Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 June 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833. PUBLISHED DAILY. No. 136. Vol. XCV. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1937. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 307 1 OFFENSIVE ON BASQUE FRONT BEGUN Sixty Planes Including German And Italian Machines Attack Villages The Nationalists taking advantage of brilliantly tine weather, launched Franco’s threatened offensive against Bilbao yesterday. A Salamanca midnight communique claimed that all Republican positions constituting Bilbao’s defensive iron ring had
    – Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 93 1 in iiie final word of the text. —British Radix Four-Power Agreement Likely Lbiidon, June 11,. Tn? Foreign. Secretary, Mr. Anthony Bien, will this afternoon meet at the Foreign. Office, Monsieur Corbin, the French Amoadsador, Herr von Ribbentrop, the German Ambassador, and Count Grandi. t
    in iiie final word of the text.—British Radix  -  93 words
  • 48 1 Reports of the Kedah-Perak Malaya Oup encounter and the Selangor Races as ''**4l as accounts of other sporting xad general events in Malaya and the W«»rW today will appear hi "The Sunday Oizette" tomorrow. First edition available for sale in fVuuni' at MIDNIGHT.
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  • 135 1 351 Miles Of Trolley-Bus Routes In London Tee London Passenger Transport Board, whipfa. (has already converted 107 miles of tramway to trolley-bus working and has 112 miles in process of conversion, is seeking Parliamentary powers for conversion of the r.-.-aining 132 miles of tramways in the London
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  • 67 1 Ahffiual Golf Tournament PfNANG GAZETTE CABLE London, June 12.—1 n the ninth annual Golf Tournament of the Association of British Malaya, F. G. Alpin beat F. C. Fricikling, in the final of the President’s Tankard, 5 and 3. The Coronation Cup Medah was won by J. Stratton-Ferrier,
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  • 80 1 —Reuter. Ambassador To Report On Situation In China London, June 11. Lord Cranbome informed the House of Commons that he has instructed the Ambassador to report the situation arising from photographic reproduction of pirated copies of books published in Britain and on sale n China on
    . —Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 53 1 —Reuter. Companies Agree To Closed Shop Principle Hollywood June 11 —The strike of filmcraftsmen has ended after 42 days. According to union officials, the companies have granted the strikers’ demand for a “closed shop.” Accordingly 6,000 painters, make-up men. hairdressers and scenic artists voted in favour of a
    . —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 53 1 ‘‘The Pinang Gazette" London correspondent cables that Sir George Penny has decided to adopt the title of Baron Marchicood of Penang and of Marchwood (Southampton.) He will be introduced in the House of Lords on June 23, his supporters being Lord Templemore and Lord P.bbisham.
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  • 35 1 .—Keuter. Tlw /Upping committee of the Imperial Conference is believed to have agreed to a subsidy for British shipping in the Pacific. The chit 1 point will be the amount recommended.—Keuter.
    .—Keuter.  -  35 words
  • 222 1 Bound Over To Keep Peace For Three Months (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. June 10. A young Malay, Puteh bin Osman, a samseng of Simpang Matang, was today ordered by the Taiping Magistrate to enter into a bond in the sum of $25 in one surety to
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  • 101 1 —Reuter. Russia To North America Ottawa, June 11—An early Soviet attempt on a non-stop flight from Russia to the American Continent via the North Pole is foreseen in a request from the Soviet Government for permission for Soviet airmen to fly over Canadian territory ft is reported that
    .—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 345 1 Reuter. Rubber Export Lag Increasing Malayan markets were still quiet and lethargic this morning Rubber was firmer >n Singapore yesterday on publication of the Colony stocks but afterwards reacted. The I.T.C. announcement of 110 per cent, release for the third quarter was in accordance with expectations. No change
    Reuter.  -  345 words
  • 44 1 against 14s. 1.02 d. a week ago.—British Wireless. The total amount applied for in tenders for £50,000,000 Treasury Bills was £96,205,000. The average rate per cent, for bills at three months was 15s. 0.39 d. against 14s. 1.02 d. a week ago.—British
    against 14s. 1.02 d. a week ago.—British Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 323 1 ence adjourned to Monday morning.—Reuter. The report of the Imperial Conference Constitutional Committee issued yesterday deals principally with the question of British nationality. It points out that in no way is it suggested that any change should be made in the existing position regarding the
    ence adjourned to Monday morning.—Reuter.  -  323 words
  • 162 1 But France Still Hankers After The League —Reuter. It is learned that a new note defining the French Government’s views on the proposed new Western Past has been transmitted to London According to French opinion, no pact can be of any value unless under
    •.—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 42 1 Pinang Gazette Cable London June 11,—The Incorporated Society of Planters luncheon will be held at the Criterion Restaurant cn July 23. 0 Sir Andrew Oeldecott received the investiture of the K.C.M.G. at Buckingham Palace on Thursday, cables cur London correspondent.
