Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 January 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 488 1 Official London Not Disturbed Increasing Nervous Tension.Attempt To Avoid London. Saturday. i Je in London are not disturbed by the present c J. .etherlands campaign in respect of which Madame l;i!) 1 i s v riling in L’Oeuvre. asserts tbit Herr Hitler
    ’—Reuter.  -  488 words
  • 173 1 Joins Anti-Comintern Pact Berlin. Friday. It is officially announced that Hungary has accepted an invitation to join the Anti-Comintern Pact. Hungary’s acceptance of the invitation extended by Germany, Italy and Japan to join the Anti-Comintern Pact is received in Berlin with the utmost gratification. The newspaper Nachtausgabe
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  • 143 1 Reuter. Britain Considers Alternatives London, Friday. Following General Franco’s refusal tu it British planes to fly over territory hi control, necessitating a j>ostnent. of plans for the new London''>n air service, it is understood that ’lUestion of a link between London Lish >n is now
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 .—Reuter. New York, Friday: Janet Gaynor, star of “Seventh Heaven,” who recently made a “comeback” in a “Star is Born,” today admitted that she is engaged to be married to Gilbert Adrian, Hollywood costume designer.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 116 1 .—Reuter. Government Dockyards Affected Rangoon, Friday. THE unrest which has prevailed in Burma since the start of the civil disobedience campaign has spread to the Government dockyard where the workers have gone on a strike and a general dockyard strike is threatened. There are now at
    .—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. Jerusalem. Friday:—Prompt action by R.A.F. warplanes again accounted for Arab casualties when co-operating with ground forces in an engagement which occurred after a military ration convoy proceeding to Jerusalem from Jericho encountered an Arab band in a section of the highway near sea level. The Arabs
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 336 1 Chungking, Friday. There are scenes of devastation in Chenchuen. Kwangtung, following the entry of the Japanese, who withdrew after a day's occupation. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. The new and old markets are full of bodies, including scores of those of children bayoneted or shot
    ■—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  336 words
  • 697 1 (•liaiiiheriaiirs Audience VVitli Pope Rome, Saturday. r L!' I'.u.. < ;i:munique in respect of the Ang-10-Italian talks. up bv Signor Mussolini and Mr. Chamberlain, which was i>sued toda' states that “major questions of the moment and relations between the twi Empires were examined. These conversations were
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  • 141 1 i. —Reuter. San Francisco. Friday 1 PROFITING by one of the worst fogs in San Fancisco Bay for many years, five convicts in Alcatras Prison attempted to escape by swim ming to the mainland. The alarm was raised immediately and the guards opened fire.
    i.—Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 68 1 British Wireless. Appointment Announced London, Friday. The first Captain to be appointed by Imperial Airways to command the flyingboats on the Transatlantic services is Captain J.C.K. Rogers who will command Cabot. < ;wtai Rogers joined the R..A.F. tn 1927 and oecame an Impel iai Airways pilot ten
    British Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 31 1 Leith-Ross at the Treasury today.—British Wireless. London. Friday: —Dr. Pospisil, head of the Czechoslovak financial mission, had a further conversation with Sir Frederick Leith-Ross at the Treasury today.—British Wireless.
    Leith-Ross at the Treasury today.—British Wireless.  -  31 words
  • 37 1 .—Reuter. London, Friday. a DMIRAL Sir Matthew Robert Best has retired at his own request in order to facilitate the promotion of younger officers. Vice-Admiral Henderson has been promoted Admiral.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 FOO CHEONG CO* Furniture Manufacturer* «q Bishop Street, Penang. phone: 636 Iprth J OO loon co.. 101, Brewster Road. Phone: H 75.
      22 words
    • 84 1 UARTWrs PILLS. APIOL STEEL Sureandcertain for all Female f complaints.l',very lady should B I keep a box in the house. The I GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY 52-54. Beach Street, Penang. I jo z <• i ..-I'- -AXI >2 I «9 Our CHILLED BEEF needs no introduction —it has already made a
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  • 2081 2 Should Benefit U. S. Says Expert INFLUENCE OF JAPAN Washington, Dec. 28. INCREASED industrialisation and economic self-sufficiency of Latin American countries will tend to improve trade and cultural relations with the United States, according to George Wythe, chief of the Latin American section of the
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  • 73 2 Arrested four years after he had been alleged to have committed the offence, a Chinese, Lee Choon was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, Third Magistrate, Penang, yesterday with having committed criminal breach of trust of gold and diamonds valued at $78.10 at Acheen-street on October 3,
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  • 22 2 THE ANNUAL TOY SERVICE was << ni’ucted at Kt.v Pari h (“arch by th? vkar, the Rev. Mostyn Pritchard.
