Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 303 1 AIIFGED tension with JAPANESE p,official deniah. a Japanese cruiser carrying ,'l marines has arrived off the Paracel Islands and a| a instructions from Tokio. declares the Sin (lie's rH' .l, ’l i.dneeu Japanese warships are off Hoihow (capital of Hainan), while French vessels are
    Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 47 1 lr Own Correspondent) Taiping, Today. 1 Chop Tong Fong, sundry Ja Road, stocked Japan- r lWd menacingly stood outfhe police came to the Brigade in readiness, no violence so far but J to disperse. Mr. Toh Eng ine Chinese community, has mediate on the spot.
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  • 100 1 Reuter. Twenty Killed At Jerusalem Jerusalem. July 6 Seven were killed and •twenty wounded in a bomb outrage outside the Central Police Station at Haifa. The explosion was followed by firing on the crowds from an unknown source. Curfew has been imposed on Haifa beginning at 7 p.m.
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 118 1 Orders Placed For Planes For R.A.F. Sir Thomas Inskip, Minister for Co-ordi-nation of Defence, was asked whether he could now state what arrangements the Government have been able to make for the manufacture in Canada of aircraft and other munitions and in reply stated that the report of
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  • 117 1 Small Insurance Coverage Widely varied estimates are heard in town of the extent of the losses occasioned by the destruction of property on Monday and Tuesday. Basing an estimate on the known losses of one establishment. it appears probable that the total involved through destruction may be
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  • 177 1 No Political Aspect i From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 7—Singapore today is a city of mingled silence and rowdyism. The silence is caused through the crippling of the city’s transport services owing to the Traction Company employees going on strike and through the closing of Chinese
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  • 135 1 Germans And Lithuanians Clash The Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs stated in the Commons that ‘‘His Najesty’s charge d’Affaires at Kovno who has just returned from a visit to Memel reports that serious rioting took place at the port on June 20 and again on June 28 when demonstrations
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  • 22 1 .—Reuter Sydney, July 6—The Imperial Airways airliner, Challenger, arrived today at 7.25 a m. B S T —Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  22 words
  • 338 1 Gangster’s Body Found From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, July 7. With the right thigh shattered by a bullet, the body rt one of the gang of ten Chinese robbers who murdered Mr. F. G. Dunsford, Tersang gold-miner, in his hui 16 miles north of Raub on June
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  • 26 1 -Reuter Reuter. Vienna, July 6 Buerckel has requestco all factories to employ one S. A. or S. S. man for every forty workers -Reuter
    – -Reuter  -  26 words
  • 302 1 International Conference Opens At Evian Evian. July 6- -Indications of the practical help the British and United Stales Governments afford towards a solution of the German and Austrian refugee problem were given at the opening session of the conference this afternoon. Mr. Myron Taylor, U.S. delegate,
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  • 78 1 Sin Chf a- Jit Poh. 7he Kuomintang hets issued a message expressing continued fidenee in the final outermic, while Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has addressed a. message to Hu Japanese people inviting their attention to the contrast between the barbarism of Japan’s armed forces and the pcaeeful
    Sin Chf a- Jit Poh.  -  78 words
  • 65 1 r Sir Kingsley Wood, Air Minister, announced in the Commons that during the six months ended July 2 last 19,140 men applied for enlistment in the Royal Air Force. Recruiting in the regular Army last week was the best for any week during the past five
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 ll hill he er I p/<>-"J.DD<- />)//''•'"" y,,i I"" 1 THE SHANGHAI co., ;(L P<‘i> all M K° a< l’ PHONE 9(H. I penang- ll
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    • 57 1 The I-atewt Typewriter Achievement THE BRITISH NOISELESS Remington z A k® w /7 On sultry days the mere sight of a large hot joint will often destroy appetite. COLD COOKED MEATS make a pleasant and satisfying contrast. EISUS SWZJGII PHONE PENANG 1500 A 1501 BUTTERWORTH S 3 rfrlit. of Singapore
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  • 169 2 ALLEGED JUDICIAL MURDER Vienna, June 30. Herr Burckel, the Fuhrer’s commissioner for the unification of Germany and Austria, in an interview today with foreign correspondents, referred to the possibility of placing Herr von Schuschnigg, the former Austrian Chancellor, on trial for the ‘judicial murder” of Nazis
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  • 127 2 New Ambassador For Berlin Berlin, June 30. The Chinese Ambassador to Germany. Dr Cheng Tien-fong, has been recalled to China and will leave Berlin shortly. H>s successor, to whom, it is understood, the German Government have already given their agreement, will be Dr. Thomas King (Chin
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  • 278 2 Princess Tarhata Atik Kiram, whose education at the University of Illinois was an experiment that failed, apparently is not sorry she declined to help speed the change in civilisation for 300,000 Moros in the Sulu archipelago. American lipstick, fur coats, football games and evening dresses
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  • 257 2 —Says Judge, Sentencing Troopers London, July 1. Victor Lloyd Pullin, twenty-nine-year-old trooper of the Royal Horse Guards, was found not guilty of a serious offence against a fourteen-year-old girl, but guilty of an attempted offence, and was sentenced at the Old Bailey yesterday to
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  • 261 2 Tuesday, June 28. Hon. Mr. G. E. Cator, Hon. Mr. C. C. Brown and Hon. Mr. C. L. Green arrived to stay at King’s House. The following were the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency at King’s House this evening:— Hon. Raja Uda bin Raja Muhammad,
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  • 255 2 ‘Career First, Is Bunkum London, July 1 “Ano woman would give up anything for the man she loves,” spinster told a Government Committee yesterday. “We know of kings and queens wno have given up their thrones qo said Miss E. Hoctor, president
