Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833. PUBUSHED DAILY. No. 14. Vol. XCV. MONDAY. JANUARY 18. 1937. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 91 1 FRESH TROUBLE IN U.S. S TRIKE —Reuter. WORKERS REFUSE TO LEAVE FACTORIES Dispute Over Bargaining Agency A Flint, Michigan, Jan. 17. THE “sit down’’ strikers occupying the Fisher plants, have voted not to evacuate the factories claiming that General Motors negotiated with a so-called Flint alliance which was organised by
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 236 1 British Wireless. DEPARTMENT Supplies Needs Of 24,000 Offices In U.K. London, Jan. 16. The Stores Department of the Post Office deals with the supplies of 24.000 local offices throughout the United Kingdom and, with the equipment of a total staff of 252.000, has a great many ramifications
    British Wireless.  -  236 words
  • 122 1 —Reuter. Partial Settlement Reached Nanking, Jan. 17. It is authoritatively stated that a partial settlement of the Sianfu affair has been reached whereby General Yang Hu-cheng has pledged to maintain the “status quo” till the Third Plenary Session of the Central Executive Council when various political issues, including
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 38 1 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 17. The Siamese Red Cross Society has established blood transfusion as part of its regular activities, being preceded only by Australia for this kind of work in countries outside Europe.
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  • 21 1 tcho were married at the Chinese Town Hall, Penang, on Saturday.
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  • 401 1 Assisted In Public Lottery I "NO EXCUSE.” SAYS MAGISTRATE “There sVall be no excuse f< r y< in this case, because there has be* i of prosecution and publicity recently,; and 1 don’t see how vou could have failed to be aware of it.” With these
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  • 103 1 Today is ‘‘Black Monday'' to school children in Penang, for the first school term of 1937 starts today. While hundreds left school last year, the number has been more than made up by new enrolments. Thousands of dollars in school fees are being handled by teachers in the
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  • 71 1 Reuter. Over 100 Feared To Be Dead Canton. Jan. 17. A fire broke out on the Canton-Kowloon express speeding t? Canton near Shihtan station. Over forty Chinese passengers were killed or injured either through burns or jumping from the train. A latTr message states that 85
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 22 1 Mrs. Lee Tiang Keng, Mrs. C O. Lim and a spectator at the Rotary Club Boys' sports yesterday.
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  • 66 1 Reuter Wireless. Vatican City. Jan. 17. The Pope again spent several hours in a moveable armchair. After hearing Mass he received Cardinal Picelli and other officials. He is fairly well though suffering frcm occasional pains on his right leg. Tfr se in close touch with him
    Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. New York, Jan. 18. M'ko lUTigue, former lighSheavywe ght chamnmr of ths world, had his teeth kicked cut and sustained other injuries when he we- attacked by rowdies. Two suspects were arrested and bail in the sum cf $l.OOO was avowed each.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 340 1 PROVISIONS OF ACT Extends To British Subjects Everywhere In the hope that other interested Powers will respond to their lead in the matter of preventing foreign intervention in the Spanish civil war, the British Government recently enforced the Foreign Enlistment Act in Great Britain.
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  • 115 1 invitation from General Franco. —Reuter Wireless. Gen. Franco Fails To Make Headway In Madrid Rome, Jan. 17. After an interlude today, further meetings between Signor Mussolini and General Goering are being held on Saturday and Sunday. It is understood the Italians are perturbed at the failure of General
    invitation from General Franco.—Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 46 1 .—Reuter. Guelph, Ontario, January 18. Twenty-five to 30 convicts escaped from Ontario Reformatory after a riot in which temporary control was gained by the pri-j soners who forced the warders and officials; into an administrative building where they I were locked up.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 506 1 French And Soviet Replies JUPPORT for the British scheme for non-intervention in Spain is expressed in the French and Soviet replies to the British note of January 9, which were received by the Foreign office during the week-end. J. o a hint by the Government. —Aneta-Trans-1 .Ocean.
    ~ J. o a hint by the Government.—Aneta-Trans-1 .Ocean.  -  506 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bishop Street, PENANG Telephone No, 77Z
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    • 110 1 If your engines run-down use Meirich Motor Tablets. They decarbonise, generate and rejuvenate your engines. Anti-knock Anti-corrosive stockists CHOP TAN BOON PENG, 224, Beach Street, Penang, ’Phone No. 968. jrlfifl A 'I >♦«#> •S’ I dp T ®BB J r V I MA/?Y HhD a VITTLt 7$ IV'AS WW'Af AS
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  • 144 2 HOME ON LEAVE FAILED TO REPORT MOTOR ACCIDENT London, Jan. A rubber planter home on leave from Sumatra, summoned at Epsom Police Court yesterday, for failing to report an accident in which his car was involved. said that re read a book. “The Law
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  • 320 2 Magistrate And "A Sort Of Mania" A young man who had been affected physically ond mentally by a motcr smash nearly two years ago was disqualified for holding a motor-driving licence for life by North London Magistrate (Mr. Basil Watson, K.C.). The defendant. David Monashe. 21.
