Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE IJST imiho' ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY y,. |W. Vol- M:vl MONDAY, JULY 18, 1938. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 556 1 troyed in the Aomori Prefecture. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. DYKES breached near TIENTSIN Guerillas Hold Peiping Highway Peipinu- J" l A policy of flooding Japanese occupied hrriton is no» being carried out behind the Japanese lines. A band of guerillas destroyed the south dyke of the
    troyed in the Aomori Prefecture. —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  556 words
  • 75 1 Union Times. Japanese Advocate Wives For Priests The Japanese military at Amoy have started w'hat is termed a revolution in Buddhism in South China. The abbot. Chang Ming-shi. the well-known Buddhist priest of South Fukien and the mouthpiece of the Japanese, has started propaganda encouraging Buddhist priests
    Union Times.  -  75 words
  • 308 1 Reuter. Negotiations End Satisfactorily The International Sugar Council at the conclusion of protracted negotiations has issued a communique stating that the Council considered the statistical position with regard to the first quota, of the year ending Aug. 31. 1938. The Council estimated free market requirements for the current
    Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 198 1 Batavia Beat Singapore By Half A Point (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 17. Batavia beat Singapore by half a point in the Batavia Cup inter-port sailing contest at Singapore which concluded today. The most outstanding boat of Batavia, Piet Hein, again took first place in this
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  • 75 1 It was impossible to obtain confirmation or refutation of a rumour in Penang this morning that a prominent .Japanese concern in Japan is faced with difficulties owing to overpurchase of national bonds. The rumour emanated from Hong Kong. It is pointed out that it may
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  • 105 1 Reuter. Agitation Bv So-Called Peace Societies Washington, July 17. to any intention by Government to wipe cut the Neutrality Law at the next session of Congress is announced in a manifesto by live peace societies who state they intend to make the matter an issue of the coming
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 123 1 Alleged To Have Entered Kirin Moscow. July 17—A denial of the Japanese allegation that Soviet troops have crcrsed the Manchukuo frontier in the '•e.ghbourhood of Lake Hanka is issued by h? Official Tass Agency. The Foreign Office informed «the Japanese charge d’affairs that the lake
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  • 72 1 Offered In Synagogues, Churches And Chapels A special prayer composed by the Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz, was recited in very synagogue in .he British Isles and Dominions, on the occasion of intercession Sunday “for persecuted Jew’s in Germany and Austria. Prayers for the same cause
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  • 328 1 Praise For Singapore Training Facilities (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 17. One of the first essentials of any’ University is that it should not be a government institution, said Dr. R. B. Macgregor. Acting Director of Medical Services. S.S., at the Medical College Union annual re-union
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  • 81 1 Reuter. London. July 16- Credit from institution outside clearing banks circle. continued to meet good inquiry with 7 8 per cent. often paid against bonds as securities compared with the usual charge of 5/8. Clearing banks' tills, however. w«*re well filled for those willing to pay the slightly
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 214 1 Communique Issued In Prague Reuter. As the culmination of several assertions and denials regarding the disposition of Czech troops, it ,is officially stated in Prague that there have been no abnormal movements. Berlin. July 17- Despite Czech denials, another report issued by the official German
    – Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 146 1 Provincials Flock To See British Royally Paris. July 17—Elaborate preparations for a great welcome to the King ax i Queen on Tuesday afternoon have beex completed. The streets are colourfully decorated. Many provincials in picturesque cos.umes have come to see their Majesties. The Press is filled with trioufi-v
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  • 42 1 -s-Reuter. Burgos, July 17- The Nationalist Cabinet has bestowed m Goering the title of Grand Knight given him the Collar of the Imperia. Grand Order of the Red Arrow. Ciana is made a Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic.-Renter.
