Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 November 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1011 1 —British Radio. Increasing Evidence Of Intervention MOORS DEMORALISED BY SNOW There is increasing evidence of foreign intervention in the Spanish conflict, according to Spanish Government sources. It is alleged that Majorca is virtually an Italian colony where the male populace has been forcibly enrolled
    —British Radio.  -  1,011 words
  • 265 1 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Mongol Rebels Driven Back Nanking, Nov. 23. [Central 'vernment troops are rapidly Lassing n the East Suiyuan front Preparatory to a large-scale offensive Lpinst the Mongol-Manchukuo irreUars Generals Tan Gen-peh and L Ping-yo. commanders respec-L-elv of the Thirteenth Army Corps Ujthe Severn!.
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  265 words
  • 72 1 Leuter. Britain Expected To Benefit Ankara, Nov. 22. IMritish trade, especially the textile inpty will benefit considerably by a new phiment degree suppressing from Jan. I fbe quota system introduced in 1931 Rtically restricting British, Japanese and p* imports. |7he new general imports regime is now
    Leuter.  -  72 words
  • 50 1 THE GOVERNOR MRIVES E th Governor, Sfr Shenton >s, pjj(Air Commodore Smith, arrivGlugranchorage from Singapore at U this ruing. They came by flying anfw. re escorted by two other pChine; L? r v ftn d Air Commodore Cp by the s i^ en T Councillor, <! d nan
    50 words
  • 28 1 Kuttr. Sydney, L 1 Austraipms resumed their 23. f Lr y gainst the M.C.C. and at luneijig-s F ,J P 2kS runs for the loss of five
    Kuttr.  -  28 words
  • 30 1 Mil tary style.—This »eu> sial in soft boueh has collar, pockets, cuffs and shoulders finished icith cartridge stitching. A straight ta loi-ed matches the jacket. [Stcan aiki Edgar.}
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  • 341 1 For Wednesday Foliowing are handicaps for the second day of the Singapore Turf Club Winter Meeeting to be run at Bukit Timah on Wednesday. Nov. 25: HORSES, CLASS 3. DIV. 2, ABOUT 7 FITL Jack Druce 9.C0, Russian Gown 8.13. Littlehurst 8.09. Rotarian 8.08, Salad 8.07. The
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  • 66 1 Letters awaiting collection in a pillar box in Pitt Street, Penang, near the junction with Ghulia Street, were discovered to be on fire yesterday afternoon. An alarm was given and a fireman arrived on a bicycle and extinguished the fire with a bucket of water. The
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  • 134 1 The annual general meeting of the Khoo Si Kah Chok Choo Tee Siah was held at the Seah's premises, Cannon Square yesterday to celebrate its 28th anniversary. There were many members present. Office bearers for >937 were elected as follows —President: Mr. Khoo Soo Ghee Vice-president:—Mr. Khoo
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  • 70 1 —Reuter. German Diplomat Accused Moscow, Nov. 23. It is now disclosed that during trial Stickling implicated Grosskopf, former German Consul at Novosibirisk an<| now Consul-General at Kieff. Evidence on the matter was given in camera, but a serious diplomatic incident is feared as a result of publication.
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 36 1 Afterwards he turned pro-Japanese.—Reu-ter. Baltimore, Nc~ v The death has occurred of the dipioua-.v Mr. George Bionson Rea. He was adviser to Mr. Sun Yat-sen before the war., Afterwards he turned pro-Japanese.—Reu-
    Afterwards he turned pro-Japanese.—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H tokisatsu artistic photographers Telephone N<x 772. PENANG. No. 66-70 Bishop Street.
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    • 94 1 VIRGIN FACE POWDER Soothing healing antiseptto~it beautifies the skin. Obtainable in Three Shades. At all good stores. CHENG HENG CO., Agents i 205, Carnarvon Street, Penang. COUPON Please send me a sample pack* of “Bedak Virgin,*’ for which I enclose five cents in stamp Name Address I" ii r IM
      94 words

  • 280 2 THE BRITISH EMPIRE IS TO BE WELDED MORE FIRMLY TOGETHER BY A GREAT NEW SCHEME OF EMIGRATION. Hundreds of thousands of Britons are to be settled in the Dominions. The plans for this Scheme are now being drawn up for discussion at the Imperial Conference,
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  • 360 2 Proposals For 1937 Adopted The Engineering Association of Malaya (Penang Section) held their annual general meeting on Friday evening at the E. O. Hotel. Mr. A. P. H. Holmes was in t..e chair in the absence of Mr. Rogers. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed
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  • 367 2 No Refusal To Hear Grievances "WHOLE EPISODE ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY" Malayan Collieries Limited have issued a statement to the Pinang Gazette defending charges made by strikers at Batu Arang last week that the company had failed in the first place to give a chance to*the miners to
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  • 195 2 Mr. Adams Refers To His Impending Departure Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 20. Reference to his impending departure fr~*m Malaya was made by the British Resident, Selangor, the Hon. Mr. T. S. 1 Adams, at the prirc* distribution and drill 'exb.bition held at the M.v f headquarters of the
    195 words
  • 42 2 The hen. secretary of the Penang St. Andrew Society states that the application list for the annual bill has been closed because of heavy reservations. The ball takes place at the Runnymede Hotel, Penang, next Saturday.
