Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 318 1 Reuter. 125,000 Homeless, 12 States Affected, Communications Disrupted Cincinnati, Jan. 22. H E greatest flood on record” was predicted by a GovernI nient meteorologist as the swollen Ohio River rose above the record level of the disastrous 1884 flood. Already twelve States are
    Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 147 1 —British Wireless. Rumour Of Altercation With Dr. Beck Denied London, June 23. Reports which were current this afternoon that there was a heated altercation between the British Foreign Secretary. Mr. Anthony Eden and the Polish. Foreign Minister, Dr. Beck who met this morning at Geneva and found themselves
    —British Wireless.  -  147 words
  • 63 1 PARIS TOKIO FLIGHT Reuter. Allahabad. Jan. 22. M. Doret landed at 2.10 p.m. G.M.T. refuelled and had a meal. He was cheerful although he has been flying approximately for 36 hours. He lost about 15 hours owing to bad weather between Brindisi and Karachi. He will start for Akyab at
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. M.C.C. OUT FOR 301 Adelaide, Jan. 23. The M.C.C. were all out at lunch time lor 301. It was revealed today that Fishlock fractured a bone in his right hand and is unlikely to play during the remainder vf J-he tour.-
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 149 1 Reuter. MR. ROOSEVELT'S APPEAL Washington, Jan. 22. What is interpreted as an appeal to both sides not to fight out the U.S. motor strike issues in the Press, nor to take up publicly irreconcilable positions from which they cannot retreat without loss of face, wi.s made by
    ’- Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 186 1 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S NOTIFICATION The following notification has been issued by the Colonial Office: The attention of ’MI clubs, associations and societies in the Colony is drawn to the new Section 30A of the Stamp Ordinance (Chapter 228) enacted by the Stamp (Amendment) Ordinance, 1936,
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  • 408 1 Rebels Forced Back By Air Attack Shanghai, Jan. 21 A fierce battle is now raging in the vicinity of Chishui, a few miles to the east of Sianfp, capital of Shensi. The right flank of the rebel line, which is being defended by a combined force
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  • 46 1 Reuter. Vetican City. Jan. 22. The Pope’s condition is rather weaker, according to a semi-official statement this morning. His Holiness slept only two hours last night. The doctor visited the Pope at 6.45 a.m. a« d the Pope heard mass in his bedroom.
    – Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 1135 1 FEARS OF GROWING RED ACTIVITIES MR. AKITA'S SPEECH! TO THE DIET Tokio, Jan. 21. Mr. Arita, the Foreign Minister, mainly dealt with the Japano-German agreement and Japan’s concern at the spread of Communist doctrines in his speech to the Diet today, a summary of which follow’s:/ The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 AH CHEONG No. 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. i Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 116 1 BROADWAY CO. BRANCH 489, PENANG ROAD (Windsor Building) PENANG. We are now in stock footwears of latest fashion GENTS LEATHER SHOES LADIES 99 CHILDREN'S LEATHER SLIPPERS LEATHER SANDALS RUBBER SHOES, etc., etc., etc. I I ft A IE ST /WWflßrai out y\ &of the ai on to the table. Selected
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  • 802 2 (louse She Bought For £125,000 1 After a lapse of five years, the public examination was resumed at Kingston Bankruptcy Court last week of Miss Susan Dora Cecilia Schintz, formerly of Ottershaw Park. Surrey, daughter of the late Hans Gaspard Schintz, the Swiss “nitrate
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  • 246 2 Finnish Boat Broken On Reef 32 FEARED LOST Orkney. Eight men, hurled from a lifeboat on to a gale-swept shore here last week, staggered to a lonely house tc tell the first news of a shipping tragedy in which thirtytwo are feared lost. The Finnish motcr
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  • 91 2 50.000 Square Miles Surveyed Calcutta. Messrs. Ronald Kaulback and N.J.F Hanbury Tracy have reached Calcutta after nearly 20 months' stay in Tibet. They entered Tibet in May, 1935, from Northern Burma and left the country via Sadiya (Assam border > just before Christmas They spent
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  • 88 2 Rangoon. The faith in queer indigenous medicine received a rude shock when the administration of an indigenous “care” for toothache caused a Chinese mother and her two sons to be hurried to hospital in a precarious condition. It is stated that the mother and
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  • 182 2 Leicester. The Rev. Frank Jennings, of Christchurch Congregational church, Leicester, known as the "Tramp Parson,” went to Swain-street Institution, Leicester, on Dec. 3, in an old suit, a slouch hat, carried a bag on his back, and was admitted to the casual ward as a regular -tramp.
