Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 August 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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    .—Rehter.  -  1,068 words
  • 322 1 .—Reuter. Shanghai. Aug. 16—The Japanese began nt appears to be a combined land, sea 1 ear offensive when more than 20 au.-mese planes bombed Lunghua (the < and Hungjao (the military > aero- > >fr> and also the Shanghai-Nanking snanghai-Hangchow Railways. The re- are not known.
    .—Reuter.  -  322 words
  • 80 1 Penang Dealers To Suffer The Pinang Gazette understands that considerable cuts are being made in the Siamese rail charges on rubber from Haacl Yai and Singgora to Bangkok and! that an increase is being levied on rubber which is consigned to Padang Besar and destined for
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  • 66 1 Nanking, the capital of the Chinese Republic, which was bombed by Japanese yesterday, is about 200 miles inland from Shanghai. Its population has risen from l-’fO.OOO in 1911 to over a million. Nanking is a Treaty Port Ind has n> ver been formally declared open and the only
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  • 415 1 —Reuter. Civ’lian Death-Roll Now 694 Shanghai, Aug. 16—Shanghai narrowly escaped another big tragedy yesterday afternoon when a bomb from a Chinese plane intended for the Izumo fell in Soochow Creek opposite the General Hospital but it did not explode. The transfer of patients to
    —Reuter.  -  415 words
  • 74 1 porter. The whole story is retracted. —Reuter. JAPANESE REPORT RETRACTED Hong Kong, Aug. 16—The opening of their doors to hundreds of refugees is expected by Shanghai hotels, ballrooms and cabarets which are being turned into dormitories. The hospitals are making provision for numerous cases, even of contagious diseases
    porter. The whole story is retracted.—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 H. TOKISATSU I ARTISTIC i PHOTOGRAPHERS IN*. <B-I*. Biihop Straat, PENANG. TofapiMM Not T7l j
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    • 84 1 Motorists say “MEIRICH” MOTOR TABLETS are first class, wonderful marvellous. Metrich Motor Tablets DECARBONISE your engine as you drive. Sole 'Agents'. UNITED AGENCIES, 358, Beach Street, Penang. |i|l v- .IB] Kg Ki |hH' R I I- -/-O Fl ■X jar ./7 -llggm 71 A .ns Keep them bright with a
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  • 235 2 Man’s Allegation Against Employer BREACH OF TRUST OF GOLD CASE Because his employer slapped and threatened him. he admitted to the police that he had sold the gold. This was the put up by Chiew Chew, a goldsmith, when he appeared before Mr.
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  • 257 2 Never Cast A Vote In A Parliamentary Election Mr. Ramsay Muir, vice-president of the Liberal Party organization, and former M. P. for Rochdale, confessed at the Liberal Summer School at Cambridge that he had never cast a vote in a Parliamentary election except in a university
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  • 315 2 $5O Fine For Illegal Possession Of 120 Tubes ACCUSED SAYS “FOR MY OWN CONSUMPTION” An allegation that a Chinese timber coolie bought chandu from Penang with a view to selling it in the F.M.S., thereby making a profit of more
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  • 187 2 2 Wives. 5 Children--884.988 Liabilities t From Our Own Correspondent Singapore. Aug. 15. A 52-year-Old man. M. Akisamalim appeared before Mr. Justice a’Beckett Terlell. Acting Chief Justice, yesterday in the Bankruptcy Court. He wanted his discharge from bankruptcy and it was granted subject to a suspension
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  • 351 2 FOREIGN OFFICE BASQUE CHILDREN Early Return Now Possible The Foreign Office has informed the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief—the body responsible for bringing 4,000 Basque children to England—that, in the opinion of Sir Henry Chilton, British Ambassador at Hendeye, conditions in Bilbao will soon be sufficiently normal for the
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  • 210 2 Goner Returns Misiventure Verdict NO LAME ATTACHED TO DRIVER "Deatk misadventure’’ was the verdict returned Mr.- T. D. Hughes in the coroner's cot Penang, on Saturday, at the concluskit the inquiry into the death of Ibrahim »in Kassim. who died as the result ofcolllsion with Municipal
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  • 363 2 Devotional Trip To Mecca Many tousands of devout Mohammedans n Malay are preparing themselves for a pilgrimage to Mecca, holy city of Islam and birtlhlace of the Prophet Mohammed --a pilgimage which begins next month and ends in January. Lowly ishermen from the hundred islands around
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  • 99 2 HOLDS MONOPOLY IN SIAM (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Aug. 13. According to a Siamese newspaper a well-knoic-n Chinese resident of Penang recently arrived in Bangkok. He owes Tcs. 130,000 for the monopoly enjoyed by him in connection with the edible birds nests farm.
