Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 May 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 168 1 Reuter. CANNOT BREAK SPIRIT OF CHINESE London limes Tribute To Chiang Kai-shek Ihe defensive power given In the machine-gun to a retreating army, the difficulties of th<* China terrain and tin problem of supplying their troops so far from the sea max well prevent the
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 78 1 >ir Bagnall Through Dutch Eves Correspondent, London, May 15 tch tin circles allege ill is the most expenMalaya ever had, accordTimes’ Amsterdam anti-buffer letter as -•i the establishment of no longer be avoided >r Sir John Bagnall’s could have been estab>n>. piices stabilised jstonished that Malaya importance
    78 words
  • 71 1 ipleted c Reuter. Italian 35,000-Ton Battleship Genoa, May 15- Pressing a button in the shipyard, Mussolini set in motion a crane which laid the first plate of the keel of the 35.000-tons battleship Impero. one of two such ships included in Italy’s building programme for 193». Mussolini
    ipleted c – Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 485 1 liny vun* Reuter. > ,r I rautniann. the Ger- nil>a*<a<lor to China, left Mono Kong In aii* vester*‘V lor Europe. Before deir»‘. hr conferred with the 'p‘i of Hong Kong. Sir Mai.'ord Northcote. '•‘•m of (()<> known Ger- 'ire to attempt mediaKmhassador\ jourousing some
    liny vun* Reuter.  -  485 words
  • 443 1 Visitors At Lopburi diom Our Own Correspondent. Lopburi, Siam. About ten thousand people, including the Regent ol Kedah, witnessed the revival of the great Siamese sport of elephant hunting at the ancient capital of Lopbun. 100 miles north of Bangkok. Not since 1905, when Czarewitch of Russia
    443 words
  • 267 1 Lendo i. The veil of mystery having b?- car in which Joh Cobb, the A stral an King of B oaklands,' to attempt to raise th? land speed record at Utah in August, is reveal _d as the sfarargest piece of n ach rery
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  • 154 1 Penang Chinese At Brindisi Mr. Chew Boon Hean, well-known veteran local evangel'st who left Penang on April 30 by Imperial Airway flying boat Caledonia” was turned back at Brindisi by the Italian immigration authorities It appears that his passport hail no' bet n made valid for
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  • 24 1 Reuter. Hong Kong. May 16. HM S Thracian is rushing to Amoy with cholera and ty: hoid serums precautionarily. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 217 1 PENANG PLANE LOST FOUND Weather Forces Phuket Landing A Penang Flying Club plane, VR-SAP., r which left Penang yesterday morning for Victoria Point, and was reported by Singapore as missing, is now reliably stated as having made a forced landing at Phuket owing to bad w* ather. The journey /os
    217 words
  • 22 1 Reuter. Budhapest, Max 15. The death has o< [■■•.irreJ or ch; lan. ?us nerve specialist. Di jGeoige Marinescu. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 I I Y' _X;<3IES; >. V-v. 1 N
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    • 78 1 The Latent Typewriter Achievemeat THE BRITISH N< USEI.ESS Remington z WIL. V lb EAT WHAT W you Everyone likes bread but make sure that it is pure bread you are eating "ROYAL BAKERY" BREAD is made from the purest ingredients under European supervision each loaf is wrapped and can be
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  • 774 2 Rubber-Tyred Rides Instead Of Route Marches CREAM BUNS CHOCOLATE OUST BEER Pudding And Fish Unpopular Be a Belisha boy and see the world from a cosy seat. They won’t march to the next war. They’ll be driven to it, in heavy rubbertyred
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  • 704 2 Search For Special Ability RECORD RECRUITS London, May 8. Mr. Hore-Belisha, Secretary for War, announced last night that a census of professional ability is to be taken in the Territorial Army. This is to be done, he said, so that the War Office may know on
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  • 334 2 Salvaging Lusitania Treasure <la\ this year you will be able to switch on the wireless and hear a broadcast from the Lusitania. Yes, the Lusitania, which was sunk by a German submarine in 1915, and now lies 300 feet below the surface of
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  • 127 2 London. May 8 If the new Duke of Devonshirethe tenthinherits as much from his father, vCho died yesterday, as his father received from the previous holder of the title, he will have to pay mor e than £450.000 in death duties. In 1908 the estate
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  • 69 2 Empire Day Air Display Cardington. Beds, May 8. A barrage of about 12 sausage” balloons on their cables will ascend from here on May 28. when Lord Luke officially opens the Empire Air Day programme. It will demonstrate the methods now being prepared for the
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  • 371 2 Britain’s Greatest Work Programme START NEXT YEAR London, May 8. The British Government has prepared a xI,uuo,OOU,UUO hve-y<-ar plan u> wipe ou. unemployment in Britain. in the shadow of the prosperity in th*s coumiy there is still a vast ;rmy of more than 1,500,000 unemployed.