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  • 44 2 Lady—“l’m afraid 11l have to return that parrot I bought here some time ago. He shocks all my friends by his dreadful language.” Dealer Ah. you’ve got to be careful ow you talk before ’em. lady. ’E’s terrible quick to learn.”
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  • 248 2 Ex-Soldier's Death From Shrapnel "IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE IT" An umbrella-shaped piece of shrapnel, which had been in a man’s left lung for over 18 years, was produced during an inquest at Stockport. Cheshire. The coroner, Mr. J A.K. Ferns, said that apparently the metal entered
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  • 132 2 Magistrates Decline Sir John Heathcoat-Amoy, Knightshayes Court. Tiverton. Devon, asked the Burnham-on-Sea (Somerset) magistrates on Jan. 4 for a “wedding present”—two days before his marriage to Miss Joyce Wethered. the famous golfer. Summoned for exceeding the speed limit in a built-up area, he told the
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  • 125 2 I The recent marriage of a man to his I niece in the Carlisle Diocese was last week declared by the Chancellor. Mr. H.B Vaisey, to be an “absolute nullity.” Speaking at a consistory court in Carlisle Cathedral, the Chancellor said: It seems to me
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  • 276 2 15-Year-Old Girl "Beyond Control" COURT TO FIND HER ANOTHER HOME A widow’ stated at Highgate Juvenile Court that her 15-year-old daughter tapdanced in her bed-room directly she rose in the morning, and from when she returned home until eleven p.m. The girl appeared before the Bench as
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  • 188 2 Nationality In Doubt Liverpool, Jan. 8 When Matla Zilbersztein, 36. again appeared at the police-court here to-day it was stated that her nationality had not yet been decided. She was remanded for a week on a charge of attempting to steal a handbag form a woman
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  • 475 2 SOLDIER’S SUICIDE AT FUN FAIR The “intense depression” produced by influenza was referred to by the coroner. Mr. Ingleby Oddie, at Westminster inquest. A verdict of suicide while of unsound mind was returned on Leonard George Fillery, 22. a Grenadier Guardsman. who was found shot on
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  • 382 2 Britain's Whisker Crop 50,000 MILES OF HAIR On a cold morning in 1895 King C. Gillette, an American salesman, aged 40, found that his razor needed stropping and honing. He thought: Why not a cheap razor blade which one could throw away when it got blunt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 499 2 3ead Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. tLuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. u«ndon Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tel I/eadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang Within
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    • 124 2 IF EVERY YOUNG MAN KNEW WHAT EVERY OLD MAN KNOWS HE WOULD BE INDEPENDANT IN HIS OLD AGE I ASSURANCE CUT* lESII II’.PS. 19 A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for PENANG STUDENTS Come to 473, Chulia St. (OtPcsite Anglo-Chinese Middle School.) Second Hand Book Stall We are buying and selling second hand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 833 3 i a ZS?X wr n ■Bs H 1 u w b b Z. XX ihiiiii'Uiiiuvi IYOURXI b i...jg Wbuywl E™S GREAT ANNUAL S W STOCK-TAKING W OPCr* I A I A BU THESE OFFERS CANNOT Of E vI A L taffiMßr be repeated and as 7 J WFFK WwiPt- IM
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  • 3065 4 COLONIAL SECRETARY’S ADVICE Local Cultures Must Be Encouraged (From Our Own Correspondent London, Jan. 6. ▼HK many problems confronted in the task of enhancing educa- tion in the Colonial Empire were dealt with by Mr. Ormsby-Gore, Secretary of State for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 Here is I 0 I I JU- Co/t essence OF R > aunu' fV* .n Ur w W <>Kt> «tate Ktou» 111 ’lE, VAUXHALL ro his VA/HAT a blessing to have abundant energy— to feel gloriously fit and full of vigour! B Mind and body alert to enjoy life to
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  • 279 5 ARCHWAY OF SWORDS j (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 15. Miss Gwendolen Nina Flowerdew and Mr. John Noel Mason Ashplant Nichols walked under an archway of swords held aloft by twelve police officers after their brilliant wedding at St. Mary’s Church this
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  • 325 5 T w O well-known families in Penang were united when the wedding took place at j the Penang Buddhist Association on; Saturday, in the reformed style of Mr. Goh Boon Aun (Bobby) and Miss Loke Yuet Kheng. The bridegroom
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  • 212 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 16. Two Chinese marriages in the reformed style took place today at the Cantonese I Hoay Kuan, Taiping. Li the first, the bridegroom was Mr. See Toh Tuck, second son of Madam Wong Ah Ng am, while the bride was
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  • 275 5 Bandits Hold Up 100 Customers New York. In one of the m:st daring raids New j York ever experienced, eight bandits, swearing and cursing as they worked with methodical effrontery, raided Barneys clothing store, held up nearly 100 customers and escaped with £B,OOO in cash
