Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 362 1 Thousands Homeless In Many States TRAIN DERAILED BY RUSHING WATERS A GREAT AREA OF THE] UNITED STATES IS MENACED BY FLOODS WHICH HAVE NO PARALLEL SINCE THE DISASTROUS 1913 FLOOD. New York, Friday. Thousands in the east and the central parts of the
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  • 51 1 Rubber Controller's Statement The following statement’ of rubber export credits unused, and therefore cancelled, as ■on Dec. 31', 1936, has just been issued by the Controller of Rubber. Malaya:— Federated Malay States 2,456 lbs. Johore 104 S.S. Mainland 4 S.S. Islands 11.123 Kedah 3 Kelantan 1 13.691
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  • 100 1 British Wi eless. London. Jan. 22. Owing to rough seas, following a gale during the night, the homeward bound P. and O. line Strathaird, from Australia and India, could not put into Plymouth today. She went on direct to Tilbury. The Aberdeen lifeboat put out late this
    – British Wi eless.  -  100 words
  • 33 1 j.—Reuter Wireless. London. Jan.» 19. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will take up residence at York House, which will be their town house, about the end of March.—Rtuter Wireless.
    j.—Reuter Wireless.  -  33 words
  • 106 1 tunity of making this clear -British Wireless. British Hint To Germany London. Jan. 22. The Foreign Secretary was asked in the House of Commons whether His Majesty’-” Government were aware of the campaign of anti-Czechoslovakia propaganda being carried cn in German press. Lord Cranborne. w’ho replied for Mr.
    tunity of making this clear .’’- -British Wireless.  -  106 words
    REUTIwR  -  45 words
  • 62 1 1.- Reuter Wireless. Melbourne, Jan. 18. The most disastrous fire Melbourne has ever experienced, gutted the Government refrigeration store at Victoria Dock. The damage is estimated at £50.000. Thousands of tens of butter and frozen meat were destroyed. The flames threatened four steamers including the British vessel “Port
    1.- Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 54 1 Princess Jul.ana of Holland and her husband P.lnce Be>nhard are note stayiny at th<l Hotel Patria, in Kryn ca. Southern Poland where they are enjoying a winter sports honeymoon. Picturn shows Princess Juliana and hahuslnind Prince Bernhard cauyht by the camera dur iny a rest on
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  • 368 1 Central and Rebel Troops Clash Shanghai. Jan. 20. Heavy fighting between the Shensi rebels and the Government forces broke out yesterday in the vicinity of Chishui. about 10 miles to the north-east of Sianfu. capital of Shen si. Fighting was taking place while the heaviest snowfall
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  • 137 1 I. —Reuter. Union Leaders In A Defiant Mood -Washington, Jan. 21. THE strike in the U.S. motor industry continues to be serious and it is believed that President Roosevelt may lie forced to intervene, despite his known reluctance. Miss Perkins. Secretary of Labour,
    I.—Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 55 1 J Expected In Singapore Today Singapore. Jan. 21 The Royal Dutch mail liner J.P. Coen, in which General Evangeline Booth, head of the Salvation Army, is travelling to Java, is expected to berth at the Singapore Harbour Board s wharves late tomorrow afternoon. The vessel will sail the
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  • 43 1 —Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 16. Dr. E. A. Knox, ex-Bishop of Manchester. has died at Shortlands. Kent. He was the leading evangelical champion cf the Church of England and the father of the equally famous Roman Catholic Father Ronald Knox.—Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 14 1 —British Wireless. Mr. Anthony Eden arrived in Geneva this morning.—British Wireless.
    —British Wireless.  -  14 words
  • 33 1 I STRIKE PARLEYS COLLAPSE Washington. Today. The strike parleys have collapsed and General Motors officials .ire leaving the capital. —Reuter. LUNCH SCORE: M.C.C. «6 FOR NO WICKET AGAINST SOUTH AUSTRALIA TODAY.
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  • 129 1 Ceremonial Opening On Monday There will be a ceremonial opening of the Penang Assizes, the first fo. the year, on Monday, Jan. 25. A service will be held at the St. George’s Church after which the session will begin in the High Court. There are five cases .on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC ’HOTOGRAPHERS I No. 68-70. Bishop Street. PENANG. Telephone No. 77X
      13 words
    • 73 1 If your engines run-down use Meirich Motor They decarbonise, generate and rejuvenate your engines. Anti-knock Anti-corrosive L -’■""•L' '1 Stockists CHOP TAN BOON PENG, 224, Beach Street, Penang, ’Phone No. 968. II must hurry back —the childo ren are all sick again is’nt it worryingMy dear Ann, why don’t you
      73 words

  • 626 2 RELENTLESS MAN-HUNT BY G-MEN £2,000 REWARD OFFERED New York. THE identity of the kidnapper-murderer of little Charles Mattson is known, and he is being sought for by Federal, State and local police, spurred on by a personal command from President Roosevelt and the tremendous public
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  • 173 2 Windsor. Jack Doyle, in training here for his "big come-back" tc the ring, has been tcld that his film-actress wife, Judith Alien, is filing papers in the United States this week for divorce. "It is a tragedy....! love Judith dearly ....I hope it isn’t true,"
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  • 103 2 Founded under the will of Jankyn Smyth, "a devout God-fearings man who g»ive much of his riches to benefit the poor of the town." and who died in 1481, the oldest endowed sermon in England was preached at St. Mary’s Church, Bury St. Edmund’s
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  • 231 2 Poole, Dorset. A man who had paid £1.200 for a new church claimed for possession of it at Poole County Court last week from the pastor and five church officials. Mr. Herbert Lewis Hodges, a nurseryman, of Albert-road. Parkstone, said that although at a meeting
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  • 336 2 AFFORESTATION “MENACE"* Plymouth. The suggestion that Dartmoor should become a National Park has been made at a meeting of the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Raleigh Phillpotts, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, spoke, and emphasised the
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  • 184 2 Gretna Green Couple's Experience Darlington. Marr.ed. Arrested. And locked in separate cells. This has been the experience of Mr. Alfred Varey, aged 19. of Union-street, Darlington. and his bride, who. were married at Gretna Green. A message was circulated last week that a car belonging
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  • 367 2 THE Hon. Brinsley Sheridan Bushe Plunket, brother ot the sixth Lord Plunket, is the richer by £lBWD—because he once had an attack of scarlatina. It happened when he was in New Zealand with his father, the fifth baron and •at the time Governor-General
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  • 79 2 Cheshire. Frank Plant, aged 18, of Nelson-street.. Runcorn, heard screams coming from the Bridgwater Canal. He threw off his vest, coat and scarf, and plunged into the water. He swim to a child —an 11-year-old girt named Millinger, of Surrey-street, Runcorn —grasped her, and brought her
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 Stearns pine-tar Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang ZYMOLE TROKEYS Phone 1477 1478 with pL'AI* r ASTRING-O-SOL Singapore Office EYE-MO NYAL Cecil Street, Singapore. a w SHAC CHOCOLAX Koala NOTICE is hereby given that the trade Phone 3683. marks and trade names depicted above are the exclusive property of FREDERICK
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  • 356 3 REASONS FOR A STRONG ARMY War Office Pamphlet Tokio, Jan. 21. ALLEGING that Great Britain at every turn interferes with Japan’s continental policy and is showing a marked tendency to impair the establishment of peace in East Asia and the realisation of a
    . Reuter.  -  356 words
  • 39 3 —Reuter Wireless. Paris, Jan 19 President Lebrun has signed the bill applying th® 40-hour week to the railways which will be enforced from May 21. It is expected to result in the reabsorbing of 60,000 unemployed.—Reuter Wireless.