    -s-Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 EH o^ 2 j>L—z < r 7/yy.W Ifflr p j* 1 < L 1 r IIuI t g>V4^4' 4 5 V'”» f'FHL C Bf M 4 'Y/A r A /j.r->A< z »'W4>* 4
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    • 31 1 The Latest Tvp< writer Achievemeat THE BIBTISH NOISELESS Remlng&Hi j- s 4 IMF' < our BACON makes better Breakfasts PHONE PENANG LSOO 1501 BITTERVVORI if W A4vt. of Cold Storage Co., Ltd-
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  • 2397 2 But Still A Long Way To Go, Says President LIMITED SOCIAL ACTIVITIES DEPLORED The linn belief that Government would see to the need of Penang Junior Civil Service servants for better bungalow accommodation as had been accorded to their Singapore brethren was
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  • 323 2 Exciting Scenes At Town Hall Saturday night was a Red Letter NigK .for the amahs and ah sams oi Penang when for the first time in local history, a charity performance, in aid of the China Relie. Fund was staged by the amahs at the Municipal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 Gentlemen of I I Discriminating Taste I Always Look to Quality, Fit and Finish. i IF YOU NEED Q THESE THREE COMBINE Pay Doulatram’soW “a visit Bq ft'E GUARANTEE CUT, FIT STYLE f II I BUT. DOULATBAM A CO. i THE STORE THAT ALWAYS FASCINATES ffl ..</<■ J' CALLING ALL
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    • 94 2 Itch Cause In 7 Minutes Your skin has neai |li;S or p seams or pores when k>" sites can hide and a n<l Crack, Peel, Burn, alsy 1 .u h- Itc Ringworm, I’imples, A<u> tins',.,. Singapore Foot. l*y'- 1 t e! -y ordinary methods '*u trating treatment Hk for stubborn
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  • 217 3 —Reuter. Nationalists Claim 1 urther Big Advance Salamanca, July 17. Francos headquarters claim a further big advance ou as n eruel. A communique states that the Natioralist forces have broxcr» -Publican lines cn front 22 miles wide capturin? a nmnoer of villages irwlu»’;»» j ~<,ges
    —Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 84 3 Reuter Military Activity' In Jerusalem Jerusalem, July 17. —An Rrab was found shot dead at Jaffa-Telaviv border this morning, two Arabs were murdered on the main Halifa Road near Telaviv, and a Jewish supemumary policeman was killed by a sniper while patrolling, on horseback, guarding a party of
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 140 3 factory was first conceived.—British Wireles. Sir I honias Inskip Impressed London. July 17.—Sir Thomas Inskip. Minister for Co-ordination of Defence, yesterday, made a tour of inspection of the new royal munition factory at Chorley. Lancashire, to see for himself the progress that has been made since
    factory was first conceived.—British Wireles.  -  140 words
  • 239 3 I Former Penang Man A Singapore Commissioner It is announced in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette that Mr. T. H. Stone, J.P., has been appointed a Municipal Commissioner in Singapore in place ot the late Mr. C. C. Dunman. Mr. Stone, who has been a partner in
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  • 67 3 XII .—Reuter. Little Loss Of Life Canton, July 17. Japanese raiders came over the city at 9.50 a.m. today. They concentrated on Wcngsha railhead which was again heavily damaged though the loss of life was small. Eighteen planes participated in the raid and lemained overhead for 80
    XII .—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 194 3 INDIAN’S DEATH BY MISADVENTURE An inquiry was held on Saturday, before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Penang Coroner, into the death of Fvrumal, a toddy tapper, who fell fiom a coconut tree on June 22 and died as a result of the injuries received. Dr.
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  • 166 3 Coolie Vi ho Took Own Life In Gardens A verdict of suicide by hanging was returned by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Penang Coroner, on Saturday, when an inquiry was held into the death of a male Indian adult, Rengaya. who was found hanging from a tree
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  • 225 3 Handcart Found On Foreshore The inquiry into the death of an unknown man, whose badly decomposed corpse was found on the seashore at Tanjong Bungah on July 13, was held before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Penang Coroner,-, on Saturday. After the evidence of two witnesses
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  • 53 3 —Reuter. Los Angeles, July 17. —It is announced that Mr. Roosevelt will leave on a goodwill visit to Canada on August 18. The President will meet Lord tweedsmuir in ’’hands across the border” celebration in connection with the dedication of an in ternational bridge at
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 218 3 British Wireless Reuter. Arrangements Complete London, July 17, Arrangements are now complete for the Royal visit to Paris beginning next Tuesday. The visit will certainly take place except in case of an unforeseen setback in His Majesty’s health. The Press today describes in detail the
