Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833. published daily. No. 6. Vol. XCV.' FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 1937. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 368 1 HON. MR. S. II 7 JONES APPOINTED The Pins ng Gazette understands from rtliable source that the Hen. Mr. S. W. Jones, who has served over 25 years in the Malayan Civil Service, has been appointed acting British Resident, Selangor, in the absence of Mr. T.
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  • 92 1 Worst 'Flu Epidemic In Britain For Years London, Jan. 7. There are no signs of abatement of Britain’s influenza epidemic, the worst in many years. London general hospitals are filled with the more serious cases, numbering ever 1,000. About 1,400 memrers of the Metropolitan police ere
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  • 659 1 Unconditional Control Of Prohibitions Removal Of Political Agitators Indirect Help Problem To Be Tackled At Once London, Jan. 8. THE German reply to the Anglo-French proposals makes three conditions for co-operation in further nonintervention efforts in Spain Firstly, other participating nations should adopt the
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  • 301 1 Three Dutchmen, who constitute Kuala Lumpur’s total of permanent Dutch residents, met at th© Station Hotel yesterday afternoon to listen in to a broadcast of the Royal wedding. As there were no others of their nationality, no other form of cele-l bration was possible, reports the
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  • 94 1 Great Improvement In Ground Organisation Lcndon Jan. 7. The present year will see the completion of a great system of ground organisation along Empire air routes designed to permit operaticn of services to a 24 hours schedule. The improvement of the ground organisation
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  • 43 1 London, Jan. 7. The Prime Minister, who returned today to Downing Street from Worcestershire, where he spent the Christmas holideys, will go to Sandringham on Saturday to visit the King and will remain there over the weekend.—British Wireless.
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  • 132 1 First Professional Card Next Week For the first time in the history of Balik Pulau, a professional boxing promotion will be held at the Sin Kheng Theatre Hall on Friday, Jan. 15. This has been made possible through the enterprise of the local promoters. The card
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  • 324 1 When Jagat Singh, the well-known Sikh money-lender and prominent member of the Penang Sikh Community made his second appearance beford Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court this morning, on a charge of criminal intimidation by threatening Teja Singh Chandpur with injury
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS Telephone No. 772. PENANG No. 68-70, Bishop Street,
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    • 52 1 I If your engines run-down use Melrich Motor Tablets. They decarbonise, generate and rejuvenate youi engines. Anti-knock Anti-corrosive Stockists 224, Beach Street, Penang, CHOP TAN BOON PENG, ’Phone No. 968. I V J daj.iujz, Lui IWOIIII! isdliudijsif to t/if rnuuito' X The Choicest Butter from New Zealand. PENANG 1500 PHONE
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  • 408 2 Lady Houston s Last Gift IT is understood that the last charitable gift of Lady Houston was a cheque for several thousand pounds to complete the purchase for the Boy Scouts’ Association of Discovery I—Captain1—Captain Scott’s famous ship, the ship in which he
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  • 278 2 "KING” ON "DANGER LIST" Dorchester. j Because Ben Benham, seventy-year-old “king” of west country gipsies, is critically j ill in Dorset County Hospital, police have declared a truce in the traditional dispute between landowners, authorities and the gipsies. As long as he is on the danger list
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  • 154 2 "It Is Illegal" The use of the Blackshirt uniform is to be discontinued by the British Union of Fascists, who last night issued the following statement ‘‘The British Union has taken counsel’s opinion on the Public Order Act, which comes into force on Jan. 1. In
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  • 147 2 Dead Girl's Mother One Of The Petitioners Two condemned men awaiting their execution were reprieved on Christmas Eve. They are Arthur Smith North, 25-years old Hull man, son of a former police inspector, who was sentenced to death for the murder of 16-years old Elsa Kathleen Meyer, near
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  • 210 2 WOMAN HOME FROM NEW GUINEA Plymouth. When the Orient lin«r Orontes reaches London*, a woman who has spent nearly a year is remote parts of Dutch New Guinea, miles from the nearest white man or woman, will land agairt in EnglandShe is Miss L.E. Cheesman,
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  • 232 2 Mr. J. L. Crockatt His wide circle of friends in the City—■ and particularly those with Eastern connections —heard with the deepest regret of the death on December 23 of Mr. JT. L. Crockatt, the late chief manager of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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  • 360 2 The much-discussed rumours of the Kra Canal project, which might “short circuit” Singapore and enable a foreign fleet to sail direct from the China Sea into the Bay of Bengal, formed the subject of a question in the House of Commons recently. Sir Thomas
