Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 330 1 NATION IN “GRAVE DANGER” Ex-3ecretary Of State On Totalitarian Policy Washington. Thursday. IN t! course of his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relal f ns Committee advocating amendment of the Neutrality La s yesterday, Mr. H. L. Stimson, ex-Secretary of State, apparently
    Reuter.  -  330 words
  • 143 1 Republic *ian become a candidate.—Reuter. Lebrun's Bi<j Majority Versailles, Wednesday. M. Lebrun was re-elected President of the French Republic today. M. Lebrun was re-elected by the first ballot. Official figures in the Presidential election are as follows: M. Lebrun. 506; M. Bedouce. 151: M. Cachin. 74: M. Herriot.
    Republic *ian become a candidate.—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 216 1 Reuter. Statement In Commons London. Wednesday. Tlie Government’s profound regret at the tragic death of Mr. G. E. A. C. Monck-Mason at Mosul yesterday was expressed by the Prime Minister. Mr. Chamberlain in the House of Commons today. Mr. Chamberlain also expressed the House’s deep sympathy
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 76 1 —Reuter. Governnient’s Declaration Of Policy Kaunas, Wednesday. Lithuania will “keep aloof from collisions between the great powers,” according to a Government declaration read in Parliament today. The main points of the declaration were: new problems following the cession of Memel to Germany could be settled by
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. BerPn, Wednesday A communique announcing staff talks at present proceeding between German and Italian army leaders adds that Herr Keitel, chief of the supreme German Command, is conferring with Signor Pariiani. Secretary of State of the Italian Ministry of War and chef of the Italian General
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 806 1 'Great Misrepresentation Abroad London, Wednesday. npHU statement attributed, to the First Lord of the Admiralty, Earl Stanhope, implying that special measures had been taken last night in the Navy to man anti-aircraft guns, whiefn caused some sensation in the Press here today
    ■—Reuter.  -  806 words
  • 93 1 Reuter. London, Wednesday. A gigantic evacuation scheme involving the transference of three million people in a few days was mentioned by Mr. Elliott in the Commons debate on the second reading of the Civil Defence Bill today. Mr Elliot paid a tribute to the trans- port
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 129 1 Berlin, Wednesday. Earl Stanhope’s declaration has aggravated the ant--British campaign here. The Press is furious and a political commentator declared that Earl Stanhope’s statement is symptomaic of the kind of mcitement mood prevailing in England now. He added that Mr. Chamberlain’s statement “does not alter the panic
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  • 48 1 J —Reuter. Mexico City. Wednesday. Seventeen British and American petroleum companies have renewed legal proceedmgs aga nst expropriation of their properties. The companies have requested an injunction against President Cardenas’ decree of March 18, 1938 and will cany the fight to the Supreme Court.—Reuter.
    * * J —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 46 1 J —Reuter. Tirana, Wednesday. The birth of a son and heir to King Zog was procla’med this morning by a salvo of 101 guns. The streets of the capital were filled with crowds cheering frantically the King and Queen Geraldine.—Reuter.
    J —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 324 1 *elgians._Reuter A Statement I oday London, Wednesday, between Mr. Chamb,'rlHin Ha it ix and Col. Beck. 1 this evening, have stage where a statement ’i !>• m.'ub -ta'es Reuter. It is anti- Ir Chamberlain may be in make such a statement in Housf i Commons tomorrow. oh that
    *elgians._Reuter  -  324 words
  • 41 1 wundi "Reuter Mr j. o London, Wednesday. ‘-crct; Uv llle r the Foreign Underlons today h-t m the House of Comtif‘ Italian i'? as far as he was aware ,n;tn Governments u)t '""awmg their troops from
    wundi "Reuter  -  41 words
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  • 221 2 —Reuter. Suspected LR.A. Outrages ATTEMPTS TO DAMAGE PUBLIC BUILDINGS London, Wednesday. BIRMINGHAM was shaken by three explosions during the night. In each case a bomb or explosive was placed in a refuse bin. The first explosion occurred near the Great NX estern station and wrecked
    .—Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 108 2 iransierrt —Reuter. Increase len Milliards In One Year Berlin, Tuesday. The total debt of the Reich at the end of January amounted -to over twentyeight milliard marks, official statistics reveal. Thus within one year public debt has increased about ten milliard marks, the biggest jump ever to occur
    iransierrt —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 65 2 —Reuter. Repatriation Bv I. S. Warship Honolulu, Wednesday. Accorded full honours including an escort of six patrols of bombers and a salute of nineteen guns, the ashes of Ambassador Saito arrived this grey, raindrenched morning aboard the U.S. cruiser Astoria. The widow and her two daughters arrived earlier.
