Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 933 1 DICTATORS NOT EXPECTED TO RESPOND FAVOURABLY World Conference Proposal Soviet Russia’s Readiness To Participate Berlin. April 17. Hostility to President Roosevelt’s note is marked in the Diplomatische Korrespondence which declares: *’The sole purpose of this note is to increase discord among European states by an
    —'Reuter.  -  933 words
  • 143 1 ir Reuter. Normal Measures In Abnormal limes Gibraltar, April 16. Th« FVfiich destroy?! s “Le Terrible’ 1 Fmtasque” arrived this mornin" th v are lying off the south mole bomn defences at rhe entrances t(. the a imii ally Harbour. It is under- t v tre
    ir Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 38 1 Reuter. Nett Yoii, April 15. 'l hi s in adcr stalos that the i V Stab > ll pi obably be drawn >io> m t uar more swiftly than in Hi, Great iiar.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. London, April 16. rned th? Court of Enquiry it 1'or: smooth into the cause of 1- ii occurred in the British ’vrier ’Ar.k Royal’’ returning, it ir about three weeks ago» buying several planes. j •ult of the inquiry is not dis-j u. itcutpp.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 367 1 Ciano Explains Italian Action In Albania P Paris, April 16. f, t ln<, s speech yesterday was I, 1 r c eived in political circles ■n.sider it more conciliatory than I dh 7 Ital a n speeches The fact that I t 1 anxious to uphold
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  • 143 1 On Britain And Other Pro-Ch inese Poivers Tokyo, April 16. The Japanese Cabinet intends to bring drastic diplomatic pressure to on Britain and other pro-Chiang Kai-shek powers, according to the newspaper Nichi Nichi Shimbun. Japan is also to extend unqualified moral support to Italy’s
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  • 49 1 Seville, April 17. Tr dng from Burgos along s carefully-guarded route, General Franck •.ri'h several members of his stall arriv’d h. re for the first great victory review in which 50,000 thousand troops The celebrations included a special reli- j gious procession and a gala bul-fight.
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  • 57 1 —Reuter. VabKaw City, April 6. The broadcastiny in Spanish,, praised the “noble and heroie Spanish people” and eongratulated the leaders oi.' their sexnd for Christian civilisation and their conquest of communism and Ho appealed, that justice be tempered w-ith mercy in the ecuntry's reorganutati(Y,z
    ..—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 65 1 —8.0. W. Driving from Windsor Castle Their Majesties, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain, the A'merican Ambassador and Mrs. Kaunedy an A other guests, visited the balloon barrage depv. at hook. Surrey. Daring their i'isp;<A:or. a demonstration lasting tv. o hours of a certain secret equipment
    —8.0. W.  -  65 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 fed on f()\V &GATE i i < I 6 ORC! y, an(! J,,.,:,"
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    • 45 1 COW GATE 'h'laya ty Pcnanr/ GEORGETOWN DISPEV O’Y !>., Penang and Ipoh. Not a gamble Quality counts every time. Have you tried our CHILLED BEEF’ UlilLU SW/iEti PH- ,NE PENANG— ISOO 1501 BUTTER AVORTH— S3 Advt. of Singafort Cold Storage Co., LU. lf J’-S. 2W mmhb
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  • 1444 2 ROOSEVELT’S APPEAL FOR PEACE Axis Not Expected To Accede To Terms Washington, April 15. President tiooseveifs appeal to Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini has electrified diplomatic circles especially in view ol the hornests nest which the message is lia e to stir up against himself
    Reuter.  -  1,444 words
  • 199 2 —Reuter Washington, April 16. Without any explanation the Navy Departrrm- ordered the Fleet to return from the Pacific A. formal Fleet review was to have been held in the Atlantic on April 27 The Fleet had also been scheduled to visit the New York
    —Reuter  -  199 words
  • 271 2 Lord Halifax Sees M. Maisky •>* Rugby, April 15. Added significance's given to yesterday’s interviw between the Soviet Amoassador, M. Maisky and Lord Halifax in view of the Ministerial statements in both Houses of Parliament on Thursday of the importance which the Government attaches to the part
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  • 728 2 ’—Reuter Roosevelts Service To Mankind London. April pj The measure of Britain’s app rec atlr of President Roosevelt’s intervention indicated in the very heavy type wi J which the President’s h store m( sa e printed in the newspapers The hopes aroused last night wero hever, tempered later
    ’—Reuter  -  728 words
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    • 103 2 mssol METAL POLISH for a Wjm REAL polish M 1» 9 Hi Ugh NEW DODGE K FD R 18 3 8 FfM|iwW DxaA Z M lr 4tesW!L\T -—a m T/ie Neir Dodge has Remote Control Gear Shift. Independent Front Wheel Suspension with roiled springs. High Torcpie engine Straight-line potucr drive.