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 740 2 notices Head Office: 12. Bishop Street, Penang M/V GLENGARRY Phone 1477 1478 with VOYAGE 33 (OUTWARD) extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel from Europe are hereby notified that she is wuigapore Office expected to arrive in Penang on Sunday Cecil Street, Singapore. noon, the 10th
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    • 139 2 K IF I EVERY WIFE KNEW WHAT EVERY WIDOW KNOWS EVERY NM) WOULD BE INSURED I I 1 I I < IB .vail B B B B.. B I JmwK" I I: I11 W'./’-S. 17 RUGBY MALAYa cup final at SELANGOR CLUB PADANG on Saturday, 16th January 1937 Bookings at
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  • 504 3 YOUNG MARSHAL'S AND GEN. YANG'S FORCES DEFIANT Government Troops Ordered To Return Nanking, Jan. 7. THE Central Government troops which have been withdrawing from Shensi since Marshal Chiang Kai-shek’s release on December 25, have been ordered to return immediately as a result of the defiant attitude
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  • 173 3 Voluntary Scheme Deliberately Adopted London, Jan. 7. Reports that events .'n Britain -’re moving Uwards conscription were suietened by a speech by Sir Thomas Inskip in Glasgow. Sir Thomas Inskip alluded to European Press 'assertions that Britain had failed to solve the recruiting problem. “We shall be able
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  • 125 3 Pageant In 1565 Recalled London, Jan. 6. The tenth annual report of the “Friends •of Canterbury Cathedral” just published, in addition to recording another yetar’s work of the Society in aiding expert rest'ration of cathedral fabric, contains an hitherto unpublished account of the Coronation pageant of
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  • 85 3 Lcndon. Jan. 6. New capital issues in the United Kingdom totalled £217,221,000 last year. This was close on £19.000,000 less thin in 1930 last year, before the world depression, and compared with £88,666,000 in 1931 from which date consistent annual recovery has been maintained. Of last ydir’s
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  • 285 3 Brilliant Gathering At Royal Wedding The Hague, Jan. 7. Amid scenes of the most tumultuous rejoicing, Princess Juliana and Prince Bern- hard were married. The brilliant gathering included 33 royalties from Germany, Britain and elsewhere. The couple rode in procession in the i famous gold coach
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  • 62 3 How Loan From France Is Being Spent Warsaw. Jan. 6. Everybody rejoices with each new rifle pliiced in the hands of our soldiers,” said Colonel Beck, speaking in Parliament in support of the £13.000,000 French loan which Parliament unanimously approved. Four-fifths will be spent cn arms from France
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  • 531 3 Government Forces Nipped In Pincers’ Movement Brunete, Jan. 5 i The insurgents’ big drive at Madrid which has now been in operation for two days has resulted in the formation of la new line j 16 miles long running north-west of the capital beside the
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  • 831 4 Wide Adoption In Malaya Urged LICENCE FEES IN K.L. TO BE REDUCED Kuala Lumpur, Jan G. One of the major obstacles to greater use .of rubber-tyred bullock carts— the licence 4a to be reduced in Kuala Lumpur. -Speaking at today’s meeting of the Kuala -Lumpur Sanitary Board,
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  • 1061 4 TRANSFERS DEATH OF MR. W. D. SHEFFIELD Former Manager Of Tanjong Pau Estate ENGAGEMENT Mr. A. Inglis Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Ipoh, is leaving this week on transfer to Johore. 1 His Excellency the High Commismoner, has been pleased to transfer Lieut. J. Chalmers, Malayan Volunteer
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  • 154 4 Possession Of 35 Lottery Tickets The compradore of s.s. Ho Sang, Lee Chen Chee aged 60, was fined $30 by Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court yesterday for having in his possession 35 Penang Buddhist Association lottery tickets. Early yesterday morning a party"o?
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  • 343 4 LARUT MATANG CORONATION CELEBRATIONS ERECTING PERMANENT MEMORIAL A public meeting of the Larut and Malang District was held at the Town Hall, Taiping, on Dec. 30, to discuss celebrations in connection with the coronation of King George VI. Mr. A. L. Birse, M.C.S., District Officer, Larut, presided at the meeting.
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  • 294 4 Desire For Friendship With Britain Mr. de Valera, President of the Irish Free State Executive, broadcasting to America from Dublin on Christmas Eve, spoke of the menace of war in Europe and of his desire for friendly relations with Great Britain. “In the politidal sphere,’’
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  • 35 4 designed to relieve the present large Diocese of Lichfield, was I passed at a special meeting of the Salop Archidiaaonal Conference at Shrewsbury. 1
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  • 446 4 F.M.S. Government’s Confidence In Economic Position Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 6. PINANG GAZETTE interviews with officials and members of the public in the Federal Capital reflect popular favour with the announcement of restored wages cuts made to labour today by all departments of Government in
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  • 40 4 A young mulberry t r ee, originating in a cutting from the one planted more than 300 years ago at the foundation of Queen Elizabeth’s Grammer School, Barnet, Hert» has been planted in the grounds of the new School building.