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  • 475 2 Baghdad, Jan. 1. THE Kiu Barrage irrigation scheme 1 which was completed today, is the first large engineering project undertaken by the Government ol Iraq. Its object is to bring under cultivation an extensive area ci land on either side of the ShattelGharraf river
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  • 122 2 London, Jan. 1. lyflSS ELSIE CARLISLE, the radio 1 end variety star, who has been taken ill at her Deanery Street, Park Line W. Home, is to undergo an operation. Last night her condition was stated .0 be “very serious". A relative said that Miss Carlisle
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  • 173 2 Republicans In Headlon« Retreat Leridc, Thurschi THE Nationalist divisions wilder General Yaguc the town of Falset, guarding the south-e.-: proach to Tarragona, and are now only ten niik s Mediterranean coast. The Nationalists claim that the Republican t«-. the Tortosa area to the
    .—Reuter  -  173 words
  • 83 2 Reuter. Paris. Friday. “TN Rome there is an old man to whom X our spontaneous homage goes,” sa'd M. Herriot, President of the Chamber, during the formal opening of the Parliamentary’ session yesterday. Loud applause greeted his remarks. M. Herriot thanked the Pope and President Roosevelt
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 144 2 Reuter. St Anderton. Transvaal. Th' An outspoken criticism advocates of neutrality voiced bv General Smir of Justice, speaking to < tod a j Referring to the “dangermii ternational situation’ <• nd tii ing gap betw. en th< i:< ,]< Fascism and the d?m k s
    Reuter.  -  144 words
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    • 326 2 Rushed off to hospital with GASTRIC ULCER Ipj I But Ha avoided after'all H Serious stomach trouble which P may lead to the operating table does J?' not appear without warning. It begins with discomfort, flatulence, goes on with increasing pain, then brings the sufferer to a condition of intoler-
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  • 251 3 WEDDING OF MRS. BETTY KIRBY GREEN BRITISH PREMIER PRAISED BY FRENCH PRESS London. Friday. rpHh immediate reaction to the sudden end to Mr. Chamberlain’s talks with Signor Mussolini has been disappointment in the City- This his been reflected in a quiet but general
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  • 168 3 Reuter. Significant Victory I MY OPERATIONS hampered Chungking, Friday. Ihr rccaptuie of Chihsien, Puhsien and Taling, three strategic cities in Western Shaii'i. which followed a \i_orous Chinese counter-offen-sive xestviday, is regarded as m j’ significant by Chinese circles here. The Hsinhuijispao, a Communist papei, victory not
    – Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 135 3 —Reuter. Offer Rejected By Prague Berlin, Friday. The Ctiinese Government is great!v interested in the sale of the Czech armami nt works at Brunn, according to the Prague correspondent of the Berliner Tagehlatt, who says that when first news of the intended sale by the
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 133 3 Eh mat I igilance (hi Efficiency London, Friday. Mr Jt S Hudson, Secretary of the 1’• irtnient of Overseas Trade, speaking at 1.. er pool last night, said we had to the ugly fact that in the world to- tore was the deciding factor, not reason. Relentless
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  • 75 3 CZECH GOVERNMENT AND JEW ISH EMIGRATION Important Transaction Concluded London. Friday:--A transaction has b- Il concluded between the Czechoslovak Government and the Jewish Agency of Palestine which may be regarded as an '•’nportant step in financing Jewish emii ition from Czechoslovakia, helping th.-ni to settle in Palestine. Hi. sum of
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  • 175 3 Reuter Explorer Claims Lands In Antarctic For I .S. New York, Friday. “wpIGHTY THOUSAND square miles of country never before seen by the human eye has teen added to the known area of the world’s surface,” says the American explorer, Lieut.-Commander Lincoln Ellsworth, in a despatch to
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 115 3 —British Wireless. Hitch Caused By Franco London. Friday*. It became known yesterday’ that owing to the refusal of General Franco to permit British Airways aeroplanes to fly over Spain, arrangements for the opening on January 2 of the London to Lisbon section of the new
    —British Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 122 3 —Reuter. Berlin Talks Make Good Progress Berlin, Friday. It is understood that a great deal of ground was covered in yesterday’s talks between Mr. Rublee, American director of the Erian Refugee Committee, and Dr. Schacht. President of the Reichsbank, on the subject of Jewish emigration. Points
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 55 3 THE IFEDDIKG OF MRS. DEITY KIRBY GREEK, co-pilot with Flight-Lieut. Clouston on his Cape-ond-back record flight last November, to Flight-Lieut. George Heycock, took place recently at St. Paul's Church, Egham Hythe, Surrey. Th bridegroom is a test pilot at the R.. 1 F.
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  • 263 3 —Reuter. Normal Etiquette Waived Rome, Friday. Owing to the short time at Mr. Chambcrla’n’s disposal. the Pop waived the usual etiquette for audiences and Mr. Chamberlain and his party, in stead of wearing full evening dress, ap peared before His Holiness in formal morning clothes. Mr. Chamberlain
    . —Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 78 3 Reuter. Dispute With Japanese Authorities Hankow. Friday:—A d’spute has arisen here between the French consular authorities and the Japanese military authorities over the refusal of the French Consul to hand over ten Chinese wanted by the Japanese. The French Consul insists that charges must first be
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 41 3 .—Reuter. Jerusalem, Friday:—R.A.F. fighter planes engaged a band of uniformed arabs in Samaria today inflicted caualties with machine-gun fire. Detachments of Green Howards, summoned by wireless. pursued the Arabs, who lost two killed three prisoners.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 79 3 .—Reuter. Jibuti. Friday. According to reports received here, there have been large concentrations of Italian troops at places close to the frontiers of French and British Somaliland. The places mentioned are Mordale, Jalelo and Sardo near Hadele Cube. Many natives of the province of Harar,
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 41 3 Adelaide, Friday:—Although five thousand are engaged in fighting the flames, bush fires swept the hills and the township of Echunga, razing thirteen houses incinerating thousands of poultry and forcing l women and children to flee.
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  • 176 3 London, Friday. TJEUTER understands that the Japanese are not taking offi- cial notice at present of recent newspaper reports that Britain is preparing active measures in defence of British trade and the “open door.’’ but wifi await something more definite. With
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  • 157 3 —Reuter. Germany Denies Right Of Interference Berlin, Friday. 'The recent exchange of notes betwer he United States and Germany regard ng the treatment of American citizen in Germany in connection with the anti Jewish laws reveals that Germany de lies the right of interference with th
    —Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 112 3 —Reuter. Only Barricade Against Brute Force Paris, Friday. The recovery in France is of interes to all democracies because their solidarity is the only barricade preventing bru force from being let loose again,” sail M. Reynaud, the Finance Minister broadcasting to Britain and America to day. Giving" an
    .—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 114 3 —Reuter. Plan To Protect Singapore (From Cur Own Correspondent.l Singapore, Friday. The establishment of a Royal Air Force aerodrome in North "Johore is foreshadowed by a Gazette notice announcing the acquisition of land by the Government at Kluang. This is understood to be the first of
    .—Reuter.  -  114 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 190 3 ALL ■> CAGEBIRDS MrS have a lIIIENESS SPRATT S MIXED it's 'eioAra O Z Z? Before Spratt’s Seeds are I* finally packed in sealed packets, they are cleaned m by a special process which M banishes all dust and U K foreign matter —a source of grave danger to cage
      190 words

  • 450 4 r T'HE important Malayan delegation to Delhi to negotiate with the Government of India in respect of the immigration of South Indian labourers into Malaya sailed from Penang this morning aboard the Rajula. Headed by Mr. C. D. Ahearne the delegation consists of Air. J. M. Barron, Deputy
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  • 1135 4  -  77) Ibe South Pole By y Lincoln Ellsworth Aboard Motorship Wyatt Earp, (By Wireless). OUR ship has broken clear from the tightly pressed heavy belt of pack ice that had held us fast for the last seven days. After threading our way through
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 836 4 e*-" Yiersteiuer Sup< rior Kudesheimer Rudesbeimer Berg (1929) Liebfraumilch (1931) )DEINHARD3( jjT RHINE XX/ IN LIS Caldb e c k s l/Jijte St/toe V 6 B^^mbuS*'- f,v /icBI ...BUT HE GAINED 2 st. 2 Ibs.QUICKLY §J I ON "VIKEIP’S" 12 MINERALS -'W. A 6 VITAMINS FOOD lODINE >%. NOW FEELS
      836 words
    • 22 4 DEL MONTE PRODUCTS ARE THE Best Obtainable Ct. »O iO£«i J -J SOLE AGENTS: Wauqh Co,, Ltd.. PENANG SUz.-pore, Ipoh. RuaJa «VaSV.SVnV.SV.