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  • 139 1 —Reuter. Views Of China And Japan Geneva. June 11. —There was a spate of oratory at the 1.L.0. meeting. 26 speakers giving their views on the Director's report and social problems arising therefrom. NJr. Yoshisaka dealt with the progress of Japan over 70 years. He said Japan was
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 34 1 Pinang Gazette Cable Bangkok, June 11. Following the example of Chinese communities living without the homeland. Siam Chinese have prepared a gift for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek comprising an exquisitely carved elephant.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 AH CHEONG No. 47. BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
      16 words
    • 32 1 FOR YOUR “FOOT HEALTH” “FOOT COMFORT” WEAR “BROADWAY” RUBBER or LEATHER SHOES BROADWAY CO., 489 Penang Road, Penang; St x 1' fry x Q U A PHONE PENANG—ISOO BUTTERWORTH—33 ii ———■—> ir.p.y. 2»2
      32 words

  • 339 2 Nazi Coup Foiled In Austria Prague, June 3. AN astounding plot to kidnap Channcellor Schuschnigg, Dictator of AusA tria, and his 11-year-old son, and rush them to Germany by plane is being investigated by the Austrian authorities. Thirty Nazis, said to be involved trial.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 CHEERS for the Crown Prince and Princess of Norway when they mended service at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Bermondsey. Members of the Norwegian colony in London turned out in force.
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  • 496 2 BRITISH MUNITIONS CRITICISED Cairo. June 1. Cardinal Pacelli. the Pope’s Secretary Budget caused a lively debate in the Chamber of Deputies last night. The Opposition members once again bitterly’ criticised Egypt’s £750.000 annual credit to the Sudan. Abdel Aziz el Sufani Bey. Nationalist, stated that Egypt was
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  • 454 2 British Ambassador Appeals To Germany Berlin. June 1. “Guarantee us peace and peaceful evolution in Europe, and Germany will find that she has no more sincere and. I believe, more useful friend in the world than Great Britain.” With these words Sir Nevile H nderson.
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  • 460 2 £65,000,000 Plan Under Way: British Admiralty Left In Dark ESPITE the absolute secrecy now LJ it is known definitely that the i last January is already well under way. It involves the expenditure in five and above the normal provision of the At least two battleships are
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  • 304 2 NOT TO REPRIMAND U.S. CARDINAL Vatican City. Cardinal .Pacelli. that Pope's Secretary ot State, has sent the Holy See’s reply to Herr Hitler’s second Note of protest against the attack on the German Government made recently by Cardinal Mundelein. Archbishop of Chicago. It states that
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  • 103 2 Man Who Took Gore Rome, June 4. Gen. Malta, who was in command of a column of Italian troops in Western Abyssinia during the Abyssinian war and' occupied Gore, has died suddenly from a heart attack at Bonga, capital of Caffa Province. The General, who
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  • 134 2 Not Seen Since Arrest Warsaw, June 4. The mysterious disappearance of Herr Hans Wiechmann, a Socialist member bf the Danzig Volkstag, is causing serio_j» concern to his relatives and political friends. Herr Wiechmann, who is 42, has a wife and two children. He is an employee of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 519 2 lead Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang. Blagapore Office: Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 547 L Tel: Times Singapore. Koala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone: 3683. Ipoh Office Brewster Road. Phone 268 London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4 Phone Central
      519 words
    • 63 2 YOUR CHILDREN THEY DEPEND OH YOU HAVE YOU A LIFE POLICY? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE Ca.LTO. HEAD OFFIGE-SINGAPORE For building up strength and vitality, and increasing the powers of endurance there is no better restorative than Buckfast Tonic Wine. Get a bottle. Agent: MesSrs. SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO.. PENANG. Look
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  • 330 3 Al l. PLEAD GUILTY TO SERIOUS CHARGES Moscow, June 11. THE mass trial of Soviet army leaders is being held today before a special tribunal in the Supreme Court, announces a communique issued early this morning. Reuter. The communique states that investigation has
    Reuter.  -  330 words
  • 164 3 .—British Radio. Heaviest Rains For Some Months London, June 11. The whole of southern England was last night swept by a violent thunderstorm accompanied ,by heavy rains and winds which, in some places, reached a velocity of 70 m.p.h. At one period four separate storms were
    .—British Radio.  -  164 words
  • 223 3 Ball-Game Assistant Acquitted (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, June TO. Zainalabidin, an assistant at a bailgame stall in the local Amusement Perk, was today charged in the Taiping Magistrate’s Court with promotion of gaming in a public place, but was acquitted and discharged without being called upon
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  • 127 3 STRIKERS POLICE CLASH —Reuter. U.S. STEEL WORKERS’ UNREST Monroe, Michigan, June 11. Teargas bombs, clubs and stones were used on both sides when 200 police broke up picket lines outside the Newtown plant of the Republic Steel Corporation, allowing 800 non-strikers to enter. The fight with 120 men and women
    —Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 136 3 .—Reuter. Japanese Promise Of Co-operatioii Questioned whether the Japanese Government will accept the Opium Committee’s resolution, a Foreign Office spokesman declined to commit himself until he had received Mr. Yokoya ma’s report from Geneva though he acknowledged that as a signatory to the 1936 Treaty,
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 69 3 —Reuter. Immediate Developments Expected In India London, June 11. It is believed in India that immediate developments may be expected in the situation created by refusal of Congress leaders to take office. The prolonged silence of the Viceroy is thought to have served its turn
    . —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 467 3 BUTTERWORTH MALAY FINED (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, June 11. Alleged to have struck a court process server full on the mouth. Mat Rose bin Haji Yunus, an elderly Malay, was today fined $4, in default, four days’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. S. T. Stewart.