    British Wireless & Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 164 3 British Wireless. The Times Praise Evian Conference London, July 16.—The morning Press takes considerable interest in the work of the Refugees Conference at Evian which ended yesterday. The Times, in a leader. remarks that the conference has done this work admirably in methodically sifting material of
    British Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 138 3 —Reuter. Americans May Return lo Occupied Areas In China Washington. July i 7 ._The State r... partment announced that Japan has promised to allow gradual return or Americans to their property in Chinese territory* cans to their property in Thinese territory occupied by Japanese. The Japanese
    —Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 133 3 Reuter. GERMAN REPORTS DISPROVED Prague, July 17.—The mystery of German reports of Czech mobilisation and troop movements along the Silesian fronjtier is apparently traceable to elements, i chiefly clerical and communist, who are anxious to create an unfavourable atmosphere for coming negotiations bet.veen Sudeten Germans and
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 405 3 fe l w, H th g exten.lons 1 onsK gjnne ’£a,ette’’ J’enar>« TeW»" 1 Singapore- I’ bof,e CVc-1 Street Kllt U Lumpur phone: «P 0 Te b S*/** Lo <, ■±< C”” 1 Penang O B t.i<Je Without Within Postage Malaya 2.50 F'« L)5O s 7.50 '1 S2l bo
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  • 414 4 11 Years For Surgeons r F<> “Do 'I he Trick” Hazel Crickmer, aged tour, of Eastcote, Middlesex, will be a beautiful girl by the time she is fifteen. \et she was born with a terrible disfigurement. A mole, a birthmark, covered one-half of her face
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  • 255 4 Making A Better orld Canterbury.—The Primate addressed over 500 young people representing the parishes of the Canterbury diocese at a service in the nave of the cathedral, in connection with the Pilgrimage of Y'outh. Headed by the cathedral cross, the modern pilgrims, carrying church banners, went
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  • 97 4 Presentation By The Duke Of Connaught The Royal Society of Arts’ Albert Medal, which has been awarded to Queen Mary in recognition of Her Majesty’s unremitting interest in arts and manufactures to the great benefit of British industry and commerce.” was presented to Her
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  • 108 4 Height. 3to t feet» Weight, stone. Age, nine months. Nationality, Indian. Complexion, uniform dark grey. Name, Sheila,. These arc the passport details of a distinguished visitor that has arrived in London, and will be seen by thousands of people this summer. What
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  • 241 4 Famous Racehorse Brings Only £3l Bargain prices were paid by dealers for thoroughbred horses, prize cattle, and other live stock at the sale of the .countly estate of ex-millionaire Richard Whitney, former head of Xew ork Stock Exchange, now serving a sentence in
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  • 187 4 Blessing Ceremony At Butterworth A large gathering of Catholics, including many from Penang. Bukit Mertajam, Machang Bubok. and Kulim, were present to witness the blessing of the new’ chapel at Bagan Jermal. Butterworth, on Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father John Baptist Souhait. vicar of the
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  • 113 4 From the cold fastness of Norway’s love ly fiords and tall forests, comes a real “red hot” syncopating pianist, Mr. Otto Offenberg w’ith traditional fair hair of his nationality. Travelling round the w’orld as export manager of a Norwegian paper mill, this young pianist has
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  • 382 4 Story Of Use Of Skeleton Keys Ldndon: Three constables of the Metropolitan Police were at Bromley policecourt Kent, committed for trial at the Central Criminal Court. They are Roland Ref us Smith, and Berkeley Henry Frederick Weatherburn, both of Sidcup, charg ed with shopbreaking; and Bernard
    382 words
  • 105 4 Singapore will soon have a second Royal Air Force station comparable in size with the existing Seletar station. It is at Tengah in the western part of the island. It is possible that two new’ squadrons expected to come to Singapore before the end of the year will
    105 words
  • 260 4 ll<-dgeh<Hr« i '"'l hats London: Th. latest -,'n &gsinst foot-ai cribed in the third nr' '7 tural Research Council 7 Intense, in progi bright. Surrey e conference i Agriculture Some success Lad h PI > n serum used in teats at Pin ing. w Sn Certain
    260 words
  • 99 4 I mo Principal (Jit< Leaving Dr. E. Rhodes. Senior ChemJH' R.R.I Soils Chemist in report ing in the near future. Dr. Rhodes, who is leaving in St?® joined the RR I when it was 1927 as botanist, but in the lastS has headed chemical research rubber and technology
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  • 116 4 There was a large at en!i 77 funeral of the late Mr cortege left his resili 'X.jrch f Road, for St. Xavi-’ x p.m. where Father E from there to Western Roainterment Wreaths were s-nt j c s His sorro sudass Mr and Mr; D.