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 33 2 —Reuter. Belgrade, Tuesday. An official communique issued at the conclusion, of the Tsvetkovitch Marchek talks here over the Croatian question reports good progress and announces the resumption of conversations after Easter.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 42 2 tcutcr. Killed On Exhibition Flight Burgos. Wednesday. Garcia Morato, leader of the air death squadron” who is said to have brought >wn forty enemy planes during the war. was killed at grinon while iking off for an exhibition flight.—
    tcutcr.  -  42 words
  • 108 2 German Press Attacks Continue Berlin, Wednesday. British assurances that British policy is not aimed at encircling Germany but is purely defensive are ridiculed by Diplomatiche Korrespondenz which declares that such an assurance will not change facts. Britain is playing a game “in which the stakes are indeed
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  • 22 2 —Renter. Macao, Tuesday. Following their retreat yesterday the Japanese today returned in greater forces and expelled the Chinese from Kongmoon.
    —Renter.  -  22 words
  • 55 2 —Reuter. Alleged Attael. Bv Huni»arjan< J c 5 Bratislava, W A fresh border incident cKolonica when Hungarians tacked a Slovak guard post. I that the Hungarians retreat < machine-gun. It is stated that important nialating to the new position of S! relations with her neighbours wi.: cussed
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 96 2 Jerusalem. Tu». Military are searching the ri' quarters of Jerusalem and all Ar tic is prohibited from enterin?, or the city in an attempt to locate t! sailant of Mr. J.H. Hiffe, a Brit ficial of the Palestine Archa* Museum, who was shot and wounds side
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  • 18 2 —Reuter. Ottawa. Tue'-dn It is officially announced tha; C ?ia has recognised the Franco Gcv.-rn
    —Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 962 2 rJiHE debate on foreign affairs in the JL House of Commons on Monday had one important result, namely, of revealing how solidly all parties in Britain are now behind the Prime Minister in his new policy. Even the motion for the formation of a National Government on
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  • 77 2 —Reuter Willing To Fight For France Metz, Tuesday. German refugees have sent M. Daladier a copy of a resolution informing him that in the event of war they would enrol in the French army. There are ten thousand refugees, including women and children, in the Moselle province. They
    .—Reuter  -  77 words
  • 124 2 British Wireless. London, Wednesday. The morning Press is full of expres-i-'enr cf sympathy with Iraq and tributes to King Ghazi whose death ffi a motor accident occurred yesterday. The Times in a leader says that Nuri Pasha and his colleagues will have sympathy of the
    British Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 55 2 Brit'sh Wireless. London, Wednesday. The usual weekly Cabinet meeting was held at No. 10, Downing Street, this mcrn'ng and it is assumed that the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary informed their colleagues of the progress of their tasks with the* Polish Foreign Minister, Colonel Beck, who is
    Brit'sh Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 112 2 Fresh Russo-Japanese Clashes Reported Tok io, T uesday. ■JAPANESE reports state that fresh clashes have taken place on the Manchukuo-Soviet border. Twenty-three Soviet soldiers are stated to have entered Manchukuo and fired on frontier j patrols, who returned fire. Later the Soviet troops, it is
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    • 142 2 Ji6 'w /QW “MatbCreme” will that fashionable matt y complexion. Perfect as powder base. *4 711” Cold Cream promotes skin suppleness: ideal for cleansing and <r massage. t[@olcl Bfen^.—. WB /O "'■-k. r C' c r 5 IT' li J f IV *'f-’T|j'.jT I —*Z 666 —J NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL
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  • 2290 3 Franco 1-1 For And Against MEMOIRS OF “EDDIE” MARSH London, March 24. |>EOPLE here anxiously repeat the question. “Mill there be a war?” After the Munich Agreement a lot of British people had hopes of “peace in our time”. Now, after the rape
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  • 221 3 Racial Oueslion. Sa'’* Premier Madras. Mar. 17. .ability of appointing f *J Indian to succeet < ivilian Agent 5 d in a question a dras Legislative n umed its sltt -m m for the voting demands li" grants. on aen).iou> rv e I r g
    221 words
  • 108 3 “Entirely Imaginary,” Says Pandit Nehru Aliahabad, ’Mar. 17. DAM)Ii .iiarlal Nehru has issued ’eg toiiov ng statement to the press- United Press correspondent at irip'iri sued a. message on Mar. 12 ei.ect after the dispersal of 0 of the Congress on telephonic conversa- i .i :na
