Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 567 1 ON EVE OF REPORTED OFFENSIVE AGAINST HANKOW Reinforcements Rushed To Nanking On the eve of the reported Japaoest l offensive against Hankow, comes the news of Japanese reverses in the Lomct Yangtse and in Shantung. Nanking itself is believed to he in some danger and Japanese reinforcement
    —Union Times.  -  567 words
  • 184 1 Outrage At Jerusalem from Jerusalem as follows: bomb was thrown ■’“t.ab'Xw lhe oU Clt i Arabs were killed and 29 e The has cnated M ,< ,> hr situation is in hand. ■ftT load as a protest against K -.<■ Mam Jewish shops B" -irk tehow"
    184 words
  • 75 1 BKebek Claim Land Bicton, Loyalists Air I \iclorv V ted that 40,V dated at Mora- "'"’dt u tin Nationalist I- Sa-mtn without hope of their material. Rl ;nl ,tns claim that in the course B v'/‘ d ,ttle sout h-east of Sarnon K planes were destroyed K'ro* S
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  • 34 1 VFiiuiUU Reuter. 1 1 International k nng in session r 01 ;t re Ply from the Soviet b ns referred to them. k ’hr International Sugar |<, "tiirilly concluded except I -cptance. Reuter.
    ' VFiiuiUU Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 24 1 Reuter. B -’.-i !t is announced the V" a> th» 1 ue a forced desB‘ bility owing to W us Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 97 1 '"■'"iiilitioninj, |>| anl n S,uh Room Of Ship <l,r Own Correspondent) B f; v P th( Ml. Sblpa pore, July 15 B v ->ya;.. f JOl l,: an of cool on ltra to Qlleen wuB ltions in Holland. only pu>B 01 l|:i Nederland
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  • 45 1 The total amount applied for in tenders for £45,000,000 Treasury Bills was £OO,665.000. The maximum amount was allotted in bills at three months. The average rate per cent was 10s. 5.21 d. as compared with 10s. 5.43 d. per cent a -week ago
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  • 411 1 I Itimate Price Of Arms Race The third reading of the Finance Bill embodying the Government’s proposals for the current year as set out in the Chancel-1 lor of the Exchequer's Budget statement i was agreed to in the Commons. Sir John Simon in winding up
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  • 41 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. July 15. The first portion of the contract for the Port of Bangkok scheme has been awarded to the Danish firm of Christian! and Nielsen. It is valued at about three million ticals.
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  • 154 1 lilgllt is -Reuter. Howard Hughes Confesses Hope New York. July 15. Mr. How’ard Hughe? and his fellow fliers had a tremendous reception when they drove through, the city today, thousands madly cheering. People thronged the pavements, torn paper was showered from window's of skyscrapers. bells pealed and
    lilgllt is -Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 106 1 Former Penang Cricketer Charged I From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 15 C. G. Rodrigo, former Penang and Colony cricketer, was yesterday produced in. the Singapore Tnird Police Court chargd with using criminal force against Ins pector Goodsnip in th-e execution of his duties,
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  • 89 1 MOTHER DAUGHTER ON CHARGE OF BEGGING From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 16 A Tamil woman and her eight-year-old daughter were yesterday produced before Mr. Radcliffe, the Ipoh Magistrate, on a charge of begging for alms, not being decrepits. The mother pleaded guilty and w’as bound over in the sum
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  • 78 1 A sum of $4,000 is expected to be netted by the charity shows to be given by the Penang “amahs” tonight at the Town Hall in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund. Owing to the good advance sale of tickets, it was found that one
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  • 82 1 To Be Entertained By J.C.S.A. Members Today Rai Sahib B. R. Sharma, who was recently awarded a Malayan Certificate of Honour, wall be the guest of honour at a tea party this afternoon at Tanjong Bungah when he will be entertained by members of the Penang
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  • 60 1 LYLtULLIU. OdU V LIILIZXJLJ, 1. vfi rx Lisbon. He is due back by Aug 3. Reuter. Berlin, July 15. —Hann Bertram, writer and airman, has started a round the wmrld flight using the regular passenger air service to Karachi, Bangkok, Heng Kong, Manila, San Francisco, New Y'ork
    LYLtULLIU. OdU V LIILIZXJLJ, 1. vfi rx Lisbon. He is due back by Aug 3. Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 379 1 Plague Overrunning Whole Of Tanganyika I lie Colonial Development Ad visor) Committee suggest a permanent organisation to deal with the ih problem in Afriea where in flotation is rapidly increasing. This is the most important recommendation contained in the Committee's annual report of 1937-38.
