Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 May 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE last edition ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY \o. 128. Vol. XCVI. TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1938. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 170 1 QUESTIONS BOR COLONIAL SECRETARY TOMORROW Suggested Inquiry Into All Tin Pools (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 31Mr. F. A. Macquisten tomorrow will ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies, firstly, whether he received a despatch from the High Commissioner after the meeting of
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  • 779 1 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Public Dismay Finds Expression I dismay at news from Spain and I -t of heavy civilian casualties of txmibing from the air was ~ih i i in questions addressed in the Comvns the Prime Minister. Arthur Henderson will ask the Minister tomorrow for
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  779 words
  • 43 1 r< z rain, acEompanied by old. /iybtMiny and thunder, tin In fort midnight ycsteipproachiny in intensity the ekwh broke over Penang Uist Thursday. J: m ft U intermittently from 101-’ .n, to M" this morning, most midnight to I.W am.
    43 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. This Morning’s Carnage Canton. May 31.-Hopes of a respite were shattered at 9.5 a. m. when the an alarm resounded and five raiders reappeared and systematically recommenced the work of destruction. It is uncertain what are the raiders’ objectives, but the explosions are coming from the direction of
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 61 1 New Appointment At The War Office ScTSbo°X r y has'been appointed R to y f Director of Scientific Re I th :”r a wX which was forest by the war Secretary in introducing the Army who e u p‘d e u C ty r »n WeSesday. ponsible
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  • 293 1 Mr. Hands On Macgregor Injustice From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 31. I Mr John Hands M.C.H., makes one nil his bitterest attacks to date on Govern-1 inent s attitude to his efforts to secure I '1- rnment relief for the workless when I *l' writes
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  • 54 1 A Reuter message from Tok-o, presumably having been subjc ted to censorship, read as follow s. Four Chiovse planes flew Amakusa Island, west of Kyusn.i Island, from 10.80 until 1.30 ws: night. The planes dropped neither bombs nor pamphlets. (Kyushu Island is the south westernmost of
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  • 216 1 The Committee Still r Nurses Hope h 1 1 The Under-Secretary for Foreign told the Commons that at a meeting of the i Chairman’s Sub-Committee of the Non-In-tervention Committee last Thursday ve H i considerable progress had meen made. Governments concerned had now a cce P the British formula
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  • 71 1 Dissatisfied Labour Mollified A message received at the from the Governor of stated that there is n colony on riots and disturbances in that had been partia) work on four esta^® almost complete which in one case exceptions for a day, but with work al l men concerned h^
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  • 347 1 Sir T. Inskip’s Statement .Reuter. The provision of manpower tor essential services now and in war-time was the subject of a statement in the Commons by Sir Thomas Inskip who, speaking of the. competing needs of such organisations as Territorials and A.R.P., said in peacetime there
    .Reuter.  -  347 words
  • 168 1 Enough To Blow Up The Courthouse ....Vo at the Ban Hin Lee A Chinese conbeJU the he Estate «uarry. Ayer J yMterday suspicions of a reven h( It was discovered that t geU I was carrying contained g nite Kre miZtodv and was He was taken into
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  • 284 1 London-Malaya Mines Chamber Protests (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 17. A year of important work on behalf of the Malayan tin-mining industry was reviewed by Mr. C. V. Thomas, chairman of the Malayan Chamber of Mmes, when he presided at the Chamber’s annual
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  • 48 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh. In connection with the report that French capitalists are prepared to build a railway from Indo-China. to Nanning, it is stated from Hankow that a survey has been completed for an extension of the line to Szechwan.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  48 words
  • 44 1 Violations Of German Frontier Prague. May 30. The Chief of the Political section of the Czech foreign Office has informed tlw Ger;.-, i that the military authorities’ inq’ti Mi regard to his complaint that. GA 11 Warplanes crossed the Geiinan front 1—
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 USE I (fusfis) WOVEN NAMES. INITIALS 6 monograms FOR marking your Clothing. LINEN, etc XOlt ,f*.T«. FO* M*l*u FL NANG rRACMNG a INSURANCE AGE.NCV. 33 o Buch S’Atn PfNANG JI.