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  • 57 3 Quiion, Mar. 21 T. M. Verghese, V. K. VelAyuddan aud P. K. Kunjee, members the Council of Action ol Travancore State Congress who were treated under section 90, Travancore Criminal Procedure Code, refused# to iurnish securities for keeping the peace rnd were sentenced today to 12 months
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  • 517 3 Young Malay On Trial At Perak Assizes I tria.l continued at the'Perak .Assizes yesterday before tht Hon. Mr. Justice Murray-Avnsley and two Assessors. Messrs. S. I\. inters and Shaik Abu Bakar, of a young' Malay, \bdul Rahman bin Sharif, on a charge of committing' the mtirder
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    • 34 3 Hill—U DIAMOND SHEEI STEEL EQUtPM EKT -==Tu ■nil L ~Z Bi oS I TT’.OL'IDS, T? EJ. LOCKERS. M /0/ descriptive folder Manufacturers:— tJNI) METAL PRODUCTS LTD* am Po«c ilahru Road, Biwe >r folder (El)
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    • 440 3 f < Bad I Your Whole Life Here h wfeklHOlf Remedy j Upanddoun thecoun- J »X\\\\ AuuuWXA there are literally i I thousands upon I Jr thousands of men and I women who have lost I the joy of health! They are the people to wlcow 1 yA’.LST’-TZ /’A'can6ey I
      440 words

  • 1062 4 VTEAK b\ year, on November 11, many people celebrate the anniversary of an armistice that concluded more than four years of war and suffering a war fought between man and man for selfish reasons. On that day we also commemorate briefly for two minutes only those who by
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  • 794 4  -  By “PERTINAX” JHE DIPLOMATIC negotiations now in progress appear to me British Government, has proposed that France. Soviet Russia and Poland should sign a joint declaration whereby they and Britain would pledge themselves to lend each other mutual assistance if one of them were
    794 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 Take up a hobby... I choose the I Popular‘Brownie g V s Everyone can enjoy the thrill /y °t picture-making with ibis 4 a wonderful Kodak-made J aV\ X jfl camera. You just press a 3 A a, lever and the picture’s yours 1 yISMMjjjQ Nothing in its appearance or
      340 words
    • 34 4 MAWWAWAY EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION Si »iwl m fcBRABB Frodor* of THE FAMOUS FIRM OENIS MOIJNIE K CO., COGNAC. Ectebliahed Lu IBJB, Sole Agents Henry Wauah Co., Lfd. Pesiang. stegnpore, Ipoh 4 Kua**
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  • 625 5  -  IfIOCLES. r -ip H (’,ll it is generally known lip Governor and High Sir Shenton 1 homas, ,x; year. the ha> already appointed and in fact states that is i) kling office in Malaya! Giishinc a cable message re- of the Periis the financial Tinies of ,j
    625 words
  • 898 5 INSTRUCTION CLASSES FORMED: SECOND LIST OF VOLUNTEERS pi.XAXCi people are responding in a atislactory manner to the call lor volunteer Air Raid ardens. Xo doubt they realise that the training they will receive will be of great ad- i Aantag’e not only-
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  • 549 5 Charge Against Chetty SEQUEL TO BURNING OF RUBBISH A Chetty, Suppiah Pillai, was placed in the dock in the Fenang Police Court, before Mr. A. W. Bellamy yesterday, charged with having set fire to dry leaves, rubbish and undergrowth on his plantation in so rash
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  • 79 5 A young Siamese, Sagna Emasiri. who said that he was a schoolboy, was fined $4 by Mr. Um Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday, on two charges of failing Lo report and to have his passport r*.dorsod, when he left Penang
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  • 76 5 An Eurasian, Moris Stumor, alias Abdullah. was arraigned before Mr. I,im Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday, on a charge of falsely representing to one. M. G. Foley, that he wanted the loan of a gold ring valued $5 and thereby induced Foley to deliver the
    76 words
  • 736 5 Film ANNUAL MEETING ON APRIL 18 I e IJ fth annual general meeting of the H b rban Co '°P erat ve Union Ltd il be held on Tuesday April 18, at 5.15 f’ n T? e Office Of the Co-operative Soc eties Department, Government Buildngs,
    736 words
  • 601 5 Concert And Prize Giving R. C. MRS. GOODMAN PRESENT The St. Georges Girls School. Northam Road. Penang, held its Parents’ Duy .yesterday. There w i large ga J b ien g anv amon g’ these present were the Hon. Mr. A M Goodman. Resident
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  • 68 5 The funeral of the late Mrs. Cheah Cheng Khoay. nee Madam Ang Gaik Hook, who passed a wav on March 15, took place from her resM'-nce 66. Kinta I ano on Tuesdav for interment at the Cheah Cemetery, Mount Ersk ne. There was large gathering
