Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 January 1937

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 119 1 Official Announcement Tomorrow (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 6 An official announcement by the Controller of Rubber, Malaya, concerning the suggestion of the British delegation of the I.R.R.C. that export licences shall be issued Cor six months, is expected to be made tomorrow. The full
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  • 193 1 BRADMAN 270 Melbourne, Jan. 6. The sky was cloudy and the weather was mild when the Third Test match was reEumed here today. The wicket was in good condition More than 25,000 were present. Kishlock fielded for Voce who is absent with a sore ankle. Bradman
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  • 110 1 .—British Wireless. London. Jan. 5. The French Foreign Minister has published in Paris a message from the British Foreign Secretary thanking him for the statement made by M. Delbos on Saturday regarding the British and Italian declaration on the Mediterranean and in the course of which Mr. Eden
    .—British Wireless.  -  110 words
  • 77 1 Autuworkers Pledge Cooperation With Conciliation Agencies z Detroit, Jan. 6. Mr. Homer Martin, President of the United Autoworkers pledged co-operation with all government agencies seeking conciliation in the present strikes. The pledge followed a report from Washington by Miss Perkins who conferred with President Roosevelt regarding the strike.
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  • 329 1 The Pinang Gazette understands that the phrase, “certain area”, mentioned in the Municipal dust-bin notice which has per- J plexed those who have received the notices applies to a big area in Penang. It is within the area bounded by Green Hall, Light Street,
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  • 154 1 —Reuter Wireless. Casualties On Reads In Britain London, Dec. 31. Casualties on British roads in 1936 were heavier than in the previous year according to figures issued by the Ministry of Transport. In 1936 6,489 persons were killed and 225,689 injured compared with 6,522 and 218,798 respectively
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  154 words
  • 674 1 Congress May Intervene Washington, Jan. 5. THE State Department announces that licence has been granted to a munitions dealer to export $4,500,000 worth of aeroplanes, rifles, machine-guns and munitions to the Spanish Government. The shipment was booked through the Spanish Ambassador to Mexico, but the chances
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  • 156 1 UNEASY LULL ENDING Shanghai, Jan 5. The uneasy hill in Inner Mongolia, since the Sian coup, threatens to end momentarily as a result of renewed military movements in Chahar. Chinese reports claim that a company of regulars of the Japanese—Kwantung army and 100 tanks arrived at
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  • 88 1 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 4. I The Central Publicity Department has tissued a New Year message to the nation. Besides recalling achievements and failures during 1936, it asks the people in all parts of the country to co-operate with the Central Government in
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  88 words
  • 61 1 —Reuter Wireless. Hitler's New Year Proclamation Berlin, Dec. 31. Hitler’s New Year proclamation to the nazi party refers to the miracle of nazi achievement during four years’ power. He predicts that Germany will become the bulwark for European civilisation against the bolshevik enemy of mankind and
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 1 The king has assumed appointment as Air Commodore-tn-Chief of squadrons comprising the Auxiliary Air Force. British Wireless.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS Telephone No. 772. PENANG No. 68-70, Bishop Street, LATEST ENGLAND 29 for ONE
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    • 102 1 If your engines run-down use Meirich Motor Tablets. I They decarbonise, generate i and rejuvenate your engines. Anti-knock Anti-corrosive Stockists CHOP TAN BOON PENG, 224, Beach Street, Penang ’Phone No. 968. csrfctsn 4 coldstor age'bacon ■h\\ i I lllij II does make a difference! ‘COLD STORAGE’ bacon has that piquancy
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  • 1789 2 Primate On Rebuilding The Nation “A Recall to Religion” by the Archbishop of Canterbury was broadcast from all stations of the British Broadcasting Corporation on Dec. 27, 1936. Speaking during a religious service, lelayed from Lambeth Palace, Dr. Lang said:— It is the last Sunday
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  • 259 2 Proof of life on Mars may soon be discovered by Dr. Edwin Hubble, of Mount Wilson Obseivatory, Caliiom a, when he peers through- the £1,250,000 t< .escopt which has nearly been completed. Dr. Hubble, cheery 47-ycar-old scientist, tolu“ irSUNDAY CHRONICLE reporter some of the
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  • 115 2 Scottish Reels And British Marches Rangoon. Snatches of British martial music, Mexican love songs and tango tunes are being incorporated into Burmese music here in an attempt to modernise Burmese drama In the dancing in a new opera now being performed, there is a touch of Scottish
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  • 118 2 development of China’s agriculture, communications system and administration is forseen in the 1937 programme of co-opera-tion between China and the League of Nations which, was adopted here yesterday by a special committee dealing with that subject. As previously, experts and officials will be sent to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1183 2 "I WOTICES Bead Office 12 Biahep Street, Penang 5 c Phone 1477 1478 with COMMERCE SPRING 1937 extensions. Telegrams: ATlrtklC Gazette Penang. EXAMINATIONS Entries for the above examinations will Singapore Office be received at the Education Office, Cecil Street, Singapore. Penang, up to the 20th January, 1937. Phone 5471. Tel
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    • 277 2 /SUPREMACY THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE FOURTEEN POINTS A series of 14 reasons why you should choose THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD., to look after your insurance needs. Point. 1 Founded in Singapot e’ and registered in Great Britain, it is, a Briti s h C omp any specially
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  • 847 3 TENSION GROWING MORE DANGEROUS German Ultimatum To Spanish Authorities London, January 5. IT is understood that a further 6,500 Italian volunteers were landed at Cadiz shortly before or after Christmas’ according to information received by the British Government. The total number of Italian
    tiate with the Burgos Junta.—Reuter Wireless.  -  847 words
  • 79 3 German troops in Spain— Router Wireless. Lisbon, Jan. 5Thc sight of the Germans in Spain “is enough to kill me,” stated Senor Miguel de Unamuno, Rector of Salamanca University, according to an interview g,ven to the Diario de Not cias not long before death.
