Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1663 1 FIRST REACTIONS IN ROME BERLIN TO MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S STATEMENT Bulgaria And Turkey May Be Included In Pledge Question Of Collaboration With Russia London, April 13. While it has hern generally expected that Greece will he immediately guarant. e a attack, writes Renter's diplomatic corre-poiident.
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  • 94 1 Full Agreement With Britain Paris. April 13. A similar declaration in respect of assurances given to Greece and Rumania es announced by Mr. Chamberlain on behali ot Britain in the House of Commons is contained in a statement issued by M. Daladier on behalf of France.
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  • 132 1 —Reuter. .—Reuter New York, April 3. Substantial new increases in war risks insurance rates between the United States and Europe are taking effect immediately. Rates to and from the Far East via Suez are also increased.—Reuter. prises. The Government has remained in permanent contact with the
    —Reuter.; .—Reuter  -  132 words
  • 101 1 -Reuter. Shattered By Dictator Nations New York, April 13. Declaring that the dictator nations had blocked the success of the Administration’s trade pact programme’, the Secreary for Agriculture, Mr. Wallace, in a statement said that at Washington he had urged Congress to back Government subsidies for wheat
    . -Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 47 1 business set down will be discussed.- Beu ter. London, April, 13. It has been decided to end the Commons debate tonight. Afterwards the House will adjourn until Tuesday when according to present arrangements, the business set down will be discussed.- Beu ter.
    business set down will be discussed.- Beu ter.  -  47 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. IRENCH Jerusalem, April 13. Arif Abdul Razzik, -well-known leader of Arab bands in Palestine, with sixteen of his followers has sur render ed to the French military authorities in Syria, ae cording to an official announcement
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 47 1 Reuter FriedrichsFTaven, April 13. A serious explosion occurred at the Aerological Observatory here tooay destroying a large part of the buildiu.. Loss of life is but*the extent i not yet known. The believed to have originated in a balloon whina ./as about to ascend. -Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 275 1 Fully Equipped Chinese Fight Stubbornly Reute.. Peiping, April 13. The battle for Kaifeng was still i in full swing this morning, with Chinese bringing up reinforcements, according to Japanese official despatches. The Chinese forces pre fuaj equipped and are fighting stubbjr ily in the Southern outskirts
    Reute..  -  275 words
  • 80 1 London, April 13. It is learned in official cirr’es that the German Government has informed the Rritish and Frenth Gover. it>-ais the custom ry spring ejc<.rt Sr.s of t' e Gi i mm Elect will be hell th 1 y ’or off th< eta it of tSpain
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 1 ER" fed on I CO’S' GATE I I r »/f l/rt/ivfl P.-UJnu i i >\\ x lil Si’E SAII V 1.1!>., ind Ipoh.
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    • 52 1 < .< I\V S GATE i 1 Ayc.i',. f>.>r North Mitkiyu i‘u.iioiu..: row x his?!; \i:v i i>„ I’enair/ and Ipoh S.C.S. Sausages are made with just that little touch of genius which produces sausages renowned for their deliciousness. CSILII SOGfieC PHONE PENANG—I3OO 1501 BUTTERWORTH—S3 Advt. of Suiuafort Cold Storajt
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  • 1677 2 Anglo-French Pledge Of Support To Greece Rumania London. Thursday. There was a tense atmosphere in the House of Commons when Mr. Chamberlain rose to make his promised statement on the European situation. The Premier had left his residence in Downing Street ten minutes before the House
    —Reuter.  -  1,677 words
  • 65 2 Paris. April 12. The international crisis continues to occupy the Press. Le Petit Journal urges calmness, stating that further surprises are unlikely and in any case all precautions have been taken. Pertinax writing in L'Ordre urges the Soviet to be included in the Western Powers’ arrangements and
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  • 71 2 Tokio, Wednesday. THE Tohokai. reactionary political party, has been disolved following the loss of its leader. Mr. Seigo Nakano, president of the party, has resigned his seat in the House of Representatives Ten M. P.’s of the party have become independent as a result of the move.
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  • 60 2 -Reuter. New Type Of Bomb Lsed London, Thursuay. EXPLANATIONS occurred in eleven public conveniences in London and the provinces last night by a new chemi- cal bomb employing carbide. Six explosions in London were at widely separated I points. Four occurred in Coventry and June at
    -Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 61 2 London. I he Department of Overseas Trade anjnounce that next year's British Inductries I Fair wiit be held in London and Birmingjham from January 19 to March 1. Already. 576 exhibitors have applied for 224.313 sq. ft. of space in London and Birmingham in 1940.
