Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1156 1 Move To Bring In Russia A Line Of Resistance In The I Balkan Entente! L 3 Par’s, April 14. The diplomatic activities <>! democrat’-’ powers have in no way slackened. Following the pledge io Rumania and Greece efforts are being made to strengthen the
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  • 147 1 Reuter. Id j he Event )f ar New York. April 13. tion finance Corporation Aillingness Jto finance the BritiAHffid French securin' United States in the rding to the New York <s a scheme can be drawn v <n investment interests and American Government. French holdings in
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 648 1 Roosevelt’s Warning To Huns hid Vandals Washington. April 14. i involvements of the Old ferred to by President' ressing the Board of the fan-Atne. an Union. were. protected “from ents which today are' 'l<l World the new cockpit c owing to the new and
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  • 166 1 Attempt To Dra« Spain Paris, April 14. Commenting on the despatch of German warships to Spain, L’lntransigeant says that Italy is now hesitating and Germany is bringing pressure to bear on her. firstly through Goering's visit to Rome and secondly by the despatch of warships. Le
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  • 190 1 MR. CORDELL HULL CONDEMNS “POWER POLITICS" Washington, April 15. Emphatic condemnation of “power politics’’ was voiced by Mr. Cordell Hull in a speech to the Pan-American meeting this evening. He declared that between neighbour nations of the western hemisphere, brotherhood had become stronger that
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  • 33 1 i—Reuter. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who arrived here on April 2, stated that he was interrupting his Mediterranean cruise to return to England immediately because of the international situation —Reuter.
    i—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 26 1 We are informed b;i the Education Office, Penang, that all the 18 ca/ntdidntes passed their third pear Normal examination held recently.
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  • 60 1 May Be Postponed To May 15 Franco’s triumphant entry into Madrid may be postponed until May 15, according to a Havas telegram. The dispatch adds that the victorious march through the town will followed by the withdrawal of foreign troops and a demonstration by Spanish forces.
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  • 21 1 —Reuter. Washington, Apri’. 14. Mr. Roosevelt has signed the measure providing an additional hundred million for reliefßeuter.
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
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    • 5 1 I r/ n |)|>|>, NSARV I
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    • 43 1 Z. to# youtt 4... WjL Ai/i'.its for North yfa-lava (...oiUiilToA DISPENSARY I'll)., i’vrinn a i.I I noli. I/ I Versatile—inasmuch as sausages form an appetizing addition to anv menu at any time, anywhere. LIH.II SIFBIMSB PHONE PENANG—ISM IMI BITTTERWOBTH-M Adv*. C»ld C«., Ltd-
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  • 1047 2 WORLD REACTION’ TO NEW PLEDGE London And Paris Press Renew Conscription Cry London, Friday. YIR- Chamberlain’s “timely firmness” in the House of 1 Commons yesterday, in which he announced the AngoFruieh decision to guarantee the independence of Greece and Rumania, is warmly welcomed. A Paris message
    .—Reuter.  -  1,047 words
  • 104 2 Peiping, Thursday. THE battle for Kaifeng w’as still in full swing this morning, with Chinese bringing up reinforcements, according to Japanese official despatches. The Chinese forces are fully equipped in the southern outskirts of Kaifeng. According to these reports, the battle is encreasing in
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  • 50 2 —Reuter. New York, Friday. THE nomination of Mr. Alexander Weddell, United States Ambassador to Argentina as first United States Ambassador to Nationalist Spain, is expected to be made to the Senate by President Roosevelt today, according to the Washington correspondent of the New* York Times. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 129 2 —Reuter. Pittman Urges Measures Against Japan Washington, April 13. Senator Pittman declared today that he would support a policy treating Japan as a violator of the Nine-Power Pact whose signatories pledged respect to China’s territorial integrity. Speaking at a meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    -—Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 53 2 —Reuter. London, Friday. The Wrens”—the women’s naval service in the Great War—are to be revived. The King has giveif permission for the formation of a corps of Women s Naval Service, who will replace naval officers and ratings in wartime on certain duties in naval and
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 43 2 Reuter. Wellington, Friday. The Pacific defence conference was opened here today by Viscount Galway, the Governor-General. Mr. M. J. Savage' the Premier, was elected chairman of the conference, which is expected to last a week. The proceedings will be private.-
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 88 2 Military Activity In Nearlid Spanish Towns .Gibraltar, ]V/JORE than a hundred Royal Engineers are biu barricades on the 'main road to the north of > Motorcars and buses are not permitted to enter ea.fortress after sunset. —Reuter. These measures are believed to be precautionary in
    .-—Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 73 2 Reuter. London, Friday. Drastic modifications made in the latest monthly Air Force list bespeak a policy of much greater secrecy than hitherto regarding the units, personnel and constitution of the Air Force. The list is approximately half its usual size and omits all
    . Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 25 2 .—Reuter. The Yankee Clipper has left Southampton on her homeward flight with twentyone aboard. She is halting only at Lisbon and the Azores.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 100 2 Berlin, t riday. TT is strongly rumoured in foreign political circles that Germany has sent six warships, comprising two cruisers and four destroyers, to Italian j harbours in the Mediterranean. Official comment on the rumour is unobtainable a> competent naval authorities cannot be reached tonight. It is
