginning April 16. 1 TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG 5 GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m.
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  • 374 13 t;ilcst Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang H(A|\ MAILS BANGKOK ’.vill leave Penang M ndays and Fridays. la will arrive in Penang >-‘i Sundays and Thursdays. FM.S., SINGAPORE, etc., at 8.30 a.m. and 9 1 P-m. and 2.10; 1 Lumpur 10 p.m. and 9.00 Arrivals
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  • 40 13 Todaat the Esplanade 6.15 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.: March: Under The Double Eagle: Vv agner. Overture: Riensi: Morelli. Selection: The Allies In Camp: Engleman. Waltz: Memories: Mackenzie. Selection: Cavalcade: Coward. Quick Step: The Song Of The Marines: Warren.
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  • 1046 13 ARRIVALS Today: SIL VERGUAVA ex Pacific Coast, Philippines, Java and Singapore. THESEUS ex Singapore. RAJPUTANA ex London via ports. MENTOR ex Sinagopre. DANMARK ex Europe via Port Said. KUMSANG ex Calcutta. Today: ADRASTUS ex Singapore. KEDAH ex Singapore. Saturday, April 22: ARENDSKERE ex Far East via Singapore.
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  • 104 13 Dredge statistics fcr die month or March, J 959: Katu Tin —Hours run 566, cubic yarcs treated 125,000, Tin ore won 1.020 piculs, estimated cost $17,200, cost per cub. yd. 13. 76 cents. Dredge stopped on March 29 after recovering quota, etc. Renung Consolidated 573 hours, 207,000 c.
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  • 94 13 Nicosia, (Cyprus). Col. F. W. Baell, Assistant Director of Supplies and Transport at the War Office, is here consulting the Government as to the best methods to meet the desire of Cypriots to take their part in Empire defer. ?e, either by enlistment in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 386 13 SLUE funnel line l .lilA SERVIL E TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Dn- s Calls Hull Apr. 21 May 20 Calls Antwerp Middleaboro Apr. 24 May 24 Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 28 May 24 A V If.N DA> SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA vrrpnr4 .iK Apr. 21 May 16 vKATES Omits
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    • 904 13 P© and Gt V BRITISH INDIA (locorpoiirted in KnflandX J PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KAKAPARA” SAILING Sunday, 23rd April, 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under For Teluk Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port contract with His Majesty’s Government Swettenham. Malacca and London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN”
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  • 1389 14 MANY HORSES IN FORM Tomorrow’s Prospects At Bukit Timah (By “Trespasser") VW7HICH horse will win the Anniversary Cup tomorrow at Bukit Timah? Ever since the ’handicaps were published punters have been speculating on the chances of the fourteen candidates. The issue of the scratchings today
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  • 95 14 Special Cable From Course Tomorrow 111 future the Pinang Gazette will publish a special cable sent from the course on every outstalion race day. giving lastni’iiute hints on the prospects of the day s sport. The first of these telegram* will appear in our issue tomorrow, which
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  • 98 14 Teanv- For Today’s Match Tho PnmvH st F>a«- pn-cc’-p'nteh between England and The Rest niace on the Esplanade to-day at 5 .20 p.m TE X3IS England (White Shirts'»: Set. John*S. V. Adams T. A. Maxwell: D. Chadwick. J. N. Cooler. E. C. Tokeley: W. T. Francis.
    98 words
  • 220 14 Reuter. London, April > The following are the probable for the Two Thousand Guinea the first classic race of the s< 0 run at Newmarket on Wednesda- 25. over 1 mile:— FULHAM 9 0 (U.rd Astor) HIGH PERU 9.0 (Sir A Eai.'■■■■ Richaru WHEATLAND 9.0
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 116 14 St. George’s Socieb vs. The Rt‘sf The anr.’ial women'.- golf mntch ,f tv >en the Royal Society c f St. Georg and The Rest will be played on Monday. April 24. The following the the fixtures: 4.30 Mrs. Oke and Mrs. J. W. Clvk v. Miss Howes-Roberts and
    116 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 375 14 pkIYMER'S I Sharpens the Appetite a'ds the digestion, gives zest to /out meals. The medicinal attributes of Gaymer’s are well-known like Champagne it contains powerfully stimulating and fragrant ethers n large quantities it is particularly rich in vitamins, and renders 'he free phospheous of the apple available in its most
      375 words
    • 165 14 Aafat Mid I I I r MILTON HAS I USES FOR WOMEN Milton is a remarkable antiseptic, fl Ra stronger yet gentler than any other you 1 Ry can buy. Quick-acting and long-lasting 1 H SL in its effect. And absolutely safe. As a I H deodorant Milton is invaluable.
