Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 December 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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    Reuter.  -  1,035 words
  • 592 1 MIDNIGHT ACTIVITY IN DOWNING STREET London, Dec. 10, 3.4 a.m. All lights in the rooms on the ground- floor of 10, Downing Street, were still burning at two o’clock w’|3n a member of Mr. Baldwin’s staff bearing a sheaf of documents* crossed from the Colonial Office. Since midnight messengers
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  • 155 1 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Dec. 9. Shih Yiu Shan, a notorious Chinese bandit who co-operated with the Chahar allies against Suiyuan defected today to the Chinese with four regiments and one artillery corps. I Under the terms offered recently by Gen Chiang Kai-Shek to irregulars
    -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  155 words
  • 24 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Dec. 10. The Raub G' Id output for the four weeks ended Dec. 5 was 1.997.05 oz.
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  • 75 1 —Reuter. Mediation Suggested Paris, Dec. 10 Germany, Italy and Portugal have asked for time to consider the BritisH proposals for mediation in Spain., Russia is understood to have stated she is favourable towards the proposals. Mediation, apparently, would be> sponsored by the Vatican and also by;
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 48 1 ADVERTISED IN LONDON (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 9. The Rubber Research Institute is advertising’ vacancies for a botanist at $5OO, a botanical advisory officer at $6OO, a soils chemistry advisor at $5OO and a junior assistant for the experimental station at s2so,—Pinang Gazette cable.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 AH CHEONG No 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of Materials in stock.
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    • 107 1 The Commercial Advertising Agency, Head Office:- 62, CHINA ST., PENANG. Phone 693. Branch:- 59, HALE ST., IPOH. Phone 167. Commercial Artists Label-Drawers Wall-painters Advertising Agents of the Fun Frolic and Wembley, Penang. Sign-board Writers Cinema-Slide Makers. LICENSED POSTERS STATIONS TO LET. IBW® HL -A v Selected Best Quality FRESH SMOKED
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  • 2784 2 “I Made Wars—And Armed Both Sides’ 1 Courted Women To Get Power 11 BANK SURRENDERS SECRET LETTER 4 w t OT to be opened until the IN death of Sir Basil Zasaroff.” This was the inscription on a three-year-old envelope taken
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  • 104 2 ff’lß BASH. ZAHAROFF had so many colossal interests that liis total fortune was incalculable, but here is one clue to the wealth he made. Robert Neumann in his biography wrote: During the years 1914 to 1918 the Vickers Company (which Zaharoff controlled delivered: 4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. ijondon Office j 40, 43 Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608 —3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
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    • 250 2 NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that Mr. Lean Thean Chor and Mr. Tan Kheng Hoon are no longer connected with us in any capacity and are not authorised to transact any business on our behalf. ASIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Penang, December 9, 1936. 778—9 10 11-12 BROGA RUBBER ESTATES
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    • 419 2 GET THIS/ strikingly beautiful COMPLEXION J Men h shiny skin. Moisture and greasy secretion. :ome from enlarged pores. These Zr with your powder and form tiny hard n a 7 tides which enter the pores, irritate and enlarge them still more—so the viciow circle goes on. Change to Poudre Tokalon
      419 words

  • 611 3 Invitation To Germany, Italy And Russia “ENABLING SPAIN TO GIVE EXPRESSION TO ITS WILL” .—Reuter. London, Dec. 9. His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government have exchanged views in the last week on the situation created by the prolongation of the
    .—Reuter.  -  611 words
  • 89 3 —Reuter. Invalid American Convicted Los Angeles t Dec. 9. Maria Wendt has been convicted by a Federal Jury cn charges of concealing $lOO,OOO worth of narcotics and smuggling them from China to the United States. The conviction carries the maximum penalty of $lO,OOO fine and twenty years’ imprisonment.
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 135 3 —British Radio. Not Denounced By Russia Or Germany London, Dec. 9. The Foreign Secretary was asked in the House of Commons today whether Germany had repudiated the Treaty of Rapallo. He replied: “The Treaty of Rapallo—a treaty of friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union signed in
    —British Radio.  -  135 words
  • 83 3 ,—British Radio. Construction Begun Of London's "Shield" London, Dec. 9. Sir Thomas Inskip, Minister for Co-ordi-nation of Defence, asked in the House of Commons if construction cf the balloon barrage to defend London had been commenced, said orders had been placed and delivery would begin at the end
    ,—British Radio.  -  83 words
  • 57 3 Tokyo, Nov. 27. I The Indian Government will propose to Japan a trade agreement regarding 15 classes cf miscellaneous Japanese goods, the Osaka Industrial Department is informed Japanese authorities in India were informally told recently that the Indian Government is prepared to lower tariff rates on such
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  • 220 3 —British Radio. Government Plans New Legislation London, Dec. 9. In the House of Commons last night the Government agreed to limiting the operation of the Special Areas Act, under which measures for assisting the depressed areas of Great Britain are undertaken, to May 31 of next
    —British Radio.  -  220 words
  • 138 3 Viceroy's Hint New Delhi, Nov. 29. 1 A hint of India’s future trade policy was [given by the Viceroy, the Marquess of Linlithgow, in a speech at the Chelmsford Club here. He declared that the policy of eccnomic self-sufficiency was the most significant political fact in
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  • 148 3 How It Caused A 100—1 Tragedy For six years Frederick Buck and Sidney Flower worked side by side as clerks in the offices of the Sutton and Cheam Borough Council. They were, in Buck’s words *‘the very best of friends. One day Buck made a joking
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  • 39 3 British Radio. London Dec. 9. Fog and ice on the roads are still causing dislocation of traffic in many parts of England In the southwest Midlands, visibility was reported today as five yards or less.—British Radio.