      30 words
    • 92 1 I KWONG LEE YEUN CHAN (Established over 30 Years.) I 73C. Campbell Street, PHONE 1028 DEALERS IN CANTON VEGETABLE KNIVES AND SCISSOR IRON AND STEEL GOODS. HOSIERY. PERFUMERY AND GENERAL GOODS. J I N 'I EATW YO U LIKE All Everyone likes bread but make sure that it is pure
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  • 938 2 Employee Charged With Causing Grievous Hurt COUNSEL DISPUTES COURTS JURISDICTION OVER CASE An assault on the high seas on November 11 last year, in which a Chinese, Chan Cheng Tee, was alleged to have been hacked with an ax was related
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  • 252 2 Hawker Detained At Pier A fine of $35, in default two weeks’ simple imprisonment was imposed by Mr. K. A. Blacker, the Second Magistrate on Mak Choon, w’ho w r as charged with having in his possession U 35 letters without stamps on May 19
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  • 132 2 Ceylonese Charged A young Singhalese. R. F. D. Weerasekera, was produced in the Penang Middle Court yesterday morning, before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, the Third Police Magistrate, and charged with having committed criminal misappropriation in respect of 4.200 rupees within the jurisdiction of Ceylon. Inspector
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  • 984 2 DREADFUL FRACTURE OF JAW” (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 20. A headlock”a wrestling hold used by Rob Gregory, all-in wrestler husband of Princess Baba, youngest daughter of the Raja Ranee of Sarawak, in an incident with the manager of the bar
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  • 264 2 Introduced By His Mother At West End Bridge Party A young naval lieutenant and a pretty Indian girl, who first met at his parents’ home in London, were married in Colombo last week. He is David Leslie Gordon, twenty four-year-old son of Dr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 510 2 Help Fight Dangerous Genus teeth, tonalla Ld Beware! Kidney and L n Disorders mak« you Bufto£ d r Burning, Itching \JrKI cause you to Get un IttFl Nervy, have Leg IK VI n6ss Hheumatism < llafl der Eyeß Sv7 °’len Ankiei I Hl J Headache, II "I and suffer Lobs
      510 words

  • 579 3 Reuter. Hospitals, Schools Bombed foreigners appeal for PROTEST afternoon h i ,,re no further raids in the this morning ar l e l hal ~ver 100 deaths resulted from h,S n, r "‘"K 7“*<l and at least 200 wounded. REIITFR OTHER CORRESPONDENTS, TO BR-rll S B
    Reuter.  -  579 words
  • 77 3 Reuter. Neutral Zone HI MAMAN MISSION TO WARSAW Direst, May 30: In view of the sitin Central Europe, great importittached in Rumania to the deWarsaw of the Chief of Staff Rumanian Army with 12 high offi. enting all branches of the SerThis is the strongest Rumanian every
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 116 3 Reuter. aimer Conditions -/•r lessening of the European porn is reflected in this morning’s Exchange market where much r litions were in evidence. i the turnover was not large the European currencies had a tb i undertone and the market's 1) f f< ature was a tendency
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 38 3 Reuter. May 30: Led by Cardinal Patlh a-d other dignitaries a procession of sons passed through the streets Hu qt st after the Pontifical Mass in orning to mark the close of the Euharistic Congress. Reuter.
    – Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 38 3 FRUITS OF NON-INTER VENTION! -Reuter. Ronu, May 30: it i. s officially announced that Italian casualties in Spam since the battle >f Malaga in February, i 93 7, are kiUed 2023 wounded 6,996. missing 168 and prisoners 359.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 43 3 Reuter. London, May 30: The Premier has nominated Sir Maurice Hankey for the appointment of Director of the Suez Canal, replacing the late Sir J. T. Davies. Sir Maurice will retire from the Civil Service before taking the post.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 61 3 British Wireless. Relief For British Farmers are grateful for the heavy rain which fell during the week-end and which continues intermittently today thus bringing to the end the very dry period of last month and more, during which the drought had severely threatened the safety of crops and
    British Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 66 3 n S^ St the ten 'f° ot bronze statue, of Capt. Francis Light, founder of enang. The statue is expected to be >eady m London in February next year, according to Mr. F. j Wilcoxson the sculptor. Costing
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  • 56 3 Reuter. French Backing Paris, May 30: A group of French banks headed by the Indo-Chinoise have agreed to provide the backing for the construction of a railway from French Indo-China to Nanning in the province of Kwangsi as an extension of the existing line from the
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 79 3 .Reuter. London, May, 30: In Commons Mr. David Adams asked whether the Prime Minister had any information to show the extent to which the Chinese Customs revenue seized by Japan was being employed in warfare against China. Mr. R. a. Butler replied that he presumed Mr. Adams