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  • 452 2 London. May 8. Former chauffeur and friend of the Duke of W indsor. George Ladbrook. the man who drove Mrs. Wallis Warfield across France before the Duke abdicated, now earns his living by opening the doors of cars and taxis at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 1 HMkvsjl f w a How gloriously cool!” "4711* Genuine Eau de Coloy» The correct refresher for ball-room k and theatre -Man Creme' fiTpTflfig gives that velvet coraplemon; rhe ideal iotiDdai ion cream Ctc,m s*** /IB Rich and lasirng. a I B <h I O C4 J I **7ll Takum
      65 words

  • 368 3 Reuter. I; Forts Taken After Intensive Bombing (O\FLICTING CLAIMS OVER LUNGHAI < .imhai. May 15: A Japanese naval landing party v bland has officially announced occupation of chiao. opposite Amoy on the mainland. W ith smoke from burning villages darkening r sk\ du Japanese coiitinueto
    Reuter.  -  368 words
  • 111 3 'oiiouiv Hospital F Briti.-h Wireless. Gifts For Varsity And Hospital Lindon May 15 The Earl of Athlone. hancellor of London University, announced ls! night that Lord Nuffield had given a Lque for to complete the fund pessary to over the cost of a suitable elding
    'oiiouiv Hospital F Briti.-h Wireless.  -  111 words
  • 174 3 'ii'ish Wireless. briinli Conception And hliers Sir Wijf i* 1 y Master of the Rolls, worth 'c' i residing at the Holdson t] l( an, l: d dinner last night, spoke Dmi SU I judicial office. hetlm i ine Bntsh conception of of judicial to be USed n
    'ii'ish Wireless.  -  174 words
  • 91 3 British Wireless. Malaria Pioneers Honoured London. May 15.A tribute was paid yesterday to the work of Sir Patrick Manson and Sir Ronald Ross in the prevention aiu.' "ure of malaria for which it teas claimed that it had revolutionised life in the tropics. The occasion was
    British Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 62 3 fence and Devleschauwer Colonies.Reuter. Spaak As Premier And Foreign Minister Brussel. May 15: A new Cabinet has be-rn formed from a combination of Socialists. Catholics and Liberals by M. Spaak with himself as Premier and Foreign Minister. Others include Marek as Deputy Premier and Minister of Transports
    fence and Devleschauwer Colonies.Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 64 3 Reuter. Private Killed Jerusalem, May 15.A private was killed and another wounded when the West Kents fought a hand to hand encounter in which they made bayonet charges near the village of Tamba following an ambush in Acre Safed Road. When the rebels dispersed, aircraft pursued them,
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 53 3 Reuter. Burgos, May 13.The Nationalists have captured 80,644 prisoners up to April 27, according to a spokesman at Franco's headquarters, not including many deserters. Seven thousand prisoners are employed in technical services; 31,000 in labour battalions; and 42,685 are in concentration camps, while 10,000 are being tried
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 34 3 Reuter. Barcelona. May 15: Letters by submarine is the latest Republican method of overcoming difficulties in communication A special commemorative issue of stamps will be available first called Submarine Mail.’’Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 37 3 Cz” I AL Reuter. Basrah, May 15.Elisabeth Lion, French airv'omein, landed at Abadan. Persia, from Marseilles and has broken the u'omen's non-stop flight record for 3.939 kilometres established by the late Amelia Earhart.Reuter.
    Cz” I ' » AL Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 98 3 iituiuvo. i. j Will UIUUVK. Lilt* UUUI o of the hall with an ord nary key. British Wireless. Queen Mary Insists On Plain One London, May 15.Queen Mary, who is opening the new Lynden Hall of residence for women students of the Queen MaryCollege
    iituiuvo. i. j Will UIUUVK. Lilt* UUUI o of the hall with an ord nary key. British Wireless.  -  98 words
  • 28 3 Reuter. German Refugees Arrested Rotterdam, May 15.Seven have been arrested in connection with the discovery of a Communist propaganda school conducted by German Communist refugees.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 22 3 Reuter. London, May 15. Sir Harry Lauder spent a comfortable day. The shock of his fall is passing off.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 782 3 SYMPATHETIC ATTITUDE Reuter. Geneva, May 15: Dr. Wellington Koo, speaking at the League Council, observed that he had presented to the Council a number of modest desiderata and two concrete categories of measures for their consideration: Firstly, measures for restraining Japanese aggression and secondly measures
    Reuter.  -  782 words
  • 155 3 Reuter. Feared Dead Peiping, May 15.Two British missionaries. Dr. H. G. Wyatt and Miss (dasby were shot and seriously wounded while on their way from 1 aiyuanfu to Taichau in North Shansi, according to a brief telegram received here from an English Baptist Mission in
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 209 3 London.Because references to their callings appeared in newspapers, two New Zealand girls have been informed that they cannot be presented at Court this month. They were to have been presented by the wife if Mr. W. J. Jordan, High Commissioner for New Zealand. One of them.