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  • 52 1 Press of the world. -Sin Chew Jit Poh. The China Branch of tlu I'.ternational Anti-Afigrestsion Campaign is gathering photographs, gramophone records and films proving instances of Japanese barbarism. The evidence Ia being sent to Paris and it would be made available to the Press of the world. Sin
    Press of the world. -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  52 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 kIH S» ER I DEALER 3 I iCn' BBK u A,kR cups- etc. I I .bw'ges l n terD bloc kfl L biass P lates Ws and clubs. Gifts L birthdays 1 f workmanship. Prompt service r h irg'-* 1 r M.kVr"*
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  • 1846 2 A Century Of Change: Foreigners’ Part CHUNG LING PRINCIPAL’S ADDRESS TO TEACHERS An interesting lecture on the progress of education in China, based on personal investigation, was delivered by Mr. David Chen, principal of the Chung Ling High School, Penang, at Hutchinas School last night,
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  • 548 2 Caught In The Act By A.S.P. Two cents were tbe cause of a constable of the S.S. Police Force, Awang bin Mat, being sentenced to three weeks’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Penang Second Magistrate yesterday. He was convicted on a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 X I FREE/M& J a magnificent coloured ART PORTRAIT of your Favourite Film Star I Do not miss this wonderful opportunity! Absolutely AMS free, we will send you one of these beautiful pictures of VrlUVs£ OT inCJt film stars in exchange for only 4 Lux Toilet Soap EAMAIIC Eli M
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  • 103 3 —Reuter. K. A. F. Initial Order London, July 15: The fact that the Air Ministry has placed an immediate initial order with Lord Nuffield for 1,000 highspeed Spitfire fighters was announced by Sir Kingsley Wood, Air Minister, cutting the first sod in Lord Nuffield’s new
    —Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 124 3 —Reuter. Permanent Committee In London Evian, July 15: The International Refugees Conference concluded with genera) exchange of compliments. It adopted a resolution establishing a permanent international committee in London to promote orderly emigration of refugees from Germany and Austria. The first meeting will be held only August
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 163 3 British Wireless. Premier On Sources Of Strength London, July 15: Speaking last night at a banquet at Birmingham, the Prime Minister made a brief reference to the world oultook. He said he was convinced the influence that Britain could exert for others as well as for
    British Wireless.  -  163 words
  • 62 3 British W’ireless. Only 50 May Practise In Britain London, July 15: Permission for a limited number of Austrian doctors to practise in this country was approved by ihe British Me iical Association Conference which opened at Plymouth today. The number will be limited to 50 and a
    British W’ireless.  -  62 words
  • 201 3 Loan Scheme Not Finally Turned Down London, July 15: From a trustworthy source Reuter learns that the impression derived from yesterday’s reports that the Cabinet at the ednesday meeting finally turned down the project for a loan to China is incorrect. Actually, the Cabinet
    Reuter. ■  -  201 words
  • 597 3 Penang Total Now 5545.000 V The Penang “China Distress Relief J Fund” contributions received up-to-date are as follows: j Previously acknowledged Straits $539,375.38, Messrs. Eng Hin Staff $5.50. The Chinese staff of the Chartered Bank of I. A. C., Penang, $33 00. Women s Committee of the
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  • 119 3 Reuter. Simon On World Outlook London, July 15: Sir John Simon, winding up the Commons Debate on the Finance Bill, which was read a third time without division, said that while the course of world trade was not too favourable since he presented the Budget, the
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 58 3 Reuter. London. July 14: A Supplementary Civil Estimate for £9,015,210 was issued today. Of this sum £8,500,000 is required for the Essential Commodities Reserve Funds.—British Wireless. One Indian soldier is reported killed in an encounter with tribesmen in North Waziristan. One Indian Officer and seven
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 167 3 mental and physical improvement.—British Wireless. Mosquito Farm In Britain London, July 15: An account of a “Mosquito Farm,” where 27,000 mosquitoes have been bred from a single female and infected with malaria so that they in turn might be used to infect patients suffering from
    mental and physical improvement.—British Wireless.  -  167 words
  • 94 3 1C Ui LJ —Reuter. To Carry Newsreel Of Royal Visit To Paris London. July 15. —Weather permitting, the Mercury, the upper section of the Short Mayo composite aircraft, will fly the Atlantic to Foynes (Canada) and the United States on July 20, carrying half a ton of freight
    1C Ui LJ —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 46 3 British Wireless. London. July 15: Sir Edward Beatty. President of the Canadian Pacific Steam ships Limited yesterday said that if conditions are favourable his company would assist British shipbuilding firms during the next three years with orders for vessels amounting to £11.000.000.
