Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 March 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1433 1 REMAINS OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA COMPLETELY DISMEMBERED Britain Strictly N eutral NAZI TROOPS REPORTED OVER FRONTIER Prague Bows To Hungarian Ultimatum London, Tuesday. With the Twenty-Year-Old Czechoslovak slate desintegrated, with the vital talk tonight between Hacha and Hitler in Berlin concerning the fate of
    1,433 words
  • 250 1 Reuter Berlin, 12.30 a.m. the official German L w state that according German National .ue German tanks m House" in Mora1 It appears from these a hall and police were arlier by Ger* L- G' rman troops and a L' ition reportedly crossLn vak frontier at a numL
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 80 1 1 St. John’s. —Briu ireless, I Broadcasting Corporation Inaugurated London. Tuesday, ip. Secretary for the. ng in a broadcast ceuht to inaugurate the •r dion of NewfoundI not want to shut his hips so many people in bearing. The erectnoting station would ■w spirit of action and i undland.
    1 St. John’s.—Briu \\ ireless, I  -  80 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. s 'mi!; irant Visit To \nkara Sofia, Tuesday. Premier, Dr. Kiosee- tomorrow for Ankara the Turkish Governn political circles believe H make another attempt ission of Bulgaria into by finding a formula Bulgarian territorial and ■'porting Dobrouja and an in. Reuter.
    .- Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 26 1 r ’’ith annual general meeting ivemment Servants’ '>oi.-ty, Ltd*., will be held t 1 iflice hall, Government <; 1 Jnesday, March 22, at
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  • 234 1 Notes hi A igorous Sent To Tokio c Reuter. London, Tue;d"i'' Mr. R. A. Butler in a written reply in the Commons said no reply had been received by the British Consul-General io his inquiry as to the measures adopted by the Japanese authorities against
    Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 112 1 ReUte?. ‘Trouble Within Ten Days”’ Washington, Tuesday. The virtual dissolution of Czechoslovakia has caused a painful impression here, declares the newspaper Star. It adds. “This new crisis is regarded as the forerunner of a more serious one before the end of the month. Reports from American diplomats
    ReUte?.  -  112 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. Payment Guaranteed By British Government London, Tuesday. A contract was signed this afternoons at the Chinese Embassy between the Chinese Government and John Thcrnycrcft for the purchase o* two hundred three and a half-ton and a hundred sev n-ton motor lorries (the latter provided with
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 70 1 •—British Wireless King Sees Flying Boats Lender Construction London. Tuesday. The King and Queen are today paying a visit to Rochester to inspect the Short Brothers aircraft factcry. where flying boats are constructed. Some 6,000 men are engaged on rearmament at the factory and the latest types of
    •—British Wireless  -  70 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 pH CHEONG COI Manufacturers furnitur'- «ireet Penang. phone: 636. M ll„.h Agents: I fOO I.OON co., I Road. I phone: 875.
      21 words
    • 120 1 in. 7V •&5L* Hf° N i*y reckittFl BAG BLUE MAKES WHITE CLOTHES WHITFR J Crt 83 A is Vi fef/" for consistent quality choose (p Warm sunshine and fresh w green pasturelands give S. C. S. Creamery Butter, from Australia, its delighti* r if) n 111 P V V fUlly
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  • 973 2 Imprisoned Politicians To Take Office SLOVAKIA BREAKS AWAY >. —Reuter. Tuesday. A declaration of Slovak independence was announced today with Dr. Tiso. who was deposed on Friday, as President and Premier and Dr. Durchansky, who accompanied, Dr. Tiso to Berlin, and others recently imprisoned
    >.—Reuter.  -  973 words
  • 223 2 Implications Discussed London, Tuesday. The relationship of the AngloFrench guarantee regard’ng the post-Munich boundaries of Czechoslovakia to the threatened new dismemberment of the Czech Republic does not escape the attention of the morning newspapers. It is generally agreed that the guarantee does not arise' at the present juncture.
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  • 79 2 —Reuter. Madrid, Tuesday. The Junta has decided to demobilise reservists of the 1915 and 1916 classes and also men belonging to the second group of auxiliary services. Colonel Casado told foreign newspapermen today that Die Junta was busy planning liquidation of the war. He’ added :\‘We
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 58 2 Reuter. Fourteen Passengers Aboard Chungking, Tuesday. Fourteen persons, including Mr. Tang Kwan, leader of the Hong Kong branch of the Central Bank of China, are missing since thh disappearance of the Eurasia Corporation passenger plane which left Chungking for Kuming on Sunday. The plane sent out an
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 32 2 .—Reuter. Madrid, Tuesday. Col. Casado today told Reuter that all reports of a Communist uprising in Cartagena are "totally false.” He added that all was quiet in Republican territory. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 165 2 British Wireless. Final Proposals Take Shape London, Tuesday. Proposals for the future of Palestine were put into fi~al form at yesterday's meeting of the Committee of the binet, at which Mr. C.ianiberla”» Lord Halifax, Mr. Malcolm Mac Dona h Lord Chatfield, Sir Samuel Hoare, Lord Zetland and Mr. Walter
    British Wireless.  -  165 words
  • 82 2 Bruish Wireless. Free Delivery In 25 More Towns London, Tuesday. Arrangements are being made for supply to a number cf additional towns of Government steel shelters for protection against splinters in air raias and the A.R.P. department sent a circular yesterday to twenty-five more local authorities informing them
    Bruish Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 32 2 —Reuter. Canberra, Tuesday. Mr. Menzies, Attorney-General and Minister of Industry, has resigned as a protest against the Cabinet’s decision to repeal the pensions provisions in the national Assurance Act.—Reuter.