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  • 421 2 “Policy Of Attack Against Malaria Mr. A. S. Hay ne» On Preventive Methods "Quinine retains its place line oi defence against Malam Mr. A. S. Haynes, former M in tne Asiatic Review in an Malaria and Quinine in the E.. Mr. Haynes was chairman of mission on Rural Hygiene wine.
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  • 51 2 Reuter. Partial Mobilisation Of Armies Sofia, Wednesday The Prime Minister, KionsonancCt long conversations with the Yugos and Greek Ministers. It is believed partial mobilisation of the Yugoslav -'d Greek Armies was discussed. Then reason to believe that Ministers gavsurances that these military measjits were not directed against
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 76 2 Ensuring Security kl The Count r y Brussels, It is announced tnat tne bias taken various military r -.suie ux L.c Lx-.n UIIILO Ox OOM up iur tins purpose. x»x. Pierloc has been charg* King witn me tusk oi tom government. lhe King had taik at
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  • 33 2 tne Egyptian uoveiniuvi.t uaexport oi gold until funner m ter. Cairo, A) in view of the internauon i the Egyptian tioveinmciil has export oi gold until furiner n< ter.
    tne Egyptian uoveiniuvi.t uaexport oi gold until funner m ter.  -  33 words
  • 27 2 Reuter. f.M.S. Repulse left here lo* r H.M.S. Repulse left here fui b c this morning to take then Maj' s Canada next month. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
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  • 2221 3 lircraft To Match Growth Of Land Forces STRATEGICAL AND TACTICAL RECONNAISSANCE London, April 4. I BSTANTIAL increase in the number and strength of air squadrons allocated to “army co-operation” flying is a direct consequence of the government’s decisions > epare for desnatch overseas of a powerful
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  • 145 3 London. April 5. Mr. H. N. Braiftford the Socialist writer said last week that he had sent the following letter to Mr. J. S. Middleton Secretary of the Socialist Party. "Will you be good enough to convey to the National Executive my request that they
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  • 234 3 Vh ipbersiiip ampaigii Launched A tea-party was held on Wednesday night by the Penang Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association at their premises No. 64 Larut Road, to mark the commencement of their 1939 membership campaign. The function was attended by a large gathering. The chairman.
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  • 50 3 —Reuter. Washington, April 13. As part of the national defence programme, the House of Representatives has passed and sent to the Senate a Bill authorising work costing forty-five million dollars at Naval shore stations. It includes a graving dock at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, costing eight-and-a-half millions.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 64 3 S- venty-eight British. aerodromes,, including 63 Royal Air Force w be open to the public on the sixth- ann” 'u Em u Air Day- May 20. Last year 424.£61 people visited 58 stations in spite of extremely bad weather. Demonstrations of flying by squadrons of high-performance
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  • 261 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. “rfIHE first function we can perform in this changing world is to try’ to maintain and develop a spirit of tolerance,’’ said Dr. H. ’O. Potter speaking on "Rotary and the World Crisis’’ at the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday. In
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  • 111 3 %N English girl is leaving London this week-end for Munich, to train German women in perfect womanhood. Miss Eve Alwyn, twentylive years-old daughter of the famous London physique expert, has been invited by the German authorities to lecture and give demonstrations to German teachers and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 V s REGISTERED SPOffilFS SKIDEir For All Sports IF ear COLOURS I WHITE rwe FAWN t: As «t- J. Ideal for all Sports Wear the i6 SWEAT RAG" has i proved so popular in every way because it comprises everythin!! that you ever asked for in a SPORTS SHIRT. Attractive,
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  • 323 4 <;I t,R most remarkable features of ibis so-called. modern world is the increase of street noises. legitimate aim otherwise. With the former calegor\ we have no grouse. The cries of hawkers. the tooting of mot< r horns and the wheezing’ < f trol’.e* buses ha\e all a legitimate
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  • 900 4  -  Bruce Blunt Hl it AN population of G- it Britain is up by 13 per cent. Canine population is up by 50 per cent. These startling changes have taken place in the last generation For the first time in history the number of dog inhabitants
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  • 673 4  -  Thomas Firhank MY wife and I make our living from four square miles of Welsh mountain. We live in a high valley, bare of trees and other houses, and walled in by hills more than 3.000 ft. high. Our sheep graze along these slopes, and from
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    • 229 4 ’i||S u. 7 7—.<jy7 S&jsrSTEr>* ciPntJND I PACKED IN MALAYA ■MI A UNDER VACUUM PROCESS "D 3F 3 ■Hi j. Jrta&MKl WW'J pU^<^ There is no container which protects BK^kyß -rnrpO/KlGr coffee flavour better than does LITTLES. Compare its flavour with that of others, you .will soon know why ■>
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    • 13 4 I I i 1 II l i [lf WRBm i xl .J I
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  • 443 5 T< lifl inc Singapore k tiffin meeting on i. Potter said, iirst function we < changing world ainlain and develop a In a troubled conditions, orgaindividuals must its arc. a> an Anierin timely. At the prehs of the dictators m responsible posts cll |s of their coun-
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  • 561 5 PENANG TRADER FINED Sioo Counsel’s Reference To September Crisis Hie ci is.s n. September lasi. year was citied to lie responsible for large stocks of condensed milk to be ordered from Europe and after the Munich Pact the consignments of milk could not find a market.