    German troops in Spain— Router Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 98 3 Reuter. Freight Rates To Be Raised London, Jan. 5. The Conference Lines’ fre ght rates are likeiy to he raised from April 1, according to The Times shipping correspondent who says that working expenses are now considerably higher owing to increased wages, the new manning scale, the greater
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 241 3 ing centres report a cheerful mood.—Reuter Wireless. Great Industrial Activity London, Dec. 30. The industrial outlook at the end of the old year is generally very hopeful. Over 1,500.900 tons of new shipping is being constructed next year in English yards The combined building programme of th'*
    ing centres report a cheerful mood.—Reuter Wireless.  -  241 words
  • 43 3 —British Wireless. London, Jan. 5. The Secretary of the Admiralty announces that the King has approved of a Review of the Fleet being held at Spithead on Thursday, May 20, on the occasion of His Majesty’s Coronation.-
    —British Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 174 3 —Reuter Wireless. Madrid, Dec. 31. FTofessor Haldane of the London Univesity is conducting gas mask experiments in a Madrid hospital with a view to finding a simple and effective mask suitable for civilians. I DEATH OF ARCHDUKE F. HAPSBURG Dec. 30. The death is announced of Archduke,
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  174 words
  • 11 3 Reuter Wireless. Mr. A. Duff-Cooper, bearing up well.-
    Reuter Wireless.  -  11 words
  • 163 3 —British Wireless. National Tribunal Net In Favour London, Jan. 5. The Railway Staff National Tribunal has decided against the claim of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Filemen for a standard day of six hours and a standard week of 36 hours, the abolition of percentage deductions
    —British Wireless. ;  -  163 words
  • 92 3 —Reuter. Fighting Speech By General Motors* President New York, Jan. 5. A fighting message to 135,000 employees of the General Motors Corporation was made by Mr. Alfred P. Sloan, Junior, President, urging them not to fear that any union or labour dictator will dominate the Corporation’s plant.
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 70 3 —Reuter. Drafted For Re-Service In China London, Jan. 5. H.M.S. Suffolk (Commander, Captain H.C. Phillips) is being commissioned at Chatham today for re-service to China after over a year in the dockyard for repairs and re-equipment costing £513,000, including additional armour, anti-aircraft armament and the provision for three
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 237 3 Southampton Reuter and British W reless. Train Journey Eliminated London, Jan. 5. The train journey from laris to Brindisi '.which passengers cn the Imperial Airways Empire routes have hitherto had to undertake spending two nights on the train, is gradually being eliminated. Hitherto the Mediterranean section of
    Southampton Reuter and British W ’ reless.  -  237 words
  • 64 3 Reuter. To Re Placed Strict Surveillance” 1 Nanking, Jan. 5. The State Council upheld the Military Tribunal’s decision depriving Marshal Chang Hsuehliang of his civil rights for five years* thus making it impossible for him to hold Government posts, civil or military. Marshal Chang will be pla<
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 36 3 Mr. A. Duff-Cooper, secretary of State for War, who is in Paris on a private visit, saw M. Edouard Daladier, the French Minister for National Defence, on Monday, says a British Wireless message.
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  • 234 4 UNCONSCIOUS BESIDE STOLEN CAR A young European was found lying unconscious beside an overturned cur at the 10th milestone cn the Johore Bahru-Kota Tmggi Road early on tae morning of New Years Day. The injured man was taken to the Johore Bahru Hospital and
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  • 240 4 Licensing AufhoriJies decree Kuala Lumpur cabaiet-goers will have to ke* p earner icurs us u result. d an eaict of lac local licensing authorities, wno nave dec. ceti t’.a. time .i.ust oe a cigntening up ci chv practice of special extea* Sicas ci licences unci
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  • 237 4 Amazing Incident hi Court Itarn, until recently employed as a sals, appeared as complainant in a case in which the police prosecuted one Din with criminal breach of trust in respect of a cycle. When the e censed was convicted and the Magistrate ordered him
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  • 1420 4 TOW KAY'S SON ENGAGED The engagement is announced and the marriage will take place early this year of Air. Ong Guan Hua, fourth son of Towkay Ong Keng Seng, landlord and estate owner of Kajang and Aliss Khoo Boon Kee, third daughter of Mr. Khoo Bco Baik,
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  • 271 4 Attempt To Stab Watchman (From Our Own Correspondent). Taiping, Jan. 5. An inmate of the decrepit’s ward of the Taiping Hospital, Law Tham Kau, yesterday pleaded guilty before Che Paw Wan- teh, the Taiping magistrate, to a chaige of criminal intimidation by attempting to stab Kalu Singh,
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  • 116 4 Warsaw. A Russian, named PostmiakofT, has just left Grodno for the Far East in search of treasure said to be worth 25 million dollars, which was hidden outside Port Arthur in 1905. The treasure, it is stated, was hidden by the Russian Commander of the port, General
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  • 147 4 Chinese Fined $lOO Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 3. Fifty -eight pairs of rubber shoes were produced as exhibits in t. Kucla Lumpur police court yesterday in the case in which two Chinese, Lam Fnn Seng <r Hrh Cnee, were charged with di n 4.1; retaining stolen property.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 (BUTyouie] O paying for 1| Jr now/ A INniGESTION...HEARTBURN... ALL STOMACH TROUBLES... call for this immediate relief! Do you dread your meals Are wise and take it in time. Others you for ever wondering what you endure terrible torture t even can eat with safety and freedom they can do
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  • 1617 5 COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF BOTH COUNTRIES “England and China arc alike in that their sense of historic empire is strong and their adaptation has been modernly supple to altering conceptions of sovereignty between the central source of government and the outlying areas. Yet I hold they are still
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  • 16 5 the British acticss :s vow working t>n a new film at Shepherd’s Bush.
