Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 November 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 630 1 Tender System May Play Into Hands of Japan 1 he curt announcement that Government has under consideration the question of calling; for tenders for the issue of licences under the Textile Quotas Ordinance has created consternation among textile dealers in Malaya. J Ihe Government announcement is
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  • 158 1 M.P. 'S NOT TO MEET THE KING Reuter. a POLITICAL SENSATION London, Nov. 16. sensation has been created in political circles by the refusal of two Labour \V ish M.P.’s, Mr. Aneurin Bevan, (1. bur ale) and Mr. W. H. 'iaiii A. r:-; i Ilhondda), E) to be pre- >
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 65 1 "Reuter Wireless. Monthly Output Of British Factory i London, Nov. 12. r G. Lloyd, Under-Secretary at the Home ();’>, e, told the House of Commons, a Government feetory is expected to frwiuce 2. Hi, (joo gas-mesks monthly which be d free to the general public in emerge ncy.
    "Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 43 1 Ibuter Wireless. Beirut, Nov. 13. I With the signature of the Franco-Lebanon today and the signature of the fban treaty on December 1, both France’s territories in the Near East me independent republics. The treaties th< lines of the Anglo-Iraq treaty.
    ' Ibuter Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 73 1 London, Nov. 16. car in which the Prime Minister and rs BaiOv. n were returning to Downing r <vt from Chequers was involved in col- 1011 V rday evening. No one was a severe shaking.— British Radio n '< r k. H. Song, second inspector, <ri
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  • 174 1 —Reuter Wireless. Loyalists Executed In Sight Of British Residents Gibraltar, Nov. 13. i Since the insu gents captured the British- owned Rio Tinto Mines they have shot} over 1,500 Communist miners including, 100 women, according to a high British official of the mine who has arrived here.
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  174 words
  • 53 1 .—Reuter. Washington, Nov. 16. Mr. Roosevelt has issued a proclamation inviting the nations of the world to participate in the New York World’s Fair 1939 celebrating the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of the first U.S. president and the establishment of i national Government in
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 131 1 —Reuter. May Leave Today For South America Washington, Nov. 16. Roosevelt has definitely decided to go to Buenos Aires. He will probably leave tomorrow to attend the inter-American peace conference. Tn a statement to a conference of mayors of various porta affected by the «hipping «trike who asked
    .—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 37 1 Final tuning up of the Austin Seven before she started on a marathon non-stop test round Penang Island yesterday. E ntry form f o r $175 competition on Page Sixteen. Photo by Ebata, Penang.
    Photo by Ebata, Penang.  -  37 words
  • 432 1 EmpText Hospitals On Fire Madrid, Nov. 16. a <rnte is now definitely established. A co- lumn of Nationalists, mostly Moroccans, penetrated University City inside Madrid, but left their communications unprotected. The Loyalists fiercely counter-at-tacked and claim to have completely surrounded the invaders. The most frightful air
    EmpText  -  432 words
  • 160 1 FAREWELL TO AIR COMMODORE S. W. SMITH (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Nov. 16. The Governor will fly to Penang on Nov. 23 in company with Air Commodore S. W. Smith in three flyingboats of No. 205 Squadron. Commodore Smith will be entertain- ed to
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  • 30 1 —Reuter. Washington, Nov. JC. Mr. Roper, Secretory of Commerce, discussed the shipping strike with President Roosevelt. He emerged declaring that tbo prospects of a settlement appeared morn hcpeful.-
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 rAfTcnEONGI N 0 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 89 1 Bedak Virain Face ’’owdev i MANUFACTURED IN BATAVIA, JAVA. Pow Her improves the complexion, removes pimples, taket dirt off and smoothes thr skin. I: stops itches and prirk! v j t j s in for the Nursery. GUARANTEED FREE FROM INJURIOUS INGREDIENTS. (Registered Free g'™» Trade Mark) awav 00 «PPlication
      89 words

  • 769 2 There Is Justice In His Tests A SPECTACLED, almost pugnaciousfaced middle-aged man —his face that of an American business magnate under the grey wig of the eighteenth century—leaned over his desk in a white- walled, severely simple room in North London
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  • 318 2 Fatal Error At An Operation CHiLD GIVEN PURE CARBON DIOXIDE A doctor’s “lapse of memory” which led to the death of a child undergoing an operation at Sutton and Ch earn Hospital, Surrey, for mastoid trouble, was described at an inquest at Sutton last week. The
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  • 171 2 Insurance C?asm Judgment Paris. November 9. The first legal interpretation of the decree aligning the franc with the pound sterling and the dollar has been given by a Paris arbitral court. A collision took place on Feb. 17, last I year, between the British steamer King I Edgar
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  • 134 2 Arrested by the Singapore police on a charge of possession of counterfeit coin, a 60-year-old Chinese, Yap Ah Kim. became ill and died in a hospital cell before his [trial was held. Chronic nephritis and ter.Tninal heart failure, according to Dr. Nad-a-liajan of the General Hospital,
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  • 160 2 I Colonel Charles Lindbergh plans to make i his two-years-old son, Jon, as air-minded as he is himself. That is his chief reason for the purchase of a ’plane built to his own specifications for the highest degree of safety. Jon will soon be taken
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  • 159 2 “For some time now I have been making my own way in the world, and I hope to continue to do so.” Mr. John Amery, the young son of Mr. T, S. Amery. M.P., made this statement last week regarding an announcement in the London Gazette
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Ceci! Street. Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel “Times’* Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. Landon Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E.C.4 Phone Central 3508—3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Penang Within
      633 words
    • 263 2 I TheWorld-FamedCutkura SKIN sb rtmndw failtd to two TREATMENT M POSITIVELY HEALS The wonderful curative powers of Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are due to a unique ECZEMA combination of soothing, healing, antiseptic neOßiAeia» medicaments. rfIVKIASIfI These medicaments penetrate to the depths of PIMPLES the eruption and allay itching instantly.
