Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 November 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 108 1 K tL of Mr. Cheah Weng Sen i t t his residence No. 85, Mr cut, on Thursday night at 49. He leaves his wife, (he Masters Choy Thoong Nen I Cheah I'hoong Lee, and six i .Hrhiers Misses Cheah Kheng Lim, t’v h
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  • 201 1 Sunday Gazette Features Tomorrow’s Sunday Gazette will contain an article devoted to a famous daughter of Penang, and there will be numerous other articles of special interest to Chinese readers. Mr Dwight Long, who is sailing round the w rid in a ketch and is now
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  • 181 1 Demonstration In Penang A dem stration of how black, sluggish automobile oil may be purified and given new life W as made at the Fiat Motor ComPerjing, this morning by Mr. L. C. S' lomon the export sales manager of the a: -l 0 Equipment Company. used
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  • 67 1 New Prime Minister's Assurance London, Nov. 6. House of Commons last night Mr. V l hamberlain said he wOs glad to kice Mr. Eden’s statement on "1 '■> ednesday, the new Iraqi Prime British Ambassador Majesty’s Government could rest t 5 11,1 t> a t the welfare and
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  • 466 1 —British Radio. Caballero Prepares For Supreme Effort REFUGEES AGAIN FLOCK TO GIBRALTAR Madrid, Nov. 6. It is officially claimed that the Government troops have recaptured Navalcarnero. Ihe War Minister claims that Government troops also made appreciable advance in fighting south of Madrid this
    —British Radio.  -  466 words
  • 83 1 The Pi-nang Gazette understands that Mr. Yeap Swee Aun, the well-known Malayan sprinter and long-jumper who represented MJilaya at the All China Olympiad held in Shanghai last year, has been admitted to the Hangchow Aviation School. Mr. Yeap left Penang for China on last Iflay.
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  • 83 1 Mr. Khor Seng Lee, chairman of the Penang Chinese “Aeroplane Purchasing Campaign” Association Ut their seventh committee meeting, held at the Philomathic Union, urged all the schools, guilds, associations and clubs to hand in their contributions as early (as possible, as he has to render the accounts to
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  • 260 1 —Reuter. Brilliant Batting By Barnett Hardstaff i On resumption today the M.C.C. were all j out for 344 runs in their first innings, against Victoria. Rain held up play before lunch time. YESTERDAY’S PLAY Melbourne, Nov. 6. At close of play yesterday the M.C.C. bad scored
    —Reuter.  -  260 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. Jerusalem. Nov. 6. T/ic .drab Higher Committee has decided to boycott the Palestine Royal Commission and has issued a manifesto urging Arabs not to cooperate in the Commission's work owing to the Government’s refusal to suspend Jewish immigration.—
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 119 1 —Reuter. When The Guilder Finds Its Level The Hague, Nov. 6. It is not desirable at present to stabilise the guilder on a fixed gold level or to link it to foreign currencies while the latter are still fluctuating, declares a Government memorandum issued today. The Government
    .—Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 123 1 Reuter. No Intervention Bv The Pi evident New York, Nov. 6. Hunger, fatigue and lack of money owing to the exhausted strike funds are beginning to have an effect on the shipping strike, and there are indica- tions of a break at Boston where a number of
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 57 1 Chinese Boy Injured A headon collision between two mosquito buses occurred yesterday evening at Burmiah Road near the junction of Chow Thye Road. The buses were badly damaged and a Chinese boy who was sitting lieside one of the bus drivers was injured by splintered glass.
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  • 55 1 torate went to the polls. —British Radio. HIGH PERCENTAGE OF ELECTORATE VOTE London, Nov. 6. The by-election in the Clay Cross division of Derbyshire resulted as follows Mr. George Ridley (Labour) 24,290. Miss Bridget Jackson (Cons.) 8042. No change. Seventy-two per cent, of the electorate went
    torate went to the polls.—British Radio.  -  55 words
  • 95 1 Entertained By Penang Basketball Association Mr. Teh Kai Teik and Tech Wong Jin, 1 representatives of the Singapore Chines* 1 1 Basketbill and Volleyball Association, arrived at Penang by the mail train last night. They will attend the All-Malayan Chinese Basketball and Volleyball Association Meeting at the Li
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 UH CHEONG Nc 47, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Tailor and Outfitter. All kinds of materials in stock.
