Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 350 1 —Reuter and Reuter Wirelss. Three People Injured Madrid, Jan. 9. THE British Embassy building was bombed from the air and three people were injured. The wounded are Mr. E. C. Lance, Mrs. Norris, wife of an Englishman with whom Mr. Lance was discussing business, and
    —Reuter and Reuter Wirelss.  -  350 words
  • 106 1 Dr. Hopkins To Captain Malayan Side (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 9. The choice of Dr. H. O. Hopkins as captain of the all-Malayan side to meet Sir Julien Cahn’s cricket team in Singapore, in March, was approved at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 61 1 Mr. Huang Yen-kai, the Chinese Consul, PertAfig, returned from Singapore yesterday. He accompanied Mrs. Wang Chingwei, wife of the former Chinese Premier, to Singapore to meet Mr. Wang, who was ‘returning to Shanghai from Europe by the Potsdam. A horse which escaped from the railway station yard
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  • 69 1 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Kwangtung To Issue Loan Bonds Hong Kong, Jan. 6. The Provincial Government of Kwangtung is contemplating the issue of loan bonds to the extent of $7,000,000 which will be spent on the construction of the new river port of Whampao, near
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  69 words
  • 108 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Drafting China's Future Foreign Policies Shanghai, Jan. 7. Marshal Chiang Kai-Shek, the Premier and Chairman of the Central Military Affairs Council, who has not yet withdrawn his resignation, is reported to be drafting 1 fresh policies in connection with Chinas future foreign affairs
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  108 words
  • 36 1 responding period of 1935. —Reuter Wireless. Canberra, Jan. 7. Australian gold production in the ten months to last October totalled 94p,646 fine ounces, compared with 719,506 fof the corresponding period of 1935. —Reuter Wire-
    responding period of 1935.—Reuter Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 43 1 .—Reuter. Kemal Ataturk is returning tonight. .The Turko-French tension .appears lessened owing to resumption of direct FrancoTurk negotiations, while the French suggestion of postponement of the League session, scheduled for Jan. 18, has also contributed towards amelioration .of the situation.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 305 1 The following are the averages of the leading batsmen of both Eides and complete list of bowlers for the three Tests played. Hammond and Leyland lead the batting for England, both with better aver- ages than Bradman, who heads the Australian list. Voce easily
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  • 43 1 M.C.C. In Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania, Jan. 9. The three-day mutch between the M.C C. and Tasmania began here today. Tasmania took first lease of the wicket and the lunch score wns 95 runs for 8 wickets. —Reuter. Later. Tasmania 104 all out.
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  • 307 1 Out For Fortune (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 8. The recent rise in the price of rubber in Malaya is attributed to manipulations by a group of speculators known as the “Balkan Gang.” The latter is so-called because it was originally formed for
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  • 99 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 9. Derrick and Co. announce the following forward sales of rubber for 1937 made on behalf of the undermentioned companies: Alor Gajah: 60 tons London standard ribbed smoked sheet, delivery five tons monthly January-December, 1937, at 40 cents per lb. f.o.b. Singapore.
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  • 126 1 Mr. Justice McCabe Reay (From Our Own Corresondent.) London, Friday. > Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, who was for, many years D.P.P., Ipoh, and who later served as a judge in Malaya, has died. His last appointments before retirement from Malaya were as a judge in
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  • 172 1 .—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hundreds Executed In Peiping Tientsin Shanghai, Jan. 7. Hundreds of opium addicts in Peiping and Tientsin are fleeing to the districts in East Hppei which are under the administration of the autonomous regime headed by Mr. Yin Yu Keng, as the result of
    .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  172 words
  • 70 1 Ugly Situation In Flint, Michigan Detroit, Jan. 9. J Up to the present, 76,000 have been thrown out of work by the motor strike. An ugly situation exists in Flint, Michigan, where the police are standing by armed with tear gas after a brush with the strikers. j
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  • 241 1 NEW SUNDAY GAZETTE SERIES The well-known humorist who writes under the nom-de- plume of "0.8. H. begins a new feature in tomorrow’s Sunday Gazette., 1 The title of this series is “Imaginary Interviews with Visionary Visitors,” and the first notability on the list is Mae W>*st
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 AH CHEONG No. 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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  • 298 2 G-Men And Police On Trail New York. Kidnapping fever broke out again in America last week when G-men and local police staged a spectacular man-hunt in Tacoma, Washington State, for a masked man who carried off the ten-year-old son of a wealthy doctor at
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  • 151 2 Following Refusal To Return To Russia Moscow. Two distinguished Russian chemists, Professor Chichibabin and Professor Ipatieff, were expelled last week from the Russian Academy of Science on the ground that they have resided abroad and have refused to return to Russia. It was charged against them
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  • 101 2 A Mother's Vengeance Jackson. An 18-year-old cripple, Johnny Shepherd, was shot dead in court here last week by the mother of the boy he was alleged to have murdered. Mrs. Viola Wickline, whose 17-year-old son was found shot dead on Christmas Eve, jumped to her
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  • 411 2 BLAMED PUBLICITY FOR FRAUDS A remarkable statement made to the police by a man who falsely claimed to have won £9,000 in a penny football pool was read at Middlesbrough last week. James McCracken Graham, 36, a gardener, of Marton-road, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to three
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  • 236 2 Artist Listed As Dead It is understood that M. Maurice Utrillo, the famous French painter, has issued a writ against the Director of the Tate Gallery, Millbank, Mr. J.B. Manson, and the printer of the Gallery’s catalogue of modern French paintings, claiming damages for libel. The
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  • 134 2 Homework For Examinations Weymouth. “Children in our schools are being stuffed as hard and strenuously as Christmas turkeys. They ought t?* have freedom and fun instead of being fattened up for scholarship examinations. When the stuffing has been taken out, there is no brilliance left. You
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  • 295 2 DEFENCE IN CHARGE OF BIGAMY The “Spanish law of the Soviet regime” was quoted during the hearing of a bigamy charge at Epson last week. John Ainsworth Christien, 40, a managing director, of no fixed abode, appeared on remand charged with: Bigamously marrying Senorita Rosita Rivero,
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 2 the “best Lord Mayor Manchester will ever have.”
