Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 April 1939

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 510 1 Reuter. Belief Among Italians U. S. FEARS SERIES OF GRAVE EVENTS London. April 10. According to the Tinies Rome corresj ondent. wellinformed Italians consider that Bulgaria will be advanced on the diplomatic chessboard as an axis pawn bv the axis urging her acceptance into
    Reuter.  -  510 words
  • 82 1 Reuter Ivhereh:o< is 6/ 7 |i/H;//ER/> <VE t\ HEE I I London. April 10. I ;> itv categorically deny a reI a that the Mediterranean Feet and on the Greff coas’linc. ff London that all units of I near Fleet visiting Italian I p Warspite, fe of
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 198 1 I Ministers Cheered By I Crouds I London, April 10 I nd-a quarter Homs. As Ministers left Downing Hr>’’ they w‘t" Capped'and cheered by Krm Bank Holriaj crowds which had K.. n "i.g dll the morning. Lord Hiahfax Mi Hore-Belisha and Lord Kiatheld were particularly cheered. Mhere ui
    ■ I  -  198 words
  • 54 1 Reuter. linn* F or Military Measures hi, r Paris, April 10, the keynote of L’ the aftermeth of ■UhT'’ 1 Albania fWk,, >kt R<r h t:m6 ,Or ae war,- nf( r military measures to Matin add»/ ent,lalities writes Le that direct diplomacy and I 8 !'U. u fl,s
    . Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 109 1 filter. I l I o (ondenin Egression €nt Washington, April 10. United States av< been appear- received with 1 indi <t n cir'’’«’Went Roose- I )r IV! ng the desired he tender consciences the United •< rnment in the Wl <n 9Ucst s ;i/ e <zech and Albanis
    filter.  -  109 words
  • 57 1 —Reuter. Athens, Monday. The M. Metaxas, has issued a message to the people stating that the Government possesses all means of assuring the absolute independence and integrity of the country and advising them to go quietly about their business confident that the Government will continue to be
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 182 1 department of the Foreign Office. —Reuter. Britain’s Grave Concern London, Monday. Reports current tonight of a British guarantee to Greece are not strictly in tccordance with facts, states Reuter’s .otoby correspond' nt. The position after oday’s Cabinet meeting appears to be hat Ministers had under consideration steps
    department of the Foreign Office.—Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 81 1 —Reuter. Moslems Keenly Resent Insult London. April 10. Leading Moslems in London at a meeting today demanded that Signor Mossolini should renounce the title of "Defender of Islam" which he assumed after the Abyssinian conquest. The meeting also urged that the oriental Academy opened by Italy five
    .—Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 99 1 Reuter. ‘*We Should Take Measures To Get Men” London, April 10. Declaring that it is the duty of every man to defend his country, Mr. Ilbyd George in a speech at Nevin, South Wales said:— "We must have men and we should take measures to get men.
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 30 1 —Reuter. Jerusalem, April 10. Four British soldiers were killed and tw’o injured when a landmine exploded under a military trolley travelling on the railway north-west of Lydda.-—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 725 1 Italy’s Slavish Invitation Of Aggression Technique no doubt now in incuoation. —British Wireless. London. April 10. i Fo’> owing this morning’s meeting, of the Cabinet on the international situation, it was announced this afternoon that both Houses of Pai* lament have been summoned to meet
    no doubt now in incuoation.—British Wireless.  -  725 words
  • 64 1 .—Reuter. Rome, April 10. Wireless stations broadcast a speech at Tirana by the President of the “Albanian Administrative Committee” condemning the Albanian adminstration which, he alleged, brought the country to the brink of civil war. “Our only hope lay in the genial, beloved Duce. You, Duce, have
    .—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 23 1 —Reuter. Coastal Air Defences Manned Malta. April 10. Coastal and anti-aircraft defences at Malta were manned today as a precautionary measure. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 49 1 —Reuter. Washington, April 10 The Senate Naval Committee has approved the sixty-five million dollars Naval and Air Base Bill after rejecting the Administration’s proposal for the improvement scheme at Guan. It will be recalled that the House of Representatives has already rejected the Guam scheme. —Reuter.