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  • 195 3 6b God-Fearing Man Gaoled London.For refusing to pay Income Tax "because 15s. in the goes to build armaments," a man was sent to prison for five days, at Wealdstone, Middlesex, yesterday. He was Robert Clayfield, of Manor House, Hendon. He said he was, until
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  • 97 3 .•Reuter. London, May 15.Herr Henlein, leader of the Sudeten Germans, flew from Croydon for Berlin where he will entrain for Prague. Such reserve surrounded the visit that little was known beyond the fact that Henlein expounded views of his party to British people. Unofficial circles thought Henlein
    .•Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 82 3 I rne nepu .Reuter. Strong Positions Captured Burgos, May 15: The Republican Army with its back to Valencia suffered crushing reverses between Teruel and the sea the last few days during which the Nationalists not only converted two salients into a solid 75 mile front but
    I rne nepu .Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 55 3 Reuter. Mexico City, May 15.Mr. O'Malley,, British Consul, has handed a Note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that on instructions from the Foreign Office he would leave Mexico accompanied by the full diplomatic staff of the British Legation. British interests in Mexico would beleft
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 STOMACH PAIN GOES INSTANTLY New Remedy That Removes The Cause Flatulence, heartburn, pain, distension, palpitations, and shortness of breath- you know those distressing symptoms of indigestion only too well. Do you know their cause? They are caused by wind which in turn is caused by undigested and fermenting food. We
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  • 2318 4 Travel In The Stratosphere London New York at 273 m.p.h. New Four-Engined Monoplane 5,000 Airmen In The MakingFrom Halton To Cadet College New Sleeve-valve Engine. VICKERS WELLESLEY GENERAL PURPOSE MONOPLANE lOVDOA-VE» YORK AT MILES A MINUTE OIMILAR in piupose to the Albatross out differing m translation
    2,318 words
  • 60 4 VICKERS WELLESLEY GENERAL PURPOSE' MONOPLANE The Uxt <ieropi a)]P built entirely to the Vickers-Wallin geodetic system, which makes tor 'tronrlu i (ll structural weight and great strength and rigidity. Large numbers of Welb slcy plan/ s have been ordered for Britain’s expanded Air Force. Its
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  • 187 4 Bridlington, May 7 A large part of Bridlington's shoppin® centre was threatened by a fire to-meht The flames swept through an amusement arcade from one street to another with amazing rapidity, but the fire brigade and police confined the outbreak tc on block. Every available appliance
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 545 5 A Bring Money To London” London. May 8. Vl hlt haired sixty-year-old M Charles Belgian < hail man and managing of British Glycerine Manufactur- ,j St. James s-place, London, told me by telephone from Brussels iV that immigration officials at Mi* Airport had
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  • 145 5 London. May 8. While the Queen was watching a stream of molten metal poured from a furnace at Colville’s Clydesi<le steelworks yesterday. Alex Sneddon, one of the workmen, took off his blue spectacles and handed them to the Queen to protect her
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  • 394 5 Jazz Increases < hitput London. May 8. A Wembley firm which recently installed a wireless set in its factory has noticed that the effect of music on the girl workers has been to increase production by more than 10 per cent. The music, however. was not
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  • 289 5 London, May 8. Peter Martin Jenkins, good-looking twen-ty-two-year-old Mayfair playboy- serving three years’ penal servitude for his part in the £13.000 Hyde Park Hotel jewel robbery last Decemberwas brought from Wakefield Jail to Marylebone Police Court yesterday to give evidence in a
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  • 522 5 Bishop, Butler. Doctor. Tailor May 8. Wealthy Mrs. Ada Annie Weguelin, former hostess and i acehorse owner, who was buried last week in the habit of a Domini- < an nun, revealed in her will, published yesterday, that her most valued friendships were those with—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 5 5 the favorite SOAP WH ANDBEAUIY
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    • 79 5 < ?.J f If VO 11 are a The Special Representative of Humber-Hillman will be CAR OWNER I pleased to meet Humber- I Hillman or any car owners tliere*S somethin" Malaya at the following centres SPECIAL FOR YOU UNIVERSAL CARS call during LTD. PENANG. MINX WEEK A. J V MINX
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  • 95 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, May 14. The inter-State cricket match between Perak and Kedah started at 11 o’clock this morning. Perak won the toss and, electing to bat, hit up 80 for two wickets at the lunch interval. Resuming, Perak scored 222 for 6 wichets and declared.
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  • 132 6 Ties For The Week The following ties in the Penang Tea«chers’ Association tennis tournament on the Old Frees’ Association Courts have heen arranged TUESDAY, MAY 17 4.30. p.m. Chee Loon Woh vs Loo Choo Kheam, 4.30 p.m. Hooi Yip Hoong vs. Lim Choon Ghee, 5.30 p.m. A.
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  • 171 6 Miss Taylor In Women’s Final Miss M. C. Taylor, the holder, entered the final of the Women’s Singles in the North Perak Tennis Championships, beating Mrs. W. H. McLauglin 63, 75. The holder displayed fine courtcraft and outdrove her opponent. Her opponent in the final will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 WEMBLEY PARK TONIGHT MONDAY 16th. MAY 1938 Sun Kong Revue Of Shanghai SEE THE DARING ACROBATIC ACTS. FEARLESS TRAPEZE ITEMS. HAIR RAISING CYCLE FEATS. BALANCING ACTS MAGIC THAT WILL MYSTIFY YOU. See the latest creations in classical, modern and oriental dancing. Its A Show That Will Eclipse All You Have
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 QUEEN’S 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 6 Crazy Comedians In Warner Bros. New Laugh Film! [ims mat uxm 1 LIKE CUCKOO f 7* «3 CLOCK TO YOU... L, But it’s Home. JI Swett Home” (cA/ tc them!.... A I AkaM»WW -TedJ, Uert CXreeled by MrCwso A W.rei. Bra.. P.ele.e NEVER BEFORE SUCH
      131 words
    • 59 6 AA nt -jk kM «sF Opening Tomorroic Drama! Love! Jealousy! Hate Thrills Action and flaming romance in the wilds of Sumatra! < W.~< I» lb" -««v «Ke U<nf mV*' w ,kr f< < J °V t Ji AĔi 3 r 1 j.Lrmw I SPECIAL MATINEE TOMORROW AT 3 P.M. 44
      59 words
    • 213 6 The Mighty Star Of Sanders Of The River’’ in his greatest role I MAJESTIC LAST NIGHT TONIGHT! The Most Stirring Entertainment Of All Time Paul Robeson in JERICHO’ with HENRY WILCOXON FtW'OS WALLACE FORI) AND A CAST OF THOUSANDS Paul Robeson and Princess Kouka SUF 15.000 CAMELS IN ONE GLORIOUS
      213 words
    • 270 6 a fi LAST I\IGHT OF EXTENDED SEASON 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE. .YOU MUST SI R IT TO BELIEVE ITS THOUSAND WONDERS SißfahmfeH Famcd Stars Galore A Gay C e P rter Hih, 500 Albert ina Raach VO! Beauties 1000 Marching. Sing o w Pouit Cadets 0 VVeat
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  • 536 7 Must Find Work After Service IMPORTANT AID TO RECRUITING npHE I)uk- of Gloucester, ispeaking on recruiting at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, List week, said the problems of national defence were assuming prominence in all minds. He was addressing the National Association for the Employment
