Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 December 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 307 1 military operations at Nanking.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. All Foreigners At Sian Safe PERSONAL AND NATIONAL ASPECTS OF CRISIS Shanghai, Dec. 22. Grave possibilities are seen in the report that Mr. Kawagoe, the Japanese Ambassador to China, has conveyed to General Chang Chun, the Foreign Minister,
    military operations at Nanking.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  307 words
  • 198 1 —Reuter. TWO REBEL PLANES SHOT DOWN Madrid, Dec. 22. In the course of a bombardment Li ce shells hit the tall telegraph building. tearing a large hole in the walls. )ther shells fell in streets in the vicinity. thrilling air battle was fought out ;tr the
    —Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 97 1 Death Of Distinguished Soldier London, Dec. 22. The death is announced of Major-General •Sir Frederick Cuthbert Poole. —Reuter Major-General Sir Frederick Poole, who was bom on Aug. 3, 1869 was the son of the late Rev. R. H. Poole, Rector of Rainton, Durham. He joined the Army
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  • 60 1 Appointed To No. 1 Bomber Group (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 22. It is announced that Air Commodore Sidney Smith, until lately in command of the R. A. F. in the Far East, has been appointed Commanding Officer No. 1 Bomber Group vice Commander Owen Tudor Boyd.
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  • 29 1 —Reuter. Rome, Dec. 22 The Pope’s broadcast will be on 19.84 metres. Translations into English and other languages will follow. The times are not yet known. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 35 1 —Reuter. 75 Miners Reported Killed Eagle Pass, Dec. 22. At least seventy-five miners are Reported to have been killed in an explosion in a coal mine ninty miles south-west of Piedr asnegras, Mexico.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 24 1 Reuter. Oslo, Dec. 23. Trotsky is already en route for Mexico. He boarded an undisclosed steamer which sailed on Saturday.—
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 221 1 HANDICAPS FOR SECOND DAY Following are the handicaps, five races only, for the second day of the Penang Turf Club Xmas-Ne Year (Gold Cup) Meeting on Dec. 30:— PONIES, CLASS 2, DIV. 1, 5 FURS. Rose of Dreams 9.00 Lisheen 9.00 Queen’s 8.01 Twinkling Eyes 8.01
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  • 201 1 Beautiful Woman Shoots Pilot Paris, Dec. 22. The whole of France has been intrigued by an extraordinary air drama in which a young pilot was found staggering in a field on the outskirts of Paris with a bullet, wound in his back. I He asserted that a woman
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  • 147 1 Indians Convene Meeting A meeting cf the local Indian community was held at the office of the Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader yesterday evening to make the necessary arrangements for participating in the Ccronation celebrations of His Majesty the King. The following were present:—Messrs. K. S. Pillai,
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  • 37 1 Reuter. London, Dec. 22. The Financial Times Milan correspondent understands that the Chinese government has appointed Signor Alberto de Stefani, ex-Italian Finance Minister, os its financial adviser. He will leave for China shortly
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 71 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Dec. 22. Invitations have been issued by Mr. Chan Yook Kum, Manager of the Grand Agency, Pekan Melayu, Alor Star, for the marriage of his sister, Miss Chan Fong Yoot, daughter of the late Mr. Chan Ah Wah, and Mr. Poh Tai
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 Mr. Poh Soo Cheng, Senior Master of the» Sultan Abdul Hamid College, and a pro minent member of the Kedah Boy ScxuUk Association, accompanied with his fanviiy it* spending a short holiday in Penang.
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  • 175 1 Accused of having insulted the German nation, a British subject was dragged through the streets of Dresden like a criminal, submitted to a seven hours’ examination, at which his finger-prints were taken, at the local police station, and finally thrown into a prison cell
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS Telephone No. 771 PENANG No. 68-70, Bithop Street, r
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    • 95 1 If your engines run-down use Meirich Motor Tablets. They decarbonise, generate and rejuvenate youi engines. Anti-knock Anti-corrofrtve StocHsto CHOP TAN BOON PENG, 224, Beach Street, Penang, ’Phone No. 968. z »j i wk s jC a z *4' lu VFOOD NEWS) Celebrate X*mas in a ROYAL" Manner! CHRISTMAS CAKES: Rich
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  • 395 2 DARING CAMPAIGN TO STRIKE AT U.S.S.R. ON TWO FRONTS Mystery Man Of Berlin Berlin. Dec. IS. A WHITE Russian General, once a trusted administrator under the Tzar, |is the inspiration of Germany’s secret military plans for the eventuality of war with the U.S.S.R., details
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  • 199 2 ADHESION OF 21 REPUBLICS Buenos Aires, Dec. 12. The Pan-American Peace Conference, which has been meeting in Buenos Aires, has achieved its main object —a plan for the maintenance of peace in the Western Hemisphere, which is supported by all the 21 American Republics. This is revealed
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  • 229 2 Anger At Political Ban I i Berlin, Dec. 13. The decision of the South African Government to prevent aliens, including nonnaturalised Germans, from joining political 1 organisations, in the four provinces and the former German territory of South-West Africa, has aroused anger in Berlin. Today,
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  • 213 2 What She Wilf Wear The Hague, Dec. 20. The New Year’s most important bride, I Princess Juliana, will follow tradition with her wedding gown, of which her dress- maker, on the corner; of the Kneuterdyke, a few doors from the Princess’s own “Dower House,” is now working
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  • 249 2 Reported Orders For British Group. Bucharest, Dec. 12. I Mechanisation of the Rumanian Army—plans for which are being pushed ahead—is said here to have been entrusted to a British group. To pay for all the war mat- erial the Government is urging exporters to accelerate their work for
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  • 77 2 The extraordinary size of the precious stone mined in the Kanchanaburi district, Siam, led the M.P. of that constituency to approach the Director-General of Fine Arts with a view to his acquiring ft for, the National Museum. The Director-General praised the merits of the 'gem and expressed his
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  • 117 2 Two Bodies Discovered Shanghai, Dec. 13. After a search in which soldiers, officials, and missionaries have co-operated two graves have been discovered near Chungan, a day’s journey from Kienyang, which are apparently those of Miss Harrison and Miss Nettlefield, who were murdered by Corn-! munists in
