Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 506 1 Roosevelt, Seeing New Crisis Developing, Confe rs R ith Ambassadors Plans To Curb Aggressors Trouble Feared This Spring Or Summer Washington, Thursday. lhe I uited States Government is preparing to withstand the shock of another world crisis in the spring or summer of this year.
    ,—Reuter.  -  506 words
  • 85 1 Reuter. Leaves Barcelona Under Heavy Bombardment Marseilles, Thursday. The London steamer Thorpe Bay arrived here today from Barcelona with 58 refugees picked up at Barcelona and other Spanish towns. The captain asked permission to land the refugees but permission is withheld for the time being on the ground
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 48 1 —(British Wireless. The King has appointed a new Lieutenant of the Tower of London —an historic office now’ largely honorific. The new Lieutenant is Major-General A.W. Bartholomew who has just returned from China where since 1935 he has been General Officer Commanding British troops.
    —(British Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 35 1 From today news bulletin broadcast by the 8.8. C. on medium wave-lengths in German, Italian and French will be increased in length by 15 minutes to 45 minutes each evening.
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  • 212 1 “Our Legionaries Have Beaten Negrin,Says Duce Reuter. Rome. Thursday. ’’Franco’s victory is greeted with joy throughout all the. cities. Spain is freed from the infamy of the Reds,” declared Mussolini speaking tonight from the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia. Thousands gathered to hear the Duce in
    Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 47 1 The rubber market reacted sharply to the news of the fait of Barcelona. London closed weak yesterday at 7)/ 2 d. while locally at noon today tl e price was 25 1 4 c for spot compa ed with cents at the close yesterday.
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  • 101 1 —Reuter. Ministerial Shuffle Likely lx>ndon, Thursday. It ind rstood that the Prime Minister has decided to make changes in th? con ■< sit ’!i of the Government before the Hous of Commons assembles again on Tue-tday, s .ys Reuter's Parliamentary correspondent It likely that Sir Thomas
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 28 1 •‘There is no room for despontency in the outlook,” declared Reginald McKenna, addressing Midland Bank shareholders at the annual f \nrj .in London yesterday. page two.)
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  • 112 1 —Reuter. British Cruisers Assist In Bese ue Work Santiago, Chile, Thsurday. Sir Charles Bentinck, British Ambassador to Santiago, reports that about ten thousand liv have been lost and four smaller tov. completely destroyed as a result <f th arthquake yesterday. Coneepcion > bated to be practically destroyed. No
    —Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 58 1 Reuter. Berlin, Wednesday. Herr Hitler as supreme commander of forces today received in the new han iiery high commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force. l'’ a r .made a speech and later the t'ic.ers a re the guests of the Fuehrer. A ’’-ua is
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 266 1 —Reuter. London, Thursday. account of Great Britain’s given by Sir Samuel •nie Secretary, in a speech at a Wa tonight. p. l: ul g to the “invincibility of Great nd the Empire,’’ Sir Samuel i that the British economic ”d the
    •.—Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 141 1 —Reuter. j ‘The World Will See More Clearly*” Berlin. Thursday Deputies today re- ceived summonses to attend the Reichstag on Monday which will be largest on record with ‘55 members, including 73 Austrians and 41 Sudeten-Germans. Six hundred seats are reserved for onlookers Referring to the meeting,
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 120 1 Reuter. l ‘mi .Sentenced In Denmark Copenhagen. Thursday. Five German spies have been sept to prison following Denmark’s biggest spy trial for years. After serving their sentences they will be expelled from the country. One, Captain Horst von Pflugk Harttung, described as a German newspaper correspondent, was sentenced
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 102 1 of the three countries tomorrow’. Reuter. Amount And Conditions Agreed Upon London, Thursday.—Agreement at last has been reached, Reuter learns, on the amount and conditions of the AngloFrench loan to Czechoslovakia. Besides £4.000,000 to be given from the British Government, it is understood that £8,000,000 will be borrowed
    of the three countries tomorrow’. Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 91 1 .—Reuter. Mr. Tredgold Calls For Volunteers Salisbury, Thursday: A call for volunteers who are willing to serve on the Bayonn borders, Southern Rhodesia, either in the Rhodesian Battalion or as leaders with the Imperial units has been issued by the Minister for Defence, Mr. Tredgold. The appeal was
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 28 1 .—Reuter. Tirana, Thursday —The Prime Ministei announced in Parliament that the Albanian Royal family expects a happy event in April. The announcement was heartily applauded. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 71 1 i. Reuter. Ex-Premier Crosses Into France Perpignan, Thursday: Senor Largo Caballero, ex-Premier of Spain, was among prominent Republicans who crossed the frontier into France. Two thousand refugees will be admitted into France tomorrow. Senor Del Vayo, the Foreign Minister, has arrived at Perthus on his W’ay to Figueras.