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  • 187 2 Theft Charge Against Two Fusiliers < From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Aug. 15. Two Inniskilling Fusiliers. James Hamiion and Patrick McCabe, appeared in the Singapore Second Court before Mr. F. V. Tuckworth, on a charge of theft of a •icksha. They pleaded guilty, but the case
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  • 508 2 A party of 27 scouts and scouters, and two rover scouts from the First Penang Rover Crew’, under D.S.M. Lim Hock Yeong of the 2nd Penang Troop (AngloChinese School), visited the leper settlement at Pulau Jerejak yesterday morning. The scouts were chosen from the various
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 I < TTTTTTTT; I tL 1 ■■■■■■■■l W® WK R Je»i L1 w B I and Fragrant. j ship or during office home or abroad, ‘47// Eau de Cologne will alve its refreshing qualities. from your handkerchief whenever tired or put out, dab it on forehead, neck and temples to
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  • 40 3 UNEMPLOYED MEN from South Wales at the Oxford Council Camp receiving rowing instruction from Oxford University undergraduates, who are helping to run the camp. Here Mr. T. H. Roberts, of Merton College, is giving helpful hints.
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  • 286 3 STORM OF PROTESTS Shanghai, Aug. 15- The chairman of th? Shanghai Municipal Council has requested the senior Consul to protest to the Chinese authorities “in most solemn tones” against the bombing of that portion of the International Settlement which will be free of belligerent forces and also
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  • 69 3 —Reuter. “Nothing Can Be Done About It” London, Aug. 15. The 12,000-ton Panama tanker, George McKnight, was shelled by an unknown warship off the north African coast and was set on fire. The crew took to boats and were picked up by a British steamer, the
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 IVOR NOVELLO, star of his own ne w show “Crest of the Wave’ > now in the course of production at bmry Lane, in the -midst of his chorus.
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  • 213 3 Lowest Maternal Mortality Since 1922 TUBERCULOSIS DEATHS FEWEST ON RECORD A highly satisfactory and extremely encouraging record of progress in national health is contained in the annual report of the Ministry of Health. Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister, in an introduction, describes 1936 as “a good year
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  • 154 3 British WiieleSS. Plans Making Good Progress London, Aug. 14. The Ministry of Agriculture is making good progress with plans for carrying out that part of Government’s new’ agriculture proposals which relate to elimination of animal diseases. Changes, which will result in placing of the entire veterinary
    British WiieleSS.  -  154 words
  • 67 3 British Wireless. British Experts Investigating London, Aug. 14. Sir Frederic Kenyon, formerly Director of British Museum, and Mr. J. G. Mann, Keeper of the Wallace Collection, are at present in Spain where they have gone at the invitation of the Spanish Government to investigate the
    British Wireless.  -  67 words
  • 87 3 —British Wireless. London, Aug. 14. Miss Ishbel MacDonald, eldest daughter the former Prime Minister, is associated with efforts which the Restaurant and public House Association is making to provide higher technical training for barmen to fit them for positions of greater responsibility. The scheme will
    —British Wireless.  -  87 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 I ’wHAT KIND OF I TOOTH POWDEK jJF x 'Wjgjj DOES YOUR OWN fl FAMILY USE oes everything better! > 1 GETS TEETH TWICE BRIGHTER Addt charm to any smile 2 IS TWICE AS SOFT Safe even for children's teeth FOAMS BETWEEN TEETH H, Cleans more thoroughly LfISTS WEEKS longer
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  • 528 4 Keenest Mind Of Any Man In High Power Mussolini celebrated his fifty-fourth birthday last month. How much has he changed since he came into office 14 years ago? He is a grandfather now, and has a right to look older, but he doesn’t. In
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  • 538 4 Alleged Hold-Up In Pavilion THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN A scene at the White Rock Pavilion. Hastings, dtescribed by the prosecuting solicitor as “reminiscent of Hollywood’’ had a sequel in the local police-court. John Henry Wooll, 43, was charged with toeing in possession of a loaded
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  • 353 4 Man Who Said He Was Blackmailed Evidence regarding an alleged blackmailing telegram was given at the Lewisham inquest on William Edward Perry, 24. a fruit salesman. A few hours after receiving the telegram Perry took strychnine and died at a friend’s house. The verdict was
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  • 112 4 Archbishop Of Chicago’s Speech Castelgandolfo. Pope Pius XI. publicly praised! Cardinal Mundelein, Archbishop of Chicago, whose disparaging references to Herr Hitler, whom he referred to as an “Austrian paperhanger,” caused a diplomatic storm recently. Receiving pilgrims from Chicago. the Pope said, “You should be proud of
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  • 411 4 ]ome Office Crime Report HOUSEBREAKERS UNDER 17 Or 98,000 more convictions for traffic offer's, which accounted for more than halfie total offences, and an increase of 101,0 offences of all kinds compared with 1934 are points in the latest Home Office CrimaV4Statisti.cs for England and Wales.
