Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 June 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 438 1 General, Admiral, Industrialist The death is announced! from London of Eric Geddes, chairman of Imperial Airways and o f the Dunlop Rubber Company and other companies. Sir Eric Geddes was born in India in 1875. He first came into the public eye as DirectorGeneral of Munitions
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  • 99 1 axion on i —Reuter. Possible International Exchange Of Information Washington—The United States is reported o be willing to give France two types of aid in their efforts to repatriate French capital. 1 c first is that the Treasury is prepared to -commend to Congress much heavier taxation on
    axion on i —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 33 1 London, June 20. Thousands of holiday-makers saw a E.'val Air Force torpedo bombing P «mash at the entrance to Langstone ab.'. r near Portsmouth. The pfl killed.
    33 words
  • 30 1 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Nanking, June 22. The Central Government has decided to place an embargo on the export o s forever. —Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  30 words
  • 674 1 BRITAIN REFUSES TO JOIN IN DEMON STR A TION RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRUISER INCIDENT NOT DETERMINED A communique issued last night states that at a further meeting, to consider incidents in which the German cruiser Leipzig was involved, between the Foreign Secretary and the French, German and
    Lilt opinion ,ar request was forwarded.—British Wireless.  -  674 words
  • 214 1 British Wirtwss. May Be Evacuated Through France The Prime Minister answered a Commons question on the evacuation of Basque refugees. He explained the difficulties arising from the absence since the end of last week of conditions on which British naval protection had previously been given to
    British Wirtwss.  -  214 words
  • 38 1 FORTHCOMING VISIT TO PENANG Dr. Wu Lien-teh is to visit Penan? n Ipoh for about two weeks bet-re proceeding to Batavia tor the League of NationRural Hygiene Conference which opens a Bandoeng on August 2.
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  • 71 1 —Reuter. Heads Of Foundation To Fly To India Berlin. —Three heads of the Himalayan Foundation will fly from Munich to India on Friday, catching a British aeroplane a Brindisi. They wall arrive at Karachi on June 27 whence they will proceed by the quickest way to the scene
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. To Carry 16-Inch Guns Washington.—Bids by private shipyards having been far in excess of Government yards’ estimates, the Navy Department announces that it will construct its two new battleships in the Government yards at New York and Philadelphia. President Roosevelt questioned at a Press conference indicated
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 59 1 Assets Nearly Double Liability The value of currency notes in circulation on September 30 last year was $BO,825, 021, according to the annual report of the Currency Department. At that date the Currency Commissioners had dollar assets worth $155,661,843. In effect, this means that for every $lOO liability
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  • 33 1 —Reuter. No Negotiations With China For Abandonment Replying to Mr. G, Mander, Viscour Cranborne denied that negotiations wt contemplated or proceeding for abandc ment of British extraterritorial juris* 1 tion in China.-
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 250 1 jonierence Reuter. UNIFORM PROTECTION SOUGHT Geneva. —A joint resolution submitted by Belgian. Indian. Chinese end Japanese workers' delegates in favour of application of a uniform system of protection foi workers in China whether the undertakings were situated in the foreign concessions or not, gave rise to an
    jonierence Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 250 1 M. Chautemps Selects His Cabinet Paris —The new French Cabinet includes he Prime Minister, M- Chautemps; Finance; M. Bonnet; Foreign Affairs, M. Delbos; National Defence, M. Daladier; Interior, M. Marx Dormoy; Air, M. Pier recot. M. Blum has a new post, Vice-Premier without Portfolio. The Socialist
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  • 167 1 .—Reuter. “Weight Of Evidence Against Likelihood Of Fall” Paris.—The weight of evidence is de finitely against the likelihood of a fall in the price of gold, according to Mr. Haven ga, Finance Minister, opening the South African Pavilion at the Paris International Exhibition. Mr. Havenga declared that countries
    .—Reuter.  -  167 words
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  • 1722 2 ACCUSED OF PLANNING RUSSIA’S DEFEAT LV WAR Plot To Cede The Ukraine To Germany Moscow, June 14. M ARSHAL Tukhachevsky, former Assistant Commissar for Defence, and the seven leading Red Army generals sentenced with him were shot in secret yesterday. Immediately after the executions Marshal
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  • 305 2 Village Arson Plot: Mayor Charged THE temptation to reap a harvest of easy profits in the form of insurance premiums led to 28 fires within a period of two years in a few towns and villages in Kanagawa prefecture, south-west of I okyo. One hundred: and
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  • 140 2 Franco-German Pact Berlin, June 13. Lufthansa, the German civil aviation concern, announced today that a contract had been drafted for a working arrangement between it and Air-France on the North Atlantic air route. The arrangement would be similar to that existing between the companies on the