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  • 838 2 All-important though it was for Great Britain to increase her naval strength during the Great War. in no single year of the hostilities was a greater tonnage of warships launched than will be the case in the present I year. This indicates that, despite modern i military
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 AIM M FOR FRESH WHOLESOME fl TABLE BUTTER 9 BE “TARGET” STOCKISTS:- M. S. ALLY’S. THE MALAYAN ENGINEERING CO., LTD. i Incorporated in Singapore) Registered Office, Winchester House, Singapore. Nominal Capital $1,000,000.00 Subscribed Capital S 100,000.00 DIVIDED INTO 100.000 Ordinary Shares of 810/- each. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND PROSPECTUS, PLEASE
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  • 532 3 Dangerous Ideas Spreading” |N an article entitled “Anti-war sentiments and dangerous ideas spread in Japan” the Moscow News writes that Japanese censorship prevents the world from obtaining a clear picture of the internal life of Japan at present, particularly with regard to the delicate matter of
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  • 445 3 Benares, April 5. ■l' highness the Maharaja Aditya Narain Singh > passed away late last Ramnagar Fort in Be te at the age of 65. gimess had not been od health for the last (»nths. but his death ected. Only last even'd;aharaja had gone
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  • 68 3 the occasion oi Ceylonese Natior tl Day the Ceylon Association f Perak will hold athletic sports on the Association «-rounds tomorrow at 1.30 pm. National Day is bein'» observed by al! sections of the Ceylonese communitv. including Singhalese. Jaff nose. Burghers and Moors. All Ceylonese in Perak,
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  • 155 3 DECREE MADE ABSOLUTE (Fiotu Our Own Coi respondent) Sin gap we, Friday. 4 DECREE nisi granted by Mr. Justice Horne in Singapore in March last A'ar to Evelyn Usher, a European, age. nst her European husband. John Phillip Usher, was made absolute bs the Ciiief
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  • 199 3 Secret Understanding Between Britain And Siam Tokio, Thursday. 'T'HE Bangkok correspondent of the Asahi Shimbun reports that a “secret understanding” has been reached between Siam and Great Britain. Describing the international situation facing Siam as “delicate.” the corresnondent alleges that Britain has been
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  • 1134 3 An Apprehension Lacking Basis Chandra Bose, Congress President, has issued the following statement: At a time when there is confusion or misunderstanding in the atmosphere, statements are likely to be misconstrued more easily than in normal circumstances. This has happened to my statement of March
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  • 67 3 Washington, April 14. British and French in Vnited States are sufficient to enable them to os? cash Jor purchases hirir tilities lasting two years, acwho is prepared to complete estimates for the Foreign Policy Association. Mr. Case values British and French gold and other resources
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    • 327 3 «late w'w I suffered so much with indigestion,’’ writes Mrs. Singleton, of Bow,” that 1 dreaded mealtimes coming round. 1 was afraid to eat. Since taking Bisurated Magnesia I can eat anything. Mv husband also suffered for years with Gastric Ulcers, but since taking Bi urated Magnesia he has been
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  • 313 4 Chamberlain’s statement in the House of Commons on 'Thursday cannot in an\ sense be regarded as remarkable. 'The gua rantee to Greece and Rumania was quite expected and nothing new was advanced which could be construed as crying a final halt to the dictators. Truly the speech can
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  • 1222 4  - WILD ERNESS? By HENRY WILLIAMS! i\ MOVING along the Sky-line of the southern boundary of my farm were six old-fashioned wagons. They were loaded with barley straw. The straw was being moved to another farm, four miles away. The farmer was “gone in," and his farm had been taken over,
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  • 771 4 SOMETHING TO ARGVE ABOUT UwyiLL taxation be increased in the Budget? Can it be? Some people say that the economic limit of taxation has been reached. That is, they argue that if the rate is increased the total revenue will not rise. Such an argument
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  • 31 4 Co him 3 TUt The result of tht Stakes run today: Dispenser Llandaff Wheatland Nine ran. f Won by Betting: 3 1 1> S P' 2 1 Wheatland.- Reuu:
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    • 198 4 DENTALLY INSURED crith the, Tek SHDRT-HEAD POLICY Be sure your children grow up with healthy strong teeth, clean not only Jj -4 in the front but at the back, in all mJ those nooks and crannies, where will' J food-remains lodge, and cause I -4 yk decay. Tek "Short-Head*' toothbrushes,
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    • 41 4 V«QRBHiBGKSi*a BF "BULLFINCH" I BUTTER I The Brand well-known throughout the whole of Malaya for its Excellence and Purity. THE BUTIER FOR EVERYBODY Obtainable at all the Leading Provision Stores. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd PKNANG, Ipoh, Singapore Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 536 5 ,1 dailx in England and in her newspapers, announcing Hie present time was the “dawn gicat creative era upon the he advertisement concluded he mosagc: “Watch for jncements. Remember the name ntialism. It will become a use-hold word.” i it promise has now been fulfillin part by
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  • 694 5 lIYI.AM ACQUITTED ON CHARGE OF INTIMIDATION A EUROPEAN who attended an auction sale of Japanese goods in a ..ingiipoie shop and was threatened and abused by a hostile Chinese crowd outside the auction room,gave evidence in the Singapore Se cond Police Court, j.