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  • 335 4 Service Over South Atlantic Progress towards a British air service across the South Atlantic has been announced in a White Paper. British Airways Ltd. are to be entrusted with the taking over the proposed experimental service to West Africa with a view to developing ultimately a
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  • 165 4 An American Prediction New York. Mr. Charles F. Kettering, president of the General Motors Research Corporation, in an address at Detroit to the American Society of Civil Engineers, said that by 1960 there would be 37,000,000 motorvehicles, including 6,000,000 lorries, in operation in the United
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  • 87 4 The world’s largest coins were sold at Glendinings last week. They include the copper four-thaler pieces used! by Frederick of Sweden 200 years ago. These coins measure eleven by nine inches and weigh several pounds. King Charles the First at Oxford paid his troops in silver coins,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 I Here is thc/Essence I enero||fjH essence OF g, \|r S e. X* IS i tSs W jmhaateiUlia*** ssans > <*- c IHHh in t«. VAUXHALL to ms XA/HAT a blessing to have abundant energy— to feel gloriously fit and full of vigour! 1| Mind and body alert to enjoy
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    —British Wireless.  -  1,959 words
  • 769 5 Explains Object Of German Socialism WHY BRITAIN DOESN’T W ANT A DICTATOR Dr. Karl Abshagen, a leading exponent .4 Nazi-ism in London, entered what one peaker described as a “den of Liberal 'ion»’’ at Cambridge when he attended the liberal Summer School to explain
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  • 255 5 1938 Programme As Big As This Year’s NEW MODEL GUNS IN BATTLESHIPS Large as was the 1937 programme of naval rearmament, it will probably be equalled by that for 1938. In well-informed circles three to five further battleships are anticipated, together with six or seven
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 INDIGESTION goes bi 2 mimites Here’s something of real interest to all sufferers from indigestion, heartburn, flatulence and stomach gas—a new charcoal —an activated charcoal—with fifty times the power of absorption of ordinary medicinal charcoal. This new product is known as Chardox. Just put two Chardox A 0 tablets into
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  • 1880 6 OILING IS INADVISABLE AT a meeting of the Malaria Advisory Board, F.M.S., held recently at Kuala Lumpur, the danger of anopheline breeding which may result from terracing, and the Director of Rubber Research Institute’s reply was mentioned. It was agreed to ask the Director
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 6 FOLKSTONE, one of the most popular holiday resorts in Br tain is drawing thousands of holiday seekers now. Picture shows visitors looking across the Warren to the Cliffs of Folkstone.
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  • 110 6 New System Of Integrated Automatic Signals London, Aug 14. A new system of integrated automata traffic signals, which have been specially designed to deal with complex traffit preblems of the congested West Eivl area around Piccadilly Circus, will shorily undergo tests and, it is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 VWV.WJWWWV WINDSOB LAST TWO SHOWS 6.00 Tonight 9.15 Matinee Today at 2.45 p.m. M. K. THYAGARAJA BAGAVATHAR South India's Foremost Screen Star In The Latest Thrilling Musical TAMIL TALKIE “SATHYA SEELAN” with MISS M. S. DEVASEN'A Tears Songs Music Dances Tears Music Dances A picture you will see more than
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 160 6 Royal 6.30 Tonight 9.30 The Best Cantonese Talkie Ever Produced! “HEROINE” or “MUN CHOK NEE ENG HONG” Starring Misses Wong Mun Lee, We Kim Fong, Khong Sun Siew Yap Yan Phor. Thrills Romance New Song Hits. Next Change Ngai Kou Film Co., Production the Best Cantonese Talkie “SUN SUNG MING”
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    • 94 6 QUEEN’S NEXT CHANGE Warner Bros, picturization of Mark Twain’s immortal story Jft- \g'_ VS Fate made one lad a kin*, one a beggar; g I America’s best-loved author made their g story famous; a triumphant screen makes fit > i A/ i them unforgettable as Mark Twain’s g UflT *9fit
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  • 823 7 UNITS AT O?LY HALF STRENGTH: OFFICERS S MEN DISCOURAGED Superiority Among Powers Given Way To Inferiority The British AnuytG-daj is nothing more than a skeleton ot its former self. It is sriotLsly short of men. and the promised equipment is lacking. of disarmament
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  • 457 7 £3O A Year For 12 H.P. Motor AMERICAN PAYS £6. 10. 0 Motorists in the United Kingdom are by far the most heavily taxed in the world. The owner of a 12 h.p. car, costing £2lO. who runs it for 12,000 miles in the year,
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  • 259 7 Blytli Nautical School's Scheme Another Newcastle steamer, the Burnett Steamshin Co.’s new Wallsend. is to tak part in the scheme, inaugurated as an experiment in November, 1935, for giving boys of the Wellesley Nautical School. Blyth, practical sea training. The scheme was Introduced by
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  • 427 7 Servants Phoned For Deposits Two Irishmen who obtained from the society columns of newspapers the names of titled people who were away and! then peret? -.e* frauds on their servants were at Marlborough-street sentenced to hard labour. James Downey, 31. waiter, was sent to prison for five
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  • 366 7 Bookmakers’ Fear Of Blackmailer FIGHT ON RACECOURSE A man whom the Metropolitan Police regard as “a bully of the worst type and a member of a blackmail squad,” was at Brighton sentenced to six months’ hard labour. The man. Patrick Daly, pleaded guilty to
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  • 69 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Chinese jade worth $1,000.000 is being sent by Shanghai merchants to Singapore for display at the Chinese Trade Exhibition to be held at the Great World in October. This will be one of the features of the exhibition, which
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  • 528 7 Woman Who 44 Benefit ted From Peer’s Will How would you like to inherit £lOO,OOO end find thaf in the blink of an eyelid your fortune had vanished into thin air? How would you like to be regarded by all the world around