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  • 217 2 A Savoia seaplane shot down not far from Tarragona. Catalonia, is believed to be the mystery seaplane, named by Spanish sailors “El Solitario,” which for a fortnight has harried foreign and Spanish shipping on the Mediterranean coast. In the wreckage of the seaplane, which had a
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  • 363 2 Failed 5 Car Tests., Passed By A Wangle Chatham, July 1. -1 m to prison rather than pop the fine.” was the teelaration of hB-years-OM endowed Mrs. Maydalene Harper, who, haeiny failed fwe times in driving tests, induced authorities to give her another elseichere—and
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  • 98 2 According to the current issue of the “African World, a London publication, a meeting probably unique in the history o’ modern communication was recently held in the Northern Transvaal. The Nyl Basin Farmers’ Association was to hold a meeting, but as the weather was threatening, the chairman
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  • 368 2 SHUNNED SOCIETY; WORE OLD CLOTHES Huyton, near Liverpool July 1Villagers were speculating here today on the identity of the mysterious Doctor Isobel Sloan, whose death in her empty home in Seel Road remained unexplained after a coroner’s inquiry at St. Helens yesterday. Her name on the
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  • 324 2 N.Z. AND FOREKnI IMMK.R rs I Wellington. j unp l The report of the Over Board has aroused inter ;t !r) y,., land. Commenting on it the p rir ~Z ter, Mr. Savage, said: “We are just as anx ment league to bring people to thia
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  • 372 2 Sale In London Auction Room London. July I Few collections of Chinese porcelain have appeared in the auction room during recent years equal in quality to that formed by the German connoisseur Jakob Goldschmidt. of Berlin, the two-day sale of which began at Christie's rooms yesterday.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 I will say! "THIS BIOCEI SKIN FOOD IS MARVELLOUS/ It proves the skin 1 can eat wyj My doctor told me that Biocel in this par- i hSS?' s ‘C* ticular skinfood is obtained from carefully selected young animals. It goes down deep into the skin and supplies it with
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    • 43 2 EYE TESTING FREE. S WWURK -X c a c T jJK n SUN GLASSES. GUARD YOUR EYES At'Al "GLARE” DANGERS- ftt Chance’s Crookes’ or Smoke I moderate price Obtainable From cp -r) CHIN CHIN COY., (OPE DE 18-20, Beach Street, Tel. 1029. I’enank
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  • 301 3 —Reuter. Discrimination By Japanese BRITISH PROTESTS London. July 6 Replying to questions by Commdr A Marsden and Mr Chorlton in Commons today regarding the Japanese military authorities refusal to allow foreign vessels to ply inland creeks and the canal around Shanghai on the plea of floating
    —Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 74 3 British Wireless. New Labour Opposition Demand London, July 6 —A memorandum on the strength of air defence prepared by the Parliamentary Labour Party after a study of information collected from various sources was presented yesterday to the Prime Minister by the Opposition Leader Mr. Attlee accompanied by Mr.
    British Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 60 3 —Reuter. Attempted To Set Fire To Flour Mill Jerusalem, July 6—Four Arabs were sentenced to death on a charge of attempting to set fire to flour mill near Lydda The entire town of Safad, except the Jewish quarters, is undergoing a 48 —hour curfew with a
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 96 3 Reuter. Jews’ “Admirable Restraint’* London, July 6 There are over 1.000 Jews already employed as supernumerary police for protection of the Jewish settlement and crops in Palestine said Mr MacDona'.d in Commons today, replying to questions in connection with the present disturbed conditions. He was asking the
    – Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 145 3 Reuter. Result Of Rush Of Buying Last eek London, July 6 —Last night’s action of leading American producers in raising the domestic copper price by a further quarter cent to 9% cents a pound was a. natural result of the rush of buying in the latter
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 78 3 British Wireless. Studying British Methods London, July 6. —Miss Frances Perkins, at present visiting London where she will the United States Secretary of Labour, is meet Labour leaders, the Minister of Labour and others to discuss with them British methods of handling industrial disputes,
    British Wireless.  -  78 words
  • 52 3 A Jewish girl was killed and two Jews were seriously injured, and several others were slightly injured by a bomb thrown from a train passing over the level crossing in toe main thoroughfare of Televlv. Two more Jews were seriously injured by a bomb explosion
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  • 76 3 Reuter. Canada Willing To Provide Facilities Ottawa, July 6:—After a Cabinet meeting Mr. Mackenzie King told the Press that Canada is willing to provide training facilities for British pilots in Canadian flying schools. He. added that Canada has never declined to offer such facilities but Government
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 123 3 —Reuter. Both Sides Striving To Reach Agreement By End Of Month Washington. July 6 —Contrary to receni understanding here, the Anglo-American trade negotiations might suspend activities ahrough August and try again to formulate a treaty. It is now understood that bosh sides are striving hard to reach
    . —Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 82 3 —Reuter. Budapest High Court Increases Penalty Budapest. July 6—Following an appeal the Budapest High Court has increased the sen *.en?c imposed by lower court on Major Szalasy. head of the Hungarian Nazis, from ten months to three years’ imprison ment. Treating the rise as a criminal offence, the
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 134 3 —Reuter. More Questions In Commons London, July 6—Asked in Commons today by Mr. J. J- Davidson if he intends to ‘fix a date whereby conditions preceding ratification of the Anglo-Italian Agreement must be in operation, the Prime Minister said Government had repeatedly stated they were not in a
    —Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 34 3 —Reuter. Cairo, July 6 —Serious dislocation of Suez Canal traffic has been caused by the strikers’ refusal to continue to tow a bumti out steamer which was abandoned in midstream. —Reuter.