    116 words
  • 28 4 |N During 10 films w puty Censo They in< entitled ‘Nar becaua tures. mostly A* cause of gun Two BriH-" for gun play
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 1 77 7. .*****77. *****7 I w JrfwpyzX rfJs> 1v J 11 R km; W» U PFjl jfltl > Cooi and Fragrant. I r On b° ar d or during office If hours, at home or abroad, 47// |K Genuine Eiu de Cologne will alK. J ways prove its refreshing
      170 words

  • 291 5 L if proiil-Line 'Planes L Be Strapped; 3,500 L r (hies Ordered j |,itt< ri\ disappoint by the failure of his airmen 1,1,1 br. n fighting in Spain Mith Franco, has decided to l ra O phalfhbi» r <^ ,t lirs, h,,< ’P’anes. ii
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  • 142 5 "Foolish \llaek” ■X'lh/eH. l/l.Vv F S Fleinr r'' 'i aI.S <»(/l Bwo.|- < to .state .she F W- Ottfon .V. London Her rV''"' /<r.,o/. ore of d M pti </| > fh r fig})/ f i n <ln(f F'iW< «berp.9L n the perL <o
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  • 183 5 Vl,r r Y,. ai < I>riso|i w B'"f 1' v ß’ secure the B murder in ParkB^ 11 h-,-w B Taycr. .Tames K I'-a.-n were sen-auro-n of Ernest d-iiygist. on I the night utions B had rehist momen 1 H B B Home Oftiih
    183 words
  • 56 5 Film actress Sari Maritza in court at Los Angeles during the m aring of her suit for divorce against Sam Katz, studio executive. He d< nice char» r es of cruelty and allegation- that he had told hi- ail; L. .'TI not love her, that
    56 words
  • 740 5 LEADERS TOLD TO LEAVE GERMANY Anner At London Exhibition Munich.—. Another attack on modern art was made l>\ Herr Hitler in a speech at the opening of the new exhibition of paintings in the House ot German Art. Impressionism, Futurism and all isms
    740 words
  • 285 5 Divertinjj Tourists To Austria FOREIGN CURRENCY SHORTAGE Berlin:- How piecarious Germany’s position is in regard to foreign currencies can be gleaned from the fact that the Minister of Economics. Hen- Funk. has ruled that henceforth the granting of foicign exchange to residents in Germany for travelling purposes
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  • 90 5 Reuter. Vienna, July 17: All Austrians of the 1917 class, and the majority of those of the 1915 and 1916 classes, have been ordered to register for military service which means they are conscripted for two years’ training. Those of the 1915 and 1916 classes who were
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 304 5 DICE HIS ARMY IN SPAIN First Fight With -WILL IT INVOLVE THE WORLD?” Rome: Reference to the exploits of Italian forces in Spain is contained in an article by Signor Mussolini appearing as. preface to third five-year series of acts in rhe Fascist Grand Council, which describe the deliberations of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 206 5 new AWW IL I il il® !lßi .ill NEW STANDARDS OF REFINING... There are as many pitfalls in solvent refining processes as in the ordinary acid-treating processes which they are replacing. It needs experience and mathematical precision of control to steer a clean course between under-refining, which gives gummy, sludgy
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 882 6 R_ y < "w APISUHtSbI y W» <>PUNi\(; Toxiu O Y A L s mst rsiiiws Vassal 4 c mm TOMt.lll 6.15 9.30 «I AIT MAN CU All I 20TH CENTURY-FOX’S LAUGH-RIPPLING ROMANCTIC jP y*- 1 J M I T COMEDY SENSATION OF THE YEAR f JU .A itJ <SI
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  • 780 7 Excellent Entries Expected (By Tic-Tac) TpXCELLENT entries are expected for thet Penang Turf Club July August Meeting, opening in Penang on Saturday, July 30. Entries will close on Wednesday, July 20. Trainer Jack Duval will head the list so far as entries are concerned. He is
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  • 238 7 London. July TG. Members of the England Test team were injured while batting at Lords. Gibb was struck on the forehead by a ball from Smith and three stitches had to be inserted. Hutton was rapped on the knuckles by a ball from Edrich and sent to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 Kyt-p v TN FULLEST MEASURE- MAKE EVERY NIGHT A TIME OF PLEASURE AT "K'lHi.ey cabaret p y 's Popular Home Of Entertainment j( 'dlt DANCING 9 p.m. toiMIDNIGHT 1 /> IXC/ /01/ORROIF 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m.
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    • 293 7 Glands Made Young —Vigour Renewed Without Operation If you feel old before your time or suffer from nerve, biain'and physical weakness, you will find new happiness and health in an American medical discovery which restores youthful vigour and vitality quicker than gland operations. It Is a simple home treatment in
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 312 7 OUEEN’S Xiiowim; |I,IS week-end S in— <>f ,H Screen In Ihe Greatest T ht(;r, <„ n a..ce Of The South! (Bette Davis jezebei. > I ui \RY I OXDA GEORGE BRENT I I M rl I mklshs Donald Crisp Fay Rainier 1 I W7ODLCTKKV I V 1 Ĕ L wßrw
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  • 758 8 MR. HOWARD HUGHES, responding on behalf of himself and his fellow-fliers to the greetings at the City Hall, New York, of Mayor La Guardia, on the occasion of his arrival after circumnavigation of the globe in days, said that the time and effort spent on the Hight
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  • 272 8 LETTER TO THE EDITOR! Sir. When a Government clerk attains the age of 55 he is compelled to retire from service, and I understand this is also the ruling of one of the public bodies. But it seems rather strange that men nearly 60 years old are still
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  • 115 8 London. July 17.-At July 1, the average level of retail prices of commodities taken into account in statistics compiled by the Ministry of Labour was approximately 59 per cent, above the level of July, 1914, compared with 59 per cent at faQ-T 2 1938 an<l 59 P<
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  • 297 8 Accused’s Story Disbelieved (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 17. A Chinese, Chong Ah Chong appeared before the chief magistrate, Alor Star, Che Azmi yesterday, charged with having committed the theft of pair of scissors, valued $3, at Pekan China on July 8.