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  • 533 5 Serious Charges Against Indian A few minutes after pleading guilty to three charges oi causing hurt by negli- 1 gent driving, driving without a license, 1 and failing to stop after an accident at Seang Tek Road on the night of April 11, an Indian. Raju
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  • 179 5 Car Ends Up In Drain: Driver Injured A serious motor smash occurred at the seventh milestone, Tanjong Bungah, late on Wednesday night, when a car on its way back to town crashed into the side of the road and ended up in the drain. The
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  • 118 5 OUTRAGE NOT C.vp;»RTED TO POLICE Damages to the extent of $5OO were estimated to have been caused by another tarring outrage, which was committed on two boarding houses in Hong Kong Street late on Wednesday night. The shops were Cnop Sin Huat Clioon and Chop Sin Hup
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  • 219 5 Mr. Khoo-Cheah Phee Tuan And Miss Yeoh Siew Cheng A Chinese wedding was solemnised at the Penang Buddhist Association, Anson Road, at 1 p.m. yesterday, the contract-* ing parties being Mr. Khoo-Cheah Phee Tuan, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Aing Laie, and Miss Yeoh Siew Cheng,
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  • 31 5 The Earl of Perth, Ambassador to Rome who is retiring is expected to leave Rome in ten days’ time. His successor is Sir Percy Lorraine, former Ambassador to Turkey.
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  • 370 5 English Author Interviewed No doubt the European situation is a very serious one at the moment. The key to it lies in the Island of Corfu in tne Adriatic Sea. Britain cannot allow Italy to take possession of it, and Italy cannot affoid not to take
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 W L' l I i riwß L it i' 4, Ml 7 |KI oJi wiy! H' F SHERLEVS DOG BOOK Firstly, it is a complete and reliable guide to the breeding. rearing, feeding, training and showing of dogs. Secondly, it gives expert Veterinary advice on paper, for it tells you
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1101 6 Here's Your Bill Show For The Week-End OWING TO SENSATIONAL SUCCESS, Iff lIFI H IFI NEXT < SEASON FURTHER EXTENDED! JII A(ILiU 1 1 v JI K r Ari "Hl 1 UIS PCIVAI tonight another 20th century-fox hi? l\kz I /Al~4 5.45 9.30 (•MME AN» HER CAMG HIT THE OPEfI
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  • 238 7 Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. 4 -OI’GH he was found guilty by a nous verdict of the jury of at- to murder a man by shooting a pistol, Koh Ah Liat, a coolie <*t the Singapore Harbour >t'd to the last that
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  • 849 7 Lxicjn, a. r I'’HiS is to be a season of paramount mportaa<? for the younger British goii professionals. During it, we must find a team to send to the United States for the Ryder Cup natch next November. And just now it
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  • 80 7 QO\ ERNMENT House, Sin- feapore, has no bombproof shelters. But inquiries by the Gazette showed that there is a cellar which may be adapted for A.R.P. purposes. Raffles Museum also has no shelter. But Mr. F. N. Chasen, the Museum director, said: “Plans
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  • 197 7 New York. April 1. SUBSTANTIAL advances in safety were recorded by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1938, when accidents to employees per million man-hours worked were reduced by 14 per cent., President M. W. Clement revealed today in announcing the winners of the thirteenth annual safety contest.
