Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1498 1 Over 250 Invited To ‘‘At Home’’ This Evening THE Dutch Community of Penang will celebrate the marriage of Princess Juliana of Holland, with Prince Bernhard von Lippe Biesterfeld this evening, in the course of an “At Home” at the Runnymede Hotel. Invitations have been
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  • 102 1 Prohibition Hour May Be Raised The Pinang Gazette understands that a recommendation will be made to the Govemor-in-Council regarding a proposed amendment of the Municipal by-law prohibiting parking at Campbell Street, Penang, after 6.30 p.m. It is proposed that the time after which parking will
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  • 464 1 President s Message Reuter. Washington Jan. 6. In addition to the present United States Neutrality Act, as a result of the Spanish war, it is announced that President Roosevelt, in his annual message to Congress, also asked Congress to immediately consi- der measures for extending
    . Reuter.  -  464 words
  • 257 1 Bonus Dividend For Shareholders ORDINARY CAPITAL REDUCED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Jan. 7. Ordinary shareholders in United Engineers Ltd., are soon to receive a bonus dividend of $2.50 per share. Following resolutions which were carried at extraordinary general meetings of all shareholders, preference shareholders and ordinary
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  • 28 1 —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 6. The Senate and the House of Representatives have both passed the resolution for embargo of arms to Spain.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 53 1 —Reuter Wireless. Jerusalem, Jan. 5. Rewards totalling £50,000 are now being offered by the authorities for information concerning those guilty of many murders committed during last year’s disturbances The authorities have just published a list of 71 murders of British constables, soldiers, Jews and Arabs between August and
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 97 1 The case was mentioned before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court yesterday, in which Abdul Majid bin Seeni Kipin, a Mohammedan, was charged with housebreaking by entering a house in Clove Hall Road, on Dec. 28, with the purpose of committing theft. The case
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  • 20 1 Reuter. Perry beat Vines 7—5, 3 —6, 6 —3, 6— 4 in his first professional appearance.—
    ; Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 150 1 THE MALAYAN GOVERNMENT HAVE t REJECTED THE LR.R.C. SUGGESTION j CREDIT PRODUCERS WITH SIX MONTHS’ EXPORT RIGHTS. They have substituted a decision of their own applying to Malaya (telephones our Kuala Lumpur correspondent today). Producers who are able to satisfy the Controller that they are able
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  • 131 1 London, Jan. 6. An epidemic of influenza, which has assumed such proportions all over country in recent weeks as to cause considerable interference with business and other activity, is believed to have reached its maximum. The influenza is in mild form but doctors Ure overworked and
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  • 92 1 Reuter BRILLIANT CENTURY BY LEYLAND Melbourne. Jan. 7. Australia won the third Test match here today by 365 runs. The remaining England batsmen hit ou£ merrily this morning, the first 50 being sent up in 25 minutes. Leyland played magnificently and carried' his bat for 111.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 AH CHEONG No. 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 64 1 The Commercial Advertising Agency, Head Office:— 62, CHINA ST., PENANG. Phone 693. Branch:— 59, HALE ST., IPOH. Phone 167. Commercial Artists Label-Drawers Wall painters Advertising Agents ol the Pun Frolic and Wembley, Penang. Sign-board writers Cinema-Slide Makers. LICENSED POSTERS STATIONS TO LET. F* i\v A i Not a gamble Quality
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  • 802 2 State-Rationed Dinners On Christmas Day MORE WORK TO MAKE UP FOR HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS in Germany the home of the Santa Claus leuend, was a most remarkable affair. I The “celebration” was held in the midst of a great festivalloving nation that is tightening its belt ready
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  • 384 2 Not Reappointed To Hospital Staff AGREEMENT THAT WAS CHANGED London. It is understood that an unprecedented legal action in which ten Harley-street and i Wimpole-street specialists will apply for an injunction restraining Battersea General Hospital from dismissing them from the hospital’s honorary staff may shortly