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  • 368 3 12 Doctors Attending Trip To Klang And Carey Island Kuala Lumpur, 'to-day r jp\\ Lla L doctors iroin Cevlon, French Indo-Chma, Netherlands Indies, the Fhillipine islands. Siam and Malaya arc attending the three weeks malariology course beginning here to-day before going down to Singapore
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  • 268 3 I JU. I h alt With By Home Secretary guilty to t he charge of employer, a 15-year-~,iered at the Old Bailey id 1 during the King’s pleasure, be O'*' jock only seven minutes. af not empanelled. n a K man, Mr. Albert John The
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  • 443 3 like Judgment Of Paris.” Says Counsel I- AHIS -uiuething like the Judg- '.is,” commented counsel Lan at Grays, Essex, County Lrt in which a girl stated that she r ,v,- fnJ ‘Tie man, while another ‘ln >f Paris,” remarked |j, jid ‘three beautiful jdifs, r< were
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  • 248 3 Business for Tomorrow’s Meeting Following is the agenda for to-morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners 1. To confirm minutes of last ordinary and special meetings held on March 28 1939. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4. To confirm decisions arrived at by
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  • 368 3 Does As He Likes—And i Makes a Fortune 4S he strides through the streets of London burly, bearded, in a bright green suit, vivid red neckerchief, gold rings in his eais and a huge black slouched hat topping all—none pf those who turn their heads to
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  • 87 3 i. —Reuter. London, April 15. The iollowing ore the results of today’s important races at Newmarket: SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FOX CUB 2 BOLD DEVIL 3 Thirteen ran. Won by a head; four lengths between second and third. Betting: 8;i Signa Light; 9'4 Fox Cub: 20 1 Bold
    i. —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 62 3 Louis Expected I'o Beat Roper Los Angeles, April Ifi. JOE LOUIS is 12 tc I on favourite to beat Jack Roper of Cali- fornia in Monday’s world heavyweight championship tight. Experts expect Louis to win by a knockout in the fir-t two or three rounds. Koper who
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  • 233 3 Old Edwardians’ Good Win (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Apr» 16. The Old Edwardians’ basketball team scored j ■'t another fine victory when they defeated the Har Q team at the Siew Chay School court yesterday by 52 points to 38. Tne siivWer of rain that tell
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  • 66 3 Reuter New Haven, Con. April 16. Richard Hough of Princeton estatfcshed new world’s records tor 100 metres and 100 yards breast stroke, covering 100 metris ir. 1 min. 3 7'lo sec. compared with 1 win. 9 510 sec. held by Blake (Germany); and 100 yards in 1
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 369 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, April 15. SEVERAL excellent gallops came under observation on the track at Bukit Timah this morning in preparation for the Singapore Turf Club Summer Meetings. Aerial Post, Blue Peter and Hard Road, were among those who impressed. The inner track
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 'i&F SPRING i Brings Q To The Tropics FLOWER DECKED Sil /1» SUITS Flower Spangled nr Candlewick Tufted Rings j \A Two gay styles which add charm to any N figure. Flame, Brown, Navy, Tropic N 'S' Red Brick grounds with multi colour Embroidery. k S.JF. &W. Price 7'50 IW
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  • 658 4 A S pro announced in the “Sunday Gazette” yesterday the Straits Settlements Government, which is already contributing £750,000 for Imperial defence proposes, to make a gift this year of a further sum of £1.000.000, and the relative motion will be moved at the next meeting of
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  • 62 4 As from today the “Pinang Gazette” will be issued as an evening paper with all the latest news of the day, in addition to the previous evening’s news as hitherto. We crave indulgence for the lateness of today’s issue, due to the difficulties of re-organisa-tion. The usual time of
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  • 88 4 —Reuter. Given Great Reception At Iran Teheran, April 17. With glittering magnificence, Shas Iran gave a great State welocme to Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, 19-year-old heir to the throne and his pretty pride. Princess Fawzieh, 17-year-old sister of King Farouk. As the crown prince, his bride
    .—Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 105 4 —Reuter. Eire Objection To Judge’s Remark Dublin, April 17. An incident arising out of the trial of I. R. A. bomb terrorists in Britain is the subject of a formal protest by the Eire Government to Sir Thomas Inskip. These representations are the outcome of a
    ’—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 635 4 Talking About The Weather The weather is hard’y an original topic but what can one expect on a Monday morning? Much though the break in the drought is welcome, I wish the rain had chosen a later hour to come. For those fortunates who can lie in
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  • 438 4 YESTERDAY, President Roosevelt’s appeal to Hitler and Mussolini caused a great stir in the political world and at the same time, brought a ray of hope to peace-loving nations. Today the topic of the hour naturaly is: How will the dictators reply? Reuter mesages
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  • 278 4 Russia’s Needs Outlined By Premier Moscow. causes for the exploitation cf JL man by man and the division osociety exploiters and exploited ha ?e been abolished for all time.” This claim was made by the Soviet Union Prim’ Minister, Molotoff, in his report to
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    • 315 4 MjMm ./[JOINT ME NT *Xj® A/J? f ■'.<. i VW V/ V &F ,I u?\X^k<aask# &vM -i\WI 'JF. <&5 'XrSr/Z’ 'j®?* 4 ’vtli 1 a Established in 1657 the J’ear C\ \JB 5 X%4< ?Jv after the Fire of London and 4l\ shippers ever since of Wines <Z«JI traditionally of
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    • 56 4 SPERRY PURE ROLLED OATS WTTWCICMTIL*. *MMUf«CTUMD <» ftIJELK Specially packed to protect your health, as well as to preserve the shape of the Flakes and wholeness of the grain. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS fio Airtight Vacuum Tina Obtainable at all the Leading Provisions Dealers Soie jLg&kti Henry Waugh Co..
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  • 365 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Wong Voon Hoy of the Kinta Treasury, Batu Gajah, has come over to K impar Courts on transfer.—Corr. Datoh Muda Razalli, M. C. S., MagiBatu Gajah, will be going on tranto Pat it by the end of this month.— Corr. s|c 4 s pr Chen Su Lan, Mr.
