Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 January 1938

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 444 1 British Vessels At Hawaii, U.S, Vessels At Singapore Joint Naval Demonstration’ SIGNIFICANCE READ INTO SINGAPORE VISIT Participation of American naval vessels at the opening of the Singapore Base is occasioning some speculation. The announcement is generally interpreted as possessing significance much beyond that involved in
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  • 96 1 Reuter Chinese Planes At Work Jin. 14. -Four Japanese warl. Yangtse have been sunk since to an official statement v v were sunk between Takung Tuesday when two Japanese trains were also blown up near vil- the statement. 1 Chinese aircraft have made .o r e
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 147 1 Reuter. Drunken Japanese Defy Police Jan. 14. Mr. Y. T Van. a 'hinese criminal lawyer, and a Chinese welfare worker, seriously injured in different Settlement by unidentified No arrests have been made known whether the crimes by private vendettas or the an ect ion of the two
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 72 1 ;.—Reuter. Friendly Visit Of M. Stoyadinovitch Jan. 14.—N0 treaties or agreeare expected to result from the M Stoyadinovitch, according to a fiicial statement issued on the eve f his arrival. significance of the visit lies more emphasis it lays on the friendship -v existing between Berlin and
    ;.—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 77 1 Jlicial Chinese despatch states tha' >se of Madame Chiang Kai-shek’- Hong Kong is to meet her elder Madame Sun Yat s n, and also to treatment for eye-trouble. ompanied by Mr W. H. Doti ’■'■ralissimo Chiang’s Australian ad viser, whe s r-pm ave told an :i terviewer
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  • 160 1 “Killed More In Five Years Than Charles II Killed In 20” —Reuter. Washington, Jan. il*4.—The German Am-* bassador, Herr Dieckhoff, has protested to Mr. Cordell Hull against a speech delivered in New York yesterday by Mr. William Dodd, former United States Ambassador to Germany, wherein Mr.
    :.—Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 38 1 Malaya Cup rugby final at Kuala Du mpur. .Corinthians at Ipoh vs. Perak. A.A.M. Rally at Kuala. faumpur. Latest World and local news in the SUNDAY GAZETTE. Overnight edition on sale in Penang at 10 p.m.
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  • 177 1 Increasing Use Of The Screen Increasing use is being made of the screen in Army training. Instruction by films is largely employed for objective training of troops in the use of weapons, transport, signalling and gas defence and ways and means of mechanization. Among subjects taught by
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  • 129 1 Reuter. Minister Called “Rabble-Rouser” Washington, Jan. 14.--There were angry scenes in the Senate on the eighth day of the filibuster against the Anti-lynching Bill. Southern Senate 's openly attacking members of the Government belonging to their own party. Senator Bailey, North Carolina, suggested that Mr. Harold
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 127 1 ,—Reuter Mm. Sarraut And Bonnet See President Paris.'- ’4 -M Daladtvr h us. M. Lebrun’s invitation to form a government owing to the importance of his task conducting the Ministry of Defence at the present juncture. The President has summoned M Sarraut. M. Bonnet, after consultation with M.
    ,—Reuter  -  127 words
  • 119 1 .—Reuter. Possible Appointment To U.S. Supreme Court New York, Jan. 14. —President Roosevelt addressing a press conference at Washington said he was seeking elimination of all holding companies, especially, he mentioned, bank holding companies. He added: “The Administration is trying to work out a satisfactory arrangement with local
    .—Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 104 1 t. —Reuter. Causing Concern To Philippines Washington, Jan. 14.—Mr. Paul McNutt, High Commissioner for the Philippines, is reported to be flying to Davoa on the island of Mindanao to investigate a colony of 15,000 Japanese which has been a subject of concern for a considerable time The Japanese
    t.—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 110 1 Early Consultations With Premier The Foreign Secretary is understood greatly to have benefited from his Riviera holiday during the past fortnight and he is arriving home today and will have an early opportunity of consultations with the Prime Minister who has been in charge of the Foreign
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 H. TOKJSATSU artistic hoto&raphers <?8-7O. Bithop Street, PENANG. I Telephone No. 772. I
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    • 72 1 B. S. MORIDEEN CO. 18 Beach Street, Penang) ’Phone No. 947 Experts in serving to the Government Depts., throughout in Malaya. Branches:—Penang Malacca Head Office Singapore AB If wit < y Bl Ik The importance of f V .A— aTTL-w plenty of FRESH f T/ BUTTER for growing I j
      72 words

  • 413 2 Huge Collection Of Valuable Art T reasures Cairo: An enormous tomb —thought to be that of Menes, the first King of the First Dynasty—has been discovered at North Sakkara by Mr. Walter Emery, 35-year-old Liverpool archaeoloMr. Emery, however, is not willing to commit himself until
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  • 66 2 Mr. J. D. Lambert, the Penang acting police magistrate, yesterday fined Yeoh Ah Khuan $25, in default one month’* 5 rigorous imprisonment, for having had in his possession dutiable liquor and distilling apparatus on January 10 at a house in Thean Teik Estate. Accused pleaded guilty ’’Sir. D.
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  • 50 2 Abdul Rahman bin Saleh pleaded guilty before Mr. Bim Cheng Ean, the Penang additional magistrate, yesterday to a charge of having committed theft of $4 belonging to Abdul Gapor on January 13 at Chulia Street. Sentence«was deferred till January 20, bail being allowed in the sum of $5O.