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 58 3 g.—Reuter Wireless. Los Angeles. Jan. 19. The identity of the murderer of the Matteon child has been established by a comparison of finger-prints found at Takoma, Washington, and near the scene of the crime, according to officials. G-men have been mobilised to search the neighbourhood where the
    g.—Reuter Wireless.  -  58 words
  • 49 3 are attacking isolated villages.—Reuter Wireless. Beyoglus, Jan. 19. Temperatures of 85 degrees below zero have been recorded in parts of Anatolia which has been visited by violent blizzards. Sixty peasants have been frozen to death and large packs of famished wolves are attacking isolated villages.—Reuter
    are attacking isolated villages.—Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 81 3 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 19. The high officers of the Japanese troops stationed in North China held a meeting at the Haikwang Monastery this morning when various problems affecting the interests of Japian were discussed. Japanese regulars began a general exercise around the villages
    •.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  81 words
  • 278 3 Link With Egyptian Army Served Cario. The association between the British and Egyptian at mies, which began 54 years ago with the Sudan campaigns, was ended iast week when Mijor-Gen. Sir Charlton Spinks, Inspector-General, and his British staff left their offices at the War Office Military School
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  • 60 3 —Reuter Wireless. London. Jan. 19. Oil fuel in the boiler room was found afire when the aircraft-carrier Furious was due to leave Plymouth dockyard to prepare to join the Home Fleet spring cruise in the Mediterranean. The fire was quickly extinguished and the extent of the damage
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 50 3 I.—Reuter Wireless. Metz. Jan. 19. A Russian Col. Alexis Lastotchkine, formerly attached to the Tsar s General Staff who escaped death when the Royal family was executed, threw himself i« front of an express train at Florange station and was killed instantly. He was aged 53. —Reuter Wireless.
    I.—Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 382 3 Can The Act Be Applied To Spain The Government’s announcement that the Foreign Enlistment Act applies to the civil war in Spain has caused considerable surprise in legal quarters. Until now it has been presumed that there must have existed some technical difficulty which prevented the British Government
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  • 64 3 Reuter Wireless. Washington. Jan. 19. It is expected here that Mr. Walter Runciman. President of the Board of Trade, will meet both President Roosevelt and Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, on his arrival this week. While there are no indications that Mr. Runcimen is empowered
    Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
  • 44 3 L— Reuter. 20 Per Cent. Increase In Wages Chicago. Jun. 21. The joint committee of the five Railway Brotherhoods, representing 300,600 men, has agreed to demand a 20 per cent, increase in wages, representing a total annual cost of,ooo.—Reuter.
    L— Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 118 3 British Wireless. London. Jan. 21. After dining witn the French Prime Minister, M. Blum, and the British Ambassador Sir George Clerk, in Paris last night, the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, travelled to Geneva By the night train. It was stated in Paris that the
    British Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 179 3 —British Wireless. Final Appeal By Lord Dawson London, Jan. 21. The final appeal for subscriptions to the King George V National Memorial Fund took the form of a broadcast address by the King's physician. Lord Dawson of Penn, last night on the first anniversary of
    .—British Wireless.  -  179 words
  • 82 3 Reuter. Forbidden To Leave Bed Vatican City, Jan. 21. The Pope's condition is considered pre- carious tonight and fears are expressed th it gangrene may supervene. A prominent Vatican official, interviewed by Reuter this morning, said, ”1 regret to say we are witnessing a slew deterioration of
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 3 Mr. Hirota, the Japanese Premier, faces an assembly of determined critics ditring the present session of the Diet.
