Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 September 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE last edition ESTAB. 1833. PUBLISHED DAILY. No. 221. Vol. XCV. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1937. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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    —Reuter.  -  516 words
  • 145 1 —Reuter. 1 )eficit Narrows Sept 22—The 1938 Budget pubre night" provides for expenditure e O rins against 657.794.000 last and revenue 689.950.000 florins 610,059 last year. This leaves a 13,245.000 against 47,735.000 in i n cause of the higher expenditure st of defence tor which 25.500,000 rins
    ?.—Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 61 1 Reprisal For Detention Of Irnn Governor Paris, Sept. 22,—The Spanish insurgent authorities have detained M. Desmartis. French Consul at Malaga, at his house, apparently as a reprisal for the arrest of Major Troncoso. rebel Governor of Irun, who led the unsuccessful attempts to “kidnap” the
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  • 59 1 British Officers As Instructors The Turkish Government have engaged two British Air Force officers, Wing-Com-mander A. S. G. Lee and Squadron-Leader S. McKeever, as instructors at the neWly formed Turkish Air Force Staff College. The contracts, which are to last for three years with possibility of prolongation,
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  • 45 1 —Reuter. Objections By Mr. Lloyd George The postponement of publication of Sir Laurence Guillemard’s book. Trivial Fond Records, followed Mr. Lloyd George’s objection to certain passages. Mr. Lloyd George's secretary stale--, that the matter had been placed in the hands of solicitors. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 79 1 The death took place this morning at her residence, at Leith Street, of Madam Cheah Keng Eng at tne age of 72. Deceased had been ailing for some days and she passed away this morning in the presence of her grand-children, Mr. Khaw Bian
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  • 71 1 —Reuter. London, Sept. 23. Arthur Lacey (Berkshire Club) won the Wentworth Dunlop Metropolitan Golf tournament with rounds of 72. 68, 70, 67 He played the last round with a swollen wrist due to a torn ligament. Pat Mahon (Royal Dublin) was second with 73.
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 74 1 Next Year’s T.U.C. Chairman Mr. H. H. Elvin has been chosen next year’s chairman of the Trades Union Congress Secretary of the National Union of Clerks and for a number of years a member of the General Council of the T.U.C., he is well-known abroad, not only
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  • 52 1 Visit To United States And Canada General Evangeline Booth, chief of the Salvation Army, left Southampton yesterday in the liner Berengaria on a two months’ visit to the United States. She will address three big conferences at New York, Chicago and Atalanta, Georgia, and will visit Winnipeg
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  • 53 1 I From Our Own Correspondent) Sungei Fatani, Sept. 23. I His Highness Tvnku Abdul Majid, with a shooting party, is travelling to Baling ’’’•ening and will sit up the whole night ivi" “Mr Stripes" who appeared near Bongor School a few days ago and killed
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  • 64 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Sept. 22. Charged with enticing away Valliaman. the wife of one Nachiamuthu of Sungei Rotan, a Tamil named Muthusamy said ’n the Taiping Police Court: “The woman came to the estate where I was working of her own accord The case was postponed
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  • 62 1 A Chinese woman was admitted into the General Hospital. Penang, yesterday suffering from poisoning. In spite of attention she died in the evening. It is believed that the woman, who is the wife of the proprietor of a bicycle repairers shop in Dato Ki ama I
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  • 165 1 Today’s/ raid was the most thrilling yet with the sky in all directions brimful of aerial activity and presenting an amazing spectacle in the clear blue morning. The raiders flew in perfect formation of threes ai\J (iL_ethodically loosed bombs on objectives which have not
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 572 1 Apology, But Uo Punishment For Japanese Airmen Fiugessen (hitrage B. —Reuter. The texts are published of the Note from the Japanese Government on the wounding o? Sir H Knatobbull-Hugessen handed to the British Ambassador in Tokio on Tuesdav and of the British reply. The Japanese Note
    B.—Reuter.  -  572 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 Please Phone or write to 8. S. MOHIDEEN CO. H Reach Street, Penang) ‘Phone 947 flv Premier Stores for STATIONERY IN MALAYA Branches: Penang Malacca Head Office Singapore
      28 words
    • 109 1 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA (Incorporated in Canada in 1865) Life Assurance will relieve you of all worries on behalf of the future of your FAMILY AND DEPENDANTS. Apply V. H. COLLINS, Representative, 33c, Beach Street, Penang. Your Choice of W CHEESE Jill Ii F 1 owl You will
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  • 731 2 Police Clerk Pig-Kearer Acquitted 44 DISCREPANCIES IN EVIDENCE.” SAYS MAGISTRATE Delivering iu.lgnient yesterday, Mr. T. D. Hughes, the I’cirnv’- Police Magistrate, acquitted Low Lian (>ik, a pig-icai er, and I ow Teik Liang, a clerk in the Weights and Measures Office, Penang, who were
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  • 145 2 Bicycle I hief Sentenced “This is a case in which whipping alone cannot be inflicted. I suggest that he be sent to prison in addition to whipping, said Court Inspector Astin to the additional magistrate. Mr. Lim Cheng Ean. in the 1 < 0* Middle
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  • 153 2 Na|he Treatment Ends Fatally i From Our Own Correspondent) Scgamat, Sept. 20. After a pot of scalding water had fallen on the back of her three-year-old daughter, a Malay woman, giving evidence in the Coroner's Court, today, said that she applied ink to the
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  • 212 2 Fatal A ccidrnt Near Hospital t From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Eahru, Sept. 20. Finding that no pnma facie case had been made out, Mr. J. Bernard Weiss, the First Magistrate, at the end of the prosecution case today, discharged Samir bin Haji Omar, a
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  • 201 2 Silent On Arms Sanction “American civilians in China are properly ared for and well looked after,” declarea tI.E. Edwin L. Neville, successor to H.E James M. Baker as Minister Plenipoten tiary to U.S.A, in Siam, in an interview c.ith the Pinang Gazette yesterday evening m his
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  • 133 2 Amendments to the Textile Quotas Regulations were published in a Straits Settlements Gazette extraordinary. These bring the regulations into line with the recent legislation passed by the Legislative Council regarding British origin of regulated textiles and the prevention of evasion of the quota scheme. Importers of non-regulated
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  • 112 2 The death took place at her residence, No. 8 Prangin Lane yesterday morning at five o'clock of Mrs. Ong Sin Keng, nee Lee Lean Kee Neoh. sister-in-law of Mr. Ong Sin Seng, at the age of 60. Deceased, who had been ailing for some
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  • 84 2 The annual report of the Malayan agent cf the Government of India welcomes the suggested formation of a Wages Board in this country. “Such a board is desirable in the absence of trade unions or other organisations to safeguard the interests of the labourers,” says the report.