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  • 167 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Dr. Chor.-g Hoey Chan. Assistant 11 akh Cfiictr, Lower Perak, who was away o i«jc leave, has icturned to x-.nson and lesumed duties. Corr. > "London’s Poultry World” states that Mr. A. Lermit. who is about to return to Malaya from leave in England, is bringing back
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 335 7 WEMBLEY PARK Tonight: Friday. 14th April. J 939. See Toy Cantonese Opera: SAY CHONG LIEW SENG TH UP” Grand Xooran Opera Will stage the original production “ARMROUGH” with Inche M. Babjan; Em bi: Kassim Miss Aminah in the leading roles Supported by Misses Menah; Mary; Emma: Bedah and Chomel in
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    • 58 7 Royal Theatre Box No. 5 A LOR STAR Phon? 77. NIGHTLY TWO SHOWS AT 6.15 9.15 P.M. TONIGHT TOMORROW The Best Hindustani Talkies AMRITMANTHAN’’ A Prabhat Picture of International Repute having won Distinction at the Venice Exhibition. Supported By An Indian Cartoon “JAMBUKAKA” Miss Not To See This Only Picture
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    • 25 7 me. /e i'N. A. w ß* I /—Z Vi i Xjs/x. I I > a IBa ‘V C < I T ...Y -_-T r-- W.P.J3. W»—■ »<* x
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    • 157 7 1« 3 SHOWS TODAY and TOMORROW al 3 p.m.—6.15 9.30 p.m. MATINEE AT 3 P.M. REDUCED PRICES Downstairs: 15 9 30 50 Cents. Way Out West ia Paris, Fraace, with BUCK BENNY aid bto Beautiful Buckarettes! to.**•" r v Paramount’s song and girl filled comedy smash hit of the year
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  • 243 8 Not Defended (From Gur Own Correspondent) London, April 3. HERBERT Lawrence King, now on leave from his employment in Singapore, was in the Divorce Court today granted a decree nisi, with costs against the co-respondent, on the ground of the elleged adultery of his’
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  • 158 8 Wife Deserts Mr. J. Mfller (From Our Own Correspondent) London. April 4. A DECREE nisi on the grounds of desertion by his wife. Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Miller, was granted by Mr. Justice Langton in the Divorce Court today to Joseph Miller, a member of the Bangkok staff
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  • 237 8 Chinese Charged At Taiping (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Wednesday. As a result of a surprise raid conducted by revenue officers on a lonely spot near the quarry in Trong, early this morning, two Hokkiens, Low Ah Chye and Teng How, were produced before the
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  • 136 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. Taking caustic soda in mistake for coffee led to the death of a middle-aged Chinese, Chin Ngee, in the hospital on February 4. The Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday returned a verdict of death by misadventure at
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  • 1196 8  -  This article of great interest in Malaya today was published in the Evening Standard and is written By Horace Thorogood N *Y mother had the habit of keeping a store of food in reserve—“against a rainy day," she used to say. It is
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  • 188 8 London, Mar. 23. IkTEW spring skirts in London carry waistbelts of the cummerbund type quite frequently and the many jackets of bolero cut show off the new belted effects. Some high waistlines are boned up as part of the skirt on to the blouse but a contrasting a?mini
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  • 73 8 RuCHING tnmmmf detaih ow plain frocks. A white frock had three 'wide bands of ruchmg running •Cross the bodice under a pknn J»k«. A pleated skirt came out |wv» under a plain wide bell. BOLEROS are still as sntari ever, often part oj the frock. this one,
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  • 524 8 BY A WOM A N CORRESPONDENT A FURTHER move n. Herr Hitler’s “mart babies” drive was made recently with the announce ment of increased taxation for bachelors and childles? married couples. As from the beginning of next the income tax of bachelors ar.», spinsters
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 372 8 H f A ¥j ?5SS? k! \y Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you admire other*—wieh that your skin was as light and attractive as their*. One jar of Stillman’e will make you equalla charming. Continued applications wOl surpriy you. convince you that there is only one
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  • 611 9 Government’s Mass .Transfer Policy EXECUTIVES ON THE SPOT NOT CONSULTED concern has been caused among the clerical stall by the present policy of the Federal Government in ordering mass transfers without any reference to the executive officers on the spot, So much so. that
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  • 109 9 “Carry Your Bag, Madam (m Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. acket which has made its ap- j the doors of Kuala Lumpur’s ■arket, is to be killed by the urinan of the Sanitary Board. M y Gourlay. described it today 4 <
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  • 186 9 Trial Claimed Gar Own Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. -j to have wilfully assaulted a .-e boy, Lau Ah Sung, by beatith a cane, a middle-aged Teo- < Khin Cheok, claimed trial befo- M L C. Goh in the Singapore Fifth p ’.si yesterday, when answering issued under
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  • 99 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) ABF tire extinguishers used by the K- a Lumpur Fire Brigade effi- rious question has been raised by a S-.r.itary Board committee, followlr 4 a cent incident. a motor-car caught fire, but the e\' .saers used by the Brigade were
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  • 71 9 F’ m Our Own Correspondent) Teluk Anson, Wednesday. Arrested on a warrant at Teluk Anson youth named Kalli was produced L’he Osman bin Ta’at, the Teluk F:'st Magistrate, yesterday morn- or. a charge of enticing away a iff. < woman named Meenachi, the one Kumarasamy, at 6 p.m.