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  • 381 3 vo:. uct of international relations. British Radio. Recent Promises Broken London, Nov. 16. Re-ret that the German Government foul'd once again have abandoned pro,r, by negotiation in favour of unilat ril action in denouncing articles of the v rsailk-s Treaty relating to nationalisa-
    vo:. uct of international relations.—British Radio.  -  381 words
  • 40 3 —Reuter. Wilmingtori, Nov. 16. The engagement is officially announced of Franklin Roosevelt, the President’s son, and Miss Ethel Dupont. The newspapers describe the engagement as a “MontaguCapulet” romance owing to the Dupont family's opposition to Mr. Roosevelt’s policies.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 9 3 British Radio. London, Nov. 16. .—British Radio.
    British Radio.  -  9 words
  • 407 3 control routes oT processions. —British Radio. Second Reading in Commons London, Nov. 16. In moving the second reading in the House of Commons of the Public Order Bill which inter alia win prohibit wearing of political uniforms, the Home Secretary, Sir John Simon, said that since the
    control routes oT processions. —British Radio.  -  407 words
  • 6 3 —British Radio. —British Radio.
    .—British Radio.  -  6 words
  • 168 3 —Reuter. Shanghai, Nov. 16. i 18 learned that strict censorships has 1 r lamped down in Japan on the pews Tok io and Berlin, despite denials, are the finishing touches to an antitreaty, the negotiations for 1 i were initiated on the return recently -Japan of the
    .—Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 136 3 British Radio. Ao Reply Yet From Japan London, Nov. 16. Mr. Eden was asked in the House of i Commons whether the Government had now received full satisfaction from the Japanese Government in respect of the incident in which three British sailors were illtreated by Japanese police
    British Radio.  -  136 words
  • 136 3 —Reuter. Further German Protests Ignored run, Nov. 16. Germany was today informed by the Soviet authorities of the names of 14 out of the 23 arrested Germans, states an official communique announcing that nine Germans were arrested in Moscow 12 in Leningrad, one at Kharkov and one
    . —Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 94 3 .—British Radio. -Famous Site For Municipal Flats London, Nov. 16. One of the largest schemes for Municipal i flats ever considered by the London County Council will be examined by that body tomorrow. Development is recommended of a site of fifty acres formerly occupied by the White City
    .—British Radio.  -  94 words
  • 170 3 Adm. Yarnell Calls On The Governor (F om Our Own Correspondent). S ngapore, Nov. 16. i Seventeen ships of war, manned by 4,000 officers and ratings were ancicrei in the Singapore Roads this mornir.g following the arrival of the greater part of the United States Asiatic
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  • 113 3 Manchukuo-Mongol Forces Driven Back Peiping, Nov. 16. After two days’ fighting in which aeroplanes dropped more than a hundred bombs on the Chinese positions, the combined Manchukuo-Mongol forces invading Eastern Suiyuan withdrew into Chahar this afternoon. The invaders, assisted by tanks ard armoured cars, repeatedly attacked the Chinese
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  • 53 3 .—Reuter. London, Nov. 16. The King, on the recommendation of Gen. Hertzog, has appointed Mr. Patrick Duncan, South African Min ster cf M.nes, Governor-General, South Africa, in succession to Lord Clarendon whose extended period of office expires in March. Mr. Duncan win be the first South
    .—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 36 3 left Istanbul today for Salonika- —British Radio. London, Nov. 18. The Turkish Fleet, which is to pay a courtesy visit to the British Fleet in Malta, left Istanbul today for Salonika. —British
    left Istanbul today for Salonika-—British Radio.  -  36 words
  • 76 3 Daughter For Mrs G, E. Tat ham (F om Cur Own Correspondent). Singapore, Nov. 16. Sir William Munson, former Chief Justice, now in retirement in Guernsey, received cablegrain from Singapore on Saturday intuimffig him that he had become a “grafidpa.” Lady Murison was present at the General
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  • 90 3 44 Free Dancing and Beer-30 cents* <F. om Qur Own Correspondent) fThgapore, Nov. IS. Several hundred British soldiers an*b jDtftek sailors in Singapore are looking tor a Chinese who sold them tickets providing free entiance, "free beer end other drinks and free dancing at a Cabaret
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  • 61 3 Japanese Consolidating Positions Shanghai, Nov. IS. Tt is reported that Gen. Sung Che-yuen. flew secretly to Honan to see Marshal Oiiang Kai-shek concerning measures to "be taken against the Japanese front in. Hopei which will soon be extended an<l reinforced with additional Japanese troops: Eastern Chahar will soon became
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  • 40 3 Shanghai, Nov. 16. The Sino-Japanese aeroplane service m. Wahpeh win start on Nov. 17. Eight machines are due to arrive in Tientsin*, tomorrow. The company has announced, the time and fare tables for four aeroplane lines.
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  • 41 3 Shanghai, Nov. 16. Addressing 5,000 officials, teachers, cadets and students gathered at the memorial service at Likyang Mi'itary College Marshal Chiang Kai-shek urged, the soldiers to acquire knowledge if China, is to have equality with the other powers.
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  • 19 3 Rebel machine-gtenners preparing a nest .—British Radio.
