Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 554 1 VIEW ON i REPORTED ALBANIAN MOVE Confirmation Awaited In London Rome, Tuesday. EPORT S pubiishea abroad about the situation and rela- tions between Italy and Albania are unfounded, declared a Bari broadcast today which said that at tne explicit request of the King of
    -—Reuter.  -  554 words
  • 143 1 Reuter. Nazis Dismal L u 1111 i*c >penhag< n, Tuesday. t communes at the ired Dan sh votes hundred d t at the German repi esentaFolketing i to two seats as a result by Bisin returned to Denmark i> ,<j nopt d to return another Hen
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. Moscow Calls Tokio Bluff London, Tuesday. J' :st completed a little of how to treat -ays the Manchester on the Russo-Japa-’Overnment has bluster--1 but M Litvinoff has 1 How right he was Japan has climbis'Ced to take twenty-seven at a ten pet cent, tend th< U
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 68 1 —Reuter. London, Tuesday. the Manchester Cot- j is declined a huge offer n it is understood in the "-’niarters of a million bales i r years and valued at i A £6,000,000. of the Corporation rporation had been apobject of buying a subou cotton
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 32 1 Reuter. A Ba'avia, Tuesday. ph'me en route to has been missing; .j. honing when after reN aV y Jr an ’t took off for Bali. <ut but further known.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 50 1 i.—British Wireless. London, Tuesday. The King and Queen who returned to Buckingham Pt lace this morning from Royal Lodge, Windsor Great Park where Their Majesties spent the week-end, will go again to Windsor tomorrow to take up residence at Windsor Castle for the Easter holidays.—British Wireless.
    i.—British Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 369 1 months, has been remarkable.”—Reuter and British Wireless. Discussions In London London Tuesday. Closer co-operation bttween the British and b rench air forces was the subject of conversations between the French Air Minister, M. Guy La Chambre, and Sir Kingsley Wood and a number of hgh officials of Lie
    months, has been remarkable.”—Reuter and British Wireless.  -  369 words
  • 58 1 .—Reuter. London, Tuesday. There were further Irish Republican Army sentences at the Old today when an 18-year-old girl was sentenced to three years at Borstal for possessing explosive substances and two brothers sentenced to five and four and a half years’ penal servitude respectively foi possessing an
    .—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 108 1 Tokio, Tuesday. JAPANESE reports state that fresh clashes have taken place on Lie Manchukuo-Soviet border. -Twenty-three Soviet soldiers are stated to have entered Manchukuo and fired cn frontier patrols, who returned file. Later the Soviet troops, it is reported, were reinforced
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  • 85 1 —Reuter. Sequel To Seizure Of Sprattley Is. Paris, Tuesday. The recent Japanese occupation of the Sparatley Inlands has brought a formal protest from France, whose Ambassador at Tokio has bee.n instructed to affirm that France considers she has sovereign rights over the islands. Surprise was expressed
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 136 1 —Reuter. Will Italians Leave London, Tuesday. The declaration by the Spanish Government on the end of the civil war in Spain gave rise to a question in the House of Commons today on Italian troops in Spain. Mr. Butler replied: “As the House i.s aware,
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 33 1 .—Reuter. The Premier, Mr. Chamberla n, announced today that Parliament would adjourn on Thursday and reassemble on April 18. Provision wiir"be made to call the House earlier if circumstances required. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 54 1 .—Reuter. Washington, Tuesday. TfiE /louse of Representatives Committee ,Nas ay pointed d sub-committee of seven to consider possible amendm< nt of the Neutrality Act. The sub-com mit tee toill begin hearings on April 11. Mr, Sunner Welles, Assistant Secretary of State, is expected to be
    .—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 104 1 .—Reuter. President Cardenas’ Finn Stand President Cardenas today warned Spanish Fascists that they cannot organise in Mexico the movement which they called to all Latin America. The Congressional bloc has requested 1 the expulsion of the movement’s leaders as ‘‘pernicious foreigners.” The Federation of Mexican Workers
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 232 1 Ugly Demonstrations Follow Death Of Iraq King —Reuter. Baghdad, Tuesday. Mr. G. E. A. C. Monck-Mason, British Consul at Mosul, was assassinated by revolver shots during the demonstrations following the news of King Ghazi’s death. The Consulate was set on fire. Martial l&w was
    . —Reuter.  -  232 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 —-TTiaIHiALI-' AT VIT LYE, I 1 street, Penang -A i Zxv V tuires fot Come to ....intiv executed. I
      19 words
    • 128 1 Reckitt's 2k BAG BLUE MAKES b'\/ Ct )THES i *Hi iEk ONE LOAF will convince you that vve bake very good bread 11 win also convince you that it is time to change to ‘‘ROYAL BAKERY” bread. Twenty different varieties baked fresh daily are yours for the asking. Crisp French
      128 words

  • 188 2 Frontier Treaty With Hun gary PATROLS EXCHANGE FIRE NEAR KOSICE Hratiskiva. iut sday., A Hungaro-Slovak frontier incident occurred yesterday near Kosice where patrols exchanged sh-ji-'. Gne Slovak and one Hungarian are reporter to hav<■ been killed. A Hnngaro-Slovak commission is* investigating the incident which is
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 45 2 s.—British Wireless. The King and Queen who returned to Buckingham Palace this morning from Royal Lodge, Windsor Great Park. wh?r“ their Majesties spent the week-end, will go again to Windsor tomorrow to take up residence at Windsor Castle for the Easter Holidays.—British "Wireless.