    . —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 91 2 A charge of giving false evidence before the District Court Judge, at the District Court when summoned as a debtor in a summons case, was yesterday preferred against an Indian, Murugian, before the Penang Middle Court magistrate, Mr. Lim Koon Teck. The accused was alleged to have
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  • 21 2 ---Reuter. A degree formally confiscating all Habsburg property in favour of the German State will be published on Tuesday.
    ---Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 141 2 Reuter. Dominions Longer Secure The Pacific < New Zealand is move in i direction and sh< are taking steps for tl rhe urgency oi th e situation i s f □usly one reason ti,Before the War th k Ja "J®* Uance and the predon ina> the British
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 57 2 —Reuter Japanese Terrorist Committee Formed London, Tuesday. Further protests to Japan regarding live wire entanglements in Tientsin are expected to fellow information received in London of the formation of a proJapanese terrorist committee cutside the Concessions. Tin modus- operand of of the organisation is tc commit terrorLst action within
    . —Reuter  -  57 words
  • 116 2 3. —Reuter. ‘Self-Defence’ Stu« Japanese Tientsin, Tuesday. It is learned that the Japanese authorities, in reply to the request for ar. explanation of the- reasons motivating ths various measures they have taken in Tientsin, say that the insincerity of the authorities of the British and Fren:h Concessions enabled
    3.—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 40 2 Reuter. Tokio, Tuesday Japan is planning to build a erc L e marine up to 7,500,000 tons by building programme which was ed in the Diet by the Ministry of munications provides fbr the con..of 750,000 tons annually.—Reut-r.
    . Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 278 2 Chungking, Tuesday- FIGHTING in Central Hupeh been slowing down c.msu o ably in the past few days, both sides resoitine casional artillery duels. n .vince Meanwhile, the Chinese forces in wes V’ are launching a tri-column counter-offensive apn Japanese forces, with their base
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 v e WMfefec a NSsfcfe ~4$ W;. «o$F *<• f/> s g Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? X-Xc z s x Ny% XX <?' fe fe W k., WMB3WW& -x Yes, it’s thumbs up Representative: PEROXIDE Ma leans patented I A. T. Gillespie pure white nozzle TOOTH PASTE r-
      156 words

  • 1761 3 £6.750,000 for New Aircroft London, February 28. rH'BSTAN’ HAL orders for various types of Fleet Air C \rm aircraft, for delivery over the next two or three > s have been placed to fulfil the large expansion o f marine air force which forms an
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  • 115 3 Connemara is one of Imperial Airways’ four new long-range fij ing-boats that will establish the first regular air service across the North Atlantic this year. They have all been launched and are now having the finishing touches put on by the manufacturers They have three unique
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  • 239 3 Indian Fined $3 In the hope of gaining by $5, an aged Indian, Govindasamy, described as a gardener, went to the General Post Office to cash a cheque for that amount, which he found at the New Coast Road. “The cheque which belonged to
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  • 50 3 Mr. Jules Martin, head, of the Penang firm of Mess’*. G. H. Slot Co., Penang, has returned from long leave and will be welcomed back by the mercantile community of Penang. Before he went on leave Mr. Martin acted as Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 103 3 A film showing Red Cross Work m China will be shown at the Hu Yew Sean to be followed by a lecture by Dr. C. Y. vVu, the Director of National Quarantine Service and Director of The Ch na Red Cross Society
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  • 65 3 An Indian, Perumal, who was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in the Penang Middle Court, on Monday, with enticing away a married woman, Karupiab, from her husband, Muttiapcng in Ipoh, w r as escorted back to Ipoh by two policemen from the Ipoh Police yesterday, where he
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  • 54 3 Mr. Lim Cheng Law, of Penang, left by the night mail last night for Kuala Lumpur to attend the annual meeting of the New Serendah Rubber Co., Ltd., which is being he’d at Messrs. BousteaJ Co.’s office today. Mr. Lim Cheng Law will also attend the
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  • 29 3 MR. MRS. J. F. FLETCHER Mr. and Mrs. J. Firth Fletcher of Sungei Patani, Kedah, will be going home on long leave by the M.V. “Jutlandia” on March 23.