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  • 294 2 British System Best In World LITTLE SCOPE FOR FORGERY Proposed changes in British passports have recently been considered by the Passport Office, Stationery Office and Hom#» Office. It is understood, however, that the present form is likely unaltered. Although passport forgeries 'and alte'ations in general have
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  • 145 2 Large Sum Involved An advertisement appeared in a Home paper recently asking for information about any will which may have b?en left by Mr. Charles Vivian Jackson, late of Wyphurst, Cranleigh. Surrey. Mr. Jackson was killed in a sleighing accident at St. Moritz
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  • 108 2 Chair Of Biometry The first Chair of Biometry in England is offered to University College, London, in the will of Mrs. F. J. Weldon, widow of Prof. Walter F. R. Weldon. Biometry is the calculation of the probable duration and expectation of life. Mrs. Weldon
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  • 76 2 Press On "Betrayal" Sydney. It is believed here that the Dutch Air Line's renewed application to extend its operations in Australia will cause much embarrassment to the Federal Government The “Sydney Morning Herald,” in a leading article, says that it would be a betrayal of
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  • 143 2 Nearly Two Thousand Years Old BURIED IN ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS 4 Naples. Fourteen human skeletons have been discovered embedded in the fossilised ashes which destroyed Pompeii owing to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. The discovery was made while the recently-found gymnasium of palestra was
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  • 189 2 Is Membership Voluntary? The right of an old boys’ association to sue for subscriptions was questioned et Clerkenwell County Court lecently. The Old Aioysia Association, through its secretary. Mr. J. WArthur, the School House, Hornsey-lane; Highgate, sued Valentine Marinic. of Winchester-road, Highgate, for £1 Is., the subscription
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  • 204 2 750 Acres Of Ground KENNELS FOR 2,000 GREYHOUNDS A £250,000 Dog City, where 2-000 greyhounds will live vn air-conditioned. central-ly-heated kennels is being built on 750 Surrey acres, formerly a peer's playground. The estate, an Chobham Ranges, near Chertsey, has been bought by the Greyhound
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  • 546 2 About 100 mem employed at the Woodford. Cheshire, aerodrome of A. V. Roe and Co. struck following a dispute over a question of pay. Hazel Lewis, 5, was burned when her dress was set alight by a firework at a children’s party at a house in Belmontlame, Chislehurst,
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    • 368 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: M Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kaala Lumpur Office 25, Jara Street. Phone 3683. London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang
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    • 56 2 YOUR CHILDREN! THEY DEPEND ON YOU fl HAVE YOU A LIFE POLICY?! THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE! ASSURANCE C0..1T0. HEAD OFFICE-SINGaPORE/ 1/ARTIns Mf* PILLS. I APIOL STEEL I Sure and certain for all Female I complaints. Every lady should 1 keep a box in the house. I The I GEORGE TOWN
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  • 287 3 —Reuter. SLUICES IN ELOODUALL DELIBERATELY OPENED Desperate Effort To Save A City A desperate expedient—the deliberate flooding of the business section of Portsmouth, Ohio, —in order to avert disaster to the whole city, was resorted to at 3.00 a.m. G.M.T. when sluices
    —Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 189 3 attempt to invade their province.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Grave Repercussions Feared Shanghai. Jan. 21. A Tokio move to terminate Manchukuo's “independence- and to include that State in the Japanese Empire is seen in a proposed conference to explore the possibilities of eliminating the Manchukuo-Koreen border. If
    attempt to invade their province.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  189 words
  • 48 3 —Sin Chw Jit Poh. Clash With Chinese Coolies At Tengku Tientsin, Jan. 21. More than 100 Chinese coolies were involved in a clash with Japanese smugglers at Tangku yesterday. Japanese gendarmes arrested more than 20 of the coolies on the ground that they were Communist agents.
    —Sin Chw Jit Poh.  -  48 words
  • 65 3 —Reuter. New’ York, Jan. 29. Signs ere apparent that the 12-week-old shipping strike is approaching an end. A meeting of the striking seamen approved the revolution to terminate the strike in the east and gulf ports but stated that the resolution will not be effective until it
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 40 3 Wireless. It is reported in London that the British subject w’ho was one of several persons arrested in Lisbon in connection with a bomb explosions which occurred in the Portuguese capital on Wednesday night has been released.
    Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 90 3 the sinking ships in a hurricane. —British Wireless. Magnificent Rescue Recalled London. Jan. 22. A reception w*as given yesterday to the crew- of the Norwegian steamer and passengers of the ship. Vesus. when she arrived in the Tyne with 19 of the crew of the Norwegian
    the sinking ships in a hurricane.—British Wireless.  -  90 words
  • 68 3 measures to cope with the situation. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japanese Envoy To Return To Nanking Shanghai, Jan. 21. Mr. S. Kawagoe, Japanese Ambassador, it is reported, will return to Nanking before the opening of the Kuomintang Conference on Feb. 15, in order to convey the Japanese attitude
    measures to cope with the situation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  68 words
  • 53 3 Sin Chew Jit Poh. 120 Arrested In Kiangsu Shanghai, Jan. 21. More than 120 suspected “traitors” were arrested in the Shutyan district of Kiangsu Province yesterday following a series of police raids. The urrests followed seizuie of documents in a house alleged to be the meeting place of
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  53 words
  • 39 3 .—Reuter. London. Jan. 22. The authoritative death-roll now available shows that there were eight victims in the explosion at Markham Colliery near Chesterfield. Several persons were injured The cause of the explosion has not yet been discovered.-
    .—Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 32 3 tween Amoy (Fukien) and Manila.-y-Sin Chew’ Jit Poh. The China Merchants Steamship Navigation Company announces the inauguration of a new- service, beginning next month, between Amoy (Fukien) and Manila.-y-Sin
    tween Amoy (Fukien) and Manila.-y-Sin Chew’ Jit Poh.  -  32 words
  • 40 3 to prevent the spread of the diseases. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Outbreaks of diptheria and small-pox are reported in Shansi Province, three districts being effected. Measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the diseases. —Sin
    to prevent the spread of the diseases.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  40 words
  • 350 3 German Rights Secured Hen Hitler last week referred to the achievements of his Government in reply to New Year congratulations and good wishes from the Diplomatic Corps, offered this year by the French Ambassador, M. Francois-Poncet, in the absence through illness of the Apostolic Nuncio, the doyen
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  • 84 3 —British Wireless. Making Ready For British Industries Fair London, Jan. 22. About £500,000 has been spent in the past few months in modernising and redecorating Olympia where the British Industries Fair is to open on Feb. 15. Alterations include the demolition of the main staircase in the
    —British Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 53 3 —Reuter. Tokio. Jan. 22. The cabinet, in an emergency meeting, decided to dissolve the Diet tomorrow. Owing to the army's adamant attitude, administrative reform with the present disposition of the political parties, is impossible and the Cabinet found itself faced with the alternative of resigning or
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 50 3 Reuter. Manila. Jan. 22. President Quezon is leaving Manila tomorrow en route to Washington where he will discuss with President Roosevelt mutual trade relations. President Quezon expects to remain in America until April after which he will visit Europe where he hop< to attend the Coronation in England.
    – Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 62 3 (From our own correspondence) Bangkok, Jan. 21. The Mitsui Bussan Kaisha has been awarded a contract for the supply of 220 chests of Persian opium by the Government. Eash chest weights 160 pounds. This is the first purchase of opium by the State since
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  • 284 3 Ceremonial Al Cairo Cairo, Jan. 13. There was further proof today of the changed relations between Britain and Egypt when Sir Miles Lampspn presented his credentials to the Regency Council on his appointment as British Ambassador. This was the first time on record that a
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  • 98 3 Reuter. M.P.s Want To Know Terms Of Japanese Apology London. Jan. 22. Capt. Alan Graham will ask Mr. Anthony Eden in the House of Commons on Jan. 25 whether the Japanese Government has Vet given any proof of the reality of their desire, officially expressed on Jan. 14,
    – Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 79 3 —British Rireless. British Expedition To Start In 1938 London. Jan. 22. The Mt. Everest Committee has again received, through the Government of India and the Secretary of State for India, the Marquess of Zetland, permission of the Tibetan Government for a British expedition to Mt. Everest in 1938.
    —British Rireless.  -  79 words
  • 43 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Jam. 21. For storing toddy overnight at Bukit Tembok. a Tamil toddy contractor, was fined $6O by the Seremban magistrate. Mr. Barnett Smith of the Seremban Customs, prosecuted. The Tamil pleaded guilty to the charge.
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  • 395 3 Declaration To Commission A warning that there would be continuous disturbances in Palestine unless Arab grievances were removed was made by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, when he opened the Arabs’ case before the Royal Commission last week. Speaking with great emphasis,
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  • 290 3 “Hitler Planning Attack In West” Moscow, Jan. 14. The authoritative “Journal de Moscou,” published in French for the use of the foreign diplomatic colony here and for propaganda purposes in France itself, threatens that Russia will leave Britain and France in the lurch, facing the German
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 NINE YEARS OF STOMACH TROUBLE "Can Eat And Drink Anything Now" For mine long years Mr. H. suffered the agony and torture of stomach trouble. For nine years he searched for a cure in vain. Yet only a trial course of Maclean Brand Stomach Powder made him so much better
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  • 235 4 CHINESE CHARGED A preliminary inquiry was conducted b', Mr. W. G. Reeves, in the third Singapore ccurt in the casj? in which Tan Yew Boh is charged with having used as genuine a forged document, the travellers’ cheques of Messrs. The mas Cook and Son,
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  • 937 4 INDIAN WEDDINGS The marriage was solemnized in Singapore on Weunesday between Mr. T. S Singarayar, son of Mr. and Mis. T. Selvani, and Miss T. S. Varaprasathmary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Sandana—samy. The ceremony was at the Chu ch of Our Lady of Lourdes. Raja
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  • 1782 4 Mr. Kuppusamy’s Rotary Address MR. V. D. Kuppusamy of the Anglo-Chinese School. Ipoh, the Malayan delegate to the recent Quadrennial General Conference of orld Methodism held in I S.A delighted the 30 odd members of the Ipoh Rotary Club at their lunch meeting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 W W a W MH B AHI H M _Willi Hi W B BISMAG Bisurated Magnesia it the treatment for the relief of stomach troubles. It giveS fl uick relief t* o ll9 ‘“stently neutralises the harmful acids which cause indigestion and gastric ulcers. It also spreads a protecting film
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  • 2237 5 THEN Like A Big Family NOW Struggle For Existence The village problem of India was dealt with in detail by Rao Bahadur T. S. Venkatraman in his presidential address at the opening of the 24 th session of the Indian Science Coegress, at Hyderabad.
