Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY Hrvoi. xcvi. hl. 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1938. PRICE 10 CENTS*
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  • 639 1 I belies Of Wild I Enthusiasm I Report- from I "<»<••■ <]<*• II,, .ernes of »iM whirl) greeted the King tiyiirrn 011 their arrival at lulojneai» 1 Milwqnentl) in Lj,al the beginning of the L.,. days'Stale visit which K r ir Majesties are paying to C
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  • 53 1 imt July 19. The Italian Press tn |w ignores tin Royal visit t o ftmivtli Ute excep/ton of the Vaticm orjm, Ouervatore Romano. Bnhsfc colony recall that last Ivt C on boycott d I wwkrbj I Tfe ohi'uicc/ sttlaai Agency I u twelve-line <eport of I
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  • 461 1 DISPUTED AREA Chiang Still (Confident Chinese sources state that after rejection of Japanese protests to the Soviet regarding a disputed area south of Hiinehun (yesterday Reuter ({noting Japanese sources reported that Soviet troops had crossed the border near Hun* cliiin into Kirin and that fears we
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  • 126 1 Committee Concludes Evidence The House of Commons yesterday evening passed without a division a Liberal amendment to the Labour motion recommitting the report of the Committee of Privileges on account of subsequent disclosure of new information in connection with the Sandys case. The Liberal amendment was in the
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  • 58 1 The Stock Exchange und i’one impioved in sympathy with higher Wall Street advices but trailing was very restricted wirg to continued lack of news regard:ng the German-Czechoslovak conversations. Gilt-edgeo moved indecisively Germans and Austrians hardened. Oils, international and Kaffirs were firm. Elsewhere fluctuations were narrow. In foreign exchanges
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  • 36 1 Japan To Spend 300 Million Yen Abroad Tokio, July 19—The Cabinet has approved the Ministry of Finance's proposal for resolving a fund of 300,000.000 yen created from reserves for the purchase of raw materials.—Reuter.
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  • 51 1 Exchequer returns show that total ordinary revenue amounts to £164.588.998 compared with £175.161.684 at the correspondng date Last year. Total exependiture. less self-balancing items, is £280,609,838 compared with £249.755.955 at the corresponding date of 1937. Total Floating Debt outstanding is £911,055.000 a net increase of £69.300.000 since March
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  • 103 1 Appointment Of F. W. Ogilvie CJ A new Director-General of the British Bioadcasting Corporation was appointed yesterday by the Board of Governors. Mr. Frederick Wolff Ogilvie succeeds Sir John Reith who has been appointed chairman of Imperial Airways. Mr. Ogilvie has been President and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s
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  • 180 1 •BROUGHT LONG STANDING ISSUE TO A HEAD” Dr. Aleck William Bourne, the eminent < bstetric surgeon and gynaecologist, who was tried at the Old Bailey on a charge of having used an instrument contrary to section 58 of the Offences Against the r\ rson Act.
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  • 170 1 FURTHER MEASURES TO INCREASE OUTPUT London, July 19. —The Air Ministry announces that two further measures have now been taken to increase the output of aircraft and engines required in connection with the accelerated Royal Air Force ex pansion programme. In order to provide greatly
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  • 21 1 Philadelphia. July 20—Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Junior, wife of the President’s third son. has given birth to a son.—Reuter.
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  • 113 1 Large Turnover New York, July 19—Today’s action on Wall Street demonstrated the ability of the market to close nearly at the top after a heavy volume of trading. The advance included most groups and confii med yesterday's indication that a new move to higher prices
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  • 31 1 ATLANTIC FLYER BROUGHT DOWN” Washington. July 19—The Air Commerce Bureau has cancelled the licence of Corrigan’s aeroplane. The move prevents Corrigan leaving Dublin by air in his own machine. R titer.
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  • 33 1 The steamship Klang arrived at Penang today from Singapore and Port Swetten ham with the following passengers:—Mrs. Spinks. Mrs. Mortimer, Miss K. H. Donaghue. Miss Dunne and Mr. Chan Khai Tean.
