Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 19 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE Lr edition ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY WEDNESDAY, Jt LY 27, 1938. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 2073 1 Commons Debate On F foreign Affairs Lanish problem must BE SETTLED koLoan Bid Possible Alternative I Aid For China I Un Prinu Mil t wis greeted with cheers in the (1) (oimnoiH t nun when he declared that though Iritain sought jm acu. -hi* was not
    .—Reuter.  -  2,073 words
  • 135 1 Liberal Leader’s Warning Lcndon. July 26. —Opening the debate. Sir Archibald Sinclair characterised the situation as one in which while they knew was was not inevitable, they could not feel that peace was certain. The arma meats race alone destroyed faith in th-, certainty of peace. He
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  • 140 1 Reuter. I ime Bomb Found In Market Jerusalem. July 26. Police patrolling the crowded vegetable market in the Old Sity this morning discovered a laige clockwork bomb timed to explode at 8 a.m. u.nd removed the fuse, thereby preventing eavy loss of life and widespread destruction. Haifa. July
    – Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 163 1 —Reuter. London, July 26.—1 t is emphasised that the Runci man appointment was made on the initiative of the Czech Government and that the German role is -hat of onlooker. Surprise is expressed at the statement that Lord Runciman will give advice
    .—Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 96 1 —Reuter. Not Menaced By Franco’s Guns London, July 26 —The Question of guns near Gibraltar was again raised in the Commons by Mr. Arthur Henderson replying to whom Mr. Hore Belisha said batteries which were on the Gibraltar side of the Straits could, if they were powerful, shell Gibraltar
    . —Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 90 1 —British Wireless. Spectacular Launch Tomorrow London, July 26. —A spectacular feature of the launching of the 33,000 tons Cunard White Star Liner Mauretania at Birkenhead on Thursday will be an un checked glide into the Mersey. Usually a great ship is fitted with drag chains to check her
    —British Wireless.  -  90 words
  • 40 1 —Reuter. San Juan, July 26—Thirteen arrests followed the attempt on General Winship yesterday. Two of the arrested men are alleged to have confessed to have participated in a plot to assassinate the Governnor and police chief. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 214 1 Reuter. Last Quarter Quota Decision Deferred Terminal markets were slightly easier yesterday when it became known that the International Rubber Regulation Committee was making no announcement concerning the quota release for the final quarter and the Singapore market this morning opened nominally *4 cent lower at 26’4,
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 50 1 —Reuter. Vienna. July 26. —All Austrian maidser vants under 45, employed by non-Aryans must leave their posts by August 1 under orders issued today. A Nazi “Administrator" has been ap pointed for the Benedictine Monastery at Styriea. Its famous library, the richest in Austria, has been closed. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 162 1 —Union Times. Warlike Moves In Far North Tokio, July 26. An unconfirmed dispatch to the Nichi-Nichi says 300 Soviet troops landed from four gunboats on the Manchukuo side of the Ussuri River on July 22 anil set fire to Yaglintze village. Manchukuo frontier guards engaged and repulsed
    —Union Times.  -  162 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. Paris, July 26. —A message from Barcelona states that the Spanish Republicans claim to have crossed the River Ebro at eleven points on a. ninety-mile front in a surprise offensive near the Mediterranean coast and are now about a mile from Gandesa. It is stated
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 35 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 26. Air Vice-Marshal J. T. Babington, the newly-appointed Air Officer Commanding Royal Air Force. Far East, is expected to take command early in September.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 flgin I TOWELS I !0 The |m\\ 'II K ,Kl 44 BKIh'P Strc t|B pf:naN
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    • 22 1 TECHNICAL AID FOR CHINA Sir A. Clark-Kerr,tthe British Ambassador, has successfully negotiated arrangements for Anglo-Chinese teachnical co-operation, declares Sin Chew Jit Poh.
