Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 November 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 494 1 VI me or 1 Radio and Reuter. Premier’s Speech At LORD Mayor’s Banquet REVIEW of foreign AFFAIRS London, Nov. 9. ioiial magnificence characterised the Lord j. anquet at the Mansion House. Loud cheers *i tor Mr. Baldwin as he made his way through dv uniformed crowd.
    VI me or 1 Radio and Reuter.  -  494 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 1 Sellers of poppies were out early today in Penarg. —Photo by Ebata. Pemng.
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  • 213 1 FINE OF $1,200 IMPOSED BY MAGISTRATE A fine of 200. in default two weeks imprisonment, was imposed by the Penang Police Magistrate this morning on e. Chinese woman, Chew Hooi Sim, who had pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of having possessed 1841 lettery tickets (Li Tek
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  • 82 1 —British Radio. Shorter Procession And Shorter Route London, Nov. 9. Very large crowds witnessed the annual Lord Mayor's show in which the central feature pageant of defence forces over the past 400 years. The processton, which was Shorter ana more compact then usual, took only 35 minutes
    —British Radio.  -  82 words
  • 51 1 .—Reuter. London, Nov. 9. The House of Commons by 369 to 125 rejected the Official Labour amendment to the Address in reply to the Speech from the Trone inter alia denouncing the Means Test and regretting the absence of proposals necessary to create a Socialist commonI wealth.
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 82 1 VESSEL FOUNDERS OFF LAND’S END London, Nov. 9. I I Several large vessels including the Queen Mery responded to distress signals of the Hombur-Amerika motor vessel Isis, but it is believed that a seventeen-yea--old j cabin boy, Fritz Rothka, who was picked lup by
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  • 97 1 man’s arm.—B r i t i s h Radio and Reuter. Carried From Banqueting Chamber During the Prime Minister's speech at the banquet, the Lord President of the Council, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, fainted and had to be carried out of the banqueting chamber. He quickly recovered but
    man’s arm.—B r i t i s h Radio and Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 92 1 mired of decent working conditions. —Reuter. "Mach-Needed Laboar Legislation" Washington, Nor. 9. Mr. Roosevelt foresee* that the coming year will be an outstanding one in the annals of labour legislation. In a message to the third National Conference on Labour LegMation he said he believed the United States
    mired of decent working conditions. —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. It is learned that the Soviet-Japanese Fisheries Cep vention will be initiated tomorrow and probably signed on No.v 20. The conclusion of the convention after two years of very difficult negotiations is regarded as an important step toward improvement in Soviet-Japanese relations.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 588 1 Harvey’s Fine Bid For World Title —Reuter. London, Nov. 9. Len Harvey, former British middle, cruiser and heavyweight champion, came within an ace of achieving his life’s ambition of winning a world championship in his contest for the cruiserweight title with the coloured holder, John
    —Reuter.  -  588 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 84 1 CLUB COLLAPSE CASE —Page 9. G EXTRACT FROM STRAITS TIMES:— \j “I also learn that a sample of crocodile I, meat has been tested at the College of j Medicine, Singapore, and has been A pronounced equal to venison. So that \\J if Malaya is ever blockaded, and the COLD
      84 words

  • 512 2 SPECIMEN OF SPECIES FROM SUMATRA A remarkably large specimen of a Sumatraen orang-outang, which had died in course of shipment in Colombo and the carcase of which had been secured by Prof. W. C. O. Hill was exhibited at a meeting of the Ceylon Natural History Society
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  • 128 2 Hohenzollern View Of Royalty "THE SERVANTS OF GOD" Doorn, Nov. 1. THE ex-Kaiser, who is president of the Doorn Study Circle, which meets in his castle here, opened the winter gatherings tonight by lecturing on “The First Appearance of Royalty in Mesopotamia.” He described at length
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  • 387 2 Order On London Branch Of Bank Fears regarding the money of Spanish nationals in the Lonuun branches of Spanish banks were expressed in the j Chancery D .vision. London, on Oct. 27. fencr Donna Antonia Ramos de Los Rios, otherwise Alonso. widow of Senor Isidro Alonso, asked
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  • 529 2 DEPOSITOR INVITED TO GUILDHALL ANNIVERSARY A message of congratulations from the King was read by the Duke of Kent at a luncheon given by the Lord Mayor, Sir Percy Vincent, and the Corporation of the C-ty of London, at the Guildhall last week to commemorate
    529 words
  • 210 2 Cecil Rhodes' Dream 1 Lord Baden-Powell pres.ded last week at a dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant to commemorate the 40ch anniversary of the j 1896-7 campaign in Matabeleland and Mashonaiand. He said that although they were “a pretty rough and tough lot in many ways,”
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 550 2 Head Office 12, Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams Gazette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. I Phone 5471. Tel “Times” Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. < Phone 3683. London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London 1 E.C.4 Phone Central 3608 —3609 f Tel Leadmalaya
      550 words
    • 332 2 APIOL STEEL Sure a nd certain for all Female comnlaints.Every lady should keep a box in the house. W. J. EDMONDS. The English Pharmacy 52-54, Beach Street, Penang. Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours It to n« longer necessary to suffer from loss of vigour and manhood, weak
