Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 May 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 PUBLISHED DAILY. N<>. 116. Vol. xcv. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937. PRICE 10 CEIVIS.
    20 words
  • 166 1 12 2 Per Cent. A “Fair Return” Hint Of Transfer Of Control (Krom Our Own Correspondent) London, May 19. The Rubber Growers' Association recommendations r yarding the National Defence Contribution have been f< r wan led to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. They
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  • 158 1 Entish Wireless. I-IT TO ROYAL AIR FORCE STATION London, May 20. Fietl-Mars .al von Blomberg. German War Minister and head of the German delegation to the Coronation paid a visit to th Bova'. Air Force Station at Andover today T. Field-Marshal and his party were ire by
    Entish Wireless.  -  158 words
  • 114 1 Reuter. japan Obdurate Simla. May 19. Mr. Vo f 'zawa. Japanese Consul-General, Calcutta and Mr. Dow, Secretary. Commerce Fe t artment, today discussed Japanese coastal .shipping rights in India. Official circles are very reticent regarding the outcome of the discussions, but it is unoffic tally understood that
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 101 1 —Reuter. FIRST CABINET MEETING Valencia May 2P. Reporting to the first Cabinet meeting of the new Government. Senor Negrin emphasised that during the last four days n elements in the country had proved recalcitrant. All classes were uniting »n an effort to press forward to
    .—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 66 1 The Malayan Contingent for the Coro notion on arrival at Liverpool Street Station, London, on the evening of May 7. Lieut (Acting Captain} S. Toolscram, Second-ix .Command, Eurasian Volunteers, Pi nang, is sixth from the right and Lieut Shaaid AU, of Batu Gajah, Pcnk, is next to
    i.—Picture by Air Mail.  -  66 words
  • 116 1 —Reuter. Cordial Exchange* Of Greetings itli King George London, May 19. Before leaving Buckingham Palace for the Naval Review, the King received Prince Chichibu who presented the King with the supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum and the Queen with the First Class Order of the Precious
    ’—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 48 1 Distribution Raised From Ten To 18 Per Cent (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 19. The Billiton Company profits for 1936 were 2.079,000 guilders and the dividend proposed is 18 per cent. For 1935 profits were 1.324,000 and the distribution was ten per cent.—Pinang Gazette cable.
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  • 183 1 British Wireless. FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNDER SURVEY London, MLiy 19 A communique issued tonight after the first meeting of the principal delegates to the Imperial Conference at Downing Street states that a committee on constitutional questions was set up. Discussion of foreign affairs wtis begun by a review by
    British Wireless.  -  183 words
  • 74 1 —Reuter Wireless. Embarrassment For President Roosevelt Washington, May 19. Mr. Willis van de Vanter, the 18-year-old judge, has tendered his resignation from the Supreme Court. He has been among the staunchest conservatives His retirement gives President Roosevelt the first opportunity to appoint a judge of h s
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 146 1 As Official Handicapper To The S.R.A. H’hv Straits Times understands that Major D. M. Petrickson official handicapper to the Straits Racing Association, who resigned his appointment recently, has. on further consideration, decided to withdraw that resignation and to stay on in Malaya as handicapper. This news
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  • 75 1 groups constituted records. British Wireless High Level Of Industrial Production London. May 19. The Board of Trade index number r,f industrial production for the March quarter was 0.2 per cent less than in the fourth quarter of last year, but 7.1 per cent greater than in the corresponding
    groups constituted records. British Wireless .  -  75 words
  • 59 1 I From our Own Correspondent) Singapore. May 19. Gammir and Co's report for the year ended January shows A profit of $111,565 and $15.007 was brought forward. The proposed dividend is ten per cent., requiring $70,000: the stuff transferred to reserves, buildings. Hong Kong expenses; investments and uncompleted
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  • 45 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 19. The British Borneo Petroleum profit for the year ended March 31. 1937, were £6B 590 compared with £71.597 for the preceding twelve months. Total assets figure at £4T3,175 compared with £385 031. Pinang Gazette cable.
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  • 94 1 view to securing their release. —British Wireless. EARLY RELEASE POSSIBLE London, May 19. Official information has been received by the British Government from the Spanish Government and also from General Franco thaCho Britons have been taken prisoners by the Spanish Government and that the number of
    view to securing their release. —British Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 43 1 British Wireless. London. May 19 Four thousand Basque children refugees com Bilbao are expected to arrive at Southampton on Saturday. Arrangements for embarkation are in the hands of the representative at Bilbao of the British National Joint Committee for Spanish relief.
    ■ British Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 188 1 Reuter. IHEIR MAJESIIES AT PORTSMOUTH London, Maj’ 19. The King and Queen, accompanied by Princess Elizabeth, left London by train this afternoon and descended at Cosham station outside Portsmouth for a drive through six miles of cheering crowds to the Guildhall. After the civic ceremony they proceeded
    – Reuter.  -  188 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 AH CHEONG No. 47, BISHOP STREET. PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. Ail kinds of materials in s*ock.
