Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 July 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 784 1 Sungei Besi Men Do Not Resume Work (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 4. Tin Hong Fatt 1,000 strikers arc still on strike. The' ‘'tailed a demonstration against another contractor on the mine last night and after besieging him in his office for Mane lime
    784 words
  • 171 1 Reuter. I lilities An Exception i ik, July 2.—Utilities w<le the only exception in a 111,11 U i lellectintr a broad buying W:, c of practically all other ilk the strength of rails, n,, »tois H CO pp ers especially noticeable. Messrs r p
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 75 1 Rewter. New York, July 2.—The low point in business depression is near and at least moderate recovery is expected in the autumn, according to surveys of the outlook at the opening of the new half year. The position is reflected primarily in consumer goods
    Rewter.  -  75 words
  • 177 1 Mine Manager In In Hospital Kuala Lumpur. July 4 Mr. Lee Teck, manager of the Hong Fatt mine who was allegedly forced to sign an agreement on Friday to raise wages to 80 cents., is now in Kuala Lumpur Hospital suffering from shock. The directors held another emergency meeting
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  • 142 1 Statement Issued (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 4. A statement on the dispute between the Singapore Traction Co., and their employees, who are threatening to strike, was issued by the Company last night. The company’s employees, it is revealed, are making a number or demands, including
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  • 51 1 —Reuter. Colombo, July 3—Fierce monsoon storms left a trail of death and destruction througout Ceylon swelling the rivers and carrying away houses. A schooner, with 30 persons aboard was swept to sea at Colombo but all were saved by customs launches after a dramatic struggle with the elements.
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 381 1 Huangho Yangtse Floods Rising —Trans Ocean. 750,000 JAPANESE BELIEVED TRAPPED Peiping, July 3.—Foreigners flying over flooded sections in Honan state that the waters are still flowing at a tremendous rate through breaches which the Japanese have made no further attempt to repair. It seems inevitable that the flood will run
    —Trans Ocean.  -  381 words
  • 117 1 Mme. Suzanne Lenglen died today in Paris of acute pernicious anaemia.—Reuter. Disorders Shortly after the arrival of bags of soya beans which were the cause of disorders in Beach Street, yesterday (see Page 9) at the Philomathic Union, today a large crowd gathered outside the premises, loudly demanding
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  • 80 1 Net Closing On Killers (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. July 4. Slowly but surely the n£t is closing upon the murderers of Mr. Dunsford at Tersahg Mine, as each party of police returns from the Pahang jungle, narrowing down the possible directions in which the gang could
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  • 191 1 -Trans-Ocean. Statement of Italy’s Attitude Rome.—A vigorous reply is made by Signor Gayda in his newspaper Giornale d’ltalia to the assertions appearing in the London Socialist newspapers to the effect that Lord Perth has been instructed by his Government to inform Count Ciano that Great Britain would
    -Trans-Ocean.  -  191 words
  • 75 1 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the T ĕnang Poroner, following an inquest on Ng Bah. who fell while painting the window of a house in Magazine Road on Majr 29. Evidence was given by the tenant of the house
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 < I --Wls vSBMMc >% ’<■ r*
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    • 51 1 The latest Typewriter Achievement THE BRITISH NOISELESS Remington Wlb 354 OIL 1 sXcXs 1 h e most important item on my shopping list CBEE STHG/lEU PHONE PENANG —1500 1501 BUTTERWORTH— 33 HF wj pg j.. j jii ■hK L THERE IS NO BETTER BUTTER Adi’t. of Singapore Cud Storage Co.,
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  • 677 2 Governor And R.C. Present The annual ball and dinner of the ’Penang European Volunteers, held at he Runnymede Hotel on Saturday night, were honoured by the presence of h. E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, who was accompanied by the Hon. the Resident Councillor, Mr. de Moubray, H.E’s
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  • 616 2 3,000 Cures In 15 Years In Philippines DR. H. WINDSOR WADE, a world authority on the ancient disease of leprosy, said in an exclusive interview with the “Pinang Gazette” Singapore representative that chaulmoogra oil had effected clinical cure of more than 3,000 lepers at the
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  • 826 2 Evacuation Of Population GOST OF £1,400,000 Paris. —Air raid precautions for France as a whole may be said to consist partly .in. the organisation of air defences, by «opposing aeroplane to aeroplane, antiaircraft gun to aeroplane, and wire barrage, carried by a line of balloons, to
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  • 255 2 A game of "Make-Believe,’ will be played on Hampstead Heath this week by 180 grown-ups, average age something under 40. Among them will be tea company directors, sugar and sisal planters, medical men, anti-malaria officers, engineers, entomologists, and missionaries, most of them on leave from