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 336 5 WHIG! IS TOUR LUGL OADE O'9 OUT I women USE THE WRONG these new magic SHADE OF FACE powder Skin-tone Shades THE wrong ''hade oi powder gives you ktl/ a horrid, hard made-up look— Jr makes you appear years older. The only lb J way to find your right shade
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 998 6 THE SWELLEST HOLIDAY SHOW OF THEM V„L! W < 1 JUCTIP Pox No E E IGHTLY IVixMaJ Cl K-Z <* IVz Today Cheap Matinee I, >ll M Fir J i 615 a™ l 930 NEXT CHANGE! Today Another Smash Musical Bit Corn the mouthed comedian cast your w- 0 .T,:;
      998 words

  • 410 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. R. E. Roberts, of the Posts and Telegraphs, Ipoh, proceeds on Home leave sometime in May this year*. The members of the Mess of the Firs’ Perak Battalion. F.M.S.V.F. held n Pahit Party at their neadquarters. The estimated export of dry rubbe from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan
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    • 18 7 A-LA-CARTE DINNER AND AFTER-CINEMA SUPPER AT THE E. O. GRILL Is Inexpensive And Good •lei. 322 For Reservations
      18 words
    • 233 7 f Colo 13 Jlarmony essential to 'natural realty SA’ W s i f i 1 X.. WOO 4 YOUR Colour Harmony UJY j. a[ could Lc more thtilling than to be beautiful attractive 2nd admired. The secret of this pleasure, as shared by Myrna Loy and of the famous film
      233 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 503 7 WEMBLEY PARK GATE: 20 cts. GENTS. -10 CTS. LADIES. Tonight: Thursday, 6th April, 1939. Tonight.’ BOXING Tonight \J.\ OR SHINEs THE FIGHT WILL BE ON AT LLNAR HALL Thursday, 6th April, 1939. MAIN EVENT 10-3 MIN. ROUNDS Ignacio Fernandez vs.. Young Cho’on K eight Chanjpion (The T ncrowned Light-weight x
      503 words
    • 216 7 QUEEN’S 6.15 OPENING TONIGHT —9.3 Q A Genuine Warner Bros. 1939 Production. CCAP_ if A UK V First grand Warner Bros, hit to* C N gether for Jimmy and Pat since j ’CeilingZero’—and their best ever! WHAT A SHOW IT WAS! (A Smash In 235 Cities.') WHAT A PICTURE IT
      216 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 374 8 t J/7 ~X "fetljly \f/ ssissi LLw Leu> N ife -l 4f ~w ~M W ĔSL'' HTHTTIti sn mi I r StJKwM M i ■< i w-- W* s <'■ > p^W|aaw y 4sfe?^ -W dSW* ;^..;s! > i; ■<< w \'c K" .'Jwsaßß- 1S WM*> BsJ’ f»>--t5 s x
      374 words

  • 1269 9 No Science Course Possible TEACHING STOPS WITH SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, Tuesday. I HAI owing to gradual reduction of staff, it was no longer possi1 ble to give post-Schooi Certificate instruction, and consequently, some of the brightest boys from the school had
    1,269 words
  • 374 9 t ('v.n Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday. j inquiry into ctw 1 ;hell explosion on Pulau durng the recent defence in the death o: Murray of the 22nd Gunner Royal Artillery o n yesterday with nner David Allen jured men. v G Porter, redid of death by
    374 words
  • 103 9 I"" 1 .l<“.d Al I’emple *>v ii Corespondent) Ratu Gajah, Wednesday. IIII|; AM. the Hindu festi1 at tlie Subra- >' u Gajah, yesterday > mony. The I throughout the whole neighbouring: y hour devotees poured ring offerings of “I betel leaves. Many ‘kavadis’ by way
    103 words
  • 41 9 M.P., to be a Lord the Treasury.- British J London, Tuesday. (•proved the appointtfies, H r of His Majesty’s >nel Charles Comptroller of His •'•"Id, and of Major Sir "h. M.P., to be a Lord the Treasury.- British
    M.P., to be a Lord the Treasury.-British  -  41 words
  • 167 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kampar, Wednesday. OWING to the great emand for education the Roman Catholi Mission is contemplating the erection of a school for the purpose of teaching Mandarin to the Chinese children of this district. The proposed school will be able to accommodate about
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  • 115 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Lednesday. WORK has started on the Coronation Swimming Pool sponsored by the Taiping Rotary Club. The site, given for the purpose bv Sir Iskandar Shah, the late Sultan, is an excellent one, being situated at the foot of the hills and
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  • 131 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. Mohamed Ismail bin Ali, young Malay student in Victoria Institution, failed, early in 1937, to convince the board of selectors that he was a suitable candidate for admission to tlie Malay Administrative Service. “•He took the blow with philosophic calm,” said
