Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 November 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 403 1 Plans for immediate reprovisioning of Madrid soon as the insurgents gain possession are being made, according to a statement by the Burgos Government. Franco has already appointed a new mayor, and feeding the populace will be the first care of the new municipality. Huge reserves
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  • 145 1 —Reuter. "IRRESPONSIBLE UTTERANCES" London, Nov. 19. |)r. Hugh Dalton, chairman of the labour Party Executive, has sharply rebuked Sir Stafford Cripps. The latter, in the course of a speech supporting the Labour candidate at the Preston bv election to replace Mr. W M. Kirkpatrick allegedly said
    —Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 210 1 Asiatic Fleet* Concludes Visit To Singapore (Krom Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Nov. 19. j Warm appreciation of the hospitality extended in Singapore to the United State» 1 Asiatic Fleet was expressed today by Ad- miraJ H. E Yarnell, Commander-in-Chief the Fleet. On behalf of myself and officers
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  • 75 1 Reuter. Vision By Fascist Grand Council A Rome, Nov. 19. i minntion to speed up military was announced following an r ri ssion of the Fascist Grand Gr A communique declares: ‘‘The 1 1 considers that in this special >!?}(■ nt j 1 r y preparations
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 21 1 —Reuter. London. Nov. 19. Lists in connection with the £lOO,OOO 000 Funding Loan closed at 11.15. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 30 1 .—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Nov. 20. Eighty per cent, of the Japanese firms in Kiu Kiang have been compelled to suspend business. —Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    .—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  30 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. Moscow, Nov. 19. The first instalment, of the great sedition trial has opened at Novosibirsk. A German engineer. Stickling, and eight Soviet citizens are charged with sabotage at SToerian mines and specifically with being responsible for mine explosions on Sept. 23 resulting in ten miners being
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 51 1 I Reuter. French Aviator Seriously Injured Tokio. Nov. 20. The airman Japy was forced down the hillside in North-West Kyushu. It is reported that he was seriously injured. There was some anxiety at Shanghai regarding Japy who has not been heard since leaving Hong Kong at 5.25
    I Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 235 1 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Nanking, Nov. 20. Tbe eyes of the nation are turned on Suiyuan which seems likely to be the scene of events of major importance. The Chinese Government is determined to use all resources to resist invasion of the P ro
    —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  235 words
  • 162 1 ORDER OF RUNNING AND SCRATCHINGS The following are scratchings and order of running of the first day of the Singapore races at Bukit Timah tomorrow: Race 1: Ponies. Class 2, Div. 2. Scratchings: True Light and Pacolatic (both all engagements). Race 2: Horses. Class 3. Div. 1. Scratchings:
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  • 104 1 Reuier. Cultural Pact To Follow Political Pact Berlin, Nov. 19. Japanese circles here believe that a Japano-German cultural agreement is on the lines of that between Austria and Germany and including an exchange of artists professors and students will fol ow c)os>‘ on the heels of the
    Reuier.  -  104 words
  • 60 1 —British Radio. London, Nov. 19. Representatives in London of the Locarno Powers called at the Foreign Office this evening end received copies of the British Note in which in the light of views recently expressed by them proposals are advanced which it is believed are best calculated
    —British Radio.  -  60 words
  • 21 1 —Reuter. CRICKET The M.C.C. had scored 59 f<r 1 at lunch in their match agamst an Austra- lian XI.