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  • 201 5 Called At Penang esterda\ So ® Crosby, K.L.E., British Minister in Siam since 1934, v as cac of j \oiich sailed iron I’enai.g th.s afternoon the passengers on board the “Meona” for Europe. I During the boat’s stay here. Sir Josiah was me
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  • 185 5 Mr. Mottaiya Komar Miss Muthu Irulayee A grand wedding took place in Kuala ;Lumpur on Monday last, the parties being Mr. R. Mottaiya Konar, of the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang, and Miss Muthu Irulayee, daughter of the late Mr. K. Sadayan Mandore of Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 234 5 League’s Easteria Ports Health Bulletin The following is the health bulletin of the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, (Singapore) for the week ended April 8, 1939. Plague.—No plague was reported during the week from any Eastern ports. Cholera. —Cholera continues to increase rapidly in Calcutta, 219
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  • 84 5 An Indian Mohammedan, Mohamed b Ibramsa, with a plastered face, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon leek, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday charged with stabbing a compatriot Shariff b. Abdul Kader with a penknife with such intention and under such circumstances that if the complainant had died.
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  • 61 5 The luncheon which the Association is arranging on Thursday, April 20, at the Rest Room in Downing Street is an Indian Curry Tiffin. Tickets are $1 each. In a recent report of the activities of the Y.W.C.A., it was erroneously mentioned that the subscription to the Library
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  • 71 5 Employed as a driver to a piecegoouu 'dealer, an Indian, Singaram, was alleged to have stolen several-articles of clothing and cosmetics when unloading goods from the car into the shop in Carnavon Street. The stolen articles, valued at about $7, were found in the house of the
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  • 477 5 Interim Receiving Order Made An interim receiving order was made against cnee rung ana Co., oi Beacn £>ueei, rei.ang, uy uie non. Mr. justice nowes in tne r'enang Supreme court yesterday on an application by the East Asiatic u-0., renang. Mr. p. j. l>. Kegester, on behalf
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  • 202 5 To Give Performances At Ely see Cabaret Madame Anna Lovtsoif, famous Russian lyric soprano, will be appearing at me Ely see cabaret tonight and tomorrow wnen she will sing a few English songs ana Russian and Italian folk songs ju me. Lovtsoif arrived in Penang on
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  • 89 5 Under the auspices of the Second Department, a temperance meeting will oe held today at 8 p.m. at the Chinese Chuiun Social Hail, 18 Madras Lane. Speakers aie itquested to turn up sexved. punctually. Light refreshments will be i bpeakeis: Messrs. b’eng Hee, Looi Fail Weng, Ahoo
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  • 25 5 The Band will pkay at the Esplanade on Thursday, April 20 at 6.15 to 7.30 p.m. instead of from 6.00 to 7.30 p.m.
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  • 201 5 To Be Held At Mount Pleasure On May 7 ■ihe Automobile Association of Malaya (Will be holding a Hih Climb, at the hotel giounds, Mount Pleasure, Tanjong Bunon Susday, May 7. The previous .Hill climb held last year was a grea f I success. I L is
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  • 236 5 Motion For Committal Dismissed A motion by the Assistant Official Assigee, Mr. T. L. Tan, for the committal to prison of Chan Mei Fook. of Chop Nam Fong, Campbell Street, Penang, an adjudicated bankrupt, for failure to keep such books of accounts as sufficiently disclosed
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  • 186 5 iViore Contributions By Rice IVlercnants Tile i enai.g Rice M\.rchants AssociaItion yesttiuay lenuiLeu uirouga the o verseu-Ciiincoe i>anking coipoi ation, iiAa., Penang to the executive iuan [tne cmnese i\auonal Government the sum Joi Chinese ueing Btraits |q>4,890.J0 ac exchange or 31, representing i donations noin the lollowing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 i py the remedy bearing the signature Thousands of stomach sufferers the world over have H cause to bless that signature. B It appears on Maclean Brand Stomach Powder made by Macleans Limited, London, which quickly ends Indi- fl gestion. Wind, Flatulence. fl Heartburn, and even such serious ills as
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1016 6 6 PINAXG GAZETTE AND STEAL l b now in its 3rd big week! MATINEES B AT If; B ALL PREVIOUS records smashed TO ATOMS MAJESTIC ROY I B ■BA T j A T Nlf II TT V TODAY AT 3 PM. TODAY AT n A I IIcIIYAI nightly I 'ItUIAL
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  • 71 7 1 '’-tilled For Aged Mother iur Own Correspondent) I Taiping, Thursday. HT up on a charge of distilling ding liquor without a license, Simpang named Koh Kee no money to buy samsu i mother, so he distilled a -antity for her. I 'Jhsirate, Raja Salim M.C.S.,
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  • 48 7 THE sixth international course m malariology organised by the League of Nations Eastern Bureau will be opened at the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, at 9 a.m. on Monday by the Federal Secretary. Mr. C. D. Ahearne. who will give a short address.