    . —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 623 3 Paris Court Asked To Decide Ownership SPANISH GOVERNMENT FAILS TO' SECURE IMMEDIATE SURRENDER The Spanish Government failed to secure the immediate surrender of £7,500,000 gold bullion the property of the Bank of Spain at present deposited with the Bank of France as
    623 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 569 3 pi,hop S, r*ir- r< with extensions, d Off- fhone H 77 zet te" reDßng Singapore. Ph<> ne Cec 1 Street. 51 Kuala Lumpur: SmgaP° r nn 3683. 'P° h T‘ l: Jara Street e 268. Lo"**» jj£-’ J;' e tf F;ee: 3 ff >d ""Leadma-aya” offi c Ph"" e C
      569 words
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  • 263 4 71 Deaths: Europeans Not Affected INOCULATION ADVISED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. July 5. Xearh 4(H) cases of tvphoid fever have occurred in Singapore during the present outbreak, and up to yesterday 71 deaths had occurred. From June 1 until yesterday, 394 cases had been
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  • 226 4 8 Months’ R.L For Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 5 Admitting six previous convictions in Singapore anti stated in Court to have beer, twice previously convicted up-coun-try, Ong Eng Chuan. 24, was sentenced to eight months’ rigorous imprisonment to b< followed by one year's police supervision
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  • 376 4 Title Of Leia Maharajah Eor Haji Ipap I Emm Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. July 4. More than 5.000 Malay women and mm in their best Lain gathered at Ixampong Kotah today as Haji Ipap bin \bdullah. 43-year-oltl Malay exGovernment surveyor, was installed as Cndang of Kemba'u
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  • 455 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Justice W. G. W. Hastings has left [poh tor Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Percy B. Bel*. Principal, AngloChinese School, Ipoh, is in Singapore and will be back on Saturday. Mr. J. J. Sheehan has been appoin'-ed acting Controller of Rubber while Major G. M. Kidd is on leave.
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  • 355 4 Honeymoon lour Fh rough Peninsula On Sunday afternoon at the Adventist Chapel in Burmah Road, an impressive ceremony united in marriage Mr. James Heng Soo Cheah. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Seow 800 of Penang, and Miss Judith Lan Hsing Djang, youngest daughter of the late
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  • 594 4 Details Of New Arrangements Announced I From Our Own Correspondent.) U Singapore, July 6. Details of new arrangements lor the control of the Empire air route between Singapore and Sydney and between Singapore and Karachi have been announced. Eor 15 rears from Aug. 3,
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  • 245 4 Commemorating Start Of Hostilities (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 5 Probably for the first time in history, Chinese in Malaya and throughout the world are on Thursday going vegetarian for other than axreligious cause. They will fast or eat vegetables as they choose, to commemorate
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  • 137 4 Raub Murder Case (From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, July 6. The hut which was occupied by Mr. F. G. W. Dunsford, the New Zealand gold miner who was murdered on the night of June 24 by a gang of Chinese robbers, was reduced to ashes
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  • 158 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 5 Evidence of the increasing number of young Chinese studying aeronautical engineering in America was given by Mr. Wu Yuan-Hao, a graduate of the CurtisWright- Aeronautical School, California, vho passed through Singapore yesterday on his way back to China
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    • 226 4 MIRACULOUS tl SPRING WATER thJ ENDS ACHES off; j Mystery Remedy H In many of t earth, often 1- gush laden with ciuaii.. are Natur»’> 41: These metlu tn..' for a< hr- and t>:,n> > I limbs, i lieutr I feeling and sittul u Not all <4 u>. 1,.... to
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  • 1511 5 <»' ,e F sprnnt/ Disunions I LU ~u< Ijiii perhaps lhe least impor 1 hi ihe 10 years before 1914 some b’.i n> ihe population, hi 1930 onef been born abroad or had at least 1 ally more emigration than imh Nov there '> c
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  • 190 5 NO GERMAN-JAPAN-SIAM AGREEMENT Denial By Consul-General (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. July 6. Luang Vudhisara Netinati, Siamese Consul General in Singapore, told the Pinang Gazette that there was no truth in the Chinese report published yesterday that ar. agreement has been signed for the supply of German arms to Siam.
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  • 22 5 The annual celebrations in honour of St. Anne wTI take place on Sunday. July 31 al Bukit
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  • 284 5 Commons Questions On Sedition Bill (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 29. A suggestion that the Sedition Bill lately introduced into the Straits Settlements Legislative Council will put definite restrictions on both political and trade union activities in Malaya was made in the Housof Commons this afternoon.