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  • 27 2 DEFENDING MADRID. —Government troops leav ng the outskirts of Madrid t< man the trenches in the great stand being made aga nst the advancing rebels
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  • 302 2 SOVIET'S NEW YEAR TASK Big Power Station To Be Built Moscow, Dec. 13. “Soviet chemists go from strength to strength,” declares “Za Industrialisaziu," the official organ of Russian heavy industry. It emphasises the key importance of chemical warfare as a means of defending the "Socialist Fatherland.” Under
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 ■••4 Office 12» Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. tthgs >ui i Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Tn&es Singapore. Oasis Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tei Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang
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    • 355 2 PENANG HILL RAILWAY Delightful days will be yours if you visit Penang Hill. Excursion ticket» are cheap. TIME TABLE UP TRAINS. MONDAYS TO SATURDAYS: 6.30 a.m. to 8 00 a.m. every 30 minute»' 8 00 a m. to 10 00 a.m. every 15 10.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m. every 30
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  • 396 3 —Reuter. The Suiyuan Revolt Onlv Indirect Reference To Shensi Genoa, Dec. 22. Mr. Wang has sailed from Genoa] ~.rd the Potsdam for China. Mr Wang Ching-wei, in a statement 4 < fore his departure said that during the past few years China had been
    —Reuter.  -  396 words
  • 76 3 First Ambassador To Egypt London, Dec. 22. The King has approved the appointment of Sir Miles Lampson to be His Majesty s Ambassador in Cairo. The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty provides that each country shall be represented in the other by an Ambassador. Sir Miles laampson was appointed High
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  • 100 3 London, Dec. 22. The Caledonia, Imperial Airways’ new 1 ■*ang range empire flying boat, which left 1 Southampton on Friday for Egypt, re- turned to Southampton from Alexandria today having covered the single journey of 2 200 miles in two days. She brought heme ever half
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  • 261 3 British Radio. Eady Conclusion Improbable London, Dec. 22. Enquiries in well-informed quarters in London indicate that forecasts in circulation of an early conclusion to discussions proebeding in Rome on British and Italian L interests in the Mediterranean to be premature rather than unduly optimistic. It is believed progress
    British Radio.  -  261 words
  • 84 3 rates ox pievevvurnvio, xciucnv j workers are also being adjusted.—British Radio. 28,000 Chemical Workers To Benefit London, Dec. 22. An advance in wages which will affect about 28,000 chemical workers in various parts of the United Kingdom will take effect from January 4 as a result of agreement
    rates ox pievevvurnvio, xciucnv j workers are also being adjusted.—British Radio.  -  84 words
  • 95 3 ,—British Radio. Departure From London I For Sandringham I London, Dec. 22. Large crowds gathered at King’s Cross today and cheered the King and Queen when, accompanied by their daughters Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose and by Queen Mary, they left in a Royal train en
    •»» ,—British Radio.  -  95 words
  • 134 3 sent 1792 civil aircran in Northern Ireland on the Register.-British Radio. Formation Of New Civil Board London, Dec. 22. j The formation of the Air Registration Board to take over control of civil aircraft from the Air Ministry is now almost complete. The Board will have control of
    sent 1792 civil aircran in Northern Ireland on the Register.-British Radio.  -  134 words
  • 17 3 HISTORIC SIGNATURES —Foot of the Instrument of Abdication whereby King Edward VIII renounced the Throne,
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  • 341 3 —British Radio Tonic Effect In The Depressed Areas London, Dec. 22. Lord Nuffield's noble ift of £2,000,000 to three areas—South Wales, Durham and Tyneside, Cumberland and Scotland —has taken the press and public completely by surprise. This vast sum is placed in the hands of three
    —British Radio  -  341 words
  • 70 3 .—British Radio. Increased Yield From Customs London, Dec. 22. Exchequer returns show that total ordinary revenue amounts to £428,093,538 compared with £423,675,470 at the corresponding date last year,. The increase in British imports this year is reflected in a Customs yield of £153,146,000 against £145,155,000 for the same
    .—British Radio.  -  70 words
  • 44 3 was still in session after two hours. —British Radio. London, Dec. 22. The International Committee for Nonintervention in Spain is meeting tomorrow morning. The Chairman’s Sub-Committee met at the Foreign Office this evening and was still in session after two hours. Bri-
    was still in session after two hours. —British Radio.  -  44 words
  • 54 3 the Earl of Athlone will also attend. —British Radio. Duke Of Kent To Attend The Duke of Kent will visit Holland early next month to attend the wedding of Princess Julianna which takes place on January 7. Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, and the Earl of Athlone
    the Earl of Athlone will also attend.—British Radio.  -  54 words
  • 513 3 SIX NIGHT BOMBERS FORCED DOWN 1 London, Dec. 13. overtook No. 102 Night Bomber Squadron on a flight from Antrim to Doncaster yesterday. Of seven machines i only one reached its destination. One crashed in flames, and three of its occupants were killed,
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  • 221 3 —British Radio. Japan Raises No Objection London, Dec. 22. In accordance with the announcement made in the House of Commons last Thursday by the First Lord of the Admiralty, formal notification has now been conveyed to the United States and Japanese Embassies in London of the intention
    —British Radio.  -  221 words
  • 157 3 Average Age For Brides: 23 German girls and men marry young, One girl under 15, and 62 girls between 15 and 16, married in Germany in 1934; according to the Statistical Year Book of 1936 just published. In the preceding yeac cnly half as many married under
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  • 75 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 21. Rev. Mr. Burr Baughman officiated at the marriage of Mr. Fong YatPeng of the Posts and Telegraphs Department, Seiemban, and Miss Foong Hon Meng, a teacher in the Beng Sin School, Kuala Kubu Bahru. Mr. Ng Chee Yew was bestman while
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 411 3 HER HANDS WERE ALL OUT OF SHAPE i In Grip of Rheumatism p for 15 Years No matter how long you have suffered with rheumatism, there is always hope for you td you persevere with Kruschen, a.s the following letter proves:— “For about 2 years I hardly r ent out.
