Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 276 1 Reuter. Attack Of Gastric Influenza It is understood that the King has a slight temperature which developed on Saturday night. Sir John Weir and Lord Dawson of Penn yesterday motored to Royal Lodge Windsor, where the King was spending the week-end and saw His Majesty after which
    Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 57 1 —Reuter. Places To Be Bombed Named Shanghai. July 11.—Foreign Consulars have been requested to withdraw their na-' tionals from Kiukiang. Kuling. Nanchang. Changsha. Chuchow. Sinyang. places south of Changsha and Yochow. on the CantonHankow Railway and places south-west of Hankow by the Japanese authorities in view
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 962 1 IMOHMED view of the SITUATION .nite of l" r a"'" OUS .-i,.. a.xl ...any anxi- nt crisis Madame t |,r "k -I k. wife of ‘I-Utura'issi-no, ha> (<>•*. 4 toe W keep in touch wit. Uu Ifalavan press ami a htt. r |0
    962 words
  • 196 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Neutral Vessels Move To Safety Chinese military head* quarters (quoted by Reuter) claim that Chinese bombers sank two out of three Japanese warships shelling Kiukiang yesterday morning. H.M.S. Cockchafer an d I .S.S. Monocacy steamed up river three miles to avoid the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  196 words
  • 198 1 '-'-‘J —Reuter. Historic Building Rises From Its Ashes Rheims. July 10.—A replica of the battle standard carried by Joan of Arc at the coronation of the King of France at Rheims Cathedral 500 years ago was handed by Lord Hewart on behalf of a British delegation to
    '-'-‘J —Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 337 1 Troops Dash To Encounter 300 Armed Rebels Reuter. Jerusalem, July 11—Armed rebels, believed to number 300, attacked the colony of Givatada, southward of Haifa. Three Jewish settlers were seriously injured. British troops are going to the rescue. I he rebels cut phone wires prior to the attack.
    Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 29 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh states that the military authorities of Hong Kong are considering recruiting Chinese in the Royal Artillery to strengthen coastal defences.
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  • 118 1 Channel Boat’s Narrow Escape Stormy weather with heavy falls of rain, continue although winds which reached gale force have to some extent moderated. During a westerly gale on Friday which in some areas attained a velocity of sixty m. p. h. considerably damage was done. A French Railways’
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 v JZ2^a——a &vf- -Sffit
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    • 84 1 The Latest Typewriter Achievement THE BRITISH NOISELESS Remington I .7 L. PURE WHOLESOME CHEESE A perfect ending to any meal. We offer you a choice variety of cheese: Dutch Edam, Danish Roquefort, Swiss Gruyere, English and Australian Cheddar CARTON CHEESES Kraft 8 oz. Kraft 4 oz. Kraft 8 x 1
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  • 363 2 Swab Left In Woman’s Body London, July 2. A. “surgical disaster" was the comment made yesterday by Mr Douglas Cowburn, the South London coroner, at an inquest on Mrs. Hilda Eliza Rowland (50), of Camberwell, wife of the prospective Lav>our candidate for Balham and Tooting.
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  • 245 2 “'Great Doctor Of The Age” London, July 2 Viscount Nuffield was ..yesterday described as "the great doctor if the age,” owing to his support of medica 1 science and research. He was presented with an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at the Degree day of congregation
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  • 768 2 HOSPITAL’S SUCCESSFUL FIGHT AGAINST INFANTILE PARALYSIS Boy Kept In “Iron Lung” London, July 2. ONE hundred and fifty doctois, headed by Lord Horder, will visit the Lord Mayor Treloar’s Cripples’ hospital at Alton, Hants, this week to study one of the most
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  • 178 2 Sixteen Years As Lord Chamberlain London, July 2,—The Earl of Cromer, for 16 vears Lord Chamberlain, retired from that office yesterday. He was received in audience by the King at Buckingham Palace and handed to His Majesty the three symbols of his office: his white wand, his
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  • 37 2 It was announced in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette that about 10 acres of land in the south west district of Penang are required by the Government for extensions to the Penang Civil Airport.
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  • 436 2 London, July 2 —Dr. Sidney Cross Harland. the scientist in the Chinese wife case, denied in the King’s Bench Division yesterday that he had “kicked” his first wife out of Trinidad. Dr Harland, whose wife divorced him in 1932, alleges that he lost a
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  • 241 2 Secrets Of Nazi Purge In Austria Corruption on a grand scale has forced Herr Buerckel, Nazi Commissioner for Austria, to order a thorough purge of the Austrian Nazi Party and a change in the entire economic administration of the country. His admission that twelve
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  • 65 2 The Automobile Association of Malaya (Perak Branch) August Bank Holiday Reliability Trial has been postponed to Monday. August 1. The suggestion that the F.M.S. Government should establish some sort of wage fixed commission to be presided over by a neutral person, such as a judge of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 Gentlemen of Discriminating Taste Always Look to Quality, Fit and Finish. IF YOU NEED Q THESE THREE COMBINE Pay Doulatraffl’sfift A VISIT I q w IFE GLARAWTEE CUT, FIT STYLE f B.H.T. DOULATRAM THE STORE THAT ALWAYS FASCJN \TES /MORRISB yj /I IT m wIL. MORRIS ‘B’ SALOON Cut your
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 86 2 MOONLIGHT BAND PROGRAMME This evening at the Esplanade from 55 30 p m. to 10 30 p m 1 March Scotland The Brave. Hume. 2 Overture Merry Wives Of Windsor. Nicolai. 3'Selection Cheep Clay-Smith. A Waltz Comedie d’Amour. Colin ■5 Incidental Music to “The Merchant of Venice.” Rosse. INTERVAL No.