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  • 33 7 Operating Results for Quarter Ended i March 31, 1939: Output of Concentrates Tons 43. Mine Cost £3,300. Estimated Mine Profit on 33 tons sold during quarter £l.lOO. r k
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  • 874 7  -  WIRELESS WORRIES THE BIG STUDIOS By JOHN K. NEWNHAM rpHERtS going to be war soon between Hollywood and the big American radio organisations. And some complications are going to arise because the stars are not likely to take too kindly to having a very remunerative sideline takJn
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 374 7 WEMBLEY PARK Tonight: Saturday, 15th April, 1939. Min See Toy Cantonese Opera: Dav Show: “CHONG MOH YEM” Night Show: “CHENG FUN PAN WONG KONG” Grand Nooran Opera Will present that well-known screen speciality “LAILA MA J NON” with Inche Yem and Miss Aminah in the leading roles with special transformation
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    • 59 7 Royal Theatre Box No. 5 ALOR STAR Phon? 77. NIGHTLY TWO SHOWS AT 6.15 9.15 P.M. TONIGHT LAST NIGHT The Best Hindustani Talkies AMRITM ANTHAN’’ A Prabhat Picture of International t Tepute having won Distinction at the Venice Exhibition. Supported ByAn Indian Cartoon “JAMBLKAKA" Miss Not To See This Only
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    • 158 7 QUEEN’S LAST' 3 SHOWS TODAY AT 3p in —6.15 9.30 p.m. MATINEE AT 3 P.M. REDUCED PRICES Downstairs: 15, 30 &50 ents *9 M Wnt ia «ftk MKK UMY Mt iMkarettNl Paramount’s song and girl filled comedy smash hit of the year Brighter, Gayer, More Tuneful Than The Previous “ARTISTS
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  • 240 8 HEALTHY MOUTH AND GUMS The experience of Mr. K. D. Krocker, prominent aviator, will be interesting to all those who are troubled with sore or bleeding gums. Pilot Krocker writes: "After an attack of Dengue fever followed by jaundice, my gums became very swollen and
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  • 2478 8 A LONG DREARY WINTER DRAWS TO ITS CLOSE Weather Prophets Prophesy A Hot Summer ROYAL TOURNAMENT TO SEE LIGHT OF DAY Ixtndon, April 5. WITH April actually here and Easter right upon us, we w can at last regard the winter as over. Possibly, however, by the time this appears
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  • 695 8 Adventures Oi A Tobacco Eeai FWNHE manufacture of cigarettes is an JL extremely elaborate and complex affair. On arrival at the factory the Indian tobacco leaf is removed from its containers and graded and blended. Each brand is made up of definite proportions of different grades
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  • 513 8 A welcome to Mr. Justice Manning, who arrived in Singapore from Palestine by air last we«fc, was extended in the High Court on Tuesday morning. A joint meeting of the Standing and Finance Committees of the Perak Chinese Association will be held at the Perak Chinese Chamber
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    • 148 8 i\Wj LrS.’ 1 1-A SLICE OF BREAD I 2»” 3-A FILLING OF HEINZ Aandteich' SPREAD DwUdoU» temptin® t tondwichet rvcdy in v fifty. Th»y'r» Z morvettoti* 2APB 62 M. C always full of DUST..W' m m y -buy SPRATT S in I tins -Tis only JUST... 4 The food I
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  • 303 9 Judge Imposes Ten Years’ Gaol KUR AU;, MURDER CONCLUDES SENTENCE of 10 years’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley at the Perak Assizes yesterday on Ong Ah Pow who was tried on .a charge oi murdering his brother-in-law, Ong Boon Teong, at
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  • 306 9 J News Agency. Shanghai, April 11. .dst of the increased tension H r the Berlin-Rome axis and 1 > n t, peace bloc, the government is exerting consiefforts towards readjusting dipr ‘lations with the United States, it- .(> a reliable report from Tokyo, j-nparatively recently the Amei Eastern
    J News Agency.  -  306 words
  • 87 9 Own Correspondent) Tai pi ng, Thursday. <’-■ ,vith committing house tres4 i Tamil named Palany told the Ta k Magistrate today that he had beet frkr.dly with the complainant, Kauia v several years, and on Wednesda > he went there at her invitation. Or a $e
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  • 107 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.» Batu Gajah. Friday, 4 FIGHT between two Indians. Amin Din and Packir. on Main-road, Tronoh. on Tuesday, resulted in both of them being charged yesterday morning in the Batu Gajah Court before Datoh Muda Razalli with disorderly conduct. Both the accused pleaded
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  • 384 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. harged with robbery at the Selangor Assizes today before M ce Gordon-Smith, challenged Oiie of the principal wit- e prosecution to repeat a damaging statement incriminat'Her “cutting a cock’s head”. v Kwan, a young Chinese,! 1 to
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  • 105 9 Young Malay Sentenced ri-rom Oui C'An Correspondent) C Taiping, April 13. ONVICTED on the charge of committing criminal breach of trust, a young Malay named Murad bin Ayob was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment by the Taiping Magistrate yesterday. The complainant, an old woman named
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  • 181 9 International Now Agency Capital Flowing In Wuchow, April 11. CAPITAL is continuing to flow into th? Southwest for the development «»t the interior provinces in response to the I c ail of the National Gova.rment. I Among the various enterprises which have been established are reported the
    International Now Agency  -  181 words
  • 48 9 The engagement is announced of Mr. Leslie Dumbleton, the undefeate.l Singapore amateur flyweight champion, son of the late Mr. T.E. Dum’l to i of Portsmouth ard Mis. Dumbl'tcr of Singapore to Miss Paul ne de Souza, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Lam’ert d? Souza, of Singapore.
