Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 January 1938

Total Pages: 30
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 447 1 Outrages A «e nst Nationals Ct i mue FRESH VIGOROL' X’iOTE HANDED TO '1 HO Washington, Jan. 27The Unit- < overnnient has handed a protest to the Japanese G« ient through Mr. Grew, the Ambassador at Tokio, a J. treatment of t nited States
    i. Reuter.  -  447 words
  • 73 1 .—Reuter. New Basis Of Trade Washington, Jan. 27.Paving the way for ultimate conclusion of an AustralcAmerican trade pact, Australia today was removed from the black list of nations "72l eligible for most-favouredr-nation treatment by the United States. The American Consul-General at Sydney has notified the Australian Governmv**.
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 170 1 Reuter. New Assurance By Japanese Tokio, Jan. 27.Japanese action in res pect of Hainan Island is stated by an official spokesman of the Navy Ministry to be naturally limited by treaties affecting that area. He declared that a Japanese naval party visited Yulin to inspect Chinese
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 59 1 .Reuter. Arms Pouring Into China Peking, Jan. 28.—Trustworthy sources confirm that Soviet arms are reaching China in considerable quantities. They are mostly armoured cars and aeroplanes, the latter principally of the fast fighter type, but some are multi-engined bombers. It is also stated that roads through Sinkiang are
    .Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 722 1 Reuter. London. Jan. 28.—Weighty suggestions., were made by M. Van Zeeland in his reort presented to the Anglo-French Govrnments as a result of his enquiry into the possibility of obtaining general reductions on quotas and other obstacles to nternational trade.” In the course of his
    Reuter.  -  722 words
  • 168 1 .—Reuter. Mixing House Blown Up London, Jan. 27: Two terrific reports occurred shortly after 4 p.m. at Ardeer known as Scotland’s Woolwich, in which I six people including a woman were killed in an explosion. Many were injured. The factory, owned by Imperial Chemical Industries and Nobels, is
    .—Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 102 1 !.Reuter. Besmirching Good Name Of Japan” Shanghai, Jan. 28.The Japanese authorities have appealed to Japanese nationals to take no action tending to besmirch the good name of Japan and threaten merciless punishment’ to offenders. The appeal is welcomed as evidence of the deep concern caused to many high
    !.Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 33 1 Accordinf/ to a cable received by the Kwong Wah Yit Poh, Tokio contemplates the recall of General Matfnii. It is believed that this would be a sop to foreign opinion.
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  • 63 1 Jean Honoured By 22 Nations London, Jan. 27: The Royal Aero Club announces that Miss Jean Batten has been awarded the Gold Medal of the International Aeronautical Federation for the greatest flying achievements in 1937. Twenty-two nations were represented on the Federation’s Conference, the Royal
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  • 35 1 Reuter. The Farnworth bye-election owing to the death of the sitting member resulted in the return of Mr. G. Tomlinson (Lab.) with 24,298 votes. Mr. H. F. Ryan (Cons.) polled 16,835.—Reuter. (No change.)
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 519 1 But Britain Unshaken Faith” Reuter. Geneva, Jan. 27.Befoie the 100th session of the League Council yesterday. M. Litvinoff said that in spite of the withdrawal of some members of the League, the Soviet Union continued to think that given the loyalty and goodwill of
    Reuter.  -  519 words
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    • 53 1 NIELLO? SIAMESE SILVERWARE Novelty Curiosity INLAY-HANDMADE NEW YEAR GIFTS and .ALL OCCASIONS Victor Works (Picturesque Co.) 31, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Sr 0< s v'a Af V"'. wM ili it lk *481! 1W Al* I 11- lift I H| CdLE gWGW RHONE PENANG—I3OO A 1501 BUTIEKWORTH-83 of Siugnpvre Cold Storage Co,,
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  • 398 2 Shanghai Hostages To Fortune’ (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 20. Although suggestions of t’he possible outbreak of hostilities between Britain and Japan are strongly deprecated by well-inform-ed authorities in London, speculation as to the fate of the British garrisons in Hong Kong and Shanghai
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  • 318 2 Admiral’s Praise For Malayan Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, Jan. 27. The Malayan Chinese have bought to date three to four million dollars worth of National Bonds. This is a praiseworthy contribution for their share in China’s struggle against aggression” said Admiral Sir
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  • 48 2 The following boys of the Anglo-Chinese High School. Penang, have been awarded the Khoo Heng Pan scholarships (the scholarship is $l2O per annum for each student) for 1938: 1. Khoo Khay Haw (Senior), 2 Khoo Khay Phay (Junior) and 3 Khoo Soo Kee (Junior).
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  • 161 2 Charge Against Eight Reduced Judgment was reserved till this morning at the conclusion ofthe hearing of the at in which eight Chinese, alleged to have teen Evolved in the Chulia IStreet murder case, are charged with having hurt Ooi Hai Sie V o chi It will be
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  • 42 2 An Amsterdam newspaper says tnat Princess Juliana, after the birth of her child, intends together with Prince Bern hard to visit the Netherlands Indies late this year, returning after a round-the-world trip via the United States.
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  • 45 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Jan. 27. Described as a professional boxer, a 22-year-old Tamil Hindu, Ramachandara. was charged in the Third Police Court, yesterday, with cheating a man named Sitaramarai of $2O. Ramachandara claimed trial and bail of $2OO was fixed.