    British Wireless.  -  46 words
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    • 510 3 Bj|hop Strte’ P^ 8 < extension» r „7s««- 4 F"’ f 26K <■*" u re »»te f Rna c,.rf London P C frf r 'Leadmalaya 0*" r-tr.l U yw* I 5 KATES Penang rmtaule Without X- “??3 'm S S M2 W > W 0C r6 00 abouW Ldode the
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    • 53 3 NOTICE OF REMOVAL The Management of India Trading Co. begs to inform the public that the company has removed to 71, Penang Street. Penang as from 13 1 7 38. Our telephone number is No. 1722. SWEE SANG JEWELLER and DIAMOND MERCHANT AND KEADY M A D E JEWELLERIES. 26,
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    • 400 3 to IF burning pain or agonising flatulence and heartburn make you dread mealtimes, take a little Bisurated Magnesia after your next meal. By neutralising the excess acid which causes most stomach troubles, Bisurated Magnesia brings you new, instant relief. The pain you have learned to dread ceases. You can eat
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  • 66 4 .4 few months after their divorce uas made absolute. Mr. Percy Kurland, of Haverstock-hill. N. W., and Miss Annette Ost. of Dulwich. S.E.. litre temarried at Hampstead, Register Office. They parted in 1932 after they heia been mat ried a fortn yht and did not
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  • 669 4  -  (By Joseph Martin) Voluntary effort in the field cf social service is part of the British tradition. Many social organisations which have been initiated by authority as quite new features in some of the totalitarian states have been for a long time more or less common
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  • 560 4 World's Fair In The Making San Francisco: Treasure Island, the unique 400 acre man-made site of the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition, which has already become a world-famous spot because of its unique creation and location, has been opened to the public, and visitors are now
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  • 51 4 This evening at the Esplanade" from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.: 1. March The Red Cloak. Mansfield. 2. Overture Tancredi. -Rossini. 3. Selection Carmen. Bizet. 4 Waltz Destiny. Baynes. 5. Selection Dance Memories. Finck. 6. Fox Trot We re Tops On Saturday Night.—Carr. 7. Finale Savoy English Medley.
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  • 276 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Inspector Abdul Aziz, who was stationed at Teluk Anson, has been transferred to the Ipob Central Police Station. Mr. S. Thillaimuthu, of Penang, who was in Ipoh during the week has left for Kuala Lumpur. -V. V. Che Abdul Rahman. Sanitary Inspectoi, Kuala !<• i’;2sai. has gone on
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  • 166 4 An<l Protect M., I)t 1( At The .S aiU( S| inn- Many people L-h, I fng their teeth i-. tb ''aH jng them agains; T K half true since ev. is e. su, be sound and het.- r. w i; are not properhf proL
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  • 260 4 Interesting l aiping (From Our Own Correspondent' Taiping, July 14 Remarking that he h;-. I ■-austd hurt tr I another man without provocation, tte Taiping Magistrate this morning convkta a rickshaw puller. Loh L< ng Huat under I section 323 of the Pena! Code, and set
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 England now 5\ days across the air all the way by Empire Flying-Boat The big 4-engined Empire flying-boats now leave Penang for England twice a week. They are the last word in air-g hng luxury. You have a smoking room on board, a promenade deck, hot and cold meals served
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    • 89 4 J set healthy, wellT j groomed hair I JSE litd* Brylcreem every morning. See how neat It 1 T’ keep* the hair all day. See, too, what a healthy glo«t It I fijM I give*. See how it free* the scalp from dandruff. Millions of T I; smart, well-groomed men
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  • 2286 5  - IMPERIAL PAN-AMERICAN AIRWAYS’ SERVICES COMPARED U.S. MAGAZINE EDITOR S IMPRESSIONS p|> .|SE FOR EMPIRE FLYING boats Bv W. W. I». flying about Wf I T S" wh n Ji, Via Fan ■J vacat!< U "'didn't xpcct a .',h<an V p, n'uuda m a few ii of g* l!ll1 i 0
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  • 33 5 Afws Lily Brayton, widow of Mr. Oscar Asche, and now H 3 ma old. leaviny Marylebone Reyist'r Office after her weddiny to Dr. Charles Watson, retired I dinbt- physician.
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  • 289 5 Rain is a great boon to the Greeks, but sometimes, from June to August, it becomes a nuisance. During this season it is very bad for the crops, and. in addition, the number of malaria cases increases. Owing to this, there is a snortage of flour and a
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  • 30 5 OS 1A J AMP, Chairman af the London, Midland and Scottish t'idif Stamp, at V-atcloo Station with Mrs. Wdjred '"'/ht), hf fore they hfl >/ the United States.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 Sensational Change In Face Powder Fashion No more hord mode-up Io ok NEW POWDER INVISIBLE ON SKiN GIVES MARVELLOUS NATURE BEAUTY Smart French women have-t. rtej anew vivue. They haxc found a face Jer «jives a pe.u h bloom cor l cxiott without a trace ol shine al! day
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  • 473 7 When They Went Into Battle ARMORIAL BEARINGS CLAIM London, July 9. The days when women went into battle were recalled when the Court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms resumed in Parliament House, Edinbuiga, yesterday, the hearing of the rival ciaims by Miss Catriona Louise
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  • 331 7 Boxer-Sheri f f’s Plain Talk Glasgow. July 9. Sleek-haired 25-years-old Benny Lynch, until a week ago fly-weight boxing champion of the world, stood in the dock at Kilmarnock today, mopped his brow nervously with a handkerchief, and listened while the sheriff told him to
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  • 627 7 Same Name In Fact And Fiction STOCKBROKER SI ES PUBLISHERS London, July 6 Judgment was given in the King’s Bench Division yesterday against a stockbroker, Capt. John Duffy Canning, of YV ilbury-avenue, Hove, Sussex, who claimed damages from the publishers of a novel in which
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  • 295 7 Called As Witness Against Wife London. July 9—Cited as co-respondent before Mr. Justice Hodson in the Divorce Court yesterday. Mr. Reginald Ackroyd, of Morton-street, Strangeways, Manchestei, i was called as a witness on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Eric John Malcolm Fenton, a schoolmaster, of High Littleton, Somerset,
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  • 84 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 14. For hawking medicine without a licence at Bukit Gan tang, a Malay named Majid bin Saffar was this morning produced before the Taiping Magistrate. Majid admitted the charge and was fined $l. -iFor carrying a pillion rider, a Chinese
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 a/jss d a Y. IwpS'Skin blemishes away < 9 A WONDERFUL EFFERVESCENT HEALTH TONIC f y’\ To keep the complexion dear and fresh 7 A®' J the skin free from blemishes, drink each ‘lining before breakfast a glass of hot water V—L- /v th a teaspoonfui of ‘Limestone’ Phosphate it.