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  • 594 5 HOW A GIRL'S PLOT FAILED Nanking. The failure of the plot in November last to murder Yin Ju-keng, head of the bogus government in East Hopei, and the subsequent execution of the would-be assassins are woven around a most interesting and complicated story involving a
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  • 21 5 Members of the “C nderella” cast tak'ng a back seat at the London coliseum in between acts.
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  • 293 5 Great Loss To Customs Revenue Canton. Organised smuggling under the protection of ronins is rampant in Kwangtung, causing enormous losses of Customs revenue. ihe smuggling, it is undestood, is principally conducted by three routes, namely, along the east coast, between Hongkong and Canton and a'org the
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  • 142 5 .In in.\ resting account of the status of hi,nose woman from early times to the present is given by Mr. Jen Tai, a research fellow of the Council of International Ijfairs, in the latest issue of the Information Bulletin. The writer refutes the general allegation
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  • 413 5 TEN PRINCIPLES ENUMERATED The Inheritance Tax in China will be co’lected on a proportional basis o.i the i property of the deceased which exceeds §50,060, and on inheritances which exceed the proscribed limit, while the exce sive amount will be taxed on a progressive basis, according
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 I? I 1 s 1 S J Or K‘ ■id i “Verichrome” is famous for helping you to get good results. T» is i is because it has two coatings of emulsion a fast emulsion to I catch detail in shadows and in poor light, and a slow one to
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  • 210 6 air mail A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java and Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence hy Singapore-Australia air mail service will done at 7 p.m. today. A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra via Singapore and thence by K.L.M. service wil close at 7 p.m.
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  • 351 6 alterations To Modern fimes” Charlie Chaplin’s next him may be made in soviet Russia. Charlie is expected to visit Russia next summer tor the opening of Kinograd,” the film city tlut is being built on the coast of the Elack Sea, and to
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  • 75 6 —Reuter Wireless. Jugo-Slavia Bulgaria Negotiations Belgrade, Dec. 30. Negotiations for a pact of friendship between Jugo-Siavia and Bulgaria guaranteeing present frontiers and ensuring political and economic co-operation have reached an advanced stage and are believed to be aimed at Bulgaria’s entry into the Balkan Pact. Apparently Bulgaria has
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 53 6 —Reuter Wireless. Soviet Press Breaks Silence Moscow, Jan. 5. The press breaks silence regarding M. Radek, the publicist, which it has observed since the trial of Zinovieff, charging M. Radek with having been a member of an underground Trotskyite organisation and having conspired to restore capitalism
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 106 6 —Reuter Wireless. Cunard White Star's Bid London, Dec. 30. A new Atlanticc liner between 30.000 and 40,000 tons will be built at Birkenhead for the Cunard White Star. It is understood this will be the first Cammell Lairds have built since the SAMARIA in 1920
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 THE HOUSE FOR NOVELTIES. DANCJMG NIGHTLY from 9 p.m. to Midnight 4 Coupons for $l.OO 9 for $2.00 I tea dance CTwl Iy H Every Tuesday and Friday 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. 6 Coupons for SI.(X). TIFFIN DANCE Every Sunday from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p m 8 C’oupons
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    • 192 6 AWAKE ALL NIGHT WITH INDIGESTION Now Sleeps Like a Top —Thanks to Kruschen This man used to pass night after nlghi with hardly a wink of sleep. All the remedies he tried failed to help him. until h started taking a daily dose of Kruschen. Thar, was what he needed
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 183 6 THE GAETANO GIRLS CONCLUDE THEIR SUCCESSFUL SEASON TONIGHT 6-15 9-30 1 S Mil kj i wi i -/L. »S SI I VHirl CROWPED HOUSES NIGHTLY! DON'T HISS THE LAST 2 PERFORMANCES I THE FAMOUS Gaetano Girls in their y whirlwind dancing entertainment A Full Half Hour’s Non-Stop Vaudeville Revue! ALONG
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    • 162 6 LAST FEW NIGHTS ONLY WINDSOR 5-30 TONIGHT 9-30 The Mighty Record-Breaking TAMIL TALKIE "KUCHELA" with The Inimitable BALA SARASWATHI. MISS S. D. SUBULAKSHMI, and a great supporting cast. New Song Hits Drama Comedy The greatest Tamil Talkie ever screened. USUAL PRICES OF ADMISSION. 0 Next Change A Mighty Double Attraction.
