Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 21 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE M sijwn«v ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY \o. 175. V<>l._XCyL MONDAY, JULY 25, 1938. PRICE 10 CENTS.
    21 words
  • 251 1 LOSING FACE OVER FRONTIER INCIDENT Suggested Bid For Settlement I okio, July 25—A bid for an amicable settlement of Ihe Changkufeng incident is seen in a report that the Japanese Government may propose the establishment of two joint Japano-Manchoukuo-So viet commissions, one to settle frontier disputes
    Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 114 1 (Bl oast Oi Spain London. July 23-The bombing and sinkug of the Danish steamer. Bodil. 844 tons, .on the high seas off the Spanish coast attracted much attention here. The attack which wa made ;n Thursdi was made known yesterday hen the British cruiser Shropshire
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  • 154 1 ■Reuter. Satisfaction Felt In London l®inn Julv ‘>4 r-™. <a t satisfaction is d ln Londoll at the results of the Pans and both as regards the Mate fiipfij,.,, >u private diplomatic conversations it is felt t) inat the visit proved success. Conversation 3 Lord Halii
    ■Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 222 1 <>• Un... With S Kecreatio,, L e Penang R ecr Pj ai ii;ng the Singa Uo Wdl be en L reation Club WuLe.t in Pen *n n ,ing the Au £U3t after [.j., lr p s being *’'lowing ho.. 11 bev eral years. Q nt
    222 words
  • 105 1 —Reuter. Chinese Gunman Shot By British Policeman Shanghai. July 25 —An unarmed Briton. F. J. Anderson. 38, from Portsmouth, chief engine room artificer attached to the Naval Office, British Consulate, was instrumental in the apprehension of a Chinese would-be assassin who shot with out seriously injuring Tatao. salt
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 77 1 Reuter. Nine Dead In N.W. Frontier Clash Bannu, July 24.—Nine were killed and 24 wounded in a raid on Bannu by 300 dacoits belonging to the Waziris and other tribes. The raiders occupied important points near a frontier constabulary post police station and outside the parade ground.
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 54 1 —Reuter. London. July 24—An immediate and en thusiastic response followed the announcement of the intention to establish civil air guards. Light aeroplane and gliding clubs have been inundated with offers of enrollment Captain Duncan Davis of Associated Light Aeroplane Clubs predicted that the scheme will create a
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 37 1 —Reuter. President Lopez Has Narrow Escape Bogota, July 24 —President Lop°z m°m bers of the Cabinet and diplomats particiin th"» Bogota centenary celebrations narrowly escaped when a military plane crashed nearby killing 27.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 321 1 Reuter. Reported Secret Journey Under the heading of “Man bites dog,” a Shanghai Englishlanguage newspaper features an incident in which a Chinese peasant in Shanghai on Saturday slapped a Japanese sentry and overpowered him. Over 200 Japanese bodies were collected frem an outlying village near Shanghai.
    ,- Reuter.  -  321 words
  • 52 1 Reuter. Bucharest. July 24.- Half a million men and wemen, some kneeling and many in tears, lined the route of Queen Marie s funeral cortege to the Cathedral. The casket was borne on a gun-carriage followed by King Carol. Prince Nicholas and the Duke of Kent representing
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 297 1 Reuter Peace Conference Urg es Boycott Paris, July 24.—The International Peace Conference adopted a resolution with regard to the bombing of open towns, demanding that the supply of anti-aircraft armaments should be unhindered and fin ancial aid given to countries victims of aggression It also urged
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. Copenhagen, July 24. —At the conclusion of a conference of the Oslo powers a communique states that seven countries agreed to support international action to remove the causes of friction and end the race in armaments and air bombardments.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 129 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sungei Siput. July 24. For the first time in the history of Sungei Siput, a Sunday Fair was held on a vacant piece of land, at the junction of Lin-tang-road and Main-road, today. Mr. O. E. Venables. District officer, Kuala
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  • 122 1 (From Our Own Correspondent» Kuala Lumpur. July 23. The Posts and Telegraphs Department of Malaya will hold their 11th annual athletic sports on the Victoria Institution ground on Monday, August 1. at 2.15 p.m. Events will be competed for by competitors from all over
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  • 39 1 Parlmmentary Under-Secretary for Home Affairs (since 1935), note devotes full time to AJt.P. Born thirty-six. years ayo, ivent io Hario wand Cambridge. Wax private secretary to Mr. Baldwin *****-31/, and his Parliamentary Private Secretary (1931-35
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  • 188 1 .—Reuter. Heroin Concealed In Sacred W orks Paris, July 24. Narcotics valued w l £3,300 and 401 b. in weight were seized »y the Paris police following the arrest or two men. As a result it is announced tha the French Detective Service has sent information
    .—Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 200 1 Reuter. Sweeping Advance Continues Saragossa, July 24. —The insurgents» claim a further resounding victory by the. junction of “neir northern and southern, forces on the Estramadura front at the" village of Campanario, thereby inclosing a well-stocked pocket of Republican territory including many towns. They expect enormous booty
    Reuter.  -  200 words
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  • 2546 2 MEN COMPLAIN OF STAFF VICTIMISATION Rotary Club President’s Memorandum A N analysis of the causes of the Singapore bus strike, the complaints of the men and the company’s replies has been drawn up by Mr. T. H. Stone, President of the Singapore Rotary Club.