      16 words
    • 81 1 rhe' Commercial Advertising Agencv, 1 Head Office:— «2, CHINA ST, PENANG Phone «93 Branch:— S 9. HALE ST IPOH. Phone 167. Commercial Artists Label-Drawers Wall-painter, Advertising Agents of the Fun Frolic and Wembley, Penang Sign-board writers Cinema-Slide Makers. LICENSED POSTERS STATIONS TO LET Aly. i V -x The importance of
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  • 1476 2 PLEA FOR WORKING THE REFORMS Views On Viceroy— Gandhi Talks Proposal STATEMENT on the constitutional deadlock in India was made by Lord Zetland in the House of Lords, recently. The statement was in reply to a Question by Lord Snell as to whether, with a
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  • 197 2 —Says Valencia SENSATIONAL document alleging that Mussolini was conspiring with Spanish Monarchists in 1934 and had promised them arms and money to assist a restoration has come into the possession of the Spanish Government. The document, now in the archives at Valencia, will be taken
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  • 836 2 EMPIRE STATESMEN WELCOMED The King in his speech at the historic luncheon of the Empire Pailiamentary Association in Westminster Hall said: "I thank you sincerely for the kind way in which j-ou have drunk my health. It is a real pleasure to me to be
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  • 203 2 —Reuter. By Gen. Goering EITHER coaxing with sugar cakes nor menaces with the whip will ever compel us to budge one inch from the path to our goal—the security of Germany,” declared General Goering, when opening the Dusseldorf Exhibition last week. "If we had our
    —Reuter.  -  203 words
  • 110 2 New York. May 9. Miss Eleanor Powell, famous/ dancing film star, says that she is a “wallflower” at parties. Nobody wants to dance with her. she told an interviewer. "I’m not the only wallflower in the film colony.’’ she added. “I’ve noticed what happens
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 435 2 Bead Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegram»: “Gazette” Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Koala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Ipoh Office Brewster Road. J’hone 268 London Office 40. 43, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4 Phone Central 3608—3609
      435 words
    • 386 2 LOOK AHEAD AND BUY A LIFE POLICY TH E GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.,LTD. HEAD OFFICE-SINGAPOSE Eno-health makes her child to be proud of! Clever at school —keen on gimes full of life. Always sunny-tempeied. She's got Eno-health. Eno allows no poisons to get into her system and, make her
      386 words

  • 2289 3 LECTURE AT HU YEW SEAH LAST NIGHT Study Of Civilisation The concept of East and West has no foundation ami validity. So asserts Mr. P. Kodanda Rao, M.A., general secretary of the Servants of India Society, who delivered a discourse on
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  • 330 3 New Ambassador s Message Welcomed HOPE OF PEACEFUL CO-OPERATION Berlin, May 11. The new British Ambassador to Berlin, Sir Nevile Henderson, in persenting his rred«>’--'p I vr p.-tV;-said he was convinced that there was no question between Germany and Great Britain which could not be settled
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  • 267 3 Siinar Or bill I’utile, Says Goering Berlin, May 8. “Neither coaxing with sugar cakes nor menaces with the whip will ever compel us to budge one inch from the path to our goal the security of Germany,” said General Goering when opening the Dues.celdorf Exhibition today.
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  • 49 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 19. The Minister for Foreign Affiairs and the Home Minister have both informed the vernacular press that their anti-foreign attitude is not calculated to help Siam with ’he difficult task she is now engaged upon concluding new treaties with foreign powers.
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  • 307 3 Fresh And Stronger Foundation Needed. i.- -Reuter. London, ’lav 19. I* ha« born clear miic«* the provisions of the Washington Treaty expired that fresh anti, if possible, stronger foundation for inten ational relations in th'* Pacifle lie found, declares the Times in i leading article
    i.- -Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 49 3 —Reuter. A Radio-Telephone Service Shanghai, May 19. A radio-telephone service linking China with America. Canada, Mexico and Cuba is being inaugurated today. Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Madame H.H. Kung, wife of the Minister of Finance, will converse with Mrs Roosevelt at Washington tonight.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  49 words
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  • 551 4 DECISION REACHED BY KINTA INDIANS At a representative meeting of Indians held at the Kinta Indian Association hall on Tuesday evening, it was unanimously decided to accord Pand.t Jawaharlal Nehru, the president of the Indian National Congress, a public reception on his visit to Ipoh.
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  • 131 4 SAMSU MANUFACTURER FOUND GUILTY Kuala Lumpur, May 18. “Tell the accused for his own benefit and that ot any of his friends who are in Court that we are determined to stop the sale of sa.-.LSu anywhere near estate lines and the sentences they get
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  • 50 4 Ipoh, May 19 I he K nta River rose suddenly yesterday ev rung shortly aft?r 6 o’clock and at 10 oc ek was still rising. All the low-lying la: j adjoining the river, with the excepti .1 of the area protected by bunds, ha-' inundated.