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  • 283 3 House In Bridge Street Raided Nine Chinese, of varied occupation faced Mr. Lim Koon Teck. in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday on a charge of gambling in a common gaming house in Bridge Street on the night of March 13. All the accused including two women. Keng Wah
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 r. 7 «W Matt-Creme” will ’•'at fashionable matt complex ion. Perfect as powder base. Cold Cream promotes skin suppleness; lor cleansing and massage. Bl' Jf
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    • 380 3 KNEES FELT AS IF IN CEMENT Woman Who Had Rheumatism for 10 Years Since coming here from England 10 years ago,” writes a married woman, I have suffered terribly from rheumatism, I have bought medicine, lotions, liniments, and taken advertised concoctions until I was weary, I heard of Kruschen Salts
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  • 451 4 A?> insight into the manner in which routine Municipal business is conducted, and the manner m w hich taxpayers’ money is safeguarded was given at yesterday s special meeting of the Penang Ci mmissioners when one of the most extraordinary items one is likely to encounter in
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  • 1379 4  -  By Frank H. Hedges Tokio, Feb. 18. WILL the serious quarrel between Japan and Soviet Russia precipitate the longexpected second RussoJapanese war this spring or early summer? It is quite possible, but it is by no nwans certain. What is certain is that, unless
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 AN IMPORTANT RS? 'V 4 r :F xOL fl L i la- ■’T <& ©X®■ Wbf/ HO FIXER WHISKY/ (fa J mwzvro 1 i AHY BOTTLE/ X I t Zj A<f A X- -/W- </ s /V Jsh SOLE V GENTS:— JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Lno wporsted La Brig!
      295 words
    • 30 4 DEL MONTE PRODUCTS ARE 'fHE Best Obtainable rfSleljlontew |wxgS I 1 d pWr HSelfltoniteßJ ft k-<®i SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PEN ANO lpob. A Kuala Lumpur. ■■■■■■BRB ■■■BRR3RRRRR
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 45 4 r— i X V£ cot the t*«g ‘yt need w rrr f- COT TH£ I iter I W 4 W fXyir k jl— f rVf ''ibgttfr 5 "Szrr I "T"T"^T"* >i I" r sl^yX zzX M ,,^.>—W <11 I BUSY TIME »N THE MERCHANT MARINE
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  • 486 5 i" irkc nI -Kl.\'G these days of almost V unbearable weather, the f many, no doubt, turn to 7,,]ace tn be derived from coolBut, like many other r opinions differ as to which is ■■■'?„t. ding drink. The majority regard iced drinks cooling but the relief is
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  • 351 5 HISTORIC LANDING THIS MORNING J N T '■'ftorir landing was made /7* thr Raibuay Pier this marning, when the Bth (Singapore) Heavy Battery, Hong Konff- Singapore, Royal Artillery, disembarked from the F.M.S.R, lautuch which had car'ried them on \t'he last stage of their journey
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  • 594 5 Heavy Sentences: Judge’s Remarks (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. I “Ln some states in America, the penalty for kidnapping is death,” said Mr. Justice Gordon Smith, in the Assizes today, When he sentenced to long terms of imprisonment three Chinese .whom he coni victed
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  • 140 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 7. The engagement is announced today between Mr. Anthony Walter Dayrell Brooke, Sarawak Civil Service, only son of Captain and Mrs.' Bertram Brooke (Tuan Muda and Dayang Muda of Sarawak), with Miss Kathleen Mary Hudden, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 196 5 LEAVE TO APPEAL TO PRIVY COUNCIL ALLOWED The Court, of Appeal now sitting in Penang yesterday heard the petition of Khaw Joo Jeang for leave to appeal to the Privy Council in connection with the suit between Khaw Joo Chye v Khaw Joo Paik and
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  • 195 5 “Full Of Good Possibilities” (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 3. Malaya was described as a country full of good possibilities for young, energetic Englishmen willing to make good, by Laurie Smith in an address at Blackpool yesterday. In the Malayan commercial world, added Dr. Laurie
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  • 729 5 Judgment Reserved By, Appeal Court p lhe of Appeal comprising Sir McElwaine, Chief Justice S. S., Mr. Justice Poyser, Chief Justice F.MjS and Mr. Justice a. K. a’Beckett Terrell yesterday had before them the appeal of Lim Joo Khim of 11 (c) Northam Road, a
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  • 114 5 The marriage of Miss Tang Mee Foong, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tang Cheang Siew of Penang, to Mr. Ong Eng Kool, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ong Sin Seng of Penang, will take place at the Penang Buddhist Association Anson Road, on Sunday, March