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  • 106 2 Mr. S. VV. Jones, British Resident Selangor. say s in his annual report that two Malay girls have received Government employment as typists. r a eferrin a tO the P ro ress of girls' education in Selangor. Mr. Jones says that there are five Selangor girls
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 SPEND YOUR ON THE BEACH NEW JANTZEN here aki uTEst Gai Hiss v h NESY “LE TOUQUET” z In two beautiful printed designs C" “Tulip” “Driftwood” on regular U z ffjST Jantzen Fabric. This suit has uplift brassiere, clever low back, ItC and half-skirt. “MIAMI” In diagonal knit, with
      146 words

  • 99 3 Reuter. Rivers Overflow Following Abnormal Rainfall NAVY BOMBER FORCED DOWN BY STORM NEW YORK, JULY 24: ABNORMAI RAINFALI HAS CAI SED SERIOUS FLOODS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF AMERICA. I hr picturesque sheep coun try round Sansaba (Texas) is threatened with the worst floods in its
    . Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 220 3 British Wireless. President Thanks Their Majesties London. July 24.- —The King and Queen left London this afternoon for Sandringham. The triumph and success of the Royal visit to France is the subject of leading articles in all newspapers and feelings of i pride and respectful gratitude to their
    British Wireless.  -  220 words
  • 42 3 .—Reuter. I. S. Unconcerned Washington. July 23: Mr. Cordell Hull, basing his judgment on State Department advices declared at a press conference that he was little disturbed by the RussoJapanese tension. Nothing reported was sufficiently important to merit detailed discussion.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 76 3 —British Wireless. London, July 24: A future of the World Fair to be held in New York next year will be a replica of Robert Burns* cottage faithfully reproducing not merely the architectural but interior decorations of the Scottish national poet's home at Alloway.
    —British Wireless.  -  76 words
  • 74 3 Reuter. Copenhagen. July 23. —The Seven-Power Conference of neutrals, signatories of the Oslo Convention of 1930 opened here today and was attended by the Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Sweden. Norway; Finland. Belgium. Holland and Luxemburg. Dr. Munch, Danish Prime Minister in a speech declared they refused to
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 788 3 Franco’s Task If He Wins Hendaye, July 24: The Nationalist troops for the first time set foot in northI west corner of the province cf Valencia, according to a radio message picked up here from Valadolid. This is interpreted as indicating a possible Nationalist turning movement to
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  • 186 3 Reuter. Co.-op. Society And Japanese Trade London. July 23:—«The Co-operative Wholesale Society’s attitude towards proposals for boycott of Japanese goods was explained by Sir William Bradshaw, the President, at a meeting of the Society at Manchester. He said that out of 1.200 affiliated societies only
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 63 3 British Wireless. Baron George Franckensteine who was Austrian Minister in London from 1920 to March of this year, has become a naturalised British subject. In view of his long and distinguished association with this country it was found possible to waive some of the formalities usually
    British Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 62 3 ’-—Reuter. Washington. July 23. —President Roosevelt in a message to President Ortiz of the Argentina said the Granchaco Peace Treaty between Bolivia and Paraguay ‘‘offered concrete evidence of the existence of very read, lasting inter-American solidarity." It showed "the ever-increasing insistence on the part of public opinion in
    ’-—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 56 3 London. July 23.—An early General Election is indicated by Mr. C. R. Attlee, opposition leader. speaking to Durham miners when he said. "You may have in a few months what you had before —a stunt election on a false issue. Government will come to you and saj’