      22 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 54 4 .■—■■J I S” 1 EUROPE 1 s f'V| k* /f 7 o**-- B OU Tf p<<<' X I■ x Af I —fT TO EMPIRE <-< X I X CZ !<T 7 /1 j ft MAK KG -fr*4l I A r ‘3 L,KE A <=?■- /’a L/r 1 -S i—
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  • 559 5 Ahl I O. < hhia r p H n w that Japan is worried ii< decision of Britain and I States to fortify the n) Pacific and their recent o help China, in the form p() n credits, is hailed hy tJ Chinese who are now even
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  • 551 5 MORE IRRIGATION: LESS BRICKS AND MORTAR (from Our Own Correspondent». London, Jan. 3. FLEA that a gieater snare 01 the 1 Malay States' revenues should be I allotted to the rural areas was made by Mr. A. S. Haynes. C.M.G., in the course of a
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  • 140 5 A dinner was held at the Violet Cafe last night by the members of the Penang Chin Woo Athletic Association, in honour of Mr. Pak Vun Loong, a popular member of the Association and an hon. director of the recent successful show by the
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  • 166 5 foreword By Former Heir-Apparent (From Om Own Correspondent) Kualr. Lumpur, Jan. 13. Icngku Kelana Jayp. Petra, eldest brother of H. H. the Sultan of Selangor, and former heir-apparent who relinquished his title in faveur of his brother, in a foreword to a Malay Coronation souvenir to be
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  • 125 5 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. Within three hours of a report of the loss of a wallet containing a £1 note, three guilders and 48 cents, a man was arrested and brought before the Singapore Second Police Magistrate. Mr. Conrad Oldham, yesterday. The
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  • 55 5 A Malay police supervisee, AU bin Osman, pleaded guilty, before Mr Lim Koon Teck. in the Middle Court, Penang, yesterday to a charge of residing at a new address for more than 48 hours without notifying the police. At the request of Inspector Ingham the
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  • 147 5 I’c.rfmZaM was osi unusually dull day in the Penang harbour, and by si.r o’clock in. the ev< ning there zvas not a single'ocean liner in port. There were 13 departures yesterday against 12 arrivals and several of these zeere the usual coastal vessels. Vcsterday’s arrivals
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  • 58 5 (From Our Own Coirespondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. The Persatuan Melayu (Malay Association) Selangor has ordered a kris for presentation to Sultan Alam Shab at His Highness’ Coronation at Klang on Jan. 26. As all Selangor’s Malay craftsnen are engaged on the preparations for che great event
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  • 180 5 Young Indian Postman Gaoled (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, Friday. A young Indian postman. Mohamed Ibrahim bin Abdul Kadir, was sen.enced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment yesterday, by the Singapore Criminal District Court Judge, M. L. B. Gibson, on being convicted on a charge of dishonestly
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  • 104 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) S ingapore, Friday, A Chinese ketchup factory in B&doh in which empty bottles to be filled with ketchup had cockroaches’ in them, was referred to at a meeting of the Singapore Rural Board yesterday. The factory had closed, it was stated, and
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  • 58 5 Pleading guilty to the theft of a pai’of .hair-clippers, a pair of sensors and two razors, valued at $4, belonging to Soo Kong at Burmah-road on January 10, a Chinese, Fong Ling, was yesterday bound over in a personal bond of $25 for six months
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  • 53 5 OKF. OF THL L. IRGIiKT M.IILS ever received in Ragland from America arrvved at Plymouth on the s.s. Ii ast'ington and the s.s. Queen Mary. They included thousands of parcels and greeting cards from America to England. Here arc Post Office men unloading the mail
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  • 194 5 I in Factor) Owner Heavily lined (From Our Own correspondent < Singapore, Friuay. See Eng Hock, a young Chines proprietor oi a tin factory in Have.ock Road, was fined 5250 by Mr. L. B. Gibson, in the Criminal District Court yesterday on pleading guilty to a
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  • 91 5 I From Our Ow Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 13. A public meeting will be held under the auspices of the Persatuan Melayu Malaya Association > Selangor at the Sultan Suleiman Club in Kuala Lumpur at 10 a.m. on Sun lay to discuss the inauguration
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 cJ-/cq/[/1 S'UdQliti/ Palestine. 24-10-36 The enclosed ure snaps of my two 4 eldest children aged nearly 2 and S' e x 3 years —both Cow <£ Gate f Ax > Infants! As enlargements 12 x 9 T I they have made most delightful pictures, and it has been suggested 'wßy
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 892 6 ACCLAIMED A FIRST-RATE CHILLER BY ALL y JB W I|ff 1 11? C T I IA THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN IT! T COMING SCON IYIA Jtij 11C FREDRIC MARCH s|jKgj| W 0 H 111 S Opening at Today’s Matinee at 3 p.m. VIRGINIA BRUCE downstairs 15. 30 and 50 cents
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  • 138 7 Young Couple’s Novel Deal Budapest. A YOUNG man and wife of Budapest have entered into a new type of contract with the State —to provide Hungary with four children, in repayment of a loan. At a ceremonial handing-over of the loan of 400 pengoes (about £l6.