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  • 131 1 Talks With Lord Halifax Berlin, July 19 Captain Wiedemann, aide de-camp to Hitler who is visiting London talked with Lord Halifax. The visit is officially described as private, but it is believed here that Capt. Wiedemann emphasised the urgency of the Czech problem and declared that there must
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  • 108 1 Black Coated Workers Apply Nearly 295,000 applications have now been received from persons wishing to become contributions under the pensions scheme for black coated workers which was brought into being by passage ot the Pensions (Voluntary Contribution) Act last year. Over 210.000 applicants have already been accepted. A big
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    • 22 1 i E T l 0WELS I I I Uli k STOKE L[, r SIL* I' B>*"P S C 1 I PBNA 1,0
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  • 187 2 COURT OFFICIALS REFUSE TO DENY OR CONFIRM RUMOURS Dl''PORTS circulating in Holland and abroad that a second child K mav be born to Princess Juliana in the first quarter of next year gained in probability when Court officials, pressed for a statement, refused to
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  • 118 2 Overloaded Stolen Car Refuses To Move (From Our Own Correspondent» Ipoh, July 19. A car loaded with bags of cement was found near the Cowan-street police bar racks without any occupants on Sunday morning. Earlier in the night the police received a report from a Chinese
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  • 158 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar. July 18. A Javanese third class woman passenger gave birth to a male child in this mom ing’s local train from Tanjong Malim to Penang, when it was about five miles out of Kuala Kangsar. The woman had entrained at
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  • 76 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, July 18. The Singapore Y.M.C.A. favours a policy of recruiting local men and training them for responsible posts, stated Mr. R. Lyne, general secretary of the Association, to the Pinang Gazette reporter this ingThe statement was made in connection with
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  • 70 2 The Egyptian Prime Minister will arrive in England tomorrow on a visit on which h: will be accompanied by the Egyptian Minister for Public Works and other Egypt an min sters and officials. While he is in London, the Egyptian Premier will be entertained to dinner at
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  • 561 2 POLICEMAN AIDS HEALTH VISITORS District nursing has become a prominent feature of antenatal and infant welfare X in the rural areas of Selangor, deSr/es uetiangor British Resident Mr s .w. Jones, in his review of the States social and economical progress Quoting from an infant
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  • 489 2 Gaol For Knife Offence (From Own Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 18. “Tell accused that he had committed a serious offence” said the Taiping Magistrate, Raja Salim M.C.S. today, in sentencing a Malay, Thambi bin Mat Salleh, to pay a fine of $150 in default, six months’ prison
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 ARMS USELESS ON A WET DAY Kheumatism Made Work a Torture Here is a remarkable instance of the manner in which 'lamp weather can affect the join's of one who is subject to rheumatism “I had been suffering from rheumatism veiy badly.” a man writes, and had had such pains
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    • 110 2 BE WELL DRESSED] FOR THE COMING MCE Good Tailoring can be ac(|ui r( .j from DOULATRAM’S Tailoring Department l NDER EXPERT Cl I I EIis HIGH CLASS WORK I AT I MINIMUM PRICES We Guarantee, Cut, Fit. Style Every Satisfaction A Trial Order Will Convince Yon B.H.T. DOUUTMUd CORNER OF
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  • 156 3 No Further Attack Since Last December London. July 19 —In the Commons today Mr. Mander asked what steps were being taken to protect British and Dominions shipping in the Far East from deli’berate attacks by air craft. Mr. Butler said the government had not found
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  • 246 3 Pilgrim Fathers Extolled London, July 19 —Americans from New England took part during the week-end in the eighth annual pilgrimage to Boston, Lincolnshire, and the United States Ambassador was the principle guest at a civic reception yesterday. In his speech. MIL Kennedy recalled that the
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  • 888 3 police and a squadron of Moroccan Spahis and the Republican Guard. Dense crowds broke into vociferous cheering along the whole route along which, at intervals, thousands of doves, called from all parts of the country, were released as a symbol of the character of Anglo-French interests.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 483 3 I B Bi.hoP ree j47s r w> a tb g ,ensi0Q -CHM y* ea ng TeK»® tiingaport. Phone Cecil Tei "Ti®* Qreet London J»« W Phone: r 4 R Street. ndon r 5'S 0** SC. Teh "Leadmalaya I I; VIES Penang Onfmde Without Wi,h,n X g.lava »>«*• 2.50 3(W LoSC
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    • 286 3 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders are invited and will be received at the Office of the Settlement Engineer, Department erf Public Works. Singapore, up to noon of the 2nd August, 1938. for the purchase of a complete Electric Generating Plant, situated at the Mental Hospital, Yeo Chu Kang Road, Singapore. 2. The
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    • 334 3 2&oose (Covers! a J-. 'V <--<> th I New loose covers will brighten your home rejuvenate that faded suite. Covered in cheerful cretonne, well made and perfectly fitting, loose covers have a charm of their own. I (.all and see our wide variety of designs and colours in shadow cretonne,
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  • 316 4 (.heap “Rising Sun"’ Hitches hi I rod need ST4TE EMPLOYEES TO BE MORE THRIFTY Tokio: A movement is under way to induce State employees to eat “Rising Sun” lunches as part of the general campaign for war saving and sacrifice. This lunch
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  • 313 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr L. C. Simpson-Gray, M.C.S., has been appointed Official Administrator. F M.S., and Public Trustee, F M.S. Mr. E. J. Tiley, accountant, Federal Met.-r Garage, Ipoh, has left for Australia on furlough. He will be away for th t e months. Inche Awang Besar bin Ong Kiat, has
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  • 326 4 Prison 1or International Pickpocket Described by the police as a member of a gang of international pickpockets, which included her own mother and father. 39-years-old Lily Jones, a fashionably dressed brunette, was sentenced at Marylebone to one month’s hard labour—‘-It might have been six." said Mr.