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  • 1308 5 CO-OPERATION AGAINST RED PERIL Direct Challenge To The Comintern Shanghai. EARLY last year there were persistent rumours in Tokyo that Japan and Germany had concluded, or were about to conclude, a military alliance. They were denied on more than one occasion, by the Japanese Foreign
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  • 150 5 Rome. The Italian and French Governments have reached? a minor agreement which, it is hoped, may precede more cordial relations between the two countries. On Christmas Eve representatives of the Government signed in Paris an agreement whereby Italy acquires indisputable possessmn for all time cf the
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  • 370 5 FRENCH SOCIALISTS SURPRISE Paris. An article in a weekly paper published by the Nord branch of the Socialist Party by a Trade Union Secretary, M. Kleber Legay, just back from the Soviet Union, has created a considerable stir in the in- dustrial areas that
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  • 170 5 Fumes Menace Inquiry Kirkcaldy (Fife). Mr. Walter Elliot, Secretary for Scotland, spent Boxing Day wading in mud along Buckhaven Beach. This was the result of an inquiry into what is stated to be a danger to the health of 30,000 people in mining districts of
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  • 147 5 Police Charge To Restore Order Bombay. Panic was caused to Bangalore on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day by 300 men of the 1st Bn., Wiltshire Regt., who, in batches of 30 and 40, forced an entry into Funnell’s Hotel, in South Parade, land
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  • 24 5 "Elephant in the Moon,*’ which they presented at the Free Trade Hall* Manchester, on Christmas Day.
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  • 738 5 Powers May Meet In April Carlo. It is understood that the date of the international conference to negotiate the abolition of the Egyptian capitulations and the reform of the mixed tribunals has been provisionally fixed for April 19 at Montreux. Nahas Pasha, the Egyptian Premier,
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  • 326 5 Returning to China from the conference held last summer at Yosemite by the Institute of Pacific Relations, Dr. Hu Shih was given a rousing reception at his several public appearances in Shanghai. Hundreds were unable to gain admission to tn Chinese Y.M.C.A.
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    • 52 5 B a B B W U 3T B 19! K W W si bB® BB a» baa®kbb» b w t «"aTj* I" PA DP O f /4 O V V/ > ENAMEL PAINT 5 I J- MANUFACTURED SPECIALLY FOR USE J IN TROPICAL COUNTRIES > I SIME DARBY. 2" ~nB
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  • 263 6 •AYR MAIL. A. mail for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Xanzihar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Myasaland and South Africa via Singapore *nd thence by Imperial Airways will close' at 7 p.m. today A. mail for Siam, Burma, India, Iraq, I Xgypt, Sudan, Belgian Congo, Great Bri-' tain, Ireland
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  • 561 6 Local Celebration Of Princess Juliana’s Wedding MORE than 250 residents in Penang and North Malaya representing many nationalities were present at the Runnymede Hotel, Penang, yesterday, on the occasion of an “At Home” to mark the marriage of Princess Juliana of Holland with Prince Bernard
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  • 138 6 Dance Hall Manager's Adventurous Career (From Our Own Corresp ndent.) Seremban, Jan. 5. A wild west sharpshooter and daredevil motor cyclist, who has been in the shew business for the past seventeen yeais—that is the adventurous career of Mr. Kid O. F. Knowlayne, who has just taken
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  • 198 6 Tamil Heavily Fined (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 6. “The bonnet of the car was partly on the railway lines. It was fortunate that the ’oncoming train had not reached the spot,” said Inspector Raja Abbas, prosecuting in a case in which an English-speaking
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  • 111 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 6. Inche Osman bin Haji Dahat, Assistant Registrar of the Seremban Supreme Court, has returned from leave and assumed duties. Mr. M. J. Hayward, M.C.S., Seremban magistrate, was covering Inche Osmans duties during his absence. Mr K.G. Naidu of the Seremban Labour
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  • 171 6 Nine Convieted $150 $50 FINES IMPOSED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 6. Several cases of planting rubber contrary to the Rubber Regulations Enactment were heard today by the Seremban magistrate, Mr. M.J. Hayward. Haji Rafar bin Haji Mat Yassin and Mariam binti Hussein were summoned
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  • 76 6 Failed To Furnish Administration Accounts (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 6. A fine of $15 was imposed by the Seremban magistrate on a Sikh, Grib Singh, for having failed to furnish administration accounts to the registrar of the Supreme Court. The accused admitted to having received
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 TEA DANCE TODAY 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. 6 COUPONS FOR $1.00. NIGHT DANCE from 9.30 p.m. to Midnight 4 Coupons for $1.00 9 for $2.00. Donee Music By Louis Lim's Live Orchestra BAR open dailv from 6 a.m. to Midnight. FREE SHOW AT THE MAJESTIC For very $4 00
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 205 6 OUR SPECIAL CONCESSION WEEK IS NOW ON I Free Supper at ELYSEE for Patrons of MAJESTIC Free Show at MAJESTIC For Patrons of ELYSEE ill IF CT I# |wl ft* EllSh I I wAk 6-15 TONIGHT 9-30 MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2-45 P.M. Acclaimed The Grandest And Most Entertaining Musical Show
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    • 209 6 POSITIVELY LAST TWO SHOWS WINDSOR 5.30 TONIGHT 9->30 The Mighty Record-Breaking TAMIL TALKIE "KUCHELA" with BALA SARASWATHI, MISS S. D. SUBULAKSHMI, and a great supporting cast. New Song Hits Drama Comedy The greatest Tamil Talkie ever screened, USUAL PRICES OF ADMISSION. 0 Opening Tomorrow A Mighty Double Attraction. First Pictures
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  • 1022 7 Recruiting Now Open COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR 1937 SUNDAY, Jan. 17, will seethe commencement of the 1937 training season of the 3rd Battalion, Straits Settlements Volunteer Force (P. and P. W. V. C.). The first parade of the N. C. O’s. Cadre will take
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  • 100 7 Royal Family Meet In I Luncheon Tent j The Queen and '«.-nft Pflfifiesses Elizabeth and Margret Rose had luncheon with the. King In a tent laHt Week at Appleton. I where his Majesty led a shooting party over fields surrounding the Norfolk home Of
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  • 477 7 LOWEST RECORDS FOR YEARS ACCORDING to reports from all over the country, Malaya is experiencing an unprecedented cold spell, caused by winds from the North. The lowest temperature registered at the Kuala Lumpur meteorological station Station Hill, for years was recorded on Wednesday as 64.9 degrees
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  • 220 7 ASSISTED IN PUBLIC LOTTERY The Penang Fooi Chew Association lottery case which had an extended hearing of over ten afternoons, was concluded, yesterday when fines totalling $4,500 were imposed on six committee membei s of the I association, by Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the
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  • 127 7 MALAY THREE TAMILS ON RUBBER CHARGE Importing Without Certificate Of Origin A Malay and three Tamils were produced before Mr. H. A L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court yesterday, charged with importing rubber into the Colony on Jan. 6 at Batu Ferringhi, Penang, without I the “certificate of origin”.