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  • 191 2 Low Wages Complaint London.—Sex equality was demanded at the conference of the National Union of Women Teachers at Swansea. Mrs. MacMillan, of London, who moved the resolution, said: “To-day we have a position where women in many walks of life are not only suffering from injustice,
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  • 120 2 Ihe wedding took place on Thur cay at the Lee Sih Chong Soo Association in King Street, Penang, of Mr. Lee Keng Kim. fouilh son of Mrs. Lee Moh Khit and the late Mr. Lee Moh Khit, to Miss Ong Gim Suat, only daughter of Mr. Ong
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  • 151 2 “The basket containing the bomb was given to me by a certain man. I informed Jie inspector about it and the man was arrested and later released. I ask that chat man be not allowed to escape.” This was the statement made by Lu Chan Tat, a
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  • 383 2 Home Lessons In Wearing Of Gas Masks London: The Board of Education circular on air-raid precautions in the schools has met with the W™™* Incorporated Association of Head Masters at their annual meeting at Guildhall. Wing-Commander E. J. Hodsoil, of the Home Office, said that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 i yu -6« v i K v .Mm Mpr" tg'' a ß*’ i 6REA iv»v T I ■FagSglL H 1938 I FORD 10 h.p.lkSbk" Ford resources and experience have produced. year after year, cars providing new con- 7 tributions to enjoyment and pride of owner- 111 7 ft ship— at
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  • 144 3 Reuter. Rumours Of War Loan I >ndon, Jan. 14: Dr Kung’s statement n Chinese loans has further encouraged the market, rises of four to five points being recorded. The Daily Mail says that bond-holders „41 ;i t least recognise the existence of the will to pay,
    . Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 319 3 Reuter. Arrangements Advanced L ndon. Jan. 14: Arrangements for r formal opening next month of the s ore Naval Base are now advanced. Is.. Majesty’s ships, including the Norfolk, [nvi stigator. Dorsetshire, the aircraftarrier Eagle, ten submarines of the ..j;i Squadron and also the Eighth Des- i
    Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 56 3 Reuter. Manila, Jan. 14: Adolf David Bach, a Rulun. subject, was arrested by the Manila D»li(<- today at the request of the Singa*‘u!l authorities on a charge of obtaining a loan by false pretences. Bach arrived <»a Dec 7 on the ScharnhorsL It is un<ier>iood
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 161 3 Flower Of Chiang’s Army CONSCRIPTION IN KWANGTUNG Shanghai, Jan. 14: Chinese reports state that more than 400,(XX) troops are massed at the German-built defence line on the Lunghai Railway, ready for what may be the biggest battle in the Sino-Japanese war. '1 he
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  • 257 3 —Reuter. -Round-Up” After House Siege Shanghai, Jan. 14: Sub-Inspector John McPhee, from Airdrie, Scotland, is lying in hospital seriously injured by a bullet in the head and leg fired by gangsters, who have been providing Shanghai with a “Sydney Street affair.” McPhee who was slightly injured
    .—Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 47 3 annual review cil of the building industry.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 14: Wage increases affecting about 850,000 workers and estimated to represent an aggregate of some £4,000.000 were awarded yesterday at the annual review of the National Joint Council of the building industry.—British
    annual review – – cil of the building industry.—British Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 83 3 —Reuter. Hankow. lan. 14: Soviet-trained and Soviet -equipped Mongol troops have launched a drive against t < p< Japanese inner Mongols holding North Charhai, accoicing lv H »ris which are given prominence in the Chinese press. It is stated that the Outer Mongols occupied
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 68 3 Reuter Shanghai, Jan. 14: Gen. Tsai Tingkai, hero of the Sino-Japanese hostilities in Shanghai in 1932, who is helping Lien. Li Tsungjen to direct operatioi|s on the Tsientsin-Pukow Railway front, was wounded in the leg. He was rushed by plane to the base hospital. His
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 280 3 —Reuter. Sarraut May Try To Form Cabinet Paris, Jan. 14: It is expected President Lebrun will ask M. Albert Sarraut to form a Cabinet. M. Chautemps declined M. Lebrun’s suggestion to form a Cabinet as he considers the incidents which produced the crisis too recent, and there will
    —Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 28 3 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 14: The death has occurred of Henry Lake Coghlan,, one of the first to sell plantation rubber at Singapore auctions.— Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 23 3 Reuter. London, Jan. 14: Sir Frederick Whyte has been appointed the English-speaking Union of the Bnusn Empire which is being reorganised.—
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 340 3 Defence And Partilinn The Chief Subjects Reuter. London, Jan. 14: The Angl J-Irish conversations opening on Monday are favoured by a friendlier atmosphere than previous attempts to get agreement on the centuries-old problem of Anglo-Irish relations Defence is bound to loom large. Eire has only a
    Reuter.  -  340 words
  • 52 3 Reuter. Three Cruisers As Reinforcement Washington, Jan. 14: The cruisers Trenton, Milwaukee and Mon phis nhich are attending inauguration of the completed Singapore Naval Base, will remain in Far Eastern waters after the cert way as reinforcement to the Unified States Asiatic Fleet, according to reliable although
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 82 3 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 14: The first part of the programme of the spring cruise to be carried out by the Home Fleet will include a visit to Lisbon of H.M.S. Nelson, flying the flag of the Commander-in-Chief. H.M.S. Rodney, and five other ships. The
    —British Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 45 3 Reuter. Nice, Jan. 14. After a long conversation with London it is understood Mr. Anthony Eden has decided to return to London tomorrow instead of proceeding straight to Geneva for the League Council meeting which has been postponed until Jan. 26.--
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 182 3 Krusciien Salts Effected a Comnlete Cure a Ordinary heada'hrs are bad enough, but they are as nothing compared to the awful pains of neuritis in the head, say« this woman. Read how Ktuschcn completely ban shod the pain:“I had neuritis in the head and