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  • 133 7 Johore Visitors In Penang About 20 women teachers from the various Malay girls’ schools of Johore, headed by Inche Zainoon, Lady Supervisor, who are on a visit to Penang on their educational tour of Malaya were entertained to tea on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Abdullah
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  • 176 7 Enterprises In Penang. Ipoh And Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 14. Singapore is to have a new theatre, to be built by Indians, at a cost of $200,000. in the Serangoon district. Plana for two new upcountry theatres have been completed, one for Ipoh and the
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  • 74 7 Visitors Return To Lopburi (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, May 14. The first stage of the elephant hunt is over and visitors are returning to Lopburi this evening and tomorrow. There are extraordinary variations in newspaper accounts of the hunt, some putting the attendance at two to three
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  • 380 7 Vi esak Ftill Moon Full Moon, the thrice-blessed day for all Buddhists, was celebrated in festive order at every Buddhist Temple in Penang on Friday ar.d Saturday. 2 CC f/j° n iS ne of great importance in all Buddhist countries because significance is attached to it in
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  • 258 7 Tramping London's Dockyard London, May 8Penniless and hungry. Jim Orsborne. 32-year-old brother of Skipper George Orsbome of Girl Pat fame, wanders daily around London dockland trying in vain to get any kind of a job. The man who acted as a mate to his
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  • 78 7 Lady Thomas, wife of H. E. the Governor, passed through Penang on Saturday on the Blue Funnel liner Sarpedon” on her way to England for a short holiday. Shfe was met by a few personal friends on arrival yesterday afternoon and proceeded to Bel Retiro where she was
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  • 490 7 Second List Of Contributions 'pHIRTY local European and Chinese firms have made contributions towardarticles and goods which will be put on sale at the forthcoming Penang Chinese Fair and Bazaar at the two amusement parks. The following is the second list of contributions 11) Kwong Keng Cloth
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  • 163 7 Restriction Governing Her Fortune London. May 7 Millionairess in her own right. and daughter of the best-dressed woman in the world, yet, unhappy over the restriction governing her £1.000.000 fortune. That is Miss Elizabeth Sifton, a Canalian. who will plead before the Judicial Committee of the Privy
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  • 31 7 .Reuter. London, May 14. Portmarnock, the 91 third Derby favourite, was on the walking list this morning at Newmarket, with his near foreleg bandaged.— Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 102 7 Rob Students Of I heir Dignity Lord Horder last week criticised rags’*’ by medical students to raise money for hospitals. While opening the £30,000 extension of the Staffordshire General Infirmary at Stafford, the King’s doctor said: In Fleet-street we see medical students dressed up as
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  • 92 7 A penalty goal and a brilliant f oal scored oy Kok Chan in the first half enabled the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club to annex their fourth successive game or. Saturday, when they defeated the Penang Harbour Board Junior Service Club by two goals. The Harbour Board
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 549 7 > Bishop Street Penang. u j Off’** 1477 and H7B with extensions. |ir(4aI s: Gaxette” Penang. (fCI Street, Singapore. Phone Singapore. Kuala Lrnnpur, ,1 lr Street Phone: 3683. Ipoh Of*' A .;,■«<;<! Phone: 268. London Offic' i. lee t Street, London EC. 4 Office: <tjo 9 Tel: Leadmalaja Sl’BS( 'BIITION
      549 words
    • 141 7 NOTICE A vacancy exists for a temporary Tracer Draftsman, with experience in reinforced concrete work, in the Water Department of the Penang Municipality. The appointment is for a period of three months in the first case with possibility of extension, and the selected applicant must be prepared to take up
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    • 147 7 The lovel est Soap for you; skin and a Sure Safeguard iroan Epidemics and d.rt germ dangers. OF THRI F Obtainable from all good Chemists and Stores WHITEAWAYS IPOH PFNANP SINGAPORE TAIPING I c-iNAINUi KUALA LUMPUR Singapore Itch Ended on Feet, Hands and Body No matter where Singapore Itch attacks
      147 words

  • 618 8 According t<. German ha Pl n warrior, the egregious lield Marshal Goering, no cilv with i lew i'h jMipui ition of 200.(XM) can be German cit\. nod. ><» h i, said, is .1- good a> .t wink to a blind horse, md the Nazis ot Vienna arc doing
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  • 165 8 Xazi Club And (.amp (Ipened Melbourne. A Nazi club and camp opened by wireless by Herr Hitler has been established at Belgrave m the Dandenor.g Ranges, 28 miles from Melbourne. It is elaiiwd that it is part of lh< policy of organising Germans abroad. The hall
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  • 17 8 l. Reuter Rome. May 15. Peru has recognised the Italian Empire of Abyssinia. Reuter
    l. Reuter  -  17 words
  • 92 8 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In connection with the educational tour of women teachers from the Malay Schools of Johore, might I suggest that the Penang Wireless Society ask these ladies kindly to broadcast the famous Kuala Muar” and any other interesting local songs. This would give our
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  • 135 8 Sir, I have the honour to refer to the copy of my covering letter in the above connection and to inform you that the last sentence which reads:lf no reply is received by that date it will be assumed that you do not agree to the Buffer
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  • 273 8 Welcome Increase In Hours In The Air Flying times show a welcome increase this month although very wet weather was experienced, states the Perak Flying Club report for April. The most important event of the month was the official opening of the Jcndarata Landing Ground. On
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  • 195 8 orkers’ Representative On Way To Geneva Delegate for the workers of China to the 24th session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva next month, Mr. Chu Hsueh fan, passed through Singapore on the Conte Verde at the week end The three resolutions which he
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  • 118 8 WIFE OF WELL-KNOWN RACEHORSE TRAINER (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 15. Lady Thomas. Sir George Trimmer, the Sultan of Perak and Tungku Abu Bakai' were among those who sent wreaths to the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Mildred Mary Logue, wife of the well-known Malayan
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  • 129 8 i From Our Owm Correspondent) Ipoh. May 16. A fatal motor accident occurred about a quarter of a mile outside Menglembu on Saturday afternoon, when a Chinese woman, one of a group of dulang-washers proceeding towards Ipoh, was knocked down by a car driven by a European.