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  • 264 2 London. —Between now and the end of August more than £50,000,000 will be spent on the greatest holiday season ever known. It is expected that every record will be broken. Not only has the holidays-with-pay movement added another 3,000,000 people to the huge army
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 217 2 Gentlemen of Discriminating Taste Always Look to Quality, Fit and Finish. IF YOU NEED Q THESE THREE COMBINE Pay Doulatram'so A VISITS Bo WE GVARAIVTEE CUT, FIT STYLE f BIT. DOULATRAM A CO. THE STORE THAT ALWAYS FASCINATES Mwah HIBBB w WP Ist MHEK" HF I 8 Ja B n
      217 words

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  • 93 3 .—Reuter. Little Change In Past Week CABINET CONSIDERING FOOD PROBLEM Barcelona, July 3.—Except for the capture of a couple of villages by the insurgents there has been little change in the war situation in the past week. After receiving a vote of confidence from the Cortes, yesterday,
    .—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 52 3 eting of .—Reuter. London, July 3.—Lord Perth called on Count Ciano at the latter’s request. It is stated they continued the conversations held recently and discussed the latest developments in the Spanish situation in the light of Franco’s concessions to British shipping and the impending meeting of the
    eting of .—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 136 3 —Reuter Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Kettering, declared if there was no other way of preserving our liberties except war. we would fight, but, nevertheless, we must strain every nerve to avoid a repetition of the great war. He was hopeful that Spain would soon
    —Reuter  -  136 words
  • 66 3 n the pre—Reuter. Party Administration To End On Aug. 1 Vienna. July 3 —Certain administrators do not know the difference between yours and mine declared Buerckel in a speech at Graz commenting scathingly on arrests of twelve Nazi administrators. He declar ed that the system of
    n the pre—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 38 3 Reuter. Priest Injured: Home Partly Demolished Hong Kong, July 3—The Maiy Knoll Mission here confirms that Father William Downs, of Erie. Pennsylvania, was slightly injured and his home partly demolished, during the recent bombing of Swatow.—
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 123 3 Wheq. the screams of her nineteen months-old daughter Phyllis brought Mrs. C. H. Farnsworth, of Wellfieldroad, Matlock, rushing into her garden last week, she foound the baby being attacked by a large red setter dog. After failing to pull the dog off. she ran
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  • 66 3 —Reuter. Incident At Fort Kobbe Panama, July 3 —The sentry at Fort Kobbe. a strategic position near the Panama Canal, fired shots early yesterday at men attempting to evade his challenge when he discovered them acting suspiciously near the United States Army Sixteeninch Coastal Battery. u One
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 68 3 officials of the department.—British Wireless. London, July 3 -Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd, M.P., Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Home Affairs and newly appointed in charge of the Air Raid Precaution Department. yesterday made the first of a series of tours of industrial centres. Using an aeroplane as his
    officials of the department.—British Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 50 3 —Reuter. Washington, July 3 —The Government’s expenditure exceeded income, for the year ending June 30 by $1,459,000,000, the smallest deficit for ten years, but the new year is expected to bring a deficit of $3,000,000,000 as a result of the recovery through spending programme.—Reuter,
    !.—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 61 3 —Reuter. Question Of Dismissal From Employment Not Settled Vienna, July 3.—No decision has yet been reached on the question of the dismissal of all Jewish employees of Austrian industry and business which should have come into effect yesterday. Reuter was informed that the question is still under
    .■—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 185 3 Reuter. Thrilling Race Against Time FLOAT DAMAGED WHILE REFUELLING Darwin, July 3 —lmperial Airways’ Challenger arrived today at 8.10 a.m. B.S.T. completing the England to Australia flight in seven days. A last minute change was made at Singapore when the Challenger, which accompanied the Cordelia from Karachi,
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 51 3 Reuter. China Appeal To U.S. Under Consideration New York. July 2—lt is understood that the Administration is informally discussing the Chinese request for a wheat loan reported to be 100,000,000 bushels. Wellinformed quarters, however, opine that the application will be rejected owing to strenuous objections by the State
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 43 3 —Reuter. Two Officials Denounced Moscow, July 3 —Sultan Segizbayev, Chairman of the Council o r Commissars of Uzbekistan, and Sitmetov, Commissar of agriculture, were denounced as enemies of Uzbek and Soviet people, according to a message from Tashkent.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 498 3 —British Wireless. Tribute By Sir John Simon London. July 2. —The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Simon, w’as the principal guest at the Dominion Day dinner of the Canada Club held in London last night. Mr. Vincent Massey, High Commissioner for Canada, was in the chair