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  • 170 3 British Wireless. Corresponding Rise In Wages Employment London, Jan. 14: The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Simon, in a speech at Swansea discussing the rise in. the cost living in Britain, said that the rise in prices had been accompanied by increase in
    – British Wireless.  -  170 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 O st^iT““; ;ovxLT NE t/ie Skies f rW > WiWr 'x&W a it firT iW/ 1= ifi» WvsHfe. Jfeg?;. THE GOODWILL FLIGHT of five R.A.F. Saro- 1 London flying boats, which left Singapore for Sydney on January 10th, has replenished its stock of “OVALTINE” with a further five dozen
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  • 615 4 Government Analyst’s Conclusion HARBOUR DISASTER IN SINGAPORE (brain Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 14. “I ACK ()1 OXYGEN” was the opinion expressed by a Govern- ment analyst at the inquiry yesterday into the death of three men who were overcome by fumes in
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  • 812 4 Judgment Reserved I’rom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 14. SAKLYA EBATA, of Coleman Street, was convicted by the Criminal District Judge on Dec. 2 last. of importing cotton stockings to which a counterfeit trade mark had been applied and was fined $5OO with the alternative
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  • 115 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 14. Presents to the value of approximately $2OO, received by a Chinese bridegroom for his wedding yesterday, were donated to the China Relief Fund. The bridegroom is Mr. Lim Kok Boon fourth son of Mr. Lim Kim Tian, President
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  • 35 4 The promotion of Major D. M. Noves ewis, Military Adviser, Johore, has been nnounced in the Johore Government »azette. Major Noyes Lewis is promoted to the local rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
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  • 300 4 No Order Made (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 14. “My wife instituted divorce proceedings against me in July last year. She obtained a decree nisi and it is due to be made absolute at the end of this month, and in spite of these proceedings
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  • 363 4 Australia’s Vital i Defence Centre Darwin is to be reconstructed along modem tropical town planning lines at a cost exceeding £lOO,OOO, states a Canberra correspondent. It will also become one of the most important strategical centres in ihe Australian defence system, an important link with Singapore.
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  • 432 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. M. G. Mills, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Kuala Lumpur, is leaving Malaya on home leave. The Don Cossack Choir and Russian Dancers who are now on a world tour will be performing in Malaya shortly. Mr. J. Reid, Sub-Agent of the Chartered Bank at Klang,
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  • 98 4 p.m°Tio.£ pl S-30 sU p._ Macke 2 Overture -Juanita.—Williams. 3 Suite—The Bartered Bride.— Letter I. Overture, Village Scene, Love Duet and Opening Chorus. 11. Jenik’s Aria and Dance of the Villagers. HI. The Sextet. IV. March of the Comedians and Teasing Duet. 4 Selection—Rose Marie.—Stothart. INTERVAL. 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 e 9 6l I/ yj II r /I •Yheinz TOMATO KETCHUP IS rqi-ide down. That means \ou are u-ing the hnest ketchup that money and skill can produce. Heinz tomatoes are real aristocrats from plants of noble lineage. Heinz spices are the choice of ONE OF THE the world’s markets.
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 5 Leslie who had the Haiity and the Beast" at '•'■•eh maintained its pan,»i unbroken (e.vcept for nasi for nearly thirty years.
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  • 238 5 JFe II ere 8r0ke..." New York, Jan. 7. j r-' j -1 ployed shopgirls, Genei /r» *ged seventeen, and Ethel Sohl, ag 1 tv erty, today confessed to the ncrdv of William Barhorst, who was shot t.v wheel ?f his bus and robbed
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  • 140 5 1,600 Disappear London, Jan. 7. -;ca vas made at Thames police- --r. yesterday to an enormous consignuoet <A Chin'sc silver dollars which had **en withdrawn from currency being rein London to be melted down. 'Trs* build-' rs’ labourers living at Step-r-y -William He-rity Kinchen,
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  • 302 5 Drinks Sold Without Licence London, Jan. 7. Edward (“Kid’') Lewis was lined a total of £9O and ordered to pay £3O costs at Marlborough-street yesterday for selling intoxicating drinks at El Morocco, Ger-rard-street, Soho, without having a licence for public music and dancing. Mrs. Lewis was
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  • 190 5 He Uses Psychology Shrewsbury, Jan. 2. Regimental Sergeant-Major Clark, of the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, never shouts at recruits. He believes in using psychology. (There is nothing of the traditional ser-geant-major about R.S.M. Clark. Recruits never get in a panic when he is on
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  • 267 5 ‘•Fae Hiii..-- twenty-six-year-old English 'f’-ew of the Fuehrer, is returning to his 1 r m Germany after a two months’ holi- England He is the son of Alois HitHitler’s half-brother, who keeps a cafe a "Un. Wifile looks German, and speaks
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  • 527 5 Riviera Then Gaol London, Jan. 5. Btynar James Owen, former £3,000 ayear genius of scientific farming, came out of Pentonville Jail a few days ago stripped of his university degrees to begin life again at forty-one. He had just served a seven-nronths’ prison sentence
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  • 111 5 Shadowed Everywhere By Special Police London. Jan. 13. The Pinang Gazette London Correspondent learns that. many police -w&re on duty at the Siamese Legation during the- wedding of Prince Birabongse, of Siam beeause of threatening letters tchich had been sent to the bride, Miss Ceril
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  • 245 5 But Is Not A Bigamist London, Jan. 7. Police withdrew a charge of bigamv agaiiifSt a hayes, IVLiddlesex, onun yesterday because they had discovered that his firs, “wife’ was only 15 he married her. Under the Age of Marriage Act thai wedding was void. He- is
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  • 46 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 13. Silver belonging to the officers’ and surgeants’ messes of the 2nd Battalion, th Inniskilling Fusiliers, which was disbande in September 1922, and which has recent’ been reformed, was returned at a regimental ceremony yesterday.