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  • 269 2 "The Duke Seems Fit And Well" Enzesfeld, Dec. 23. The Duke of Windsor today said goodbye to six-foot heavy-weight George Stanley Ladbrook—his chauffuer for eighteen years, who drove Mrs. Simpson to Cannes and yesterday brought the Duke his luggage. Ladbrook came down to the village inn this
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  • 590 2 Ten-Year Plan OLD INSTITUTIONS TO GO Moscow. Another link in Moscow’s new underground railway will be completed when the line between the Kiev and North terminals is finished. This branch constitutes but a small portion of the additional nine miles which are to be completed by the end
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  • 537 2 New York. A fight for jewels said to be worth £400,000 took place just before dawn outside the fashionable Hotel Plaza in Fifth Avenue. The wearer of the jewels, Mme. Emile Mathis, and her husband, the millionaire French motor-car manufacturer, were waylaid by two men
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 <Nfe» 12. BMm»p Street. Penang Ptoe 1477 1478 with extent, tons. Telegram»: Gasette Penang. WB«»pere OBee Cecil Street Smgajere. Piwme 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Santo Inmpw Office 25, Jara Street. Phene 3683. i an ton Office < 44, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phene Ceetral 360>—3649 Tel Lxmdon. r SUBSCRIPTION
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    • 328 2 H'.P.S. 39 ANOTHER ‘TOP-LINER’ ARTISTE BILLY COTTON AND HIS BAND NOW RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY ON I'S-C HOUSE/ Singapore, No. 8913 Just Say ‘Aloha’ The Miller’s Daughter Marianne No. 8914 A Feather in her Tyrolean Hat On my Little Toboggan No. 8915 Mickey Mouse’s Birthday Party He’s got such Funny Little Ways.
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  • 1547 3 SPAIN ALLEGES VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Strong Protest To The League Geneta, January 6. T 1 IE Spanish Government at Valencia has strongly protested to the League aganist the alleged violation of international law by German naval activities in Spanish waters. A Salamanca message states that
    lop men ts in Washington.—Reuter & Reuter Wireless.  -  1,547 words
  • 249 3 Enthusiasm In Holland The Hague, Jan. 6. Everything except the weather is now settled for tomorrow’s royal wedding. A howling wind blew throughout the night followed today by torrents of rain. Many of the decorations were ruined but others, like orange electric bulbs and fir trees,
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  • 501 3 FUTURE OF N.R.A. TO BE DECIDED —Reuter., Washington, Jan. 5. The seventy-fifth Congress was convened with traditional prayers. The House of Representatives re-elected Mr. Bankhead as Speaker. Foreign affairs will be the first business apart from formalities. The legislative programme is expected to include at
    —Reuter.,  -  501 words
  • 54 3 —Reuter Canton, Jan. 6. Mr. Paget, a British officer of the Chinese Customs at Kwangchowwan, is reported to have been murdered by smugglers. The details are lacking but the local authorities are making investigations. Mr. Thomas Gordon Paget was a boat officer, age 38 and
    —Reuter  -  54 words
  • 271 3 First Volume Lost And 'I Found Shanghai. The first volume of written history of the city of Shanghai, compiled in 1504, but missing for more than 250 years, has been found by the Shanghai Historical Society. The ancient tome, which formed the object of an unremitting search conducted
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  • 30 3 —Reuter. It is learned that Signor Lojacono, first Italian Ambassador to China, has been appointed Ambassador to Brazil and is ex- pected to sail early in February.-
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 68 3 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 6. Mr. de Valera, President of the Irisn Free State Executive Council, arrived in London yesterday on his way to Zurich where he is visiting an eye specialist from whom he received attention in March last year. He was met in
    —British Wireless.  -  68 words
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  • 520 4 Governor Withholds Permission COMMISSION S POWERS TO HOUSE OFFICERS vp» HE Pinang Gazette underj stands that the Governor- in-Council has approved the Singapore Municipal budget for 1937 —with the exception of items concerning the $105,000 house for the President. It is presumed that the reason
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  • 159 4 Sentence of four months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. J. P. Biddulph in the Singapore second court on a Malay, named Ali bin Hassan, who was charged with having committed theft of a purse containing $1.04, by snatching it from the arms of Mrs.