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  • 55 5 -JISS KATBLEBN ROBINSON helping a fellow actar with his of -if 1 Were Kbtg recmlly shvKn <a he 5 ce Apart from, appearing in the play herself, Mr; Rob neon- she is an Australian sheep farmer by p.-ofession tS i for the th .atre act v
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  • 224 5 Leaders In Favour Of New Proposals Calcutta. Negotiations have been concluded on the jommunal question arising out of the Communal Award between Mr. A.H. Uhuznavi, R.T.C. delegate, and the Maharajadhiraja of Burdwan representing the Muslims and Hindus respectively. Mr. Ghuznavi’s proposal. which are favoured by the Aga Khan
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  • 175 5 Need For Effective Treatment Calcutta. “There aie about 600.000 blind in India nu is possible foui' to five hundred thoun nd need not have been blind if they hao ,cen well treated at the proper time,’ stated Lt.-Col. E.O.G. Kirwan, Hony. Secretary of the Association for
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  • 429 5 CAREER OF DR. A.M. MURRAY Dr. A.M. Murray, who was born and educated in Ceylon, has been elected Mayor of Rangoon. Dr. A.M. Murray is one of the most senior Councillors of the Corporation, both in age and in years of service, says the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 846 6 Missions To Tribes Not To Be Encouraged That sporadic missions established by dif ferent Christian sects should not be encouraged so flir as the primitive hill peoples of the Malay Peninsula are caneerned is the view expressed by Mr. H. D. Noone, Field Ethnographer of tne
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  • 126 6 Well-Known Author And Traveller (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 21. On his way to Java. Borneo and New Guinea. Viscount Tredegar arrived in Singapore by the Italian liner Victoria yesterday. n the same party are Lady Marian Cameron. Mrs. Myrtle Farquharson and Capt. Henry Ware.
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  • 139 6 Three Weeks For Young Indian A young Indian. Sikandar bin Nagor Gant, was sentenced by’ Mr. H.A.L. Luckham, the second magistrate, Penang, yesterday, to three weeks’ imprisonment for having caused hurt to Shaik Daud with a dangerous weapon, namely, a sharp cutting instrument. The complainant,
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  • 139 6 Chinese Fined For Buying Lottery Tickets (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 21. The story of how a Chinese was arrested by the local Police in spite of a desperate effort to escape by jumping into a river, was told to the Seremban magistrate,
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  • 118 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Y. F. Chan, well-known residents of Kuala Pilah have issued invita tions for the marriage of their third daughter. Miss Chan Poh Chee to Mr. Ho Hong Yeow' at Kuala Pilah. tomorrow. —o Three marriages will be solemnised
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 331 6 WINDSOR Tonight Tomorrow 6*30 9-30 Matinees Today Tomorrow' at 2-30 A Spectacular New CANTONESE TALKIE Adapted from a Famous Chinese Classical Story "KOO SO THOY" with Chang Sam Tor Miss Siew' Yew Sin. A glorious historical drama made more glorious £s a screen entertainment. Lilting New Cantonese Song Hits Gorgeous
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  • 2057 7 GROWTH of the CHUAH SETTLEMENT A Happy Community (From Our Own Correspondent). Serein ban, Jan. 21. “Obviously a crowd of Tamil labourers, most of whom are illiterate and devoid of capital, is not likely to make a success of a task of these dimensions
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  • 21 7 Leila Mlada, a fin cabaret artist, is to appear in “Balalaika** which is running at the Adelphi.
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  • 347 7 COMMUNICATIONS TO BE TESTED Military units in Singapore are alreadv busy pieparing for the combined manoeuvres which are to take place next month One of the main purposes of the manoeuvres will be to test the efficiency of communications, and various technical sections uave been
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  • 70 7 As a result of a raid made by the Excise department yesterday on an attap hut in Tanjong Tokong, Penang, a Chinese, Toh Ah Lee. was produced before Mr. H. A .L. Luckham, in the Penang Police Court, changed with fermenting intoxicating liquor and being in possession of
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  • 275 7 TAMIL TO HANG FOR MURDER From Otfr Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 21. After u hearing lasting four days, the murder trial in which a Tamil, Periasamy, was charged with having caused the murder of another Tamil, Pakiii Kangany, concluded today, when the r.ssessors returned a
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  • 66 7 Indian Mohammedan Charged An Indian Mohammedan, Md. Sharrif bin Ahmed Mydin, appeared before Mr. H.A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court this morning charged with criminal breach of trust of a motor lorry belonging to Kam Bok Sooi on Aug. 28, 1936. The accused
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 111 7 Middle age need not rob you of your youthful VITALITY let the coming of middle age steal your vitality. Youth--Lx ful enjoyment of life can still be yours with the help of Hall’s free, a useful and atw Wine, the famous tonic which has benefited countless thousands. with large boule.
      111 words

  • 805 8 THE present session of the Japanese Parliament shows very clearly that the rift l>etween civic and military iiithorities in Japan has widened to such an extent that, contrary to Japanese usage, outspoken and uncompromising criticisms are being made by ’caders of opinion. The first danger signal
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  • 202 8 Sikh Charged f'rom Our Own Correspondent > Singapore. Jon. 22. Judgment was reserved by Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Criminal District Court yes terday till Feb. 4 in the case in wrhich Inder Singh was charged with having made a misleading written statement that nine
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  • 35 8 —British Wireless. It is expected that Germany’s reply to the recent British communication in regard to the proposal for a ban on volunteers to Spain, will be delivered during the weekend.—British Wireless.