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  • 351 5 Veneas Passengers I The Blue Funnel liner s.s. “Aeneas” arrived here this morning from Liverpool via ports with the following Malayan passengers. FOR PENANG Lt. Col. E. A. de Bufiatte, No: 9, Beach Street, Penang. Dr. D N. Blair, Health Officer, Penang, Mr, R. W. Calderwood,
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  • 651 5 513,816 Said To Have Been Paid To Turf Clubs H Of $13 816 had paw vitHn 4 ent Turf Clubs W MWava ln fifteen months by a man t“ 8 a month was alleged in the Penang I ohce Court, before Mr. A. W. Bellamv
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  • 775 5 Several Chinese Weddings During Week-end r Penang Buddhist Association was the venue 01 a pretty wedding on Saturday, the contracting parties being Air. Oh Chong Seng, the well-known all-round sportsman, and Miss Lee Keat Poey, sister of Mr. Lee Swee Poey. Mr. Oh Chong Seng is the
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  • 30 5 LT. COL. E. A. DE BURIATTE, u'ho left Penang on four month»' leave, returned here this morning by the Blue Funnel liner Aeneas from Birkenhead.
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  • 1646 5 THREE MALAYS CHARGED IN HIGH COURT Tunku’s Loss Of Jewellery And Cash (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. April 16. r pHF hearing was begun of.’ “The Akintaloon Ca c. yesterday when three Malays, Jaaiar b Tcha acoob b. Haji Mohammed Noor and Galiya,
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  • 108 5 Th? B. I. liner Talma w’hich arrived here this morning alongside the Swettenham Pier from Calcutta and Rangoon brought with her eighteen mules for the Regiment at Taiping. The mules attracted a large crow’d when ”’ere led to the railway station. from where they were sent to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 "Be like me Enjoy LIFE again rf» J Look how healthy and happy lam And to think that only six months ago 1 felt run-down and dead-tired. The doctor recommended Sanatogen. Sanatogen helped me at once. It seemed as if a stream of new life flowed through my vein*. Now
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 394 6 Z V the SVN sH NE vF turned on W be ATHEYVfc a U die ton M« to g‘ ve >O in love >vttJ>. a nd j S^ ey 9 o n J B y tnp v° tt k w Vov W rtul Give Ker a" 1 er^' W story,
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    • 199 6 Matinee To-day at 3 p.m. (Reduced Prices) Souvenir Photos of Shirley Temple will be distrbuted to our Patrons occupying Ist 2nd Class Seats at To-day’s Matinee LAST NIGHT —TO-NIGHT: 6.15 9.30 J» (•IANE AN» HER CAN® HIT THE OREN ROA*l> L fliid. wh«h m®r®, hit a *®w high in hitarttyl
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    • 531 6 empire BOX NO. 5 ALOTR. STAR ’Phm» a TONIGHT LAST NIGHT 77 At 6.45 p.m. 9.30 p m Grand Double Attraction AT LAST THE MOST INTPi< nr CHARACTER OF THE GREAT u, IS BROUGHT TO THE S( Reev WOVEN AROUND THE CU A p\ r OF DR. ANNE-MARIE i EUROPE’S
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  • 228 7 AO. SAID MONT GOMERY IM) Till m;.n,i/or ask If: New York. n'T,n;r MONTGOMERY, matinee idol Il of the screen, tried to be very e and serious when be appeared f re a Senate Committee in Washington m arguments on behalf of the Screen
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  • 234 7 Anna Neagle Will Pl a y Nurse Cavell New York. HER 'Dawn' is to be made, of Al was him telling the story W;t lrse Caval, the English woman who in dead by a German firing squad hel^7p elS n October 1915. She had ritish prisoners of war to escape.
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  • 65 7 Caught red-handed while coming out of a house in Ariffin Road with a bundle of clothing tucked under his arm, a young Chinese, Hong Ee Peh. was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday with theft of the articles. The accused pleaded guilty
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  • 153 7 W ILLIAM POWELL, debonair hero of “The Thin Man,” and one of the half-dozen most popular stars in the world may retire from pictures. Following his recent serious operation, Powell has taken a holiday. It will be no surprise to Hollywood if on his return
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  • 415 7 ot virtue who have spent an appreciable part of the last three years hissing and booing Basil Bathbone are in for a surprise when they see Universal’s new film, “Son of Frankenstein.” Elected the screen’s most dastardly villain by garnering 37% of the total
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  • 153 7 JACK BENUY. film and radio comedian, voted the funniest man in America, hadn’t a smile or a wise-crack as he pleaded guilty in New York to smuggling charges, and was fined £2,000 and ordered to report to the Federa* probation officer in California for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 lOXK.HI' LADIES’ GUEST NIGHT wEMB LEY PARK Tonight, Monday, 17th April, 1939. Sin ov n o,,eBe Opera; CHEET SEE PAK MENG” Part 3. (.run 11 No<» r Opera GT AR PRINCESS" A grand Fairy Tale. Capital lalkie» Two shows nightly at 7.30 9.30 p m. Irone’' a dream Cary’s a
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 50 7 NEXT CHANGE AT QUEE N S JL Dorothea Kent Frank Jenks Virginia Grey Grant Mitchell Isabel Jeans Marion Martin x It W fj Directed kJ A JOE PASTE RNAK ARCHIE MAYO r#duaiaa Screenplej b r MILES COMOILT end TOM REEB Origiutl Sterj by Phil Epstlia A Mgur UNIVERSAL PICTURE I