    .—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 122 1 AMENDMENT TO LAW IN SIAM As a result of minor difficulties arising out of the recent generous international tin quota releases, an amendment to the law has been introduced into Siam whereby At the end of any period of quota a producer will be allowed to have
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  • 89 1 Record Output Expected Today (From Our Own Correspondent) Ku .la Lumpur, Nov. 20. An official statement from Malayan Collieries this m.rning states: "Practically all labour has returned to work and conditions can be said to have returned to normal. Production cf coal yesteiday was satisfactory and in
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  • 90 1 PHONE AND 1 TELEGRAPH LINES DOWN Penang business houses yesterday afternoon tried in vain to get trunk calls through to Kuala Lumpur and places south of the federal capital. Telegrams remained unanswered until after long delays. The trouble, which affected both the telephone and telegraph services, was
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  • 73 1 —Reuter. Faster And Larger Than The Corfu London, Nov. 19 The P. O. Company has ordered fiom Alexander Stephen of Glasgow a new liner similar to fhe Corfu but faster and larger with additional passengers and sports decks, accommodation for 470 first and second class passengers
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU artistic photographers Telephone No. 771 PENANG. No. «8-70, Bishop Street,
      12 words
    • 141 1 Bedak Virgin Face Powder MANUFACTURED IN BATAVIA, JAVA. I’liis Fa'C I’uwiler improves »he complexion, removes pimples, takes /dirt off and smoothes the <: 1 skin It stons itches and I 'i'RLl I,r rlcl y heat. It is inI I dispensable for the I Nursery. vC XX CWk/ guaranteed free \Vxsc*--®'
      141 words

  • 2866 2 CONTINUED IMPROVEMENI IN MALAY A’S FOREIGN TRADE Small But Remarkable Recovery MAL/XYA S foreign trade in 1935 again exceed that of the previous year. The margin was small but the recovery nevertheless remarkable in view of the extent of the movement in 1934. The United States continued to be our
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  • 289 2 King Edward’s Doctor Put H Right Vienna. “The man who never eats. ’—That is the title by which his colleagues know Professor Heinrich von Neumann, world-famed Vienna ear, nose, and throat specialist, who is proceeding to England so that he can be always at King
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Landon Office 40, 43, Fleet Street. London E.C.4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang Within
      386 words
    • 100 2 DID Drescription S MpH you a:-e .uflerer from H Eczema, Ringworm, Dhobie* V Itch. Salt Rheum. Prickly HmL Paoriaau, Singapore Foot, Ito Ing Eruptions and Raahet, M D.D.D. Prescription. Just a W BH dropa of this mar reliou» iotionsa R you have instant relief. IrntatK* M and pain goea at
      100 words

  • 1509 3 Rebel Cruiser Bombards Barcelona British Concern At New Turn In Spain —Reuter Wireless. London. Nov. 19. 1S learned that the Burges junta has o l rmed Great Britain, France and i>owe a that the insurgents t prevent tne transport of war trials to Barcelona
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  1,509 words
  • 590 3 —Brit sh Radio. Outspoken Letter To The King London, Nov. 19. The King returned to London tomght from his two days’ tour in the depressed areas of South Wales. Scenes of enthusiasm which marked yesterday’s round of visits to small
    —Brit sh Radio.  -  590 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 BRITISH MADE SOAP CUSSONS jO# ul OLD wOI ENGLISH PBk LAVENDER SOAP I L A REAL good q MWW II Mi k t RATH OR TOILRT. y --I BE auti fu II Y I T’ fumed only the ■MjjSggr Tr very pest matf.- >'■ -A RIAL.S ARE USED Iff WKg
      161 words

  • 281 4 l COOLIE'S FATAL FALL i FROM SCAFFOLDING Perched on a piece of planx 45 fee. above the ground, a Chinese coolie, Leong SAJi Sin. busied himself with his work amidst the huge structure of the Singapore Civil Aerodrome, unconscious of th? *rage<ly that stalked his footstevs
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  • 114 4 Young Korean By j Her Sice Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 19. An attractive Japanese woman named Hartizo Sato was found dead in a room of a Japanese hotel in Inoh Road. Kuala Lumpur, yesterday afternoon, while outside rain and thunderstorm raged. She had gashes on
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  • 162 4 Reuter. 992 FsrsJ Lane teaachhies i Reedy l London, Nov. 18. A big increase in the strengths of home Units of the Royal Air Force since May last year is shown in the latest figures available. In May 1935 home squadrons numbered 53 with 580 first line
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 92 4 Reuter. Full Statement In Commons Next Week London, Nev. 18. In the House of Commons, Mr. Eden replying to Sir Cl -cries Cayzer, said he had today received a communication from the Japanese Ambassador that the Tokio Foreign Office we e further examining the Keelung incident in
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 804 4 MRS. G. T. NAMAZIE Mrs. Ganhar Taj Namazie, the bride of Mr. M. G. H. Namazie, a well-known resident of Singapore, who wan married in Bangalore recently, will be arriving in Singapore next month. Mrs. Namazie is 1 daughter of Sir Mirza M. Ismail, KL, C.1.E., 0.8.