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  • 66 4 Mr. A H. P. Humphrey, will not be returning to Government House after his Home leave. Mr. Humphrey, who leaves on the P. and O. liner Corfu on July 30. will return to a routine M C.S post. His successor will be Mr. Leslie
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  • 383 4 Has it ever occurred to you, when spinning along on beautiful or bumpy roads, that mosquitoes are capable of putting a complete stop to motoring Not because they might attack you in swarms, but because they are capable of making tyres so expensive that the horse and
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  • 1024 4 WINDOW M| IN ambassadors M| Winchester, Juh p. Mr nedy. the Am, today ,n Win, I given anonymously memory of Ki subject of th, ua iS or Christ. Th, based on the white horse "K.n K gs Lords' descril Book of Revelation i flguree or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 'W^ L ■> Ife x I I SSh I ■Y'' i J Jljk MILLIONS THRILLED BY MODERNIZED TOOTH PASTE PFPSODFNT alone of all tooth paste* contains IRH MI Millions long denied the thrill of lovely, brilliant teeth are finding it again with IRIl M. (>nec you change to this modernised
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  • 579 5 Viscount Horne And “Golden Opportunities” PROTECTION IN THE TIME OF DANGER London: iscount Horne, addressing the Kmpire Migration Conference which was opened b\ Sir John Stewart, Lord Provost ol (ilasgow. at the b.inpire b.xhihitio.n at Cdasgow declared: I here has never been a connnnnitv ot people
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  • 69 5 cf the Po Gar- dens, Ipoh. and Mr. and Mrs. Ong Ewe Thong, of Penang, for the marriage of Dr. Lip Seng Chiew. M.R.C.S. (Eng.). L.R.C.P (Lond.), with Miss Ong Saw Wan. The marriage will be solemnised at the
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  • 510 5 I Both 1 .j|- Cases I WOKK I g. b B allow K*» L.h’d I» Ll 11 '‘V' 11 >'H' I” xHHJ.MhM Mi ,,t < .it to I ni' th be. the B gnise mthontK's 1 jirbicn’ i* W' 1 there* fBe ques=i° p invS of .''."'b,’rankly
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  • 298 5 Now Dominated By Fear London: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Lang, spoke of the “domination of the world by evil spirits” when addressing the Canterbury Diocesan Conference. "It is worth while to do anything to en able the world to gain time
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  • 319 5 Impressive Tribute By Lord Lothian London: The Marquess of Lothian, speaking at the official opening to the public of the house at Bishop’s Stortford where Cecil Rhodes was born, paid an impressive tribute to the ideals which animated Rhodes. He said that the lofty central aim
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 416 5 g^*r W Ww/ 1 fl 1 t^>Y *■< 4bLF£ > Give Your Dog A Regular Course Of SHERLEY’S TONIC 4 CONDITION POWDERS 1 he cause of Moodiness, Poor Coat, Lost Appetite, Listlessncss, Itching, Scratching, Hair Shedding,’ etc., is over-heated blood. But a dog’s blood only gets overheated when it is
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    • 83 5 I I TV4UMFJJ B I TRIUMPH I I 1938 -TIGERS I B Better than ever B B Super sports B B Chrome Silver Sheen B B De Luxe B B Ch roni e tS PIu nj B B ALL Foot-Change Gears B B Perfect Finish B B Sole Agents B
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 642 6 ACCLAIMED THE FUNNIEST CANTONESE TAiv™ IR EVEPLAST 2 sH s t<>mh lAiiwiygL?iiir 6.30 zl Superb New Cantonese Comedy h “LAU MAN CHAI" with KWONG SAN SIEW— LEONG S|j r TAI HOW HOR—YEE CHOW Sil and a r J A HILARIOUS NEW COMEDY. WITH LILTING NEW C v nv r,,al N
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 443 6 Kvhx Xw u X 'fell I. «Ah ii r\X*Ya to IklsM 6.15 TONIC H T »3» WRRt sB# ifessk 20th century-fox presents the happiest comedy of the season *te THE VACATION EVERY DREAMS ABOUT!... LAST NIGHT TONIGHT! the picture every LAUGH AND LEARN MARITAL WISDOM WITH TOM WALLS frX family
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  • 267 7 Eire’s Flag Ousts The I nion Jack Cobh (Queenstown): Mr de Valera stepped towards a temporary mast in the barrack square. Spike Island, near Cobh, and hoisted the green, white and gold tricolour of Eire in place of the Union Jack, which has flown from
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  • 358 7 £150 Damages To Music Teacher Swansea:—Damages of £150 for breach of promise were awarded by Mr. Justice Singleton, at Glamorgan Assizes at Swansea. against Thomas Lewis, a farmer, aged 6J who, it was alleged, wanted ‘a quiet wedding, ard no fussC with 32-year-old Miss Mary Lewis,
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  • 345 7 TEETH THAT WERE RADIO RECEIVERS Hens that don’t lay eggs, milk which goes sour, and umbrellas that turn inside out are only a few of the phenomena modem broadcasting stations are accused of perpetrating. But tht strangest and most incredible complaint ever received by engineers of a