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  • 715 4 HINDU CENTRES IN LOVELY HILL COUNTRY •HE temple of Kedaroath is situated at an altitude of 11,753 feet above the level of the sen. It is built on a ridge jutting out at right angles from the snowy range, below the peak of Mahapanth. Ths 1
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  • 455 4 Enthusiastic Scenes At Howrah «ARCHES, 200 GARLANDS, 50,000 PEOPLE Calcutta, November 5. Reminiscent of the signal honour which this city had shown to his illustrious father Bn the occasion of the Congress Session in 3928, an enthusiastic reception was accorded this morning to Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru
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  • 131 4 Flans For The Future After his short holiday in Ceylon Mr. CL F. Andrews sailed for Bombay. In an interview with the Associated Press he said that his health has slightly improved hut still prevents him from undertaking *ny public engagements. In India he Siopea
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  • 285 4 Autographed Rupee Note For Girl TOUCHING INCIDENT AT NANDPUR A touching incident occurred during the Viceroy's visit to Nandpur, a village in Ludhiana, where Lord Linlithgow broke journey while returning to Delhi from Kashmir. Two village girls sang a song of welcome and His Excellency gave
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  • 145 4 "No Bigger Task For An Englishman" London. November 6. “There is no bigger task for an Englishman anywhere than in India.” declared Lord Halifax addressing Oxford undergraduates on the Indian Civil Service as a career. He wanted to see that the progress of partnership
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  • 199 4 An Imperial Responsibility The tasks of the defence forces of India were formidable and vital to the Empire declared Sir Philip Chetwode in an address to the Royal United Service InstiI tution. The frontier of India should re- main an Imperial responsibility until we have perfectly
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  • 825 4 •KONG TEK' CEREMONY The “Kong tek” ceremony of the late Mr. Khoo Soo Kean father of Mr. Khoo Hock Soo, the local barrister, takes place today at his residence No. 26 Prangin Lane. The Tan Hong Seah Opera, of the Fun Frolic Park, has been specially engaged
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 VQkI f f j Wll M liOl life I B 1 > It’;'' t I' > I 3 IB IPI il Ww» Hi iIBBI. WMF?' if 4 w BREWED AND BOTTLED IN SINGAPORE BY THEI ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY CU? distributors HENRY WAUGH aCffJ
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  • 1099 5 Thirty Years In Building Monument To Chinese Enterprise The Canton-Hankow Railway was first sii' Kt sted as a scheme of development some seventy years ago by Sir Macdonald Stephinson. It is an obvious link, for it connects the two great commercial rivers of China, the Yangtze
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  • 53 5 “HOLD IT:" said Gertrude Lawrence, the British actress, when she turned the tables on Press photographe r s who greeted her in New York, and snapped them. She is io fulfil engagements on the American stage. Since her arrival she has heard the news of
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  • 987 5 Preston M. P. As Export Credits Adviser "MAN ON THE SPOT CORRESPONDENT" WITH an extension of British export trade with China in view of the Export Credits Guarantee Department appointed Mr. William MacCoVn Kirkpatrick, Conservative M.P. for Preston, as its representative io China. Mr. Kirkpatrick,
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  • 71 5 Tokyo, November 10. The Asahi Shimbun reports that some branches of light industry, notably the manufacturers of lanterns, fans, electric bulbs, flags, celluloid ware, china-ware, silk, and textiles are enjoying a “Coronation” boom, being flooded with orders from British merchants in connection with King Edward’s Coronation.
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  • 68 5 Bangkok. Returns from the colectirg stat ons for Poppy Dey indicate that over £2OO sterling w r as collected, including the gift from the King of Siam of £5O. The French, Italian, Siamese and B Dish war veterans all combined on
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  • 457 5 Sequel To Quarrel Ou Estate I Found not guilty by the unanimous vets i of a special jury, Ong Kim Lian, a 14-year-old Chinese, was acquitted by Mr. Justice I Adrian Clark at the Singapore Assizes on two charges of murder, of Jin Lee and.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 CONSULT THE I ELECTRIFICATION SCHEMES ffl FOR All SPHERES H OF INDUSTRY —The General Electric Co., Ltd., undertakes complete I electrification schemes of any magnitude in any part Ju e f of the world, installing plant and equipment made entirely in England in G.E.C. works or those of its g
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  • 379 6 PLEA FOR NEW ENACTMENTS Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. Help for the man in the street wbo is entangled in the intricate web of the law and yet cannot plead ignorance as an excuse was urged by Mr. Yong Shook Lin, speaking at yesterday’s meeting of
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  • 266 6 GROWING IMPORTANCE OF SINGAPORE The whole of Burma, The Pinang Gazette understands, is to be placed within the adjndnistrative area of the Royal Air Force Far East Command. Thin highly important decision, made by Che British Air Ministry after consultation -guifh the India and Colonial
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  • 66 6 Death Of 19-Year-Old Chinese "Nonya" Johore Bahru, Nov. 12. Kunjiraman Nambar was this njarn-n® a&agi&rate, Sheikh Abu Baker bin Yahya and charged with the murder of Caeah Saw' Gim, a •Chinese "Nonya” of 19 years of age at Linden Estate, Scudai, on Tuesday aftersoon. On the application of
    66 words
  • 288 6 Imperial Air Mails Close Tomorrow aib mah. A mail for Siam, Burma, India, Iraq, Figypt, Sudan, Belgian Congo, Great Bn- tain, Ireland and whole of Europe by Imperial Airways wi l close at 8 a.m. tomorrow. A ma.l for the United States of America and other
    288 words
  • 111 6 Australia First And Then Europe The Ncm’ble Mr. Marcus Rex who h s been, acting Bri ish R~s dent, Perak, sincr the departure of Mr. G. E. Cator, C.M.G.. [on furlough, left Taipirg cn Sunday by the mid-day mail tra n for Singapore pr x I “*c
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  • 116 6 Accident On Hunting Expedition (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 15. A European Government official. Mr. A. E. Coope. was accidentally shot on a hunting expedition last night. He was operated on at Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, tonight and his condition is stated to be fairly comfort»ible.