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  • 315 5 Lower Perak Display (From Our Own Correspondent) Teluk Anson. July 4. Saturday will be a red letter day in the Lower Perak restrict as it is the opening day of the Lower Ferak District Agricul--tural Show under the distinguished patronag. ot H.H. the Sultan of Perak, the Honourable
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  • 138 5 Trail Temporarily Lost (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. Searchers who have returned from the jungle around Pulai, in south Kelantan, report that traces of the Dunsford murder gang have disappeared. Though the gang is believed to be still in the vicinity of the Pahang-Kelantan
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  • 514 5 $1,000,000 Contraband Narcotics Seized Last Tear More than $1,000,000 worth of contraband narcotics, smuggled into the United States largely from the bar East, have been seized on the Pacific coast within the past year, Federal Narcotic Agents disclosed in San Francisco. lhe first
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 t- 11 BRAND’S Wifi ml i MR atj I If < W/ I w H s I A f nHI jar—- BEEF > CHICKEN CHICKEN and HAM CHICKEN and TONGUE CHICKEN, HAM and TONGUE *GAME and ham HAM and tongue PARTRIDGE from the finest I TONGUE I selected English! TURKEY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 926 6 D— ■■■l 1.. U. I I 7 AT LAST— A MIGHTY SPECTACLE TO CHALLENGE THE FAME OF ELYSEE CABADFImB “BIRTH OF A NATION”! <JF flfl IF Owing to observance of A flame with the Heart-Appeal of Another “CAPTAINS 44 Double 7”, there Wil! |)p )1( MB OPENING TOMORROW COURAGEOUS’’ is
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  • 290 7 j A t<ix on lipstick and face now Cer as a substitute tax uuule tor tne entertainment ln thUioM Commons 6 BUdgCt J »?s^on C6 "un f Exchequer Sir to be re a d sur Ptistngly showed himself lutu re r iXe? C nSider th
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  • 69 7 Bridgeport:—Suing for divorce at Bridge_ port, Mrs, Alexandria Stewart, Plankington Plaut alleged that when her husbano took her out all he gave her was chewinggum—but he took her maid out to night clubs and gave her orchids. Mis. Plaut also alleged that he had beaten
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  • 163 7 f Ex-Malayaii To Address •< orld Congress (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 30. Two eminent ex-officials of the Malayan Civil Service, Sir Richard Winstedt and Mr. A.S. Haynes, will be prominent delegates to the International Congress for Geography which is to be held at Amsterdam from
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  • 224 7 Smuggled Letters In Fish Baskets Edinburgh:—A Heroine of the Great War will preside over the jubilee conference of 'the International Council of Women to be attended by nearly 2,000 delegates of 28 nationalities in Edinburgh from July 11 to 22. She is Baroness Pol Boel,
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  • 366 7 London: Haile Selassie's right to have a lawsuit dealt with in the English courts has been established. And in a judgment given in the Court of Appeal he was referred to as “his Majesty Haile Selassie the First, Emperor of Ethiopia." Haile Selassie and
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  • 242 7 Tribute In Legislature Kingston, Ja., June 29. Speaking in the Legislature yesterday, the Acting Governor, Mr. C. C. Woolley, said the Colony had suffered a serious loss by the death of Sir Edward Denham at a time when his continued guidance, inspiration, and distinguished
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  • 223 7 “Shockingly Low,” Alleges M.P. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 29. An allegation that in some Dependencies wages were shockingly low, being as little as 2d. or 3d. a day, was made by Mr. W. Paling, Labour M.P. for Wentworth, in the House of Commons this afternoon.
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  • 45 7 This evening at the “Esplanade” from 6.00 p.m. to 7 30 p.m.: March: Contemptibles: Stanley. Selection: The Princess Of Kensingtcn: German. Intermezzo: Pendant le Bal: Gillet. Overture: The Sapphire Necklace: Sullivan. Fox Trot: Rosalie: Porter. Selection: The Arcadians: Monckton. One Step: Chiquitta: Fernando.
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    • 109 7 I IN MEMORIAM J 4$ a mark of respect to those killed in China since the R ar J X b(>"(tn a rear ago today, there C will be Ml MATINEE or NIGHT SHOWS at the QUEEN’S TODAY V Oval tine’ and note the Difference HYGIENE FOR WOMEN There is
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 238 7 Definitely Opening Tomorrow THE JVNGLE PRINCESS” RETURNS IN THE > DOROTHY LAMOUR In her JUNGLE LOVE” J 9 I with RAY MILLAND LYNNE OVERMANN t r/iTP. Free Lists Suspended Throughout The Season! J 1 lir natrons and to avoid the rush, Reserved seat and Ist Class tickets will be on
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  • 832 8 A YEAR ago t<»dav were tired the first shots near Marco Polo Bridge in the hostilities in China. B\ whom the\ were fired is immaterial, since the clash was engineered b\ the Japanese who had made careful preparations tor what they reaisonabh had expected would be a short
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  • 134 8 Boy’s Offence F rom Our Own Correspondent) Batu Gajah, July 6. Charged with stealing cash and jewellery valued at $47 in a house at Tronoh, a 16 year-old Chinese boy named Chin Man Sin was produced by Inspector Talib, O.C.P. D., Tronon, before Che Kamaruddin in
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  • 91 8 From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 6. The Singapore Traction Company's vehicles will not run tomorrow, an emergency meeting of the transport workers as sociation having decided in favour of a strike. The meeting was a very stormy one. The Committee of the workers' association told
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  • 9 8 Mr. Qutih Beu-fi Ker. 0.8. E.