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  • 170 2 Prison Keep Henry Melchior, 53, who had pleaded not guilty to a charge of begging last week was sentenced at Ban-street to three months’ imprisonment Mr. T. W. Fry, the magistrate; made an ■order that while in prison the man would have to contribute
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  • 122 2 Rare Charge Against Goalkeeper Ait alleged incident during a Scottish Alliance match between Heart of Midlothian and the Celtic at Tyneeaatle, Edinburgh, on November 28, resulted in a charge at Edinburgh Police Court last week against James Foley, the Celtic goalkeeper. The charge alleged that Foley
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  • 126 2 The 2nd Battalion The Royal Sussex Regiment returned to England from Khartoum last week after a 17 years’ absence on foreign service. The battalion landed at Southampton from the troopship Dilwaxa and was welcomed by the Colonel of the regiment. Brigadier-General W. L. Osborne, D.S.O. .Brigadier-General
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 464 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegram*: Gazette Penang. Btagapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang Within
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    • 88 2 H'.PS. 40 Exercise vigilance over your health and wellbeing. You cannot afford to take risks in connection w >*h your beverage. Remember you have proof of this whisky’s excellence in the recommendation of the medical profession. [WE IOSII IMO JI Famous all over the world for the flavour, ShFwhich analysts
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  • 639 3 —Reuter. MR. ROOSEVELT’S BUDGET REQUEST $100,000,000 For Two New Battleships PRESIDENT Roosevelt’s Budget for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1938, which he has presented to Congress, recommends among other things, a record peace-time sum for strengthening the national defences of the United States
    —Reuter.  -  639 words
  • 156 3 —Reuter. Face Mutilated: Foul Play Suspected Peiping, Jan. 8. A body, believed to be that of Pamela, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Mr. E. T. C. Werner, well-known author and former British Consul at Foochow, was found under the city wall this morning. It is
    —Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 201 3 Fundamental Cause Of His Illness Vatican City, Jan. 4. It is officially announced that the local disturbance from which His Holiness the Pope is suffering can gradually continue to improve and even be completely removed but the condition of the heart counsels prudence and judgment owing to the
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  • 109 3 .—Reuter. Tokio Pass Import Control Law Tokio, Jen. 8. Arising from recent signs of the weakness of the yen, the Finance Ministry at midnight published an ordinance, effective forthwith, enforcing general import control by official licencing of Foreign Exchange transactions. The Finance Ministry is aiming at the
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 259 3 Transfer Of 5.000 R.A.F. Personnel Dhibban, the big new air base for the R A.F. in Irak, is now being occupied. The station headquarters will form there on Friday, and No. 30 Bomber Squadron under Sqdn Ldr. A. J. Rankin, has already moved from Mosul
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  • Article, Illustration
    126 3 May Become "‘President Of Soviet Union” Paris, Jan. 2. M. Stalin, who hitherto officially has 1 been only “Secretary General” of the So- viet Russian Communist party, will bei come “President of the Soviet Union,” if the next united Cbngress of Soviets, icI cepts a proposal to this
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  • 197 3 —Reuter. Crime Which "Smacked Of Chicago" London, Jan. 8. A £5 note passed across the counter of a Glasgow store during Christmas Week led to the solution of a crime which had baffled the police for over five years. On August 12, 1931 Robert Donald, in
    —Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 141 3 The President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Walter Runciman, is sailing from Glasgow for New York. His visit to the United States is of a private character, but during his stay there, he intends to visit Washington and arrangements will be made for meeting President
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  • 149 3 —Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 8. The time limit of the German ultimatum' to Valencia has expired and no answer bis been receivedin view of the non-receipt of a Spanish reply it is concluded that the Spanish authorities have no intention of considering the German offer. Reuter understands
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 65 3 .—Reuter. Detroit, Jan. 8. A successive conference on the strike situation failed to break the deadlock. The Federal conciliator, Mr. Dewey, who earlier in the day believed the outlook was hopeful admitted later that neither side had agreed to anything. There appears to be no prospect of
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 135 3 which a note for £lOO was wrapped.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 8A body of anonymous well wishers of the* work of the National Trust for the Preservation of Beauty Spots, who call themselves Ferguson’s Gang, have given to the TfQst money for the purchase of a further 15-1)2 acres
    which a note for £lOO was wrapped.—British Wireless.  -  135 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 HOW TO TREAT A STOMACH PAIN When your stomach is healthy and well, you never think of its existence. But whea it is out of sorts for any reason you know all about it. Pain sets in— sometimes very severe, nagging pain. What are you to do Yeu certainly do
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  • 519 4 Statement In Singapore NO ENEMIES NOW Singapore, Jan. 7. 14R Wang Ching Wei, Cnina’s ex-Premier and Foreign Minister, arrived in yesterday evening on the N.IA.L. liner Potsdam on his way back to ’China from Europe where he has been recovering from the bullet wounds he