    British Radio.  -  39 words
  • 148 3 Reuter. London, Dee. 9. Senor de la Cierva, inventor of the auto'gyro, and Admiral Lindman, Foimer Pre--1 mier of Sweden, are dead along with twelve 'others as a result of an accident to a Royal Dutch air liner near Croydon aerodrome this morning. The
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 103 3 gularity and without accident.’’—British Radio. The Service To Scandinavia London, Dec. 9. The Under-Secretary for Air intimated in the House of Commons that British Airways, which operates the service to Scandinavia, has invited the Air Ministry to investigate its methods of operation. Stating this would be done, Sir
    gularity and without accident.’’—British Radio.  -  103 words
  • 129 3 Protection Plans Bombay, Nov. 23. The Government of India has at last started measures for the protection of cities, forts, docks, and railway termini from aerial poison gas attacks. The full programme is being cons.deed at Delhi. The differences in gas dispersal due to tropical
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  • 64 3 —British Radio. London, Dec. 9. Voting is taking place throughout the Scottish coalfields today on a new three years agreement based on the recent offer of the employers. It is confidently expected that there will be a majority in favour of accepTfhg the offer. The new agreement has
    —British Radio.  -  64 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 138 3 SHEETS THAT WEAR LONGER SM-KEN-Tex Sheets \wr*rfr. -A ■^Af'/y WBms Jokoe/c t W;- Silkentex W<> Pillow Cases. wk-' size 20 30 IN \W THEY MATCH THE 1 V^\\«; r SILKENTEX SHEETS. I I A F HEM STITCHE d. NEATLY WRAPPED *lin i -;:< M |co I \»t in cellophane. I
      138 words
    • 52 3 HAVE YOT Beautiful Now offered <z consumers of NĔSTLE‘S Quick Oats Send this coupon for full particulars I To Nestle and Anglo S .vtss ’> i Products, Ltd u 129/135, Cecil SINGAPORE. PLEASE SEND ruil. DJ f J TAILS GF iH.u -I’/'.. <1 I I J I Name I Address
      52 words

  • 1323 4 AIR PASSENGERS The Imperial airways aircraft Sydney from Brisbane, Darwin and D.E.I. arrived in Singapore on Saturday, with Mrs. L. Kellaway and Mr. Farthing for Brisbane, «nd Mrs. E.N. Barlow for Sourabaya. The fiircraft Arethusa for Penang, Siam, Burma and Karachi left Singapore on Sunday with Mrs.
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  • 113 4 Misadventure Verdict (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. “Death by misadventure” was the verdict returned by Che Moorof, sitting as Coroner in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today, at the end of an inquiry into the death of Chong Mau, a “kepala”
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  • 43 4 —Reuter. 1 Forty Killed And One Hundred Injured Lisbon, Dec. 9. Forty were killed and over one hundred injired at the meeting of the Catholic Society Leiria when a collapsed owing to overcrowding. Most of the victims were women and children.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 92 4 Another Chinese Charged In connection with the Rope Walk affray case in which eight Chinese were charged with being members of an unlawful society, another Chinese, Lan Lim Kai. was yesterday morning charged before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court for the same offence.
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  • 106 4 Cheng Weng Guan was produced before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Police Court Penang, yesterday morning, charged with theft of a bicycle valued $5 from the Anglo-Chinese School, Penang, belonging to Che Kassim. The accused claimed to be tried. The case was postponed to Dec. 12,
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  • 167 4 First Living Specimen Shanghai, Nov. 27 Mrs. Ruth Harkness, whose husband captured the giant lizards, known as Komodo dragons, that are now in the Bronx Zoo, is leaving for America with a unique find in the shape oi the first specimen of the giant panda
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 15 4 This space is reserved for Nestle’s special coupon on the other side of this page.