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    • 80 1 THE AMERICAN EXPRESS C3I.IP.IKY PROVIDES TROURLE FREE TRAVEL OUR WORLD WIDE TRAVEL AND BANKING FACILITIES COMBINE TO ELIMINATE ALL TRAVEL DIFFICULTIES No Booking Fee 1 Collyer Quay Singapore. I know that their stocks are always fresh and clean and stored under hygienic conditions that is why I get all my
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  • 1779 2 War Department Decision DRINKING FOUNTAIN FOR ESPLANADE Except for the confirmation of a number of decisions arrived at by Standing Committees there was little else of note at the ordinary meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon. At the suggestion of Grumitt
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  • 91 2 Bukit Mertajam Chinese Claims Trial Bukit Mertajam, July 25 Chan New Kooi, a Teochew, was charged before Mr. Dohoo, at the Bukit Mertajam Police Court, this morning, with deceiving Lim Ah Fuan by producing to him a letter alleged to have been written by his elder brother, Lim
    91 words
  • 150 2 Moth, r Put On r "Before hav; nc m W young mother T S' terwards to my cr r 10 12 st. 7 lbs, and st. 1 lb. Then I r eS <* lX weeks ago), and j jLjWj at the same time di3rw> n potatoes and
    150 words
  • 137 2 (From Our Own Correspond I 'Taipmg. A Chinese named Teoh Boon Hnl this morning produced before th? J Magistrate anu charged with givin; J tickets of the Taiping Turf 108,122, and 220 to a Malay, Kulop J Mr. G. H. Gartside. accused, asked for a short
    137 words
  • 112 2 (From Our Own CorrespoMCl J Taiping, Jti’Jß For driving his lorry Chinese named Lau Teng Heng J morning fined $5 by the FaipiJfiß trate. A Malay sergeant said the acc’u*B his lorry negligently along Bukil® road on Sunday evening, m i which his vehicle came torest«|B big
    112 words
  • 72 2 Following are <»• I Ptnang Malay Asswa 1 1938-39, elected at tne meeting held on Ju'y 2■ S. M. husuff. Mohamed ami W Secretary: M>. Secretary Mr- A p yrfg r y Sc. r.darw Mm M 1 pM Hon. Treiisur Mr V Members of Moh3l
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  • 33 2 BAND I’KH’»!” This evening at 1 e 530 p m b P ar d 0 f March The Standard rs Bl wLtz The I 5 Gav „r.. SUP J I Warren
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 SPEND YOUR WEEK-END ON THE BEACH WITH B NEW JANTZEN Wap\ Swimming Suits here are the latest few raW Mb few A ll I Fl\ I NEW STYLES “LE TOUQUET” In two beautiful printed designs /<► *rfyST “Tulip” “Driftwood" on regular Ip ry y«/ Jantzen Fabric. This suit has 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1535 3 LitvinolPs Lesson To Western Statesmen HANKOW TO BE DEFENDED AT ALL COSTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Hong Kong, July 24. People in China have always maintained, since the outbreak of the present undeclared war. that the only quality needed to call Japan’s bluff was courage.
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  • 113 3 —Reuter. Fall Of Kiukianji o Shanghai, July 26: The Kiukiang occupation follows intensive aerial bombardment and naval shelling yesterday as the big Japanese drive gathered momentum. The Japanese are now 140 miles from Hankow Naval forces reached Kiukiang yesterday and advanced three or four miles upriver intercepting
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 95 3 —Reuter. Many Prisoners Taken Salamanca. July 26: Following yesterday’s victory on the Estremadura front where fighting had broken out after almost 12 months’ inaction. Nationalists are clearing up the dangerous Salient in which it is reported 5,000 Republican troops are trapped Republican headquarters at Don Benito are
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 613 3 Municipal Decision At a special meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. A. Black presiding. Supplemental Budget No 2 of 1938 was passed amounting to $13.535 on annual recurrent expenditure and about $64,000 on Loan and Capital accounts. Mr. Black
    613 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 455 3 !■< c Penang. II 12 5 V 1478 h Mteniion». K' Phnnf H 77 iCfte Peu*n« ■T TeW* ,n Singapore. Phone C*' l S,ree .«,re *•>•'» Lumpw: Phone: 3«J- h London A* K '"*c t eet London EC. 4- i 'Lxadmalaya [I £>‘ rtl i:vrES Penang (hitaide Without Witbin uaHva
      455 words
    • 71 3 3urnisfjings of Pastel ■B‘|nexpensive. Mtract we. j I I X I I I It’s rich, lovely colours and softness of texture, combined with its extreme durability, makes it an ideal t6 FurnishWIDTH Q|| ffIBBBK 45 Ou ICTMMtIWj inches pTEd I Call and see our range. We shall be pleased io
      71 words

  • 471 4 J lews Oi Sir Frank Sivetteiiham (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 19. fWGHT Colonial Office officials in London to have practical experience of local administration in the Colonies? Would it not be expedient for a Colonial Council of retired Governors and other former high
    471 words
  • 264 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. C. H. Sansom’s title has been changed from Commissioner of Police to Inspector General of Police. Mr. C. H. Dakers, Protector of Chinese, Perak, was on a visit to Taiping on Monday. Mr. Justice Pedlcw. the former Sercmban Judge, on his return from leave on August 6
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  • 146 4 From Our Own Cm respondent) Taiping, July 25. News has been received of the success of Mr. Fong Ah Siang. an old boy of the King Edward VII School. Taiping, in his first year examination at the School of Metalliferous Mining. Camborne. Cornwall. Mr.