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  • 98 9 following passengers are sailing by th- M. s. MEONIA for Home today:— Sir Josiah Crosby, Mr. H.L.H. H-.rri- n. Mrs. R.S.C. Herring child, M .-!.s Harrison, Miss Inga Faber, Mrs. J. Lesache, 2 children Mr. Mrs. T. Marstrand 2 Mr. Mrs. G.P. de Martin, i H. Iblings, Miss
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  • 88 9 (From Our Own Correspondenti Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday. 1 A middle-aged Malay, Sastra bin Suae, who cut off a piece ot his wife s no»e because she wanted a divorce, was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment at tne Assizes today. His wife said they had
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  • 52 9 —Reuter. London, April 12. Lipski’s return to Warsaw is to receive ’instructions from his Governments to authoritative Polish circles quoted in a Warsaw message. It i.j den ed in these circles that Dr. Lipski has taken with him German “conditions” for regulation of German-Polish
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 164 9 rp.HE ingenious method o. hiding illiI 1. cit st'lls in pigsties is catching fast among moonshiners in Ipoh. On Wednesday a Chinese was arrested for possession of a large still in the backyard, well hidden in a pigsty. Yesterday Mr. Cantrell. Assstant Superintendent of Customs and
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  • 816 9 Trial Continued At Perak Assises THE trial continued at the Perak Assize Court yesterday before the Hon. Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley and two assessors, Messrs. Graham and Aw Boon Jin, of Ong Ah Pow on a charge of committing the murder of his brother in-law, Ong Boon
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  • 130 9 (t rom Our Own orresponden) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday, soon Kuala Lumpur will know, through the Sanitary Board, whether the sounding of motbr-car horns in the business centre of the taw i, will be banned. mittee of the Board is considerIhe Traffic Advisory Committee of the
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  • 46 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. A memorial of rough granite stone with lettering cut into it and painted black, will be erected near the peltophoiuru. trecg planted in Kuala Lumpur to c mmemworate the coronation of King Geoige the Sixh.
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  • 27 9 Reuter. London, Thursday. There will be continuous prayers for peace at Westminster Abbey’ today simultaneously with the Foreign Affairs debate in Parliament. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 140 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) S n. aoore, Thursday. between two motor-cars x A. Jir Arth u ’s Bridge in Kallang Road, i eently had a s quel in th? Singapore T Court, before Mr. C. H. Whiteon, ye verdap when the driver of one of tiie
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 276 9 I J' W■ U A gift of distinction Not only streamlined but heat controlled Delivery arranged in the Brit. Isles I PRICE I Prevents scorching and can be used with gi eater m mw ease and safety. Uses less current and becomes hot almost at once. LZEL—— Is both left
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  • 873 10 Property In Good Condition npHE thirtieth annua! general meeting of the siuala Sidim Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the offices of the Secretaries, Messrs. Boustead Co. Ltd., at Weld Quay on i Wednesday. I 1 The following were present: Directors Messrs. H. O. Maas (chairman), A.
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  • 1473 10 But The Commodity leathers The Crisis Comfortably (From Our (h\n Correspondent.) is the latest deterioration in x the European situation likely to affect the trend of rubber prices and the short-termn interests of Rubber shareholders These questions have been the subject of endless
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  • 635 10 Dividend Of 5 THE seventh ordinary gent ing of North Malay Rubber (1931), Ltd., was held on Erid, registered office of the comp. Mark-lane, E.C. Mr. T. Taylor (the chair.r,. j that the period covered by the now presented was the last yea first five-year period
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 750 10 BASKS THE CHARTERED BANK NEDERLANSCHE OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPU Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) KI VL Paid-up Capital £3,000,000 Reoerve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 (NETHERLANDS TRADING Head Office V No 38 Bishopgate, London, E C. 2 2)UvlE*ll«a LONDON BRANCHES th* <ll7/122, Leadenhall Street,
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    • 81 10 J Ki WHS <-> Lips touched > with Tangee are r youthful, never 1 painted f JfP If your lipstick gives you that ghr ing painted look —it isn’t Tangee! For Tangee can’t paint. It isn’t paint. Instead, by its magic Color Change Principle, it brings out your own natural
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  • 338 11 R horses were killed in i the first two raees at the Sational Hunt meeting al Cheltenham •—most important fixture of the winter season —and there were nianv falls. Picture above shows an incident that m arly developed into another serious accident in the Champion
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  • 217 12 Hearing commenced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday in a case in which two Malays, one elderly. Syed Mohamed and a young man, Syed Abbas were charged with disorderly conduct by fighting in public at Pulau Tikus village
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  • 64 12 The monthly assembly of the Ipoh Rotary Club was held at the residence of Col. Cecil Rae, the President on Wednesday evening at 5.30. Mrs. Rae, now fully recovered from heF recent illness, was present and served tea to the guests. Those present besides Col. Rae
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  • 290 12 The Bisfgest Sculpture We have been reading about the Sphinx w.iich has some claim to bcir.g the oldest piece of carving in the wcrld. Till quite recently it would have been universally declared to be the biggest single piece of carving on this planet. But it cannot make
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  • 444 12 Mr. Jimiah’s Poser To At League Conference Meerut, Mgr. 25. WITH the arrival in Meerut today of Mr. M. A. Jinnah, sident of the All-India Muslim League, and other leada* preliminary discussions have begun which may lead to the orientation of the League
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  • 154 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 31. An account of discoveries made during his recent excavations in Kedah was given by Dr. A. G. Quaritch Wales the well-known archaeologist who is Field Director of the rGeater-India Research Committee, in a lecture to the Royal Societp this
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  • 116 12 (rrom Cur Own Correspondent.) Kuala Kangsar, Wednesday. ochooi'ooys from Malay schools in tne restrict, numbering nearly 200. provided an impressive spectacle on the town padang this morning in their annual ph,jsical culture display. His Highness the Sultan of Perak, Raja Razman, Malay A D.C.