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  • 399 2 Judge’s Stern Remarks To Accused (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan, 27. In this case the accused has pleaded guilty to what is clearly an unjustifiable assault. In view of the weapon used, he is very fortunate that he is not here on a more serious
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  • 167 2 Prison For Chinese Six months’ police supervision is not sufficent; you had better serve 12 months. I want you to keep straight,” said Mr. Lim Cheng Ean, the Penang Additional Magistrate, yesterday when he convicted an English-speaking Chinese, Low Ah Ah. on two charges of retaining
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  • 52 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 27. In the Seremban Magistrate’s court yesterday, a Chinese, Ngoh Chat, pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal planting of rubber at Lenggeng, Negri Sembilan. He was fined $250, in default three months’ imprisonment. The acting Rubber Regution Officer,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 139 2 RACE FORM GUIDE Can you pick winners by studying their form If so, you cannot afford to be without the special Pinang Gazette race form guide. This will be issued FREE as a 16-page supplement with each copy of the Pinang Gazette before each race day henceforth. DON’T MISS IT
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    • 161 2 PUPPIES EOVE lACTOL S— So Do BIG Dogs 9 too I 1 A FOR PUPPIES I FOR DOGS Lactol audit is. them. It builds strong bones, neaway i iju j-mz flpsh and firm muscles Turns VT’fFtC b)<x><i cool »nd fas d<«tioQ wotkmg weaklings into Champioas-Olll!*****"* J LACTOL M Cksmists and
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  • 127 3 Reuter. Ability To Gain Early Victory Doubted DANGER OF RUSSIAN INERVENTION The Daily Telegraph Berlin Correspondent states that serious misgivings concerning Japan’s ability to bring the bar to a speedy conclusion are daily becoming more conspicuous. The immediate results are the friendlier attitude of the
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 91 3 Reuter. Big Increase In Regular Army W -hington. Jan. 27: That a military f of 675.000 is the Army’s objective is dis d here. Army leaders hope that ill have within a few years a regu-.-my of 15,000 officers, 180,000 men, a n guard of 210,000 and
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 127 3 Reuter i S. Protest Likely Shanghai, Jan. 27: Coded messages will not be taken into account after tomorrow from firms unless their consular officers certify the senders as reputable concerns, a Japanese army spokesman announced today. Firms using private and other non-stan-<iard codes must deposit a
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 54 3 Reuter. British Captain Among Killed Valencia, Jan. 27: One hundred and twenty five were killed and 208 were wounded following an Insurgent air raid af^ rnoon Six planes heavily bombed the port and then the town. Casualties include Arnold Crone, captain of a small British
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 130 3 British Wireless. British Survey Party Returns London, Jan. 27: The return to England today of the survey party which has been examining sites for a possible aerodrome and harbours in Sierra Leone and Gambia and other parts of the west coast of Africa and Portugal
    British Wireless.  -  130 words
  • 73 3 .—Reuter. Japanese Wreck Damaged Plane Hankow, Jan. 27: 15 Japanese planes raided Hankow and bombed the aerodrome where a previously damaged plane w’as wrecked. Attempt was made to bomb the Hanyang Arsenal but failed. Apart from the old plane no damage was done. Intensive and well-directed
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 164 3 British Wireless. London. Jan. 27: The Home Secretary, Sir Samuel Hoare, in a broadcast speech stated that in order to gather information about methods of treatment of juvenile delinquency he will hold a conference of people experienced in these problems at the Home Office tomorrow.
    . British Wireless.  -  164 words
  • 80 3 .Reuter. 5,000 Million Yen For, 'lncident” Tokyo, Jan 27: It is believed that the total of the Japanese Navy’s China Incident Supplementary Budget for the coming financial year has not yet been fixed. A Japanese navy spokesman declined to confirm the Hochi Shimbun's forecast that
    .Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 118 3 .—Reuter. Japanese Action Limited By Treaties Tokyo, Jan. 27: In connection with the recent Japanese naval activities near Hainan Island, a Navy Ministry spokesman declared that Japanese action was naturally limited by the treaties affecting the area. Paris: The French Ambassador in Tokyo visited the Foreign
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 73 3 To Bring Pressure On Western Powers London, Jan. 27: The International Peace Campaign Committee informs Reuter that Madame Sun Yat-sen is proceeding to London to address a conference on February 12 and 13 organized by the I.P.C. with a view r to bringing pressure on Western
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  • 92 3 Rob Servants Of Wages .Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 27: A party of Japanese soldiers broke into the house of a Briton. Charles Cumming, and forced the servants at bayonet point to hand over their month’s wages just paid to them. The Union Jack was flying over
    .Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 58 3 .Reuter Shanghai, Jan. 27: Gen. Telfer-Sm llett was slightly injured in a riding ac ident and is at present unable to walk but his condition is not serious. The pa't few weeks he has been taking personal horseback excursions about the country outside the British-manned Perimeter to raake
    .Reuter  -  58 words
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  • 507 4 LECTURE ON ABORIGINES BY MR. CASEY Diversity Of Languages, But Noticeable Underlying Unity (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 27. WHILE Australians in their own country and many parts of the world were yesterday celebrating the 150th Birthday Anniversary, it was appropriate that Mr. D.