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  • 333 3 Faithful Delivery Of Grain Berlin. The Ministries concerned announced publicly a fortnight ago that Germany could supply her population with bread in complete independence of foreign assistance as long as the farmers did their duty and delivered punctually and conscientiously the quantity of bread grain
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  • 73 3 —Reuter. Refuse To Leave Posts In Sianfu Shanghai. Jim. 21. Fcur British nationals attached to the Baptist Missionary Society insist on remaining at their posts in Sianfu despite the persuasion of Lt.-Col. Lovat-Fraser and Mr Scott who uccordingly left by air without them. The British officials were accompanied
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 109 3 pected, be available by April.—British Wireless. London. Jin. 21. It was announced that the Royal Mint is to produce official Coronation medals which will show the King's effigy on one side and the Queen’s on the other. In addition there will be two classes of me-! dais struck
    pected, be available by April.—British Wireless.  -  109 words
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  • 283 4 HYLAM ON CAPITAL CHARGE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 20. that he is sane ar. 1 fit to stand trial, a Hylain, name 1 Loh Ngiap Fuan, wao produced before Mr. C Ess in the fifth court yesterday and charged with the murder of three
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  • 568 4 Knocked Down By European's Car Mr. Vv’ ..j.c^aaii.e. the Singapore Coroner. held an mqu.-y n Tuesday concerning the death of a male unknown Chinese, who i was knocked down by a motor car. on Deo. 20 in Seletar Road. The car was driven by a
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  • 822 4 ENGAGEMENTS C.ipt. Frederick Walter Young, Lincolnshire Regiment, whose engagement to Kathleen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs R H R. Wade of Eastbourne. Sussex, is ir.nounced. is an officer in the Malay Re’iment at Port Dickson. He is exceeding'y popular in sporting circles in Negri Sembilan. He
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  • 391 4 Only More Publicity Needed Tx HE development of tourist traffic between Malaya and West Australia has been urged ecently in many quarters, and Mr. M. Lambert, a visitor to Singapore from Perth, believes that some organised steps should be taken to stimulate trade between the
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  • 118 4 Cabaret Dancer Charged With Assault (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Jan. 20. “I slapped her once because she was aggressive.” said Susie Woo. Singapore cabaret dancer, to Mr. C.F.J. Ess. Fifth Magistrate, yesterday when charged with assaulting, and using abusive and insulting words to her dance hall
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  • 95 4 Pompton Lakes. New Jersey. Pickles, a 15-year-old alley cat famous as a “ratter”, has adopted a baby rat as part of her family, and looks after it with her own kittens. The cat was seen coming out of a warehouse which had caught fire carrying the rat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 '4 fit M r ferehbd M a a 9 OBTAINABLE AT ALL WE LEADING /TORE) X* INDIVIDUAL BOXE/ w 25 w XJZ 2 BOXE/ A ZE ALE D TIN IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. ■STEEL BULLOCK Carts Portable Tanks Storage Tanks Export Drums Refuse Bins Shelving. Benches. EASTERN MFG.
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  • 478 5 READS BLINDFOLD STRANGEST STORY OF POST-WAR SCIENCE M. Jules Remains, the fanuus French author, has taught himself to “see” without the use of his eyes, and believes that he can develop this gift in people afflicted with blindness. I have sought out If. R mains, who
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  • 135 5 RESTRICTIONS FOR GIRL WORKERS Shanghai. The City Fathers of Hangchow, picturesque lakeside resort in Chekiang, arc worried about the morals of the pretty young girls who work as “bell hops’’ in hotels, waitresses in restaurants, ushers in theatres and amusement houses and guides in tourist
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  • 274 5 NEED FOR LARGER HOME PRODUCTION A warning that the present stores of food in this country were an insufficient safeguard, was given by Maj. Nelson R<»oke recently, addressing the Chartered -Surveyors’ Institution, in London. Present supplies, he said, w’ere sufficient for only two to four weeks. “Storage
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  • 122 5 Gets Only Two Shillings Reward Copenhagen While Postman Henriksen, of Thureby, was on his round he found a bag on the road containing £l,OOO in cash. It belonged to Jen Andersen, a farmer who had lost it while on his way to the dairy to pay for
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  • 151 5 Priests And Merchants Banished Helsinki. The population of Greater Leningrad has fallen from 3,500,000 to 2.720.000 in the last idiL years, a recent census reveals. Such a deci ease, states the “Lenningradskaya Pravda"; is mainly due to the banishment from the city of such elements as
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  • 211 5 WASHING MACHINES FOR EVERY WOMAN Smyrna. One hundred model villages, with a garI age for each cottage and automatic w’ashing machines for the women, are to be built in the Smyrna district as the first step in a Government campaign to modernise I country life in Turkey.
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  • 498 5 CHURCH'S ACTION CHALLENGED The right of the Representative Body of the Church of Wales to deduct from the stipend of the vicar of Penmark, Glam, the equivalent of a bequest, was challenge 1 iin the Chancery Division last week. I The action was brought before Mr. Justice
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  • 130 5 Dog Rescued After Missing For 12 Days Durban, i A remakable incident occurred on a farm on the outskirts of Ixopo. Natal. A dog which had been missing for 12 days was found in an ant bear hole. The owner of the dog had given
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  • 148 5 Awarded £l2 Damages For Libel Vienna. Damages of £l2 have been awarded to a clergyman at Szegedin, Hungary, in a libel suit he bi ought against 120 members of his parish. The clergyman. Wanzel Schneider, a local parson was made the victim of gossip which connected
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  • 197 5 TO BE CONSTRUCTED ATOGOCHI, TOKIO Tokio. Preparations for the construction of the largest reservoir in Asia are now in progress at Ogochi, 30 miles north west of Tokio. It will i o used tc st.pply drinking water to the Japanese capital where a great increase in
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  • 112 5 Strange Club In Yugoslavia Belgrade. A club for social outcasts has been formed at Jagodina, Yugoslavia. Membership is restricted to men and is open to those who are lame, blind, deaf, dumb, bald: drunkards: drug-takers, humpbacks; chronic bores, possessors of evil tempers or any other. mental or
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 135 6 THE CASE AGAINST MRS. AMES.—A Paramount picture directed by William A. I Seiter. Players: Madeleine Carroll, George Brent. Alan Mowbray. Now showing at Majestic. There ere really two cases against Mrs. Hope Ames. She was first tried on a charge of alleged murder of her husband
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  • 65 6 Shanghai. Jan. 20. I Mr. Ching Tien Koo, former Mayor of 'canton, and a trusted lieutenant of Mr. Hu Han Mio, the late leader of the veteran section of the Kuomintang, has been appointed Vice-Minister of Industry and Commerce. Nanking. t Mr. Ching is an old
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  • 796 6 “Revolution” In Technique: From Old To New Methods What the steam engine was to the Industrial Revolution cf economic history the internal combustion engine is to agriculture. The Second Conference on Mechanised Farming, held at Rhodes House, Oxford, recently, is not so much a
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  • 95 6 t. —Reuter. No Particular Business In Japan London, Jan. 22. Asked by Mr. H. Day to give particulars of the results of the Leith-Ross mission, Lord Cranborne replied that in the course of his mission to the Far East, Sir Frederick Leith-Ross visited Tokio twice. His visits afforded
    t.—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 49 6 i.—Reuter. Death Of Sir George B. Hunter London, Jan. 21. The death is announced of the famous shipbuilder, Sir George B. Hunter, known as the “Grand Old Man of the Tyne.” Sir George was head of the fi*m w-hich built the Mauretania. —Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 296 6 "Admiralty Order" Only Reason Given Sheerness. Jan. 13 The workman dismissed from Sheerness Dockyard is M-.. H.G. Law, aged 33 of Rose-street. Sheerness. He told a Morning Post correspondent that he and his workmates in the yard were mystified as to the reason for his dismissal. “Just
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  • 35 6 i.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hong Kong, Jan. 19. The Southeastern Air Service is contemplating opening a new* line between Chunming. capital of Yunnan, and Nanning, old capital of Kwangsi.—Sia Chew Jit Poh.