    *.—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 224 1 And Rubber Proposed —Reuter. Washington, Aprff 10. A gigantic plan for the international exchange of raw’ materials, having the double effect of building up the strength of the Democracies for war and ridding the United States of some troublesome surpluses of farm
    .—Reuter.  -  224 words
  • 38 1 —Reuter. Paris, April 10. It is learned that the Greek newspapers will publish tomorrow the text of a statement in which the Italian Government guarantees, the absolute territorial integrity of Greece, according to an Athens despatch.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Uii ia' i c N IfVn u nvpr 30 Years.) wJhII Street, <* m P ht PHONE 1 r s IN CANTON knives and VEGE TABIj pnN AND STEEL sc^ 0R goods. actfry perfumery and
      34 words
    • 34 1 DRINK PURE COWb MILK IN HYGEIA MILK BOTTLES UM "RlHir* ll nPuLujhß iihuiK Mt J W' ft' our BACON makes better Breakfasts CELB k'lUli/vLk PHONE PENANG—ISOO 1501 BUITERH ORTH—M Cold Sioragt Co., Li 4.
      34 words

  • 726 2 THREAT TO THE BALKANS Immediate Action Imperative LONDON PRESS ON RAPE OF ALBANIA London, Monday. TFODAY’S editorials on the Italian action against Albania reveal remarkable similarity. Virtually, all are on the general threat to the Balkans and stress the desire for speed in expanding the
    —Reuter.  -  726 words
  • 89 2 London, Monday. The death is reported of Mr. Sivinford Leslie Thornton, at Durban, aged 85. The late Mr. Thornton was well-known in Malaya. Admitted to the Bar, Straits Settlements, in 1886. he was appointed, in the following year, Registrar and Magistrate in Malacca, then
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  • 62 2 Berl in Denies Troop Movements —Reuter. Berlin, Monday. EPORTS of German troop movements on the Dutch, Swiss or Danish frontiers published in the foreign Press are stated to be untrue; It is added that the only troop movements are those of units returning from Moravia and Bohemia to their garrisons.
    .—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 69 2 —Reuter. London, Monday. rpHE Daily Telegraph’s Rome corresI pundent says that a group of Albanian notables, headed by the Chieftain Giono, offered the Crown of Albania to Kng Victor Emmanuel in the name of the Albanian people before occupation of Tirana. According to
    .—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 237 2 Hitler To Put Forward Plan For Balkans? r rHERE is speculation in many circles al Buchans,. According to Renter, on the possibility ot swsii t rs bv Germany and Italy following the invasion of Albani:?. It is even suggested in quarters friendly to ih v \i>
    237 words
  • 73 2 —Reuter. AdminislralioiiL Plan Washington. It is officially revealed that t Administration is arranging tn t; sands of aviation mechanic Schools throughout the cou r pilots will be trained in co!h defence needs. Mr. Roosevelt is exported I- programme effective thi- nnni’ it officially estimated that the
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 14 2 ILL- It is understood that Dr. Goebbels arriving here next Wednesday. P
    – ILL-  -  14 words
  • 903 2 BARELY had the ink dried on the pens of Mr. Chamberlain and Colonel Beck, the Polish Foreign Minister, following the signature of the permanent AngJo-Poiish pact of mutual assistance in the event of aggression, when Europe witnessed another brutal act of aggression, this time on the part
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 1 K R -Et 1 Brw v lEh I <*.£&. -afifcclfcp. s£jt*cao£ a*ux Osk£*. (BAYER] x^R x z '7'u.ts .ĕdccdj&iitis-Jtt&Wtk'. «■■■WaMMKNHBXu.taU'J' z <<?*' >»<•■« .m» «,i« arar ■•.i.i»«» imimiiii i» "nr-imi" 'jjnuuißto•"***■• v» .P.S. 9^9-4- MWf® |p|r* > J |F wiWAIM Where People Live. Lb U§ h 31) cl JLo
      109 words

  • 858 3 Open To Ali'jNations In Peace Or War BRITISH TONNAGE MORE THAN HALF TOTAL the scene of political events nwves towards the Near East, general interest in matters connected ANith the Suez Canal is roused and there is much discussion ol the history
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  • 452 3 Bril;''"" Share s of research con0' :egis of the Briv u 1 .scientific and Indust;sh P‘ recent ears, none has trial Ke va "for the general pubrjeatci sig 1 on food storage.* jic than tt j j on of fruit. ic’.ii' which I par on food storage,