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    • 7 7 OWLTINE TONIC FOOD 3EVER.ACE, Jhe Supreme (Night-Cap
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    • 207 7 BY POPULAR DEMAND! Morning Matinee Tomorrow At 11.30 a.m. 44 HER JUNGLE LOVE” with Dorothy Lamour PRICES 15, 30, 50. 70 AND $1 00 QUEEN’S LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY at 2.45 -6.15 9.30 p.m. Warner Bros. Riotous, Romantic Comedy Hit KAY FRANCIS teamed with PAT O BRIEN IN A PICTURE
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  • 725 8 THE British G<»verninent will not sponsor a loan to China, though China sorclx slaiuh in need of credit to enable her io continue etfectise resistance to invasion. X<i <>bstacle so tai stands in the wav of negotiation of an unofficial loan, though naturally this 0 ould
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  • 74 8 Funeral Today The death occurred yesterday at 6.30 p.m. of Mr. Daniel Baboo, aged 60, father of Mr. M. Baboo Arokiasamy, Sub-Over-seer P.W.D., at his residence No. 52H, Fenang Road. The deceased leaves behind his wife an only surviving son and several grandchildren. The funeral
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  • 128 8 I From Our Own Correspon«lent) Singapore, July 15 In additi«jn to banning the sounding of motor horns in Singapore’s main streets at night, a restriction mooted some time ago. it is now planned to restrict hornsounding between nine o’clock in the morning and 5.30 in
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  • 40 8 VWllkCl' Renter. Stockholm. July 15.- Rumours connecting Sweden with mediation in the China conflict are authoritatively denied. It is stated the Swedish Minister’s visit to Hankow is due to necessity of contact with Chinese authorities there. Reuter.
    VWllkCl' Renter.  -  40 words
  • 20 8 The Westbound Flyingboat was delayed this morning and a supplementary mail was made up about noon today.
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  • 8 8 Mr. P. J. D. Rcgester.
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  • 1353 8 By Mr. H. L BRENT (Principal of the Pentmtj Trade School in a broadcast talk from Station ZHJ, Penantj, last night) The individuals included in the classes described by the title of this talk axe frequently considered by the motorist as the two major
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  • 476 8  -  1 Perlis Mines TIN assessment un< national rcui];,.. I has been response I satisfaction, partii if, Malaya. One part of British \l pocket State of t r particularlv hard hi; manner in which based, nanivk on rt x productive capacitx Lor several vear< I'erli 1 nothing; hence
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 V.- i ’RpSWSS FLY TO AUSTRALIA BY DUTGH AIR LINES ’X '/uS* FASTEST CONNECTION Y< MALAYA SYDNEY i£U\' 21 DAYS A/ r.y WEDNESDAYS V z I wice eekly Saturdays Fares: Penang Port Darwin £3B J' > Cloncurry ,51. P j Longreach ..53- Brisbane ..61- J Sydney 66.10 z For particulars
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    • 60 8 A MIXTURE I 'I Um MILD COOL It has been blended with the same care as has been the tradition of the firm of Marcovitch for these hundred years past, they appear to have produced a blend of tobacco which suits the average pipe smoker. Available Everywhere ir 1 oz.