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 770 5 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands in 24 Hours New Discovery Brings Pleasures of Life to Men Who Feel Old Before Their Time gg*-"' Do you feel older than you are? Are you lacking in youthful animation? Do you <.n- E joy the society of beautiful women? Do you suffer from
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    • 514 6 LAST NIGHT! TOMORROW Tonight 6.15 9.30 -nrifci ■HSU ■‘'i Wi-: JI? 'fflr i f 8 iA, JOI I O \cJ -WI K d M I b X" ra X'f I EDWARD G. Ilk Sobinson s^®l UGHT ASE I I.OF MURDER" I ~?S*r.;«o;,' H" I MffiHmfnnM I fedit! [w| A
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    • 94 6 WIN®SOP OPENING wnight 6.30 p.m. 9.30 p* ’PHONE 1355 Another High Tension Cantonese Drama ‘Peepa Hong (MAGNIFICENTLY ADAPTED FROM THE FAMOUS FOLKSONG “ROMANCE OF THE GUITAR”) with Leong Suet Fei, Wu Tip Lai, Wong Ghor San. Lau Hak Soon, Ho Tai Sor others. A PICTURE OF FILIAL LOVE AND FILIAL
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  • 418 7 More Intensive W ork Planned Shanghai, March 7. r pHE total strength of C hinese guerillas operating behind Japanese lines exceed 2,500.000, according to an estimate by Chinese military authorities in Kweilin. In Hopei province alone, it is said, between 300,000 and 400,000 guerillas are
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  • 294 7 No Desire To Join Puppet Regimes Kweilin. March 7. A certain sum is said to have been granted to Mr. Wang Chi ng-wei, ousted chairman of the Central Political Council, for him to go abroad, and an official passport was also handed to him at Hanoi, it
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  • 152 7 Shanghai, March 7. As an aid to China to carry on the war against Japan, France will send to this country a large quantity of arms which European powers sold to Spain and which are still stocked in Europe, according to a Paris report. Payment is largely
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  • 384 7 Full Production Next Year Vnid all the concentration the preduction of tiircraft for the R.A.F. preparations are being made for a larg output of one type of British airliner. 9he D. H. Flamingo, twin-engined high-wing monoplane, will next year be turned oiu in large quantities. The
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  • 112 7 DISTURBANCES The big problem with sufferers fvom gastritis or other digestive disturbances is how to avoid pain and discomfort when eating. The Inflamed .stomach walks are so sensitive that solid foods can’t be retained. Even liquid foods are often vomited. i Yet the patient must get
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 449 7 0 /<-7/ 1 I.ADIES' GUEST NIGHT AT ROTH PARKS WEMBLEY PARK loniuhi: Wednesday, 15th March, 1939. St l |ov Cantonese Opera: >llll BEE TOH”. Seats: 50, 30, 20 and 10 oents. Thum I eng Yong, Cheah Seng Loong and Loon Yeow Wai. .\J 1( DANCING TROUPE. See daring acrobatic acts,
      449 words
    • 288 7 GOING TO LONDON? BAILEY’S HOTEL GLOUCESTER RD., LONDON, S.WZ This renowned London Family Hotel offers everything the overseas visitor requires. Close to Tube and Underground stations, yet quiet and undisturbed by traffic noise. Within ten minutes of London’s famous West End and theatres, and convenient for Earl’s Court, Olympia, Kensington
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 Matinee Today Al .3 p.m. MaL 'nees Tomorrow And Friday At 3 p.m. “Mutiny Or The Bounty” I Durbin ill ‘MAD ABDUr MUSIC” Popular Pru— Downstairs 15 and 30 cents. Popular Prices: Downstairs 15 and 30 cents. No. 1 Theatre In Town QUEEN’ Sound In Town NEXT CHANGE OPENING
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  • 1136 8 Decisions Confirmed At Yesterday’s Meeting The folicwing decisions, among others, were confirmed ;;t yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Com -vsioners, Penang: Decisions for confirmation at meetir.j on March 11, 1939. DECISION OF iOM UISsIONERS IN COMMITTEE Air Conditioning- oi the Committee Room. The
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  • 246 8 Officials For The Year At a general meeting cf the Perak Tamil Abhivirthy Sangam held at the Lourdes School, Ipoh, during the weekend, the rules and by-laws of the Sangam which were drafted by a committee appointed for this purpose, were adopted. The meeting was presided
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  • 97 8 A N aged Chinese couple, Choo Ngee and Soo rak Min, their ages totalling 159 years, appeared in the Ipoh First Magistrate’s court yesterday morning on a charge of theft from a neighbour oi a coil of barbed wire at Kampong Bharu on March 4.