    s.—British Wireless.  -  45 words
  • 165 2 Met By Lord Halifax London, Monday. The Polish Foreign Minister arrived in London this afternoon. He was met at Victoria Station by Lord Halifax. Formal conversations will begin tomorrow morning when Colonel Beck will be received by Lord Halifax at the Foreign Office. He will afterwards be
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  • 84 2 honour that undertaking.—British Wireless. London, Monday. A declaration by the Spanish Government of the end of the civil war in Spain gave rise to a Commons Question on Italian troops in Spain. Mr. Butler replied: “As the House is aware, the Italian Government have given an
    honour that undertaking.—British Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 159 2 British. Wireless. Town Which Keeps Pace With History London, Monday. Many pluses of life in Britain from Lambeth Walk to National Health insurance will be il'ustrated in am exhibit in the British pavilion, at the New Vork World’s Fair, which will portray by means of working models and
    British. Wireless.  -  159 words
  • 195 2 Reuter 500,000 To Defend Changsha ■Shanghai —Half a million Chinese troops supported by newly arrived mechanized units and well-trained artillery are taking up {ositions to defend Changsha, capital of luran, according to Chinese reports. With the fall of Nanc.wng, capital of Kiangsi. Changsha is b.lieved to be
    . Reuter  -  195 words
  • 176 2 —Reuter. Parties Drop All Squabbles Sir John Simon at the conclusion of the Commons debate declared that everything that will make Britain stronger and more united must be pushed forward. “Neither convenience, comfort, wealth, insular tradition nor practice can put the scales against what is necessary now. We
    —Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 54 2 Reuter. Tientsin Prisoner Released Tientsin —Mr. Djott has been released and has returned to Tientsin safe and well. A party of British and Japanese went this morning to a spot about seven miles inland from Tientsin on the Taku read and obtained Mr. Dyott’s release from bandits. Details
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 19 2 .—Reuter. Ankara, Tuesday. General Ismet Ineunu has been reelected President of the Turkish Republic for four years.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 121 2 .—Reuter. Rapid Progress Being Made London, Tuesday. The four London units of the Territorial Army have already reached ti eir war establishment under the new scheme launched last week for doubling the Territorial Army. These units are now proc eding with recruiting for doubling th jin present strength
    .—Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 51 2 —Reuter. Big Decrease Revealed’ London, Tuesday. The improvement in employment in almost every industry in Great Britain during the past month is reflected in figures showing a decrease of 169,000 unemployed on March 13, compared with February 13, the total unemployed being .1,726,000. the lowest since December
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 28 2 —Reuter. The Hague, Monday. The Ministry of Defence has ordered thirty-one two-engined Fokker bombing seaplanes for co-operation with the navy in home and East Indies waters.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 138 2 Reuter. Conditions More Normal London, Monc Tn the House of Commons Mr t Hannah asked the Government swer had been received from th esc Government t-o the British <; ment’s representations against the rounding of the British and Freie cessions in Tientsin with barric e live wires
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 53 2 Reuter. Japanese Attack Repulsed The Japanese attack on Kongmoon and Pakkai was aimed at stopping the passage of arms to Chinese troops surrounding Canton. The victorious Chinese troops were commanded by General Chang Fah-kwei, the famous commander of the “ironsides.” whose generalship attracted great attention in the civil wars
    – Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 50 2 i.—Reuter. Shanghai—Sian's auditorium English Baptist Mission was destroyed yesterday in a, raid by seven Japanese planes which dropped more than fifty bombs in the heart of the city. The historic drum tower was hit, the offices of a Chinese newspaper destroyed and the business quarter much damaged. —Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 43 2 -—Reuter. London. Mon<l:i; A fire which broke out on a st*; Slieve Beamagh, while on a voyage fr Heysham to Belfast, is believed to h been caused maliciously by Irish 1; pul can Army sympathisers. The lire is m almost quelled. —Reuter.