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  • 603 9 Likva l<’ ,)eal With f •pisease Spread By I MoMfiiitoes I he incidence of elephantiasis (filariasis)tin the inq Ji v in conducted by Dr. J. O. Poynton, of the Infl Qfates is bein„ I of MeHical Research. Dinial report of the Malaria Advisory Board I
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  • 85 9 (til Worker* I* l Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 15I a dispute between cwo gangs r W rU working at Pulau SebaI Ir d in il md off Singapore, one k S,, on> md came to the k s tru< P !an lllv <n t to have arisen
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  • 163 9 n B( Held On .lnlv 29 At I Kuala Lumpur L Planters < Wei owe on "The Role ing which I K*. <,f Malaya at its headquarters. 3rd K Ampang Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Kdr i lly 21» will ommence at 845 'j.ill be ?-ilar 1 open by
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  • 29 9 Runyan Beats Picard I Shawnee. Ondelaware July 15. F '-finals of the American GolfE. V ion 1iampionship Runyan "nd ai <1 Snead b< at Hines ■>P Reuter
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  • 87 9 The Sarawak Government inviting tenders for the purchase of a Japanese shipping boat confis cafed by order of the Resid' n> Court in Kuching. The biHit, says thr Sarawak Government Gazette, is 50 ft. long <' 1 a 9 ft. 6 in. beam. It is
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  • 261 9 “Double Seven’" Day Collection In k.L. i From Our- Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 15 The sum of $20.000 (Straits currency), was realised in Kuala Lumpur alone on July 7, the first anniversary of the SinoJapanese hostilities when, as a result of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
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  • 151 9  -  By PHILMANNI IJOR years screen butlers have been teaching manners to their so-called betters, which is right, since butlers can probably conduct themselves better than stars any day- The Baroness and the Butler.” with William Powell and Annabella, at the Royal, opens
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  • 67 9 P.O.K.C. vs. Chinese Volunteers The following will represent the Post Office Recreation Club in a friendly game of soccer against the Chinese Volunteers at the Dato Krapiat padang this evening at 5.15 p.m L. J. Lesslar. O. Noordin. G Gregory. V. Ibrahin, M. H. Chem Bee, H B Hamid,
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  • 56 9 Jack’s B.P. vs. Guthrie B.P. The following will represent the Jack’s B.P against Guthrie B.P at York Road this evening at 4 p.m.: K C. Lim. K Ong Lee, Y. C. Chye, Chan Kong Tat. Phang Theng Hee. T C. Tye. K B Yeang and Tye Thoon Tuck. Reserves:
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  • 275 9 Bitten By Shark •WONDERFUL OLD MAN WITH THE CIGAR’’ (From Our Own Correspondent I Singapore, July 15. M ith both thighs and arm bitten by a shark, the oldest of the Malay coin divers in Singapore, 60-year-old Minggu bin Silat, known by world tourists as the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 HF toniTfoodl C ‘^n 0t( 0 Cf/tfiuiu and Morei 1 HAW; TURF CLUB. 'I I I MN MEETING 1938. *>"• -\KItD\Y. 30th JULY. 193». 1 1 IHY. MONDAY, Ist AUGUST, 1938. WIDNESDAY. 3rd AUGUST, 1938. SATUIDAY 6th AUGUST. 1938. RTRIES cl(> Noon on Wednesday. 20th Ju’.v 19” S at t'
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    • 209 9 TELOK KRUIN TIN. LIMITED i Incorporated in the F.M.S Notice is hereby given of the declaration of an interim dividend of 2 1 2% in respect of the current year, payable on the 30th current, to shareholders registered on the 23rd idem. By Order of the Board. OSBORNE CHAPPEL. Secretaries.
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    • 304 9 HawaiiRushed off to \w| hospital with GASTRIC ULCER HpS But operation was avoided after all ißw |H Serious stomach trouble which may lead to the operating tabic does j not appear without warning. It 1 at begins with discomfort, flatulence, goes f X f|-ry on with increasing pain, then brings
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  • 23 9 DOMESTIC OCCI RRENCE DEATH DOUGHTY— On 15th July. 1938. at Hamilton Estate. Nilai. William John Doughty. Interment at Seremban. 1 p.m. today. 16-7-1938.
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  • 1631 10 Wall Street Influences HAS THE RECENT IMPROVEMENT BEEN JUSTIFIED? A. Strauss Co. Ltd., in the monthly review dated July 1 state: The visible stocks at the end of June were 24,351 tons —an increase of 638 tons over the previous month. Stocks at the
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  • 120 10 The secretary of Austral Malay Tin Limited reports that the directors of Aus tral Malay Tin Ltd., and associated companies have declared the following dividends, w’hich are payable during the current half year. Austral Malay Tin Limited Dividend of 9d., and Bonus of 3d. per share; Kampong
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    • 409 10 DRESSMAKER WHO COULD NOT SEW Hands Swollen with Rheumatism Pity this poor dressmaker Nine-tenths T»f her work consists of sewing and she was not able to sew. Rheumatism in the hands was her trouble, and she tried any number of “remedies.' But nothing helped until she came to Kruschen. “Three-and-a-half
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    • 788 10 BANKS THE OF IN DIA, LTD The Indian Overseas <lTOOrp<>^^ll i T 1 Capital Authorised ISHII K I Capital Subscribed (incorporated in British India! Rm Hr®J K.CS.I. CIF m. For Your P. R. Chalmers, Esq. FAMII V’ Slr C c Barrie k b e r AiVIIL I James Steuart, Esq.