    i.—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 SIN TkCK 1 furnishing co. fIUiH CLASS modern furniture, manufacturers, CONTRACTORS and FOIJSHERS. workmanship guaranteed Prices Moderate. Show Room 27. PENANG ROAD. PEN ANG ,1—*
      25 words
    • 134 1 FOO CHEONG COFurniture Manufacturer» 89, Bishop Street, Penang. Phone: 636. Ipoh Agents: FOO LOON CO., 101, Brewster Road. I Phone: 875. CS «7A m f BBSS® I ■I. s”; f —WI x i CHEESE W to please all lasted will be found in our excellent selection of over two dozen
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  • 751 2 LOYALISTS WITHDRAW IN FACE OF THREAT OF INHUMAN MASSACRE Burgos, Thursday. T> AIM ELON A fell today. With flags flying and bands play15 ing. General Solchanga’s Navarrese divisions and.General Yague’s Moors headed the Xationalist triumphal entry into Barcelona at noon today. There was no
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  • 43 2 —Reuter. Toulouse, Thursday. BRITISH, American and French warships anchored at Caldetas for the purpose of evacuating refugees were bombed by Nationalist warplanes today, according to reports reaching here. Bombs fell all round the vessels but none was hit.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 717 2 —Reuter. Menace To Britain; And France Faris, Thursday: M. Bennet, speaking in the Chamber of Dep. tit:, declared that France was determin'd to maintain intact the integrity o* the French Empire. The conscience of France, sard M Bonnet. had nothing With w’rich to renroach itsek’. M.
    —Reuter.  -  717 words
  • 90 2 'Reuter. I o Mi*et Ribbentrop In Near Future Berlin, Thursday. A visit to Berlin by Count Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister, may be expected in the near future, according to the Danziger Vorposten, which says: “Herr von Ribbentrop will presumably be able to greet Count Ciano in
    'Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 470 2 MR. McKE NNA URGES MILD INFLATION No Room For Despon/lei lc In Trade Ouflook -Reuter. Lonaon, Thursday. j After a close analysis of the impact of the large-scale withdrawal of fore gn funds from London, Mr. Reginald '.icKenna, chairman of the Midland Bank, at its annual meeting today, concludes th
    -Reuter.  -  470 words
  • 234 2 —Reuter. Paris Press V, e|<,„ lhs Suggeslicn T ORD HAI n L regarding the crit:.' j Spain ilrst with the Spanisi,' A sador in London and lat tl Amassador. w iti the Halifax also discussed taternatS problems generally. Reuter learn., that the Britisl authorities m Paris
    —Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 85 2 Reuter. Demand or Drastic Protection Wellington. Thursdav: An importers' conference he Id hen condemned tht import regulations as .mpractical, unnecessary and unjust After hearing the answers giyen hr Mr. Harold Nash, Minister o? financ. a list of questions, the conference <?• commended the adoption of an a/term.--. scheme
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 i 'f /*3 fe» -Y <5 "SB 1 w jWK r I-' S e Ek H jSF MHL JK .T., just one minute. .Ifc and a lovelier, more vital YOU... fiiF Bl 1 Mm w fiEElk ATKINS ONS EA.U DE COLOGNE refreshes you instantly tired, jaded, spirits low In
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  • 1214 3 Effect Of Powers' Note To Tokio Chiangs Position Further Consolidated (From Our Owo Cprre.spimdcnt) Kong, Jan. 23. rjM i i. Notes despatched by Washington and Ix>nd<m reached Japanese leaders, including the Prime Minister, i Hl, rninvi. the Foreign Minister, Mr. Arita. and the War
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  • 37 3 SIR KIXGSLR}' Ii'OOP, th .’r Miuist r, > j;t-t returned from a holiday in the South of, seen licrc shaking hands with a picturesque Monaco polio nan. during a visit to Monte Carlo.
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  • 132 3 London. Thursday. A severe setback to the c- tton industry's enabling bill was delivered at a special meeting at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce yesterday which rejected the resolution supporting tilBill by 281 votes to 237. The decision is expected to embarras the promoters of
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  • 78 3 Reuter. Berlin. Thursday. It is stated in well-informed businer circles that a. delegation of Germt businessmen and industrialists wdl short’ leave for Russia. It is declared the the mission will seek to arrange de veries of raw materials from Russia fc which Germany will supply
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 169 3 ’—Reuter. Jew-baiters Attack Catholicism Berlin, Thursday. A crowd of ten thousand wildly ap plauded a speech by Signor Farinacci leading Italian anti-Semite, who made a joint appearance at the Sports Palac today with his German counterpart, Herr Julius Streicher. Signor Farinacci attacked the Catholic Church,
    ’—Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 315 3 —Reuter. Mobilisation Of The People Mobilisation of the people, long demanded by the Communists, is the burning issue for China, said Miss Freda Utley, lecturing to the Royal Central Asian Society today. V tiling co-operation of the peasants.she said, was ii.dispensable lor the success of the
    —Reuter.  -  315 words
  • 119 3 Reuter London, Thursday. Broadcasting as Governor-Gene-ral Designate a message of greeting to the Australian Commonwealth of the occasion of Australia Day today, the Duke of Kent said that he and the Duchess were proud to be following in the footsteps of other members of
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 94 3 GLASGOW STEAMER CREW LOST —British Wireless. London, Thursday:—The discovery yeserday of a body under the cliffs near t. Ives, Cornwall, has led to fears that he 3,221-ton steamer Wilston of Glasow sank with her crew of 31 in Sunday light’s gale in which the St. Ives lifeoat capsized with the
    —British Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 301 3 Europe Awaits Fuehrer’s Reichstag Speech London, Thursday. TM)LITICAL correspondents anticipate that the many per- plexities about European trends will be resolved within a few days. The principal source of enlightenment is expected to be Herr Hitler's Reichstag speech on Monday. Mr. Chamberlain's speech
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  • 221 3 Berlin, Thursday. Praise for the Soviet army is contained in a front-page article in the Voelkischer Beobachter, the official Nazi organ, by Captain von Zeska, of the German General Staff, who writes: “Though the Red Army has lost its striking power through the removal of
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  • 437 4 ■VFOI until unobtrusive services < are suddenly withdrawn, do we realise how essential they are. Even in these days of snjooth shaving 1 1 v ith etticient razors (who but the real artist with pre-war hirsute’ memories has not discarded the' cat-staober in favour of tne safety?)