    i.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  35 words
  • 41 6 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hong Kong, Jan. 19. Stringent measures are being adopted by the Kwangtung Government for the registration of opium addicts in the territory. Employers who have opium smokers in their firms, must report to the police.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  41 words
  • 304 6 AIK MAIL. A mail for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesri, Nyasaland and South Africa via Singapore and thence by Imperial Airways will close at 7.30 p.m. today. A mail for Siam, Burma, India, Iraq. Egypt. Sudan, Belgian Congo, Great Britain. Ireland and whole
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 105 6 EIYSEE CABARET Today Tea Dance 6 to 8.30 p.m. NOVELTY BALLOON COMPETITION 4 PRIZES. Night Dance 9.30 to Midnight Tomorrow ESSENCE NIGHT EXTENSION 1 A.M. One Full-Size Bottle of Lovely “LYTIA” Perfume (British Manufacture) Give* Away With Every $2 Book of Dance Coupons Sold. Dance in Delightfully Perfumed Atmosphere. The
      105 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 134 6 jjp IMiJ'l 37 TONIGHT last night SK MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2-45 P.M. PARAMOL'.XT’S GREAT DRAMATIC SENSATION k MADELEINE CARROL! l i BRENT I Arthur Traochar. Alan Baifar BrvlaS Bondi. j B AJan Mowbray, OvacHd by WAm A. Mtar W t Faromoun* Pktw*. BomO an <*x novol St Artfew Jam Both*.
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    • 204 6 NEXT CHANGEAnother Winner from the New Universal! ROYAL WINDSOR 6-30 Opening Tonight 9-30 6-30 Opening Tonight 9-30 A Spectacular New The Amazing Jungle Thriller CANTONESE TALKIE Adapted frpm a Famous Chinese Chinese koo sothoy with a Chang Sam Tor Miss Siew Yew Sin. X* A glorious historical drama made more
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  • 312 7 PROTRACTED CASE COMES TO AN END A cheating case which commenced in June last year,concluded yesterday before Mr. 11. A. L. Luckham in the Penang* Police Court, when Khor Ah Lay and Leow Boon Koh, two Chinese were each sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 418 7 BANKNOTES DRAWN BY HAND William Reynolds, a grey-haired feebleiooking man of 65. described as a clerk, as at the Old Bailey recently sentenced to 10 years’ penal servitude for forging and uttering bank notes. All the notes v.ere drawn by hand with a pen. Reynolds
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  • 295 7 When six boys, ranging from 12 to 16, were charged at Manchester Juvenile Court recently with being concerned in 39 cases of burglary and shopbreaking, it was stated that their escapades had kept 20 detectives working day and night. The boys told how they—
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  • 218 7 Gross Neglect Describing the case as most revolting, Chatham magistrates recently sentenced Myrtle Irene Macintosh, 28, of Rosebank, i Tanyard Hill. Shome, to six months’ hard labour for undertaking for reward the nursing and maintenance of an infant and not notifying the authorities. Mr. H.
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  • 48 7 The Royal Dutch irtiil liner J. P. Coen, in which General Evangeline Booth, head of the Salvation Amry, is travelling to Java, is expected to berth at the Singapore Harbour Board’s wharves late this afternoon. The vessel will sail the same evening for Java.
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  • 243 7 Mr. T. S. Adams* Departure The departure of Mr. T.S. Adams, the former British Resident of Selangor, foi Nigeria was mentioned in the Decern be i report of the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club. Following is the text of the full report:— In December the club lost
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  • 149 7 Personnel Now Being Selected The personnel of the Volunteer Defence Forces and Malay Regiment contingents which will attend the Coronation of King George VI on May 12 is expected to be ennounced shortly. The selections are now’ being made. The Volunteer contingent will consist of 10 officers
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  • 120 7 A doctor stated at a Surrey inquest last week on a Christian Scientist who died from pneumonia that the man threw away whatever chances he had of recovery by not having medical aid. Evidence was given that Sydney Herbert Carr, uf
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  • 60 7 The Rev. W. P. MUrmion, an assistant priest at St. Alphage Church, Burnt Oak. Hendon, N. W.. was summoned at Hendcn for 19s. 6d. arrears of income-tax. He was described by the collector, Mr. Munshill. as a bad taxpayer. An -order for payment forthwith was
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  • 20 7 TLE SAFETY GLASS WINDSCREEN, as illustrated above, is how embodied in most of the modern saloons.