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  • 352 9 to details which have now been received here, recent disturbance in Kandahar province of Afghanistan over the introduction of compulsory education for boys was of serious magnitude and was put down onlv with the help of the army, assisted by aeroplanes, from which bombs were thrown
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  • 328 9 Chinese Girls Learn How To Fight Chungking. April 11. TWO hundred students of the Associated Universities in Chengtu are taking several hours oft their classrooms each Week for extra- c urriculum military training which especially emphasizes shooting from horse-back, according to the Cnina Information Committee, j
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  • 66 9 Today at the Esplanade from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March: Cavalry' Cf The Clouds: Alford. Selection: Leslie Stuart’s Songs: Godfrey. Waltz: Blumen: Steinmann. Overture: Napoleon: Bilton. Serenade: La Serenata: Braga. Selection: Arlette: Novello. Fox Trot: Inka Dinka Doo: Pecorini. The Municipal Band will play at the Esplanade
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  • 114 9 Everywhere in the civilised world today men and women are asking the question, Is Armageddon Near? What does the I Bible say as to the events of the near future I Professor V. E. Hendershot, M. A., will deliver a lecture during the Divine Service at the
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  • 35 9 The output of rubber of the fcllowing cnKar.ies are: Ku li Re an Rub er Est te Ltd. 93.1C0 Ils; L k Kawi Ltd. OrO lbs; Bruseh Rubber Estates Lt 1.. 23,000 lbs.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 ‘'Matt-Creme” gives you that distinguished complexion; the ideal powder base. “471 T Cold Qream nourishes your skin tissue»: the night cream par excellence. £Cold&eam\ 3 8 Strong, sturdy limbs, sound bones, the happiness ot abounding health —these are some of the gifts bestowed by this famous English Food. Something a
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  • 276 10 Fall Due To OverOolimistic View r I’ME foHmviiig <sided “synopsis from the “Trader's” column of “Barrens”, Hie Ameriian National Financial Weekly is forivarJed by S. E, Levy A Co.; Singapore:— Although a possible extension of ‘the downward movement may he seen, the rapid accel?rati9n of liquidation must sooib
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  • 32 10 Export of dry rubber, unconnected figures, from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of March, 1939: Mainland 21,553 Straits Settlements Islands 265 Brunei 74 Labuan 8 Total 21,900
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  • 711 10 Planting To Be Limited To “Acreage 'Likely To Produce Internal Requirements (From Our Own Correspondent) London, April 5. 4 S your correspondent has cabled to you tonight, it is understood in the City that an agreement has been reached between Malaya and the International Tea
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  • 1540 10 But Statistical Posjtwu Promises Improvement OurOwn Ccrrespandent) London, April 5. ALTHOUGH the gehernl public appeaus to believe that the international outlook in Europe is once again slowly but surely emerging front the second crisis condition within six months, the city of London stiffevs under no
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 730 10 SdF > VjR BANKS J HONG KONG AND I SAFETY BOXES SHANGHAI BANKING FREE yourself from the CORPORATION. f BURGLARS (Incorporated in Loe Colony oi Honguoa* The liability of members is limited to Um j- <rziww extent and in manner prescribed b) OX keeping yOWt Ordinance No, 6 of 1929
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    • 171 10 LEPROSY LEtJCODORMA Acute or chronic, whatever extensive I and however longstanding cured I radically and permanently in fr r veek 1 I Many testimonials received Part. a-s I on request. Kamala Wk- (P). I Panchpota, Bengal, India. I as •w* ■am ANNUAL READIXO I i By HANI MATH ll'- I
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  • 224 11 TROUT IS HIS XMIEit Liiigficld Racer Sea Trout made a ivniarkaldr rcoowrj Manchester Olvand China Sea. z J J 4Ti z-k M Z-* but that had nothing Ic <k> with his lea pi rig through the water jump and finished third Io riH- «3 h