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  • 411 4 Professor Says He Was Shocked (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 27. How he received two shocks in 1931 when excavating a grave in Bali was related by Professor P. V. van Stein Callenfels at the Prehistoric Congress at Raffles Museum, yesterday, when he described a
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  • 310 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. G. Wilkinson has been seconded for service in Kedah and assumed duty as State Forest Officer. Mr. H. L. Linnell, of Kuala Lumpur, will arrive back from leave in the middle of February. Mr. C. F. Smith, manager of Messrs. Sime, Darby Co., Ltd., Malacca, has returned
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  • 330 4 First Despatch From Malaya On March 2 Mansfield Co., Ltd.. Penang, the local agents for Imperial Airway’s Ltd., have made a preliminary announcement regarding the Empire flying boat scheme between England and Malaya, carrying all first-class mail by air. Comipencing on Feb. 24 from England, and
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  • 194 4 Following are contributions received up-to-date tow-ards the China Distress Relief Fund: Previously acknowledged Straits $446,310. 47. Cheah Kongsi $151.50; Collections per Dr. T. S. Cheah from Mr. Lee Hong Teik $50.00: Mrs. Lee Hong Teik $10.00: Mr. Lee Hong Cheang $10.00; Mr. Khoo Saik Inn $10.00;
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  • 137 4 Prehistorians Entertained By Royal Asiatic Society (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 27. Members of the Malayan branch of the Royal Asiatic Society gave a dinner in honour of delegates to the Congress of Prehistorians, at Sea View’ Hotel last night. There were no speechesa
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  • 85 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 27. Mr. S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, official delegate from Ceylon to the 150th Anniversary Celebrations in Sydney, has informed the Singapore Buddhist Association that he will arrive in Singapore on Mar. 14, on his way home. He will
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  • 394 4 Singapore Inquiry Coming To End (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 27. The Inspector General of Police, Mr, R. H. Onraet, gave evidence yesterday during the Singapore riot case, which is nearly finished, in the Second Police Court, and the Chief Police Officer, Mr. M.
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  • 307 4 Leading Questions Under Discussion From Our Own Correspondent, i Singapore, Jan. 27. Leading questions concerning Wearne’s Air Service were discussed at the last meeting of the Singapore European Association of Malaya. It was proposed to ask the Colonial Secretary whether it was correct that Government had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 SOON Home by Empire Fly iny~ boat Comfortable 4-engined air liners leave Singapore and Penang for England every Wednesday and Sunday. Soon you will be able to fly all the way home in one of Imperial Airways new 4-engined Empire flying-boats. Already they operate a weekly service between India (Karachi)
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  • 415 5 Singapore, The First Stop 12 AIRMEN IN TRAINING (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Jan. 18. Singapore may mark the finishing point of the forthcoming R.A.F. attempt to regain the world’s long-distance non-stop, flight record for Great Britain. This attempt, which is to be made in about
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  • 533 5 ol IPMENT BUILDING ro COST $1,500,000 Philif pine Islands may have a new 00,000 museum, with equipment to cost < '»0 if the Manila Government ap--s the expenditure. A* the Congress of Far Eastern Prehis-wk-s yesterday. Dr. E. Quisumbing said the pro-pects of a new
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  • 54 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Jan. 27. A new unit known as the Aircraft Depot, Far East, has been formed at Seletar, Singapore. This brings the Far East Command into line with those in the Middle East, India, and Iraq, so far as
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  • 399 5 BIG FUNCTION IN SINGAPORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan 27. A typically Australian atmosphere prevailed at the ball at Raffles Hotel last night celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth. It was one big family, described by the Rev. Sorby Adams as including Australians,
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  • 115 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Jan. 27. Roads in Cameron Highlands were discussed at the last meeting of the Singapore European Association of Malaya. One member said he had been told that the best road was the one to come out at French Tekka and that a
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  • 381 5 Chinese Guerilla Fighters Push On Hankow, Jan. 26. Following the tightening of the Chinese onslaught on Suencheng, in North Anhui by the main Chekiang army. Chinese guerilla fighters, in co-ordination with their main force, succeeded in cutting off the Japanese retreat at a point between Shangkai
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 St. Scotland’s Best Scotland’s best oats are the world's est. And these are used to oduce Scott’s Forage Oats. This ost nourishing and delicious of r cakfast dishes is cooked perfectly i FIVE
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    • 147 5 HMM Genuine fau de Cologne 4711° Eau de Cologne invigorating and refreshing in the office Hi and out-of-doors, at home and when II I travelling. F 4711" Greaseless Hair Cream II will keep yovr hair neat and glossy; unobtrusively perfumed with 4711” Eau Hksßmb de Cologne. rSBMUm 4711” Brillantine imparts
      147 words

  • 646 6 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Sir, Having read with interest your K.L correspondent’s report and your editorial in Wednesday’s issue, I am led to believe that the real meaning of the term "Tea I Control” appears to have been misinter- preted in Malaya I The main object