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  • 548 3 Tokio’s Grave Concern i<over New Vessels Seaworthiness Sacrificed For More Guns London., July 10 **Japan’s Top-heavy warships,’ the main article in the Sunday Times’ chief news page hy the Naval Correspondent, Lieut.-Commander Kenneth Edwards stales, “*1 understand from well-informed circles that Japan is becoming greatly
    —Reuter.  -  548 words
  • 37 3 Reuter. New York, July 10:- The death has occurred of the Supreme Court Judge, Mr. Benjamin Cardozo. The death gives President Roosevelt a third vacancy to fill the Supreme Court Bench. —Reuter.
    – Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 38 3 a A. V* v —Reuter. Evian, July 10: —The Refugees Committee has unanimously agreed to establish an international organisation in Paris for the purpose of co-ordinating future work on immigrants problems. The Committee adjourned till July 11.—Reuter.
    a • A. V* v —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 68 3 CHILD V ICTIMS OF WJR. Half a million Chinese children between the ages of two amd ten have been oiphaned by the bombing onslaughts of Japan on defenceless cities. Here are some of them being cared /or i„ Honlcow under the direction o/ Mme. Chian„ Kai-dhek.
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  • 158 3 :ult for Chi: Reuter. ‘•Neutrality Act Must Be Revised’’ Washington, July 10: A year’s war in China, declared Senator Pittman in a Press interview', has demonstrated the Roosevelt Administration must be granted wider latitude its economic commercial dealings with China and Japan in other words
    :ult for Chi: Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 129 3 Convention Meets Luder Difficulties Ottawa, July 3. A convention of the Canadian Nationalist Socialist Party, a Fascist organization, was planned to open yesterday at Kingston, Ontario, but the local authorities had raised objections, and squads of mounted and city police had been detailed to w’atch the gathering and
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  • 90 3 Reuter. London, July 10: Contrary to general expectations that with the turn of the half year credit would again become easy, lending institutions outside the clearing banks circle have been able to charge up to one per cent for accommodation against bonds as security owung to Stock Exchange
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 67 3 urr Lei di reaumg —British Wireless. London, July 10:—In ten years since the establishment by the English-speaking Union of reciprocal British and American schoolboy scholarships, 120 British boys have spent a school year in the United States. Last year 17 boys from British public schools went across the
    urr Lei di reaumg —British Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 99 3 Reuter. Copenhagen, July 10: The International Congress of League of Nation Societies, meeting here, passed a resolution exhorting member states of the League to consider what measures should be taken to observe the obligations under the League Covenant and accomplish the end of the war in China.
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 58 3 uU Uv dIIUI Reuter. Farmers Encouraged To Stay On The Land Berlin. July 10: In the interest of Germany's food supply. Marshal Goering has issued a decree to combat the drift of rural populations to cities. A marriage allowance is one of a number of new’ facilities
    uU Uv dIIUI Reuter.  -  58 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 497 3 Penang. p Bi»hoP 5, r PTS with exten»ton«. Teletf rn Singapore. Phone x Ceci Street. Kuala Lumpur: MH Tei- Jafa Strt«- p ne: 268- Lond n Off**’ Rre* ,ter Poa c,reet London E.C. 4; Ofr" 1 43, r |eet S J t Tel: "Leadtnalaya Off*‘ central phon* 1e KATES Penang
      497 words
    • 133 3 The loveliest Soap for your skin and a Sure Safeguard from Epidemics and dirt germ dangers. PRICE laßi' o r cents BOX OF THREE Obtainable from all good Chemists and Stores 7, m WHITEAWAYS IPOH PFNANC SINGAPORE TAIPING rtPIArUj KUALA LUMPUR RAILWAYS Race Meeting at Alor Star Saturday, 16lh July,
      133 words
    • 165 3 Stripe... Blockings V /TW Z/i I A\ \V, X WHi’h.? ii 7 J -s HOSIERY All the latest shades. I A well dressed woman always wears stockings. Vt hen she wears Gold Stripe she is assured of a perfect fitting ankle, and delightful sheer appearance, combined with excellent wearing qualities.