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    • 135 7 Matinees Tomorrow Wednesday Matinees Thursday and Friday at 3 p.m. at 3 p.m. “FIREFLY Conbtauce Bennett Cary Grant in 'ith Jeanette’ McDonald and r zx i > 17 L> Allen Jones 1 U 1 1 E K Downstairs 15 30 cis. Popular Prices Downstairs 15 30 cts. 3 SHOWS TODAY
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  • 250 8 Further £1,000,000 Proposed MR. .1. it BENNETT TO MOVE MOTION IN COUNCIL qpHE Straits Settlements Government, which already is contributing three-quarter of a million pounds to Imperial defence, proposes to make a gift of a further million pounds this year. A motion that the Legislative Council should
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  • 212 8 Non-Goverument Servants’ Move (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, April 5. fTVIE housing problem in Kuala Lumpur, JL so far as it arfects middle-class wage-earners, will be tackled by the Committee of the Non-Guvernmeat Servants’ Association, according to the annual report and accounts, which will be presented
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  • 277 8 Motor Trek ‘’Travel Broadens The Mind” WTTH 270,000 miles of roads, mud tracks and sand behind them, tw’o weary travellers and their badge-covered motor car have reached Singapore. They are a Hollander, Capt. Teo. P. Osterhaus. and his pretty Bavarian wife. Captain Csterhaus has been driving in 70
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  • 139 8 IN a letter to Mr. F. J. L. Mayger, of Singapore, written "on a rolling train en route from Chicago to Albany, Dwight Long, the young Seattle world voyager who passed through Penang about two-and-a-half years ago in his craft, the 32ft. ketch Idle Hour, says
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  • 103 8 A_n elderly European bankrupt, George Dickenson, appeared in the Singapore High Court, before the Chief Justice, S.S.. Sir Percy McElwaine, when the Official Assignee, Mr. E. N. Taylor, made a motion for commitment. The bankrupt was alleged to have failed to submit statement of accounts
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  • 289 8 HEADED BY AN ADMIRAL Singapore. Saturday. A GERMAN goodwill mission to Japan Tnk heaaed by the president of the Ger-man-Japanese Society, Admiral Forster, Who commanded the German from 1933-36, and a Foreign Office official, and comprising 11 representatives of leading newspapers, have arrived at Singapore.
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  • 89 8 The promotion of the following officers of Class V, Malayan Civil Service, to be Officers of Class IV. with effect from the dates shown against their names, has be,n approved: Mr. J. K. Creep Mar. 18, Mr. G. A. G. Walker Mar. 18, Mr. K. A. Blacker Mar.
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  • 355 8 ■-PROPOSED ALTERATIONS to the B Second-Hand Dealers’ Ordinance and Jie Pawnbrokers’ Ordnance, both designed to aid crime preventions, are notified in two Bills announced in the Gazette. A tlvef or receiver who has pawned fl stolen article is frequently found in possession of the pawn ticket
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  • 241 8 A SINGAPORE Chinese debtor’s asset, which might be destroyed if he became adjudicated, was the subject matter of a scheme of arrangement which was approved by the Chief Justice, S.S., Sir Percy McElwaine, in the Singapore High Court. "There is one feature about this scheme
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  • 53 8 —Reuter. Rangoon, April 15. Nearly four hundred Chinese lorry drivers and m e chantcs sent at the expense o f Chinese loyalists n Malax;, have arrived from Singapore and Penang to drive (hinese transport on the Yunnan. Burma road. Their smart blue uniforms and keen manner excited
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 269 8 JUDGE ORDERS FLOGGING (From Our Own Correspondent» Kuala Lumpur, April I,:> rptHAT he had abused the hospitality JI. which the complainant.had afforded him, was one of the observations made by Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith at the Selangor Assizes yesterday, when he sentenced Loke Kwan, a young Chinese,
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  • 96 8 Reuter. Italy “Islam’s Public Enemy No. 1" Casablanca, April 14 A largo number of Moroccans with pieces of Macaroni attached to their clothing demonstrated against Germany and Italy. After attending prayers the Mosques, they marched thiough the streets shouting hostile remarks about totalitarian states and calling Italy
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 103 8 Broadcasts In Malay from a Japan 1 radio station at Formosa, oegun >' months ago, are regarded as further <- dence of Japan’s desire to "make J her cultural aspirations in this part of 1 world.” In the Netherlands Indies, the meat is considering making it
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  • 21 8 —Reuter. DR. VinuM-' n Belgrade. APO Dr. Gobbels arrived by LV t bul and after a brief halt lei
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 369 8 THE BEST DIET DURING CONVALESCENCE «After operations, or’ wasting and other (diseases, you feel so weak and exhausted that' you 4 wonder "whether you’ll ever feel really well again Everyone urges you to eat. Yet food nauseates you. But you simply must eat. Doctors all over the world have found
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 159 8 8.8. C. EMPIRE BROADCAST Schedule For This Week Rugby, April 15. The 8.8. C. Empire broadcasting service schedule for the week beginning April 16 is as follows: 6.27—8.45 a.m. GSI, GSO, GSF. GSD GSB. 10.42—1.55 p.m. GSJ, GSH, GSV, GSE. 2—3.30 p.m. GSJ and 2—4 p.m. GSO; 2—5 p.m.