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 BOBBY DRAWS THE CROWDS AGAIN! 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 The Wonder Boy of Melody in a Heart-stirring Tale of the Great Maine Woods, Bursting With Tunes By The Famous Composer, OSCAR STRAUS! «as Come True?... i o»’^ tte,eA3ain! a The bigge»» little tinging z*\ star ot the yX I screen in
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    • 288 6 yE.XT CHANGE :Special Chinese IVeir Year Attraction. 72 HONGS” starring MISS YLET YEE ~1 Well-known Gramophone Record Artiste. An All-Musical Cantonese Comedy Drama Packed With Humour And Fun TONIGHT IS BOXING NIGHT WEMBLEY PARK GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS AS USUAL TONIGHT Friday 28th January 1938 ODEON STAR OPERA; Datok Centa
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 132 6 MAJESTIC 4GC-X-*.-* IRE-SCREENING AT SPECIAL MIDNIGHT MATINEE ON SUNDAY. 30th JANUARY AT 12 P.M. The Y ear’s Greatest Screen Epic I U *T“ The opportunity you'w so eagerly awaited of seeing with your own unbelieving eyes this supreme entertainment achievement of < all time/ Surpassing ail conception of what the
      132 words
    • 78 6 The First Theatre in British Malaya To Be Equipped II ith W estern Electric W IDE RANGE" Sound System. w i Nt)§o‘R. Matinee Tomorrow At 2.45 Acclaimed 4 II onderful Entertainment THE SCREEN S FIRST ALL3IALAY Ml SICAL B TERANG .BELAN'’ nF< Starring the famous .J -KKOXCHOXG" Singer Miss XJI
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    • 239 6 WWWWWWJVAW."J%W,-.W.V. LOOK MR. MRS. PATRON A RKO-Radio 1938 Release At The QUEEN’S (PROPRIETOR KENG HU AT FILM CO.) Where W arner Bros., Paramount and Universal (Pictures will be screened exclusively for 1938 AND WE MEAN IT 6.15 LAST NIGH! 1 TONIGHT 9.3 ft Another of those RKO hits and watch
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  • 292 7 NEVER BEFORE SEEN BY WHITE MEN New York. In a skyscraper office high above Wall Street, Mr. Jimmy” Angell, the famous American flier who has just returned to New York from Central America, told a reporter about his discovery of the world’s highest waterfall
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  • 57 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 27. A tine of $3OO. in default two months’ imprisonment, was imposed on a Cantonese woman. Low Chee Kan, who was convicted in the Sixth Singapore Police Court, yesterday, on a chatge of biinging a Chinese woman. Chan Au N-iu into
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  • 426 7 The Empress of Ethiopia, wife of the King of Kings, Haile Selassie, has left England for Palestine. Suffering from rheumatism, her health broken by the rigours and grief of her enforced exile in Bath, the Empress sailed with her seven-year-old youngest son, Prince
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  • 440 7 Revealed By Theft From Spain Envoy r HOW a Spanish diplomat was freed from gaol in Madrid by the intervention of the Duke of Windsor is revealed for the first time by the theft of a wallet from Sir Henry Chilton (British Ambassador at Hendaye)
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  • 386 7 Soestdyk Holland There is more than one link with English history in the preparations being made for the birth and christening of Princess Juliana’s baby, for which the Dutch nation is waiting. The links are particularly strong with the village church of Baarn, two miles from here,
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  • 246 7 German Fears Berlin, Jan. 16. A long leading article in the Frankfurter Zeitung today confirms the attitude of w’hat may be called the more prudent minds here tow’ards the war in China. China, the article states, is likely to lose for native valour and determination
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 810 7 P PERAK TURF CLUB <>»<* X 2, Bfehop street, Penaag February Meeting 1938 Phone 1477 1478 with 7 extensions. Telegrams: Gazette” Peaang. RDAY JANUARY 1938 WEDNESDAY, 2nd. FEBRUARY 1938 |*ta>ore Office SATURDAY, sth. FEBRUARY 1938 Cecil Street, Singapore. lor Voting Member, Cl. Lemper Office: LATKES S 25, Jara Street. k
      810 words
    • 308 7 DO YOU FEEL WORN OUT? New Vitality For Tired Men The daily round of work takes a terrific toll of bodily energy in this trying climate. If you are not to break down under this strain you must replace regularly the energy drained from your system by the heat and
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  • 679 8 MR. T. F. CAREY, Administrator of the Kedah Health Board and Protector of Labour, Kedah, rightly says that anonymous petitions reflect the greatest discredit on the writers. They are indeed a cowardly form of attack, though it would be assuming a lot to assert that in no circumstances
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  • 75 8 .Reuter. Singapore Believed To Be Thieves’ H. Q. The Hague, Jan. 27: The mysterious thefts of five airmail bags in the course oi the last few months frcm various machines of the Royal Dutch air lines on the Am-sterdam-Batavia route are puzzling Dutch authorities.
    .Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 57 8 A goldsmith’s coolie, Chin Cheok Moon pleaded guilty before Mr. Lim Cheng Ean, the Penang additional magistrate, yesterday, to a charge of having committed b-each of trust of a diamond and gold to the value of $246.60 some time this month. Sentence was deferred till
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  • 86 8 To celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Very Reverend Brother James 0.8. E. the Old Xaverians’ Association will hold a lea Party at St. Xavier’s Institution on Tuesday. Feb. 1, at 5.30 p.m. The Resident Councillor and Mrs. de Moubray will present. Mr. Heah Joo Seang, President
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  • 58 8 Among the distinguished visitors today are Sir Byron and Lady Peters who arrived in Penang by the P .and O. liner Comorin from London. A former obairman engineer and com mittee of the War Office, Sir Byron has interests on a number of rubber
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  • 29 8 I.Reuter. Pans, Jan. 27.1 t is understood that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor have decid ed to rent a small chateau near Versailles for four months.Reuter.