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  • 1023 4 ENGINEERING ASSN. OF MALAYA The meeting of the Engineering Association of Malaya arranged for today has been postponed to Wednesday, May 26, at 7 p.m. at the Selangor Club. Mr. C. E. Wood, the President, will read a paper on Engineers and Landing Ground Development. Members of
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  • 265 4 MINISTRY WARNING AFTER WHOLESALE ESCAPES May 10. Great Brita n is threatened by a new rat menace This time the trouble is the nutria, a giant rat from South America introduced to this country for its fur, which has been escaping in considerable numbers in
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  • 236 4 PRAYER THAT WAS ANSWERED Badford. May 9. A mother whose son was to be ha< ged on Tuesday for the murder of his sweetheert had her prayer answered today. She received news, “the best I have ever had,’’ that her son. William Edwards, aged 26.
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  • 255 4 Woman’s Objection Overruled Ipoh, May J*9. I object to either the plaintiff or the defendant being appointed administrator of the estate, I cannot trust anybody. I ask Your Lordship to grant permission to sell the land by public auction.” Thus stated a Malay woman, named Jameah
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 Amongst the symptom* of Biliousness are a dizzy head- ache, furred tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, j spots floating before the bowels loose one day and con- j w stipated the next. On the appearance of bilious symptoms resort to Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills will be found
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  • 365 5 OFFICER DISMISSED HIS SHIP London, May 11. A charge of allowing two women to .«pend the night on board the destroyer Wolverine was preferred against an officer at e Devonport court-martial yesterday. Commissioned Gu< ner Harry Greenslade. who pleaded guilty to five charges. was •ordered to
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  • 174 5 Police Hunt For Dangerous Explosive London, May 11. Police and military officials are searching for a highly dangerous nine-pound shellcapable of killing 20 people which was stolen from the West Lui worth Ranges, Dorset, between Wednesday end Friday last week. A notice posted in the village, reads:
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  • 84 5 Programme For Today The Penang Municipal Band will perform jn the Esplanade from 6 p.m to 7. 30 p. m. today: Following is the programme:— March; The Thin Red Line. Alford. Overture; Si J’etais Roi. Adam. Incidental Music to “Monsiour Beaucaire” Rosse. 1 Intermezzo. IT. Leit Motif. 111.
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  • 367 5 NIGHT CLUBS EXPLOIT CHILD "STARS” London, May 8. "Existing regulations, supposedly desip'ed to guard the interests of children from the dangers of the entertainment w’Orld. are a farce. “They obstruct genuine talent, yet permit children to be subjected to the unwholesome atmosphere of obscure night clubs."
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  • 228 5 How would you like it if your Bible were to tell you that Abel, far from being murdered by Cain, had committed suicide or, worse still, that he was murdered by Adam That is approximately what happens when you consult the latest edition, just publshed, of Meyer’s
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  • 457 5 First Man To Fly Over Mount Kenya Geneva, May 10. Walter Mittelholzer, forty-three-year-old Swiss air ace. who had faced death in the air in many remote places—over the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Sahara—has been killed while on a mountaineering holiday in the
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  • 219 5 To Improve Life Of Fellow-Negroes Paul Robeson, the world’s most famous negro, has decided to abandon the stage and scree»! to devote his life to improving the conditions in which 16,000,000 fellownegroes live in the United States. He intends to appear only on the
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  • 179 5 SECRET PACT BY CENSORS Sydney, May 9. The existence of an unwritten “gentleman’s agreement” to ban the name of Duke of Windsor in the Empire, has bten discovered in Australia, according to the ‘Sydney Daily Telegraph” and other ewspapers. Downing Street and the
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 5 THE NEW COINS Reverses of the new silver and bronze coins. Third from the left is one obverse with the- King's hrad which will figure on them all. nlade of a mixed metal the new threepenny piece has a twe'xFsided edge, while two kinds of shillings are
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  • 307 5 MANCHESTER LORD MAYOR’S REBUKE Manchester, May 10. The “gross disloyalty” of Sir Stafford Cripps- who, in a speech at Stockton-on-Tees last night, described the Coronation a« "bunkum” and "a circus”—was strongly denounced to-day by Aid. Joseph Toole, Socialist Lord Mayor of Manchester. Aid. Toole hafl made