    452 words
  • 117 3 ib'iinfs Advice lo Servants ,i,: March 27. an :"i Board, at its ‘it "I tins evening, decidt olHeers and servants cough if i jibba and an >t "as not necessary I: al and a turban. the Panchayats roads as far as have a “tree hi
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  • 372 3 Lively Scenes In Punjab Assembly Lahore, March 28. that Mian Iftikarud-Din, Secretary of the Assembly Congress Party, was assaulted by a police officer when he objected to the arrest by the officer of some persons in connection with Kisan Satyagraha was made in the Punjab
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  • 498 3 New Development In Benares Benares, March 28. IWJR. NICHOLSON, District 1 Magistrate, has issued the following press communique on the communal situation in Benares “Stray assaults which started on the evening of March 25 and which were the feature of March 26 in Benares City still
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  • 473 3 IMPERIAL Airways celebrated its fifteenth birthday on March 31—probably its last birthday anniversary in its present form. Constituted in 1924 from four pioneer companies, it was set the task of making British aviation “fly by itself.” By March 31, 1940, it will probably be
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  • 77 3 Sydney, Monday. During the first year of the new assisted migration policy of tbe Federal Government, 5,971 ass’sted passages to Australia for British migrants were approved. There was a rapid increase in the flow of British migrants during the last two or three months. The approved
    77 words
  • 86 3 .—Austral News. Melbourne, Tuesday. TO offset the loss, calculated at £9,000,000, resulting from the destruction of 6,000 square miles of forest, in the January bush fires, a start has beer* made to salvage some of the tim- her. It is believed that 916.000,000 superficial feet can
    .—Austral News.  -  86 words
  • 108 3 Cost £6(16 To Build N; Tuesday. THE largest and i<> x, < naive fishing reel ever ma<L b; mat been brought to Sydney by Grey, the novelist and fisherman.. hopes to hook”forty-foot sharks it The reel weighs 37 Ib.. is 15 inches in diameter, carries 2.000
    108 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 220 3 soap ol I clear and V II -I* ggi Cuticura is a MEDICINAL and >_■ TOILET soap, combining in one j big tablet the unique soothing, healing and antiseptic medica- X G '*V. ments of Cuticura Ointment, I h J ro U g h with the mildest and most I
      220 words

  • 546 4 ITALY'S unwarranted invasion of of the peacefully dispLed Moslem Country of Albania whereby all Albanian territory was brought under Italian control on Sunday night is unique in the miserable record of human ambition and violence accomplished in open violation of solemn treaty obligations under the terms of the Anglo-Italian
    546 words
  • 1045 4 The full inside story of how on the outbreak of war in Spain Franco was smuggled by plane to -Morocco with the help of tiro English girls youngi English girls, Miss Diana Pollard and Miss Dorothy Watson, both from near Billingshurst, Sussex, were aboard a tri
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  • 539 4  -  by Kay Carson memorials in France to ViceI. roys’ bedsteads in India, such is the variety of sculpture in which Mrs. E. R. Broadbent, wife of the well-known English sculptor, Mr. E. R. Broadbent, has collaborated with her husband, whose latest work of art wan
    539 words
  • 51 4 ,—Reuter. Ten Ships Detained b? Shanghai, Apr>' Ten ships, nine of which arPortuguese flag, are being d the Japanese Navy at Woo an the outcome of investigations registry, according to a Japan' man. He alleged that a num l r with Chinese owners were under nominally foreign shipp
    ,—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 T"- r J i A GUARANTEED JX O' FOR EVER! O J&&, Ms (amgo<§ca f WbX vWfW/A MC 1 I I tSL v /J I I RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE YOU CAN PURCHASE NO FINER CYCLE PRICES FROM $49.50 EACH. (Attractive Hire Purchase Terms.) Sole Agents: ROBINSON CO,, LTD. SINGAPORE