    297 words
  • 153 8 School Concert In Aid Of Building Fund (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. July 17 A cons Jeiable sum was realised tor the St. Loins’ Church Building Fund as a result oi the excellent variety enterta.n ment staged at St. George’s Institution on on July 15 and
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  • 107 8 Sentence Deferred There was a sequel to a theft at Pitt Street on Saturday, when a middle-aged Chinese, Chong Yoo. was charged in the Penang Middle Court this morning with theft of a gold pendant valued $BO from a 10-year-old girl. Quek Ah Bee Accused admitted
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  • 81 8 The following arrived from Belawan today by the steamship Kedah:—Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Joo Bee and two children. Mr. and Mis. H. W. Foston, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blacker, Mr. A. L. L. Glendining, Mr. L. A. J. Blaauw, Mr. Nai Krason Saru tananda, Mme Som
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  • 429 8 Amah's Pl a y ISHALLnev outside the T„ Wll Saturday night w| :i crowd of C. had bought ticket.- t thought that admittance. Happi mitted ultimately 1 hey had purchased t some cases parting w ith th valent of a weeks wages, but the were shut in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 222 8 I n.a L a t SOLE AGENTS V—JOHN LITTLE CO.. LT D. Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH PITMANS COLLEGE POSTAL COURSES in:—SHORTHAND, BOOK-KEEPING, COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE. COMMERCE, TYPEWRITING and other commercial Mbjects: (Monthly payments can be arranged if necessary). Write for particular» to:— PITMAN'S CORRESPONDENCE COLLCCM Cniteers Building,
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    • 24 8 DEL MONTE PRODUCTS AP.E THE Bes? Obtainable ■LtVjX 'TV oi yj[ BoRI HOLB AGBNTB: Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd., PENANG Wnguporf. Ipoh. A Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 13 8 EVERY OTHER |H to EXGI.AM» k I. M ir II'"* Royal Di<t ,h
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  • 488 9 e ii„ r s Great Display For N F.M.S. Side rnIMY FAIL TO WIN BY 1 12 RUNS i )1H Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 17 I stale cricket match between Singapore and Selanl 1 7 ended in a draw when Singapore failed by twelve 4
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  • 65 9 "hC||,,, th a his keenest rival, medle eai th final of the 150 1 i» r| 111 the Chinese Swim- i;,,. pnshi|ps yesterday. !i! < irJs 1,1 mins. 615 secs., K H of Chong; Keat, Tan In t), as th ir<J. swum yesterday ''"'‘lit s tr,, w
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  • 77 9 J. E. Slade. the Perak and Malayan cricketer, who saved the Europeans from defeat in the Hennessy Trophy match yesterday, unis suddenly taken ill after making 82 in the Europeans’ second innings and had to retire. He was taken to the Batu Gaiah Hospital. His condition is
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  • 185 9 Faroes And Bowes Selected HUTTON OUT The English team for the Fourth Test at Leeds will be chosen from: W. R. Hammond I Gloucestershire, capt.) K. Fames i Essex). N. W. Dv Yardley (Cambridge). P. A. Gibb (Cambridge). H. Verity (Yorkshire). B. Bowes (Yorkshire). E.
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  • 439 9 Perak Overwhelm Kedah (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Julv 18. Winning all five matches, Perak completely overwhelmed Kedah in the firs, round of the Foong Seong Cup Badminton competition at the Ipoh Town Had yesterday, in the presence of a poor crowd. None of the Perak
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  • 530 9 Slade’s 82 For Europeans From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 18. The annual cricket match between the Feral: Europeans and The Rest for the Hennessy Trophy, played on the Ipoh Club padang during the week-end, resulted in a draw althougn at one stage the Rest were in
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  • 103 9 The annual cricket test between the Colony and the F.M.S. will take place at Kuala Lumpur during the August Bank Holidays. The Colony team just chosen includes four Penang players, Andres, Stewart, Cheow Teik and Williams, but it is understood that Stewart may not
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  • 382 9 Eurasians’ Total Passed With Six Wkts. In Hand The Chinese R-ecreation Club defeated the Penang Recreation Club by six wickets in a cricket match on the Esplanade yester day. Outstanding features of the game were brilliant innings by Cheow Teik, the Colony batsman and F.C.D. Labrooy.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 T °NIC FOOD 1 Ol Ghemiru and Stw—
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    • 247 9 a «a LI f y AWyUf .BEAR BRAND" Natural Swiss Milk is 1 ♦he most dependable milk you can obtain. Originating from pedigree cattle grazing on the rich mountain pastures of Switzerland, if has the full creaminess and natural qualities of best < > fresh milk. 1 < n t\