    .Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 45 3 Reuter. Arab Demonstrations Alexandretta, May 30: Troops and armoured cars occupied Antioch following a demonstration by armed Arabs in which one Armenian and severl Arabs were wounded. A bomb thrown by an unknown person killed a woman and demo lished a house.Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 43 3 .Reuter. Air Raid On Valencia Madrid, May 30: Three British sailors were badly injured in an air-raid on Valencia; one is not expected to survive. A French sailor was killed when the French steamer Djem was fired by bombs. Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 283 3 I.T.C. AND I. R.C. MEETINGS THIS WEEK Rubber Quota And Buffer Pool Main Topics Reuter. London, May 30: The results of this week s meetings of the International rubber and Tin Committees form the subject of animated discussion. The Rubber Committee tomorrow have the difficult task of deciding the level
    Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 33 3 Reuter. Pans, May 30: Valencia was raided four jrnes within two and a half hours at nightbeT of iw dama^e wa s done. The numof victims is unknown. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 106 3 Reuter. Strong Representations To Rebels London. May 30: Government has made representations to the Burgos Government m connection with the sinking of the Thorpe Hall, i equesting strong disciplinary action against the crew of the offending aircraft and instruction to be given that such attacks will
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 97 3 .Reuter. Fierce Gales In England London, May 30: The magnificent palace of the partly-built Hushmoor Arena for the Aidershot Tattoo, opening on June 2 has been wrecked by a gale. The palace, which is a replica of that built by Henry Eighth on the field, took a
    .Reuter.  -  97 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 44 3 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? 1 tr UK. < .<V. >7 Ah! I see you did |f you use a solid dentifrice, try the new Macleans Solid J9K Peroxide Dentifrice. Re p re je n tat! v«! A Te Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Sln»pore
      44 words
    • 156 3 AHHOA 1 THE SHIRT THAT FITS i J j j |g|j ,z h i HITT... u’z7Z> neatness that doesn’t know when to quit Slip into an Arrow Hitt shirt. J Its famous Aroset collar alone 1 t will sell you on it. Aroset is a starchless collar j yet it
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  • 648 4 A G.M. Trevelyan Needed From Our Own Corres[>ondent) Singapore, May 30. Il is indicative of the new and increasing interest in Malayan history that three governmentsthos-e of I’erak, Kedah and Johore -should at present be encouraging the work ot the archaeologist, while the proposed appointment
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  • 330 4 Interesting Facts About The Government Gazette (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 30. -Malaya's dullest weekly,” the Government Gazette, is one of the strangest publications in Malaya. It is a magazine without an editor. Only those who have to plough through its pages know how
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  • 432 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL The engagement is announced between Mr. Chew Yean Fook. 8.A.. eldest son of Madam Chew 800 Hean and of the late Mr. Chew 800 Hean of Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Loke Guat Pheng, daughter of Madam Chew Kit and of the late Mr. Loke Chew Kit of Perahg.
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  • 109 4 This evening at the "Esplanade” from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m:— 1. March Colonel Bogey. Alford. 2. Reminiscences of "VERDI” Godfrey. 3. Waltz Moonlight On The Prairie. Spencer. 4. Overture Le Trompette. Bazin 5. Esquisse Symphonic. In The Steppes Of Central Asia. Borodin. 6. Selection Stand Up And
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  • 402 4 CHINA AS THRO(Gf) EYES OF THE MUAI CHINESE I From Our Own Corresp on u mt Singapore xr.,. > Though Malayan Chinese chiee- L migrants, like to prot ways willing to go ba< China, it is a sate gue t nese and peace-loving, n>. not
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  • 271 4 Miss Audrey Cleaver > uv’Mr. R.B. Sali*bur\ (From Our Own Correspondent, London, May 1“ "It seems rather dreadful that t!.. girls should be taken out or England stranded in Penang at a moment s r.o" because a man chooses to sax T stop r uS tour,’
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 743 4 PENANG TRADERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS TENGKU BAGINDA SHANGHAI EURO-ASIATIC B aPECIALiaT3 ,V PHOTO STI DIO AGENCY. Personal Diseases and DAY NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY. (ESTATE SUPPLIERS) the Treatment of Rheumatism, Diabetes, 49. Leith Street. General Merchants Piles, etc. 1 PENANG. AND Latest Stockist of djamoe djawa and outdoor, and indoor Provision Dealers, OBAT PERIOK
      743 words

  • 934 5 Rose Window In Ypres Cathedra] T i Ypres, May 22. ne rose window and tablet given to Ypres Cathedral by the British Army and Royal Air Force, in memory of King Albert were unveiled yesterday by his son, King Leopold. In spite of persistent
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  • 33 5 ACTING-PILOT OFFICER L. ALLEN standing bv th<which he was trapped for 24 hours at Tipperweir Hill. Party which found him signalled ALIVE in human letters to sea re hplane.
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  • 121 5 Awarded For Bravery In Indian Army London.Two Victoria Crosses, recalling acts of bravery in India, are to be sold at Glendinnings this month. One of the crosses belonged to Lance Corporal Gcate, a y’oung Norwich groom, who served during the Indian Mutiny. VX hile trying to
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  • 229 5 Doctors To Be Trained fror Research London. Three junior fellowships are being offered by the Medical Research Council for award to qualified medical men wishing to receive training with a view to areers in research work in tropical medicine. The fellowships will be tenable for three years.