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  • 142 7 Two Chinese named Wai Chew and Yut Chong were prosecuted in the First Magistrate’s court, yesterday before Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe on two charges of being in possession of a still and of a quantity of illicit samsu at Jelapang-road last week. Both pleaded guilty. Mr. K.
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  • 76 7 New Strike In W. A. Perth (W. A.) December 28.—Hundreds of men have rushed to peg out claims on a new gold field at Larkmville discovered by two men. Jack Eastwooi and Jack Hogan. Pieces of goid jut out in lumps from the reef and
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  • 964 7 Mahasabha President’s Statement Nagpur, December 28. y DECLARATION that the Hindus should not give their votes to the Congress but should vote only for confirmed and merited Hindu nationalists was made by Mr. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in his Presidential Address at the 20th Session
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  • 453 7 Presidential Address Madras, December 28. A Conference of Public Prosecutors of Madras Province was held today at the Modern Hindu Hotel, Royapettah. to consider problems affecting their work. ;tatus and emoluments. Rao Sahib C. Doraiswamiah, Public Prosecutor, Vellore, presided. Sixteen districts were represented. Mr. M. K. Nambiar.
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  • 47 7 —British Wireless. London, Thursday:—Speaking engagements of the Prime Minister in the coming months include two Conservative demonstrations in the provinces—one at Blackburn on February 22 and one at Cardiff Castle on June 24—and a Conservative Women’s meeting at Albert Hall on May 11. —British Wireless.
    —British Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 358 7 “Disintegrating And Jewish” Rome, Dec. 29. CONCEIVED and nurtured by Italians. Futurism has been unofficially exiled from Fascist Italy because it is “non-Italian, disintegrating. anarchistic. Bolshevic and Jewish.” Creator of the movement Musso-lini-loving, eccentric Filippo Marinetti. has always passionately contended that “Fascism is 100 e Futuristic.”
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  • 229 7 TRAINING PLAN IN N. S. W. Sydney. ODHE New South Wales State Council of the Rugby Union on Wednesday will consider a scheme to train club members in military duties, outside the militia. The sponsor of the scheme is the chairman of the Management Committee, Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 414 7 WEMBLEY PARK I anight, Saturday, 14th January, 1938, Molek Silver Opera:Night of all Night For local Opera Fans to see Inche M. Suki’s New Thriller on the Malayan Stage. ."TENGKORAK" OR “THEfSKUMI” with an all star cast, combined «artistes! of your present favourites Ainon -Idris- Sadiah —Tinah —Wanchik— Sainan Noor
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 261 7 CORONATION T U.KIES KILIM OPENING TONIGHT ONLY 6.45 p.m. 9.30 p.m. RK 0 Riidio presents the Nautical Comical Musical Sensational! All Aboard. For a Dancing Cruise With the King And Queen Of Rhythm! FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS IN ••FOLLOW HIE FLEET” with Randolph Scott Astrid Allwyn America’s Dancing Stars in
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  • 572 8 Arrival In Malaya From Hong Kong On V'. av To New York < -J (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. A Ningpo junk of centuries old desirn, high pooped and with an elaborateiy-carved Buddhist shrine in the main compartment, sailed into Singapore yesterday, having
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  • 287 8 Drivers Of Bus And Lorry Charged (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Friday. A lorry and a bus tried to pass eac thcr on a narrow bridge at the thir nile, Simpang-Matang-road, but failec vith the result that some of the Mala; passengers in the bus
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  • 60 8 (From Our Own Correspondent! Taiping. Friday. A Batu Kurau Malay named Md Yatim was today’ charged before the Magistrate with dishonestly retaining a goat, valued at $7.50, suspect ed to be stolen from one Subramaniam The accused claiming trial, the cast was postponed to
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  • 61 8 Back To School In Europe (Front Our Own. Correspondent.) Bangkok. Friday. qpHE boy King of Siam broadcast a JL farawell message to his people yesterday evening. Early this morning he left the capital, after a religious ceremony’ in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, by a
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  • 80 8 —Reuter. Ce.nberra, January 6. The Australian Federal Treasurer, Mr R.G. Casey, and his wife are becomin known as the "Flying Caseys.” Mr. Casey obtained his pilots certi icate some time ago and regularly flies his own private aeroplane between Can berra and Melbourne. Now Mrs. Cas< y has
    —Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 271 8 B< ?jw are the successful cand: dates of the Arglo-Chlnes Can tinuation School. Ipoh. at the Pitman’s College Commercial Examinations. 1938. held in December. 1938 (candidates listed in order of merit): SHORTHAND THEORY STAGE Saw Teik San, Ahmad bin Ibrahim Leong
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  • 95 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, Friday. rERE was a capacity gathering a the Clifford School Hall last nigh’ when the pupils of the Samarasakala salai Tamil School staged the play entitled ‘‘Alli-Arjuna” in aid of the schoc fund. Among those present were Mr. ano
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  • 241 8 Men Are Barred Sydney, January 2. A huge modern hospital for women staffed and managed exclusively by wo men, will be erected in Sydney by th New South Wales State Governmen ally this year. The hospital, which will be built on
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  • 219 8 Reuter. Sydney, January 3. Much amusement has been aroused iere at the following story reported from Auckland, New Zealand: To break the monotony of a spell in Vaikato Hospital, a young man hatched .n egg which he kept under the bed.olhes for 25 days.
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 86 8 i From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Friday. A suspected hit-and-run car acciden' vas reported from Bagan Serai on Wed 'esday night. The body of a Malay atcr identified as one Haji Abdul Kadir f Taiping, was found on the roadside a he 131 mile Krian-road.
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  • 69 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Gajah, Friday. A batch cf eight Chinese women vere fined $1 each by the Batu Gajah Magistrate, Datoh Muda Razalli yesterday morning for hawking rambuans without a licence. The accused pleaded that they were lot regular hawkers annd did
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  • 111 8 Sydney, December 28. With the help of American capital training farms are to be bought fo Jewish refugees in Australia. The venture has been undertaken by he Australian Jewish Welfare Society vhich has already bought a farm outsid Sydney. Here, and on others
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  • 171 8 —Reuter. A well known European residen n Ipoh yesterday made a very generous gesture while shopping at the Ipoh Season Store, Belfield-street, handing to the manager of the store a chequ for over $5O, asking him to donate it t( the China Distress Relief Fund.