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  • 269 4 Chesterfield. St cyclist postman was attacked in a Jkiuely spot on the outskirts of Scarcliffe, last week by two men who ttiied to stop him. Despite his injuries he jKKIe to Bolsover with his mails, where he joiade a report to the police. A search of sUxe
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  • 1093 4 MR. E. E. COLMAN’S •SECOND" RETIREMENT Grey-»iired, 58-year-old Mr. E. E. Colman, kindly magistrate in the Singapore Fifth Court, has just relinquished his chair in favour of Mr. C. F. J. Ess, formerly Deputy Registrar of Singapore High Court, who will be acting fifth magistrate. Thia is
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  • 308 4 Two Charges Against Mrs. A. C. Begg i Mrs. Agnes Carmichael Begg, accom- panied by her European husband, Mr. N.C. Begg, appeared in the Singapore third court on Wednesday to answer a summons. The charges were first, intentionally «ausfng an interruption while the Assistant Civil District
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  • 133 4 Bishops To Meet Berlin. Great importance is attached in Catholic ircles to an extraordinary meeting of the German Catholic Bishops’ Conference which will take place at Fulda about the middle of January. The implications of the new law under which all German boys and girts
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  • 296 4 European's Evidence At Inquiry Four Europeans, two sergeants of the R. A. F., Seletar, and their wives, were coming to town in a taxi when their car knocked down a 25-year-old Chinese fitter named Tan Ah Peng at Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, about 7.00 p.m. on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 "pUT^JICI^NDTb Stomach Distress AMAZING RELIEF by 3-»" l Treatment DON’T SUFFER ANOTHER DAY Practically every form of stomach trouble is caused bv excess acid That burning pain in the pit of stomach, that agonising thrust of wind, that uncomfortable distension that rising of sour food particles m the throat, are
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  • 3548 5 Stirring Address By Mr. Sastri At Singapore Plea For Recognition of Indian Varsity Degrees THE Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, was taxed td its fullest when the Rt. Hon. Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., C.H., and Mr. G. S. Bozman, 1.C.5., were entertained at an “At Home” by
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  • 40 5 The British steamer Cotwith Force, abandoned by her crew off Lizard H ead, after she had been found, was tewed into Falmouth Harbour by th e Dutch motor-vessel, Flying Irish- man. Her crew had already been rescued.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 Q'W/uj do some children always look so HealtHu •andWell?” Angiers kßm is the FJwM answer mMbMI The surest way to keep children healthy and robust and able to go out in all weathers without jJ any ill after-effects —is to build up their powers of resistance or a fever, Angier**;
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  • 290 6 OVER 300 PRESENT AT WOKING MOSQUE London. Thousands throughout Britain will witness part of the celebration of the Muslim festival of Id ul Fitr at the Shah Jehan Mosque at Working, Surrey, the headquarters [of the Muslim community in this country. I For the first
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  • 357 6 SOUTH INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY Madras. The first Madras Provincial Film Conference resumed its sittings last week in Gokhale Hall, George Town. There was a large gathering of film enthusiasts, actors and producers. Mr. M.R. Rajagopalan presided and Mr. K.R. Sanna addressed the conference on ‘Costumes and
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  • 188 6 Formation Of Sanctuaries Near Monasteries Rangoon. A Press communique states: The Burma Wild Life Protection Act 1936 contains the provision that “No person shall hunt within two hundred yards of the compound of an inhabited Buddhist monastery or u. a religious edifice for which trustees
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  • 219 6 Unlikely To Be Ready In Time For Coronation The issue of postage stamps of the reign of King George VI is not likely to be ready for May 12, thei date cf the Coronation, it is learned. No King Edward VIII stamps of new denominations will be
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  • 190 6 Army Swept By "Hagaki Cult" A striking new figure is rising among the Japanese Army leaders. He is LtGen. Itagaki, Chief of Staff cf the Kwantung Army, which provides the North China garrison. A Japanese officer said; “Watch Itagaki! He will shortly becoirc u,
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  • 223 6 Lecture In London London. The aims of the Ceylon Socialist Party have been explained by Mr. Leslie Goonawardene, of the Lanka Sama Samaja (Socialist) Party of Ceylon, at a meeting at the Friends’ House, Euston Road, here. Mr. Goonewardene is in London on a short holiday
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  • 100 6 Chinese Fined For Possession Of False Weight (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 9. A fine of $4O was imposed by the Seremban magistrate, Mr. M. J. Hayward on Thursday, on a Chinese, Lai Yoke, a poultry dealer of Nilai, for being in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 156 6 SHE BECAME STOUT ALL AT ONCE Face Nearly Twice as Bis as Before Some neople seem to u p m'’oneway and of a sudden. You meet them day. ana K re ti"y e them they you see viiem j nrhnt was what napJSSi'SmX 6V before she began taking Kruschen. r
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 166 6 EXTR4 ATTRACTION FOR TONIGHT Special Airmail Pictures of THE KING'S ABDICATION. ■l4 A J IJx LA* 7 3 SHOWS Today 2-45 ’6*ls—9-30 Acclaimed The Grandes* And Mos* Entertaining Musical Show Seen For A Long Time Direct from its Sensational Success in Singapore where it was shown for nearly a Fortnight.