      332 words
    • 273 2 -T- ’'f Keep ¥>ur Skin Free from Chafingor Irritation fl ANO I at M r fiXTI 1 v Aany women think that discomfort B i J?’! from chafing and a hot prickly skin is un- y > avoidable. To-day thousands are discover- i i u/ ing the wonderful comfort to
      273 words

  • 268 3 British Radio. Statement Promised London, November 9. thc House of Commons the Foreign orv w <? asked by Sir Charles Caygecret* 1 w I hat satisfaction hnd been received the Japanese Government in reply to pcesentatu'us made on the ill-treatment' three British sailors at Keelung
    British Radio.  -  268 words
  • 143 3 «lany of her problems today .—British •Mio. Welcomed In London By Mr. Eden London, Nov. 9. When Colonel Beck, Polish Minister for foreign Affairs and Madame Beck reachei London upon four days visit yesterday, ■hey were met by the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Eden, and th. Pi lish Ambassador
    «lany of her problems today .—British •Mio.  -  143 words
  • 65 3 ’’tish Radio. London, Nov. 9. Th ninth meeting of the chairmans subeo o >Ritte«b O f the Non-Intervention Comw as held at the Foreign Office this *ftem <x>n. and resumed consideration of the P OBB 1 for the establishment of a system •«perviaon designed to secure execution —non intervention
    ’’tish Radio.  -  65 words
  • 48 3 London, Nor. D. v f 4 Ministry announced that Air Marshal c. L. Courtney is to be Air British Forces, Iraq. 1 He will be succeeded as J( < r Operations and Intelligence Mink! ty f>hipf of Air Staff at by Alr Vice-Marhhal R. E. C.
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  • 318 3 —British Radio. Terms Of New Agreements London, Nov. 9. A summary of the terms of the new Anglo-Italian clearing and commercial I agreement was communicated to the House of Commons by the President of the Board I°f Trade Mr. Walter Runciman, who expressed a hope that they
    —British Radio.  -  318 words
  • 113 3 —British Radio. Substantial Increase In October London, Nov. 9. A further substantial increase in the number of persons in employment and a decrease in the number unemployed is recorded in th" latest Ministry of Labour figures. At October 26 insured persons in employment in Britain, exclusive of
    —British Radio.  -  113 words
  • 107 3 Ships Proceeding To y' HomePorfs j New York, November 9. The maritime strike has spread to San Francisco shipyard, the joint strike committee announcing a walkout of approximately 6,000 workers from three Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation plants. Ships strikebound at Pacific ports are being allowed to proceed to their
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  • 25 3 Remembrance Sunday was celebrated throughout Britain and large congregations were present at special services held in l many churches and at war memorials-
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  • 179 3 likely to serve any useful purpose.—Brit sh Radio. To Check Civilian Casualties London, November 9. The Prime Minister was asked in the House of Commons whether the Government would give facilities to an all-party delegation of Members of Parliament to proceed to Madrid in
    likely to serve any useful purpose.—Brit sh Radio.  -  179 words
  • 140 3 —Reuter. Supplies Short For. Forks And Spoons London. Nov. 9. The continued rise of silver mystifies London and bankers are unable to understand the continued buying by Bombay, which is the chief centre of demand. Little silver coming into the London market is an unusual feature which results
    —Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 125 3 .—Reuter. Mr. W. M. Kirkpatrick's Duties Defined London. Nov. 9. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. A.E. Choriton, Capt. Euan Wallace said that Mr. W.M. Kirkpatrick’s duties would be to examine on the spot proposals involving credits and make all necessary inquiries, assist* m negotiations
    .—Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 101 3 .—British Radio. To Be Introduced Immediately London, Nov. 9. The Public Order Bill which, amongst other things, is to prohibit the wearing of political uniforms, is mentioned in the Parliamentary papers and may be introduced by the Home Secretary today. An official notice states that the Public
    .—British Radio.  -  101 words
  • 190 3 Unusual Case At Singapore (From Our Own Correspondent. i Singapore, Nov. 9 While 300 people were praying in St. Cathedral yesterday morning de- tectives quietly led from the choirwomen’s vestry a Ceylonese man and a Chinese woI man whom they had arrested. No one in church was
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  • 79 3 "Italy Is A Real Champion Of Peace" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 9. "Italy has nothing but friendship for Great Britain." said Signor Alberto Perego, new Italian Consul at Singapore. who arrived from Europe by the Lloyd Triestino liner Victoria yesterday, "and Italy is a real
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  • 70 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) S.ngapore, Nov. 9. The decree nisi granted to Mrs. Sybil Kraal cn her petition for dissolution of her marriage with her husband, Gerald H. Kraal, was made absolute today by Mr. Justice Cussen in the High Court, Singapore. The decree nisi was granted to
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  • 74 3 From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Nov. 9. Mr. Robert H. Greene was admitted and enrolled as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court today before Mr. Justice Cussen. Mr. J. C. Cobbett appeared in support of the application for admission and Dr. C. H. Withers Payne represented