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  • 754 9 150 Attend Iskandar Polo Club’s ‘At Home’ (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Kangsat, April 16. his association Mitli the club 30 tear- ago. while he was still at school, His Highness the Sultar th i erak, spoke to a distinguished 'fathering at the Iska-dar i’olo C’uh yesterday
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  • 299 9 Ilupoi'l lor Mm cil uui*s aie practically the ;1 January last and show l( j on last month, states the eport foi March. It ib d t 1 i.. month will be better i v improvement will be ,i throughout the ''ear. coat> liu Hrs. Mins. 33
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  • 262 9 r Baffled Police For Over A Y ear B\ IbHT a white-naired woL nidi: of jii a. J to leave her home ■n K-;:’ c- ally ln g the door behind Bier. I Neighbor '.liu saw her out late at flight thought that he was
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  • 119 9 Convicted Ou •I I rax Charge 1 I 'ui Own CorrespuiidenL) Tcluk Anson. April 15. j 1 hav taken part in an affray 7 J -late ut 5.30 p.m. on March ll Indians named Perumal. Ul llu •u. Kuppan. Narayanans am and Palayan, were tij
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  • 50 9 (From Our Owai Correspondent) Taiping, April 16Found travelling without a railway t-cket from Prai to Taiping, a Tamil boy named Suleiman was handed to the Taiping Police. On his production before the Magistrate. Raja Salim, on Saturday. Suleiman plembd guilty -uid was ordered to receive Lirtt strokes
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  • 83 9 Canadian Rotarian To Visit Taipinji (From Cui Own Correspondent• Taiping. April 15. DR .H. C. ICRTER. the Canadian representative of Rotary International, will be com ng to Taiping on April 23 and will be present at the luncheon meeting of the Taiping Rotary* Club at the Coronation
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  • 99 9 Taiping Circus Attraction (Frcm Our Own Correspond;nt» Taiping. April IG. Despite keen competition from the ‘talkies’ and amusement parks, the circus still hud its own in the matter of entertainment, as seen b;/ the large crowds which throng the Isako’s Circus nightly, which is now having a
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  • 115 9 Estate Labourers Fined At Tehik Anson (From our Own Correspondent» Tehik Anson, April 15. Two Indian Estate labourers named Cheng an and Guruvan appeared before Che Osman bin Ta’ali, in the magistrate’s court. Teiuk Anevn. yesterday moi ning on a charge of committing theft of clothing 1
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  • 80 9 Four Penang Successes in January Examination Cable information has been received in Penang announcing the success of the following candidates at the London Matriculation examination held in January, 1939. Mias Oh Swee Sian—Private Study. Lim Kean Huat—St. Xaviers Institution. Sara thee Samy— Free School. Selvaretnam Thillal nuttu Free
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  • 159 9 Dr. T. W sen, Health cmcer, e r 1 erak end Batar.g a .dang, a keen ockw player, nas been elected Pict ant of the Lower rerak District Hockey m place of Mr. R. n. Turner, MC S A. 3ic.ant Distr C ice;. I >v Li- Peiak.
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  • 265 9 ritttn ilyiniiPrince Lharir A j-Ciet message is lo.vly a-’p.aiing cn the back of a royal pro.lamation. ig- sued 193 yeai.s ago, offering 30.1vej ward, for the of Bonnie Pr’nc“ Charlie. The document is in the rJghi Museum. Scotland, and the curator. Mr. Jamej Buie, believes
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 STRAIGHT FROM TH E TIN Hsre is Natures mo*’ nourishing drink reuay lot V J use in fh;s convenient form When heat and eKoii iak«foil of your vitality, replenish often with the palatable nourishing richness of -BEAR BRAND" Natural Zl Swiss Milk. .J BEAR BRAND hSsS BRAhP MILK ■I JlLlf
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  • 1039 10 Investors Render Nations! Service By Refusing To Sell Big Recovery To Follow Relaxation Of European Tension (From Our Own Correspondent) London, April. 6. T ONDON stock and share markets, which have enjoyed nothing resembling normal activity since Germany’s march into
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  • 233 10 Profit Trends By Robert Mackay (COMPANY reports published during the first twelve weeks of this year show that the profits declared by 791 British companies during that period reached an aggregate of over £106.000,O<X). This figure, though somewhat low than the comparable totals published f the
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  • 223 10 riXHE following publications were issued I or received by the Department of Statistics, S.S. F.M.S., Penang, during the period 3rd to Btli April, 1939, inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Government Building, Penang. Application may be made by members of the public
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  • 38 10 Reuter. Spanish Government Withdraws Geneva, April 15. 'The Spanish Government has notified the Avenol that she wishes to withdraw her signature from the act for arbitration and for Pacific settlement ol international disputes. Reuter.
    . Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 1162 10 United Kingdom Duty May Be Raised London, April. 3. ‘TT PROPOSE to raise the duty on all tea —Empire and foreign—by 23. a pound. Why do Idoit I believe there is a willingness and even a pride in the humblest homes to take a share in this
    W. W. R.  -  1,162 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP •--Tiitiwiir lateijlgy-- fib’3Br z A large number of these pumps have been made for BRITISH GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS full particulars from HUTTENBACHS, LTD. (INCORPORATED IN S.S.) i ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. llll 1 ■"■i 1 I i ,i... -g 33
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    • 884 10 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BAN! OF INDIA, LTD. x licorporate<j in England» r i'| y Capital Authorised £3,000,00 Capital Subscribed IJ Reserve Fund and Beat £1,247,8a- Lift,* -ipital Paid Up £1,050.0» (Incorporated in British BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Sir Charles A-exander Innes, K.C.5.1., C.1.E., Chairman Sir Thomas Smith, Kt- Deputy Chalrma Right
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  • 205 11 Lambs And Londoners ij OHA Bl KLI.\ItE he bus been a shepherd for 30 years with lambs at Etmdon Lee Farm. near >affron IF al den, Top. some of his newly born charges frisking in the sunshine. —Enjoyed The Sunshine r toen. too. the sunshine
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  • 89 12 —British Official Wifeless. Every Two Hours Between London And Paris Rugby, Aprii 15. When summer air time tables come into force at the week-end, Imperial Airways and British Airways will bo operating a joint summer service between London and Paris providing for air departures every two
    —British Official Wifeless.  -  89 words
  • 93 12 Two deckhands of the ship “Apnshun’’ which was in port for a few days, bad a lapse when they were charged before Mr- Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court yesterday for smoking chandii without being registered. They were a Shanghaiese, Wang FooSeah, and a
    93 words
  • 689 12 Razor Slashing Allegations AN alleged razor attack on a British seaman by a Barbados Ncgio outside Europe Cafe, in Dairen, Manchukuo, on Mar. 30, in the early morning, h id a sequel in the Singapore Criminal District Court on Friday before Mr. L, B. Gibson.