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  • 168 6 PROGRAMME FOR TODAY (Wavelength: 48.92 and 110 metres.) Gramophone records by Messrs. Robinson Piano Co. Kuala Lumpur. 7.00 p.m. DX 721 Andante Cantabile lAm Waldesbach Marcel Moyse, Flute. DX 739 Siegfried Idyll Grand Orch. Phil, of Paris. LX 514 Harmonious Blacksmith Alla Turea Walter
    168 words
  • 548 6 Uniform Law Throughout Malaya OBJECT OF NEW BILL At the meeting of the Legislative Council tomorrow, a Bill to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Post Office Savings Bank will be introduced. The objects and reasons are as follows: At present the Straits Settlements
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  • 99 6 Escapade By White Russian In mid-ocean, about half-way between Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, and Kobe, Japan, a Wh te Russian attempting to reach the United States from Shanghai was transferred from the Dollar line’s President Harrison and taken back to China The P-esident Harrison arrived at Singapore
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  • 115 6 $303,000 For Maintenance Of Buildings Roads (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. A provision of $303,000 for the maintenance of buildings and roads with the view to wipe off the arrears of work owing to the slump was included in the estimates of expenditure
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  • 118 6 Aircraftman Drowned Aircraftman Arthur Robert C. Dutton, of the R.A.F. Workshops, Seletar, was drowned in a sailing accident in the Straits of Johore on Friday night. It is understood that Dutton set out in a sailing dinghy and, when about a quarter, of a mile from the shore,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 79 6 M AJE.STIC OPENING TONIGHT NEXT CHANGE! A Sana of Couraae I More You n ThriU To JUijU V» vuuivijc. Glorious Singing Of A Salute to Gallantry MW tLgJM dS Mfr I -1 Ay SIB G9T STAMDIHG e&mWiOMHI ROSALiKQ KEITH IBM BROW» mocBOELL TYnnedy, Romance a r, d Drama Mingle In
      79 words
    • 337 6 WHO 6.15 OPENING TONIGHT g.&j POE’S WEIRDEST SHUDDER STCipv COMES TO LIFE Y The yawning pit, the swinging pendulum —all the torture and horror devices hi that Chamber of Chills conceived by th b master of fantastic fiction and poetry» Carl Laemmle presents KARLOFF of “Frankenstein” fame! and LUGOSI of
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  • 730 7 Magistrate’s Warning To Chinese Youth WARNING Loke Koon San, an 18-year-old Chinese, that a young man of his age should not get mixed up in revolutionary society, Mr. H. A. L. Luckham, the Penang police magistrate, yesterday convicted accused on a charge
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  • 212 7 Witchcraft Allegations Woodbridge, (New Jersey). Stories of how a woman changed herself into some sort of animal with horns were told before a magistrate in a court here. He was hearing charges brought by the *oman against three of her neighbours, accusing them of annoying her.
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  • 199 7 Has A "Mirror” Mind Moundsville, (West Virginia). 1 A boy whose mind appears to work backwards is puzzling doctors here. He is 11-year-old Harold Elliott. His stranga mental twist forces his fingers to write figures and letters backwards. As a result of his condition he
    199 words
  • 307 7 Like Mickey Mouse. But Zulus Scare Them Johanhesburg Abraham, centemarian chief of the few surviving Bushmen who have been brought here for the Empire Exhibit-oa, w 11 never be surprised again. Where the white man is, anything is possible, he now believes. He has seen i
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  • 35 7 Mr. Tan Cheng Hock, advocate and solicitor, Penang, and Miss Teng Sok Fan, of Shanghai, who were married at the Chinese Consulate, Penang, cn Saturday. —Photo by J. Rugdee Co., Penang.
    —Photo by J. Rugdee & Co., Penang.  -  35 words
  • 205 7 Regained By Fiance After Fierce Chase Belgrade. Within one hour, Jelena Jocipovitch, prettiest girl in the Banja Luke district pf Bosnis. was stolen and regained. On the eve of her wedding, a jilted lover waited in ambush until she went to the well for water.
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  • 156 7 Chinese Shopkeepers Fined An array of imitation Parker pens were exhibited before Mr. M.C. Hay, the District Judge, Penang, yesterday, when five .Chinese shopkeepers. Hoh Poh. Moh Chee. ■Moi Yu Yong. Leong Pan and Tan Yeok I Sim. were summoned at the instance of Detective Inspector Jackson
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  • 186 7 Doctor Blames Nerves (Salt Lake City, Utah). Fear of divorce or “mother-in-law” trouble can give women appendicitis, ac--1 cording to Dr. Walter S. Alvarez, lecturing 'to the Utah Medical Association Conven- tion. “A great part of all this indigestion and 'pains in the stomach,” he said is
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  • 56 7 The case in which Chew Peng Ghee, until recently an employee of Mansfield and CO, who was charged with having dishonestly misappropriated the property of Mansfield and Co., namely $522.50, was again mentioned before Mr. M.C. Hay in the District Court, Penang, yesterday. The case was
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  • 591 7 Handcart Puller’s Evidence Of Roof Giving Way pURTHER details of the accident, occurred on June 29 this year, when a young Indian boy, Sikander, was killed by falling debris from house No. 47, Beach Street, which was in the course of demolition, were disclosed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 NEW SPRINGTIDE HOTEL! Phone No. 60 I TANJONG BUNGAH, PENANG gjjy i l—i 3 -r.. —rr. v J-”” c t I 4 U s -I ■"<’ /st -■■’Jsrtv aSaF SK,* f ■> > -.«’WsL 1 A' J J 5 i\_ ‘/Fx ■zfi\ /I i I■ L I 5 s ■’S'*
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  • 708 8 THE status of Indian labour in Malaya, oft discussed before, is once again to the front with the impending visit of a delegation from India to study tlte working of immigration laws and the conditions of labour here. The “problems” particularly to be studied