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  • 111 3 Reuter. Vancouver Premier Alleges Sabotage Vancouver, July 24:—A thousand lumber-jacks were assisted by sailors from the Canadian destroyer Fraser in fighting the worst forest fires in the history of Vancouver Island. Great pillars of fire are roaring through the virgin timber land of the
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 103 3 .—Reuter. Negotiations For Pact Berlin, July 23:—A report that Germany and Manchukuo have concluded a trade agreement whereby Germany will increase her purchases of soya beans from a hundred to two hundred million marks a year is denied in official German circles. It is learned negotiations are
    .—Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 117 3 —British Wireless. 50th Anniversary Celebration London, July 23.—The fiftieth anniversary of John Boyd Dunlop’s application of patent rights for the first pneumaiis.' tyre was celebrated today at Birmingham», where Dunlop tyres are made. Some 1.500 cyclists this afternoon rode in parties of 50 from Birmingham to ForJ
    —British Wireless.  -  117 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 459 3 Pen>n«. T,rg» n t Singapore- Ph ne r 1 S ,re,t Kuala Lumpur: fC e ’»3. Phone: %K e ‘Street, London amalara” re Flee* ee, Te l: “Leadmalaya o^ wral Le KATES M ,h v" $3 00 $7.50 JSS So-** 2 ..yJ J .hould Include the BATES tor CLASSUIEI> »nd
      459 words
    • 105 3 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes Choking, gasping, wheezing Asthma and Bronchitis poison your system, ruin your health and weaken your heart. Mendaco, i the prescription of an American physician, starts killing Asthma Germs in 3 minutes, purifies the blood and builds new vitality so that you can sleep soundly
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  • 729 4 Took To Drugs After I'ropical Disease DROVE CAK WHEN DRI NK. KILLED MAN Led by the Vicar of Wigan, Canon Rodwell, a small group of men walked sadly down the stairs leading to the cells under the court at Manchester Assizes to say a last
    729 words
  • 45 4 .—Reuter. Landing Near Poyang Lake Claimed Shanghai. July 23 —It is officially claimed that the Japanese Army and Navy acting in co-operation effected a landing at the western extremity of the mouth of Poyanc Lake, bringing them approximately ten miles from Kiukiang.— Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 144 4 s < hair ’’lipped London, Julj 17 a bullet from a man- s back in the middle th o to the slipp ng his C 1 i He was fore, to gown and gl > ves The Mr. A. H Haydor tofirn t Montgom.* Breese
    144 words
  • 97 4 A statement issued by the formed Association of non-Govenc» ployees in K Association rio.v has .core in c > berg. The Association is terest its member., in unemployas: the better training of candidal cal work. Two commercial schools in Km; pur have promised to trrant cttM
    97 words
  • 81 4 London, July 18. B CodftH return to the stage, making a pen® pearance as himself In a new play based cn his s of a Showman." he will make a’* 3 the stage in the late autunr Mr. Cochran, making this stated terday. said hi
    81 words
  • 83 4 Stoppages For L' ali Or Repair(From Our Own Correspa' Kuala LumF' ;r “Any tin mine can stop to transfer plant or e“ ,f ~1 losing quota That is tf .J r triction 1 Ruh pub Government Gazettes 1 Th< that suspension of "accident or physical J r r
    83 words
  • 19 4 Reuter. I Olympic swum- 1 tor ori€ mile minute, 4. seco. -jj I cord was -4 I
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 27 4 J KIJII I' .d >3-I n Salamai advamy Nationa yatioi l3 1 accordim 4 4 which al-w-’l was J I sector on were| lican battalions
    »' J  -  27 words
  • 940 4 LONDON OFFICE-BOY WHO BECAME ONE OF THE BUILDERS OF MODERN AMERICA SAMUEL IXSULL the tormer American utility magnate, died suddenlv in Paris yesterday afternoon. He collapsed near the entrance to the tube station in the Place de I’Etoile. in front
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  • 246 4 London. July 18. Ellithorne is leaving the Carlton Hotel. This will come as news to our own and foreign royalty, to many’ of the wealthiest men in the world who have entrusted large sums to his care, and to women whose jewellery he has safeguarded.