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  • 53 3 Cali On Sir Andrew Caldecott Canton, Nov. 8. Mr. Sun-fo President of the Financial Yuan, Andrew Caldecott, yesterday morning. He returned to Canton last night. Canton Travelling Headquarters have given order to all the factories to store coal food, fuels and petrol for three months requirements in
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  • 86 3 A party of teachers and students of the Lum Seng Middle School, Sitiawan, who were on a visit to Penang left for home by the mail train yesterday. While here they visited the Chung Ling High School, Fukkien Girls’ School, Hu Yew Girls’ School, Chung Hua Middle
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 152 3 TIGER BEER in ani| case better M —ri B V Baril VMI BRITISH I k b fl HH 1 Il’H’rß C Design QSEB9 I Envelopes w /I easiTix 2 .:g 2' S'—‘ 5 5 50 ENVELOPES IN PACKET. OBTAINABLE IN TWO SIZES. I SIZE 6 x 3/ 2 5H x
      152 words

  • 1039 4 MALAYANS AT HOME A decree of divorce was granted to Mrs. Margaret Gilchrist, late of Singapore and Ipoh, against her husband William Duncan Gilchrist ,on Nov. 6 in the Court of Sessions Scotland at Edinburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lewandowski are home on leave from Singapore and
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  • 143 4 50 Per Cent Duty r In F.M.S. The influx into England of Japanese flags and bunting and other articles for speciol use in connection with the celebrations of the Coronation of King Edward next May appears to have st.mulated the Malayan authorities to action
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  • 130 4 Dolores Breska, pretty two-year-old child of Arcadia Wisconsin, is slowly turning to stone. She has contracted a strange complaint which is slowly ossifying the muscles of i her right arm and shoulder. The arm is already useless, but Dolores, who is in no plain, continues to
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  • 98 4 New York, Oct. 30. I Samuel Rubinstein, necktie pedlar today was sentenced by a New York magistrate to take his wife to the movies on Decern- j ber 2, and to hold her hand throughout the l performance. Mrs. Rubinstein complained that
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  • 170 4 "Like A Man Taken 111 Suddenly" The Hull stipendiary Magistrate held that a mac who momentarily falls asleep when in charge of a motorcar is like a man suddenly biken ill and not responsible for a smash. Accordingly he dismissed a summons against Pilot Officer Gordon Robert
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  • 315 4 Believed Ended By Brazil Senate Rio de Janeiro. j Has the Brazilian Senate, in secret ses- sion, smashed Tsukasa Uetsuka’s dream of I a Japanese “Utopia” in South America j The Japanese “dreamer,” a member of the Imperial Diet and former Parliamentary I councillor, held
    315 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 9»!ni«n!Hi!Rjaa3aisasHaBHSSSB®sH ßßi! Baaßaß!raßaHßßaaßaßaiffis^y®.«Tß?; I I j A Christmas Gift for your friends in Britain. II Give them Nestle’s Chocolates. I j Order in Penang for delivery I. l| at home. I 5 :os 5 By sending a postcard to Nestle’s, 39-c Weld Quay, Penang, or telephoning No. 640 Penang, you
      446 words

  • 479 6 AIR MAIL A mail for Siam, Burma, India, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Belgian Congo, Great Britain, Ireland and whole of Europe by Imperial airways will close at 8 a.m. tomorrow. A mail for the United States of America tmd other places served via U.S.A, by Imperial airways
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    • 139 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 9. The Town Hall A’.mistice Day service having been discontinued there will be e United Service this year in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Ipoh. on Armistice Day morning at 7.45 a.m. Those taking part will include Mr. Gorden Lawts,
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    • 154 6 (From Our Own Correspondent. Ipoh. Nov. 9. Outstanding success is attending the efforts of the Ipoh committee in charge of arrangements for Poppy Day collections 1 and it is expected that the net result will be very creditable to the community of the town. DANCE AND
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    • 355 6 Rafa Mud. Elected President i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 9. The proposal to form an association for Malays in Perak is taking definite sh«pe and yesterday afternoon a representative general meeting, with the Yang Teramat Mulie the Raja Muda of Perak in the chair, 1
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    • 176 6 ;Mr. A. F. W. Andren And Miss "Jimmy" Albrect (From Our* Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 9. A quiet wedding was solemnised this morning at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Ipoh, by the Rev. Hamilton Aiken, the contracting parties being Mr. Adolf Frederick William Andren, younger son of Mr. and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 1 'piles* Physicians discovery n-.-.. reduces and he^dsS"'' 1 of blood ia arrested. Jnfl lo* di« down. The swollen >"• «d k-se until healing^ yoo have never tned thj? ■o Without delay. You Van Vleck’s Absorptive Pil^ Pt bU,n UNITED PHARMACY 305 v Itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes Your
      158 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 232 6 SEASON EXTENDED TILL IB—H WINDSOR 6-75 Opening Toniaht 9-30 63Q N}gMT(MigM9 3O Laugh, Cry. Thrill The year's Latest Super Their Most Beloved Story CANTONESE TALKIE Wallace BEERY and Jackie COOPER "A NEW YOUNG MAN" in with "O'SHAUGHNESSY'S BOY" A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture A dramatic revelation of China s modern with SPANKY
      232 words
    • 42 6 DracuAa foas come and gone now his daughter lives to become the shiver sensation of the season SHE’S WEIRD! SHE’S EXOTIC SHE’S BEAUTIFUL! SHE’S HYPNOTIC! iSs OTTO KRUGEt GLOKITHOIDtII 6lVtf T«B TRM WHB»»nuSt* M More Astounding Than Her unforgettable father NEXT WEEK.