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  • 437 12 Plea For Clemency To Woman Accused Madura, April 4. The story of how a woman who. cut of fear of poverty and misery an disgusted with life, killed her three children and herself made an unsuccessful attempt to put an end to her life,
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  • 650 12 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion. B.OC a m. Holy Communion. 8.45 a.m. Matms. Hymns 315, 321, 197. Psalms: 3. 57. Hymn: 125. 9.30 a.m. Matins (Tamil). 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil, 10.30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese). 4.15 p.m. Sunday
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  • 258 12 Turn The Tap How many of use prepared to m- elude the turning of a tap among the great achievements of the modern world? Yet a moment’s thought will bring Pome to us the wonder cf th’s. Think of London —the biggest city in the world, the home
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  • 1208 12 No Signs Yet Of Much-Awaited U. S. Buying Boom (From Our Own Correspondent) London, April 5. W r AR clouds swiftly gathering over Europe have cast a deep shadow upon the London tin market. Prices have fallen, instead of advancing, as they would
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 679 12 inoru.tif/. ->Gi- ne records. PEN A N G ZHJ 6 08 mc|s (49.30 m.) TODAY E.M. 5.55 Chinese music. 7.00 Indian music. 8.00 Malay music. 9.00 Close down. TOMORROW P.M. 12.00 Midday Concert. —1) The Caliph Of Badgdad -Overture (BoFeldieu). 2) Minuetto- Divertmento in D Major (Mozart). 3< L’Arlesienne Suite
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    • 306 12 MANILA KZRM 95.7 mc|s (31.35 m.) TODAY P.M. 12.20 Sign off. 3.50 U. P. Conservatory of Music—Radio practice hour. 4.20 Nestle’s kiddies’ jamboree. 5.05 Programme preview, weather report. 5.20 Camay glamour revue. 5.50 Local market report. 5.55 News period —Spanish -English. 6.20 Marco Sextette. 6.50 There Was a Time When
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    • 404 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London. April 9: Following is the probable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan Standard time for week beginning April 11. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV an,- 1 GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m.
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  • 329 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh And Penang SEA MAILS OUTWARD Sumatra North Eastern, and Sumatra close Penang v the Tolebo. ‘Ml)) •?se Western States and lose 11 a.m. today *lndia p Uld c\ Burma •ma (except Victoria Tavoy), Northern India, t close Penang 10.30 .tain and
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  • 900 13 ARRIVALS Today: HINDENBURG ex Hamburg via ports. BELLEROPHON ex Hamburg. Tomorrow: HUSIMI MARU ex Japan via Singapore. GLENIFFER ex United Kingdom via Suez. AENEAS ex Liverpool. Monday. April 17: KEDAH ex Bela-wan-Deli. Tuesday, April 18: POELAU LAUT ex Java ports via Singapore. HOSANG ex
    900 words
  • 82 13 Mails for BANGKOK will leave Per.ang at 9.40 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, and incoming mails will arrive in Penang at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays and Thursdays. Mails for F.M.S., SINGAPORE, etc., will leave Penang at 8.30 a.m. and 9 p.m.; Ipoh 1.36 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; and
    82 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 440 13 blue funnel line UEEKLY SEBVICE TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT T Le*»e« Penang Due London THESEUS Calls Hull Apr. 20 May 20 ,i INBEG (''alls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr. 24 May 24 -H\X Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 28 May 24 TEN day SEBVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE Liverpool \IEN’TOR Apr. 20
      440 words
    • 880 13 P*, IHh *’‘C f. f X and CM V BRITISH INDIA (Incorpoirted 1b England) i PORI SWETTEXHAM. MALACCA SIXGAPORE S.S. “KHANDALLA” SAILING SUNDAY, 16th APRIL 1939. cm^^Vt lar ‘‘f 1 Orient&l s N. Co., under f For Teluk Arson. Pagan De-.c£ Ma^st y s Government Swettenham. Malacca and Singapore London
      880 words

  • 2649 14 Governor s Cup And Extra Meeting '"PWO hundred and ninety horses and ponies are in training for the Singapore Summer (Governor’s Cup) and Extra Professional Meetings on April 22, 26, 29, May 3,6, 10, and 13. Below is the full list: C. W.