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  • 143 4 London. July 17. -Albert Vicor North, aged twenty-seven, a brilliant young gas engineer, flung his life away* to save a whole town from disaster. After an explosion at the Dudley gas works last Monday, North realised that there would be a mammoth disaster unless
    143 words
  • 23 4 —Reuter. New sork, July* 23.—Industrial employment in America declined by 140,000 workers between mid-day and mid-June says the Bureau of Labour.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 /Ls‘ Z /jRI >R>7 lOk ~\\fe:#;- i; |L i■# .-J wgM 7 L iSjHujß »<O > wlKM.tait T "TOT U> dZL>^Y > n s4 ‘Hou gloriously <O T/A- X2 LT’XS&aA *‘A"H" Genuine Eau de Cologne 5. C’/,^J. vU 1 he correct refresher for ball-room and ltow ’'■’>}-' "Man Creme" f
      156 words

  • 609 5 Brilliant Display By Sookieman (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 23. In a thrilling game in which there was hardly a dull moment, Penang defeated Perak by 3 goals to 2 in the last match of the season on the Kuala Kangsar Road Stadium today, in
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  • 103 5 Reuter. At Ilkeston: Notts 340 (Harris 115. Voce 111); Derbyshire 14 for 0. At Maidstone; Kent 216 (Gray took 8 for 59); Middlesex 159 (Watt took 7 for 55). Kent (2nd innings) 4 for 0. At Oval: Surrey 264; Yorkshire 36 for 6. At Bournemouth Hampshire 352 <
    ) Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. London. July 23.- Princeton and Cornell beat Oxford and Cambridge by 9 events to 3 in the athletic meeting at White City today. A. G. K. Brown (Cambridge) won the 440 R. Crossley the Half Mile, and Cambridge also won the Mile. The Americans annexed the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 418 5 Narrow Win Cher Kedah (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. By the slenderest margin possible. Selangor just managed to scrape home into the Malaya Cup final when they overcame Kedah, their last obstacle in the northern division, by two goals to one at
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  • 278 5 iFiom Our Ow n Correspondent I Singapore. July 23. Good reception of the new Singapore short-wave station, ZHP. is reported in Kuala Lumpur and district. Although the 8.M.8.C. chairman. Mr. R. C. Giggins, has stated that the Coiporation does not intend asking for a share of
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  • 46 5 Reuter. Belgium Eliminated Brussels. July 23. In the semi-final of the Davis Cup. European zone, Yugo-Siavia beat Belgium by 3 matches to nil. Reuter. Berlin. July 23. —In the Davis Cup European zone semi-final, Germany beat France by 3 matches to 0 Reuter.
    – Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 345 5 IPI x M l» CONCESSIONS UCI ST HOLIDAYS the public to travel by rail in the forthcoming ,n fffort t 0 VI a v week-end, the Federated Malay States Railways concessions more generous than any made before, yaking c tickets arc
    345 words
  • 136 5 |FW O Hun <■ I 111 "mi Correspondent.) I Singapor- ,hil\ ‘>3 E*. n Malaya, in line with the I [X X b ''M'-'nese na- 1. n, e win bonds have ■7<( ''i I l abroad the JapanKkrday""' 11 1 ()kanwto tol d K s
    136 words
  • 9 5 IM W •a from airman of
    9 words
  • 146 5 Sultan Of Perak Presents Prizes From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 23. Speaking at the North Perak Agricul»ui al Show held here today the Sultan of Perak advised all kampong Malays to improve padi cultivation and make the country independent of other countries for other foodstuffs as well.
    146 words
  • 208 5 —Says Magistrate 'ONGESTION of the local courts would be greatly relieved if the public would not bring into court cases which could be s. ttled out of court, said Mr. Koh, Sixth Singapore Police Court Magistrate, after heai ing a charge of voluntary causing
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  • 219 5 Reuter. London, July 17 A retired post office clerk and his wife, living in Putney, are feeling proud of their two brilliant sons William and Allan Percival. At 24 Alan has just been elected to a i esearch fellowship at Jesus College. Cammidge, and
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 DEFEAT of fj gffn ziOik Ju A Tf you dip yonr finger in treacle, the treacle dings and sticks. A dragging oil affects pistons in the same way and makes the engine sluggish on the get-away. In addition,, and this is not so generally appreciated, much valuable horsepower is wasted
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 264 7 Medal Of Merit Eor Mr. Stowell (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. July 23. Yesterday afternoon was as a red-letter day for the Boy Scouts and Cubs of Kedah when about 400 Scouts and Cubs drawn from 23 schools in Kedah, took part in the
    264 words