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 A REAL BOON FOR EVERY KITCHEN A MAGGI S W SEASONING Ifll is <s product for increasing and improving the flavour of the food to which it is J wSSzHEI added. addition aew d ro P s generally suffices I onhance and to bring out to perfection fftj natural flavour
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  • 1260 6 THOUGHTS ON PATRIOTISM PLEA FOR MORE UNITY AND UNDERSTANDING IN MALAYA PANDIT NEHRU’S VISIT —AN APPEAL To The Editor. Sir, —With the Coronation fresh in our memory’ it is fitting and right to express our feelings, sentiments and loyalty individually or collectively towards the King and
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  • 157 6 To The Editor, Dear Sir, —May I make an appeal through your columns to the public—and particularly to the Indian public—in ?enang to be good enough to remember hat Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to his country is for purposes of holiday and est? His health has been
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  • 167 6 Local Commemoration Session A commemoration session of the Birthday anniversary of the prophet, Mahomed, was held yesterday at 1, Transfer Road, Penang, under the auspices of the Penang Muslim Merchants’ Society. Moulwi H.S.M. Mohamed Ghani Noorwi Sittugui was in the chair. A large gathering was
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  • 65 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 19. North Malay Rubber Estates are issuing 299,000 2s. shares at a premium of 6d. in the proportions of one Tor every ten shares held. The shares are being converted into stock when fully paid and will rank pari passu with the
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  • 494 6 FUNERAL OF SULTAN’S DAUGHTER (Frbm Our Own Correspondent) Kuazi Kangsar, May 19. The funeral of Yang Mulia Raja Hahmah, infant daughter of His Highness the Sultan Peirik, took place this aftensoon. The xuneral service commenced in the Astana at four o’clock. At five o’clock tne cortege
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  • 42 6 —Reuter. Paris, May 19. Journu and Martin Legeay beat Choy and Tsuhi Wai Pui, the Chinese Davis Cup players, I—6, 6—3, 6 —o. 6—2. Tsuhi’s forehand and Choy’s backhand were neat and forceful but they volleyed insufficiently.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 49 6 •psgwj; j F .JawaHwrßn. J L 'juk, I mI L vt< »a..AV Q.U >4 nfi A—— L I»-.-* .J rt :_L -«SI SPRINGTIDE HOTEL PHONE N z > BUNGAH PENANG. I r ad stage complete with spring board. ,f uf b*M »’.»cr far v«»u Holidays. .>*..nx»AMwrr. •►We-cw-r ■*>'»» ve»
      49 words
      16 words
    • 218 6 HOW SINGAPORE PEOPLE PUT ON WEIGHT A year or so ago, ttye only way to put on weight was to take endless doses of sickly, fishy-tasting oil. It/was horrible to take, upset the digestion ahd made children cross and irritable. Nowadays in Singapore however, the most progressive people don’t take
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 166 6 prai azazsz TI7I7I\I’Q LAST NIGHT ITjM 06.15 TONIGHT 9.30 The World’s Greatest Show Returns In Sound I si wa* .feQgggf Mfe, wL> .’.-Wf C?*Mgg3Ogn 1 WMh. f WMI ■gfeßWix;, jr J|||||l| RAMON NOVAR RO in 44 BEN HUR” Its thrills are now greater than ever £g-r. to V? Tf® J£
      166 words
    • 213 6 OPENING TOMORROW IT’S A WOW! <N FACT IT’S A SOW WOW! You’ve, read Albert Payson Terhune.’s heart-tugging stories of dogs and men! Now See the mightiest J/: of them all come to hte on the screen I t.: z-4; micMty 4 jPnoah BEERY JR. BARBARA READ ALMA KRUGER O>«e<ted t»y
      213 words

  • 2808 7 A RECORD OF STATISTICS AND DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES The Principal Items The annual administration report of the Municipality of George I own. as usual, comprises a record of statistics and departmental activities carried out during the year under review. The principal items are
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 161 7 j OAN BLONDELL /JwgsG GIVES THE SECRET/ >/ of a flawless MhbgJ COMPLEXION ..</y n JB x /A "IF'’'' I think your complexion is simply S' fj f beautiful, Mollie. I only wish mine y fl I were the same.” V t TSP? L “Well, why not do as Joan
      161 words

  • 750 8 npHE case for Mr. Bracegirdle, an English tea planter ir. Ceylon whose expulsion, ordered by the Governor, has been oven idea by the Supreme Court, has attracted widespread attention. The allegation against Mr- Bracesirdie was that he had indulged in political activities subversive to law
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  • 130 8 or “Millionaire.” the Hindustani talkie with the famous Northern Indian singer. Saiga! as the Collegian-Millionaire and Miss Rajkumeri as Leela, the film star, which is now being screened at the Windsor. is an excellent comedy. Harish. the College student foils madly in love with Leela, the
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  • 40 8 The air-conditioned coach which was withdrawn from the diy mail trains between Penang and Kuala Lumpur will be put in service again tomorrow from which date an air-conditioned coach will run daily in each direction on these trains.