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  • 46 5 THAT AFTER CHRISTMAS FEELING I). Rowlands, of the Warndean School, falls asleep while his opponent is studying his next move in the Sir William Dupree Chess Tournament at Brighton. This tournament for boys is an annual event for a prize of £.lOO.
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  • 219 5 New- York, Jan. 7. The Earl of Warwick is preparing to leave Hollywood on Monday after losing the suit against Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. in ■which he claimed £l,BOB for services r< ndered and £287 transportation for himself and valet. Lord Warwick went to Hollywood in 'October
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 504 5 STREAMLINE jfTJ yourFACE These are genuine/ photographs of Mlle. Helene B ■llfeli Ray, before ond after I IT 50,000 streamlining X —tt her face. Genuine Vitamin Love Lipsticks rnEE FREE to readers as below Ktt* Everything you need to streamline your face and make yourself look years younger will be
      504 words

  • 431 6 Disclosure In The German Press Berlin:—The newspaper “Berliner Tageblatt” has published a special article by Signor Gayda, who often expresses the views of Signor Mussolini in the Italian Press, The article deals with AngloItalian relations on the anniversary of the signature of the Mediterranean “gentleman’s
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  • 138 6 London: One of the most remarkable games players is F. D. Amr Eey, the Egyptian, undisputed king of squash rackets. Admittedly, squash does not rank as a national game, but Amr’s mastery cf it is nearly miraculous. He can beat anybody, amateur or professional, but
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  • 151 6 NEW FORCE YOUTHFUL VIGOUR VITALITY in 30 Minutes There is no need for a lengthy and tiresome treatment for weeks or months if vou feel weak or old before you are young. The latest remedy of a great German Scientist by the name MAN POWER FILLS give astonishing and immediate
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  • 126 6 House Ransacked And $l,OOO Stolen (From Our Own Correspondent I Singapore, Jan. 14. With drawn daggers and levelled revolvers six Cantonese, five dressed in white and one in black, entered the ground floor of a house in Keong Saik Street, Singapore, last night at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 88 6 A Kedah Chinese, Tan Leng Jcang, app eared before Mr. Lim Cheng Ean, the Penang additional magistrate, yesterday charged with having delivered to a woman, Chan Ah San, 600 two-hoon tubes of chandu, she being an unregistered smoker. He was also charged with having delivered
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  • 57 6 Waikiki Wedding” i,y^ r AIKIKI WEDDING,” Bing Crosby’s comedy with music, includes Bob Bui ns and Martha Raye, who appeared with him in “Rhythm on the Range,’’ Beautiful Shirley Ross, star of “The Big Eroadcast of 1937” and “Hideaway Girl,’’ carries the feminine romantic lead opposite Bing in this gay
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  • 347 6 Ex-Fascist Leader’s £7,000 Claims Paris: In judgments given by the Lower Criminal Court in Paris, Col. de la Rocque, leader of the former Fascist league Croix de Feu, was awarded £ll4 bs damages for slander. He had brought 17 actions and had claimed more
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 184 6 NEXT CHANGE “Hey, folks! ITe’i what I’ve bctfn hollerin’ for!’ 7 wa SnKi. W*%wk E; ■Upq John Howard Terry Walker Oi c d b v «’k*»* A Paramount Pictura KW'Ohu BA -JRv i The mountain rings when A fl I Mar'ha sings “Good V 'I Mornin'” and 'll I Put
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    • 556 6 LU I drik il LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY at 2.45 6.15 9.30 p.m. RKO-Radio’s Glamorous Musical EntertainnH nt. with live new songs! < heard noth- < n u ‘if <•’ x until you’ve beard The Blue Danube’ ■B* A MAD ROMANCE THAT STARTS IN FRANCE AND ENDS IN A BURSTS
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  • 382 7 ANXIETY CAUSED BY CREDIT POLICY No Confidence In Treasury Chiefs QMIN’OLS warnings about Japan’s financial conditions and policy are being sounded by Japanese business men and financiers. 1 he most striking of these warnings is made by Mr. Kobayashi, president of, lokyo Electric Light. Company,
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  • 190 7 Finn Action Urged Washington, Jan. 5. A debate in the Senate today showed that the Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, would be backed by that body in insisting that American rights in China must be respected. Senator Steiwer, of Oregon, sponsored a resolution
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  • 47 7 FIRE FIGHTING ifcOM THE AIR— Mr. J. Dunean, ex-London Fire Officer, is working for the establishment of flying fire brigades. This picture shows a bomb of his own invention containing fire destroying material and which can be dropped from aircraft over any conflagration
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  • 15 7 Admiral Sir Charles Little, chief of the British fleet in Shanghai.
