Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 August 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 580 1 LONDON BIDDING FOR EASTERN TINS Perak Production Seriously •r Curtailed By Drought Malayan share markets were active this morning. London bids are improving and a general demand was reported for all Eastern tin shares, rises ranging generallv from 6d. to Is. 6d. Dollar counters were
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  • 75 1 Dr. G. Brooke Leaves £6l (Pinang Gazette cable) London, Aug. 6.—Dr. Gilbert Brooke, x-chief of health services. Straits Settlements, left English estate of £6l. The will complains that his work of thirty years went unrecognised by the Government, but had the satisfaction of knowing that the
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  • 116 1 Fire Danger At Kuala Lum pur (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 7. The Kuala Lumpur Fire Brigade had a busy dtay yesterday, being called out three times. In the first case a Chinese bakery caught fin* and though the brigade was able to prevent serious dlamage.
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  • 109 1 Indian’s Death In Hute! Bedroom i From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 7. .\n Indian was found hanging in a room in an hotel in Batu Road yesterday. He had booked a room the previous night and had given instructions that he was not to be called
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  • 812 1 From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, August 6. Malaya was warned today by Mr. A H. Flowerdew, a leading member of the mining community on the eve of his depaiture on retirement, that the Dutch are fast out-stripping Malayan tin miners by installing an enormous
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  • 386 1 Japanese Allege “Threatening Attitude” Of Chinese Tokio—Japanese reports from Hankow picture the situation as being very dangerous. Well-informed circles fear that Chinese attack on the Japanese Concession is likely at any moment. Peiping—The Japanese military commanders state that the threatening attitude of the Central Government
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  • 22 1 Yesterday was the hottest experienced in London for four years. At midafternoon 87 degrees Farrenheit was recorded by the Air Ministry.
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  • 58 1 NO MORE “GOD SAVE THE KING Last night for the last time, Penang cinemas played, the National Anthem at the close of the performances. The. decision of the cinema proprietors in Penang to stop playing the National Anthem will take effect this afternoon at the matinees. The Queen’s, Majestic, Windsor
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  • 66 1 —Reuter. NO COMPENSATION FOR LOSSES OF PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT \A ashington.—The Senate has passed a Bill to repeal the Act of 1934 designed to credit the Philippine Government with $23,800,000 dollars as compensation for losses suffered on deposits in America when the dollar was devalued. A similar Bill was
    .■—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 205 1 Cont rollers Estimate The Controller of Rubber, Malaya, has published an official estimate of Malaya’s rubber exports for last month. The publication of an official estimate is a departure from the usual custom. Previously it has been necessary to wait a fortnight or more before the figure
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  • 131 1 RESTORING PUBLIC CONFIDENCE (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Aug. 5 The capital is showing the keenest interest in the political crisis and large numbers of the public awaited the result of the deliberations of the secret sessions of the Assembly When it met in public yesterday and the old
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  • 33 1 RAIN A shower of rain broke the spell of dry weather of 17 days in Penang this morning. Buttej-worth similarly experienced rain today for the first time since the middle of last month.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 U 1 CHEONG' No 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 87 1 The Coin inercial Advertising Agency, Head Office:— «2, CHINA ST.. PENANG. Phone «93Branch:—s9. HALE ST.. IPOH. Phene IS7. Commercial Artist» Label-Drawer» Wall-painters Advertising Arent» of the Fun A Frolic and Wembley, Penan y. Sign-board writers Cinema-Slide Makers LICENSED POSTERS STATIONS I TO LET. TO A GOOD ADv 1 c E
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  • 871 2 Penang Malay Gets Nine Months MYSTERY OF A THUMB IMPRESSION At the Penang Assize Court yesterday Mohamed bin Arshad was sentenced to nine months’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of having forged a statutory mortgage on December 6. 1930. Two others Shaik Mohamed Gulum Hussain and Chelliah
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  • 708 2 Story Of Girl’s Statement To Protector Of Chinese THE girl told me freely that the injuries on her were caused by Goh Gaik Ghee and her husband Khoo Hok Kheng. She further said that she had been constantly beaten by both the
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  • 165 2 JUDGE ADVISES SETTLEMENT «From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth. Aug. 6. A young Malay. Ahmad bin Ibrahim, by his next friend. Din bin Dollah. sued his uncle. Kassim bin Dahm an, a fisherman, for a sum of $4O being value of boat belonging to him which was in
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  • 197 2 Seberang Relieves Tanjong (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, Aug. 6. ■TANJONG IN DOCK—SEBERANG IN PLACE. Owing to the above, vehicles may have o wait for transport till space available and time permits putting on board. The launches will not wait for this purpose but will depart according
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  • 162 2 CHINESE CHARGED: $BOO INVOLVED A middle aged English speaking Chinese Ooi Kean Cheng, was produced before Mr Lim Cheng Ean. in the Penang .Middle Court yesterday or. two counts of having obtained $BOO by talse representation. Firstly, he was charged with having dishonestly induced V. M. Shariff
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  • 154 2 .Owes Sikh Moneylender $l4: Wife Now 11l (.From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, Aug. 6. A plea that his wife was ill was made by a Tamil, Manickam, before the Assistant District Judge, Mr. S. T. Stewart, here today, when he asked the permission of the court
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  • 177 2 “Summons Could Have Been Issued” B’WORTH MAGISTRATE’S REMARKS (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth. Aug. 6. T don’t see why the police should have arrested him. The offence was not committed before a police officer. Moreover it is on July 15. A summons could have been issued,”
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  • 377 2 Evidence In Maintenance Case According to Chinese custom if an old man takes a young child of another family into his household he would be happy.” said Khoo Choo Seng, an old Chinese giving evidence for the defence in a case in which his son