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  • 991 10 Substantial Buying By Banks And Financial Houses REPORTS OF COMPREHENSIVE SETTLEMENT WITH AMERICA (From Our London Staff) London, July 8. For .some weeks past the I»ndon Stock 'Exchange has been almost entirely dominated by the steady upward movement on Wall Street Now, however,
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  • 890 10  -  By Rol>ert Mac Kay One of the signs of the stability of Bri-j tish banking is that there has been noi material change in the first half of the year in the resources of the London clearing: banks, the deposits of which have remained at much the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 226 10 PENANG TURF CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING 1938. Ist. DAY, SATURDAY, 30th JULY, 1938. 2nd. DAY. MONDAY, Ist AUGUST, 1938. 3rd. DAY, WEDNESDAY, 3rd AUGUST, 1938. 4th. DAY, SAT! RDAY 6th AUGUST. 1938. ENTRIES close at 12 o’clock Noon on Wednesday. 20th July 1938 at th'' Secretary's Office. SWEEPS,— SI/'- Unlimited Sweepstake
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    • 676 10 BAN K S NEDERLANDSCHE HONG KONG AM) HANDEL-MAATSCHAPFIJ SHANGHAI N.V. CORPORATION (lDCorporat.-d in the Netherlands) n 11 H ...x a The Liability of u n.... (With limited Liability.) extent and in mannei Ordinance No. 6 of 192 h r (NETHERLANDS TRADING Colony. WIFTY 1 Head Office:—- HON’G KOnh aVVMLII.J Authorised
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  • 761 11 S.S. ‘TiAPAH’ arrived the previous day from Kantang, sails today for Eagan Datoh and Telok Anson. S.S. ‘PANDAI’ arrived the previous day from Pagoerawan, sails today for Pg. Brandan and Langkat. S.S. ‘ROMPIN’ arrived the previous day from Ghirbi, sails today for Pangkor, Lumut and
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  • 1201 11 Centenary Of Wilkes* Expedition To Be Celebrated This Year 1 v annivursarx of the United States’ Naval Exploring ’"'i. commanded bx Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, to be cele- this year will remind the world of many unsettled contro- u «ncerning the discovery and ownership of the
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  • 344 11 6,000 Inquiries In One Week The Royal Air Force campaign to recruit 3LOOO pilots, observers, airmen, and boys before next April produced 6,015 enquiries early this month, the second week of the drive. Further measures announced in support of the campaign include: Arrangements to open seventeen new
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 446 11 IUE funnel line [J |g TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due London Trull' SE rVKL rolls Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. 18 iaX <fl s .Antwerp Middlesborough July 29 Aug. 26 C- IF NAFFAK rC uh Marseilles Glasgow Aug. 5 Sept. 1 HECTOK nIY to I.IVEBFOOI. VIA HAVRE. A
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    • 787 11 P O BRITISH* INDIA (Incorporated in England PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “RAJULA” SAILING THURSDAY. 21st JULY contractors' 1 Hta'utLS' N r Co under Fenang, Teluk Anson, Fort Swetteeianal,' London and Malacca and Singapore Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. S/S “MATA HARI” July 22 q/H due S/S “BULAN” July
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  • 591 12 Latest Times Of Posting AIR MAILS: A mail for Burma (except Victoria Point) India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan Kenya. Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibax’ Nortnern and Southern Rhodesia. Nyasaland, Soutn Africa, Great Britain, Ireland. Canada and Newfoundland by Im perial Airways (Empire Air Mail) will close at
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  • 659 12 Statue Of Buddha GIFT FROM THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT The Chinese Government has acquired, and presented to the British Museum as a token of friendsnip between the two coun tries, the colossal white marble statue of Amitabha Buddha which was so impressive a feature of the Chinese Exhibition
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  • 707 12 Expressioni sni The Nazi .REACTION I kom Very warm thanks are < lue t moters of the Exhibit? n O f T Century German A ton Galleries be< starts, the subject is prariical lv tc most of us. It is < of this kind is unpopu
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1943 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES t I b.b.c service Highlights Of Today’s Wireless SCHEDULE r 55 nnr t J GSF (BBC) Following is the BBC Empire broad- 6.05 p.m. lan Hurst and his orchestra. casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- “Empire Exchange.” ard Time) for this week, beginning July ,>, ir <„• i
      1,943 words
    • 17 12 TIDE TABLE High Low 3.10 p.m 9.53 p.m. TOMORROW 3.54 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 3.40 p.m. 10.25 p.m.