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  • 408 8 Prison Sentence And Fine For Driver (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, Tuesday. As sequel to a fatal motor accident at the Ist mile. Pushing-Batu Gajah-road, on February 1. Dhalan bin Ismail was charged in the Batu Gajah court yesterday morning before Datoh M'uda Razalli
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  • 61 8 Annual Speech Day iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Tuesday. The annual Speech Day of the King Edward VII School, Taiping, will be held on Tuesday, April 4 at II a.m., in the school hall. The Hon. the British Resident, Perak, as kindly pi'omised to attend and
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  • 64 8 Col. Rae To Attend Rotarian Col. Cecil president of the Ipoh Rotary Club, will be leaving during the last week of April for Batavia to attend the «annual Rotary Conference of the 79th D strict, which is to be held th’s yeai- at Batavia on April
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  • 63 8 The Chinese community of Perak will entertain the Raja Muda at an “At Home” at the Ipoh Town Hall on April 1, in ordex- to congratulate him on his investiture as Raja Muda and on the bestowal on him of the Older of the British
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  • 629 8 Two Sentenced At Perak Assi ZCs TTOW four Chinese, two of whom < upan ederly Chinese fowl-breeder and stole 3s f $3 in cash at the second mile, Tapah-ro ;d. one m closed at the Perak Assizes before Air. Justic Aynsley yesterday. In the
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  • 227 8 The Rev. Dr. Dodsworth is an ,n--mate of the Pf The annual general nie< ting of T poh Y.W.C.A. -ill Town Hall. Ipoh on MonL’. M. The annual general Perak Turf will be held on Weuaesdar March 22 at 7 p.m. and not 7.1) p.m. as previously
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 ■K|| _j i. a A Us e£l g’[&® Tooth P* ste Protect your mouth from the ravages ©f pyorrhoea. Change now to Genozo Brand Tooth Paste which makes your gums immune from pyorrhoea and other dread infection. Genozo cleans your teeth perfectly and gives them a wonderful gleaming whiteness. Genozo
      373 words
    • 80 8 MlilllHlllllllllillllßmillllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllW HAVE ENGLISH JAM Bib FOR TEA TO-DAY You can taste the true flavour V' of fresh fruit at its best in this kt. -rjf delicious jam—the fruit used is actually grown in Chivers ov/n orchards. You’ll be proud to give your family and guests this high quality jam. I
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  • 2069 9 CHEOUE PAID BEFORE DECISION COULD BE CONFIRMED LvEI \TIONS AT MUNICIPAL ■MEETING L/rt i,;r F. W.B. übaries, Jatz Assistant Archi' l( Muaicipa’’.ty had bsen paid to him before the usual could confirm previous decision 1 i yesterday’s fortnightly meeting of the Mur1 uers. The result
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  • 64 9 4 Tamil named Jamnadass was remanded by Mr. P F. Y. Radcliffe, the Ipoh First Magistrate, yesterday morning for a month for mental observation, when he appeared unable to make a plea in answer to a charge of unlawful trespass at the Ipoh Convent on Monday.
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  • 141 9 Police interference Vt ilh llobbv A Ch nesc named Wong Kow wa yesterday by M. P. F. V tadcliffe, the Ipoh First Magistrate to .wo months’ r.i. to be followed by’six .lonths pol’ce supervision, on h.’s h .lead guilty to charges Tif theft of bicycle
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  • 67 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping Tuesday. The death took place in Taiping on Sunday night of Mrs. Lim Leong Beng, one of the oldest residents of this town. Tne deceased is survived by the widowei. a well-known landowner of th s disband. a well-known
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  • 63 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu GajJih, Monday. A malay named Majit bin Ku lop Csm?’., of Layang Layang Kiri. Parit, was admitted to the Batu Gajah Hospital last night in a critical condition from a stab wound in the chest. It is alleged that in
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  • 365 9 Societies Ordinance Rules Must Be Observed IT is learnt that instructions have been issued that all Relief Fund committees in the F.M.S and S.S. must make, application fen registration under the Societies Ordinance.. Hitherto the Relief Fund committees have operated freely without any registration and
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  • 147 9 Tamil Charged With Trespass I From Our Own Correspondent. Taiping, Tuesday. Found in the compound of the General Hosp’tal about 10.10 p.m. yesterday without any reasonable excuse, a Tamil named Rengaya was taken into custody and was this morning charged before the Taiping
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  • 42 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. A minor mechanical failure at I Rawang resulted in tne Penang mad being 90 minutes late in arrival here today. A relief engine was sent from Kuala Lumpur to Rawang.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 She.'..#® I'l ...T., Y .:e:r W I /i 1 w .-’MF D W Igt 'Y Ii i^y-'■■''K wy CI.ASS LEADER EOR IR3D T BBS THE NEW /T) n H RHID WlO ns high standard o< COMFORT I» on« at motoring. ••Contre-PoHo” riding smooththe leatures that havo placed the Ford ness,
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  • 677 10 Authorities Disclose Actual Price Of Gold Bank of England return lor the week ended Ist March, 1939, makes history. It is the first to be issued under ths Currency and Bank Notes Act, 1939, and gives effect to the provisions of that measure, in
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  • 94 10 Manchester, March 2. There is growing apprehension here that Lancashire may fail to secure an order for 20,000,000 yards of cloth for the Chinese Government. It was hoped that the Expoit Credits Department would provide assistance, but it is reported on the Manchester Royal
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  • 387 10 Stanton jNelson And Co. Singapore. Thursday. I vNCE again the market is in slack u water, and after drifting idly to and fro, price* close about unchanged on the week. Trading in Singapore has continued on a very Limited scale, ■with only light offerings of physical rubber,
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  • 95 10 Tinplate For American Canning Co. London, March 3. Sir William Firth, chairman o£ Richard Thomas and Co., reached Southampton from New York aboard the “Queen Mary” yesterday with a £5,000,000 order from the American Canning Company “■The company,” he said in an interview’.