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  • 271 7 ACCUSED ACQUITTED OF THEFT CHARGE Remarking that there were too many discrepancies in the evidence regarding the identification of the accused. Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, the second magistrate Penang, yesterday discharged a Chinese Mak Ho, who was charged with theft of a neck chain valued
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  • 201 7 A writ claiming damages for alleged slander wlas issued by Mr. Ernest Simpson against Mrs. Joan Sutherland, wife <1 Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Sutherland, 0.8. E., M.C., of Upper Brook-street, Mayfair, W., last week. The action is based on words cf Mrs. Sutherland alleged
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  • 120 7 Ben Valentine, a middle-weight from Fiji, beat Nat Franks, of London, on points over rounds at the National Sporting Club I tournament at the Empress Stadium, Eai’l s Court, last week. I Though rather crude in style, Valentine was an effectively aggressive fighter, always
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 9- A MORRIS the only Eldhi in the World A, 8 built by |j||||jjjJ COMPARE the Morris Eight with Mass produced cars A body with the capacity of an Proper fuses to all electrical ordinary io h.p. car. dreuits and 2 charge rate to accumulator. A srardyframe sp«.aUy designed h
      100 words

  • 772 8 THE annual report of the Singapore Turf Club for the year ended December 31, 1936. just issued, emphasizes once again the tremendous strides that racing has made in Malaya during the past ten years. When the Government tax of five per cent, was first introduced it was
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  • 73 8 liner and her sister ship.—British Wireless, less. Financial Results Satisfactory London. Jan. 22. The Cunard White Star liner. Queen Mary, has carried over 42.000 passengers to date on her 14 round voyages between Southampton and New York. This information was given by an official who added that
    liner and her sister ship.—British Wireless, less.  -  73 words
  • 47 8 volunteers from proceeding to Spain.—British Wireless. French Senate Supports Bill London. Jan. 22. A Paris message states that the French Senate is following the example of the Chamber today and unanimously voted a Bill empowering the Government to ban volunteers from proceeding to Spain.—Bri-
    volunteers from proceeding to Spain.—British Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 103 8 I.—British Wireless. London. Jan. 22. The Minister of Labour, Mr. Ernest Brown, informed the House of Commons at question time that in those industries for which statistics were regularly compiled, changes in the rates of wages reported during the year just ended, were estimated to have resulted
    I.—British Wireless.  -  103 words
  • 53 8 Reuter. Cairo. Jan. 22. The French i urman. D. ret, left at 5 am yesterday for Baghdad, and later arrived at Basra at 4, where he flew off for Karachi at 4.45 p. m. Do ret arrived at Kirachi at 5 a.m. today and left for Allahabad
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 614 8 Noel Coward In PenangAdventure In Frivolity—lor th coming Plays Music By The Sea AT the conclusion of the successful presentation of “Accent on* Youth” at the Town Hall, Pen a ng,| a couple of months ago I ex-, pressed a hope that the Penang Choral and Dramatic
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  • 387 8 (By Our Special Muslim Correspondent). > The annual general meeting of the This Society has over 4,000 embers over Malaya Borneo. Penang Malay Association was held cn Sunday. Jan. 10. The election of office bearers resulted as follows: President: Map SWimsuddin bin Ml. Jo ncos.. J.P. (re-elected); vice-presidents:
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  • 80 8 Reuter Wireless. Mosccw, Jan. 19. Karl Radek. Sokolnikoff ond other prominent Russians arrested in recent months will be tried on January 23 before the Military Ccllegium of the Supreme Court. The indictment alleges the accused formed a Trotskyite group which carried but espionage for certain
    Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 240 8 marmite Marmite is the tasty and nutritious yeast extract that makes delicious and sustaining sandwiches. Marmite is so economical —spread it very thinly because it is so concentrated. Marmite improves the flavour and adds nourishment to all soups, stews and savoury dishes. And it does you good. Sole distributing Agents
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    • 133 8 yhtetr cootZ. 1 The cook has not changed, nor has the recipe except that Maggi's Seasoning is now used in the kitchen. A few drops work wonders if added, just before serving, to an insipid dish, weak soup, stew, gravy or sauce., ■4 Maggi’s Seasoning is’utterly different from spicy table
      133 words

  • 483 9 KADERSAH SQUARE BUILDINGS NEARING COMPLETION Sanitary Fittings To Be Installed PENANG is tackling the problem of slum clearance in an active manner and two of the'improvement schemes mentioned in the Penang Municipal Administration Report for 1935 are now under way. The Mohamedan and Hindu Endowments Board
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  • 444 9 POINT'S VICTORY FOR THE REST London. Jan. 14. I The absence of several international players from the Combined Universities v. The rest match gave the Irish selectors an opportunity of trying out some younger players, but in most cases the aspirants did nothing to suggest that they
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  • 367 9 Injured Eye Stops Welshman London. Jan. 11. Seaman Jim Lawlor, the Lowestoft wel-ter-weight made a successful substitute for Jack (Kid) Berg, former light-weight champion, against Panther Purchase, of Wales at The Ring their scheduled ten rounds contest being stopped in his favour at the end
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  • 28 9 KADERSAH SQUARE IMPROVEMENT SCHEME —Picture shews the threestoried build ng in the course of construe tion. It is expected to be completed by March.
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  • 542 9 Social Contributions To The World MR. NOONE'S ADDRESS TO STORE ROTARIANS (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Jan. 21. A talk on the significance of the study of primitive peoples was given yesterday by Mr. H. D. Noone, Field Ethnographer gapore with a group of Temiars. at theleo
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  • 284 9 Celebrations On Grander Scale MALAYS MEET (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Jan, 21. At a largely attended meeting of the Malay community of Larut and Materg, held last night at the office of the Taiping Malay Mosque, with Orang Kaya Mentri, Wan Ahmad Rashdi, J.P.,
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  • 185 9 Funeral This Evening The death took place yesterday at 6 p.m. at her residence “Myrtle Grove,” 4 Leith Street. Penang, of Mrs. Catherine Luo berg, at the ripe age of 83. The funeral will take place this evening at the Western Road Cemetery at 5.30
    185 words
  • 330 9 Handicaps For First Day Following are the handicaps for the firstday of the Perak Turf Club Jan./Feb. Meeting to be njun on Saturday, Jan. 30:— HORSES, CLASS 2, DIV. L FURLONGS. Lord logy 9.0, Bell Press 8.13, Princess Toi 8.10, Nocrchaya 8.9, Aurora 8.9. Celestial 8.7,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 E. O. HOTEL PENANG. r 0 TOMORROW Extension to 1 a.m. DINNER, DANCE CABARET FINAL PERFORMANCE OF EDITH BILLY HERSEY In A Change of Programme DINNER A CABARET $3/- NON-DINERS $l/- j 5 SUNDAY, 24th JANUARY ORCHESTRAL CONCERT 1 j 9 15 p.m. to 11.15 p.m. Ry the E. O.