    689 words
  • 305 12 DIM PONDS J ’’ROM the striking woniers uf the earth and sky the aacieut Sphinx and the giant telescopes with which we into the secrets of the universe—-let us come to a Sussex pond. Here it is. on the hillside, thc green slopes melting into the d stance,
    305 words
  • 551 12 Innocent Tools of Hooligans JUVENILE cases in the Penang Court are invariably heard in camera, the reason being that the sight of many faces in the open court have a terrifying effect on the min of a boy or girl, whose future remains to be saved
    551 words
  • 45 12 —Reuter. HeyotiaAwna mre pr<AN.vd.ny in l/uudoi: for the extension of Inryo credits (to GAina cut of the increased funds of the Exports Credits Gurantee Department, Nothing concrete has hitherto emerged and any sums •fiventioned could be regarded as purely imaginary.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 131 12 against 26'2.83d. a week ago. —British Official Wireless. What Post Office Savings Bank Figures Show Rug, April 15. Higher prosperity and increased holiday facilities now available to workpeople in Britain are reflected in pre-Easter withdrawals from the Post Office Savings Bank which touched X4,000.0(K> compared with
    against 26'2.83d. a week ago.—British Official Wireless.  -  131 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 163 12 FLY HOME —RETURM BY STEAMER... Allt-SEA HlKt INTERCHANGE ARRANGED BY ■/1 LI: l\ L Iff FARF.S: SINGAPORE -LONDON (Air) and return (Ist Class, r PENANG—LONDON (Air) and return (Ist Class, Sea) c BANGKOK—LONDON (Air) and return (Ist Class, Sas ■J ffP A Aa trom Atnril is*., th« tfti<9wing ratw. Mr
      163 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1320 12 PENANG SINGAPORE ZHJ 6.08 mc|s (49.30 m.) ZML 1,333 kc i s (225 m>) TODAY TODAY I*-M- P.M. 7.09 Monday at 7" A Illite .ot 5 Malay by Tljah 2 t thing lot f 6.10 Cantonese March (BBC M lRa y Band); 2) 6.30 Chinese Show Boat Shuffle (Duke
      1,320 words
    • 447 12 5 1 7 r > V’ B B.C. Service Schedule For Far East London. April 9: Following is the probable BEC Sendee Schedule for the Far East in Malayan standard time for week beginning April 11. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3
      447 words

  • 354 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS OUTWARD fl UOJ L \ND THE WEST KIAL (Empire Air Mail): Fo Pur:,, (except Victoria Point), India Ac n, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya Far. f inda, Zanzibar, Northern i I iesia, Nyasaland. South f I' itain, Ireland,
    354 words
  • 338 13 Ducc “Has Broken Faith” > H'w.spapers have joined M Signor Mussolini since t l!| by Italian troops on Su If tithd role as “ProLiam’ is ridiculed by the the Singapore Malay is now being followed i, interest that the sales of i'i 'nave gone
    338 words
  • 877 13 ARRIVALS Today: KEDAH ex Belawan-Deli. Tomorrow: POELAU LAUT ex Java ports via Singapore. HOSANG ex China. Wednesday, April 19: BULAN ex Singapore via ports. ANYO MARU ex Japan. SIL VERGUAVA ex Pacific Coast, Philippines, Java and Singapore. Thursday, April 20: THESEUS ex Singapore. RAJPUTANA ex London via
    877 words
  • 232 13 r pHE tragic manner in which a 54-year- Old Chinese woman met her death through a fall formed the subject of an inquiry held in the Penang Police Court yesterday, with Mr. A. W. Bellamy sitting as Coroner. A Chinese carpenter, Ong Ah Huat, stated that he
    232 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 297 13 3LUE funnel line u 1 I KLY SERVICE TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT Leave» p enan«r Du* Londoa ni-SEI 8 Calls Hull Apr. 20 May 20 i Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr. 24 May 24 Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 28 May 24 TEN DAY SERVILE TO LIVERPOOL VIA Ha»MK ’▼erpArtl v
      297 words
    • 111 13 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Leave Arrive Anive Penang Marseilles New York ADAMS Apr 27 May 24 June 6 ♦Pres VAN BUREN May 11 June 7 June 20 Pres. HARRISON May 25 June 21 July 4 ♦Pres. HAYES June 8 July 5 July 18 Carry no Passengers.