    —British Wireless.  -  498 words
  • 53 3 —Reuter. Anglo-French Proposals For Early Solution Prague, July 3 —lt is understood that Britain and France have made representations to the Czechoslovak Government urging expedition in solution of the nationalities problem. The full text of the two Governments’ proposals is due for communication to the Sudeten-Deutsche
    . —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 32 3 —Reuter. Moscow, July 3: Three air women, belonging to the Soviet Army, flew from Sebastopol to Archangel non-stop, a distance of 1,510 miles in 10 33 mins.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 532 3 Mreet Singapore. Phone r Kuala Lumpur: < re V Phone: 36R3 Jpob ST JT "'-T.r -UMuT phone Cent.- 1 Londonbates Penang Within Outnide Without “HR™ ”JS IJS lRO m So oo s earT 6OO V the VearW notgtst k>n cheque» »hould Include JJ dtscountadvertisement rates rharrc’ and l truc,ion ,Or
      532 words
    • 39 3 BE UP-TO-DATE WITH HOME FURNISHING, Sf get THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES For Demonstration: CALL AT TONG AH FURNISHING CO. 3H, Penang Road, PENANG M OVALTINE COLD or Hot ®is now served in the leading Cafes and
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    • 377 3 DARED NOT EAT FOOD HE FANCIED Until He Discovered Chan lox Are you at war with your inside? Afraid to eat this, scared to death of that because it doesn’t agree with you? There’s a way to end this stomach tyranny-—there’s Chardox! Chardox is a new form of highly.activated charcoal
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  • 935 4 Germany Preoccupied In Absorption Of Austria London: While anxiety concerning the international situation '.till persists in London, it is true to say that apprehension concerning the immediate future has of late diminished, writes the Sundax Times 1 )iplomatic Correspondent. The reasons which have persuaded many
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  • 395 4 Sweeping Decree By Goering TASKS OF URGENT IMPORTANCE'’ Berlin: Labour conscription for all able-bodied men and women of German nationality has been instituted by a decree issued by Field-Marshal Goering, as head of the Four-Year Plan. The regulations take effect from July. Their
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  • 626 4 Fishmonger And A Mythical Fortune WOMAN SAYS "I GAVE HIM MY SAVINGS” London: The explanation that he was told by someone on the telephone that he was to receive £1,000.000 was given at Highgate when Kenneth Walter Dodd. 25. fishmonger, of Brentway. Finchley, pleaded guilty to
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  • 320 4 Plea Of Fascist Persecution London:— What is described as a virulent Anti-Jewish campaign, alleged to be conducted by fascists in the east end of London, is causing alarm to the authorities. Sir Samuel Hoare, the Home Secretary, is understood to be considering a mass of
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  • 158 4 A radio set. “through which pours a constant stream of personal abuse, is one of the new forms of cruel and ingenious torture devised by the Nazis for their victim. Dr. Schuschnigg, Chancellor of Austria till the Hitler coup, according to a London newspaper. Details of this
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  • 330 4 “I Do Not Regret Resignation’* London: Viscount Cranborne. former Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, who resigned with Mr. Eden, speaking near Burton-on-Trent, said Britain must make 1 it plain that she was not going to be bullied or frightened. "If the belief once gams
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 MSiiW i——.— g 1 ■/ppß I 9 IB itbmßmsß I: f a rWi fc&i Bl v i flu9l f I M HIM 1 yhi Li 0 ‘Bl i BOURJOIS SANDILANDS, BUTTERY N CO, j I STEEL H. 3 U WINDOW FRAME* l J H FRENCH DOORI I I e,c e,f
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  • 721 5 Titanic Aquatic Frolics 980.000,000 PEOPLE IN threatened area On //h' vast plain of China where the Provinces of u > wi. Honan, Inwhei, Kiangsu, and Shantung offer a lowdyinti playground the two monsters, the Yellow an" Ho) (,n( l the nn!£tse Rivers, conduct titanic
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  • 539 5 Colombo To Have Bureau Colombo: The Employment Bureau in Colombo to be conducted under the aegis of the Department of the Controller of Labour will be opened early in July. It is learned that Mr. J. Vincent Mendis, the Manager, has now nearly completed his spadework
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  • 89 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 2. “China must win the war” declared Dr. Yu Pin, the Roman Catholic bishop of Nanking, speaking in Mandarin at a reception given in his honour at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Singapore, by the Singapore
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  • 117 5 A large gathering was present at the fair run by the Central Committee of the Catholic Action centres in F'enang which was held on the St. Xavier’s ground on Saturday. There were 24 stalls, which included Kicking the Football, Rings, Guessing Competition, Hoop-La. Wheel of Fortune. Shooting galleries.