    .—British Wireless.  -  35 words
  • 563 8 Adviser On Chinese Affairs Sir John Brenan—lnfluence Upon British Policy Coronation Durbar HAVING been connected with the British Consular Service in China for over thirty years, Sir John Brenan, K.C.M.G., who has held the post of Consul-General at Shanghai since the early part of 1930, is leaving
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  • 537 8 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR (CHURCH OF ENGLAND) Services for the week commencing Sunday. January 24, 1937. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24. 1937: 2ND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. 8.00 a.m. Matins and Litany. Psalm 104 Hymn 34 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese) 6.00 p.m. Evensong. Psalm
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 345 8 )deinhardSJ RHINE WINES C aidbeck’s Wutc Sittwe nimniiTnrrrinniinnnnnMmiiMiiwHiiiiii mimiiwiiwwii—— iiiiMimumiuiMJUUM QUICK RELIEF Yeast-Vite not only Don’t suffer relieve, P a in andl discoin- >T o f p ain and tort, but tones the whole fZ-./K „-<. fl system as well I It nour- Zenith S et re A ishes the
      345 words
    • 84 8 I o &hH9 t ■I Society favourite Yardley Lavender Talc is a favourite among men and women who are careful of their personal appearance and comfort. Bland and smooth to array irritation, its cool fragrance brings new freshness and vitality. This is one of the exquisite series by Yardley, which
      84 words

  • 423 9 ANNOYED WITH ADOPTED SON Case Before Perak Assizes (From Our Own CorrespondentIpoh, Jan. 23. After trial at the Perak Assizes yesterday on a charge of causing mischief by fire Xemera binti Chakronagore, an elderly Malay woman of Semanggol, on promising not to do such
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  • 60 9 Kuala Kangsar, Jan. 22. The Khalsa Divan of Malaya holds a session at Kuala Kangsar during the Easter holidays. At this annual rally Sikhs from all over the Peninsula foregather to discuss matters connected with their social and economic progress. The meeting this year will
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  • 351 9 DISPUTE OVER ACCOUNTS (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 23. A trivial dispute arising from certain accounting led to a serious stabbing affair among Chinese coolies on an estate in Gopeng, in the Kampar police circle, and as a result four people received stab wounds. One
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  • 127 9 —British Wireless. Abolition Recommended By Law Committee London. Jan. 23. The prohibition of irregular marriages contracted over the blacksmith's anvil at Gretna Green, which since the middle of the last century has acquired a serious air of romance as the scene of runaway marriages, is recommended in
    —British Wireless.  -  127 words
  • 60 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 22. The cholera returns for the week ending Jan. 16 show 19 cases, nine of which were fatal. In the whole of Siam 169 cases were reported. Of these 96 were fatal. Hongkong today joined the Straits Settlements and
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  • 290 9 Speedy Sencio Fails To Win TWO SURPRISING ANNOUNCEMENTS (By “Spectator’) There was a poor crowd at the Sin Kheng Theatre Hall, Balik Pulau, last night to witness the second boxing promotion in Balik Pulau. Some good fighting was seen and it is indeed a
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  • 129 9 —British Wireless. Germany Declines To Take Part London. Jan. 23. On the motion of the British delegate, the proposal for setting up a committee to consider the question of access to rw materials will come before the present meeting of the Council of the League of
    .—British Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 258 9 AIR MAIL A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java ac.d Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence by Singapore-Australia air mail service will close at 7.30 p.m. today. A mail for Amsterdam and London by K.L.M. service will close at 7 a.m. tomorrow A mail for Java
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  • 95 9 MRS E. NELIGAN ENGAGED TO CHIEF ENGINEER Mrs. Eric Neligan, who is on her way back to England in the S.S. Hector, has announced her engagement to Mr. J. R. Birch» son of the late John Birch of Western House, Baschurch, Salop, chief engineer of that ship.
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  • 254 9 The funeral took place yesterday evening from "Myrtle Grove,” 4 Leith Street, Penang, the residence of the deceased, of the late Mrs. Catherine Lunberg, widow of Mr. J. H. Lunberg, for interment at the Western Road cemetery. Deceased, who was 84 years of age, leaves
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  • 40 9 British Wireless. London. Jan. 22 The total amount applied for in tenders for £3O.CO€'.COO Treasury Bills was 176.600,300. The average rate per cent, for Bills at three months was 10,3.61 d agiiinst 10 6.33 d a week ago.-
    British Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 95 9 AFFRAY IN IPOH SHOP (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 23. A STABBING case occurred in a photographer’s shop just opposite the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation’s Office in Hugh Low Street last night at 8.30. From information available, two young Chinese had a quarrel, resulting in
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  • 84 9 Mr. Philip Druiding And Miss Ida Mrantz Mr. Philip Druiding, Managing Director of L. A. Dreyfus Co., Ltd., Singapore, was married at the Singapore Registry Office on Wednesday to Miss Ida Mrantz, of Wettingen, Argovie, Switzerland. befoie Mr. W. G. Reeves, Marriage Registrar. A keen swimmer who recently
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 518 9 POSITION VACANT WANTED, about May or June for a period of at least one year, an European Mechanical Engineer for a tin Mine is Siam. Must have a thorough knowledge of Diesel and Electrical Plant. Write giving full particulars to Box No. 89 Clo Pi name Gazette. FOR SALE FOR
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  • 15 9 DEATH LUNBERG On 21st January, at 4 Leith Street Penang, CATHERINE LUNBERG aged 83 years.