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 591 7 Heid Offit* 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuuda Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Ipoh Office Brewster Road. Phone 268. London Office 40 L Fket Street, London Phone Central 3608—3609 lei: Leadmalaya
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    • 223 7 1 til I» 8 it 0 ass if 1 w tit A Al ABEESSESOk. IP.P..V. 16 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours It is no longer necessary fe stiffer from loss of vigour and manhood, weak memory and body, nervousness, impure blood, sickly skin, depression, and poor sleep,
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  • 563 8 it may be unwise to speculate on certain matters, it is fairly safe to assume in others where the evidence tends to point towards certain conclusions. On page one today there will be found mention of an increase in railway rates on rubber from lower Siam
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  • 108 8 British Wireless. Sucess Of Advertising Campaign London. Aug. 14. More mik was drunk in Great Britain last July tian irt any one month since records hart been kept. The quantity of nrlk sold for liquid consumption was 50,449.151 gallons, an increase of 3.209.372
    British Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 97 8 y. r Kew Rainfall Heaviest For Quarter Of A Century The effects of Friday’s thunderstorm were still felt on Saturday when many City workers were delayed on their way to London on account of interruptions and suspensions of railway services due to the tracks being still flooded
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  • 19 8 —Reuter. London —The Imperial Airway's Caledonia has flown from Foynes to Botwood in 16 hours, 32 minutes.-
    —Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 719 8 66 notes on Penang street names—British artistic rejects on exhibition —Thirty chances ot being hung A local “historian,” who is probably somewhat piqued at the interesting details of Penang’s history, as given recently by Mr. J. C. Pasqual and Mr. L. Pheow, has sent a “few notes
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  • 128 8 Singapore Golf (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Aug. 15. Playing in the replay of the Clifford Cup at the Singapore Golf Club yesterda.y M. M. Paterson went round in the record score of 65. Detailed score Out *****454 3—33. In: *****342 5—32. ISLAND CUP RESULTS In
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  • 117 8 T.P.C.A. Beat S.CR.C. Decisively (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug 16. The T.P.C.A. scored a decisive victory over the S.C.R.C. yesterday in a Stone” Shield fixture by 109 runs. Thanks to the hard-hitting of Nalliah who made 56, the more subdued but fine 47 by Anandarajah,
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  • 50 8 Big Fall In Consumption In July (From Our Own Correspondent.) Londbn, Aug. 15. The American questionnaire figures fo~ July are as follows: Arrivals 39,000 tons, down 9,900. Consumption 43,700, down 8,100. Stocks 164,400, down 5,200. Afloat 75,800, up 18,600. Consumption of reclaimed 11,900, down 2,500.— Pinang Gazette cable.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 174 8 As*crickelT jRCWy has become jDr/D synonymous with all that is fair,so‘Haicr has come to JOrff mean all that is excellent. t fee tyv-S Ask for HaigfgK NO FINER WHISKY COES INTO ANY BOTTLE SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH THE WORLD OPTICAL
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    • 36 8 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. 1 ZDS' Fresh Stocks R.ceivod regularly by BOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Stagepwe, Ipeh, A Enala Rimpar.
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  • 281 9 DIRECTOR-GENERAL RESTORES A PRIVILEGE BUT PUBLIC SHOULD NOT ABUSE IT The Director-General, Post and Telegraphs, Kuala Lumpur, 1 n J tcrvene d favourably in the Penang postal controversy as to whether or not letters may be posted in Penang in the letter box carried
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  • 239 9 The following arrived this morning from Belawan by the s.s. “Kedah”:—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Guan Chin. Mrs. Lam Hor Choy, Mrs. Khoo Ah Kee, Madam Chong Yoke Yee, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Vonk, Miss Hardick and Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott. The "Islami”
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  • 212 9 Sensation In Village (From Our Own Corresponded 1 Batu Gajah, Aug 14 The villagers of Tanjong were in a state of great terror yesterday morning when it became known that three tigers belonging to the Chinese Circus (which recently visited Ipoh) had escaped. Inquiries made elicited
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  • 192 9 Mahasamaya Festival” The 9th day of the 7th moon was observed by the supporters and devotees at the Mahindarama Buddhist Temple, Kampar Road, on Saturday. The day’s celebrations commenced with a Buddha Puja (offerings in the name of Buddha) at 11 a.m., followed by Sanghika Dana. (Chinese
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  • 336 9 Hu Yew Seah Win hiter-Team Doubles Title (By Our Badminton Correspondent) Limstead domination of Senior Inter-team Doubles badminton was broken when they met the Hu Yew Seah in the semi-final on Saturday and lost by two matches to one. On Sunday, the winners played Mayfield for
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  • 105 9 GOLF: Reuter. Aggregate Of 274 AMAZING DISPLAY IN FIRST ROUND Baden, Aug. 15. Henry Cotton, with scores ol 63 and 70 and 69 and 72. and an aggregate of 274 won the German Open Golf Championship. Boyer was second with an aggregate of 291. He returned
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 72 9 Penang Chinese To Subscribe For probably the first time since 1932, a meeting of Chinese Societies in Penang interested in the China Red Cross Fund will be held on Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the Penang Philomathic Union to discuss the collection of voluntary subscriptions towards
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  • 35 9 Brymans Revue troupe, which t sited Penang in 1935, has returned to the E. O. Hotel, where a demonstra ion of clever acrobatic and modern dances will be giver, on Wednesday night.