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  • 76 8 .—Reuter. International Bureau I'o Studv Methods Luxembourg, July 6—An international Bureau to study methods of humanising warfare will be instituted here after a decision by the permanent international comn?itt,ee for milita.ry medicine. The bureau will devote special attention to the air raids and will aim at promoting int
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 66 8 enter Death Sentence On Negro Commuted Montgomery. July 6 The death sentence on Clarence Norris, the only Scottsboro Boy awaiting death, was commuted to life imprisonment by the Governor of Alabama. Of nihT Scottsboro negroes originally charged with assaulting white women in a train in 1931, four
    enter  -  66 words
  • 42 8 Reuter Great Demand For Subscriptions Moscow. July 6 Subscriptions for a year’s loan for the third Five-Year Plan are breaking all records. More was subscribed in four days at Moscow and Leningrad than in fwo months last yeai
    – Reuter  -  42 words
  • 49 8 Reuter. Baden Baden, July 6. Tht conference of the International Tinplate Association, which ended here today, prolonged the Car el Agreement for a further three, years. The delegates warmly welcomed the decision The agreement is also extended to embrace some countries hitherto outside the scheme Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 114 8 -Reuter Lukewarm Reception French Press Paris, July 6. The adoption of the nonintervention plan received only a lukewarm reception in the Press. The Right Wing Le Epoque recognises that the step was taken towards easing the international situation but says it would be wrong to think that the
    -Reuter  -  114 words
  • 102 8 First Rehearsal The first rehearsal of the "Maid of the Mountains,’ a musical show to be produced this year by the Penang Choral and Dramatic Society, will take place tomorrow at 6.30 p.m. at the Town Hall. In view of the keen interest that is being
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  • 523 8 History is t<> t. r Malaya <»n luly If, t country’s first k, < will wend its wax iOi Alor Star. On that <la\, i Gymkhana Club will b miles steeplechase <>\< water-jump, etc. I I make history. The club 'is the w ith an amateur
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 249 8 SEGAMAT STORE AGENCY? 266, CARNARVON STREET, PENANG. PHONE 1525 rh Z»k F»1 P BOX 69IE K-S a Mr 1 «t K an ffl ff nwr n a -i- a "J i f 3 wk /7» 4^.JfL F Iv/J V®\ t 4L ‘jmir 1 'I JiA m JSfraa w I Ma
      249 words
    • 53 8 «FFWC'CMT tl*. I I .hi'? 17'a.C Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS In Airtight Vacuum Tins IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults and Old People. Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers Sole Acetitt Henry Waugh Co., Ltd PENANG, Ipoh, Singapore
      53 words

  • 765 9 N,» Daily age For 4,000 Labourers /n \TKUWK SYSTEM MAY BE ABOLISHED ()ur <h\ n C< respondent) Kuala Lumpur, |ul\ 6. ike <>i 4,000 workers on the Hong batt cast mine in Malaya, ended officially at fhe main body of the coolies have accepted a
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  • 160 9 Bov Amateur Among Leaders Sandwich. July 6. The British Open Golf Championship competition proper began in ideal sunny conditions at Royal St. George's, suggesting low scores. The first 40 competitors in the first 36 holes qualify for tne next 36 holes. Scores: James Adams 70 Ernest Whitcombe
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  • 217 9 Deaf Mute Among 17 Accused A fresh batch of 17 Chinese, who were arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning, were produced before Mr. J D Lambert in the Penang Middle Court this morning, charged with being members of an unlawful assembly with the object of destroying
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  • 350 9 Remembrance Day For Chinese A tour of the town this morning revealed that everything is quiet. Thousands of Chinese national flags are being flown half mast, and Penang Chinese. in common with Chinese in all parts of the world, are observing the first anniversary
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  • 273 9 Malayan Touinex At (poll Q wn correspondent» > Perak hamrenn f m h h e id in Ipoh from July Th« io -and ladies’ mixed donon.», ntries is July 26. nts pei competitor and tne r oth< r States n red u state playing on 1 S rdaj
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  • 324 9 "Malaya Cup” Win Would Be Miracle ihe players to represent Penang in the Malaya Cup match against Selangor on Saturday have been chosen. 1 hey are Suppiah Rashid, .Xgiam \h Ixooi; A]>parajoo, Ng Ixam Leong'. Ooi Siang Htiah; Ee I'eik. Supperetty, Boe\ Guan ah,
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  • 65 9 Invitations have been issued by Mrs. Teoh Jin Wan for the wedding of her son. Mr Teoh Khoon Inn, and Miss Chuah Seng Bit. daughter- of the late Mr. Chuan Kong Chee and Mrs. Chuan Kong Chee, at the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bukit Mertajam. on Saturday, July 16
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  • 32 9 The meeting of the Rural Board. Penang, which was to have been held this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. has been postponed till Monday, July 11. at 11 a.m.
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  • 84 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 6. Air Vice-Marshal A. W. Tedder, Air Officer Commanding the Royal Air Force, Far East, will leave for England by the Imperial Airways flying boat on Friday to take up his new post as Director-General of Research and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 HE true tonic food Of 'II Chtnmu Bnd Store» double Seven Observance Uhm l I{OLIC PAKK J PARK (ABARE'I' til S|„ i Parks will ni.,!,'r'o,' '.7'
      26 words
    • 186 9 KREMENTZ Ww Wt? COAT BUTTONS 2275-K 2276-K Ga-/ QUALITY JEWELLERY W GUARANTEED FOR E' ER 1360-K Replaced if flamaged, 7««-k 759 k Broken a or Tarnished 2269-k Just Trv These 2268-K m Obtainable from the Best Establishnieuts *****«. ***** k Throughout Malaya. COLOMBO HOTEL (LATE NIPPON HOTEL) 22. Leith Street.