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  • 985 4 MALAYANS ON HOLIDAY Mr. E.C. Watson, a leading member of the Perak Bar, left yesterday for North China and Japan on holiday and is expected to be away for about a month. Mr. E.C. Stevens, of Ipoh, has left for a holiday in China and Japan. Mr.
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  • 442 4 Commercial Training Facilities New and up-to-date facilities for the education of young men and women who wish to enter the world of commerce, are now available through a new branch of Pitmans’ College, the world-famed commercial institution which opens at River Valley Road, Singapore,
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  • 157 4 New Australian Trade "Push" Australian exporters are preparing to ship to Malaya and the Far East a total of 50,000 cases of citrus fruit within the next two years. Chinese merchants in Melbourne announce that they will open branches in I Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 ■T4■{• FT tPi lf A SPRI NG TIGER BEERH CHEERS!jMfs an ‘ivory’ tip! The purest of tips, the smoothest of tips- B I where will you find g it except on those divine De Reszkes? i| l»i: RESZHE OF COURSE! Agents For Malaya: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd.
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  • 1616 5 Confidence Gained By Surmounting of Past Obstacles AS a result of almost 20 years contact—scientific and professional—with the Chinese, Dr. Willoughby, who is an authority on China’s foreign relations and international problems in general and author of many volumes on China, including" China and the
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  • 555 5 EMBARGO BY KIANGSU AND CHEKIANG Shanghai. Shanghai is facing a shortage of rice. In the last few days the price of this cereal has risen from $10.60 to $ll per picul for the best grade, and even the lowest grade is able to command $9.70 per
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  • 237 5 Shanghai. j Representing another far-reaching step to improve the sanitary conditions and decrease the fire hazards of densely popu- j lated Shanghai suburbs, the Chapei Elec- i tricty and Waterworks Company announced that plans for making piped water available to the residents and factory owners
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  • 56 5 I.N.P.S. Latest picture of Mr. T. V. Soong, head of the National Economic Commission, who played a notable part tn the release of his brother-in-law, Marshal Chiang Kai-shek, at Sian, Shensi. Rumours that Mr. Soong would succeed Marshal Chiang as Premier have been authorativdy
    I.N.P.S.  -  56 words
  • 164 5 Japan must acquire a new concept ot modern China if the two nations are to ccme to an understanding. This opinion was expressed by Mr. Shigeru Kawagoe, Japanese Ambassador, in the first interview following his return from an 83-day stay in the Chinese
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  • 194 5 A tribute to Clotobs Does this climate make you feel tired, depressed and thoroughly run down. If you are burdened by a constant ‘tired feeling’ do as this Singapore resident did and try Clotabs, the little tasteless that are rich in the energising vitamins of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 257 5 The white dot BAI I I identifies the JRW Writes... instantly! the Platinum channel of the FEATHER- Jm TOUCH point sees to that. Six other outstand- PS ing Sheaffer advantages bring new pleasure to /jy mJ writing. One-stroke filling, emptying and la f&f cleaning. Lifetime Guarantee.* Streamline J BALANCE design
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 118 6 Direct from its Recent Sensational Success in Singapore and Throughout the World! Wai A A 5 MSB! GALA OPENING tonight I 6-15 9-30 %VA%W»VAWAV» W//«MAY/A One of the Famous Classics of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Now Brought To The Screen For Your Entertainment! The Greatest Love Story Of All Time! B 2KraKwl
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  • 894 7  -  Z.H.J.’s SYM PHONY CONCERI IONIGHI Enjoyable Fare For Both Young Old THE Penang Wireless Society has, for the past 15. months, given regular monthly symphony concerts from Station zh.j. Tonight’s programme, to be broadcast at 7.05, is the first of *he 1937
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  • 324 7 Sequel To Scuffle Near Cinema Theatre A scuffle which occurred in front of the Windsor Theatre on the night of Dec. 13, inovlving a Sikh, a policeman and a Chinese, had a sequel in the Penang Police Court yesterday, when Danaram, the Sikh, was charged
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  • 338 7 MR. F.J.G. AERIA ELECTED PRESIDENT Presiding at the annual general meeting of the Penang Recreation Club yesterday, the president, Dr. Smith, reminded the members that the Club this year was celebrating its Golden Jubilee. Owing to the Coronation celebrations, however, it was not yet
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  • 112 7 Assistant Secretary For Chinese Affairs, S.S. Mr. W. L. Blythe, Deputy President of the Penang Municipality, who has been appointed Assistant Secretary for Chinese Affairs, S.S., is expected to arrive tn Singapore in the middle of this month. The present Assistant Secretary, Mr. F.