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  • 59 2 The case in which one Japanese, Kichi yoshi. and three Chinese, 800 Bun Chin. Liat, alies Foo Voon Chin and Li Lim. who stand charged with trafficking in forged currency notes, was called up before Mr. Lim Cheng Ean. the additional magistrate, in the Penang Middle Court
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  • 578 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.» Singapore, Sept. 21<. The story oi how a Sikh made repeated attempts to bribe a police inspector with the object of getting him to do a favour was told to Mr H. A. Forrer, in the Singapore Criminal District
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 1, ft Ml 1™ time ffoi a |jg j TIGER BEER IS BEST fit I :\9bsccd'; iSSssfe, s If 1 T oS C A I iLj RHINE G O L D Eau de Cologne. A poem oi Hi] F: li|B Eau de Cologne enchants by glorious fragrance, delightfully Its sparkling
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  • 120 3 Reuter. China’s New (hit look j ndon. Sept. 22: Sir Louis Beale, in nll ort on commercial conditions in pass a remarkable tribute to Gen(■hi.tng Kai-shek and the National Go,,7ini(iit and says that the Manchu affaii p, 1 i<ft the underlying fear that there in< urable weakness
    . Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 374 3 Reuter. Hundreds Killed Canton, Sept 22: Two further visitations bj Japanese planes took place at ~ne o'clock and two o’clock. Reuter counted nine big bombers and witnessed six mlumns of smoke indicating hits. It appeal- that the objective is the Canton Hankow Railway and also to break
    Reuter.  -  374 words
  • 45 3 —Reu ter. iffy, Sept. 22: The American A,. K.s.sodor, Hr. Johnson, and other ■,i< s of the staff moved Lack in- th' Embassy in the late afternoon gunboat ‘‘Luzon". S ar> most gratified especially < eturned despite the prospects of d>ther raids.—Reuter.
    —Reu ter.  -  45 words
  • 46 3 Vival Tug Stopped And Examined Rung. Sept. 22: The naval tug. yesterday was stopped by a Jasti oyer in the vicinity of Gap >• delivering supplies to J lig**t ••< Gaining the tug’s nationality. r apologised for the incident and Menace was allowed to proceed. R-uter.
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  • 337 3 Large Quantities Of Munitions Being Sent The “Dally Herald’s” Geneva correspondent states on “exceedingly go I authority” that Germany is sending large quantities of munitions to China and is prepared to send larger quantities still. “In German eyes the idea of
    Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 114 3 Reuter. Reorganisation To Help Nanking Shanghai. Sept. 22: Chinese Communist leaders have issued a manifesto dissolving the “Government of the Soviet Republic of China.” They are abolishing the Red army and are reorganising it as a nationalist revolutionary army which will be placed at Nanking’s disposal. They
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 360 3 P. O. Launch £1,000,000 Liner London, Sept. 22: Great activity in British shipbuilding is marked this week by the launching of an exceptionally large lumber of vessels. At Vickers Armstrong s naval construction works at Barrow yesterday three destroyers for the Argentine Government were launched
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  • 113 3 Reuter. Paris, Sept. 22: The Press takes a grave view of events leading to the detention of Major Troncoso, the insurgent Governor of Irun, who voluntarily crossed the frontier and informed the French Police that he planned to kidnap the submarine C 2 upon which he was
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 54 3 —British Wireless. London. Sept. 22: Questions concerning the war graves of British soldiers whose war graves are in Italy will be discussed at the Anglo-Italian Mixed Committee o. imperial War Graves Commission in London on Oct. 12. Some 4,000 British sold ers died in Italy during
    —British Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 55 3 —British Wireless. London, Sept. 22: The British steamer Gibel Zerjon made another journey yesterday from Valencia to Marseilles with 407 Spanish refugees who have been housed since the early days of the Spanish conflict in embassies and legations in Madrid. They included' women and children and
    —British Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 60 3 —British Wireless. London, Sept. 22: Announcement was made in Rome last night that the proposal that naval experts of Britain, France and Italy should meet at Paris at an °arly date to determine practical modifications to be made in the arrangement reached at Nyon
    —British Wireless.  -  60 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 NEW ENERGY FOR I IRED MEN AND WOMEN Strengthening Vitamins In Tasteless Tablets Now men and women who are run-down and tired and have lost all zest for life, can recapture all their old vigorous energy and vitality and youthful enthus asm for living, simply by taking two tiny, tasteless,
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  • 477 4 Knotty Legal Problem Before Singapore Court (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Is the privileged occupier of a house entitled to refuse to vacate the premised in favour of a mortgagee'when payments are defaulted This question arose in a suit before Mr. Justice Horne
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  • 140 4 Javanese Gets Imprisonment (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Arrested whilst loitering in Grange Road after midnight on Sept 7, a Javanese w r ho was found in possession of a razor and a vegetable knife, was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. H.