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  • 1423 10 New Effort To Regain Lost Ground ■BRITAIN is making a new effort to re- gain the ground she has lost in the economic field of China. This became •necessary in order to safeguard her big capital interests in China, to secure a fair part
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  • 222 10 Striking Advance In Profits A striking advance in profits is revealed in the preliminary figures of sedenak Rubber Estates for the year to the end of last October. Profits have risen from £9.455 to £23,895 and the dividend is raised from 2| to 6 per cent. Earnings have
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  • 165 10 LORD WAKEFIELD THE EXPORTER TECHNICIAN AND DIPLOMATIST Several of the principal guests, including Lord Wakefield, Lord Hirst and Sir Harold Bowden, were unable to attend the first anniversary dinner in London last week of the Institute of Export, but the diners, nevertheless, heard them deliver their speeches, Arrangements were made
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  • 529 10 Falling Off In Buying Interest Messrs. Kennedy Company in their weekly share report dated Jan. 22 state as follows: The past week has been comparatively quiet, both the international situation and the strike position in America contributing to a falling off in buying interest both
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  • 1118 10 U. S. Labour Troubles The Critical Factor (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Jan. 12. ALTHOUGH the London Rubber market has made a firm showing during the past week, and prices have been well maintained, the immediate outlook for the commodity is extremely uncertain. The critical
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 265 10 JTAIXINC TO WORK was AGomr Crippled aed Tort wed by fUmnaatic Faet BoDMtaw to WBk w Stow aad lay» nMnc bostaem tor tMte poor wooton. Na thought her shoes were at ftraß, bat twuMe was iMre deep-seated than th«. DM deep seated as H was, Krueehen removed B, as she
      265 words

  • 190 11 a s r>r'r~ 'i vz rv r? cirzzv o —Formed by brother officers, /t xX rl A Cy- zl x OF SWORDS with the assistance oi the Navy (left! at the wedding of Flight-Lieut. Roy Faville, R.A..<, and Miss Molly Orr, daughter of Major and Mrs.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 Get Your Sales Message Home In all parts of the world the foundation of every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products. Millions of pounds spent
      94 words

  • 406 12 SHANGHAI CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING ASSN. One of the w’orld’s few non-commercial radio broadcasting stations, and at the same time the most powerful private station in China. Station XMHp. owned and operated by the Christian Broadcasting Association of Shanghai, celebrated in Dec. last year its second year on
    406 words
    • 792 12 PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS OF LOIR NEU COMPANIES Large Sum To Be Spent On Ships AT a reception in Rome to the members of the technical committee for the reorganisation of the Italian Mercantile Marine and the heads of the four new operating companies, Signor Mussolini outlined the principles
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    • 226 12 S.S. H sails 8 tor V. Point. Mergui Tav<>\, Rangoon Mou’mein. S.S. ”K \K.\l’.\R.\”’ sails noon tor Rang<»on Calcutta. S.S. “Tl LAW'\” arrives from Calcutta X- Coronada—sails Sunday 4 p.m. S.S. “M T\l MARL from Japan via Singajx>re sails same <lav for Colombo. I’.ombay and Karachi.
      226 words
    • 601 12 FINANCIAL POLICY TO COPE WITH ANY EMERGENCY Special Reserve For Modernisation Of Fleet REFERENCE to the continued increase in I the ireight and passenger earnings of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, and the directors’ fixed policy cf placing the company on a financial footing to cope with 'iny
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1197 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES ,8.8. C. EMPIRE STATION TODAY TDAK'cnnccrnv o Twne M on the f° nowin 9 waveTRANSMISSION 2. lengths: 6.20 p.m.—Big Ben. Scottish dance music.* 6.42—Songs of the Hebrides.+ 6.50 TRANSMISSION 2 Under Big Ben.’* A talk by Howard G SH 2J i 7 Mc/s (1S 97 m y
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    • 237 12 NIROM Station in Batavia broadcasts on the following wavelengths: 10.50 a.m.—1.50 p.m YDA 3,040 keja (19 67 m), and YDB 11,860 ks (25.3 m.) 5.50 p.m. to closing YDA 3,040 kc (98.68 an.) and YDB 9.610 kc (31 2 m). TODAY 1.0 p.m. News bulletin. 1.20 Popular programme. 2.10 News
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  • 85 13 The Penang Municipal Band will perform on the Esplanade today from 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. The following is the programme:— March —Quebes. —Stopford. Overture—L’Amour Au Village.—Bouillon. Selection—Conversation Piece.—Coward. Waltz—Kunstler Leben.—Strauss For Trot—Werre Tops On Saturday Night.—Carr. Selection—No, No, Nanette.—Youmans. One Step—Meet The Navy.—Gay. TOMORROW Tomorrow at the