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  • 53 2 To Stage ariety Entertainment (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, Aug. 6. The High School, Bukit Mertajam. will stage a variety entertainment, including two plays, on Friday, Aug. 13 at 9 o’clock in the evening in aid of St. Mark’s School building fund and the Bukit Mertajam High
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  • 74 2 At Kulim Club (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, Aug. 6. The Kulim Club golf championship dance will be held on Saturday, Aug. 14 at 9.45 p.m. Evening dress optional. The honorary secretary is Mr. R. B. Homer. o— Returning to find his shop at Mortlakt in flames,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 365 2 1 v -O r 1 x ’T'HE prepossessing and grateful feeling of v holesomenesswhi< > woman seeks -and which only a carefully consideied toilet can f ve —depends largely upon the soap she uses. Women who choose W right s know that its invigorating and antiseptic qualities tone the skin
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    ’—Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 124 3 uve ana wan me tunc the Home industrial section. British Wireless. I sual Holiday Slackness Not Apparent London, Aug. 6. The Bank of England returns on active note circulation show that all records for .spending were broken over the August Bank Holiday, Currency notes in circulation
    uve ana wan me tunc . ~ the Home industrial section. British Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 275 3 BUOYANT FINANCIAL POSITION Nairobi. The Governor, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham. made his first speech to the Legislature last week. He referred to the country’s emergence from the depression and to the buoyant financial position. The Government, he said, soon hoped to initiate a
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  • 75 3 ternational postage rates.— British Wireless. Accelerated Service Begins On Monday London. Aug. 6. The speed-up of air mails between Britain and the Continent by which, in many cases, as much as 24 hours will be saved, comes into force on Monday. Fourteen countries come within scope
    ternational postage rates.— British Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 131 3 Progress Of Clipper 111 London, Aug. 6. The Pan-American Airways flyingboat. Clipper 111, left Foynes, at the mouth of the River Shannon, early this morning for Botwood. Newfoundland. This is the first daylight crossing of the Atlantic, in the cases of many flights preparatory to a joint
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  • 298 3 RATIONS "SHOWERED” ON CAMPS Bazmak (Waziristan). Indian pilots, trained at Cranwell, and belonging to No. 1 Squadron, Indian Air Force, have taken an active part in the spectacular achievements of the airmen engaged in the frontier operations against the Fakir of Ipi
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  • 182 3 Poulterer Blames A Joker Paris, July 27 A new addition to the list of meats established by Sam Weller’s pieman (beefsteaks, “weal or kidney” t, for which cats may be made to stand duty, must be regarded as the result of a case which came before
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  • 72 3 Belgrade. Jewellery to the value of some hundreds of pounds was found by the Ljubljana police concealed in the wooden leg of a poorly dressed man, whose lavish expenditure attracted their attention the other day. Some of the jewels have been identified as belonging to the
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  • 50 3 during the next* three years.—British Wireless. London, Aug. 6. Plans will be ready shortly for large extension of Broadcasting House, London, the headquarters of the B. B. C., by which the already huge building will be practically doubled in size during the next three years.—British
    during the next* three years.—British Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 168 3 —Reuter. Japanese Civilians Ordered To Leave Shanghai—Sino-Japanese hostilities apparently are feared at Hankow and all Japanese civilians have been ordered to gather at the wharves by 6 p.m. Chinese and Japanese forces in war kit face each other along the entire border of Japanese
    —Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 664 3 Cairo, July 30. £AIRO gave King Farouk a widly enthusiastic reception when he drove through crowded and gaily decorated streets to Parliament this morning lor lua investiture. There, in a short and simple ceremony, he took the oath to respect the < oostitution and
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  • 49 3 Reuter. NEW AGREEMENT CONCLUDED Washington, Aug. 6 A new Russo-American commercial agreement has been concluded granting the Soviet, for the first time, the most favoured nation treatment. In return, the Soviet agrees to buy at least $40,000,000 worth of American products in the next twelve months.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 30 3 —Reuter. London.—The Non-intervention sub-com-mittee has agreed to adjourn until called together again. Meanwhile a technical sub-committee has been established to inquire into question of control of land and sea.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 102 3 —Reuter. PROCEEDING TO ALGIERS Marseilles, Aug. 6. The British steamer, British Corporal, has sent an S.O.S. saying that it was bombarded and calling for immediate assistance, giving its position as 50 miles from North Africa, approximately opposite Algiers. A later message states that the British Corporal
    —Reuter.  -  102 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Help yourself to 'I THE man who succeeds in life is the man who is vital —the man who flows with energy and health. Don’t lag Behind feeling only half alive while others get ahead of you! Hall’s Wine has brought new life to thousands it can help you too.
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  • 951 4 Citrus Fruits Likely To Be A Success At Camerons “The announcement by the High Commissioner at the M.A.H.A. Exhibition that the Adviser on Agriculture thinks that various citrus fruits, such as grape fruit, oranges, and lemons show promise of being successful, that the tree tomatoe
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  • 159 4 Great Increase In Mail-Loads Figures which have become available show that commercial aircraft operating in Alaska carried nearly 17,000 passengers in 1936 as compared with about 2,000 in 1929 There has also been a great increase in mail-loads. Mail-planes now pay regular calls at remote trading-posts.
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  • 95 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Se rem ban. Cabled information has been received! in Se rem ban of the death in Ceylon of Mr. C. I. Emmanuel of the Ceylon Civil Service, Assistant Government Agent, Colombo. The deceased, who was the only brother of Mrs. A.