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  • 611 7 A.B.M. Reception Guests 150 ATTEND NEW YEAR AT HOME (From Our London Staff) London, Jan. 4. lh e oldest Malayan in London, Sir Frank Swettenham, and one of the youngest Maurice Hemmant, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hemmant oTßriUshX L i he BUeStS at the
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  • 424 7 •DISASTER IN WAR THE ALTERNATIVE” London. Agriculturists and other food-productior experts are becoming seriously alarmed at Britain’s lack of “larder-preparedness’’ for a state of grave emergency. Experts responsible for the distribution of food during 1914-1918 are particularly concerned. Mr. A. P. McDougall, former vice chairman of
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  • 556 7 Blockade By 4 Powers Washington. Strongly supported by public opinion, President Roosevelt has, in view of the state of the world, decided upon a policy that may be summed up as “the promotion of peace through strength.” In pursuance of this decision the President will ask
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  • 104 7 Rendered Help To Injured Man (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 14. About 10.40 p.m. last night two cars, one driven by Captain J. F. Kelleher, cf the R.A.M.C., Blakang Mati, collided outside Raffles Hotel. A Chinese, who was driving the other car, received several
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 502 7 Office 12 Bisht> P Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel “Times” Singapore. 1f Lumpur Office: 25, Java Street. Phone 36&A. 1 Brewster Real. Phone 268. j 06&ee 46. 43, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4 Phone Central 3668—3609 Tel: Leadiaalaya” IkHidon.
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    • 156 7 A SALE OF FLOWERS TO BE HELD on Sat. Jan. 15th 1938 AT VANDAS PENANG ROAD IN AID OF THE ST. NICHOLAS HOME 8 12 14 15-1 THAIPUSAM The Exchange Banks will he closed on Monday, January, 17th, which has been proclaimed a Bank Holiday. M/V “GLENAPP” VOYAGE 38 (OUTWARD)
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    • 553 7 Bn NMU X tient on 'Bisurated' Magnesia GASTRIC OPERATION WAS AVOIDED OSTEOPATH TELLS HIS STORY A well-known osteopath writes: I have found ‘Bisurated’ Magnesia highly valuable. It has been the means of preventing an operation and has cer tainly assisted to banish the terrible stomach pains of one of my
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  • 551 8 THE Islington Corinthians, a band of amateur sportsmen, have given Northern Malaya three good soccer games of football and it is not necessary here to express our keen appreciation of the opportunity of entertaining a Home team for the first time in the history of Malayan sport.
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  • 158 8 LETTER TO THE EDITOR] Sir, In connection with the visit of vessels of the Royal Navy and Royal Indian Marine January 21 to January 25, an Entertainment Committee has been formed by the Hon. the Resident Councillor. It is proposed, aunong other forms of entertainment, to have
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  • 652 8 Rotary Secretary’s Advice From Our Own Correspondent) ~T Jan. 15. I do not wish to put the difficulties which face you too strongly; but it is necessary’ that you face these difficulties or you may found your club and it wall soon perish because
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  • 983 8  -  Described By Eye Witnesses (By Alec. Einar Pratt) Foreigners who have returned here from Nanking and who were in t ic former capital when it was captured by the Japanese invaders declare that during the first four days following occupation of the city the Japanese soldiers murdered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 363 8 calP becK tow z£k z < $r\ When a MAN k y' z-M tells you j/~\ that it is years since he had ff A his l as l denial trouble, S /Y that his dentist reconi- mended a good tooth powder and that he has Xf 1 used Cal
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  • 519 9 Bigger List Than For Last Meet (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 14. bigger list, of entries than that for the December Meeting has been received f« r the Taining Turf Club's January Meeting to be neld here on January 21 (Friday) and January 22 (Saturday).
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  • 255 9 Gander Gives In AFTER PILING UP A BIG LEAD < P rom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 14. Nearly 2.000 fight fans w r ere taken by surprise at the Happy World stadium tonight as the towel came fluttering from Young Gauderis (8.13 1 corner at the
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  • 85 9 For the first time a Penang Chinese boy, Tan Hong Beng, a pupil of the Bukit Mertajam High' School, and the only son of Mr. Tan Kok Kee, a teacher of the same school, will leave for Ceylon by the “Gloniffer” tomorrow to
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  • 424 9 HIG H COMMISSIONER GREATLY IMPRESSED BY “MALAYAN COURT” They Have Depicted What Is Actually Going On In The Country’’ EXHIBITS INSPECTED BEFORE SHIPMENT TO GLASGOW (Itoih Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. I 1 a ?i t, epl^ C is actuall y going on in the counr'n k.l rb
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  • 190 9 Promised ’On His Honour' To Go Straight (.From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Jan. 14. Having started his criminal career at the xge of 11 and having 14 previous convictions to his account, a 25-year-old Tamil, Samuel, appeared before the Uiiping magistrate today and
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  • 143 9 Left For Singapore I his Morning Marshal and Inspector-General of the -oyal Air Force, Sir Edward Ellington, reived in Penang yesterday evening, spent ae night at The Residency, and left for ngapore at 8 o’clock this morning. Accompanying Sir Edward Ellington was *ng Commander H.