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    • 273 4 fdT THAT 60E5 ON PIEASIN SIX-20 -KODAKS” P A I// junior. l V/ /AX ,w Although moderately //AV V priced, these models are' vX hl modem in every detail IL-. WnMlli ]fl action is assisted vX 88/CTHy J by direct-view finders and the front which springs “KODAK” out at 1116
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  • 937 5 l ight To Finish With Russia”: Strategic Moves In Manchukuo THE increased tension created by the signing of the GermanJapanese Pact synchronising with the completion of the new Trans-Siberian railway, makes a study of the straR uical situation in the Far East of
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  • 168 5 Officials For Year A meeting of the Penang Sundry Goods Shops’ Association (Chap Hoay Han) was held at the association hall on Tuesday. Mr. Hong Saik Chew presided and among those present were Messrs. Chocng Bean Teik, Choo Heng Jee, Ong Kean Kou. Teng Kou
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  • 112 5 Principal In Penang The Pinang Gazette understands that Miss Ang Swee Saik, former principal of the Yeok Teik Girls’ School, Amoy, who arrived at Penang on Monday evening from Singapore, visited the Chinese Schools today with the object of collecting funds to construct
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  • 618 5 FAKIR CAUSES UNREST ON INDIA FRONTIER An India Office statement was issued last week on the attack made on a British Force on the North-West Frontier of India, not far from the Khyber Pass, in which 17 British and Indian treops were killed and 77 were wounded.
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  • 27 5 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT acknowledging the greeting of supporters when he spoke for Governor Lehman at Rochester, N .Y. Despite torrential rain, he carried out his programme.
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  • 784 5 Tribal Life Of The Gonds MISSIONARY'S CHRISTMAS IN THE JUNGLE TWO years ago, on Christmas Day, the world heard the broadcast voice of Mr. Verrier El win describing for a few minutes Christmas in a jungle village, where few white men have ever been> two hundred
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 SYNCHRONOUS CLOCKS .1 MWk 7 ImuiM y—fiMM—B At: A W -IJj: fee E IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. I permanent, decorctive and useful. fWe have a large range ef attractive designs suitable for bedside, desk or table. I RAr —PRICES FROM $7.60 EAC-4L Advertisement of Kyle, Palmer Co., Ltd., Agents for The
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  • 776 6 Hogan Scores Three Tries ABETTER pack, who were superior in the scrums and line outs, gave the Volunteers a good victory over the Rest b\ 19 points (2 goals and 3 tries) to 9 points (3 tries) in a well fought game of rugby
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  • 232 6 Annual Catholic Ceremony In Malacca Muar, Dec. 4. The annual services in commemoration of the death of St. Francis Xavier tcok place yesterday in the ruins on St. Paul’s Mount and was largely attended. The priests included those from Singapore, Negri Sembilan and elsewhere. The altar
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  • 108 6 A Baboon shot and seriously wounded a boy at Haenertsburg Transvaal. The boy, 12-year-old Joseph Lombard was about to go shooting with his air rifle, which he had loaded. The baboon was tied to a pole near bis house and his mother asked him to release the
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  • 248 6 No Agents Sent To Malaya Protests that the speeches made at the Legislative Council Meeting on Monday referring to the collect! n of funds in Malaya j by Chinese for war purposes in China were i unnecessary, were made this morning by Singapore Chinese leaders to a
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  • 61 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 10. The remains of the railway guard, Mr. S. Somasun dram, whose death occurred at the District Hospital, Ip'oh, on Tuesday afternoon in consequence of injuries received in an accident at Sungei Siput Railway Station during shunting operations, were
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 465 6 NURSE puts on 81LBS.OFKE5; Restores to health a ft. r influenza All who are worried because th losing weight and fear dreadful con ces should read this letter fro m M pquecnurse. This lady had lost 10 no, m weight after influenza and was t run-down; yet see how easily
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 132 6 POSITIVELY LAST SCREENING TONIGHT! SHOW STARTS AT 7 P.M. The Entire Serial in 31 Reels of “THE CLUTCHING HAND with JACK MULHALL RUTH MIX WILLIAM FARNUM MARION SHILLING 15 Episodes of Thrills, Adventure, Mystery OPENING SATURDAY Grand Doub!e Attraction For The Week-End I ON THS STAGE Specie! Engagement of 'DAN
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    • 300 6 WINDSOR; 6-30 TONIGHT 9-30 The Season’s Most Dramatic CANTONESE TALKIE "HOOT SAI KAM CHIN" with a superb cast headed by MISS LAM MUI MUI MISS CHO YEE MUN HOR TYE SOR A stirring drama of the evils of money. Directed by Kwan Mun Cheng who gave you “San Ming Sin”.
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  • 914 7 ALLEGED NON-PAYMENI OF COOLIES WAGES 1 housands Of Dollars Involved CONSIDERABLE interest is being taken by the Penang shipping coolies, in the case in which four partners of V. S. Madar and Co. stevedores and shipping contractors are summoned at the instance of the Assistant
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  • 35 7 Miss Florence Wong Master Johnny < e Wong Master Johnny Singapore ivill give musical s <t7 the Town Hall Penang, on c Monday on behalf of the wok of the Seventh i>. Ad entist Mission, Penang.