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  • 310 5 !<■ efforts of the U to encourage rice Java last year, the 1938 increased by is while local proI small measure to a son. dropped by Thp s this country 33 per cent, of t remainder being fr< m Siam and va consumed more .ns of rice,
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  • 298 5 Producing One Third Of R ice Requited INCREASING RELIANCE ON IMPORTS (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JN these days when the preservation of food supplies and the necessity for the country producing as much of its own crop as possible are important as
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  • 280 5 Beginning Today At Tanjong Bruas Commencing today at Tanjong Bruas; Volunteer Camp. Malacca, the Malayan» Y.W.C.A. will hold a training course fori Pioneer leaders in the Y.W.C.A. through- 1 cut Malaya. Subjects included in the course are Y.W.C.A. history, adolescent j psychology, club technique and
    280 words
  • 55 5 Th-“ Khoo Kongsi (Sin Kang) ar* holding an "At Home” on Thursday. April 20 at 5 p.m. at No. 18. Cannon Square, in honour of the Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe. J.P. on his appointment as an Officer of the Most Excellent
    55 words
  • 127 5 Clever Arrest Of Alleged Snatch- Thief INSPECTOR Rauf made a sensational arrest of a Chinese who, it is alleged, some time ago on the Kampar-road, Ipoh, in broad daylight sr.atched a pair of diamond earrings and a gold chain from a Chinese lady in a ricksha. The attacker was riding
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  • 169 5 Easter Carnival Of Sport Ends The Easter Holidays attracted thousands of visitors to Penang from all parts of the country. The mail trains from Kuala Lumpur last week had special excursion coaches attached. while large parties of holidays makers also came by cars. With the Easter carnival of
    169 words
  • 76 5 Ar. IrJ’.an. Sup ah. was charged bee ?<?■. W. in the Penan.i 7’cTce Court, yesterday wit.' c- mmitr us. reeking by 'ueakl g in f o fowl house ?t the beck of a hcuse i.r Balik P ilau Ro.’d in the sn ail hours oi M c
    76 words
  • 649 5 Annual Report For 1938 By the death oi the late Suitan Suleiman Jhah oi Selangor on ti;e 30lh ot March. 1938, the Association lost a valuta ii iend. He attended tile first Maiay Vernacular Enrolment and gave his warm approval to the Movement. A further
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  • 29 5 At the annual general meeting of the Hu Yew’ Seah held on Sunday, Mr. Cheah Phee Aik was elected Hon Auditor, and not Mr. Cheah Ghee Aik.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 447 5 111—11 IJbJb The perfect X'mas present A gift of distinction Not only streamlined but heat controlled Delivery arranged in the Brit. Isles S Prevents scorching and can be used with greater I ease and safety. i g* Uses less current and becomes hot almost at once. I is both left
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 260 6 opening thlrsday .@ll W F A™| "TJJ Ljß 13th 4PRIL The Picture of the Month Something New and Unforgettable in Screen Entertainment LAUGHTON AT HIS VERY BEST Barrett Bligh Ginger Ted And Now His Greatest Role, Charles The Cockney Street Entertainer, Humorous, Tragic, Lovable, Simple Product of the London Street...
      260 words
    • 125 6 Look Who’s Coming To The MAJESTIC Ih e ne an d Only Shirley Temple in 64 JUST AROUND 1 THE CORNER with CHARLES FARRELL-JOAN DAVIS A 20th Century-Fox Super 2 7 I M (b\ < LAST NIGHT —TONIGHT W 1 1 n n 6.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. ’PHONE 1355
      125 words
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  • 189 7 Harking Power Station ,—Corr. ho Us(l 1 f,AV minutes in the vet. 'H Long ago there ti, n t EncLnd is U. V\ come «to ti e ix nensc 'i*j“gen< rators ire P)\v t j epitome of immense t hand Father fora Ki'a*t t 0 SUpply the power
    ,—Corr.  -  189 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 340 7 *~TONIGHT LADIES’ GUEST NIGHT wEMB L E 1 PA K K Tuesday, 11 th, April, 1939, See Tov Cantonese Opera: •JJPJST SEE PAK MEH” i r IIH Aooran Opera ontinue and finish that Aell-knofn Legend of Telok Blajigah, p .jc entitled "RADIN MAS” with free distribution of Bunga Telor patrons
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 13 7 TIDE TABLE TODAY High Low 4.05 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. 11.35 p.m.