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  • 44 9 A fire engine from the Penang Central Fire Brigade Station dashed, in answer to an alarm, to the junction of KCawei Road andl Jones Road, shortly after one o’clock on Sunday morning but found on arrival that it was a false alarm.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 notice of removal owing to Ue ever «tone more Penang Road (Front portion ot the Straits Echo Building) You are cordially invited to pay us a visit. T M. A. MUSIC HOUSE PENANG BRANCH. c O. HOTEL PENANG. Wednesday, 18th August DINNER DANCE Thursday Saturday Next DINNER DANCES SUNDAY, 22nd
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    • 283 9 Do Conquer Weakness after Malaria Af 'A *ln malaria Sanatogen has a most Tamarkable effect on the debilitated system. 1 The strength to resist the weakening influence of the malaria parasites returns, the number of red blood corpuscles increases and the patient gains in body weight, and within a short
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  • 459 10 Special Reserve Transformed Into General Reserve Tiie Kedah Rubber Company. Limiteu report, for the year ended April 30. states: Accounts.—The net profit for the year amountg to $127,949.91 to which'must be added t4e balance of $50,037.37 brought forward from last, account: making a total of $177,987.28»
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  • 24 10 Th? Bukit Katil Rubber Estate Ltd., Rubber crop for the month of July was 28,002 lb. Total for 3 months 79,938 lb.
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  • 28 10 The United Malacca Rubber Estates Ltd., rubber crop of the above Estate for the month of July was 52,600 lb. Total for 3 months 116.940 lb.
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  • 20 10 Interim. of 5 per cent., less tax (34 per cent.) respect of year ending October 31 next.
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  • 193 10 Dividend Of 18.1/2 Annas Per Share The directors of Burma Corporation, Ltd., announce a final dividend of 11 annas per share, or 7 23-36 p.c.. making, with the interim, a total distribution of 181 annas per share, or 12 8 9 p.c., free of British and
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  • 411 10 STABILISATION THE “Premature At Present” Hope for the eventual stabilisation of the dollar is expressed by President Roosevelt in e letter to Senator Thomas in which he discusses monetary policy. -I am in complete sympathy with your objective in respect of the elimination of unnecessary fluctuations in the value of
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  • 670 10 Rubber Controllers Circular Stanton Nelson Co., Lid. in their weekly review state: Apart from a sharp fall caused by some heavy selling, on receipt of’disquieting reports from Shanghai, the maiket has fluctuated within narrow limits, but with a sagging tendency. It still appears unlikely that there
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  • 670 10 Good Turnover In Tin Shares At Advancing Prices Mesas. Kennedy Company in their report dated Penang, August 14 state: The past month has seen considerable activiU the local share market and with tin keeping remarkably steady there has been i good, turnover in tin shares at steadil/
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 125 10 Itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny soan.s <t pores where tiny germs or p.ira.Mitea <n hide and cause your skin to itch, «.‘r ick, Burn, also Eczema, Dhoby Itch, lilngv. rm, Pimples, Acne, Crotch-Itch, •> nd 3ing?ii>vrv Foot, i'on’t waste time with ordinary
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    • 60 10 1 I Ilr few vfe k 5 WERE NOT WANTED HErF -T> ,TSA I KAT HER 7 r rr— Agents J-SIME. DARBY co. LTD- /77 Critical comparison proves the f MORRIS 18*425' 1 possess every fine car feature > f /il Hi 'l 11l nwH Wife WITH THE ADDED INDUCEMENT
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  • 227 11 earing shorts and that happy air of informality which endeared him to millions throughout the world the Duke Of Windsor wades into the surf at a gg’ a Beach, enice, where he and the Duchess are spending the summer. The Duke looks very fit and
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  • 392 12 Clyde Built For Canadian Owners An ocean voyage of 9,600 miles under her own power by a motorsnip of 199 gross tons was successiully completed when the Lady Sylvia reached Vancouver, B.C. She proceeded via Las Palmas and the Panama Canal without any escort, and only
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  • 250 12 Brighter Prospects For Boys London. Speaking at the annual inspection and prize distribution on board the training ship Warspite, Captain Euan Wallace, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, said that it remained to-day an unchallengable fact that the Royal Navy was still the principal bulwark of
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  • 206 12 Drastic Action Urged Speaking at the launch of the collier Goodwood by Messrs. Austin and Son at Sunderland for Messrs. France. Fenwick and Co., Sir George Higgins, chairman of the owner's firm, said he was glad to come, back to Sunderland at a time when
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  • 259 12 LATEST TIMES OF POSTING AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern via Singapore and thence by K.N.ixm service will close at 7.30 p.m. today A mail for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Nigeria and. Gold Coast via Singapore and
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  • 291 12 A Rapidly Growing Fleet The transfer to the Garibaldi Co-opem tive Steamship Co. of the Italian steamship Ircania will arouse many memories for she was originally the Howdck Hal! and when Messrs. Wm. Hamilton, of DortGlasgow, built her for Messrs. C. G. Dunr.' and Co., of Liverpool, in