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    • 242 6 WINDSOR RO YA L 6-30 Opening T-IgM 9-30 "J*? G of CHINA AS PREPARED BY MARSHAL ring—without striking a blow CHIANG KAI SHEK. Your NEW Laugh Team "CHINA TODAY" KELLY THE M SEC P OND A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture. Shown to Record Packed Houses. Charlie Chase Guin Simultaneously in 3 Theatre
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  • 954 7 PRELIMINARY INQUIRY CLOSED THE six accused in the Paya Trubong stabbing affray, which occurred on the night of Nov. 24, 1936, in which two Chinese were seriously injured, were committed for trial at the next Assizes by Mr. H. A.
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  • 92 7 Accused Claimed Trial Harjan Singh, a Sikh, appeared before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court yesterday morning charged with having given false information to the police, on Dec. 20, at the Hutton Lane Police Station. The accused is alleged to have falsely eh'arged Arjan
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  • 263 7 Liberal Association's View Bombay. Addressing the annual general meeting of the Western India National Liberal Association, Sir Chinmanlal Setalved referred to the new Constitution and ssiid that the best thing to do at present was to work it and extract the greatest guod possible out of
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  • 94 7 i Suspicious Characters Rounded Up (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 9. The house of Inche Mohamed Yusop, Assistant District Officer, Seremban, was burgled on Wednesday. I It is reported that cash and jewels to the extent of $2OO, the property of a woman guest, are
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  • 633 7 ROMAN DUTCH LAW STILL IN USE Mr. R. Sri Pathmanathan, M.A. (Oxon), barrister-at-law, gave a public lecture, under the auspices of the Ceylon Tamils’ Association on “Mcdem Ceylon” in the J Victoria School Hall, Singapore, before a 'large audience. The Hon. Dr. Lim 1 Han Hoe, introducing the
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  • 280 7 HIS WORK IN THE AIR FORCE Washington. The American literary world is startled by the sensational review, of a. new book by the late T. E. Lawrence ef Arabia, published in “The Saturday Review” of Literature. It is a review of “The Mint,” a book costing £lOO,OOO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 466 7 Wakeup LOOKING YOUNGER tomorrow morning NEW CELL FOOD NOURISHES SKIN WHILE YOU SLEEP Astounding Discovery 4 A smooth nnwrinkled skin at 77 f ’C 60. Women of 50„who look almost AMMO f as young as their daughters. t hese seeming miracles are to- v day made possible by the X.
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  • 525 8 Rugby Football Season, so far as Penang is concerned, will end this afternoon on the Esplanade with the semi-finals and final of the Seven-A-Side tournament. It has been a brilliant year for this Settlement with one big disappointment inability of Penang to get into the final of
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  • 388 8 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR (CHURCH OF ENGLAND) IST SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. B.OD a.m. Matins and Litany. Psalms 47, 48 Bendictus. 270. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese). 6.00 p.m. Evensong. Psalm 46 Chant 132. Magnificat Chant 238. Nunc Dimittis Chant 220. Hymns 79, 76, 359,
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  • 538 8 Returning Prosperity-More CarsThe Parking Problem -Appeal To Landlords of the surest signs of returning prosperity is the increasing number of motor vehicles. Motor firms in Penang have done record sales during the past few months. One of the problems that arises in connection witn this increased motor
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  • 358 8 (By Our Special Muslim Correspondent.) A preliminary meeting of the members of the Malay and Arab community of Penang was held at 4 p.m. at the Land Office, on Jan. 4 in connection with the King's Coronation Celebrations. A strong committee as follows was elected:— i Chairman: Capt.