    2,649 words
  • 211 14 Chinese Win Close Cont^ 1 With Muslims I i A GOAL ««ored by Cheng Eng almost immediately after p .Jn SU n,ed l n the second half Rave victory to the Penan.’ |im (Football Association in their First Division match with the Recreation Club on
    211 words
  • 38 14 The Penan' 1 S’ l l I knt ♦'he O-«l I the Esnlanp e at < I P. S. I H. 1. Bl I Roach, J. W. Ewart I J. McE I and J. E. Goodrich. I
    38 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 199 14 Brylcreem BE===S MILLIONS of B the testi< V to f the beneficial effect I of Brylcreem by AV usiog It every day. fxi ll' 111 //J There is no simpler C c: /I A a y of grooming the I I fl hair and ensuring its f 11 ’t?* t
      199 words

  • 626 15 Excel lent Soccer On The Paclang DESPERATE STRUGGLE TOWARDS END RESPITE the frantic of their forwards in the last ten minutes of the game, the liC-an Recreation Club were unable to force the issue and had to be content with sharing points with the
    626 words
  • 1354 15 ox Made Fatal Mistake At Start WOK BOAT /VP) DEAD WATER (From Our Own Corespondent) V\ ’•SSjgF? London, April 5. Why did Cambridge win the Boat Race by four lengths? That was the question we were all asking ourselves last Saturday. Oxford's explanation, given
    1,354 words
  • 71 15 Cricket Tomorrow On Esplanade The Penang Sport Club will play cricket against The Press at the Esplanade tomorrow at 10.30 a.m.; Sport Club team as follows: J. E. Goodrich (Capt.), H. C. D’Arcy Irvine, J. V. T. Campbell, J. N. Davies, J. W. Ewart,
    71 words
  • 262 15 Schedule Of Racing FIRST DAY—APRIL 22 HORSES —Class 1- —Divis.ons 1. 2 and 3 6 Furlongs. HORSES—CIass 2—Divisions 1 and 2 —7 Furlongs; Division I—s! Furlongs. PONiES—Class I—Divisio nl and 2sff. Furlongs. SECOND DAY—APRIL 26 HORSES —Class 2—Divisions 2 and 3 —s*2 Furlongs. HORSES—CIass 3—Divisions 2, 3
    262 words
  • 337 15 Home Soccer Fixtures VENGLAND and Scotland will meet in <m international soccer match at Hampden Park today. Teams are: Ei'.gland: Woodley (Caelsca); Morri. (Wolves) and Hapgood (Arsenal) (Capt.); Willingham (Huddersfield), Cullis (Wolves) and Mercer (Everton); Matthews (Stocks), Hall (Tottenham), Lawton (Everton), Goulden (West Ham) and Brook
    337 words
  • 332 15 Second Round Players rgTHE fololwing are the second Tcund A players in the Penang Sports Club spring Be als Tournament to be played oft by the end ot the month. Players mentioned first should arlange- ineir gi.-a.-.. Players are reminded that they can play on the rinks
    332 words
  • 254 15 ihe following are the fixtures for the 'Junior badminton tournament for this 'weekend: TODAY j oou Chee Choong W’ee and Chuah Kim Suan v. Cnee Choong Hoong and feph Chin Bee (Ref. Tan Choon Kooi). 3.30 Cheah Chee 800 and Khoo Kheam Ciiuan v. Itoii Peng Hooi
    254 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 168 15 Now I Have NERVE.. but it used to be nerves--NON EVERY TWF t MvO] o/heVrace" give your frayed nerves/ ui HcK A CHANCE TO REST X YES, AND I KNOW THE EASON HIS NERVES jLI-RpL/ RE OVERSTIMULATED FROM TOO MUCH U? AFFEINE AND TANNIN YOU A *-WAYS ISO MANY HOT
      168 words

  • 63 16 MIDDAY QUOTATIONS TIN LATEST Penang $109.25 Business 50 tons Singapore $109.25 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 26%c Singapore (Spot) 26%c COPRA: Sundried $3.55 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.30 Fair Seed $2.85 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.10 No. 2 $6.00 White No 1 $6.70 Local Parboiled No. 1
    63 words
  • 104 16 Prev. Latest Paris 176 49 64 176 47 64 N w York 4.68,’,. 4.68 A Montreal 4.70% 4.70% Brussels 27.82 27.82% Geneva 20.87% 20.87’4 Amsterdam 8.81% 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.68’2 11.69 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 < 'openhagen 22.40 22. 40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors
    104 words
  • 126 16 ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ayer Weng .65 70ex Batu Selangor 1.20 1.25 Hong Fatt .60 .65 Klang River 1.60 1.70 ex Nawr.g Pet .25 .30 Rahman Hyd. 1.00 1.05 Rontau 1.22’g 127% Tailing Cons. 1.37% 1.42% Bcr.grins 18 6 19 6 Kamra 13 1.9 Katu 20 0 210 La
    126 words
  • 164 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3 0 3 4% Aust. Amalgamated 4i6 5 0 B. Selargors 1.22% I.27icd Hong Fatts .62 .65 Jelebus 55 .65 Johans .24 .26cd K. Lanjuts 15,0 15 6 K. Lumpur? 15 0 15 9 Kuchais 1.10 1.15 Kundarxgs 6 9 7 3 Laruta 4
    164 words
  • 234 16 New York, Friday. London weakness inspired a lower opening with extreme inactivity for the balance of the session. Coppers reflected fears of <1 further price cut. Favourable but negative significance was seen in the ability of the market to close near the day’s best despite the imminence
    234 words
  • 599 16 British Engines For France London. April 4. THE arrival in London last night of M. Guy la Chambre (French Air Minister) for discussions with Sir Kingsley Wood (Secretary of State for Air) coincides with a whole series of negotiations relating to the air power of Great Britain
    599 words
  • 226 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampat 3 0 3 6 Aus. Amalgamated 4 9 5 3 Ayer Wer.g .65 .70 Bangrin 19 0 19 6 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.25 ex Berjuntai 9 6 10 0 Hong Fatt .60 .62% Jelebu 55 .60 Kpg. Kamunting 6 0 6 9 Kpg. Lan
    226 words
  • 201 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Panas 1.17% 1.22% Bassetts -45 .50 Batu Lintang .97% 1.02% Bentas 95 1 00 Brogas 60 .65 Indragiris 1.10 1.15 Kuala Sidims 1.95 2.05 c Lunas 1.45 1.55 Malaka Pindas 1.17% 1.22% Mentakabs .37% .40 Pa jams 1 55 1 65 Sungei Tukangs
    201 words
  • 41 16 Amman, April 14. The Iraq Pipeline was punctured and ignited yesterday on tre east side of the Jordan Valley by an Arab frontier band. After action by Government forces the Arabs were driven off and the pipeline repaired.