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  • 83 7 The Malayan Young Women's Christian Association proposes holding the annual camp conference this year at Penang —by the sea. All members are cordially invited to join. The conference commences on Monday. August 15, and continues to Saturday. August 20. Several competitions have also been arranged between the various centres in
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  • 443 7 Clothes 1 orn Off To Escape Burns London: When a pipe containing heate_i ammonia burst in the Eldorado ice-cream factory in Stambord street, 63 girls working on the first floor were gassed, burne- or injured in trying to escape. People in tne vicinity heard a dull
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? “What do you think?” Macleans PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If you use a solid dentifrice, try the new MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE OVALTIN E COLD or Hot now served in Hie leading Cafes and I J I TOMGHT LADIES’ GUEST NIGHT WEMBLEY PARK TOMGHT WEDNESDAY
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    • 220 7 IqUEEN’S I \ST NIGHT 9.30 6.15 <•>• a <<>" r,41i l’ s l ,ree I i ilk» A little home 4 nurriar"' 1 1 lk <‘" ■‘Love In A I Bungalow I Ki \> I \YLOR NAN GREY Starring I Special Matinee Today at 3p. m. I -nil. WE MEET
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  • 771 8 THE elaborate preparations made in Paris tor a great welcome bv the French Nation to their Majesties the King and Queen have been completed and the French Press is full of tributes both to Great Britain and the Royal Family. An event of major importance oc curred
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  • 225 8 American Party Of 32 In view of the unsettled conditions in Europe and Asia, very few people would attempt to make a trip round the world, but the D. F. Robertson Travel Bureau of California have organised a party of 32 Americans to go round the
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  • 39 8 Eight Killed Valencia, July 19 The British steamer Stanland was today bombed by five planes end set on fire. The crew’, together with two non-inter-vention officers had a miraculous escape. Eight dockers were killed.
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  • 7 8 Dr. Lee 'Fumy Kent/
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  • 122 8 “M iscliie vo u s And Untrue Statements” (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 19. A statement regarding the reports which have appeared in the London newspapers during the last few days regarding the Sultan of Johore was issued from Government House. Singapore, this evening in the
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  • 187 8 Acquittal For 16 Accused The bar table at the Penang Middle Court was taxed to its fullest capacity this morning, nine layers, which included two women, seven Police officers and the Crown Counsel sitting round the table. ■Counsel were all connected with the rioting cases, which were brought
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  • 134 8 •"Events Expected To Warm Up" Prague, July 19.—Events in Czechoslovakia are likely to warm up in the next few days. It is understood that the Government’s Minorities Statute is now completed and w’ill be submitted to Parliament next week. Details are not disclosed, but according to a usually well-informed
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  • 460 8 Mui Tsai PENAN, 17 M I""’ 1 the S m larv f|(r Affairs. At the beginning ,,f there were 4(H) Ul p ie |s p December th, y (J 344, 53 havh their parents, left the ried, reached the age of )8 admitted to P o p
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 J\\ As* cricket” as become £> OvlT synonymous withall that is vsEL a l r so Haig” jg* as come to mean all that is excellent. *9"~| Ask for Hfticififcfe' dcB MO FINER WHISKY COES INTO ANY BOTTLE sole aoents»- JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated Ln England). SINGAPORE KUALA
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    • 140 8 >4 new co&k?~ i w -ik *’W "K The cook has not changed, nor has the recipe except that Maggi’s Seasoning is now used in the kitchen A few drops work wonders if added, just before serving. to an insipid dish, weak soup, stew, gravy or sauce. w Maggi's Seasoning
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    • 25 8 -J J FLY K I M Set The latest KLM Air L,ner a new standard in ,uxary speed. KLM. R”' alt t > Lines. Many ll,on
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  • 695 9 Total Of 144 Horses And Ponies Die following are the f nil entries for the Penang Turf Chib Autumn Meeting to be run on Saturday, .July 30. anil August I. 3 and 6 which closed at noon today There will be
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  • 271 9 I *>. llatnnioiKl i. 9,000 I l;r >«“ ’firn"--H apt;<in s I iIt xc5 r--' liH Ifo Ct-' I se-< \--u. Ihm i 1 4 rU -i 1 l’4r N'”ti"^ ha W llassc 'for W in 137 5 3 I L.1 ’"■'7!\our, n,a,i 7 E* Sb-
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  • 42 9 Owing to his injury sustained at Lord’s last Saturday, P. A. Gibb, of Cambridge, will not be able to keep wicket for England in the Fourth Test at Leeds beginning on Friday. Price will take his place.— Reuter.