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  • 23 2 Under instructions from His Majesty’s Government, H.E. the Governor has recognised Mr. Walther Gjodesen as honorary Vice-Consul of Denmark at Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1197 2 beach street auction rows JUST nr TIME FOR XMAS A Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang war Phone 1477 1478 with V™ extensions. Telegrams: Under instructions from Gazette Penang. Messrs. British India Carpet Rug Emporium undersigned will sell by Singapore Office PUBLIC AUCTION Cecil Street, Singapore. ÜBU owXlvnT Phone 5471.
      1,197 words
    • 227 2 LOOK!!! Here are fresh stocks of interesting lines FOR YOU Clotabs. Chlorophyll Tablets, Goutoson, Leanogen, Pep-to-fer, Pon Melitus, Pancresalets, Halmagon, Togal. Elasto, Calsaletfes. Damaroids, Irvona. Vikelp. Kalsei, Diofex, Redex. Bisma Rex. Col Bisma. Bisodol. Me Leans Tablets, Moorlands Indigestion Powder Tablets Simpson's lodine Lockets, lodex, Wampoles Cod Liver Extract, Lixen.
      227 words

  • 279 3 —Reuter. Indignation In Germany AMBASSADOR’S APPEAL Berlin, Nov. 22. The German engineer Stickling and all bis fellow-accused in the sabotage trial at Novosibirsk were sentenced to death, acto an announcement here. The German Ambassador at Moscow today made further representations to the S > iet demanding
    —Reuter.  -  279 words
  • 114 3 prejudice Soviet-Japanese relations. —Reuter. Counter Moves To Tokio-Berlin Pact Moscow, Nov. 22. The Soviet Government has decided not to sign the Russo-Japanese Fisheries Convention as a retaliation against the Japan-ese-German treaty. Reuter learns that the possibilities of other counter-moves like breaking off the negotiations in Tokio for
    prejudice Soviet-Japanese relations.—Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 61 3 Roof To Be Extended Shortly The Siamese papers state the Royal Railways Department will complete the doub. ling of the track northward this year (B.E. 2479) as far as Bang Pa-in. The work will be continued to Ban Phaji junction next year. The roof of the Bangkok terminus
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  • 38 3 Reuter Wireless. Rome, Nov. 22. An official report from Addis Ababa states that the Italians occupied the province of Jimma and also the Juvdo platinum mine in the centre of the Wollaga district with practically no opposition.—
    Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 108 3 —Reuter. Sir James Barrie’s Masterpiece London, Nov. 22. After eighteen months’ vicissitudes and secret rehearsals, Barrie’s latest play "The Boy David” and the first since 1922 was produced amid enthusiasm at the King's Theatre, Edinburgh before a dist nguished audience. The play, which is the Biblical narrative,
    —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 103 3 —Br.tis.i Radio. Withdrawal From Addis Ababa London, Nov. 21. The withdrawal from Addis Ababa of the regular guard of one British Officer and 26 men at the British Legation as well as a party of 130 officers and men of a company of the sjl4th Punjab Regiment with
    —Br.tis.i Radio.  -  103 words
  • 85 3 —Trans-Ocean Service. Bodies Of Victims To Be Recovered Berlin, November 20. An accident costing eight lives occurred on Friday at Luebeck Bay, when during torpedo firing practice submarine U 18 collided with submarine flotilla leader Weddigen the U 18, sinking instantly. Twelve of the crew of twenty were
    —Trans-Ocean Service.  -  85 words
  • 90 3 uv ill d. House of Commons tomorrow.— B:itian Radio. Spanish Situation Considered London. Nov. 22. A meeting of ministers took place this evening at 10 Downing Street, at which the following were present: The Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Foreign Secretary, the Home Secretary. the
    uv ill d. ... , House of Commons tomorrow.— B:itian Radio.  -  90 words