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  • 94 4 i From Our Own Correspondent Taiping. July 25. A series of meetings tor Bible teaching will be held at the Gospel Hall. Main-road. Taiping, on Monday. Aug. 1. This is one of the few Christian Conventions to be held in this town and all are cordially
    94 words
  • 103 4 (From Our Own Correspondent i Taiping, July 25. Swathed in bandages, a Chinese named Koh Hoay Beh appeared before the Taiping Magistrate on a charge of driving his car in a negligent manner along Swetten-ham-road. The Magistrate fined the accused SlO. as the accused had suffered
    103 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 *x .y" '7 I 7 i WlJw* f 7 I i WOIB \n \N 7 > Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? iMr I W I? V f MMm X X x if Course 1 did I I LJX., peroxide I Macleans patented 1 r p M a B <
      173 words
    • 192 4 j "M; J TWO J fflif samtaJ LAlk>| I Ljl ifl i’’ z: Jill LAVATORIES BATHS TOILETS i bidets I Obtainable from SOLE AGENTS I AMZORA I 1N not*P la3ter Uts. P*'- 0 I Dois not Sun -'I ii I Skin Beauty I Yours for the asking! I “Matt Creme”
      192 words

  • 3494 5 Judge On “Danger To Health” And To Life” i j"'.' Kr. \A J f( |a\ <’i nlaU K B»' I '-wi>h r I? F,c :1> f l ]<lrcs > B ..ini fii -t t<» c°ii »ii ,t the 1 1 (J(l ihcr'H was .law”
    3,494 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 322 5 2J)00,000 Ey Aoocint"-ent Te H M. The Kirf ©t S«»n» H H. The Su tan of Jonore H M he Su'tan <■! o® is Modern Designs In I our I’mes a day take a little Marmola r>t T"» L o /k 1- I' T« T 1 tea a coffee SERVICES
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 249 7 I Grind <)p<‘ l,,n July, 1938 At SHANGHAI TALKIES, BUTTERWORTH L-f" “HER JUNGLE LOVE” p.rjni""" 1 ail i (Technicolour) Bigger, Greater than I I nturr-f Mah a her previous I' Jangle wl h RAY MILLAND and LYNNE OVERMANN “Jungle Princess” mminee lot, n spjm. I niled \rti-r* Sujmt Production. -ELEPHANT
      249 words
    • 960 7 WEMBLEY PARK MAMMOTH HOLIDAY ATTRACTION TONIGHT WEDNESDAY 27th. JULY 1938 AT 2 Shows For One Payment MT W IT MOLEK STAR OPERA: “JulaJuli Bintong Tujoh” I I |M BJ See Prof. Liang Tien (The wonder man of the East) W M W J F J F A I wi SEE
      960 words

  • 656 8 AT today’s meeting of the Rotar\ Club of Penang, people of this town will hear the first authoritative statement on a topic with which inhabitants of the Southern Settlement are by now very familiar —A.R.P. The gathering is to be addressed by Mr. A .Brown, Superintendent of the
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  • 50 8 Arrival Today From West Australia The motor vessel Gorgon of the West Australian coast service arrived in Penang today along Swettenham Pier where she landed 600 sheep for local meat firms. The sheep are of the ordinary type bought in W est Australia on previous occasions.
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  • 92 8 A Municipal conservancy overseer had a shock yesterday when entering the public latrine at Tek Soon Street he found a Tamil Mohameddan. aged about 35, with serious throat and abdomen injuries. A police constable, who was summoned. rendered first aid. and the man was later taken
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  • 99 8 The steamship Klang arrived from Singapore today with Mr. Cringle and Mrs. R. W. Chater. The motor vessel Gorgon arrived in Penang from West Australian ports today landing the following passengers:- Mrs. M. Ireland, Miss E. Jones. Miss M. Byles. Miss Nicol. Mr. J. F. Ratcliff, Mr. W.