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  • 388 12 Jharia, Mar 31) 'JMIE Associated Press li; i ?r stands that Mr. Subhas b ,k 0 is engaged in correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi setting out his viewpoint regarding th? pres nt deadlock in Congress aP Jr- It was to be regretted that ven no» there are some
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  • 165 12 Next Empire Convention In New Zealand New Delhi, Mar. 20 annual meeting of the Er/ r Parliamentary Association I branch) wxs held this evening in Asse. ibiyr Chamber. Sir MuiecKJ e Dadabhoy presiding. v The report for 1938, t accounts, was adopted Lala Ramsaran Das. Mr.
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  • 28 12 New plaC ’TL-iB c.uawny cf 10-‘ coun^ 11 1 the Mace presented iraJa ot of State by the Mahai-iP Darbhanga will take CouiicU 1
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 600 12 I EU- rical recording. records. llf )NGKONG ‘Lucky Dip’ Twelfth Edition. 7.20 Local time signal, weather report and anOn r r the following frequencies will nouncements. 7.23 A light French pro- gramme with Charles Trent and Damia. 8.05 Local sports results. 8.15 London ZBW2 6 09 Me s (49 26
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    • 330 12 PEN A N G ZHJ 6.08 mc|s (49.30 in.) TODAY P.M. 5.55 Chinese music. 7.00 For the children. 7.30 Recorded variety piogramme. 1) Quicker Than You Can Say Jack Robinson (Roy Fox His Band). 2) (a) Possibly. (b) The Birth of the Blues (Jack Smith). 3)(a) Swing Your Way to
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    • 444 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London, April 9: Following is the probable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan standard time for 1 week beginning April 11. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ. GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m.
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  • 742 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIK MAILS OUTWARD SI KOI’E \M) THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): Fo. Burma (ex t V ictoria Point), India Ad 1 I’P'”p, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya Tar. i .Mica. Zanzibar, Northern nr.]<■ tesla, Nyasaland. South Afri< i < Britain.
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  • 992 13 IN PENANG HARBOUR ARKH ALS Today: ANTENOR ex Singapore. BELLEROPHON ex Hamburg. KEDAH ex Singapore. FORMOSA ex Singapore. MEONIA ex Singapore. Tomorrow: HINDENBURG ex Hamburg via ports. Sunday, April 16: HUSIMI MARU ex Japan via Singapore. GLENIFFER ex United Kingdom via Suez. AENEAS ex Liverpool. Monday, April
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 280 13 j; J E FUNf 3 E L LINE V SERVICE TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT c± G,a gow Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr’ 24 Mav 24 DAY SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVki A on Liverpool EURYBATES Omits Havre, calls Glasgow Apr* 25 May 26 XEW YORK SERVICE (Via Cu h. of
      280 words
    • 113 13 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Leave Arrive Arrive Penang Marseilles New York Pres. ADAMS Apr. 27 May 24 June 6 *Pres. VAN BUREN May 11 June 7 June 20 Pres. HARRISON May 25 June 21 July 4 *Pres. HAYES June 8 July 5 July 18 Carry no
      113 words
    • 662 13 PA O and Gt VX BRITISH INDIA (Ixjcorpoi bted In England) I PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KHANDALLA” SAILING SUNDAY, 16th APRIL 1939. cont I J^ U r la Lf l K d H Or ‘v? tal S N Co mder f For Teluk Anson, Bagan Date*, Port H ‘r
      662 words
    • 233 13 NIPPON YUSEN KAISYA LONDON SERVICE For Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Salo, Naples, Marseilles, Gibraltar, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hambhrg. a learners otunDg catea HUSIMI MARU Apr. 16 HAKOZAKI MARU -Apr. 2» SUWA MARU May 12 TERUKUNI MARU May 25 HAKUSAN MARU June 9 FOR JAPAN FROM SINGAPORE ror Hongkong, snangnai,
      233 words

  • 617 14 Two Goals Shared In League Soccer A converted penalty enabled the “marine Department A Football Club to share points with the second team of the Penang Chinese Football Association in the Second Division League fixture nlayed on the Dato Kramat ground jesterday and which ended
    617 words
  • 300 14 Fixtures For I Tomorrow Sunday The following are the fixtures for the j Junior badminton tournament for this weekend:— I I TOMORROW I 300 Chee Choong Wee and Chuah K m Suah v. Chee Choong Hoong and Teoh Chin Bee (Ref. Tan Choon Kooi). 3.30 Cheah Chee
    300 words
  • 230 14 Rough Tactics Spoil Game POUGH tactics, which crept in towards the end of the game, marred an otherwise good match on the Rendner ground yesterday when the “C” (MalayT ‘Company defeated the Indian Recreation Club <f ß” in a Second Division League fixture bv four eroals to
    230 words
  • 200 14 Trade School* Routed 9-2 SUDIN, the Police centre-forward, had the distinction of completing a hat-trick in scoring six of the nine goals netted for'his side in J the Second Division League match between the Police and the Government Trade School, which the former won 9—2.