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  • 135 7 'Accused In Hospital With Malaria I Chuah Weng Chip, against whom are two charges of murder, of Ng Aik Ngoh 1 and Ngiam Eng Chye, is still in the hosi pital, suffering from malaria. j It will be recalled that on Dec. 29, Ngiam Eng Chye, a
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  • 250 7 YEOH KHOO AND OON CHUAH Two Chinese weddings in the reformed style were solemnised yesterday in Penang, one at Seh Yeoh Kongsi and the other at Min Sin Seah. The parties were Yeoh— Khoo and Oon —Chuah. At the Seh Yeoh Kongsi Dr. Yeoh Cheang Hoe
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  • 90 7 I I The following disembarked in Penang 'from the m.s. Lalandia which arrived from jEurope last night:— Mrs. V. S Weeth I and child, Mrs. M. Fitzwilliams and Mrs. M. L. ‘ffarker. Passengers in transit to Singapore are:— Mr. and Mrs. H. Witte and Miss G. Witte, Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 706 8 AT the annual meeting of the local branch Of the Eurasian Association held yesterday Mr. C. C. Stewart who has just retired from the post of Office Assistant to the Resident Councillor,. Penang, and who has also recently been made aj Justice of the Peace was
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    • 579 8 —Editor. To The Editor. ■a- > t Dear Sir, —As an inhabitant of the area lately devastated by the new Municipal Dustbin scheme, I should IxKe to. put on record the fact that although thia scheme is -probably conducive to better .health, conditions and also does away
      —Editor.  -  579 words
    • 483 8 j Dear Sir,—l am a Straits-Joqm Chinese j opium smoker completely cured and. discharged a few days ago, and am the father ,of two children. At the age of 30 in the year 1928 I. was married when I was employed as a salesman in a
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  • 435 8  -  Dust-Bill WarStorni Of Protects —Appeal To Municipality Where To Purchase DVOCLES MANY of our worthy residents are annoyed. They have a 1 grievance—against the Municipal Health Department—and their feelings Eave been vented ia a variety of ways —in letters to the editor of the “Pinang Gazette,” by
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  • 168 8 Croydon To Remain There is no truth in a report that the (airport at Croydon is to be abolished. I The fact that the Air Ministry, as announced on Nov. 20, has purchased 26 acres of landing adjoining, Heston airport land thus avertect the threat of
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  • 74 8 Last night, a thief entered the compound of a house in Logan Road, Penang, anti s-cle a new bicycle that was left mjrkr the porch of the house. There was •/’so a number of other old bicycles, <ll locked, excepting the new one. It was the
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  • 65 8 I At the extraordinary meeting of the com--1 mittce of the Bahul Rahim Sporting Club. Penang, help at the club premises on Jan. i 3, Messrs. Wan Mahmud bin Wan Hadi and I Akob bin Yeop were elected secretory and assistant secretary respectively' vice? 1 Messrs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 Lentheric Perfumes have now come in for their share of recognition. They are now the Fashion for Fragrance BE MODERN WITH LENTHERIC CHARM AND FRAGRANCE. USE LENTHERIC AND BE UP-TO-DATE. Lentheric Perfumes NO. 12 LOTUS D'OR MIRACLE GARDENIA SHANGHAI LE PIRATE RISQUE TOUT AU FIL DE L'EAU A I fit
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    • 57 8 A MIXTURE MILD COOL It has been blended with the same care as has been the tradition of the firm of Marcovitch for these hundred years past, they appear to have produced a blend of tobacco which suits the average pipe smoker. Available Everywhere in 1 oz, 2 oz 4
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  • 1551 9 PROFESSOR TEMPERLEY AND BRITISH DIPLOMACY A brilliant analysis of the political situation today, with special reference to British foreign policy, was made by Professor W. H. Temperley, Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University, at a dinner given in his honour by the Penang Rotary Club