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  • 240 6 AIR MAIL A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra via Singapore and thence by K.N.i L Mservice will close at 7.30 pan. today. A mail for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Nigeria, aiid Gold Coast via Singapore and thence by
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  • 122 6 guard the interests of the public.--British Wireless. Model Standard Specification London, Jan. 15. The Service Committee on Industry has inaugurated a scheme to stop “house building” and to foster erection of houses which conform to model standard specification. The president of the National Federation of
    guard the interests of the public.--British Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 196 6 —British Wireless. Italian Support For Treaty Proposal JAPAN STILL CONSIDERING London, Jan. 15. Information which has reached the British Government that the Italian Government are ready to give an assurance that they will not mount guns above 14 inches calibre on capital ships, provided all
    —British Wireless.  -  196 words
  • 123 6 iraue oargauung uu setuir jmvlwuivfu vi British mercantile marine.- British Wireless. Harder Bargaining Advised London, Jan. 16. Harder bargaining and greater use of British buying power as a weapon in trade negotiati.ns is recommended in the interim report of the Committee set up by the Assoctition of the
    iraue oargauung uu setuir jmvlwuivfu vi British mercantile marine.- British Wireless.  -  123 words
  • 106 6 Malay Fined $2O For having stolen two clusters of bananas from a plantation in Tanjong Tokong Penang, a Tamil, Marimuthu, was fined $2O, in defult two weeks rigorous imprisonment by Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court on Saturday. Inspector Astin said that the
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  • 41 6 —Reuter. Basra. Jan. 17. Four flying-boats of No. 203 Squadron which is staticned here, have left for Singapore. Nine machines belonging to No. 81 Bomber Squadron stationed at Shaiban, Iraq, have also left for Singapore.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 610 6 were of an exploratory nature only. —Reuter British Wireless. A further contingent of Italian volunteers estimated at over 4,000 was landed at Cadiz on January 12, according to a reliable British eye-witness who has just returned from Cadiz. He also states that Italians and Moors at
    were of an exploratory nature only.—Reuter British Wireless.  -  610 words
  • 77 6 ’--Reuter Wireless. Irish Peer On Failure Of Dual Administration Lord Craigavon in a speech at Belfast said dual administration was the only reason why Sweden and Norway parted 32 years ago. The operation had almost been forgotten in Ulster. Southern Ireland, half through that period and
    ’--Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 65 6 —Reuter. Passengers Spend Night Aboard In Dry Dock London, Jan. 16. Three hundred passengers on the "Naldera” are spending the night aboard the ship in a dry dock. The vessel arrived at Southampton from London outward bound with a damaged propeller and was put into a dry
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 Penang’s Up-to-Date and De-Luxe Cabaret TONIGHT jH R A J Dancing from 9 p.m. To uH Midnight TEA DANCE Tomorrow from 6 to 8.30 p.m. Watch lor ()ur Numerous Coming Attractions All to be Presented Shortly, tin. Arrival of Our New Hostesses from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur:— 1. Grand Advertisement
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    • 67 6 z What does your handbag mirror say 1 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day Sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth —all testify tc the triumph of Macleans Perox de Toothpaste. Macleans takes the most scientific c ourse for cleanliness. Fir;t it removes stains; then gently whitens and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 70 6 TONIGHT I OPENING TOMORROW I I Thrill again o the Adventures of the 6-15 9-30 I Dog-Hero of “CALL OF THE WILD” Last 2 Shows! 321 I tJi Al W-WM 1 Stiver w tai I CurwoaTs 1\ Lory t ßg si ■M’S I HUDSON E VoT PAUL KELLY w MBs
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    • 108 6 ROYAL WINDSOR 6-30 Nightly —9-3 Q Two Shows Nightly AT The Most Spectacular Cantonese Talkie 6-15 9-30 The Latest The Best “EVERLASTING LOVE” "NAVJIVAN** with The foremost well-known Cantonese MISS NARGIS MISS AMINA. Stage Star PR ASHER W. M. KHAN. An Ajanta Cinetone’s Spectacular Miss LEE SOOT FONG Production. A
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    • 150 6 QUEEN’S HI’S BUSTIN’ ’EM OPENING TONIGHT WIDE OPEN AGAIN 9-30 Buck Jones in Universal's New Adventure Thriller of the West! You've been gasped cheered Thrilled many times by Buck, the two fisted ace of action stars But wait till you see him in this latest Rip-snorteri drama packed with Breath-taking
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  • 373 7 Policy Of Methodist Schools In Malaya 1 or the first time in its history, the Methodist Mission is shaping its educational policy to answer the modern cry for a practical education. Out of $74,000. allocated for the improvement of its schools in Malaya, the Mission will spend