    —Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 238 8 Decisions At Ipoh Meeting Rep ealed (From Our Own Correspond. j Singapore, Frki Far-reaching decisions were at the joint conference of Chu s Chambers of Commerce at Ipoh, a< < i.j. ing to Mr. Lim Keng Lian. dent of the Singapore Chamber, who has returned
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  • 135 8 Teuter. Hawkesbury River Cracks Sydney, New South Wales, January H. One of the most famous bridges in Australia —the railway bridge over the lawkesbury River in New South Wde., -may have to be replaced by a new tructure. The bridge was built more than 5Q
    Teuter.  -  135 words
  • 134 8 (From Our Own Correspondent 1 Bangkok, January 11The annual report of the Siamese Red ”rc ss Society for the last Siamese ye-'u-•as been issued. The membership totals over 13,000; its •ncome for the year was £54,386 and it spent £48,104. Some idea of its activities are
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  • 132 8 Sydney. January ■> For one hour without moving, a ay on the ground while the year-old son of the owner was ex :d from beneath it. The horse had 1 .vith the boy who lay with his head ts hind hoofs. Had the animal atte
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  • 404 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL MR. J.S.A. LEWIS, Superintendent f Customs, Taiping, will be going on ransfer to Port Dickson in March. MR 3. HALL will succeed Mr. Lawis. Among visitors staying at the Grand Hotel, Ipoh, are MESSRS. F.H. CURTIS. F.II. BECKMANN, P. ALLCOCK W.J. MORE and F.J. BRYANT. *x An amateur
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 233 8 Relief m lOseconds! JMLg j matter how severe Wg your stomach trouble, Bisurated Magnesia will always give you quick relief by removing |S| the cause. Try it now Don’t suffer another day. 5 JI Bisurated' Mori. t .f> v little, from any good cher.a <•'> di <‘g store, bitt always
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  • 628 9 Pandit H. Kunzru in Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. ■p’ people of India were given the racial equality and I co-operation for which they strove, I venture to would be no stronger political unit in the world < British Empire,” said Pandit
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  • 233 9 Dnlcher Assaults I Irtective i ties- named Cheng Hee stood the First Magistrate’s I; before Mr. P. F. Y. Rat' y on a charge of assault- Elective while in the disduties on December 23 at i Low-street, Tpoh. B. Thomas, Chief Court Insp. <j prosecuted. > nee
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  • 65 9 tt aal inquiry into the railway •nt which occussed last week, ngine and six coaches of the ;mail to Kuala Lumpur were de■l 'a; Slim River, was held in Ipoh. I R.ILA. Jeff, Assistant Engineer to Inspector, Ways and Works. <1 at the inquiry. Several wici
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  • 75 9 11-dr* -sed young Malay named Rahman was charged yes'■ay before Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe )e hirst Magistrate’s court, Ipoh. committing theft of clothing in a hui” in the Central Police Station '"'pound on December 29 or. alter!‘’ly, with dishonestly retaining n clothing, valued at
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  • 78 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Gajah. Thursday. Kong Chin Kiew. a Chinese woman, carrying a baby in her arms, made her appearance before Datoh Muda Razalli, the Batu Gajah Magistrate today on a charge of maiming a cow by cutting it with a parang. The accused
    78 words
  • 451 9 1 Story Of How It Was Frustrated When hearing in the picliminaiy m- quiry into a charge or attempted i armed robbery against the two Chinese, Tan Looi and Tan Cheng Huat. was resumed l jfore Mr. A. W. Bellamy in the Second Court, Penang, yesterday, three
    451 words
  • 148 9 False Information Given Police An Indian youth named Kanachi. who claimed trial on a charge of giving false information to the police, was yesterday sentenced by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court, Penang, to a fine of $3O, in default of payment to serve four weeks’
    148 words
  • 211 9 Mala van Deputation Leaves Today For New Delhi M r C D Ahearne, leader of the Malayan Labour Delegation'to india 'together with Mr. J. M. Barron, Deputy Controler of Labour. Malaya, and Mr. S N Veerasamy, Barrister-at law Kuala Lumpur, members of the delegation,
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  • 54 9 THE LORD MAYOR AND LADY MAYORESS OE LONDON last zaeck attended the party given to 1,200 pour London children at the Guildhall by the Church Army. Tins of cocoa, a gift from the children of Ashanti and sent by Prince Prempch, son of King Prempch
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  • 495 9 More Than Hi in. Of Rain Fall In One Day (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumnur, Friday. Malaya’s East Uoast is preparing to meet great Hoods in the near future. Terrific rains falling on the main watershed have caused rivers in the north-east to
    495 words
  • 95 9 < F rom Our Own Correspondent) Chemor, Friday. To bid farewell to Mr. Pennampalam Chemor postmaster, who has beer transferred to Lumut. a tea party was given by residents of the district. I'h» unction was the first of its kind ir Chemor at which the various communities
    95 words
  • 302 9 Helped In Arrest Of Thief Complimenting a Eura u;»n lad Michael Surin, on his prompt tn i. Mr. Lira Koon Teck, Third ,-citrate, Penang, yesterday suit n» ui a Chinese youth. Wu Kwia Yon-. *<> i imprisonment and fined h n Sio, m <! fault ten days’
    302 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 WHY I USE I J7VEET j 4 K Ik" Ek < -yA I Feet’ ends all unwanted K I 1 hair in 3 minutes without fig trouble, mess or bother I New ‘Veet’ leaves the g and smooth without trac< "1 ugly stubbie 3 New Veet* JS just ilk* ad-ant
      121 words

  • 1195 10 Consumption Reported To Have Stood Up AV ell THE past year has been of particular interest to th? tea industry as it has witnessed the close of the first period of restriction, which ran from the Ist April, 1933, to the 31st March,
    1,195 words
  • 559 10 Satisfactory Progress London, December 15. r pHE first annual general meet- ing of Polberro Tin Limited was held yesterday in London. Captain V. A. Cazalet, M.C., M.P. (the chairman), in the course of his speech, said. You will see that the financial record of the company's operations
    559 words
  • 525 10 TIN SHARES RESTRICTION: EFFECT ON DISTRIBUTION London, January 3. OUSINESS in the shares of tin companies has ruled on a smaller scale than for some time past. Operators were quick to realise the fact that any improvement in the price of the commodity due to cut in
    525 words
  • 969 10 Dividends Totalling 22 1/2 per cent. For The Year THE fourteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Way Dredging, Ltd., was held at Kuala Lumpur on 22nd December, 1938. Mr. J. H, Rich (chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the
    969 words
  • 208 10 Rubber Sales Dept. DURING the week there has been an easier tendency in the market and although there has been a slight rally today the price closes cent lower on balance at 28 cents per lb. for Standard Sheet in cases, states Messrs. Boustead and Co..