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  • 120 12 New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Mr. M J. Savage, has frequently declared that the ideal of the Government Is a receiving set in every home. How near is the Dominion to this point T The Post Office made a recent survey comparing the receiving licences at the
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  • 98 12 The new Japanese motorship Kiyokawu Marti, on her maiden trip from japan, established a record in the freighter service from Yokohama to San Francisco when she arrived recently in 10 days six hours. The ship sailed again direct t< 1 New York, billed to complete the total rui*
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1955 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES B. B. C. CALCUTTA NIROM PARIS t ydC 15.15 Mc/« (IH® m.> TPA-8, 15.24 mc/s (1968 m.) to o. the Mc/ < 4Sl “•> 1M Me/. (»3 TODAY TODAY TODAY m TRANSMISSION 9 p.m. v 6 20 Gramophone records. ass ci kt m/R /ir J P m
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  • 840 13 Forecastle Berths Abolished By New Rules Far-reaching measures to improve the living quarters and conditions afloat of officers and seamen in British merchant vessels and to abolish 'sea-slums’’ will shortly come into force. These improvements have been agree to after a joint
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  • 425 13 s.s. Woolgar In Port Today S.S. ‘WOOLGAR’ from Rangoon. Sails today for China Japan via Singapore. M.V. ‘THURLAND CASTLE’ from Belawan sails for Boston, New York Baltimore. S.S. ‘SUISANG’ from Calcutta —sails today for SingajMjre, Hongkong, Kobe Osaka. TOMORROW S.S. EUMAEUS’ from Singapore sails for Liverpool Bromborough. FRIDAY, AUGUST
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  • 147 13 Baritone Type Preferable To Tenor Because It is more pleasant to the ear, the baritone type of voice is preferable to the tenor in boadcast speaking, according to the general manager of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, Mr. C. J. A. Moses. He W’as commenting on a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 370 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE Veneto. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leavea Due (in conjunction with Glen A Shire Line) Penang London y.Y B El on R,<feun > H’burg A Glasgow Aug- 20 Sent 1« HL EHOMED L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Hull A Swansea tuf S H A PATROCLUS Marseille,. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Liverpool. C.
      370 words
    • 285 13 PttE£SPENT LINEPTO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. LEAVE Arrive Arrive PENANG Marseilles New York S.S. PRES PGLK Yug. 26 Sept. 22 Oct. 5 S.S. PRES PIERCE Sept. 9 Oct. 6 Oct. 19 S.S. PRES. VAN BUREN Sept. 23 Oct.. 20 Nov. 2 A wonderful opportunity to visit Cairo eu route. PACIFIC SERVICE.
      285 words
    • 598 13 PiO BRITISH d |NDIA (Incorporated in England.) PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE SJS. “RAJU LA” SAILING THURSDAY, 19th AUGUST c^tract^th**‘ UDde t Penangl Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham. London SeSZe^ 111 MalaCCa Outwards from ixmdon for •S/S 'SGMAI.F' dUe Pen 1937 SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF THE S/S A “f' 2 BRITISH INDIA S.
      598 words
    • 269 13 (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON SERVICE For Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said» Naples, Marseilles. Gibraltar, London Antwerp and Rotterdam. Steamers. Sailing date».. x KASHIMA MARU Aug. 20 YASUKUNI MARU (Calls Hamburg) Sept. 2 HAKONE MARU Sept. 17 x SUWA MARU Oct. 1 x FUSHIMI MARU Oct. 18» HAKOZAKI MARU Oct. 2»
      269 words

  • 1024 14 Several Internationals In The Team i (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Aug. 6. IN a letter to clubs in the East the Football Association have indicated that the “Islington Corinthians, London” who are to visit Malava shortly, are “a team of players up to the
    1,024 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 14 —Reuter. In the German Open Golf Championship Henry Cotton (above) had a record first round of 63. He leads the field by nine strokes. The previous record was Auguste Boyer’s 66. Cotton had an eagle and nine birdies; the «course par is 74. With a second round of
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 382 14 VISIT TO INDIA NOW CERTAIN Calcutta, Aug. 8. The visit of Lord Tennyson’s cricket leam was discussed at a meeting of the Bengal and Assam Cricket Association held in the C.C.C. Pavilion yesterday, Mr. A. L. Hosie presiding. It was stated that the Association had been
    382 words
  • 104 14 lx>rd Glanely Reducing His Stable Lord Glanely is selling most of his olu horses in training at the end of the season. Screamer has left Newmarket to gc tc India. Screamer is a five-year-old horst by Beresford out of Saxham Cat. He wen the Spring Three-Year-Old Stakes
    104 words
  • 31 14 TWO V 71 F8 OF THE EMIR OF KATSINA were shy when they faced the camera on arrival in London with the African mlpr
    31 words
  • 119 14 —Reuter. New Zealand 20 For No Wicket At Lunch London, Aug. 14. Overnight showers and a continuous drizzle in the morning delayed the start of the final Test match between England and New Zealand at the Oval. The wicket was wholly protected. A crowd of 500 queued
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 28 14 SHE’S A SKI EXPERT—on water! >ftss Gloria Feori, who crossed the Channel on water-skis in 1936, shows her skill behind a speed-boat at Hastings.