      42 words
    • 216 6 Brought Back To Opening Thrill You Again 'W| Tonight M.G.M.’s SENSATIONAL THRILLER T.< tWSa Broke All Records When Ir| First Released RE-ISSUED —NEW 1 COPY A ’TARZAN THE W APE MAN" J* with t JOHNNY WEISMULLER I 1 Maureen O'Sullivan. i s The Elephant Stampede A E The Gorilla Flghfsf
      216 words

  • 1118 7 Half-Yearly Meeting Of Penang Urban Society The half-yearly general meeting of the Urban Co-operative Society was at the office of the fc .‘,vp Societies Dept., Government operative Buildings. Penang. i fter the minutes of the last general jrr had been read and confirmed the Mr. F.
    1,118 words
  • 35 7 MAKGOT GRAHAME, the British film actress, has filed a suit for damages in Hofiywood. She is claiming £3OO on the grounds that another woman was given possession of the house she had rented.
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  • 49 7 165 Due In Penang On Thursday Information has been received by telegraph that 165 stateaided labourers will arrive on Thursday, November 12, by s.s. “Rajula.” It is expected that 49 will be sent to Pulau Jerejak and the balance will proceed to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 51 7 A Malay, Mat Sa bin Che Mat appeared before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Police Court, Penang, yesterday charged with causing hurt to one Ahmad by a rash and negligent act, namely by driving his motor bus No. P. 2343 in such a manner as to endanger human
    51 words
  • 47 7 Sin Ah Kow, a Cantonese, was charged before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham, in the Police Court, yesterday, with being in possession of dutiable liquor at the Penang Hill Road on November 6. He pleaded guilty to the charge and the sentence was deferred to Nov. 16.
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  • 393 7 Poppy Day “Rag Ball” At E. O. The E»iy Rag Ball” was held on Saturday night ut the E. O. Hotel, Pc» ang, and pioved as great a success as ever. Over 400 people were present and the Hotel was crowded to capacity. Dane-1
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  • 61 7 A fifteen-year-old boy named Chooi Kok Beng, was ordered to be given six strokes of the rottan by Mr. H. A. L. Luckham in the Police Court, Penang, yesterday, for causing hurt to Ah Kow with a knife. The accused was alleged to have used a vegetable
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  • 313 7 LIST NO. 1 $206 COLLECTED TO DATE The hon. treasurers gratefully acknowledge receipt of the following donations and subscriptions to Earl Haig’s Fund: Penang Boxing Board of Control $25.00 Kim Seng Kongsi 2.00 Kong Hing Cheong Co. Ltd. i. oo Cheah Cheang Lim 6.00 Chin Chuan 2.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 -ummaMßgwsauiaw —ii^—ggarMwwwHßjwgaJuiJwi' ll il w Ford V-8 Trucks cud Commercial Cars have travelled Interest and depreciation charges are low because of low BILLIONS OF MILES, saving money for hundreds of Frst cost. Maintenance expense is low because of V-8 thousands of owners and serving them well. They have Reliability and
      233 words

  • 544 8 EIGHTEEN years ago,on this day, a war that had ravaged Euroj>e and involved practically the whoie world, was drawing to a close. For four years men slaughtered each other, millions were killed; thousands were maimed; and those who survived won a heritage of bitter memories. Time is the
    544 words
  • 193 8 Says Government Owes Him Money A police constable on beat duty at Irving Road during the early hours of yesterday morning, came upon a Tamil, Razak, carrying a bag. He went up to Razak and examined the bag and questioned him. Not getting a satisfactory explanation,
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  • 49 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 9. In the final of the Gamman Cup soccer competition which was played on the Pudu Road ground yesterday, the Mercantile Cooperative Society beat the F. M. S. Posts and Telegraphs Co-operative Society by two goals to nil.