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  • 401 9 5706.000 PROJECT TO BE READY NEXT YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. A new township for policemen is risingfour miles from the centre of Kuala Lumpur, in Rifle Range Road, Begun in the middle of last year, the construction of this 8706,000
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  • 226 9 Silver Chariot Procession The Thaipusam festival, which will be in full swing tomorrow, began at 5.30 a.m. today. This morning, the customary ceremonial procession of the silver chariot bearing the God Subramaniam took place, from the chettiar headquarters at Penang Street. The chariot which was drawn by
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  • 322 9 ONE CHANGE IN SELANGOR’S TEAM SCRUM HALF DOWN WITH ’FLU (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. On the eve of what would have been bis first “Malaya” Cup rugby final in this country, P A L. Shelton Palmer, the youthful scrum half in
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  • 36 9 Reuter. Change In England Team To Meet Wales London, Jan. 14. P. L. Candler (St. Bartholomew’s Hospital) replaces Reynolds in the English team against Wales tomorrow, as the latter is suffering from tensilities. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 Kfe h I gfc your Vitality with canatogem E. O. HOTEL, PENANG 1 TONIGHT > DINNER i DANCE <■ is 1 i VISITING SINGAPORE STAY AT RAFFLES HOTEL. < cJ/ealt/i Beauty on COW BGATE Palestine. 10 36 The enclosed ore snaps of my two 4 eldest children aged nearly 2
      167 words

  • 1520 10 Growth Of Trade At Home And Abroad CURRENT YEAR BEGINS WEI L The thirty-fourth annual general meeting of Carreras, Ltd., was held in London, Mr. Edward S. Baron, chairman and managing director, presiding. The Chairman said: It .must give as much satisfaction to the shareholders as
    1,520 words
  • 170 10 Donations By Penang Rice Merchants The Penang Rice Merchants Association had remitted through The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Penang to the Executive Yuan of the Chinese National Government the sum of Chinese $12,485.94 being Straits $6,305.40 at exchange of 50 i representing donations from the following
    170 words
  • 196 10 Good Demand For Better Grades Boustead Co.. W. in their report Hated Penang Jan. 12 state. curing the week there has been an TM-«vpment in sentiment in U. S. A. rubber has participated g6 iel p jXs vance with other commodities. Brice have fluctuated within fairly narrow limits
    196 words
  • 25 10 The Bukit Katil Rubber Estates Ltd.. Rubber crop for the month of December 1937 was 36.576 lb. Total for 8 months 249.715 lb.
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  • 21 10 Sione Tin (F.M.S.) Limited. Output lor the month of December 1937, was 580 piculs. Yardage Worked 111,700; Hours Run 629.
    21 words
  • 96 10 The Japanese N.Y.K. liner. Hakone Maru, which is leaving Japan for Singapore and Europe will resume calling at Shanghai. Shanghai has ceased to be a port of call for liners since the opening of Sino-Japan-ese hostilities. The N.Y.K. agents in Singapore informed a Pinang
    96 words
  • 498 10 Imperial Airways Expansion Tn the report for 1936 on the Pros l 6 3 perial Airways, Ltd., and tne y 36. For the year ended April, 1925, the aircraft mites flown by the company touted 853,000. while 391.000 ton traffic were earned. During u j ended April,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 142 10 RACE FORM GUIDE Can you pick winners by studying their form If so, you cannot afford to be without the special Pinang Gazette race form guide. This will be issued FREE as a 16-page supplement with each copy of the Pinang Gazette before each race day henceforth. DON’T MISS IT
      142 words
    • 258 10 I.Must Tell Master To Get This! If you own a dog you should also owe Sherlev's 164 Page Dog Book. Not only is this a complete and invaluable health reference but nothinu so helpful towards understanding the ‘doggv nature’ has ever been written. Right from A to Z the author
      258 words

  • 660 11 Notable Changes In Underwriting (RESPITE the fact that 1937 has been a year of momentous and, in many ways, beneficial happenings in the marine insurance market, underwriters will probably open then books for the new account with something very akin to a sigh of relief.
    660 words
  • 853 11 S.S. “RAJULA” arrived this morning at seven o’clock from Port Swettenham and Singapore, sailing this afternoon for Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. “RAWALPINDI” arrived this morning about nine o’clock from Japan, China and Singapore, alongside wharf, sailing tonight about seven o’clock for Colombo, Suez, Marseilles and
    853 words
  • 289 11 GERMAN CR ITICS OF ARABIC BROADCASTS Palestine Policy Attacked Berlin The new Arabic broadcasts and the British statement of policy in Palestine provide the occasion for the German Press to publish a number of articles and drawings with a distinctly anti-British tendency The “Angriff,” the Nazi evening paper founded by
    289 words
  • 119 11 Sceptical Attitude Baghdad Several thousand citizens of Baghdad have their own wireless sets and most were tuned in to the recent Arabic broadcasts from London. Iraki politicians and newspapers welcome the broadcasts, but their attitude towards them is characteristically sceptical. Doubts regarding the sincerity and authenticity of
    119 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 477 11 BLUE FUNNEL LINE WEEKLY SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH fOX’Tivwr t n A PATROCLUS Also calls Marseilles 9 g Londan B. DIOMED Also calj Hull Glas ow Jan. 21 Feb. 16 c. MEMNON Aso calls MaramllAa m Jan 27 23 TEN DAY SERVICE TO 4 Mar 2 c. EURYPYLUS Omits Havre
      477 words
    • 778 11 PA and Gt V/ BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.) PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “KARAPARA” SAILING SUNDAY, 16th JANUARY, 1938. ?i N C0 ÜBde f Pen “S- Teluk AnsoD Port SwetteutsMi, 12SS i aS J gS S S^S n,men S«rv.e., Outwards from London for China Japan. s s “BULAN” Jan. 21
      778 words

  • 38 12 The B. B. C., following its appointment of Mr. A.E. Barker, as news editor of the Foreign Languages Services, has made Mr. A.S. Calvert, who has wade experience of ;he Near East, Arabic editor.