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  • 230 4 Chinese Pleads Guilty (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore Charged with having stolen two canaries and with being cruel to them, a Cantonese, Chong Kin. on Tuesday appeared before Mr. W G Reeves, in the Singapore Police Court. He pleaded guilty to both charges and was fined
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  • 218 4 Italian Journalists In Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Two more war correspondents are in Singapore on their way to Shanghai to cover the war for Italian newspapers. They are: Luigi Barzini of the newspaper “Corriere della Sera,” Milano, and Sandro Sandri of ‘La Stampa.”
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  • 24 4 K<?aay ror 1 lie throw. A brawny Scot caught in the act of throwing the hammer during theAmboyne Highland games.
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  • 277 4 Municipal Coolie Stands Trial At Assizes i From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. A squabble between a Municipal mandore and a Municipal coolie on the night of May 6 last at Canal Road, which is alleged to have led to fatal consequences, was described in the Assize
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  • 135 4 Court Sequel To Gambling Raid Singapore. Convicted on charges of assisting in the management of a public lottery and possession of lottery tickets, three Chinese, Chian Ah Heng, Peng Ah Chuan and Chia Ah Meng were dealt with by the second magistrate, Mr F.V Duckworth, on
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  • 435 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL After an extended tour abroad. Mr. John Laycock, a member of the Singapore Municipal Commission and member of the law firm of Braddell Brothers, returned on Sunday by the liner Conte Rcsso. He was accompanied by his wife. A. R. L. Sze Chan Chew will be presented with
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  • 347 4 Another $50,000 Remitted A further sum of $50,000 Chinese currency (making a total of Chinese »350.000|SO far sent) has this day been remitted through the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Penang, to be paid to the Executive Yuan of the Chinese Government at Nanking for the relief
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 4 BELOW: A PAT ON THE BACK for Jack, a lion at London Zoo. Right: An official of the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals of the Poor treating a casualty case at the depot in Commercial-road, London, E.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 82 4 It I F? -I J p— i nm Va H Lili xTCJ/A i\ -t- *<•>■> i 1 .1 i I L.X -a......... —■> NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL PHONE NO 60. TANJONG BUNGAH. PENANG For your pleasure we have erected a diving stage complete with spring board. Rates moderate. The best place
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  • 471 5 Competition Is Not Incentive To Learn ONLY AFFORDS CHANCE TO SPEND ON LUXURIES The number of weekly fairs in Perlis remained the same during the year, i.e. 12 in all, states the annual report for 1936. N»ne of them were run by members of the rural
    471 words
  • 1330 5 IMPROVED STANDARD OF LIVING MEANS BETTER WORK Statements In Agent’s Annual Report 'l' n l<y al r£ St S e nl>lo crs to pay Indian labourers well so that their standard of living might be improved with a consequent better capacity for
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  • 62 5 THE HOTTEST DAY IN FOUR YEARS was experienced in London towards the end of last month and many felt the need of keeping cool by going to the seaside and changing into swimsuits, like the girl on the left. The policeman on the right however, hart to
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  • 65 5 THE SMALLER HALF OF THE MAYO COMPOSITE— The MFRCURY, the small plane wh ch will ride on the back of the MAIA, the large plane tri be used in the composite, for the Trans-Atlantic air service. The Mercury will be carried a certain
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  • 162 5 (From Our Own Correspondent)) Singapore, Sept., 22. When a Chinese named Cheng Ah Chow was charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer, in the Criminal District Court yesterday, with pick-pocketing in a trolley bus on Sept. 12, it was revealed that the
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  • 149 5 Absence Of Evidence (From Our Own Correspondent. > Johore Bahru. Finding that no prima facie case had been made out Mr. J.B Weiss, the first magistrate, at the end of the prosecution case, discharged Samir bin Haji Omar, a senior hospital dresser, who was on trial on
    149 words
  • 107 5 CHARGE AGAINST MALAY CONSTABLE (From Our Own Correspondent)) Singapore, Sept. 22. A malay police constable named Mohamed Alip bin Ali, attached 1 to the Beach Road division, had three charges preferred against him when ho appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer, in the Criminal District Court
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 T o.’’; JOA blondell J VxxjlJL n| Warner Br BLONDELL GIVES THE SECRET /J&T of a flawless COMPLEXION y Ms flFvXWkj pL 'C'-y Jsw I think your complexion is simply x f beautiful, Mollie. I only wish mine ft f were the same.” if f U Well, why not do