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  • 119 2 JULY MEETING 1937 SATURDAY, 3RD. JULY 1937 WEDNESDAY, 7TH. JULY 1937 SATURDAY, 10TH. JULY 1937 The Subscription for Visiting Members shall be MEN $5 LADIES $2 for the Meeting or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be introduced by Members of the Club and MUST APPLY TO
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 481 2 flead Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Ipoh Office Brewster Road. Phone 268 London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London EC. 4 Phone Central 3608—3609
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    • 262 2 Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours Sufferers from loss of vigour, nervpusness, weak body, impure blood, failing memory, and who are old and worn-out before their time will be delighted to learn of a new gland discovery by an American Doctor. This new discovery makes it possible to quickly
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    • 83 2 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE FOURTEEN POINTS A series of 14 reasons why you should choose THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD., to look after your insurance needs. Point... 7 It renders periodical Returns to Government giving full particulars of its assets and of its liabilities under all policy and
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  • 1073 3 IMPROVED SHIPPING TRADE IN PENANG LAST YEAR Periodic Surveys Of Prai River Bar Continued r J'HE tonnage of all vessels i.e. merchant vessels, local craft, men-of-war, etc., entered and cleared at the five ports of the Colony during 1936 was 48,038,328 being
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  • 68 3 Big Purchases By N,I, In May From America The Netherlands Indies were the biggest buyers of war materials in the United States in May, according to an official return received in Amsterdam from the Depart" ment of State, at Washington. The Batavia Government spent $2,500,000 in the month,
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  • 121 3 —Reuter. Faint Chance Of Bodies Being Recovered Simla, June 22. It is officially stated that Dr. Luft is the sole survivor of the German Nanga Parbat expedition climbing party which was overwhelmed by an avalanche on June 18. A message from Srinagar states that Lieut. D.B. Smart,
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 222 3 Sequel To Appeal By C.LO. Leaders “In The Name Of God” Washington, June 22. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has telegraphed the Youngstown steel owners not to attempt to re-open their factories today. In the interests of public safety, 4,800 troops have been ordered to the
    .—Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 123 3 —Aneta-Domel. Desperate Combat Between Army Ogpu. Tokio, June 21. A serious revolt in Vladivostok, the Soviet’s fortress in the Far Bast, and often referred to as the “dagger aimed at the heart of Japan,” is reported in messages received in Tokio. Relations are reported to be
    —Aneta-Domel.  -  123 words
  • 156 3 Dickensian Relic As Dining Hall Gravesend. June 15. The quaint upturned boat-house on Gravesend canal bank, which is thought to have inspired the “Pegotty’s boathouse on Yarmouth sands” in “David Copperfield” is being restored for use as a works’ messroom. For a time Dickens lived in an hotel
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  • 104 3 R.A.F. Exercise On Salisbury Plain Salisbury Plain June 15. The provisioning of an armoured force by aircraft is the raison d’etre for an exercise here this week. It will be assumed that a mechanised force has been in contact with an enemy and is desperately in
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  • 42 3 There are 224 $lO,OOO notes in circulation in Malaya, according to the annual report of the Currency Department. A $lO,OOO banknote would burn a hole in most pockets. The report also reveals that there artmore than 4,000 $l,OOO notes circulating.
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  • 88 3 -Reuter. Request For Building Of Officers’ Mess Refused London, June 22. In the House of Commons Sir Victor Warrender, the War Office spokesman, said that Mr.. Hore Belisha was unable to accept Capt. MacNamara’s suggestion that the War Office authorise building of an officers' mess in
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 123 3 —Reuter. Mixed Reception In The Press J GANDHI REFUSES TO COMMENT Mr. Gandhi, interviewed by Reuter, declined to comment on the Viceroy's message to the Indian people, adding that the Congress Working Committee finally will decide the “grave issue” on July Su Reception of the message
    —Reuter.  -  123 words
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    • 84 3 FREE SAMPLE! NEW “SUPER-SOFT” PEPSODENT |L\:~ TrHH 10 TWICE I |1 J PC-7 look whiter I 19 "JJut is r e thl Esmeu-be c use l TWICE AS SO” I L V teeth P’ove I k i ghpol i s h yo u r teeth f r e e onfitlM
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  • 363 4 Date Of Inauguration Not Yet Fixed <Fruai Our Own Cor respondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 21. Though at intervals during the past year bu been stated that the radio-telephone service between Malaya and London and »ther European cities would be opened '“within the next few* months” the date
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  • 260 4 In Honour Of Conferment Of K.B.E. From Our Own Correspondenti Johore Bahru. More than 300 people were present at Sfiie International Club, Johore Bahru, on Sunday night when H.H. the Regent of Johore was entertained in honour of the conferment on him of the K.B.E. in