    200 words
  • 112 14 12.000 Mediocre Fisht Tommv Farr, the Welsh heavyweightturned the tables on Jack Dempsey’s protege. Red Burman, last night at Harringav Stadium. London, when he outpointed him over 12 rounds. Farr won nearly* every* round in a mediocre fight which consisted mainly of the Welshman jabbing his
    112 words
  • 48 14 OLAYING on the Padang, the Chene Wah defeated the Ipoh Club 4—2 in a friendly soccer encounter yesterday. Chooi Yooi, Sam Toong and HJong Peng (2) scored for the winners while McCreanor and Hill repi ied for the Ipoh Club. Mr. Jahsz refereed.
    48 words
  • 1489 14 Eraser Of The Amazing Major Buckley London. nrHE Wolves! There’s a magic about that name nowadays —a magic that once belonged exclusively to the Arsenal, It spells everything that is new and up to date in loothall: huge covered stands, changing rooms that
    1,489 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 1280 15 Governor’s Cup And Extra Meetings TWO hundred and ninety horses and ponies have been entered for the Singapore Turf Club five-day Summer (Governor’s Cup) Meeting and two-day Extra Professional Meeting to be held on April 22, 26, 29 and May 3 and 6. The entries
    1,280 words
  • 574 15 Future Engagements Dublin, April 2. There is nothing to indicate tnat Sir Alexander Maguire’s Workman is any the worse for his Liverpool exertions. The Grand National winner is very fresh and thoroughly well in himself. No definite plans have yet been made where Workman's future
    574 words
  • 377 15 Annual Sports On May 29 Ine annual inter-departmental sports oi the Butterworth Recreation Ciuo for tne uubuee «h.eid presented by we Hon. Mr. Knoo Sian Ewe. 0.8. E. j.b, M.L.C. Penang ana me lonowing trophies namely: —me Coronat.on Challenge Cup preseiitea by Air. Mean sen 6 Wnaa. ju.c.H.
    377 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 320 15 I —-x I I I I «fe»OS 1 fer I I STOP THESEPAINS/ I Pains due to HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUI MATISM, COLDS and FEVERS are promptly I relieved by Anacin because I An;, nis like a doctor’s prescrip- Read what Dr. F. E. D. thinks of I ti n wveral
      320 words

  • 70 16 MIDDAY QUOTATIONS UN LATEST P ■nnz $109.25 Business 25 tons Fingnpote $109.25 I l Bi’.i R: Penang (Spot) 27c Singapore (Spot) 27 %c COPRA: S undried $3.60 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Fair Seed S2.B2’_Medium $3.30 RICE: P.angoon Parboiled No. 1 $6 10 No. 2 SO.OO White No
    70 words
  • 118 16 Pre*'. Latest p 2 176 47 64 176 49 64 Nc York 4.68,' (1 4.68,’« Mr.Z;' ?.l 4.70*4 4.70% Dr ’.<?% 27.81'2 27.82 Ger.ev 20.87*2 20-87% r'jsterdam 8.81% 8.81% ?1.1 89 89 D- 11.67*2 11.68*2 Stc i holm 1940 19.40 CO n-igen 22.40 22.40 Os. 5 19.90 19.90
    118 words
  • 122 16 ANTHONY CO. Batu Seiar.gor 1.20 1.25 Hon? Fatt -00 .65 Jelebu .57% .62% Jchin -22% .27% Kuchai 1.12% 1.17 6.25 6.75 Rcntau 1.22% 1.27% Taipin? Cons. 1.37% 1.42% Anipit 310 3i6 Austral Amalgamated 4 9 5 3 Kampong Lanjuts 15 0 15 6 Kunde ng 0 9 7.3 Laruts
    122 words
  • 45 16 .—Reuter. Teheran, April 13. Egyptian Army detachment accompanied 0 by its b%nd has arrived for the wedding celebrations of the Crown Prince of Iran and his Egyptian bride. The aiate of the royal couples at Teheran is now reannouncedaJ Tor April 16. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 218 16 New York, Thursday. The strength of investment grade slocks was the feature in an otherwise inactive market. The report of MussoI ni’s speech due after close plus the approach of the week-end tended to restrict trading. DOW JONES AVERAGES Prev. Latest High Low’ 30 indus. 126.15 127.51