    -—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 31 2 Reuter. Warsaw. Monday. Colonel Walery Slawek, former Prim Minister, who was taken to hospital T night after being found shot, allegedly y his own hand, died this morning. Reutvi
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 961 2 THERE can be no doubt that the new German rulers —at present, at least—are doing their best to handle the Czech with the kid-gloved hand, writes a Home correspondent. Many of the arrested persons have been released after a thorough examination and a warning to let bygones
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 sac JAt H I LLM AN MINX or 183 <aX l sje 4 jsOK> ?hr x-%. SKI^ W 7 «R!fc*® 4->W“ ""Wl Ai ImMMI to i^*-"***?•*■'-”-*■ SSV '-G- %l»n«L Mk <<•">:<":■ ,&;fl V'f j Jy 7 WllWwiwy wB WHI h^w.../ lljif l Wfff W' 1 THE MINX WONDERFUL NEW ECONOMY-AND
      218 words

  • 1469 3 iileresling Visit To Ipoh PAPERS READ annual general meeting memion of Malaya visited Ipoh I -o Sunday, March 26, 1939. s of the Association resident outfheir arrival by members of the e: l lined to lunch at the Station LS., Mining .on after exhaustive '>bie type
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  • 808 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) rr i x X. Teluk Anson, Monday. lhanks to the efforts of Major H. G. Keet, D. 5.0., Supermtendent, and Excise Department, South Per? 1- the employees of the Customs and Excise Denartment are now’able en ,r’h le V CI
    808 words
  • 233 3 LINK W.uu NORTH JOHORE (From A Special Correspondent) Mersing, Apr. 2. is progressing well on the new bridge which crosses the Mersing River and connects the main Johore Bahru and Mersinp Roads with Enciau. I The new bridge, which should be completed within the
    233 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 Kay Dunhill and I Nelly Don dresses I SpTv Have Just Arrived J A A t Vi «k- X c A W l ANOTHER smart WP S .'k little collection z? QAY junior styles W in spreading i ‘A f I' Fl® t I Wifey simple styles r WKmS u
      95 words

  • 392 4 IN the Socialist State the realisation that all work was for the benefit of the community would induce everybody to make the utmost exertion. That was the notion harboured, and propagated, by the theoretical collectivists of England and li eland in the great days of the Fabian Society:
    392 words
  • 1047 4  -  'T'HIS dispatch, third of a series prepared by British I d Press, is to summarise, clarify and correlate recent events leading up to the crises of 1939. The dispab■<> behind the eemingly unrelated headlines of day-to--‘ay cables to (race the shaky pattern of
    —British United Pi  -  1,047 words
  • 279 4 A DMIRALTY plans for expansion of the Fleet Air Arm provide for a service which, in three years’ time, shall be no weaker than was the entire Royal Air Force ten years ago. Early in 1929. first-fine strength of the Royal Air Force was 750 aeroplanes;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 1 Doni V®? a 9 n h&v* <*< 1 i| fillCli ■x >M .u ifiSSk z UilSlF <&. -xM C c vv ■*hm g x > w% 3sx- -af~&L isßk; A-. 3 SO) t AGt MTS U^_— JOHN LITTLE CO.. 1 1 1). Incorporaied in England). \PORE HT4LA IA V
      320 words
    • 40 4 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER k'3*\ ORAH» z-\ /1 THEY ARE THE Besf Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: Fresh Stecks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co M Ltd., PENANG Bin,<ajpor€, Ipoh, X Huala Lumpur.
      40 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 104 4 PLLIOT COULD HAMDAN THE OLD AGE PENSIONER TtlE BAKER CCI r> IF EXTf?A 5/- To THE OLD COULD Buy MORE OREAD. Bu y MORE El ;< Simon handed age pensioner. 25 MILLIONS Tb O. ElL,m ‘;< jrrnSc, 11 .'x ~X c miller rO 7 A- A 44 A SHAREHOLDER COULD
      104 words

  • 511 5 n y most cherished ambi- F to be the author of a poisons of creatures other and moscjuitoes. (here I)US kinds of creatures that r sting, or put their our skins, and humans to endure the torments them patiently. Snake ;,o been dealt with by the .where
    511 words
  • 338 5 European As Complainant An interesting traffic summons case was heard before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in m en&nS Middle Court yesterday ’in which an European, A. D. Light figured* Ariffin C niplai ant A Malay, Ismail b. B f anothcr European, G. c. Bedington, was
    338 words
  • 132 5 Mr. Cheah Wat Hun And Miss Claire Chan 'rhe engagement is announced of Miss Claire Chan, third daughter of the late Mr. Chan Foog Nghee and Mrs. Chan, and grand-daughter of Mr. Bachee Achan, to Mr. Cheah Wat Hun. third son of Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Tat Jin. it
    132 words
  • 94 5 Malay Woman Charged A Malay woman, Haji Milah bt. Haji Saileh, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday, on two charges of falsely representing to Frank Rodigues that she wanted to sell certain jewellery for him ant thereby induced Frank Rodigues to
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  • 55 5 1. March —.Distant Greeting.—Doring. 2. Overture —Marco Spada.—Auber. 3. Suite —“FROM MEADOW TO MAYFAIR ’’—Coates. 4. Meditation —Ave Maria. —Gounod. 5. Potpourri—More Melodious Memories. —Finck. 6. Serenade —La Serenatta. —Braga. 7. Selection —Rigolette. —Veri. 8. Two Fox Trots, (a) —There’s A New Moon Over The Old Mill.