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  • 196 4 Judge's Good Wishes Mr. Justice Charles expressed good wishes for a happy married life to a prisoner it Wiltshire /aosizes at Salisbury when it was disclosed that the man had married a girl who was to have been chief witness against him, and as she was his
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  • 141 4 For Arresting Man Who Kissed His Wife Washington. “I commend any sentiment that prompts two persons, married for four years to be kissing in public or private.” i With these words Judge Robert E. Mat- tingly discharged Mr. Armistead W. GilI lian who had been arrested and
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  • 137 4 Cries When Father Kills Reptile Durban. A two-year-old native girl, belonging to the Harrismith district, Orange Free State, can claim fame as a snake charmer. Her father had been given notice by his employer to vacate the farm upon which he had squatted. He removed the thatch
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  • 221 4 Drifter Sinks With All Hands London, Nov. 18 Several shipping casualties are reported as a result of a seventy m.p.h. gale which swept the southern part of the North Sea and the English Channel today. Fishing vessels off the Norfolk coast were forced to return for shelter.
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  • 129 4 Address By Mr. Ong Joo Sun Next Week I 1 Addresses by Mr. Cheah Inn Kiong on I "Some Aspirations of the Straits Chinese,” Mr. Koh Sin Hock on “Local Government’ and Mr. Ong Joo Sun on “The Sirai.s-horn Chinese and their future” will be given
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  • 93 4 Serious Shortage Of Water (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Nov. 18. The first crop report of the present season indicates 700,000 acres less under cultivation compared with a year ago anj 300,000 acres planted are damaged. The total area planted by the end of September was 6.5 million
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  • 39 4 Twin sisters, Kathleen Peggy and Eileen Molly, daughter of Mrs. S. Brown, were married at St. Paul’s Church. Weston-super-Mare, yesterday, and were given away by their twin brothers. Claude and Donald Brown four years their senior.
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  • 49 4 Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N. L. output figures of the various dredges for the week ended at 7.00 a m. on the 16th instant. No. 5 Dredge 67.20 piculs. 16th instant. No. 5 Dredge 67.20 piculs. No. 7 Dredge 117.60 piculs, No. S Dredge 30.44 piculs.
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  • 181 4 INVESTITURE AT KUALA LUMPUR THE number of scout troops in Selangor was increased by one this week when Mr. Hodgkins, District Commissioner, invested the troop started at the Police Depot, Kuala Lumpur. 1 The troop is fourteen strong all th? boys in the recently started school —and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 ScotU" 6 5 Best yo“ r bKt b rea* ast I S 6 .ad'CK- 000 Wr Ask for the tin f with the sturdy Scot! Mr. W. M. Heynea, fl Chief Engineer jay s “S.S.” Cars L‘d.. says, is better to use a Mod ll gcod oil> and get the
      154 words

  • 2680 5 Rapid Progress In National Reconstruction DR. WELLINGTON KOO SPEAKS TO LEAGUE ASSEMBLY Interdependence Of East And West Stressed THE text of the speech made by Dr. V.K. Wellington Koo, Chinese Delegate to the League of Nations Assembly, before the League Assembly recently has just
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 I TESTIMONY I ‘I have the greatest admiraI tion for the steady lines of I development’ Imperial AirI ways ‘have followed.’ They ‘have never allowed them- selves to be influenced by the H temporary spurts of competi- tors, although they use them as stimulating influences. I put them up as
      120 words

  • 559 6 Appointed Chief Commissioner of Northern Nigeria ADVOCATE FOR PRO-MALAY POLICY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. Authoritative information has been received—though not officially confirmed—that the Hon. Mr. T.S. Adams, British Resident of Selangor, has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Northern Nigeria. Mr. Adams
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  • 328 6 MR. L. B. GIBSON THE NEW SOLICITOR-GENERAL The recent appointment of Mr. P. A. McElwaine from the post of AttorneyGeneral to that of Chief Justice, Straits Settlements, has necessitated a number of changes in legal official circles, beginning with the transfer of Mr. N. A- Worley.