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  • 62 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 10. There was a large crowd to see the exhibition of lumiture by the Bagan Serai Trade School at Taipiag on Saturday, Nov. 7. H. H. the Raja Pe empuan of Perak and her retinue were early «arrivals. In addition to
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  • 63 8 The Chinese Consulate, Penang, has issued circulars to clubs, schools, guilds and associations in Penang and Province Wellesley asking them to fly the Chinese National Flag on Nov. 12 e the birthday of Dr. Sun Yet-sen, father of the Chinese Republic. A mass meeting under the auspices
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  • 66 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 9. Without calling on the defence, the Taiping magistrate (Twn Syed Nordin M.C.S.) today acquitted and discharged Haji Jamil, the Tapping Market Keeper, on the charge of having committed criminal breach of trust in respect of $5.50, alleged to have
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  • 709 8 Comedy In Penang—“Accent on Youth” This Month— U 7 ar Against Rheumatism Prohibition in U.S, THE comedy ‘Accent on Youth’ which will be produced at the Town Hall on November 19 and 21 by the Penang Choral and Dramatic Society is a play which is better known
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  • 204 8 CHINESE BASKETBALL VOLLEYBALL Malayan Delegates Arrange Tournament A meeting of the All-Ma’.ayan Chinese Basketball and Volleyball Association was ■held at Li Tek Seah, Penang, on Sunday at 1 which it was decided to hold a tournament starting on December 20. It was also proposed to form a Malayan Chinese Athletic
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  • 85 8 Padasig Gakih Wins Haji Rcof Cup (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 9. In the final of the intcr-kampnog badminton league played on Sunday, Padang Gajah defeated Btruas Malay Scholars bj two matches to one, winning the cup presented by Haji Abdul Raof. Following are the results: (Pad*
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  • 120 8 (From A Correspondent.) The 21st annual speech day and P giving celebration of the lamic Religious School, Penang, was lat the School premises on Sunday m i precence of about 700 people. It > s I Ing that the subscribers and the P* of the school participated
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 55 8 k I /7=i «UCMT U. I A Highly Recommen led by the Medical Profession for their health giving properties. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR THE TROPICS In Airtight Vacuum Tins IDEAL for Growing Children, Adults and Old People. Stocked by All High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG,
      55 words

  • 1030 9 COUNSEL S SUBMISSION IN K. L. COLLAPSE CASE Messrs. Glover And Abbott In Box (brom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala, Lumpur, Nov. 9. Mr. Charles Abbott, acting manager of the Federated Engine-, ering Co., and Mr. E. H. Glover, the company’s workshop superintendent, both denied that
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  • 211 9 Stressed At F.M.S. P. T. Society Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 9. T it the work of a co-operative society to educate its members in financial «natters was stressed by Mr. V. H. Wr n. presiding at the half-yearly meet■nq ,f the F.M.S.
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  • 51 9 DOUBLE MURDER GANG ROBBERY F rom Our Own Correspondent. Ipoh, Nov. 10. A report of a double murder and gang robbery at Temeroh, Kuala Kangsar district, was received by the local Detective Station this morning. Mr. P. N Livingstone, AO. C.D., Perak, has proceeded on investigations. No further particulars are
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  • 514 9 ARMISTICE DAY, 11th NOVEMBER, 1936. In exercise of the pow’ers conferred upon him by section 4 of the above Ordinance, the Chief Police Officer, Penang, issues the following regulations in respect of traffic on the occasion of the ceremony at the Cenotaph on the 11th of November,
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  • 215 9 .—Reuter. MADRID DEFENDERS STILL HOLD REBELS Cuatro Vientos, November 10. The close of the third day of the battle for Madrid in which the defenders have been subjected to very hot all-day air and artillery bombardment which hitherto has left the insurgents in advance at some points but
    .—Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 173 9 "Country Doctor" At Majestic A very human story dealing with the disappointments of a country doctor and the eventual birth of the Quins, who are shown in a sequence lasting about a ouarter of an hour. The clever way in which they are presented makes the
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  • 188 9 Chinese Acquitted Hoh Hin Wah. a sundry goods shopkeeper, who was summoned at the instance of Inspector Jackson, on a charge of using the first floor of No. 2 Campbell Street as a common betting house was yesterday acquitted by Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Police
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 9 MODERN VERSION of -Robin ~o o<i ca P- Nancy Carroll, the U.S. film actress who is now holidaymaking in London, snapped wearing a striking hat fashion in Hyde Park.
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  • 71 9 (From Our Own Correspondent. Taiping, Nov. 9. Wanted in Baling, Kedah, for enticing away an unmarrieu girl, Che Nah, a young Malay, Dollah bin Dahaman, was arrested in Taiping. On his production before thcMagistrate, Tuan Syed Nordin, today the accused admitted the facts of the charge. Inspector
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  • 271 9 Pleads Ignorance Of Law As briefly reported in the Pinang Qxzette yesterday, a respectable looking Chinese woman Chew Hooi Sim, appeared before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham in the Police Court Penang, yesterday charged with asisisting in the management of a public lottery, namely, by being in possession
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 184 9 I E O.’” Hotel I PENANG TOMORROW EX-SERVICES ASSOCIATION DINNER DANCE o; We have to advise our Patrons that our usual Wednesday Dinner Dance for i 11th November has been cancelled, as the Ballroom has been reserved for the Ex-Services Association. o: SATURDAY, 14th NOVEMBER DINNER DANCE :o: SUNDAY, 15th
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  • 49 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mr. Alan Loke and family beg to thank all relatives and friends who attended the funeral of Mrs. Alan Loke yesterday, and also those who lent their services, cars, aent wreaths, flower-baskets, sandal wood, joss papers, roasted pigs, fruits, sw’eetm■■at tengs, chyes, letters, telegrams, etc. «4 9 10-11
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  • 2410 10 Mr- John Hands On Training For The Future ACQUISITION OF A SOUND KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH a«|F you will look back through your school career you will see that you! been acting on that principle (that -the good of each is associated with the of
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  • 36 10 MB. AND MBS. ANTHONY EDEN at the Gare de Lyon in Paris on their way home from Monte Carlo holiday. After lunching with M. Blum they left for London by air.