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    • 115 6 6-15 TONIGHT 9-30 LAST NIGHT M.G.M.’S NEW LAUGH HIT' CYOUR NEWEST REASON FOR LAUGHTER! w w a /WJW Fur NLS 3 RAT?«ONT> fa Bk 1 W ALBURN J An Edward H «Hr-«sJn-Aick £5 I. Production >' H \f o o I j A Whole Hour of Howls I QUEEN’S OPENING
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  • 175 7 But Admits Part Ownership Of Still FINED $9O ON LIQUOR CHARGES A complete still and an unusually large k zed bottle of samsu were exhibited in the I‘enang Police Court, before Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, yesteiday, when a Chinese, Teoh Ah Chooi, was convicted
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  • 155 7 Government Will Help To Meet Cost Of Celebrations (From Our Own Correspondent) Se rem ban, Jan 4. The following communique has been issued in connection with the Coronation celebrations in Negri Sembilan: ’The day of the Coronation, May 12, I*<37, has been oeclared a public
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  • 113 7 Thief To Serve Two Weeks' Imprisonment Two weeks' rigorous imprisonment was imposed on Shan Lean Book yesterday when he pleaded guilty before Mr. H. A L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court to a charge’ of theft of two boxes of cigarettes belonging to Lim Kean Ching, on
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  • 66 7 To Be Charged With Attempting Suicide A charge of attempted suicide against Chung Chan Tew, a Chinese woman, is pending. She is at present in the Genera Hospital, Penang, suffering from the effects of poisoning. Court Inspector Astin said that the accused would be brought to court
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  • 20 7 THE Dl'gE OF KENT chatting to Mr. Morris, chief of the London Fire Brigade, during the fire.
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  • 530 7 SUCCESS OF LINDBERGS INVENTION Gland Extract From A “Coffee Pot” A GLASS artificial heart, invented by Colonel Charles Lindbergh, the famous American aviator, in collaboration with Dr. Alexis Carrel, former winner of the Nobel prize for medicine, has opened up undreamedof possibilities in medical
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  • 206 7 Merry Christmas For 60.000 Children In S. Wales London, Dec. 24. Two hundred and tw’enty sealed mailbags, bulging w’ith bulky packages, arrived at Cardiff and Newport post offices a week ago. They came from London, and filled two special coaches on the tram. “To be stored until Christmas”
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  • 129 7 200 Return To < x Work i After being on strike for a month about 200 boilermakers employed on contract by j United Engineers, Ltd., Singapore returned to work. They went out on Dec. 3. About 250 turners, fitters and moulders who are employed by the same
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  • 156 7 Chinese Enterprise SEQUEL TO AMERICAN SHIPPING STRIKE Australian exporters are preparing to ship to Malaya and the Far East a total of 50,000 cases of citrus fruit within the next two years. Chinese merchants in Melbourne announce that they will open branches in Shanghai, Hong Kong,
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  • 180 7 Caring For Nanking Factory Workers Nanking. The minimum wage for every adult labourer in all factories in China should be fixed in such a way that it will enable him to secure what are considered as necessities for himself and two of his family members, according to
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  • 82 7 Hvom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 4. Inche Abu Bakar bin Baginda, Assistant Commissioner of Pclice, Seremban. who proceeded on local leave, has returned and resumed duties. The marriage will take place at the Church of the Visitation, Seremban, cn Jan. 23 of Mr. Alban Siriwardene, of Messrs.
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  • 112 7 Girl Killed By Thunderbolt. I A 12-year-cld Chinese girl, Tey Koh Koh, 'eldest daughter of a squatter on a rubber; estate in Lim Chu Kang, Singapore, was' killed by a thunderbolt on Friday as she stood in the doorway of her house. Another sister and two younger brothers
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  • 63 7 Magistrate's Stern Words To Accused Remarking that it was a “swindle on children,” Mr. H A. L. Luckham, the Penang Police Magistrate, fined a Chinese Oh Chin $25 yesterday for gaming in public with a roulette at Paya Trubong Road on Jan. 4. The accused, pleading guilty
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 322 7 ON THE MAKERS be sure of .if«-long latisfacde of ownership purchase Equipment from a Firm of reputation. The name CLARK is your guarantee ility materials and workughout. «traced Catalogues gladly ■IR mail if desired. ly’s Morocco Leather DressSilk Lined, size 20 13} ed with a complete service of Engine-turned Sterling
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  • 713 8 Penang Recreation Club, the premier non-European Club in Penang is this ear celebrating its j Golden Jubilee. It was established in, 1887 by a band of friends, including the 1 late Mr. J. D. Scully and though itsj growth might not be described as won-1 derful
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  • 99 8 21 Successful Candidates Twenty-one candidates were successful at the examination held last year at Singapore for the Certificate of the Royal Sanitary Institute, London. Following are the successful candidates: Kovipillai Hensman Samuel, Eric Cyril Mathiew, George Thurairajasingham James, Wilgie Heng, Lee Hong Wah, Mohd. Ismail bin
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  • 127 8 But Friend Not So Lucky While sawing the stump of a fallen rubber tree with his com patriot Wong Yin Quen, an estate coclie at Bidor Estate at about 10 a.m. on Monday, Seh Chia Wong, a Hokkien of Bidor Estate, was knocked down almost unconscious by
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  • 61 8 Reuter, Zeven Provincien Mutineers Benefit Amsterdam, Jan. 6. All mutineers of the wa-ship, Zeven Prcvincien, who rebelled when the vessel was In the Dutch Indies in 1933, will benefit by a Royal amnesty on the occasion of Princess Juliana’s wedding. The amnesty covers a very wide field,
    Reuter,  -  61 words
  • 434 8 Ornate Speeches-Commissioners Are Uneasy —Tim&Limit (cricketers Wield Pens SEVERAL of Singapore’s Municipal Commissioners, it is reported, are uneasy at the length of speeches made by fellow Commissioners on the adjournment periods of monthly meetings. Recently there has been a spate of inordinately long speeches and several Commissioners
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  • 198 8 Transfer Of 12.000.0QD Acres Moscow. The transfer of an additional 1,500,000 acres of State land to farms operated collectively by the peasantry is announced This is the third of such grants made within the past five months, involving more than twelve million acres. While earlien transfers
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  • 107 8 GAETANO GIRLS "HI GAUCHO" Good Entertainment At Majestic At the Majestic, Penang, the famous Gaetano Girls are to be seen in an entire change of programme in support of RKORadio’s entertaining film, “Hi Gaucho”, with John Carroll, Steffi Duna and a huge cast. The girls again proved to be an
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  • 31 8 There will ’be a “Kalachapam” in Tamil by Manonmoney Swamiar in the Butterworth Indian Association premises at 6 pm. sharp today. A 1! Tamil speaking public are invited
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  • 315 8 "Wholesome Influence In National Life" The Bishop of Chelmsford (Dr. Wilson» refers to the abdication of King Edward! VIII. in a New Year s message to his diocese He siys:— The abdication of King Edward VIII hasbeen an unparalleled event in the life of the nation. Of
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  • 60 8 —Reuter. The Home office announces that arrangements are being made to give all families individual Instruction in the fitting an-t using of gas masks, 30,000,000 of which will shortly be available, when Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd opens the first factory exclusively devoted to gas masks on Jan.