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  • 3020 4 Installation Dinner On Saturday J itlT has been an arduous voyage; we have sailed in strange water> during the past year, have had the new experience of steering successfully through the unchartered sea of the I'inst Middle Asia Regional Conference
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  • 58 4 TOOK SNAP OP GERMAN CATTLE, GAOLED 8 DAYS Beinard McLindoit. <i Briton, teas passing by pasHuidye in t?i< Saur and took a picture of two bullocks plouyliiuff in the field with a yoke i omul their necks as a result of irhich
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  • 178 4 Ancient Kings’ Mine London July A rich vein oi gold has h- ;1 in the Merionethshire bills <>• Wai<-. 1 But fearing a “gold rust know where it is are keeping n 9 One of them is Mr. Thomas Mynytho, near Pwllheli, an t-\.-
    178 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 103 4 .a* M •.■.w-ciS§: < iPS 77 Ipwi •<s** hV*®^ s »x_A 7 Z?* Y&SI C> e a o u”' tv»"?” «•'S';'»jH a *o2 le <t« vUtjgge gS|| wwil svo^ e ot us s >.t s Yf°' G es <r£* >V '-i .FF>‘ >A cS& o ...W--|W/M| -rjaFFgiU°“ lb oV sC
      103 words
    • 108 4 Asthma Cause Killed in U Hours phj'sician, it now is pos-ib.-; those terrible spells of 1 h ,riL t coughing' and wh zing A the true cause which is »<• No more burning of po«'<!• podermic injections Th kill' Mendaco, starts to work in Ki,'purling the Germ c ause of
      108 words

  • 270 5 M A.H.A. Exhibition To Open At K. L. On July 30 J (brom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 9. Till 4 Malayan Exhibition, which will be opened by Sir Shenton 1 homas at Kuala Lumpur at 11 a.m. on July 30, promises to
    270 words
  • 215 5 vnl( .<l (>"'<•?> l’“r ork<‘ )fW n our July 9- s with kandar sticks ,n)P.'!'.' with r< volvers. L e taken home smg a P ol n Organised secretn envoys f vehicles and the wb ythe Rfgl nw t( of long lines the *> nvnyS UUMS
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  • 257 5 p Sih'si/xih Chinn Relief Fund wxw n w(!im at the Eu T<»ui Thealrt mi Fiifhtu irhwh Mr. K'l'i Liii'l i‘n f hoitsi C'nsulnth mb d. I tfrx Kuo Put prt suited I tn'.fx t>> th •> 1' ontr n i‘h<> made M '■op s s hurl I
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  • 59 5 A;>|. '’pore, .July 9 1. 3 to f >re*a k ip-to-date iVjv,, oa ie PgtpoI» d hontan, 9 p i| ’he street, Ito ‘mditioned |T>... ''l 1.000 -111 as proof piii- i z 1 T)|, occupied oy R'.-. k l; I me involves ai of Nhe
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  • 194 5 Mr. A. J. Braga Appointed (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 9. Mr. A. J. Braga, the Singapore lawyer .-.nd well known big game hunter. has i en appointed a member of the Singapore Municipal Commission. This was announced in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette last night.
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  • 373 5 Petition To London From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 9 ThaL in his opinion a petition to the Colonial Office regarding the system of rating existing in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Seremban would be dispatched within the course of a month was contained in a speech
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  • 111 5 IMYSTERY surrounds the identity of a 1 person who jumped from a ferry at 9.3,'i p.m. on Saturday in the Penana laibour. The terry left the Church Street Piei at 9.30, and fine minutes later, son-on r from the top deck from the second class side jumped
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  • 315 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Singapore, July 9. Tne striking transport workers in Singajpore are willing to submit their case to arbitration if they are allowed to choose their own arbitrators. This change of front was made yesterday during informal discussions among the men. Previously they had rejected
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  • 970 5 High Commissioner At Ceremony (From Our Own Correspondent) Arau, July 9. The celebration of the 56th Birthday of His Highness Tuan Syed Alwi ibni Aimerhum Syed Safi, the Raja of Perl’3, was observed this morning at Arau. the residential town of His Highness. His Excellency the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 t I niiiiiHfnr n I I I ST E E L T I I 1 H WINDOW FRAMES R FRENCH DOORS II L 9 tn etc etc n ’SIB Equal *o the l> *4 S I I I F E 4 'X- X: imported makes. a I PS p I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1192 6 U M T WEEK-END ATTRACTION 1 ~x- U OPENING SATURDAY A Y^ Mr H l DAY yZ" Mi JACK’S GREATEST A r,ll,ant 20,11 BELIEVE IT OR EOT*»» J LAST NIGHT TONIGHT 6.15 9.30 picture Tri ni|>ll THESE TWO ARE IN LOVE o I the HW ix^ d& o^ borrow GlVE
      1,192 words

  • 776 7 FOR NORTH ATLANTIC TRIALS REPRESENTING the greatest advance in the science of aeronautics since the Great War, the Short-Mayo Composite Aircraft is about to justify its existence in the eyes of the world. It has already done so in the eyes of experts. Both as a composite
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  • 167 7 The Limstead Badminton Party celebrated their successes in the Penang Junior Tournament with a dinner given by Mr. Lim Oo Seng, the patron, and Mr. Ooi Poh Chye. at the Violet Cafe, Wembley Park, on Saturday. The following were present: Messrs. Lim Oo Seng, Ooi Poh Chye,
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  • 303 7 Agenda For Tomorrow’s Meeting Following is the agenda for the meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners tomorrow: 1. To confirm minutes of last Ordinary Meeting held on 28th June 1938 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions by Mr. Cheah Inn Kiong. 4.