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  • 252 7 Canada And The Gold Clause Ottawa Action involving 3,000,000,000 dollars £600,000,000) of public and private Canadian securities is expected to be during the CAFriiilg Session when tlu Federal Government asks Parliament to enact legislation abolishing the God Clause. This was the subject of a lively debate
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  • 414 7 THREE CHINESE CHARGED WITH DISTRIBUTION POSSESSION Two bundles of documents containing sediticus literature, picked up from the floor of the Liberty Cinema Hall, Penang, during a show, formed the principal exhibits in the Penang Police Court before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham yesterday, when three Chinese
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  • 122 7 Witness Who Knows Nothing About The Matter Danaram, a Sikh, who was charged on wo counts of causing hurt to Oh Sian Kee and a police constable in front of the Windsor Cinema on Dec. 1*3, was sentenced yesterday to two months’ rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 121 7 Claim To Be Province Of United Kingdom Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1936. The Government of New Brunswick are taking steps to assert its "autonomy” within the Empire. They recently insisted upon proclaiming King George VI as "King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of
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  • 90 7 Governor Of Sind's Appeal Bombay, Dec. 30, 1936 The Governor of Sind Province has issued a circular about the widespread bribery and corruption in the province. It says that another effort to stamp out the longstanding evil should be made. Superior officers in the districts should not
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  • 548 8 GERMANY has at last replied to the Note submitted by the British and French Governments regarding non-intervention in Spain. The contents oi Berlin’s reply is such that it will do little to ease the grave situation which has been extant in the .south-west corner of Europe
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  • 203 8 "We Used To Do This In China" WOMAN SENTENCED FOR ILL-TREATMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. “I plead guilty. I did not know it hurts the child so much this is what we used to do in China,” cried Liew San, a Cantonese woman,
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  • 192 8 Chinese Fined (.From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 7. Two cases of failing to register the birth of children were mentioned before Che Pawanteh, the Tai ping Magistrate, who imposed fines of $5 and $3 respectively on a Chinese man and a woman of Matang. I
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  • 165 8 Failure To Report (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Jan. 7. Ponnusamy, who was recently arrested on suspicion while he was steeping on the five-foot-way of the Penghulu’s house at Matang and in whose possession was found jewellery valued $200 and a sum of $90 in cash,
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  • 669 8 A Later Train-Changes In Railway Schedule Cinemagoers In The Province—Helpful IT was announced in these columns several months ago that the F. M.S. Railways intended to delay the departure of the Night Mail from Penang to about an hour later and that the new time of departure
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  • 231 8 Publication After Easter The new editions of "the Bock of Common Prayer, containing the State prayera and petitions for King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth, will not be publishe 1 until after Easter, March 28 next. This has been decided by the authorised printers, the
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  • 128 8 Chinese Hold Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 7. A public meeting of the Chinese community of Taiping was held at the Hokkien Hoey Kuan at 8.30 p.m. on Tuesday last to consider ways and means of celebrating the Coronation of His Majesty King George VI.
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  • 77 8 I Misadventure Verdict (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7Remarking that he was inclined to believe the driver’s stcry Che MLiarof, sitting as Coroner in the Kuala Lumpur police court yesterday, returned a verdict of death by Lee Kam, at the 10% mile, Handling
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  • 28 8 Her name was inadvertently omitted from, the published list of guests.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 201 8 Don^ a9Ue I ask F °<g 1 'M > -Ik IBmKBsM. \a m 6 j t*. 5BBC*kWBBHEsMA ‘.64 j®» SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE t- CO.. LT D. Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IFOH TJOON HAK CO. (THE HOUSE FOR CHINESE CURIOS) 25, Bishop Street, Penang. vri mnai mm
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    • 38 8 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION LA i koc.n1 nsn k a Produce of x B THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO M COGNAC. T Established In IMS. Sole Agent* Henry Waugh Co.« Ltd. Atagaporo, Ipok A Kuala Lunapw.