  • 68 3 Indc-Pacific Radio. American Importers Protect Title New York Nov. 18. The Federal Administration of Spirits Department has rejected the request of the America vine-growers for authority to label their sparkling wines as real champagnes. This decision constitutes a veritable success for importers of wines. Only wines fermented in bottles
    Indc-Pacific Radio.  -  68 words
  • 38 3 clauses of the Versailles Treaty. Reuter Wireless. Rome, NoV- 22. Italy has refused an invitation to join France in a collective protest to Germany against denunciatkn of the navigation clauses of the Versailles Treaty. Reuter
    clauses of the Versailles Treaty. Reuter Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 35 3 —Reuter Wireless. New York, Nov. 22. The greatest downpour of years, is a description applied to the week’s dividend payments. Hitherto two hundred million dollars have been paid by one hundred companies.-
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  35 words
  • 77 3 —Reuter. “Neither Deserter Nor Traitor” Lille, Nov. 22. In a pathetic letter addressed to M. Blum, M. Salengro said his wife died as a result of the calumny against him which had also eaten his mother’s heart. “I fought hard but I was beaten. They didn’t succeed
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 155 3 Shortage Of Rain During October The Bangkok Times reproduce the second crop estimate for Burma, in terms of acres. If Siam’s first forecast wae delayed, the second forecast follows hard on the heels of that issued in Burma. Both second forecasts refer to the position as at
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  • 84 3 Reuter. Foreigners Advised To Leave Peiping. Nov. 22. The immediate evacuation of foreigners from Suiyuan is requested by the provincial authorities in consequence of a report that Manchukuo and Mongol irregulars are preparing a general offensive from north Suiyuan aimed at Kweihua, the provincial capital, otherwise the authorities will
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 256 3 Business For Tomorrow's Meeting The fo 1 lowing is the agenda for the meeting cf Lie Municipal Commissioners tomorrow: 1. To confirm minutes of last Ordinery and Special Meetings held on 3rl November 1936. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. The following questions
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 656 3 Kidney Trouble Cured Quick By New Discovery Doctor* Praue Cyttex- Works in IS Minutee Clem Oat Acids ud Polmm- /Mbk which 1 have used in nay n—»t?~- !>!». J own practice for many mnnei Diooa—i>rißgs new i eara with excellent r*- SAM suits. Cystex hastens th* Vigour in 48 Honrs
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  • 2501 4 CHINA JAPAN PREPARE FOR WAR CHINA WILL NOT FIRE THE FIRST SHOT But Will “Return Fire If Attacked WAR and rumours of war between China and Japan have recently ruled the headlines. In an able article m the China Weekly by C. Y. W. Meng, the reasons why a war
    -I.P.N. S.  -  2,501 words
  • 102 4 Election Candidates Hire Choir B: mbay. As part of their election campaign, a choir of well-known singers has been hired by the Non-Brahmin party standing for return to the Bombay Legislative A. sembly. T e singers are touring slowly through the Non-Brahmin areas, stopping in each
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 Bp” fifj 7 ll'l MORRIS the only Eight in the i built by I! v Specialisation IR* COMPARE Jhe Morris Eight with Mass produced cars A body with the capacity of an Proper fuses to all electrical ordinary io h.p. car. circuits and 2 charge rate to accumulator. > A
      109 words

  • 1794 5 Representations To Be Made To I. R. R. C. THE United Planting Association of Malaya has decided to communicate with the Controller of Rubber with a view to representations being made to the International Rubber Regulation Committee that the question of allowances for clonal
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 5 PROUD OF HIM—Mr. George L ansbury, M.P., with his 20th grandchild, David Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lansbury, of Orpington, Kent.