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  • 392 6 MR. J. A. GRANT—MISS G. E. M. KNIGHT Two well-know people were married at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, before one of the largest gatherings seen at a wedding. The bride was Miss Gwendolen Evelyn Mary Knight, sister of Mr. L. F. Knight, an Assistant Superintendent of
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  • 24 6 Rt. Hon. Earl Howe, the famous Brit sn racing motorist has just returned to England after competing m New York.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL ON SALE NOW Nothing like this Annual has been produced in Malaya before and the demand for copies is very brisk. Get Your Copy NOW ON SALE AT PINANG GAZETTE 12, BISHOP STREET, PENANG.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 291 6 Brought Back by Numerous Request 11 KOYA L WINDSOR 6.30 NIGHTLY 9.30 Matinee on Saturday 21st at 2.30 p.m. NIGHT TONI<JHT The Record-Breaking Cantonese Talkie "CAMC Ml hl CIM" Return Screening of Unique Film’s aAAIWV IvlllX wIIX Mighty Cantonese Talkie with GNOH CHO PANG and Miss LEE KEE LIN. LIVELIHOOD
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    • 58 6 YTnrarsnCT Next Change SINCLAIR LEWIS’ AMAZING BOOK “MAIN STREET’’ BECOMES THE SEASON’S MOST OUTSTANDING PHOTOPLAY ~T7U TfUCGmTw AND JOSEPHINE In another greet stery as thrilling as Their *(M For The Lamps Of China'l i IMARRIED H A DOCTOR Fr«M tb« m»»t p»w«rf«il n«v«l •M» p««n«d by i Sinclair lewis. F
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  • 2017 7 Can Owner Be Absolved From Responsibility? knotty legal point BEFORE COURT MR. cap Ghor Ee, the Chinese millionaire, appeared in the Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr. H. A. 1,. I.uckham in answer to a Municipal summons for having o’l K) put up proper hoardings
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  • 238 7 Phamplets, containing seditious literature, distributed during a cinema performance, at the Liberty Cinema Hall, formed part of the exhibits before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Penang Police Court yesterday. when three Chinese, Lee Peng Wan. Ong Chong Chin and Lok Swee alias Twah Tuah. who are alleged
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  • 120 7 Strike Breakers Stoned By Mob i New York, November 18. The liner “Washington” left the pier three-quarters of an hour late. She remained anchored in harbour while officials of the Steamboat Inspection Service investigated into charges of incompetents employed in place of strikers. Extraordinary scenes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 414 7 YOUR DOG FIT f you want your dog to be always lively, happy and in good condition, you must give him Sherley’s Tonic and Condition MWNlßfififlQbßir? w ders Thecause of Moodiness, Poor Coat, Lost Appetite, Listlessness, Itching, Scratching, Hair Shedding,’ etc., is r XV °Y er_ oeated blood. But a
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  • 609 8 RFHE Government is hardly to be con- gratulated on its first clumsy, but well-intentioned, effort to do something to alleviate the plight of British textile importers, it seems almost incredible that opinions on the subject can be so divergent and the matter so little understood that representative
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 85 8 To The Editor. Sir, —As many of the masters of the local shipping having been using the title of “Captain” before their names, wilf anv of your readers kindly let me have answers to the following: 1. Are these titles conferred on them by Government, on their obtaining
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  • 239 8 Presentation By Selangor Resident (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. The Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams, British I Resident, Selangor, presented the Colonial good Conduct and Long Service Medals to '23 members of the F.M.S. Police at the informal parade held at the Central
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  • 65 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. The case against Murugasu Rasiah who was charged with attempting to murder the hon. Mr. D. H. Elias was again mentioned in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today. A medi,cal certificate was produced showing that Rasiah, who in
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  • 625 8 Successful 44 Come-back P en a ng Amateurs In “Accent on Youth’’ —Educating The Public Beautiful Christmas Annual. VV“7 ITH a good, hearty British cheer the Penang Choral and Dramatic Society was relaunched last night after having, beer laid up in the stocks for a very long
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  • 599 8 (By Our Special Muslim Correspondent) ■NCHE Md. Yusoff bin Ahmed (Asst. I District Commissioner), one of the two representatives of the Malay Scout Troops of the Peninsula, who has recently retu.ned from England after attending a Gilwell course and receiving a special training in scouting, gave c_n address
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 57 8 A MIXTURE MILD COOL It has been blended with the same care as has been the tradition of the firm of Marcovitch for these hundred years past, they appear to have produced a blend of tobacco which suits the average pipe smoker. Available Everywhere ir 1 oz, 2 oz 4
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  • 733 9  -  A. W. A SUCCESSFUL PREMIERE “zdccfnton Youf/i” At Town Hall BY SAMVEL RICHARDSON Linda Brawnlsabel Palmer Steven Gaye Ernest Muriel Genevieve Lang Eve Donaldson Flog dell Gordon Osborne Frank Galloway Cecil Hay Dickie Reynolds All son Tokeley Darling Muriel Blythe Butch James Buchan Chuck
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  • 143 9 Malayan Exhibit Attracts Attention (From Our Own Correspondent) London, November 12. Malay» tn general and the pineapple h in particular gained much valuable at.licity from an excellent exhibition at Jhe Imperial Fruit Show which was held tost week at Liverpool. In addition to a display