  • 121 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 23 “Bankruptcy is an obstacle to obtaining employment. Employers are reluctant to employ men w’ho are harassed by debtors.” said Mr. J. W. EV Ambrose,Assistant Official Assignee yesterday, during the hearing of an application for discharge before the Chief Justice,
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  • 120 7 Reuter. Probable Starters And Jockeys GORDON RICHARDS TO RIDE GUNBOAT London, July 23 —The following are the probable starters with jockeys for the Stewards Cup to be run at Goodwood: Ipsden (Harry Wragg), Bold Ben (Elliott), Neuvy (Snurke), Old Reliance (Gardner), Lohengrin (Beary), Jovial Lad (Herbert), Davy Doolittle
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 505 7 London July 17. Three young British R.A.F. pilots have astonished the entire French Air Force by their flying skill. A few days ago they were detailed by the Air Ministry to fly to Paris to take part in the French air display
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  • 362 7 BUT INSISTS ON $lO,OOO STRAITS CURRENCY (i-rom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. Her «slant eyes twinkling mischievously, pretty 19-year-old Shanghai actress, Miss Peng I'oong, Malaya’sfirst lottery bride, told me of the only offer she had received since she threw out her challenge to
    362 words
  • 334 7 London. July 18 —The Rev. ClarenceMay. stout, vibrant-voiced vicar of St. Peter's Church, off Piccadilly-circus, pounded the edge of his pulpit night and thundered to a congregation ot 500 (95 per cent, of them women): “Sin rides triumphant everywhere.” From a front pew rose the
    334 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 llch is More Ihan Skin Deep Doctor Tti; ••"s How To End Itch lour k ,n 7 M 'nutes. million tiny > isible germs. hide and tnake *»y ’i;,.' I. Burn, and be L ,,rn: Acne; Singapore Foot, b<, 1 liquids can't do l:ut ,J ,o kill the an 1
      187 words
    • 5 7 Oval tine /evivef fiagqinq energy
      5 words
    • 42 7 The lovel.est Soap for your skin and a Sure Safeguard from Epidemics and dirt germ dangers. 1 ,R l' L. J pi; cents box Of THRI ft.. cakes. Obtainable from all good Chemists and Stores WHITEAWAYS IPOH PFNANf SINGAPORE TAIPING KUALA LUMPUR
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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    • 131 7 OJCING TO SENSATIONAL SUCCESS SEASON EXTENDED TILL TODAY Matinee At 3 p.m. Deanna Durbin in ”100 MEN AND A GIRL” PRICES OF ADMISSION 15clts. and 30cts. DOWNSTAIRS QUEEN’S EPISODE 2 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 I UNIVERSALS STUPENDOUS Wl\ jungle serial fl /77 I k JO’n TIM TYLER in the heart of
      131 words

  • 596 8 ONCE more Malaya is being troubled over the pros anil eons of registration of businesses, and many business people, especially a section of the Chinese, are concerned at the proposal that time-honoured custom should be amended by a plan which will enable honest traders to deal with a
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  • 150 8 Mr. J. \V. Harries, who is on leave from Singapore for the summer, and Mrs. Harries will be staying at Villa sous la Roche, Rue Victor Hugo, Aix-les-Bains, France, until the autumn, when Mr. Harries wall return to Singapore. Mr. B. M. O’Connell has been elected a
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  • 115 8 Brigade’s Three-Hoiir Battle (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. July 24. The Taiping Fire Brigade under the charge of Sub-Officer Baharuddin was called out to cope with a serious gras> fire at the 4tli mile Kamunting Road yesterday at about 3 p.m. The Police also w’ent to
    115 words
  • 95 8 Under the auspices of the Penang Teachers’ Association, a debate will be held at Hutchings School on Friday, at 8 p.m. The subject of the debate will be That in the opinion of this house, mental train ing is of more importance than physical for the
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  • 92 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 24. A party called the Women and Girls Amateur Dramatic Party of Taiping, will be staging a play entitled ’’Heroine” at Parit Buntar in aid of the China Red Cross Fund on July 25. Rehearsals are now
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  • 10 8 Mr. K. V. K. M. Alagappa Chettiar
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  • 348 8 Mr. Lai Fo<ld Shim And Miss Rose Woon Gin Nyok (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 25. A pleasant function took place at the Eastern Hotel, Ipoh, yesterday evening, when the engagement w r as announced of Miss Rose Woon Gin Nyok, second daugh ter of Mr. Woon
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  • 164 8 Agenda For Tomorrow’s Meeting Following is the agenda for the meeting of the Penang Municipal Commission ers tomorrow: 1. To confirm minutes of last Ordinary Meeting held on 12th July, 1938. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. To confirm decisions arrived