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  • 104 5 Death In China At Age Of 63 Mr. Lim Keah Joo died in his native village of Swatow, China, on Nov. 19. He was 63. Mr. Keah Joo was a rubber planter and in his earlier days was in partnership with Towkay Lim Lean Teng. He
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  • 104 5 (From Our Own Co respondent.) Taiping, Nov. 20. A case of arownTrig was reported from Tekka Tin Fields, the victim being a 29-year-old Chinese woman named Choo Ah Moi. It is understood that the deceased ana another old woman went to cut firewood in .Tekka.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 AND SO GOOD FOR YOIJ TO I WEET-BIX as good to the taste a* F Cz they are good for the health! Crisß crunchy, nutty-tasting you’ll like P their appetising flavour. They’re R'OK BRIiAKFAST perfectly baked, so richly golden-brown. fa WITH AfILK Send the coupon for generous FREB 7 SAMPLE
      123 words

  • 318 6 j AIRMAIL A man for Java and Southern Sumatra via S'ngapore and thence by K,N.I.L.M. ''service will close at 7 p.m. today. A mall for Kenyu. Tanganyika, Uganda, iNotnern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland. South Africa, Nigeria and Gold 'Coast via Singapore and thence by Imperial Airways
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  • 787 6 Judge Holds That It Is Legal ■II MUST confess that there was nothing whatsoever in the evidence to suggest that what took place was other than a perfectly proper and harmless mode of brightening the leisure hours of a number of people, but the authorities have
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  • 111 6 Devoted nursing by Gandhi has saved the life of Miss Slade, his English disciple. who is know by the name of Mirabel. She has been seriously ill with typhoid fever and it was due to Gandhi’s day and night care that no threatened complications ensued. Miss
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  • 328 6 Coroner's Inquiry Into Hospital Accident Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, the Penang Coro- ner, held an inquiry on Saturday into the death of Cheah Ah Peng, who died as a 1 result cf a fall from the second floor of the “B” Ward of the General Hospital Penang
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  • 238 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 22. The recent strike of labourers in the Malayan Collieries at Batu Arang had a sequel in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday, when a Chinese named Foo Sin Ling was produced before Mr. C. H. Dankers, charged with
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  • 314 6 SINGAPORE TEACHERS DINNER A howler, told by Mr. Justice P. A. McElwaine, Chief Justice, S.S., in the course of a witty and humorous speech, sent some 150 Singapore teachers into fits of laughter on Saturday at the second annual dinner of the Singapore Teachers’ Association,
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  • 272 6 Gentle Art Of Persuasion BAN ON DANGEROUS IDEAS (From Our Tokyo Correspondent) An intensification of Japan's already i m pressive system of national thought control is indicated by the decision, wnich has just been announced here, to “protective thouguc surveillance staU Oua -> m seven cities aud
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 101 6 M* OPENING 1 A V A New 20th Century u ,r >9r Fox Triumph! E/ K j S I HE WAS MASTERFDU T\ 00 I SHE WAS WILLFUL! I The girl you raved I about in “Rendez- vous” learns about a new kind of love! C last night N BY_AIRI
      101 words

  • 396 7 Plenty Of Scope In Infant Welfare WOMEN should be established by Government in increasing numbers as doctors in all parts of Malaya, is the opinion of several general practitioners, hospital workers and specialists in Singapore. Women’s names in the medical register of Malaya number no more
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  • 357 7 Previous Offence Of Theft Proved A Javanese woman. Untong binto Ahmad, figured as an accused person in die Penang Police Court dock before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham on Saturday charged, with theft of a pair of gold bangles valued $32 the property of one Tong Chok Cheng.
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  • 239 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Koala Lumpur, Nov. 21. Two marriages were performed before Mr. C. H. Dakers, Registrar of Marriages, Selangor, today. Dr. M. C. Chang, popular Chinese physician attached to the Tung Shing Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, was married to Miss Yee Hung Lin, fifth
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  • 252 7 Wedding At St. Andrew's Cathedral (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 21. St, Andrew’s Cathedral was well decorated for the wedding of Mr. Soo Yin Yong of the Sim Life Assurance Co. of Canada, Singapore, and Miss Annie Vim En. of the Singapore Municipal Health Department. Elaborate
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  • 65 7 Several promotions under the Volunteer Force Ordinance have been Gazetted. Among them are: Capt. E. Newbold, 0.8. E. promoted to the rank of major, S.S. Volunteer Reserve of Officers. I Second. Lieut, (acting Captain) H. MacNeice promoted to the rank of lieutenant. j Lieut, and Quartermaster F. Flippance
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  • 132 7 TWO COMPATRIOTS CHARGED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 21. A Chinese, Lin Ah Keng, has been admitted to hospital last night suffering from compound fracture in one arm and one leg. Two men, Ab Yau and Poh Ah Tong, were arrested in connection with the case
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  • 41 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Nov. 21. Che Pawanteh, M.C.S., the new Taiping Magistrate, was given a warm welcome by representatives of the local Bar and police when he appeared in the Taiping Police Court for the first time.