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  • 676 4 Credit Balance Of $449 ANNUAL MEETING ON TUESDAY The seventeenth annual general meeting of the Penang Eurasian Association will be held at the Penang Recreation Club, Henang, on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1936, at 6.00 p.m. The business of the meeting is as follow: To confirm the minutes
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  • 1275 4 AIR PASSENGERS Following were passengers who arrived or left Singapore by K.L.M. and K. N. I.L.M. liners:— Arrived by the Tldevalk: Mr. Koos Scholtens and Mr. Ferdinand Kaiser. s Left for N.E.I.:—Mr. Koos Scholtens, Mr W. P. Wolterbeck and Mr. W. P. 3 N. L. Ditmas. Arrived
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  • 305 4 Gift To Captain A 23-year-old postbox salvaged from the shattered hulk of the famous raider Emden has been returned in Singapore to Ciptain W. Lohmann, commander of the third Emden, in recognition of its sentimental and patriotic value to the German nation. Bearing the name “Emden’’ and
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  • 189 4 Large Attendance At Annual Ball The first annual ball of the Kedah Volunteer Force (European) was held in the Sungei Patani Club last Saturday. There was a large attendance, about 180 members and guests being present. Following were the official guests:—the Hon. the British Adviser, H.
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  • 274 4 Judges' Verdict In Appeal By Chinese Johore Bahru, Dec. 17 “Any jury would be fully justified in convicting you,” commented the Chief Justice, Mr. P.A. McElwaine, sternly to three Chinese who appealed before him and Mr. Justice N.H.P. Whitley ard Mr. Justice Adrian Clark, today, against the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 GUARANTEED j—STRENGTH When occasion requires such UPJjWB specially strong carbolic ,oap you want to be ;t W y° u want to be sure. You an re, y w,th con fidence i 11 on Calvert's Medical Soap. P co pte have used it for years will tell you so, too CALVERT’S
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  • 1040 5 Masses Unable 7o Support Modern- 7 rained Physicians THAT the introduction of a system of State medicine in China will become inevitable, since the vast majority of the people are unable to support an adequate number of modern-trained physicians, is the.opinion of
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  • 176 5 Amalgamation Of Parties Budapest, Dec. 10, The Legitimist People’s Party, the popular wing of the Hungarian Legitimist movement, has decided on its dissolution as an independent political group, and will be merged with the Little Farmers’ party of M. Tibor von Eckhardt into a big organisation
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  • 13 5 COUNT SAMBARIYAN, a prize winner at the recent Croydon Cat Show.