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  • 428 9 Declines Re-election At Eurasian Assn. Meeting 'REST IN EVENING OF LIFE' Dr. J. E. Smith, J.P., President of the Eurasian Association (Penang Branch) and Eurasian member of the Municipal Commission, Penang, announced his intention to retire from public life yesterday at the seventeenth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 Skin Itch Cause Curbed Overnight Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams uid pores where germs hide and cause terrible Itching, Cracking, Eczema, Peeling, Burning, Acne, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Blackheads, Pimples, Dhoby Itch, Singapore Foot and other blemishes. Ordinary treatments give only temporary relief because they do not kill the
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    • 138 9 MAISON LIBERTY, SINGAPORE. Announces a display of very exclusive Model-Gowns for Morning, Afternoon and Dinner wear at the E. O. HOTEL. ROOM 303. PRICES VERY MODERATE. From sth till 9th January. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SHANGHAI FANS NIGHT DISTRIBUTION OF SHANGHAI FANCY FANS TO ALL GATE TICKET HOLDERS,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 235 9 GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS ONLY FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. I' Chin Loo Magic Acrobatic Show 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. 10.30 P.M. rhe Troupe is just back from The Chicago World Fair to thrill you with their magic and acrobatic stunts. NEVER ANY SIMILAR SHOW BEFORE THE FIRST
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  • 1685 10 Regulations Syllabus Of Instruction Folloiving are the regulations and syllabus for the course of instruction and examination for sanitary inspectors, just issued by the Royal Sanitary Institute, London. A six months' course of instruction for i Student Sanitary and Health Inspectors is I conducted under the
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  • 667 10 MEMORANDUM TO MR. SASTRi Malacca. Sixteen reforms affecting the lives of Indians in Malaya were outlined in a memorandum submitted to Mr. V. S. Srinivasa Sastrt by Indian residents of Malacca. Mr. Sastri and Mr. G.S. Bozman, member» of the labour deputation from India, anrived
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  • 77 10 Valuable Drugs And Poisons Stolen Valuable drugs were stolen from a doctor's surgery at Brentwood (Essex) on Christmas Eve. The robbery was discovered on Christmas morning when Dr. H O. Gough and Dr. K.H. Lachlan arrived at their surgery in High Street, Brentwood, and found the bulk,
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  • 81 10 A man walked into Surbiton Police Station yesterday with an Air Ministry dispatch case containing secret documents. He said he had found the case and the papers strewn over a Surbiton road. The case has been returned to SquadronLeader R.H. Horniman, of the Air Force headquarters
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 544 10 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours lowed by renewed enAmerican Doctor’» Discovery Strengthens Blood, Herves, Body, Memon, A„ d J Brain, Muscles, and Endurance— b| doctor’ 1 r>r. N. G. GianBetter Than Gland Operation*. Tiani.. s ’SMSS.W® jO® t orth?, u, L“ Guaranteed To Work ousnĕss^
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  • 224 11 ‘MR. BALDWIN FACES THE CAMERAS ALL EYES were on Mr. Baldwin as he faced a battery of cameras on leaving No. 10, Downing Street for the House of Commons to make his anxiously awaited statement on the Constitutional crisis. Top right “What will he say
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 Get Your Sales Message “Home” In all parts of the world the foundation of every successful advertising campaign of ary size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products* Millions of pounds spent
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    • 947 12 Sir Percy Bates On The Ship Of The Future AT the 33rd annual banquet of the neers’ and Naval Architects’ Guild, held at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, Mr. R. R. Turnbull, the chairman of the Guild, presided over a gathering of about 400, representative o
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    • 236 12 SS. “BELLEROHONE” from Singapore. Sails for Jeddah, Havre, loverpool. Bromborough and Glasgow. S.S. “RAJULA” arrives from Madras, Pordicherry Cuddalore Porto Nove Karikal and Negapatam. Sails for Port Swettenham and Singapore. S.S. “JUNA” arrives from Rangoon, Moulmein, Mergui, Tavoy and Victoria Point sails Saturday for same ports. M.V.