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    • 130 1 FEDERAL COUNCIL MEETING —Page 9 ■pilll ii 11 ii 11 iim ]i| in n 111 nt I! t/ACK «TPJPKM COUth <AT NO H\S WWE COOLD EAT AlO <EAM riWY ARBUfO TH/S 4NO T-H4T WOT OPON ICE C/?€A(A/ (cou> SrOMGE PMYA (We apologise for the last line Our Office poet is
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  • 434 2 Big Reservations Recommended: Mostly Urged By Small States Bombay, Oct. 28. AFTER two days of informal discussions the conference of Indian States Ministers opened in Bombay today. It was attended by 150 Ministers and their secretaries. After six hours’ deliberations the conference adopted the
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  • 351 2 Lady Linlithgow’s Advice Simla. “Because you have had the benefit of a good education, don’t think that it is be1 neath your dignity to help in the home, < 1 was the advice of Lady Linlithgow to girl students on the occasion of the annual prize
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  • 129 2 British Museum’s Request The Director of the Colombo Museum has been requested by the British Museum authorities to carry out a survey of bird life in Ceylon for the purpose of obtaining speciments for the British Museum The request has been accompanied by a grant
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  • 206 2 Little Change Likely With Britain And Japan Bombay. The unofficial advisers who were appointed to heip tne Government of India in drawing up the heads for a new Indo-British trade treaty, and who were given a free hand to maxe a report, have unanimously agreed on its
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  • 130 2 Opportunities For Ceylon Doctors Colombo. It is understood that Dr. E. C. Gilles, Senior Port Health Officer, who has left the Island on six months’ furlough, will spend e. few weeks of his leave studying anti-air raid work at the Air Raids Department in London.
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  • 594 2 J Place Of English In India And Ceylon THE place of English in countries like India and Ceylon has been of late a 1 subject of much debate. There appear to be two definite and opposed schools of thought at present; the one maintaining that as English is
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  • 438 2 Golden Jubilee Next Year: Ceylon Connection REMARKING that it was easy M be a true Catholic as well as a true patriot, Monsignor Pl ’ghomaa, who holds a responsible post in the Papal Court, that of Chamberlain, and is the Editor of the Madras “Catholic' Leader,”
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  • 260 2 New York Sale New York Memories of the defunct financial pire of Ivar Kreuger, “the match IGuwere revived, on Wall Street last week. Securities with a face value of £12,000 000 which once served as, collateral to bolster millions of pounds’ wenh of Kieuge. and Toll
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 522 2 Bead Office IX Bishop Street, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extensions. Telegrams: Genette Penang. Singapore Office Cecil Street, Singapore. Phone 5471. Tel Times Singapore. Kuala Lumpur Office 25, Java Street. Phone 3683. London Office 40, 43, Fleet Street, London E C 4 Phone Central 3608—3609 Tel Leadmalaya London. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
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    • 133 2 NOTICE BY RURAL BOARD. P.W. Under Section 60 Of The Municipal Ordinance (Chapter 133) 1. Notice is hereby given that the Land and House Assessment Rate Rolls for the year 1937 for the Northern, Central and Southern Districts of Province Wellesley can now be inspected at the District Off ces
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    • 272 2 TWENTY YEARS gastric trou Bl 0 Maclean Brand Stomach p “Worked Gastric trouble is no reawrt it strikes equally at high ardl2 poor. But Maclean Brand «4 gives equal fcanefit to an r their rank or station in i ifp or letter: "I have suffer from g astrsp > quite
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  • 259 3 British Radio. People Living Longer London, Nov. 6. Intervening today in the Commons deuate on the Labour Amendment to the Address, the Minister of Health spoke of th Government’s plains for dealing with problems of physical education and nutrition. Ue said people
    British Radio.  -  259 words
  • 135 3 —Reuter. Uproarious Welcome For Mr. Roosevelt Washington, Nov. 6. Many people think that ‘another attack on unemployment along the lines of the N R.A. is in prospect. Representative William Isirovich, New York Democrat, announced at New York that it was intended to introduce to Congress in
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 86 3 Reuter. Extensive European Tour Berlin, Nov. 6. Mr. Chien Chang-cho, director of the Air Defence Engineering School at Nanking, has arrived to study civil and military •iviation. His programme includes a visit to Junker’s aeroplane works at Dessau and a visit to Stuttgart and other German towns.