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  • 176 7 Travel At Peak: Signs Of Returning Prosperity Eastbound Transatlantic travel reached the year’s peak recently when 21 liners left New York within a few days of each other, carrying 17,893 passengers for Europe. Most of these passengers will remain abroad until the middle of next month,
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  • 249 7 KING’S CUP PILOT TAKEN ILL LN PLANE London. July 4 —lf Alex Henshaw, twenty-four-year-old pilot from Mablethorpe,. Lines, had not made his father as keen on flying as himself, he would not have lived to win the King’s Cup air race and £l.lOO in prizes
    249 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 !(I WH*I you PLEASE pa ,ul Af,er e ects tnb eableto*et-towitba rite meal 110 ’uf favOUnU I)(J fear W „Jjday aftcr •H* ,n .Lts’ h rs su<.' b U,<tCr nany 4oTn; '.He dream. J° ul t will a o' iHIf easily. 1*“” ma ll liters of M ~iv safely •>■
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    • 7 7 OVfILTINE is Milk plus Malt plus EGGS
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 255 7 Sensational Success! a Now in its 4th Day! a Hundreds Still Unable To Gain Admission Yesterday All Previous Lamour Box-Office Records Smashed To Atoms NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF PENANG DOWNSTAIRS SEATS SOLD OUT ONE HOUR BEFORE START OF PERFORMANCE ia U E E N s J DAILY 3 SHOWS
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  • 485 8 PALESTINE, the scene of almost endless trouble for countless generations, is causing Great Britain a great amount of anxiety at the present time, and with the outbreak of serious disorders between Arabs and lews it has now become necessarv for the British Government to view the situation with
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  • 167 8 Convoy Drivers Intimidated (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 10. Further attacks on unconvoyed taxis and buses occurred in Singapore yesterday and another passenger was injured by flying glass. Three taxis and one mosquito bus were attacked in the Beach Road district yesterday morning, oil, tar bricks being
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  • 207 8 Man Gaoled For Assault On Constable A sentence of ten days’ rigorous imprisonment without option of fine was passed by Mr. P. Y. F. Radclffe, at the Ipoh First Magistrates’ court on a Chinese named Chung Pin, who was charged with causing hurt to a public
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  • 127 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, July 10. Owing to requests for a postponement received by the organisers of the Perak Cycling Carnival from Selangor and Singapore cyclists the competition has been further postponed to September 3 and 4 next. The closing date for entries has been
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  • 35 8 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) London, July 9. Princess Juliana whose first child, Princess Beatrix, was bom just over five months ago, is expecting another blessed event early next year, according to Brussels newspapers.
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  • 7 8 Dr. Lim Chioee Leong
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  • 248 8 Education And Pleasure (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 10. Taiping schoolboys, about 120 of them, all members of the Geographical Society of the King Edward VII School, made an interesting excursion to the Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Station at Chenderoh yesterday, by permission of their
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  • 73 8 Annual Treat For Sunday School Children (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 10. The annual garden party for the Sunday School children of the Gospel Hall, Taiping, was held yesterday at the mission’s compound in Main-road. Over a hundred children and adults attended. Sports was organised for
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  • 99 8 London, July 9.—Princess Valerie (Mrs. Bob Gregory), youngest daughter of the white Rajah of Sarawak, is in the news again. Princess Baba told San Francisco reporters she was asking the Netherlands Consul-General if there is an island for sale in the Netherlands Indies, because she is planning
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  • Article, Illustration
    474 8  -  DIOCLES. Pen-Chewing rpHE week end bring, J. th sual t J'l’ ew ritoria|J valent "i <-chewi»3 the Diocletian brain-box one or two cylimlen, i n Sti brilliant ideas up,,,, which course at precisely length for the edil„ al i„„ tion and amusement of re;n| tr 1 would
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 182 8 SSI S EBg SI 3n Mw I I Rre w 4: jarm I *k k„. wO!g JI Mjiiggisp £frgffiffsffBreP LS*~r y L L -1 y.„ i3 < «ra LX I ’■'/fi' y raJ a ji NO FIN E RWHI Haig a GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE sole agents»- jqhN LITTLE CO..