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  • 298 4 Post office news is almost always good news. Major G.C Tryon, the PostmasterGeneral, kept to the rule in the House of Commons last week when he said, “The Post Office is a friendly and human place and not a mere machine,” and produced with
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  • 161 4 Penang Lorry Driver Fined (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. A lorry piled with baskets containing hundreds of fowls and ducks formed the exhibits of a charge against a Penang lorry driver, Lim Hong, when he was brought up before the Taiping Magistrate on Thursday on a charge
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  • 112 4 Today And Tomorrow There will be band pe”formances on the Esplanade today from 6.00 p.m to 7.30 p.m. and at the Waterfall Gardens tomorrow from 5.15 p.m. to 6.30 p.m, TODAY’ March: “The Standard Of St. George". Alford. Overture: "The Merry Wives Of Windsor”: Nicolai. Selection: “Patience": Sullivan.
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  • 95 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Seremban. That a profit of $llB.lB was made during the half year in spite of the special expenditure of $59 42 on the Coronation celebrations is revealed in the half yearly report on the working of the Negri Sembilan Club, Seremban. The report
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  • 297 4 At a general meeting of the Hokkien Hoay Kuan, Taiping, held a few days ago, the following were elected office-bearers for 1937-1940: President: Mr. Toh Eng Hoe J.P., M. S. C.; Vice-President: Mr Poh Giong Hiong; Hon. Treasurer; Mr. Ooi Choon Poh; Hon. Secretary: Mr. Yap
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  • 556 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL Nursing Sister Fisher of the General Hospital. Alor Star, has been transferred! to Klang. Mr. G. W. Tarry, engineer of the Radio Service Co., of Malaya, Malacca, has been transferred to the Ipoh branch. The Hon. Rachell de Montmorency of Dorset, has arrived in Singapore from Java and
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  • 91 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping August 5. Wanted on a theft charge in Baling, Kedah, a Malay named Ramli wras arrested in Taiping The accused wras alleged to have stolen a bicycle belonging to a compatriot at Baling on July 1. The Taip ng Magistrate
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  • 215 4 Mr. Roosevelt's Hi r t I Obstacles I American radio I by a message which President 'r I sent to the National u* I last week when it inaugurated I Washington broadcasting wh\ ae I shortly be equipped for television C “The watchword of science hiust I
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  • 115 4 Further Progress With Ground Organisation Active preparations continue in organ» ing the England-India route for the operation of the big flying-boats which win, as soon as the necessary technical equipment is completed be carrying first-class letter mails without surcharge on this vital tra». Empire route. In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 I I “Del Monte Products” I I BLead For Lowest Prices IjiM Consistant With |Em| Highest Quality delmonte pears H OBTAINABLE AT All High Class Provision EtajjM Dealers. SOLE AGENTS: HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD. PENANG. SINGAPORE, IPOH AND KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • 219 5 One Dead In Cage VI AX\ IN W RECKAGE WITH LEGS BROKEN Mexborough, Yorks. on< man was killed and 16 others were triund when a cage descending a shaft at Tmshy Park Colliery, Kilnhurst, near here, crashed Joseph Sales, 54, married, with six children,
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  • 197 5 TALKS WITH FRANCO Negotiations between British owners of iron ore mines at Bilbao and representatives of Gen Franco are continuing. Mr. F.van Davies, general manager of the Orconera Iron Ore Co.’s mines, the biggest British mines at Bilbao, returned to ■Spain after several days’ consultation
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  • 208 5 (From Our Own Carrespondent.) Sungei Patani, August 5. At about 7.30 a.m. a Tamil woman, aged about 25 years, fell headlong into a well •*t the back of her house at Pekan Lama rule drawing water from it. About t-el from the bottom she caught
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  • 413 5 I lien Told By Woman Victim Not To Be Silly Three youths who planned raids on banks and post-offices to Hl oil sll, P ll>r a treasure-hunting expedition in British Guiana wc k‘ <ti<k*ie<l at Leeds Assizes to be sent to a
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  • 226 5 FIRST LORD’S HOPE OF FRIENDSHIP A hope that Britain and Italy would sink their differences and restore the friendly relations existing in previous years was expressed by Mr. Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty. Speaking at a meeting at Winton Castle, Pencaitland, East Lothian, he
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  • 33 5 Ramsgate, the English port, has a beach which is covered with artificial sand for one mile. There are 9,000 tons of it, costing a total of £lO,OOO.
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  • 249 5 Explosion After Fall Fifteen persons were killed in the crash of a Dutch KI,AI air liner at Brages, a few miles south of Brussels. Ihe air liner, a Douglas Hals» had left Amsterdam and had landed at Brussels at 10.30 with a crew
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  • 206 5 MADE CLEVER ADVICE TO TEACHERS Backward children should not be segregated from their fellows. This is the conclusion reached by a group of British Board of Education inspectors after i special study of the subject, given in a rep< rt published by the Stationery Office. “There
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  • 82 5 To Resume Experiments Boulogne Sur Mer. Col. Lindbergh flew from England to St. Inglevert Aerodrome in strict incognito He is understood to be on his way to stay with Dr. Alexis Carrel on the lonely St Gildas Island, off the coast of Brittany It is
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  • 301 5 Madriil. •After extensive investigation into alleged spying activities on behalf of the A the nolice have arrested four men- They are alleged to have signalled Franco’s forces bv flashing lamps from the roof of a house in Madrid. Madrid newspapers have been demanding
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  • 75 5 Bucharest. Queen Marie of Rumania, who has been seriously ill, is now able to leave her room. The doctors are of opinion that her Majesty is now fully convalescent and that she will probably be able to proceed in the near future from Sinaia to her
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  • 141 5 Ashes Lowered Into Sea By Husband Shanklin. In a private ceremony the Earl of Cardigan lowered into the sea, five miles south of Shanklin, a casket containing the ashes of his wife, who committed suicide from a seventh-floor window of the Savoy Hotel, London. The casket was brought
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 MAD WiTH STOMACH PAIN It doesn t matter how long-standing your stomach trouble may be--it doesn’t matter how bad your pain is—Maclean Brand Stomach Powder will almost c< rtainlv case it awav—and its cause a*» M( !1 lake the case oi Mr J R Ever since' he left the Army
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  • 711 6 UNDAUNTED EFFORTS OF SWISS FOUNDER Self-Appointed Mission Every ex-Service man knows that the Red Cross is a symbol of neutrality, and that it is against the laws of war to fire upon those who are under its protection. Few however, know the story of
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  • 141 6 Tamil lonian Fined At Butterworth (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, Aug. 6. Mumamah, a Tamil woman, was today fined $lO, or two weeks’ rigorous imprisonment, in the police court here when she was convicted by Mr. S. T. Stewart, the Butterworth Magistrate, on a charge of
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  • 109 6 Chinese Fined (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, Aug. 6. The accused has goods in his sampan. I should like the police to be relieved of keeping watch,” said Mr. J. C. W. Kemp, the Assistant Superintendent of Customs, Province when he asked that, sentence be passed
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  • 342 6 TO BE DEDICATED THIS YEAR American battle monuments and memorial chapels, erected in France to pay tribute to the heroism of the A. E F will be dedicated during 1937, which. it will be recalled, will mark the twentieth anniversary of the entry of
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  • 87 6 —British Wireless Information has been received by telegraph 494 state-aided labourers will arrival Port Swettenham on Monday by S S Tala m ba. It is expected that 362 will be landed at Port Swettenham and the balance will travel to Penang for quarantine at Pulau Jerejak. .r London,
    —British Wireless  -  87 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 1 WEDNESDAY llth AUGUST 1937 M.G.M.’s super sequel to “Mutiny on the Bounty” CAPTAINS CO URAGEO US with Freddie Bartholomew, Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore and a giant cast! at the QUEEN'S of course!