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  • 61 8 British Wireless London. May 19. The Air Ministry announces that four Singapore flying boats of Number 209 Flying Boat Squadron will leave Felixstowe tomorrow for a training cruise of the Mediterranean. They will fly and -rr’ve at Malta on May 22. The return journey commences on May
    ’.- British Wireless  -  61 words
  • 722 8 Penang Styx—More Pavernents liie “Simpang Tujoh’' Circus—Rejorm Of A Dangerous Corner JJAROMETRIC pressure was low in Penang yesterday evening just before dark. I make that remark without the authority of a barometer reading. It is based on observation of the big drain which swirls noisomely along its
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  • 64 8 British Wireless Negotiations On XV age Claim To Continue London, May 19. The strike of 1.500 engineers at the Parkhead forge works of Messrs. Bear-.1-more. more. where forgings for the great sistership to the Cunard-White Star liner Queen Mary are being made, will end on Friday. Negotiations
    British Wireless  -  64 words
  • 63 8 < From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. May 19. The Times of Malaya understands that Mr. Monnett B. Davis. American Consul General in Singapore, is being transferred to Buenrs Aires. Argentina, and will be succeeded by Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, whose last appointment was Counsel of Embassy at
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  • 110 8 SOCIAL PERSONAL Captain C.T M Husband has been J-t--conded for service in Kedah (and assar ed duties as Superintendent of Surveys, with effect from April 24, 1937. Mr. R. P. Bradley. Assistant Engirt*r, Public Works Department, A lor Star has been granted 335 days’ leave on fu r... with effect
    110 words
  • 23 8 sengers in Coronation Week Re *er Wireless. London. ABiy 19. The London tubes carried 20.000.000 passengers in Coronation Week Re *er
    sengers in Coronation Week Re *er Wireless.  -  23 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 184 8 /y we must have j SE LO n FX iP T Of uunffimkcw^— wlwft JM >-wsßiSr -“> wH® v x w v/\&7 Az] (a./ >u\\\\ z v JKM» zAj Z /'••u A\\Az u i< in *V\X XroS u> l'” »1« w w ,x£W -T? yft V» “It s uphill work.”
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    • 52 8 •iWAWAViWA i WtTMIQrTII». 0-3 Highly Recommended by the Medica Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS Io Airtight Vacuum Tins IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults an< Old People. Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers Sole Agent# Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd PENANG, Ipoh, Singapore and Kuala
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  • 1181 9 RUBBER CHEAPLY “Best Insurance Against Competition” —SIR SHENTON THOMAS NINE OR TEN PENCE PER POUND A REASONABLE PRICE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. A PROMISE that ‘the Malayan Governments, so long as I am here, will do everything in their power
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  • 870 9 U ILL BE RUINOUS TO ONE SIDE OK THE OTHER” Judge Advises Settlement 11 rom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Muy 20. A formidable array of lawyers atppeered in the Ipoh Supreme Court yesterday morning winn the civil action over the wellknown Klian Intan mine belonging to
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  • 294 9 CARNEGIE SCHOLAR EXPLAINS THEIR AIMS Penang Rotary Club Talk Mr. P. Kodanda Rao was the speaker at the Penang Rotary Club luncheon yesterday afternoon his subject being "The Servants of India Society." He explained the aims of the Society, which is one of the most
    294 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 22 9 I THE TRUE TONIC FOOD Octa3.aL.'e cf all Chemists and Stores Agents for North Malaya Penang: THE GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY Ltd., Penang Ipoh.
      22 words
    • 31 9 Tiger Testimonials. MRS. LOTE-SMASHEM. after winning her ninth successive tournament, said—- l/V J Ju /s><■ I Aw- J i fl z/ V f i one my 'vantage entirely to TIGER HEER.'
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  • 1672 10 R. G. A. PREPARING DOCUMENTED PROTEST 1936 INSTEAD OF 1933 AS A “BASIC** YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 11. London leaders of the rubber producing industry view the apparent outlook for the commodity with quiet confidence. They believe that production and consumption
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  • 295 10 Age Limit Of Trees Presiding at the meeting of Kuala Selangor Rubber Company in London. Mr. A.O. Levitt said they had only been allowed to export 606.135 lb in the year under review, which had resulted in a large percentage of their trees remaining untapped. That would
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  • 63 10 RUBBER Messrs. Boustead Co., Ltd., Penang, have received a telegram from the Secre taries. Messrs. Edward Boustead Co.. London, advising that the annual accounts have been issued showing a profit of £1,997 and recommending the payment of a dividend of 7% per cent. The sum of £l.OOO has
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  • 71 10 Messrs. Boustead Co., Ltd., Penang, have received a telegram from the Secre taries. Messrs. Edward Boustead Co. London, advising that the annual accounts have been issued showing a profit of £8.542 and recommending the payment of a final dividend of? 1 per cent, making a total of
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  • 618 10 IMPROVED RESULTS The twenty-sixth annual general meeting of Bukit Sembawang Rubber Co.. Ltd., was held in London on May 10. Sir Ivor Phillips, (the chairman), presided* and. in the course of his speech, said With the amount of total expenditure in the East and in London in
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  • 629 10 CAPTAIN O. LYTTLETON ON THE RISE IN PRICE OF THE METAL The third ordinary general meeting of Ampat Tin Dredging, Ltd., was held in London on May 10. Captain Oliver Lyttelton, (the chairman), in the course of his speech, said: The year 1936 must be regarded as
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  • 163 10 3 3/4 Per Cent. More Paid For Year A final dividend of 7’i per cent., less tax at ss, making 13% per cent., less tax, for 1936, is being paid by the United Sua Belong Rubber Estates, the Chairman of which is Mr. J. G. Hay.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 34 10 t\> ONE OF LIFE’S PLEASURES A Sure Cure Of Tropical Thirst "PRICES NOW REDUCED" I Quarts $6.50 per dozen including duty Pints $4.00 per dozen including duty. Obtainable Everywhere AGENTS HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD.