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  • 99 3 British Radio. French Observations On Italian German Notes 1 London, June 11. A note has been received in London from the French Government which carries a stage further discussions on the proposed Western Pact. It will be recalled that in November last, the British Government sent a
    British Radio.  -  99 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 651 3 NOTICES THE TAIPING TIN DREDGING COMPANY LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) We, the undersigned, PERCY LAWRENCE COOPER and WTT.T TAM LEO WAUGH of No. 33, Beach Street, Penang, hereby give notice that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above-named Company duly convened and held at No. 33, Beach Street, Penang,
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    • 257 3 wmsOfaaaaMiP A morning bath with Wright's tones and freshens the skin in a manner entirely its own. It imparts a feeling of coolness and invigoration which lasts. And that is not all—for Wright’s is pre-eminently the soap of Health.’ possessing antiseptic qualities which protect the skin from infection by contaminating
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  • 407 4 IMPROVED STANDARD OF MALAYAN STUDENTS (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 10. Dr. Mistowski, the examiner in music for the Trinity College of Music London expressed his agreeable surprise at the imr stand ard of his examinees in Malaya in spite of what he considered distractions
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  • 895 4 ULiiNLY ABOUT MALAYANS Mr. and Mrs. H. E. D. Hancock, who will be remembered by many friends in Singapore and Penang, where Mr. Hancock was with the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, have settled down at Hove. Mr. H. E. Collins, of Messrs. Derrick and Co., Singapore, has
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  • 58 4 The following is the programme of the Band performance for today on the Esplanade from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March: Bravest Of The Brave: Gay. Overture: Terpsichore: Bilton. Selection: Lumber Love: Berte Adams. Waltz: Secret Rendezvous: Erwin. Intermezzo: The Kiltie’s Courtship: Mackenzie. Selection Vagabond King: Friml. Fox
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  • 1008 4 Chinese Kepala Guilty Of Lesser Offence (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. June 11 “I told him that I had transferred him to do miscellaneous work. I did not like him to work under me. because he was always having quarrels with me. It has been
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  • 275 4 Found Dead In Surgery Derbyshire. June 3. With a wrist watch held before his eyes, a mask over his face, and the tube from a cylinder of gas clipped to his head, Herbert Ralton Inglis, a brilliant 23-years-old dental surgeon, was found dead in his surgery.
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  • 328 4 Alleged Plan Of Three Boys London. June 3. ‘•n amazing story alleging that three youths planned to fit out a ship with money gained by the armed robbery of banks and post offices and then to seek their fortunes abroad was told yesterday. One of
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  • 116 4 His Excellency the Governor has appointed the following to be Justice of the Peace For the Settlement of Singapore:— Chua Keh Hai, Cyril Ernest Collinge, Ewen Macgregor Field Fergusson, Fida Hussain Mohamedali Nakhoda, Leonard M illiam Geddes. Francis Stuart Gibson M.C., The Reverend Goh Hood Keng,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 205 4 WELL GROOMED MEN AT HOME insist on Brylcreem, the original no gum hair dressing. Actually this most popular of all hair dressings is much more than a mere fixative. Brylcreem W contains valuable tonic ingredients A which stimulate the growth of the hair and ensure a healthy scalp. So that
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  • 3820 5 Support For Minority Report TRANSFER OF CHILDREN UNDER 12 SCHEME FOR COMPULSORY NOTIFICATION ADVOCATED PAK L of the Finang Gazette London Correspondent’s report oi the Commons discussion on June 2 of the mui-tsai systern was published in yesterday’s issue. Below
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 457 5 STOMACH PAINS THAT CUT' LIKE A KNIFE” Mr. J. F. S. was going cheerfully about his daily work when he was suddenly stricken with stomach trouble that required weeks of medical attention. How he was eventually cured is best told by himself “Just a few lines to say what great
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  • 1443 6 MR. D. JEREMIAH ON TRAITS IN THE ENGLISH CHARACTER the platform of the Hu Yew Seah last night, under the auspices of the Seah’s literary department, Mr. D. Jeremiah now barrister-at-law and formerly a teacher of the Penang AngloChinese School, delivered an interesting discourse on “England