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    • 141 6 New I I race Riv/dgi* 4>naz ing Discovery of I farts Beauty Chemist Face powder ten times finer than ever be4ore thought nos ihi powder that floats on Y n!v use. This is the amazing new pro( d Jr Pans chemrst-now adopted by io. ha lO«c*)Cn I That is why
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 221 6 One Great Hit After Another! WINDSOR 6.15 Opening Tonight 9.15 Matinee Today Tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. Pioneer’s Great Tamil Talkie “VEER ABHIMANYU” with Miss T.P Rajalakshmi, M.R. Krishnamurthi, J. Sushila. T.P. Raja Gopal, P S. Velu Pillai and a great cast Based on a great story familiar to all. See
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    • 117 6 Royal By popular request season extended till tomorrow. Tonight FOR ONE SHOW ONLY AT 8 P M SHARP TAI KUAN FILM CO., PRODUCTION The Popular Cantonese Talkie Ever Filmed! “MODERN BRIDE“ or “MOR TANG SUN LEONG” Starring Miss Lee Yee Lean. Yap Yan Phor. and Lum Khuan Sun. Modern Settings!
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  • 341 7 FREED AS FIRSI OFFENDER EVIDENCE HEARD IN SECRET Pauns, Thursday Mme. de Fontanges. who shot and wounded the Comte de Chambrun. former French Ambassador in Rome, at the Gare du Nord last March, was released after her trial in Paris last week with a paternal admonition
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  • 275 7 Bodies Found Lnder Ice The German mountaineers who went to the Himalayas to investigate the disaster to Dr. Wien's Nanga Parbat expedition in June. when seven Germans and nine native porters were killed, have recovered the bodies of five of the climbers. 1 This news is
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  • 711 7 Doctors Discuss Voices And Tennis Elbow fY’ERA singers and tennis players claimed a large share of the attention of the British Medical Association conference in Belfast. Sir Milsom Rees, the throat specialist, who has been laryngologist to Covent Garden for 40 years, surprised
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  • 243 7 MR. JOHN LEWIS MAY CONTEST PRESIDENCY Democratic Split Exploited /T R- JOHN LEW IS, th*’ United States labour leader, appears |_yj[ to be taking advantage of the divisions created in the Democratic party by the bitter Supreme Court controversy to build up a Labour party
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  • 935 7 Joshua Hill Centenary BOAST THAT ENDED IN DOWNFALL The name of Joshua Hill, firstly frequenter. by his own account, of all the fashionable spots in England and Western Europe, and afterwards self-appointed dictator of Pitcairn Island, conveys little to any but the student of history’s
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  • 282 7 MAI AGAIN ASSERTIVE Wellington. A message from Apia. Samoa, reports a renewal of activity and assertiveness by Mau guardsmen. Europeans have been prevented from cycling through the village of Vaimoso, being ordered to dismount and walk. One man who refused was knocked down and his face
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  • 131 7 £2.000 A Year Posts Washington. Tuesday. The House of Representatives have approved a bill to provide President Roosevelt with six administrative assistants. Each assistant would receive a salary of £2,000 a year. Such a corps has already been popularly christened the "Kitchen Cabinet.” Holidaymakers at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 441 7 ■•xJ Offi<* 12. Bishop Street, Penang ,e Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. atnggpore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. i iala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. loot Office Brewster Hoad. Phone 268 Lpedon Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4 Phone
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    • 93 7 IV.P.S. 40 Mf* PILLS I APIOL STEEL a Sure andeertain for all Female I complaints. Every lady should I keep a box in the house. I The I GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY I 52-54 Beach Street, Penang. The Monks of Buckfast Abbey South Devon. England) put their secret health ingredients into every
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  • 666 8 HE red spot on the map five hundred miles north-west of Singapore, marking the 151-year-old settlement in which we live, is about to assume a more significant hue. 1 he name of Penang is not emblazoned upon the pages of history, yet in an
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  • 191 8 “‘Card At Alor Star.” Sa vs Chinese (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, Aug. 6. Remarking that he could not record a conviction, the magistrate. Mr. S. T. Stewart, postponed a case for mention for a week in which a Chinese, Chee Ah Huah. stands charged
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  • 140 8 Papua, New Guinea. A small tribe of cave-men has been found living in the mountains of Mandated New Guinea. The tribe numbers not more than 200. Of these, thirty-three are women and seven are children. During the dry season these people live in caves near
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  • 739 8 Australia’s Grim Hunt for The Wailing Wall of Jewry Safe Seats in England HE greatest sparrow hunt in the history of Western Australia is now on in Fremantle. It is made serious by the determination to keep the State free of the pest. It is made all