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  • 182 5 Pulled SheElephant's Tail Lash That Proved Fatal Kandy: To prove that “she-elephants never get angry.” a nian named Bawa pulled the tail of a she-elephant and was knocked down by the animal. He was removed to hospital and died three hours later of heart failure due to shock. Kalu, the
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  • 244 5 Man Petitions Magistrate Co’ombo:—ln a petition addressed to the Police Magistrate of Avissawella. a man named G. Lewis of Kitulgala. aged 22, related how he was beguiled into marrying. 30 year-old Ran Manika of Dehiowita about a year ago. Prior to his wedding his wife's people
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  • 61 5 ‘‘Grubbing in dustbins appears to be an industry in Singapore,’ said Mi. G. S. Rawlings in the Singapore Third Police Court. Eu Sav The, a Chinese, had been charged with grubbing in a dustbin in Raffles Place on the afternoon of June 30. He was convicted
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  • 436 5 Board’s New Appeal ONE MORNING COAT ENOUGH One effect of the war with China will oe a simplification of the present rather complicated Japanese middle-class and upperclass standards of living, if a campaign launched by the Planning Board attached ,o Jhe Cabinet yields the desired results.
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  • 510 5 Greatly Improved Standard In Last Thirty Years The Committee appointed by the United Provinces Government b> inquire into the prevalence of corruption and to propose remedial measures has produced an interesting report. It has come to the conclusion that corruption exists in all departments of the Government,
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  • 87 5 The Indian (Kuala Lumpur), understands that the Central Indian Association of Malaya may hold next year an annual conference of Indians from all parts of lhe country. An a.ll-India leader will be invited to Malaya in connection with the conference and it is most likely that the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 Science has contributed M much to our comforts i but to mothers it has given a personal and I intimate benefit when it discovered the means of preparing “LACTOGEN” from pure cows’ i milk. In “LACTOGEN” i we have a substitute ZWIIIIP for maternal milk that even the most exacting
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 520 6 Tonight—For One Night Only 6.30 9.30 RETURN SCREENING OF THE GLORIOUS MUSICAL CANTONESE TALKIE HIT THAT YOU WILL WANT TO SEE AGAIN AND AGAIN “12 ENCHANTING SONGS” with the famous gramophone record artiste MISS YUET YEE Reduced Prices: 15 cts., 30 cts., 50 cts. 70cis. TOMORROW Here’s News! Specially Brought
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  • 628 7 Leong Joo Only Entrant For Pole Vault RRANGEMENTS are completed for the eighth annual Penang Amateur Athletic Association championships, to be held on the Esplanade on Saturday, July 9, at 2.45 p.m. The entries this year are very poor, and in some
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  • 206 7 Barnes In Action London, July 2 —The Australians played Yorkshire at Sheffield today. The latter won the toss and put in the visitors to bat on a damp wicket. The whole side was out for 222 runs. Bradman and Hassett scoring 59 and 94 respectively. McCabe contributed
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  • 652 7 Tiang Siew Bags 12 Wickets The King Edward VII School cricket' eleven met the Penang Free School in their annual cricket encounter on the Free School ground on Saturday, and wjpre trounced by an innings and 58 runs. The outstanding feature was the
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  • 130 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 2. Lam Siew Weng equalled the local schools’ record in the 220 yards flat race when he covered the distance in 23 4i5 secs, at the annual Victoria Institution sports which closed here today. R. Colomb and Chin
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 IHE PL ACE FOR JOY AND HAPPINESS. WEMBLEY CABARET R an j n Town yip rp O p Service Charming Hostesses BAR a DANCING 9 p.m. to Midnight 1 1 V DANCE TOMORROW 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. TOMORROW NIGHT Boxing at fun frolic stadium loung Corbett 10 Rds. Cheah
      98 words
    • 51 7 No more ’Flu, Colds or Rheumatism Wear the SIMPSON “IODOLOK” x lodine Locket f A near your skin and for 12 months you can laugh at ’Flu, Colds and Rheu- v-» wB matism. PRICE CENTS O EACH Obtainable from all good Chemists and Stores whiteaways IPOH PFNANC KUALA LUMPUR TAIPING
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 230 7 'UTINEE 'ODII AT 1.30 P.M. The II hole Serial 31 Big Reels MINGLE MENACE” HPI’CED prices of admission. OPENING TONIGHT 9.30 0. l-> ......s IN WARNER BROS. PUNCH-PACKED HIT! WAYNE MORRIS i.rformance in “Kid Galahad’’ “Submarine D-1?» Surpassing his < SO CKO! right on the chin! jO SMACKOf right on
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    • 277 7 Remember Don t Let Anything Keep You Auay She’s Coming To Greet You DOROTHY LAMOUR IN PARAMOUNT’S ALL-COLOUR ADVENTURE OF THE MALAYAN JUNGLE QUEEN’S WEDNESDAY, 6th JULY J snarl of defiance—her beautiful sun-bronzed body J? y gleaming like an unsheathed 'J X A* l sword in the hot tropic sun
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  • 591 8 AFTER the valorous behaviour of the rubber market last week and the failure of those who foresaw immediate nemesis for the buoyancy of the earlier part of the week to materialise, no one would be venturesome enough to prophesy anything with regard to the week which opens today,