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 51 3 —British Radio London, Nov. 6. A Rome message states that the ItaloBritish commercial agreement wtis signed tonight at the Italian Foreign Office. The agreement consists of two documents, the first regulating repayments from Italy of existing debts and the second fixing figures lor exchanges in future. —British
    —British Radio  -  51 words
  • 128 3 happening he had hope for Jarrow.—British Radio. Accorded Civic Welcome London, Nov. 6. The Jarrow marches returned home last night by train and were accorded a civic welcome. The Mayor said the.r cor duct on the long march to London and during their brief stay there had
    happening he had hope for Jarrow.—British Radio.  -  128 words
  • 59 3 —Reuter. Peiping, Nov. 6. Fighting was reported in Inner Mongolia when pro-Manchukuo Mongol irregulars, invading the Suiyuan Province from Chahar, clashed with Chinese provincial troops in the neighbourhood of the town of Taolin. The invaders were assisted by five aeroplanes. The Manchukuo forces which have been in possession
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 46 3 —Reuter. Tokio, Nov. 6. It is understood that the Foreign Office has replied to the British complaint regarding the Keelung incident by explaining the whole incident on the basis of the original police repoTt, citing judicial investigation which, it is reported, endorses the report.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 48 3 —Reuter. Metz, Nov. 6. A Swiss draughtsman, Aloyse Peterman, has been sentenced to two years’ penal servitude by a civil tribunal at Thionville on a charge of spying on the Maginot Line fortifications. He was arrested in July when attempting to cross the German frontier. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 46 3 —Reuter. The report of the Electricity Commissioners for the year ended March 31, 1936 states that total output of authorised undertakers was 18,415,000,000 units, an increase of 2,525,000,000 on the previous year, thus eceeding the record increase in that year of 1,715,000,000 units. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 32 3 Reuter. Ottawa, Nov. 6. Mr. Mackenzie King interviewed aboard the Empress of Britain returning from England said His Majesty was planning a visit to Canada after the Coronation.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 54 3 London, Nov. 6. The King has approved a number of rewards for gallant and distinguished services rendered in connexion with emergency operations in Palestine. —British Radio. It is understood that the Government’s Public Order Bill dealing with political uniforms and processions will be introduced in the House of
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 3 GARY COOPER andl his Sandra Shaw, the film st»- -caught is v the gardes of the»r Hally,rood home. 1r»
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  • 195 3 Naval Powers Sign London, Nov. 6. A Protocol by which the contracting parties accept rules which provide that in their action regarding merchant ships, submarines must conform to the rules of international law' to which surface vessels are subject was signed at the Foreign Office today by the
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  • 217 3 Appointment Welcomed In Selangor Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 5. The appointment of a Chief Game Warden in Malaya, as announced yesterday by the High Commissioner in Federal Council, is received with unanimous approval in Government and departmental circles. It is understood that new Chief Game Warden, Capt.
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  • 163 3 —Reuter. Opening the N.E. Passage London, Nov. 6. Th? Times in a leading article regarding a series of articles appealing in it entitled "Russia In the Arctic” which conclude today, asks, “What is the Soviet Government’s purpose io developing at enormous expense ice-bound regions in Northern
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 251 3 The Municipal Budget (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Nov. 6. The Municipal Commissioners at a special meeting today budgetted for a deficit of about J 500.000 which will be made up from the rate fund surplus. It will not be possible to make reductions in water, gas or
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  • 74 3 British Radio. Estate Proved At £301,834 London, Noy. S. The estate of Lord Moynihan, the famouw surgeon who died in September, ha» been proved at £301,834. j Lord Moynihan, in addition to bequests to his family, left £2,000 to the Royal College of Surgeons, of which he
    British Radio.  -  74 words
  • 61 3 It is reported that agreement is on the point of conclusion between the Blackburn Aircraft Company and Messrs. Wilfiam Denny for the manufacture of aircraft at Dumbarton, Clydeside. Ultimately the factory win speciaHse fit construction of flying boats, but in the first instance will be employed
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  • 105 3 ?r of accidents at crossroads. —British Fladio. Power To Bridge "Level Crossings" j London, Nov. 6. j I The text of the Government Bill giving control of 4,500 miles of main roads to the. Minister of Transport was issued last, night. The purpose of the Bill is to
    ?r of accidents at crossroads.—British Fladio.  -  105 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 TODAY! TODAY! 1 FUN FROLIC PARK GRAND OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE Penang Trade Fair BY The Hon'ble The Resident Councillor, Penang At 6 P.M, Under the Distinguished Patronage of The Hon ble Mr. A. M. GOODMxAN, Resident Councillor, Penang. YEN KAT HUANG Esq., Consul for the Republic of China. J.
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  • 799 4 CHINESE ON ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE AN alleged shooting affray on the night of July 30, between Hokkiens and Cantonese, at the junction of Beach Road and Bali Lane, Singapore, following a quarrel over a coffee shop waitress, led to the trial of four Cantonese at the
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  • 524 4 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced and the marriage will take place on 5 between Mary Goh, only daughter of the Rev. Gob. Hood Heng, pastor of the Straits Chinese Methedist Church, Singapore, and the late Mrs. Goh Hood Heng, and Foo Soon Fait, third son of Mr.
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  • 634 4 Misadventure Verdict On Victim Of Building Collapse SX returning an unanimous verdict of death 7 y misadventure on an 11-year- old Chinese girl named Chew Piah Hui, who died as a result of injuries received when the terrace of the second floor of house Xo.