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  • 308 7 In Aid Of S.D.A. Mission Welfare Work Or, behalf of the welfare work of the Seventh Day Adventist Mission, Penang, Vaster Johnny Wong, age 13, and his sister. Miss Florence Wong age 10. will appear in a musical concert at the Town
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  • 100 7 '■■unauit anu nunureus ol ueurco from falls were treated in hospitals. —British Radio. Traffic Dislocated In England London, Dec. 8. Serious dislocation of early morning traffic occurred in all parts of Greater London as a result of sharp frost following rain. Conductor rads were frozen, preventing the operation
    '■■unauit anu nunureus ol ueurco from falls were treated in hospitals.—British Radio.  -  100 words
  • 81 7 The Malayan Secretary of the Y.W.C.A., Miss Owen, commenced her annual visit ef several months in Penang last Thurs"f>y, coming from Taiping. According to 'he wishes of the members she will be busy helping them to develop their educational and social programme, extend their community service, and
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  • 98 7 An ex-coolie of the F.M.S. Railways, Penang, was yesterday sentenced to three week’s rigorous imprisonment by Mr. H. A.L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court for theft of 50 pieces of zinc sheets valued at $65. Mr. Anderson Assistant Superintendent of Police, Penang prosecuted
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 I I I Which is the right Whisky for Christmas /zjfbX I 1 I! fell 1111 The glasses on this tree are testing glasses > |i!j each contains a “single” or unblended i whisky. Each single whisky is different I in character and flavour» Only after I years of maturing
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    • 16 7 BEX THE KING GF f RECORM C C,S J Sole Agents:— T.M.A. MUSIC HOUSE Singapore—Kuala Lumpur—lpo’t—Pen’ng
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  • 631 8 THE tardy emission of Government reports has long been a joke in Malaya. Perhaps the majority of people manage to sustain life from day to day without perusing Government reports. These barbarians can thus afford to guffaw when the 1935 Volunteer Report is tabled in the middle of November,
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  • 71 8 Mass Boycott Of Japanese Goods (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 9. In the House of Commons today, Capt Euan Wallace, Secretary to the Depai tment of Overseas trade, refused a request by Mr. E. Smith (Lab.) immediately to negotiate with the Colonial Governments, the United Suites and
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  • 117 8 Mr. Yeap Chor Ee, the wellknown millionaire, was fined $2OO by Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court this morning, for commencing to take down buildings Nos. 41—47, Beach Street contrary to the provisions of section 162 subsection 2A (taking down buildings Nos.
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  • 51 8 —Reuter. New York, Dec. 9. There are signs of progress towards settlement of the shipping strike on the Pacific Coast. The Coastal Shipowners’ Union representatives agreed to a public discussion of points at issue. Mr. McGrady stated that there are indications of a break in the strike.
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 38 8 —Reuter WLeless. Istanbul, Dec. 8. Three hundred were drowned and a thousand injured and 50,000 homeless in a flood disaster at Adana, South Anatolia. The whole cotton and orange areas have been ravaged.—Reuter WLeless.
    —Reuter WLeless.  -  38 words
  • 585 8  -  Australia And The Next Penang Post Office Post B ox Number Mystery—Films In The Ulu D/OCLES. THE fact that the Australians are relying on the same team to do service in the second Test match indicates that their opinion of the England victory is not a high
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  • 267 8 Details are now available of the twelve new air-liners which are being constructed for Imperial Airways by Sir W.G. Armj strong Whitworth Aircraft Limited at Hamble. I i I The new’ air-liners will be known as the ‘E’ class and the first in operation will
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  • 143 8 Smoke-House Razed To Ground Taiping, Dec. 9. A disastrous fire occurred at Ayer Kuning about 21 miles from Taiping town early 1 this morning. The Taiping Fire Brigade received a telephone message and immediate’y rushed to the scene. On arrival they found a smoke-house ablaze
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  • 52 8 New Flotation On London I Market London, Dec. 9. for |75, 1 lasts are opening tomorrow >• h £1 shares in the newly floated ihue Rubber Estate, Ltd., Kedah The 'I are Mr. F. Maguire, Mr. A. P- Hanu and Sir John Ramsden. The cap 1 £300.000.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 296 8 I Beauty Preparations High Class Toiletries I and Perfumeries. I IMAX FACTOR Make-ups in Lip Sticks, Creams, Skin Tonics, Face Powders, Rouges, Eye Brow Pencils, etc. etc. INNOXA Specialities in Astringent Lotions. Innoxa Milk, Face Creams, Skin Foods, Face Powders, Complexion Vitalizer, Foundation Lotion, Muscle Oil, etc. etc. IKR A
      296 words