    38 words
  • 634 12 List Of Far Eastern Radio Stations BOR the benefit of our readers we publish below an up-to-date list of bar Eastern short-wave stations front which p..,_ grammes are receivable in Malaya. PM A, BANDOENG, Java, 19.35 Mc/s, 15,5 metres. Heard irregularly in the evenings with
    634 words
  • 448 12 Latest rimes Of Posting AIK YLAELS: A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence by Singapore-Australia Air Mail Service will close at 7.30 p.m. today. A mail for Kenya. Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia Nyasaland and South Africa
    448 words
  • 175 12 St. George The Martyr 2nd SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY 7. 1 S a.m. Holy Communion. 8.00 a.m. Matins. Psalm 68. Hymn 81. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 10.30 a.m. Matins Holy Communion (Chinese). 6.00 p.m. Evensong. Psalm 27 Chant 109 Magnificat 96 Nunc Dimittis 70
    175 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1153 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES B. B. C. i CALCUTTA VL’C 6.10 Mc/s (49.1 in.) Tune n '/;< following wavelengths; TODAY p.m. TH ANSMISSION 2 6.56 Time signal. For the rural areas. 7.26 Indian music. 8.56 A salute in music. G&f? /7 Mc/S (13.97 mJ 9 41 Talk: “Love and Wisdom”. The
      1,153 words
    • 472 12 NIROM TODAY’ YDC 15.15 Mc/s (19.8 ni.) p.m. 12.20 Arthur Young and Reginald Foresythe. 12.45 Matinee by the Studio Orchestra 1.10 News bulletin. 1.22 Continuation of Studio Orchestra. 1.50 Three Robrecht potpourris. 2.10 News bulletin. 2.20 Close down. 4.50 Time signal. Opening announcement. 4.54 Three English Orchestral selections. 5.50 Bing
      472 words
    • 346 12 PARIS TI’A-2, 15.24 mc/s (19.6 m.) TODAY 6.20 Gramophone records. 7.00 Talk on French events (in Yugoslav). 7.20 News in English. 7.35 Concert relay. 8.05 Gramophone records. 8.20 Concert relay. 850 News in French. Colonial market prices. 9.20 Message from Paris. 9.30 Judicial talk 9.40 Gramophone records. 9.50 Concert. 11.20
      346 words

  • 173 13 DONNA RACHELE MUSSOLINI, wife of the Italian Dictator, photodr tphed as she examined some of the exhibits when she visited the Textile Exhibition now in progress in Rome. ELIZABETH BERGNER, the famous film star and stage actress, with her husband, him director Paul Czinner, at
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  • 297 14 Blelloch Returns Seremban, Jan. 13. Negri Sembilan's cricket prospects for the coming season appear to be bright. lan Blelloch, who once represented Malaya in mter-port. matches, and who has returned to Negri, has been elected to lead the State side this season Blelloch figured prominently in Perak
    297 words
  • 117 14 Lu a golf competition at Wimb!cd<>u Park, one player, J. Weaver, put a bail into the lake and, hastily taking a wrapped ball from his tMg, played an approach shot and holed out. Weaver won the cup, and then a question whether he had infringed the rules was
    117 words
  • 176 14 London. Arriving here shortly will be Earl McCready. 29-year-old professional wrestler, who won the British Empire amateur title at Hamilton. Ontario. He is a straight wrestler—that is, he does not practise “all-in His mission will be to induce promoters here of the character of Mr Arthur
    176 words
  • 1767 14 Creditable Display By State Side KIM CHOON’S COSTLY BLUNDER Before a poor crowd, the Islington Corinthians defeated the Penang Football Association by three goals to one. If the response by the public towards the match was not as enthusiastic as during the first match*
    1,767 words
  • 232 14 S. African Ban London: The “no relatives” rule which the South African tennis girls must observe on their visit to Wimbledon next summer is mainly a move to eliminate those fussy tennis mothers. It was publicly stated recently by a union tennis official that overkeenness and officiousness
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 16 14 HUA HIN-ON-SEA Siam’s Premier Sea-side Resort. Play where you’ll enjoy most ROYAL STATE RAILWAYS OF SIAM.