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  • 83 8 Reuter. Licences Tc Export Munitions Cancelled Washington, Ja n President Roosevelt has signed the 0»* gress resolution placing an embargo on th* export of arms to Spain. Immediately after Mr. Roosevelt signed the e.rms embargo resolution, the machinery was set in motion to prevent
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 81 8 A meeting of members interested in socSports Club interested in cricket has beta called for Friday, Jan. 15, at 7.00 p.m-r in the Cricket Pavilion, for the purpose of electing a captain end a convenor for ern ket for the coming season. A meeting or all
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 191 8 BRAwl jDEINHARDSJ RHINE WINES C aidbeck’s ll/isic Sittoe IS 6 ipwr |Ofty\g X Surfer v F Why endure the torment of Nerve NO CURE—NO PAY Pains and Headaches when 2 simply obtain a 2» tablet bottle of Irving's Yeast-Vite Tablets can bring tftTu glorious relief in 5-15 Minutes IVAv live
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    • 129 8 jfweH' coak?- cswhrmb The cook has not changed, nor has the recipe except that Maggi’s Seasoning is now used in the kitchen. A few drops work wonders if added, just before serving. to an insipid dish, weak soup, stew, gravy or sauce. Maggi’s Seasoning is’utterly different from spicy table sauces
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 247 8 Saturday, 9th January, 1937. < GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS ONLY FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. Ciihi Lgo Magic Acrobatic Show 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. 10.30 PM. rhe Troupe is just back from The Chicago World Fair to thrill you with their magic and acrobatic stunts. NEVER ANY SIMILAR
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  • 529 9 FIREARMS FOR MALAY INDIAN DETECTIVES SEQUEL TO MURDER OF MOHD. ALI HAN COMRADE'S CLAIM AT SINGAPORE INQUEST That he could have shot one of his comrade’s assailants had he possessed a gun was claimed by Detective Mohamed Sidik, in replying to the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. MacQuarrie, at the resumption
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  • 141 9 EFFECTIVE FROM JAN. 15 i A revised time table will be introduced I on the F.M.S. Railways from Jan. 15. The main alterations ure to the night trains between Penang and Kuala Lumpur. The down mail from Penang will depart at 9.00 p.m. instead
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  • 136 9 Kheng Chew Delegate In Penang A prominent member of the Kheng Chew community, Mr. Chong Hin Lim, who is a delegate from the parent Kheng Chew Association in China, is on an inspection tour of Malaya to study the educational progress and needs of his community.
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  • 146 9 Singapore, Jan. 8. In the case in which Mr. S.A.S. Park was charged with causing the death of a Chinese bread-seller by driving his car in a negligent manner along Serangtxm Road on Dec. 2, the D.P. P. alleged in his opening
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  • 215 9 More Than 120 Workers Rendered Homeless Singapore, Jan. 8. Over 120 Chinese land Indian rubber factory workers, squatters, and a f ew actors and actresses are homeless as the result cf a fire which destroyed 11 attap houses, a shop ird a Chinese wayang at Chua
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  • 306 9 AIR MAIL A mail for Australia, Nev/ Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence bv Singapore-Australia air mail service will close at 7 p.m. today. A mail for Amsterdam and London by K. L. M. service will close at 7 a.m. tomorrow A mail
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  • 152 9 BURGLARS LEAVE TORCHLIGHT BEHIND Seremban, Jan. 8. A sum of $504 dollars, is reported to have been stolen last night from, a safe in the office of Sungei Mahang Estate, Nilai, a few miles from Seremban. According to reliable information, the manager of the estate discovered his
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  • 135 9 Possession Of Samsu (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 8. A fine of $lOO was imposed today by the Taiping magistrate on an old Cninese woman, Oci Choo Siang, who had pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of one and a half gallons of samsu on
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  • 36 9 —British Radio. i London, Jan. 8. The total amount applied for in tenders for £35,000,000 Treasury bills was £72,935,000. Average rate per cent, for bills at three month was against 1215.630 a week ago.