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  • 404 9 CON CON SALADIN GO UP Ciscara Too Good For Class 4 (By “Tic-Tac”) THE latest amendments, etc., announced to the Straits Racing Association official classification list show that Con Con and Saladin have been sent up to Class 2 from Class 3 —promotions which I expected
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  • 132 9 Seven-A-Side Tournament The Penang Rugby season will be brought to a close with a seven-a-side tournament. The heats will be played today, on the Esplanade, and the semi-finals and final tomorrow. The following are the teams of three sides taking part in the tournament: ETCETERAS:— J. A. P.
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  • 85 9 All-Malaya Malays Open Championships (From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. Entries are invited for the second AllMalaya Malays’ lawn tennis open championships which will take place at the Sultan Suleiman Club courts during the Chinese New Year holidays, (Feb. 11-14, 1937) The competition will consist of the
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  • 82 9 Fate Of 3 Chinese Miners (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 7. When about ten thousand tons of earth crashed into a mine at Kepong yesterday, three Chinese miners were buried alive and sverai others had a narrow escape. The three bodies are
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  • 171 9 Shakespeare's Immortal Love Story •ROMEO AND JULIET. With Norma Shearer, Leslie Howard, John Barrymore, Edna May Oliver, Basil Rathbone, C. Audrey Smith, Ralph Forbes, Reginald Denny, Conway Tearle and Andy Devine. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture directed by George Cukor produced by the late Irving Thalberg. Showing at the Queen’s.
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  • 91 9 “IT’S LOVE AGAIN.” With Jessie Matthews, Robert Young and Sonnie Hale. A Gaumont-British picture. Now showing J t the Majestic. The Gaumont-British Corp, score another triumph in their latest release, “It’s Dove Again.” Jessie Matthews reveiils her talent as a singing star. A noteworthy feature of
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  • 112 9 In the afternoon His Excellency Lady Thomas attended by the Per.* nal Staff 'eft Kulala Kangsar for Singapore. Wednesday, Dec. 30. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. Friday, Jan. 1. In the morning Lady Thomas and Miss
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  • 215 9 BOXING Failure To Turn Up For Ipoh Fight KID ARENAS WINS ON FOUL Two disqualifications in a card of four events were the features of last night’s boxing at the Jubilee Park, Ipoh. In one of the two main events, Batying Khoo, the former featherweight champion of
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  • 62 9 New B.B.B.C/s Ruling Of interest to local boxers is a new ruling which has just been passed by the British Board of Control. It reads as follows “Boxers who go into a smother and continually duck their heads belozv their opponent’s hips shall be regarded as refusing
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 198 9 Every Week IS RAT™ IN PENANG AND Common Sense RAT EXTERMINATOR ls THE ONLY EFFECTIVE REMEDY TO USE AGAINST THESE PESTS. i 75 Cents per tube. i From Jr p teeth that sparkle and charm i You, too, can have them —if you know this secret about removing film Brushing
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  • 133 11 HAVOC WHEN DEATH RAINS FROM THE AIR A troubled city w’elcomed the cover of darkness as day dragged to a c’osc after hours of terror among bursting shells. Children slept fitfully beside mothers waiting in suspense as an insurgent attack on battle-scarred Madrid died away.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 96 11 Get Your Sales Message Home In all parts of the world the foundation of every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their product* Millions of pounds spent
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    • 330 12 Four Combines And New Company To Be Formed FASTER LINERS ON AMERICAN SERVICES Rome. Important measures designed to put Italian shipping in a predominant position were decided upon by the Cabinet last month. These measures provide for the grouping of all the regular shipping services
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    • 108 12 Lost At Sea Between H.K. And Manila A F. H. Ludin, seaman on the Swedish ship Canton, was lost at sea between Hong Kong and Manila on Dec. 8, according to a report made to the Manila Bureau of Customs by the master of the ship. Ludin was
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    • 199 12 S.S “AJAX” from Singapore. Sai is for Marseilles, London. Rotterdam, Hamburg and Glasgow. S.S. “KAROA” arrives from Singapore sails Saturday noon for Rangoon and Calcutta. S.S. “BULAN” for Teluk Anson, Bagan Datoh, Port SwePenham, Malacca and Singapore. S.S. “CHAKSANG” from China via Singapore. Sails same day for
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    • 180 12 Importance To Shipping And Public Commenting upon the Imperial Shipping Committee’s report on the Pacific shipping problem, Mr. H. M. Cleminson, general manager of the Chamber of Shipping, advocates early action by the Government. “There is gratification throughout the shipping industry,” he states, “at
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    • 369 12 Demand Due To Rearmament Tne Navy’s need of trained mechar cr to serve as engine room, electrical and ordnance artificers is increasing owing to Naval expansion. “The reason for the demand,” said a Naval officer, “i a that through rearmament, ship-building yards, engineering firms, and armament firms