      165 words

  • 881 15 And Order Of Running I RACE 1 2.30 s las- 2 Division 3 About 7 Furlongs. ,-p .-•(•I.OfK 4y 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval i Sy 8.13 Major Fox Mr. Handlev Major Fox »y 8.13 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval J-Y LIFE 6y 811 Mr
    881 words
  • 58 15 RACE 1 HARVEST FESTIVAL Lucky Life Tho Poacher RACE 2. INVENTORY Judith Anton Quisana RACE 3, KERRENA The Caliph Calvados RACE 4, EMPRESS New Mcon Kissing Cup RACE 5 SCARLET TIGER Cooltipt Le Touquet RACE 6, ROYAL HAMPTON Barford Aerial Pest RACE 7, ARGOUTAT Prince Herode Danger
    58 words
  • 129 15 Two leading teams meet tomorrow when the Min Sin Seah play the Chin Woo Athletic Association in a friendly match of table-tennis at their premises at 8 p.m. A battle royal is expected with the Min Sin Seah as favourites, as thev possess better players. These players represented Penang
    129 words
  • 983 15 P. C. F. A, Overwhelm Min Sin Seah J| lll\hb, matches in the Second Division of the Penang .hoothall League were played vesterday. hi the Sr. Xavier’s Institution ground, the Penang Chinese bootball Association “B” trounced the Min Sin Seah six-nil. The margin of
    983 words
  • 221 15 CLASS 4 HORSES which have not won since May 1, 1938—6 Furlongs 0 0 0 A CHIT T.FS 5y 9.07 “Weame Kongsi” Billett 00 0 WEE JOCK 8y 9.03 “Mr. Charles” Turley 2 3 0 SUCCESS 5y 8.13 Dr. Ong Siow Hian Sherida 00 0
    221 words
  • 25 15 —Reuter. London, April 21. In tTe Third Division (Northern) of the English Football League yesterday Doncaster lost to Bradford City I—2.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 64 16 MIDDAV QUOTATIONS TIN LATEST Penar,-* $111.50 Business 50 tons Singapore $111.50 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 27 Me Singapore (Spot) 27%c COPRA: Sundried $3.55 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.30 Fair Seed $2.95 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.10 No. 2 s<>.oo White No I $6.70 Local Parboiled No.
    64 words
  • 171 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3'o 3i4% Aust. Amalgamated 4 6 510 Bangrins 18J3 19 0 Hong Fatts .60 .64 Jelebus 52 M 57 1 2 Johans .23 .25 Kramats 8.9 9 3 K. Lan juts 14 6 15 0 Kuchais 1.10 1.15 Kundangs 6 10% Laruts 4 1%
    171 words
  • 103 16 Prev. I-atest Paris 176 23,32 176 45;64 New York 4.68 -fa 4.68 Montreal 4.70% 4.07% Brussels 27.84 27.85 Geneva 20.87 20.86 Amsterdam 8.81% 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.68 11.67 Stockholm 19 41 19.42 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226 5 8 227%
    103 words
  • 150 16 ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 3 0 3 6 Austral Amalgamated 4 9 5 3 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.22% Hong Fatt .62 64 Jelebu .57% .62% Johan Tin .22 .24 Kamra 13 16 Kuchai 1.10 1.15 Kundang 6 3 6 9 Laruts 4 0 4 3 Petaling 6.25
    150 words
  • 246 16 New York. Thursday. 3es’ c'ivity *n the last three sessions ccormfini'-d the morning “rise, but v se ‘”.cm withdrawal of buyers re--I’iCt inactivity and inability of -i-'-nr ty to hold the gains. Although cautious trading policies are till prevailing, a more hopeful atmosr- s noticeable. konneis are
    246 words
  • 32 16 Cabled advice has been received of the declaration of an interim dividend on th? Preference shares of 3i% less tax, payable in London on May 9. Register dat° April 18.
    32 words
  • 69 16 Contract Awarded To German Firm Ankara. April 20. -After keen competition from British and Dutch firms, a German group obtained a contract from the Turkish Government for the construction of an up-to-date Turkish naval base at Gueldjuk on the Gulf of Ismid involving expenditure of £2.500.000.
    69 words
  • 270 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBERS: Buyers. Seller» Ayer Panas 1.00 1 15ex Bassett -47% .52% Batu Lintang .97% 1.02% Bedford 90 .95 Borelli 1.15 1.25 c Broga 60 .65 Brunei United -45 .50 Bukit K. B. 25 .30 Hay tor -80 .85 Indragiri 1.10 1.17% Jeram -65 .75 Kedah 1.80 1.95 Kempas
    270 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 277 16 WHEN KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES YOU TO GET UP NIGHTS When Bladder is FrrH’-’to-I ani do not function proWhen Passage is Difficult perly-thev need a pood cleaning. When Bfekache Bothers /*5 pensive is GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the famous urinary antiseptic—you can’t go wrong Rid Kidneys and Bladder of on
      277 words
    • 385 16 NOTICE BEST SMELL “ORGANDI” PERFUMERY. APPLY KHOO 800 SIEW CO.’ i 17 19 21—4 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at the Office of the Settlements Engineer P. W. D., Penang, up to noon of the Bth Mav, 1939 for the following works:— Erection of pupil midwives and attendants’ quarters
      385 words
    • 1131 16 MMBKK*I IB I HB4D OPPKb 12, HYSHOP STREET, PENANG ’PHONE 1477 TELEGRAMS: “GAZETTE.” PENANG 7 ifHffspore Cecfl Street, Singapore. Phor e 5471. Tel: “Time» c Office: 25, Jav. Street. ’Phone 3683 Ipoh Office/: Brewster n T£? Or e. Kn, Office: 40. 43, Street. Un ion. E.C.4. 'Phone Central London. T
      1,131 words