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  • 140 5 At Height Of 16,000 Ft. Bombay, Dec.lo The old story that footprints of a strange shape are found at high altitudes in the Himalayas is revived by the report of Mr. Eric Shipton. the Everest climber, that he saw at a height of 16,000 ft marks
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  • 138 5 Stockholm, Dec. 10 The remains of a man found by a Lap» lander beneath a pile cf stones in the Paresuanda Mountains, North Sweden, are believed to be those of a rich Englishman who travelled there 60 years ago and mysteriously disappeared. The man is
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  • 192 5 Typhoon Sweeps Philippines Manila, Dec. 8 Thousands of persons have perished in “greatest flood in the history of the ■'lands,” according to the Military Comnander of Isabela Province, in the northwest of Luzon Island, Philippines. The disaster is confirmed by the offici‘ll report of the constabulary,
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  • 126 5 London, Dec. 18. The immunity of children’s perambulators from gas attacks formed the subject 'd an instructive lecture by the medical adviser to the Air Defence Department of < the Home Office, Major Blackmore, before •the Medical Society of London. The lecturer stated that a number
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  • 343 5 Fate Of Famous House WHERE THE "EROICA" WAS COMPOSED Should the famous house, in which Beethoven composed the “Eroica” Symphony, become a “Heurige” (an inn in which wine of the new vintage is supplied) This question is occupying the minds of the mu-sic-loving Viennese. There are already
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  • 176 5 Risked Her Life To Save Soldiers A Frenchwoman who risked her own life for the dike of British soldiers many times has died in Le Cateau, Northern Franc. Mme. Julie Baudhuin was her name. This is her story. In the early months of the war,
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  • 93 5 Arrested At New Military Barracks At S'pore Singapore. j In July, 1932, the Chinese cashier of Printers, Ltd., was given a cheque for $176 to cash at the bank. He disappeared, and no trace of him was found. Last Friday morning a detective went up to a
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  • 335 6 "'lnvestment Crashes Ruined Me" London. Colonel Francis Randolph MacDonald, late of Curzon-street, Mayfair, former racehorse owner. South African “cattle Icing,” a member of the Carlton Glub, was once worth £150,000; last week he had fourpence in his pocket. Colonel Macdonald—he once employed a butler, two
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  • 436 6 Javanese and Tivo Chinese Families I I QR. V.W. W.S. PURCELL, chairman of the Settlement Sutr-Comniittee of the Penang Province Wellesley Jubilee Fund, at a general committee meeting of the Fund held on Dec. 11, reported that three poor and needy families, consisting of a
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  • 248 6 AIB MAILS A mail for Australia, New Zealand, Java land Timer Dilly by Singapore eund thence I by Singapore-Australia air mail service will close at 7 p.m. today. A mail for Java and Southern Sumatra by Singapore and thence by K.L.M. service will close at 7
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 120 6 TONIGHT'S OUR SENSATIONAL BUTTERFLY NIGHT I 111 fl m j m Again ELYSEE Introduces w A New and Original Til Uhßz Novelty I 6 BIG PRIZES!.' Come and Get Your Share of the Fun Everybody will be chasing Our Flying Butterflies IMPORTANT THOSE USING NETS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED TOMORROW GALA
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 179 6 PROCEEDS IN AID OF POPPY DAY FUND 6-15 TONIGHT 9-30 Your Screen's Favourite Singing Stars DICK POWELL JOAN BLONDELL in Warner Bros., musical-laff show! Hear again A Riotous these popular re-union W song hits of the JmM 4< R° se popular gmßgalmiPflw Hair” stars of “You can be “Golddirgers B
      179 words
    • 312 6 R O YA L! WINDSOR Tonight Last Night V A Masterful Story of Brave Men who 6-15 Oprafog Tonight 9.K Feared, who Faced Life with Courage. A Drama Set to Beautiful Music. Special Midnight Show Tomorrow at 12 p.m. IVAN MOSJOUKINE in Matinees Friday, Saturday SunrLv "THE 1002nd NIGHT at
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  • 815 7 CLERK PLEADS GUILTY Drew Pay Of Fictitious Engineer “1 cannot bind you over. There seems to me to be a great difference •jet ween a crime committed on the spur of the moment and. as in this case, a series of systematic frauds, f convict you and sentence you
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  • 770 7 Accused Admits He Is A Returned Banishee! KNOTTY POINT BEFORE COURT WC Can P rove something definitely, accused’s life will 6 1 Tl• at a he will be continually released and arrested.” his statement was made by Inspector Roberts when
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  • 169 7 Foresters Seize Creature In Forest A strange creature, half man half ape a veritable modem Tarzan —has been captured near Riga, Latvia, by a band of foresters. The band, engaged in inspecting one of the great forests of the region, suddenly came upon the ape-man, crouching at
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  • 78 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Dec. 21. Mr. Tan Eng Kee, Chinese Interpreter, Lower Court, Alor Star, and a prominent member of the Kedah Chinese New Club, Alor Star, has reported his return from four months’ long leave. Mr. Lim Cheng Kiat, Chinese Interpreter, Lower Court, Alor
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  • 144 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 21. No definite arrangements for the Coronation celebrations in Seremban, have been made as yet owing to the recent administrative change but with the arrival of the new British Resident, the Hon. Mr. G.L. Ham, it is hoped
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  • 45 7 Sentence of six months rigorous imprisonment, followed by six months’ police supervision, was passed on Lim Ah Chooi, who was convicted, on a harge of theft in respect of a leather bag containing clothing I valued $6.75. He admitted a previous conviction. I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 WHY suffer Er7CAAA9 TORTURE WITH EVA EMA S The soothing, healing power of D.D.D. Preecription will amaze and delight you... Itching rt '°P s two or three seconds after you apply D.D.D. 1 By persevering with D.D.D. Preeerintaon, the germa and oorroding impuritiea ensconced in the oeepeet levers of the
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  • 623 8 YOUNG CHANG SOME FURTHER REFLECTIONS Following hot on the first news last week of Chiang Kaishek's detention by the young Marshal at Sianfu, rumours emanating from Japanese sources were rife and set in sensational circulation to the effect that the Premier had been foully done to death. Colour was lent
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  • 126 8 CHRISTMAS PARTY AT PENANG J To The Editor, Sir, —May I utilise your space to thank, on behalf of the President, Committee, and Members of the Penang Club, all those ladies and gentlemen who did so much to assist us in the successful running of the
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  • 198 8 Attempted Extortion (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. “I am a Jack of all trades. Now I am unemployed, but formerly I worked for a mine. I have also been an actor and a fitter.”—thus declared Wong Yit Phin who appeared before
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  • 734 8 Relay From Australia —Kippa x And The Toss —On The Racecourse A Jockey On A Bicycle MANY readers must have heard the description of the final day inj the second Test match a£ Sydney by i Kippax,, the Australian cricketer last night. Kippax was speaking from Sydney.