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  • 168 8 Body Found By Mother At an inquiry held by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Penang Coroner, into the death of Gurusamy, a two-year-old Tamil boy. who met his death by falling into the Sungei Pinang, a verdict of death by misadventure was returned. Lalluva the boy’s
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  • 69 8 —Reuter. Gyp s y Smith Takes Another Bride Hollywood, July 3 —The 78-year-old evangelist Gypsy Smith was married here todaj to 26-year-old Miss Mary Alice Shaw. The gypsy, who was clad in white flannel trousers and a blue coat, stated “I feel like a Boy Scout.” The
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 217 8 Singapore Lawyer Among Accused (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. July 3. There were several counsel in the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday when summonses pertaining to charges of cheating were mentioned against S. Fung, a Singapore lawyer, Y.F. Wong, Kow Kim Lin and Lee Geok Eng,
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  • 5 8 Haji ShamsiuM/in
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  • 366 8 —Reuter, Diamond Sculls To America London, June 2. —Henley conditions were not so good as yesterday, and a breeze was blowing across the course. In the finals of the Steward's Cup, Leander, the holders, easily beat Trinity College, Oxford, in 7 min. 33 secs. The Oxonians were
    —Reuter,  -  366 words
  • 68 8 —Reuter. Strengthening British Economic Ties The possibility of strengthening British economic and financial ties in the Balkans is being considered by a London inter-de partmental committee composed of representatives of the Treasury, the Board of Trade and the Foreign Office which has al ready held one meeting and
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 127 8 Reuter. Roared Home As Others Had Last Lap To Finish London. July 3,—The King’s Cup was won by Alexander Henshaw, who is only 24. Piloting a Percival Mew Gull, he wo? after a thrilling duel in which he conceded 2 hrs. 38 mins,
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 27 8 Reuter. Ankara, July 3.—A Turco-French pact of friendship and declaration concerning collaboration between Turkey, France and Syria regarding Sanjak and Alexandretta has been signed.- Reuter.
    . Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 532 8 Monday Morning IN more civilise,l t| I ,s the tas Uon Ji boredom a ud Monday mornings. It ls fl practice to regard the w V( k fl (which means Saturday an 4 jfl for the employee and Fruifl Tuesday possibly f., t li)v "'fl broker) as
    532 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 222 8 ■ZW&fcfTl A a'a 88l liJ TWZZf 1 ’w II WwifeWyil k#w t 1 ihi_ j-mj ••'•>:■ ?.->•. >_l w iiflL U ,--,,***** <ii=-.. V v .y; L I' l jWjj 11 i Jk. mbMBwI jSMMfiS NO FINER WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE sout agents- JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated
      222 words
    • 17 8 .Y^/. 1 Bejsure yaufity DEL Agents for Maiaya Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 537 9 Trouble Over Soya Beans SIKH INJURED BY STONE V. anti-Japanese demonstration which J, k place in Beach Street yesterday was j-enf.ved today when a crowd of Chinese aside Chop Chiat Mob, and had to be dispersed by the police, who carried batons and long sticks. .of the
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  • 110 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 3. Major i I s. Paterson, the new British Adviser Kedah, was introduced to the Qtads of the various government departments by the Hon. Haji Mohd. Sheriff bin Osman. Secretary to Government, at the Relai Besar Major Paterson arrived
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  • 25 9 •py mg arrived this morning from he Kedah:— Mr. and Mrs. A. C'outt tn<J Mrs. H. A. Johnson, Mrs. <iri 1 two children.
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  • 362 9 Change In Bowlers: Nichol s Replaces Fames England’s team for the third Test at Manchester, beginning Friday, July 8, will be chosen from the following TEST NEWCOMERS W. R. Hammond (Gloucestershire, capt.) P. A. Gibb (Cambridge) H. Verity .(Yorkshire) L. Hutton (Yorkshire) T. F. Smailes
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  • 160 9 Refusal To Register Motor Buses In the Supreme Court this morning the hearing of the Rule Nisi on the Registrar of Vehicles, Penang calling upon him to show' cause why he refused to register certain motor buses for the second half of
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  • 172 9 P.W.F.A. Held By Taiping League Two goals w’ere shared between the Province Wellesley Football Association and the Taiping and District Football Association League when they met in a thrilling game yesterday evening on the Bukit Mertajam High School ground. The game was played in aid of
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  • 134 9 The two cabarets in Penang w’ere well patronised on Saturday night, two bands playing at each of the cabarets, dancing being extended to 1 a.m It was “bandeong night” at the Wembley, the hostesses being dressed in sarongs and kebayas, while it was practically a gala night
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  • 127 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 4. The inaugural opening of the Kedah Transport Company Ltd. was performed by Tuan Haji Syed Mohd. Idid, retired Chief Malay Judge, High Court, Kedah, on Friday afternoon before a large gathering of shareholders and well-wishers of the company.