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  • 99 11 Thousands of people had to rise early to see the final rehearsal of the Coronation procession. Picture shows the crowd at Trafalgar Square herded together at every vantage point from which to the procession. ON PARADE. One of the many attractive scenes in the new
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 145 11 1« 1 Do you read the Sunday Gazette? I Every week new and interesting features are introduced in in the SUNDAY GAZETTE. Place an order for regular delivers I i with your newsagent or become a subscriber* The following are some of the features of the SUNDAY GAZETTE. ILLUSTRATED LONDON
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    • 461 12 S S. ‘PHILOCTETES’ from Liverpool sails for Hongkong, Shanghai Japan. S.S. ‘NALDERA’ from London via ports. Sails today for Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe Yokohama. S S ‘FIONIA* from Singapore via Malacca, Port Swettenham. Sails today for Colombo, Aden, Dijibouti Suez, Port Said, Marseilles,
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    • 317 12 S. S. SLWA MARU The following are the passengers on the s.s. Suwa Maru which left Penang on May 15 for Europe and via ports: FOR SUEZ Mr. Granaao. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter. FOR PORT SAID Miss Amandine Heinzle and Mrs. Amelia Zaleiski. FOR NAPLES Mr. A.
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    • 344 12 The following Malayan passengers arrived here this morning by the P. O. liner s.s. "Naldera” from London and via Ports. FOR PENANG Mrs. A. R. Allen, Mrs. R. Ashworth and child. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crichton and child, Mr. C. W. Farrell, Mr. E. F.
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    • 223 12 lATEST TIMES OF POSTING AIR MAIL A mail for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda Zanzibar; Northern ard Southern Rhodesia Nyasaland and South Africa via Singapore and thence by Imperial Airways -will close at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow. OI TWARD MAIL A mail for Sabang and Kota Radja by' the
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    • 295 12 LARGEST LINER FOR TRANS-ATLANTIC SERVICE Holland’s largest liner, the Nieuw Amsterdam, was launched recently from the yard, of the Rotterdam Drydock Co. With a tonnage of 36,000, she exceeds the Statendam hitherto Holland’s biggest ship, by 7,000 tons. The liner was launched by Queen Wilhelmina in
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1591 12 OUR RADIO PROGRAMMES B. BC. EMPIRE STATIC N J®™ leneth of 49.3 metres. TODAY 6 Tune in on the following wavelengths. TODAY TRANSMISSION 2 lune in i iuuax TRANSMISSION 2 p.m. 6 05 p.m.— Big Ben. Harold Coombs, at *fc/S (13-91 m 7 00 p m —S’S IIB 1 and
      1,591 words
    • 17 12 TIDE TABLE TODAY High 10.00 p.m. 3.36 p.m. TOMORROW 9.56 a.m. 3.20 a.m. 10.30 p.m. 4.35 p.m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 346 13 MANSFIELD CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG the blue funnel line Vessels. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Doe r with Ghn SMre Una) Penang London MMdl < Sbs^ da Hambur May 22 June 21 HAVRE AND LIVERPOOL SERVICE Liverpool MENTOR Havre, Liverpool Bromborough vr»? 26 June 26 <O. PROTESILAUS Havre. Liverpool Bromborough Tune
      346 words
    • 366 13 I TO THOSE GOING ON LEAVE. If you will drop us a line, we will show you how to cover your baggage insurance home and back, and whilst travelling anywhere in the World at a rate which is cheaper than an ordinary BAGGAGE POLICY.” SANDILANDS BUTTERY CO. PENANG. Telephone No.