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  • 660 11 LONDON WHARF BUILDINGS Largest Put L p For 8(1 Years Storap buildings constructed entirely if Empire timber except for the concrete foundations and the roof covering of corrugated asbestos sheeting, for use at the wharves of Messrs. Janies Latham, Linutai, at Leeside, Clapton, E., were formally
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  • 870 11 S.S. ‘SUISANG’ sails for Calcutta direct. S.S. ‘ROHNA’ arrives today from Singapore, sails same day for Negapatam, Porto Novo, Pondicherry and Aladras. S.S. ‘KRIAN’ arrives today from Bagan Datoh and Telok Anson, sails tomorrow for same ports. M.S. ‘TOSARI’ arrived the previous day from Belawan,
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  • 161 11 Plywood Works Established New plywood works established on the site of an old shipyard at Willington Quay-on-Tyne have been opened by Lord Runciman. The works cover about 4% acres and are equipped with the most modern plant. The industry is a new one in England, and
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  • 139 11 Although the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Britain only completed her sixth world cruise last month applications have already been received for accommodation in the ship on her next world voyage, to commence in December. A provisional itinerary has been drafted, and the cruise
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    • 438 11 I BLUE funnel line B P■* nrF TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due London a TFKL'' sEB Calls Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. 18 AJAX T( Calls Antwerp Middlesborouph July 29 Aug. 26 H GLEX Al 4 i X Calls Marseilles Glasgow’ Aug. 5 Sept 1 HECTOR SERVICE to
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    • 786 11 PJ2. an d BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.) PORT SWETTENHAXI, MALACCA SINGAPORE SJS. “ELEPHAINTA” SAILING SUNDAY, 17th JULY COTitract"with* N z Co under Penang. Teluk Anaon, Port Swottcnbaa, Voodoo and jKi| y c£.4Sl enUneOt Malacca and Singapore Serrtce. Outwards from London tor China Japan. S//S “MATA HARI” July 22 dUe
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    • 42 11 PENANG DAILY WEATHER REPORT PENANG (FORT CORNWALLIS) Yesterday's Temperature 6 a.m. Noon 5 p.m. 85 E 85 S 88*NW RAINFALL July 14 15 nil. TIDE TABLE HIGH LOW TODAY 2.17 p.m. 9.08 p.m. TOMORROW 2.55 a.m. 9.03 a.m. 2.42 p.m. 9.28 p.m.
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  • 725 12 Latest Times Of Posting \IK MAILS: A mail for Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singanore by Malayan Internal Air Service will close at 2 p.m. (registration 1.30 p.m.) on Monday. July 18. A mail for Australia. New Zealam. Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence
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  • 374 12 Rapid Progress Continues Broadcasting continues to make rapid progress throughout the Empire, and im proving short-wave facilities at Daventry keep pace with increases in the number of set-owners throughout the Dominions and 1 C oloni-es. Vmile there are no definite figures to show how many Empire listeners havshort
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  • 246 12 Kifh- Slkhh; I• I 'llih-tie,' Commentaries noon, win I First, listener the final heat of a King’s Priz< on a village a comment ships at the Whit.- Citt A The King’s Priz( f the Bisley Rifl e stages, the first bei ne "5 ls S 500,
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  • 579 12 St. George Fhe Martyr STH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 a.m. Holy Communion. X.OQ a.m. Mattins Litany. Psalms 26, 28. Hjinu 308. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. •30 a.m. Holy Communion. (Tamil). j IU..V) a.m. Mattins Holy Communion (Chinese). 4.15 p.m. Sunday School. Parsonage 5.00 p.m. Kindergarten. <>.oo p.m. Evensong
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1996 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES I 7 i b.b.c service Highlights Of Today’s Wireless SCHEDULE GSF Following is the BBC Empire broad- (>.33 p.m. Pianoforte recital by Kobeil l»i\b'i. casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- Ter; nee Casev at the l>l»C Theatre Organ, ard Time) for this week, beginning July -ri K >
      1,996 words

  • 215 13 L’/KL <I,I //><■ pavilion a! lite seanurd end <»/ the \urlh Pier, al Hla. I. pool. 11 and reds of people who had been sitline in the sun had to make a hurried dash for safety and mtun of them were trapped behind a n
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  • 149 14 Acceptance Regarded As Definite tokio cabinet approves WITHDRAWAL The Japanese Cabinet yesterday approved the cancellation of the Tokio 1940 Olympics recommended by the Ministry for Public Welfare, says a Renter message. Following the Cabinet’s decision, the Japanese Olympic Organising Committee met to draft
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  • 100 14 —Reuter. Eclipse Stakes Victory FAIR COPY WELL BEATEN Sandown Park, July 15: Mr. H. E. Morriss’ Pasch today won the £lO,OOO Eclipse Stakes, the richest prize on the English Turf, beating Lord Derby’s Fair Copy by three lengths. Lord Astor’s Cave Man was third, five lengths
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 260 14 Fagg Creates World Record A Fagg, the Kent opening batsman, scored 244 202 not out against Essex at Colchester yesterday, a feat unparalleled throughout the world in first-class cricket. His great perfomance enabled his county to win on the first innings. Scores: Kent 429 (Fagg