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  • 446 8 Dispensary J w diviihnlit v' i r- ln Enpkaa is v t Medical J,n, rn; s to intend: prescription c 'o. In Malaya lc anytlnng readable except t| hc "'I the ex J Tl 't ne s volumes. I i.. but. h.i jllot that h r
    446 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 ■f-\ J S' "sEsiss r J- 7 E£SSSSSS£ /p*?^.':' z ?<y ft /M '4kC;«..’.; 'iil h ■iiiSm'MßrioMS k. 7-7 $J J-, s7lz y > jLMTT ssssisss 'z w f? s < m’f 3 I I r WJJ IL JIMI 1 z jfifladWHf- <AMK 1 i jt*? Y*ji new RSI jL;
      160 words
    • 39 8 "BULLFINCH" BUTTED The Brand well-known throughout the whole of Malaya for its Excellence and Purity. £k jskl THE BUTTER FOR EVERYBODY Obtainable at all the Leading Provision Stores, Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd PENANG, Ipoh. Singapore Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 11 8 K. L-H pj.A XM, T—--5 Day’’ oF THE PP RO® 1
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  • 1419 9 ROBBED OF MONEY SAVED FOR SON’S WEDDING Eye-Witness’s Story: Malay And Two Sons Charged (From Our Own Correspondent) M Alor Star, July 24. “While cycling home from Kodiang to Chungloon three Malays one armed with a stick and another with a parang, stopped me
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  • 637 9 A «»*l u Next Arizes nqll iry, held before A t a prelim" I,ll magistrate, u ymKoon I c ..,ng An Thin, 'aturday. 11 1 next assizes on a 1 1 ~,nidation to three ha'ge criini! a ,\h Si, Yong Ab r. ' women, l j
    637 words
  • 62 9 ion Club defeated Ken by 22 runs in a 1 played on the Th? Cbm,. enan g- yesterday. t Kase of the 120 runs towards Keng Hock contrirespectively. I. -—ful bowler Oman's I( S f r S 7 runs •> able to reply ’uni
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  • 154 9 K.A.F. Flying Officer Rodger Cave-Brown-Cave (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 24. The funeral took place at Bidadari cemetery this evening of Flying Officer Rodger Cave-Brown-Cave of No. 205 General Reconnaissance Squadron. Seletar. Flying Officer Cave-Brown-Cave was a nephew of Air Vice-Marshal Cave BrownCave, who came
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  • 165 9 Elderly Chinese Sentenced (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 24. Ooi Boon Thian, an elderly Chinese who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $3,000 cash, belonging to Saw Thian Teck, a rice miller, was fined $2OO in addition to a day’s
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  • 205 9 Warning To Others To Obey Customs Regulations (From Our Own Correspondent) Lumut, July 24. For failing to exercise a little patience, Keh Thim. a Chinese junk-master, was convicted and fined $5, in default, four days’ rigorous imprisonment, by Datofa Ahmad bin Osman, the Lumut First Magistrate, for discharging
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  • 253 9 Head's House Win Saw Boon Tye Cup iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 24. A large crowd was present at the 4th annual sports of the Lady Treacher Girls’ School held at the School Padang in Upper Museum Road on Saturday. A programme of 32
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  • 90 9 Instructive Lecture For Penang Rotarians Mr. A. J. Brown, Superintendent of the Penang Fire Brigade, who has had special training in air raid precaution in England during his recent leave, will address the Penang Rotarians at the weekly tiffin meeting at the E. and O. Hotel
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  • 135 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 24. A 12-year-old Tamil lad, Palani. s|o Arumugam was killed in a motor accident yesterday at the 7th mile near Simpang Ampat, Alor Star. It appears that at about 2 p.m. yesterday, a motor lorry which was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 2926 10 Substantial Increase In Profits TEA AND RUBBER OUTLOOK The twenty-eighth ordinary general meeting of the Anglo-Dutch Plantations of /Java, Ltd., was held in London on July j 1». Mr. W. H. Daukes, the chairman, in i the course of his speech, said: It is with i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 257 10 FLATULENCE GOES LIKE MAGIC Painful Stomach Distress Stopped Instantly Never again need your stomach be distended by gas. No more heartburn. No more flatulence. Chardox gives instant relief. Read this glowing tribute “I have had wonderful relief since using Chardox. I read about it in the paper, and bought a
      257 words
    • 501 10 BANKS shanghai BAI S. corporation’ The Indian Overseas Tb > t a extent and in manr/ 8 Mg. Bank, Ltd., Ordinance (Incorporated in. British India) Head OfficeAuthorised Capital NQ KONq Issued and Fully natH iJOft ENTRUST 1 iiu u 1 sterling Reserve Liability of VOI TR Proprietors 1 1 T.