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    • 105 12 Reductions Commencing Next April At a meeting of the board of the Suez Canal Company, held last month, it was decided that on and after April 1, 1937 Transit dues for loaded ships will be reduced to 6s, or 29.25 Egyptain piastres per Suez Canal net ton
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    • 496 12 New Motorships For Blue Funnel Line MESSRS. Alfred Holt And Co. managers of the Blue Funnel Line, have placed orders for three more ships for their Far Eastern trade. The allocation is as follows: One for Messrs. Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Greenock; Two for the Taikoo
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    • 361 12 Depression Blamed For Company's Failure Under the compulsory liquidation of the I African Steam Ship Co., the report of Mr. |E. T. A. Phillips, Senior Offical Receiver, has been issued, together with a summary lof the statement of affairs, showing liabilities £722,897, assets £6,900, issued capital
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1641 12 i RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES ISTH SYMPHONY RADIO ROYAL WEDDING CONCERT PERSONALITIES—ISI CEREMONY a In connection with the wedding of Princess Juliana and Prince Berhhard which takes place today, station PHOHI unit broadcast a special programme at 7.20 tonight. The programme will begin with eariUon music from the tower of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 722 13 MANSFIELD CO. LTD SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Vaaaeta. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due (tn conjunction with Glen Shire Line) Fenang London CJ. AJAX Mars., L’don, R’dam, H’burg Glasgow. Jan. 8 Feb. 3 B. CALCHAS London, Rotterdam, Hamburg Hull. Jan. 14 Feb. 9 GLENAFFARIC L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp
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    • 720 13 and CM V BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., unaei .Penang, Teluk Anson, Pert Swettenham. contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. dO M l^ r T Ea T S/S "BULAN” Jan. 8 1937 Outwards from London for China <£ Japan, g/g M HARI” Jan 15 due
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1141 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES BATAVIA—NIROM Wavelength 19.68 m., 15.243 kc j i 6.15 p.m.—Day’s programme. 6.20 YDB 9 610 klc (312 m Relay. 7.20 —News in English. 7.35 —ReWavelength; YDA 3,040 k|c (98.68 m and lay B.os—News in French. B.3s—Relay. TODAY 19 20—Literary talk by M. Pierre Descaves. 1.20 p.m. Popular potpourri.