      111 words
    • 728 13 P&O britisThndia (Incorpoikted SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN. S.S. “RAJPUTANA” SAILING THURSDAY, 20th APRIL, 1939. contraot^rfH? N 30 1 uader f Teluk Anson, Bagan Datob, Port swettenham. Malacca and Singapore. Ourwarda from London tor China Japan s/s “SmtLHARF’ Apr 28 s/3 •RA.nrraNA., Fenalrg Sailing Of Steamers Of The British s/s A t
      728 words

  • 59 14 Stock Exchange WeekEnd Evening Lp On the Slock Exchange week-end evening up of positions together with continued polit cal nervousness was responsible for a generally easier trend, though losses in most groups were only small. Giltedged were weak out motors and aviations moderately steady. Kaffirs finished above
    59 words
  • 91 14 A Chinese, Ng Fu Aun, was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court yesterday with fraudulently using certain forged documents as genuine. The documents which were lotterv tickets printed from certain blocks in the possession of the accused were alleged to bear
    91 words
  • 460 14 MAGNIFICENT RALLY TWO MINUTES FROM TIME Lawton Scores Deciding Goal London. Saturday. sensationally beat Scotland by two goals to out in the international soccer. match plaved at Hampden Park today. Driving rain and an uncomfortable wind failed to dampen the enthusiasm of 150,000 spectators. The
    460 words
  • 383 14 Win For Wolves The English and Scottish football league matches played yesterday resulted as follows: FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 2, Manchester U. 1. Aston Villa 1. Bolton 3. Blackpool 4. Middlesborough 0. Brentford 0. Birmingham 1. Derby 1, Leicester 1. Everton 0, Preston 0 Grimsby 2. Liverpool
    383 words
  • 234 14 Work On New Course Progressing (.From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpin'. April 14. <YESTERDAY w-as a red letter day in 1 Die liistory of the Suleiman Golf .;lub of Kuala Lumpur, for the provisional Committee went over the course indicating the positions of the
    234 words
  • 129 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Apr. 13. Taking three putts from six feet away. Mac Lean, of Bandoeng, lost the Java Amateur golf title to Gardner of Sourabaya. during the tournament held at Bar.doeng over the Easter holidays. Mac Lean and Gardnei* tied w'ith a medal
    129 words
  • 578 14 Towel Thrown In BATTEKED TO STANDSTILL BY HEMCHIT IT>ATTERED to a standstill in the 14th I round. Singapore Tglitweight champion Ventura Marques caused a sensation by throwing in his towel, to lose his crown t<> southpaw contender Ne l Hemjchit at the Happy World Stadium. SLnIgapore.
    578 words
  • 329 14 81 For 1 Against Sports Club RAIN MARS PLAY RAIN, which fell shortly after o’clock, caused the abarrjjmiieM the cricket match between th? Per Sporta Club “A” and the Old Frees’ a sociation on the Esplanade yesterday The Sports Club batted first and dared at
    329 words
  • 190 14 S. X. I. CRICKET IN a low scoring match played on t. St. Xavier’s Institution ground yesterday, the Biads defeated the ’ri 1 gians at cricket oy 48 runs. THE BRADS G. L. Phipps c A. Lopez b Ruder 1': 4 R Stewart b A Lopez M.
    190 words
  • 161 14 —Eastern News Tokio, April 14 AT the joint imitation of the Amateur Athletic Association, Tourist Industry Bureau, the Alunk p P^ n J. and the Foreign Office, Mr. Avery 4 age, chairman of the American Committee arrived in Y’okohama America yesterday. ir
    —Eastern News  -  161 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 175 14 AMONTILLADO FINO SHERRY I The GOODN ESS of the APPLE JIJI p There arc no finer cyder-apples JNEIt 1' grown and used by ffiiSSfc? 1 Whiteways. A delicious natural t stimulant, Whiteways Cyder 1 jMjHTI tones up the digestive system k A ee P s y° u s^m an d
      175 words

  • 956 15 fourteen Candidates In Anniversary Cup is the programme for the first day ot the Singapore I) Summer (Governor’s Cup) Meeting at Bukit Timah on The main event of the day will be the Anniversary Cup j ass 1 division 1 horses. The race
    956 words
  • 434 15 A SPLENDID knock of 101 by, J. Andres, the Penang and Colony cricketer, was the principal feature of the match between the Old Xaverians’ Association and the Government Trade School yesterday on the S. X. I. ground. The O.X.A. won by an innings and 19 runs.
    434 words
  • 202 15 rpHF. schedile of racing for the first two days of the Singapore Summer (Governor’s Cup) meeting: has been amended as follows: FIRST DAY—APRIL HORSES —Class I—Divisions 1, 2 and 3 —6 Furlongs. HORSES—CIass 2 —Divisions 1, 2 and 3 —7 Furlongs. PONIES Class I—Divisions1 —Divisions 1
    202 words
  • 27 15 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. On account of heavy rain theie wafc no training at Bukit Timah this morn’ng billey’s string has arrived.