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 A HOTEL IN BANGKOK? WHY NOT RAJDHANI Managed by the Royal State Railways at the Bangkok Terminus. Every room has a bath room attached, hot and cold running water. Single room Baht 6.00 per day. Double room Baht 11.00 per day. For reservation or further particulars, please apply to RAILWAYS
      154 words
    • 104 6 V.V»%V,VAV. i V B^%^Ws W D W.V.V, BOSCO MATINEE TOMORROW AT 11.30 A.M. “GIRL OVERBOARD” ITS YOUR BIG WEEK-END SHOW 3 SHOWS TODAY 2.45 6.15 9.30 ALSO MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2-45 P.M. The whole town’s talking about this sensational 14-year-old singing star! Deanna W_ _jfi| Durbin I NITERS AL’S COMEDY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 102 6 NOW SHOWING TO CROWDED HOUSES! LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY 2.45 6.15 9.30 ALEXANDER KORDA’S Magnificent Spectacle of British History I A warded ;old medal fr** tllV lATlgUt* MF I JBs HI b fis. °f at ns f° r f!1 wfc.. wilfe 23ft •■■•>« ihc ,tt r 1 v f iw
      102 words
    • 292 6 VtW»’>*AWAW &,th Shows PBC <X| At Lajt Ni£hts Opening. WINDSOR 5.45 Tonight 9.00 '’VT' 'V r l’' Z’xx a Matinees Today Tomorrow at 2 p.m. iEL TS.ZXINI fTj The Year's Most Sensational TAMIL TALKIE MNffl WHAT A CAST! PA 1)1 K A EW mT PATTABISHEKAM” &i£ SHENANIGANS 1 °Bh a
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  • 2605 7 V) itness Suddenly Taken 11l During Cross Examination DEFENCE TO COMMENCE NEXT MONTH Yesterday’s hearing of the preliminary inquiry into the Khoo Soo Thye rubber case had a dramatic turn, when a witness was suddenly taken ill during cross-examination by Mr. Briggs, counsel
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  • 98 7 TWO CHINESE FINED $250 EACH Delivering judgment yesterday in the <ase in which two Chinese Tan Chooi Bock md Kang Hoon Hooi were charged with issisting in the management of a public lottery, namely by selling the sweep tickets of the Hak Toh Kongsor to non.nembers,
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  • 397 7 IMPORTED DUTIABLE TOBACCO Sittanadan, a Tamil stationery hawker, was fined $l,OOO, in default six months rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. T. P. Cromwell in the Penang Middle Court yesterday for importing dutiable tobacco into the Colony on May 27, by the s.s. Rajula. Mr. D. G. W.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 IF your life is being made miserable by distressing heartburn, flatulence, sick headachesand pain after meals, then follow the example of Nurse Jennings, of Weston, who writes “I was a great sufferer with heartburn and pains after eating, and 1 dreaded mealtimes After taking Bisurated Magnesia I can now eat
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  • 1057 8 in the United States.—British Wireless and Reuter. Pinang Gazette” understands that the law and procedure under the ordinances relating to banishment are under review in official quarters. The existing laws on the subject are exceedingly arbitrary and place enormous power in the hands of individuals. W hile
    in the United States.—British Wireless and Reuter.  -  1,057 words
  • 704 8 A French Visitor Saplings On Housetops Tropical Heat In London IT is many years since a French -warship honoured Penang with a visit and the sight of uniformed matelots in our streets came as a surprise to the general populace. The splash of colour on their chapeaux
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  • 297 8 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR (CHURCH OF ENGLAND) 3RD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00 a.m. Matins and Litany. Psalms IS Judilate Deo. Hymn 5. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese). 6.00 p.m. Evensong. Psalm 19 Chant 99. Magnificat 101. Nunc Dimittis 98. Hymns 292. 412. 261. 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 384 8 ALLSOPPSI every 1 i time I C aidbeck’s I y- Wine TWAucJujjlla S 18 6 h wi I /JESfe-. WS i*U M *g wHMWiy THERE is a false security in the belief that your teeth ara spotless because they look clea: Dentists point out that big, old-fashioned brushes neglect the
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    • 52 8 W.WWWJWWA k •crwtfCMYfLß. k i-tBEET Highly Recommended by the Medica Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS In Airtight Vacuum Tins IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults an< Old People. Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd PENANG, Ipoh, Singapore and
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  • 163 9 SASTRI CHOOSES PENANG KUALA LUMPUR BOYS Four Years 7 Free Tuition In Indian University TWO SELECTED FROM 25 MALAYAN CANDIDATES (From Our Own Correspondent) A Kuala Lumpur, June 11. CABLE received by the Acting Indian Agent in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon from the Rt. Hon. Mr. Srinivasa Sastri, ice-Chancellor 1
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  • 102 9 300 INVOLVED IN SINGAPORE DISPUTE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. June 11. Failing to get what they have asked for egarcling an increase of payment on nece-work. the goldsmiths of 12 leading jewellers in Singapore have suspended •vcrk temporarily, pending a settlement by he Assistant Controller of