    41 words
  • 40 16 —Reuter. Oslo, April JL3. The Government has decided to ask Parliament for an extraordinary priation of twenty million kronor (about one mi’lion sterling) for defence purposes in *****40. Tre money will be produced by extra taxation.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 102 16 Reuter In the House of Commons, Mr. Hugh Dalton (Opposition Labour) urged an Anglo-Franco-Russian military alliance against aggression whether in Europe, Asia, or Jforth A frica. Replying to the Dalton who asked whether the British Government had at any time proposed to the Russian Government an Anglo-Franco-Russian
    Reuter *  -  102 words
  • 168 16 —Reuter. Japanese Denial Not Borne Out By Facts Peiping, April 14. Japanese official reports state that Chinese forces attacking Kaifeng have been driven oft but admit that fighting is still proceeding about four miles south of Kaifeng. The Japanese authorities deny that there has been any
    —Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 81 16 King To Broadcast From Winnipeg The B B C. announces that the King from Winnipeg at 8 p.m. on May 24. J will broadcast an Empire Day message from Winnipeg at 8 p.m. on May 24. The departure from Portsmouth on May 6 'will be broadcast to the
    81 words
  • 43 16 —Reuter. Another Japanese Outrage Chungking, April 14. Three Japanese bombers shot down a passenger plane belonging to the Eurasia ;Company (a joint German-Chinese concern) near the Yunnan border. The Ger'man pilot was injured. The passengers* ate is unknown. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 44 16 Mr. Basil Newton proceeded to Windsor Castle where the King received him audience. Mr. Newton kissed hands upon appointment as Ambassalor to Bagrdad. The King conferred upon him a knighthood and invested him with the insignia of the K.C M.G.
    44 words
  • 141 16 Armed Gang Get Away With Big Booty (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, Friday. A most audacious robbery was committed this morning, when four Chinese, three armed with pistols and the fourth with a knife, entered a house in Norris Road, bound and gagged the three women
    141 words
  • 278 16 Tried Suicide After Scolding By Father For a very trivial cause, a 17-year-old Chinese girl H’ng Gaik Choo was stated to have attempted to commit suicide when she drank a dose of poison but fortunately responded to treatment when discovered in a critical state. In the
    278 words
  • 48 16 The following resolution is to be •moved by Senior Unofficial Member of Legislative Council at the meeting on April 21,: “That this Corneil approves of payment 11.000,000 payable in .London to His Majesty's Government as a gift towards cost of Imperial Defence of the British Empire."
    48 words
  • 155 16 The members of the Aspirants’ Association will be having their annual ramble to Ba ik Pulau over the hill from Ayer Itam on Sunday morning. Al; ramblers will meet at the Kek Lok Si Chinese Temple at the foot of the hill at Ayer Itam at 8
    155 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 54 16 iXIUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal I Commissioners will be held at the Muni-| cipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 18th instant. (By Order) I T. W. DOUGLAS, 1 Secret-ary to the Municipal > Commissioners. I NOTICE A DROP OF “ORGANDI PERFUMERY WILL LAST FOR DAYS
      54 words
    • 566 16 Head Office: 12, Bishun Street P.. Phone 1477 4 H7S w^ 40 Telegrams: “Gazette” p- r en»ng, Singapore Office: Cecil Street, 5471. Tel: "Times” Singapore k S T Office: 25, Jara Street. Phone Office Brewster Road. Phone Office: 40. 43. Fleet Street Phone Central 3403—J6C9 Tel 1 t London. Rates
      566 words