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  • 152 7 REMBAU POLICE SUSPECT ARSON (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Nov. 21. Residents of the town or Rembau, 17 miles from Seremban on the trunk road to S.ngapore, rushed into the streets when an alarm was raised in the early hours of this morning that the District Office
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  • 33 7 Two Chinese motor-cyclists collided near the junction of Pitt Street and Light Street, •Penang, at 12.10 a.m. yesterday. Both men were slightly injured but one of the machine#.' was badly danrrnged
    33 words
  • 124 7 CONTRACT AWARDED TO "UNITEERS” Tenders for the erection of a new Malay school off Amoy Lane, Penang, ranged from $27,800 to $46,800. The tender of United Engineers, Ltd. for $27,950 has been accepted by the Government. The following tenders were received. Ng Ah See 27,800 United Engineers
    124 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 &«am ar J I A splendid protective cream for day as* > and the ideal foundation for powder. < Supplement it by MW Cold Cmma th* J j< perfect cleansing cream. mm M i Li s i < ClCways h n c k an S* n S scasons indoors and
      195 words
    • 263 7 STOMACH GAS GONE AFTER ONE DOSE “Wind” Absorbed and Condensed Instantly When, as the result of indigestion, food r is allowed to ferment in your stomach, the i stomach becomes distended with “wtad.” 1 The result is one or more distressing symp- toms—heartburn, flatulence, acid risings in the throat. It
      263 words

  • 768 8 THE Times of Malaya is published today as a morning newspaper: for the first time in its long career. This change-over from afternoon publication to morning publication is ar» iimjtortant event in the history of the' 'Press in North Malaya. The Times of. I Malaya has
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  • 146 8 Pat O'Brien Josephine Hutchinson Reunited “I Married A Doctor.” Wit Pat O’Brien, Jcsephine Hutchinson, Ross Alexander, Guy Kibbee. Louise Fazenda. A Warner Bros. Picture. At Queen’s tonight This film bring to us again Pat OB’rien and Josephine Hutchinson, lovers of Oil For the Lamps of Chine
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  • 118 8 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 22. Sarban Singh, a local Sikh moneylender, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. C.H. ■Dakers, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court yesterday, on the charge of giving < false statement in a civil suit which was heard before the second
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  • 656 8 China s Silver Jubilee—The New Nanking —Austin Seven Goes On and 0 n —L it tie Demand for Anchors. I RECEIVED at the week-end a copy of “The Silver Jubilee of the Republic of China,” at very fine special, publication emanating from the China Press, Shanghai.- This
    656 words
  • 179 8 Win For Penang Team In an inter-Club golf fixture played at Taiping today, Penang Sports Club (Golf Section) defeated the Perak Golf Club by six matches to two. Results are as follows PENANG PERAK Anderson and White and Gordon Smith 1 Birse Q Brodie and Bedlington
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  • 209 8 Efrst Bextag Promotiw After Many Year» I (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Nov. 22. I A good crowd was present at the Gar park on Saturday night to witness first boxing promotion to be staged in ping after a lapse of several years. The card of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 326 8 I Don’t Forget lour Friends At Home! I You can get this fine old Whisky e If HE I for despatch in specially decorated BB BBm Christmas Cases, delivered any- BQK H* where in England, Scotland or HB SwL JHv Wales at the following prices Bam 1820 Still going Strong
      326 words
    • 138 8 IksecrfFof a faMj /Iffdik When a dish* is tasteless and insipid, it’s as good as wasted Appetite is lacking. Just add a few drops of Maggi's Seasoning before serving and note the surprising difference in taste, Maggi’s Seasoning is mainly a concentrate of vegetable origin a wonderful taste restorer that
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  • 1225 9 Perak North Malaya Canine Show SEVERAL NEW VARIETIES EXHIBITED THE Perak and North Malaya dog show was held at the Perak Turf Club Grandstand yesterday. The exhibits although not as numerous as last year had some new varieties which carried away some prizes
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 581 9 Mrs. J. P. Souter P. P. C. j M-a— —I FOR SjlLB 3OGS I DOGS! DOGS! Arriving Shortly, Pedigree dogs bred from Champion stock. xksatians, Airedales, Collies, Kangaroo Hounds, Blue Speckled Cattle dogs, Wire h <ired Fox Terriers, Irish Terriers, smooth haired fox-terriers Sydney Seikies, CATS! CATS! CATS! Blue Persian
      581 words
    • 142 9 NOTICE is hereby given that the trade mark and device depicted above are the exclusive property of VAUXHALL MOTORS TJMTTED of Kimpton Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, England Manufacturers and that fXw same are used by the said VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED in respect of Motor road vehicles and chasis therefore and trailers
      142 words
    • 76 9 FOUND Between the Hours of 8-30 a.m. and 6-00 p.m. I i on any Week Day i THE IDEAL GIFT STORE J AT THE George Town Dispensary, j PENANG J RUNNYMEDE HOTEL j ’PHONE 543 PENANG. I, WySSSy If There will be no Dinner Dance on Wednesday the 25th. i
      76 words

  • 2147 10 BEATEN 26 5 BY PERAK IN INTERSTATE RUGBY Keay Stubborn In Defence-Hague Prominent In Attack THE Penang fifteen that played at Taiping on Saturday gave a most ■disappointing display and were over- whelmed by the rapidly improving Perak team. One or two changes were made
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  • 13 10 —Oxford crew practising for the Boat Race next year with Cambridge.