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 I j i I I I I COMt IM AM_> HEAR Mf N’.W .MA£GQMM>MO.«££ > I > i i I 11 j i M I i' > 1 I i I I Robinson Piano Co. (S. S.) Ltd. PENANG. —l MM— imi' mb77mbi I—■ [—T-—
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1135 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES "JUST FANCY RADIO THAT!" PERSONALITIES—152 A topical revue “Just Fancy al!' be broadcast from Dave nt nj tonight at jflHHMHML I Sketches and lyrics will b< given bg such J januous artists as Francis Durbridge, Jona- w than Barnes, David Kean and W lliam Mac- Z>W0 I
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    • 531 12 "CHILDREN OF THE STARS" The first of the "Children of the Stars’* series of variety programmes will be broadcast from Daventry tomorrow at 6.50. In presenting this programme Ralph Coram intends to give listeners an opportun ty of hearing the sons and daughters of famous stars of another day. He
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  • 198 13 Improvement Commission's Important Work Natural find commercial advantages nf Tyneside as an industrial centre of first importance are enumerated in a booklet issued by the Tyneside Industrial Development Board. Reference is made to the growth of the coal tmde the Tyne to-day being recognised as
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  • 734 13 Arrangements For Passenger Traffic PROBLEMS INVOLVED IN FUTURE INSTALLATIONS It was interesting to observe the change which had taken place in the relative position of the port during the past 10 or 12 years, declared Dr. Brysson Cunningham, B. E., M. Inst. C. E., in
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  • 56 13 has been sentenced to eight years’ im- prisonmcnt and 20 years’ banishment from France for espionage by the Metz Military Tribunal, which sat in secret. He was accaused of carrying out espienage activities on behalf of “other Powers He has a wife
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  • 53 13 The SiSJ Somal from Japan, China, Singapore and Port Swettenham is expected to arrive here at 7 a.m on Saturday, Jan. 9, and will leave for Colombo Aden, Port Said, MarscT’es Havre. London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp and Hull at 4 p m. the same day. Steamer will work
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 349 13 MANSFIELD CO. LTD SINGAPORE PENANG. the blue funnel line Vassals. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due (tn conjunction with Glen Shire Line) Penang London C. AJAX Mara., L’don, R’dam. H’burg Glasgow. j an g Feb 3 B. CALCHAS London, Rotterdam, Hamburg HulL Jaik 14 F eb. 9 GLENAFFARIC R’dam, H’burg,
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    • 402 13 SHIP FROM S’PORE SHIP FROM S’PORE JOHAN DE WITT N.L. Jan. 15 BALOERAN r L j u iy 9 J.P. COEN N.L. Feb. 5 J.P. COEN n .L. July 16 INDRAPOERA R.L. Feb. 12 JOHA N DE WITT NL. July 23 M.V. ST. ALDEGONDE N.L. Feb. 26 INDRAPOERA R.L. July
      402 words
    • 613 13 >?/ 5 PAO BRITISFMNDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., under .Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Si Service. London and Far East Mail Service. s/s •<r U LAN” Tan iq-17 Outwards from London for China 4 Japan. S S M hari” Jan. 15 due
      613 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 354 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES music. 7.20 News in English. 7.35 Concert of light music (contd.) 8.15 Greetings to listeners in the Netherlands Indies. 8.20 News and economic review in German. Call DJQ. 8.35 Artistic fashioning 01 the everyday. Talk. 8.50 Aboard the Ectherbus through Germany. 9.20 News and economic review in English
      354 words
    • 268 13 6.11—News bulletin in English. 6.31 —Indian theatrical night. 9.31 p.m.—Time signal. Close down. TOMORROW Station V.U.C., Calcutta 6,109, KC (49.10 m.) 7.16 p.m. Talk: “How Charlie Chaplin does it.” (His theory of comedy and his own method of achieving it). 7.31 Indian music. 7.51 News bulletin in Bengali 8.11 News
      268 words
    • 64 13 ZBW —HONG KONG Wavelength: MJBO m. (8766 kefs). TODAY 3.30- p.m.—Chinese Programme. 6.30- p.m.—European Programme. 7.30 p.m.—L:cal-Time Signal. Weather J Report, Stock Quotations and Announcements. 8.30 p.m.—Daventry —News Bulletin tnd Announcements. 10.30 p.m. —Close down. TOMORROW 3.30- p.m. Chinese Programme. 6.30- pjn. European Programme. 7.30 p.m. Local-Time Signal. Weather Report,
      64 words

  • 1300 14 Clear Victory Of Eight Goals For Penang THE Penang State hockey XI overwhelmed Kedah in an inter-State hockey match played on the Hutchings School ground, Penang, yesterday evening to the tune of eight goals to nothing. The score against Kedah might easily have been a dozen
    1,300 words
  • 66 14 Welsh Team Against England London, Jan. 7. The Welsh rugby team to meet England at Twickenham on Saturday, Jan. 16, will be as follows:— Jenkins (London Welsh); Idwal Rees, Claude Davey (Swansea), Woolier (Cardiff), Clement (Llanelly); Haydn Tanner, Davies (Swansea); Bryn Evans (Llanelly), iT.J. Rees (Newport), Emrys Evans I
    66 words
  • 365 14 Con Con Saladin Up A Class APPROVED RIDER YACOB FINED Following are the latest amendments to ♦he S.R A. classification list of horses an! "onies after the Penang New Year Meeting. HORSES Transfers From Class 3 to Class 2 Con Con, Salndin. i From Class 4to
    365 words
  • 169 14 Annual General Meeting I (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 6. The annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilan Football Association was held at the Negri Sembilan Club, Seremban today There were present:— Messrs. R. F. Gunn (president), Cept. A. F. J. England (vice-president), F. R.