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  • 751 10 Purchases Approved For Extension Of Property An extraordinary general meeting of the p /shareholders of Kempas Limited was held fc in the registered office of the company at 4, Fort Road, Malacca, on Thursday, -fan. 14. Mr. J. M. Sime occupied the •Chair and shareholders
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  • 186 10 Rubber Trust's Offer For Shores An offer conditional on acceptance by 95 per cent, of shareholders has been made by the Rubber Plantation Investment Trust to purchase all the issued shares of the Sumatra Tea Estates, Ltd. One fully paid £1 shares of the Trust is offered
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  • 85 10 "Brain Trust" Suggested Tokyo, Jan. 13. Plans for a “brain trust to direct Japan’s economic affairs were recommended by a Cabinet Committee today. This body, which it is proposed to call the Imperial Economic CounciL would be presided over by the Prime Minister and consist of
    85 words
  • 73 10 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING Dividend Maintained: Carry-Forward Up Maintenance of the dividend at £5 10s. per share by a final payment of £3 is announced by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. A sum of $1,000,000 is again written off bank premises account, leaving the carryforward at about $3,340,000 against $*****60.
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  • 63 10 The Katu Tin Dredging Ltd. dredge statistics for the first half of January 1937 are as follows: Hours run, 300; cubic yards treated, 67,000; tin ore won, 161 piculs. The Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd. dredge statistics for the first half of January 1937 is as
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  • 48 10 The rubber returns of the following companies for the month of December, 1936; are as follow’: lbs. A lor Gajah 20,700 Australasia 19,000 Ayer Panas 62,000 Glenealy 37,000 Jalan Kebun 16,000 Kluang 32,500 Pajam 149,400 Port Swettenham 12,500 Tambalak 13,000 Teluk Anson 42,860 Ulu Benut 14,736
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  • 217 10 TESTS OF GREATEST J MILITARY VALUE SUCCEEDI IJ Belgrade 1 A new process which may bring about a 1 revolution in the Yugoslav heavy metal industry has now been successfully tested, 1 before a number of Yugoslav engineers at the works of Krupp’s Ltd., at Essen, it
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  • 217 10 The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., Penang, during the period Jan. 11 to Jan. 16, 1937 inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Government Building. Fenang. Application may be made by members of the
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  • 44 10 Output figures of the various dredges of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co.. N.L. for the first half of January. 1937. are as follows: No. 5 dredge 147 piculs No. 7 175 No. 8 3 3 Ronpibon Dredge 259 917 piculs o
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  • 32 10 The Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd. has effected a forward sale of 88 tons delivery in equal quantities monthly Feb. Dec., 1937. at 37J cents per lb f.o.b. Penang.
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  • 40 10 Information has been received by telegraph that 131 stateaided labourers will arrive tomorrow’ by s.s. Rohna. It is expected that 49 will be sent to Pulau Jerejak and the balance will proceed to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 436 10 A profit of $48,270 for the year ended Oct. 31, is disclosed in the report of the directors of Glenealy Plantations Ltd. which has just been issued. The report states that this sum has been added to the emount of $80,305 brought forward, making $128,575.
    436 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 117 10 i SPwFSIft i** «nfants7invaU9 s Z 7 it t? I 'rWiX IH vz U u “THE MARCH OF THE CHILDREN” Let your Baby, too, join this joyous company and march to Health and Happiness on COW GATE From all over the world they come—a growing army saved from sickness and
      117 words

  • 131 11 y j t q on the Sobolewskis (right), trick riders from Russia, who 1 r*llxll_aLto ivK I iILuLzIxILIN perform amazing feats at ilagenbeck s Circus at the Royal Agricultural Hall. Cannon < To the Left of Them Volleyed and Thundered ERROL FLYNN leading the Six Hundred
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 Get Your Sales Message Home In all parts of the world the foundation cf every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products. Millions (rf pounds spent
      92 words

  • 343 12 8.8. C. INQUIRIES “Listener research” is the latest slogan at Broadcasting House. It signifies the new drive being made by the 8.8. C. to find out what its 8,000,000 licence-holders really want, as distinct from giving them what they ought to want. The campaign is in
    343 words
    • 1764 12 P. O. AND JAPAN’S ’NATIONAL' POLICY EFFECT ON FAR EASTERN TRADE THE recent meeting of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. drew attention toxhe importance of trade routes. Each trade route operated must be considered separately, for each has economic and political problems peculiar to itself. The P. Bmd
      1,764 words
    • 371 12 S.S. “KUMSANG” from Calcutta. Sails same day for Singapore. Hongkong, Kobe and Osaka. S.S. ’’KARAPARA” arrives from Sin gapore and sails Saturday. S.S. “HECTOR” from Singapore sails for Marseilles. London. Rotterd.’ and Glasgow. S.S. ’’HAKOZAKI M.ARI from la pan via Singajiore. Sails same di> for Colombo. Aden.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 Don’t Ruin > Your Records* by Using Cheap Needles. WE RECOMMEND “DURAGOLD” (Each COLUMBIA Duragold Needle Plays 10 RECORDS) Sole Agents Robinson Piano Co. (8.8.) Ltd. ALSO PENANG. OBTAINABLE AT GRAMOPHONE MUSIC STORE. 175, Campbell Street.