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  • 36 4 k GENER AL ATEW OF SKIERS c >liec?e(! on the Corveglia peak above St. Moritz, Switzerland preparing f or rhe thrilln g run dowli the snowy ski-es in the sun shine.
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  • 1280 4  - Why Soviet Russia Is Weak Fears War With Japan Germany THIS lho second of a series of ten artiHos. di« los»nr insido farts about conditions in writtna on thr basis of information sunnHofl |y an American technical expert, a native of Rhode Hand, who was employed for eit?ht vears as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 definitely does you good Mannite is a concentrated extract of east—a food of real physiological value and appetising flavour. 'l he health giving yeast vitamin ''Vitamin B) which Mannite so it hl y applies tone> up the digestive and ncr.oti- systems. It not onlv help; you to keep tit it
      268 words
    • 14 4 I I I I II i I II f I i I y 2,
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  • 512 5 Kin lit} Today is more vividly jusi. ativ<. of the mental ...,?<• a nation can undergo v its than the picture ~x t v Britisher today conan aged ex-monarch celeI s eightieth birthday at .hi this white-haired old n ihii dispenser of paroto the rural inhabitants lives
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  • 613 5 BRIGHT COLOURS REPLACE WHITE-BANDS OF FEW MONTHS AGO (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. the excitement of the Coronation and description of the several imposing ceremonies which will he carried out and which will he seen by but a fraction of the inhabitants
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  • 211 5 “GALLOPING GHOST” ON WAY HOME The “Galloping Ghost of the China Coast,” U.S.S. Sacramento, homeward bound after 17 years in the Orient, arrived in Penang this morning. She is the first American warship to visit Penang waters for some considerable time. The Sacramento, which bums
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  • 182 5 No Fireworks Tbaipusam, which i s observed by de- Hindu.', all over the world in honour of the God Subramaniam, and which is second only to Deepavali as a national les.ival, will be celebrated on a leas aUborate scale this year in Penang. Ihe letting off of
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  • 71 5 Following many requests, the Penang Chinese Amateur Dramatic Association, have decided to repeat the successful bangsawans which they staged sometime last year. The shows to be staged on Feb. 10 and 11 in the Lunar Hall (Wembley Park) will be in aid of the China
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  • 93 5 Exceptional Number Of Passengers The coronation of the Sultan of Selangor yesterday resulted in the night mail from Kuala Lumpur arriving in Penang seventy-five minutes late, this morning. There was an exceptionally large number of passengers, most of them returning to their homes following the coronation at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 799 5 ''f jjit- .y»> r' ZgarrickX POtLTSa VOP 1 I is quite the last word I in smoking hygiene and K*S\ 1 with it comes a new and \-.-rf V' complete enjoyment of V tobacco in it’s purest form. ff;--. ;<S/ ifla sOcts.fossO IN THE GREEN TIN 11 irir-» rt A
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  • 199 7 Indian Pleads Guilty To Two Charges (From Our Owm Correspondent) Taiping, Thursday. When the case was mentioned yesterday in which a Sikh, Babu Singh, and a Chinese named Lai Kwai Sang were charged with possession of a large quantity of non-government chandu, Mr. Palmer, Assistant
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  • 339 7 After All Tangible Reserves Have Been Collected Shanghai. 4 LTHOUGH the Chinese Government collected all her tangible reserves of gold and silver before the outof the Sino-Japanese hostilities, and shipped these aboard, gold and silver still continues to flow into the coffers of
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  • 299 7 Tokio Crisis PREMIER MORE MODERATE Chungking. January 17. A Tokio report states that the War Minister, Lieut.-General Seishiro Itagaki, is demanding the Hiranuma cabinet to put into immediate effect of the National Mobilization Law’ in order to resume the Japanese offensive in Northwest and South-west China. Premier
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  • 637 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL MR. R. G. AIRMAN Las been appointed Senior District Uiucer. ~c -mx Sarawak. J Of MR. LEONG SLn NAM. who .s in Penang, will proceed to SinxuDore wr a visit. ..i.. Da Vv t a v,, Batu Gajah, was admitted to the Batu Gajan Hospital on Wednesday
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  • 84 7 Chungking. General Ho Ying-ching, concurrently Minister of War and Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army, is taking steps to strengthen the air defences of Chungking, the present seat of the Chinese Government, which has so frequently been attacked by Japanese aeroplanes, in spite of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 618 7 WEMBLEY PARK lonililit. Friday, 271 h January, 1939 Molek Silver Opera:Wll stage Inche M. Suki’s new romance in “ROSE OF SINGAPORE” i ai all star cast. Tomorrow "Pereumpaiian di Kramat Ayer It n Strongly supported by the latest vaudeville and extra turns. See Toy Cantonese Opera:— jr .junction with the
      618 words
    • 396 7 E.&O.Dance Hall NIGHTLY 9.30 till midnight SATURDAY 9.30 till 1 a.m. MUSIC BY TEDDY LONG HIS BAND SPECIALLY SELECTED HOSTESSES ADMISSION FREE. Coupons 4 for 1 9 for 2 MANILA BEAUTY PARLOUR 1c, Hutton Lane Specialising in the “XERVAC” system For Growing Hair Developed by DR. ANDRE CUETO The only