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  • 232 8 HOCKEY: Maltby Reay Play Well For P.S.C. ’A 1 The Penang Recreation Club “A” suffered a severe defeat at hockey at the hands of the Penang Sports Club “A” on tbe Esplanade yesterday by six goals to nothing. The game was of a poor standard,
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  • 146 8 R»9 Which Disappeared (From Our Own Corrt-spond.-nt) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22‘T have nothing to say" declared >•* Moi, a young Hakka woman, when plead tag guilty before Mr. C. H. Dakers in the KuaM Lumpur Police Court today, to theft of a gold ring belonging
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 In Special Xmas Cases -A of Three Bottles U 1 K at no extra cost. Vv' 1\ Irak THE EPITOME OF 4-\-—SEASONABLE JU 6 <GENEROSITY t ;A r Obtainable from all good 3 T WU i Jqr t. iraMEh- njiAj jf c v f if i i S IP©MME®f Q>
      253 words
    • 105 8 iwYmSim In I Tea and. Chatter Whatever you do A time of relaxation and the pleasant flow of easy conversation.... a gracious time with which the cool, exquisite fragrance of the Yardley Lavender is in utter accord. It is the ideal perfume for wear during the day: for sport, shopping
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  • 841 9 Japanese On Murder Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 22. T' J h a d stabbed his wife as he could not stand to see her c u t '."F P ers uaded to lead an immoral life by
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  • 343 9 Sydney, Dec. 23. FCngland triumphed in the second Test match here today when they beat Australia by an innings and 22 runs. At the tea interval yesterday Australia had scored 309, McCabe being 85 not out and Sievers 22 not out. The light was poor after
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  • 329 9 TINY-TOTS MAKE MERRY Father Christmas paid a visit to the Penang Club yesterday evening to distribute gifts at the Christmas Party given by members of the Penang Club to European Children resident in Penang, Province Wellesley, and environs. The entry of Santa Claus was made
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 PENANG HILL RAILWAY Additional Trains During Christmas The Penang Hill Railway will run the following additional trains during Christmas and New Year:— From Lower Station:—Dec. 24, 11.00 p.m., 12.00 midnight, 12.45 a.m. Dec. 25, 11.00 p.m., 12.00 midnight. Dec. 26, 11.00 p.m., 12.00 midnight, 12.45 a.m., 2.30 a.m. Dec. 31,
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    • 54 9 CHURCH NOTICE The Parit Buntar and Province Methodist 'Episcopal Church (Tamil and English) will hold the following services on Christmas Day:— Parit Buntar—9 a.m. Tamil service. i Nibong Tebal »10.30 a.m. Tamil service. Bukit Mertajam—l2 noon Tamil service. 6 p.m. English service. The pastor, Rev. V.B. Paranjothy, will preach in
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    • 217 9 I Evening Gowns of charm grac inthe very latest design materia j X Every model exclusive* 23, Light St., Penang 1 A HOTEL IN BANGKOK? WHY NOT RAJDHANI Managed by the Royal State Railways at the Bangkok Terminu Every room has a bath room attached, hot arid cold running watei
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  • 418 10 One Girl Chosen Out Of 200 To Make Talking Books For Blind London, Dec. 14. WELL-SPOKEN men are easy to find, but to find a golden-voiced woman a wide search had to (be made. And out of 200 actresses, elocutionists, and typists only
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  • 534 10 New Department At Bart's Hospital HEALING BEAM OF HIGHEST POWER London, Dec. 14. The new Mozelle Sassoon X-Ray Therapy Department at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, winch was inspected by the guests after the opening ceremony performed yesterday >ry Mrs. Meyer Sassoon in the Great Hall, ■s unique. It
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  • 183 10 People of Earl’s Barton, Northamptonare proud of their vicar, Rev. L. A. JtSwart Britain’s most versatile vicar. For the Rev. Ewart, friend of Houdini jsnd student of the famous escapologist’s anrthods, can:— Escape from police handcuffs. Utat -on a good show as ventriloquist. Vrec himself from
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  • 308 10 A boy of 16 called his married sister as a witness at the South London Juvenile Court last week to prove that she had a double, and the magistrates were so impressed with the likeness that they discharged the boy and his companion, who pleaded
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  • 135 10 "Fascist Pirates Must Answer" Moscow, Dec. 21. Diplomatic action by the Soviet is probable in connection with the alleged sinking of the Komsomol by a Spanish Fascist cruiser. The alleged sinking is denounced by the official press and mass meetings are being held throughout Russia at which reprisals
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  • 22 10 :.—Reuter. London, Dec. 21. Commander A.D. Torlesse has been appointed Naval Attache to the British Legation at Bangkok.—Reuter.