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  • 30 8 Reuter. London. July 26.—The death has occurred of Frances. Countess of Warwick at the age of 77. She was a prominent figure in the British labour movement.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 127 8 Reuter. A daring burglary took place yesterday afternoon when a room in the Malayan Hotel, Penang Street, was ransacked. The thief or thieves took away all the clothes, except the old ones, shirts and shoes and one wallet. A report was made to the police. The case in
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 7 8 Mr. D. T. Assomull
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  • 451 8 MODIFIED ATTITUDE OF CHINESE TO BILL (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 26. Instead of opposing in toto the Businesses Registration Bill, which is down for its second reading in the Federal Council on August 3, the Chinese community is now voicing objection to certain provisions
    451 words
  • 69 8 Municipal Clerk Acquitted Lim Wee Bee, the Municipal clerk, who was arrested during the riots early this month, was this morning discharged in the enang Middle Court on the instructions of the Crown Counsel. Conoghan, who appeared for Wee Bee, asked for an acquittal. Inspec tor
    69 words
  • 443 8 More Ero//e rßu 7/J I NCRE «K «I <r avel 1 I cdas ->'i 'ndiea t i„„„ f M pentj or. i„ th( I localised increases I k»' Parity I the of a to wn I His t„ Penang M,,,,,,. P a rtmei its requirements .1 tickets
    443 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 IN-1 li; rn .>,- 1 yr J ■*l I®» nrrni si! r fiHTI j mHwrti I Jl'"' I■- U I—, i-«. *aHgWßfr f LtoirASK FPRiS&OJI .>--., VY mhT 0 S| jfcN Jm wW<” gay/ NO FINER WHISKY R'|4-:A--' GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE. souc agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated
      216 words
    • 137 8 1 The semTrf a ftecMij A/ifutiHt When a dish is tasteless and insipid, it’s as xood as wasted Appetite is lacking. Just add a few drops of Maggi’s Seasoning before serving and note the surprising difference in taste., Maggi’s Seasoning is mainly a concentrate of vegetable origin a wonderful taste
      137 words
    • 30 8 DOI GLAS IM 3 AlK if ß FASTEST AND ■'J”ĔJn C I ABLE LN THE VVOKLI thermostati.^. ti kK perfect s'lrM' l DEEP RECLININ*' a V STEWARD 8 K.oy J
      30 words

  • 1002 9 11«. By 1 f 1,1 Rotary l alK ,S- no raison for panic, “While ther< n to take adequate there e fzV ra < that in addition precaution an d troops it is to flu population of Penang, hould b<ments of A. J. inti nt, in
    1,002 words
  • 1524 9 F M S. CLERICAL SERVICE OBJECTIONS TO NEW SALARY SCHEME High Commissioner Rejects Requests r PHE various requests made in the memorial submitted to H. E. the High Commissioner of the Malay States by members of the Federated Malay States Gene ra l Clerical Service have been rejected in toto,
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  • 271 9 BOUGHT BY JAPANESE CONCERN The Pinang Gazette understands that the wreckage of the Danish vessel Tongking which w’as abandoned seven miles off Penang in the North Channel following the disastrous fire in April has been sold to a Japanese concern in Singapore. Attempts were previously made
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  • 321 9 Heavy Bail For Chinese This is the first time I have come across a case where the bail applied for amounts to the maximum fine for the offence under which accused are charged,’ stated Mr. Lim Cheng Ean in the Penan) Middle Court yesterday. Three Chinese Lim
    321 words
  • 208 9 Malay Rubber Tapper Sentenced A party of Excise officers went out to a remote part of the hill behind Batu Ferringhi on July 19, and found a Malay rubber tapper, Mun bin Pain, not at his daily task but distilling liquor with a large still
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 ,J HF TRUE TONIC food Of «II Ch. mU ti and Stort UP-TO-DATE I AND EXCELLENT TAILORING GENTS CHINA SILK SUITS V^T RONG RELIABLE quality silk which is very 1 ARM climates and smart in appearance. M ADE TO OWN MEASUREMENTS. t 5|6.00 to $20.00 Per Suit. li PERFECT FIT
      66 words