    • 96 8 The Lovable Fragrance ■I Its cool freshness and exquisite fragrance hag made Yardley Lavender the leading perfume of the day. For so many social and sporting activities of modem life when an assertive perfume could not be worn, the simple fragrance of the Yardley Lavender strikes just the right note
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  • 286 9 Emergency Labour Mobilised 60 EUROPEANS AMONG VOLUNTEERS VE measures are being taken by the Singapore Municipality to mobilise emergency and volunteer labout to cleanse the city, cleanse the city. Within two or three days the vast accummulation of dirt and rubbish in the congested
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  • 596 9 INCHE MOHAMED SALLEH Bv going up alone in a Kuala Lumpur jnv ng Club machine last, month, Inche Mohamed Salleh, District Officer at Kais the third Malay in Selangor to achieve the distinction of a solo flight. One of the previous two was Tungku Ahand
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  • 151 9 At the conclusion of the first Test match at Brisbane yesterday it was announced that Australia would rely on the same team for the second Test match which begins at Sydney on December 18. fßeuter. England recorded a great win in the first Test
    fßeuter.  -  151 words
  • 25 9 —Reuter. Tunis, Dec. 9. Perraud and Denis left at 8.35 a. m. They are returning to. Paris owing to bad weather. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 270 9 Taiping Magistrate Has No Jurisdiction Over Case PENANG JEWELLER DISCHARGED Taiping, Dec. 9. When the case was mentioned before the Taiping magistrate this morning m which an Indian named Velupillay Father was charged with alleged criminal b each cf trust in respect of gold
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  • 99 9 $l.OOO Police Reward No stone is being left unturned by the Singapore police to apprehend the murderers of Detective Mohamed Ali Han. A reward of $l,OOO is being offered by the Chief Police officer, for informaticn leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for
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  • 140 9 $70.000 School New Church Contemplated Taiping, Dec. 9. Signs are not wanting that prosperity has returned to Taiping. Construction is now going ahead with a new school for the Convent on Kota Road, just beside St. Louis Church. The building is already half completed, and from
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  • 89 9 TIN YESTERDAY TODAY London—(Spot) £230.0.0 £233.5.0 London—(3 month.) £230.0.0 £233.5.0 Singapore 25 Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA.—(Sundried) 00 BLACK PEPPER $8.90 RUBBER London »*<* t 9 New York Singapore-Spot 326 c Dec 322 c 32i Jan’/Mar 32Jc 32gc April/June 33c 32iC TAPIOCA $4.60 IX Medium Rangoon—Parboiled No.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 1023 10 “Charge of Our Dyet Mole-Taker” and Rat Catcher Her Household Accounts Sidelights on the reign of Queen Anne —principally remembered by successive light-hearted generations for the fact that she dead— are shed by a strange un-j published record which reposes with other documents of historic
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  • 151 10 Dangerous Driving Case Dismissed David Northwood, Woodland House, Camercn Place, Gorseinon, a legless motorist, was carried into Bridgend (Glam.) Police Court, last week, to answer charges of driving in a manner dangerous to the public. Evidence was given that he was driving a car towards Swansea
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  • 111 10 The farmers of Bardsey Island, off Carnarvonshire peninsular, are leaving for the mainland as their families complain of isolation and monotony. The population of 150 at the opening of the twentieth century is now reduced to a score. There are only five tenant farmers left, two
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  • 98 10 The annual meeting of the Penang Tea Merchants’ Association was held on Tuesday at their clubhouse. The following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year:—president: —Mr. Tan Khay Chong; vice-president: —Mr. Moh Tong Chow; chairman: —Lee Chit Sin: vice-chairman: —Mr. Ho Swee Lin; treasurers:—Mr. Tan Khai
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 179 10 [KlCollis BrowijeVt ’toSubstitute. Acts like a charm in Checks and arrests DIARRHOEA and FEVER, CROUP, ague STOMACH CHILLS and is the only specific in CATARRHAS J2 UGHS c °L-D$ CHOLERA and DYSENTERY Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism Convincing Mtdical Ttstimony accompanies each Bottle. of a chemists Prices in England, 1/3, 3/-. Always
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  • 291 11 No fewer than 164 survivors of the great Dock Strike of 1889 dined at MUlbank, London. They came from Dockland, Poplar and Plaistow, most of them. The youngest was 67 and the oldest 87. Ben Tillett and Tom Mann, two of the leaders, sat on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 'jf PENANG B u+te rwo rth 'kßukH M-Hojam Anywhere Sungei Bakap Nibonq Tebal along this Began Serai route you K k »"9 ,o X K can get an IPOH EVENING AND A MORNING NEWSPAPER for $4 per month DELIVERY TIME-TABLE Send your subs, to T j MES o f MALAYA