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  • 71 9 Remains To Be Removed To Taiping (From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, June 11. It is stated that the remains of the late Mr. Teoh Khay Pong, a government pensioner, who died while on a visit to his son tere on the afternoon of June 9,
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  • 80 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, June 11. A sickly young Chinese, Ching Aik Thooi, today appeared before Mr. S. T. Stewart, the Butterworth Magistrate, in the police court here on a charge of being found in possession of «Dutiable liquor. The man pleaded guilty and said, that
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  • 241 9 MALACCA BEAT JOHORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, June 11 Malacca beat Johore 2—l in a keenlycontested Malaya Cup fixture here this afternoon. At half-time there was no score but Malacca missed many chances. Leon and Ah Swee being off colour. The Johore halves failed to feed
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  • 107 9 Butterworth Rubber Coupons Suit From Our Own Correspondent) Butterworth, June 11. “In this case there is a chance of settlement, Sir, said Mr. K. S. Pillai, when he asked for a postponement in a civil suit which came up for mention before Mr. S. T. Stewart, the Butterworth
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  • 374 9 Boy Quee Technically Knocked Ont By Arenas SENSATIONAL BOXING AT SINGAPORE I From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, June 12. After 15 fast and thrilling three-minute rounds. Young Gauder defeated Nai Boon Mah for the featherweight championship of Singapore at the Happy World last night. Ventura
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  • 182 9 Fixtures For Today And Tomorrow The opening matches in the Penang badminton open championships will be played today at the Free School Hall. Following are the fixtures: TODAY SINGLES PM. 3. 00 Tan Kong Tat v. Khoo Eng Tong. 3.30 Yeoh Cheow Beng v. Ooi Keat Hoe.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 412 9 1 the true tonic food I I of all C' tmiits and Start I BEACH STREET AUCTION ROOMS Important Property Sale By Order of the PUBLIC TRUSTEE. F.M.S. as Executor of the will of CHUNG THYE PHIN, DECEASED. The undersigned will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION at 228, Beach Street, Penang,
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    • 226 9 Scientist Announces discovery of new Mystifying Face Powder clings to your skin like needles cling to a magnet, because of the Mousse of Cream contained in it. moos Three solemn judges sat watching 1 a girl applying ordinary face powder. py WW: <’ dP She looked “Made-up”. The H powder
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  • 973 10 Mr. F. E. Maguire On N.D.C. The seventeenth annual general meeting erf Glenshiel Rubber Estate Co., Ltd., was held in London on May 28 Mr F.E. Maguire (chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, the accounts which we submit to you today
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  • 163 10 30.000 TONS ABOVE LAST YEAR May has been the Clyde shipyards' poorest month as regards output since April of last year. The value’ of new contractsecured dropped from 18,000,000 tons, the record figure established last month, to le.-s than 1,000,000 tons during May. Only foui vessels
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  • 28 10 Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development Prospecting Company output of the above mine for the month of May 1937 was 111 picu Total for 8 months 709 piculs.
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  • 329 10 OFFER OF AID WITH NEW TAX Representatives of many branches of industry united in welcoming the decision of Mr. Chambeilain. the Prime Minister, to withdraw his proposed National Defence Contribution and to replace it with a simpler tax. says the Daily Telegraph. Typical opinions expressed’ to me included:
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  • 42 10 The output of tin ore from the property of the Bangrin Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for the month of May 1937 was pls. 1,285.71. The number of hours worked during the same period was 2.002 and the yardage rested 341,001».
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  • 548 10 THE GOLD FACTOR AND METAL MARKETS Messrs. Malcolm Bowley Son in their report dated May 28 states: Metal markets generally have displayed uncertainty. Indications at the beginning of the week of under-lying strength were not maintained, and prices weakened again. The uncertainty in the stock markets
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  • 86 10 Pays 6 P.C. More At 10 P.C Central Perak Rubber Co. announces a .dividend of 10 per cent., less tax. for 1936. This compares with 4 per cent, for the previous twelve months and 5 per cent, for 1934. The dividend is payable on an issued capital