    :.—Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 28 10 —Reuter. Capetown, Dec. 21. Eight were killed and 35 injured in the derailment near Oudtshoom of a crowded train journeying from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 560 10 "DIVORCE IS NOT A CRIME" “I hope this Bill is not going to be known as the Reno Bill, placing the divorce laws of this country on a par with the notorious divorce laws of Nevada.” This comment was made by Mr. A.M. f Lyons,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 95 11 Get Your Sales Message Home In all parts of the world the foundation of every successful advertising campaign of any size —is newspaper advertising. Heads of big business everywhere constantly pay tribute to press advertising and its power to create and maintain demand for their products. Millions of pounds spent
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  • 263 11 WHEN LONDON started its nightly rush for home it was more headlong than usual owing to the threat of ground fog—our photographer secured this striking study in Trafalgar Square. Dull, leaden skies seemed •o make the lights reflect with a greater intensity in the still
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 fleK |u| li 11 illII lE' I |mSh| wf 1 Collard Collard The Famous British Piano :o: Here’s your opportunity to secure $B5O-00 for $475-00 A REAL BARGAIN TROPICAL MANUFACTURE This Offer Cannot Be Repeated. Robinson Piano Co. (S. S.) Ltd’ PENANG.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1625 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES j "Christmas RADIO Broadcast By The John Variety" PERSONALITIES-^ 43 MacArthur Quintet Local music lovers should tune in Trans- programme entiled Christmas mission 3 programme at 12.10 a.m. when Variety,” in which Tommy Handley. Bob j oftn MacArthur Quintet, directed by I Alf Pearson, McNaughton and Bother-
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    • 598 12 Use Of Welding In Ship Construction In U.S.A. WEIGHT SAVING, STRENGTH SIMPLICITY elding was described asp \A/ “probably the greatest single V technical achievement of the past 25 years” by Mr. John W. Hudson, naval architect of the Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., in the
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    • 81 12 Passenger traffic at Hamburg slightly decreased during the first nine months of 1936, arrivals and departures totalling 518,635, compared with 570,582 during the same period of the prevfous year. The decline is attributed to the unfavourable weather conditions during the summer, which affected cruising
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    • 227 12 S.S. “BULAN” from Singapore via ports. TOMORROW M.V. “SILVERSANDAL” from S’pore via Belawan sails next day for Colombo, Halifax, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore via Cape of Good Hope. S.S. “ROHNA” from Madras, Pondicherry, Porto Novo, Karikal, and Negapatam. Sails for Port Swettenham and Singapore. 'S.S.
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    • 280 12 Large Conversion Job On The Tyne A large contract of particular interest has been completed by the shiprepairing works of Palmers Hebbrun Co., Ltd., in the conversion and renovation of the steamer Strombus. of approximately 8,000 tons d.w., for Messrs. Chr. Salvesen and
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    • 49 12 I During the week ending November 13 1,178 vessels, representing 979,108 net register tons, used the port of London; of these 410 (749,126 net register tons) to and from Empire and foreign ports and 1 768 (229,982 net register tons) were -n gaged in coastwise traffic.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 323 13 L> i 1' ri it loii/uraHaTnHSEES "OMik ruHaau limb ,ta MANDON AND NORTH CONTINENT <tn conjunction with Glen Shire Line) Dm A. ANTENOR Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Glasgow LeeOoe GLENAPP L’don, R’dam, Hburg, W Dec. 24 •»«>• 20 Middlesbrough AJAX Mars., L’don, R’dam, H’burg Glasgow Jan 1 F®*’- 1 HAVRE AND
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    • 257 13 Dec. 25 m.v. “J.V. OLDENBARNEVELT” N.L. ***** tons Jan 1 m.v. “DEMPO” R.L. 17,000 tons Jan. 15 s.s. “JOHAN DE WITT” N.L. 11.000 tons Jan. 22 s.a. “SLAMAT” R.L. 13,000 tons 4 8 8 N.L. tons Feb. 12 m.v. INDRAPOERA” R.L. 12.000 tons Feb. 26 m.v. MARNIX VAN ST.
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    • 423 13 Mr '<<4 0 ar| d W BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service (hatwards from London for China Japan. n ome wards for Colombo. Aden, Port Bs*% due Penang 1936. Marseilles and London. due Penang 1937 B/8
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    • 220 13 GENERAL PASSENGER AGKMIr» FOB CUNARD WHITE STAR LDOB TO E'IROPE via SUEZ regular fortnightly magi service Stagspore and Penang to Longen vto Aden, Sqm, Naptes, Marseilles and Gibndtwn Vext saUtocs s SUWA MARU nee FUSHIMI MARU jin' a HAKOZAKI MARU Jan’ ®*tes to First cha* Steamers Yasukuni Mm* sr Motonbto*
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 608 13 RAOJO < Chamber music. I 9.40 p.m. Colonial market prices, rates 9.20 p.m. .Was and economic review in of exchange. Engli--i on DJE, DJQ, and in Dutch on 9.50 p.m. Concert conducted by M. DJA, DJB. Henri Thomasi; Mme. Dias (vocalist); 9 33 p.m. Today in Germany Sound M. Georges
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    • 209 13 the Town.” Christmas gala cabaret. Relayed from “Firpo's" Restaurant. 9.46 p.m.—Time signal. Clcse down. 2RO ROME Wavelength: 11.8 J Mc> (25.4 m.) TODAY 9.20 p.m. Opening announcement. News in English. Vocal and instrumental concert. “Topics of interest,” a talk. Redies to letters from radio listeners. Nev i n Italian. TOMORROW
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  • 39 13 The Penang Municipal Band will ptay at the Gardens this evening from 5.30 p.m to 6.30 p.m. Fcllowing is the programme: March:—Bravest of the Brave:—Gay. Overture:—Fra Diavolo:—Auber. Reminiscences of—Sullivan:—Winterbottom. Intermezzo:—The Fairy’s Rendezvous;— Lautenschlager. Fcx Trot:—Rose Of Italy:—Nicholls.