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  • 483 5 with extensive executive busiexcellent credentials I/ ;/7 commensurt BOX Position and ability. Write I his most unusual announcement an K e D per r nai coium mg daily papers last week. engineer* wh th<? story of a consulting engineer who cannot be idle
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  • 523 5 Remarkable Fortitude On Voyage To See Derby Newmarket, May 23. carried ashore from the Windsor Castle at Southampton Sir Abe Bailey, legless millionaire-sportsman, was smiling. It was the smile of a stoic. What: an actor he is!” exclaimed his fellow-passengers as still
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 203 5 QQQQQ Q' Q Q ,~i( I Each of these whiskies has a name of its own: only when they are blended together after years of maturing are they called 1 JOHNNIE ***** aOQQ Q 0 Q O You are probably wondering what one of these whiskies would taste like by
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  • 467 6 Poisoned Husband, Baby Daughter And Two Others END TO SATANIC CAREER; 7 SAYS JUDGE Vienna: Martha Marek, beautiful Jewish widow with her red hair newly waved, heard a judge in the Vienna Criminal Court sentence her to death for poisoning her husband, her
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  • 194 6 Nine Months’ Gaol For Forgery A year ago Shin Hong Ma, 27-year-old well educated Chinese, was living at Hendon with his beautiful wife and their two children on a thousand a year His father was manager of one of the biggest finance houses in China and
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  • 591 6 ,o Be Liable London: The Finance Bin give legislative effect to the p the methods by which the ri Se: the Exchequer. Sir stop tax evasion. ho P e tj When the bill beeon., s hw longer be po ss ,bl P persons abroad.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 442 6 QUEEN S 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 OPENING TOMORROW By Special Arrangement- Ry SPECIAL REQUEST Screening Ahead Of Singapore FOR ONE NIGHT ONIA PARAMOUNT’S GREATEST musicomedy hit of United Artists Greatest THIS YEAR! Production "PRISONER OF ZENDA" with RONALD COLMAN AND CAST OF THOUSANDS NEXT CHANGE 4 h NCW Gr< at 11
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    • 69 6 OPENING TONIGHT 6.30 9.30 The Latest Musical Cantonese Talkie. 3,000 STARS” with a tremendous cast headed by Kwong San Siew Chan Wan Seong Tai How Hor Hor Tai Soh A glorious new musical drama packed with melodious Cantonese song hits, comddy and romance. A bright entertainment that must not be
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  • 642 7 Shock On Return To England: Gaol Avoided By Cash Payment London, May 22. LIOW an Englishman who has lived in Lrance for many years was saved from a week-end in gaol over a disputed surtax claim when he visited a relative in Gloucestershire was
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  • 242 7 Once Found Her In Cupboard” London, May 22.A woman who was stated to have attacked another woman with a truncheon belonging to her husband, an ex-policeman, was bound over for 12 months at Leighton Buzzard yesterday. Defending Mrs. Lillie Turner, of Leighton Buzzard, who was
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  • 392 7 Stabbed Boy Who Was His Friend London, May 22. While Mr. Justice Humphreys was passing sentence of death at the Old Bailey last night the accused man collapsed and was held up by two warders. He was halfcarried from the dock, groaning and shrieking. The man, William
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  • 295 7 New Zealand’s Help Pledged Wellington; If Great Britain is attacked we are too,” the Minister of Finance, Mr. Nash, declared in a policy speech. He added: We hate all this war propaganda, but if any attack is made on Great Britain we will assist her to
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  • 260 7 Fifteen Denied At Court-Martial London, May 22. Allegations that an N.C.O. played pontoon with recruits and accepted money from them were made at a Chatham court martial yesterday. Cpl. temporary Lance-Sergt. G. C. Yates, of the Training Battalion, Royal Engineers, Brompton Barracks, Chatham, pleaded not guilty
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  • 451 7 Shippers Sell Freely In London (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 20. Copra prices or. the London market have varied little lately. There has been a steady demand from consumers for Ceylon F.M.S. at from £l2 7s. 6d. to £l2 10s. per ton, for Straits F.M.S.
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  • 121 7 fc A Rather Experienced Driver' London, May 23.- Capt. George Eyston, of Lennox-gardens, S.W., holder of the world’s land speed record of 317 miles an hour, was summoned at West London yesterday for exceeding the 30-m.p.h. speed limit. Ml L. Humphrey Razzall, defending, said that Capt. Evston
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1169 7 PUBLIC NOTICE jUlKTO government of fa d Office: 12, Bishop Street Penang. KELAIVTAIV Phone 1477 and 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: "Gazette” Penang. Notice oi auction of State I and c gapore Office: Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone r -Hillll 5471 Tel: Times" Singapore. Kuala Lumpur: toP Site lOF aCiII I *Ol.l
      1,169 words
    • 268 7 (WHY I USE) |«*VEET B ON MY k 1 LEGS L >1 HfckX» 'i ..r >4| NewVEET’endsall unwanted H S hair in 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. j S New 1 VEET’ leaves the skin soft and smooth, without trace of ugly stubble. K FW New VEET’is a
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  • 928 8 IN 193/. the F. M. S. Chamber of Mines approached Government l. regarding prospecting police, a sore point with the industry ever since restrictions were imposed in connection with tin control. The Federal Government promised that earnest consideration would Ire given to the Chamber viewpoints. These concerned the throwing
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  • 115 8 .-—Reuter. German Cars Flood British Market The dangers to British trade of subsidised foreign imports were dwelt on by a deputation from the Tariff Policy Committee of Members of Parliament received by Sir John Simcn and Mr. Oliver Stanley at the Commons last evening. Mr. Thomas Levy, leader of
    .-—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 29 8 In a friendly game of soccer on the Data Kramat ground yesterday afterroon. the Coronation Youngsters beat the Commercial Day School by three goals to nil.