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  • 97 10 During the week ending May 29. 1937, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 65,843 cases, of which: 56,748 (86 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom; 3,289 (5 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe; 1,690 3 per cent.) cases to Canada; and 4,116
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  • 849 10 90 Per Cent. Not Likely To Be Produced This Year Messrs. Symington and Wilson s weekly rubber market report dated London, June 2 states: After remaining steady on Thursday the rubber market developed! irregularity on Friday and was dull and inactive on Saturday. On Monday on
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  • 139 10 RELAPSE IN THE PENANG MARKET Boustead Co., Ltd., writing under date of Penang. June 10, state: Continued nervousness over the golc question, together with unfavourable reports regarding the American labour situation, have caused a further relapse in prices which close locally at 31. 1 4 cents per
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  • 22 10 The May output of tin ore from the Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syrd c > Limited was 1808 pikuls.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 260 10 CRIPPLED BY PAINS IN THE LEGS Physical Instructor Loses Use Of Limbs If rheumatism is crippling your limbs and making life miserable for you, read how this man obtained relief from the sam» trouble: “I am a swimming and physical instructor. Early this year I had violent, stabbing pains in
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  • 165 11 Surprise Drive By King And Queen The Royal car passing down Shepherdess walk. Hoxton, when the King and Queen paid a surprise visit to North and East London. The secret of the plan had been well kept, but as soon as the King and Queen
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  • 237 12 HOW IT CAN BE CHECKED For the first time in the history of broadcasting, the 8.8. C. and the Radio Manufacturers’ Association are combining in a nation-wide campaign against the noisy loudspeakers in gardens, cars, and other outdoor places during the summer. If allowed to develop unchecked the
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    • 469 12 s S “INDIA MARU” from Japan via S’pore sails today for Colombo, Bombay Karachi. S S ‘fDUYMAER VAN TWIST’ for Belawan-Deli, Asahan and Paneh (Laboean-Bilik). TOMORROW S.s. ‘MUNCASTER CASTLE’ from Port Swettenham for Belawan, New York Boston Baltimore. MONDAY, JUNE 14 S.S. ‘BEHAR’
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    • 749 12 Investigation Of A Vexed Subject REVOLUTIONARY CHANGES IN OCEAN TRANSPORT London. Including all self-propelled vessels over 100 tons gross, the mercantile fleet of Great Britain is 17,183,000 tons, or 27 per cent of the world’s merchant tonnage. In 1929 it was 20,406,000 tons, or 30 per
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    • 544 12 LATEST TIMES OF POSTING AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra, via Singapore and thence by K.L.M. Service will close at 7.30 p.m. today. A mail for Amsterdam London by K L.M.. Service will close at 6.30 a m. tomorrow. A mail for Siam,
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    • 111 12 The homeward bound m.s. Lalandia left Penang on Thursday with the followingStraits passengers: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grieves, Master J. E. Grieves, Mr. J. Bra th, Mr. M. PV. Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, Mis** J. K. Martin, Miss C. T. Martin, Mrs. A. H. Massink,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1033 12 OUR RADIO- PROGRAMMES 8.8. C. EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSION 2 ta on the following wavelengths: r Z. 05 Big Ben. Recital by Audrey Lang TRANSMISSION 9 ford (soprano). 6.20 "Responsibilities of OSH 51.4? Mo/B (19.97 mJ Kmpire”—B/ Talk by the Honourable GBG 17.79 Mo/8 (16.86 mJ C. A. Dunning, Minister
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    • 333 12 NIROM YDC 15-5 Mc/b (19.8 m.) PMN 10.26 Mc/s <203 m.) TODAY p.m. 2.10 News bulletin. 2.20 Close down 5.50 Time signal. Opening announcement. 5.54 Evening concert. C 50 News bulletin. 7.10 What Everybody Likes (popular) 8.00 Talk by Mr. G. A. van Bovene. 8.20 Dutch and South African songs.
      333 words
    • 21 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY HIGH LOW 2 56 p.m. 9.02 p.m. TOMORROW 2.45 a m. 9.42 a m. 3.40 p.m. 9.44 p.m.
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  • 351 13 WORLD TOUR AFTER LEAVING 8.8. C. London. Mr. Eric Maschwitz, who, at his own request, is giving up the position of 8.8. C. Director of Variety on July 1, after 11 years, and Mr. John Watt, who has been appointed to act as his successor, discussed