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  • 878 14 236 For 6: Still 452 Runs Behind Melbourne, Jan. 6.. AT the close of play today England had 236 for 6 wickets. Hammond on whom much depended wa* bowled by Sievers after he had made 51 but Leyland is still batting and is
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  • 302 14 Strong Team To Meet Kedah Today OENANG will play her second inter-State hockey match of the season on the Hutchings School ground tbs evening against Kedah With the exception of one change, Penang will be fielding the same team which held the redoubtable
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  • 29 14 —Reuter. Hampshire Beat Sussex London, Jan. 6. Hampshire gained a convincing victory over Sussex by 17 points to eight in a rugby mutch played at Southampton today.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 138 14 Yesterday's Hockey Match Playing with one man short throughout the game, the Chinese Recreation Club managed to hold the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club to a draw in a game of hockey at the latter’s ground yesterday evening. The teame scored two goals each. Foong Chin netted
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  • 109 14 Penang To Be Represented (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 6. For the first time, the inter-State Y.W.C.A. quadrangular hockey tournament will be held in Kuala Lumpur during the Chinese New Year holidays. Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore will bn represented. This is the
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  • 117 14 C.R.C. Handicap Tennis Tournament The following are the results of the ties of the Chinese Recreation Club handicap tennis tournament played yesterday:— Final: —3O Ooi Kee Aun beat —l5 Tan Lye Guan 5 —7, 6 —3, 6 —3. FIXTURES FOR TODAY. Semi-Final: Lim Cheng
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 121 14 THE HOUSE FOR NOVELTIES. DANCING NIGHTLY from 9 p.m. to Midnight coupons 4 Coupons for $l.OO 9 for $2.00. TEA DANCE Tomorrow Friday t 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. 6 Coupons for $1 .00. TIFFIN DANCE Every Sunday from 11.30 a m. to 2 p m. 8 Coupons for $1
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    • 290 14 a jJ i FOR MOTORISTS i J I Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills Are Invaluable. THETHER one motors for business or Vy pleasure, either as a driver or passenger, Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills will be J ou nd a valuable accessory. t i iow often does one find at
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 300 14 9 A v MAAT RETURNED TO SEE IT AGAIN RO YAL WINDSOR 3 S-30 TONIGHT 9-30 The Mighty Record-Breaking -and there it goes the grandest TAMIL TALKIE fun-and-thrill romance of the year g gg hurtling along at 300 miles an hour I KUvnELA C D E E fl with l*
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  • 841 15 May Return As Promoter COSTLY GAME TO LEARN I London, Dec. 28. FINIAL Johnny Best, of Liverpool, has i a genius for matchmaking. He also has a keen eye for the making of men in a boxing sense, which makes it all the more
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  • 164 15 NOT VISITING MALAYA ris understood that the contemplated j visit of the Waseda University team of Japanese hockey players to Malaya schetfuled for the middle of this month is off. The tourists who are now sailing down the coast of China, are going as far as Hong
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  • 464 15 CLEVER WORK AGAINST CHELSEA ARSENAL 4, CHELSEA 1 Those who have been saying that Alex James is past his best should have been at Highbury when Arsenal defeated Chelsea. Not only were his movements fast, but he was easily the quickest thinker on the field.
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  • 259 15 ROYAL CALCUTTA CLUB'S TRIBUTE The golfing sisters, Miss Pamela and Alisa Mervyne Barton, who are visiting Calcutta, have had a tribute paid to their ■fame by being made honorary members of the Royal Calcutta Club with all the privileges of the course. This is the first
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  • 768 15  -  A Hammond Secret—Bradman Is Superstitious—A New Olympic Race Joe Davis’s Joke GARRICK Hammond, England’s chief batting hope in the Test matches in Australia, is not a men who boasts. No* one knows better than the man who is master of the game that in cricket it is