    169 words
  • 32 14 Vaulkhard Unable To Join Team C.c. Goodway (Warwickshire) is replacing P. Vaulkhard (Notts) in the team which Sir Julian Cahn is bringing out to T'Vv-x .i Mprch.—T’mcs Special.
    32 words
  • 688 14 Britain's Role Among The Nations 1936 CHAMPIONS—AND TRIERS London, Dec. 31, Looking back on a year swiftly drawing to a close we naturally ask ourselves whether Britain stands where she did as s. nation of sportsmen and sportswomen. In the realm of international endeavour we
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  • 35 14 London, Jan. 7. The King has approved the appointment of Lord Wakehurst to be Governor of New South Wales in succession to the late Admiral, Sir David Murray Anderson.—British Wireless.
    35 words
  • 151 14 Australian Players Called Before Control Boird THERE was a sensational aftermath to the Third Test match It was learnt 1 that four prominent Australian Test players were called before a special meeting of the emergency committee of the Board cf Control today at Bradman*» instigation
    151 words
  • 63 14 TIANG SOOI CHENG EAN ENTER FINAL C.R.C. Handicap Tennis I Tournament The doubles semi-final in the Chinese Recreation Club handicap tennis ment wen played yesterday. Saw Tiang Sooi and Lim Cheng Ean bybeating Heah Seng Wong and Lee Dian Ghee will enter the doubles final, which will be played on
    63 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 323 14 Babyfhead will'soon be clustered with 3 with Nestol every day guaranteed narmiess. Friday. 8th January. 1937. GATB ADMISSION 10 CUNTS ONLY FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. Chin Loo Magic Acrobatic Show 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. 10.30 PM. fhe Troupe is just back from The Chicago World Fair to
      323 words

  • 1068 15 Islington Corinthians May Visit Malaya CHARLION A.’S DECISION TO TOUR CANADA CHARLTON Athletic’s decision to tour Canada and U.S.A, during the early part of the 1937 “close” season has come as a big surprise to the Soccer world generally. The whole thing arose out of
    1,068 words
  • 322 15 Benny Lynch, Scottish holder of the world fly-weight championship, began his spell of four weeks’ strenuous training last week, for the defence of his crown against Small Montana, the Filipino, at the Empire Pool, Wembley, on Jan. 19, writes Joe Bromley in Sporting Life. This
    322 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 —Freda Hooks» goal keeper of the South African women’s hockey team which is now torring England.
    18 words
  • 26 15 FRED PERRY (right) in his first professional appearance in New York yesterday beat Ellsworth Vines 7 —5, 3 —6, 6 3»
    26 words
  • 831 15 If He Can Beat Ben Foord ACK PETERSEN, the fiery young Welsh heavyweight, who has already created a record in British boxing by regaining the championship from the man to whom he lost it, is more ambitious now than he has been at any
    831 words
  • 193 15 Mas D'Antibes Wins Viceroy's Cup Calcutta, Dec. 27. Calcutta’s big week-end of sport has ended. Yesterday, in the presence of the Viceroy and the Marchioness of Linlithgow, the Governor of Bengal, and a large number of Indian Princes, the Viceroy’s Cup was won by Mas
    193 words
  • 353 15 MR. C. VIVIAN JACKSOB* IN SLEIGH CRASH St. Moritz, Dec 31. Mr. Charles Vivian Jackson, 30, the Lon- don lecturer and amateur jockey, was killed and Miss Peggy Hopkins Joyce, theAmerican actress, was injured, in a sleigh•K-' ing accident here today. Mr. Jackson and Miss Joyce
    353 words
  • 80 15 A shattering left from Joe Louis broker Eddie Simm’s jaw and knocked him out after only 26 seconds fighting in Cleve- land, Ohio, last month. Eleven thousand? I people saw the fight and State receipt* 1 amounted to £1'0,000. Louis’s share wast £125 a second.
    80 words
  • 33 15 •n t cb.e boy were returned t* Eltham /Kent' rol’ce station.