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  • Article, Illustration
    538 8 THE following information is disclosed to readers on the distinct understanding that it must be regarded as strictly confidential. I am to l>e hung at the next Royal Academy Though 1 say it myself, my submission is a masterpiece. Penang Hill at Eventide” is the inspiration, but
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  • 129 8 Facilities For Night Landings BASES AT PENANG AND SING APORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 30. Marine flares to facilitate night landings of the Imperial Airways flying boats are being installed at Singapore airport and the Penang flying boat base by the Civil Aviation Division of
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  • 135 8 Fatality Follows Fall (From Our Own Coriespondent) Ipoh, May 31Or. Sunday afternoon three Malay boys ,vere returning home, after witnessing the Chinese schools sports, along Kuala Kang-sar-road, Ipoh. Two of them were brothers and they had only one cycle. One of the boys
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  • 175 8 Magistrate’s Remarks (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. May 30. Tell the accused that on the before me I have no alternative bo o vict tnem. Their truculent and 10s titude overawed the police go< ir and the latter could not from landing without a fight, o-n gapore
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  • 67 8 Increased Froni Ji" ,f l_ (From Ou»- Own n MaV 3l) Singapou. m An increase of more the hours of opera 10 tion s b aV a Broadcasting ZHL will be made From then the sta 1 sun<ia x HO pm., instead <> L 30 p n i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 io MINUTE MEALS with MARMITE (Registered Trade Mark) With a Jar of Marmite, and a few ordinary things Eke eggs, cheese, tomatoes, etc., there are lots of delicious savoury meals you can make in a matter of minutes. Marmite makes the simplest dish extremely appetising. Makes it better for you,
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    • 44 8 ALREADY FAMOUS BLACK WHITE SMOKING MIXTURE is worthy to stand unashamed on the same shelf as Black White Cigarettes which have long been known as England’s highest class cigarettes. 1 oz, 2 oz 4 oz tins On sale everywhere Importers HENRY WAUGH CO. LTD.
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  • 547 9 What Owners And Trainers Think PASCH A WARM FAVOURITE London, May 30. som critics are vainly trying to find a L to beat the favourite, Pasch, for the !)V although tne weekend deluge of rain nakes the favourite’s chance less obvious v iew that he has
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  • 385 9 Goon Kok Ying To Meet Chin Kee Onn Below is the full programme for the annual tennis test between the Colony and the Malay States to be played in Ipoh during the Whitsuntide holidays, for the Guillem ard Cup (men’s section) and the McCabe
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  • 25 9 .Reuter. India Eliminated Brussels, May 30. In the Third Round of the Davis Cup Competition, Belgium eliminated India by four matches to one.—Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 449 9 Today’s Work On The Track Using the outside track, horses in training for the Selangor Summer meeting returned good times in fast gallops this morning. There was a large attendance and the going was fine. Debella appeared in good form though held in a steady run
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  • 88 9 .Reuter. Tricky Wicket Plays Havoc London, May 30. At Lord’s, on a tricky wicket, with sun and rain alternating, the Australians were dismissed for 132 by Middlesex. Sims took 4 for 25 and Novell 3 for 38. Bradman scored only 5, McCabe gathered 9 while Badcock
    .Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 586 9 Taiping Sub-Warder Summoned For Negligence (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, May 30. As a result of the escape of a Sikh prisoner from the District Hospital cell or April 26 last, a Pathan sub-warder named Akbar Shah was today summoned before 'Mr. A. L. Birse, District
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 160 9 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD I Obtainable of oil Chamieti «nW StarM HAVE YOU FALSHSHH? 10.000 a DENTISTS t/J recommend this new way to remove C unhealthy stains Steradent is tame of the new false teeth cleanser. Over Dentists have endorsed Steradent as the finest stain-remover ever produced for artificial
      160 words
    • 137 9 HMV REFRIGERATORS '-O I RADIOS AND WW r fl: fl' YOUR OPPORTUNITY "I® All Refrigerators and Radio» carry a K guarantee. Come early and get a wider selection. E3MOUTRIES 16, BISHOP ST. PENANG. I your home of pests Asiatic Petroleum Co. fS.S.f Ltd. Strong, sturdy limbs, sound kones, the happiness
      137 words

  • 1085 10 Golds And Aircrafts Only Bright Spots Amidst General Gloom COMPANY PROFITS ADVANCE BEGINS TO SLOW DOWN (From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 20. After a fortnight of comparative steadiness, following the conclusion of the Anglo-Italian Agreement, the prices of most securities quoted on the London Stock