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  • 81 7 Pebble Blown Through Heart “A million to one chance." was tne Derby ccroner's description of a quarry blasting accident in which George Hodgkinson. aged 45. a qdarry owner, of Little-ton-street. Derby, was killed by a pebble which pierced his heart. After the second shot had been
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  • 55 7 The Johore Planters’ Association are nominating Mr. D Farquharson. of Negri Sembilan, as President of the United Planting Association of Malaya, for this year, and the Hon. Mr. W. Miller Mackay as vice-president. The Association's committee who came to the decision, are writing to the District Associations asking
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  • 16 7 When the coup d'etat teas staged in Sian
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  • 620 7 CHARGE OF CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST Medical College Secretary Pleads Guilty variously as having acted “like a father to the students” and been “blunderingly careless and muddleheaded in dealing with the accounts.” A da Zilva, secretary’ to King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, was
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  • 324 7 Many people in Malaya know little of the activities of Christian Scientists, beyond the fact that one of the foremost news-, papers in the world emanates regularly from Boston headquarters of the Christian Science Publishing Society With the completion, however, of a new]
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  • 89 7 Premier For Another 50 Years If— Mr. Baldwin, opening extensions to the Lucy Baldwin Maternity Heme, at Stourport. Worcestershire, humorously suggested that a portable gxs machine for administering analgesia would be useful in the House of Commons. “I could,” he added, “go on being Prime Minister for
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  • 71 7 A Malay Hamad bin Mohomad, was produced before Mr. H. A. L. Luckhem in the Penang Police Court on Saturday charged with criminal misappropriation of a bicycle on July 17 last year. The accused denying the offence said that the*bicycle was given to him by the
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  • 321 7 Weak from exhaustion .after three stormtossed days in the Java Sea clinging to a half-submerged, capsized prahu. three Malays were rescued by the Netherland Line steamer Tanimbar early on Thursday’ mcrn ing. when the ship was on a voy’age from Oosthaven. Sumatra, to
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  • 178 7 Italian Station Used: Belgium Protest Brussels. Jan M. Degrelle. leader of the Rexist party, who is not allowed by the Goveranaent to broadcast Jhe Belgian radio, was per mitted this evening by the Italian Government to use the radio service at Turin to send a message to
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  • 72 7 Motor Cyclist’s Experience On Friday evening a motor-cylist. Mr. Marriot, while riding along Northam Road, Penang, had his fcce cut in mahy places by a kite string. He jammed on his brakes to free himself from the thread. He had the boy who was responsible
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  • 149 7 Murder. gun-play, drunkenness and cruelty to animals still continue to be the main reasons for banning films in the Colony, according to the list for the last quarter of 1936 given in Friday’s Government Gazette. With the exception of the first-named in the appended list
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  • 218 7 Still Paying On Second Chia Teck Yong, a clerk atta.;hed to the Government Audit Office, revealed in his public examination before Mr. P. A. ’McEwaine, the Chief Justice, that this was his third bankruptcy. He said he was 40 years old and married. He had a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 I •*****7 U -vr '/.ji KI .'♦*'3 I' j ~J > fHU HI ....L. Cool and Fragrant BmL. On board ship or during office if ■>. hours, at home or abroad, "4711" S■ -7 Genuine Eau de Cologne will always prove its refreshing qualities. pfiFM EG Inhale it from your
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  • 665 8 RPHE announcements made in the Go eminent Gazette and published in the Sunday Gazette that steps are being taken to acquire land in Penang for military barracks and other works for defence purposes will, as has already been stated, not come as a surprise to
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    • 485 8 To The Editor. Doir Sir—ln the “By the Way" coiurun of your issue of the 13th. instant Dioeles expresses, of course, his opinion of the "Views of Indian C mmunity. He says that “he knows”—“if a plebiscite w<*re taken in Penang Mr. Abdul Cader will certainly
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    • 152 8 Sir, —A morning paper published in Pen mg has an article on forthcoming films to be screened her-'. In connection with one of them, a Fox picture c J.e.i “The Country Beyond,’ jt refers to th? ernine star ‘Berek” —a giant St. Bernard —and bis can
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    • 43 8 i Y. Tenn (Sungei Patac.i) —We axe sorry we cannot publish the appeal contained in your letter dated January 14. Items such as you have received from South Bostoti. U.S.A., relating to ‘‘Wanted Used Postage Stamps” are best Ignored.—The Editor.