    I.Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 27 8 Reuter. New York. Jan. 27.—Falls View Bridge, Niagara Falls, which is known as the Honeymoon Bridge” has collapsed under the pressure of the ice.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 757 8 Prehistoric Research in Penang When City Papas Held the Forum IN the remote anterior of prehistoric days, shortly before or after the dawn of time, existed a fair city somewhere about this spot. The indefatigable researches of the prehistorians enable us to gather some indication of the
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  • 387 8 "Malaya Has Made Great Strides” It appears to me from reports and figures that agriculture in Malaya has made great strides, within the last few years, towards improvement but until after I ha ve visited this country and seen what there is in it, I am
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  • 76 8 One engine from the Central Fire Biigad'and one from the Penang Road E> r Station rushed to an Indi' n eating shop in Penang Road last night shortly befor 9, but found on their arrival that ther4 was really no work for them to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 JONES SEWING MACHINES jV.-— J.-. JONES C. B. HAND MACHINE. High Arm. Large Bobbin. Automatic Winder Release. .A perfect Central Bobbin Machine suitable for all classes of materials from the finest silk to heavy cloth. Reverse Feed—will Sew Backwards or Forwards. AS ILLUSTRATED CASH PRICE $75*00. OTHER MODELS FAMILY C.
      221 words
    • 67 8 A MIXTURE I I 'i'' -'-7 SK E II 1 j IBiyUBSGuSKUB' MILD COOL It has been blended with the same care as has been the tradition of the firm of Marcovitch for these hundred years past, they appear to have produced a blend of tobacco which suits the average
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  • 621 9 NO MORE DANGEROUS HIRECARS ON F.M.S. ROADS (From Our Own Correspondent) lJt A Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 27. HL progress made by a country can often be judged by its aws. Laws mean organisation, and organisation spells order instead of chaos. By this
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  • 431 9 Men Involved In Murder Case EIGHT SENTENCED As this is the out com? of a gang fight, I ask for shipping in addition to sentence, moi£l so |n the case of the fourth and seventh acieused who have previous convictions for similar offences. W’e are dealing
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  • 63 9 .Reuter. Washington, Jan. 27 Mr. Roosevelt's Message to Congress on nax y al expansion is delayed until Fri day, according to Mr. JBankhead, Speaker in the House of Representatives. The reason is that the House is adjourning out of respect for Representative E. A. Kennedy who fell
    .Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 35 9 Among the Malayan passengers back from home leave are Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, former Penang Police Magistrate, and Capt. T. W. Moore, the former deputy Harbour Master and senior Boarding Officer, Penang.
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  • 266 9 Scene Of Last Great Stand Between White Yellow Races (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 27. H ngupore will be the scene of the last great stand the white races wifi make against the yellow, says Mr. K»rl von WSegand, chief foreign correspondent the Hearst newspapers, Who
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  • 415 9 CHINESE COMPLAINS TO MAGISTRATE An accused person in a criminal case Yesterday, appealed to the magistrate, Mr. Lim Cheng Fan. not to remand him in the civil prison or at least to segregate him from other civil prisoners. He complained to the magistrate that while he
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  • 149 9 Crowded Houses At Majestic Bobby Breen, that versatile youngster, film star, is again drawing? crowds to the Majestic in his latest RKO-Radio <hit, Make A Wish.” The possessor of a charming personality and melodious voice, both of which are exploited to the full in this film,
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  • 76 9 (BY SPECTATOR”) A small promotion will be held tonight at the Wembley’ Park, Penang, featuring Baby Eagje and Cheah Boon Cheng in the main event. Boon Cell ng' is having his first fight in Penang since his return from Singapore where he lost to Tiger Dollah
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  • 143 9 SLOW WORK: THEBEZ IMPRESSES Heavy rain which fell last night, mad» the going for the training this morning’ soft; and unless a strong sun shines* throughout today and tomorrow, the going tomorrow is likely to be holding. Animals from the strings of Duval. Hobbs and O’Neill were
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 new Viwith S ic/INATOGEjyr GUTHRIE PATENTED AUTOMATIC BATTERY STURDY—SIMPLE INGENIOUS CADET” MODEL FOUR ROLLER fr .l rTrfi K sS B HhBBB The new CADET” model is most suitable for small and medium estates, as it affords them the advantages and economies of our larger R” type factory. Requires only TWO
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  • 159 10 Harold Williams, the Australian-born baritone, will be heard in the BBC’s twelfth Symphony Concert, to be broadcast on February 9, and Stiles-Alien, the famous soprano, who has recently returned to London from a Canadian tour, will also sing in Mahler’s Eighth Symphony, the work to be
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  • 674 10 Latest Times Of Posting AIR MAILS: A mail for Kuala Lumpur and Singapore by Malayan Internal Air Service will clos< at 2 p.m. tomorrow. A mail for Bangkok, Hongkong, *Canton Swatow, -Amoy, *Shanghai. *Kobe, Manila and U.S.A, by Imperial Airways will close at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 162 10 Short Studies Of Eminent Men Through the station (ZGE) of the Malayan Amateur Radio Society of Kuala Lumpur transmitting on frequencies of Me s 6.13 (wavelength 48.92 metres) and Mcjs 2.72 (110 metres), Mr. C. Ward-Jackson will broadcast a series of talks” entitled Biographica: short