    28 words
  • 116 14 ABERDEEN TROUNCE ST. MIRREN London, Aug. 14. Home football began with games in the First and Second Divisions of the Scottish League. DIVISION I Aberdeen 4, St. Mirren 0. Arbroath 0, Dundee 3. Clyde 2, Motherwell 2. Hamilton 4. Partick 2. Hearts 2, St. Johnston 1. Kilmarnock
    116 words
  • 103 14 .—Reuter. Rain Prevents Play London, Aug. 14. There was rain all over the country today and there was no play at Bradford. Birmingham. Manchester, Cheltenham and Nottingham. Southend had a short spell of dry’ weather and a beginning was made with the Essex v. Hampshire match. When stumps
    .—Reuter.  -  103 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 657 14 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes If you suffer from choking, wheezing, ronto, Ontario, Canada, recently said: "> coughing, Asthma and Bronchitis—if you felt better the first day I started taking gasp for breath, can’t sleep nights, and Mendaco. I could breathe easier. I slept th« feel your heart pounding
      657 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 249 14 WEMBLEY PARK GATE ADMISSION: 10 CENTS GENTS LADIES FREE TONIGHT: Monday 16th August 1937 LADIES GUEST NIGHT LOW TAN HONG SEAH TAN HONG SEAH AMOY OPERAS Jointly present “Hong Sin Ping” Part 10 Seats: 30cts 20cts lOcts OPERA ODEON ORIENTAL> “Golden Pastle” Seats 30cts 20cts lOcts CAPITAL TALKIES “Hold ’em
      249 words

  • 877 15 I’hoon Tok Pays Highest I Dividend Of $B9 LOGUE AGAIN THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TRAINER I'lont Our Own Correspondent) Ipoll, Aug. 14. asi day of the Perak Skye Meeting attracted'a record crowd. The ,on was cool and the going was soft. The
    877 words
  • 158 15 Regarded As Coming Champion Don Bradman is regarded in Adelaide as a coming champion at squash rackets, which is now claiming most of his spare time. He recently won his first interclub match. As a lawn tennis player it has repeatedly been said that Bradman
    158 words
  • 314 15 Accident Mars Sports (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth. Aug. 14. Cool weather conditions favoured the fifth annuel athletic sports of the Assumption School. Butterworth, which was held on the Butterworth Recreation Club ground here today. In the high jump, a Tamil lad was injured and had to
    314 words
  • 111 15 Hemchit Knocked Out In First Round (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Aug. I}. At the Happy World Stadium tonight Gunboat Jack 10.9± beat Mohamed Fahmy 11.Jf on points over 1J th rec-minute rounds. Neil Hemchit 9.8\ was knocked out by Nat Boon Mah 9.5 in
    111 words
  • 77 15 Jack Doyle, the Irish boxer, is quoted in a Los Angeles message as saying that he is becoming an American citizen and! will take up residence in Hollywood, with the intention of entering the films. Doyle says that he will return to London shortly to
    77 words
  • 44 15 Reuter. Auckland, Aug. 14. In a Rugby League match, New Zealand narrowly defeated Australia by 16 points to 15. Australia missed two of her players, one sustaining a fractured leg and the other a broken rib in the second half.—
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 838 15 VISITORS’ SUPERIOR TACTICS Displaying slightly superior tactics, the Kedah Police XI defeated the Penang Police XI in the annual soccer match for the Clayton Cup on Saturday on the Victoria Green. Penang, by two goals to one. This was the second occasion in
    838 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 fef Tr-Y Oil I i I 1 wAI Precious little people, these babies, and worthy of the A\ > most loving care. Fortunately, there is no longer any A feeding problem. If nature fails, the sensible have recourse to LACTOGEN," which is balanced to resemble human milk. You can learn
      108 words