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  • 1001 8 Agricultural Conditions m India an I Malaya Contrasted -Malaya More Fortunate Chat wi t h Ra o Bahadur Katnasamy Sivan THE suggestion we put forward that the Penang newspaper which boasts a large circulation should at once publish its audited net sales certi- ficate on a ten-cent-per-paper
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 SOLE AGENTS V—JOHN LITTLE CO.. LT D. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE KU.kluk LL'S PUR PENANG IPOH BOON HAK CO. (THE HOUSE FOR CHINESE CURIOS) 25, Bishop Street, Penang. JUST UNPACKED PORCELAIN TEA SETS AT NEW LOW PRICES INSPECTION INVITED I By their stature you shall know them Bright Eyes indictifive
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    • 48 8 <f*UCHTILI Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS In Airtight Vacuum Tins IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults and Old People. Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd, PENANG, Ipoh, Sinyipore and Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 225 9 Chinese To Spend $80,000: Z Chingay And Arches s REPRESENTATIVES of the local Chinese community met at the Chinese Town Hall on Saturday to consider arrangements for the! Coronation celebrations. The Han. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe presided and the attendance included Messrs. Khoo 800 Eong, Lam Ewe
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  • 7 9 S. Pall Singh,
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  • 243 9 "Dodsworth" At Majestic “DODSWORTH.’’ With Walter Huston. Ruth Chatterton, M iry Astor, Paul Lukas. Diiector: William Wyler. Showing at Majestic. “Dcdsworth,” the screen version of Sinclair Lewis's best seller, is a magnetic and magnificent production. The whole piece is conscientious, handsome and occasionally j keenly observed, and
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 9 8. PaU Singh, the individual champion at the cycling carnival held yesterday. Photo by Ebata, Penang.
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  • 112 9 Invitations have been issued by the Nattukkottai Chettiar community of Penang on the occasion of the Thai Pusam festival on Tuesday, Jen. 26, at the Waterfall Temple between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. The programme for the festival is as follows Monday, Jan. 25: The Silver Chariot
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  • 498 9 Hurts Left Hand During Bout NIGHT FOR SIAMESE FIGHTERS (By Our Boxing Correspondent.) Plenty of good and hard fighting was seen at the Wembley Park, Penang, last night, but it was a pity that the main event between Speedy Pancho, the junior flyweight champion of
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  • 67 9 A European was involved in a collision with a cyclist this morning at about 9 o’clock near the junction of Bridge Street and Brick Kiln Road. The cyclist sustained a number of bruises and was taken to the General Hospital in an ambulance. The front wheel of the
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  • 490 9 Treat For Over 100 Participants TRIBUTE TO ROVER SCOUTS The fourth annual Rotary Boys’ Sports were held yesterday at the Boys’ Club, Ayer Item, under the auspices of the Community Service Committee of the Penang Rotary Club. It was five years ago that the Boys’ Club
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  • 15 9 Professor Williamson and Mr. C.O. Lim at the Penang Rotary Boys' sports yesterday.
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  • 43 9 Local Consulate To Close On Wednesday The American Consulate will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1937, an American national legal holiday (Inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.) i The Consulate will not be closed on Jan. 26 Bank Holiday.
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  • 299 9 The wedding took place yesterday at the Nam Hoi Hooi Koon, No. 463 Chulia Street, Penang, of Mr. Po Tai Thiam, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Po Cheng Thong, to Miss Chan Fong Yoot, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Chan Wah and Mrs. Chan Wah of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 160 9 THE PERAK RIVER VALLEY RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED. tlncorporated in the Straits Settlements) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ’Pransfer Books of the Company wdll be closed from Monday, the 25th of January, 1937, to Saturday, the 30th of January, 1937, both days inclusive for the preparation of Dividend Warrants. By
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    • 107 9 Baby’s head will soon be clustered with adorable curls if the tiny head is cleansed with Nestol every day guaranteed harmless. E. O. HOTEL PENANG. o WEDNESDAY, 20tlh JANUARY DINNER, DANCE CABARET With EDITH BILLY HERSEY In A Change of Programme DINNER A CABARET $3/- NON-DINERS $l/For Table Reservations, ’Phone