      16 words
    • 432 14 Nurse rolled in agoiui PA'« H How exceptionally heavy is burden of a nurse who, while devoting x < X j her life to relieving the suffering ot others, is forced to fight intolerable pain herself. That was the agonising experience of Nurse D. W. Here is her letter:
      432 words

  • 1009 15 Has ‘Fighting Heart, Fists, Brains I propose to take a back seat and stick another Welsh boxer in the orchestra stalls. Believe me, he deserves it, writes Totmmy Farr in the News of the World of Jan. 2. Unless I'm miles out
    1,009 words
  • 113 15 M RS KAY PETRE, racing motorist, went to Brooklands e-and found that, even when standing on the spot where she crashed, she had not the faintest recollection of the accident that nearly killed her. In the picture you see her pointing to the
    113 words
  • 443 15 There are one hundred and sixty-seven horses remaining l in this year’s Derby, of which forty-six have not yet run in England. Of the unknown, twenty are foreign, the majority being French. Over sixty sires are represented, and recent winners play
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  • 133 15 Negri Hockey’s Loss lFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 13. By the departure of Mr. M. J. Hayward M.C.S. on home leave Negri Sembilan hockey has sustained the loss of a keen official. Mr. Hayward took the greatest interest in local hockey and the present
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  • 1116 15 Lawn Tennis Coaching Pays yHE Australian system of giving special coaching to promising young lawn tennis players whom it is hoped will form the nucleus of the Davis Cup teams of the future is already beginning to bear fruit. The players have been put in charge
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 38 15 -3' /Milllif® oiilllii R\\ i 3li|| I KU I nt Mn fSESBS»® /X W Hr/ 7 XAIIX THE 1 C A I V I DE MSZKC TJhe jflpisteerat of AGENTS FOR MALAYA: 1 Henry WatigK fir* Go, L-tcl.
      38 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 33 15 ror—o. a .i h.,„ J -u» PERSONALLY COtONIL DON/T CARE WHO G ISN'T A TIE.’ L —~TO THE GRADb I CROSSING FIRST- •'A r&ttfoyj —gJ C zNfe -L -gr > x-k V» -1 J?
      33 words

  • 121 16 x PREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON (Spot) £lB7. 5. 0 £185.15. 0 LONDON—(3 months) £187.10. 0 £185.15. 0 SINGAPORE s 9 o 62' $93.50 BUSINESS DONE 1 FENANG $9O« $91.50 BUSINESS DONE >• Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundried) $4.65 $4.60 BLACK PEPPER 9 59. $9.50 RUBBER:LONDON 7 Ad 7ftd
    121 words
  • 374 16 Share of denomination unless otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or Fall Conversion Loan, 5 p.c., 1044-64 114 g Funding Loan, 4 p.c., 1960-90 A War Loan, 3$ p.c Com. Union Assce. (Units) 10 Prudential Assce. “A" 25 Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) Great Western Rly Ordy 62 Canadian Pacific
    374 words
  • 107 16 Faris 1533 150 New York 4.99];. 4.99', Montreal 4.992 4.994 Brussels 29.54? 29.55 Geneva 21.631 21.64 Amsterdam 8.974 8.97, Milan 94 944 Berlin 12.401 12.401 Stockholm 19.40 19.40 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26$ 26$ Helsingfors 226$ 226$ Prague 142 g 142 ft Madrid 55. 00
    107 words
  • 117 16 London. Jan. 14. RUBBER Dull. London 7,« buyers 7,7 sellers Jan./Mar 7,', buyers 7ft sellers Xpril/June 74 buyers 7’, sellers July/Sept 7* buyers 7a* sellers NEW YORK 14.60 cis United Kingdom Stocks London 36,976 tons Liverpool 21,820 tons COPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. Jan > £l4. 0. 0
    117 words
    • 230 16 Consolidation Of Gains New York, Jan. 14.—Technically market action is encouraging, suggesting that recent consolidation of gains is likely to be followed by further advance. We would note Mr. Roosevelt’s statement of belief that the general trend of trade is better. It is understood unofficially that the American
      230 words
    • 105 16 KENNEDY CO. Buyers Sellers Butu Selangor 1.52 A 1-55 Hong Fatt 108 I- 11 Jelebu -82?.c .87Aex Kampong Lanjut 23|9 24,3 c Klang River 1.55 1.60 ex Kuchai 1.47 A 1.52 A Larut H|l” l p9 Lukut -72 Ac .77Acex Petaling 8.40 8.75 Rahman 1.40 1.45 Rantau Pref 1.40 1.45
      105 words
    • 26 16 TIN Singapore $93.50 Per pkl. Penang $91.50 Per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 23 1 |Bc Per lb. Penang Spot 23 1 |Bc Per lb
      26 words
    • 223 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.55 1.60 Hong Fatt 1.09 1.11 Jelebu 82 A 87’. Klang River 1.52 A 1.57?. Kuchai 1.50 1.55' Petalin 8.45 8.65 c Pnteh 1.22 A 1.25 Rantau Ordy. 1.40 1.45 Rantau Pref. 1.40 1.45 Sungei Luas 1.70 1.75 Taiping Cons. 1.67?. 1.72?.
      223 words
    • 75 16 —Reuter. Cocoa Encouraged By Stock Fears On the Stock Exchange business f □cal account was small but Continent uquiry for a few gold mining and c pecialities was encountered. Far Easterns rallied sharply, recoverir ost of the mid-week losses. was easier in sympathy with V Plate. Cocoa was
      —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 426 16 POSITION VACANT WANTED: Agent for British mill with modem plant. Must be well introduced and able obtain important tonnage in vegetable parchment. Apply: Managing Director, Messrs.. Thomas Owen Co.. Ltd., Ely Paper Works, Cardiff, Wales FOR SALE For sale well matched pair young bulls fast walkers $250/- Apply Manager Holyrood
      426 words
    • 875 16 BANKS svfdfriandsche chartered bank OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA A N HANDEL-MAATSCHA! I (lncorporated in Snglani h, 01 Royal Charter J N.V. Paid-up Capital piww» in the Netherlands.) Reserve Fund b Umited liability.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3oS)!JS v Head Office W (NFTHERLANDS TRADING no. 88 Bishopsgate, London. S c Manchester Office
      875 words