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  • 276 8 Gaol For Former Singapore Doctor (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Aug. 4. A young married woman alleged at Liverpool Quarter Sessions yesterday that a former Singapore doctor assaulted her in his surgery. Dr. Patrick Joseph O’Shaughnessy, aged 36, of Smithdown Road, Liverpool, and formerly of Singapore was
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  • 138 8 Usefulness Of New Signs Taiping, Aug 6 The "Stop. Look and Go,” signs newly introduced in Taiping streets, are proving their usefulness in educating local cyclists, motorists and pedestrians in the correct use of the roads. This town is intersected with cross-roads, and before
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  • 61 8 Bucharest—All passengers I believed to number seven, were incinerate jin the crash at Saratele, North Rumar.a. of a Soviet plane flying from F’rague Moscow.—Reuter. n If I were a millionaire I think I sh 1 found a college for the training of domestic servants. I should get some
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 ALLSGPPsl every 1 time r A J C aidbeck’s 21/lSie TTlxAxJtCUvto -5 I 8 6 W lUkh «nJ yjjbjlt 1 _..<iml. JgggF u /4 TIE fronts of your teeth alone won't tell you if they are really clean: it is in hidden crevices at the backs that TS particles collect
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 326 8 WE M B L E Y PARK GATE ADMISSION: 10 CENTS AS USUAL TONIGHT Saturday 7th August 1937 .LOW TAN HONG SEAH TAN HONG SEAH AMOY OPERA Jointly present ■'Hong 1 Siu Phyne” Seats: 30cts 20cts lOcts OPERA ODEON ORIENTAL: “Dangerous Love” Seats .is usual 30cts 20cts lOcts CAPITAL TALKIES.
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  • 199 9 Batch Of N.Z. Yearlings Fhe Pinang Gazette is informed that the lowing thoroughbred yearlings have been rchased on behalf of the Club by Major R. Holden Webb. fhe batch is at present stabled at TrentWellington. New Zealand. By kind rmission of the Committee of the
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  • 171 9 TONROE AND JUBILEE STAR TO CLASS 2 The following are the latest transfers, (lendments. etc., to the Straits Racing Association Official Classification List of Horses and Ponies, made after tne Penang Turf Club Meeting: HORSES. From Class 2 To Class I,—Burraneer. From Class 1 To
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  • 113 9 Lorry Driver Heavily Fined From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping i Chinese lorry driver was hauled up ■he Taiping Police Court for cruelty o ••Mireds of ducks and birds. The magiswho went to inspect the lorry, foun baskets containing hundreds of tow s d
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  • 425 9 REVELATION AT MEETING OF NON INTERVENTION POWERS SIDE FARCE IN A MAJOR FARCE After sitting an hour and a half at the Foreign Office yesterday afternoon, the chairman’s sub-ccmmittee of the international Nonintervention Committee decided to request the chairman and secretary of the non-intervention board for
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  • 55 9 .—Reuter. R 7 alker Clears 6 ft. 10 Stockholm, Today: Melvyn Walker of United States, broke the world’s hiyh jump record with a jump of 2.08 metres (6ft. lO.lins.). The previous record was held jointly by Al Britton and Cornelius Johnson (U.S.) who jumped 2.07
    .—Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 297 9 HAMMOND IN FORM WITH BAT BALL —Reuter. COUNTY CRICKET RESULTS London, Aug. 6. Lancashire defeated Gloucestershire by 6 wickets. Gloucestershire made 287 (Hammond 121) and 311 (Hammond 75, Lyon 83). Lancashire hit up 454 (Hop wood 104, Washbrook 87) and 147 for 4 wickets. NOTTS DEFEAT KENT Notts defeated Kent
    —Reuter.  -  297 words
  • 298 9 Driver Of Dangerous Van Fined (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Aug. 6. “You are not only endangering your own life but also the lives of others’’ was the remark passed by the Taiping Magistrate. Che Pawanteh to a Chinese lorry driver, Chan Wah. who was
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  • 287 9 Taiping. Aug. 6. The following are extracts from the latest bulletin issued by the Taiping Rotary Club: Our Club did not hold the customary installation dinner, but at our first meeting of the Rotary year on July 9, Rn. S. B. Palmer resumed office as President and in
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  • 89 9 HOT WATER FLUNG BY PRISONER (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Aug. 6. Mr. Stephen Cork, a 29-year-old European Warder at Changi prison, was badly scalded on the neck and back this morning when a Chinese prisoner is alleged to have flung hot water at him from
    89 words
  • 542 9 Lively Boxing At Wembley (BY’ “SECONDS OUT”) Young Choon, the Penang lightweight enhanced his reputation last night at the Wembley Park when he shared honours with Little Olaes, who, styled as the champion of Central Luzon, was making his debut in the local ring. The
    542 words
  • 199 9 “Protect Them**, Says Judge (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. “The courts are here to protect the hun> ble and the defenceless against the proud and the strong.” (Declared the Hon. Mr. Justice Aitken in the Supreme Court yesterday when he set aside the decision oi
    199 words
  • 74 9 Grimsby, Ontario. Two girls here owe their lives to a Great Dane. They are Frances Jacklin, aged 18. the’ owner of the dog, and Betty Smith, aged 16. First one girl and) then her friend got into difficulties while they were swrirnming in the lake here.