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  • 1463 10 Entire Absence Of lhe Purdah: Absolute Freedom In Public Rangoon A MEETING of the National Council of Women in Burma was held at the Jubilee Hall recently when Mrs. S.N. Sastri. a Member of the Council, gave a short talk on “The
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  • 671 10 THE ROLL THROUGH THE AGES There is no precedent for voluntary abdication in English history. Four Kings have been deposed and one at least executed a deed of abdication before he was murdered, but this was under duress Charles I. did not abdicate, and although James 11. was
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 Rust costs millions per year Norusto prevents rust -t < has a covering i f CAPACITY OF 700—1000 SQ. FT. Mi WSi 1 I"» WL MliiiWi i —a. I 3®lr 1 MUIHI! I ■■WWI SOUGNUM PRODUCT A /Vfj /J W PAINT- prevents J corrosion on Iron Steel Work Sime, Darby
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    • 143 10 Lentheric Perfumes I have now come in for their share of recognition. They are now the Fashion for Fragrance BE MODERN WITH LENTHERIC CHARM AND FRAGRANCE. USE LENTHERIC AND BE UP-TO-DATE. Lentheric Perfumes NO. 12 LOTUS D'OR MIRACLE GARDENIA SHANGHAI L E PIRATE I RISQUE TOUT AU FIL DE L'EAU
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  • 125 11 HUNDREDS of young- eyes followed with wonder the leaps of the acrobats, the intrepid wire-walker, and the thrilling animal pets p* the rehearsal of Bertram Mills’ Olympic Circus to which children were invited. Above, a remarkable close-up of the Peerless Potters as thev swung high
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 Get Your Sales Message Home In all part. of the world the foundation rf every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products. Millions erf pounds spent
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    • 1477 12 For Singapore-West Australian Service FEATURES OF UNUSUAL INTEREST eiR RICHARD D. HOLT. BART., on behalf of the Ocean Steam Ship Co., entertained last week a number <»f guests on board the motorship Charon, the latest addition to the Blue Funnel Line, as she lay alongside
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    • 304 12 To Be Steadiest In n. World he KNOWLEDGE GAINED by experience piRST step, are bei ne take sure that the sister ship t 0 tl Mary will be the steadiest, most S U™ smoothest-running liner the and known. w wld has Important changes in her
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    • 513 12 M.V. ’’TAXIBAR” from Java ports v m Spore— sails same day for Boston, New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore via Cape of Good Hope. 5.5. '“PYRRHUS” fro Liverpool sail s for Hong Kong. Shanghai japan. “KUTSANG” from Japan and Ch ina via Singapore sails same da> 1 r
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1725 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES |< 8.8. C. EMPIRE STATION foothcjh) TODAY I IN RADIO Tune in on the following waveTRANSMISSION 2. lengths: |T seems that newspaper interests in the tdx xrcwjQQmv o United States are slowly, but surely, 6.20 p.m.—Big Ben. The Leslie Bridge- obtaining a foothold in radio. water Harp
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  • 115 13 The new refrigerated cargo motorship Essex, built by Messrs. John Brown and Co., Clydebank, to the order of the New Zealand Shipping CO., Ltd., is equipped by the Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., with a comprehenrive wireless installation. This includes a Marconi wireless telegraph transmitter,
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  • 145 13 Half-Year’s Surplus Of Earnings The assets and liabilities of the Nippon Yuseo Kaisha for the term ending September 30, 1936 are announced as follows: The surplus of earnings after deducting current expenditure for the past half-year amounts to 9.282,711 yen, out of which there have been provided
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  • 202 13 Work Executed By British Firm Among the models of ships which been constructed last year by Messrs. Basset-Lowke, Ltd., may be mentioned two waterline models of the liner Awatea, owned by the Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd., three waterline models of the Strathmore for
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  • 51 13 Messrs. Alexr. Esplen and Co., Ltd., sales managers for the Comyn Oily Water Separator, have recently received an order from the Greenock Dockyard Co, Ltd., for six of the separators for irstallation in the six ships which are under construction for the Clan Line Steamers, Ltd., at