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 37 8 attend school In England.—British Wireless. London, Jan. 5Queen Marie of Jugoslavia and her eleven year old son Prince Tomislav arrived in London today. The Prince has come to attend school In England.—British Wireless.
    attend school In England.—British Wireless.  -  37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 -‘LWIi 06 ft' Efe|»|fc W\\ /18/h Jp ?W» “l«h ASK R®l>4g*El •■>■■> i JJ.iiO iu .ml iillllllll 11 iiiiiiiioiUll 21 Zll •W i M_ m ■-M jS3 hKB AA OO II w* -Soil jWK NO finer whisky BM— "7"" l^ iaH RS lta,E GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE sole agents:- jqhN
      315 words
    • 55 8 WIT WEIGHT I LB. LZjLS- aatSsyiass Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS In Airtight Vacuum Tin* IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults and Old People. I Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers. I' Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd. PENANG,
      55 words

  • 224 9 More Than ss*ooo lo Be Spent INDIAN EXPERTS ARRIVE OVER $5,000 worth of fireworks will be let off at the Penang Race Course on Thursday, Jan. 28, from 7.30 p*.m. to 9 p.m. on the occasion of the Thaipusam Festival which has come round
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  • 390 9 Dr. O. E. Fisher And Miss C. McDiarmid RECEPTION AT C.P.O.'s RESIDENCE The marriage of two popular members of the Government medical staff was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Penang, on Monday when Dr. Oscar Elliott Fisher of the Malayan Medical Service was married to
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  • 240 9 Chinese Assembly Hall Before the year ends, a handsome edifice, which will be one of the landmarks of Ipoh, will stand at Kuala Kangsar Road. It is the Chinese Assembly Hall, and the Pinang Gazette understands that work will be commenced shortly. At the last general meeting
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  • 495 9 Mystery Solved In Ipoh Court CARRIER SENTENCED FOR BREACH OF TRUST A case of uncommon interest to business people was heard in the Ipoh Magistrate’s Court yesterday when Govindasamy, an employee under a railway contractor, was charged with criminal breach of trust as a carrier in
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  • 77 9 The death took place this morning at 157 Hutton Lane, Penang, of Master Mas Ahamed Jallaludeen Akbar, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Akbar, of Penang. The deceased, who was a pupil of the Westlands School, was 11 years. The funeral will take place
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  • 321 9 "WINGS" FOR TWO VOLUNTEER PILOTS A ceremony unique in the history of the I Royal Aii Force was carried out at Seletar i during the week-end, when two Pilot Offi- cers of the S.S. Volunteer Air Force received their “wings” from the Officer Commanding the R.A.F., Bar
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  • 368 9 Provisional Programme Of Celebrations ON SAME LINES AS LAST JUBILEE A preliminary meeting by" the Malay community of Penang in connection with the celebration of the King’s Coronation was held on Monday, at the Land Office, Penang. There was a good attendance and ameng those were
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  • 41 9 —Reuter. The French Government has sent a note to the Spanish Government protesting against the shooting down of a French Embassy plane, reported on Dec. 8, 1©36, and demands punishment of the guilty airmen and compensation for the victims.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 260 9 Teluk Anson Lottery Case (From Our Own Correspondent.) Teluk Anson, Jan. 5. V C*HIN Fan Km, proprietor of Chop Sam Lee, who stood charged with assisting in the carrying on of a public lottery, was yesterday acquitted and discharged by Raja Abdul Hamid,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 9 MARRIAGE VAN VLIET—PATTINSON.— Dirk van Vliet and Flora Dolores Pattinson on the 31st December, 1936. “Floraville” 7 Saint Thomas’ Walk, Singapore. POSITIONS VACANT WANTED Intertype Operators. Applicants must be able to turn out 6000 ens an hour. Apply Box No. 87, c/o Pinang Gazette.