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  • 1740 10 Profusion Of Wreaths And Scrolls The funeral of Mrs. Alan Loke, wife of Mr. Alan Loke, the wellknown millionaire and racehorse owner, took place in Penang on Sunday. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives: Following is a list of those who sent
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 30 10 i 1 1 A product BRITISH MALAYAN COFFEE FLANTATiOHS. I I Kuala Filah, Negri SesubiUn, Ji. AGENTS lili HENRY WAUGH 6* Co., Ltd. M SINGAPOREfUi Mg PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR
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  • 205 11 MIGHTY DRIVE by Pam Barton, the new American champion, during her match in the Worplesdon (Surrey) Mixed Foursomes. She and her partner, F. Francis, beat Mrs. Slazenger and W. McMaster 4 and 2. WAITING TO BE ADOPTED TWINS -Margaret and Muriel Laye with their none
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    • 1067 12 TO CARRY PASSENGERS, FRUIT AND CARGO Triple Engines And Coal-Fired Boilers Two new steamers are under construction by the Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., for the Prince Line, Ltd.; the Syrian Prince was launched last month, when the naming ceremony was performed by Mrs. *S. J. Forster,
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    • 204 12 PENANG ARRIVALS DEPARTURES In Port Today S.S. “AJAX” from Liverpool sails for Manila, Hong Kong, Shangha’ Japan. 1 S.S. “DE WEERT from Lho-Seum awe, Sigli, Olehleh ami Saban TOMORROW M.S. "PERU” from Singapore. Sails same day for Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Sfax La Goulette, Bordeaux, Antwerp. Rotterdam, Nordenham, Hamburg
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    • 40 12 The s.s. Alipore from Bombay vis Colombo is expected to arrive here at 10.00 p.m. on Friday and will leave for Singapore, Moji and Kobe at 10.00 a m. the following day. Steamer will work in the roads.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 68 12 > 1“ Follow The Fleet” J OF I Marconi Users, r i THE with f Tone, Quality, Reliability. This instrument, complete with Automatic Record changer, is a Musical Masterpiece, and Like Life Itself. i K Wave-Length g, Hi 7to 2,000 B 6 Meters. Bj? I H I 3OLB AGENTS: ;-4
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1617 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES -Z Cue For j NATIONAL Adventure LECTURES Junio Prize Band Composed of boys and young men, the Thr.tls, humour, and music are the prm- r r n Gwaenoaegurwen Junior Prize Band wMch ctpal ingredients of Cue for Adventure a g—local listeners to Daventry hear on serial play
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  • 72 13 I I The Penang Municipal Band will ptev at the Esplanade this evening from 6.09 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. I Following is the programme:— I March:—The Voice of the Guns: Alford. Overture .-—Robespierre:—Litolff. Suite: —Four Indian love Lyries:—Wood-forde-Finden: —1. The Temple Bells; 2. Less Than The Dust; 3.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 809 13 Ktllll mun; MMB Veweta. LONDON AND NORTH OONHNINT f-, (in conjunction with Gian A Shire Line) PemM* w—/ c DEUCALION Marseilles, London, Rotterdam, Hamburg ,M and Glasgow. Nov. 13 Dec. 9 c, MENELAUS London, Rotterdam Hamburg, Hull and Swansea. Nov 19 G 1 eNIEFER L’don, R’dam, H’burg, Antwerp Middlesbrough Nov
      809 words
    • 674 13 P&O british"?ndia PMdnmdar and Oriental S.N. Co., under Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham» contract with His Majesty's Government! Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Matt Service. I s/S “BULAN” Nov. 13 Outwards from London for China Japan. -T-U SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF THB due Penang 1936 BRITISH INDIA
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1248 13 RADIO PROG RAM Z G E—KUALA LUMPUR i MarU Giiiz, violin. Michael Raucheisen, piano. 11.20 p.m.—Close down. (Wavelength: 48.92 and 110 Metres) TOMORROW TODAY 12 25 P m —Call DJA, DJB. German folk 7.00 p.m.:— 3on g. 12.30 Musical Variety hour. 1.20 C. 1992. In Memorian—Overture. Ist News in German.
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    • 157 13 Station P.C.J., Eindhoven, on 19.71 m. TOMORROW 8.20-11.20 p.m.— Special programme by Station P.C.J., Eindhoven, on 19.71 m. ZBW HONG KONG Wavelength: 8429 m. (8759 ke(e). TODAY 3.20 p.m.—Chinese programme. 6.20 p.m.-—European programme. A programme of Welsh music.—Closing local stock quotations and exchange market report.—Light orchestral selections. 7.2o—Time
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  • 215 14 when they meet him professionally. —British Radio. To Tour With Vines New York, Nov. 9. The British tennis star, F.J. Perry has turned professional. Perry is touring with Vines and others and is making his debut at the Madison Square Garden in January. He is receiving a
    when they meet him professionally.—British Radio.  -  215 words
  • 812 14 Davies Heads Jockey's List PERAK TURF CLUB AUTUMN MEETING Mrs. P. Logue is the most successful owner at the Ipoh Race Meeting just condnded with four winners, two seconds and a. third. Mr. van Tooren is second with two winners, three seconds and three
    812 words
  • 103 14 Crescent F.C. v. Minstrel Sports Club Tne Crescent Foot tr 11 Club Penang, will play against the Minstrel Spcrts Club. Alcr Star, at soccer on the Kedah Fcottall Association ground. Alor Star tomorrow'. The following have been chosen to represent both teams. Minstrel Spoits Club:—Syed Tahir; S. M. Omar.