  • 114 16 TIN PREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON—(Spot £267. 0.0 No market LONDON—(3 months) £265. 5.0 No market SINGAPORE 5131.75 >131.50 BUSINESS DONE PENANG 5131.37; $131.50 BUSINESS DONE 25 tons COPRA—(Sundried) $6.05 $6.05 BLACK PEPPER $10.50 $10.50 RUBBER:- LONDON g’j No market NEW YORK 18ic(G» No market SINGAPORE—Spot 29jc 29gc Au£ySept 30Jc 29jc
    114 words
  • 118 16 Cordon or Previously Latest Paris 132 55 64 132 E New Yort 4.98 S 4.98/ Montrea' 4.9813 4.98 S Brussein 29.611 29.601 Geneva 21.71 21.70 Air st c-da r* 9.043 9.04 9494 B Berlin 12.40 12.393 Stockholm 19. 19.39 r Copenhage- 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Warn» 261
    118 words
  • 192 16 Buyers Sellers Amp ata 6'41 6 7* A. Hitaius 35,0 36 0 haagrtru» 26 6 27 0 B. Selangors 2.171 2.22? E. MaLi; 5 33}« 34 0 Hong Fatts 1.36 1.38? Hongkongs 38,6 39,6 ex Jeiapangs 4316 44 6 l.Oll 1.04 K. Kamuntings 14,0 14 6c Kamunttags 14»9
    192 words
  • 132 16 London. Aug. 14. RUBBER- (Friday). Steady.— Spot 8” buyers 8U sellers., Oct. Dec 9 buyers 9-- sellers. Jan. 'Mar 9 buyers 9 sellers April June buyers 9 sellers NEW YORK 18 33 cts (cited Kingdom Stocks London 22.601 tons Liverpool 19.652 tons COPRA Straits S.D. Rotterdam. Au
    132 words
    • 97 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers Sellers Kiuang Rubber .95 1.05 c TIN:— Ampat 6 6 610?. Fangrin 26'6 27,0 E. Selangor 2.20 2.25 ex Chenderiang 27(9 28 9 Hong Fatts 1.37 1.42 Jelapang 44 6 45 6 Jelebu 1.02 1.05 K. Lanjut 27,3 27 9 Ku chai 1.83 1.86 Pengkalen Pref.
      97 words
    • 164 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. TINS: Buyers Sellers A. Weng 1.37? 1.42? E. Selangor 2.15 2.20 Hong Fatt 1.36 1.38 Jelebu 1.00 1.02?. Klang River 1.92? 1.97? Kuchai 1.82* 1.85 Lukut 1.00 1.05 Puteh .95 1.03 Rahman Hyd. 1.67* 1.72*. Rantau Ordy. 1.92* 1.97* Rantau Pref. 1.92* 1.97* Taiping Cons. 2.15
      164 words
    • 23 16 Singapore $131.50 Per pkl. Penang $131.50 Per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 29 3jBc Per lb. Penang Spot 29 3jBc Per lb.
      23 words
    • 131 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Asams 36 6 37J3 A. Wengs 1.37? 1.42? Bangrins 26 3 27 0 B. Malays 33 3 34 0 Hong Fatts 4 1.35 1.39 Jelebus 1.00 1.04 K. Lanjuts 27.3 28 0 Kuchais 1.80 1.85 Laruts 14'4* 14 Lukuts 1.00 1.05 Fuchcngs 28 0 28
      131 words
    • 204 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Bassetts .771 .82 A B. Lintangs 1.40 1.45 Eedfords 1.27* 1.32/. Eentas 1.40 1.45 Erogas 1.05 1.07? M. Pindas 1.60 1.70 Mentakabs .47* .50 Nyalas 1.15 1.20 Pa jam s 2.20 2.30 S. Tukangs 1.37* 1.421 Ulu Benuts .47* .50 TIN:—. 1" Ampats 6 6
      204 words
  • 42 16 MARRIAGE Somerville Wavish In Singapore, August 14. William, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Somerville, Drummond Place, Stirling. to Gladys Mary, second daughter of the late S.J. Wavish. 0.8. E., M.V.0., and the late Mrs. Wavish. Oaklands, Lymm. Cheshire.
    42 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 167 16 X’T’X Notice is hereby given that the Trade Marks depicted above are the absolute aoA exclusive property of Daimler-Benz AktiengeseUscfiaft carrying on business at Stuttgart, Unterturkheim, Germany, and are used by them in respect of Land air and marine vehicles, parts of such Vehicles and accessories and spare parts for
      167 words
    • 271 16 Married F. HELMERS to JOY HARDICK 16th. August 1937. ■MB TO LET .TO LET No. 2, Brook Road, partly furnished. Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd., Penang BEACH STREET AUCTION ROOMS Notice Of Important Property Sale By Order of the PUBLIC TRUSTEE. F.M.S. as Executor of the will of CHUNG THYE PHIN,
      271 words
    • 877 16 BANKS I NEDERLANDSCHE HONG KONG AND ‘I HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPU, SHANGHAI BANKIM I N.V. CORPORATION I (Incorporated in the Netherlands.) (Incorporated in Hong Ron I NETHERLANDS TRADING I SOCIETY.) ordinance W2() I Established in Amsterdam 1824. Head office:— hong kon- I Authorised Capital I HEAD OFFICE: .AMSTERDAM issued and Fully paid up
      877 words