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    • 114 9 E. O. HOTEL PENANG. 0 TONIGHT DINNER, DANCE CABARET WITH EDITH BILLY HERSEY In A Brilliant Programme Of Modern, Character Eccentric Dances. DINNER CABARET s3|- NON-DINERS s4|-. EDITH BILLY HERSEY will also appear at the Dinner Dances to y be held on Thursday Saturday next. J a I WHEN VISITING
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  • 548 10 Lilliput Land In Hungary Budapest, Dec. 27. ■UIIDGETS of the work! are going to start a country of their own, with everythin# on a mid#et scale. They propose to make a Lilliput in Hungary. The move is the result of .i convention held recently
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  • 141 10 Argentine Hotel Fire Buenos Aires. Mr. Edwin Thomas Theobald, of Lcmdon. and his wife (formerly Miss Mary Florence Bullock of Sandbrook, Salop! were both burned to death while staying at a holiday hotel at Bariloche.Jn the Argentine Lake District. Mr. Theobald held a post
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  • 853 10 BROADCAST FROM THE VATICAN “NEW MENACE OF EVIL FORCES” The. Pope, in his broadcast from his bedside in the Vatican Palace on Christmas live, made an eloquent appeal for peace in Che world. In the course of it he said: “Unfortunately, against the will of
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  • 243 10 COCKTAILS AND CIGARETTES! Boston Cocktails and cigarettes are served to pupils at what must be America’s strangest school —the school for daughters of famous film and stage stars, which is run here by Miss L. Jack. Children are not known by their real names in
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  • 265 10 Egyptian Army CONTRACTS CUT SHORT Cairo. Dec. 27, 1936. The services of all British officers in the Egyptian Army will be dispensed with as from January 6 if the Council of Ministers accepts the recommendations contained in a Note from the War Ministry, which the Council
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  • 901 10 Goodbye To Depression: New Deal’s Spirit In 1937 New York, Dec. 26, 1936. t of the most joyous Christmases in 1 living memory is over, and a gooJly < part of America, where Boxing Day is not, celebrated, is now back at work. It has
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 158 11 CROWDS INVADE* DOWNING STREET POLICE were forced to move a huge crowd and draw a cordon across Downing Street to clear the way for Cabinet Ministers sroing to No. 10. Above, a mounted joUceman helping the officers. Mr. Walter Elliot and ‘Mr. Anthony Eden, followed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 Get Your Sales Message Home ’ln all part» of the world the foundation of 'every successful advertising campaign of any size —4| newspaper advertising. .Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products. Millions of pounds spent
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    • 835 12 NOTABLE ADVANCE BY U.S. Relationship Between Owners Seamen That the recently enacted legislation gives a guaranty that the United States will have the safest ships on all the seas was the assertion made by Mr. Ira Campbell, council to the American Steamship Owners’ Association, when he
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    • 593 12 SS. "BELLEROHONE” from Singapore. Sails for Jed-lah. 'e. pool, Bromborough and Glasgow. SS “LALANDIA” from Europe. Sails Swettenham, Malacca, Singapore and Bangkok S.S. “BULAN” from Singapore via ports. Sails knday. S.S. "HOSANG” from Calcutta. Sails same day tor Singac ba. ft r Honsrkong, Kobe and Osaka. .*<’.•
      593 words
    • 188 12 Construction Under The J 934 Programme H.M. destroyer Hyperion, the second of two ccmpleted by Messrs. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Wallsend, left the Tyne last week for acceptance trials, and was afterwards handed over. The vessel was in command of Commander Campbell, and she
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    • 121 12 British Government Dividends London, Dec. 20. *Lieut.-Colonel Sir Arnold Wilson (Hitchin, C.) esked the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Hcuse of Commons whether he was in a position to give a revised estimate of the sum he expected to receive during the current financial year
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    • 94 12 U.S.A. And Japan Notify Assent The United States and Japanese Governments have notified the British Government that they agree to the retention of the five cruisers (Cardiff, Ceres, Caladon, Calypsoand Oanadoe) referred to by Sir Samuel Hoare last month. The British Government had formally notified the two
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1740 12 [radio TOPICS PROGRAMMES "SILLY SONGS WE USED RADIO R.A.F. CENTRAL TO SING” PERSONALITIES —150 BAND By permission of the Air Council the At 9.50 ton:g mi iansrni.,sion Central Band of His Majesty's Royal Air B B C. will broadcast a p en- Force, conducted by Squad.—Ldr. R P. titled u
      1,740 words

  • 104 13 The Penang Municipal Band will play at the WATERFALL from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. 1 March Paladin. Carter. 2 Overture Morning Noon and Night In Vienna. Suppe. 3 Potpourri Melodious Memories. Finck. 4 Intermezzo Anona. Grey. 5 Fox Trot But Where Are You? Berlin. Tomorrow at the
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  • 80 13 An executive decree published at Caracas appropriates 22,000,000 bolivars (about. £1,100,000) for the acquisition of the har-j hour corporation of La Guaira, the port of Caracas. i The corporation constructed, under an ex- elusive concession of 1885, the harbour and, quay at the port,
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  • 90 13 Intimation has been received in Arbroath that Mr. Ramsay Webster, chief engineer of the Hall Line steamer City of Wellington, had fallen overboard and was drowned on the night of November 30 at Sourabaya, Java. Mr. Webster, who was 54 years of age, served his apprentice, hip
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 369 13 MANSFIELD CO. LTD SINGAPORE PENANG. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE V/saato LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Due 'ir. conjunction with Glen Shire Line) Fenang London O. AJAX Mars., B’don, R’dam, H’burg Glasgow. Jan. 8 Feb. 3 R cat ma<4 Bendon, Rotterdam, Hamburg Hull. Jan. 14 Feb. 9 riFNAT•VARTC L’-oa, R’dam, H’burg,
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    • 261 13 FORTHCOMING SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE Jan. 15 s.s. “JOHAN DE WITT” N.L. 11,000 tons Jan. 22 s.s. "SLAMAT” R.L. 13,000 tons Feb. 5 s.s. “J. P. COEN” N.L. 11.000 tons Feb. 12 m.v. “INDRAPOERA” r.l. 12,000 tons Feb. 26 m.v. "MARNIX VAN ST. ALDEGONDE” N.L. 20,000 tons Mar. 5 m.v. "SIBAJAK”
      261 words
    • 676 13 Ax t O A and “GL W BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with Hia Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Services Out warns trom London for China Japan, Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port due Penang 1936 Marseilles and London. due Penang 193 T •S/S
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 647 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES I r> -v* iwt f. MIS 9.20 p.m. News and economic review in BAI AViA dIKIJM English cn DJE, DJN, DJQ, and in Dutch yDI v DJA, DJB. J* y-35 p.m. Today in Germany. Sound Wavelength; TvA 5, k t c <too.6Bm) and 1 J pictures. 9.50 p.m.