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  • 290 5 Special Gear For imperial Craft To guard against any pcssibil ty of infection being carried by air, some of the Imperial Air Ways flying-boats are be ng fitted with apparatus to permit disinfectation during flight, Th s is revealed in the annual report of the
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  • 163 5 Accompanied by Mr. W. G. Cooil, Mr. A. J. Drake, captain of the Penang Flying Club, will take off this afternoon at 5.30 in the Club plane VR-SAC. on the first long-distance flight atempted by a member of the local Flying Club. The plane will
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  • 91 5 Sentence On Chinese Deferred A Cninese, G am Huat, pleadel guilty before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday, to two charges of stealing certain clothing from the houses of two persons. Tan Geok and Goh Tian Huat, at Kelantan Road on .April
    91 words
  • 324 5 ing, fencing, driving, flying.”—British United Press, ("iLARK GABLE and Robert Taylor j have made the British Who’s Who for the first time in the 1939 edition, while the Duchess of Windsor again rates but a bare mention. Along with the two Hollywood actors, W’ho
    ing, fencing, driving, flying.”—British United Press,  -  324 words
  • 647 5 What Detectives Found In Shop Following- a bicycle Uiicl into a secono-nanu goods &,op ui Rope Walk, two detectives accidently stumbled upon a. complete worxsnop ior dismantling bicycles in tne top noor of me house, mere were several bicycles lying aooui wneeis, peuais, bells, lamps anu
    647 words
  • 247 5 Trespass Charge Dismissed (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Kangsar, Tuesday. An alibi that he attended a “Kunduri” at a friend’s house and spent the night there and only left the next morning, w-as made by a fifty-year-old Malay, Jabor bin Ngah Ahmad, when charged before
    247 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 Ibayerj f JgF V vKy The new product, TONIC IB Bayer s TONIC, imparts iBocc renewed strength and vi- v tahty to all those whose constitution has been undermined by the tropical climate. Why don't you n: v. give Bayer's TONIC a trial? Reliable and power- ful action in all
      250 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1075 6 M ATIIV F F S 1 PACKED houses SIGHTLY Hnlidav? ARE CLOH ~AND at Season ExleM ,nde,Mtely! taster nonaajo royal D VA I AND EVERYBODY’S (jOlllg I IHCCS L_ Hie Distinctly Best Place to go is the «CAT T TT A NIGHTLY 5.45 p.m. 9.30 p.m. Til'tw THE BEST TAMIL
      1,075 words

  • 661 7 “Caesari-'1: Raised To Higher Pitch Than Ever Before” QIK Robert Pickard, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, presiding at the lecture by Mr. A. Morgan Young on Imperial Japan, said that apart from those with a commercial or political interest in j; t ,an
    661 words
  • 114 7 When the movie heroine toys with a glass of champagne or the villain hisses across the bar, “Gimme a shotta rye—straight,’’ itY s ten to one their drinks were mixed by Tony Ordoqui. .Mr. Ordoqui has spent years in Hollywood seeing that bar scenes in pictures
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  • 121 7 —Reuter. Britain Prepared To Give Assistance London, Monday. In the Commons Mr. Butler said the British Government was prepared at all times to give sympathetic considerations to the possibility of meeting the armament requiremens of Rumania both in naval and other spheres. Bucharest, Monday. When Britain gets
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 533 7 I BLEY PA R K I loiiiuht. Wednesday, sth April, 1939. B T o v Cantonese Opera: B ,,n ii! .'o LOH GEE KCY” j \oorai> Opera Gr a, )tnt>r new production entitled “CASTLE OF DEATH” or produced by A. I. Duphien. A grand moral story of v ,>f Java
      533 words
    • 90 7 GOING TO LONDON? BAILEY’S HOTEL GLOUCESTER RD., LONDON, S.W.I This renowned London Family Hotel offers everything the overseas visitor requires. Close to Tube and Underground stations, yet quiet and undisturbed by traffic noise. Within ten minutes of London’s famous West End and theatres, and convenient for Earl’s Court, Oiympia, Kensington
      90 words
    • 102 7 Matinees Today <K* Matinees Friday Saturday Tomorrow at 3 p.m. at 11.30 a.m. “GARDEN OF THE “TRADER HORN” MOON” XI H I Harry Carey Cast of Pat O’Brien, John Payne] t i I 1000 s and Margaret Lindsay. I POPULAR PRICES POPULAR PRICES Downstairs 15 &30 cents. Downstairs 15 A3O
      102 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 135 7 Royal Theatre Box No. 5. ALOR STAR Phone 77. TONIGHT, LAST NIGHT Here is tMe Most Thrilling Unusual Picture so far ever produced by Hindustani Talkies “MR. MRS. BOMBAY” Interesting from start to finish:—A Thriller In Thrilldom That’ll Make You See It Again And Again Murder Mystery Intrigue Love Stunt
      135 words
    • 152 7 GALA MALAYAN PREMIERE QUEEN’S 6.15 OPENING TODAY 9.30 A Genuine Warner Bros. 1939 Production kF Ff I Si Jim First grand Warner Bros, hit to’T gether for Jimmy and Pat since ’CeilingZero’—andtheirbestever! ~WHAT A SHOW IT WAS! (A Smash In 23S Cities.') WHAT A PICTURE IT IS! (186 More Laughs
      152 words

  • 59 8 QUEEN MARY AND PRINCESS ROYAL GO DOWN LAMBETHWAY —ln response to an invitation from 17-year-old Monty Modlyn, Queen .Mary and the Princess Royal paid a visit to London’s oldest market in the Cut and Tower Marsh. Lambeth. Here is the Major greeting