      396 words

  • 1301 8 Magnificent Ceremony At Klang DIAMONDS RUBIES IN CROWN OF GOLD (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Wednesday. Q VLTAN ALAM SH AH of Selangor was crowned in the throne room of the Astana on the hill above Klang this afternooi in the presence of the
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  • 640 8 (From Our Own Correspondents Klang, January 26. Whether in Westminster Abbey or in the resplendent Astana Mahkota at the Coronation of a Soveriegn imbues all who witness it with a sense of awe created bv the solemnity of the act. the coming to life of
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  • 986 8 Klang, Wuil’i. AV'ZHEN nine guns boomed from Klang eauly VV there was a slight hastening in the pii sands of Coronation-garbed Malays to the su on which stands the Astana Mahkota. To the majority, their mecca was
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  • 65 8 A small fire occurred shortly a;'emidnight cn W< m y 1 an a dwelling occupied by a Sikh and family at the third n:::-. Gopen4- r ;t The prompt arrival of the I*<• Brigade prevented complete d<-sti i of the house, only the upper portion ing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 (-■cCIjA/ CORRECT ir /H *5 Well-groomed men and women stand out wherever they are. They know the value ut a good appearance. Disorderly hairs and unsightly dandruff are signs of carelessness. Danderine Is the perfect hair tonic. It leans your scalp and keeps your hair neat It is not sticky
      289 words
    • 25 8 “Matt-Creme” will 'KA that fashionable matt complexion. Perfect as powder base. *4711” Cold Cream promotes skin suppleness; C ideal for cleansing and massage. AS Vanbfii,ig
      25 words

  • 514 9 magistrate warns young CHINESE T> EMARKING that he was taking a lenient view of the matter, as there was no strong reason to suspect the accused of being members of any active illegal society, and advising them in future not to form
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  • 569 9 Xi'xi Course Starts On March I k end prosperity in life and I trust that you i throwing aside the arner’s life for the ,t infinitely more satis- ricultural producer.” concluding words of by Mr. J. IL I’. Soper, ~r < Province Wellesley Ag
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  • 118 9 1 'wn Correspondent.) Kampar, Thursday. Iren and my husband I am sent to prisoto take my children l< aded a middle-aged Wan Foo, in the irt before Inche Pa- morning when sne I ill-treating her niece j-(. ars 1 girl of about eight Mr. v UctQf
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  • 171 9 Alleged Speeding At Junction An educated Chinese, Oh Cheng lan, •as charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, Third Magistrate, Penang, yesterday with failing to slow down when approaching the junction of Macalister-road and Cantonment-road January 4 Mr. P J. D. Regester appeared for the defendant. After Inspector
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  • 76 9 Now Returning via Malaya (From Our Own Correspondent) .Taiping, Thursday. A nartv of enterprising Chinese stu lents headed by Toon e See Wah arrived in Taiping on Wednesday m the course of a walking tour began in C 1™»! The party started their tour in 11W1
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  • 360 9 PERSON NOW DEAD INADMISSIBLE” Counsel’s Objection in Assault Case objection was made by Mr. T. E. Conaghan, counsel for the defence before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, Third Police Magistrate, yesterday on the ground?’ that c>ny statement m? le by a person since dead was definitely net evidence, ird
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  • 167 9 When the filling work is comple|(. the Ipoh imrodrome the to. area of the ground will be a little ovc j <-..5, will place this, with .o legs each 1,000 yards long, among .e largest landing-grounds in the pen sala. Tnere are at present about
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  • 60 9 A Malay. Omar bin Kain, was charp d be'ore Mr. Lim Koon Teck in t Middle Court yesterday with dishonestl. etaining stolen property namely < bicycle belonging to Oon Eng See, ai Macalister-road on January 25. The accused claimed trial and the cast was postponed
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  • 222 9 Malay Claims Trial A Malay, Mm bin Hassan, was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Tack, in the Middle Court, Penang, yesterday with preventing the electric meter at his house in Calthorpe-road from registering correctly. The accused claimed trial. Mr. S. Mortimer of the Electrical Department, Municipality,
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  • 110 9 National Language Class Contribution Acknowledgment of receipt o he sum of $15,882.35 (Chinese cur rency), sent by the Chinese Nation 1 Language Class, g, has been re reived by Mrs. Lin, the principal of th Class. The sum was raised by th students through
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  • 55 9 Pleading guilty to being in posses sicn of approximately one gallon o fermented rice, a Chinese, Chew Kha San, was yesterday fined $8 or, in defaui’ to serve seven days’ rigorous imprison ment, by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, in th< Middle Court, Fenang. Mr. A. E. S Talbot
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  • 16 9 PENANG Max. 92° Min. 82’ Rain: nil. IPOH Max. 90° Min. 70° Rain: nil.