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  • 190 10 C.R.C. Score Freely At Green Lane In a fast and exciting game of hockey played on Saturday evening on the Penang Free School ground, the Chinese Recreation Club defeated the Penang Free School by five goals to one. The exchanges were even throughout but the match was
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  • 45 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Nov. 21. Possessing a very much superior team, the Medical College beat their Raffles College rivals at Bukit Timah in the annual rugger encounter for the Galloway Cup by 11 points (a goal and two tries) to nil.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 488 11 WMMMMNBRRWW— mmUU—Slwwa——WswaSMU——ee /yPEHANG DELIVERY TIME TABLE Butterworth COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION RATE I WsJßukit M«rtojcm TIMES of MALAYA PINANG GAZETTE Kuala Kaagsar 3.««. Butt.rworth Nibonq TebalW. TIMES <* MALAYA Taiping 425 Bukit Mortajam 2.10 Pcrit Buwfar Hagan Serai 5.10 Sungoi Bakap 2.30 Bcaon Stroiß Par it Buntar 5.30 Nebong Tobol 2.40 DTNSIJP
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    • 595 12 PURCHASE OF YARDS AND DISPOSAL OF SITES The operations of National Shipbuilders Security Ltd. during the year ending March 31., 1936, are surveyed in the annual renort which is detailed below. The process of rationalisation is not yet complete, it being stated that further negotiations are in
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    • 216 12 S.S. “ANTILOCHUS” from Liverpool sails for K oncr e Dairen and Japan. g S.S. “AGAPENOR” from Singapore sails for Jeddah Have li Bromborough. er P°ol anj S.S. “PALOPO” from Singapore, Cheribon, Semarang and Soe Sails same day Bagan Si-Api-Api, Batavia, Cheribon Se™. >d Va Soerabaya. S.S. “ALFOER”
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    • 180 12 Tee date for the opening of the next annua! meetings of the Institution of Naval Architects will fall on Wednesday. March 17. 1937. The council will be pleased to consider papers on subjects relating to nava’ architecture or marine engineering. Such offers (or suggestions for papers
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    • 153 12 As a result of the large increase in the numbers of British coastal motorships, it has been felt that a registe- containing the leading particulars of these ships woua be a valuable book of reference for shippers and others interested in the coastal services. Such a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 38 12 8 I NOW I Is Your Opportunity to buy a GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO for $l5O. OR A New Portable Columbia Gramophone for $l4. NEVER A Better Radio-Gram Than A" MARCONI. Robinson Piano Co. (S. S.) Ltd. PENANG. b
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1510 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES PROGRAMME OF RADIO I B B -C. EMPIRE SERVICE POPULAR SONGS PERSONALITIES-122 SCHEDULE At 7.07 tonight, Fred Hartley and his Following i 9 the 8.8. C. Empire B:oadNovelty Quintet. Lawrcmc, the casting Service schedule for the week:--A»wtraZ;un hmed from From 8 00 a m Untu 1() 0Q
      1,510 words

  • 287 13 Detail Of The Broomwade Sleeve Valve Design Air compressors operating at 1,000-1,200 r.p.m. axe a feature in the progress of compressed air engineering. Such a comparatively high speed not only makes the compressor suitable for direct-coupling to the modern internal-combustion engine, but for any given output also enables
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 403 13 wfy f 1 d I T 1 I ffiUEEfel XBLUknifliMßU UM LONDON AND NORTH OONHNKNT Lem M» (in conjunction with Glen A Shire Une) Penang Lsodsa PATROCLUS Marseilles, London, Rotterdam, Glasgow. Nov. 27 Dec 23 gIENBEG L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp A Middlesborough Dec. < JaxL 4 c MEMNON Mars., L’don,