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  • 220 10 The Private Soldier’ provides the material for three talks that lan Hay. the wellknown British novelist, is to give at weekly intervals in the programmes from Daventry shortly. Hay. listeners will remember, was one of the contributors to the recent series of talks
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  • 121 10 Admiral Sir William Goodenough, G.C. 8.. M.V.0., will discuss the urge that sends men and women out into the unknown in a talk on "The Spirit of Exploration.’ shortly to be broadcast from Daventry. A distinguished sailor, and an ex-President of the Royal Geographical Society, Admiral
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  • 175 10 About 200 men are at work reconditioning the liner Leviathan, 48.943 tons, for her last Atlantic voyage on the way to Scotland, where she will be broken up for scrap. The liner, which was recently purchased jointly by Metal Industries, Rosyth, and Ward Bros., of Sheffield,
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  • 41 10 Britain’s two new cruisers, Manchester '3nd Liverpool, will be sent to reinforce the East Indies Squadron when they are completed in the summer, say London newspaper reports. The new cruisers each carry three airplanes.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 1691 10 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES B. B. C. BERLIN HONG KONG DJB IS2O Mc/g lg 7 ZBW 9 52 Mc/s (31 4 m Tune »n on the following wavelengths: 9.54 Me/» 31.45 rrt TRANSMISSION 2 WE >«•» TODAY DJQ 15.28 Mc/« 19.95 m. P m GSJ 21.53 Mc/S (13.93 mJ nI 056
      1,691 words
    • 405 10 PENANG WAVELENGTH 49.3 METRES TODAY P r'oo—Signal and programme. 7.05 Cinema organ music. 7.30-Children-s hour. 7 55Messrs. Kennedy and Cos share tenort *8 00—Talk by Mr. Lionel Brent. 8 20—Dance music (BBC Rebroadcast). 8 25—Topical talks for Seamen (BBC Rebroadcast). 8 40-Next week’s programmes (BBC Rebroadcast) 8 50Recorded music.—Straits
      405 words
    • 18 10 TIDE TABLE HIGH LOW TODAY 11.25 p.m. 4.35 p.m. TOMORROW 7 11.20 a.m. 5.40a.m 11.59 p.m. 5.26 p.m
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  • 169 11 FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS of a sergeant, a Malay tries on a gas mask for the first time. A SERGEANT of the Regiment describes in Malay the methods of decontamination cf an area affected with mustard gas. AFTER TAKING OFF HIS mustard gaaffected .clothes, a soldier
    169 words

  • 353 12 Sixteen Players To Make The Journey 35 MATCHES ARRANGED FOR ENGLAND VISIT The 16 Australian cricketers to tour England this year were selected yesterday in Melbourne by a boar inc u< ing Don Bradman. New South Wales is represented by six, South Australia five, Victoria four,
    353 words
  • 1191 12 Full Programme For T omorrow The following is the full programme for tomorrow, the first tlay of the Perak Turf Club February Meeting. Race 1— PONIES,—CIass I,—Div. 3,-51 Furlongs. 0 0 2 ST. CHARLES 9.00 G. H. Chua Major Fox LITTLE AUDREY (late Detriment) 8.07 Major
    1,191 words
  • 141 12 .Reuter. Bromwich V. Budge In Final John Bromwich, the sensational young two-handed Australian player, qualified for the final of the Australian tennis championships yesterday at Adelaide by beating G. von Cramm, the German star, in straight sets, 6 3, 7—5, Von Cramm, had previously defeated Vivian McGrath,
    .Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 456 12 Special Races For 1938 GOLD CUP AT AUTUMN MEETING As in 1937 the Singapore Turf Club have arranged for a number of special trophy races at their 1938 meetings. The first meeting will be the three-day Spring Meeting beginning on February 19. The Special Race at the
    456 words
  • 45 12 .Reuter. Villa And Coventry Beaten In the English League yesterday in the second division, Blackburn Rovers beat the leaders Aston Villa by one nil. while Coventry City, only goal average behind the Villa, were defeated at home by Bury by two clear goals.Reuter.
    .Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 259 12 ty,/ ROM Piccadilly to Berkeley Sq uare rom J amess to The MdD you vvill not find a finer cigarette than The SackviHe- The Sackville—a special blend ci |p. mature Virginia Tobaccoare made and packed with all the skill and care for which this district of London is renowned. The
      259 words

  • 1428 13 poolball Clubs Owe £500,000: Football finance Huge Indebtedness Of Clubs F a A. Issue A Blacklist: Drastic Suspensions: Hulme Leaves Arsenal: Varsity Boat Race t'roiu Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 19. k jr .\T week’s Cup matches are the talk |M ,f the sporting world at the
    1,428 words
  • Article, Illustration
    440 13 U.S. Claim For Joe Davis’ Title Having been intrigued so many times by the wizardry of Joe Davis with a set of snooker balls, it astonishes me that New York should forward a claim that the city possesses the greatest potter in the world. The man thus
    440 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 44 13 (•< >P_A Racing Problem By >- MILLAR WAIT HAVE TO RUN TWICE AS FAST AS HE CAN RUN SO FAST THE 00 HE DOES KEEP UP WITH X him! x, Gj fXi a x eUi a dldi 19 -X fW' t IL XL_ LP xlx/ gjx
      44 words

  • 105 14 fSnntl .PREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON—(Spot) >• £179. 7 6 LONDON—(3 month.) Q £lBO 0 0 SINGAPORE $88,125 BUSINESS DONE f ENANG $BO.OO BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers COPRA-(SundrUd) y J 4 20 BLACK PEPPER ?9 50 BUBBER:— JONDON 7'd 7’« d WKW YORK 14?c(G) 14iftc(G SINGAPORE—Spot 23i c 235 c
    105 words
  • 22 14 TIN Singapore $88.12% Per pkl. Tenang $BB.OO Per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 23%c Per lb. Penang Spot 23%c Per lb.