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 368 13 MANSFIELD CO- LTD. SINGAPORE THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Vessels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due (in conjunction with Glen Shirs Line) Penang London A wer P M’borough June 18 July 19 S’ Ldon Rdam H’burg G’low June 25 July 22 S. CALCHAS Ldon, R’dam, H’burg, Hull Swansea July 2 July
      368 words
    • 419 13 THE [BEN LHNE Far East Service. United Kingdom and Continent. OUTWARDS steamer. For Date One BENA VON— rnd rt M^ta enhan s,ngaporc Hong Kon June, 21st 111/IWII Hit? Port Swettenham, Singapore, Seletar Ini.- Ict L»ILIN IlvllHi Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, 11 1 Kobe, Osaka Yokohama. HOMEWARDS Loading. orivr ARTV Colombo,
      419 words
    • 859 13 PORT SWETTENHAM, MALACCA SINGAPORE S.S. “ELEPHANTA” SAILING SUNDAY, 13th JUNE Peninsular and Orlent&i S.N Co., Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swrttmtwim Government v.'alacca and Singapore Service London and Far East Mail Service. □utwards from London for China Japan. S/S “BULAN” June 18 *S/S “BEHAR” dU€ Peaa T Dg SAVINGS OF STEAMERS
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 644 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES BERLIN PARIS DJB 15.20 Mc/s 19 7 m. TODAY DJN 9.54 Mc/s 81.45 m TPA-2. 15.24 Mc/s (19.68 m.) DJE 17.76 Mc/a 16.85 m. reUy DJQ 15.28 Mc/s 19.63 m. 7.05 Talk on French events (in Jugoslav). DJA 9.56 Mc/s 31.a8 in. 7.20 News in English. TODAY 7.35
      644 words
    • 184 13 PHOHI HOLLAND TODAY PHI 17.77 mc/s (16.88 m.) pjn. 8.20 Opening announcement. 8.25 News bulletin. 8.35 Meeting of the Phohi Club. 8.55 Dutch folk-songs. 9.25 Weekly review by Mr. L. Aletrmo 9.40 Stock reports. 10.00 Dance music. 10.30 Close down. TOMORROW 7.20 p.m. Special broadcast for China. Japan and Further
      184 words

  • 847 14 FULL PROGRAMME FOR TODAY Below will be found the full programme of the races for the concluding 4ay of the Selangor Turf Club Summer Meeting to be run at Kuala Lumpur today. RACE I—Horses, Class 3, Division 2, 5 I'2 Murlongs. 10 4 CORONATION 9.00 Chee Soon
    847 words
  • 448 14 AUSTRALIAN NO MATCH FOR HEMCHIT (By Our Boxing Correspondent) Despite his reputation, Jack La Rose, Australian welterweight, was easily beaten by Neil Hemchit the local Siamese lightweight, who gave away about half a stone in weight and a few inches in height and reach, over ten
    448 words
  • 156 14 Result Of Draw For Qualifying Round Singapore, June 10. The following is the result of the draw for the qualifying round over 36 holes of the Singapore Island Amateur Golf Championship, 1937. Eighteen holes are to be played on Saturday, June 12, and 18 holes on Sunday,
    156 words
  • 168 14 The Selangor Club Cricket and Football elevens are on a visit to Penang. They will meet the Penang Sports Club in a game of football this evening at 5.15 on the Esplanade. The following will represent the Sports Club:—H. Bracegirdle; H. E. Pether and G. Rude;
    168 words
  • 881 14 P.W. POLICE TROUNCED BY 12 GOALS TO ONE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, June, 11. Champions of the Province Wellesley Football League, the P. W. D. XI. today again qualified for the final in the McFall Cup competition when they defeated the P.
    881 words
  • 65 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, June 14). The Malayan Japanese champion, Aizawa of Singapore, was in Seremban today and played exhibition tennis matches oir the Negri Sembilan Club courts against local players including S. Nakata. ther Negri champion. Tomorrow he will play further exhibitionmatches. This is Aizawa’s first
    65 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 132 14 Fiat Marvelette Wins! SHELL motor oil ISE\(USIVEIA R E( XBBI EX DEI) FJ A T Ist in round-the-island Reliability Trial I Over an arduous forty-four miles course of twisting, hilly roads and passes on Penang island a Fiat Marvelette THUS driven by Madam Lee Beng Poh won first place in
      132 words

  • 639 15 GREAT ADVANCE OF HENNER HENKEL LESSON OF AUSTIN’S DEFEAT IN FRANCE London, June 6. AL SI IN S failure against Henkel, Germany’s second string, at Auteui! last week, naturally directs attention to coming events. Incidentally, it confirms the view, which I have otcii expressed,
    639 words
  • 273 15 ROUGH PLAY IN SECOND DIVISION (From Our Own Coriespondent) Ipoh, June 11. Rough play marred yesterday’s second division league soccer match between the Corinthians "B” and the Perak Chinese Recreation Club ‘C” on the P.C.R.C. padang. The Corinthians “B” won 5-0. The game was a tame affair.
    273 words
  • 223 15 EDWARD VII. SCHOOL ANNUAL MEET I From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, June 10. The inter-house team sports of King Edward VII school, Taaping was held this afternoon, and as usual proved quite successful. Three more team events are to be run on June 1» at the school’s
    223 words
  • 189 15 CANADA’S NATIONAL GAME Canada’s national winter sport, hockey, is rapidly becoming a popular winter game in other parts of the world. It has already spread over most of North America and is well known and patronised in England, Continental Europe, South Africa and Japan. Quite recently interest
    189 words