      17 words

  • 177 13 Henshaw •_>i vear-old winner of the King’s Cup. the Blue Riband of aviati. n in Britain, with the trophy, which he received from ,e ir Minister, sir Kingsley Wood, after his victory in a Percival Mew Gull. JTA '-IZAX’a 1 w n as the smiling
    177 words

  • 590 14 Schoolboys Win On First J Innings Time saved the Penang Sports Club from a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Fenang Free School at cricket yesterday on the school ground. The school only required two runs in their second innings to win
    590 words
  • 58 14 Strengthened By 100 Ratings Hong Kong, July 17,—1t is officially announced that H.M.S Suffolk arrived today at 6 a m. from Wei-Hei-Wei with 100 ratings intended to supplement the crews of the Yangtse flotilla. The ratings are proceeding to Hankow by special train at 4 p.m. on Monday
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  • 173 14 Singapore’s Good Chance Of A in Singapore had eight wickets in hand and 106 runs on the board at close of play and stand a good chance of winning the annual inter-State cricket match with Selangor which began yesterday morning. Selangor made 146 runs in their first innings
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  • 99 14 Match In Aid Of China Relief Fund (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 16. The basket ball match between Jitra and Alor Star, in aid of the China Relief Fund was well patronised when a large number of people from Jitra and
    99 words
  • 200 14 Mr. Teoh Khoon Inn And Miss Chnah Seng Bit The marriage took place on Saturday at 3 p.m. of Mr. Teoh Khoon Inn, well-known Bukit Mertajam resident, eldest son of the late Mr. Teoh Jin Wan and Mrs. Teoh, to Miss Chuah Seng Bit, daughter of
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  • 42 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, July 17. Racing clubs here have ordered nearly forty griffin mares from Brisbane district to arrive by the next season. The Ministry of Defence is supporting the importation by offer of subsequent purchase.
    42 words
  • 759 14 SEVEN RECORDS BROKEN Seven records were broken at the third annual swimming competition of the Penang Free School at the Chinese Swimming Club on Saturday Geh Chong Keat, again the champion swimmer, smashing three of his own records. Lim Teong Hai, the run-ner-up, broke one record, and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 137 14 i ii!?:fHi IT PAYS TO BUY AT EASTERN BAZAAR «T (THE HLUE WOP} Wc suggest you call before going elsewhere to select your choice from a wide range of English and French Dress Materials. Chinese i made Ladies Pyjamas, Underwear, etc. etc. OUR PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. MW LADIES’ AND GENTS’
      137 words
    • 139 14 No morel 'Flu, Colds I or Rhsunis I Wear the SIMPSON ‘TODOLOK’’ lodine Locket M near your skin H and for 12 months you <. n laugh at 'Flu, matism. I PRICE s Each nJ* Obtainable iiotn WHITE A WAYS taiping PENANG K I Will help you to su s
      139 words

  • 575 15 I II Fields |U Cr, J I tbe Mten.i ■’large cr ud f pe s! u general arrangeK** une cred,t Er^^e U *Xpon.t race, run last on the card. two finished. AtI B: s poh2f ..fed to th p wintm < M ihe «t night. big SWEEP.
    575 words
  • 649 15 Rest 208 For 4: Fine Display By Williams MATCH TO BE CONTINLED THIS WEEK-END At the close of play on Saturday, in the annual Penang Europeans v Ihe Rest match, for the B. P. de Silva Cup, Rest, taking first knock had 258 for
    649 words
  • 219 15 Penang And Perak Teams The following have been selected to represent Perak in the Malaya Chip soccer fixture against' Penang to be played at Ipoh next Saturday. F. Toft; Chooi Yooi, Yusuf! Swee Kee, Wat Gark, Shaw Kim Chan. Jalleh, Ee Eow (capt.), Caleb, Kam Choon. Reserves
    219 words
  • 135 15 Singapore And Services Two All (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. More than 10.000 people saw Singapore and the Combined Services draw’ 2—2 in the final of the Southern Section of the Malaya Cup competition at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. It w’as a hard fight all the way.
    135 words
  • 262 15 (From Our Ow’n Correspondent.) Alor Star, July 16. THE Sultan Abdul Hamid College held i their annual athletic sports yesterday on their own ground. A large and representative gathering, including His High ness Tunku Badlishah, Regent of Kedah. and the Hon. Major H.S. Paterson, British Adviser, turned
    262 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 940 15 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Ninutes-Doctois Disuvery Brings Sound Sleep the First Night, Stops Coughing, Choking, Gasping. Quickly Restores Health and Vitality fglpsg KSFass Removes Asthma Cause Helps Millions j i The true cause of most cases of asthma fo n er sufferers from I t A I/* lung\ and
      940 words

  • 111 16 rjN ruCViousLY latest LObioN-(Spot) fl9l lo 0 Closed LONDON—(3 months) £192.15. 0 SINGAPORE $96.50 $96.25 BUSINESS DONE PENANG $96.25 $96.12% BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA —(Sundried) $3.90 $3.80 BLACK PEPPER $8.75 $8.75 RUBBER 7^d closed LONDON 14%c(G) Closed NEW YORK 24%c 25c SINGAPORE- (Spot) 25%c
    111 words
  • 261 16 MEAT Beef Stenk Kati oh Stew or Curry do 28 Pork lean do 48 Pork lean and fat Ist quality do 36 Mutton <Coat N. Indies local per lb 50 Do. Australian do 40 Fowl Kati 26 Capon< locally reared do 55 Hen do do 28 Duck
    261 words
  • 853 16 Full Entries (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 17. The entries for the Malayan Amateur Athletic championships at Kuala Lumpur, cn Friday and Saturday, closed at noon today and were received by telephone, elegraph and mail right up to the last ninute by Mr. F. C.