    208 words
  • 89 10 .—Reuter. New Debentures London, Thursday. On the Stock Exchange, though selling pressure was negligible, values in most actions drifted lower in the absence o. demand today. Considerable interest was centred on th»-' new £7.500.000 four per cent, debentureof the Southern Railway in which dealings started at a
    .—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 334 10 Nov. Total 12,000 Tons Up On Year London, December 30, I 'f’HERE was an unexpected!} large improvement of over 12,000 tons to 46,048 tons in American crude rubber consumption last month, compared with November, 1937, according to t figures received yesterday by Messrs. Symington and Wilson.
    334 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 118 10 DEAFNESS Partial nr total-complicated with head noises and other troubles, cured radically and permanently in four ”'eeks. Many testimonials received. Paii-iculars on request. Kamala Works (P). Pancbpots, Bengal. India. When visiting Ayer Itam your pleasure would not be complete without calling at the CHWEE LIM KOO RESTAURANT 85, AYER ITAM
      118 words

  • 392 11 200 Busy Workmen At Astana (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 10. TWO hundred workmen are busy at the Astana Mahkota, the Sultan’s palace at Klang, with preparations for the Coronation of Sultan Alam Shah on Jan. 26. The designs for a new
    392 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 wki /^PWM<ewL<«y...>w_—ww—yZW—MM—.flMg «v/j* jg**w m HB Bk Us lift wl mL a a "lff ma /fluff < QjW DO YOU KNOW THAT Wi Mll 7J REGAL EVAPOR A T E 1) UNSWEETENED MILK s pure cow s milk reduced to its prey 4 yy bent creamy consistency by evapora- jy
      126 words

  • 54 12 This evening at the “Esplanade” from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. 1. March —The Avenue—Hume. 2. A Musical Comedy Waltz concoction—Hall. 3. Incidental Music To “Monsieui Beaucaire” —Rosse. 4. Fox Trot —A Quayside In Old Shanghai—Gray. 5. Overture—Fest —Blattermann. 6. Selection —The King’s Sweetheart —Glover. 7. Opera In
    54 words
  • 110 12 —Austral News. Would Defend Northern Territory Darwin, (N. T.) January 3. The only way to protect our northern shores is to mobilise the aborigines”, declared Francis Bi rties, the well .mown explorer, who has just returnee /ram a six months’ car trip through tht Northern Territory.
    ’—Austral News.  -  110 words
  • 51 12 —Reuter Washington, Thursday:—The Senate Judiciary sub-committee today approved President Roosevelt’s nomination of Felix Frankfurther, a Jewish professor at the Havard Law School, as Supreme Court judge. The nomination now goes to the full Judiciary Committee and then to the Senate where it is likely to meet with opposition
    —Reuter  -  51 words
  • 527 12 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR Sect nd Sun lay After Epiphany. 7.15 a.m. Holy Communion. 8.00 a.m. Mattins and Litany Psalm 68. Hymn 80. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. Mattins (Tamil). 10.30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese). 4.15 p.m. Sunday School —Parsonage. 5.00 p.m. Kindergarten—Parsonage. 6.00 p.m.
    527 words
  • 207 12 Th r ee Things Sir James Jeans once declared before the British Association that three things bad changed the world in modern times. Can you say what they are There are, of course, more than three, but the three of which Sir James was thinking were: The electro-magnetic
    207 words
  • 357 12 International Agriciillimil Society Representative Colombo. December i. THAT CEYLON should join with Malaya in seiiT representative to rhe International AgiT Society was the opinion of Mr. J. F. Bryant, lawyer, and tin miner who is in Colombo today on his way Gac the F.M.S. by
    357 words
  • 306 12 MR. KURLAILLA’S STATEMEM Madras. December It/TK. E. JOHN KURUVILLA, a -T’-*- member of the Travancore State Congress, has just returned from a tour of Northern India. In a statement to the press, he says that he has decided tot..' an agitation, distinct from ’i? State Congress, one
    306 words
  • 152 12 Sydney, Decern A new process for makmig which the inventors. a 1 Sydney men, claim will revolut industry, Is creating widespr* '>d 1 Not only will hats- both men men’s —be made at a fraction <t of the old method, but it al an
    152 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 Every Comfort Obtainable AT RAJDHANI HOTEL Siam Premier Hotel at Moderate Terms. DOUBLE ROOM Baht 11.00 Inclusive food SINGLE ROOM Baht 6.00 All rooms with private Bath attached, hot and cold running water. Telegrams:— “METROPOLE” BANGKOK.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1001 12 radio radio radio radios radio radio radio ra<B radio rad ip radio radio radio radio radio SINGAPORE PENANG ZHP 9.69 Mc's (30.96 m.) ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (49.3 m.) TODAY P.M. TODAY 12.45 Light Orchestral Concert by Reller’s Hungarian Band, directed by C Reller. Relayed from the Adelphi Hotel. 6.00 Chinese
      1,001 words
    • 439 12 8.8. C. TODAY TRANSMISSION 2 P.M. 6.05 Big Ben. and his Man doliers, with Don Carlos. 6.40 ‘SteamI boat.’* 7.20 Sea Shanties.* 7.50 ‘Number 17.’* 8.10 ‘London Log.’* 8.20 New i Hippodrome Orchestra. 8.50 The News I and Announcements. 9.05 Greenwicn Time Signal. 9.10 End of Transmission I o
      439 words

  • 508 13 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, [poll And Penang AIK MAILS I OUTWARD EUROPE AND THE WEST 1 IMPERIAL (Empire Air Mail): For Burma (except Victoria Point), India, I Anen, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya.l Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Groat Britain, Ireland, Canada
    508 words
  • 1245 13 DEPARTURES Today: CHITRAL for Colombo. Bombay, Aden, Port Said, Malta, Marseilles, Gibraltar, Tangier, Plymouth and London. KARAGOLA for Rangoon and Calcutta. RAJULA for 3rn Karikal, Porto Nova, Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Madras. PERAK for Port Swettenham and Singapore MATANG for Victoria Point. Renong Kopah and
    1,245 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 372 13 blue funnel line WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON A NO K ill CONTINENT Leaves >n T 'nd--FLINTSHIRE Calls Antwerp <Sr Middlesboro Jan. 16 Feb. 12 AHNEAS Calls Marseilles Glasgow Jan. 19 Feb. 1« ACHILLES Calls Hull Gdynia Jan. 26 Feb. 22 If.N DAY SERVICE iu IJVERFOOL VTA HAVRE 1 »*rpnnl PYRRHUS