    103 words
  • 106 14 December Skye Meeting The Perak Turf Club December Skye Meeting wi’l be held on Thursday, Dec. 10 and Saturt ’iy, Tec. 12. There wil be two iras each for Ho se- —Class 5 and Ponies —Casses 2 snd 3 and cne rr twe runs for Hcraes—Cliss 4ff
    106 words
  • 308 14 —Reuter. Record Fourth Wicket Partnership LEE AND GREGORY IN FORM Melbourne, Nov. 9. M.C.C.: 344 Victoria: 294 for 5 There were 6.000 spectators this morning, the third day of the match between the M.C.C. and Victoria. The weather was sunny with a coo’ breeze. RECORD PARTNERSHIP Batting
    —Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 248 14 G. L. Jerram Wins November Medal The following are the results of th? Penang S. orts Club's November monthly medal -ind Saturday Bali Sweep G. L. Jerram —1 F. Gordon Smith —2) W. W. Shand —2) Tie A. Stone —2) Thos. A. Wemyss —3 G. J. McGuffi»
    248 words
  • 43 14 —Reuter. Lodndon, Nov. io. Two Rugby Union matches were player, yesterday. In the first match Cambridrv University beat Swansea by 19 points to 5 In the seccnd Edinburgh Academy trounced Oxford University to the tune of 21 points to 9.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 113 14 P.S.C. "A” v. Kedah Ha(l Party The Penang Sports Club “A” the Kedah Hall Party at hoc key Esplanade today ?t 5.15 p.m. Following are the teams:— P.S.C. “A”:—A. Donald; S.V. Adame. J. A. McEvoy; N.B, Fletcher, L.H. J.N. Cooley; H. Bracegirdle, G.A. A.W. Pinnick, J.F. Keay and W
    113 words
  • 176 14 Combined P.S.C. And P- R- C* Two ladies’ hockey matches against visiting teams will be played this week in Penang. On Thursday the North Perak ladies will meet the P.S.C. ladies. On Saturday a team of Ipoh ladies will meet a combined XI
    176 words
  • 180 14 Free School Beaten At Taiping (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Nov. 8. I In their annual hockey fixture played here yesterday. King Edward VII School convincingly beat Penang Free School by two goals to nothing. The wet ground was not conducive to good hockey. The EHwardians had more
    180 words
  • 58 14 i—Reuter. Irish Team To Meet England London, Nov. 9. The international soccer match between Ireland and England will be played at Stoke on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The Irish team has been chosen as follows: Breen (Belfast C.); Cook, Fulton; McCullough, Jones, Mitchess; Brown (Coventry R.), Stevenson (Everton), (Davis).
    i—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 94 14 Taiping Malays v. Ipoh Corinthians (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Nov. 9. The Taiping Maleys, the champions in the Senior Division of the Taiping and District Football League, will be going to Ipoh tomorrow to play against the Ipoh League Champions (Ipoh Corinthians) for the Veer Singh Cup.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 1302 15 Plea For An Extra Day EVILS OF THE TIME LIMIT -HERE i> i~”y m lhe Australian situa J A little time ago the question "•Whom will C O. Allen leave out of 7 kie imines with so many men to choose Would Ames be chosen to
    1,302 words
  • 629 15 Scotland To Be Invited In 1939 a huge exposition is to be held here to celebrate the completion of the two bridges now being built across San Francisco Bay; one spanning the Golden Gate and the other connecting Oakland and San Francisco. Scotland is going to
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  • 339 15 Scots Get Three After Early Reverse TEAM WORK WINS IRELAND 1, SCOTLAND 3 Ireland made a groat bid in their first international match of the season, when they met Scotland at Belfast. They wen: all out for an early lead—and got it. But 1 a single goal
    339 words
  • 45 15 FRED -FERRY, Britain’s *Nai L h the championship cup def. ..ting Donald Budge in the Un.ted States lawn tennis rhssi pionship. No wonder he looks pleased. He is the first man outside the United States I a win the trophy outright.