    74 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 E. O. HOTEL I PENANG. t TONIGHT DINNER DANCE TOMORROW ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 9.15 P.M. TO 11 P.M. JChen Visiting Singapore Stay Al Raffles Hotel. Another British Triumph Jll Mi A ferV blSt" ’-x v I I WkK Here she comes, with her rich gift 85S from the green pastures of
      111 words

  • 2620 10 A Substantial Improvement TEA AND RUBBER POSITION AND PROSPECTS The twenty-seventh ordinary general meeting of the Anglo-Dutch Plantations of Java, Ltd., was held in London on July 23, Col. Sir Robert Williams. Bart, (the chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of
    2,620 words
  • 1287 10 Substantially Increased Profit; General Outlook Favourable The fourteenth annual ordinary general meeting of the East Asiatic Rubber Estates Ltd., was held in London on July 27. Lord Hutchison of Montrose, the chairman of the company presiding. The Chairman said: In the first place I will deal with
    1,287 words
  • 118 10 Particulars of operations tor the mon£ of July. 1937: Hours Cu: Yards Piculs Ampat 1.225 329,000 1,026 Southern Kinta 5,315 1.397,000 5,166 Kamunting 1.508 316.000 2,301 Pangnga River 612 167,000 933 Tongkah Harbour 2.437 463,000 1.445 Anglo-Siamese 1,255 213,000 696 Kampong Lanjut 1,290 495,000 1,821 Kuala Kampar 909
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  • 38 10 Alor Pongau Amal. Bedong Temerloh Pattani Tin Ltd: Dredging-Output P ir Yardage treated *****0 cubic Hours worked 641 hours Hydraulicing 38 piculsKamra Tin Dredging Ltd: ■Dredging-Output 472 picuis Yardage Treated *****0 cubic >< Hours worked 667 hours.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 250 10 HEADACHES NEARI DROVE HIM MAD Now Completely ha„ s 1 by Krusclien The writer of the fohowin» suffered from fiver trouble, constant h aches, and an unhealthy load of Read how he cured his headaches fat his liver—and lost 36 lbs. of fat ai] Uf the same remedy "I was
      250 words

  • 232 11 DOGGETS COAT AND BADGE was won this year by W F. Silvester (centre), who is seen quaffing a tankard of ale with his father. Henry Silvester (right) and his brother. H T.« Silvester, i former winner. OLDEST SCULLING RACE IN THE WORLD Malayan Show The
    232 words

  • 236 12 U.S. Maritime Commission’s Troubles The United States Maritime Commission has asked for new bids on a ‘‘where is,” ‘‘as is” basis for 28 obsolete steel cargo vessels in its laid up fleet. The Commission on May 28 rejected bids for the same group of ships
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  • 113 12 Subsidy Cut Causes End Of Line The last of the “General” ships to call at an Asiatic port from Shanghai a few days ago when the General Pershing pulled away from the China Merchants Lower Wharf bound for Hong Kong and Manila The three
    113 words
  • 146 12 The following Singapore passengers are on the Sarpedon bound for Europe. Mr. H. Weisberg. Mr. G. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Usher, Mrs". McMichael. Miss E. Browne. Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Strang and infant. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Reah. Mr. S. M. Barnwell. Mr. S.
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  • 382 12 LATEST TIMES OF POSTING AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern S lln afr via Singapore and thence by K L.m close at 7.30 p.m. today A mail for Siam, Burma. India Egypt, Sudan, Belgian Congo, Great ii*? tain and whole of Europe by inrxf
    382 words
  • 312 12 St. George The Martyr 11 TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00 a.m. Matins and Litany Psalm SO: Hymn 4*l. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese). 6.00 p.m. Evensong, rsahn Gl»an«. Hymns 447, 282, 301, 540. FRIDAY Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. 7.30 a.m. Holy
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2308 12 WORLD RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. BERLIN MELBOURNE PARIS DJB 15.20 Me/. 10 7 m. VK 2 8 in on the following wavelength»: ».54 Me/» 31.45 m. TOD AT p. m. TRANSMISSION 8 DJE 17.7 S Mc/b m. 4 20 opening announcement. p m. DJQ 15.28 Mc/s 19.63 ns. 5.20 With
      2,308 words
    • 18 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY HIGH LOU 1.06 p.m. 7.T5 p.m. TOMORROW 1.01a.m. 7.48 a nt. 1.42 p.m. 7.55 p.m.
      18 words

  • 565 13 m.v. Tweedbank In Port Today M.V. ‘TWEEDBANK’ from China via Singapore sails today for Boston. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore via Cape of Good Hope. S.S. ‘BORNEO MARU’ from Bombay sails today for Japan Ports via Singapore. TOMORROW S.S. ‘BEHAR’ from Kobe via ports. Sails same day for Colombo,
    565 words
  • 431 13 Features Of Latest Unit In Lampart And Holt Fleet Modern thought in cargo liner design is well exemplified in the new motorship Delius, which has just completed successful trials in the Firth of Clvde. The ship is owned by the Lamport and Holt Line
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  • 199 13 Government’s Portion I niler Agreement In the House of Commons recently Mi. H. Day (Southwark. Lab.) asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he would give particulars of any way in which the Government were at present responsible for any portion of the insurance
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 723 13 BLUE FUNNEL LINE VeMeto. NORTH CONTINENT Leave® Due t < lnconJun ction with Glen Shire Line) Penang London GLENOGLE Ldcm, R’dam, IPfccrg, Antwerp Middlesborough DEUCALION Mars., L’don R'dam H’hi.rcr Aug. 14 Sept 14 diomed v don waani C. EUMAEUS Liverpool I'BromMro^h BV,CE UwpooL PYRRHUS Havre, Liverpool Broich l7 14 TITAN
      723 words
    • 584 13 D A and I Ot BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated In England.) PORT SWETTENHAM. MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “K HAND ALLA” SAILING SUNDAY, Bth AUGUST contract unde J Penang. Teluk Anson. Port Smitenbam. London and Fa? Se£« MalacCa s “S»P° re Ser i Outwards from London for China Japan. “BULAN” Aug. 20* S/S
      584 words
    • 222 13 (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE HOLIDAY TRIP TO JAPAX Next Sailings from Singuj»ore: s.s. "SUWA MARU” Aug- 18 s.s. "FUSHIMI MARU” Aug. 23 ss. “HAKOZAKI MARU” Sept m.v. "TERUKUNI MARU” Sept. 17 Cheap Return Tickets to Hong Kong, Shanghai Japan, available for 2 nucothß.