    27 words
  • 548 15 Saravanumiittii’s XI. Defeat Strono P.S.C. Side gXCITIXC, cricket was seen on the Esplanade yesterday in t e match in which M. Saravanamuttu’s XT beat a strong Penang Sports Club side by 15 runs. In reply to their opponents’ 116, the f Sports (tub compiled 101. The
    548 words
  • 185 15 P 'olice 1 earn Beaten By Only Goal (From Our Own Correspondent). Teluk Anson, Friday. The Teluk Anson Police Soccer eleven put up a fine display when they met the South Perak Customs Club in a football encounter on the speedy-road lower padang yesterday afternoon. The
    185 words
  • 133 15 Closing Date of Entries Extended (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, April 16. To encourage more entries for the North Perak tennis year, the closing date ot entries has been fxxUntled for a few more days. The championship is open to all amateurs bona fide residents in the
    133 words
  • 305 15 Perak Go Dorvn To Penang (From Our Own Correnpondent) Ipoh, April 16. TIENANG defeated Perak by eight matches to six in their friendly tennis encounter on the Ipoh Club courts today. Penang won 6 —2 in the singles but Perak did extremely well in the doubles to share
    305 words
  • 89 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taipihg, ApU 16. Chin Sen 800 and Ng Chye Heng w’on the G.L.F. Bird Cup. as their opponents, Chung Ah Kee and Lim Wan Seng, conceded them a w’alk-over tn the club’s doubles, final championship. In the club’s open singles eflampionship for
    89 words
  • 84 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Apri 16. The following players will represent the Taiping and District Football Association in an inter-district fixture against Kuala Kangsar at the royal town tomorrow. Syed Ibrahim; Kassim and Maw Lim or Raja Tan; Yusof Khan, Rashid Ghows and Nithy; Ketera Singh, Devan,
    84 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 80 15 00 O KMOW THAT REGAL EVAPORATED UNSWEETENED MILK Its pure cow’s milk reduced to its pre- sent creamy consistency by evaporaA J fl tion, and made completely sterile. It a A///r contains no preservative or other addi011 consequently, after opening the flyl, tin, the same care should be taken as
      80 words

  • 67 16 MIDDAY QUOTATIONS TIN LATEST Per.'-ng $109.62% RtHdness 50 tons Sin r "nrre $109.62% RUBBER: Penanc (Spot) 26 7 «c Singapore (Spot) 27c COPRA: Sundried 53.50 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.30 Fair Seed $2.90 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.10 No. 2 $6.00 White No 1 $6.70
    67 words
  • 107 16 Prev. Sat.-ird xy Paris 176 49 64 176 47 64 New York 4.681 V 4.68& Montreal 4.70% 4.70% Brussels 27.82 27.82% Geneva 20.87% 20.87% Amsterdam 8.81% 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.68% 11.69 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226 227%
    107 words
  • 122 16 ANTHONY CO. Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.20 1.25 Hong Fatt .60 .62% Jelebu .57% .62% Klang River 1.65 1.70 ex Kuchai 1.12% 1.17% Petalings 6.25 6.75 Rahman Hyd. 1.00 1.05 Rantau 1.22% 1.27% Taiping Cons. 1.37% 1.42% AnxMit 3 0 3 6 Kampong Lanjut 15 C 15 6 Kamra 13
    122 words
  • 173 16 New York, Saturday. DOW JONES AVERAGES Prev. Latest High Low 30 Indus». 126.20 129.61 130.19 127.C4 20 rails 25.03 26.15 26.22 25.41 20 utilities 22.01 22.69 22.80 22.15 40 bonds 87.58 87.92 Business done 62C 000 660,000 STOCKS Pre V. latest Am. Tob. E 79% 80 Anaconda
    173 words
  • 164 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Am pats 3-'O 3i4 Aust. Amalgamated 4.6 5)0 B. Selan.gors 1.22% I.27gcd Heng Fatts .60 .64 Jelebus .55 .60 Johans .24 .26cd K. Lanjuts 15 0 15 6 K. Lumpurs 15 0 15 9 Ku chais 1.10 1.16 6 9 7'3 Laruts 4'o 4'4%
    164 words
  • 200 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampat 3|o 3 6 Ayer Wer.g .65 .70 Batu Selangor 1.17% 1.22 Jex Be r junta! 9,6 10|0 Hong Fatt .60 .62% Johan .23 .27Rx Jelebu .55 .60 Kpg. Lanjut 15|0 15|6 Kamra J 6 2'o Kramat 93 9i9c Kuchai Ordy. 1.12% 1.17% Larut 4
    200 words
  • 184 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Panas 1.17% 1.22% Bas.9etts .45 .50 Batu Lin tang .97% 1.02% Bentas -92% .97% Brogas -60 .65 Irdragiris 1.07% 1.12% Kuala Sidims 1.90 2.00 ex Lunas 1.45 1.55 Malaka Pinda s 1.17% 1.22% Mentakabs 56 .38 Pa jams 1.50 1-60, Sungei Tukangs -95
    184 words
  • 36 16 The engagement is annoui. ed be \v en Mr. A. E. THOWLESS. erer s n o Mr Mrs. A. THOWLESS, of ESS7X, n Miss Patricia Nixon. youn°er dYurhte of Mr. Mrs. H. E. Nixon, Pemr.g.
    36 words
  • 72 16 —A v V» —British Official Wireless. 1 l abour M. P. Carried t From Chamber London. April 14. Mr. William Sanders, 68-year-old La- bour M. P. for North Battersea collapsed while making a speech in the House of Commons last night and was parried from the
    • —A v V» —British Official Wireless.  -  72 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 559 16 OPen o. ii. BTCHOP STREET, PFNANG ’PHONE 1477 wg WITH rv, TELEGRAMS: “GAZETTE, PENANG. B FXT^'Slo> k Oft»? Street. Singapore. Pkore 5471. Tel: "Time#,’’ Sinrann». v O4ice: 25 Jaru *>reet. ’Phone 3683. Ipoh Office/: Brewster Road. Office: 40, 43, Street. Lation, E.C.4. 'Phone Central 3608- v/s Rat«* Subscription for Pinang
      559 words
    • 543 16 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Mim. Commissioners will be held at the v dpal Office at 4 p. m on 18th instant. (By Order) T. W. DOUGL-'S Secretary to the Mun cipal Commisa on rs TAKUAPA VAI 1 1 Y DREDGING NO l l\i;i (Incorporated in New South
      543 words