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  • 150 4 Chinese Claims Trial (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 22. Wong See Hoo, manager of e. coffee-shop in Hugh Low Street. Ipoh, was yesterday brought before Mr. Simpson Gray, the Ipoh First Magistrate, on a charge of having committed a criminal assault on a young Chinese girl
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  • 166 4 Miss A. Wong Singapore. Miss Aileen Wong, one of the best women badminton players in Malaya, was married at the Consulate-General on Sunday <-c Mr. Oei Ing Djoe. a popular sportsmen and well-known business man of Probolinggo. Java. A niece of Mr. S.Q. Wong and daughter of
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  • 193 4 Press Admitted To Attend Meetings Sitiawan. The Sitiawan Sanitary Board has, it is understood, decided to admit members of the press to attend their meetings, provided their report is approved by the chairman: or the chairman will release for publication the proceedings of the meeting should application
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  • 124 4 Sultan As Patron < From Cur Own Correspondent) Teluk Anson. The Lower Perak District Agricultural show 1937, will be held, under the distinguished patronage of His Highness the Sultan of Perak, the Hon. the British Resident and Y.T.M. Raja Muda of Perak, at the show Grounds
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  • 219 4 There will be a moonlight band performance on the Esplanade from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. today, by the Penang Municipal Band. The full programme is as follows: March: The Smiling Prince: Carver. Overture: Merry Wives Of Windsor: Nicolai. Selection: The King Steps Out: Kreisler. Characteristic Intermezzo:
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  • 991 4 PERAK CHINESE ADVISORY BOARD The members of the Perak Chinese Advisory Board are entertaining Towkay Leong Sin Nam, 0.8. E., J.P., M.C.H., M.S.C., at a dinner on June 26 at the Grand Hotel in honour of the 0.8. E., conferred on him recently by His Majesty the
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  • 205 4 Johannesburg, June 14. Eleven passengers, trapped in a blezinp air-liner which had crashed near Johannes burg today, were saved by the radio opera tor. Thirty seconds after the last man was dragged to safety the petrol tank exploded The machine, a Junkers mailplane
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  • 84 4 A millcie-aged Chinese patient of tht Mental Hospital, Tanjong Rambutan, named Foh Fock Sooi was reported missing a few days ago. The Hospital authorities searched everywhere for him but in vain. On Saturday last, a Tamil mandor or Kempar Estate, situated one and a half
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 97 4 Asthma Cause Killed in 24 Hours discovery of an American n<JW ,s Possible to get rid of inti*amt Us f S hokin ß« gasping, Fjegning and vneezing Asthma hv killinc» true cause whieh is Germs in the blood. Q more burning of powders, no more hvjpodermic injections. This new discovery
      97 words
    • 64 4 BWARS i ne FAMOUS Ha u im. wto» Cl (a: 'w i i VW I k j>. I H O I 111 Ik xX I Fib ''l tijOL r ll We-*" w.tni&a y-r > < i-< I a? -V 1 1 I WK I 11 Safe h-Al R A i"
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  • 1188 5 Postmaster General Praises Press Advertising “MAIN PLANK IN OUR PROGRAMME” Brighton, June 14. MAJOR G. C. Tryon, the Postmaster-General, who attended the Empire Advertising Convention, which opened in the Royal Pavilion here today, spoke of Post Office methods. iiaiTschenTe COming advertisin g campaign for
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  • 154 5 EXAMINED BY FIVE SPECIALISTS Bucharest, June 11. Five foreign specialists arrived today at Castle Sinaia V examine the Dowager Queen Marie of Rumania. Queen Marie, who is 62, is stated to be in a serious, but not hopeless, condition. Among the five doctors is
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  • 307 5 Princess Juliana Resting Amsterdam, June 15. The Rev. W. L. Welter, eighty-eight-year-old Dutch Court chaplain, rejoiced ever the tacit that he had lived long enough to consecrate the marriage of Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard. Now he is fervently
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  • 115 6 Penang School Teacher Cautioned Mr. Gnoh Keat Beng, an English school teacher in Penang, yesterday appeared before Mr. T.D. Hughes in the Penang Police Court, on a summons for driving his motor car in a negligent manner, along Penang Road on June 1. Mr. Keat Beng was summoned
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  • 405 6 Convicted For Assaulting Tamil Woman (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth June, 22, “Tell them that any more disturbance will result in more nasty punishment in future,” thus said Mr. S.T. Stewart, the Butterworth Magistrate, in the police court here today, when he convicted four young Tamils
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  • 237 6 Washington, June 11. The House of Representatives was in an uproar today over a charge made by Mr. Hamilton Fish that if tax dodging was to be investigated Congress should start with President Roosevelt. The President, he said' t had deducted losses from his Hyde
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  • 153 6 “Principal Witness In India” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, June 22. “I suggest case be struck out and if the principal witness returns. fRe summon 3 could be re-issued,” said Inspector Blakesley, of the Butterworth Police, when he mentioned a summons case before Mr. S. T.