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  • 68 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, Wednesday. KOH SEONG, an aged Chinese, appeared in the Batu Gajah Court before Datoh Muda Razalli yesterday morning on a charge of possessing utensils for the manufacture of intoxicating liquor. The accused admitted tlie charge and pleaded for leniency
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 p'jt j x > L.'-«O'v s .s., Students of the Vivekanaada School, run by the Ramakrishna Mission, Singapore, at work i 1 their basket-weaving and fretwork classes. FRESH L'fC' I -W ll? i ot only Babies but all residents 1 the tropics need the sustaining nd nourishing benefits of rich,
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  • 1927 10 Rumours Rule Share Prices SOME EXCELLENT COMPANY RESULTS (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 24. r ILL there be world war next week, next month, next year, or never at all? This unhappily topical problem confronts us all and the average British investor,
    1,927 words
  • 362 10 Satisfactory Profits Disclosed TtllF. following directors report of Bassett K'ubber Co., is to be presented dt the twenty-first annu I general meeting on V/ed ivs'l ly. April 12, at Penang:— Cultivation The areas under cull.vation at the close of the year were as follows Mature Rubber 961.19
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  • 63 10 -Reuter Stockholm, April 4 A delegat on of Swedish industrialists will visit Britain for further discussions, it w*as announced after talks which Mr Hudson had wth memibers of the FeExport Association. deration of Swedish Industries and the It was also agreed that discussions might require a return
    -Reuter  -  63 words
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    • 366 10 ADDED LNGREDIENI PROTECTS TEETH Destroys mouth acids too Even the most sparkling white teeth are not safe from decay. Vcrj often, on close examination, you will discover small brown specks which are a sign of the painful cavities tc come later on. One of the major causes of these cavities
      366 words
    • 920 10 BANKS THE CHARTERED BANE OVERSEA-CHINESE OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHIN BANKING CORPO’R Mlf IN, (Inco-rporated i«i by |<ll I'l/ie Rnval Ch<r>d,er 1853) Ljlltlx 1 KjU. Paid-up Capital £3,000,000 (Incorporated in the S.S i Reserve Fund £3,000,000 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL i:A Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 LIMITED Head Office THE HO
      920 words

  • 144 11 Li h il Gayer von 'cm: linking lire 3rd li 'ion of the Keichwe’ir, take; l-i' «a*» at a great tmi; v' aL y in Wentc-sla* squ: rc. fiaguc, aft t Hitler's arrival. air minister helps at balloon barrage display l The Air Minister. Sir
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 HaM B*aMim I y*lßOn Lltes nt ■w»a^gx^ggsan. Waffwgfck predug* ®f BRITISH MALAYAN COFFEE PLANTATIONS Kuaia puab Negn 6embiiau f m swh<A HENRY WAUGH 6- Co., Ito. ■"Mr SINGAPORE PENAHG IPOH KUALA LUMPUft I sS3 9
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  • 66 12 (From Our Ovti Correspondent) Taiping, Wednesday. The annual general meeting of the Taiping Turf Club will be held on April 17. The remaining racing dates of the Club ■for the year 1939 are: July 28 and 29 and December 15 and 16 The Anglo-Chinese School,
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  • 299 12 A Fly Trap We have only to mention certain regions in Africa to bring to mind one of the deadly diseases which have long been a scourgg among cattle, the sleeping sickness so long a curse upon vast areas. As children we were familiar with stories of the
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  • 301 12 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR GOOD FRIDAY—FAST 7.00 a.m. Mattins and Litany and Ante-Communion. 9.00 —12.00 Three hours Devotion. 4.30 p.m. Evensong. 5.00 Children’s service. HOLY SATURDAY—EASTER EVEN VIGIL FAST 7.00 a.m. Mattins, Litany and AnteCommunion 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Preparation for Communion. BURMAH ROAD HALL (Comer of Chow
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  • 193 12 Raj Agent Is Watching Developments I L I ’> New Delhi, Mar. 2&. MR. S Satyamurti asked in the Central Assembly whether the Government of India had any information as to the conclusion of the Board of Ministers, in Ceylon, on the Jackson Report on immigration
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  • 624 12 ‘•JVe Will Land Ourselves In 1 11., Hopeless Retrogression” .a Madras, Mar. 22. T' HE Madras Legislative Assembly, after over Joindebate, voted the grant for Ministers and L il G Administration. In a lengthy reply, lasting ninety n.i lhe Prime Minister answered the