      172 words

  • 2237 6 Two Witnesses Tell How It Happened Two versions of how the collision involving the s.s. “Kedah” and a tongkang occurred on Aug. 31, last year, in the Penang Harbour, was heard in the Supreme Court yesterday beiore Mr. Justice Gordon Smith, in
    2,237 words
  • 79 6 London, Sept. 22: The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Duff Cooper, will shortly visit H.M. ships and establishments in he Mediterranean. The Admiralty yacht “Enchantress” left Portsmouth on Monday and according to present arrangements. Mr. Cooper, accompanied by the naval seretary and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 136 6 BR»£BBBBBI9Beaflfl B E M B B B B B B B B B B B MA IF QT if PE G T ORROW! 1 ERICH POMMER’S f S7 NIGHT TONIGHT I Mi htiest Production I lie Season's Big Laugh ‘flora I I, tX 9 RO9SOD iWA‘"AI BAMS I 1«#/ ERICH
      136 words
    • 118 6 —K*_B B B„B_B ■■BBISSbm» BB K B B S B K M a K 1, |»®e Royal Tonight FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY AT 8 P M SHARP. L 4L qu !L Film Co Superb Production. The Popular Cantonese Talkie Ever Filmed. “COUNTRY GENTLEMAN” or HEONG HAR LOR YEW FOW” Starring
      118 words
    • 290 6 WINDSOR 6.15 Last Night Tonight <) tn A Great First-Run Doul 1 e M Attract!.». The New Sweethearts of th Q CHARLES FARREN and CHARLOTTE HEMq in “FORBIDDEN HEAVEN’ A story of two hearts aflame Amazing Gloriole TOGETHER VV|Ttj KE\ MAYNARD and his horse “Tarzan" “FIGHTING THRU”» Reduced Prices 15,
      290 words

  • 624 7 Countess On The Broken Romance “It was not that I was being snobbish at all. Any mother in my position would have done the same thing. My daughter and Mr. Jim Mollison lived in two different worlds entirely, and I just did not want
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  • 74 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Mr Soo Siew Meng, a Cantonese managMr' wTX- SingT pore Third Court on Tuesday the other partners a Begistrarand name n oftoe l^ncee^nThe Textile Quotas linptipp issued to the firm. It was alleged his action was likely to cause wrongful
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  • 511 7 Mysterious Sea Captain Bought W ells Of Wealth TO BE SOLD BY STATE IF NOBODY CLAIMS o\\ XER of land worth a fortune on the outskirts of Budapest, 1 honias Andrew Bruce, a retired British sea captain, has not been near his property since 1914,
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  • 350 7 Soldier Who Criticised The Army Without reason or explanation being given, "Private X Y Z” has been discharged from the Army Reserve. He believes the War Office action is due to the storm raised by the publication, earlier this year, of his sensational book
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  • 152 7 Chicago. Dr. Herman Bundesen. president of Chicago’s Board of Health, revealed to thPress that he had flatly turned down a group of the city’s prominent doctors who v. anted to make “guinea pigs” out of the growing number of victims of the wave or infantile
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  • 279 7 Fortified Village On Hill A few inches beneath the turf on a Sussex hill top, archaeologists have revealed the site of an Iron Age three-acre town which flourished 500 years before Christ, was fortified, and remained perhaps after the Roman Conquest. Since the beginning of the
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  • 127 7 A fortune of at least £2,000.000 is expected to have been left by Lady Macneal, the New York society beauty who died or. Sept. 11 at her home at Easthampton. aged 38. She was the wife of Sir Hector Macneal. the British shipowner. She married
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  • 29 7 BARON TONI DIRSZTAY and his bride. Miss Arta Clara Benn, dauyhter of Mi. F T Benn, millionaire timber menhant. leaving Harrow-road reyster office after their weddiny.
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  • 290 7 MAKING CITIES SAFER FOR YOUNG GIRLS Large scale “rescue” campaigns among young" women, and a big drive to clean up the vice traffic, are at last really being planned by the Home Office. Underworld undesirables were effectively rounded up at the time of
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  • 47 7 Friday, Sept. 17. H.H. The Sultan of Brunei and Mr. R Irvine had luncheon at Government House. Monday, Sept. 20 His Excellency and Lady Thomas were present at a private view of “Flying Over The Empire” exhibited by Imperial Airways Limited at Raffles Hotel.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 526 7 Reul office: 12. Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. gapore Office ecil Street, Singapore. I hone 5471. 'lei “Times” Singapore. il i Lumpur Office 25. Java Street. Phone 3683. ,h office Brewster Road. Phone 268. 1 lan Office 40, 43, Meet Street, London E.C. 4
      526 words
    • 35 7 APIOL STEEL Sure and certain for all Female complaints. Every lady should keep a box in the house. The GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY 52-54 Beach Street, Penang. For your FRIGIDAIRE go to Paterson, Simons Co. Ltd.