      13 words
    • 1307 7 fcrad 1 o.rad i'o.. radio r a'f i rSai&Tad o fiHrn, wuitfl Electrical record ng. t[Gram,cphone records p 8.8. C. Service ZHJ 6.08 mc's (49.30 m.) J 7 > Schedule TODAY’ T~l TI 5.55 Indian music. 7.00 A Recital. for rar East Patricia Rossborough (piano) Lotte Lehmann (soprano). Patricia Rossborough:
      1,307 words
    • 132 7 —OPENING TODA 1 with 3 Shows at 3 p.m.—6.15 9.30 QUEEN’S Matinee at 3 t p,m, I Reduced Prices: Downstairs 15, 30 <fc 50 METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER’S ROMANTIC LAUGH HIT >■ V A laugh a minute in the But she said comedy of the hour I "Nol” when he placed his heart
      132 words

  • 1794 8 Bit. Investors Following “Old Bill Technique” DUNLOP RUBBER EARNINGS TOTAL £2,134,100 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Mar. 31. comment on market movements is becoming increasingly difficult. Quotations have become mere puppets, lifeless and unreal, responding jerkily to unsubstantial impulses. SubstantiaHieals have become impracticable both
    1,794 words
  • 195 8 Guthrie And t Limited Singapore, \\e < i,, ls JIBBER has passid thro <>n- other qmu-t p. nod. Al hp t < I v.r.t ng v 2 hits h >vv e;:s- 1 .sympathy with Wall Street •>. h the domestu trade >IJ(| pears to he less
    195 words
  • 119 8 Catalogued 449,861 lbs tons Offered 365,303 16.;.0S Sold 211,971 Prices Realised RIBBED SMOKED SHEET CENTS PE!’ IJi Standard Quality 27!» (3 lots Good Average Quality 2664 to 27 Fair Average Quality 2 6G Off Quality 25'1- She -t Cuttings 25 CREPE Fine Quality Pale No
    119 words
  • 411 8 Opposition To Segregation Durban, March 28. RESENTMENT against the segregation policy of Government reached its climax at Capetown last night 4,000 coloured people demonstrated before the Houses ot Pnrlinmpnt. 4Vi A raniaiiiciiu Their expression of anger was a sign for police intervention who with rilles were
    411 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 774 8 BANKS THE CHARTERED BANE N'EDERLANSCHE OF tXDIA, AUSTRALIA AM> < BIN JJ-AN DEL-MAA J SCHAPPIJ (Incorporated in England by k'tunl Charter 1853) KT V Paid-up Capital £3.000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 (NETHERLANDS TRADING Head Office x No. 38 Bishopgate. London. EC. 2 SOCIETY.) LONDON BRANCHES (117/122,
      774 words
    • 91 8 This h««10 PILES «taps Ma, HaMag, Y«ar piles may be ee awedaa »nd each aqaav and terror to ropto-* that you have given up hope of a •loepl by operation. Be try Dr. Van Vleck’a Absorptive Pile It will eoothe the pain inatoDtly. f®* piles will atop bleeding. They will
      91 words

  • 681 9 IN PENANG HARBOUR ARRIVALS Tomorrow: MATA HARI ev Singapore via ports. FORMOSA ex Singapore. Friday, April 14; SAPAROEA ex Calcutta. HINDENBURG ex Hamburg via ports. BURGENLAND ex China via Singapore. ANTENOR ex Singapore. BELLEROPHON ex Hamburg. KEDAH ex Singapore. Sunday, April 16: HUSIMI MARU ex Japan via
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  • 77 9 During the week ending April 1. 1939. exports from Malayan ports amounted to 42.231 cases, of which. 32.918 (78 percent.) cases were to the United Kingdom. 1,510 (4 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 6,335 (15 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 1,468 (3
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  • 366 9 Tuii lust Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS OUTWARD EUROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For 2urma (except Victoria Point), India kden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya Fan ranyika. Uganda, Zanzibar. Northern and Southern Rhodesia. Nyasaland. South Africa. Great Britain, Ireland. Canada and
    366 words
  • 93 9 Big Discoveries May Be Expected Port Moresby, Tuesday. VAST sums of money are now being spent on aerial' surveys and geophysical methods of finding the od beds which are believed to exist in NeWj Guinea. Considerable secrecy is being! observed, but, according to the