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  • 81 12 United Provinces Lose Federal Court Case New Delhi, Mar. 23 THE Federal Court today dismissed the United Provinces case that the fines imposed and collected in Cantonment areas should be credited to provincial revenues. The plaintiffs, the United Provinces Government, prayed for declaration of certain provisions of
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  • 27 12 Madras, Mar. 25. BA. BONVIN, the Governor of French India, arrived from Pondicherry yesterday and proceeded to Calcutta at night. From Fraqye
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  • 385 12 Why Socialists Did Oppose Il t Patna Mr. Jai Prakash Narain, •Genera Secretary of the All-india Congress Socialist Party., in th. course of a press statement, ex plains the circumstances which t< < the party to remain neutral*on tli-. occasion oi voting on Pandit G
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  • 97 12 Mr. Nariman Says U Is Illegal Bombay. Mai i MR. K F. NARIMAN, a member ot tie A «I. C C. from Bpmbay.Tias sen' Jan appeal to the. Congress Pre- 0 raising an important issue that r. in Govind Ballabk Pant's resolution vas> ed at the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 655 12 a dio^raaio'radix? *Elec\lrical recording. e *PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc|s (40.30*m.) TODAY r.M. 5.55 Indian music. 7.00 Classical proxranune 4) Concerto in E Flat Major (Es Dur) K. 449 (Mozart). 2) Concerto No. 1 in C Minor Op. 26 (Max Bruch). .3) Overuture “The Bartered Bride’’ (Die Verkautte B»au) (Smena). 4)
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    • 573 12 rGmi:~honc records. SINGAPORE? ZHL 1,333 kejs (225 m.) ZHP 9.69 mejs (30.96 m.) e TODAY P.M. 5.00 Cantonese mus’c.f 6.15 Mandarin chiMren*s programme.* 6.30 ‘Popular singers—<o.’f 7.10 Hawaiian music J--7.15 A Series of talks on child welfare by Ida *l. M. Simmons.—l.—‘Welfare.’ 7.30 Time wither. nc*.vs and announcements. 7.45 ‘From
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    • 456 12 Service Schedule For Far East London. April ,2: Follow ing is the probable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan standard time for week begilmijg April 3. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 e 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m. GSF.
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  • 469 13 > Posting Times At Kuala i-ninpur, Ipoh And Penang S FA MAILS OUTWARD North, North Eastern and Sumatra close Penang by S.S. Kedah. J ’Mon Cl yion, Southern, and WesAlen and Egypt close 1 on’ Sa raay by the Ac l»uriya.* ’birma and Northern India 3, on by
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  • 924 13 IN PENANG HARBOUR ARRIVALS Today: CARTHAGE ex London via ports. BANGALORE ex Europe. PRESIDENT MONROE ex San Francisco via ports. Tomorrow: GLENOGLE ex Far East via Singapore. NARBADA ex Calcutta. GLENROY ex Far East via Singapore. KEDAH ex Singapore. Saturday, April 8: TALABOT ex Far East via
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  • 118 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. The trials of a headmaster were humourously referred to by Mr. C. E. Gates, the principal, when he spoke at the Victoria Institution’s annual prizegiring this evening. Referring to school results, he remarked, :‘The Seniors were a rather weak
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 454 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE UI.HJY SERVICE TO LONDON Nj RIH CONTINENT S'OGLE «(’alis Antwerp Middlesboro Ap?” 8 7 Uue M^ do K Calls Marseilles Glasgow Apr' 14 M J ,f ;I s Calls Hull Apr. 2 J ten day SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL «VIA HAVM 7 Liverpool M> Apr. 18 May 16
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    • 853 13 PJ2. an< J .<< VZ BRITISH INDIA (Incorpoikted In England X SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN. S.S. “CARTHAGE” SAILING THURSDAY, 6th APRIL 1939. Pemnsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under For Teluk Anson, Kagan Datoh, Port» contract with His Majesty’s Government Swettenham, Malacca and SingajMjre. London and Far East Mail Service. q/<5
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  • 650 14 Great Uphill Fight By Indians THREE BALLS USED IN GAME SOLITARY goal, resulting from a free-kick awarded five minutes before the end of the first half, enabled the Penang Chinese Football Association to take full points from the Indian Recreation Club in the opening
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  • 217 14 Police Draw With Eurasians (From Our Own Correspondent! Taiping, Tuesday. The Taiping Police shared pomts with the Euras’an Association in a League fixture played at the Esplanade yesterday, each side scoring a goal. The game was scrappy, and both teams missed several opportunities, especially the Eurasians, J.