      182 words
    • 39 8 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER ivcx zS Jn THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. so* Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SO LB AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd.. PENANG Singapore, IpoA, A Kuala Lumpur.
      39 words
    • 16 8 How far away is 5 DAYS from penanc BY K L M Royal Dutch Air Uj
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  • 616 9 \|i A. Van Tooren Leading Owner the Port Swettenham M; A v; ro .J. a continual run of rs s winning him this sea on, gjone at the Perak h concluded on £jn Ipoh owner, Saturday- S ngapore owner, take j.reukelen and Jack Tram' .jccessful trainers, Duval
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  • 239 9 M.C.S Officer Should Study Australian N. Z. Methods (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 10. A suggestion that the Straits Settlements Government should vote ample funds to advertise Malaya abroad and so attract the tourist trade to this country was made by
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  • 375 9 Old Fi •ees Beat Schoolboys In th-e annual cricket match between the Old Frees and the Present Frees on the Penang Free School ground yesterday, the former won by 61 runs, a feature being the splendid bowling of Eu Hong Lay. who took four wickets at
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  • 106 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. Mr. L. E. Ohl, of Malang, East Java, an old retired civil servant, has just given the finishing touches to a beautiful violin made by him locally which he intends offering as a gift to Princess Juliana. Violin making has
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  • 129 9 Tuition For Students: Treatment For Poor (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 10. To provide tuition for Malaya s dental students and incidentally to provide treatment for some of the poor of Singapore, the new dental school and clinic has been opened at the General Hospital.
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  • 61 9 Dr. P. Bhaskara Pillai, formerly attached to the Dublin Estate Gnup Hospital, Kedah and now in England for further studies has been successful in his D.T.M. examination and has also secured a certificate for Venereal in Liverpool. Dr. Bhaskara Pillai, is a son-in-law of Mr. P.
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  • 58 9 The cricket match between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Penang Recreation Club which was played on the Victoria Green yesterday had to be abandoned owing to rain. The Eurasians won the toss and elected to bat and had lost two wickets for 19 runs when
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  • 85 9 The funeral of Mrs. Toh Boon Bee, nee Choo Sim Kee, aged 45. will take place at 83 Seang Tek Road today at 4 p m. for intermerri at Western Road Cemetery Deceased who was a member of the Chinese Methodist Church passed
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  • 40 9 The following arrived today from Belawan by -the steamship Kedah: —Capt. and Mrs. C. J. M. Watts, Mr. T. D. Tiudgian. Mr. R. T. Corke, Mr. and Mrs. Thung Siang Keng and children and Mr. Thung Liarg On.
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  • 160 9 Cost Of Inviting Taxi Dancer To Sit With You (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 10. Singapore’s lonely bachelors can now invite dance hostesses to sit w’ith them at their tables in the air-conditioned New World Cabaret. For $lO an hour or $2O for the whole evening,
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  • 427 9 Burns House And Shoots Self (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 11, Four Malays, including one woman, who were locked up in a burning with the threat that they would be shot down if they ventured out, went through a horrible ordeal lasting nearly half
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  • 260 9 Narrow Victory At Badminton (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 10. Interesting badminton was seen at the Ceylon Association courts in Station-roa this morning, when the Central Workshops Sports Union. Kuala Lumpur, met the local Association in a friendly fixture. Five matches, two singles and
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  • 332 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Arau. July 10. His Excellency the High Commissioner, who took the opportunity of investing His Highness the Raja of Perlis with the insignia of the K.B.E. on the 56th Birthday r>f His Highness. observed on Saturday, went through a heavy
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  • 24 9 His Highness the Rajah of Perlis saying prayers after being invested with the insignia of K.B.E. by the Governor.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 O J. HE rRUE Qf all c hM>itu and Star—
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    • 82 9 HEYMAN PURE CREAMERY BUTTER Of a rich, yet delicate creamy flavour. Heyman Butter is ideal for the table —or cooking purposes. Manufactured in Australia, and hygienically packed it is always as fresh as when it came from the dairy. JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS LTD. SINGAPORE PENANC KUALA LUWPUK HB 1 I
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  • 1365 10 CARRIED UP BY WALL STREET REVIVAL BIG BUYING ORDERS DEVELOP ON SET-BACKS (From Our London Stall) London, July 1. To those Stock Exchange operators who Tely upon business indices and graphs, and reports upon industrial activity to indicate the probable trend of share prices