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  • 378 8 "IGNORANCE OF THE LAW" To The Editor. I Sir, —We read of Court news published daily in one paper or another but few of us stop to think and question ourselves what is the primary cause that has brought forth these cases. The answer to most
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  • 635 8 An In The Sun— The Austin Goes Round and Round —Penang and the Drama Gifts THE broiling sun that has smitten Penang in the last two or three days has been a general topic of conversation. A reader of the “Pinang Gazette” writes me saying he conducted
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  • 264 8 Offences Against Liquor Ordinance Fines amounting to 5330 was imposed by Mt. H.A.L.. Luckham in the Police Court, Penang, this morning, on two Chinese, Chye Ah Seng and Teh Ah Chye for offences under the Liquor Revenue Ordinance. Ah Chye pleaded guilty to three charges of being
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  • 162 8 Scene At An Auction Sa!e (From Our Cv.u Cjrrespondent) j Taipiixg. Nov. 16. j While watching an auc-.icn sale in Cross St. on Sunday afternoon, a Chinese shop» keeper from fort Weld fond a hand going into his shirt pocket, where he kept lo oB currency notes
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  • 61 8 I For stealing three planks, vlll nce d cents, a Chinese Khoo Kow was st to two weeks’ imprisonment by r L. Luckham, in the Penang 1" 1 this morning. ptective at Accused was arrested by a j al! ;cs. 1 a.m. on Nov. 13, carrying
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 20 8 M‘UKwl R ESERVE CUVBE B Ckampagn* 8 Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co M Ltd. PENANG IPORL K. LUMPLR A SINGAPORE
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 295 8 I EXHIBITION OF ANCIENT CHINESE MODEL VILLAGES AT WEMBLEY. Tuesday, 17th November. 1936. WEMBLEY MAIN GATE 10 CENTS ONLY. “ANCIENT CHINESE MODEL VILLAGES” REAL WORKING MODELS Patrons will be amazed to see a Replica of old Chinese sceneries, landscapes and waterfalls ancient monasteries and temples, natural cliffs, hills pagodas, teakiosks
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  • 463 9 armed police on guard AT THE MINES further Details Oj Saturday’s Riot (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. Further details of the clash between Batu Arang police and t lc rioting miners on Saturday night are now available. There were only five local
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  • 105 9 Prominent Ipoh Hockey Player Injured Edward Le, technical subordinate. Ipoh E '.ri Light Department, was involved in a motor accident on Saturday night L- who Is a prominent hockey player had, hour before the accident played for th ipoh District Hockey Association against Kuala Kangsar. He was
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  • 57 9 Sentence was deferred by Mr. H.A.L. Luckham, the Police Magistrate, Penang, morning, when a Chinese pleaded < Ul lty to a charge of theft of five chieels, valued $5, the property of the Municipal v mmissioners, Penang. The case was postponed to Nov. 20 for of accused’s
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  • 23 9 in the Maternity Hospital, N Ti- tarl y Tuesday morning, 17th G Li E llen Elizabeth, the wife of Hetcher, a son.
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  • 122 9 PENANG TEAM TO MEET TAIPING Penang golfers are travelling to Taiping to meet the Perak (Taiping) Golf Club on Sunday. Players leaving on Sunday morning should catch a ferry not later than 7. 30 a.m. Players requiring accommodation in Taiping on Saturday should communicate with the Captain, Mr.
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  • 116 9 The Penang Sports Club “A’’ hockey team wifi play against the Anglo-Chinese School at Suffolk ground today at 5.15 p.m.:— P.S.C. “A”:—A. Donald; J. E. A. Clark and J. A. McEvoy: S. L. McNee, S. VjAdams and J. N. Cooley; V. Hansen, G. A;’ Maltby,
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  • 156 9 Voluntary Liquidation The following statement has been issued from the London offices of C. W. A. Scott’s Flying Display Ltd.: “Mr. C. W. A. Scott has agreed, in conjunction with his co-directors, that C. W. A. Scotts Flying Display Limited should go into voluntary liquidation.
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  • 108 9 Old Georgians Draw With Sikhs (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Nov. 16. In a good match at the Esplanade today, the Old Georgians drew with the Taiping Sikhs, each side scoring a goal. The Sikhs opened the scoring through Uttam Singh who dribbled through on his own. In
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  • 101 9 —Reuter. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. It is learned that negotiations with the strikers concluded at about 1 a.m. today when arrangement was made for the miners to consider the company’s final proposal and give an answer Kt 10 a.m. but through another meeting has been
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 128 9 In a fast game of hockey on the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club ground, the Government Trade School were beaten by the S. L.R.C. by one goal to nil. Poor finishing robbed the School of many good chances, while thT defence on both sides played a sound
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  • 124 9 First Cord On Nov. 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 16. After a lapse of several years, boxing is to be revived in Taiping. The Perak Boxing Board of Control has granted a licence to a local promoter, and the first card to
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  • 407 9 NO ALTERATIONS TO BE MADE That the Malacca Historical Society has secured, through the Resident Councillor Government's approval that no structural alterations will be made to the Stadthuis, and that the use of this historic building as Government Offices will gradually be discontinued, with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 BUNGALOW TO LET •hmedj < from lst da y °f December 1936 tim A ‘••ntry. Compound House No. 3 Per n hye Boad, Penang. Rent sl2o|- Apply to:— M R m Periyanan Chettiar, No. 134 Penang Street, Penang.