      35 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1114 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES B. B. C. EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSION 2. <n lengths: «.20 p.m.— Big Ben. ’AU at Sea,’ or The TRANSMISSION 2 True Story ol the Betty Martin. A GBH tl Mc/S (1J burlesque by the Melluisb Brothers. Chara- CSG 1T.79 Me/s <16. 8« m.) ters: Captain Brassrace,
      1,114 words
    • 291 12 NIROM Station in Batavia broadcasts cn the following wavelengths: 10.50 a m —1.50 p m. YDA 3,040 kc s (19 67 m.), and YDB 11.860 k’s (25.3 m 5.50 p.m. to closing YDA 3.040 kc (98 68 m and YDB 9.610 kc (31.2 m). TODAY —Lunch music. 1.10 p.m—News bulletin
      291 words

  • 110 13 The Libera Line's Programme The first of the newly reconstructed motorships of the Libera Line will sail from Genoa for Pacific Coast ports on May 25. This vessel will be the Cellina. which is to have new engines, improved passenger accommodation, and increased refrigerated space installed in Italy.
    110 words
  • 70 13 The terms of an agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway for the recipproeal recognition of load line certificates have been issued. The agreement was signed in London on Nov. 18 by Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, and Mr. Erik Colban. the Norwegian Minister
    70 words
  • 223 13 British India And United Africa Contracts Londo.n Messrs. William Gray and Co.. Ltd., have booked contracts for two more steamers. These are cargo ships of 8.500 tons deadweight each for the British India Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd It is expected they will be built at Messrs.
    223 words
  • 132 13 Proportion Carried By Foreign Vessels During the year 1936 there his been a considerable increase in the volume of cargo carried by Soviet ships in respect of the foreign trade of the U.S.S.R., states the Soviet Union Year Book Press Service. In 1935. Soviet ships carried
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  • 144 13 Increased Tonnage At Liverpool Docks The Mersey Docks and Harbour Baird’s statistics for the port cf Liverpool, covering the period from July 1 to December 12, 1936, show steady improvement. The registered tonnage of vessels using the docks at Liverpool and Birkenhead amounts to 9,926,744 tons, an
    144 words
  • 96 13 A call to sailors of the future to be* “right livers” as well as heroes was made by Admiral Sir William Fisher, Comman- der-in-Chief at Portsmouth, at a prize--1 giving-ceremony on the training ship Mercury, at Hamble, Hampshire. “We older people,” he said, “know that
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 366 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Vaweta, LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due fin conjunction with Glen A Shire Line) Fenang London ML HECTOR Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Glasgow. Tt>n 2 2 Feb. 17 GLENS HIE L London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp Middlesborough jm, 29 Mar. 1 •<s. MENESTHEUS
      366 words
      373 words
    • 555 13 I«. 'W' l P&O BRITISH nd |NDIA Peninsular um| Oriental B.N. Co., unaca .Penang, Teluk Anson, Pert contract with His Majesty's Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. s/S “BULAN” Jan. 22 Outwards from London for China «fc Japan. s/S “MATA HARI” Jan. 29 due Penang
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 371 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES BERLIN Station Zeesen broadcasts on the following frequencies:— DJA 31.33 m. DJQ 19.63 m DJE 16.89tu DJB 19.74. m TODAY 6.15 p.m.—Call DJA. DJB. DJN, DJE. <krman folk song. 6.2o—Concert of light music. 7.20 —News in English. 7.35 —C.ncert of light music (continued». 8.15 Greetings to listeners in
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  • 247 14 YESTERDAY’S WORK ON IPOH TRACK Last Crusader Moves Well Ipoh, Jan. 22. "Very lew horses have arrived and training yesterday was once again confined to Trainer Logue’s stable in addition to which the strings of Trainers Marlaml and Major Fox were worked. Major Fox has only
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  • 447 14 Hockey UNIMPRESSIVE GAME ON PADANG The Penang Sports Club beat the Penang Recreation Club in a game of hockey on the Esplanade yesterday by one goal to nil. The standard of hockey, despite the fact that the e were three State players on the P S.C.
    447 words
  • 395 14 Brighton Win By Odd Goal FIXTURES FOR TOMORROW London, Jan. 21. The following were results of home soccer matches played today:— ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIVISION HI Southern Section) Queen’s P.R. 2 Brighton 3 Walsall 0 Aidershot 0 (Northern Section) Carlisle 1 Hull 1 —Reuter. TOMORROWS FIXTURES I Following are the
    395 words
  • 158 14 BIG SURPLUS RECORDED FOR 1934 The report of the Singapore Turf Club for the year ended Dec. 31 last, to be presented at the annua] general meeting of ordinary members in the Singapore Cham- ber of Commerce room at Fullerton Building at 5.15 p.m. on Jan. 29.
    158 words
  • 584 14 THRILLING BOXING AT IPOH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 22. Young Gauder, who has been ranked the leading featherweight in the country by the Singapore Boxing Board of Control, was outpointed last night at the Jubilee Park t by the hard-hitting Siamese. Nai Boon Mah. The
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  • 39 14 The second boxing promotion in Balik Pulau will be presented tonight at the Sin Kheng Theatre Hall, when Speedy Sencio and S. Muttu, the two mosquito weights, will head a card of four bouts.