    22 words
  • 315 14 of fl oenominatjon unfeoo otherwise .tated Yesterday* Rise or Fall o>srTere>on Loan, 5 p.c., 1944 64 Fttoding Loan, 4 p.c., 1960-00 War Loan. 3ft p.c s Com. Union Assce. (Unit.) fVudentia) Assce A” Roy») Asece. share 10«. pd.> Great Western Rly Ordy J Canadian Pacific (£25) Chartered Bank
    315 words
  • 117 14 Paris 153" 154 (I New York 4.99J2 5.00/1, Montreal 4.99« Brussels 29.602 29.623 Geneva 21.63 J 21.62} Amsterdam 8.96)4 8.96 ii Milan 94 U 95 ,V Berlin 12.41 12.42} Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oto 19.90 19.90 Vtonna 26} 26ft Helsingfors 226 ft 226 ft Prague 1421
    117 words
  • 122 14 London, Jan. 27. RUBBER Dull.— London 7ft buyers 7} sellers Jan./Mar. 7/k buyers 72 sellers April/June 72 buyers 7, 7 sellers July/Sept 77« buyers 7A sellers NEW YORK 14.81 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 39,284 tons Liverpool 21,561 tons COPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. (Jan.) £l3.' 0. 0
    122 words
  • 330 14 Outlook For Rubber ,New York, Jan. 27.The unsettling effect of recent adverse developments, the likelihood of a further period of dividend omission announcements and the unlikelihood of a revival of confidence pending i continuance of current distrust of the majority of New Deal policies. Against the foregoing depressing
    330 words
  • 128 14 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.40 1.50 c Meptakab .42 ,46c TIN Ayer Weng .70 .75 Batu Selangor 1.52' 1.55 Hong Fatt 106 1.08 Jelebu .80 .85 Kpg. Kamunting 10 3 10 9c Klang 1.62} 1.70 Kuchai Ordy. 1.47} 1.52} Larut 110 114} Tuteh 1.17} 1.22} Rahman 1.37} 1.42}
    128 words
  • 193 14 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Hong Fatt 1.06 1 00 Jelebu .80 .85 Kuchai 1.47} 1.52} Lukut .70 .75 Petaling 8.00 8.20 ex Rahman Hyd. 1.37} 1.42} Raub Gold 3.85 4.00 Rantau Ordy. 1.35 1.40 Rantau Pref. 1.35 1.40 Sungei Luas 1.65 1.70 Sungei Ways
    193 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1479 14 Unclassified Advertisements BANKS education department, indian overseas bank, the mercantile bank PERAK LTD. OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England, Wanted a CARPENTRY INSTRUCTOR (incorporated in British India) fc to take full charge of the carpentry Trade Capital Authorised school at Bagan Serai, salary $960--A 120 Capital Subscribed £LBoo'n2 Il 92oSr-Al2O-2,400
      1,479 words

    • 960 1 SHORTER DISTANCES MORE POPULAR Nine Races First Day JHE OUTSTANDING feature of the Ipoh entries is the record entry from Class 2 horses—7B out of a total of 92 on the Classification List. Never before in our recollection have there been so many from one
      960 words
    • 318 1 Restriction’s running at the present meeting is being eagerly awaited by the racegoing public. This five-year-old is undoubtedly the fastest sprinter to race in the country. Imported early last year, he had his first outing on the first day of the Singapore Summer Meeting. Carrying
      318 words
    • 161 1 BOMBUS: Han only once in 1937, At 29, S’pore 9.7 (Farthing) unpld. H, Cl. Div. 1,6 f. COMBINATION: Ran five times 1937. Dec. 26, 1936, Penang 8.7 (Far thin; unpld. H, Cl. 1, Div. 3,6 f. Jan 1, Penang 9.0 (Farthing) unph H, Cl. 1,
      161 words
    • 33 3 YOU BET!The Australian summer flat racing season, now in full swing, produces huge totalizator crowds. This picture, by airmail, shows the famous Flemington Racecourse at Melbourne.