    33 words

    • 329 16 Active Tte ftrrifr Kuhanxe wa* active but tin wm> quiet. I<ond<»n, Jan. 7. Ye»ic>u*> Kucur FaP Cm. S W44-64 J17H VmMqc. 4 fkC 19MK90 H6 ft War Lean. 3% p.c. 10S% T Cm Un. Am. (Unite) 10% “ft ftatatul **A'* 37% ■aval Aaaca. (Un. pd.) 9% —ft
      329 words
    • 113 16 London. Jan. 7. LUBBER Easy. Spot 10 ft buyers 10} sellers. Jan./March 10ft buyers 10ft sellers. April/June 10ft buyers 10ft sellers. July/SepL 10J buyers 10* sellers. A'ew York 21.60 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 33,076 tons Liverpool 45,407 tons COPRA Straits S.O. RoiteiUaiu £23.15.0. TEPPER White Muntok
      113 words
    • 262 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations KENNED) a Go.» «**>"* ist today Bayers Sellers Allenby 2.15 2.25 Alor Gajah 1.75 1.85 Amal. Malay 2.20 2.30 Ayer Panas 2.15 2.25 Batu Lintang 1.57i 1.65 Bedford 1.45 1.55 Benta 1.55 1.60 Broga 1.25 1.30ex Hamilton 2.55 2.65 Indragiri 1.75 l.OOex
      262 words
    • 60 16 Following are the numbers of arrivals from and departures to Madras Presidency for the month of December, 1936 ARRIVALS (State aided) (Figures supplied by Travelling Inspectors) adults 899 minors 81 infants 66. ARRIVALS (Ordinary deck passengers) (Figures supplied by Travelling Inspectors) adults 2,863 minors 193 infante 129.
      60 words
    • 103 16 YESTERDAY TODAY Ixmdon—(Spot) £229.10.0 £232.0.0 L«toa-(3 months) £230.10.0 £232.15.0 «anpore 3114.50 3115.00 Boetaeea Done Penang Buetoeee Done COPRA.—(Surdrled) 310.05 310.20 BLACK PEPPER M anmw.- 1100 1Umd< lOJd iogd York 21 7|16c(G) 21?c(G) Btamore-Spot 37 c 37|c Feb-IMar 37?c 37gc Aprtl/June 37gc 373c JulyjSept. 37gc «AP1OOA s— Fair Seed
      103 words
    • 171 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Hong Fatt 1.55 1.60 Jelebu 1.30 1.35 Kuchai 1.72} 1.75 Lukut 1.37} 1.42} North Taiping 90 95 Rahman Hyd. 1.37} 1.42} Rantau Ordy. 1.52} 1.55 Rantau Pref. 1.55 1.57} Sungei Luas 2.35 2.40 Taiping 92} 97} Ulu Klang 1.45 1.50
      171 words
    • 117 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 9;64 105 5(32 New York 4.91 4.91} Montreal 4.91 4.91 Brussels 29.13} 29.13} Geneva 21.373 21.37 Amsterdam 8.97} 8.97} Milan 93& 93A Berlin 12.21 12.20 Stockholm 19.39 ft 19.39ft Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26 ft 26 ft Prague 140}
      117 words
    • 143 16 The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today RUBBER Buyers Sellers AHenbys 2.25 2.35 Ayer Panas 2.25 2.35 Bassetts 95 1.00 B. Lintangs 1.57} 1.62} Bedfords 1.50 1.55 Bentas 1.57} 1.65 Brogas 1.25 1.30 Indragiris 1.85 1.90ex Lunas 2.55 2.65 Malaka Pinda* 2.02} 2.10ex
      143 words
    • 154 16 LEAN CO. OPENING QUOTATIONS TIN: Buyers Sellers Ampats 5|4} 5|7} Hitams 45 49 Hong Fatts 1.55 1.60 Jelapangs 26|3 27|3 Johans 32 34 Katus 24(6 25(6 Kinta Kella* 8(6 8|9 K. Kampars 16|0 16(6 K. Lanjuts 26(9 27|6 Laruts 14|9 15|3 Lukuts 1.37} 1.42} Nawng Pets 1.00 1.05 Pungahs 28(6
      154 words
    • 302 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellert Ayer Moleks 1.57} 1.65 Ayer Panas 2.25 2.35 Bassetts 95 1.00 Batu Lintangs 1.57} 1.62} Bedfords 1.47} 1.55 Bentas 1.57} 1.62} Brogas 1.25 1.30 Indragiris K 1.87} 1.95 Lunas 2.60 2.70c M. Pindas 2.00 2.10 Mentakabs 52} 55 N. Scudais 1.97} 2.07} Sungei Tukangs 1.55
      302 words
    • 95 16 The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs of its associated companies for the month of December, 1936.— KAMPONG KAMUNTING.—hours run 603 cubic yards treated 111,000 total piculs 445 nett value $31,595. ASAM KUMBANG.— hours run 624 cubic yards treated 244,000 total piculs
      95 words
    • 35 16 Following are particulars of the Company’s operations for the month of December Tongkah Compound N.L.:—hours 574, yards 138,000 pikuls 238.22. Tongkah Compound No. 2 N.L.< hours 278, yards 50,000; pikuls 238.22.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 banks. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST! BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India. China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: I The National
      173 words
    • 538 16 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated <e England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid-up Capital £3,000,00® Reserve Fund £3,000,00® Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.0«w HEAD OFFICE:— 38. Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Branches: Alor Star Hong Kong Rangoon Amrit’ar Iloilo Saigon Bang! >k Ipoh Semarang Batavia Karachi Seremban Bombay Klang Shanghai
      538 words