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  • 1564 10 Bisichi Chairman on “A Most Unfair Position” NIGERIAN CHAMBER CONVENES MEETING The twenty-seventh ordinary general meeting of the Bisichi Tin Company (Nigeria) Ltd., was held on June 30 in London. Mr. William Graham (chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman said: In the first i stance
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  • 1269 10 Malaccans 1 7/2 Million lb. at 9 l/2d. Thp thirty-second annual general meet!„g Of “e Malacca Rubber Plantabona. Ltd., was held in London. Q the Mr. Charles Emerson (chairman of the company), who presided, after refen mg U tne absence, through of Mr j. G. Hay
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  • 65 10 lb. Penang 165,500 Sabrang 58,000 Straits 118.000 Rubana 72,400 Bagan Serai 46.095 Tali Ayer 70,323 Batak Rabit 20,500 Merchiston 26,000 Mountjoy 56,012 Badenoch 183.000 Paloh 33,000 Glenshiel 36,100 United Patani 133,476 Malakoff 129,500 Taiping 74,011 Sungei Batu 35,200 Windsor 16.224 Foothills 19,600 Kuala Muda 152,044 Vai d’Or
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  • 107 10 The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs of its associated companies for the full month of June 1938. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd. (Karangan.): Hours run 512; cubic yards treated 97,000; total piculs 490; nett value $27,440. Asarn Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd.: Hours
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  • 253 10 Investigator Sails New York, June 29. The determination of the authorities here to sift a.ll the available information about the activities of the alleged German spy organization is further shown by the departure for Europe to-day of the United Skates Attorney, Mr. Lamar Hardy, with
    253 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 59 10 PR A i sßf For headache, tooth- /E Positive and faet- /ft A ggl A ache, neuralgic and working, without I A B sSf rheumatic pains— L» affecting the heart or A S nd ,ever lo upsetting the stem- bh h IF eo d p ach. Doctors and y* JgS|g|
      59 words
    • 138 10 BANKS NEDERLANDSCHE handel-maatschappij N.V. (Incorporated in the Netherlands) (With limited liability.) (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM With 46 Agencies, ■apart from correspondents, in Holland. HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and
      138 words
    • 564 10 THE MERCANTILE BA.Ng OF INDIA, LTD (Incorporated In Knglanc, Capital Authorised t<,~ Capital Subscribed £i mvuwS Reserve Fund and Rest Capital Paid Up BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Sir Charles Alexander Innes, K.C.5.1., C.1.E., Charpiaw Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., Deputy Chalrrr»7 Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairn a-to™** 5 P. R. Chalmers,
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  • 606 11 First Home-Built Cruiser Tlx S \;et Baltic Fleet is about to □e strengthened by the addition of an important new unit, the Kiroff, the Her to be built entirely in Soviet yards. The Kiroff, which is approximately of 8,000 tons displacement. was launched at
    606 words
  • 269 11 Beautiful Model Takes To Muddy Elood W ater The liner Empress of Japan occupied the limelight in the Canadian Pacific offices on the Shanghai Bund recently. No, it was not actually the Blue Riband holder of the Pacific suddenly coming into port without warning
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  • 1085 11 S.S. ‘HOSANG’ from Calcutta sails for Singapore and Hong Kong. M.V. ‘LOSSIEBANK’ from America via Far East and Singapore. S.S. ‘ROHNA’ arrives this morning from Madras, sails afternoon for Port Swettenham and Singapore. S.S. ‘NEEDWOOD’ arrives today Bangkok via Telok Anson. S.S. JUNA’ arrives today
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  • 222 11 School Broadcasts Although the 8.8. C. has deceided to begin physical training broadcasts to schools, it is understood that this is merely an experiment, and is in no sense to be interpreted to mean that early morning exercises for listeners in general will be: the next
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 474 11 BLUE funnel line v HFKVIC® TO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due London Calls Marseilles Glasgow July 8 Aug 4 A ANT^ K Calls Hull and Gdynia July 14 Au 11 B. DlOMr 1 calls MarS eilles Glasgow July 22 Aug. 18 c AJA^ eN day SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL
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    • 707 11 PO and A VZ BRITISH INDO (Incorporated In England.} PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “ROHNA” SAILING THURSDAY, 7th JULY Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettea&i contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Sendee. London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China
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  • 805 12 Latest T'iiues Of Posting AIR MAILS: *A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence by Qantas Airways will close at 7.30 p.m. today. Registration at 6 p.m. same day. Correspondence prepaid at existing surcharge air mail rates only) mail
    805 words
  • 633 12 Plans For Radio's Next Stage Of Development SIMLA. Tile opening’ of the Madras radio station recently close of a period of expansion in the field of broadca<tii is understood that plans arc now being cast for the nu\development, which will be one mainly ot
    633 words
  • 154 12 Much depends on the results of the In-ter-Country Speed Contest at the Empire Pool. Wembley, on July' 9, as Great Bri tain's various swimming teams for the European Championships, to be held in August, will be picked from the winners. Teams from England, Scotland, and Wales will take
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  • 223 12 When the British Open Gelt ship is played at Sandwich, r vpntry listener’s will hear ey>-w.:i,.. counts by Bernard Darwin Longhurst, two of the best km •> on the game, who also reached rank as amateur players. The British Open Golf Champ.. a modest beginning at
    223 words
  • 192 12 The BBC and the Columbia Broad' acting System of America will co-operate :n a programme in memory of George Washington, to be broadcast from Dav- nt:y today. In the English part of the pi -:amme. wmeh will come from Sulgrave Manor in Northamptonshire, ancestral home
    192 words
  • 134 12 Broadcast Drama Popular Having decided that x radio more popular than ever, the B. Bto broadcast an increased number i -‘‘P during the remainder of this year, feature will be made of short play B thirty to forty minutes’ duration. n ,j is hoped to include the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2078 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. SERVICE Highlights Of Today’s Wireless SCHEDULE qsf (BBC) Following is the BBC Empire, broad- (>.30 Sultfravc Manor and Mount ernon. casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- (i i..’’ ard Time! for this week, beginning July .20 p.m. ;md 10.10 p.m. Brighton Nights. 3;. 8.20 p.m.