      366 words
    • 783 13 PAO BRITISH INDIA SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “NALDERA” SAILING THURSDAY, 20th MAY Peniasular and Oriental S.N. Co., under .Penang, Teluk Anson, Port SwwttenlNm d SOW»™ service. Lxinoon and Fur East Mail Service. s/S “BULAN” May 21 Outwards from London for China Japan S/S “MATA HARI May 28 s/S “NALDERA” SAILINGS
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 645 13 RADIO PROGRAMME BERLIN PARIS D.JB 15.20 Me/» 19.7 ni. TPA-2, 15.24 Me s (19.68 ni.) TPA-2, 15.24 Mcs (19.68 m.) DJN 9.54 Mc/s 31.45 m. DJE 17.76 Mc/s 16.89 ni. TODAY DJQ 15.28 Mc/s 19.63 m. DJA 9.56 Mc/s C 1.38 m. TPA 215 24 Mc/s 19 6m > TODAY
      645 words
    • 311 13 CALCUTTA PHOBI HOLLAND Station VUC broadcasts on a wavelength pcJ 15 22 m) of 49.10 metres (6,109 kc). 1 TODAY TODAY p.m. a.m. 6.56 Time signal. First Division Cal- 7.20 Experimental programme by Stacutta Football League. Mohammetion P.C. J., Eindhoven Holland, dan Sporting vs. Cameronians. 10.20 Close down. (Commentary). 7.56
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    • 100 13 HONG KONG ZBW (9.52 Mc/s (31.4 m.)) TODAY p.m. 3.30 Chinese programme. 6.30 European programme 6.50 Stock quotations and Exchange Market report. 6.55 Continuation of European programme. 7.20 'lime signal, weather report and announcements. 7.23 Continuation of European programme. 8.15 Daventry news bulletin. 10 20 Close down. TOMORROW p.m. 3.30
      100 words
    • 46 13 9.35 New Japanese music selecticusj played by Miss Tamiko Nachi. on Koto or 13-stringed Japanese horizontal harp. 9.57 News in English. 10.07 Folk songs. Message from Japan. 10.20 Close down. TOMORROW p.m. 9.20 News in Japanese. 9.35 Dance music.+ 10.05 News in English. 10.20 Close down.
      46 words

  • 754 14 STRIPES BEAT REDS AT VICTORIA GREEN Winners Had Three Goalkeepers In7heseuond Penang soccer state trial played yesterday on the Victoria Green the Stripes defeated the Reds by two goals to one. The game was a disappointing one, the standard of play being lower than that shown
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  • 390 14 Tennis Easy Doubles Victory Over Watson And MRS. OH WAT SUN LOsr. IN MIXED DOUBLES In their second attempt to win the Penang open tennis doubles championship, the Goon brothers, Kok Ying and Kos L2m, again entered the sem.-tinHls by beating G. C. Watson and A.
    390 words
  • 231 14 S.R.A. CLASSIFICATION LIST Below’ is the latest list concerning classification of horses and ponies issued by the "Straits Racing Association. It will be ■noticed the.t Celestial, Lordlogy, Mountain Stream, Nutcracker and Silver Monk have been promoted from Class 2 to Class 1. TRANSFERS Fiom Class
    231 words
  • 206 14 Five Events ENTRIES CLOSE ON JUNE 7 The Penang Badminton Open Championships will commence on June 12, 1937, at the Free School Hall. Residents in Penang and Province Wellesley are eligible to participate. Entries close on June 7, 1937. The events are: men’s singles, men’s doubles,
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  • 403 14 WEIGHTS FOR TODAY The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Singapore Turf Club Skye leeting to be run at Singapore today. RACE 1 Ponies, Class 2, Div. 2, 5 furlongs. LITTLE MISS X 10.3 TAJ MAHAL 9-12 BRIGHT EYES 9.11 FOXY 9.10 SPOT
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 485 14 Vi®** limits 1 “Verichrome” is famous for helping you to get good results. This is because it has two coatings of emulsion a fast emulsion to catch detail in shadows and in poor light, and a slow one to preserve detail tn high-lights or when you over-expose. No other film
      485 words

  • 948 15 THREE PROMOTERS MAY CONTEST RIGHT TO STAGE A. CUP FINALS Crystal Palace Have Seven- Y ear-Plan London, May 9. NOW that the shouting and the trumpeting of the Cup Finals and the Internationals have died down, the War of the Great Arenas is on! The
    948 words
  • 135 15 TOO FAST CLEV ER FOR HOME SIDE Hamburg. May 11. Brentford's speed, footwork, and combination proved too much for a Hamburg football side whom they defeated by 3—o here last night. The Londoners dominated the game entirely in tiTc* first hall, when Muttitt converted a pass
    135 words
  • 181 15 Former Malayan Champion (From Our Own Correspondent) London. May 11. W.J. Gibb (Royal Bangkok G.C.. Siam) the former Selangor golf "crack.” and Malayan champion, has been drawn to play H.P. Tyler «Royal St. Georges) in the first round of the British Amateur Golf Championship
    181 words
  • 660 15 London, May 9. Tommy Farr flung a spanner into the boxing works before he left London for a fortnight’s rest on a Glamorganshire farm. The new British and Empire heavy-weight champion unburdened his soul on a matter that unquestionably has bothered him quite