      222 words

  • 725 14 > GOON KOK YING BEATEN BY SANSONI Visitors Too Good For Mrs. Purcell And Kok Lem MISS Doreen Sansoni, and her cousin, H. C. Sansoni, of Ceylon, who have wrested the Ladies Singles Championship and the Mixed Doubles Championship of Malaya for the second
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  • 143 14 Mrs. A M. Goodman, wife of the Resident Councillor, Penang, was giving away the prizes at the St. George’s Girl’s School sports last evening. The teacher announcing the results had reached the sixteenth event, the rabbits and monkeys’ race. “Fry House,’* she called out. The team from Fry
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  • 155 14 Annual Competition For Cheah Inn Kiong Cup CRICKET MATCH TOMORROW The Cricket match between the Old Frees’ Association and the Penang Free School for the cup presented by Mr. Cheah Inn Kiong. the present President of the Association, for competition between the Association and
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  • 182 14 Friendly Soccer Match In a friendly game of soccer played yeserday on the Esplanade the Penang Recreation Club defeated the Government Trade school by two goals to nothing. In the first half the exchanges were equal. It ended without any score though not
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  • 212 14 To Play In Lancashire League Lahore, July 25. Amarnath, the Indian Test cricketer who was concerned in the unfortunate controversy last year ending in the Beaumont Committee inquiry, received a cable from Mr. Morgan. Chairman of the Nelson Club in the Lancashire League, offering him £5OO plus
    212 words
  • 517 14 Many Ex-Students Present CAVELL HOUSE WIN TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Fine weather favoured the annual sports of the St. George’s Girls’ School he’d yesterday on the Hutchings’ School ground. Fenang. The large number of spectators, consisting of old girls, parents, and friends of the school, who turned up
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  • 167 14 Likely To Become One Of G. Richard’s Greatest Rivals Three years ago a shy, 14-year-old boy m short knickers and boots too big for him. walked into Jack Reardon’s racing stable at Epsom. He gave his name as Harry Sprague, and he brought with him nothing but
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 215 14 NOTICES AUSTRAL MALAY TIN, LIMITED Incorporated in the Federated Malay States.} NOTICE OF FORTY-FIFTH DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that a Dividend Ate 45th of ninepence (9d) and a Bonus of nxrepence i'9d) per share have been declared due and payable to registered shareholders at the offices of the Company,
      215 words
    • 176 14 THABAWLEIK TIN DREDGING LIMITED I Incorporated in the Federated Malay States. NOTICE OF SEVENTEENTH DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that a Dividend the 17th of One shilling and sixpence' (l]6d) per share has been declared due and payable to registered shareholders at the offices of the Company, Taiping and Sydney.
      176 words
    • 700 14 Ml V n iOerVtf e J YfiW ...XB aWftMCWS Like Thousands of Others She Found the 12 Minerals 6 Vitamins Food lodine in V,KELP Q uickest Wa y Yet to Add 1M Pounds Rejuvenate the Body, Build W New stpen £th and Energy ..W R«o<i her actual letter a “It
      700 words

  • 107 15 Reuter. Mr. Sop with To Try Again? S\YS "NO IDEA” a <t. Aug. <: Mr. T.O.M. Sopwith, ~A ne the British challenger for the v ~t Cup. Endeavour 11. said that he j i whether he will come back for > allenge. Mr Harold Vanderbilt, H .nger
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 548 15 \u\ LEWIS Sin Kie Fails In Doubles STEDMAN REAPS 3 TITLES rty-three-year-old Sheffield and rial -i:. -.nn tournament has never had such -vt ither as that experienced for this on s meeting. At one time it was feared t n the level finals might have to be
    548 words
  • 40 15 fi today between. Singapore and phone J from Kuala Lumpur with Mr. John Ford at the micro- a sketch of the ground, with the help of which Mr. Ford will make his commentary.