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  • 228 13 No Crack Liners But Creation Of Efficient Fleet For Foreign Trade Problems facing German shipping were outlined by Dr. Walter Hoffman, general manager of the Hamburg- A merika Line, speaking ut the Wuppertal Chamber of Commerce. The most important question, he Slid was* whether the world would
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  • 85 13 London County Council To Hold Inquiry A complaint that foreign motor coasters have been employed in the carrying of j s-tone for Chelsea Bridge was heard before I the General Purposes Committee of the London County Council recently when Mr. Basil Marsden-Smedley brought the matter to
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  • 67 13 The Finance Committee of the Newcastle Corporation has decided to recommend the City Council to present a piece of plate to the cruiser Newcastle, now building on the Tyne. A sub-committee will be appointed to decide on the form the gift is to take. The Corp ration
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  • 998 14 164 Horses In Training: Full List Of Entries for Penang Meeting A total of 164 horses have been entered for the Penang Turf Club Xmas-New Year Meeting. No less than 19 horses have been entered from Duval’s stable while van Breukelen has the next highest number
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  • 505 14 Strathpeffer And Salad Impress Another day of slow work was held this «jorning, and the training was enlivened by ibe inclusion of horses trained by E. L. Bowden. J. Orchard, and R.N. Hobbs. These trainers arrived yesterday with their Mabie jockeys. The inner track for slow
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  • 75 14 The following ere the results of the ties ®f the Chinese Recreation Club handicap tennis tournament player yesterday:— —l5 Heah Seng Hong and Lee Bean Gtiee beat—so. 3 Chenh Wat Hun and Lim Kheng Hock 7 6, 6—2. Semi-final: —l5 Tan Lye Guan beat scr. Yeap
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  • 101 14 Indian R.C. v. Kedah XL At S. Patani The following will represent the Indian Recreation Club in a friendly game of soccer against a Kedah XI at Sungei Patant tomorrow at 5.15 p. m. D Suppioh; S. P. Letchumanan and A. C. David; Appanajco, K. Kalimuthu and Syed Gany;
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  • 64 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 21. The Punjab Association, with the help of several substitutes, drew with the Negri Sembilan Malays 2-2 today. The Malays were without Sheikh Mustapha, who has left for Singapore. The Punjabis scored first through Santhok Singh. Azraai equalised. Kaher Singh then nettted
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 337 14 BEWARE OF PAIN AFTER EATING Do you dread your meals? Are you for ever wondering what you can eat with safety and freedom from pain? Are you -n fact living in fear and agony from stomach trouble Scarcely anyone escapes this scourge of modern life. Some are wise and take
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  • 666 15 Ambitious Plans Made For Arenas WEMBLEY FILLS THE POOL J i London, Dec. 13. S reat British public do with its spare time before the era of the great arenas struck it? The question occurre to me, during the course of this eventful week
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  • 572 15 GOLF: Strong Side Beaten By Nineteenth Club FINE PLAY BY TWO CANTABS The Nineteenth Club beat the Hon. Michael Strutt’s team in a match at Ashridge last week by 10 pts. to 7, after leading by 3 points on the singles. The foursojnes were playetf in the
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  • 102 15 The Wonderful Boy Jockey Lim.< Hobbs, fifteen-year-old amateUjr keeps on riding winner?He won the Pond Steeplechase at SanPark Last week on Battleship, owned Mrs Muriel Scott and trained by his tb, r at 31c rode his first winner when he was last March, and
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  • 259 15 Every amateur billiards player, from the struggling hundred-upper to the champion, I with his own official handicap. That is the end of which the Billiards Association is working, and has been doing for many months. The scheme, which will place the billiards player on
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  • 43 15 After the race for the King-Bmperort Cuo at Calcutta last week the cup could not be presented, as the new King-Emperor had not been proclaimed. The race was won by Mas d Antives, bred by H.H. the Prince Aga Khan.