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    • 388 12 Appeals To The Government MAIL SENT BY JAPANESE LINER New York, Nov. 29. THE seamen’s strike, affecting ports all along both American seaboards, has now lasted a month, and settlement appears almost as far off as ever. Appeals by shipowners and business organizations to the Federal Govern'
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    • 195 12 Three Submarines For Barrow The Admiralty have decided, subject to the settlement of certain points of detail, to entrust the construction of the three Unity class submarines of the 1936 programme to Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Details are now available of the allocation of the orders for eight
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    • 57 12 The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has awarded its gold badge, which is given only for distinguished honorary service, to Mrs. L. M. Smith, of Nottingham. She has been a lifeboat collector for 40 years, and continues her work though she is now in her
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    • 286 12 S.S. “BULAN” from Singapore via ports. S.S. “RAJULA” from Madras, Cuddalore, Pondicherry. Porto N< r r kal, Nagore, and Negapatam sails 2 p.m. for Port Swettcub T. n Singapore. S.S. “JUNA” from Rangoon, Moulmein, Tavoy, Mergui and Viet f Point. Sails Saturday for Victoria Point Mergui, Tavoy
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    • 111 12 Uruguayan Consular Requirements The Uruguayan Consular authorities have called the attention of the Consul at Liverpool to the fact that it is imperative that shippers should present certificate cf origin certified by the Chamber of Commerce together with bills of lading, otherwise the latter will not be
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 DDD B scription ■on are a sufferer from ma, Ringworm, Dhobi» Salt Rheum, Prickly Rest, aais, Singapore Foot. Itch ptions and Rashes, ns«i Prescriptioa. Just* few this marvellous lotion sad I instant relief. Irritation l goes at ones, and a few ana will usually effect ete cure. Get *75 ota.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1547 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES Orch. And Marte Wilson I At 7.05 tonight. Station ZHJ, Penang, SM wia broadcast a recorded chamber musical bocal music lovers should tune in Trans- concert consisting of two items as fol•mission 3at 9.50 tonight when the 8.8. C. low: .Empire Orchestra w.ll broadcast a musical (1)
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  • 203 13 Clan Line Contract For Greenock Builders The Clan Line, Ltd., of Glasgow, has placed with the Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., an order for six cargo steamers of 10,000 tons each. The total cost of the ships is stated to be 11,00'0,000, and their construction will keep
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  • 109 13 Position At The Beginning Of November According to statistics compiled by the Swedish Shipowners’ Association, there were 15 Swedish ships, aggregating 53,250 gross tons laid up on November 1, which compares with 11 vessels of 22,606 tons at the beginning of October. Six of the vessels were
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  • 46 13 It is understood that owing to the prosperous state of the shipping and marine industries Japanese shipbuilding and marine industries Japanese shipbuilding, companies are reported to be experiencing a boom, with 130 vcsse’is in course of construction or under contract at the present
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  • 145 13 Unofficial Strike Of Liverpool Dockers About 100 men working at the Bramley*Moore Dock, Liverpool, came out cm strike recently as a result of a wages dispute Later in the day about 150 other men, engaged at the East Trafa’gar Dock ceax'd work after lunch in sympathy
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 813 13 bfvT 1 Id rSbaJa*J J J|.L XBLUtYUIUIBU UMB VtMelfc LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Leave Do* (in conjunction with Glen Shire Line) Penan* London C- MEMNON Mara., L’don, R’dam, H'burg Glasgow Dec. 11 Jan 6 B PERSEUS London, Rotterdam, Hamburg Hull Dec 17 Jan. 12 RADNORSHIRE London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp and
      813 words
    • 664 13 P O BRITISHMNDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., undex, Teluk Anson, Port contract with His Majesty's Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN” Dec. 11 Outwards from London for China Japan, due Penang 1936. SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF 'i nlf B BRITISH INDIA S.
      664 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 671 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES Ncau and Economic Review in English. 2.35 Today in Germany. Sound Pictures. 2.50 Surprise Hour. 4.05 Testimonies to German Culture: 111. The Cologne Cathedral. 4.50 News and Economic Review in German. 5.05 Hitler Youth Programme: Hour of the Young Nation. 5.35 Sign off DJA and DJB (German, English).
      671 words
    • 340 13 mony Boys. 12.26 Time Signal. Close down. TOMORROW 11.46 a.m. —Time signal. The Grand Hotel Orchestra. Musical selections relayed from the Palm Court. 12.36 p.m.— Talk in English: “India’s Mysticism.” 5.51 News bulletin in Bengali. 6.ll—News in English. 6.31 —Indian theatrical night. 8 46 —Annual boxing contest; Civil (A.F.1.) vs.