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  • 313 9 Plausible Rogue Sentenced “The bicycle is mine, for I bought it,” declared a youni Chinese, Wong Choon, who claimed trial in the First Magis trate’s Court, Ipoh, to a charge of dishonestly retaining a bicycle reasonably suspected to have been stolen at the Ruby Theatre,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 287 9 I/ODERNISM /y/ f M U SIC A L 1 lie Style II Moutrie piano has enjoyed enormous popularity over a jieriod of many ye Lin. Now, this instiument i s available in the conservative modernistic case illustraled. at no extra cosL z' Y. This perfected miniature upright has been hailed
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  • 1307 10 Stock Reduction Likely To Offset, U. S. CONSUMPTION FIGURE DISAPPOINTS LONDON (From Our Own Correspondent) London, January 18. rubber producing interests are frankly disappointed, and a little puzzled, by the current trend of the commodity price. World production is still lagging behind
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  • 104 10 Share In Siamese Mine London, January 18. British 7'in Investment, in conjunction with the London Tin Corporation and other associated companies, has acquired a substantial interest in British American Tin Mines, which, through an operating subsidiary, owns a mine in Siam, generally known as Pinyok.
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  • 28 10 Estimated wkg. prft. of Bangrin Tin Dredging for 1938 £65,1®1 (£103,000), according to cabled advice; 1,121 tons of clean tin ore recovered by co.’s dredges.
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  • 1124 10 Reasons Why Market Stays (1 The Doldrums (From Our Own Correspondent) London, January is. FOR many weeks past, a certain section of London tinmarketing experts has been expressing alarm over the much-publicised prospect of a coming famine in tI H tin metal. On
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  • 200 10 *’Many Unsuitable Tropical Use London, •lanii:» I (From Our Own Co rr s l >ondt^, ;L h AN ALLEGATION that most kr cars exported to Malaga an many respects unsuitable for h-m tropics is contained in a letter ed to the «Auto €lar” by “Batu .from
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 918 10 banks HONG KONG AND OVERSEA-CHLNESE SHANGHAI BANKING BANKING CORPORATION CORPORATION. LIMITED. '(lncorporated In the colony Hongkoeg) CHINESE commercial,’bank The liability of members is limited to ui LIMITED extent and in manner prescribed bj THE HO HONG BANK LTD. Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colon’ I AND THE OVERSEA
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  • 347 11 Seeing How Far The C ***** Will Go This machine. which might almost have come n I' 'i s pen> I. is used for measuring the elasticity of cheese curd. Il is <• t 1: > at the !> h\s: •i! s Exhibition Gt the
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  • 189 12 International News Agency. Vladivostok, January 17. RUSSIA has informed Japan that she intends to auction off during Feoruary the fishery lots in the Sea of Okhotsk. Hitherto these lots have been □perated by Japanese fishermen under an igreement entered into by the two nations
    International News Agency.  -  189 words
  • 149 12 EFFORT TO INCREASE TRADE Shanghai. In an effort to increase China’s extorts under the present difficult conditions, the Chinese Government has embarked on a policy of granting monopolies for collecting and selling the leading export commodities in China. Plans have already been completed, it s learned,
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  • 100 12 Allowed Into Philippines For Duration Of War Manila. An agreement has been reached betzeen China an<j the Commonwealth Go ernment to allow Chinese refugees tc nter the Philippines for the duration of Lhe hostilities between China and Japan. Il is stipulated, however, that the re ugees must be
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  • 74 12 their search lights on the shore.—lnternational News Agency. Swatow, January 24. Over thirty Japanese warships ranging from cruisers to destroyers and an aircraft carrier passed through here on Wed-’ nesday night proceeding in a westerly direction. It is believed that the warships were from Formosa
    their search lights on the shore.—lnternational News Agency.  -  74 words
  • 188 12 Explanations By Legislative Yuan President «RUSSIA has not yet taken any indepenSfitary 1 1 against Japan to support Chinese resistance, argely due, in the first place to the failure on the part of C Ud e a mi I litai ;y alliance with the
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  • 242 12 Two Harvests A Year Go back in thought a few years only, and consider how you would have looked at anyone who had suggested that one day farmers might grow wheat within the Arctic Circle. You would have had no patience with them. You would have said life
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  • 431 12 Occupied Territories Barren And Desolate Chungking, January 17 JAPAN is floundering, bewildered, obviously worried toda\ J about what to do with the China she has invaded. Every pronouncement on the subject betrays this nervousness anil uncertainty. What the government sets forth today as its
    International News Agency.  -  431 words
  • 142 12 Chungking “The man-power and armaments of the Chinese Army are increasing as the war goes '»n,” declared General Ho Yingching, IVwF Minister and concurrently Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army, in an address here. He expressed his firm conviction in an ultimate
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  • 270 12 anxieties and wishes.’ Interna ion News Agency. Japanese Advance Held I p Wuchow, January 17. ELEVEN regiments of revenue guards under the direction of Mr. Tseng Yang-fu, committee member of the Kwangtung Provincial Government, have held up Japanese push up the West River to attack Kwangsi. For
    anxieties and wishes.’ Interna ion News Agency.  -  270 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 71 12 an'' 1 Tangee give’ Aldi natural, alluring beauty to Up’ •fleet It’s easy to make your h P s cheir natural loveliness- IJ- catches and holds a beau'- 1 admire. For Tangee can’t painted look; it isn t paint. in the s:ick, it changes on your... co blush rose, the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1377 12 I radio radio radio radio radio r a (IS Kd SASf i o radio radio radio radio radio radio radio PENANG SINGAPORE ZHJ 6 os Me s (49.03 m.) I ZHP 6.69 mc/s (30.96 m.) TODAY I TODAY 6.00 Chine >* Music. 7.00 For the 5.00 Malay Drama.f "Panji SemaChildren.