      35 words
    • 364 7 lt’./’.S siHii OVALTINE COLD or Hot is now served in the leading Cafes and Restaurants ■—a—M— wit AG;».:-. SjjgronMLY M A MUSIC s i h <□ a .-o ■> THE RECORDS OF GOOD VALUE Agents: T.M.A. Aiit-ie Hoiisi* Penang. SPECTACLES FOR ALL SIGHTS EYE TESTING FREE V /A A CHANCES
      364 words

  • 816 8 THE Japanese effort to reduce Nanking, the Chinese capital, and Canton, the greatest citv of South China, to shambles is in keeping with tire spirit of ruthlessness exhibit ed by Japan since the commencement of the war on China on July 7. A series of rapid victories would
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  • 239 8 I ndertaker*s Tinielv Discovery (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Sept. 22. A naval officer at Seletar has been made a victim of what is described as a ‘shabby hoax" in which an undertaker was instructed to arrange a funeral following a "fatal motor accident.’’ A few
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  • 687 8 Unique Chapel lor the Blind Mathematical Miracles 7 < Biggest Fish that Cot Ttniv WITHIN St. Matthew’s Church of England at Prahran, a suburb of Melbourne, there is now a chapel for the blind, believed to be the only one in the world, outside an institution. Each
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  • 276 8 Penang Chinese Residents Return After an eventful eight months’ tour round the world during which they witnessed the Coronation in London, military activity in Japan, war in China and the typhoon in Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Chee Tiang Seng, two Penang residents, returned yesterday
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  • 162 8 Dr. Liin Boon K<-ng Cites Examples (From Our Own Corresponden Singapore. Sept "The brutality of Japanese agp: in China should be revealled to tm declared Dr. Lim Boon Keng, fornu ber of the Straits Settlements LegCouncil and until recently head Amoy University, who has just from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 Sharp, clear pictures ideal for enlargement y THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WITH THIS NEW. LOWPRICED KODAK. i V Fp~- j&aMB J I I j C The Kodak “Bantam” is available in two models, ne fitted with- an efficient Doublet lens, selling price of Extremely efficient and compact, the Kodak “Bantam’’
      248 words
    • 33 8 EVERYBODY'S favourite For any occasion COC.nI NisMol I i |bk/J Prodnce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC. Established in IMS Sole Agent* Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Pentuig, Singapore. Ipoh A Kuala
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  • 307 9 Kuala Laddie Collapses While Being Led Out (From ()„r Own Correspondent) This mornings training f or u PUr t Se P‘- 23 Meeting was marred In the traX 1 Selangor i racehorse, which collapsed and Kuala Laddie, Xl*» j. -ck moved
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  • 252 9 '■ion* To Carry Out Father’s Wishes 1 ui Own Coriespondent.) Alor Star, Sept. 23. Khay Beng. the well-known 1 and property owner, Alor away peacefully at his resi 7 15 p.m. yesterday. Beng was born at Penang and had been a resident of about forty
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  • 377 9 CATTLE-OWNER GETS TWO YEARS’ GAOL (from Ourf Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 23. How a quarrel between two Punjabi Mohammedan cattle-owners led to the stiSking of a fatal blow With a rake, um told at the Perak Assize Court yesterday when Mengah, son of Mako, appeared
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  • 120 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept 23. The annual general meeting of the Ipol Young Mens Christian Association will be held in the Association’s premises on Tues day next at 7 p.m The meeting will be a very important one as the future of the
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  • 116 9 Mr. Justice H. P. Whitley, acting Chief Justice, S.S., returned Home leave today by the P. O. liner Carthage.” Mr. Kho Kay Ecn.g. of Messrs. K. Lee Sen Co., who had oeen away in Siam on business returned this morning by th. s.s. "Matang.” X The following arrived
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  • 335 9 JUDGE’S STERN WORDS TO YOUNG CHINESE I From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Sept. 23. Remarking that the seduction of young' women and girls appeared to be his favourite pastime, the Hon. Mr. Justice Ait keh sentenced Lau Ah Soon, a liquor shop assistant, to two years' rigorous
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  • 144 9 Delightful Comedy-Drama Opens Today At Queen s With one of the finest all round casts that has been assembled in a long time, “Call It a Day,” the Cosmopolitan production adapted from the successful longrun stage hit of London and Broadway opens at the Queen’s today.
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  • 148 9 From £2O Output To £500,214 London, Sept. 22: The development with almost startling rapidity of a new diamond field in Sierra Leone is described in a new issue of the bulletin of Imperial Institute of South Kensington by Mr. J. D. Follett, a member
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  • 260 9 Before a crowd of 30,000, in mild and dull weather at Ibrox Park, the Scottish Football League defeated the English Football League yesterday by the only goal scored. Scotland won the toss but it was not an advantage as the windless conditions were ideal
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  • 144 9 Reuter Injured Motorist’s Triumph Twice injured when his car went into spins, A B. Jenkins, the American moor st who is attempting to break the 48hour record on the salt flats of Utah at nn JT 11Ie br ke ten recOrds from the 500 kilometres to 12
    . Reuter  -  144 words
  • 436 9 Jitra Mandore Fined $3O (From Our Own Correspondent.) Jitra, Sept, 23. A middle-aged Chinese, Chng Teng Sang appeared before Tuan Syed Ahamad Aljafiee, district officer. Jitra. yesterday charged with having lent his gun to another Chinese Chng Peck Soi, who had no permit to use the gun,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 DIAMOND M Bedsteads. 1 1l HI Head and foot ends built <•< solid Teak pH 1-3 finished with high* polish. Quartered grain centre panel. '*>*- A H s teel Mattress Mesh or Sp,r ’“X” Spring pattern. Sizes 6 ft 6 long b. 3 ft 6” 4 ft. 6” or 5
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    • 313 9 An unpleasant breath (hali- N. tosis) is a common danger to J womanly charm. Mouth washes will do no good, unless the cause lies in the mouth. Most cases of bad breath are due to improper functioning of the digestive tract. A constipated system is obstructed with digested food which
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  • 1165 10 BREAKING-DOWN ok barriers Increased Demand Eor Primary Products THE rapid recovery of world trade, coupled with the increased demand for primary products, is the subject ol a compu hensive survey appearing in the current issue ol the “Westminster Bank Review.” the writer seeing a prospect
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  • 28 10 S Cedric and Lady Hardwicke ieen at their London home reading tr, s ')t <<■' a new play Sir Cedric has just finished writing.