    85 words
  • 192 13 Danish Government's Scheme Following negotiations between tae Danish Ministry of Commerce, the Danish Steamship Owners’ Association, and the various associations representing the officers and crews, the Minister of Commerce has introduced u Bill providing war risk .nsurance for Danish seamen. The measure provides that for
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  • 111 13 Reconstruction Of Five Motorships The first of the newly reconstructed motorships of the Liberia Line will sail frcm Genoa for Pacific Coast ports on May 25. This vessel will be the Cellina. which is to have new engines, improved passenger accommodation, and increased refrigerated space installed in
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  • 83 13 At recent meetings of the directors of Cunard White Star Ltd., the allocation of contracts for the construction of tonnage for the company’s intermediate services hac been under consideration. w Although no official statement has yet been made, it is expected that orders
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  • 94 13 Large Number Of Casualties Rome, Dec. 31. Twenty-six people were killed and IGC injured—2o so seriously that they may not recover—as the result of the explosion of i boiler in tae Italian liner Cesare BattiffJ (8,331 tensi in the port ©f Mrissawo (Eritreai on Wednesday.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 766 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE LONDON AND NOUS CONTINKNT Leave Due (in con junction with Glen A Shire Line) Penang London A- HECTOR Marseilles, London, Rotterdam A Glasgow. Jan 22 Feb. 17 GLENSHIEL London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp A Middlesborough Jan 29 Mar 1 <D. MENESTHEUS Mars.,
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    • 494 13 P&O BRITISHMNDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., unaei .Penang, Teluk Anson, Port contract with His Majesty's Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. g/s “MATA HARI” Jan. 29 Outwards from London for China oc Japan. due Penang 1936 SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF THS e S^ S
      494 words
    • 290 13 H I IK I (NITPON YUSJEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER. AGENT* FOB CUNARD WHITE STAB LINK HOLIDAY TRIP TO JAFAR Next aaiUng* from Singapore KATORI MARU Jan. 2& KASHIMA MARU Feb. Cheap Return Tickets to Houg Shanghai Japan, available for 3 MMHKa* TO Flrot daae Second ctaae Hong Kong f 137
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 506 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES BERLIN Station Zeesen broadcasts on the following frequencies:— DJA 31.83 m. DJQ 19.63 m DJE 16.89 m. DJB 19.74. an TODAY 6.15 p.m.—Call DJA, DJB, DJN, DJE. German folk song. 6.20 —Concert of light music. 7.20 —News in English. 7.35 —Concert of light music (continued). 8.15 Greetings to
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    • 15 13 Report, Stock Quotations and Announcements. 8.30 p.m. DAVENTRY—News Bulletin and Announcements. 10.30 p.m. Close down.
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  • 235 14 FIXTURES FOR COMING SEASON The annual meeting of the Football Association of Malaya was held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. The following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President: Dr. J. A. Webster, of Singapore; vice-president: Mr. S. D. Scott, of Ipoh; hon. secretary and treasurer:
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  • 1011 14 HANDICAPS FOR FIRST DAY OF PERAK MEETING Card Of Eight Events Following are the handicaps for the first day of the Perak Turf Chib lan. Feb. Meeting to be run at Ipoh on Saturday, Jan. 30. Horses—Class 2—Division I—6 Furlongs 113 LORDLOGY 9.00 Mr. Lim Eow
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  • 425 14 The following are the results of ties in the Penang Sprrts Club lawn tennis tournament: WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20 Championship Singles:—J. A. P. Came rcn beat F. E. Wraight I—6,1 —6, 11 —9, 6—l. H’Cap Doubles:—4 C.D.D. Hogan C. N. Hogan beat F. A.
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  • 66 14 Penang To Meet Selangor Malacca The following will represent Penang against Selangor at Kuala Lumpur today and against Malacca (at Kuala Lumpur) tomorrow:— Abdul Kareem; Wee Chong Ghee and H. A. F. Brooke; R. N. Elliot (©apt.), Gan Thean Beng and L. H. Best; Cheong Foong Chin. Eu
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  • 81 14 “I have written before that I consider Perry the greatest player I have ever seen. “Perry will not defeat Vines every time they meet, but should I think, win six of eight matches. Hans Nusslein, one of the leading professionals, practised with us in England
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  • 245 14 —Reuter. Barnett Leyland Complete 1,000 Runs Adelaide, Jan. 22. At the close of play on the first day of the match between the M.C.C. and South Australia, the M.C.C. had scored 239 runs for the loss of six wickets. Before lunch the M.C.C.