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  • 57 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, July 4. Alleged to have allowed three of his friends to gamble in his room, Low Ah Gnow, a ricksha-puller, was fined $25, in default one month’s rigorous imprisonment by Che Azmi, Chief Magistrate, Alor Star, on Saturday. As Gnaw had
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  • 480 9 Limstead Team Champions (By Our Badminton Correspondent.) As expected, the Limstead B.P. won the junior inter-team championship when they defeated the Young Ansonians B. P. by four matches to one at the Free School Hall yesterday. The Ansonians were consoled by the fact that they made a
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  • 268 9 A reliability trial will be held by the Perak Branch of the A.A M. on Sunday, July 31, at Ipoh, open to members of the A. A. M only. Entries close cn June 22, and intending competitors are reminded that the event is not a race,
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  • 48 9 “Flying Battleship” The second Sunderland to join the R.A.F. Singapore Naval Base, passed over the Province today at about 12.30 on its way to Singapore from Rangoon. It is expected in Singapore this afternoon. The first Sunderland “flying battleship” passed through on Tuesday, June 21.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 8 9 'RUE TONIC FOOD Of all Chamlna and Siam*
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    • 224 9 ---■l*' 1 1 A Noble Gift A Magnum of K.W.V. K.W.V. Eau de Cologne is not only a delightful perfume, but is so eminently useful as well For evening use, in the bath the nursery, the «ick-room, its dainty fragrance is both invigorating and refreshing K.W.V. Eau de Cologne in
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  • 1728 10 STRONG CRITICISM OF POLICY (From Oui- Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 2. “Taking the long view, the future of coining in this country lies with low-grade .ground and if such ground is to be econo.•nic the Government must co-operate with *he miner and see that
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  • 267 10 July 4, 1938. MEAT > Beef Steak Kati 38 Stew or Curry do 28 Pork lean do 48 Pork lean and fat Ist quality do 36 Mutton (Goat) N. Indies local per lb 50 Do Australian do 40 Fowl Kati 26 Capons locally reared do 55 Hen
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  • 87 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 2. In an endeavour to prevent any possibility of strike developing from a dispute between the Singapore Traction Company and its staff, Government interpreters are being supplied through the Chinese Secretariat for a meeting of the men to be held
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 133 10 Asthma Cause Killed in H Hours Thanks to the discovers' of an American physician, it now is possible to get rid of those terrible spells of choking, gasping coughing and wheezing Asthma by killing the true cause which is Germs in the blood. fio more burning of powders, no more
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    • 759 10 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD, (Incorporated in England) The Indian Overseas capital Authorised £3iooo XUC capital Subscribed £LBOO ou HdYilr T.t/L. Reserve Fund and Rest £1247 rd/ DaUK, IjIU» 9 Capital Paid Up fi.ow’oJt.» (Incorporated in British India) BO ABD OF DIRECTORS. Sir Charles Alexander Innes, Jl/4 V/717
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  • 613 11 Poor Pay And Conditions Exposed ADMIRALTY JIB AT OFFICER S BOOK That the Admiralty had made an attempt to get withdrawn a new book on conditions of naval and military service was denied officially. The fact remains that a West End bookseller told an inquirer, “The
    613 words
  • 720 11 S.S. ‘GAASTERKERK’ arrives from Far East via Manila and Singapore and sails for Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Hamburg. S.S. ‘BENARTY’ sails for Colombo, London, Antwerp, Middlesbro, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Leith. S.S. ‘KĔDAH’ arrives in the morning from Belawan, sails same evening
    720 words
  • 356 11 Punjab Regiment Trounced 6—2 The Indian Recreation Club trounced the Punjab Regiment on the Victoria Green on Saturday by six goals to two. The match was uninteresting as the majority of the regiment team seemed to be novices, and this made the game one-sided. The Indians
    356 words
  • 195 11 Howard Marshall and P. G. H. Fender will be heard again in the Empire programmes, broadcasting commentaries and eye-witness accounts of the Third Test Match at Old Trafford Manchester. The Old Frafford Cricket ground, like the Oval in London, is not ideally situated, but the ground
    195 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 418 11 ®UJE FUNNEL LINE „u7> SEBWCE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT„, n Dn.London WEE* 1 Calls Marseilles Glasgow July 8 Aue- 4 a (}all9 Hull and Gdynia JuJ y I* Xuf: it B. DI?J e calls Marseilles Glasgow July 2 2 Aus' 18 C. DAY SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE. u4p_l
      418 words
    • 755 11 PJt an< CM V/ BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.), PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “ROHNA” SAILING THURSDAY, 7th JULY Ton N Penan Teluk Anson, Port Swettnnhawtf, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. S/S “MATA HARI” July