      33 words
    • 165 3 QUERY which has often been put forward by punters is: Why not a Gold Cup race for Ipoh? It is pointed out that Singapore has several big standard races every year, including the Governor’s Cup and the Gold Cup. and Penang one in the
      165 words
    • 1437 3 (BY TIC-TAC) HANDICAPS for the first day at Ipoh show a remarkable drop in weight of Mr. Lee Nam’s Thebez. If he is in anything like his Australian form it is difficult to see what is going to beat ihim. He is the handicap certainty of the
      1,437 words
    • 133 3 A favourite for the senior por 7 morrow is expected to be MaL three-year-old Australian mare b to Mrs. P. Logue. She made her debut at the 1 Autumn Meeting in horses cla. s failed to come off. At her t til Ipoh, in October, she ran
      133 words
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    • 56 3 Ormolu which formerly belonged to Major! Lindsay Years, and which more recently ran under the colours of H.H. the Sultan of Perak, /has changed hands again and is now the property of Mr. Lightfoot of Penang. Pay Out, which belonged to Mr. Lightfoot is now the property
      56 words
    • 10880 5 Hoi Class 1, Div. 1: 6f. SUNSHINE SUE 9.04 Mrs. I’. Logue's ch.ejm. by Sunny TraceScotch Joy (P. Logue). Ist, won by 1 len., 2, 2. (11 strs.) 8/12 (Martini 11), began moving up halfway in straight, finished with big burst. Oct. 16, Ipoh, Race 5,
      10,880 words
    • 156 15 Horses, Class 3, Div. 1, 6 furs. ROYAL WORLINGTON, after slipping through the field at the bend, finished well to defeat Double File by length, with Monaveen third and Pipe of Peace fourth. Horses, Class 3, Div. "A.” BLARICUM, in a tight finish, snatched the, verdict
      156 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Kong Hing Cheong Co., Ltd. PENANG leading PHOTOGRAPHY STORE Ic, Penang St. Phone 1286 Dealers in all photographic goods; Window and Show cases glasses. Printing, Developing and Enlarging. Bring or post your orders here.
      34 words
    • 56 1 Kong Hing Cheon Co., Ltd. I PENANG LEADING PHOTOGRAPHY STOR Ic, Penang St. Phone 11 Dealers in all phot graphic goods; Windc and Show cases glasB< Repairs of all kinds Cameras. Bring or post your orders here. ORDER OF RUNNING SCRATCHINGS AND 1 ORDER OF RUNNING WILL BE FOUND IN
      56 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 76 4 a I.v a f «kCwwif.row. "7 n jUdi.flHitt «E 000 K f awrww» i aii2> a®;\& ii;*> < pm/7 u&jaMfefc. rfW W > B Jr XWI k W :Mk J -v Jr WiWWrw&b^ ip»! JTJ 0 Q> < A A v ter''MMy »7Wt*' lErt*7S:% B I r >«A B jO.
      76 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 BETTER 50 *Tv W"3O DSS®9^o J |l IL?q q<v I®;| With VEE D O L flS&£fl You can Guarantee. MORE MILEAGE LESS WEAK COOLER RUNNING I MORE DEPENDABLE OPERATION I HIGH-SPEED SAFETY I VEEDOL from the world’s choicest field is A PENNSYLVANIA FIELD /CX Distributors K. LEE SAN 4 Co.
      67 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 NAHAR CO., fl) 3, Light Street, Penang. TELEPHONE No. 1505 H Branches: K. Lumpur, Singapore Batavia. I Dealers in high class BRITISH fl sports goods Jusl unpacked Cricket Bats Z flflfll from Gunn Moors, e? g Wisdens Wm. Sykes. Q>lOpSffiggl 6 fc I < Mr t w g Qs r
      137 words
    • 48 6 Established 1920. THE Ganesh Printing Works, Printers, Stationers Book-Binders. NO. 10, PENANG STREET. PENANG. Penang Tel. No. 926. Telegram: Ganesh 9 WE UNDERTAKE PRINTING IN ENGLISH, MALAY, TAMIL CHINESE AT MODERATE CHARGES. STATIONERY:— estate supplies, A/C BOOKS, CHECK-ROLLS ETC. SUPPLIED ON ORDER. A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU.
      48 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 51 6 MAJESTIC OPENING TUESDAY, Ist FEBRUARY The Mightiest of All Motion Pictures STOP PRESS!! PRE-SCREENING AT SPECIAL MIDNIGHT MATINEE ON SUNDAY 30th JAN. AT 12.00 O’CLOCK MIDNIGHT FRANK CAPRA’S MIGHTIEST PRODUCTION RONALD COLMAN lost horizon i &IsSKSi S BL f B Iwo Hours Of Overwhelming Drama I Heart-Warming Love Amazing Adventure
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 Are Your Horses INSURED? y "w k K \-4 > w «Ji All Risks Of Mortality Covered Lowest Premium Rates j s z For full par tiailars—-apply SIME, DARBY Co., LIMBED J Singapore, Penang Branches J
      35 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 239 10 'i FRESH FLOWERS I J j Penang Hobby Shop,; THE > !NO. 3D, PENANG ROAD, CACI4I\I 0 II /A T) (FEW YARDS FROM E& O. HOTEL) SII 11 j\| Jj| PENANG, S.S. > PHONE PENANG 904. e o r > r rnunt ft Every Boat brings in new shipments of
      239 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 116 12 the finest hops for the finest BEER Perfect, sun ripened hops, cultivated and grown with scientific care, and with one thought in mindthe production of good beer. aJAJOf I 1 W Tiger, brewed with the finest hops imported fresh from Europe, is the sBr j best beer in Malaya. I
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 29 16 /«YIN z£jjA OONT m order Haig NO FINER WHISKY COES INTO ANY BOTTLE R«a. w sous agents:- jqhn KITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH
      29 words