    45 words
  • 168 15 After having suffered defeat from Oxford University for 11 successive years, Thames Hare land Hounds turned the tables on the Dark Blues in their anrual cross-country match at Oxford, winning over the Shotover course of miles by 31 pts. to 47. Thames were represented by a strong
    168 words
  • 707 15  -  KID BERG’S FIGHTING CAREER DEFINITELY ©VER SUSSEX CRICKET CAPTAIN BIDS FAREWELL BRITISH GOLFERS' SOUTH AFRICAN TOUR GARRICK BERG’S 33,000 MILES JACK (Kid) Berg, his face whipped to a rosy red by keen country air, breezed into the headquarters of John Henry Lewis, at Barnet last week for
    707 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 163 15 1 1 111 —BUI uV z 11 AUSTIN SEVEN SALOON large car ture carry four adults in perfect comfort. THE AUSTIN SIVEN AUSTIN SEVEN The world’s finest light car (Sliding roof) Ruby Saloon GTTIPO 1Q99 SJLJLJLV/Cy JL Opal Two-seater Open Road Fourseater The Seven, so easy to drive, also is
      163 words

    • 305 16 Inactive Sbe Steck Eachaage «mb («active ■nth seme evtdeaec «f preftttalon*. London, Nov. 9. Yeatcrday Rise or Fall Con. 5 P-C., 1944-64 117? i Funding, 4 p.c., 1960-90 1171 i War Loan. p.c. 106), Strata 6 p.€.. 1936-51 10% Cbm. Un. Am. (Unito W HraitMlial "A" 37)4
      305 words
    • 121 16 Lond.n, November 9. RUBBER; Firm. Spot 8% buyers Bft sellers. Jan.(March 8 7(16 buyers 8 9:16 sellers. .ApriljJune 8% buyers 8% sellers. July] Sept. 8 916 buyers 8 11; 16 sellers. Hew York: 17.49 cts. United Kingdom Stocks: London 39,845 tons Liverpool 54,286 tons COPRA Straits S.O.
      121 words
    • 180 16 KENNEDY CO. The foDowhag are the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY A Cou'a ShM Liat honav RUBBERt I Allenby 1.72*4 1.80 Alor Gajah 1-25 1.30 'Bente 105 IJO Gleneily 2.05 2.25 Ijeram ®5 1.00 I Kempas 2.10 2.20 Pa jam 2.00 2.15 Tapah 2.10 2.20 MINING Ampat s|o 5i6 Batu
      180 words
    • 153 16 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING A. Hitams 18 6 19 6 A. Wengs 1.92% 2.05 B. Selangors 107% 1.12% Jelapangs 19 9 20'9 Johans 27 30 Katus 22(6 236 K. Lar.juts 21(6 22(6 Par gngJi Rivers 10 6 11(3 Rahmans 1.10 1.17% Rantau Prets. 1.12% 1.17% Raubs
      153 words
    • 115 16 YESTERDAY TODAY No market £242.15.0 London (3 months) No market £240.0.0 Singapore <114.62% <121.25 Bustneas Done Business Done COPRA. -(Sundried) <6.50 <6.50 BLACK PEPPER <6.50 <6.50 •UMMER Lnflca 8 B%d New York 17 7 l l6c <G> 17 7|l6c(G) Singapore-Spot 29 %c 29%c Dec. 29« c Janyifar. 300
      115 words
    • 173 16 A.A. ANTHONY CO. TIN Buyers Sellers Batu Selangor 1.10 1-12% Hong Fatt 1.10 1.12% Jelebu 1.10 1.12% Kuchai 102% 1.07% Lukut L 37% 1.42% North Taiping 62% 65 Petalings 9.00 10.00 Rahman Hyd. 1.10 1.12% ex Rantau Ordy. 1.10 1.12% Rantau Pref. 1.12% 1.15 Sungei Luas 1-72% 1.77% Sungei Way
      173 words
    • 198 16 Saturday Today TIN: Ampats s|o 5|6 Ayer Wengs 1.90 1.97% Bangrius 21(6 22 ;6 Batu Selangors 1.09 1.11 J Hong Fatts 1.07% L 12% Hongkongs 19|6 Idris *o|o Ipohs 35(3 36(3 Jelepangs 20(3 21(3 Jelebus 108 Kam un tings 15|3 16 0 K. Dicjuts 20(9 21|6 Kramats
      198 words
    • 979 16 The Case For Of Synthetic Product In Britain (From Our Own Correspondent) London, October 29. Although the market had discounted a rise of 5 per cent, in the rubber export quotas fcr the first half of 1937 the announcement of the decision of the International
      979 words
    • 119 16 London on Previously Latest Paris 105 3|16 105 9(64 New York 4.87% 4.87 9(16 1 Montreal 4.87% 4.86% Brussels 28.82 28.82 Geneva 21.21 21.21% Amsterdam 9.08% 9.08% Milan 92% 92 21(32 Berlin 12.11% 12.11% Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% Copenhagen 22.40 22.40 Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% 26% P«*gue 137
      119 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 154 16 BANKS. A NEW SAFE DEPOSIT SERVICE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES for the safe keeping of valuables, important documents, records, etc., etc., are available at OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED. Nos. 28 30, BEACH STREET, PENANG. The following are the important features of this service:— SECURITY—PRIVACY ACCESSIBILI iY—SECRECY MODERATE FEES. Complete details obtainable
      154 words
    • 532 16 THE mercantile bank OF INDIA. LTD. (Incorporated in England) Capital Authorised Capital Subscribed Reserve Fund and Rest n Capital Paid Up BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Right Hon. Lord Catto of Cairncatto C tißi rrnAM Sir Charles Alexander Innes. K.c Si Sir Thomas Smith, Kt, C l J.M. Ryrie, Esq., P.R. Chalmers,
      532 words