      340 words

  • 187 14 TONIGHT'S BOXING AT IPCH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 10. Another thrilling and expensive card of four events is on at the Jubilee Park tonight when Nai Smarn win try conclusions I with Young Narsing in the main event, 1 supported by a semi-final
    187 words
  • 63 14 —Reuter. Inter-Varsity Soccer London, Dec. 9. At Highbury in the inter-Varsity soccer match Oxford drew with Cambridge, each side scoring a goal. At half-time Cambridge were leading by one goal to nil. The game was played in foggy weather before a small crowd. Cambridge were superior
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 31 14 Reuter. Surrey Beat Hampshire London, Dec. 9. The Rugby County Championship matches played today resulted as follows: Kent 3: Sussex 3 at Tonbridge. Surrey 11; Hampshire 6 at Richmond.—
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 955 14 SELECTIONS BY “TIC-TAC” AND “RAPIER’’ Following are the acceptatces for the Perak Turf Club Skye Meeting, to be run at Ipoh today Race I.—Ponies—Class 3—4 Furs. Str. 2.30 p.m. 4 10 LITTLE MISS X 11.07 Mr. H. S. Kirwan Logue 13 0 LERRICK 11.01 Mr. O.
    955 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 547 14 XlAßTirrs Ml” PILLS I APJOL STEEL M Sure and certain for all Female a complaints.Evcryladvshould I keep a box in the house. I The GEORG® TOWN DISPENSARY I 80-54 Beach Street. Penang. Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours ■«fferere from loss of vigour. w VMtfiuii weak body, Impuro pleoU|
      547 words
    • 247 14 I SKIN j TROUBLES J 8 Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying H Properties of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. K PERSON suffering from eruptions of the skin has yr S much to endure. It is not Ilf \Il J C] merely the discomfiture and Uj! ’l mfZ-x. I I
      247 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 253 14 THURSDAY, lOt/i DECEMBER, 1936. AMALGAMATED AMUSEMENTS LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) LADIES’ G'J=ST N Sir at BOTH PARKS FUN FROLIC GATE ADMISSION—GENTS 10 CENTS—LADIES FREE. FOONG SENG NIN CANTONESE OPERA—“Fun Chong Lau”—Part 7. Starring Mr. Mun Seow Chew and Miss Leong Lai Choo in the Pnncipa. TAN HONG SEAH
      253 words

  • 367 15 MACHINE-LIKE EXHIBITION OF ENGLISH XI ENGLAND defeated South Africa by 13 goals to 1 in the women’s international match» at Merton Abbey. Miss B. J. Dickinson (6), Miss M. Pollard (3), Miss R. Mrs, Dawson, Miss K. Willis, and Miss E. Higgins hit England’s
    367 words
  • 221 15 Lawn Tennis Association, j igust governing body of British Ja/, tennis, is lacing its most awkward predicament. cannot find a No. 1 player for Britain. And the cause of all the trouble is -.1; Fred Perry has retired from amateur tennis, leaving a
    221 words
  • 70 15 P.R.C. 'A' vs. Penang Teachers 7 ’he following will play for the Penang "tecreation Club ‘A’ against the Penang Teachers at hockey on the Esplanade today;— W. Webb; A. Salvon, F. C. D. La Urooy M. Carrier, J. Read, D. A. Thomasz; G. Waller, S. T. Stewart, W. Taveira,
    70 words
  • 154 15 Casuals To Meet Corinthians ■he Casuals entered the final of the nang Chinese Football Association conation by defeating the Nomads on Tues-! lay on the Renong Ground, Penang, by] o goals to nil. Their rivals for the cup wdl be Corinthians. Football of a surprisingly
    154 words
  • 506 15 ALL-MALAYAN BASKET VOLLEY BALL COMPETITIONS Bold Bid By Johore Chinese For Honours Johore Bahru. The Johore Chinese will make a bold bid for honours in the all-Malayan baskeT ball and volley ball competitions to be held in the near future. The first step for the selection of the best possible
    506 words
  • 261 15 QNCE again the Hungarian table tennis ‘‘circus” now touring Britain are drawing capacity crowds with the amazing artistry of their play. Barna ex-world champion, is back in his most overwhelming form, and I cannot see any one keeping him from regaining the title; writes W.R.G. Smith
    261 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 sA-wTh mW B MR hSb jg| In the tropica one’s engire Bl has often to run for hours y lllfJlk If ECICI RrM MW 'WWW I on end with the lubricating Bn WwBB RkBB VB *W\\ oil at very high tempera- LK H tures; at bthers —through WB i careless
      215 words

    • 349 16 Uncertain 1 The Stock Exchange was uncertain. London, Dec. 9. Y estei day Rise or Fall Cea. 5 P-C., 1944-64 117% JFunding, 4 p.c., 1966-90 116% Wat Loan. 3% p.c 105% lawdoo Tin Cor. Ord 9s. 7%d. Com. Un. Ass. (Units) 10% Prudential A" 37% Royal Aasce.