    59 words
  • 330 8 S,ni I r iruisto, .Mar. 12. x FAX I\ PE oi sheer silk hose wnicn (an be worn every day for live months before it starts to run oi wears out at the toe was “discovered recently by an excited fashion editor Ihe
    330 words
  • 391 8  -  BY ELIZABETH KYLE THE private humc.-. in King Carol capital gro' n beauty and luxury year by yea.’ as the wealth cl 'be countrv ,acreage Blocks of modern II.; i with ('very work saving u"'t sprine up ihnost overnight Sil si.II the Rumanian woman ii
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  • 702 8  -  Delicate Schemes In New Cu ria i n Fa brics BY .MADGE AMES At one time, paie colours were not an economical choice lor one’s rooms, partly because thev were apt to fade into insipidity in the o unlight and r’tparuy because they needed cleaning er
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  • 1069 8  -  ■p\7 DIANA DANE VC'U have r.-. not; ed tnal the r pinafcre ivpe ol frock is making a bid lor r- .i cci vogue? I have seen it 1 1 times lately in the designer’ show room, and at afternoon and evening parlies. It is
    1,069 words
  • 72 8 AMERICAN ,v;v?s v.’ho.m In' belong to tlie newiy-oi “Gratitude Club” are assured least two kisses daily The club was formed by of Lakeview Union Evrn Church after the Rev. Schoepfer preached a -imis the Most Horrible Sin This sin, he said, is ingraiitu his suggestion the
    72 words
  • 67 8 Berlin, Tin v The British Government clearly h spared new» agency, Deutsch» r understood Hitler’s speech, saj ti “We must declare again most enipt ally that the Reich has no intent waiting until the encirclement n complete and unbreakable.” -Reuter. The Transport Board. F. M > commenced
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 264 8 EXCESS FAT DUE TO RHEUMATISM Only (line Remedy Needed Having rheumatism so badly that she could scarcely walk, this woman began tc put on a load of superfluous flesh. In a letter just received, she writes: “I had a severe attack of rheumatism in both knees. It was so bad
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  • 197 9 Failure lo Appear After Bail ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF CHEATING (From Our Own-Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday. warrant of arrest has been issued against a European, Philip Farrington, aged 50, who failed to make an appearance in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, to answer a charge
    197 words
  • 108 9 ct.ingent of 61 ineve volunteered < s and motor Jj. >ll yesterday rain for Penang r in t lie mornd l<> a farewell ii.m-sv (d'amber r (ihoo, vice t n ttc of the > presided over a th.- courage of :;cn th- ir homes in their
    108 words
  • 125 9 G-ai uni iiied 525 n < orrespondent) 1 rajah, Tuesday. 4 lamed Loh tri-.; yesterday in the I 'dore Datoh Muda 1 ciuntarily causing ipon to -i. <■< >mon March 30 vinpliinant. stated ti while he wa.s 'it 7 a. m. the ighbour of his. v
    125 words
  • 111 9 'll lit. W J. B. ASHBY wishes sincerely 1» JI to thank the ladies and gentlemen who subscribed to the Address presented by the Eurasian community of Perak to H. 11. the Sultan on March. 5. There was a surplus of $6O out of the sum
    111 words
  • 85 9 —Reuter. Wash’ngtcu, Tuesday. In reply to a plea by Air. foi continuation of the Treasury’s $2,000,C00,000 stabilisation fund because of “the possibility of recurrence of an international crisis the Coinage Committe of the House of Representatives approved a Bill to extend the fund a further two
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 279 9 Chinese Drowned In Reservoir (From uur own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, Tuesday. A verdict of “found drowned” was returned by Datoh Muda Razalli, the Batu Gajah magistrate, at tnc conclusion of an inquiry held yesterday morning into the death of a young Chinese named Cheng Yoon, whose
    279 words
  • 85 9 PLEADING guilty to a charge of committing criminal breach of trust in respect of 55 cents a young Tamil named John Williams Paul was yesterday bound over by Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, the Ipoh First Alagistrate, to be of good behaviour for a period of six
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  • 123 9 ON the occasion of Children s Day at Ipoh a joint athletic meeting of the Perak Yuk Choy Middle School and the Perak Chinese Aliddle Girls’ School was held at the former’s playing field. Over 250 pupils from both schools participated. An enormous programme of 64
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  • 94 9 A YOUNG Chinese named Chong Hing was yesterday produced in the Ipoh First Alagistrate’s Court before Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe for sentence on a charge of theft of scrap iron. Mr. N.B. Thomas, Chief Court Inspector, who prosecuted, said accused had three previous convictions His Worship sentenced accused to
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  • 2193 9 YESTERDAY was Speech Day at the King Edward VII School, Taiping, the most important day of the year in the eyes of both masters and boys. It was attended by the Hon. the British Resident of Perak, Mr. Marcus Rex. who arrived with Airs.