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    • 511 12 i 8.8. C. Service Schedule For Far East London, Jan. 20, Following j s the p ro bable BBC Service Schedule for the Far East in Malayan standard time for week beginning Jan. 22: TRANSMISSION 2 6.02 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. GSJ GSG GSV and GSF. TRANSMISSION 3 9.20 p.m.
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  • 442 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh And Penang AIR MAILS OUTWARD u IiOPE \\i) THE XVEST HAL (Empire Air Mail): For ictoria Point), India, I -;estine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, randa, Zanzibar, Northern i. Nyasaland, South 1: ain, Ireland, Canada and kewfoundland. ir 7.30 a.m.; Ipoh 12.45 7.30
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  • 1098 13 arrivals Today: KEDAH ex Singapore. CREMER ex Singapore and TEH ex Belawan-Deli and AsahanI MANDAR ex Belawan-Deli. PERAK ex Singapore via Port Swettenham. Tomorrow: CARTHAGE ex China and Japan. KRIAN ex Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Sunday, January 29: KUMSANG ex China and Japan.
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  • 83 13 Mails for BANGKOK will leave Penang at 9.40 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays and incoming mails will arrive in Penang at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays and Thursdays. Mails for F.M.S., SINGAPORE, etc. will leave Penang at 8.30 a.m. and 9 p.m.; Ipoh 1.36 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 427 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT SHIEL Calls Antwerp Middlesboro \INON Calls Marseilles Glasgow Feb. 3 Feb 28 i-i’S (GLEN.) Calls Antwerp Middlesboro Feb 10 Mar 12 ten day SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE riLOCHUS Feb. 4 Man P °9 ENUS Omits Havre. Feb. 16 Mar 14
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    • 109 13 AMERICAN PRESIDENT LUNES, LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Leave Arrive Arrive Penang Marseilles New York Pres. HARRISON Feb. 2 Mar, 1 Mar. 14 Pres. HAYES Feb. 16 Mar 15 Mar. 28 Pres. POLK Mar. 2 Mar. 29 Apr. 11 Pres. GARFIELD Mar. 30 Apr. 26 May 9 PACIFIC SERVICE Leave
      109 words
    • 804 13 P&O BRITISH INDIA (Incorpottded in England) PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “KARAPARA” SAILING SUNDAY, 29th JANUARY. 1939. A N a Co undeT For Teluk Aason, Bagan Datoh, Port r/indnn Q a s Government Swettenham, Malacca and Singapore. n?^ O rd M f d Far r Ea f t ail Service
      804 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 279 14 Aston Villa v. Arsenal Tomorrow’s fixtures in the English and Scottish Football Leagues are as tollows: ENGLISH LEAGUE DIV. 1 As on Villa vs. Arsenal. Bolton vs.. Leicester. Charlton vs. M.ddles’bro. Ch dst a vs. Manch ster U. Everton vs. Huddersfield Grimsby vs. Blackpool. Leeds United vs.
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  • 396 14 REPORT FOR lASI YEAR THE thirteenth annual general meetof the Penang Badminton Association will be held at the Anglo-Chinese School Union premises, 497. Penang-road, on Tuesday, January 31, at 8 p.m. According to the report for the year ended November 30. 1938, which will be presented at
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  • 37 14 Cecilia CoUedge pauses in her training at Earl’s Court to take a phone caU. Twa days ago she retained, her European skating title against Megan Taylor. month they wiU clash again in the world championship.
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  • 628 14 Joe Louis* Quick Finish To Save Lewis Pain New York, Wednesday. 4 ROW D of 17.350, paxing £20,000, saw Joe Louis hanimer John Henry Lewis into defeat by a technical knockout in the fir<t round in the first all-negro world
    628 words
  • 92 14 Tennis Results Results of ties pl-ty-d on WednesiN the the Penang Sports Club’s tennis tournement are: MEN'S SINGLES HANDICAP: J D Lambert 30.2» beat A. M Curtis 2). 6 4. 6 2; G. E. Baughan (sff-l beet R. H. A. Johnson 1 -3), 6-41, 6-4 MEN’S DOUBLES
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  • 42 14 The Penang Sports Club's mixed w semes golf competition for Januarj r suited as follows: Winners: Mr. and Mrs A. Clark 1 Runners-up: Mrs Oke and Goodrich, 44—40- 1 Miss Howes Roberts and D- vr 6 3 s -43%.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 398 14 Are You Guarding Your Child THIS WAY— Asking Your Doctor About Home Remedies You UseT r-~-Practically every mother knows ??<■• the physician’s rule. Don't give your child unknown r<mrdies with- out asking your doctor first. Children’s specialists give this warnmg continually. And educators •>%. ii and wntcis «>n child welfare
      398 words
    • 79 14 GOLF in aid of St. Nicholas Home WEDNESDAY A KIER N OOA February Bth, at 4.30 p.m. MIXED FOURS Nine Holes Stroke Play (each team must have at least one lady) Each Member of the team to carrv hffi set of Clubs, but shots to be played in strict rotation.