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  • 96 10 DURING the week ending March 4, 1939, exports from Malayan ports amounieu to 94,689 cases, of which: 88,513 (93 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 1,934 (2 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe, 3,443 (4 percent) cases to Canada, and 779 (1
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  • 896 10 S. E. i Levy And Company's Weekly Review AS in London, so in New York, the Stock niaik C reflected the much greater confidence \>i appears to be shared by Statesman and (he man h, h street that the war clouds over Europe are
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  • 150 10 Singapore, Thursd'y market remains very firm with sellers reserved. The New York market has been rather inactive, but sentiment appears to bs steadily improving and prices have suffered no set-back since the I.R.R.C. Meeting of the 14th. of February. Malayan shipments during February amounted to 43,497
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  • 211 10 But The Metal l’ii« Closes Higher London, Man 1 W/OKLi? tin steaks r<>— by u| to 33,65? tons durin Though according to by A. Strauss und Co., thf ply showed an incruase ol l l to 24,581 tons, this was part.all.' set by a decrease of i.o'B
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 808 10 BANKS Tilt MERCANTILE BAM INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, OF INDIA, LTD. LTD. Incorporated in England) (incorporated in British India; Capital Authorised £3,000,00 Capital .Subscribed £1,800,00 Reserve Fund and Rent £1,247,83< Capital raid up *i.ow.<» Head Office: 11| 12, First Line FOARD OF DIRECTORS. Rpnrh Mnrlrne Sir Charles Alexander Innes, X>eacn, lUaaraS.
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  • 145 11 Members Of Britain’s Civil Air Guard Televised i.-i/n member- ot the L v’l Air Guard were* televised at 5*- av.ortb Aeroi a ere Ur. who had only received bi- and 1 is v.ifs, i > i; 3 iust ivado fact first night (Above* P'ner.s arriving
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 fit TTENBACHS SKEETERS <d m fefililß I Ijr I11 x 1 R 1 l‘E SMS •‘••ADE IN SIZE TO SUIT BOTH '-RGE and small estates HUTTENBACHS, LTD. t INCORPORATED LN S.S.) engineers and contractors P. 3. 3
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  • 234 12 ■lnkmuffnnal NamUOTmcv. Shanghai, March 7. SOVIET Russia is now able to assume a positive stand in the Far East, now that she has secured peace in her relations with Europe and America, according to a report from Moscow Thia news is received with interest here
    ■lnkmuffnnal NamUOTmcv.  -  234 words
  • 153 12 International News Agency. China Awaits Big Shipments J Lungchuw, March ANTICIPATING the arrival of big shipments of foreign arms and munitions which arc to come through Rangoon, huge warehouses are being constructed at Lashio. northern terminus of the Burma railway, it was learned here today. The Bur’rTv-Yunnan
    International News Agency.  -  153 words
  • 411 12 £1.250 Coinpensalion To Hong Kong HONG KONG, March 4. Japan has agreed to pay a maximum sum of £1,250 compensation to Hong Kong for the air raid of February 21 on the frontier town of Lcwu, during whicn British territory was bombed, and ar. Indian
    411 words
  • 199 12 The Invisible Ray This world is so full of wondeiful things that we don’t know whether to believe half of them, or not. A century ago no sar.e man would have believed any of them, but today we arc b coming used to the incredible, and adjusting ourselves
    199 words
  • 263 12 Homesick War-Weary Nanchang, March 7. 4 REGIMENT of homesick and x war-weary Japanese rebelled near Tientsin when, instead of getting their promised home leave they were ordered to reinforce the hard-pressed army in Shansi province against concerted attacks by Chinese regulars and guerillas. The 3.000 Japanese
    263 words
  • 207 12 same time they coui<> 1 to defend the entire N’ national News Ay Defies Threab Of Death 'npHE recent arrival :> I Prince Sha. chief Ikhchao League of show’s the utter failur Japanese militarists t<> giance to their puppet the Mongolian Fed< Government The Japanese
    same time they coui<> 1 to defend the entire N’ national News Ay  -  207 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 141 12 TIGEfI BEEH MADE FR Q M IH E FIH C 5 1 malt hops yeast r IRIUM FOR SPARKLING TEETH to clean your teeth with Pepaodexv JRIUM. The minute it touches your teeth you 1 I*** 11 sensa tion of its invigorating, foa-’ w hac a wholesome tingle of freshness
      141 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1373 12 t’adio radio radid radio! C &lt;2 16 Jj*adip ra/lc gadid' radio radio Electrical recording. records. PENANG SINGAPORE ZHJ 6.08 mc/c (49.30 in.). ZHL 1,333 kc/s 225 m.) TODAY P-M. P.M. i TODAY 5.55 Chinese music. 7.00 Programme i ZHP 9.69 mc/c (30.96 m.) of Viennese music. 1) Overture —Morn- 100
      1,373 words
    • 418 12 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London, March 11: Following in the probable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan standard time for week beginning March 12: TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ, GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m. to 12.20 a.m. GSF.