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  • 220 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, June 22. Hashim bin Babji, who sold his house to another man because he had no money to carry out the demolition order from the Rural Board within a specified time, was again brought up before Mr. S. T. Stewart,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 321 6 ANOTHER STOMACH OPERATION AVOIDED by Maclean Brand Stomach Powder “Round about the first week of February," writes Mr. M. 8., “I became ill. The first symptoms were that I was very weak, could hardly walk, and could not eat because of terrible pain in the stomach, between the shoulders, and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 438 6 WINDSOR ROYAL t 0.30 Last Night Tonight 9.30 M W A Superb Thrilling New 6.30 Tonight 9.3 U MALAY TALKIE The star Motion Picture Film Co. *‘ANAK KECHIL MERAH” production. with an all-star cast A GIRL OF POWER” Perfect Sound Reproduction Bigger “NEE CHUEN” Better than any Malay Talkie ever
      438 words
    • 39 6 LAST NIGHT 6,15 Tonight 9.30 Warner Bros. Music-Comedy “tops” of the year wJMbbM 1111 111 ImMM When you see this Vi arner’s merriest musical There will be joy for you Tuneful Meloilies and Riotous Laughter Together with Supporting Shorts
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  • 870 7 CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST ALLEGED i y °u that the evi(ience y°u gave today is simply to shields Theseira, a sub-overseer of the P. W. D. and 1 iiirther put it to you that this story about a loan from you by the accused is absolutely
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  • 232 7 Ex-Employer Of Coolies Summoned V S Madar. at cue time sole proprietor ex tee now defunct firm of V.S. Madar tql Go., stevedores and shipping contractual appeared before Mr. T.D. Hughes yestefifey in the Penang Police Court on se.n'_mon?e3 by three coolies for non-pay-ment of wages. T
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  • 82 7 Explosion Almost Severs Engineer's Hand Mr. Burke, assistant engineer on the s.s. “Memnon,” met with a nasty accident while the ship was entering Penang harbour recently. Mr. Burke was adjusting a valve in the engine room when it exploded with such froce that it practically severed his
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  • 269 7 Court Inspector Ordered To Make Inquiries “This case is rather peculiar Mr. Farquharson. Will you cause inquiries to be made?” This was the remark made by Mr. T. D. Hughes, the second magistrate Penang, yesterday, when he acquitted a one-legged Tamil, Narayanasamy who was
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  • 126 7 Chinese Says He Is Not The Culprit 'I deny all knowledge of the chargv. It is possible that the Police might have mistaken me for someone else,” said Lee Seng, a Chinese, when charged before Mr. T.D. Hughes in the Penang Police Court yesterday, with having removed a
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  • 487 7 Buffalo Which Strayed Into Irrigation Area (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, June 22. An allegation that the irrigation patrol man had asked her for money for the return of her buffalo was made by a Malay woman before Mr. S. T. Stewart, the Butterworth
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 322 7 Motoring costs less than ever with the POPULAR 8 h.p. FORD js •'fiT ■FT S > vWfJuKS bSi Abundant Power Roomy and Comfortable 1 1 Whatever the purpose The Popular Ford is a splenV f° r which you mainly use did choice because it is so a car touring, shopping
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  • 713 8 TJAVING read the speech of Mr. l C. V. Thomas, chairman (among other companies) of Tronoli Mines, Limited, we cannot dismiss the impression that Malaya is deliberately spurning capital she may well need in the not-far-distant future. By some quirk of mentality (the cause oi which we
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    • 98 8 To the Editor. Pinang Gazette Sir, —Letters have appeared in the Press before, denouncing the apathy of the P .F.A. Now the boot is on the other foot—four players have been sentenced for two years or more for not "playing up in the State Trial and I understand
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  • 83 8 Killed In Collision ith Lorry (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, June 23. Police Inspector K. A. Majid returning from Tapah at midnight on a motorcycle with a friend. Mr. Mullick, on the pillion, collided with a lorry and died in Ipoh Hospital this morning without regaining consciousness.
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  • 121 8 Two Malays, Awang bin Kamis and Ali bin Osman, appeared before Mr. T. D. Hughes in the Penang Police Court yesterday, the former on five counts of theft ano the latter on six counts. A bundle of shoes, shorts, shirts, sarongs and other articles, were
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  • 645 8  -  Encouraging Thrift In Malaya Efforts Of P.O. Savings Bank Forgotten Mandarins DIOCLES The Penang Post Office Savings Bank, which today affords facilities for savings to be made by young and old, was originally formed with the object of lending money at reasonable rates of interest, as well
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  • 67 8 Canton. June 22. The Swatow "incident” has not yet been settled though the prospects of settlement now are much brighter. The Japanese Consul at Swatow, Mr. Yamasaki. visited Dr. Phillip K. C. Tyau yesterday. Dr. Tyau said the Japanese were showing signs of concession. "We promised
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  • 47 8 least sev —Reuter. Health May Be Restored In Seven Years Chicago- Mr. Snite, the Young American who was brought from Tientsin in an "iron lung” has entered hospital. Doctors state that it will take at least seven to restore him to health. —Reuter.