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  • 981 10 Adverse Business News Messrs. S. E. Levy Co’s weekly review of the American securities and commnditv markets states. Se daily cabled reports of the New York Stock Market have made anything but cheerful reading throughout the past week and it is very noticeable that prominence is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 126 10 HUTTENBACH CONTINUOUS SHEETERS MADE IN ENGLAND 'l -;r JUNIOR’ (Type S.M.S.) 500—800 lbs. sheet per hour. Each Junior Sheeter Is fitted with five pairs of robs, No. 1 pair being hair lined to receive the freably coagulated rubber and No. 5 being grooved to give the final marking to the
      126 words
    • 283 10 BANKS NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPIJ N.V. I Incorporated in the Netherlands) (With limited liability.) (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM With 43 Agencies, apart from correspondents, in Holland. HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch Fast Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan
      283 words
    • 518 10 CHARTERED BANK or INDIA. ACSTKAUa AND Wni (/zoorporated in jßoyai Charter 185" Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund f l W)0,00c Reserve Liability of Proprietors £-’22?’ OOf Head Office £3w No. 38 Bishopsgate, London EC Manchester Office No. 71 Mosley Street Apezotes BrantheaAJor Star Hong Kong Amritsar Iloilo Bangkok ipoh 2“ Batavia
      518 words

  • 1362 11 British-Built Ships For U.S. Merchant Marine Following the announcement la»st month of President Roo>exelt s con cern about the high shipbuilding costs in the L nited States, it is now re ported from Washington that a Bill has been introduced in Congres. under which, if passed,
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  • 534 11 S.S. BUIJSKES’ arrives today from Belawan, sails tomorrow for Lho Seumawe, Sigli, Sabang and I ad<»ng. S.S. TALMA’ arrives today from Singapore, sails tor Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. NEEDWOOD’ arrives today from Bangkok via Telok Ancon, sails same day for Singapore. S.S. FAIRFIELD CITY’ arrived
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 712 11 BLUE FUNNEL LINE WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due London GLENIFFKR Also calls Antwerp Middlesborough June 4 July 1 PATROCLUS Also calls Marseilles Glasgow June 12 July 10 q pHILOCTETES Also calls Hull and Gydnia June 16 July 14 TEN DAY SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HAVRE. Liverpool
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    • 727 11 PO and Ot VZ BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.» SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. RANCHI” SAILING THURSDAY, 2nd JUNE Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. ~R TIT AN j e
      727 words

  • 615 12 Latest Times Of Posting AIR MAILS: i for Inoh. Kuala Lumpur ano at 1 10n m. same day. s lra A mai fo. -Amsterdam and «London t Tm service will close at 6.30 a.m. t y K D M oeSretton at 6 p.m. today <
    615 words
  • 303 12 Diary Of A Swimming Instructor 11 The superintendent at the baths paid me a terrific compliment today. "We'll have to sack you,” he growled. You make things a little too busy. Three new applications to join your class in the half-hour. Pipe down, old man,
    303 words
  • 927 12 Air Defence Schools: Modern Flats Problem As Germany today is the most air-minded country in E' -"pt. tional organisation of air raid precautions for the protection population in wartime is naturally on a gigantic and impressive The German Government has succeeded in getting the
    927 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2007 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. Highlights Of Today’s Wireless GSF (BBC) Empire Broadcasting Service sche- ni an j 11.50 p.m. Empire Gazette”: topical review of dule for this week: events overseas. TRANSMISSION 2& 3 2() pnl Cricket: Middlesex v. The Australians (third day). (6.02 p.m. 12.20 a.m J </ 2
      2,007 words
    • 37 12 PENANG DAILY WEATHER REPORT PENANG (FORT CORN"' 11 Yesterday’s Tempera:** ffl 6a.m. Noon co 86 N. RAINFALL May 29 30. 5 mm. TIDE TABLE today High i>s p 12.15 p.m. tomorkg" 01 12.46 a.m. 1.00 p m.
      37 words

  • 217 13 He Doesn’t Shovel Coal Now. T'ilE stoker in the Royal Navy of today is a very different person from the man who used to shovel coal into the furnaces. Entering the service at 18. young men join for 12 years, followed by a period of
    217 words

  • 834 14 Ordinary Athletes Made Champions ASTONISHING RESULTS IN ALL BRANCHES OF SPORT Young men and women in the first ranks of sport aie finding astonish ind results from Hormone Therapy, miracle of modern science. Hormone Therapy revives’ the glands by injections of extracts from
    834 words
  • 312 14 Veterans’ Doubles Final After an excellent start E. W. Hare /r d G.C. Watson (Penang) were beaten in the final of the Veterans’ Doubles yesterday by the older pair, H.E. Sparke and A.V. Perrin (Kedah) 6B, 46. Watson made less mistakes than Hare on the losing side.