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  • 441 8 Reliability Trial A fairly 1 m at North I; and j ti-nth'' y rated the mot<>> and braking tests i, lile of seeing sommhn cular in the cai trials The police kept nuu channel of roadxxa. cars, but in the ever- ~p ;l ccleration and bi were
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  • 68 8 Tamil Cyclist f all' Over Bridge An accident occurred ve-'i' at 5 o’clock at the ranjong I near the Penang Swimming A Tamil, named Baboo, w .t' downhill when he failed k cle 1 sharp bend near a bridge ;L t" the railings of the bridge b ar
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 135 8 >1 new z >| The cook has not changed, nor has the recipe except that Maggi's Seasoning is now used in the kitchen. A few drops work .vondtrs it added, just before serving. to an insipid dish, weak soup, siew. gravy or sauce. Maggi s Seasoning is’utterij different from spicy
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  • 576 9 Tin State Wins By Innings J o And 66 Runs < -i own Cor rtspon dent) Ipoh, May 16. lt ;uvl 66 runs Perak defeated t'n ir cricket encounter on the during the week-end. victory was unexpected, in s ci editable performance or nen
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  • 747 9 DODD THE CHAMPION JOCKEY His Highness the Sultan oi Perak was the most successful owner at the Singapore Turf Club's Summer (Governors Cup) Meeting which concluded on Satur day, with stakes amounting to $7,035. The winning trainers’ list is headed by R N. Hobbs, while
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  • 455 9 EIGHTS FOR M EDNESDAY following are the weights for Wednesday. th e first day of the Singapore Turf Club Summer Extra Professional Meeting: Horses, Class 4. Div. 1, About 7 Furs. CURZOLA 9.04 SMOKE DREAMS 8.11 STAR LOCK 8 08 OLD COW 808 BUDAPEST 8 05 DARE-DEVIL
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 (over X4’/ to your > Jr y vitality -’L% There is unshakable scientific proof I that Sanatogen will do that for you 1 1 Strengthen your nerves, rejuvenate your blood, improve your vitality by 24% with Sanatogen. discover the difference between half-health” *nd real health 1’ is normal people like
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    • 17 9 Wanted new? boys to sell Times of Malaya and Pinang Gazette. Liberal commission. Apply, Manager, Pinang Gazette.
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    • 357 9 r f 37r. J. Cunimituf, tLrivintf an M.G., at the finish of the A.A.M. (Penang and Kedah Branch) motor reliahility trial yesterday. THOUSANDS OF "HUMAN WRECKS” ggg B f JWFORMED I Lt 1 pure blood, strong 1 .nTMDiTU nerves, giant vigour lAni nni »<> VL 1 thousands ot grateful users
      357 words

  • 1859 10 A Gamble On American Recovery” LONDON MARKET SHOWING EXTREME CAUTION (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 9. News that Malaya’s referendum on the tin butter pool scheme is to be ened tomorrow, and that the next meeting of the International lin Committee lias been
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  • 123 10 Government Asked To Assist i From Our London Staff i London, May 4. Mr. W Ormsby-Gore. Colonial Secretary, revealed in the House of Commons today that Sir Shenton Thomas has been asked for a report on the closing down of the Nipah Distilleries of Malaya, Ltd. He
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  • 91 10 i From Our London Staff London. May 4 The Colonial Secretary. Mr W. OrmsbvGore. thinks that on the whole the International Rubber Regulation Agreement is working well. He said so in the House of Commons today in reply to Mr. H Day* (Lab Central Southwark) who asked for
    91 words
  • 263 10 MEAT E?ef Steak Kati 38 Stew or Curry do 28 Pork lean do 48 Fork lean and fat Ist quality do 33 Mutton (Goat) N. Indies local per lb 50 Do Australian do 40 Fowl Kati 26 Capons locally reared do 55 Hen do do 30 Duck
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 69 10 af ITS THE MAGNESIA THAT f PROTECTS TEETH AHO GUMS 11 SRf x life S Mouth adds attack tooth and irritato gums. There's I nothing like magnosia to counteract such acids. Phillips* Magnosia Tooth Paste contains over 75% J THF PFRFFCT aain Milk of M* 9 nesM. It gives complet.