    • 183 9 Eli pa BL > wl s B lITIIS RECOMMEND I ORANGE TIN Unmeniholised Hit 1 GREEN TIN Mentholised MAAS-4 mH S lIOITOH’S SONi buby. (in wtth tMr If proof were wanted of the esteem in which Humanised Trufood is held by the medical profession, it is to be found in
      183 words

  • 1155 10 44 Long View Outlook Distinctly Encouraging” (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 20. Although London experts are inclined to regard the current improvement in rubber prices as due mostly to specula ive activity, confidence in the outlook for the commodity is steadily growing. This welcome
    1,155 words
  • 352 10 Conference In London London, July 25. —Soil erosion and nutrition are the two most important subjects to be discussed at the conference of Colonial Directors of Agriculture which opened in London this morning. The Parliamentary Under secretary for the Colonies presided over representatives from all parts
    352 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 161 10 "Wf ji|lß Wil Smw I II I Hi 1I I N -J I kJI lI^TiL II —ISCr R -—J «J Fare, Fall and Bi PW Thief Resisting. THE CHATWOOD "DUPLEX" SAFE.. Specially designed to meet the needs of the Householder, the Trader, and Organisations possessing numerous branches throughout which the
      161 words
    • 662 10 BANKS I .SAFE DEPOSIT I Paid-up Capital B O WT’T» Reserve Fund t'OQf,SiSlt V Reserve Liability of Proprietor I Head Office J H No. 38 Buihopsgate, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES 4 I for the safe keeping of valuables, Alor Star Hong Kong p H important documents, records, etc., etc., are available
      662 words

  • 703 11 M.S. ‘GENERAL VERSPYCK’ arrived on Monday from Lho Seumawe, Sigli and Sabang, sails today for same ports. M.S. ‘MAPIA’ arrived on Monday from Belawan, Batoe Bahra, Berombang, Asahan and Paneh, sails today for same ports. S.S. ‘KUALA’ arrived on Monday from Moulmein, Tavoy, Mergui and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 414 11 I.IIE funnel line HD I U lUl v NORTH CONTINENT Leave* Penaag Due London kVKT 10 Antwerp Middlesborough July 31 Aug. 28 v PIC 13 ies Glasgow Aug. 5 Sept. 1 ivnia Aug. 11 Sept. 8 T" ■'EBPOOI. VIA HAVRE. u n*T BEK Aug 5 Sept 6 Omitts Havre. Aug.
      414 words
    • 707 11 P A O BRITISH* INDIA (Incorporated in England SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. CORFU” SAILING THURSDAY, 28th JULY Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with Hi» majesty Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards .rem London for China Japan. Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port Said, q/q due Penan
      707 words

  • 712 12 Latest Times Of Posting Ai r mat/fi Ipob- Kuala Lumpur and Sin.aVe by Maryan Internal Air Service will close at 9.30 a.m. registration a.m.) on Saturday Jul 30 New Zea iand. *A mail tor Australia, lava and Timor Dilly via Singapore and therce bv Qantas
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  • 1181 12 State Policy: Forcing g lt The Jews ILLEGAL 44 EMIGRATION” This is the second of two articles on the Jews in Austria since the Anschluss. The first article on Monday, July 25. THE later stage of the Terror against the VWs g, been characterised by
    1,181 words
  • 53 12 London. July 2a f General. >■> Secretary. Sir Kingsley i?te completion of scheme at a c< demon? fit Airport on Thursday mail at I’zd a ialf oU C Australia and New Ze<i •> The High Commissione n d New Zealand new chairman
    53 words
  • 80 12 I bv the Ar rangement- m- 1 rartment provide i" 1 ,4 existing stamp i^ I,es ld a nd2 J August 1. >" :s p j stamp Sept. 1. hP f 4 j The pres< 1 lirabeth) ar d g fha nf« be retained, th .«4
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1933 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES I I b.b.c. service Highlights Of Today’s V) ireless SCHEDI EE Gsp (BBC) Following is the BBC Empire broad- (>.95 p.m. Recital bv Betty Blamires (pianist), casting service schedule 'Malayan Stand- V irietv ard Time) for this week, beginning July 6.20 p.m. atunlax g 24: 7.35 p.m.
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    • 19 12 TIDE TABLE High Lo W TODAY 12.31 p.m. 6.40 p.m. TOMORROW 12.35 a.m. 7.25 a.m. 1.16 p.m. 7.28 p.m.
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    • 27 12 ZHJ Ghinoe Program* The Penang Lie! tra is again on the an ton ‘y to 8 p.m. Listeners to hea- some classical songs played by thn orchestra.