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  • 423 9 Distinguished Company On Board Highness the Rajah of Sarawak Sir Charles Vyner Brooke arrived in Penang last night .by the P. &o. Comorin from England in company with his daughter, Miss V. Brooke. They are returning to their country. Among other distinguished passengers who disembarked at Penang
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  • 148 9 Joyous Singing And Charming Acting ON WINGS OF SONG. With Grace Moore, Leo Carrillo, Michael Bartlett, Robert Allen, and Luis Albemi. A Columbia picture. Directed by Victor Schertzinyer. At the Majestic. A worthy successor to its distinguished forerunner, ‘One Night of Love.” There is one difference
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  • 197 9 European Engineer's Claim Against K. L. Firm Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 18. A settlement has been arrived at in the civil suit in which Mr. John Chales Baumann, a mining engineer, sought declaration that he became a partner with Messrs. John Sydney Whittaker and John Gordon, also mining
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  • 296 9 hawkers* licences INCREASED I From Our Own Correspondent, Taiping, Nov. 19. Several important and sane decisions were taken at Tuesday’s meeting of the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board. On Mr. Toh Eng Hoe’s representation the Chairman agreed to look into the matter iof undergrowth at
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  • 243 9 Mr. D. B. Arnott And Miss M. M. Wilson Mr. David Bleir Ainott, an officer j the Malayan Forest Service, Trengganu, and second son of Mr. W. J. Arnott, was married in St. Andrew’s Church, Penang on Monday to Miss Margaret Malcolm Wilson, daughter of Mr.
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  • 132 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 19. The position on Batu Arang coal mines is unchanged since this morning. The majority of workers have retured and Malayan Collieries, Ltd., state they expect the remainder to return gradually. They declared they were unable to give
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  • 226 9 AIR MAIL A mail for the United States of America and other places served via U.S.A, by Imperial Airways to London, by sea to U. S. A. and thence by air services operating in or from U.S.A, will close at 8 a m. on Nov. 22.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 520 9 'late advertisements WANTED BUNGALOW WANTED by European, small SEA-SIDE FI'RNISHED BUNGALOW from Christmas to New Year. Please reply to Box No. 72 C o Pinang Gazette. NOTICES RANTAU TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Notice of Payment of Dividend NOTICE is hereby given that the dividend of
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    • 130 9 For Evening Gowns an Dinner Gowns which are not only up to date but definitely 1937 in style, and good style at that. 23, LIGHT STPENANG. "E. O?’ Hotel PENANG >• Tonight DINNER, DANCE CABARET With the V' BREVITIES v In A Change Of jC* Programme Dinner Cabaret s3]r V
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  • 380 10 All Parties Unite In Opposition SEQUEL OF FEBRUARY MUTINY Tokio. Ail political parties remain stubbornly conv.nced tnat the army is planning a dictatorship in which Loth Cabinet and Diet, though preserved as a matter cf form, would be reduced to mere cyphers. A demal by
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  • 35 10 —Reuter. Moscow, Nov. 18. M. Litvinoff has told the German Ambassador that no serious evidence is available against two of the arrested Germans and they are likely to be released and de- ported.-
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 1757 10 ACTORS ARE PUPPETS IN HANDS OF DIRECTORS More Scope For Development On Legitimate Stage l|F I was disillusioned in the slightest while visiting and studying I Hollywood it was in the “stars.” When an important actor must go over and over his particular part
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 72 10 ARDA.TM TOBACCO CO., LONDON, ENGLAND. I 3 I Z- I HKBrlwP t hwHOw S ONEOFLIFE’S s i ■J PLEASURES ‘i 5 "PRICES NOW REDUCED" !"L P Quarts $6.50 per dozen including duty s t Pints $4.00 per dozen including duty. SOLE AGENTS HENRY WAUGH CO.. LTD. PENANG. PABCO > <
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 455 11 —Zc? —x 7 1' delivery time-table combined subscription rate TIMES of MALAYA PINANG GAZETTE Bakap Kuala Kangsar 3.45 a.m. Butterworth 150p.m. Nibong TebalW». TIMES OF MALAYA Taipmg 425 Bukit Mertajam 2.10 'wvPorft Buwtor Bagan Serai 5.K Sungei Bakap 230 B Qn SeroiW a d Par it Buntar 5.30 Nebong Tebal
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    • 417 12 U.s. OWNERS URGE RETENTION OF DUAL SYSTEM OF SHIP MEASUREMENT A change of the present system of measuring ships for assessment of Panama Canal tolls is opposed by United States shipowners unless it is accomplished without increasing aggregate tolls paid by national ship. The shipowners, in fact
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    • 65 12 The twin-screw passenger liner Orsova has been sold by the Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., to Scottish shipbreakers for about £26,500 as she lies in London. Built by Messrs. John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank in 1909, the Orsova has a gross and net
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    • 121 12 Election Of Elective Member At a weekly meeting of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board recently, Mr. Robert Macfie Faston. a director of Messrs. Macfie and Sons, sugar refiners, of Liverpool, was elected an elective member of the Board in place of the late Mr.