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  • 188 13 Year's Receipts £8,971,000 NET ADVANCE OF £522,000 Paris, Jan. 4. The total receipts of the Suez Canal for the year 1936 amount to Frs. 941,960,000 (£8,971, 000 at current rates), as against Frs. 887,190,000 (£8,449,400) in 1935, an increase of Frs. 54,870,000 (£522,000). Two factors which influenced
    188 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 349 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE V MMk LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Doe 'in conjunction with Glen A Shim Um) JL HECTOR Marseilles, London, Rotterdam* GhuSow Vh T? GLENSHIEL London, Rotterdam, Hamburg Antwerp Jan 22 F 17 Middlesborough F «a 1 C MENESTHEUS 3 C. LYCAON
      349 words
    • 160 13 FORTHCOMING SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE Jan. 22 s.s. “SLAMAT” R.L. 13,000 tons Feb. 5 s.s. “J. P. COEN” n.L. 11.000 tons Feb. 12 m.v. “INDRAPOERA” r,l. 12,000 tons Feb. 26 m.v. ’’MARNIX VAN ST. ALDEGONDE” N.L. 20,000 tons Mar. 5 m.v. "SIBAJAK” R L. 13,000 tons Mar. 19 m.v. “CHRISTIAAN HUYGENS”
      160 words
    • 599 13 P&O BRITISHMNDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., undei .Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettcnham, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. s/S “BULAN” Jan 22 Outwards from London for China Japan* due Penang 1936- SAILINGS OF STEamfrs OF THE •S/S BEHAR” Jan. 23
      599 words
    • 178 13 (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE A SPECIAL TOUR Has been arranged via CHINA, JAPAN AND AMERICA ARRIVING IN ENGLAND In time for the CORONATION OF H.M. KING GEORGE VI Singapore dep. 22 Mar. 1937 Suwa Maru Kobe arr. 3 Apr. 1937 Yokohama dep. 8
      178 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 693 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES MIPQM concert relay. B.os—News in French. 8.35 Continuation of concert reThy. 9.2o—Talk Station in Batavia broadcasts on the fol-> on music by M. Charles Oulmont. 9.30 lowing wavelengths: Social topics by M. Rives. 9.4o—Colonial 1G.50 am— p.m. YDA 3,040 market prices «tes of exchange. 9.50keta (19.6.7 m end
      693 words

  • 429 14 TENNIS: i TWO NEW HORSES FOR CAPT. A. PRITCHARD (BY TIC-TAC’ CapJ. A. Pritchard, J.P., the wellknown Teiuk Anson planter, who ran a number of horses formerly, has again bought two English horses, Sly Lady and Barford date Fly Nut) to race in Malaya. Sly Lady
    429 words
  • 921 14 HOME SOCCER RESULTS AND TABLES Following are results of Home soccer matches played on Saturday together with positions of the teams to date. ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. ni (South, rn) Bristol C. Watford 2. Clapton O. 2, Gillingham 0. Notts Co. 3, Newport Co. 1. Torquay U.
    921 words
  • 166 14 —Reuter. F. A. Cup Third Round London. Jan. 16. Following are the results of ties in the third round of the F.A. Cup Manchester U. 1. Reading 0. Wolves 6. Middlesbro 1. Eradford 0, Derby 4. Cardiff 1. Grimsby 3. Brentford 5. Huddersfield 0. Crewe 0.
    —Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 58 14 —Reuter. International Championship Challenge Round KING OF SWEDEN'S CUP Stockholm, Jan. 17. France beat Sweden by four matches to one in the challenge round of the international covered courts championship for tne King of Sweden’s cup. The outstanding match was between Borotra and Schroeder, in which the
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 31 14 —Reuter. Detroit, Jan. 17. Ellsworth Vines, who beat Perry at Pittsburgh on Saturday, was again successful here when he teat Perry in straight sets 14—12. 6—2. 6—l, Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 465 14 —Reuter. THRILLING GAME AT TWICKENHAM Twickenham, Jan 16. England defeated Wales in the first international rugby match of the season today by four points to three. The attendance was 65,000 at the start. The weather was sunny. After early rain the ground was soft. Numerous Welshmen
    —Reuter.  -  465 words
  • 758 14 SPILLS THRILLS AT THIRD CYCLING CARNIVAL S. Pall Singh Wins Championship Trophy SPILLS and thrills were served up at the third cycling carnival organised by the Penang Cycle Traders’ Union which was held yesterday on the Chung Ling High School ground. The weather was all that could be desired, being
    758 words
  • 139 14 Inter-State Hockey At Ipoh (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 16. I After playing poor hockey in the first half, Perak were decidedly lucky to draw with Selangor in their inter-state match at Ipoh this evening, each side scoring three goals. The game was very exciting
    139 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 477 14 Charm Away INDIGESTION the Chardox Way “Words cannot express the magic’’ of Chard ox, writes A.K. Read his letter“Charcoal has always done me good but it bocame so expensive taking such a lot Chardox (Activated Charcoal) acts verv much more quickly and is more lasting It did me so much
      477 words