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    • 46 12 PENANG DAILY WEMIII Ii REPORT PENANG (FORT CORNW YLI U» Yesterday’s Temperature 6a.m. Noon 85 E 87 S RAINFALL July 5 6 Nil. TIDE T.4HH TODAY High LOU 9 32 p.m. 1.47 p n 1 TOMORROW 10.02 a.m. 4.16 a m 10.35 p.m. 3 25 P-m
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  • 208 13 Helen Wills Moody Champion For Eighth Time i 'I >n study of Helen Wills Moody, who won the Winihl?;’ bogles title for the eighth time on Saturday, hat ng II Jacobs. This year’s Wimbledon tennis has been a complete triumph for the United States player-»
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  • 1730 14 LEAST FANCIED IN RACE FOUR: PAYS $159 Woden N In-Ver-Fogg Also Pay Big Dividends Ipoh, July 6. (From Our Own Correspondent) BRILLIANTLY ridden by McPherson, Chance, the least fancied horse in the fourth event, sprang a big surprise at the second day’s races of
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  • 832 14 Putters Aggressive And Defensive Seventy-two holes of medal play is generally reckoned to be the most gruelling test of golf known to the game. For myself, were I playing golf for a living, I should prefer it infinitely to match play; writes Henry
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  • 203 14 Sixty-Year-Old Kedah Malaif Bound Over (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. July 7. A sixty Malay. Hamazah. appeared before Che Azmi. Chief Magistrate, Alor Star, yesterday, charged with having sold to a Chinese shop keeper at Bukit Pinang eight stolen chickens on May 23. Hamazah claimed trial. Inspector
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 226 14 most generally useful Medicine Tor ail Climates JWis Browing “Hl fin *lOll I ’"M There SubstituteActs tike a charm in Check* and arrests DIARRHCEA and FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. j>aa a a-s o The reliable Family remedy for B CHILLS INFLUENZA, COUGHS, COLDS P C I CATABBH, ASTHMA IIOMCHITIt, I CHOLERA
      226 words
    • 55 14 ARE YOU I GETTING your I STRAITS TIMES’I If you have any difficulty I in obtaining your copy of I Malaya’s Leading Daily— B Write or Phone I THE MANAGER, PINANG GAZETTE H Telephone Number Penang ll< 4 or write K THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS LTD., SINGAPORE and place an
      55 words

  • 1108 15 Benin Lynch To Turn F eatherweight? !-nie 30: —Benny Lynch, of Glasgow, is no longer harnpion of the world, although he stopped his Ajneri--1 Jackie Inrich, in the twelfth round of what was to "V.’i' bout at the St. Mirren F.C. ground, Paisley, have been l’
    1,108 words
  • 71 15 A 20-year-old boxer, ivb > recently fought before the "'boilea shirts of the National Sporting Club in Piccadilly, is now touring the country an a boxing booth performer. His name is Tng Wilson, a>i<i he has fought 112 fights and. has never been knocked out. He is
    71 words
  • 136 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June SO. While it is rarely that a boy from Malaya represents either Eton or Harrow at cricket, it must be nothing less than an extraordinary coincidence that, in all probability, youngsters fron\ Malaya will play on either side
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  • 542 15 Paynter Tops Batting List E. Paynter and D. G. Bradman are the respective leaders in the Test batting averages. Paynter with 358 runs at an average of 179.00 has the best figures; Bradman who has two not out centuries, has scored 315 runs at an average of 152.50.
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  • 164 15 As the champions of football the Arsennal continue to smash all records. More than a million people watched the Arsenal matches at the Highbury Stadium last season and the receipts, after deduction of entertainment tax, amounted to £72,577. This is the largest sum the club has ever
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  • 352 15 Nearco, the Italian colt who won th» Grand Prix de Paris, beating the Derby Wiimer, Bois Roussel, and who has never been extended in 13 races in his native land, has been purchased by Mr. Martin H. Benson for £60,000. A son of Lord Derby’s horse,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 132 15 HUTTENBACH CONTINUOUS SHELTERS MADE IN ENGLAND —t L XkWIIbII i 1 iwrl ‘JUNIOR’ (Type S.MA) A FJ 500-800 lbs. sheet per hour. Each Junior Sheeter is fitted with five pairs of rolls, No. 1 pair being hair lined to receive the freshly coagulated rubber and No. 5 being grooved to
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 47 15 no ROLL IN By J. MILLAR WATT HOv^? 08 /c«,i "I THEY REMIND ME OF Mr kSS'’ XdL 1 -H the bills at x Filing home 1 N? 7>) /AaO L 3 Ay V sjft 27 Wlwl Hl ■’-T'* l 1,31 Tt s>o< r ll>c 1 I.