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    • 334 12 S.S. “LYCAON” from Liverpool sails for Hongkong, Shanp-h Dairen. and M.V. “SHANTUNG” from Singapore for Marseilles, Rotterdam and Scandinavia. S.S. “COMORIN” from London via ports. Sails same dav f Or Hong Kong, Shanghai, K obe and Yokohama. S.S. “KARAGOLA” from Singapore sails tomorrow for cutta. v S.S.
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    • 812 12 Expected To Reduce Time Of Voyage AT the North Quay, West Float, Birkenhead, on board their new passenger steamer City of Benares, the directors of City Line, Ltd., recently entertained to luncheon a number of guests representing the shipping interests of the port of
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2006 12 [[RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES THE PUNCH AND JUDY RADIO INTERNATIONAL TABLE SHOW PERSONALITIES-119 TENNIS MATCH A commentary on the International Table A genuine Punch and Judy performance Tennia Match England and Hunwitt, at 11.20 tonight, be broadcast tn 1 £7 ar V is to be broadcast from the Memorial Transmission 3
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  • 316 13 133 Laid Up In Atlantic Ports New York. The seamen on strike claim that they have tied up 133 ships in Atlantic ports. Most of the men remain on board but refuse to do any work. Along the Pacific Coast the strike became more complete as
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  • 25 13 There will be moonlight band performances at the Esplanade on Nov. 26, 27 and 28 from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 290 13 Scheme To Cost £40,000 At a meeting of the Tyne Improvement ommission recently it was announce! that rrangements had been made with the Fred Ilsen Line, of Oslo, regarding accommodafor their traffic between the Tyne and Oslo at a new quay, near Albert Edward I >ock,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 406 13 12 11 1 I I KBIUKFuiWItUMI LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Vee®?*- conjunction with Glen Shire Line) i DIFFER L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp «aaag Middlesbrough Nov 20 Dec 21 paTROCLUS Marseilles, London, Rotterdam, Glasgow. jJ’ D 2 o Apt FNBEG L’don, R dam H’burg, Antwerp V 27 Dec 23 Middlesborough HAVRE
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    • 352 13 Arrive Arrive Penane Marseilles Naw York Dec. 3 PRES. HAYES Dec. 30 Jan. 12 Dec 17 PRES. WILSON Jan. 13 Jan. 26 Dec. 31 PRES. MONROE Jan. 30 Feb. 9 A wTinderful opportunity to visit Cairo en route. PACIFIC SERVICE. Have you travelled on our New Liners The President Hoover
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    • 744 13 P&O British" India Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “M. HARI” Nov. 20 Outwards from London for China Japan. BULAN Nov. 27 due Penang 1936 SARJNGS OF STEAMERSOF THK
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 481 13 RADIO PROGRAMMES c 'p^ e ,r l 2 m I PENANG tO l isteners in New Zealand. 2.2o—News' and economic review in English. 2. 35 —To- j t a\ eiength: 493 metres) jn G erman y. Sound pictures. 2.50 TOO \y folk music. 700 Time Signal and Day’s Programme 350
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    • 169 13 V.U.C. CALCUTTA Wavelength 49.10 metres (B,loOkca.) TODAY 5.51 p.m.—News bulletin in Bengali 6.ll—News bulletin in English. 6.31 —Indian theatrical night. 9.31 —Time signal. Close down. 2RO ROME Waveleagtb: 11.81 Meo (25.4 m.) TODAY 9.20 p.m.—Opening announcement News in English. Vaudeville. “The life of the Fascist University Group,” a talk by
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    • 66 13 OFFICIAL OPENING OF 8.8. C. TELEVISION SERVICE (Continued from Page 12) subsequent transmitting station, according as public interest justifies this course. Technically. Britain leads today, and we shall try. in the words of Sir Antony Gloster. to “Keep our light so shining a little in front of the rest.” Today’s