      755 words

  • 608 12 Latest Tinies Of Posting AIR MAILS A mail for Burma (exeapt Victoria Point), India. Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Su nan, Kenya, langanyika, Uganda, Zanzibar’ Northern and Southern Rnodesia. Nyasaland, south Africa, Great Britain li eland, Canada and Newfoundland by Imperial Airways (Empire Air Mail) Carpentaria will
    608 words
  • 802 12  -  (By Joseph Martin) The Prime Minister, Mr. Neville Chain berlain recently informed the House of Commons that in the air force as it stands today Gnat Britain has a deience of which any country might well be proud. W hatever its deficiencies might be, if it were
    802 words
  • 568 12 NEW STUDIOS FO R THE B.B.C. Biggest And Up-To-Date Among the studios used bv -h, Empire and foreign-languar. are two, recently brought int< r ICc ay the Corporation, that are tn. date of their kind in Great 8r.:, u1 The studios ‘4C’ for the for. saage services, and ‘4D’ for
    568 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1897 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES 1— 8.8. C. SERVICE Highlights Of Today’s Vfireless SCHEDULE gsf (BBC) Following is the BBC Empire broad- 0.20 p.m. The BBC Military Band, casting service schedule (Malayan Stand- folk-songs of C;ma<’a. ard Time) for this week, beginning July 1 3. /.25 p.m. Irish dance music. TRANSMISSIONS 2
      1,897 words
    • 16 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY High Low 4.35 p.m. 11.37 p.m. TOMORROW 6.20 a.m. 11.45 a.m. 5.31 p.m.
      16 words

  • 211 13 the king leads the battle fleet to sea. For exercises in the English Channel, the King this .cd the Home Fleet to sea in lI.M S. Nelson, the flagship of Admiral Sir Charles Forbes. (Left) H .M.S. Royal Oak leading the second line of
    211 words

  • 2937 14 Beaten By Innings And 94 Runs ANDRES BOWLS WELL FOR SETTLEMENT TMENANG beat Kedah in the inter-state cricket match, which was resumed yesterday morning on the Esplanade, by an innings and 94 runs. Penang won the toss and took first lease of the
    2,937 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      8 words
    • 420 14 INDUSTRY help you to success A well-informed ind authcritati», monthly magazine for the manufac turer and business man. Write ft>ĕ free sample copy. Annual subscrm tion 9 Shillings, payable in advance* by 8.P.0. “I N D U S T R yll SHAMBAZAR. CALCUTTA, INDIA Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without
      420 words

    —Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 1011 15 first Day Of Perak July Race Meeting Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 2. v crowd attended the openA VE d vof the Perak Turf Club July infe Tj lc going was good. Meeting- won race from Eastern Royal Worlington to pay $6l gonibus
    1,011 words
  • 271 15 Swimming Finals The Penang Teachers’ Association swimming competition held last week resulted as follows: 200 metres breast stroke open (final): 1 Goh Cheng Eng, 2 Tan Wah Kim, 3 Tan Chong Bee, 4 Hooi Yip Hoong. 100 metres free style handicap (final): —1 See Teow Leong, 2
    271 words
  • 41 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 2. Playing with a cut finger on the right hand, Yadi, Singapore singles champion, was beaten by Kamis 6 —3, 6 —2, in the Young Men’s Christian Association singles championship final.
    41 words
  • 341 15 Game Full Of Incidents (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, July 2. Displaying all-round superiority, Singapore gained a victory over Malacca by three goals to nil in the Malaya Cup soccer match. Both the teams were introduced to the Resident Councillor, Mr. G. W. Bryant,
    341 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 IBP! nA, BRILLIANTLY NEW yet -"F''* with every feature proved I v- over thousands of miles Vauxhall Ten Four f ''fill? m brings a new kind of "'i S5 JK motoring’ into the 10 h.p. I^^' v Capable of speeds 1W well in excess of a mile-a-minute under hard driving
      115 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 140 16 TIN LATEST IONDON- (Spot) *lB9- 5. 0 No market iX>NI>ON —(3 month») £l9O. 5. 0 No marke SINGAPORE $97.25 $lOO.OO BUSINESS DONE PENANG $96.75 $lOO.OO BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA (Sundries) $3.70 $3.70 BLACK PEPPER $8.75 $B-75 RUBBER LONDON 7, „d No market NEW YORK
    140 words
  • 103 16 Tans 177 59 64 177 57 64 Near York 4.95;?, 4.95% Moctreal 5.00% 5.00% Brussels 29.23% 23.23% Geneva 21.60% 21.60% A msterda tn 8.95 8.95% ■Milan 94, 3 g 94 g Rprlin 12.30% 12.30% Stockholm 10.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oelo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% nominal Helsingfors 226% 226%
    103 words
  • 105 16 July Dividend Passed The fallowing telegram has been received from the Secretary in Sydney: “In view ©f the fall in the price of tin, reduction of «quota and commitments in connection with the purchase of Northern Area Board decided to pass July Dividend.” For June Dredge Takuapa
    105 words
  • 29 16 The estimated total exports, from Malaya, of tin, and tin-in-ore based on .an assay value of 75.5%, for the month of June, 1938, are approximately 2,800 tons.