    218 words
  • 167 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3 0 3;4% Aust. Amalgamated 4 6 5,0 B. Selangors 1.22% 1.27? cd Hong Fatts -62 .65 Jelebus -55 .69 Johans 24 .26cd K. Lanjuts 15 0 15 6 K. Lumpurs 15 0 1519 Kuchais 1.10 1.15 Kundargs 6 9 7 3 Laruts 4
    167 words
  • 286 16 KENNEDY CO. Rl BBEK: Buyers Sellers Botelli 1.30 1.40 c Connemara 1.25 1.35 c Kedah 1.75 1.95 Ulu Benut .27*2 -35 TIN: Ampat 30 3 6 Ayer Weng .65 .70 Ayer Hitam 18 6 19 6 Bangrin 18 6 19 6 Burma Malay 20 3 213 Chenderiang 116 12 6
    286 words
  • 130 16 Motor-Cycle Car In Collision A motor accident invd ving a car and a motor-cyclist occurred at Perak Road near the traffic circus at about 9.30 on Wednesday night. The motor-cyclist, Mr. Pestana was slightly injured, and was treated at the General Hospital. It would appear that
    130 words
  • 39 16 —Reuter. Warsaw, A’pril 13. A n: n.b'r of Germans are known to hnve b'en arrested rjqently in Western Poland on various charges. Although no official announcemon» has been made renorts of arris’*s have appeared in *he newspapers.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 106 16 —Reuter. London, April 13. Replying to Mr. Greenwood with regard to war risks insurance, Mr. Oliver Stanley announced that the Government had decided to enforce immediately, pending legislative sanction, a provisional scheme for the re-insurance market as far as it concerned the King’s enemy and
    —Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 65 16 O.F.A. Team To Meet P.S.C. Tomorrow The following will represent the Old Frees’ Association against the Penang Sports Club in cricket tomorrow’ on the Esplanade: Messrs. Lim Cheng Hoe, Lim |Keng Hock, L. R. Shori, A. Rahman, Ng Beng Heng, Khoo Phin Hong, Tye Thoon Tuck, Cheah Kok Huat,
    65 words
  • 40 16 —Reuter. Column Produce Stakes London, April 13. The result of the Column Produce Stakes run today: Dispenser 1 i Llandaff 2 Wheatland 3 Nine ran. Won by three-quarter length; same. Betting: 31 Dispenser; 0(2 Llandaff; 211 Wheatland.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 218 16 Tenders will be received at the office of the State Engineer. Selangor, up to 2.30 of the 17th April, 1939 for the construction of a Wireless Receiving Station, one Class IV Qrs., four Cl. VHI Qrs. six Cl. IX Qrs. and two-roomed new type Cooly Lines at
    218 words
  • 208 16 1 Tenders will be received at the office ,of the State Engineer, Selangor, up tc 2.30 p.m. of the 18th April, 1939 for the construction of 12 Class IX Quarters at Peel Road, Kuala Lumpur. Plans and specifications may be seen and all particulars obtained at the
    208 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 64 16 gH X X Uli! IiPLJi F Bi Mi 3 or» />'/> UADF BlWf Compare “BIF” prices with M IVlUKtli j others and convince yourself of its wonderful insect killing FLY-KILLING ;—g power POWER Medium Tin $1.50 Small Tin $0.85 TH AN GOVERNMENT Spraver $0.75 REQUIREMENTS C *><* not s p°
      64 words
    • 529 16 i»• s Head Office. B,ah O p Street P Phone 1477 4 K I Tekr™. Singapore Office: Cecil SeZi c, Rates of Subscription for Pi /W •nd Sunday Gazette Gazette f U D gS’’’ J Yearly 17 15 fl Sunday Gazette fl ADVERTISEMENT R ATK barge of »lpet?n«e?«on? Tim kx
      529 words