    least sev —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 42 8 —Reuter. Rome—A six-year plan for the development of Abyssinia at a cost of 12,000 milliard lire was approved by the Cabinet. The plan, drafted by Mussolini, provides inter alia for new roads, and for the development of cotton production. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 21 8 Reuter. Port of Spain.—The tension in the Trinidad oilfields has again flered up and Iccal volunteers have been mobilised.—
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 36 8 Mr. D. Jeremiah will speak on "Palestine” at today s meeting of the Penang Rotary Club. x His Siamese Majesty’s Consulate. Penang. will be closed tomorrow, the anni veisaiy of the coup d'etat.
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  • 105 8 Mr. Taniin’s Fortunate Recovery Mr. H. A. Md. Ta min, of the X Ray Dept., General Hospital has just been discharged from the hospital where he has been under treatment for the past two months. It will be remembered that Mr. Tarran met with a serious
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  • 126 8 *‘SING ME A LOVE SONG" icith. Melton, Patricia Ellis, Hugh. Herbert, Allen Jenkins and Nat Pendleton. Directed by Raymon Enright. Now showing at thi Queen’s. A good musical picture with three new catchy songs. Melton, in the leading role gives an excellent performance and h:
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  • 32 8 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Although the Kuomintang and Comm nist co-operation has been accomplished in fact, the problem of the organisation of the Communist party has not been solved.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 232 8 I Don^ a9Ue a:: B, ya B ißilßllßb 6 SOLE AGENTS V^—*** JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH A HOTEL IN BANGKOK? WHY NOT RAJDHANI Managed by the Royal State Railways at the Bangkok Terminus. Ever}' room has a bath room attached, hot and
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    • 33 8 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS Always Specify. DEL MONTE PRODUCTS are known the world over. o OBTAINABLE AT All the leading dealers. 80L3 AGENTS Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd.. PKNANG. Btagapor», Ipoh sad KtuUa Lompar.
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  • 597 9 HON. MR. S.B. PALMER’S BIC STRING SEVERAL NEW OWNERS Not onl\ have a large number of English ami Australian horses and ponies been recently in this country but, writes I ic- I ac, it is satisfactory to note that there are also several new
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  • 161 9 The Handicaps CARD OF 6 EVENTS The tollowing are the handicaps tor th< ckye Meeting to be run at Negri Sembilan n Saturday, June 26 RACE I—s FURS. Bright Eyes 11.02 Blue Bluff 11 03 Anaconda 9.12 Fernlet 9 09 Leonie 9.07 Lady Nelkin 9 03 Mickey
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  • 235 9 YOLA and PAUL at E. O. Cabaret Tonight Yola and Paul. Continental ballroom dancers of the first flight, will provide Penang tonight with an exhibition of dancing such as has not been seen here since their last appearance two years ago —an occasion that will be remembered by all who
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  • 578 9 Perak Tennis Championships GRUT IN SEMI-FINAL C. I’. PURCELL, Penang’s singles champion, was defeated by Mrs. I.L. Woods, a seeded player in the semi-finals of the Perak tennis championships yesterday. Mrs. Purcell put up a great fight and lost 3- —6, 5—7. i From Our Own Correspondent)
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  • 79 9 Key Match Today At X ictoria Green The key match in the first division of the Penang Football Association League between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Old Xaverians’ Association will be played on the Victoria Green today. The winners of this match will be league
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  • 104 9 PENANG CHINESE TOURNAMENT This tournament, which was started about a month ago, was brought to a succesful conclusion on Monday night. Thirty competitors from various associations took part, conduct being under the League system. The competition is run with the object of selecting representatives for the forthcoming Malayan
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  • 453 9 IVimbledon —Reuter Miss Jacobs Recovers Her Form LATEST RESULTS WIMBLEDON, LATEST. The British Davis Cup pair and Wimbledon title-holders, GJ*. Hughes and C.R.D. Turkey defeated the French first string, J. Borotra and Marcel Bernard 6 —4, 6 3,* 16 —l4. In the last set
    —Reuter  -  453 words
  • 81 9 VALBERG IN TWO FINALS In the semi-final of the Singles Championship of the Penang Recreation Club Tennis Tournament played yesterday on the Club courts, S. T. Stewart beat N. Capel after a hard match 3 —6, 6 —l, 6 —2. Stewart now meets Valberg in the final.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD I I QDia'toL/e of oil Chemists and Storo» J
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    • 218 9 GET TH AT WWW CLEANWASH FRESHNESS. wBE A bath at any ume is a wonderful refresher, but a bath with Calvert s Carboht Soft Soap is a toy for the rest of the evening. Only Calvert’s will give vou such freshness, such glorious freedom from stickiness. After using Caherts Soft
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  • 1889 10 But Immediate Prospects Doubtful CONFLICTING FACTORS FORM INTRIGUING OUTLOOK (From Our Own Correspondent i London, June 15. “Ln the long run, the problem is likely to oe how to give the world enough rubber, said Mr. Eric Mactadyen at the recent annual meeting of
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  • 1457 10 Costs For Current Year Estimated At 13.70 Cents A Pound The second; ordinary general meeting of Riverview Rubber Estates, Limited was held) at Ipoh on Monday. Mr. J. D. Mead presided and other shareholders attending were Messrs. A. Buchanan, A. M. Kenion, S. L. Potter, O. B.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 •> g gg g J “JUAUIY PENANG HILL RAILWAY Delightful days will be yours If yo« vs»-: Penang Hill. Excursion ticket» are cheap. TIME TABLE UP TRAINS. MONDAYS TO SATURDAYS 6.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. every 30 minute 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. every 15 10.00 ijn. to 4.00 p.m.