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  • 174 13 Wn‘ v (right) won the Wimbledon singles’ title for the eighth Miss Helen Jacob s one of her former pupils, in the final. WO HELENS AT WIMBLEDON action study of Donald Budge, the Wimbledon ehampion. LORD HIRST Chairman and Joint Managing Director of General Electric
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  • 502 14 First Division Soccer League Match MARIAPPEN’S BRILLIANT DISPLAY The Indian Recreation Club scored a neasy victory of three goals to one over the Penang Sports Club in a First Division League soccer match played on the padang yesterday. The Indians were superior throughout and had most
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  • 832 14 Good Chance Of Winning London: Six better-looking horses than those that contested the Eclipse Stakes can seldom have gone to the post for one race, for there was even a lot to like about the forlorn outsider Blandstar, about whom the bookmakers offered 50 to
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  • 154 14 London: German racing motor-cyclists, who failed at Donington Park motor trials to win the International Trophy, were recalled in a special message from Berlin Herr Huhnlein. chief of German sports organisations, wants to know why they did not win, and an inquiry will be held. A special
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  • 124 14 Reuter. Harinachis Wins Great Sprint Event London. July 26: In glorious weather Goodwood opened with a woman, Mrs. G. Farrand, winning one of the most important sprint events of the year, the Steward’s Cup. with the 100 7 Harmachis. H. G. Blagraves’ 9 1 Old
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 177 14 Finishing with two bull’s-eyes at 1,000 yards range. Captain J.A. Barlow, of the West Yorkshire Regiment, won the King’s Prize at Bisley for the second time. He won it before in 1934. The rifle that Captain Barlow used was lent to him by Miss Marjorie
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  • 158 14 —Reuter. Worthington’s Feat In a County Championship concluded yesterday, T. S Worthington scored a century in each innings and enabled Derby to beat Notts by nine wickets. Scores: Notts 340 (Harris H’S, Voce 111) and 204 (Copson 7 for 59). Derby 340 (Worhtington 103) and 207
    —Reuter.  -  158 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 307 14 GUARANTEED «“•STRENGTH When occasion requires such specially strong carbolic a P X ou want to “f* IEIM*> you want to be sure. Wl jSSnlijk Y°u 030 rely with confidence 11 on Calvert’s Medical Soap, n m People who have used it for years will tell you so, too. OAI WEDT'C
      307 words
    • 234 14 ■Si i I W 1 Ihe ideal POLISH for Til.-, Brick, Slone. (e nirn i Composition F| llllts Steps etc. Agents: HARPER, GIIJ IM AN A( < l 4 W P 8 I M |1 LngkJLl y > J HI ul ihi?i ISHE «io ofuSvoiTli ORB Gland Discoviij Restores You#
      234 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 65 14 POP—Prepared for the Enemy’s Assault Bv J. MILLAR WATT TUG CMINGS& WAVE- Il VHAr'j TU&" V/ELL, WHE-N THE JARS I INVENTED A NEW UfAVY IDU A CAPTURE- IT AND TURN I GUN WITH A SOLID barrgl IT 'round on them O i k-* v <r 'WOM’T C j A —S
      65 words

  • 763 15 AMERICA MAY NOT SEND TEAM A PART from the Olympics, international athletics look like becoming the big sport story of the year. For myself, I set out to glean a few facts that might tie up with the forthcoming Anglo-American track and field fixture,
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  • 258 15 I \earco M London, J l led th ;it lie ls re M ~vl ll K.,r hitch (ra sn ,issi'»> to E 1 £6O 000 paid K tht wh() owns th' 1 I,ctL K Ben 50 loV< .i e v Newmarket. K„ stu<l l,l<
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  • 241 15 Most Successful Social Event (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, July 24. The tenth annual motor gymkhana of the Nilai Club on Saturday was one of the most successful social events held in Negri Sembilan lor quite a long while. His Highness the Y’ang di Pertuan Besar of
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  • 348 15 To Be Held In Singap ore During August Holidays (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 25. The ninth Malayan P.W.D. Sports Meeting will be held in Singapore this year from July 30 to Aug. 1 inclusively. The sports meeting will be a most representative one,
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  • 269 15 NOW RUNS STRING OF PONIES George William King, the bus conductor,, has stopped ringing the bell Today he listens to the saddling bell and watchc* his own racing ponies parading the paddock. Instead of standing on the platform of a bus George King is driven to the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 149 15 IA Z? Z I (jZzFZi t ar iih J.11.1'..1. .nCa;: W I r I Alex Henshaw, in Percival Mew Gull, relied on Patent Castrol in I l winning this year’s King’s Cup Air Race at record speed of 236.25 m.p.h. ;.f.q A«bt&jj2Sa I S|£@ lubricant specialists only, the producers of
      149 words

  • 140 16 TIN PREVIOUSLY LATEST lONDON (Spot) £194 15. 0 £194- 7. 6 LONDON—(3 month») £195.15. 0 £195. 5. 0 pr'TAPORF $98.50 $98.50 F’rsiNKSS DONE PENANG $98.00 $98.50 BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers ‘COPRA—(Sundried) $3.90 $3.85 H"LAOK PEPPER jg $3 75 RUBBER LONDON 7 %d ?«<* NEW YORK
    140 words
  • 322 16 ■»h»re of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or Fall Yesterday Rise or Fall Con. Loan 5 p.c. 44-64 114% Burmah Oil 90 7% +7%d Funding 4 p.c. 60-90 114% Ea^le Com 4 P esos 4 d War fjoan 3% p.c. 102% Cable 5% p.c. 99 Com.