  • 1405 15 CLOSE VICTORY OVER THE ARMY Grand Rugby On Kuala Lumpur Padang (brom Our Own' Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 16. Tl I b. close battles ot previous Malaya Cup finals were emulated on the Selangor Club padang this evening when Selangor s close victory over the Army
    1,405 words
  • 523 15 Clacton Club Beaten Narrowly Playing on their own ground on Saturday t e Butterworth Recreation Club defeated the isitmg Clacton Club at hockey by six goals to four. The match, which was brimful of thrills and excitement, was played at a fast pace and only towards
    523 words
  • 116 15 Reuter. International Rugby Trial London. Jan. 16. Scotland beat The Rest in the International rugby trial at Edinburgh yesterday by 20 points to 13. RI GBY’ I MON RESULTS Following are the results of Rugby Union matches played yesterday: Birkenhead Park 34. Manchester 3. Bristol 11,
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 W p,ease send me a c °py of THE lactogen BABY BOOK.’’ W THE Y 1 j enclose 10 cents in unused postage stamps to cover postage. W LACTOGEN I NAME BABY ADDRESS ||h Z/ LACTOGEN” is under hygienic \Y\ I control from the moment it W O 'I. r
      101 words

    • 200 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations la MEtiSKS. KENNEDY A Co.l Share Ust today TIN:— Buyers Sellers Ampat s|o 5|6 Ayer Weng 1.80 1-90 Batu Selangor 1.471 1.521 Hitam 45 50 Hong Fatt 1.54 1.571 Jelapang 27i0 27|9 Jelcbu 1.321 1.371 Kpg. Kamunting 10|ll 10|7i Kpg. Lanjut 27(3
      200 words
    • 123 16 London, Jan. 16. RUBBER Dull. Spot 10}J buyers 1013 sellers. Jan./March lOg buyers 103 sellers. April/Sept. 101 buyers 10 ft sellers. July/Sept. 10ft buyers 10ft sellers. New York: 22.20 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 31,792 tons Liverpool 44,709 tons I OPR A Straits S.O. liotterduiu £25.0.0. PEPPER
      123 words
    • 123 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 9164 105 9164 New York 4.91 ft 4.91 ft Montreal 4.911 4.91 J Brussels 29.111 29.114 Geneva 21.384 21.381 Amsterdam 8.96? 8.96? Milan 93 93 ft Berlin 12.201 12.201 Stockholm 19.39 ft 19.39 ft Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26ft
      123 words
    • 221 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN:— Buyers Seilers Batu Selangor 1.47 J 1.52 J Hong Fatt 1-55 1.571 Jelebu 1.321 1.371 Kuchai I-™ I.7scum Lukut 1.374 1.421 Nawng Pet 971 1.00 North Taiping 921 95 Rahman Hyd. 1.421 1.47 J Rantau Ordy. 1-50 1-55 K Rantau Pref. 1.521 1.571 Sungei Luas 2.30
      221 words
    • 225 16 RUBBER:— Buyers Sellers Allenbys 2.05 2.15 Ayer Panas 2.05 2.15 Bassetts .90 .925 Batu Lintangs 1.525 1.571 Bedfords 1.40 1.45 Bentas 1.50 1.55 Brogas 1.20 1.225 Indragiris 1.75 1.821 Lunas 2.375 2.45 Mandai-Tekongs .25 .274 M. Pindas 1.925 2.00 Mentakabs .50 .525 N. Scudais 1.925 2.00 Sulohs .525
      225 words
    • 270 16 I The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today RUBBER: Buyers Sellers Allanbys 2.05 2.15 Ayer Panas 2.05 2.15 Bassetts .90 .95 Batu Lin tangs 1.52 J 1.57 J Bedfords 1.40 1.45 Bentas 1-50 1.55 Brogas 1.20 1.25 Indragiris 1.72 J 1.774 Kempas 3.05
      270 words
    • 109 16 TIN SATURDAY TODAY Londe»— (Spot) £232.10.0 No market London—(3 month») £233. 5.0 No market Singapore ►—5115.54) $115.50 Business Done Penang Borines» Done COPRA.— (Sur dried) $10.45 $10.50 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO $ll.OO RUBBER London IOJSd 10Hd New York Zl?c(G) 21}gc(G) Singapore--Spot 371 e 373 c 372c 37c Aprii/June 37|c
      109 words
    • 188 16 LEAN CO. TODAY'S OPENING QUOTATIONS TIN:— Buyers Sellers Asams 33,9 34(3 B. Selangors 1.474 Hong Fatts 1-53 1-58 Jelapangs 26 9 27 6 Katus 233 24(0 K. Kampars 16 3 16(104 K. Lanjuts 26 9 27 6cd Kuchais 172 i 1.774cd Laruts 15 0 15 9 Lukuts 1.374 1-424 Mambaus
      188 words
    • 313 16 POOR FOOTBALL IN LEAGUE MATCH The Malay Volunteers were trour.ced to the tune of four goals to one by the Malay Recreation Club, in an M.F.A. Football League match played at the Dato Kramat I Ground, Penang, on Saturday. I The game throughout was a
      313 words
    • 233 16 —Reuter. TASMANIAN XI. OUT FOR 134 Hobart, Jan. 16. In a three-day match against a Combined Tasmanian XI the M.C.C. tourists who had, at the end of the first day, hit up 392 1 for 8 wickets, completed their first innings for 418. Hardstaff, who was
      —Reuter.  -  233 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 845 16 banks. NEDERLANDSCHE THE MERCANTILE BANK HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ N. V. Capital Authorised £3 oon.oot Capital Subscribed £i.800o«5 /NETHERLANDS TRADING Reserve Fund and Rest £1.247 SOCIFTY.) £1,050 <« BOARD OF DIRECTOR* Established in Am«rei<ia*n 182$. Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairncatio. Cu an rmjt I*. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM Sir Charles Alexander Innes.
      845 words