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  • 324 9 Ipoh European’s Negligence (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 20. Mr. Scobell McFarran Rogers, of Ipoh, was yesterday found guilty of causing the death of a Chinese woman by a negligent act and fined $500, ordered to pay compensation of $250 to the husband of the
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  • 58 9 Ex-Soldier Arrives In Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 19. A man who proposes .o discard his Euro pean name and fight for China arrived in Singapore yesterday on his way to join General Chiang Kai-shek’s ermy. Youngish, handsome, an Oxford graduate 46
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  • 24 9 Helsinki, July 19.—The Finnish Olympic Committee has accepted the International Olympic Committee’s invitation to stage the 191>0 Olympic Games. —Reuter.
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  • 48 9 Dr. V. K. Tamby Pillai was speaker at today’s Rotary tiffin meeting at the E. and O. Hotel, presided over by Dr. Ong Chong Keng. The subject of his talk was “Medical Progress in our Time,” a report of which will appear in tomorrow’s issue.
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  • 67 9 Another Arrest The photographs taken by the Polic? during the disorders in Penang early this month have resulted in many arrests. Cne was made yesterday, and the man. Low Ah Yong, was charged in the Penang Middle Court yesterday morning before Mr. J. D. Lambert, the
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  • 21 9 —Alexei Badayev, 55- year-son of peasants, has been elected Chairman of the Presidium Supreme of Soviet Russia Proper.—Reuter.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 I the true tonic food I omimM #f Ch.muu and Store» |e. 0. HOTEL An informal DANCE will be ■WallheE. 0. HOTEL. ON Rednesdny, 20'h July I FROM9 30 pm. to MIDNIGHT. I MUSIC WILL BE PROVIDED I BY THE i Rimnyinede Hotel Orchestra MED IJ®IL L DANCE will be
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    • 28 9 HOUSE WANTED BUNGALOW Wanted with 2 or three bed rooms a~d modem sanitation. With garage. In good locality. Entry 1st September. Apply Box No. 272, cio Pinang Gazette.
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    • 299 9 a v- 4 £&mBQ£RbBl e w afiffiaEft3 CO**LtV>** i$ o! t es a t nat T nno^'cig* 1 6 sft° w S W .a>“ tll> F« te,S S^ l co“ 5 c^' 5 W 1 t ne Icn ir W L <LO^ V c p. V EB>®!®®ii ORANGE TIN
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  • 496 10 More Sensitive To Good Than To Bad News RISE ABSORBS THE PROFIT-TAKING IT CREATES Messrs. S. E. Levy Co's Current American stock market review states: Though prices have shown a slight advance, Wall Street has experienced a Further week of consolidation. The lowest figure Dow Jones
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  • 288 10 Dividend Again 10 per cent. The twelfth ordinary general meeting of Prang Besar Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held in London on July 1. Mr. E. Macfadyen (the chairman.» said that the profit balance for the year was £20,227, against £18,346. Their accountable crop was higher at
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  • 141 10 Through Back To Land Movement “We are going to have the greatest era of prosperity and happiness we have ever Known," said Mr. Henry Ford in an interview in Detroit. “It will come through tne back to the land’ movement.’’ Specifically exempting Mr. J. P.