    853 words
    • 125 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 4|3 4 9 Batu Selangor 1.39 1.42% Hong Fatt .98 1.00 Jelebu .72 .76 Katu 25|6 26 6 Kramat 10|6 11 0 Kuchai 1.30 1.35 c Larut 10|9 11|3 Lingui 1.60 1.70 c Lukut 67 .75 Puteh 1.05 1.10 Rahman 1.25 1.30 Rantau Tin
      125 words
    • 161 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Eatu Selangor 137% 1.40 Hong Fatt .98 rOO Jelebu .72% .75 Kuchai 1.30 1.32% Petaling 8.00 8.50 Puteh 1.05 1.10 Rahman Hyd. 1.25 1.27% Raub Gold 5.25 5.35 R antau 1.37% 1.40 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Talam 1.42% 1.47%. Wearne Bros 13.75 14.75 Teluk
      161 words
    • 234 16 Bulls Confident 1 New York. July 16—The latest crop of reports is aiding the bulls. National biscuit and motor equipments are popular with increased activity of Briggs Manufacturing Company noted. There are recent signs otf accumulation of movies which are likely to receive further attention. There are fresh
      234 words
    • 22 16 TIN Singapore $96.25 per pkl Penang $96.12*4 per pkl RUBBER Singapore Spot 25 c. per lb. Penang Spot per lb.
      22 words
    • 185 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampats 4 1% 4 4% B. Selangors 1.37% 1.42% Ferjuntais 9 9 10 3 Hong Fates .99 1.01 Hongkong Tins 23 9 24 6 Jelebus .70 .75 Jelapangs 310 316xd K. Kamuntings 9,6 9 10? K. Lanjuts 19 3 19 9cd Kuchais 1.30 1.35cd Kramats
      185 words
    • 109 16 Paris 178 178 19 64 New York 4.93% 4.93 Montreal 4.96% 4.96 Brussels 29.13 29.13 Geneva 21.55% 21.52% Amsterdam 8.95% 8.95% Milan 93% 93 Berlin 12.27% 12.27% Stockholm 10.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 *lo 18.90 19.90 Vienna 26% nominal Helsingfors 226% 226% Fra gue 142% 142% Madrid 55.00
      109 words
  • 65 16 An English-speaking youth. Ng Wah Cheong, who had been remanded on a charge of being a member of an unlawful assembly gathered for the purpose of destroying Japanese goods, appeared in the Penang Middle Court this morning. The case w’as postponed to July 22 for mention, and bail
    65 words
  • 495 16 Bruas Circe The Champion (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. Bruas Circe, a two-year-old Airedale terrier, owned by Mrs. S. B. Palmer, wife of the Federal Councillor, was adjudged Malaya’s best dog and awarded the Malayan Kennel Association’s silver cup at the Central Show here
    495 words
  • 281 16 Few Horses VICTORY PARADE IN GREAT FORM 4 (By Tic-Tac) A heavy shower fell this morning but i cleared up in time to enable some training to be done. Not many horses, however, j were brought for work. Are the good ones being exercised elsewhere? Not
    281 words
  • 290 16 Money-chauJ Succeeds On J Convicted in the Lower J charge of importing the Colony, an Indian mJ A S Zainulabdeen t«Mlay siiqJ peal to the Supreme Court Ihe conviction and a hne J quashed and 1.000 silver Im which had been forfeited w| b~ returned to him. I
    290 words
  • 111 16 Cas<> Againstj Well-known The case against t* o j Chinese, charged with a l was mentioned again 1,1 J die Court this morning J Cowie asked for a date I so that the case could be Assizes in August. J Mr c O i>. Hog» «a the accused,
    111 words
  • 13 16 Final divHend -s ,1 tax. payable Lonholders registered on Aug. 4.
    13 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trade Mark and/or Name depicted above is the sole and exclusive property of BATA SHOE COMPANY LIMITED a Company incorporated in the Straits Settlements and having its Registered Office at Godown 7, Prince Edward Road, Singapore, and is used by the said Company in
      153 words
    • 133 16 AC ),TV HU J '"'"••«Is mJ You can be H I fullness and J heart is going j J suffocated Y otl to quick relief So <1 'J below. But he ne VP J turned to Chardox drugless remedy you. Just read ih J “After having nor. M remedies for
      133 words