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  • 93 14 The Indian Badminton Party’s Court will be the venue of a friendly return match of badminton between the Indian Party and the Merrydale Party. The number of matches will be four singles and five doubles, to be played off on tomorrow at 4 p.m. sharp. The following will play
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  • 55 14 Reuter. London, July 15: It is officially stated the King’s progress continues to be satis factory. His Majesty will be able to walk for a longer period today. It is understood the doctors will probably reserve the final bulletin until the King is able to leave Windsor for
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 440 14 Selections By Tic-Tac The following is the full programme for the annual gymkhana meeting of the Kedah Gymkhana Club to be held at Alor Star today. With regard to the weights appearing below’ it should be stated the Committee reserve the right to raise or lower weights
    440 words
  • 468 14 Firs I Soccer The Old Xaverians Scorpri cory of three goals to t I Aishan Football Club Ver League match pi ayed in yesterday evening. The game, which was m Cast pace, was quite J verians won through tw, E ’l■ their forwards. “W. Mr. H.R. Pawanteh
    468 words
  • 432 14 Lilly House Win Cup Favoured by excellent weather, tne Anglo-Chinese Girls’ School annual TnterHouse Sports were held yesterday before a large gathering. The manv items on the programme were all run with great enthusiasm and provided much amusement for the spectators. In between the events, school girls performed
    432 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 263 14 teach worth brushing Jr worth b rushinn OB 'yjXg. Y° u ave onf y cn< rt c icctfr—- >■ guard them iron» the meesce »F acid-forming food pert’c'es that ordinary brushing tails to «tsrcve! Protect them with Tek, the brush with the patented Short Heed, specially designed by dentists to
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    • 4 14 □bMln ppoifl a i
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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  • 1123 15 L. N. Constantine Discusses Significance Of The Question “AS LONG AS THERE IS A LIMIT BATSMEN WILL PLAY TO SUIT’ RY this t* me everybody seems to have said his little piece about four-day Tests, but I m wonj er j n g jf
    1,123 words
  • 231 15 CHALLENGES HARVEY 4XI) McAVOY London, July 7. Hyams Stepney holder of the Jac cruiser-weight Southern Area mi iuk Mhins has aln I given up hope champ lol,H u• either of the Britof a mat told me yesterday, writes StrasM Left in the Sporting Ute that his
    231 words
  • 158 15 Miss Williamson Bats Well Rain considerably interfered with the cricket at Hove when the South women beat the West, but the players refused to be dismayed, and when one pitch became unplayable they transferred to another only slightly bss saturated. The South made a disastrous
    158 words
  • 94 15 New York, July 2. 1 n< of the big American golf s 'lived at Ridgewood, New 1 firm action to stamp out ’ni which was seriously threatbanned and no book diowed on the course. The w L. S. Golf Association h"i'i said, “Betting by outsi-
    94 words
  • 451 15 MRS. WIGHTMAN ON ENGLISH TALENT London, July 7. Although the American victors at Wimbledon have deferred their return home for a few days—Mrs. Moody is in Ireland, Budge and Mako on the Continent, and Miss Alice Marble is paying a flying visit to Paris
    451 words
  • 101 15 Earl McCready (Canada) successfully def-_nded his British Empire heavy-weight wrestling championship when he forced Tim Estelle (England) to retire in the fourth round. Th. bout was scheduled for eight 3-min. rounds but after 12-sec. of the fourth session Estelle signalled his retiremen; due to a sprained wrist.
    101 words
  • 72 15 T. S. Mackay, the Australian golfer, m a round of 37 in the British open, did the last nine holes in 50 but took fourteen at the fourteen hole, being three limes out of bounds. His fourteen equalled the highest score ior
    72 words
  • 65 15 International footballers attending a “refresher” course in Leeds this month had a 'new “teacher”—a robot footballer machine. Through the machine —invention of Mr, Hairy Parkes, Notts County manager, and. Mr. S. Richardson, of Hinckley—a football can be projected at any angle; it shoots goals and sends
    65 words
  • 94 15 Pollard, the Lancashire fast medium bowler, whose claim to a place in the England Test team has frequently been advocated, has the distinction of being the first bowler to secure 100 wickets this season. .lie completed his century against Northamptonshire, when he sent back six
    94 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 140 15 J Try Phosfertne Toaic AKl'y Wine in lemonade—them<}it refreshing, bracing, delicious drink for a blazing hot day! Phosferine Tonic Wine—the health restoring beverage that will put new life into you and rejuvenate your whole I system. If you can’t do to-day what i J Mfr seemed easy to do not
      140 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 80 15 MA Ml ST BE THE ELEPHANT’S GHOST By J. MILLAR WAIT a thorn||||-and years lat&r i 'yaß |H|land lifted md S 5 Pirr in a privateth) ELEPHANT'S H SITTING IN A CIRCUS WHEN I OUT OF THE /T- BO*' AFRICAN I THE SAME ELEPHANT PUT U CHEAP STATS AND-( -T'-tTr
      80 words

  • 127 16 TrXj PY* F V"T<M C? T LiA.'FEß'f ’S’ ~r £>9o 10.0 «M W o SINGAPORE $95.75 5 PEN VIG $95.4 3 $96.2-> BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers OOPRA (Sundrled> $3.95 $3.90 BLACK PEPPER $8.75 $8.75 RUBBER 7l<d 7. a LONDON 14%c(G) 14%c(G) NEW YORK >4l c
    127 words
  • 329 16 Sda.-e of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Yeaterday Rise or Fall Yerterday Rise or Fad Con Loan 5 p.c. 44-64 114».. Bu.mah Eagle Com. 4 pesos. 5 0 Funding 4 p.c. 60-90 114% c>'*>i v 5 1 pc 97% War Loan 3%» pc. 103 U.S. Rubber 37% Com.