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    • 192 10 TRAVEL MADE HIM CONSTIPATED Salesman Says Kruschen Keeps Him “On His Toes’’ ‘T am a commercial traveller,” writes correspondent, “and due to endless travelling by train I find that I become constipated if I do not Keep myself well purged. Kruschen Salts is the only thing that will do this
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  • 401 11 NEW ROLE OF FORMER WORLD’S LARGEST LINER THE MAJESTIC, formerly the world’s largest liner, which was condemned to be broken up and later ordered to be converted into a training ship for use by the Admiralty, seen at Southampton where the interior has been stripped,
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    • 561 12 S S ‘NORDMARK’ from Europe via Colombo for Port S ham, Singapore, Manila; China Japan. i l M.V. ‘TALABOT’ from Far East via Singapore—sails today for Colombo, Suez, Port Said; Marseilles; Casablanca, Dunkirk, Antwerp; Rotterdam; Hamburg and Oslo. S.S. ‘DAKAR MARU’ from Japan via Singapore
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    • 645 12 Passengers’ Ordeal In Thames Estuary London. June 13. A “leave the ship” order was given to 120 passengers on board the 2.266-tons steamer Royal Archer, after she had been involved in a collision last night off the South Shoebury buoy, Thames Estuary. The Royal Archer,
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    • 565 12 LATEST TIMES OF POSTING AIR MAU. A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore-Australia air mail service will close at 7.30 p.m today. A mail for Amsterdam and London by K.L.M. Service will close at 6.30 a.m. tomorrow. EASTBOUND EUROPE MAIL Mails
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1587 12 RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. EMPIRE STATION] mROM YDC 15..5 Mc/s (IM m.) TODAY PMN 10.26 Mc/s (29.2 m.) TRANSMISSION 2 Tune in on the following wavelengths. TODAY 6.05 p.m.—Big Ben. 8.8. C. Dance Orchestra,* directed by Henry Hall. 6.35 TRANSMISSI p 2 bulletin. —“World Affairs.’’* Talk by H. Wickham QSB
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    • 18 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY HIGH LOW 12.05 p.m. 6.40 p.ns. TOMORROW 12.14 a.m. 6.25 a.m. 12.14 p.m. 7.15 p.m.
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  • 416 13 How It Is Applied In The Royal Navy To counteract misunderstanding in the Fleet as to the drafting of personnel, the Admiralty has issued in Fleet Orders a detailed explanation of the procedure followed in allocating men for home and foreign duty. The ships of the Fleet, it
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 332 13 0 LINER'II TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. LEAVE Marseilles New York o a i>duo PENANG Arrive Arrive SS PRES MCinrL July 1 July 28 Aug. 10 SS‘ PRFS af?aS? E July 15 Aug 11 Aug> 24 H.S. PRES. ADAMS July 29 Aug. 25 Sept. 7 A wonderful opportunity to visit Cairo
      332 words
    • 770 13 D A and rft V BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated in England.) PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “RAJULA” SAILING THURSDAY, 24th JUNE Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with Hia Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from London for China Japan. Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port due Penang
      770 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 602 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES BERLIN PARIS DJB 15.20 Mc/s 19.7 m. TODAY DJN 9.54 Mc/a 31.45 nr DJE 17.76 Mc/s 16.89 ni. TPA-2, 15.24 Mc/s (19.68 m.) DJQ 15.28 Mc/s 19.63 rn. P m DJA 9.56 Mc/s 31.38 m. 620 Concer t relay. 7.05 Talk on French events (in RusTODAT sian>. P’
      602 words
    • 107 13 ROME 2 KO 11 81 Mc/s (55.4 m-> TODAY p m. 9.20 News in English Instrumental and vocal concert featuring Bruna Franchi (violinist Sports survey. Eastern Hour Post Box. News in Italian. 10.50 Close Cown. TOMORROW >.m. 9.20 News in News in Japanese. Onera —one act. News in Italian. 10.50
      107 words

  • 357 14 NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF WORLD JOE LOUIS, the Detroit Brown Bomber, becomes the first negro since Jack Johnson! to win the world s heavyweight boxing championship title, knocking out James J. Braddock, the holder, last night at Chicago, in the eighth
    -Reuter.  -  357 words
  • 101 14 —Reuter. FARR TO MEET SCHMELING London. June 22. The White City authorities announce that Farr will meet Schmeling for the w’orld title at the White City in August or September which counteracts the previous announcement from America that the winner of the Braddock-Louis fight wall meet Farr
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 478 14 Gallant Fight In Spite Of Misfortunes Two accidents marred the second division league fixture between the “E” Coy. Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteers and the Hanwar Adiotal Football Club played yesterday on the Dato Kramat Ground, Penang. The Volunteers put up. a gallant fight
    478 words
  • 376 14 FULL RESULTS OF LAST WEEK-END’S SHOOTING Following are the full results of the shooting in the Penang Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps “Bisley” Meeting which took place last Saturday and Sunday. The remaining matches will be fired during the next week-end. FIRST DAY Deliberate Aggregate—Wbn by L. C.