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  • 1378 14 Following are the weights for the first day of the Singapore Turf Club Winter meeting at Bukit Timah tomorrow. 3 Y. O. FREE HANDICAP— 4» Furion»». A where am I 9.07 HOtrt» 100 MARIE ANTOINETTE 9.02 “Mr. Strathaird- Mr. O. M. Noordm 14 2
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  • 59 14 Ladies* Golf Match The annual match for the McLeod Craik cup will be played on the Penang Sports Club’s main golf course on Monday, Nov. 30. Ladies wishing to play are asked to enter their names on the list posted in the Golf Club. Further particulars
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  • 162 14 The Anglo-Chinese School threw away numerous chances of snatching victory from the Eastern Smelting Club in their hodkey encounter at the Suffolk House ground last evening. The result was a goalless draw. The game on the whole was a dull affair. On the general run
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  • 146 14 KAY YONG BEATEN BY TARA SINGH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 20. Local talent provided the entire card at last night’s boxing when Tara Singh met his old rival, Kay Yong, in the main event over 12 two-minute rounds. The Sikh had the advantage in height,
    146 words
  • 325 14 Teveria And La Brooy Shine Displaying better combination and stickwork, the Penang Recreation Club beat the Government Trade School at hockey at the Padang yesterday by a solitary goal scored in the first half. For the home team, W. Teveria, as centre forward, was speedy
    325 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 554 14 In did of EARL HAIG'S POPPY DAY FUND ST. MARK'S SCHOOL FUND B.R.C. SPORTS FUNn at THE SHANGHAI THEATRE HALL, BUTTERWORTH ON SATURDAY. 21st NOVEMBER, 1934 AT 9 P.M. “Abu Hassan” presented by the Butterworth Recreation Club and vaudeville items by Chris and his boys and Pupils, St M irk’
      554 words

  • 1349 15 rulers see the RED LIGHT most agreeable result of the decision of Fred Perry to take up pro--1 fessional lawn tennis is the change of attitude I understand will henceforward be adopted by certain members of the Lawn Tennis Association v J
    1,349 words
  • 141 15 Few Rugby clubs possess a keener, more successful supporters’ club than Leicester. It has been described as “the envy of Rugby footban followers throughout the country.” Although the Leicester supporters’ organisation has been in existence for only two years, it has already handed over to the Leicester F.
    141 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 15 The Orient goalie cleared in time during a raid by Milwall in their match last week.
    19 words
  • 383 15 London, Nov. 11. Len Harvey, beaten but cheerful in spite of a swollen hand and a cut eye, returned to his duties as boxing manager of Wembley Stadium, Ltd., yesterday. A cheque for £1,750 (purse money) in favour of Len Harvey was made out by
    383 words
  • 119 15 °UBLIC TO PAY THROUGH THE TOTE A big consignment of horses left Newmarket recently for shipment to Russia. An enormous expansion of racing is contemplated in the U.S.S.R., and it is probable that the heavy purchases of bloodstock in Great Britain will continue. It is stated
    119 words
  • 675 15 GERMANY HANDS OUT A "SHAMATEUR" GIBE TABLE TENNIS GAME IS BATTLE GROUND FOR MUD-SLINGING ENGLISH FREEDOM RULE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF the height of its prosperity, the table tennis game is just now the battle ground for a, pretty hefty spot of mudslinging. The German table tennis authorities,
    675 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

    • 304 16 Steady The Stock Exchange was Steady. London, Nov. 19. esterday Rise or Fall Con. 5 p.c., 1944-64 117 H Funding, 4 px., 1960-90 117 H War Loan, 3(4 p-c 10 °H Strait» 6 p.c.. 1936-51 IU2 H Com. Un. Ass. (Units) 11 Prudential M A Royal Assce.