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 15 TRYING IT OUT.—A. Szabo, the Hungarian goalkeeper, tize hang" oj one of the Highbury goals.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 197 15 A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN EVER 'Hi ilitl ;x IT Ljjjfcfe. Y l ly-Y.' The Twelve New Ascot Saloon. The Twelve-Four New Ascot Saloon certainly pressure tyres for greater comfcrt new has BEAUTY OF LINE —beauty and character engine mounting to cut out vibration —in the boldness of its broad wings,
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    • 349 16 Weak The Stock Exchange was weak. Eondan. Jan. 6. Yesterday Rise or Fall Con. 5 p.c., 1944-64 117% Funding, 4 p.c., 1960-96 Il6yfc J 4 War Loen, 3% p.c 105*4 Com. Un. Ass. (Units) 10% Prudential A 37% Royal Aasce. (10s. pd.) 9% Gt. Western Ord 64%
      349 words
    • 94 16 London, Jan. 6. RUBBER Strong. Spot 10 ft buyers 10g sellers. Jan./March 10ft buyers 10ft sellers. April/June 10ft buyers 103 sellers. July/S pt. lOg buyers 103 sellers. New York 21.10 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 33,076 tons Liverpool 45,407 tons COPR A Straits S.O. Rotterdam. £23.7.6d. PEPPER
      94 words
    • 184 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations in MESSRS, KENNEDY A Co.’» Share Jat today TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5(6 ®|9 Ayer Weng 1.85 1.92 J Batu Selangor 1-523 1-85 Hong Fatt 1-55 1-60 Jelebu 1.323 1.37 J K. Kamunting 10)0 10|6 Kampong Lanjut 27|6 27;9 Katu 24(6 25(3
      184 words
    • 146 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 532 105 9(64 New York 4.911 4.91 ft Montreal 4.91 J 4.91 Brussels 29.10 29.1 a J Geneva 21.381 21.373 Amsterdam 8.97£ 8.971 Milan 93 ft 93 ft Berlin 12.21 J 12.21 Stockholm 19.3914 19.3914 Copenhagen 22.49 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna
      146 words
    • 117 16 YESTERDAY TODAY London—(Spot) £229.2.6 £229.10.0 Lon-lcn —(3 months) £229.15.0 £230.10.0 Singapore $114.25 $114.50 Burtlne.33 Done Penang Business Done COPRA.—(Surdried) $lO.OO $10.05 BLACK PEPPER $ll.OO $ll.OO RObB J—— Lorn a 10 l|l6d 103 d New York 20 ll|16c(G) 21 7|l6c(G) Singapore- Spot 36Jc 37Jc Feb.|Mar 37gc April/June 36gc
      117 words
    • 199 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Hong Fatt 1.57 J 1.60 Jelebu 1.30 1.35 Klang River 2.02 J 2.o7Jex Kuchai 1.72 J 1.75 Lukut 1.40 1.45 Nawng Pet 1.00 1.02 J North Taiping 92 i 97 i Rahman Hyd. 1.35 1.40 Rantau Ordy. 1.523 1.55 Rantau
      199 words
    • 267 16 The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today I RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenbys 2.20 2.30 Ayer Panas 2.20 2.30 Bassetts 95 1.00 Batu Lintangs 1.55 1.60 j Eedfords 1.473 1-55 I Bentas 1.55 1.623 Brogas 1.25 1.30 Indragiris 1.823 1.873 ex Lunas 2.55 2.65
      267 words
    • 159 16 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS TIN: Buyers Seller» Ampats 5|3 5(6 B. Selangors 1.50 1.60 Hitams 45 49 Hong Fatts 1.55 1-60 Johans 32 34 Katus 24|6 25(6 K. Kampars 16|0 16(6 K. Kamuntings 9j7> 10|0 K. Lanjuts 26(9 27|6 Laruts 15|0 15|6 Nawng Pets 1.00 L 073 Puchongs 25(9
      159 words
    • 195 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Ayer Moleks 1.573 1-65 Ayer Panas 2.30 2.40 Bassetts 973 1.023 Batu Lintangs 1.573 1.623 Bedfords 1.473 155 Bentas 1.55 1.60 Brogas 1.25 1.30 Indragiris 1.873 1 95 Lunas 2.60 2.70 c M. Pindas 2.00 2.10 Mentakabs 523 55 N. Scudais 1.973 2.073 Pajams 2.55
      195 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 278 16 Experience Teaches One To Save, But How Many Have Found A Way To Put By Their Spare Dollars OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED. offer you facilities of their SAVINGS DEPARTMENT < For Systematic Saving. BEGIN TOUR SAVINGS NOW For Rules and Regulations Apply MANAGER, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ltd., Noe 28 A
      278 words
    • 547 16 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated In England) Capital Authorised £3.OW.uOC Capital Subscribed £1.800,006 Reserve Fund and Rest -£1,247,830 Capital Paid Up fI.OW.CO® BOARD OF DIRECTOR». Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairncatto. Chairman. Sir Charles Alexander Innes, K.C.S.I. t C.l IL Str Thomas Smith, Kt., J.M. Ryrle, Esq.,
      547 words