    29 words
    • 152 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. ’TTN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.37% 1.40 Hong Fatt 1.00 1-02 Klang River 1-85 1-90 Kuchai 1.35 1.37% Nawng Pet .37% -42% Rahman Hyd. 1.23 1.26 Rantau Ordy- 1.40 1.42% Rantau Pref. 1.40 1.42% Sungei Luas 1.55 1.60 Sungei Ways 2.25 2.35 Taiping Cons. 1.57% 1.62%
      152 words
    • 164 16 Dow Jones avs. Prev. Today High Low 30 indus. 136.53 138.53 139.12 136.8 a 20 rails 26.69 27.57 27.68 27.03 20 utilities 22.05 22.27 22.42 22.15 40 bonds 87.55 87.99 Business done; 2,220,000 1,470, Anaconda Cpr. 33 34/8 Am. Tobacco B 78% '9% Beth. Steel 60% 62% Douglas
      164 words
    • 21 16 TIN Singapore $lOO.OO pei pkl. Penang $lOO.OO per pkl. RUBBER Singapore —Spot 24-% per lb. Penang—Spot 24% per lb.
      21 words
    • 180 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers Sellers Batu Lintang 1.12% 1.20 Broga 80 8 Bukit Kepong 1.05 1.15 Indragiri 1.35 1.45 Jeram -82-% -90 Kempas 1-95 2.10 Kluang -80 -65 Kuala Sidim 2.57% 2.70 New Scudai L 2 1.30 Pa jam 1-90 2.00 ex Parit Perak 1.50 1.60 Perak River .92% 1.10
      180 words
    • 186 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Panas 1.35 1.45 Batu Lintangs 1.12% 1.17% Bedfords •97 1.02 Bentas 1.07% 1.15 Brogas -80 .85 Kedah Rubbers 1.90 2.10 Kuala Sidims 2.60 2.75 Indragiris 1.27% 1.35 Lunas 1.72% 1.82% Mentakabs .45 .47 Malaka Pindas 1.40 1.47% New Scudais 1.15 1.25 Pa jams 1.82%
      186 words
    • 351 16 Weights For Second Day The following are the weights for the Second Day's races to be run at Ipoh on Wednesday. July 6. Horses, Class 4, Div. 1,5% Furs. OLD COW 9.00 BETH 8.08 PATROLEAH 8.07 STAR LOCK 8.06 MEG 8.05 LORD GRAY 8.04 BENEDICT
      351 words
    • 164 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ampats 43 46 E. Selangors 1.37% 1.42% Hong Fatts 1.03 1.05 Hongkong Tins 23 6 24 0 K. Kamuntings i o i6 no K. Lanjuts 195 2 0 0 Kuchais 1.35 1.37% Kramats 10 4% IOYOJ Kundangs 5 6 6 1% 10 3 10 9
      164 words
  • 1032 16 Chairman Explains Position REPORT ON DEVELOPMEM S AT THE MINE Addressing shareholders at the annual general meeting of Rauh Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., in Brisbane, last week. Mr. De Burgh B. B. Persse, the chairman, said that the result of the year’s operations had been
    1,032 words
  • 95 16 During the week ending June 25. 1938 exports from Malayan ports amounted to 46,691 cases, of which: 35,970 (77 percent, cases were to the United Kingdom, 3.490 (8 per cent) cases to the Continent oi Europe, 1,125 (2 per cent) cases to Canada and 6,106 (13
    95 words
  • 32 16 OBITUARY MRS. N. DENGAH The death occurred this morning oi N. Dengah (nee Josephine Matthew) a No. 39, Aboo Sittee Lane. The cortege «'U leave the house at 8 a m tomorrow.
    32 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 106 16 NO: GIVE ME ANAC,N! y The Modern, Tested Product! You no longer have to try costly experiments that may affect your health. Today you can get quick relief with ANACIN, the new product that doctors and dentists prescribe because they know that it is effective and safe. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIC
      106 words
    • 50 16 S/S “FLINTSHIRE VOYAGE 8 (OUTWARIO Consignees of cargo per the abov steamer from Europe are hereby notifi that she is expected to arrive in on Wednesday morning, the 6th July. and will discharge in the Roads on aru va BOUSTEAD CO. LTl’ (Incorporated in the 1* M Agents, “Glen” Line
      50 words