    660 words
  • 197 15 PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED BY SELECTORS The first three big professional golf tournaments at Little Aston, Moor Park, and Southport have provided the Ryder Cup selectors with considerable food for thought. Of those who played eight or more rounds in the three competitions the following half
    197 words
  • 63 15 London, May 10. Bolton Wanderers made an important transfer yesterday when they obtained Tom Grcsvenor. Sheffield Wednesday’s Interna,’onal inside forward. Grosvenor, who has recently played at naif-back in spite of the fact that he was in the English attack against Ireland. Wales, and France in
    63 words
  • 516 15 LCTON NOT TO CHANGE HEADQIARTERS S. WOODERSON RACK IN TRAINING NEW ROOK RY JACK LOI ELOCK Town, who so deservedly won promotion to the Second Division, have decided to remain at their headquarters, the Kenilworth-road ground. A wise decision. A change of ground is always a risky
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 190 15 A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN EVER I AUSTIN PRODUCES THE II j I CAR J JLI >■ z Mi wr F* y The New Ten-Four Cambridge Saloon. A sound-risulated car—a silent-bodied car—a F( )R GREATER SAFETY, there are new i i have been < iirlinff-pattern brakes. 1 OR ADDED RIDING car
      190 words

    • 119 16 TINPREVIOUSLY LATEST LONDON—(Spot) X 249.10 0 LONDON—(3 months) £245.5.0 1201 SINGAPORE $123.00 8125 00 BUSINESS DONE PENANG $123.00 $120.00 BUSINESS DONE Buyers no sellers Buyers no selleis COPRA—(Sundries) $€.65 $6.45 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO $ll.OO RUBBER LONDON 10 d 20-cU''» on r T<(iJ 20-,C(G) NEW YORK 36r SINGAPORE— Spot
      119 words
    • 343 16 London. May 19. Share of £1 oenommat.on unless otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p c.. 1944-64 Funding Loan, 4 p.c.. 1960-90 1011 —i War Loan, 3i p.c 1 Com. Union Assce. (Units* Prudential Assce. ‘"A" Royal Assce. share 10s. pd.) 9 4 Great Western Rly. Ordy 6»L
      343 words
    • 117 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 110 27 64 ***** Neu York 4.94 ft 4.94 ft Montreal 4.93(A 4.93 ft Brussels 29.341 29.331 Geneva 21.65 21.63 Amsterdam 8.991 8.981 Milan 931 93 4 Berlin 12.30 12.291 Athens 547 j 547 J Bucharest 6721 6721 Belgrade 215 215 Buenos Aires
      117 words
      • 146 16 KENNEDY CO. Below are given today’s share quotations of leading brokers in Penang: RUBBER: Bayers Seilers B. Lintang 1.42 J 1.471 e Brog o s 1.07-1 1 -12 c Connemaras 1-90 1.971 Kuala Sidim 3.15 3.25 Lunas 2.421 2.47 Ac Mandai Tekong 221 2»1 Mentakabs 48 50 Pa jam 2.221
        146 words
      • 11 16 TODAY’S PRICES Singapore $125.00 Per pkl. Penang 5125.00 Per pkl-
        11 words
      • 11 16 Singapore Six>t 36c Per lb. Penang Spot 36c Per lb.
        11 words
      • 128 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN: Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.671 1.70 Hong Fatt 1.30 1.32-1 Jelebu 1.05 1.10 Kuchai 1.55 1.60 Lukut 1.15 1.171 North Taiping 85 871 Rahman Hyd. 1.57-1 1.621 Taiping 85 871 Talam 2.00 2.05 Ulu Kiang 1.27’. 1.321 Ampat 5 9 6 0 Bangrin 22 6 23
        128 words
      • 119 16 London, May 19. RUBBER Firm. Spot 101 buyers lOg sellers. July/Sept. buyers 10/. sellers. 1 Oct. Dec. 10ft buyers 10ft sellers. Jan. Mar. 101 buyers 10$ sellers. New York 20.92 cts. Jnited Kingdom Stocks London 21,336 tons Liverpool 25,863 tons COPRA: Straits S.D. Rotterdam. May £17.2.6d. -EPPER
        119 words
      • 147 16 RUBBER:— Buyers Sellers. Bassetts 80 85 Batu Lintangs 1.421 1.45 c Bedfords 1.271 1.32 J Bentas 1.40 1.45 Brogas 1.071 1.121 c Indrag iris 1.671 1.75 Kuala Sirlims 3.15 3.30 Lunas 2.40 2.50 M. Pindas 1.671 1.75 Mentakabs 471 521 c N. Scudais 1.771 1.871 Nyalas 1.20 1.25
        147 words
      • 204 16 TlN’: Buyers Sellers Ampats 5 7’. 5101 B. Selangors 1.67 1.70 Hong Fatts 1.281 1.31 Jelapangs 34 0 35 0 Jelebus 1.03 1.06 K. Kamuntings 12 0 12 6 Kamuntings 14 6 153 K. Lanjuts 25 0 25 6 Kramats 62 3 63 3 Kuchais 1.54 i 57
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 332 16 NEDERLANDSCHE H ANDEL-M AATSCH APPIJ, N.V. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824 HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM With 43 Agencies, apart from correspondents, in Holland. HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India. China. Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National
      332 words
    • 555 16 BANKS. HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong i The Liability of members is limited to the extent and in manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Head Off ice :—HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and Fully paid up $20,000.000 Reserve Funds
      555 words