      418 words

  • 407 13 Lalr-l Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS 01 WARD trROPI \M) THE WE ST (Empire Air Mail): Foi Victoria Point), India, e. Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, ganda, Zanzibar, Northern; R odesia, Nyasaland, South t Britain, Ireland, Canada and R-.foiwdland. 7.30 a.m.; Ipoh 12.45 7 7.30
    407 words
  • 59 13 M ail NGKOK will leave Penang Mondays and Fridays, il.s will arrive in Penang Sundays and Thursdays. I S., SINGAPORE, etc “g at 8.30 a.m. and 9 1 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; Lumpui 10 p.m. and 9-OC rivals in Penang will be 10 p.m.; Ipoh 1.52 a.m. I
    59 words
  • 211 13 —lnternational News Agency. Lar.ehow, March 7. The Soviet press carries an article entitled “The Army of Heroic China” in which it is stressed that the army of the heroic Chinese defending its land, national independence, democracy and freedom against the Japanese militarists, has become famous
    —lnternational News Agency.  -  211 words
  • 885 13 AKRFVALS Today: GLAUCUS ex Singapore. BENMOHR ex London. Tomorrow: RHEINLAND ex Singapore. NAGPORE ex Kobe via ports. Friday, March 17: PATROCLUS ex Singapore. KEDAH ex Singapore. HECTOR ex Liverpool. Saturday, March 18: KOTA xNTEN ex Java ports via Singapore. KASIMA MARK ex Japan via
    885 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 271 13 r UE FUNNEL LINE Y VICE TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT Calls Marseilles Glasgow 1 I Va U 1 n p Mar 23 Apr. 19 Calls Marseilles Glasgow Mar. 31 A r 26 i DAY SEhvlLt 1U LivtKPOOl VIA HAVRE Liverpool Mar. 18 Apr. 16 u Mar. 24 Apr.
      271 words
    • 112 13 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Leave Arrive Arrive Penang Marseilles New York Pres. GARFIELD Mar. 30 Apr. 26 May 9 *Pres. MONROE Apr. 7 May 10 May 23 Pres. ADAMS Apr. 27 May 24 June b *Pres. VAN BUREN May 11 June 7 June 20 Carry no
      112 words
    • 731 13 PJt an d A W BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England) PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S. S. “ETHIOPIA” SAILING THURSDAY, 16tli MARCH. 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port
      731 words

  • 861 14 Second Day Of The Gold Cup Meeting BELOV is the programme for the races at ivuala Lumpur to day. the second day of the Selangor Turf Club Gold Cup Meeting. Race 1—2.15 p.m. Horses—Class 4 —Division 4—s} Furlongs 0 0 0 MISS NOVA 4 9.01
    861 words
    111 words
  • 546 14 First Round Matches Thu Week-End (By Our Badminto ’orresponden;) qpHE official Penang badminton seisan for 1935) when a start will be made in the junior open champ ships Tl draw has been announced, and is full of interest. In the singles, it will be noted that three
    546 words
  • 114 14 The following will represent tile Penan-.-Recreation Club “A” T&gt; at crickc. against the Penang Sports’ Club "A" Team, on the Esplanade on Saturday, March 18. C. J- Scully, R. V. Lw-ruz. Augustine, A. De Zilva, J. D, Scully, E. Coombes, A. S. Willwchcr. J F.
    114 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 59 14 Wfiik —lwwwi Sf Sar jS Jbf a& r I hhe Wfe' IbF |W Jzrfll ck -Z' AsKa^ws^'/MMEas? £ixziffs®rf famous wfoughouf WMWSWKRMBBMMBHMMpiBBBBMMWIIW'ZBIIIII IU iL I iljljy'lib i.ijli jji_lj._i..iilZU-. &lt; JJI4UIIII.I ll'fll 1 11 ini w i O 'MOF fl a# 1 Z. .'/ZBz^ z .*Z ZAr '-«Ilf WfSiftyg;*..- ALWAYS AHSAD SOLE
      59 words

  • 910 15 ,—Reuter. Jlo Time To Score 42 In Timeless Test fOLRISTS RUSH OFF TO CATCH BOAT Durban, Tuesday» v.diug only 42 runs to win and with five wickets n han&lt;f. England were dramatically robbed in the last pinuh- ol victory when play in the fifth and last
    ,—Reuter.  -  910 words
  • 949 15 Football Chiefs Want To “Catch ’Em Young” London, March 3. LAD of sixteen—under the age when he can turn professional is placed, in the Wolves’ First Division team, and plays a successful part in spectacular victories over Leeds United and Everton. And less than
    949 words
  • 108 15 (By “SPECTATOR”) Little Aba y n, the flashy little h ilipino, who holds the fly and bar, tamweight boxing titles of Singapore, will make his first appearance in a Penang ring after an absence of nearly four years, on Friday night at the Fun and Frolic Stadium.