    376 words
  • 447 14 Weakness in the forward line, and random shooting, were factors which contributed to the defeat of the Penang Sports Club, in a game of soccer against the Indian Recreation Club on the Esplanade yesterday. The Recreation Club won by two goals to one. On the
    447 words
  • 151 14 TEAMS FOR TOMORROW’S MATCH (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, June 23. The following players have been chosen to represent Colours and Whites in their final trial at Sungei Patani ground at 5.15 sharp tomorrow:— COLOURS Noordin (Abdul Hamid Sports Club Alor Star) Mahmud (Abdul Hamid
    151 words
  • 135 14 Mr. Khaw Kok Choo And Miss Low Suan Fee The engagement is announced of Mr. Khaw Kok Choo, the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Khor Boon Hong, to Miss Low Suan Tee, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Low Swee Kwek of 24 Macalister Road, Penang,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 129 14 DUNLOP /dunlopL Ohe World’s This latest and greatest Dunlop M &Y achievement constitutes a revo- II I lutionarv advance in tyre con- .VW 11 lU] J Jjf k structionandistheculmination It I J JH. of nearly SO years of ceaseless y z VA I research and experiment. 7i Longer non-skid tread
      129 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 344 14 WEMBLEY PARK GATE ADMISSION 10 cents. Wednesday, 23rd June, 1937. TAN HONG SEAH AMOY OPERA “Sum, Cheah Fun Lee Wah” Part S. Seats 60 cts. 40 cts. 20 cts. Holders of coupons l 2 price to all seats. Coupons hold good for a few more nights only. GRAND NOORAN OPERA:
      344 words

  • 1382 15 MISS D. PARK BEATEN 6 4 IN FINAL AT TURNBERRY Putting Breaks Down After Finishing Level On First Round Turnberry, 12. A T ISS Jessie Anderson, 22, of Perth, holder of the French Open VJI Championship, won the British women’s title on
    1,382 words
  • 209 15 Champions Beat The Rest (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sungei Patani, June 21. The first Kedah Basketball League was brought to a fitting close yesterday when the Champions, the Serdang Sare Seng Basketball Team, played and defeated The Rest by 46 points to 38. The play was fast
    209 words
  • 287 15 Provisional Programme 34 MATCHES IN SIX MONTHS Following is the provisional Australian Tour programme for 1938 as approved by the Australian Board of Control. The Test matches at Nottingham, Lord's. Manchester, and Leeds will each be of four days duration, end the fifth, at the Oval,
    287 words
  • 57 15 European Zone Final The European Zone final of the Davis Cup competition between Germany and Czechoslovakia iciU take place on July 9, 10, and 11. G. von Cntmm and H. Henkel will again represent Germany, who reached the final by beating Austria, Italy, and Belgium. Czechoslovakia 'reached
    57 words
  • 312 15 S.C.R.C. Win By 33 Runs LOW SCORING MATCH (From Our Own Correspondent 1 Kuala Lumpur, June 21. The Selangor Club were beaten by the S.C.R.C. in a cricket match on the padang yesterday by 33 runs. The match was a low scoring one and bowlers were on
    312 words
  • 709 15 Farr As No. 4—U.S. Ranking—Form Of Tennis Stars Britain For World Soccer Cup? {jREAT BRITAIN patted herself a great deal on the back when Tommy Farr beat Max Baer and Walter Neusel, but what does America, the “Mecca” of boxers, think of it all? Well, quite
    709 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 186 15 “The se are good who put you on to them?” That's three balls I ‘'du Maurier, ozedjo/z. Mea nubile jbs®» a eZ>/ Been mean- f —have adu Maurier t 0 diem. L —ou account I” Does this filter y really make A au y difference I 'vZnv'Ai* -/r Xu' “Ah!