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  • 356 9 ALLEGED to have kill d h.s St. pfathr by cutting him with a pa a.ig, a young Malay, Abdul Rahman bin S arif, aged 20, was charged at the Perak Assizes, before Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley and two Assessors, Mr. F. E. Winters and Shaik Abu Bakar,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 421 9 I liul Vigour Restored '■iours I ds Fortified I Discovery H Vi 9° urotis iinie? Are y<;t- liied, run- F|&f 'i Men kv pup with the speed Safe k 'I >o you suffer from loss of ody. impure blood? Are SpLi- vM| turn fe ir or an infe- W
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  • 863 10 S. I E. Levy And Company’s Weekly Review TPHE time seems to be far distant when we can begin this review without a reference to the political situation in Europe. Events are moving so quickly that no; comments of ours made now are likely
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  • 364 10 Steady Demand Anticipated London. MarcJi 21. 'TULVDK In copra has been quite brisk X during the past month, though prices have receded somewhat during the last ten daj s. Messrs. Frank Febre and Co. report in their current circular that the commodity is considered to be
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  • 628 10 Condition Of Estate Considered Very Satisfactory (From Our Own Correspoiu! i Singapore. M-rc.i PROEUSING the adoption of 8 and accounts annual meeting of Jer?m Kilt Rubber Estate Ltd. at the aim d meeting in Singapore yesterdu Mr. H. C. Atkin-Berry, the ch;i man,
    628 words
  • 636 10 properties in good CONDITION MORE REPLANTING TO BE DONE 0 ADDRESSING shareholders at the annual meeting of Bukit Keoong Rubber Estates Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, Mr. D. St. L Parsons, the chairman, said:—In the balance sheet it will be seen ithat the expenditure incurred on
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  • 97 10 During the week ending March 25, 1939, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 48,241 cases, of which 40,996 (85 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 2,402 (5 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 2,475 (5 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2,368
    97 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 891 10 BANKS J TJ IL MERCANTILE BANS EE OF INDIA. LTD. .1 icorporated in England) rhe Indian Overseas I ’npital Authorised £3, 000,nr 1 T 1 Capital Subscribed £l,800,(X 13 fill K, Reserve Fund and Rest £1,247,8. 7 j pital Paid Up £1.050.0 D (Incorporated in British India) HOARD OF DIRECTORS,
      891 words
    • 110 10 FOR BACKACHE KIDNEY MD BLADDER TROUBLE I Stop Getting Up Night» Purify Blood and Feel Young Here’s one good way to flush Harm! I and germs from kidneys, purify blooJ < stop bladder irritation that often 1 scanty, burning and smarting pa Ask your chemist for a 63 cts. Lox
      110 words

  • 198 11 Ik. JOk HL H. IXV *3O jfcv JkJ s r < 1 mined h\ a Oby, b<i< I d lot d Surrex i entertainer, Hr. I 11. Pteitsn orth. is stated to be the oldest den m the Punch anti I mix shim business. It
    198 words

  • 487 12 Chiang KahsheKs Adviser Points a Lesson To Aggressors London, March 15. Japanese war with China will be a long-drawn-out affair with, I should say, a minimum of another three years,” said Mr. George W. Shepherd, adviser to General Chiang Kai-shek and his wife on welfare
    487 words
  • 380 12 Chinese Massed For Resistance JAPANESE reinforcements who landed at Boeva Tigris of last Saturday »,ere rushed to Shunteh county, south of Canton, jn order to join the attack towards Chungshan. The objective is an attempt to dear the way between Canton and Macao and to extend the
    380 words
  • 87 12 The following passengers arrived in Penang today by the m.s. Alsia: Mrs. S. Meier. Mr. Mrs. F. Katz, Mr. W. Edvall, Mr. H. Bielschowsky, Mr. Mrs. E. Freidlich, Dr. Mrs. L. Litten, Mr. F. Wronker, Mr. Mrs. Harry Kleemanr., Mr. S. Eeckmann, Mr. M. Sachs, Mr. Mrs.
    87 words
  • 265 12 Spotting Herrings There is always a danger that we v orship the spectacular to the exclusion. of the less surprising. This is particularly so when we are thinking of the achievements of the human race. Thus, the building of a giant telescope with which astronomers hope to probe
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  • 509 12 $2OO Million Loss Likely This Year Hong Kong, March 28. 1939, has proved a lean month for Hong K mg trade, according to the latest official statistics. They reveal a total trade turnover (excluding treasure) <>l $73,326,837, imports valued at $36,824,830 and exports value/!
    509 words
  • 134 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday. Three seaman, Robert D. Miller, 23, Owen T. Thomas, 23, and Sydney Ellis, 23, pleading guilty to a charge of stealing a motor-car worth $l,OOO, were fined $7, each in the Singapore Third Police Court, yesterday. It was alleged
    134 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 I I I I» I Nr'i f- I fW V •F J Did you Maclean, yourteeth to-day? i pt I IL w I /t I Ah! I see you did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If you use a solid dentifrice, try the nc MACUAN» SOLIO PEROXIDE OCNTIFIUCf
      47 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1353 12 -J----- id radicT radid I MM t >ii<z radio Tadwiud farad io radio radio radio, ■■'Electrical recording. records. P ENANG SINGAPORE ZHJ, 6.08 mc's (49.30 in.) ZHL 1,333 kcjs (225 m.) ZHP 9.69 rncja (30.96 in.) TODAY TODAY P.M. I’.M, 1.00 Miscellaneous programme of new 5.55 Chinese music. 7.00 Recorded
      1,353 words
    • 446 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London, April 2: Following is the probable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan Standard time for week beginning April 3. TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m. GSF.