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  • 150 14 AT a general committee meeting of the Football Association last week it was decided to play the annual Perak North versus South match at Taiping on April 22 or Ipoh on April 29 according to availability of grounds. The following are the sub committees elected.
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  • 693 14 List Of League Fixtures For Four Days 9 Following are Home soccer fixtures for the Easter Holidays- tomorrow ENGLISH LEAGUE Division 1 Blackpool vs. Arsenal Brentford vs. Preston N.E Charlton A. vs. Chelsea Grimsby T. vs. Huddersfield T Liverpool vs. Birmingham U. vs. Leeds United Portsmouth
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  • 93 14 Kinta Indians Hohl Customs 4FTER being three goals within the first 15 minutes, the Kinta India* Association made a splendid rally to fore a 3 —all draw with the Customs in their First Division League soccer match on the Ipoh Club Padang yesterday. The Customs scored all
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 465 14 I 'w/ r r V j' g/ z '3 4&■ 1 r' r M I X i J J M [AT ifiSiill r. vi r\ S i l| Il HF AnJ I; firon hI j.rwK fish sasSi® .*,TES Ww?jW <7 X >’. j BLLF GAME ANU ILKKtY S CH if:
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  • 500 15 Total.Of 73 Horses Ponies t the list of 73 horses anu ponies in training for the k T < Sky% Meeting. <® O’NEILL B.a.m Miss C. R. M li( l a Ch.a.m —do—- r 5 Br.a.g F. O. C. 0N’< 11. r> 1 m -do—g
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  • 29 15 —Reuter. London, Wednesday, Henry Cotton has been appointed captain of the British Ryder Cup golf team against the United States in Florida in November.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 191 15 Tonight’s Boxing In Penang j IGNACIO FERNANDEZ, one-time idol of the Madison Square Garden, will make a return to the Penang ring tonight at the Lunar Hall, Wembley Park, when he trades punches with Young Choon. flashy Penang Chinese featherweight. Choon has outgrown hk division hut
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  • 30 15 Sports Club Tennis In the P. S. C. tennis men's singles H’cap (final), —30.2 J. D. Lambert beat —30.2 J. H. Wagstaff 9—ll. 6—3. 10— 8.
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  • 52 15 The gross receipts from the charity football match between the Min Sin Scab and the Muslim Recreation Club on Saturday last was $857.20 (Chinese Currency $2.765.16). This sum has been handed over to the China Distress Relief Fund by the Min Sin Seah, the organisers of
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  • 1091 15 Perak Penang Entries (From Our Own Corerspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. Ci OOD entries have been received for F the fourteenth annual open lawn tennis Easter tournament of the Klang Club, to be played on the Klang Club courts on Apr. 7,8, 9 and 10. Among the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 189 15 Getting Fat? ip Ut Cla.fl W/ Sl CYDER '"p| The apple is acknowledged to be the most health-giving of all fruits. Cyder, as made by Whiteways, is a 1 !> WH product of the juice of the finest cyder- f apples and therefore is extremely > -V healthful and refreshing.