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    • 17 10 Wanted news boys to sell Times of Malaya and Pining Gazette. Liberal commission. Apply, Manager, Pinang Gazette.
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    • 680 10 BANKS Experience Teaches One THE MERCANTILE BANK To Save, But How Many Have Found A Way To Capital Authorised 3 Capital Subscribed Put By Their Spare Reserve Fund and Rest £1 247 Bqq Capita] Paid Up Dollars? board of directors. Sir Charles Alexander Innes, OVERSEA-CHINESE Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., Deputy
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  • 455 11 Oil Explosions’ Havoc Le Havre. May 5. It is feared that it may never be possible to refloat the 2?,178-ton liner Lafayette. >t the Cotnpagnie Generate Transatlantique, which is now a blackened wreck in the graving dock here following the fire which broke out
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  • 63 11 Mr. Kenneth G. Murray, the world traveller and lecturer and well-known American sociologist, will deliver a lecture on The New China” in the Hu Yew Seah’s hall on Tuesday, May 17, at 8 p.m. Mr. Koh Sin Hock, the Chairman of the Literary Department, will
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  • 68 11 The E” (Eurasian.) Company, Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps. 3rd. Battalion S.S.V.F., have gone into camp from Friday evening. A very interesting programme has been drawn, up for the period which will last a week. Capt. W. F. Fletcher is in charge and there are about
    68 words
  • 946 11 S.S. KEDAH’ arrives in the morning from Belawan, sails this -evening for Singapore. S.S. J ERAM’ arrives today from Pangkor. FRENCH SUBMARINES LE TONNANT’ ANDLE CONQUERANTZ from Saigon, leaves today for Deli. M.S. GENERAL VERSPYCK’ arrives today from Lho Seumawe, Sigli and Sabang, sailing on
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  • 650 11 Naval Orders May Go To Britain Though no indication has yet been given as to where contracts for Portugal’s new naval and air construction are to be placed, it is thought probable that she will wish the shipbuilding contracts to go to Great Britain. Her naval programme
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 505 11 BLUE funnel line -rtBKI.Y SERVICE NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Penang Due CAI CHAS Al can* Hull and Gdynia May 22 June 19 S’ DEUCALION Also calls Marseilles and Glasgow May 27 June 23 4 n I FNIFFER Also calls Antwerp and Middlesborough June 3 Julv 1 TEN DAY SERVICE TO LIVERPOOL
      505 words
    • 707 11 PD a »3 Ol V BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.» SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. RAJPUTANA” SAILING THURSDAY, 19th MAY, 1938. PeEinauiar and Oriental S. N. Co., unde* Penang, Teluk Anson, Port SweUionlisfe .ontract with His Majesty's Governmen Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mall Service u RULAN 2O
      707 words

  • 803 12  -  By Joseph Martin In introducing his first Budget to the House of Commons on April 2b, Sir John Simon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, made it clear that it represented not only the usual scheme of national finance, but also a declaration to the world of British
    803 words
  • 115 12 Pails Seen In Brighton Televi.4on from Paris has been picked up in Britah for the first time by a Brighton amateur experimenter, Mr. W. R. Westhead, wh>se receiving station in Dyke Road av<nue is on the Downs. 350 feet above sex level. He ha» received faint
    115 words
  • 473 12 Latest Times Of Posting AIK MAILS A mail for Burma (except Victoria Point), India. Aden. Palestine. Egypt, Su dan. Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Great Britain Ireland, Canada and Newfourdland by Im perial Airways (Empire Air Mail) Corinthian will
    473 words
  • 160 12 Increase In Cargo Fleet Paris. A decree has been promulgated raising from 4.000.000 f. (£22.400) to 20,OOO.OOOf. (£112.000) the amount available annually- under the Act passed last July for giving financial support to the merchant marine in proportion to the sums borrowed by shipowners, and
    160 words
  • 450 12 mornings to ov7r U believe me. it will pay minutes earlier rather’ th™ 2 g treatment before vou WlRs this treatment 4 some Skin Tonic fPa cleansed your s ki n rt you is greasy use Ast ntx Ur sbut whatever you L dry thoroughly bt-10r,.'
    450 words
  • 138 12 London. May Charred fragments of 30Q £1 bar burned in the fire of a housewifeboiler at Chesterfield are to be ta London this week for the Bank land to decide whether restitution made. The notes were drawn by >lr Dunlop, a Chesterfield haulage
    138 words
  • 106 12 London. May A man who was ordered ages for breach of promise r action against his former v Brentford County Court yes lost. h tic-. Judge Drucquer described mean and improper. :<n«i Edward Joseph Ludlam, a of Northwood-road. Tankeitm £27 ss. from Miss Violet
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 627 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES B. B. C. 0 Empire Broadcasting Service schedule for this week: TRANSMISSION 2 d 3 (6.02 p.m. 12.20 a.m.) GBH 21.1,7 Mc/S (13.97 mJ GBG 17,79 Mc/S (16.86 mJ GSF 15.1/, Mc/S (19. 8 mJ GSJ 21.53 Me S (13.93 mJ FOR THE FAR EAST (6.02 p.m.