      349 words
    • 116 16 .London, Dec. 9. JiUBBER Easy. Spot buyers Bellers. J an./March 9/ 6 buyers 9} sellers. April/June 9/c buyers 9} sellers. July/Sept. 91 buyers 9 1 li sellers. New York 19.24 cts. United Kingdom Stocks London 36,156 tons Liverpool 49,129 tons COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam. £21.7.6d. TEPPER White
      116 words
    • 108 16 London on Previously Latest Tariw 105 9|64 105 964 New York 4.90 H 4.903 Montreal 4.90} 4.89? Brussels 29.00 28.981 Geneva 21.35 21.33} Amsterdam 9.011 9.005 93A 93? Berlin 12.19 12.18? Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% ■Copenhagen 23.40 22.40 O’*» 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% 26% Prague 138} 138 J Madrid
      108 words
    • 199 16 KENNEDY CO. The following are the laiem, quotations a MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co.’» Skw -am today MINES Ampat 510 5)6 Ayer Weng 1.77» 1.82 J Batu Selangor 1.40 1.45 Hong Fatt 1.41 1-45 Hongkong Tin 25;6 26|6c Ipoh 38j6 40)0 Jelebu 1.221 1.25 K. Kamunting 9 0 9)6 Kampong Lanjut
      199 words
    • 214 16 RUBBER Buyers Sellers Bassetts 77$ 82 J Batu Lintangs 1.40 1.43 Bentas 1.35 1.40 Brogas 1.14 1.17 Indragiris 1.62$ 1.67$ Kuala Sidims -3.00 3.15c Lunas 2.37$ 2.45 Mentakabs 47 49ex New Scudais 1.82$ 1.87$ Pa jams 2.40 2.47$ Sungei Tukangs 1.40 1.45 Ulu Benuts 57 59 TIN Ayer
      214 words
    • 171 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Ayer Weng 1.75 1.80 Batu Selangor 1.40 1.42 J Hong Fatt 1.42 i 1.45 Jelebu 1.22 i 1.25 Kuchai 1.32} 1.37} Lukut 1.30 1.35 North Taiping 77} 80 Petalings 9.50 9.75 Rahman Hyd. 1.17} 1.22} Rantau Ordy. 1.35 1.40 ex Rantau Pref. 1.37} I.42}ex
      171 words
    • 166 16 RUBBER Bayers Sellers Bassetts 77} 80 Batu Lintangs 1.40 1.45 Bedfords 1.17} I.22}ex Bentas 1.35 1.40 Drogas 1.15 1.17}c Indragiris 1.62} 1.67} Lunas 2.40 2.50 M. Pindas 1.90 1.97}c Mentakabs 47} 50c Pajams 2.40 2.50 c Sungei Tukangs 1.42} 1.47} Temerlohs 80 82} Ulu Benuts 57} 60 TINS
      166 words
    • 81 16 —-w***ww. vvvvz pci UUIIL ui LIIC average of the base period—l93o.—British Ftado. London. Dec. 9. I For the sixth successive month, the Board of Trade index of wholesale prices showed an increase in Novermber, the rise as com- pared with October amounting to 0.67 per j cent, and
      —-w***ww. vvvvz pci UUIIL ui LIIC average of the base period—l93o.—British ' Ftado.  -  81 words
    • 158 16 LEAN CO. TODAYS OPENING QUOTATION® TIN: Bayers Sellers Asams 32|6 33|6cd Ampats 5)0 s|4} B. Selangors 1.36 1.41cd Hong Fatts 1.42} 1.47 Jelapangs 25|0 26|0 K. Kamuntings B|6 9)0 K. Lanjuts 22)6 23|3 Katus 24)0 24|6 Kramats 59)6 61)0 Laruts ll|o 11)6 Pungahs 24)9 256 Rauhs 6.90 7 lOxd R.
      158 words
    • 89 16 Sione Tin (F.M.S.) output for the month of November 1936 was 541 piculs yardage uyorked 97,300, hours run 393. Hitam Tin output for the month of November 1936, was 57.46 piculs. Outputs for the month of November, 1936 North Taiping 285 piculs, 633 hours, 119,000 c. yards; Klang
      89 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 230 16 LATE. ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICES M/V "GLENSHIEL" VOYAGE 29 (OUTWARD) Consignees of cargo per the above vessel fmm Europe are/ hereby notified that she is expected to arrive in Penang on Saturday morning, the 12th December, 1936, and will discharge in the Roads on arrival. Boustead Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the F.M.S.)
      230 words
    • 943 16 J3ANKS. OVERSEA-CHINESE CHARTERED BAI-’ BANKING CORPORATION S LIPfl I I Royal Chdrtor 1853) (incorporated to toe S.S.I Capita) SUCCESSORS Uabhlty of Proprietors THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, HEAD OFFICE: T.TMTTEO 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.c Agencies BrxMmb-.. HO HONG BANK, UHTHO». st Ko n THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Amritsar Iloilo LIMITED. Sernarane CAPITAL
      943 words