      189 words
    • 381 15 Stomach Sufferers h aveY ßn deceived? The wonderful curative properties of Maclean Brand Stomach Powder in all kinds of stomach trouble have been proved by hundreds of thousands of grateful sufferers. Often they have told their friends how they have been healed by this famous remedy, talking of it as
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  • 68 16 midday quotations TIA LATEST Penang $108.50 Busir -ss 50 tons S 01 e $108.50 RUBBER: P nang (f-wt) Singapore (Spot) 27 %c COPRA: Sundried $3.55 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Fair Seed $2.77% Medium $3.25 RICE: Rangoon Part»piled Wo. 1 s6.o< e No. 2 $5.85 White No. 1
    68 words
  • 104 16 Prev. Latest Paris 176 49 64 176 57 64 New York 4.68/2 4.68 A Montreal 4.69% 4.69*54 Brussels 27.81 27.83 Geneva 20.87% 20.87% Amsterdam 8.82 8.81% Milan 89 89 Berlin 11.67 11.66% Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague
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  • 152 16 ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.22% 1.27% Hong Fatt .62% .65 Klang River 1.67% 1.72% Kuchai 1.15 1.20 Rahman Hyd. 1.00 1.05 Raub Gold 4.40 4.50 Ranlau 1.25 1.30 Taiping Cons. •1.37% 1.42% Talam 1.15 1.20 Anipat 30 3j6 Aus. Amalgamated 4 9 5,3 Bangrir.? 19 3 19
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  • 234 16 Chinese Youth Gets One Month’s Gaol A young Chinese, Fong Ah Cheok, stood his trial before Mr. Lim Koon Tcck. in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday on a charge of stealing a bicycle lamp valued 20 cents, from a bicycle parked in front of Majestic Theatre on
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  • 283 16 New York. Wednesday A feature ot the morning market was the tendency of volume to dry up a weakness for th? first time in recent sessions. Thereafter saw a mild rally featuring principally aircrafts, which alone managed to hold the gains. The volume of trading was lower.
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  • 252 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN: Buyers Selkrs Ampat 3 1% Sb* Ayer We ng -65 .<0 Bangrin 19 0 19 6 Batu Selangor 1.22% 1271 c Hong Fatt 61 .64 Hongkong Tin 17 6 18 6 khan 24 271 c Telebu -60 -65 .<pg. Kamunting 6 3 6 9 Kpg. Lanjut 15
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  • 117 16 Mr. R. C. Huffman For Butterworth Mr. R. C. Hoffman, of the Straits Settlements Civil Service, has been appointed Police Magistrate and Coroner, Butterworth, vice Mr. S- T. Stewart, who has been appomted Assistant Collector of Land Revenue, Balik Pulau. Mr. A. H. M. Assistant Collector of
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  • 351 16 (By Our Badminton Correspondent). MOST ot the outstation players taking part in the third All-Malaya badminton championships, which will commence at the Free Sciicol Hall tomorrow morning at 8.30, have arrived in Penang. The first batch of the Singapore contingent were the early arrivals, travelling by
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  • 170 16 St. G eorge The Martyr EASTER DAY 5 00 a m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 7 00 a m. Holy Communion 8.00 am. Choral Eucharist Setting—Merbecke Hymns 131, 137, 316 9.30 am. Holy Communion (Chinese) 11 00 a.m. Mattins Address Psalms 16. 11l Chants 94. 227 Easter Anthem Te
    170 words
  • 80 16 The Ellerman liner, "C'ty of Bedford,” arrived in Penang yesterday morning with her propeller oroken wnne at gea. A wireless message was sent from the ship at about 2 p.m. and when ghe arrived m port at 7 p.m., a party of divers inspected
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  • 44 16 A three-year-old Indian girl was drowned in three feet of water when she fell into a drain by the side of Patani Road yesterday morning. She was reported to be picking fruits from a. tree near her house, and slipped.
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  • 27 16 Owing to the death of King Ghazi, of Iraq, flags were flown at half mast at all Government buildings in Penang yesterday. z
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  • 370 16 Up till the e’.’ of the Great War Pers a, now c’Ued Iran, h«d scarcely any serviceable roads much less railways. This was someth:ag about which the Faithful dared not even think, for the mere fact of aaving dreamed about it was already a
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 375 16 PERAK TURF CLUB Easter Skye Meeting 1939 EASTER SATURDAY. Bth APRIL, 1933 EASTER MONDAY. 10th APRIL. 1939 Subscriptions for Visiting Memberj shall be: ss LADIES $2 for the Meeting or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be intro duced by Members and MUST APPLY TO THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE. CHENG BOK
      375 words
    • 1263 16 0F.»,., u BTSTOr G^EKT. M PF^ANG E ;PHONE N H77 ICT WITH MT> Oto-': W. 4i Street. L- lon. EC. 4. 'Phone Central 3608. Tel: ‘Lea London. Ratca» af Subscription for Pinang Gazette and Sunday Gazette PINANG GAZETTE Local Delivery S.S. F.M.S. Foreign «enthly $1» $l-75 $2.75 Quarterly 3.75 .5-25
      1,263 words