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  • 537 11 I (From Our Own Correspondent) I Kuala Lumpur. 1 I Meandering sluggishly through the heart of the town, the Klang p r is only a shadow today of what it was 10 years ago. Then it F a menace to the
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  • 910 11 S.S. ‘SANTHIA’ arrives in the morning from Far East via Singapore, sails same day for Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. ‘PALIMA’ arrives today from Singapore, sails same day for Soerabaya. M.S. GENERAL CK arrives today from Lho Seumawe, Sigli and Sabang, sails for same ports on
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  • 755 11 Depots At Full Pressure Work Ashore And Afloat In presenting the Navy Estimates earlier in the year, the First Lord of the Admiralty mentioned that one of the most formidable problems which has to be met, owing to the rapid expansion of the Navy, is the provision
    755 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 426 11 liiiE FUNNEL LINE I U fc vnnV NORTH CONTINENT Leave» Penang Due London V rßVlf® M>> s„<werp Middlesborough July 29 Aug. 26 fcl*‘*SuUC AS. a-»»* Aug. 5 Sept. 1 F Gdynia Aug. 11 Sept. 8 ™-K® TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE. u a n A V Aug. 5 Sept. 6 t
      426 words
    • 779 11 and BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England,) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “CORFU” SAILING THURSDAY, 28ih JULY contract*wHh d S N* underT Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettennaa», London and Far Mab^Ser^r^ 1 11 MrU «ca and Singapore Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. S/S “BULAN” July 29 due Penang S/S “MATA
      779 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 660 12 Latest Times Of Posting AIR MAIDS: A mail for Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore by Malayan Internal Air will close at 2 p.m. (registration 1.30 m on Wednesday. July 27. ’"•A mail for Australia. New Zealand lava and Timor Dilly via Singapore and iherce by
    660 words
  • 1325 12 Jews First: “Winnino J The Workers CROWED PK/SOJVS TF/ T l!lX\’ the German troops marched inti» terror started in the country. C» t un has been directed mainly against the |cw> .nd 1 iib )y>. dk-class elements who represented the nigg system.’’ ’towards the workers
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2051 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES I b.b.c. service Highlights Of Today s Wireless SCH I. Bl LE GSF Following is the BBC Empire broad- 0.50 p.m., 7.40 p.m., 8.35 p.m.,10.50 p.m., 11.50 p.m. ana 12.4? j casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- t i Match ard Time) for this week, beginning July a.m.:
      2,051 words

  • 321 13 J KID) tPPIM, threat., a famous baby’s first picture, the Queen s visit to a nursery and a garden party, brought these children into the news K hile the son of the IF oolworth heiress was guarded closely, the daughter of England's premier duke posed for her
    321 words

  • 2729 14 REST WIN BY INNINGS 99 RUNS Europeans Out For Small Totals J. A. SANDEMAN HITS BRILLIANT 71 For the first time since its inception in 1932, the annual Rest vs. Europeans cricket m alch for the B. P. de Silva Cup ended with a definite result yesterday on the Esplanade.
    2,729 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 672 14 Glands Resiorej J Youthful Viggil In 24 Hours r| Scientist Explains How Tk'|| New Discovery Makes Wil Men Feel Years Younger Y| An eminent physician, with more than suffering n 3 t| SW 30 years of experience, after long study out the wori.i v by Punii h, and scientific experiments,
      672 words

    1,123 words
  • 490 15 Handicaps For First Day THE following are the handicaps for the first day of the Penang Races to be run on Saturday, July 30, together with weights for three races on the second day. Monday, August 1: Horses, Class 1, 6 Ftirs. JACK DRUCE 9.04 PURE GOLD 9.00
    490 words
  • 708 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 23. A FAIRLY large crowd which included H.H. the Sultan of Perak turned out for the concluding day of the Taiping Turf Club Skye meeting. There were several ex. citing finishes and except for the
    708 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 289 15 PENANG TURF CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING 1938. Ist. DAY, SATURDAY, 30th JULY, 1938. 2nd. DAY, MONDAY, Ist AUGUST, 1938. 3rd. DAY, WEDNESDAY, 3rd AUGUST, 1938 4th. DAY, SATURDAY 6th AUGUST, 1938. ENTRIES closed at 12 o’clock Noon on Wednesday, 20th July, 1938 at the Secretary’s Office. SWEEPS.—SI/- Unlimited Sweepstake for Members
      289 words

  • 142 16 TIN PREVIOUSLY LONDON (Spot) £194. 5. 0 No mar e i ()N (3 months) £195. 5. 0 mar e eivcu-oi-r $97.37% >97.75 TO SINF'SS DONE JPENANG $97.75 $97.50 J*’’si TESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers (-PP A (Sundried) 92% $3.81’2 BLACK PEPPER $8.75 $8.75 R! BBER 7%d
    142 words
  • 263 16 MEAT Beef Steak Kati 38 Stew or Curry do 28 Fork lean do 48 Fork lean and fat Ist quality do 36 Mutton <Goat) N. Indies local per lb 50 Do. Australian do 40 Fowl Kati 26 Capons locally reared do 55 Hen do do 28 Duck
    263 words
  • 33 16 BIRTH LEE —TO (nee Yeap Siew Lee) wife of Mr. Lee Ah Chye (alias Lee Tow Chooi of Mansfie d Co. Ltd.) at the Peixing Sanitarium on Sunday. 24th July.—a son.