      647 words
    • 233 13 j\2.05 a.m. News in Arabic. I 12.20 a.m. Records. 11 V.U.C. CALCUTTA Wavelength 49.10 metres (MOtkra} TODAY 7.16 p.m. —Talk Law for Lymen” (No. 1.). 7.3l—Modern Bengali songs.—News bulletin inßengali. 8.11 News bulletin in English. 8.31 —The Aerial Players Present “The Monkey’s Paw.” 9.lG—*Dance music. 9.46 p.m.—Time signal. Close
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    • 135 13 9.15 —Radio play. 10.30 —Gramophone records 10.50p.m. —Close down. TOMORROW 7.20 a.m.—10.20 a.m. Broadcast by Station P.C.J., Eindhoven, on wavelength of 31.28 m. i Wedding day of Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard. The programme will begin with carillon music from the tower of the Royal Palace on the Dam at
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  • 261 14 Sparkling Display By Bradman 248N0T OU T: RECORD SIXTH WICKET PARTNERSHIP r Melbourne, Jan. 5. AT the close of play today Australia had hit up the huge total of 500 for 6 wickets, Bradman being undefeated with 248 and Fingieton 136, out. Bradman and Fingleton put
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  • 662 14 I Invitation To Ccmpefe In First Tourney i FATHER'S DEATH -I Badminton enthusiasts all over M a lay a wiß no doubt learn with much regret of ‘the death of Mr. Leow Kim Fatt’s fathei which took place in Kuala Lumpur durin;; the week-end
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  • 556 14 Return Hockey Encounter •HAT TRICK' BY SENG POE CHEOW TEIK Tall scoring was the order of the day when the Chinese Recreation Club, in a return hockey encounter with the Kedah Hall Party defeated the latter by the wide margin of seven goals to two
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  • 139 14 Nanking. The successful agricultural research programme now being carried on by the Chinese Government was praised by Dr. K. Hayes, head of the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics of the University of Minnesota, in a speech at the Nanking Rotary Club. Coming to China
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  • 606 14 Last-Minute Goal By Elliot A LAST MINUTE goal by R. N. Elliot saved the Penang Sports Club from defeat at the hands of the Indian Association in an interesting game of hockey played on the Esplanade, yesterday. The Indians scored their goal a second or
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  • 227 14 Report For Year MORE NEW BLOOD WANTED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 4. The annual report of the Nfegri Sembilan Football Association, which will be presented at the forthcoming annual general meeting, states: —“There were ten clubs in membership during the year as against eight clubs
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  • 269 14 Delightful day* will be your* if yen visit Penang Hill. Excursion ticket* are cheap. TIME TABLE UP TRAINS. MONDAYS TO SATURDAYS: 6 30 am. to 8.00 a.m. every 30 minutm 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. every 15 w 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. every 30 w 4.00
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 176 14 C.R.C. H'CAP TENNIS TOURNAMENT Result Of Doubles Semi-Final The doubles semi-final tie in the C.R.C handicap tennis tournament played yesterday resulted as follows Yeo Wee Yang and Cheah Gynn Seong -—4 O 3 beat Goon Kok Ying and Tan Chiin Earn —3O 6—4. 4—6, 6—o. TODAY’S TEES Final Ooi Kee
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    • 165 14 Wednesday. 6th January, 1937. GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS ONLY FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. Chin Loo Magic Acrobatic Show 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. 10.30 P.M. rhe Troupe is just back from The Chicago World Fair to thrill you with their magic and acrobatic stunts. Never Any Similar Show
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  • 1374 15 Four “Full House” Ties Fall To London Sides PLUMS FOR CHESTERFIELD, COVENTRY LUTON The draw for the third round of the F. A. Cup suggests that few clubs outside the First and Second Divisions of the Football League will be actively interested in
    1,374 words
  • 587 15 inshmem Set On Winning Come-back Campaign London, Dec. 30. JACK DOYLE, the Irish heavyweight. withT°> ke int the news last "eek statement that he seriously intended COme back the ring, has been to meet a selected opponent at the Empire Pool, Wembley, on
    587 words
  • 823 15 FAMOUS CRICKETER TO RETIRE MRS. MOODY BACK—JOHNNY BEST TO LEAVE N.S.C.—SMITH GETS HIS CERTIFICATE FOR SNOOKER RECORD ■pHE captains and the kings depart! No sooner has “Tich” Freeman gone from Kent than another king of cricket is saying farewell, I understand, to the scene of his supremacy—Philip
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 40 15 A Chinese New Year Celebrations WAIT FOR FRASER AND NEAVE’S EM SPECIAL OFFER |h|gO Announcement 10 th January, 1937. lira II Do- not place, your special orders for fl- jt■ j? 'St jgS Aerated Waters, until after lOth January I
      40 words