    329 words
  • 60 16 R- irns from the dredges of the Siames- Tin Syndicate Limited for the month of Jur 1938: Ngow Estate, Renong dredge.' >: hours 1.897’,: cub. yards 395.80b; tin ore won pls. 1143.59; Takuapa—dredges 2; hours 1.2801: cub. yards 263,200: tn ore won pls. 1412.45; Huey Moot —dredge
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  • 20 16 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Interim Dividend £2.10.0 per share payable August 8. subject to deduction of income tax
    20 words
  • 97 16 During the week ending Julj’ 2. 1938, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 58,658 gases, of which: 36,320 (62 per cent» cases were io the United Kingdom. 2,730 (5 per cent) cases to the Continent of Europe, 11.976 (20 per cent) cases to Canada, and 7.632
    97 words
    • 155 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyer* Sellers I Batu Selangor 1.37% 1.40 i Hong Fatt -99 1.01 I Jelebu .72% .75 I Kuchai 1.30 1.32% i Petaling 8.00 8.50 Rahman Hyd. 1.25 1.27% i Raub Gold 5.25 5.35 Rantau 1.37% 1.40 J Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Talam 1.40 1.45 I Teluk
      155 words
    • 190 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Am pat 4 3 4 9 Asam Kumbang 28 0 29 0c Ayer Weng .60 .65 Bangrin 21 9 22 6 Batu Selangor 1.35 1.39 Hong Fatt .99 1.01 Hongkong Tin 22 0 23 6c Johan .27*2 -30 Jekbu .70 .75 Kpg. Kamunting 9 6
      190 words
    • 279 16 Rubber Consumption Estimates New York July 15—Today s session was a trading affair with the upward tendency aided in the final ho r by publi- i cation oc a rise in the steel operations of Youngstown oeing sharper than anticipated. A drop in car loadings was disregarded. The
      279 words
    • 19 16 TIN Singapore per pkl. Penang $96.25 per pkl. RUBBER Singapore—Spot 2424 c. per lb. Penang—Spot per lb.
      19 words
    • 102 16 Paris 178 19 64 178?,A New York 4.93% 4.93% Montreal 4.96% 4.96% Brussels 29.13 29.13 Geneva 21.56% 21.55% Amsterdam 8.96% 8.95 Milan 93 U 93% Berlin 12.27% 12.27% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Cslo 19 90 19.90 Vienna 26% nomina: Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague 142% 142% Madrid
      102 words
    • 18 16 Output for the month of June 1938, was 159 piculs, yardage worked 40,000, hours run 200.
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    • 12 16 Operations for the first half of July 1938 —Output 444 piculs
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  • 419 16 Two-Day Races Next Week (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 15. j A total of 69 entries have been received for the July Sky Meeting of the Taiping Turf Club next Friday and Saturday. They comprise 12 Class 4 horses, 29 Class 5 horses, 12
    419 words
  • 35 16 Ayer Kuning 60,000 lb; Badek 18,000 lb; Bradwall 55,000 lb; Chersonese 58.000 lb; Dennistown 31,200 lb; Highlands 156,000 lb: Klabang 88,000 lb; Krian 46.400 lb; Sungei Krian 88,000 lb; Sungei Way 50,100 lb.
    35 words
  • 94 16 Fair p, Gr «de s Of Sheef 1 Boustean C< j r dated Penang J week there values but today .A 1 New York, prices sharply and the lone la¥e firm with a siu.ii! x higher prices. at a At our auction iodav <1 iuctant to open this,
    94 words
  • 11 16 Output for the month of 1 was 55.98 piculs.
    11 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 225 16 Yeast-Vite /s LI FE! 0 Z Vite! See how I Lr -JI 4 minutes L ft 1 t t^le w °Hd’s J F r record quick i FLOPPED-OUT tonic seems J FULL OF ENERGY Just can’t carry on I Too tired tO iufuSC Simply bubbling over with i to work.
      225 words
    • 149 16 SecAel j DUdcodecL’ Mysore Sandal Soap has solved all beauty problem. It is so simple to be lovely just use MYSORE SANDAL SOAP first thing in the morm ing and immediately before retiring for the night. MYSOH tScmdal I t SOAP 0 .p /if/M; Government Soap Factor*. Bangaloft Sole’Agents: NARAYANASWAMY
      149 words