  • 196 15 Win For Yankee Mr. Gerard Lambert's Yankee defeated Rainbow, the 1934 defender, in the second race of the preliminary trial series for the piospective defenders of the America s Cup off Rhode Island this month. Yankee built up a 5’ 2 -minutes lead in the last five
    196 words
  • 84 15 Glen Cunningham Not Retiring Yet The story about Glen Cunningham, re can be dismissed. He is still going strong cord-breaking runner, closing his career and has now added the three-quarter-mile to his bag of world s bests. Actually Cunningham’s 800-metres figure ard also the«ee-quarter-mile have yet to be
    84 words
  • 9 15 IT'S A MrS Touroameol «"-«I
    9 words
  • 728 15 Tennis Pros —Can They Play With Amateurs?— The Perrv-Vines Tour —“People Politely I Interested'’ 6 BIG-MONEY lawn tennis is a wearisome business—for players and public alike. The matches between Perry and Vines at Wembley would have set Wimbledon alight. It was grand stuff, crammed with dazzling stroke-play,
    728 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 40 15 iirF B'S- Sg > < j g •at&k P JIF You can “Bank’ on GRANT’S Scotch Whisky the High r standard of Quality never varies. ®l The popularity of GRANT S is I in the Ascendant. GRANT’S WHISKY FROM BANFFSHIRE IN THE
      40 words

  • 111 16 TIN:— PREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON—(Spot £249.0.0 £249.5.0 LONDON—(3 months) £248.0.0 £248.5 0 SINGAPORE 8123.25 5123.25 BUSINESS DONE PENANG $122.37i 5122.75 BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no sellers COPRA—(Sundricd) $6.50 $6.45 ELACK PEPPER 511-.00 511.00 RUBBER:LONDON 9, d 9 >':> d NEW YORK 18Sc(G> 18i\<c(G) SING XPORE —Spot 31ic 31ic
    111 words
  • 352 16 S!’2te of Zl cren«m!natton unless London, June 12. otherwise stated Yesterday Rise or Fail Conversion Loan. 5 p.c.. 1944-64 112$ Funding Loan. 4 p.c.. 1960-90 109$ War Loan. 31 p.c 101 Com. Union Assce. (Units) Prudential Assce “A" 345 Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) 9Great Western Rly Ordy
    352 words
  • 117 16 London on Previously Latest Paris HOB? 110 j? New York 4.93; 4.93?,! Montreal 4.93 g 4.931 Brussels 29.24?. 29.24 Geneva 21.581 21.56 Amsterdam 8.97 J 8.97 J Milan 933 93 i Berlin 12.32 12.301 Stockholm 19.391 19.391 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 261 261 Prague 1417
    117 words
  • 113 16 London, June 11. RUBBER: Firmer. Spot 9,;. buyers 9; sellers. July/Sept. 9, buyers 97 sellers. Oct./Dec. 97 buyers 9 sellers. Jan./Mar. 9/. buyers 91 sellers. New York 18.65 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 21.566 tons Liverpool 23,925 tons COPRA: Straits S.D.' Rotterdam. June £17.0.0. PEPPER White Muntok
    113 words
    • 98 16 KENNEDY CO. RUBBER: Buyers Sellers. Allenby 1.80 1.90 Bassett 75 80 Broga 1.00 1.05 Connemara 1.82?. 1.921 Kuala Sidim 3.00 3.10 Malaka Pinda 1 65 1.721 Mentakabs 46 48 Pajam 2. 00 2.10 U. Malacca 2.25 2.35 TIN:— A. Hitam 28 6 29 3c Hongkong Tin 34 9 356 Jelebu
      98 words
    • 141 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO. TINS Buyers Sellers B. Selangor 1.671 1.721 Hong Fatt 1 25 1.30 Jelebu 971 1.021 Kuchai 1.571 1.621 Lukut 1.05 1.10 N. Taiping 85 871 Rahman Hyd. 1.571 1.62?. Rantau Ordy. 1.671 1.721 Rantau Pref. 1.671 1.721 Sungei Ways 3.05 3.15 laiping 85 871 Ulu Klang
      141 words
    • 26 16 TIN Singapore $123.25 Per pkl. Penang $122.75 Per pkl. RUBBER Singapore Spot 31 1 2c Per lb. Penang Spot 31 112 c Per lb.
      26 words
    • 126 16 LEAN CO. Tin Buyers Sellers Ampats 5101 6 3 Hong Fatt 1.25 1.30 Jelepangs 36 9 37 Jelebus 98 1.02 K. Lanjuts 25 6 26 3 Katus 24 0 24 6 Kuchais 1.60 1.65 Laruts 14 101 15 3 Nawng Pets 80 85 iahmans 1.60 1.65 Rantau Pref. 1.65 1.70
      126 words
    • 164 16 RUBBER Buyers Seilers TIN Bassetts 721 771 Batu Lintang 1.321 1.371 Bedfords 1.22?. 130 Bentas 1.30 1.35 Brogas 971 1.021 M. Pindas 1.621 1.70 Mentakabs 45 47J Pajams 1.95 2. 05 S. Tukangs 1.35 1.40 Ulu Benuts 45 47 1 TIN:— Ampats 611 6i41 Ayer Hitams 28]6 296
      164 words
  • 195 16 (Continued from page 8) NEBONG TEBAL. Tamil Church. 11.00 a.m. Service of Worship. PERAK PARIT BUNTAR. Tamil Church. 9.00 a.m. Morning Service of Worship Sermon by Mr. James Roy. KEDAH SUNGEI PATANI. Tamil Church. 9.00 a.m. Service of Worship. Sermon by Rev. Kingham Joseph. Holy Communion. ChineAe Church.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 150 16 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL iTir Phone 543 Penang. TONIGHT DINNER DANCE EXTENSION—I A.M. PIKLERS ORCHESTRA. TRONOH MINES LIMITED (Incorporated in England) DIVIDEND NO 121 The Board has declared an interim dividend of 12(&% less, income tax at 51- in the payable in London on 30th. June to all shareholders on die Register
      150 words
    • 929 16 BANKS HONG KONG AND A XI?U SHANGHAI BANKING A CORPORATION DEPOSIT (Incorporated in Hon Kong) The Liability of members is limited to thtz CpmnCL 1 extent and in manner prescribed by oUifv V Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. QAFF nrpndlT «nycq Head Office.—HONG KONG. □Ar r. Ur.rvol
      929 words