      446 words
    • 17 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY’ Higa Ix 3 w 12.59 a. m 7.24a.m. 1.22 p. m. 7. 54 p.m.
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  • 430 13 Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang SEA MAILS OUTWARD i North Eastern and Sumatra close Penang < lose Penang 11 a.m. i, Southern and Wes- and Egypt close Sa jrday by the B. tain and Europe and v. i Great Britain close 01 Saturday by the
    430 words
  • 956 13 IN PENANG HARBOUR ARRIVALS Today: BULAN ex Singapore via ports. BENGLOE ex Singapore. ALSIA ex Europe via Colombo. Tomorrow: CARTHAGE ex London via ports. BANGALORE ex Europe. PRESIDENT MONROE ex San Francisco via ports. Friday, April 7: TWEEDBANK ex China via Singapore. GLENOGLE ex "ar East via
    956 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 315 13 9) u E FUNNEL LINE s I y SERVK E TO LONDON tk NORTH CONTINENT Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Apr."*? ’May ('alls Marseilles Glasgow Apr. 14 May 10 Calls Hull Apr. 20 May 20 day SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAvKJI Apr. 18 May 16 Omits Havre, calls Glasgow Apr. 25 May
      315 words
    • 116 13 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Leave Arrive Arrive Penang Marseilles New Aork x*Pres. MONROE Apr. 7 May 10 May 23 Pres. ADAMS Apr. 27 May 24 June 0 *Pres. VAN BUREN May 11 June 7 June 20 Pres. HARRISON May 25 June 21 July 4 Carry no
      116 words
    • 744 13 P A O British India (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE, CHINA J Al* AN. S.S. “CARTHAGE” SAILING THURSDAY, 6lh APRIL, 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port Said,
      744 words

  • 1227 14 Two Years To Do Four Years’ Work HOUSING THE ATHLETES r pHREE months ago saw the beginning of construction work on the Helsinki Olympic vihage, situated in the neighbourhood of the city in beautiful natural surroundings and connected with the Olympic Stadium by a
    1,227 words
  • 269 14 Old Edwardians’ Good Win (From Our Own Coriespondentj Taiping, Monday, DISPLAYING superior team-work, the Old Edwardians’ basketball team did well yesterday to beat the foimidable Cheng Kong team by 60 points to 58. The two teams have now met twice and each has won a maten. The
    269 words
  • 301 14 Services’ Champions To Fight (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Monday. THE coming charity boxing, in aid of St. Nicholas Home, to be held at the Garden Park, Taiping, on April 6, is arousing a great deal of interest, as this is the first time that Services’
    301 words
  • 251 14 Racquet Sold 1 or $lOO (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Mondav. jl/TAKING an only appearance in Kuala Lumpur in aid of the China Relief Fund, Ge*i Hoahin<” the young Chinese tennis star twice junior champion of England, gave polished performance on the S.C.R, C.
    251 words
  • 116 14 P S. C. GOLF The Penar.g Ladies Monthly Medal will be played on today and tomorrow—& holes Bogey over holes 1 to 9. The Eclectic Competition was played during March. Winner: Miss HowesRcbelts 65 nett. Runner-up—Mrs. Rhys Williams 66 r.ett. The Ladies Championship qualifying round will be played over 18
    116 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 250 14 I i N»«fc»*iib JR» rj*- ip v**--4j AC fa <*r- 1 ir3t t in S every morning, drink a glass of ENO S FRUIT SALT. ENO’S will cleanse youi system, purih the blood, free you liom constipation, £s■&' headaches, sleepiness and uK* 1 ssfS restore your natural health iSgy ?jff
      250 words
    • 41 14 FERRANTI B Ferranti Ltd. manufacture a wide range of meters, testing instruments, transformers, electric clocks, condensers, chokes, etc. t FERRANTI KWH METER B FOR SWITCHBOARD MOUNTING FERRANTI “CLIP-ON” AMMETER WRITE FOR SPECIAL LEAFLETS; HUTTENBACHS, LTD. (INCORPORATED IN S.S.) ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS
      41 words

  • 309 15 Marines Trounce Min Sin Scab P.C.F.A. ‘B” WIN BY FOUR GOALS racterised the Second Division League match i Marine Department F. C. and the Min Sin Seah c round yesterday. the two games with which the Penang Footr Started 'ts 1939 League
    309 words
  • 421 15 Programme For First Day’s Play (By Our Badminton Correspondent) The programme for the first day's play •n the All-Malaya Badminton Championships at the Penang Free School Hall nas been drawn up, and subsequent programmes will be fixed later by the Hon. Referee, Mr. J. L. Woods. It
    421 words
  • 197 15 Singapore vs. Penang AN inter-Colony bowls match between Penang and Singapore will be played over Easter in Penang. The Singapore player will arrive on Friday, April 7. The new Penang Sports Club green at Western Road will be ofTLeially opened by Mr. T. W. Douglas immediately prior to
    197 words
  • 97 15 Eleven teams will be participating in the First Division and ten teams in the Second Division of the Penang Footbaii Association League this year. have also been received for the Third Division but the draw in this Division has not yet taken place. The League will
    97 words
  • 378 15 Singapore Not Competing rg'J'iD F. polo clubs, Penang, Selangor 1 and Pahang, will be taking part in the Malayan Polo Tournament to be held in Penang tomorrow, Saturday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 11. The Singapore Polo Club are unable to send a team. Two Cups
    378 words
  • 358 15 Annual Meeting Over The o Easter Week-End (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday. By courtesy of the Royal Singapore Golf Chib, the annual r.. < ting of the Malayan Golf Association will be held, at Bukit Timah oxer the Easter week-end. Competitions are open to
    358 words
  • 106 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, Tuesday. The following are the results of the Kinta Golf Club's Men’s Golf Medal competition for the month of April. April Bogey: Winner: A. L. Birse and G. H. Seddon tie. Ball Sweep: First. Round: Winners: A. L. Birse, G.