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  • 383 15 Oxford's Easy Goal I Oxford U 1 Cambridge U 1 Any chance there was of assessing the ’Varsity match at its true value at Highbury Stadium was blackened out by fog. The game was drawn after Cambridge and led I—o at the interval. What marks there
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  • 512 15 Is He Wise To Spend Last Week In London? A glimpse of the quality of Benny Lynch, Scottish holder of the world’s fly-weight championship, was had, last week at the Stadium Club, when he knocked out Eric Jones, of Coalville, with a terrific
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  • 189 15 Well Beaten By Watsonians Watsonians 14 pts., Cambridge Univ. 6 Cambradge University continued their Scottish tour with a match against Watsonians at Myreside, Edinburgh, and 10 'Blues turned out. Watsonians took an early lead, A. Reid kicking a penalty goal. R. H. Dryden, the Scottish sprint champion, increased
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  • 211 15 SOCCER BRIEFS: F.A. F/even To Tour Scandinavia Aston Villa have Signed Kenneth Fish, South African international centre far' ward. F. A. have decided to send a team t“ Scandinavia during the next close season. The preliminary arrangements are being made by Mr. H. J. Huband
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  • 128 15 Attempt To Cover 46,000 Miles In The Year London, Dec. 12. One of the most amazing displays of pluck and determination will reach its climax this morning between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. in Hyde Park, where Walter W Greaves, the Bradford one-armed cyclist, will ride the
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  • 157 15 Boyo Rees (Aberdare), the Welsh lightweight champion, defeated Lefty Fiynn. light-weight champion of Jamaica, on a foul in the sixth of a twelve-rounder at 9st. 121 b. at the Liverpool Stadium. The Welshman’s remarkable stamina enabled him to worry the coloured champion incessantly, and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 71 15 .a" J /vO 7 z* W A Vi 7 A > M > mm I A* »■> A •a V vi J ■-Z /'A 'X. '/'A 1 W -A vi\ A V !f 7 A F W W /V' Z /v.A w/ AM a /..v 1 A- A 1 h;
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    • 352 16 Quiet The Stock Excha ge was quiet. London, Dec. 22. Yesterday Rise or Fall Con. 5 p.c., 1944-64 HZ+n Ponding. 4 p.c.. 1960-90 116,'4 War Loan, 3% P-c ***** -Ji Com. Un. Ass. (Unite) 10)f Prudential “A” 37%' Royal Assce. (10s. pd.) 62% -f- Gt Western Ord
      352 words
    • 119 16 London, Dec. 22. RUBBER Steady Spot 9 J buyers 10, sellers. j Jan./March 9JU buyers 9|g sellers. April/June 93 buyers 9’2 sellers. July/Sept. 9}J buyers 9}| sellers. New York 20.26 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 33,981 tons. Liverpool 46,334 tons.; COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam £22.7.6d. PEPPER White
      119 words
    • 170 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations m MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co.’* Share tst today MINES Buyers Sellers Ampat s|l} 5|6 Ayer Weng 1.87 J 1 92} Batu Selangor 1.43 1.45 ex Hong Fatt 1-45 1-50 Jelapang 256 26)0 Jelebu 1.28 1.321 K. Kamunting 9J3 9)6 Katu 24|6 25)6
      170 words
    • 122 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 964 105 964 j New York 4.903 4.91 Montreal 4.903 4.902 Brussels 29.021 29.07 Geneva 21.351 21.371 Amsterdam 8.961 8.971 Milan 931 93 Berlin 12.201 12.21 Stockholm 19.39 1 -‘> Copenhagen 22.40 22-40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26t£ 26*4 Prague 139 S
      122 words
    • 107 16 YESTERDAY TODAY London (Spot) £233.0.0 £233.0.0 London—(B months) £233.0.0 £233.0.0 Singapore $115.87} $116.00 Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA.--(Surdried) $9.30 $9 00 BLACK PEPPER $8.90 $8 RUBBER London Pjd 9?d New York 2o£c(G) Singapore-Spot 34}c 34 j c Dec. 34}c 34|c Jan ./Mar 34}c 34 g c April/June
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    • 180 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyer* Seller* Batu Selangor 1.421 1.45 Hong Fatt 1.45 1.47 i Jelebu 1.25 1.30 1 Kuchai 1.70 1.75 Lukut 1.30 1.35 Nawng Pet 821 85 North Taiping 80 821 ex Rahman Hyd. 1.22 1.24 Rantau Ordy. 1.45 1.47 J Rantau Pref. 1.471 1.50 Sungei Luas 2.15
      180 words
    • 235 16 The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today RUBBER Buyers Seller* Bassetts 90 94 Batu Lintangs 1.48 J 1.521 Bentas 1;47j 1.521 Brogas 1.20 1.221 ex Indragiris 1.771 1.821 c Kuala Sidims 3.10 Lunas 2.50 2.60 Malakka Pindas 2.071 2.121 c Mentakabs 50 52
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    • 161 16 LEAN CO. TODAYS OPENING QUOTATIONS TIN Buyer» Seller* Ampats sili 5|6 Asams 38(0 34)0 Jelapangs 26|0 26)6 Jelebus 1.25 1.30 Johans 29 33 Katus 24|6 25)6 K. Kampars 14|10J '15|41 K. Lanjuts 23|6 24|0 Laruts 11)6 '-12)0 Nawng Pets 82 87 Pungahs 26)0 26)9 Rahmans 1.20 1.24 Rantau Prefs. 1.421
      161 words
    • 217 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenbys 2.15 2.30 Ayer Moleks 1.57} 1.62} Ayer Panas 2.17} 2.27} Bassetts 90 92} Batu Lintangs 1.50 1.55 Bedfords 1.37} 1.42} Bentas 1.45 1.50 Brogas 1.20 I.22Jex Indragiris 1.72} I.Bocum Lunas 2.50 2.60 M. Pindas 2.00 2.10 c Mentakabs 50 .52} N. Scudais 1.92} 2.00
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 BOARD WANTED Immediately required by European, room (with or without board) possibly near business centre. Apply Box No. 80, c/o Pinang Gazette.
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    • 836 16 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HONG KONG AND HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ SHANGHAI BANKING N. V. CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (NETHERLANDS TRADING pnSS. SOCIETY.) Ordinance No. 6 of W 29 of the y Colony. E.tabU>hed io Amsterdam 1824. h J^. <W )'T“ HONG KONO Authorised Capital ssoooo rwu HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM p WITH BKANCHKS
      836 words