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  • 106 10 The secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., repoits the following outputs of its associated companies for the half month cf July 1938. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd. (Kara,.gan.)—Hours run 325; cubic yards treated 62,000; total piculs 270; nett value $15,120. Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd.— Hours run 315;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 613 10 BANKS I NEDERLANDSCHE THE MERtAYTlt I HANDEL-MAATSCHAPI’IJ OF INDIA, 1 n N.V. I (Incorporated tn the Netherlands» Capital Authorised B (With limited liability.) Capital Subscribed F.. B Reserve Fund and Rp 8 (NETHERLANDS TRADING Ca P*t&i Paid Up SOCIETY.) board ofTirf, "w Sir Charles I Established in Amsterdam 1824.
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  • 906 11 Vessels Made Unseaworthy By Excessive Armament It is understood that well-informed circles in Japan are becoming greatly concerned at the unseaworthiness and instability of many of the new vessels being completed for the Japanese Navy. Japanese naval designers, it would appear, are losing sight of the
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  • 972 11 S.S. “MATA HARI” arrives in the morning from Singapore via ports, sails on Friday for same ports. S.S. “ASHRIDGE” arrives morning from Hong Kong, Haiphong and Singapore, sails same day for Europe. S.S. ‘KLANG’ arrives today from Singapore via ports, sails evening for same ports.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 412 11 g funnel line R L V ,ox DON NORTH CON TINENT Leaves Penang Due London V xEBVK’E Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. is Antwerp Middlesborough July 29 Aug. 26 C. Marseilles Glasgow Aug. 5 Sept. 1 Sp «raw® I» VL l2n~. !i£. DAV bEK July 24 Aug. 26 Aug 5
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    • 740 11 PJL and VZ BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.) PORT SWETTENKAM SINGAPORE SJS. “RAJULA” SAILING THURSDAY, 21st JULY Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with Hi» Majesty s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. Homewards for Colombo, Aden. Port a due Penan
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 44 11 PENANG DAILY WEATHER REPORT PENANG (FORT OOBNWALLB) Yesterday’s Temperature 6 a.m. Noon 5 p.m. 85 E. 84 N.E. 89 N.W. RAINFALL July 18 19 3 mm. TIDE TABLE High Low TODAY 4.25 p. m. 11.08p.m. TOMORROW 5.34 a.m. 11.55 a.m. 5.27 p.m. 11.50 p.m.
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  • 696 12 Latest Times Of Posting AIR MAILS: A mail for Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore by Malayan Internal Air Service will close at 2 p.m.' (registration 1.30 pin.) on Saturday, July 23. A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 227 12 B Don’t bJ FAT! I The birthright of- er,. ful figure. To .<da. tn B of the mask of K f '?Jx beauty. Thousand ,;al t 1 -..‘iB a new work! ir u get rid of fat. Doctors know that uh» < B -J Be* I •JSXd. I I And
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1807 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES I I II I I b.b.c. service Highlights Of Today’s Wireless GSF (BBC) Following is the bbc Empire broad- 6.05 p.m. X’ 10.20 p.m.: I'alk by BBC Chiel b.ngirieer. casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- 7on J? T nm «> n) “World Affairs” ard Time) for this week,
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  • 17 13 -WhihuIi h><‘ 'mH- .rein* <1 j, nial -<.»• t»l I h <> a-r-■ 'I I Park
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  • 52 13 hk.d in coinhat. ri> i. Vi in r Joe I IV Jak< I’o ell. o I Ih e V Iles torpot all-mi lix- iinipire 3ml iricil to settle a «Ihptitc bv tlnni- *< H during a ha-e-ball mtiuc in Xrw Virk Both M< r<* Mill oil
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  • 30 13 M. I. <» W > 9* Duthoi, personal chauffeur to President Lebrun, who will drive the Royal car when the King n d Queen visit Paris.
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  • 49 13 u t.COk \t "l' s in the Champs Elysee tor the visit of the King and Queen to Paris. Ftan.ep 21.000,000 francs (roughly £135,000» or it. Mkne than 100.000 applications for H’sts and persons living along the route have been received by the police.
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  • 76 13 1'1 ISS O. < \ZE. seated, and Mi" S. Pierex the South 1’1 Kfiiean l« nni- plaxrr.». at tea alter their exhibition niatek «hiring the charity tournament at the Herga Club, Harrow. Doroths Wightman. 16-vear-old daughter of the donor of the W ightman Cup. plaved
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  • 45 13 I-HEW It was hot unless, of course, you found a cool place like this girl. She < could afford to sit in the sun when she had the cascade of the fountain at Hornsey Baths to keep her temperature down to normal
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  • 83 13 Baby No. 1 had it and Baby No. 2 wanted it— —and Baby No. 2 got it. But he registered his disapproval when Baby No. 3 made tentative efforts to obtain
    83 words

  • 718 14 Cow Gate Cup Soccer A fine goal by Ismail, and an excellent defence enabled the Hydayatol Aishan Football Club to score a narrow win, by the odd goal in three, over the second string of the
    718 words
  • 1011 14 A Look Round The Counties IN-SWINGING CRAZE London: In the County matches I have seen to date, fast-medium swing seems to he predominant in bowling, and mainly in-swinging at that; which not only is much overdone, but does not reap the reward anticipated, writes C. G. Macartney.