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  • 1550 10 Preventing Excessive Backwardation The following details of the Buffer Pool Scheme are issued by the Federal Secre1' The territories and/or the Governments represented on the International Tin Committee, hereinafter described as the signatories, agree to form a buffer stock and to place their contributions of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 Doctors anti dentists agree that ANACIN relieves pain quickly. They prescribe it because it is safe and tested. For headache, toothache, neuralgic and rheumatic pains—as well as for the fever and discomfort resulting from colds—it is the modern product for modern people. AN ACI N Is a scientific combination of
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    • 610 10 THE MERCANTILE ban* OF INDIA, urn (Incorporated m Capital Authorised Capital Subscribed £3 °oo,l< Reserve Fund and Rest £1 Capital Paid Up .060.5 C. OARn OF I)IRL(T(H W Sir Charles Alexander Innes K.C.5.1., C.I e‘ Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., Deputy RW Ho»- Lord Catto of P. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir
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  • 730 11 THE LOST GOLD OFTHELUTINE FIRST W IRELESS IXSI \LLATK )N Lloyd’s has granted yet another licence to a private firm to enable them to attempt to salve the gold which was -unk in H.M.S. Lutine at the entrance to the Zuyder Zee in October, 1799. I his
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  • 377 11 M.V. ‘BRASTAGI’ arriveis today from New York, via the Cape of Good Hope and Belawan, sails for Singapore. S.S. ‘KEDAH’ arrives today from Belawan sails evening for Singapore. S.S. ‘TILAWA’ arrives today from Far East via Singapore, sails for Calcutta. M.S. ‘GENERAL VERSPYCK* arrives today
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  • 1255 11 Greatest Organisation: Has No Share Capital GOVERNMENT’S POWER IN CASE OF EMERGENCY From humble beginnings the 8.8. C. has grown into the greatest organisation of its kind in the world. Today the Daventry service p ovJdes Malayans and other overseas listeners with one
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 424 11 |U E FUNNEL LINE K V oMMIX NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due London V bVI€E < Hull and Gdynia July 15 Aug. 12 91*, MED X Marseilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. 18 B p( ’v Antwerp Middlesborouph July 29 Aug. 26 t slerVK’E TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE. Uwpool TEN dAI
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    • 778 11 P O BRITISFI* INDIA (Incorporated In England.) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “RAWALPINDI” SAILING THURSDAY, 14th JULY d .2 riental s N under Penang. Teluk Anson, Port SwottenMrt, con.rac! with His Majesty's Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. g /S
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  • 482 12 Latest Tinies Of Posting AIR MAILS A mail for Burma (except Victoria Point), India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya. Tanganyika, Uganda. Zanzibar Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Great Britain. Ireland, Canada and Newfoundland by Imperial Airways (Empire Air Mail) Cooee will close at
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  • 73 12 < From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, July 9. A 19-year-old Malay married woman, named Lin, met with a terrible death at Trong yesterday evening. While cutting a tree with her husband, she misjudged the fall of the tree and ran in the wrong direction. The tree fell
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  • 239 12 Private Radio R,.| a h Sick Man Mr. A. E Capelli mli African lying ill in bed at <> Sve W., listened recently to > “South African 1 11 6.800 miles away, by hi- er IT The private relay was arranged by the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 What really pleases us about this letter is 8 hours a day for Mr Dalls J k firmly convinced of Philips superiority that f 2 years with ■he sends five of his friends to buy the same set. Eight hours a day for two years I MARVELLOUS 1 F certainly
      167 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1981 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES L 8.8. C. SERVICE Highlights Of Today’s Wireless SCHEDULE GSF(BBC) Following is the BBC Empire broad- 6.50 p.m., 7.40 p.m., 8.35 p.m., 11.50 p.m. and 12.45 a.m.: Ihe casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- 'pl* ir* i t ard Tbn... for th.s wm-K. boginning July 1 bird Cricket
      1,981 words

  • 186 13 i< in the Royal Naval Rifle Association meeting at Bisley mid the weather wet and that they needed raincoats THE NAVY AT BISLEY:: AMERICANS ON THE THAMES. Crews preparing for practice spin*» at Henlev before the opening of the Royal Regatta. (Left) The Harvard I'niversity
    186 words

  • 285 14 Bit! Tournaments May Be Thrown Open London: Astonishing offers have been made to Donald Budge, the British, American. French, and Australian lawn tennis champion, to turn professional, They are much larger than any offers in the history of the game. Many sports promoters are
    285 words
  • 270 14 Waterlogged Ground Manchester, July 9. Bradman and Hammond inspected the pitch at 4 o’clock and when they disagreed as to whether it was fit for play or not, the Umpires were called in. i he Umpires decided the ground was unfit for play. That there
    270 words
  • 17 14 MANCHESTER CUP.—Dragonnade (left) and Buckleigh dead-heating for first place They are even in step, too.