      627 words
    • 1200 12 Highlights Of 'Today's tireless GSF (BBC) 7.35 p.m. X 12.05 p.m. Cricket: M.C.C. v. The \ustralians. Second dax’s play. 0.20 p.m. In Town Tonight 159th Kdition. 10.10 p.m. The \dventurvs of lack and Jill" (Episode 2). ZHJ(PENANG) 7.35 p.m. Cricket: M.C.C. v. The \ustr.dians. X. 05 p.m. Mood- Music. \o.
      1,200 words
    • 18 12 TIDE TABLE HIGH LOW TODAY 12.51 p.m. 7.10 p.m. TOMORROW 12.56 a.m. 7.52 a.m. 1.25 p.m. 7.40 p.m.
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  • 253 13 Newspaper photographers, present by invitation, waited in the sunshine outside the gate while strange noises came from within. A notice that meant News appeared, on a certain gate in Regent’s Park, N.W. In the end, two by two, they were invited inside, and the first
    253 words

  • 1459 14 First Two Places In Men’s Section Won By Perak EXACTING TEST: ESCAPE FOR MOTOR-CYCLIST Mrs. de Moubray, wife of the Hon. the Resident Councillor. *l\.*nang, Mr. G. A. de C. de Moubray, competed successfully in the Reliability Trial organised by the A.A.M. (Penang
    1,459 words
  • 1025 14 84 For Fifth Wicket! Drawn Match Against C. R. C. A splendid stand by S.V. Adams and R B.R. Todd for the fifth wicket was the feature of the match between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Penang Sports Club played on the Victoria
    1,025 words
  • 64 14 Reuter. Highbury. May 15—Mrs. Wills-Moody beat Mrs. E. S. Law 6 2, 75, in the final of the North London Lawn Tennis Clubs Tournament. Mrs. Moody had previously only dropped eight games in the tournament. Mrs. Law led 52 in the second set and leas’
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 2269 15 Sir Theobald Wins Governor’s Cup CONCLUDING DAY OF SINGAPORE MEETING j.roin Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 14. THEOBALD, owned by Mr. S. T. Rhodes and trained by F. O. f O’Neill of Penang, won the Governor’s Cup race today, by
    2,269 words
  • 442 15 Unimpressive Play At Soccer Trials First Foong Seong Cup Badminton Trial (From Our Own Correspondent) Aolr Star, May 15. JNOTHER State trial in preparation for the Penang-Kedah Malaya Cup match to be played at Penang on May 27 was held at Sungei Patani on Thursday. As in
    442 words
  • 882 15 Thrilling State Trials (By Our Badminton Correspondent) Had Ooi Teik Hock and Chee Choon Wah displayed anything like their form they showed yesterday aganist Chee Choon Keng and Lim Ewe Chye respectively, the Penang junior singles final on Saturday would have been productive of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 155 15 Wanted news boys to sell Times «T Malaya and Pinang Gazette. Liberal commission. Apply, Manager, Pinang Gaaette*: ''X.,. ~7~~ Lj& X aK/VG MOTOMTS ,I -X X I 1 XX X. Your main concern as a car owner and a mechanical features ably take care of rehapassenger is with comfort, safety,
      155 words

  • 130 16 MN; pp.. LONDON (Spot) 1 *>S 2. 6 No market LONDON month*» £168.17. 6 No market SINGAPORE $B4 00 $83 75 BUSINESS DONE PENANG $84.12’ $83.62 I 2 «SJF® 8 Buyer., no «Uer. Buyers no seUers COPRA (Sun-dried S' 1 95 black pepper $9 00 REBBER LONDON 5%d 51
    130 words
  • 231 16 Two At P.B.A. And One At L.T.S. YeMerday Two Chinese weddings were held at the Penang Buddhist Associatior yesterday The first one was held at 10 a.m. beween Mr Chew Eng Hong, third son of the late Mr. Chew Geok Guan and Mrs. Chew, an J Miss Khoo
    231 words
  • 102 16 State Doubles Champion* Dethroned From Our Own Correspondent Taiping. May 15 Lee Kim Loon and Lim Seang Kwee dethroned the North Perak Doubles Champions Chung Ah Kee and Ng Say Tee this evening, beating them in three sets 5-- 6 4 6 2. The new champions combined
    102 words
  • 120 16 Landslide At Salak North Mines rFrom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Kangsar. May 15. A Chinese mining coolie employed at the .’hin. Lee Mmes. Salak North, was buried alive by a landslide early yesterday morning The unfortunate man was working at he bottom of the mine. 160 feet
    120 words
  • 45 16 < From Our Own Correspondent.t Bangkok. May 15. Mr. Aw Boon Haw in the course of a recert visit to Bangkok donated funds for a fully equipped open air playground for children which was opened this afternoon, miles norh of Bangkok.
    45 words
  • 48 16 The following arrived this morning from Belawan by ch e steamship Kedah;—Mr. B. C. Guy, Mr. L A. J. Blaaiu\. Mr. J. Mulder. Mr H R. Walden, Mrs. Van der Berg, and Mr. Makmiwewa. Mr. Tye Soo Cheong arrived from Singapore on Saturday by the Santhia.