      79 words

  • 1247 15 First Day Of Perak T.C. Meeting I LOW is the programme for the first day’s races of the Perak Turf Club’s January-February Professional Meeting Tomorrow. f I—Ponies,1 —Ponies, Class 2, Div. 2, 5 Furs. Str., 2.45 <p.m. .»< \TAIN BELLE a 9.04 Mr. A. van
    1,247 words
  • 234 15 Many Impressive Gallops (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Today. A heavy overnight shower rendered the track holding this morning when candidates for the Ipoh Meeting were given slow work on the inner and sand tracks With the exception of Hobbs’ string, all other outstation runners
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  • 236 15 Eight Changes: Jenkins Out The team to represent Wales against Scotland in their rugby international on eb. 4 at Cardiff was chosen last night. Scotland’s wag chosen a fortnight ago. Teams are: WAU2S SCOTLAND H. Davies G Roberts (Swansea) Watsonians) S. Williams j.b. Craig (Aberavon)
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  • 81 15 Melbourne, Thursday. In the women’s singles semi-finals at the Australian lawn tennis championships today, Mrs. Westacott beat Miss Joan Hartigan, 6 —2, 6 —3. The holder. Miss Dorothy Bundy of the United States, is not defending her title. A surprise was occasioned by the defeat of Miss
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  • 29 15 Owing to the inclement weather, the boxing programme arranged to take place at the Jubilee Park, Ipoh, last night had to be postponed until next Thursday.
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  • 517 15 NINETEEN thirty-eight will go down in motoring history.. as the year in which man first travelled at over 350 miles an hour on land. There are, however, many motorists who, while acknowledging the achievements of Captain G. E. T. Eyston and Mr. John Cobb in
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  • 151 15 Penang To Play First Game On May 27 Malaya Cup football-fixtures for 1939 finalised at the annual general meeting of the Football Association of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur are as follows: NORTHERN SECTION May 27 :Penang vs. Kedah, Penang. June 10: Kedah vs. Perak, Alor Star.
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  • 33 15 —Reuter London, Thursday. In their FA. Cup fourth-round replay teday Walsall beat Notts County 4—o. Doncaster beat Hartlepoola 3 —l in the Third Division (Northern) cf the English League. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter  -  33 words
  • 89 15 During fever body tissues rapidly waste away and the patient quickly loses weight funless he is supplied ..with adequate and suitable food. Horlicks supplies the nutritive elements .which the body requires and enables j the exhausted body to rebuild itself i quickly. Doctors have proved tnat
    89 words
  • 263 15 Race Challenge From America London, Jan. 15. Mr. T. O. M. Sopwith, millionaire yachtsman, sent an order vesterday for a new 12-metre yacht, to be ready for summer. It is to meet a race challenge from his American millionaire rival, Mr. Harold Vanderbilt. The new yacht
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  • 114 15 The following have been selected to represent the Coronation Youngster and the Muslim Recrertion Club in a friendly game of soccer on Sunday at Renong ground at 5.15 p.m. Coronation Youngsters: C. T. Ahmed; M. Yusoff, A. Samad; S. Yusoff, M. N. Ismail, H. B. Hamid; Gergasi, Melon
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  • 117 15 The following were ?lected officebearers at the annual cricket meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club. Mr. B.E. Ablitt was in the chair. Captain, C.G. Jenner; rice-capt., H.L. Ward; hon. secretary, W.H. McNeill; hon. secretary of club elevens, C.W. Auchmuty. Tributes were paid to the service to the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 76 15 FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Live a Healthier, Happier, Longer Life Thousands of men and women wonder why backache bothers them—why they have to visit the bathroom often at night—why flow is scanty and •ometlmes smarts and bums. Any one of these symptoms means that your
      76 words
    • 111 15 "Tg Seasonal designs IN ARROW SHIRTS GENTS’ TIES HANDKERCHIEFS 1939 STOCKS JUST ARRIVED INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED AURORA’S DEPARTMENT STORE CORNER OF High St. A North Bridge Rd. SINGAPORE bladder and put healthy activity into them, get a 60-cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Capsules and take as directed. This harmless,
      111 words

  • 66 16 MIDDAY OI’OTATIONS TIN LATEST Fenang $106.25 Business 50 tons Singapore $106.25 COPRA Sundried $3.40 Black Pepper $8.50 Rl BBER Penang (Spot) 25 %c Singapore (Spot) 25%C CA PIOCA Fair Seed 53.09 Medium $3.40 RICE Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $5.90 No. 2 $5.70 White No. 1 $6.00 White
    66 words
  • 109 16 Prev. Today Paris 176 33 64 176 ft Nt»’’' Y<'-' 4.67% 4.67% Montreal 4.70% 4.71% Brussels 27.65 27.65% Geneva 20.71% 20.71% Amsterdam 8.66’4 8.66% Milan 88?« 88% Berlin 11 69 11.68% Stockholm 19.42% 19.42% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague 136%
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  • 117 16 LONDON, January 26. Buyers Seilers RUBBER: Weak Ixindon 7%d. 7%d. February 7 ftd. 7%d. July/September 7%d. 7Hd. Oct./Dec. 7Od. 7%d. New York: (opening) 15.07 cts. United Kingdom Stocks:— London 52,283 tons Liverpool 29,183 tons COPRA: Straits S. D.’'■Rotterdam. January £10.12.6 PEPPER: White Muntok: in bond. 3%d