    17 words
  • 437 14 Corbett Beats Newcomer In Hard Bout (By “Spectator”) There were some grand fights at the Fun and Frolic Stadium last night. Young Corbett, the young Indian featherweight, maintained his consistent form, outpointing Cheah Cheng Leang, a Chinese lightweight, who was making his debut
    437 words
  • 453 14 Turnover Of Nearly £8,000,000 London: The Racecourse Betting Control Board’s ninth annual report and accounts, for the year 1937, shows that the total volume of business dealt with bv /.otalisators on horse racecourses in the year was £7.903,721, an increase of 7.27 per cent, over that for
    453 words
  • 65 14 The following are the results of the swimming competition of the Penang Chinese Swimming Club held yesterday:— 400 Metres Free Style, Class A. 1. Geh Chong Keat 2. Kee Soon Bee 3. Ng Leng Hock. Time: 6 min 23 5 secs. 100 Metres Back Stroke, Class B. 1. Lim
    65 words
  • 31 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 9. The Combined Services swamped Malacca by five goals to nil in their Malaya Cup soccer encounter. showing complete superiority throughout.
    31 words
  • 35 14 Reuter. Ixindon, July 10:—A world record for a duration flight for a two-seater glider in 22 hours and 11 minutes was made in Dunstable by R.A.F. Flight-lieut. W.B. Murray and Engineer Stanley Sproule.—
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 46 14 British Wireless London, July 10:—Street collections for the benefit of hospitals and charities for the sick in memory of Queen Alexandra which were made on Alexandra Day amounted to about £54,000 which is the highest total collected on such occasion since 1931.- British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  46 words
  • 389 14 FORTUNE FOR EX-BOOrJ Girl Started His Rim Of 4| l London: —“Best horse in the world’’ they call Nearco of the Paris Grand Prix this year. This week he comes to E ng J to spend the rest of his days at his new owner’s
    389 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 53 14 PLEASE ()1 E Special offer of 5 Discount on goods purchased over 81.00 for last 5 days only. EASTERN BAZAAR (The Blue Shop) Announce their Genuine Substantial Once-A-Y ear Opportunity SALE Closes Definitely on Friday, 15th July, 1938. Do Not Miss This Last Opportunity As This Chance ill Neuer Be
      53 words
    • 327 14 COULD YOU cX--'" r- family on of course not. Could your wife? No. -r e an income I Wen. if you «ant £l ,ooo saf.K r c vou must invcsttn of £33 000 safely 1 .<ted yOU invested. Hke it1 wife would 1’»" 3 vour wue i Then if V°
      327 words

  • 55 15 While the Singapore Traction Company’s 1,400 workers are idle, there still stands on the office counter an ironical notice, “No Vacancies At Present.” The offices are deserted except for a few European officials. Outside a jaga stands with a shotgun, and a few* hundred yards along the road
    55 words
  • 1275 15 Selangor Team’s All-Round Superiority By ‘HEADER” general expectations, m[) letely outclassed Pef Selangor vjctoria Green on naJigonj soccer encounter, day oa]s to one before a crowd Selangor gave an exhibi- the Penang side, and were ton of soccer groun d. Right from athomfl
    1,275 words
  • 854 15 I KISSING CUP PAYS BEST DIVIDEND (From Our Own Correspondent) J Ipoh, July 9. GLORIOUS weather favoured the concluding day’s races of the Perak Turf I Club July Meeting. A record crowd was I present and very heavy betting took place on the totalisator and cash sweeps.
    854 words
  • 713 15 Betters Own Record In Pole Vault HOLDING the stage to himself for nearly an hour, Siow Leong Joo, the Free School jumper, again proved the sensation of the Penang Amateur Athletic Association annual sports held on Saturday on the Esplanade, clearing over 6ft.
    713 words
  • 114 15 (From Our Own Correspondent I Ipoh, July !K The Perak A.A A. sports was held on the Anderson School ground -'today. Thera was a poor attendance and after the sport* Mrs. A. W. Moreira distributed the prizeflu A Malayan record was created by Lalß Khan who threw the
    114 words
  • 52 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 9. Three more State records were established at the Selangor Athletic Association Meeting here on the concluding day today before His Highness the Sultan of Selangor and a very large crowd, five records having been broken yesterday and one other
    52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 937 15 BAXTER’S CANVAS \ll Flax, Jute Weft, I B 11 Extra Tarpaulin Canvas H IIW 100% Jute A.l white IUB I» 1 a Always In Stack IJ NPF SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO. Youthful Vigour Restored By New, Simple, Easy Method Glands Stimulated /WbmenAdmireK To New Activity \Vigourous Without Operation Doctor's Prescription jX
      937 words

  • 144 16 T| lIV /RKVIOUSLY ,ica £189.10. 0 No market (Spot) £l9O 15 0 No market LONDON— <3 month.) $95 25 UTNGAFORE wo.ov < N S m 25 BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyere no sellers By Courtesy of Messrs. Eastern Smelting Company. COPRA— (Sundried) $3.85 53.80 BLACK PEPPER $8.75 $8.7»
    144 words
  • 102 16 London, July 9. .RUBBER. London C osed August do «Oct. /Dec. do Jau./Mar do JIEW YORK Closed United Kingdom Stock* London 60,654 tons Liverpool 31.806 tons COPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. July £ll- 7.6 ICPPER: White Muntok: in bond 3}§d Aug./Oct 3}£d Lompong black: in bond 2%d Aug./Oct.