    48 words
    • 258 16 KENNEDY CO. Rl BBEK Buyer-. S<’llers Ayer Hitani 1.10 1.20 Proga .75 .80 Kundong 1.57 1 70 Lunas 1.60 1.70 Mentakab .42’-_. .47’2 New Scudai -97 1 /2 1.05 Sandycroft 77’ 2 .90e> Surge* Tukang .97’0 1.02’ Tapah 1.62» 2 1.72 4 U. Malacca 1.70 1.80 TIN Ayer Hitam 22
      258 words
    • 206 16 New York. May 14—While volume wa. small, today’s mild revival of strength in utilities, rails and steels encourages the hope that next week may witness a fresh attempt to rise from current levels. In view of the foregoing, we believe operators are warranted in holding a temporarily balance
      206 words
    • 26 16 TIN Singapore $B3 75 I‘e F’enang $83. (»2’ Per pkl RUBBER Siugjporc Spit 1 f >' 4 c Per lb Penang Spot 19%c Per 1b
      26 words
    • 152 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyer-» Sellers Batu Selangor 1.37 4 1.42’ Hong Fatt 1-05 1.07 4 Kuchai 1.324 1 374 Petaling 7.50 7 75 Rahman Hyd. 1.20 1.25 Kaub Gold 5.25 5.50 Rantau Ordy. 1.27 4 1.32 4 Ka nta u Pref. 1.27 1 1.32 4 Taiping Cons 1 60
      152 words
    • 4 16
      4 words
    • 141 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers \mpats 40 4 3 Bangrins 20 6 216 I. Selangors 1.37% 1.42’ Hong Fatts 1.04 1.07 Kam pongs 90 96 K. Laniuts 19 6 20 0 Kuchais 1.32%- 1.37’« Kramats 10 101 114% Kundangs 6 0 6 6 Laruts 10 0 10 4% Rantau Pref
      141 words
    • 117 16 London, May 14. RUBBER Dull.— London s}g buyers 5% sellers May 5% buyers 6 sellers -uly/Sept buyers sellers Oct./Dec 6/;$ buvers 6% selleis NEW YORK Tnited Kingdom Stocks London 54,081 tons Liverpool 28.384 tons 'OPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. May £l2. 2. 6 EPPER: White Muntok: in bond
      117 words
    • 65 16 Reuter. Won By Mr. William Dn pent’s Dauber Baltimore, May 14. The result of the valuable Freakness .’Lakes was as follows: Mr. William Dupent Jnr’s, Dauber 1 Mr. Townsend Martin’s, Cravat 2 Mr. Headley’s, Menow 3 The race was run in pouring rain and there was a crowd
      Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 194 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenbys 1.27% 1.37% Ayer Panas 1.12’ 2 1.22%» Bassetts 50 .55 3. Lintangs 97% 1.02% Bedfords 85 .90 Bentas 97% 1.02%> Brogas 72 .77% Kedah Rubbers 1.80 1.90 Kuala Sidims 2.25 2.40 Lunas 1.60 1.70 Mentakabs 40 .45 Malaka Pindas 1.17% 1.27% Pa jams 1.67%
      194 words
    • 109 16 Prev. Latest Paris 177 H. 177 45 64 New York 4.97% 4.97 i% Montreal 5.00}’ 5.00} J Brussels 29.54% 29.55 Geneva 21.78% 21.79 Amsterdam 8 98% 8.98,',. Milan 94% 94% Berlin 12.37% 12.57% Stockholm 19.40% 19.40% Copenhagen 22.40 22. 40 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% nominal Helsingfors 226% 226%
      109 words
  • 110 16 Net Profits More Than Doubled 1 From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 16. Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. report a profit for the year ended January of $250,594 compared with $111,565 for the preceding year. The interim distribution in November of ten per cent, absorbed $70,000. The directors recommend
    110 words
  • 219 16 P. O. RAJPUTANA Passengers Due From Home On Thursday The following passengers ar e expected 10 disembark at Penang and Singapore by the P. and O. Rajputana which is due in Penang from London on Thursday morn ing: For Penang: Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradbury. Mr. and Mrs M. G.
    219 words
  • 145 16 12« /■’<»/• .5 iV.C.C. Bradman 257 \<>t Out London, Maj- 14. Tf le showed their batting skill tr.j "7 :igap They gave a hint of what f-- J* J^'' 3 have to face at Nottingh c- i kViL gins there on June 10. Against the M.C.C.
    145 words
  • 192 16 Oi i i<’< -lx*ar<T> For Year (From Our Own Corn.-.-Taipirg, May At the 38th annual gene» d met-ut the Ceylon Associatior. helc tiy-ir pre mises in Station-road on S. iv -g 101 lowing were elected office-L us u»r th» ensuing year: President: Mr S. Ella ju; ilia,,
    192 words
  • 117 16 Messrs. Doulatram’.- at th corner <•’. Beach Street and Bishop Sti-ji. Penang announce the commencement f their an nual sale, which starts todax MessrDoulatram’s have gained mr tliurielvej reputation among all se Lons ci the community—a reputation so widely known that it is not necessary to stress the
    117 words
  • 214 16 Last Night s Boxing At Wembley IBy Spectatot'h Eager to have another Tiger Aman, who holds tw him. Speedy Pancho, the juni > champion of Penang, secured a P nn verdict over Young Sulainian, stablemate, last night at It was Pancho’s first fight in last
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 349 16 POSITION VACANT Wanted second grade Dresser for Estate in Nor.h Kedah, must understand microscopic work, stating experience tv! box No. 254, c/o Pinang Gazette. I GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company
      349 words
    • 17 16 Wanted news boys to sell Times of Malaya and Pinang Gazette Liberal commission Apply Manager, Pinang Gazette.
      17 words