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    • 172 9 I’ "E. O.” Hotel I PENANG >) TOMORROW DINNER DANCE And CABARET With THE BREVITIES A Cabaret Act that is Different. Dancers. A Acrobatics. Featuring a Sensational A Thrilling Australian “Stock-Whip” Dance. o:— t DINNER CABARET $3/- NON-DINERS $l/i S. S. "PRESIDENT HARRISON”' IN PORT. '.O'. For Table Reservations, ’Phone
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 54 9 Fv— I -i---. IO IV' JB. >'• iJ -WE».' -jF varS-ty''" l ■vF 7 > 'V. Heaton and Johns appearing at the E. O. Hotel, tomorrow night (Wed. Dollar Night). This act known as the “BREVITIES” has been described by pre-view critics as the “most popular, and versatile, Cabaret Team
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  • 811 10 Early History Recalled At Co-operators’ Dinner OVER $2,000,000 INVESTED IN GOVERNMENT LOANS Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 15. THAT the Co-operative Societies in Malaya have acquired over $2,000,000 worth of the F. M. S. and S. S. loan shares was revealed by Mr. R.
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  • 97 10 School-Teachers* "Extravagant Make-Up" Istanbul. Because their ’’extravagant make-up and •Clothes is setting a bad example” to the young people they educate, Turkish schoolteachers have been forbidden to use cosmetics. The Minister for Public Education, Mr. tSaffet Arikan, has ordered that all teachers In girt’s schools must
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  • 328 10 Owing to illness cf Senior Monteiio, the ore gn Minister of ortugal. Dr. Salazar, the Pr me M n ster, has taken ever his portfolio temporarily. An amendment to the Quebec E' ectoral Act designed to confer the franchise on women in Provinc al elections w..s defeated
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  • 799 10 Rai Sahib Sharma's Talk To Philatelists There was a good attendance of members «nd guests at the fortnightly meeting of the Penang Stamp Club held at 10.30 a. m. on Sunday at the premises of the Chinese Merchants* Club, Hutton Lane, Penang. In
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  • 498 10 (From A Correspondent.) A dance was held on Nov. 5 in the Kulim Club, at which about 80 members and guests were present. All proceeds, inciud1 ing bar profits, were in aid of the Poppy Day Fund. The ’spot’ waltz prizes were won
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  • 58 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 16. A fatal motor accident occurred last night on the Gopeng Road in which a young Chinese was knocked down and killed instantaneously by a car driven by a Singapore European who was travelling with his wife and syce to Kampar.
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  • 367 10 P. P.W. Jubilee Fund Meeting Payments by the Penang and Province Wellesley Jubdee Fund tor the reliet oi 1 distress and destitution during September and October were $1,395.50 and $1,440.70 respectively. Following are the minutes of a meeting of the general committee held at the Governor’s
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  • 222 10 Gen. Chen’s Thanks F Or Reception A committee meeting O f th* Kheng Chew Association was held clubhouse last Friday. at they Mr On S Ka H Kee. chahman of sociaticn, piesided and anion, thn sent were Messrs. Tan Ben. C Tong Chow. Moh Hcck Eng
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 510 11 I f- /r /< J <jf DELIVERY TIM? Tan... Butterworth f ~1 TIME TABLE y T\ COMBINED SUBSCRIPTION RATE TIMES of MALAYA MNANG GAZETTE Kuala Kangsar 3.45 am. n„»* I Sungei Bakop v, lxa ,».-w«.m. Butterworth L%.. I m-l l i\h w r a ping 4.25 Bukit Mertajam 2.10 M
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    • 441 12 ROMANTIC STORY OF DEVITT AND MOORE “As a nation we must pay more attention to the selection and training of our officers and seamen, both for the well-being of our shipping industry and for the sake of the boys of this country, who will always,
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    • 278 12 Tonnage Limit Not Acceptable To British Government Geneva. The Maritime Conference Committee! on Hours of Work and Manning adopted a Swedish amendment as the basis of dis- cussion. This amendment suggested that the provisions of the proposed convention should apply to vessels with a minimum tonnage
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    • 223 12 PENANG ARRIVALS DEPARTURES In Port Today S.S. “STRDHANA” from Far East sails for Rangoon and Calcutta S.S. “SOMALI” from London via ports. Sails same day for Sin Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe and Yokohama. ’L M.V. “GREYSTOKE CASTLE” from Singapore for Boston and N e v via Cape of Good
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    • 243 12 The Importance Of Coastal Shipping Measures for the co-ordination and control of transport were urged by Sir Alfred Read, chairman of Coast Lines, Ltd., in his i presidential address to the Institute of Transport in London Oct. 12. Among I ether points he
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    • 44 12 The s.s. Comorin from London via B)m--bay and Colombo is expected to arrive he» at 9.00 p.m. on Thursday and will leave for Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe and Yokohama at 8.00 a.m. the followmj day. Steamer will work at the Wharf.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 55 12 “Follow The Fleet” I CF I I Marconi Users. j THE R/IDIO-GR/IM with j Tone, Qaality, Reliability.| This instrument, complete with Automatic Record changer, is a Musical Masterpiece, and Like Life Itself. I I N M 7 »7,0« s I 366 8 9 BOLE AGENTS: g I Robinson Piano Co.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1628 12 j RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES BROADCAST BY JUNIOR RADIO AT E P,NG PRIZE BAND PERSONALITIES 16 ariutu The first of a series of musical plays "At Local music lovers should tune in the SpideP’, the book and lyrics B B C. Transmission 2 programme at 7.5V which b V Tuson, can
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  • 46 13 The Penang Municipal Band will play at the Esplanade this evening from 6.00 p m. to 7.30 p.m. Following is the programme:— March:—Oriental Echoes:—Rosey. Overture: —Rosamunde: —Schubert. Selection: —Top Hat:—Berlin. Waltz: —Habanera:—W’aldteufel. Intermezzo: —Secrets: —Ancliffe. Selection: —A Runaway Girl:—Monckton. Fox Trot: —Sunshine Ahead: —Rolls.