      403 words
    • 167 13 I FORTHCOMING SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE I Dec. 4 m.v. “CHR. HUYGENS" N.L. 17,000 tons Dec. 11 m.v. “SIBAJAK” R.L. 13,000 tons Dec. 25 m.v. "J-V. OLDENBARNEVELT” N.L. 20 000 tons Jan. 1 m.v. “DEMPO" R.L. 17,000 tons Jan. 15 s.s. “JOHAN DE WITT* N.L. 11,000 tons Jan. 22 s.s. “SLAMAT”
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    • 924 13 P© an J W BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S "BULAN” Nov. 27 Outwards from London for China Japan, S/S "MATA HARI Dec. 4 Hi,»' SAILINGS
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 652 13 RADIO BATAVIA—NIP.OM i the "Far East.’’ 8.20 News and economic re- I view in German. Cail DJQ. 8.35 Music and Wavelength: YDA 8,040 k|c (98.68 m and Poetry. 9.20 News and economic review in YDB 9,610 k»c (31.2 m English on DJE, DJQ, and in Dutch on DJA, DJB. 9.35
      652 words
    • 346 13 prices. Rates of exchange. 1.05 News in Arabic. 1.20 Concert relay. TOMORROW WavelengH* 25.60 nx, 11.720 kc. 6.35 a.m.—Concert relayed from Radio-, Paris. 7.35 —News in French.—News' in Spanish. B.oo—News in French. Market; prices. B.2o—News in English. B.3s—Re-' cords of theatrical broadcast. 10.35 a.m.— Close down. Wwve ength 19.63
      346 words
    • 200 13 ZBW HONG KONG Waveieaglfc: 34» m. (87M kc|s). TODAY 4.20 p.m.—European programme. Relay —Dance music from the Hong Kong Hotel I roof garden. 6.20 A light orchestral conI cer. 6.50 Closing local stock quotations and the Hong Kong Exchange Market report. 6.55 Piano syncopations by Billy Mayerl. 7.05 Studio—A talk
      200 words

  • 1296 14 STRONG PERAK PACK lAIL TO IMPRESS (By Our Rugby Correspondent.) SHOWING all-round superiority, the Penang Asiatics scored a decisive win over the Perak Asiatics in the first match ot the All Blues Competition yesterday evening on the Esplanade, Penang. Penang’s victory was surprising for Pe-
    1,296 words
  • 1003 14 Winners For Two Penang Owners (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 21. THERE was a fair attendance at the opening day of the Singapore Turf Club Winter Meeting. Although the course was holding, spectators had a fair share of the thrills and disappointments. The Governor,
    1,003 words
  • 63 14 ’Tic-Toc’s" Success “Tic-Tac,” in his selections in the “Pinan g Gazette,” gave four winners for the Singapore meeting held on Saturday. They were BU ($3l win $ll place) NOORCHAY A ($4O $11) LORDLOGY $29 9) SQUEEZE ($33 9) There were several placed horses among “Tic-Tacs” other
    63 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 276 14 I Here is the Essence of TY! Ck’. ESSENCE OF "“no' C -K ’WZ/Zv/z man» <*- M J_£E ALTH! Fitness And abundant Energy; M Mind and body gloriously alert for work or H recreation—and for getting the best from life. That’s M what Brand’s Essence of Chicken will do for
      276 words

  • 1352 15 Home Football Results League 1 ables hollowing are the results of matches played on Saturday in t' e English alß i Scottish football leagues together with positions of the teams to date. ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. I Arsenal 5, Middlesbro 3. iiolton W. 0, Manchester C. 2. Bi
    1,352 words
  • 126 15 —Reuter. London, November 21. Following are the results of Rugby Union matches played today Cheshire 5, Cumberland 3, (at New Brighton). Northumberland 8, Lancashire 19, (at Gosforth). Yorkshire 5, Durham 0, (at Otley). Bath 11, Gloucester 5. Blackheath 8, Cambridge U. 15. Bradford 14, Liverpool
    —Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 46 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Nov. 21. True to tradition, Negri-Malacca went down fighting when they lost to the Army by 26 points (four goals, one try and penalty goal) to 15 points (three goals) in a Malaya Cup rugby game here.