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  • 351 14 Forwards Checked By Leeds Defence London, Jan. 10 A goal midway through the second half earned Charlton Athletic full points against Leeds United at The Valley. The score fairly reflected the run of play, for although Leeds fought every inch of the way Charlton were just about
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      51 words
    • 272 14 “VERICHROME” X* THE FILM THAT GETS THE DETAIL Make snapshots more natural. more lifelike m Al wa ys use Kodak ••Verichrome" Film in I cn y° ur c<,mer<l OigH KODAK LTD. X. IpraEß SINGAPORE OBTAINABLE FROM ALL KODAK DEALERS 79 Friday, 22nd January, 1937. MM■ GATE ADMISSION —lO CENTS ONLY
      272 words

  • 848 15 Position In America;: Boycotting Fight HEAVYWEIGHTS INVADE 'BRITAIN THE Schmeling- v. Braddock situation in America is gradually becoming explosive. The New York State Boxing Commission have nominated Schmeling, by his victory over Joe Louis, as challenger to James Braddock, and the match has
    848 words
  • 852 15 Golf Club Restriction—Latest Move ‘7 orto i s e’ Golfer May Be Disqualified—Boxer’s Manager Refuses $lOO,OOO Offer SUPPORTERS of the plan restricting the cumber of clubs per golfer to 14 have not had long to wait for a substantiation of their arguments. John Beck, one of the
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  • 172 15 Anticipating that the antiNazi boycott of Max Schmeling will cancel out his fight with Braddock in New York for the world heavy-weight boxing title, Jack Kearns, Dempsey’s former trainer, is trying to fix up a fight between Braddock and Joe Louis, the '‘Brown Bomber.” He has
    172 words
  • 66 15 Pittsburg. Jesse Owens, last year’s champion Olympic sprinter, recently outraced a racehorse. The race was over one hundred yards and his “opponent** was the Famous American horse Julian McCall. The track was slow, but Owens covered the distance in 9 */z secs The horse, which had
    66 words
  • 137 15 The following are the results of tie*, piiyed in the Penang Sports Club lawn tennis tournament:— FRIDAY, JAN. 15. Championship Singles: A. J. L. Donaldson beat K. P. Deighton 6—2, 4—6, 6—4. Handicap Singles: F. A. Ycrk beat J. S. de Villiers 6—l, 6 —3.
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  • 68 15 ESCORTED BY OTHER RIDERS, Mr. W. W. Greaves, a one-armed Bradford cyclist, rode through Hyde Park to receive a trophy after setting up a new endiiinnce record for the year. Tusk had been to beat 43,996 miles set up in 1933 by Ossie Nicholson, of Australia.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      57 words

    • 349 16 Steady London, J An. 21. 1 «.stcrday Rise or Fall Cm. 5 at, *****4 116# ~yi Vending. 4 at, 196 MS 115# Wee Lena. 3# p-c. IQS# Cm. Un. Asa. (Units) 10!5 Ftnd—lial M A M '37# koyal Aasce. (Mb. pd.) 9# Gt Westers Ord 62% Cm. Pac.
      349 words
    • 130 16 London, Jam 21. RUBBER Easy. Spot 10 316 buyers 10 5 16 sellers. April June 10 316 buyers 10 sellers. July Sept. 10 1 16 buyers 10 316 sellers. Oct.(Dec. 10 buyers 10% sellers. New York 21.32 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 30,962 tons Liverpool 43.697 tons
      130 words
    • 223 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations q MESSRS. KENNEDY R Co.’» Shaft hi today RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Allenby 1 90 2.15 Ayer Panas 1.90 2.10 Bassett 90 Batu 1 .intang 1.55 1.60 cum Benta 1.47% 1.52% Broga 1.15 1.20 Connemara 1 95 2.10 Hamiltco 2 *0 2.55 Kempas
      223 words
    • 128 16 or'r nn on Previously Lates*. Paris 105% 105 1164 New York 490 13|16 4907 16 Montreal 4.91% 4 90% Brussels 29.12% 29.12% Geneva 21.38% 21.40 Amsterdam 8.96% 8.95% Milan 93 932 95% Berlin 12 20 12.19% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19 90 19.90 Vienna 26%
      128 words
    • 120 16 yesterday today Loidon-(Spol) £230.10 0 ‘230 .5 0 London—(3 months) £2310.0 Singapore »114 62>4 3114 37 Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA -(Suridriod) 59 45 59 55 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO $ll.OO KUBBEB London 10 5 164 10 3 164 New York 21 lll6c(Gi 20 1316c(G> Singapore- Spot 36
      120 words
    • 235 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN:— Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.45 1.50 Hong Fatt 1.50 1.55 Jelebu 1.30 1.35 Lukut 135 1.40 Nawng Pet 95 1.00 North Taiping 92 94 Petalings 10.00 10.50 Rahman Hyd. 1.40 1.45 Raub Gold 6.90 7.10 Rantau Ordy. 1.47 J 1.52 i Rantau Pref. 1.50 1.55 Sungei
      235 words
    • 170 16 LEAN CO. TfOAY’B OPENING QUOTATION! TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 5 1% 5 4% I B. Selangors 1.471 1.521 Hong Fatts 1.50 1.55 Jelebus 1.30 1.35 Johans 31 34 Katus 236 24 3 K. Kampars 16 9 17 6 K. Lumpurs 21]- 22Kuchais 1.62% 1.67% ex Kundangs 9 6 10 Lukuts
      170 words
    • 1158 16 KENNEDY CO., SHARE LIST. HA ES i i(i AUBBER (Dollar). Alcnby Rubber C». 190 I 215 I Ator Gajab Rubber Estate 1M) i i/0 i Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 10 I 2 20 Aver Hitam Planting Syndicate 1 70 I 190 Ayer Malek Rubber Co. 1 50 I »60 Ayer
      1,158 words
    • 48 16 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 London Bank Demand 2!4 1(32 London Bank 4 months 2|4 3,32 Private 3 m(s Credit 2(4 3(3 Private 3 m s Documentary 214 I|2 New York Demand 57 3|16 France Demand 1220 India T.T. 134 J Bangkok T.T. 126 Singapore T.T. 1(2 pc. pre.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 328 16 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAAISCHAPPIJ N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India. China. Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National Provincial
      328 words
    • 547 16 CHARTERED BANK OF INDLL AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, t Incorporated in England by Royal Chartar 1853) Paid-up Capital £3,000,0*%. Reserve Fund £3,000.00% Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000,0*%. HEAD OFFICE:— 88. Bisbopsgate. London. EC. Agencies A Branahoa: AJor Star Hong Kong Rangoon Amritur Iloilo Saigon Bang! ik Tpoh Semarang Batavia Karachi Seremban
      547 words