    93 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 565 9 r UE FUNNEL LINE V SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT U[l IK I' c,< heave» Pcnun» M on Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 14 Maj' 10 A<n x 0 calls Hull Apr. 20 May 20 Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr. 24 May 24 1 i)AV SERVICE TO LIVEKFUOL VIA HAit&fti L'verprwa p
      565 words
    • 97 9 SILVER JAVA PACIFIC LINE Joint Service of Pacific Java Line and Silver Line, Limited to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and North Pacific Ports. ‘SAPAROEA’’ (P) Apr. 14 “BENGKALIS” (P) Apr. 21 (via Java Manila) (via Java Manila) —also loading for Gulf Ports) VESSEJjS FROM PACIFIC COAST. “SILVERGUAVA” Apr. 17
      97 words
    • 860 9 PJJ and W BRITISH INDIA Ouvorpor «ted m England) PORT SWETTENHAM <X SINGAPORE S.S. “ROHNA” < SAILING i Thursday; 13th april 1939. I -onlrU'J ,>^» < His r, l”atortv's N c^ < i’ Und T Teluk Anson. Bagan Datoh, Port London and Far Eaat mS) Service WATA^Ip?- a d Si
      860 words

  • 1638 10 Last Day 01 Perak Skye Meeting GAYLOO PAYS $93 IN FIRST RACE I2RIGHT weather favoured the racing today at Ipoh, last day of the Perak Easter Skye Meeting. An extremely good crowd was present and the tote and sweeps were freely patronised. Best dividend was
    1,638 words
  • 766 10 r |'HE Perak Branch of the Au tomobile Association of Malaya held 1 a successful Hill Climb at Gopeng on Sunday under the provisions of the International Sporting Code and the General Competition Rules of the Royal Automobile Club and the Auto Cycle
    766 words
  • 442 10 J. Jamieson Scores Fine Victory (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Monday. I'WIPING1 'WIPING s mamiuounth amateur boxing tournament in aid of St. Nicholas’ Home, which took place at the Ga±den Park on Thursday night, was a great success, thanks to the organisers, Messrs. J. Jamieson, J.
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  • 260 10 Everton Trounce Sunderland London, Monday. —English and Scottish football league’matches' played today resulted as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. 1 Arsenal 2, Blackpool 1. Birmingham 0. Liverpool 0. Chelsea 1, Charlton Athletic 3. Derbj County 0, Portsmouth li. Everton 6, Sunderland 2. Leeds United 3, Manchester U. 1. Middlesbro’
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  • 169 10 Rugby Union Results Rugby Union matches played yesterday resulted as follows: Abera von 18, Devonport Services 6. Bath 3, O.M.T. 7. Bridgend 7, Coventry 11. Bristol 9, Northampton 0. Cardiff 9, Harlequins 8. Gloucester 6, Sale 0. Manchester 13, North of Ire and 0. Neath
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  • 109 10 Singapore Retains Cup SINGAPORE retained the inter-Colony Bowls trophy presented by Messrs Fraser and Neave, beating Penang by seventeen matches to six in the tournament which was completed yesterday on the new Penang Sports Club green at WesteTn-road. One match was drawn. Singapore won all the four matches
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  • 70 10 —Reuter. Derby Favourite Unplaced Kempton, Monday. The present Derby favourite, Foxborough 11, starting favourite at 6-4, was unplaced in the Coventry three-year-old Stakes over one mile. Sixteen runners faced the tapes. Southport won by two lengths from another Derby runner, Rogers tone Castle, tTTijch finished a short
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 ■Otai ./A; J All pains, whether d Uc headaches. tootii:« ralgia or rheumatic promptly relieved •a*,.-. CIN. It also reduct < the and discomfort with colds. I Let this guide yon are in search of q from aches and pains; d tors and dentists pres ANACIN today be< an q
      223 words