      304 words
    • 120 16 London. Nov. 19. RUBBER Dull. Spot 88 buyers 83 sellers. Jan./March 8H buyers 8? sellers. April/June 81J buyers 83 sellers. Jtdy/Sept. 83 buyers B}J sellers. New York 18.08 cts. United Kingdom Stocks: London 39,510 tons Liverpool 53,678 tons COPRA Rtratts SO. Rotterdam. £18.15.0. FEPPER White Muntok in
      120 words
    • 178 16 KENNEDY A CO The louvwlng are u*e latest iin MESSRS. KENNEDY A Cou'b Shars ,Uat today:— RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenby 1-80 1-85 Batu Lintang 1.27} I.32}ex Indragiri 1.50 1.55 Kuala Sidim 2.75 2.85 Mentakab -45 *47} Parit Perak 2.40 2 50 MINES i Bangrin 23|0 24(0 I Batu Selangor 1-27}
      178 words
    • 109 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 964 105 964 New York 4.882 Montreal 4.88} 4.881 Brussels 28.91 28.273 Geneva 21.265 21.261 Amsterdam 9.04? 9.04 J Milan 92H 92{& Berlin 12.15 12.15} Stockholm 19.39 H 19.39*4 Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 2626*4 Prague 138} 138} Madrid 55.00
      109 words
    • 154 16 RUBBER 5 Buyers Sellers Batu Lintangs 1.27} 1.32} Bentas 1.07} 1.12} Brogas 1.00 1.05 Lunas 2.12} 2.20 M. Pindaa 1.72} 1.80 Mentakabs .45 .47} Pajama 2.12} 2.20 Sungei Tukangs 1.27} 1.32}c Ulu Bentua .55 .57} TINS Bangrins 23|6 2413 Batu Selangors 1.27} 1.32} Hong Fatts 1.25 1.27} Jelapangs
      154 words
    • 212 16 Buyers Sellers TiAS Ampats 5) 5.3 Ayer Hitams 20,0 21 Oex Ayer Wengs 1.95 2.05 Bangrins 23 3 24 j 3 Batu Selangors 1.27} 1.30 Chenderiangs 25 6 26 6 Hong Fatts 127 1.30 ex Hongkongs 22 6 2316 luris 15j0 16 0 Ipohs 37i9 39 0 Jelepangs
      212 words
    • 182 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. Buyers Sellers TIN Eatu Selangor 1.27} 1.32} Hong Fatt 1-27} 1.32} Jelebus 1.17} 1.22} Klang River 2.00 2.05 Lukut 1-50 1.55 North Taiping .70 .72} PetaUngs 9.75 10.00 Rahman Hyd. 1.15 1.17} Rantau Ordy. 1.30 1.35 Rantau Pref. 1.35 1.40 Sungei Luas 1.92} 1.97} Sungei Ways 3.20
      182 words
    • 150 16 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Scdexa MINING Ampats 5(3 gjjj Asams 32(6 33;9 A. Wengs 1.97} 2.05 B. Selangors 1.27} 1.32} Hong Fatts 1.22 1.27 Jelapangs 23 6 24|3 Jelebus 1.18 j. 23 R atus 24(3 25 3 K. Lanjuts 22*6 23 3 i Kramats 6io 626 9(3
      150 words
    • 107 16 Y T 4 E >o AY £2 3??50 T Londo D -(3 month») £233.10.0.... Sss nn Singapore »114.75 »115 m Business Done »115.00 Penang Business Done COPRA.-—(Sundried) >7 40 BLACK PEPPER < 6 7 8f i d Ne York 18ic(G) Singapore-Spot 31c 3l}c 31c Jan./Mar 31 C April/June
      107 words
    • 141 16 —Reuter. Possibility Of A Quota Cut London, Nov. 19. Excellent American questionnaire figures for October, revealing consumption to be well above the highest estimates while stocks declined by 9,000 tons compared with September failed to provide a tonic for the London rubber market. It is pointed
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 172 16 NON-STOP AUSTIN COMPETITION Ist. Prize $lOO 2nd. Prize 50 3rd. Prize 25 CONDITIONS The new three bearing crankshaft In the event of more than one competitor qualifying for any prize Austin, which started y w j|j divided equally between 16th will travel for a week at an those qualifying. approximate
      172 words
    • 823 16 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE THE MERCANTILE p« m HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ OF INDIA, LTD K N. V. Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised (NETHERLANDS TRADING Capital Subscribed 000 tot Reserve Fund and Rest SOCIETY.) Capital Paid Up £1 050,«t. Established in Amsterdam 1824. BOARD OF directors Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairncatto HEAD OFFICE:
      823 words