    —British Radio.  -  36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. ENGAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICES Fraser Weave. Ltd., are Kedah, son of the late John Wallace oi announce that their popular new drinks Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland and Phyllis ORANGE JUICE SODA and GRAPE Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bab- FRUIT SODA are now obtainable in their ington of
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  • 1031 10 1937 INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK Last Year’s Big Rise In Share Values (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 31. Hxcept for heavy dealings in Rubber Shares, business on the London Stock F.x<h*ngie is still characterised by the usual <?hrtstmas holiday week slackness. Most investors are still out of
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  • 128 10 Kali Glagah Paying 3% The directors of Kali Glagah Rubber Company recommend a dividend of 3 per cent., less tax, for the year ended September 30 last. No dividend was paid in respect of the preceding twelve months, while 21 per cent, was distributed for 1933-34. The
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  • 154 10 RESUMING TRADE WITH BRITAIN Buyers from all over Italy ure to attend the British Industries Fair, which opens on Feb. 15 at Olympia and the White City, London, and Castle Bromwich, Birmingham. year, because of SiinctLns, Italians for the first time were not present at
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  • 257 10 Following are particulars of operations l of the under-mentioned Companies for the month of December, 1936. I Ampat Tin Dredging Ltd. hours 643, jcu: yards 204,000, piculs 880; Southern 1 Kinta Consolidated Ltd hours 3,627, Cu: yards 1,011,000, piculs 4,409; Tongkah Harbour Tin Dreding Co. N.L. houns
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  • 59 10 According to preliminary figures supplied by the U.S.S.R. trading organisations, the value of orders placed in Britain in November amounted to £1,033,390, compared with £477,066 in November, 1935. In the eleven months of this year Soviet orders and purchases aggregated £9,832,875, compared with £9,130,910 in
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  • 724 10 90 lons At 40 Cents. Singapore, Jan. 7. The fact that 90 tons of rubber had been sold forward for the whole of 1937 at 40 cents per lb. was revealed at the annual meeting of Indragiri Rubber, Ltd., yesterday. During the past year dividends
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  • 23 10 The Company’s output of tin ore for last month was as follows; No. 2 Dredge 573.45 pkls. No. 3 308.28 881.73
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 180 10 AT LAST A BOILER COMPOUND FREE FROM ALL SODA AND CHEMICALS! “D.M.” Boiler Enamel. Prevents and arrests pitting and corrosion, softens and removes i old scale and renders new scale formation impossible. Used by H M WAR OFFICE AIR MINISTRY AND ALL STEAM USERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 1 *****111 MANUFACTURED
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  • 101 11 HOUSE BLAZE AFTER AIR LINER CRASH DISASTER IN THE FOG .rraahed in tle fog at Purley. Firemen braved fierce flames to reach the victims of the disaster. Shore duty for the crew of the aircraft-carrier Courageous as they lined up for inspection in front of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 94 11 Get Your Sales Message “Home” In all parts of the world the foundation of every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their product* Millions of pounds spent
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    • 1685 12 Empress Of Britain-Kafiristan Collision Sequel London, Dec. 31. THE question ■whether where one ship <of the owners of a colliding vessel rendered service her owners .were disentitled .to salvage .remuneration because another ship of theirs was partly to blame for the collision damage came before the
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    • 201 12 S.S. “JUNA” sails 8 a.m. for V. Point Mergui, Tavoy, Rangoon and Moulmein. S.S. “SHlRALA”'arrives from Calcutta Rangoon —Sails Sunday for China Japan. S.S. “SOMALI” from Kobe via ports Sails same day for Colombo, Aden Port Said, Marseilles, Casa Balanca, Havre, London. Hamburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp. M.V.
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    • 286 12 Reported Reorganisation Of Control At The Ports London, Dec. 31. Reports from German shipping source» state that the discussions which have taken. place in Hamburg between members of the East Asiatic Shipping Conference have been successful, and that local boards will be established in Continental and oversea
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1635 12 I RAD 10 TOPICS PROGRAMMES "HOW CHARLIE CHAPLIN RADIO 8.8. C. MILITARY DOES IT" PERSONALITIES —153 MND Listeners to the Calcutta station V.U.C. The 8.8. C. Military Band, conducted by tonight will get a crowded hour of enter- B. Walton O'Donnell, will broadcast tainment. A talk will form the opening
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  • 82 13 The Penang Municipal Band will play on the Esplanade tomorrow from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March —A Nation Again—Hume. Overture —Light Cavalry—Suppe. Selection—lolanthe —Sullivan. Waltz —The Gin In The Taxi—-Fetras. Intermezzo—Fleurette d’Amour —Fletcher. Selection —On With The Show —Nicholls. One Step —Meet The Navy —Gay. Sunday, Jan.
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  • 181 13 L.N.E.R.' Presentations To Captain And Crew In recognition of “British seamanship of sterling worth,” the London and North Eastern Railway are making presentations to the captain and to members of the ship’s company of one of their vessels, the Dewsbury. When homeward bound from Rotterdam to Hull
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 732 13 MANSFIELD CO. LTD SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due (in conjunction with Glen Shire Line). Penang London B. CALCHAS London, Rotterdam, Hamburg Hull. Jan 14 Feb GLENAFFARTr Udon, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp .a HECTOR Middlesbrough Jan. 15 Feb 15 x Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Glasgow. Jan.