  • 2056 11 I’eiak Beaten In Last 2 Overs FIGHTING second innings jn*4 mantigud to win her inter-state cricket match -iiM Perak, which came to end on the Esplanade i.,. ith only three minutes Jett lor stumps to be drawn, <lul placing of his field by the Penang
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  • 899 11 Seah Eng Hee Is Malayan Champion (By Our Badminton Correspondent) WITH the exception of only one, all the Malayan badminton champions failed to retain their titles at the third All-Malaya championships, which were concluded yesterday at the Penang Free School Hall, Penang players won four
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 s| E<dl. EASTER BARGAINS I Vices That Astonish Everyone. Reduced Prices “AERTEX” WHITE CELLULAR Sporta Shirts $2.25 “COTTELLA” WHITE c JC CELLULAR [JU N< jSV > Sports Shirts 1.70 11 tl 4 I “PENMANS” FINE QUALITY 3 X£l White Sports Shirts 1.00 M A <1 SILK SPORTS SHIRTS Colours in
      102 words
    • 32 11 r --r ‘V* .e freshness purity F Wa B TIGER BEER M A 0 t fR 0 M THE F I H E 5 T malt hops yeas/ by Eraser Ltd. > Tf
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  • 64 12 MORNING QUOTATIONS TLX LATEST Penang $198.50 Buslr.*ss 50 tons Singapore $108.50 RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 27%c Singapore (Spot) 27 %c COPRA: Sundried $3.55 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Fair Seed $2.77% Medium $3.25 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6.10 No. 2 56.00 White No. 1 $6.70 Local Parboiled No.
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  • 107 12 Prev. Latest Paris 176 47,64 176 49 <34 New York 4.68% 4.68 Montreal 4.69 7 4.70% Brussels 27.83 27.82 Geneva 20.87 20.87 Amsterdam 8.81 3 < 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.66% 11.64 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226% 226%
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  • 183 12 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Panas 1.15 1.20 Bassetts -47% »52% Kpg. Lanjuts 15;0 15 9 Bentas .97% 1.02% Indragiris 1 10 1.15 Kuala Sidims 1.90 2.10 Lunas 1.45 1.55 Malaka Pindag 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs .37% .40 Pa jams 1.60 1.70 Sungti Tukangs .95 1.00 Tapahs 1.52% 1.62%
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  • 274 12 New York, Monday. In the absence of stimulating and favourable news, domestic or foreign, today’s rally, extending throughout the -list, especially issues recently hardest hit, couMl Logically be attributed to the technical considerations after the recent extensive decline. The good action of coppers is apparently reflecting the
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  • 170 12 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 3 3 3 6 Aust. Amalgamated 4 6 5 0 B. Selangors 1.22% 1.2 7. cd Hong Fatts .62 .65 Jelebus -55 -6b Johans -24 .26ca K. Lanjuts 15 0 15 6 Klang Rivers 1.65 1.72?xd Kuchais 1.10 1.15 Kundangs 6 9 Laruts 4
    170 words
  • 155 12 ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.20 1.25 Hong Fatt .60 .6.5 Klang R ver 1.67% 1.72% Kuchai 1.15 1.20 Peta lings 6.25 6.75 Rahman Hyd. 1.00 1.05 Raub Gold 4.40 4.50 Rantau 1.22% 1.27% Taiping Cons. 1.37% 1.42% Ulu Klang -67% .72% Ampat 3 0 316 Aus. Amalgamated
    155 words
  • 271 12 SOON THEAM CO. TINS: Buyer* Sellers Ampats 3;3 3 6 Ayer Hitams 19 6 20|6 Ayer Wengs .64 .67 Bangrins 19 0 19 9 B. gelangors 1.24 1.27 c Berjuntais 9 6 10 0 Chenderiangs 11’3 12 0 Hong Fatts .62 .64 Jelebus .55 .60 Kaunas 16 19 Kamuntings 8
    271 words