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  • 640 10 Scheme Approved i»x fl I Government DECLINE IN TLX ORE PRODI C i lON A detailed account ui the unique eharac iter oi the cave .n Perlis, which is practically tne only kind of tin mining I practised in Lie State, was given m th.*'
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  • 556 10 Will Participate In Any General Rise Commenting on the tin situation. the Financial News (London) writes: "During the last week’s erratic com modity price movements, tin was one of the few which were firm, at the beginning of the week and firm at the end. The price
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  • 304 10 Jump In Reclaim Figures CRUI)E CONST MPTION DECLINES The U.S. rubber questionnaire .figures for August, received on Sept. 16 by Messrs Symington and Wilson, were considered fairly satisfactory. Crude rubber consumption last month, at 41.456 tons, was appreciably below the figures for the previous month and foi
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 Km pVEBEST! G Only a water-proofed toothbrush can keep TEETH REALLY WHITE! •Do the bristles in your toothbrush turn limp and soggy g/ when wet? THROW IT AWAY! Get a Dr. West’s ft Toothbrush. Made with the finest, costliest bristles, water-proofed by an exclusive process. Cannot gel soggy—keeps teeth really
      68 words
    • 135 10 “Lively 'C snaps and no perhaps if you give us Selo You can’t help getting brilliant snaps with Selo and Selochrome They've so much extra speed, sc much extra latitude. Even in g climate like ours, where the light often varies tremendously from hour to hour, these famous British films
      135 words

  • 172 11 NAZI CONGRESS AT NUREMBURG \N ANTI-BOLSHEVIK EXHIBITION was a feature of the great Nazi Congress at Nuremburg, a huge symbolic figure of a Soviet soldier dominating the main entrance. rnvernment forces uses an old gramophone horn as Propaganda on the opposite trench ashing them to
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  • 270 12 Clerk Provided With Chair On Rails A book so large that the girl in charge of it is provided with a chair running along rails is used by the 8.8. C. to record allocations of the twenty-one studios at Broadcasting House and of the five in the
    270 words
  • 108 12 The Hong Kong station. ZBW, has been of tremendous help in the last few weeks in sending out S.O.S. appeals on behalf of refugees from Shanghai. Mainly these have been re-quests that certain persons who had arrived by refugee ship should get in touch with
    108 words
  • 121 12 In January, 1931. in order to satisfy the many inquiries received from abroad concerning the conditions prevailing in Roumanian ports, a booklet entitled "The Danube and the Roumanian Black Sea Ports,” compiled by Mr. Basile H. Moussou, w’as published. Owing to the success of the booklet —the
    121 words
  • 456 12 LATEST TIMES Or POSTING AIR MAIL i t A mail for Kenya, Tanganvii j Zanzibar, Northern, and Southern I Nyasaland and South Africa i;, and thence by Imperial A at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow A mail for Java and Souther, < j via Singapore and thence by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 70 12 A REAL BOON FOR EVERY KITCHEN A MAGGI S H SEASONING is a product for increasing and improving the flavour of the food to which it is added. An addition of a few drops generally suffices en fi ance and to bring out to perfection K na urc, l flavour
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1572 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES BBC. CALCUTTA NIROM VUC 6.10 Mc/s <40.1 m.) Vl>€ 1515 MC/ <IM TODAf TODAY Tttsc <« on the following wavelength»: -TimP <ip-nal For the Rural Areas. 2.10 News bulletin. TRANSMISSION 2 6 56 Time sigi a Close down. 8.26 Feature programme. «signal Opening announceflSfl »1.47 Mo/S <».»7
      1,572 words
    • 346 12 PENANG —ZH J (WAVELENGTH —49.3 metre») TODAY p.m. 7.00 Time signal and day’s programme. 7.05 Recorded operatic selections. 7.20 Food Flor Thought (BBC Rediffusion). 7.40 Leeds Midday Concert (BBC Rediffusion). 8.20 “Swift Serenade” —Tommy Matthews and his Concert Orch. (BBC Rediffusion). 8.50 Messrs. Anthony and Co’s share report. 8.55 Pinang
      346 words
    • 21 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY HIGH LOW 1.32 p.m. 8.05 p.m. TOMORROW 1.57 a m. 8.25 a.m. 2.07 p. m 8.35 p. m
      21 words

    • 83 13 Completed Stage In Three Years Pinal works relating to the developments Cochin Harbour are in full progress and 1 be completed during the next three irs The entire trade of the hinterland ind the Cochin State will then depen •on the harbour for its commercial P r
      83 words
    • 57 13 The Streets Committee of Glasgow Cor■ration have decided to recommend e «‘«••ptance of the tender of the Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., for e re< lion of a new high level bridge over river Clyde at Finnieston. a mile wes the centre of the city. The
      57 words
    • 105 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) i Segamat, Sept. 21. When a deer was caught in the mud of a padi-field after an exciting chase, six p.W.D. Tamil coolies at Jementah beat It to death with sticks. Pleading guilty before Ungku Ismail to a charge of killing a
      105 words
    • 49 13 The S S "Rawalpindi” from Japan. Ch™ and Singapore is expected to arrive here at a m on Saturday and will leave for Colombo. Aden. Port Said. Malta, hu sellles Gibraltar. Plymouth and Londoni at ?P m- the same day. The steamer Will vork at the wharf.