      372 words
    • 847 13 0 and ©t W BRITISH IND’A (Incorporated In England) PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. ‘KAROA” SAILING SUNDAY, 15th JANUARY. 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under For Tehik Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port contract with His Majesty’s Government Swettenham. Malacca and Singapore. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN”
      847 words

  • 386 14 Stout Indian Defence Keeps Score Down ABDUL KAREEM GIVES AN EXCELLENT DISPLAY A solitary goal, netted late in the first half, enabled the Old Xaverians’ Association to carry off the honours in their hockey match with the Indian Association, which was played on
    386 words
  • 132 14 IN their return fight at the Wembley Park. Penang, last night, Gunboat Smith (1U.7» again outpointed Cheali Cheng Lean (10.2) over ten two-minute rounds. It .was a hard-hitting affair throughout. Cheng Lean went down in the sixth round, partly from a push, but was quickly
    132 words
  • 104 14 It is strange that nearly all books of reference relating to the thoroughbred fail to give the colours of the horses. I am convinced tnat colour is a most important thing, w rites a racing correspondent in a home newspaper. The only really good Tetrarchs
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  • 62 14 A soccer match has been arranged between the Marine Department Sports Club and Weame Bros. XI to be played on the Renong ground today. The following will represent the Marines: Ibrahim Khan; Hashim bin Kechil, Mohamed bin Hashim; Dollah (Capt.), Cheah Wat Gark, Kassim; Arob, Ramansah, Che Ani,
    62 words
  • 64 14 The combined Penang Sports Club and Penang Recreation Club hockey eleven to meet the Rest on the Esplanade next Tuesday at 5.15 p.m. will be: W. G. Colebeck; V. Westerhout, J. D. Lambert; F. Buchanan, T. Jacobs, S. V. Adams; C. W. Lyle, H. J.
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  • 374 14 Devaluation Causes A Slump Paris, December 31. IT cannot be said that 1939 opens under the best of auspices for racing in France. During the closing year there has been devaluation, which has meant a reduction in the real value otf prizes; costs have risen, and more
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  • 172 14 The Scottish Rugby Union have chosen the following teams to take part in the final Trial match at Murraylield today: SCOTLAND: G. Roberts (Watsonians); W. N. Renwick (Edinburgh Wanderers», D. J. Macrae (St. Andrew’’s University), I. G. P. Thomson (Norwich), J. G. S. Forrest (Cambridge University): R.
    172 words
  • 60 14 The following members have been chosen to represent the Yew Hoe Seah at badminton against the Evergreen Badminton Party today and tomorrow at the latter’s court: Cheah Chee Aun, Chuah Kim Suah, Khoo Mah Huat, Low’ Cheng Siew, Low Eow Cheang, Low Teik W’ah. Lim Say Seng, Neoh
    60 words
  • 25 14 The Seven-a-side rugby games which were scheduled to be played today at the Penang Sports Club are postponed to Saturday, January 21.
    25 words
  • 561 14 Eight Candidates To Race For Palmer Trophy (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Frida i. THE entries received for the January Skye Meeting the Taiping Turf Club are very encouraging and total 79, exceeding those of the December meeting by one. This is the biggest number,
    561 words
  • 132 14 Parsons Out In 90 Seconds (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. THE long-awaited postponed fight between Young Frisco (11.2), holder of the Orient middleweight title, and Butch Parsons middleweight champion of the Home Fleet in 1933-34, here tonight ended sensationally, the Filipino knocking out
    132 words
  • 199 14 Attendance Below Expectations (From Our Own Correspondent' Bangkok. January 11ON Sunday the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, by virtue of a decision reached at an extraordinary meeting of members held a short time ago, staged its first day of Sunday racing. Earlier in the day golf competitions
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  • 49 14 A keenly-contested hockey match played yesterday between the Ipoh Police reserves and the Ipoh Medicos, resulting in a two-all draw. Matsuo opened scoring but Mat Jah scored two goal> r the Police before the interval. Dr. man netted the equaliser in the -’ecoihalf.
    49 words
  • 37 14 HOME RUGBY RES ULTS Reuter London, Thursday In the County rugby champiora-h' group replay today Warwickshire North Midlands by 31 points to 11 Results of other fixtures are: Oxfordshire 17, Kent 24, at Glamorgan 21, Monmouthshire -1
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 101 14 Adelaide, January 4. The South Australian lawn tennis championships resulted as follows: Men’s singles final: A. Quist beat L. Schwartz 7 —5, 6—4. 6—4. Men’s doubles final: L. Schwartz and H. Hopman beat A. Quist and C. Dong 6 4, 6—4, 6 —o. Women’s singles final:
    101 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 453 14 1 I SecAeL DUctojecL? Mysore Sandal Soap has solved ail beauty problems. It is so simple to be lovely... just use MYSORE SANDAL SOAP first thing in the morning and immediately before retiring for the night. MYSORE I SOAP I K M .4ivn7aWe Everywhere. Government Soap Factory. Bangalore Sole Agents:—
      453 words

  • 305 15 Military learn Favoured To Win > iG i enthusiasts throughout the country arc heading i foi Kuala Lumpur today by train, plane and motor-ear t tend what promises to be one of the most thrilling .\j: <a (up finals for years. 1 hose
    305 words
  • 175 15 St. Moritz, Jan. 4. While i. unding a corner at more than <*o m.p.h. in a race on the Cresta today. Mi. Alexk Thompson, 24-years-old United States millionaire, was thrown off hi toboggan and narrowly escaped facing killed. He was picked up t
    175 words
  • 85 15 .—Reuter. Border Out For 121 East London. Friday. England’s voting bowlers were in great form when the match between the ALC.C. and the Border XI was begun here today. Batting first, the Border were skittled out for 121, W right taking .4 for 32 < including
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 40 15 Mrs. Brodie M ins Gold Medal The result of the Ladies' Gold 1938, is as follows: Mrs. Brodie 91—12=79. Mrs. Halliday 97 —16=81. Mrs. I. W. Clark 93—11=82. Mrs. Rhys Williams 102 —16=86. Mrs. W. Anderson No Return.