    • 368 16 Quiet Th» Stock Exchange was quiet but rubber •nS tin were active. London. Jan. 5. Yesterday Rise or Fall Can. S a-c.. *****4 117% Ta»«in<. 4 px., 1960-90 116% War Laaa. 3% 105% Caaa. Ua. Aaa. (Unite) 10% Evidential “A• .37% Mepal Aaace. (10s. pd.) 9% Gt-
      368 words
    • 110 16 London. Jan. 5. RUBBER: Firm. Spot 10?« buyers 10ft sellers. Jan./March 10 buyers 105 sellers. April/June Off buyers 10ft sellers. July/Sept. 9buyers 10ft sellers. Slew York 21.15 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 33,076 tons Liverpool 45,407 tons COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam. £23.5.0. PEPPER White Muntok in bond
      110 words
    • 218 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations m MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co.'» Shaw List today TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5)6 5)9 Ayer Yeng 1.90 1-95 Batu Selangor 1.55 1.575 Hitarg 471 50 Hong Fatt 1.59 1.621 Jelapang 26)3 27|0 Johan 321 35 Jelebu 1.34. 1.375 K. Lanjut 27)6 28)0
      218 words
    • 121 16 London on Previously Latest Faris 105 9|64 105 5|32 New York 4.90}f 4.915 Montreal 4.90 J 4.91 J Brussels 29.055 29.10 Geneva 21.361 21.385 Amsterdam 8.961 8.971 Milan 935 93 ft Berlin 12.20 12.215 Stockholm 19.39)4 19.39)4 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26)4 26’4 Prague 140
      121 words
    • 114 16 ra >— London —(Spot) London (3 months) Singapore Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA. -(Sur dried) BLACK PEPPER BUBBEB London New York Singapore- Spot Dec. Jan ./Mar April/June «APIOCA Fair Seed Medium BICE Rangoon—Parboiled No. 1 White No. 1 White No. 2 White No 3 Loca 1 Rice
      114 words
    • 129 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.525 1-55 Hong Fatt 1.575 1.60 Jelebu 1.32 j 1.35 Kuchai 1-725 1.75 Lukut 1-425 1.45 Nawng Pet 1.00 1.025 North Taiping 95 975 Rahman Hyd. 1.35 1.40 Raub Gold 6.60 6.80 Rantau Ordy. 1-54 1.56 Rantau Pref. 1.56 1.59 /Sungei Luas
      129 words
    • 220 16 RUBBER:— Buyers Sellers Ayer Mcrieks 1.575 1.65 Ayer Panas 2.30 2.40 Bassetts 975 1.02 J Batu Lintangs 1.55 1.60 Bedfords 1475 1-55 Eentas 1-55 1.60 Brogas 1.25 1.30 Indragiris 1.87| 1.95 Lunas 2.60 2.70 c M. Pindas 2.00 2.10 Mentakabs 521 55 N. Scudais 1.975 2.075 Pajams 2.55
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    • 29 16 Dredge statistics for the month of December, 1936, are :—hours run 580, cubic yards treated 94,000, pikuls 410, estimated cost $20,200, cost per cubic yard 21J cents.
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    • 29 16 Dredge statistics for the month of December, 1936, are -hours run 473, cubic yards treated 102,000, pikuls 864, estimated cost $14,000, cost per cubic yard 13.70 cents.
      29 words
    • 30 16 Dredge statistics for the month of December, 1936 are :—hours run 590, cubic yards treated 130,000, pikuls 791, estimat- ed cost $14,700, cost per cubic yard 11.30 cents.
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    • 32 16 The following is a summary of the Company’s dredging operations at Kalumpang for the month of December, .1936. —No. 2 Dredge hours 620, yards 155,305, output 638 piculs.
      32 words
    • 206 16 International Tin Committee’s Decision The. .International Tin Committee met at Brussels today under the chairmanship of Sir John Campbell, the representative of Malay»- Other countries represented were the Congo, Belgium, Dutch East Indies, Siam, Bolivia, France and Nigeria. Representatives of consumers were invited to
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    • 102 16 Foreign exports of tin, being final shipments on ocean steamers at all Malayan ports during December, totalled 7,669 tons, being some 2,500 tons below the amount shipped in November. The total exports for 1936 were 83,366 tons an increase of 21,118 tons on the figure exported in
      102 words
    • 229 16 The following v are the changes in our quotations up to noon today RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenbys 2.25 2.35 Bassetts 92 J 975 Batu Lintangs 1.525 1.575 F-edfords 1.475 1-55 Eentas 1.50 1.60 Brogas 1.225 1.271 Indragiris 1.775 1.85 ex Lunas 2.55 2.65 Malaka Pindas 2.00 2.10 ex
      229 words
    • 164 16 LEAN CO. TCIDATB OPENING QUOTATIO1V9 TIN: Buyers Seilers A mpat8 5|3 5)6 Asams 34[0 34{9 Hitams 45 49 Hong Fatts 1.55 160 Jelapangs 27|0 28|0 Katus 25|0 26|0 K. Kampars 16|0 16|6 K. Lanjuts 26(9 27|6 Kundangs 9|9 10|3 I Lanits 1510 15i6 Lukut 1.35 1.42$ Puchongs 2519 26|9 Pungahs
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 128 16 banks. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPU N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUE HEAD OFFICE FOR THE EAST BATAVIA Branches throughout the Dutch East > Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National
      128 words
    • 528 16 HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong) The Liability of members Is extent and in manner prescribed by C Ordinance No. 6 of 192» of the Colony. Head Office". HONG KONG. Authorised Capital gO.OOO.OOO Issued and Fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Funds:— «500 00O tX:SS' 170 V0.000.00OBOARD
      528 words