    322 words
  • 110 16 Paris 178 761 178 964 New York 4.92 T t Montreal 4.93% 4.93% Brussels 29.10% 29.10 Geneva 21.49% 21.49% Amsterdam 8 95% 8.95% Milan 93 93 Bcr,in 12.25 12.25% Stockholm 19.40 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 nß o 19.90 19.90 !cnn a 26% nominal Helsingfors 226 226% Prague 142%
    110 words
  • 125 16 British Wireless. R.B.C. Commentary’ On Launching London, July 27. —A. 8.8. C. commentary on the launching by Lady Essendon of the “Dominion Monarch’’ and speeches by High Commissioners in London for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa will be heard on July 27
    British Wireless.  -  125 words
  • 44 16 EWireless The Duke a.nd Duchess of Kent, accompanied by Prince Regent Paul and Princess Olga have arrived by special train from Bucharest at Prince Paul’s summer residence in Slovenia where they will spend the first part of their holiday.—
    EWireless  -  44 words
  • 35 16 An American Bowls Tournament will be held at the Penang Sports Club on Friday, commencing at 5 p.m. All members are invited to enter, and it is hoped that lady members will participate.
    35 words
    • 239 16 New York. July 26 —The market reflected a waiting attitude with most the important feature a drying up of volume. Brokers look for higher markets tomorrow. In addition to metals and oils operators like motors and equipments here. On Coast markets steel was half to threequarter points higher.
      239 words
    • 129 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1-38 1.41 Hong Fatt -95 -97% Jelebu -70 .75 Kuchai 1.30 1.35 Petaling 8 00 8.25 c Puteh 105 1.10 Rahman Hyd. 1-24 1.27% Rantau 1.38 141 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Bangrins 220 22 6 Kpg. Kamunting 10j0 10,6 Kpg. Lanjut 18
      129 words
    • 21 16 TIN Singapore $98.50 per pkl. Penang $98.50 |>er pkl. RUBBER Penang—Spot 26%c. per lb. Singapore —Spot 26%c. per lb.
      21 words
  • 389 16 Slow Work On Track Today (BY TIOTAC) Over 50 horses belonging to the strings of Duval, Orchard, Hobbs. Bowden and H. Sleigh arrived by special horse train from Kuala Lumpur this morning and three special Railway launches were required to bring them over from Prai.
    389 words
  • 37 16 The Penang Races will start on Saturday (July 30). Monday (Aug. 1) and Saturday (Aug. 6) at 2.30 p.m. each day and on Wednesday (Aug. 3) at 3.-30 p.m. the Pinang Gazette is officially informed.
    37 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 28 16 PUBLIC BANK HOLIDAYS The Exchange Banks will be closet! on Saturday, July 30, 1938, being a Public Holiday and on Monday, August Ist, 1938, being a Bank Holiday.
      28 words
    • 267 16 physi those t,-rri>'l Mend.-u'o fr5 r 0f Buar:ir I wl SOI THERY klllfl (Incorporated in Engiw Notice is hereby given Transfer Links ot he r ict closed *****1 /\>.gi:s! Th !!<>• 1938 (both inclusive 1 lor of a.scer'ain;ug SlrifhiiiTrs apply for pui t>ci| atiuii in the new Issue. By Order
      267 words