      732 words
    • 804 13 D an d ~Gt V/ BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental 3.N. Co., undei .Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham. contract with a, MMy» Government Malacca stogapore Sanflca London Md Far Bast Mail Service. s/s M HARr 5 15 Outwards from London for China ci Japan. due Penang 1936 ’s/S “CORFU”*” JaS
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 865 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES c e J I r 2 om ings to listeners in the Netherlands Indies. 7DH DOME 8.20 News and economic review in Ger- nwlvlt man. Call DJQ. 8.35 Artistic fashioning of the everyday. Talk. 8.50 Aboard the aveteagth: ILBI Mc|s (25.4 m.) Eetherbus through Germany. 9.20 News TODAY
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  • 313 14 Filipino Newcomer's Brilliant Display BtXING IN SINGAPORE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 8. Giving a brilliant display, Johnny Mortell, the newcomer from Manila, scored e. technical knockout victory over Boy Quee in the eighth of a ten round contest tonight at the New World arena. Quee
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  • 643 14 Rousing Play Against West Of Scotland W. of Scotland 5 pts., London Scottish 34 Glasgow, Dec. 31. London Scottish thoroughly merited their runaway victory here, of four two dropped goals, and two penalty-gcals to a goal against West of Scotland. Their backs displayed supericr cohesion,
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  • 257 14 Etceteras And C.R.C. Win IN the seven-a-side rugby tournament commenced on the Esplanade yesterday the Chinese Recreation Club scored a convincing win over the Penang Asiatics and the Etcetras easily defeated the Penang Sports Club. The tournament will be continued today when the Etceteras will meet “E”
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  • 107 14 Penang v. Perak The following are the two teams in the inter-State hockey match to be played this evening on the Hutchings School ground between Penang and Perak at 5.15 p.m.:— PENANG PERAK Abdul Kareem F- Toft Y. Cheng Phoy Reynolds H. A. F. Brooke Rahman
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  • 109 14 Racing Programme For This Year The Royal Bangkok Sports Club has just issued its Racing Programme for 1937. H.M. the King will, as usual, be the hon. president, whilst hon. patrons include H.R.H. the Prince of Sukhodhaya H.R.H. Prince Damrong, and H.R.H. the Prince of Nagara
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  • 322 14 Fixtures £or Today ARSENAL TO MEET SUNDERLAND Arsenal, who hold the premier position in the senior division of the English League, will clash today with Sunderland, last year’s champions. Following are the full fixtures for today:— ENGLISH LEAGUE DIV. I Charlton A. vs. Leeds U. Chelsea, vs.
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  • 42 14 Following are Rugby Union fixtures for today:— Blackheeth v Harlequins. Bristol v R.A.F. Devonport S. v Exeter. Gloucester v Leicester. O. M. Taylors v St. Bart’s Hosp. Richmond v United Services. Rosslyn Park v London Scottish. Waterloo v Manchester.
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  • 203 14 DRAW FOR 1936 GOLD MEDAL The 1936 Gold Medal for competition among women golfers of the Penang Sports Club will be played on Wednesday, Jan. 13 —lB holes stroke play on handicap. The draw is as follows: —Mrs. Redfeana and Mrs. Rhys Williams. Mrs. Samuel and Mrs.
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  • 314 14 Annual Meeting New Officials For Year ARRANGEMENTS FOR CAHN'S XI. VISIT (From Our Oux Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 9. The annual general meeting of the Perak Cricket Association was held at Ipoh Club last night, with Mr. C. Bradbery in the chair. The Ipoh Club it was announced
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  • 63 14 Malay Recreation Club v. Malay Sporting Club The following wiH represent the Malay Recreation Club against the Malay Sportjing Club in an M.F.A. League match to be played on the Dato Knamat ground this evening: Noordin; Jois Noordin and Hassan; Yussoff, Abdullah and Ismail; Hussain, Dakar, C.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 339 14 Above the trials of travel 8 days Penang to London— British standards of service Large saloons—Nights spent on land One inclusive fare. No tips Now twice weekly service to Brisbane IMPERIAL Al RWA YS AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES I Airways Ltd., Penang. Telephone 1366 or from Imperial Airways Lt<L S Bookings
      339 words

  • 542 15 Golf Revival Of Talent In Britain PADGHAM AND COTTON WORLD'S BEST A. reflection upon the crowded events of the past year reveals unmistakable signs of a revival of talent in Britain. As the limelight of publicity focusses more and more strongly upon the game of golf,
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  • 98 15 A 12-years-old schoolboy rode the hurdler Swanwick over 21 miles in the Hardwick Handicap Hurdle race at Sedgefield, Durham, last week. He is little Douglas Tidyman, of Darlington— probably the youngest boy ever to ride under National Hunt Rules. His mount was unplaced.
    98 words
  • 584 15 Points V ictory Over S. African Champion IT was a nice Christmas present Johnny McGrory, hardy little Scotsman, holder of the British featherweight Championship gave to British boxing. Appearing in Johannesburg on Boxing Night, he handed a sound beating to Willie Smith, of, South Africa, thereby
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  • 102 15 Offer For Lynch-Kane Contest An offer to stage a world fly-weight title fight between Benny Lynch A.Glasgow), holder, and Peter Kane (Liverpool) m the open air at Anfield has been made by Mr. Johnny Best, of the Liverpool Stadium. Shoutd Small Montana, the Filipino, beat Lynch at
    102 words
  • 153 15 To Coach British Davis Cup Team Fred Perry, the ex-Wimbledon champion who is now ‘‘mixing it” with the film stars in Hollywood, offers to coach the, British 1 Davis Cup team and get nothing for it. Perry hopes the L.T.A. will say “Yes,” because if he can help
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 15 HOW DRAKE,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 348 16 Quiet The Stock Exchange was quiet. London, Jan. 8. Yesterday Hute or Fall Cm. J 1944-64 ■WaSjlg. 4 FX-. 1969-90 116 War Lean. 3% p c. 105% Cam. Ua. Am. (Units) ioj/a Credential A 37% Bsyai Aaace. (IQs. pd.) fit. Western Ord. 64% 4- 1 Can. Fee.