    312 words
  • 290 14 Marines’ Second Big Defeat The Indian Recreation Club R” swamped the Marine Department Sports Club on the hospital ground yesterday in a second division league match, winning by eight goals to ml one goal being an absolute gut. Mariappan, the Indian’s star forward notched three
    290 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 224 14 > IT S THE HIT OTWe CENTURY! BiGG f R ch*n anplung ocr to > 4•* come out of Hollywood—more fun X j chan you’ve ever had in your life t songs and beauty, to make your Are head spin—the greatest parade I*"® i of personalities ever assembled M tn
      224 words
    • 193 14 1 bissets I OLD highland WHI S K V SOIL A6ENTS: f /bt/aya. J VISIT pq rWWXK i W” r *2O i Where People Live, Laugh and Love! For full particulars, apply to: THE BUREAU OF TOURIST PROMOTION. 199. New Road. Bangkok. Siam. Telegraphic Address: TOURIST’ Bangkok. ll' i Hi
      193 words

  • 903 15 Several Surprises London, May 19. 'filings happened at Surbiton yesterday. 11 big crowd witnessed several surprises. Senorita Lizana experienced one of her re reverses at the hands of a British t yer Miss Thelma Coyne, who had play- confidently on Tuesday, could only t ree
    903 words
  • 948 15 Good Coaching Necessary And Valuable BY L. N. CONSTANTINE JkT this time of the year the young cricketers are receiving attention, and, as in every other walk of life, the future is theirs; and not a very distant future either. Where was Denis
    948 words
  • 307 15 London, May 23. L. B. Holmes, the Empire 100 and 220 yards champion, and his Salford A.C. clubmate Bill Roberts, winner of the quar-ter-mile at the Empire Games in Sydney track nOt agaln Seen n the Both are understood to have announced their impending withdrawal from competitive
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  • 50 15 Under the auspices of the Butterworth Recreation Club, the fourth annual InterDepartmental sports will be held on Monday, June 6 at the Butterworth Padang from 1.45 p.m. sharp. Mrs. L. Forbes will give away the trophies and prizes at the end of the sports.
    50 words
  • 28 15 STUDY in concentrated effort by J. D. Forman, the Pembroke College, C a mbridge, athlete, as he practises the long jump.
    28 words
  • 222 15 English F. A Report London, May 23. Dwarfing all others in its intense appeal to football followers, the England v. Scotland match at Wembley last montn yielded the Football Association a net profit of over £14,000. This is disclosed in the statement of accounts to be submitted
    222 words
  • 186 15 Long Discussion London, May 23. Tommy Farr, British and Empire heavyweight title-holder, appeared before a meeting of the Stewards of the Board uf Control yesterday. Accompanied by his solicitor and counsel, and Job Churchill, hiy lifelong friend and adviser, the cbampion was at the offices
    186 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 61 15 nO WITH M^bP‘ caNTS THE lD eA tcT K the peR fE X «a Using Shell plus Tecaiemit, B 9 al SK finest lubricating ser- |H SI the world, H car has a longer H WM H --IBff Jife. Drop n and IMI B .Mr inquire about out sgKg V
      61 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 35 15 iMIR— -The Protector By J. MILLAR WATT jv going -to sing T" iZ-b'fJl I m all Ricfrr! Biff 1 cuard |L "Wf J cto n l| till mJU door! e, Oh. W ~t I*3» A
      35 words

  • 119 16 BTN PREVIOTTSI-V LATEST LONDON—(Spot) No market £162. 5. 0 LONDON—(3 month») No market £163. 0. 0 SINGAPORE $Bl.OO $82.00 BUSINESS DONE PENANG $80.75 $82.00 BUSINESS DONE Buyers no seller Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundried) $3 50 $3.45 BLACK PEPPER 59 00 $9.00 RUBBER LONDON s^d s®sd 5 sd NEW YORK
    119 words
  • 312 16 Share of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated yesterday Rise or Fall Yesterday RiseorFaD UlflOJ COnv. Loan sp.c. 44-64 113% Fale 4|7% Funding 4 p.c. 60-90 113*4 Cable 5% pc. 89% l% War Loan 3% p.c. 101% *U.S. Rubber 24% -f-% Com. Union Assc. A 9% *Am. Tob. B
    312 words
    • 157 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.38% 1.42% Hong Fatt 1.05% 1.08% Johan -27% -30 Jelebu -67% .72% Kpg. Kamunting 9 3 9 9 Kpg. Lanjut 19;0 19|6 Kamunting 19 0 10j6 Klang River 1.82% 1.90 Kuchai Ordy. 1-34 1-40 Larut 9: 9 10 1 3 Lukut 721/2 Murai
      157 words
    • 132 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.37% 1-40 Hong Fatt Kuchai 1 60 1-65 7 40 7.60 Petaling 25 Rahman Hyd. i i ?2% Rantau Ordy. -2' 4 4 Rantau Pref. 1-2’-J cons Am P at t 91V t‘7% niut i K«:' ntlng W 250 Lon. Tin Corp.