    46 words
  • 753 15 INTER-STATE HOCKEY AT KUALA LUMPUR (From Our Own Correspondent» Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 21. Singapore in their first away inter-State hockey fixture were severely trounced to the time of six goals to nil when they met Selangor on the padang here today. The match was fast and
    753 words
  • 263 15 —Reuter. LAST FIVE WICKETS REALISED 14 RUNS Sydney, Nov. 21. M.C.C.: 288. Australian XI: 221 for 2 wkts. At close of play today between the Australians and the M.C.C., the Australians had two wickets down for 221 irons. Stumps were drawn owing to ibad light. The crowd
    —Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 69 15 Edwardians Beaten By 3 0 (From Our Own Co respondent.) Taiping, Nov. 20. In their return hockey match this evening the Ist Battalion 2nd. Punjab Regimen;’ avenged their previous defeat by beating King Edward VII School by three goals to nothing. All the goals were scored
    69 words
  • 77 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 21. After trailing 3-5 at the interval against the run of pley, Singapore beat the R.N. and R.A.F. by 11 points (a goal and a penalty) to five (a goal) in a Malaya Cup rugby game at Jalan Besar Stadium. In spite
    77 words
  • 83 15 The huge army of table tennis players are jubilant at the fine showing England made against Hungary in the first Test matches at Bristol. Hungary won 6—3, but not so very long ago the Hungarians were regarded as invincible. England’s team was not at its strongest, S. Proffitt,
    83 words
  • 41 15 ICE HOCKEY TRAlNlNG.”—Brighton Tigers’ ice hockey team have introduced American football their training scheme. It keeps them warm! Here is one of the team getting away wi.*h the ball after a rougn house,” at Hollingbury Park, Brighton.
    41 words
  • 61 15 The Railway Institute, Tapping, will shortly hold a three-ball Handicap Billiards Tournament for a cup presented by Mr. L.A.G. Newman, of the F.M.S.R., I Taiping. j Master Chan Sai Soo was the winner in the annual Prize Debate of the King Edward VII School. The subject wag “The
    61 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 47 15 fl th s BET7 fy”l I J I i s I JI I I KA s Oil 5 -fl I fl JWWNr I >*gW|flg f I X: B MflF < I W fl BREWED AND BOTTLLED IN SINGAPORE BY THE fl AR CHIPELACO BREWERY Co..Lto. HENRY WAUGHe-Co L-a.
      47 words

    • 404 16 An Extremely Active Week Messrs. Kennedy Company in their reyert dated Penang, Nov. 20 state The past week has been extremely active in all sections of the local share market with tins leading the way. The metal closes in London at £233.0.0 for 3 months «■d £233.15.0
      404 words
    • 148 16 LEAN CO. TODAY'S OPENING QUOTATION» Buyers Sellers MINING:— Ampats 5|3 s|7i Asams 32|9 33|9cd A. Wengs 1-871 20M B. Selangors 1-20 1-33 Hong Fatts 1-30 1.371 Jelapanga 25(0 26(0 Johans 30 33 K. Lanjuts 22(9 23|6 Kundangs 9(3 9(9 Laruts 11(3 11(9 Lukuts L 45 1-521 Puchongs 22|9 23(6 Pungahs
      148 words
    • 106 16 SATURDAY today Izmdon-ISpot) £232.15 0 No London—(3 months) £232 5 n market Qinrorwi*» XZ3Z.5.0 No market Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA.—(Sundried) $7.80 BUBBKB» 1650 Ltfadoa j B||d gjja Tork MAc(G) 18$e(G) Singapore-Spot 31c 303 c Dec. 31 jc 30jc Jam/Mar. 31Jc 31c April/June 31ftc 31ic TAPIOCA:— Fair
      106 words
    • 221 16 KENNEDY CO. Th*. «VlDg e -*»e jUvaUnD» In MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co?s fiharv UM today:— s RUBBER Buyers Sellers Amal. Malay 2.021 2.25 Ayer Hitam 1.621 I*7o Bedford 1.021 1.15 Bente 1.10 1-20 Borelli 1-85 1.95 Connemara 1.721 1.80 Haytor 1.221 1.30 Kedah 3.00 3.25 c Kempas 2.20 230 Mentakab
      221 words
    • 116 16 London, Nov. 21. RUBBER Steady. Spot 8H buyers 8? sellers. Jan./March 8H buyers 8? sellers. April/June 8H buyers B}J sellers. July/Sept. 83 buyers 8J sellers. New York 18.20 cts. United Kingdom Stocks: London 39,510 tons Liverpool 53,678 tons COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam £19.7.6d. PEPPER White Muntok in
      116 words
    • 197 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. Bayers Sellers TIN Batu Selangor 1.32 J 1-35 Hong Fatt 1-321 1*35 Jelebu 1.171 1321 Klang River 2.00 2.05 Kuchai 330 1-35 Lukut 1-50 1.55 North Taiping 75 80 Puteh 75 85 Rahman Hyd. 1.15 1.171 Rantau Ordy. 1-40 1.45 c Rantau Pref. 1.421 1.471 c Sungei
      197 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 662 16 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HONG KONG AND HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ SHANGHAI BANKING N. V. CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hong Kong) (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Ordinance No. 6 of 1929 of the 7 Colony. Established in Amsterdam 1824. K NG Authorised Capital $5O 000 ofin lssued and Fully paid up s*?o nnn HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM I
      662 words