    —Reuter.  -  245 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 70 14 -/Ok \XX \< Z i When a MAN tells you—*s ears since he bW x his last dental trouble, J/jr that his dentist recowimended a good tooth |M>wdcr and that he has I used Cal vert’s ever since, p L/ that as a result he has, at y sound white
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 114 14 Again All Roads Lead To— TONGHT The Never-To-Be-Forgotten Perfume Nlqhl Extension 1 a.m. 1 CAN YOU BELIEVE IT FULL-SIZED BOTTLES OF THE FAMOUS LYTIA PERFUMES (Chypre, Jockey Club Lily of the Valley) •GIVEN AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF DANCE COUPONS—•ONE BOTTLE FOR EVERY $2 BOOK A New Thrill For You Dance
      114 words
    • 210 14 Saturday. 23rd January. 1937. GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS ONLY EVERY MAIN GATE TICKET HOLDER WILL BE GIVEN A SCENTED CARD BY THE HO HONG FACTORY LTD. CANTONESE OPERA 23,1 37 “Fan Lay Hwa” Part 3. 24 T 37 -do- Part 4. KHENGCHEW OPERA *****37 ,‘Keong Hwa Cheok Goh Tong” 24
      210 words

  • 1399 15 Promising Lot Of Maiden 7 hree- Year-Olds AGA KHAN’S STRONG TEAM IT is to be wondered how many of the maiden three-year-olds are destined to achieve distinction in the coming season. At this time of the year I find it of interest to
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  • 548 15 Y.W.C.A. SPORTS ACTIVITIES Considering the good numbers on the. general membership roll only a very small percentage are sports members, or have any interest in this section of the Association, state the Ipoh Y. W. C. A. in their annual report. The sports membership at
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  • 659 15 CLASSIFICATION OF PUGILISTS-MAX BAER HAS HIGH HOPES-SELECTING RYDER CUP TEAM INTERNATIONAL BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT are few things calculated to j arouse moie indignation than a rank- < ing list of people prominent in sport. In Paris recently a meeting was held of people interested in boxing to protest
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 77 15 a’ llißllflOß i Iff fuf 1 11/ 1 0 Ivl s MHy "in m VW Wll W «1 a W /B:mgHW/// M p S i |IQ| its Jill I H Label Z 5 8 Be Sure it’s Dewar’s n* JhHM ‘White Label’ I J OBTAINABLE IN THE USUAL QUART AND
      77 words

    • 1119 16 KENNEDY CO., SHARE LIST. 1 1 ii AUBBER (DoiUr). I j AKenbr Rubber Co. 1 215 I Atar Cajah Rubber Estate I<W 170 Amalgamated Malay Estates 210 220 Ayerza tarn Planting Syndicate 170 190 'Ayer Molek Rubber Co. w Ayer Panaa Rubber Estates 190 I 210 Baaaett Rubber Co. 85
      1,119 words
    • 309 16 LONDON STOCK EX C HANGE Active London, Jan. 22. Yesterday Rise or r al l Cm. 5 *****4 »6)4 Funding, 4 p.c.. 1960-90 H5Ji War Lwn. 3% P-c. io4j* -H Com. Un. Asa. (Units) 10J4 Prudential “A” 37% Royal Aasce. (Mb. yd.) Gt. Western Ord. 61% C»n. Pnc. (J 25
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    • 135 16 London, Jan. 22: RUBBER: Easy. Spot 10% buyers 10 3 16 sellers. April June 10buyers #lO 3 16 sellers. July Sept- 10 116 buyers 10 sellers. Oct. Dec. 10 buyers 10 116 sellers. New York 21.32 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 30.962 tons Liverpool 43.697 tons "OPR
      135 words
    • 205 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations MESSRS. KENNEDY A (X’b Shan r JM today TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat Bangrin 22|9 2416 Batu Selangor 1.46 1.50 Hong Fatt 1.50 1.55 Jelapang 29j- 30)Jelebu 1.30 1.35 Kpg Kamunting 10|3 10)9 Kpg Lanjut 26)9 27)6 cum Killinghall 26|6 27|6 Kuala Kampar
      205 words
    • 146 16 V t.G London on Previously Latest Paris 105 11 64 105 11 64 New York 4.90 7 16 4 90 s Montreal 4 90 5 H Brussels 29 12% 29.12 Geneva 21 40 21.40% Amsterdam 8 95% 8 95’» Milan 93 93 5 32 Berlin 12.19% 12 20
      146 words
    • 125 16 YESTERDAY TODAY London—(Spot) £230.5.0 £230 0 0 London— (3 months) £231.5.0 £230.10 0 Singapore $114.37 $ll4 00 Business Done Penar g Business Done COPRA. —(Surdried) $9 55 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO RUBBER Lwidon 10 3fl6d New York 20 13|l«c(G) 20 9 16c(G) «iegapore- Spot 35c 35 Feb. Mar. 3s*4c
      125 words
    • 194 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN:— Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.45 1.50 Hong Fatt 150 1.55 Kuchai 1.60 1-65 Lukut 1.32% 1.37% Nawng Pet 95 97% North Taiping 92 94 Rahman Hyd. 1-40 1-45 Rantau Ordy 1.47% 1.52% Rantau Pref. 1-50 1.55 Sungei Luas 2.30 2.35 Sungei Way 3.10 3.20 Tai ping
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  • 74 16 The annual report of the Perak River Co., Ltd., which will be presented to shareholders at the 26th annual general meeting of the Company to be held at its registered office, No. 1 Downing Street, Penang, on Saturday. Jan. 30, at 12 noon, discloses a profit of
    74 words
  • 78 16 vessels were in difficulties.—British Wireless. Encountered Strong Gales Over The Channel London, Jan. 22. Strong southerly gales were encountered by two Airspeed Envoy aeroplanes carrying newspapers to Paris. One of them developed engine defect when over the channel and after jettisoning its cargo, returned to Lympne. The other
    vessels were in difficulties.—British Wireless.  -  78 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 293 16 BANKS. OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED (Incorporated in the S.S.) SUCCESSORS to the CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK limited, thb ho hong bank, LMrnm, TWV, oI’KRSKA-CHINBSK BANK, limited, capital A„th«rt«ed »40 000,000. $10.000.000. qfficb. china BVggg 0 CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE PENANG BRANCH 28 A 30, Beach Street, Penang. Adarrw,: “OV1MBA” OTHER BRANCHES Amoy.
      293 words
    • 542 16 HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong) The Liability of members is limited to th* extent and in manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the Colony. Head Office.— HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000.00t Issued and Fully paid up $20,000,00£ i Reserve Funds:— Sterling i
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 25 16 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The family of the late Mrs. C. Lunberg desire to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who expressed kind sympathy in their bereavement.
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