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  • 114 16 TT.\’ PREVIOUSLY LATEST figs 5 0 £192. 0. 0 “-?•<>» SINGAPORE S9<.b2/ 2 BUSINESS DONE 11l r PENANG 397.12% 396. < BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundries I S 3. SO »3. SO BLACK PEPPER 38.75 $S.<O RUBBER:— 71id NEW YORK IJr 25%c SINGAPORE—(Spot) 23/hC 25
    114 words
  • 324 16 Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or Fall Yesterday Rise or Fall Con. Loan 5 p.c. 44-64 114% Burmah Oil 88 9 Eagle 4 pesos. 1 Funding 4 p.c. 60-90 114% s Cable 5 1 p.c. 96 1 War Loan 3%- p.c. 103% U.S. Rubber
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  • 102 16 Paris 177 55 64 177 49 64 New York 4.941 4 94 Montreal 4.98% 4.98 Brussels 29.21 29.18 Geneva 21.62 21.62 Amsterdam 8.96 8.96% Milan 94% 93% Berlin 12.30% 12.29% Stockholm. 19.39%’ 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19 90 19.90 Vienna 26% nominal Helsingfors 226% 226% Prague 142%
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  • 124 16 London, July 6. RUBBER: Firmer. London 7% buyers 7% sellers August 7/t buyers 7% sellers Oct./Dec. 7% buyers 7% sellers Jan/Mar 7% buyers 7%. sellers NEW YORK 14.80 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 60,654 tons Liverpool 31,806 tons COPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. July £ll. 5. 0 FEPPER:
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  • 178 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Aver Hi tarns 24 6 25,3 E. Selangors 1-37% 1.42% Hong Fatts .98 100 Hongkong Tins 24 3 24 9 K. Kamuntings 9 3 10 0 K. Lanjuts 20 0 20 6 Kuchals 1.30 1.35 Kramats 10 9 11(3 Kundangs 5 6 6 1% Laruts
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  • 124 16 The following arrived today from Phuket and Renong by the steamship Matang:— Mr. L. Parrot, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cathcart, Mr. D. J. Cameron, Mr. H. R. Sturzaker, Mr. Pang Qun Lum, Mr. Tan Huck Sean, Mr. Tan Huck Leang, Mr. and Mrs. Gan Hiang Chye, Nai
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    • 210 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers Sellers Amal. Malay 1.60 1.70 Eatu Lintang 1.20 1.30 Bedford 1.00 I.loc Glenealy 1.50 1.60 Indragiri 1.35 1.45 Kedah 2.00 2.20 Lunas 1.70 I.Boc Mentakab .46 .50 Sungei Tukang 1.12% 1.17% Tapah 1.92% 2.10 Temerloh .50 .60 Ulu Benut .36 .40 TIN Ampat 4 6 4
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    • 170 16 New York, July 6. Dow Jones avs. Prev. Today High Low_ 30 indus. 136.52 137.78 138.20 134.57 20 rails 27.21 27.59 27.68 26.62 20 utilities 21.83 22.19 22.23 21.57 40 bonds 87.96 88.18 Business done; 1.700.000 1.820,000 Anaconda Cpr. ’>4 s Am. Tobacco B 79 80 Beth. Steel
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    • 25 16 TIN Singapore $97.00 per pkl. Penang $96.75 per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 25J H c. per lb Penang Spot 25pg c. per lb
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    • 134 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Eatu Selangor 1.40 1.45 Hong Fatt .99 1.01 Kuchai 1.32% 1.37% Petalings 8.50 8.75 Rahman Hyd. 1.25 1.27% Rantau Ordy. 1.40 1.45 ex Sungei Luas 1 60 1.65 Taiping Cons 1 60 1.65 Kpg. Kamunting 9(3 9 9 Kampong Lanjut 19 9 20 3
      134 words
    • 274 16 SOON THEAM CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampats 4 4% 4 7%» zXyer 24 9 25 9 Bangrins 21 9 22 6 Batu Selangors 1.40 1.43 Hong Fatts .98 1.00 Kamuntings 10 6 110 Jelapangs 31’3 32|3ex K. Kamuntings 9(6 10 0 K. Lanjuts 19 6 20 0 Katus 25(0
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  • 214 16 Sultan And British Resident At Dinner (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 7 In the presence of His Highness the Sultan of Selangor, principal guest and of the British Resident, the Hon Mr. S W Jones, who is a member, Mr. A Arbuthnott was installed
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  • 191 16 Hearing went on the whole of yesterday —the eighth day of heading—in the Supreme Court in the series of Land Acquisition cases, which are being heard together, in connection with land taken over bv the Municipality for their new Market at Penang Road and Tek Soon Street.
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  • 392 16 Perak Races The following handicaps (seven races» are announced for the Third Day, Satutday, July 9: Horses Class 1 Div. 1--6 Furlongs. EASTERN KNIGHT 9.00 SUNSHINE SUE 8.12 JACK DRUCE 8.09 PURE GOLD 8 °8 BOMBUS 8 07 MILTONDALE 8 04 ROYAL WORLINGTON 8.02 MEADOWMAN 7
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  • 155 16 Scp°y Liners In Final A narrow victory of the odd goal in three over the Excise Athletic Football Club gave the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club the right to meet the Li Tek Seah for Junior League honours. The game which was played on the St. Xaviers' ground
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  • 289 16 Wotan In It al k MISS )]u rill SCORE BOli’ii (From Our Own Cui Candidates running E 1 given their final spur;> this morning lent condition and th «om- perfect on Saturday. Bombus (Minto) wa.s one f,and was given a halt held. Royal Worlington (J Dm,
    289 words
  • 260 16 The jubilee of Kodak is being cele&raui this year. It was on September 4, 19 that George Eastman patented his S 1 Kodak.” In his own words of toatday for where the practice of fs art was formerly confined to those ft could give it study and
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  • 69 16 The fluid annual ''dimming -of the Penang Free School oil Saturday, July 16 at the Chinese Swimming will be made for the h"» Ui inter te-am competition f< Kiong Shield. t One of the events will be I l l stvle, open to all Old Boys School,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 36 16 FOK SALE Ford 10 H P Saloon 1W' mod’ condition. Recently thoroui, ed. Syce driven, and has be-“n after. Owner going on IeSV Apply or write: Superintendent, Kampong Kaniunting Tin l>re A Karangan, via S Kedah-
      36 words