    1,011 words
  • 310 14 Weights For First Day CARD OF 8 EVENTS The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Taiping Turf Club Skye Meeting to be run at Taiping on Friday. July 22: RACE 1 Polo Ponies, About 2 Furlongs, Catch Weights. PANGKOR WHY WORRY IT GREY
    310 words
  • 51 14 This evening at the “Waterfall’s" from 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m:1 March —Queen Amang The Heather.— Hume. 2 Overture—Bhal Romano.—Ketelbey. 3 Selection- The Earl And The Girl.— Garyll. 4 Waltz—Cardova.- Gomez. 5 Characteristic—Tiny Tot.—Letter. 6 Selection— Please Teacher.—Walter. 7 Fox Trot- Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf.—
    51 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 196 14 STEELS REAMERs Fl Bfe RF U DR1L1S SAWS I KIM Manufactured by THOS.FIRTH &JOHN BROWN LTD I Sheffield 5? R H |U Many years of expense Hnl Flnhs HiEh Speed Drilla Jj H pilCh Of P erfection Manufactured Hl Sheffield these famous Speedicut Drills 4rf IM guaranteed to stand up
      196 words

  • 482 15 fiat I •ilk-tic season is swinging into line. I ion(l on: ".?c e each week-end will see some track I no"' ulltl >C i i c '1. and some names coming up that ■fa 111 tl c record I -(J ])A?J C• lay
    482 words
  • 85 15 In the first round of the Foong Seong Cup tournament, Penang (holders) meet Selangor at the Victoria Institution Hall, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, July 24. This will be a return match for Penang defeated Selangor in the final last year. Penang will be represented by:
    85 words
  • 333 15 Police Lead In Race For Championship (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 18. The Selangor Football League is drawing to a close and a survey of the positions of the clubs in their respective divisions should be able to furnish the likely winners of the divisions.
    333 words
  • 328 15 But Too Good For Hurst London: Johnny McCrory, the Glasgow holder of the British and Empire featherweight championships, was unconvincing in his contest with Jackie Hurst, the young East London boxer, in a ten rounds contest at Glasgow. This was McGrory’s last engagement before defending his
    328 words
  • 15 15 Mr. W Swithinbank, of Messrs. Brinkmann Co., Singapore, is on a business trip to Ipoh.
    15 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 n mil JBL f||| H—aaMiBwup wff up new energy —banishes gives you a new feeling of fitness—these are a few of the great benefits of drinking Phosferine Tonic Wine. If you feel 4 washed-out,’ this rejuvenating toke tonic wine will restore lost strength Pho«ferine Tonic win* two or three times
      201 words

  • 130 16 i PREVIOUSLY LA 1'1181 U UN 5 £191.10. 0 £193. 5. 0 LONDON—(Spot) £192.15. 0 £194. 5. 0 WNIX)N <3 month*) $96.75 598.00 tUNCAPORE BUSINESS DONE $96.62 $97.50 PENANG Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers BUSINESS DONE $3.82% COPRA- (Snndried) j 8 75 RUBBER 7Ad LONDON 15%c(G) 15%c(G) NEW
    130 words
  • 329 16 tthnre 01 tl denomination unless otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or Fall Yesterday Rise or FaD luv Burmah Oil 90 0 7 C6n. Loan 5 p.c. 44-64 114 2 com 4 pesos. 6 0 4-6d Funding 4 p.c. 60-90 114’4 Cable 5% p.c. 97 War Loan 3% p.c. 102%
    329 words
  • 79 16 (Front Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 20 —Raub (Australian) (Bold output for the four weeks ended July 16 amounted to 2.082.03 fine ounces. The following ships were expected to be in communication yesterday with the wireless station at Penaga:— Agamemnon, Alipore, Aldegonda, Bentruachan. Boisscvain. British Justice. Christiaan Huygens,
    79 words
  • 103 16 Paris 178 1164 178 1164 New York 4.92 ft 4-911;$ Montreal 4.95 Vi 4.94 ft Brussels 29.12 29.09 Geneva 21.50% 21.49 Amsterdam 8.95 8.94 Milan 93% 93% Berlin. 12.26% 12.25 Stockholm 10.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 i81o 19.90 19.90 ienna 26% nominal Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague 142% 142%