    108 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 322 15 Ute. product vitalUy w f W ba x er TONIC iM WAk ...JteL». JK# Idyfr'i I O N I C the loting remedy conditions ness and loss and digestive disturbances, nervousness, weakness memory and rapid fatigue. RELIABLE GENERAL a PLETELY HARMLESS— wl w pleasant to take 1 I X W
      322 words

  • 74 16 MI.3D.AV QUOTATIONS TIN 1- TEST fi ,—o.e ’,110.75 &gt; 25 tons I' SI il .75 RI’BELG Pen? yj (7. no 23%c fringe xre (F'oi) 28%c COPR v Si nl“ '&lt;l $2.15 Black Pepper $9.00 TAPIOCA Fa r Seed $3.05 MetT.rn $3.4 0 RICE Rnnvoon Parboiled No 1
    74 words
  • 114 16 Prev. Today Paris 176 59|64 176 55|64 New Y.xl: 4.69:0 4.63*£ Montreal J .70A 4.70 Brus?" s 27.88% 27. *’7 G irva 20.63 20.62 An? te d: 8.83% 8.83’. Mil?; 89 L 89,': P 11.69’', 11.68 V. Stockholm 19.42 19.42 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted
    114 words
  • 244 16 t New York, Tuesday. Teel nical implications of the marke action are again faveu-ab c vath activi.y absent, excepting cn railies. Reports c" Chilean sentiment against the export copper tax is responsible dor the firmer ion; I oi coppeis. 1 RUBBER. —February consumption I standoff mostly uuo
    244 words
  • 186 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sailors Ayer Weng .65 .70ex Batu Selangor 1.35 1.40 Hong Fatt .67% .72 Klang River 1.80 1.85 Kuchai 1.20 1.25 Nawang Pet .27% .32% Petalings 6.75 7.00 Rahman Hyd. 1.05 1.10 Rantau 1.35 1.40 Taiping Cons. 1.42% 1.47% Ulu Klang .70 .75 Ampat 3 6
    186 words
  • 171 16 RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Ayer Panas 1.30 1.35 Bassetts .55 .57% Batu Lintangs 1.10 1.15 Ber.tas 1.07% 1.12% Indragiris 127% 1.32% Kuala Sidims 2.20 2.30 Lunas 1.60 1.70 Malaka Pindas 1.30 1.35 Mentakabs -42% .45 Pajams 1.77% 1.87% Sungei 1.05 1.10 Tapahs 1.75 1.85 c Telok Ansoi
    171 words
  • 170 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyer» Sellers Ampats 3'6 3|9 B. Selangors 1.32% 1.37% Berjuntais 10 0 10'9 Hong Fatts .69 .72 Jelebus .60 .65 Johans .26 .28 K. Lanjuts 16 3 16 9 Kuchais 1.22% 1.27% Kundangs 7 3 7 9 Lukuts .52% .55 Laruts 4 6 4 9 N. Pets
    170 words
  • 222 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Bukit Kepong 1.25 1.35 c Kamasan 1.30 1.40 ex New Serendah .90 I.ooc Sungei Bagan 1.40 1.50cx Tapah 175 1 85ex TIN: Ampat 3[6 4;0 Austral Amalg 4|9 5|6 Ayer Weng .65 .70ex Bangrin 1919 2013 Batu Selangor 1.35 1.40 Berjuntai 1010 10(9 Hong Fatt
    222 words
  • 157 16 Knocked Down By Car, But Unhurt A six-year-old Chinese boy had a miraculous escape from death last night at Hutton Lane. He attempted to cross the road unaware of the approach of a car which driven by an Indian. The driver tried to avert a collision, stepping
    157 words
  • 200 16 Mr. LOII Boon Kheng Anri Miss Tan Kooi Siew The first Chinese wedding at the Hui Ann Association in Magazine Road, Penang took place yesterday between Mr. Loh Boon Kheng, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Loh Kim Sai, and Miss Tan Kooi
    200 words
  • 41 16 O.F.A. Beat Present Frees I The Old Frees’ Assocation defeated the Penang Free School at basket-ball yesterday on the Old Frees’ Court. It was a close game and the Old Frees just managed to w’in by 48 points to 44
    41 words
  • 173 16 Police Reward For 1 Identification I A reward of $l5O has been offered by the Police to any person or divided among persons who can give any information as to the identity of the body of a Southern Indian, which was found by a stream
    173 words
  • 177 16 Caught Smoking tn Court While the Penang Middle Court was sitting yesterday, Chief Court Inspector D. R. Cowie was seen to rise from his seat and, going to the hack of the couri, caught hold of a young Chinese who had a lighted cigarette in his
    177 words
  • 61 16 Whll'' playing nt the rear of her house No 37, Merlcan Road. Penanv, yesterdav afternoon, a live-year-old Chinese girl, Teoh Teik Lee, had her bangles coolly removed by a Chinese. The man told her that he was taking her back into the house. 4 report was
    61 words
  • 54 16 Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Brewerton are expected in Penang by the s.s. Ethiopia tomorrow. Mr. Brewerton will conduct the service in the Burmali Road Hall on Sunday evening at 6 p.m. The young people will render a special hvrnn entitled “Why No 7 Say "Yes’
    54 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 40 16 MADE IN ENGLAND ABRASIVE i AGfNTS FOR MALAYA BELLS ASBESTOS ENGINEERING S.S. L T SANDEMAN’S SHERRIES W Vintage Wine well-matured 1 n w ood. /cwbgr For the discerning p a late 1 SIME, DARBY CO. LIMITED I WPS 16P I
      40 words
    • 479 16 Hrad Officr- 12. Kkgra'ns 7 7 S J S'ngaoore Office; 4l vß 8£:- Vr I j Rates of fl •nd Sunday v Pinang Gazett* H 1 Monthly LoCal S r Quarterly Half-Yearly 7 .M \fl e Nearly I x) e o I V iUveZrl, “z. J, Si &lt;&gt; S“&gt; t
      479 words