      132 words
    • 25 16 TIN Sing’lip* $52.00 |k.t pkl. Penang $82.00 per pkl. RUBBER Singap< r€' Spot 19 c. per lb. Penang Spot 19 c. per lb.
      25 words
    • 109 16 Prev. Latest Paris 178% 178 3 7 j New York 4.94 4. 95 Montreal 5.00% 5.00% Brussels 29.27% 29.30% Geneva 21.71% 21.72*; Amsterdam 8.96% 8.96;'« Milan 93 H 94% Berlin 12.31 12.34 Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 ,810 19 90 19.90 ienna 26% nomina’ Helsingfors 226% 226%
      109 words
    • 118 16 London, May 30. RUBBER: Firm London 5],1 buyers 5% sellers May 5% buyers s’« sellers July/Sept s,‘i’ buyers 5% sellers Dec./Jan 5% buyers s}| sellers NEW YORK Holiday *nited Kingdom Stocks London 57,303 tons Liverpool 29,220 tons OPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. May £10.17. 6 PEPPER: White Muntok:
      118 words
    • 70 16 Reuter. Investors Seek Gold Equity On the Stock Exchange interest was again centred in gold minings owing to local and Continental desire to secure a gold equity in view of the prevailing economic trend. Hence other sections received scant support, but gilt-edged closed firm Wheat, after steadying on
      Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 121 16 Tamil Charged (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar, May 30. A Tamil peanut seller was the victim ot a daring theft on the night of May 10 when his house was broken irlo by another Tamil, wno. it was alleged, got away with Rs. 800 cash
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  • 53 16 A young Chinese, Lai Ah Hoe, while engaged in fixing water pipes up a threestoreyed building in Malay Street yesterday afternoon, slipped and fell to the ground from a height of about 30 feet. He was picked up unconscious and removed to the hospital where he
    53 words
  • 192 16 Malaya’s Example To The World London, May 30,—Mr. J. J. Llewellin, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, who visited Singapore for the opening of the Graving Dock was guest of honour at the annual banquet of the Association of British Malaya. Sir Richard Winstedt (now Lecturer in Malay at
    192 words
  • 191 16 European On Negligent Driving Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipob, May 31. When the case against Mr. H. G. Oates was called before tne Ipoh magistrate yesterday, Mr Thomas, the prosecuting officer, said that he had an additional charge to enter against deferdant. The original
    191 words
  • 87 16 Annual Meeting Of Football League London, May 30. At the annual meeting of the Football League. Ipswich Town were elected to the Southern Section of the Third Division, displacing Gillingham. \X alsall were reelected. Barrow and Accrington were re-elected to the Northern Section. Port Vale were transferred
    87 words
  • 117 16 Chung Ling Teachers’ Effort For China Relief Fund The Chung Ling High School is holding a Fancy Dress Football among the teachers of the school on June 6. Chinese School Teachers’ Day, at 5 p.m., on the school ground. The teachers will dress in various kinds of
    117 words
  • 75 16 Wm. Jacks’ To Meet Marine R.C. Tomorrow The following will play for Jacks XI against the Marine Recreation Club in friendly game of soccer at the Renong ground at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow:F. G. Harper; C. P. Lim. K. C. Lim; Choo Ooi Chin, Gan Thean Chan Kong Tat;
    75 words
  • 51 16 The following were among those who arrived today from Belawan by the Buy skes:Mr. Katsutashi Kubota, Mrs. D. Hordern and Mr. C. H. Hordern. Mr. L. Collins and Mr. C. Whitney are passengers who arrived from New York today by the Silverwalnut en route to Manila and Singapore
    51 words
  • 64 16 The following will represent the Penang Sports Club against the Municipal Recreation Club, today at 5.15 p.m. on the Esplanade: H H. Kuper, W. G. Cooil, F Shelton: G. A Maltby. J R- Burnham. D A. Coupar: A. G. Close, T. j F Keay, P McD Laing and D
    64 words
  • 61 16 .Reuter. Won By Floyd Roberts In Record Time Indianapolis, May 30The Grand Prix, over 500 miles. won by Floyd Roberts in the recoi ing time of 4 hrs. 15 min. 58 2o cs average speed was ll<-2 miles pci Wilbur Shaw was second with an age speed
    .Reuter.  -  61 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 -rom that all whiskies are the tame. Such is not the case, however. Whisky in itself is GOOD—- I Grant’s Whisky is better. I Al L [J I[J IB Nowadays Distinction te demanded, and to those who Fhe neSrF of ScoHdnd S are acquainted with the merit* Premier Whisky o
      97 words
    • 153 16 Mow to Cure PILES Simple Application Stops Pain and Bleeding. Piles Heal Compie:ety. Until Dr. Van Vleck’s startling discovery of his Al>sorptive Pile Plasma, the geon’s knife was the only cure piles. But the amazing healing Dr. Van Vleck’s Absorptive I in many thousands of cases, ha» J that an
      153 words