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  • 385 13 I.M.M. President And United States Attitude The president of the Internaticnal Mercantile Marine Corporation, Mr. P. A. S Franklin, who is making his annual business visit to England, reached Southampton from New York in the Cunard White Star liner Queen Mary. He plans to return home
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  • 235 13 Restriction On Hamburg Shipyards i Two far-reaching restrictiors concerning Hemburg port and shipping business were announced last month. One is that the Hamburg shipyards may build new ships only if they can provide an equal tonnage of old ships for scrapping to furnish the necessary metal
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  • 110 13 Rear-Admiral Frank Elliott, who recently relinquished command of H.M.S. Royal Sovereign and retired from the Navy, visited the Gordon Smith Institute for Seamen, Liverpool. In addressing the men, he said it gay* him great pleasure to visit an institute of that kind and see the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 807 13 BLUir fuMmbd uni LONDON AND NOBTB CONTINENT r V«* e (in conjunction with Glen A Shire Line) 11 5-? London, Rotterdam Hamburg, Hull and rpi “W| London jffiNEC/VUS Swansea L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp A Nov 19 Dec 15 GLENIFPM* Middlesbrough TTG Marseilles, London, Rotterdam, Glasgow. Z? P® 0, „3 PATROL!-
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    • 471 13 P&O Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S "M. HARI” Nov. 20 Outwards from London for China Japan. S//S '‘BULAN’’ Nov. 27 SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF THB due Penang 1936. BRITISH
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    • 239 13 (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON SERVICE For Colombo, Aden Suez, Port Said, Naples, Marseilles, Gibraltar, London. Antwerp and Rotterdam I Steamers. Sailing dates. YASUKUNI MARU (Calls Hamburg) Nov. 26 HAKONE MARU Dec. 11 i *SUWA MARU Dec. 25 •FUSHIMI MARU Jan. 8 HAKOZAKI MARU Jan. 22 ♦Call at Rotterdam Optional. FOR
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 676 13 RA DIO PROGR A MMES BERLIN IMA 9.57 Mc)a. (31.38 aa). IMB 15- 29 Me|a. (19.74 m.) IMN 9.1 Mqa (*L4A m.), TODAY 1.20 p.m-- News in German. 1.35 Concert programme (continued). 2.15 Greetings to listeners in New Zealand. 2.20 News and economic review in English. 2.35 Today in Germany.
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    • 176 13 2RO ROME Waveteagt*: lljji Mc> (25.4 m.) TODAY 9.20 p.m.—Opening announcement. News in English. News in Chinese. Concert by Tito Rosati (cellist). Gigliola Galli (pianist), Maria Grimaldi (soprano), Adelfo Antonelli (bass). News in Italian. TOMORROW 9.20 p.m.—Opening announcement. News in English. Vocal concert: “La Scala Chorus” conducted by Maestro Vittore
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  • 1209 14 Free Handicap For Three-Year-Olds Following are the weights for the first day of the Singapore Turf Club Winter meeting at Bukit Timah on Saturday, Nov. 21. The order of running will be published after scratchings have closed on Friday, Nov. 20: 3
    1,209 words
  • 238 14 —Reuter. HAMMOND THE MAIN HOPE Sydney, Nov. 17. At the end of the third day’s play in the match between the M.C.C. and New South Wales the tourists requ red 352 runs to win with eight wickets in hand, the score being.— New South Wales:
    —Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 76 14 Selargor’s Team To Play Against Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. The team to represent Selangor agamst Singapore at hockey next Saturday will be as follows-. Low Cheng Nam; G. Laßrooy, L. B. M. Ariffin; Turner f W. Peel, C. O. Laßrooy; H. Koelmeyer, Tajuddtn,
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  • 192 14 Technical School Win 4—l I (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. Excellent comb nali n on the part of the forwards gave the T Schod a 4-1 v ctory ov r the Selangor Club in a h ckey friendly cn the paCang
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  • 1372 14 Lawa Tennis The Umpire And His Powers A SPARROW ON THE NET Occasionally during a rally a ball Lorn an adjacent match comes across the court. When this happens, should a “let” ipso facto be given (or, phrased more properly,' should the point be replayed) I In
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  • 156 14 OOLP: C.R. Little Wins Novemk Medal THREE T| SECOND Iplay) was heM during C th Twt” Resulted in a win for c R r,-t M net score of 66. The runner’s un w Kitchng. Mrs. R. b. h„4 P e .O’Connor with 69 net. Twenty cam, taken
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  • 42 14 Reuter. Penny Royal Favourite London, Nov. 14 The Manchester November Handicap call-over resulted as follows: 10|l Penny Royal offered, 100 9 taken. 100j8 Prudent Act offered, 100'7 taken. 100|6 Flam offered, 261 taken. 25jl Sea Bequest taken and offered.-