    117 words
  • 173 16 KITBBEK: Buyers Sellers Ayer Pana.s 1.17%’ 1.25 Batu Lintangs .97% 1.02% Bassetts .45 .47% Bentas .95 1.00 Brog?* .65 .67% Kuala Sidims 2.00 2.10 Indrairis 1.07% 1.15 Lunas 1.50 1.60 Mentakabs .37% .40 Malaka Plndas 1-22% 1.30 Pa jams 1.60 1.70 Sungei Tukangs .90 .95 Tapahs 1.60 1.70
    173 words
  • 306 16 Weaker New York, Thursday: Weakness followed yesterday’s technical indications. Utilities tend to show’ better than average resistance and also among Aircrafts, especially in semi-investment grades. There are some signs of long pull in selective buying but this is likely to be a limited scale-down, especially in view
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  • 162 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN i Buyer» Seßerv Batu Selangor 1.22% 1.27% Hong Fatt .57% .62% Jelebu .55 .60 Kuchai 117% 1.22 Mamba u .45 .47% Petalings 5.80 6.00 Rahman Hyd. 1.00 1.05 Raub Gold 4.20 4.30 Rantau 1.20 1.25 'Ungei Luas 1.37% 1.42% Tmgei Ways 1.75 1.80 Taiping Cons. 1.47%
    162 words
  • 65 16 —Reuter. London, Thursday. The Stock Exchange opened .unpromisingly, prices in most groups drifting lower, but bear covering in the afternoon imparted a brighter atmosphere, particularly in gilt-edged where earlier losses were much reduced. Kaffirs occasionally showed no gains ana some industrials finished above the day’s lowest. Oils were
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 44 16 —Reuter. Jerusalem, Thursday: The sentence on Constable Wood who was alleged to have shot an Arab prisoner at Jaffa, was reduced on appeal to 18 months. The appeal of Constables P. and J. Crossley were taken today. Their justice has been questioned.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 190 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Kedah 1.60 180 Teluk Anson .20 1.27% Ulu Benut .27% 30 TIN: Ampat 3|3 319 Ayer Hitam 2010 21!0 Bangrin 20'0 210 Berjuntai 9 6 10 j 6 Hong Fatt .58 .61 Hongkong Tin 15,6 16|6 Ipoh 20|0 210 Kamunting 7|6 B|6 Kranrrat 9'o 96
    190 words
  • 143 16 The death occurred on Wednesday of Mr. Lee Leong Kan at the age of 59 years, at his residence, No. 196, Noordin Street, Penang, after a brief illness. The deceased retired a few year ago after a successful business as a wholesale dealer in
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  • 111 16 Trolley buses plying on the JdutonWeld Quay Service were put out of action yesterday afternoon owing to a traction feeder in the Chowrasta Power Sub-Sta-tion failing to fanction. The incident occurred shortly after 5.15 p.m. when the buses were carrying full loads of passengers from
    111 words
  • 71 16 Of interest to the local public is the establishment of a new rolled gold concern, under the style of the Oriental Rolled Gold Company, at No. 557 A, Penang Road, which caters for the scientific treatment of copper in use and the jewellery thus treated are
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  • 120 16 Quite a large party gathered at the Penang Swimming Club last night to see a cinema show kindly provided by Mr. C. B. Redway. The coloured films of local interest shown included the 'hying of the foundation of the new grandstand for the Penang Turf
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  • 178 16 Deputy Municipal Health Officer The President reports the resignation, for health reasons, of Dr. E. W. Graham, Deputy Municipal Healtll Officer, as from the expiry of his leave on the April 23, 1939. He moves that: (a.) the appointment of Deputy Health Officer be filled
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  • 103 16 Or. Sunday night, the usual Evangelistic Service, will be shared by Mr. Theodore Upot M.A. and Mr. S. S. Adams. Mr. Upot is a newcomer to Penang and hails from the Travancore district of South India, where he was at one time the English lecturer at the
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  • 79 16 Pastor V.E. Hendershot, M.A., of the Adventist Chapel, Burmah Road, leaves by night mail train today for the Far Eastern Division Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, now in session in Singapore. Delegates are in attendance from Korea, Japan, the Philippines, French Indo-China. the Nether land East
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  • 77 16 DEATH LEE—On Wednesday, 25th January. 1939, at 196. Noordin Street, Penang, Mr. LEE LEONG KAN, aged 59, after a short illness. Deceased leaves behind his wife, three sons, Lee Jin Aun, Lee Slew Aun and £Lee Eng Aun, one daughter (Mrs. Quah Soo Chin) and several grandchildren to mourn their
    77 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 212 16 NOTICE Owing to Hari Raya Haji our shop will be elostxl on Tuesday the 31st January, 1939. M. S. ALLY CO., 6A. Beach Street, Penang LEE SIEW AUN CO. The office, showroom and workshop of Messrs. Lee Siew Aun Co., the local Radio and General Traders, will be closed on
      212 words
    • 819 16 1 HEAD OFr".- R M» WITH Office 40. 43, Fleet Street, London, EA,4. Phone Central .Wk_ 3/09 n e 2» London. ''«v R.t- .f 4 S 4 T Gazette Local Delivery S.S. 4 F.M.S. v„ M-«l ’I” £T Nearly 15 00 »•<» M SUNDAY GAZETTE Local Delivery S.S. F.M.’v. p_.
      819 words