    33 words
  • 105 16 London. July 23. LUBBER:— LoNlon Closed Octo??»ec. do Jan./Mar do Apl./June do NEW YORK do piled Kingdom Stocks London 61,420 tens Liverpool 32,839 tons .GPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam July £11.12. 6 PEPPER: White Muntok: in bond 4d Aug./Oct 3%d Lompong black: in bond 2%d Aug./Oct 2%d 'OFFEE
    105 words
  • 104 16 Faris 178 13 64 178 11 64 New York 4.91 Ki 4.92% Montreal 4.93% 4.93 Brussels 29.10% 29.11% Geneva 21.49% 21.49% Amsteidam 8.95 8.95% Milan 93% 93% "Berlin 12.25 12.25 Stockholm 10.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19 90 19.90 Vienna 26% nomina Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague 142%
    104 words
  • 190 16 RrV’XW'R: Ayer Panas 1.40 1.47% Batu Lintangs 1.12% 1.17% Bassetts -57% .62% Bentas 1.10 1.15 Erogas -80 .85 Kedah Rubbers 1.80 1.95 Kuala Sidims 2.55 2.70 Indragiris 1z32% 1.37% Lunas 1.82% 1.92% Mentakabs .45 .47% Malaka Pindas 1.40 1.45 New Scudais 1.20 1.25 Pa jams 1.85 1.95 Sungei
    190 words
    • 154 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. Tl> Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.38 1.41 Heng Fatt .96 .98 Jelebu .70 .75 Klang River 1.80 1.85 Kuchai 1.30 1.35 Petaling 8.00 8.50 Rahman Hyd. 1.24 1.27% Raub Gold 5.30 5.40 Rantau 1.37% 1.40 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Talam 1.42% 1.47% Bangrins 219 22 3
      154 words
    • 203 16 New York. July 23—Levys early Market inactivity was characterised by a firm undertone near the close, a rally featuring large blocks of motors, Chrysler and Anaconda. A further advance in domestic copper is believed likely. Brokers look for a higher market on Monday. Dow Jones avs. Prev. Today
      203 words
    • 19 16 tin Singapore $98.00 per pkl. Penang $97.50 per pkl. RUBBER Singapore—Spot 26->£c. per lb. Penang—Spot per lb.
      19 words
    • 130 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 4 1 4 6 Batu Selangor 1.38 1.42% Hong Fatt .96 .99 Kpg. Kamunting 10 3 10 9c Kpg. Lanjut 19 3 1919 c Kramat 10 6 110 Kuchai Ordy. 1.30 1.35 ex Mambau .52% .57’2 Pangnga 7 9 86ex Petaling 7.90 8.30 Rahman
      130 words
    • 186 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Seller* Ampats 4|1% 4 4% Asams 28 0 29 Ocd E. Selangors 1.37% 1.42% Bangrins 22 0 23 0 Gopeng Cons. 10 3 11 0 Hong Fatts .97% 1.00 Jelebus .70 .72% Johans .27 .29 K. Kamuntings 9 9 10 0 Kuchais 1.30 1.35 Katus 26
      186 words
  • 109 16 The steamship Kumsang arrived from Hong Kong today with Mr. Yean Ching Hin as passenger disembarking at Penang. Mrs. H.M.A. Lawrence and Miss Elizabeth Borisoff arrived in Penang from Hong Kong yesterday by the motor ship Hal;. Lee. Mr. J. Coutt arrived in Penang today from Port Swettenham
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  • 27 16 For the three months ended June 30. the company’s total output was as under: —168 tons of ore. Estimated mine profit £4,938. Tribute profit £2,008.
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  • 25 16 For the three months ended June 30, the Company’s total output was 111 tons of tin ore and the estimated mine profit £5,531.
    25 words
  • 1068 16 Sparkling Badminton 1 Ktiiala Fiumpur (By Our Badminton Correspondent) Thrilling and sparkling badminton was witnessed yesterday at the Victoria In stitution Hall, Kuala Lumpur, when Selangor gained their revenge on Penang, eliminating the settlement from the first round of the Foong Seong Cup.
    1,068 words
  • 117 16 Feu Horses i BY TICTAC The heavy lain which feC morning spoilt track work, am seven or eight horses being tn slow work on the second tin Among those worked this Peter John, Tinkurrin. Mam Rex from Billett’s stable. Note O’Neill’s lot and Pat Burke a:
    117 words
  • 136 16 Too Many Scratching Punters in Penning gusted and annoyed 0) t trainers at the P>^ n hoi ses for meetings and at all u.haerH Several horses which the Taiping Meeting <ii the usual time of sera- W were led to believe that the accepting. least two or thre-
    136 words
  • 25 16 U. Miss Frances L of Labour, whe> has I»" ,m n ment figure> decline further that time* ieB on S
    25 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 160 16 POSITION VACANT Vk ANTED General Junior European Assistant for Department Store. Knowledge of accounts essential. Applications treated confidentially Apply first instance Box No. 273, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE 1 0LDEN Cocker Puppies, 8 weeks old. 9 Sire, JBrynegold Robinhurs:- Dam, Jubilee Queen of Kinjar-g. Males $4O each. Apply— Mrs.
      160 words