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 312 14 STIFF IRISH TEST ON DEC. 6 The Hungarians, ambitious to be the first Continental team to win an International match in England, have called a conference of 30 leading players and trainers to complete their preparation campaign for the match in London on Dec.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 465 14 Glands Made Yosiig -Vigour Renews! Without Operation If you feel old before your time or suffer from nerve, brain and physical weakness, you will find new happiness and health in an American medical discovery which restores youthful vigour arid vitality quicker than gland operations. It is a simple home treatment
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  • 1472 15 KNOCK-OUT VICTORIES FOR LEFTY FLYNN BARTON Oxford Blue’s Unimpressive Show London, Nov. 5 i SATAN’’ FLYNN, lightweight champion of Jamaica, making his first appearance in London, knocked out Sonny Lee (Leeds) in the second round of a scheduled ten rounds contest at the Black- friars
    1,472 words
  • 722 15 Rowing Steady Work By Four Crews OOOD MATERIAL FOR COACHES Oxford, November 8. unprecedented entry of 15 for the Challenge Sculls has temporarily ftlcapped the P resident J s Lewes Church), as, after having four afloat on Monday, “A” and “B” taken off, although they were all
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  • Article, Illustration
    172 15 Joe Ezar, banana seller and golfer from Texas, has outstayed his leave but not his welcome. He sailed for home last week after the longest visit ever paid England by an American professional. But he is going back for the open chamI pionship next summer, and when he
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  • 756 15 FRISCO BEATEN BY GUNBOAT JACK BUT CROWD THOUGHT HE WON TABLET'S EASY WIN OVER BENGAL CHAMPION UNBQAT JACK, veteran negro middleweight, added another laurel to hie long and colourful career, when he defeated Young Frisco, the Filipino middleweight champion of the Orient, at Calcutta on November 9,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 153 15 AUSTIN SEVEN I RUBY SALOON large car turc carry VCT# adults (perfect Wg comfort. THE AUSTIN SEVEN AUSTIN SEVEN The world’s finest light car I—— Ruby Saloon in o o <F ed roof) since lyzz I Opal Two-seater Open Road Fourseater The Seven, so easy to drive, also is so
      153 words

    • 275 16 Firm The Stock Exchange was firm. London, Not. M. Yesterday Rise or Fall Cm. S FC.. 19*44 117 H -H 4 px., IWMS 117% -H War Um. r, «Will fi F«., *****1 «*< Cbm. Ua. Asa. (VWto) Prudential A 37 H Boyal Aascc. (Ms. pd.) Ct. Western
      275 words
    • 117 16 London, November 16. KUBBER Steady Spot 8 buyer» sellers. Jan./March 8g buyers 8H sellers. April/June 8H buyers 8? sellers. July/Sept. 8j) buyers 83 sellers. New York 17.76 cts. United Kingdom Stocks: London 39,510 tons Liverpool 53,678 tons COPRA fftmits S.O. Rotterdam. £17.15.0. iPEPPER White Muntok in bond
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    • 149 16 RUBBERS Bayers Sellers Bentas 1.07} 1-12} Brogas 1.00 1.05 Lanas 2.12} 2.20 M. Pindas 1.72} 1.80 Mentakabs .44 46} Pajams 2.12} 2JK> Sungei Tukangs 1.27} 1.32}c Uhi Bentus TINS Bangrins 22|6 23|3 Eatu Selangors 1.25 1.27} Hong Fatts 1.17} 1.20 ex I Jelapangs 22|6 23|3 Jelebus 1.17} 1.20
      149 words
    • 115 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 964 105 964 New York 4.882 4.88 H Montreal 4.88 4.88} Pnissels 28.92 Geneva 21.24} 21.26} Amsterdam 9.05} 9.941 1 Milan 92* 92J i Berlin 12.13} 12.15 Stockholm 19.39 H iCcpenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19 90 19 90 Vienna 26*4 26% Prague
      115 words
    • 221 16 KENNEDY CO. The LtHiwwing are cue taiast In MESSRS. KENNEDY A C».'s Star» Ust today RUBBER Boyers Sellers Allenby 1.72} I.Bocum Amal Malay 2.00 2.25 Ayer Mitam 1.60 1.70 Benta 107} 1.12} Glenealy 2.05 2.25 Lunas 2.10 2.25 Sandycroft 1.02} 1.15 Sungei Ramal 1.50 1.60 Teluk Anson 1.50 1.60 Temerloh
      221 words
    • 111 16 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Seilers MINING 5 Ampat 5- 5%} Asams 32! 33(6 A. Wengs 1.95 205 B Selangors 1.17} 1.22} Jelapangs 22'6 23!6 Johans 27 30 Kamuntings 15*3 *****} Katus 24! 251 K. Lanjuts 21.6 22*6 Kundangs 93 9»9 Pungahs 24.*9 25'6 Raubs 7.10 7.30cd Rawang Tin
      111 words
    • 206 16 Tin Buyers Sellers Ampats 5| 5|3 Ayer Hitams 19|6 20(6 Ayer Wengs 1.95 2.02} Bangrins 23| 24| Batu Selangors 1.24 1.26 Chenderiangs 24(6 25|6’ Hong Fatf 1.17 1.20 ex Hongkongs 21'9 22(9 Idris 12|0 13(0 Ipohs 36(3 37(3 J el e pangs 22(9 23(9 Jelebus 1.16 1.19 ex
      206 words
    • 146 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.25 1.30 Hoag Fait 1.20 1.25 Jelebu 1.18 1.23 ex Puck*! 1.10 1.15 U*kut 1.50 1.55 Pet .80 .85 North Taiping 65 67} Fetalings 9.50 9.75 Rahman Hyd. 1.10 1.15 Raub Gold 7.10 7.25 c •Rntau Ordy. 1.25 1.30 I Rantau Pref.
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    • 95 16 TIN a— London—(Spot) YESTERDAY TODAY London—(3 months) No marke t £234.10.0 Singapore N market £232 .0.0 Business Done »115.25 >13.37} Penang Business Done COPRA. -(Sundrled) L BLACK PEPPER j- »7.10 RUBBER »«-50 London York ISc(G) ,d Singapore- Spot 30 i c 18c(G) 3o}c 3otc April/June 30|c TAPIOCA:— 31c
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 166 16 NON-STOP AUSTIN COMPETITION Ist. Prize $lOO 2nd. Prize 50 3rd. Prize 25 CONDITIONS The new three bearing crankshaft In the event of more than one Austin, which started on Monday a^, prize J it will be divided equally between 16th win travel for .a week at an those qualifying. approximate
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