  • 23 12 i. —Reuter. Tientsin, April 10 Chen Lien-shih, Superintendent of Customs, was fatally wounded in a shooting affray at a Cinema. —Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 29 12 Reuter. Rome, April 10. Italian troops continuing to advance in Albania occupied Argyrokastron, a few miles from the Greek frontier, and Berat, forty miles south of Tirana.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 80 12 Today on the Esplanade from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March The Voice Of The Guns /(ford. Selection lolanthe Sullivan. Waltz—Beautiful Blue Danube—Strauss Overture —Marinarella—Fucik. Intermezzo —In A Persian Market Ket< bey. Selection —No, No, Nanette—Youmans. Fox Trot —But Where Are You?— Berlin. The speaker at tomon-ow’s Rotary
    80 words
  • 301 12 (LETTUR. TO THE EDITOR] Sir, I understand that the Government has approved $5,000 to be spent on a resurvey in order to fi’.d a shorter loute t for the Penang Hill Road. If a shorter route is found the grading of the road must certainly be sleeper,
    301 words
  • 268 12 Enjoyable Service And Outing Under the auspicies of the first and fourth departments of the Penang Chinese Epworth League, a Easter Service and Outing was held at the 11th milestone Batu Ferrin ghi. Over thirty leaguers and friends were present including several ladies. Appropriate hymns were
    268 words
  • 144 12 A Bengalee K. Verma was produced before Mr. A. W. Beilamy in the Penang Felice Court, yesterday, on a charge of committing criminal breach of trust in respect of $262 which was entrusted to him in his capacity as manager of a store
    144 words
  • 44 12 Reuter. Durban, Monday. Finishing with a record round at 67, A.D. Locke won the South African Open Golf Championship with a record aggregate of 279 strokes for the 72 holes, with rounds of 69, 69. 74, 67.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 34 12 .1. —Reuter. Aidershot, Monday. The Ninth Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, won the Army Association football cup by beating the Second Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, by one goal to nil in the final.—Reuter.
    .1. —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 122 12 —Reuter. Italian Anxiety Over Possibly Occupation Pvome, April 10. Various classes of Reservists are reported to have been called to the Colours today to replace troops sent to Albania. Most of the Reservists are reported to be of the 19’12 class and it is stated they have been called
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 87 12 t.—Reuter. Catholics. Protestants And Moslems London, April 10. At one stroke, the Italian dictator has summoned the World against him, observes the Evening Standard discussing Mussolini’s Albaman adventure and the consequences. Humanity, Catholic, Protestant and Moslem has spoken with one voice. After pointing out that no one believes
    t.—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 117 12 China Relief Fund Benefit The Aier Itam China Fund Committee took the opportunity of selling fresh flowers on Saturday last, the birthday of Gcddess Kuan Im, so as to raise money tor the China Relief Fund. Beautiful fresh flowers from Penang Hill were
    117 words
  • 16 12 —Reuter. Mentone, April 10. The British battleship Malaya has left for an unknown destination.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  16 words
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    • 18 12 IUM II 1 W Ary tail wJheV” FOR 1 free esh! HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. 88 4FM s
      18 words
    • 40 12 NOTICE Young Chinese Lady of “Mary Dressmaker,” Kuala Lumpur and Seremban, expert in sewing will undertake to de such work in customers’ residences Specialises in European Lady and Child* ren dresses. Pl?ase Apply MISS MARY HO, 2, New Lane, Penang
      40 words
    • 634 12 Head Office: 12, Bishop Street Pei Phone 1477 81 p/i Telegrams: “Gazette” I'?’ Singapore Office: Cecil Street <,, 5471. Tel: “Times” Singapore Office: 25, java Street. rl„„ Office Brewster Road. Phone W Office: 40, 43, Fleet Street, J I'm Phone Central 3*08—3609 lei: j London. Rates of Subscription for Pinan»
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