    103 words
  • 115 16 London, July 19. RUBBER: Firm. 7ft buyers 7U sellers 7H buyers 7% sellers 7 bu y ers 752 Anl/June buyers 7}g sellers NEW YORK 15.85 eta. ’nited Kingdom Stocks London Liverpool 32,839 tons OPRA Straits S.D Rotterdam July £11.10 0 PEPPER: White Muntok: in bond 4d Aug./Oct
    115 words
    • 156 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 4|3 4 9 Eangrin 21 6 22 3 Hong Fatt -97 .99 Jelebu .70 .75 Kpg. Lanjut 19|3 19|9c Katr 25|6 26|6 Kramat 10|3 10 9 Kuala Kampar 14|3 14|9 Kuchai Ordy. 1.30 1.35c Larut 10|10J 1116 Lukut .70 .75 Mambau .52% .57% Petaling
      156 words
    • 160 16 (Comments On Page 1) New York. July 19. av<? Prev. Today High Low °30 indus. 140.39 143.67 144.12 141.27 •20 rails 27.96 29.13 29.26 28.38 20 utilities 21.64 22.06 22.25 21.15 40 bonds 89.33 89.52 Business done; Anaconda Cpr. 36 4/ Am Tobacco B 80 Beth. Steel «1%
      160 words
    • 19 16 TIN Singapore $98.00 per pld. Penang $97.50 per pkl. RUBBER Singapore —Spot per lb. Penang—Spot per lb.
      19 words
    • 167 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.37% 1.40 Hong Fatt .97 .99 Jelebu .70 .75 Klang River 1.82% 1.87 K uchai 1.27% 1.30ex Petaling 8.25 8.59 Puteh 1.05 1.10 Rahman Hyd. 1.24 1.27% Raub Gold 5.30 5.40 Rantau 1.37% 1.40 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Bangrins 21 9
      167 words
    • 168 16 LEAN CO. I TIN Buyers Sellers Ampats 4|0 4 4% B. S-elangors 1.37% 1.42% Berjuntais 9!9 10 3 Hong Fatts .99 1.01 Jelebus .67% .72% Jelapangs 31|0 31|6xd K. Kamuntings 9!10£ inix’K. Lan juts T5io 19 6cd 1.27% 1.32£cd ■Kramats 10|4% 1010’, Kundangs 5 6 610 Laruts 10|7% 111% Petalings
      168 words
  • 116 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 20 Tivo hours after Sir Shenton Thomas had opened the new Singapore short wave transmitter the British Broadcasting Corporation sent greetings to the B. M. B. C. A short report of the opening ceremony was included in the B. B.
    116 words
  • 220 16 Strong Team This Year Y eang Kar Cheng, the former Penang star full back, who has lately had his suspension lifted, returned from Hong Kong yesterday by the S.S. “Kutsang.” Although he is late for the soccer season, he will be a great acquisition to the Penang
    220 words
  • 73 16 A carpenter in Chulia Street, Penang, woke up at about 5 o’clock this morning to see an intruder in his compound. He gave shouting thief, thief,” and the intruder ran away-into the arms of a police constable. Tong Ah Yew, a middle-aged Chinese
    73 words
  • 255 16 Dispute Over Date Of Inquiry Expressing astonishment at defending counsel’s firm opposition to an early preliminary inquiry into a charge of a serious nature against two well-known Penang Chinese, the Crown Counsel, Mr. T. D. Hughes, stated in the Penang Middle Court this morning that several
    255 words
  • 596 16 Governor’s Address At Opening (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 20. He had hoped to be able to give the public some idea of the Government’s inten tions in regard to ladio, but nad decided to J withhold a statement pending the of various decisions
    596 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 74 16 DDB EHrescription If you are a antfeie» from m Eczema, Ringworm, DLobies Jtch, Salt Rheum, Prickly Heat, Peoriaau, Singap4*w ig Eruptions and Ruhr*. l>m '.D.D. Prescription Just a few rope of thia marvellous lotion ami »u hara instant relief. Irritation id pain goes at onoe, and a tew will usually
      74 words
    • 170 16 For the quid} I relief «I I headache /neuralgia Sk f RHEUMATISM JE I SLEE SUNSTROKE jCOLDS AND 'P.’LtX f CHius wja ‘Gcnasprm’ has the bad,«. Chemists and Doctorj ail* < «odd. MmuItouSi conditions, it is too p er ant cannot upset the •he heart. <>' hajj Sold in bottlt!
      170 words