    40 words
  • 290 15 Y oung Wicketkeeper’s World Record Sydney, Jan. 4.- Handicapped by the absence of their four best players. Fingleton, McCabe, O’Reilly and Cnipperfield. New South Wales, Sheffield Shield holders, lost by eight wickets to Queensland here today This match was notable for a magnificent wicket-keeping performance by the
    290 words
  • 101 15 Royal Mail, the Grand National winn;. of 1937, for whom Mr C. Evans paid 6,sCOgs. in March last, has again bear entered for the Liverpool event. He Las not been nominated for th* Cheltenham Gold Cup. Royal Mail has not raced since he finished fourth
    101 words
  • 196 15 :n trojan*) Taiping. Friday. the wet weather during the s i w matches were played. i i the Indians played a goad at the Police first string by ti nil. A feature of th the excellent showing of th I :<» UweptT, Let He saved sc f
    196 words
  • 75 15 r ei'tood that the forthcoming ture L tween the Singapore and 8 v. mi en which was to have been I Jan 21 in Singapore has been postponed. Hi j .re women have received a ht ir opponents to the effect > r have had
    75 words
  • 38 15 zz P. KENNEDY, wife of the American Ambassador to London, "naph'd n ith her son Teddy and her daughter Ji an skating on the at Suvretta. in Switzerland where they are enjoying the winter sports.
    38 words
  • 424 15 Film Leaders Plan Arena To Cost $1,*****0 Hollywood, Jan. 1. for n -no no f)usiness leaders have announced plans frr e n’’ 000 indoor dre am arena” with “elastic” walls, big enough tor football games. Crr B- announcement was made by Walt Disney who, with Bing
    424 words
  • 429 15 It is not such a long time since the most complete ignorance existed as to the causes of me'aria. We know that men sought during many long years to discover the origin of this malady in the harmful mists that rose above marshy districts, and it was
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 66 16 MORNING quotations TrN LATEST Penan $110.50 Business 50 tons Singapore $110.50 COPRA Sundried $3.50 Black Pepper s B>so RUBBER Penang (Spot) 2 Singapore (Spot) 27 ¥>c TAPIOCA Fair Seed f Medium $3.42 »4 RICE Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $5.90 No. 2 $5.70 White No. 1 $6.45 White
    66 words
  • 108 16 Prev. Today Paris 177 A 177 25 64 New York 4.67 Montreal 4.71 4.71 Brussels 27.61 Geneva 20.67*2 20.66 V.. Amsterdam 8.59 S.SS Milan 88% 88% Berlin 11.63 *2 11.63\ 2 Stockholm 19.42 19.42 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19 90 19.90 Vienna unquoted unquoted Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague
    108 words
  • 131 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TlNBuyers Seller» Batu Selangor 1.37% 1.42% Hong Fatt .68 .70 Jclebu .60 .65 K uchai 1.27% 1.32% Lukut .55 .57% Petalings 6.90 7.15 Rahman Hyd. 1.12% 1.17% Raub Gold 4.60 4.70 Rantau 1.47% 1.52% Sungei Luas 1.45 1.50 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Ampat 3 9 4 3
    131 words
  • 160 16 LEAN CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 39 4j1% Ayer Wengs .60 .62% B. Selangors 1.35 1.40 Hong Fatts .69 .72 Jelebus .62 .67 Johans 26 .28 Kramats 917% 10|0 K. Lanjuts 16i9 17 3 K. Kamuntings 8 3 8 9cd Kundangs 6 9 7 1% Lukuts .55 .60 Pungahs 16
    160 words
  • 281 16 New York, Friday: There was rather ragged session with volume sates at opening. Rails, Aircrafts, Utilities. Buildings and high grades are relatively firmer while the terminat'on of the present recession is undeterminable. Nearby technical rally is warranted which, however may involve a seconday test. British rubber stocks
    281 words
  • 219 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN: Buyers Ampat 3 9 4'3 Ayer Weng .60 .65 Bangrir. 21 6 220 Batu Selangor 1.35 1.40 Berjunta! 10 0 110 Hitam .27% .32% Hong Fatt .67% .70 Johan .25 .28 Kpg. Kamunting 8 3 8 9c Jelebu .62% .67% Kpg. Lanjut 16 9 17 3 Kent
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 781 16 BANKS THE CHARTERED BAxNK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND ('MINA (Incorporated in England try I Flip I OvCFSCfIS Royal Charter 1853) I I ald-up Capital £3.000.00 i Bank. IjlcL» Reserve Fund £3,000,001 9 Rt lerve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,00 J .x, x. T Head Office 1 Incorporated in British India) No
      781 words
    • 87 16 PETALING TIN, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) CLOSITIE OF SHARE TRANSFER BOOKS Notice is hereby given that the Share Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from 24th January to 6th February, 1939, both dates inclusive. If confirmed by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 23rd January,
      87 words
    • 967 16 HEAO OPt'rvni (2. BTSHOP STREET. ’PHONE 1477 1478 WITH LXn TELEGRAMS “GAZ' TT E.” PENANG. •,i u a,->re Cecil Street, Singapore ’'hone 5471. Tel: “Times,»’ Snt .pore, K. da O«ice: 25 lava Street. ’Phone: 36M. ipoh Office/: Brewster Road Phone Office: 40. 43. Fleet Street. London, E.C.4 'Phone Central 3608
      967 words