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  • 974 15 Mike Jacobs Out-Rickardinjj Tex Rickard MIKE JACOBS is out-Rickarding Tex Rickard in the big fistic programme which he has practically all sealed, signed and delivered for New York during September, l our title matches on one card is something which boxing lans never
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  • 179 15 Michael Scott Wins Again London. July 17. For the second year in succession an exCeylon golfer has won the coveted Founder’s Cup of the Senior Golfing Society. The Hon. Michael Scott (once a Ceylon planter) won the Cup wdth a splendid score of 75 in
    179 words
  • 142 15 Mr. H. C. Reynolds, of Pembroke College, Cambridge.* has had his University career interrupted by order of the Court of Discipline. At the end of his second! year he has been “rusticated” (sent down) for 12 months, which means that he wall be unable to
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  • 665 15 Fight Chatter From U.S. Barney Ross Wins Corinthians’ Tour Strong Team To Visit Malaya Barney Ross, world welterweight champion, knocked out Jackie Burke, of Ogden, Utah, in the fifth round of a scheduled tenround fight at Heinemann Baseball ground. A crowd of 4,000 paid $5,000 to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 43 15 '.«w, W “lb Ww 7 •A* 4Elr 7 'Xi You can “Burk" on GR.ANT S r S<ot<h Whi.b «he Standard of Quality never varies. -Wr ®Tite popularity of GRANT S is in the Ascendant. GRANT'S WHISKY FROM BANFFSHIRE IN THE OF SCOTLAND IMIIIWIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM
      43 words

  • 114 16 JIN:- PREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON—(Spot £2 0 K 0 n £2R" 0 0 LONDON—(3 months) £266.15.0 2 SINGAPORE $133.00 l3l 5 BUSINESS DONE 1 PENANG $132.50 Buyers no’srilera BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundried) $5.85 *3BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO >ll. UU RUBBER LONDON BtSd SINGAPORE—Spot 301 c Aug./Sept 313 c 30^
    114 words
  • 304 16 Share of «I aen«mlnatron unTess London Aug otherwise stated Yesterday. Rise or Fall Conversion Loan. 5 p.c., 1944-64 Funding Loan. 4 p.c., 1960-90 **o* t War Loan. 3$ p.c Com. Union Assce. (Units) Prudential Assce. “A” J Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) 4 x Great Western Rly Ordy
    304 words
  • 120 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 132 53 64 132 55 64 New York 4.98 J 4.98 ft Montreal 4.98 ft 4.98 ft Brussels 29.58* 29.60 Geneva 21.68$ 21.69$ Amsterdam 9.031 Milan 945 94 fi Berlin 12.373 12.38 A Stockholm 19.39$ 19.39$ Copenhage* 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna
    120 words
  • 121 16 London. Aug. 6. RUBBER Steady. Spot BIS buyers 9ft sellers. August 9$ buyers 9ft sellers. Oct./Dec. 91 buyers Oft sellers. Jan./Mar. 91 buyers 9ft sellers. April/June 9} buyers 92 sellers. NEW YORK 18 85 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 22,574 tons Liverpool 19,482 tons COPRA: Straits S.D.
    121 words
    • 100 16 KENNEDY CO. TIN Bayers Sellers A. Malay 58'0 60;0c Ayer Hitam 35'6 Bangrin 2710 27|6 B. Malay 33|0 33|6 Hong Fatts 1.38 1.42 Ipoh 35|6 366 c Kamunting *****$ 156 Killinghalls 27|3 2813 ex Kuchai 1.82 1.85 Murai 1.88 1.95 Pahang 2819 29 6 Pattani 7|3 7|9 Petaling 9.85 10.25
      100 words
    • 95 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. TINS Bayers Sellers Ayer Weng 1.32$ 1.37$ B. Selangor 2.22$ 2.27$ Hong Fatt 1.37$ 1.40 Klang River 1.87$ 1.92$ Kuchai 1.82$ 1.87$ Lukut 1.02$ 1.07$ Paroi 72$ 77$ Rahman Hyd. 1.67$ 1.72$ Rantau Ordy. 1.87$ 1.92$ Rantau Pref. 1.87$ 1.92$ Taiping Cons. 2.12$ 2.15 Talam 1.90
      95 words
    • 209 16 TIN Buyers Sellers Ampats 6'41 6|7J A. Hitams 34|3 35(3 Bangrins 27|3 2810 B. Selangors 2.25 2.28 c Burma Malays 32(9 33|3 Hong Fatts 1.38 1.41 Hongkongs 38(6 39|6ex Jelapangs 40|9 4116 Jelebus 1.00 1.03 K. Kamuntings 14|0 14|6c Kamunting 1510 15;6ex K. Lanjuts 27|3 27|9 Kundangs 9(0
      209 words
    • 138 16 LEAN CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Asams 37 3 38 0 B. Selangors 2.10 2.15xd Burma Malays 32 3 33’0 Hong Fatts 1.37$ 1.42$ Jelebus 97$ 1.02$ K. Lanjuts 27 0 27 9 Ka Huntings 15 0 15 4$ Kuchais 1.82$ 1.87 J Kundangs 90 93 Laruts 14 6 14 9
      138 words
    • 168 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Bassetts 72$ 77$ B. Lintangs 1.32$ 1.37$ Bedfords 1.25 1.30 Bentas 1.32$ 1.37$ Brogas 97 1.02$ M. Pindas 1.57$ 1.65 Mentakabs 47$ 50c Nyalas 1.10 1.15 Pa jams 2.10 2.20 S. Tukangs 1.30 1.35 Ulu Benuts 42$ 45 TIN Ampats 6 3 6 9 Ayer
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  • 24 16 TIN RUBBER Singapore $131.75 Per pkl. Singapore Spot 30% Per lb. Penang —5131.75 Per pkl. Penang Spot 29 3 4 Per lb.
    24 words
  • 452 16 A Stimulus For “Shorts” STEPS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF PICTURES The British Government’s proposals for the new Film Quota Bill, to be submitted tu Parliament next session, were announced in a White Paper recently. In the main, they conform with the poVcy recently set
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  • 36 16 The total amount applied for in tenders or £45,000,000 Treasury Bills wag £97,040,000. The average rate per cent, for Bills at three months was 10s. 4.8 d. against 10s. 5. Od. a week ago.
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  • 34 16 It is estimated that the export of tin and tin in ore from Malaya during July amounted to 5,700 tons, states the Senior Warden of Mines.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 212 16 BANKS Experience Teaches One To Save, But How Many Have Found A Way To Put By Their Spare Dollars OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED. offer you facilities of their SAVINGS DEPARTMENT For Systematic Saving BEGIN YOUR SAVINGS NOW For Rules and Regulations Apply MANAGER, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ltd., Nos. 28 30,
      212 words
    • 522 16 HONG KONG AM) SHANGHAI BANKixc CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong, The Liability of members is limited k extent and m manner prescrihJd V Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of th by Colony. Head Office:— HONG KONr Authorised Capital xsnft. Issued and Fully paid up Reserve Funds lnVe h r nS
      522 words