      49 words
    • 494 13 M.V. KERIOSONO’ from Java ports via Singapore—sails today for Belawan, Boston, New York via Cape of Good Hope. S.S. ‘CARTHAGE’ from London via ports. Sails today for Singapore, Hong Kong, Kobe Yokohama. S.S. ACHILLES’ from Singapore due here midnight todav and sails the next morning for London,
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    • 606 13 Specially Fitted For Carriage Of Refrigerated Produce London. After successful trials, the Donalds-n Line’s new 9,200-ton motor cargo liner, the Salaeia, arrived in the Mersey recently to complete the loading for her maiden voyage to North Pacific j>orts. Specially fitted for the carriage
      606 words
    • 82 13 A £6,000,000 Project The wide-world interest in the Capetown plans for a new harbour, to cdSt £6,000,000 was shown when the full plans for dredging reclamation, and reconstructional work was made available to tender. Applications tor tender forms were received from Britain, Ornate» Holland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark
      82 words
    • 90 13 Seaham Harbour docks, which have been closed for seven weeks for the fitting of new dock gates, were reopened During the alterations Seaham coal has been sent by rail to neighbouring ports. The resumption of shipping will be welcome to the town, which has a large coastal
      90 words
    • 119 13 The Bay of Biscay Shipping Co. has registered as a public company, with > nominal capital of £BOO,OOO in 80,000 shareof £lO each The objects are to carry on the business of shipowners and to adop an agreement with the Compania Navier.. Sota y Aznar Sociedad Anonirna
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 542 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE \essels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leaves Due t *~TEUCER h Sept 3O L HELENUS Port Sudan. if J r^ W e VOK r K r. SEBV,CE <♦ PHEMTUS Boston, New ?S£ Baltimore 6 PROMETHEUS Halifax, Boston New York 2 ATRFTN M 15 HINA AND FAR EAST SERVICE
      542 words
    • 801 13 P. and Gt V BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “CARTHAGE” SAILING THURSDAY, 23rd SEPT. A ,T n Port Uin*» and Far East Mall Service S/S "SX”HARr Outwards from London for China Japan s/S “BULAN" t S/S “CARTHAGE" '’“sept.’lj 7 SAILING S STEAMERS OF THE *S/S “BANGALORE”
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  • 705 14 Score 15-3 But Losers Put Up Good Display CONTINUOUS DRIZZLE MARS GAME The Penang Sports Club “A” team defeated the “E” Company Volunteers at rugger on the Esplanade yesterday, the final score being, Penang Sports Club “A” 15 points (five tries) “E” Company
    705 words
  • 943 14 NO RUNS FOR CLASS 2 HORSES Below will be found the revised handicaps for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Autumn Meeting to be run at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday in so far as Class 3 and 4 horses are concerned —those entered for
    943 words
  • 175 14 Winners In Bowls And Tennis Tournaments The prizes won in the Pening Sports Club bowls and tennis tournaments will be distributed this evening at the Cricket pa vilion. at about 6.30 at the conclusion of the American tennis tournament. Mrs H. E. Murial will give awey the
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  • 96 14 Selangor Beat Malacca In Final (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 22. Selangor beat Malacca in the inter-State ballroom dancing final, which was held at the Bukit Bintang hall last night. The winning team comprised Miss Jenny Kboo and Khoo Hong Chow. Miss Violet Lee and
    96 words
  • 468 14 After running up a series of fine victories, the Province Wellesley Football Club came up against their stiffest opposition since they started their winning streak when, yesterday on the Victoria Green, Penang, they met the Indian Recreation Club in what was the last
    468 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1012 14 Acids in Blood* byKidneysp 1 is poisoned i Your Health is Under- B.J 50k■ B mined and You May Suffer from Nervous- HwiHMMiHii ness, Circles Under Eyes, Lack of Vita ity, Getting Up Nights, Dizziness, Leg Pains, and Feel Tired, Run-Down, and Worn Out There is nothing that can so
      1,012 words

  • 269 15 F.A. SCOTTISH LEAGUES FIXTURES FOR SATURDAY London, Sept. 23. the fixtuies for Saturday tnd Scottish League:— I LEAGUE—DIV. I v Middlesbrough v Stoke City .‘A C. v Arsenal :1 Huddersfield T 1 v West Brom. A. t v Liver pool c. v Brentford it)i v Manchester C. X E v
    269 words
  • 114 15 W.C. hoy Loses To David ‘lliff, R.A. Shayes, E.J. David, oi slur* and D.J. Cook became the s in the men’s singles at the (lul>> tournament at West Harm-stead. form and. adding speed to iy artistry, proved too good for •bull, v horn he defeated by Shayes’
    114 words
  • 77 15 in At Liverpool .sh tin British lightweight sily defeated Ernie Roderick. 'I welterweight, on points ovei s at Liverpool Stadium. although boxing well, found aking ten stone tor the fight powers, and he was well beaten <i harder hitting opponent. •id three good rounds
    77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 15 > RAIN, th> Ctifhthl Palace Cup for baby car raciup iros icott by H L Hadley, who is seen rereiriuy lh< trophy.