      348 words
    • 117 16 London, Jan. 8. 9TUBBER Firmer. Spot 10$ buyers 10& sellers. JaayMarch 10 ft buyers 10$ sellers. April/J tine 10? buyers 10ft sellers. Tuijr/Sept. lOg buyers 107 a sellers. Wear York: 21.80 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 33,076 tons Liverpool 45,407 tons COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam. £24.7.6d. PEFFER
      117 words
    • 227 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations a MUSSES. KJtNNEBI A Co.’i Share Jm today MINES Buyers Sellers Ampat 5|6 5|9 Asam Kumbang 33|9 34|6ex Ayer Weng 1.85 1.90 Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Hong Fatt 155 1.60 Hongkong Tin 30i0 32|0 Jelapang 26|0 2619 Ipoh 38j6 40|0c Jelebu 1.33
      227 words
    • 123 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 5)32 105 9)64 New York 4.91 J 4.91 J Montreal 4.91 4.91 Brussels 29.131 29.13 Geneva 21.37 21.38 Amsterdam 3.971 8.96 S Milan 93 ft 93 ft Berlin 12.20 12.21 Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% 26%
      123 words
    • 106 16 «IN YESTERDAY TODAY London—(Spot) £232.0.0 £231.15.0 London— (3 months) £232.15.0 £232.10.0 Singapore $115.00 $114.62$ Business Done Penang BuMness Done COPRA.-(SuruSrled) $10.20 $10.30 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO $ll.OO RUBBER London lOgd 10$d New York 21?c(G) 21?c(G) Singapore-Spot 37$c 37gc Feb.|Mar. 37gc 37gc April/June 37Jc 37gc JulyfSept 37Jc 37&C AHOCA >—
      106 words
    • 171 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers SeUen Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Hong Fatt L&5 1.60 Jelebu 1.30 1.35 Kuchai 1.72$ 1.75 Lukut 140 1.42$ Nawng Pet 1.00 1.02$ North Taiping »0 95 Petalings 9.75 10.25 Rahman Hyd. 1.40 1.42$ Raub Gold 7.00 7.20 Rantau Ordy. 1.50 1.55 Rantau Pref. 1.52$ 1.57$
      171 words
    • 336 16 Rubber Uncertain Fall In Tin U.S. AND AUSTRALIAN INFLUENCES Messrs. Kennedy Co. in their weekly report dated Jan. 8 state as follows The past week opened with all sections of the share market active and strong, but with rubber uncertain owing to the strike position in America,
      336 words
    • 160 16 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS TIN: Buyer» SeUen Ampats s|4s s|7s Ayer Wengs 1.82$ 1.87$ Hong Fatts 1.55 1.60 Jelapangs 26)3 27)3 Johans 32 34 Katus 24(6 25|6 Kinta Kellas B|6 8)9 K. Kampars 1610 16|6 K. Lanjuts 26|9 27)3 Laruts 1419 15)3 Lukuts 1.37$ 1.42$ Norths 90 95 Pungahs
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    • 23 16 The output of Raub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., for the four weeks ended Jan. 2, 1937 amounted to 2055.72 ounces.
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    • 52 16 Messrs. Borneo Co., Ltd., agents of the Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., state that cabled advice has been received that the directors of the latter company have declared an interim dividend of Is)- per share, less tax, payable in London, January 29, to shareholders on the register at
      52 words
    • 136 16 The Anglo-Irish Agency, Ltd. of 27 Old Bond Street, London, have shipped a number of horses to destinations in the East and Far East recently. These include Agreement (chestnut gelding, aged 2 years, by Christopher Robin out of Sans Guerre). Starling (bay gelding, aged 2 years,
      136 words
    • 38 16 —Reuter. London, Jan. 8. The Pepper Sales Control Committee has fixed the new spot price of Singapore White Mutok pepper at 6%d. for duty paid and 6d. in bond for the limited quantities avail- jable.-
      —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 313 16 BANKS. FmerieJicc T&aches On® HONG KONG AND But How Mauy SH^ R ”^/-nON NG Hove Found A Way To (Incorporated in Hong Kong) Pat By Their Spare Daltars Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the r Colony. j» HeKkf O//ioe:—HONG KONO. OVERSEA-CHINESE Authorised Capital $50,000,000 a Issued and Fully paid
      313 words
    • 358 16 (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised £3,OW>.U6KJ Capital Subscribed £l.BOO 0045 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,247,8M? Capital Paid Up £l,OsO,@ee> BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairncatto. Chairmajr Sir Charles Alexander Innes. K C.S.I z C.l B»,» Sir Thomas Smith, Kt, J.M. Ryrie, Esq., |P.R. Chalmers, Esq., W.H. Shelford,
      358 words