    106 words
  • 177 15 The P. C. I*. A. ’B” also easily accounted for their opponents, the I. R. C. “B who conceded four goals after a blank first half. The game was .not entirely one-sided, but the Chinese forwards were the better lot, although the shooting on both Ides
    177 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 55 15 PRODUCT OF BRITISH MALAYA f/ A yAA? Canvas-Ru bber Shoes at Economical Prices I’l Black p ■n nr White Ip White nr Brown sjs? I Sizes 36 42 0.39 1 0.42 f.m.s. J U.M.S. $0.50 FMS °ng.White or Brown Special for Sport s.s. I s.s. Sizes 36 42 l; 0.45
      55 words
    • 107 15 Is Your Watch Working Well If it is not, it needs attention SEND IT TO AURORA’S Watch-Repair Department Where it will be attended to by an Expert Repairer ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Charges Moderate SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (Try Us! AURORA DEPARTMENT STORE Corner of High Street and North Bridge Road, Singapore Phone
      107 words

  • 74 16 MI J)!» A V Q COT ATI ON S TIN LATEST $108.62% Bi; i > 50 tons Singapox $108.62% Rl BP,ER: 1 nmg (Spot) 27 %c e 'Spot) 27 %c COPRA: S'undried $3.55 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA: Fair Seed $2.80 Medium $3.30 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled Ku. 1
    74 words
  • 214 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBLE: Buyers Sellers Kuala Sidim 1.95 2.15 c TIN: Ampat 3 3 3j6 Aust. Amalgamated 4 9 5|3 Ayer Weng .65 .70ex Bangrin 190 196 Batu Srlangor 1.22% 1.27 Ac Hong Fatt .61 .64 Jelebu .60 .65 Kamponp Kamunting 6 3 6;9 Kami a 16 2|o Klang River
    214 words
  • 274 16 New York. Tuesday After a volume decline, the marke' recovered to close a fractio:. illy Munich level. There was a iirnier tendency in aircrafts which was attributable to the President signing the De ence Bill and th Washington report that $50,001,00) would be immediately availab e for
    274 words
  • 114 16 Prev. Latest Paris 176% 176 19 61 New York 4.68 4.68 7 Mon treal 4.7 0 1.6 9 Brussels 27.79 27.81 Geneva 20.85% 20.87 1 2 Amsterdam 8.81% 8.82 Milan 89 89 Berlii, 11.68 11.67 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors
    114 words
  • 295 16 W eights For Saturday Following aie the weights for the first day oi the Perak Turf Club Skye meeting to be lun at Ipoh on Saturday. The first race will start at 2.45 p.m. The order of running and scratchings will be published on Friday at noon. Hornes
    295 words
  • 628 16 En'.rance Scholarships, not exceeding ten in number, will be awarded by the Council of Rallies College in June 1939. These scholarships will be of the value of $720 a year and will be tenable for three years but may be withdrawn or suspended by the Council if
    628 words
  • 24 16 The soccer match arranged to be played today on the Dato Kramat ground between the P.W.F.A. and D.A.F.C. has been cancelled.
    24 words
  • 98 16 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Kangsar, Tuesd ly. Alleged to have committed rape on a nine-year-old Tamil girl, named Pakiam, a Tamil, Muthusamy was produced before Che Ahmad bin Mahmud, the Kuala Kangsar magistrate, charged with outraging the modesty of the girl by using criminal force.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 1065 16 OFerv a (J. BT er -»n < r ANG 'PHONE 1477 1478 WITH EXTF "GAZ TTE.” PENANG. ,r Off-», t Crcffl Street. Singapore. bore 5471. Tel: "Time.’,’’ Singapore, Kualj Ofh<e: 25, Jav< c tr<-et. ’Phone Wtf. (poh Office/: Brewster Road. ‘Phone nrp, io. 4x r t Street. Lt. ton. E
      1,065 words