      186 words

  • 88 16 TIN PREVIOUSLY LONDON—(Spot £246.5.0 xoL 10*0 SINGAPORE $122.00 BUSINESS DONE j’ COPRA—(Sundried) $6.15 ’J-*”-BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO >ll.OO RUBBER:— LONDON SINGAPORE—Spot 322 c J July/Sept 325 c 3 *5 Oct./Dec 322 c oZ TAPIOCA:— FAIR SEED 4 25 S «4 65 MEDIUM M-65 54 60 RICE:SB 20 RANGOON—PARBOILED No. 1
    88 words
  • 332 16 Share of fl crenomlnatton tinted London June otherwise stated Yesterday. Rise or Fail Conversion Loan. 5 p.c., 1944-64 112. Funding Loan. 4 p.c., 1960-90 109, War Loan. 3$ p.c Com. Union Assce. (Units) t Prudential Assce “A” Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) t Great Western Rly Ordy 61:
    332 words
  • 106 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 1105 110« Neu York 4.94 1 4.94}« Montreal 4.94£ 4.94? I’russets 29.252 29-29 G-revu 21.542 21.58 Amsterdam 8.985 8.98*4 Milan. 93 29'32 94 Berlin 12.325 12-33 Stockholm 19.39$ 19.39$ Copeohage» 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26$ 26$ Prague 141, 141} Helsingcors 226(.
    106 words
  • 115 16 London. June 22. RUBBER Steady. Spot 92 buyers 95 sellers. July/Sept. 9 11 buyers 91;; sellers. Oct.'Dec. 97 buyers 93 sellers. Jan./Mar. 91;: buyers 9B; sellers. New York 19.20 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 21,670 tons Liverpool 22,903 tons COPRA Straits S.D Rotterdam. June £16.2.6d. PEPPER White
    115 words
    • 96 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER Buyers Sellers Brog a 1.02$ 1.05 Kuala Sidim 3.05 3.12$ Mentakab 48 50 Suhgei Tukang 1.30 1.35 TIN:— Ayer Hitam 27|3 283 ex Bangrin 19 6 20 3c B. Selangor 1.77$ 1.82$ Hong Fatts 1-31 1.34 Hongkong 34 0 35 0 Ipoh 30 0 310 K. Kamunting
      96 words
    • 116 16 LEAN CO. Tin Buyers Sellers B. Selangor 1.77$ 1-85 Hong Fatt 1.30 1.35 Jelebus 98 1.02 Johans 27$ 30 Katus 23|6 24|0 K. Lanjuts 26'0 26(6 Kramats 64 6 65,6 Laruts 14:9 15(0 Lukuts 1.05 1.10 Nawng Pets 80 85 Puchongs 24 6 25(3 Rahmans 1.57$ 1.62$ Kaubs 6.10 6.30
      116 words
    • 23 16 TIN Singapore $122.00 Per pkl. Penang er RUBBER Singapore Spot 32 1 8c Per lb. Penang Spot 32 PBc Per lb.
      23 words
    • 168 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIXS Buyers Sellers B. Selangor 1.77$ 1.82$ Hong Fatt 1.30 1.35 Jelebu 99 1.02 Kuchai 1.60 1.65 Lukut 105 1.10 Petalings 9.50 10. 00 Rahman Hyd. 1.57$ 1.62$ Rantau Ordy. 1.60 1.65 Rantau Pref. 1.60 1.65 Sungei Luas 2.10 2.20 Sungei Ways 3.10 3.20 Talam 2.00 2.05
      168 words
    • 198 16 Ampats 6 0 613 Ayer Hitams 27 3 28 3ex Bangring 20 6 21 Oex B. Selangors 1.78 1.80 Burma Malay 29 0 29 9 Hong Fatts 1.31$ 1.33 Jelapangs 38 0 38 9c Jelebus 98 1.00 X. Kamuntings 126 13 0 Kamuntings 14 3 15 0 K.
      198 words
    • 200 16 RUBBER t Buyers Sellers Bassetts 75 80 B. Lintang 1.30 1.35 Bidfords 1.27$ 1.325 c Bentas 1.35 1.40 Biogas 1.00 1.05 Jerams 1.05 1.10 M. Pindas 1 65 1.72$ Mentakabs 47$ 50 N yalas 1 10 1 15 Pa jams 2.00 2. 10 S. Tukangs 1.27$ 1.32$ Ulu
      200 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 686 16 BANKS SHANGHAI” BANKING To Save, But How Many CORPORATION Have Found A Way To (Incorporated in Hong Kong) rwit The Liability of members is limited to ti* Put By 1 heir extent and in manner prescribed by ti ‘j Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Dollars Colony. Head Office-.
      686 words