    102 words
  • 190 16 RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Paaas 1.35 1.42% Batu Lintangs 1.12% 1.17% Bassetts .57% .60 Berrtas 112% 1.17% .Brogas .80 .85 Kedah Rubbers 1.90 2.10 Kuala Sidims 2.60 2.80 .Indragiris 1.32% 1.40 Xunas 1.85 1.95 Mentakabs .45 .47% Mala ka Pindas 1.37% 1.45 New Scudais 1.17% 1.25 Fajams 1.85 1.95
    190 words
  • 58 16 Arrested on Saturday, a 14-year-old Chinese boy. Ng Wah Cheong, was charged before Mr. J. D. Lambert in the Penang Middle Court this morning with being a member of an unlawful assembly gathered for the purpose of destroying goods on July 4. After the charge had been explained,
    58 words
    • 154 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.37% 1.40 Hong Fatt 1 00 1.02% Jelebu .72% .75 Kuchai 1.27% 1.32% Petalings 8.50 8.75 Puteh 1 66 1 65 Rahman Hyd. 1.25 1.27% Rantau Ordy. 1.37% 1.42% Rantau Pref- 1.37%' 1.40 Sungei Luas 1.60 1.65 Taiping Cons. 1.60 1.65 Ulu
      154 words
    • 207 16 New York, July 9 —With the exception of aircrafts which were favourites, the market gave no new signs of direction and Monday will probably open in the vicinity of tonight’s levels before ‘the resumption of a general rise. Rubber was closed. Some fear of pressure of accumulated stocks
      207 words
    • 19 16 TIN Singapore $95.25 per pkl. Penang $94.25 per pkl. RUBBER Singapore —Spot per lb. Penang—Spot per lb.
      19 words
    • 167 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 4|3 4:9 Bangrin 21'3 22)3 Eatu Selangor 1.37% 1.42% Chcnderiang 15 3 16 0 Hong Fatt 1.00 1.03 Hongkong Tin 23 6 24'6 Jelebu .70 .77% Kpg. Kamunting 9 6 10 0 Kpg. Lanjut 19 9 20)3 Kramat 10'9 11 3 Kramat Pulai 13
      167 words
    • 171 16 LEAN CO. TIN Boyers Sellers A. Hitams 24 9 25 6 B. Selangors 1.35 1.40 Hong Fatts 1.00 1.02% Hongkong Tins 23)9 24 6 K. Kam un tings 9)3 9 9 K. Lan juts 19)6 200 Kuchais 1.27% 1 32% Kramats 10)9 11)3 Kundangs 5)6 6|l<% Laruts 10|9 11)4% Putehs
      171 words
    • 266 16 MEAT Beef Steak Kati 38 Stew or Curry do 28 Pork lean do 48 Pork lean and fat Ist quality do 36 Mutton (Goat N. Indies local per lb 50 Do. Australian do 40 Fowl Kati 26 Capons locally reared do 55 Hen do do 28 Duck
      266 words
  • 98 16 A raid conducted by A.S.P. Mr. Wiltshire on a house in Kampong Java Bahru on Saturday night resulted in two Indian Mohamaddans. Mydin bin Ibrahim and Sultan bin Ibrahmsa, being arrested. They were produced in the Penang Middle Court this morning on a charge of managing
    98 words
  • 765 16 Red House Win C. M. Sheriff Shield K. ARUMUGAM THE CHAMPION ATHLETE Keen competition was evinced in the ninth annual inter-Colour sports of the Anglo-Chinese School, Nebong Tebal, which was held on Saturday, on the Caledonia Padang. Three Colour Houses which competed for the C. M.
    765 words
  • 103 16 Warrant Out For Arrest Of Hainanese (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 10 A warrant for the arrest of a Hainan,* Tan Teck Seng, who failed to appear» the Singapore Second Police Court, yesterday, was issued by Mr. J. c. H. Oldhao. Singapore Second Magistiate.
    103 words
  • 59 16 Death by misadventure was the verdict returned by the Malacca coroner, Mr. G E. Turner, at an inquest on a 60-year-old -Malay, Haron bin Osman who died froi injuries received following a fall from i coconut tree at Alai, near Malacca. He died in hospital from
    59 words
  • 23 16 New York, July 11,- The airman. Howard Hughes, took off from Floyd Bennett aerodrome for Paris at 12 20 a.m. Reuter.
    23 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 213 16 MOTHERS’! <) p, I WHO H wr HEARTBIB’x Should Read This llr Letter Here is something of 1 (a 1 those mothers-to-be who are Jo terest u indigestion in one or another ct forms: flatulence, heartbum J t acidity. Today it is no lo?g er kne J to endure this
      213 words