    24 words
  • 492 15 MUST USE THEIR POWERS London. Sept. 16. The campaign against foul play in Rugby football has advanced another stage. Every referee on the panel of referees selected to take charge of international matches has received a letter from the International Board, following a meeting in London. The
    492 words
  • 599 15 Ex-World Bantamweight Champion To Meet Johnny Mortell (From Our Own Corresponded Singapore. Sept. 22. While Singapore fight followers are g<rly awaiting the rubber match beween Mohamed Fahmy and Young Frisc < rterprisirg prouder Mr. Bertie Bell drops a pleasant surprise with the anno cement,
    599 words
  • 325 15 GEORGE DENNEIT OF GL( )UCESTERSHIRE London, Sept. 16. George Dennett, a slow left-handed bowler of high renown with the Gloucestershire XI for a long period from 1903. died yesterday at Cheltenham, aged 57. G. L. Jessop discovered Dennett as a good all-round player in Bristol
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 98 15 tfswt IN/ feMSRS? z ’WBn ■■■> xKnjt fa W/Wl'' he A<• \-> U Ugg 1 ujtll l a| 1 1 ■■Ul 1 1 HEALTH IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND. A pleasant duty, and, unlike many duties, ENO brings its own reward, preserving Nature’s law and order within us by
      98 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 39 15 ''"l’ Pop Knows Smith’s Talent By J. MILLAR W A I I TO I 'iT^R^ of A MUSICIAN* /*N SMITH Q 7 MY HOUSE s~ S: JOT —p— J—- cj dr| -xF (Copyright, by Th*’ Bell Syndwte. Inc t
      39 words

  • 93 16 TIN:— previously latest LONDON—(Spot) £261.10.0 £262.0.0 LONDON—(3 months) £260.10 £260.10.0 SINGAPORE $131.00 $130.25 BUSINESS DONE FENANG $131.00 $130,121 BUSINESS DONE 25 tons COPRA—(Sundried) $5.65 $5.65 BLACK PEPPER $lO 50 $10.50 RUBBER:LONDON 8 7/ »d IRS wC) SINGAPORE—Spot 30c Oct./Dec i Jan./Mar 301 c April/June 307 c ooac TAPIOCA:- M9O
    93 words
  • 316 16 Share of denomination untess Fall otherwise stated nv Conversion Loan, 5 p.c.. 1944-64 Funding Loan. 4 p.c., 1960-90 War Loan. 3* p c s Com. Union Assce. (Units) A 33 c *4Prudential Assce A Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) Great Western Rly Ordy Canadian Pacific (£25) 13’xd Chartered
    316 words
  • 117 16 Louaon on Previously Latest Faris 145. 144 ;i New Ycrk 4.952 4.95/,, Montrea 4.952 4.952 Brussels 29.44 29. Geneva 21.571 21.56/ Amsterdam 8.977 8.971 Milan 94/. 94 f„ Berlin 12.35 12.3 IX Stockholm 19.39} 19.39 J Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.9 G 79.90 Vienna 26 J 26a Prague
    117 words
  • 114 16 London. Sept. 22. RUBBER: Steady.— Spot 8% buyers 9 sellers. Oct./Dec. 84S buyers 9/s sellers Jan./Mar. 9 t buyers 9/,; sellers ApriUJune 9% buyers 9% sellers NEW YORK 18.48 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 27,967 tons Liverpool 20.794 tons COPRA: Straits S.p. Rotterdam. (Sept.) £15.7.6 PEPPER White
    114 words
    • 150 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers SeUers Ayer Mclek I- 30 Ayer Panas 150 160 Broga 1-00 1.05 Kempas 2.60 2.<0 New Serendah 1-40 1.50 Sandycrof t 1.10 1.20 Utan Simpan 1.72/ 1.82/ TIN: Ayer Weng -95 1.00 Batu Selangors 2.00 2.05 Burma Malay 313 32 3 Hong Fatt 1.30 1.33 Jelapang
      150 words
    • 186 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ayer Weng .95 1.05 Batu Selangor 2.00 2.05 Hong Fatt 1.30 1.32/ Jelebu 1.00 1.02/. Kuchai 1.80 1.85 Lingui 2.15 2.25 Lukut .97’. 1.00 Nawng Pet .70 .75 Petalings 9.60 9.85 Puteh 1.27'. 1.32/ Rantau Ordy. 1.80 1.85 Rantau Pref. 1.80 1.85 Sungei Luas
      186 words
    • 131 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ayer Wengs 1.00 1.07)2 Burma Malays 31 0 32 0c Hong Fatts 1.29 1.33 Jelebus 1.00 1.05 K. Lanjuts 25 6 26 0 Klang Rivers 1.70 I.Bocd luala Kampar 15; 3 16 0 Kundangs 90 9{3 Laruts 13 6 14i0 ’ungahs 24 6 25|0 Rahmans
      131 words
    • 237 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Bassetts .72 A .75 B. Lintangs 1.37 A 1.40 Bedfords 1.25 1.27 A Bentas 1.35 1.37 A Brogas 1.00 1.02 A Indragiris 1.62 A 1.67 Ac M. Pindas 1.60 1.65 Mentakabs .474 .50 Nyalas 1.10 1.12 A Pa jams 2.20 2.30 S. Tukangs 1.35 1.37
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    • 24 16 TIN Singapore $130.25 Per pkl. Penang $130.12% Per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 29 78c Per lb. Penang Spot 29 78c Per lb.
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  • 203 16 CANTONESE HEAVILY FINED (From Our Own Correspondent)) Singapore, Sept., 22. Fines totalling $350 were imposed by Mr. L. C. Goh, the fourth magistrate, on a 38-year-old Cantonese, Chan Cheong, who was charged with fermenting liquor without a licence and also with being in possession of a
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  • 68 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Sept. 22. “I took the oil with the permission of the engine-driver,” said an Indian, Kushi Dalai in the Taiping Police Court today when he was chatged with theft of four bottles of kerosene oil belonging to one Oei Kam. At
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  • 31 16 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced between Bertram Harold Symes, of Pataling Rubber Estates, Kedah, and Margaret Beatrice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, of Orrell Park, Liverpool, England
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 55 16 TO LET No. 2, Arratoon Road. Immediate entry. Modern Sanitation. Rent $35. per mensen. Apply Box No. 155 c o Pinang Gazette. NOTICE ABERDEEN.—Former pupils of Robert Gordon’s College, residing in Penang Province Wellesley and Kedah, whether members of the Association or not, are requested to communicate with P. G
      55 words
    • 829 16 BANKS I A NEW THE MERCAiVHLe/J SAFE DEPOSIT l I SERVICE Capital Authorised I Capital Subscribed t,,j SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES £1 for the safe keeping of valuabiee, BOARD of DlReutobh important documents, records, etc., Hon Ixsrcl Catto of Caimcatto, etc., are available at Charles Alexander Innes, Sir Thomas Smith, Kt
      829 words