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  • 151 4 I "Confusingly Complicated Situation" I 1 The South China Morning Post says:— Hongkong’s problems are those of over-1 crowded, disease-ridden China; and the' masses’ average margin of wage is little j above that of poverty-stricken China. The currency is in effect that of China, but the cost of
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  • 498 4 Address To Ipoh Rotarians Rarely has an address given ui the weekly luncheon meeting of the Ipoh Rotary Club been so interesting as that delivered by Mr. W. J. B. Ashby, J.P., M.C.H.. who recently returned, accompanied by his wife, after a trip
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 v Bisurated Magnesia is the unfailing W 2 treatment for the relief of stomach troubles, it jC. gives quick relief because it instantly neutralises T h arm f u l ac *d s which cause indigestion and H gastric ulcers. It also spreads a protecting film over the inflamed stomach
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  • 408 5 SMALLER PARTY and EARLIER start Efforts are already being made, It is tood to obtain permission for a fur- un iVr^ (ll nt Everest expedition in 1938. the event of the Tibetan Government In their consent, it is probable that a 'l?r expedition will this time be
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  • 470 5 And Says King Amen Gave New Arrow 1 o Egypt LJUNDREDS of labourers transported from Upper the huge banks of sand which surrounded the Sphinx on its eastern side, have made a thrilling discovery—an eighteenth dynasty stela (tablet) of white limestone bearing 27 lines
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  • 209 5 Birmingham, October 29. Eight work people—six women and girls and two men—were affected by a strange illness while following their employment at the printing works of A. G. Terry and Co. Ltd. in James-street here this afternoon. All had to receive treatment in hospital, and
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  • 1380 5 iiyHE Cinema from Within” was the subj of an interesting address delivt.’eti Mr. G. Davies, manager of the Paviiicn Ti.i at e, at the weekly luncheon nveti ii'u Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club. After describing the mechanical side of tne cinema Mr. Davies said: I will
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  • 124 5 Nellore. Referring to the Bombay riots fa the course of n speech at a crowded meeting, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress President, said he felt sick and disgusted and was ashamed tbit his countrymen should be perpetrating such acts of hooliganism and vandalism in Bombay. The trouble, he
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  • 372 5 MCMAHON'S "COCK BULL" STORY A “cock and bull” story was how Lord He wart, the Lord Chief Justice, described the account given by George Andrew McMahon at his trial of the revolver incident in Constitution Hill on July 16. McMahon, who was sentenced at the Old Bailey to 12 months'
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  • 342 5 ADVENTURES IN 2,700 MILES RACE Johannesburg, Oct. 28. Tired and haggard after driving day 1 and night since Monday for 2,700 mil*** i from Nairobi, F.R.H. Hofley add a L. Engelbrecht, in a Terraplane, finished t first here today to win the world’s longest and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 UllVl' ll I j AUSTIN SEVEN j RURY sAinoN I carry i in perfect THE AUSTIN SEVEN AUSTIN SEVEN The world’s finest light car O (Sliding roof) Ruby Saloon 1 O O O (Fixed roof) since I Opal Two-seater Open Road Fourseater The Seven, so easy to drive, also is
      159 words

  • 1163 6 SILVER JUBILEE OF MFA. Members and Guests Dine at j Volunteer Mess WHAT was in every respect a Malay function was held last night at the Malay Volunteer Headquarters, Penang, to celebrate the Silver Ji*ilee of the Penang Mohamadan Football Association. A Malay dinner was served, (the
    1,163 words
  • 356 6 Chinese Explains Firm's Loss The public examination of Yeo Thean Hwa of Chop Heng Kuan was concluded before Mr. Justice Gordon Smith in the Penang Bankruptcy Court yesterday. He revealed that in nine months of trading, nine of his customers failed in their businesses. He
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  • 147 6 A mail for Australia, New Zea’and, Java end Timor Dilly via Singapore and thence by Singapore-Australia air mail service will close at 7 p.m. today. A mail for Amsterdam and London by K.L.M. service will close at 7 a.m. tomorrow A mail for Siam, Burma, India,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 419 6 For building up strength and and increasing the powers of en d is no be„« resto ati Buckfast Tonic Wine. Get a Agent: Messrs. SANDILAX’nc buttery co,, pg N D r s Opening Tomorrow 0 the 2.45 matinee V I I" MIGHTY 1 OF j THE MINUTE! With the new
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 237 6 royal Windsor! GRAND OPENING TODAY I 2-45 6.15 9-30 OPENING TODAY WITH 3 SHOWS TOMORROW 3 SHOWS 230 3 SHOWS ALSO TOMORROW X 45 6.15 9-30 I The year’s Latest Super CANTONESE TALKIE The world’s favourite comedy team in 60 MTW YOUNG MAN’* minutes of merriment! j A NEW J
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  • 31 7 jfR. TOM TEECE, known by his workmates as Tiny Tim," is a blacksmith tn the smithy of the L.M.S. works at Crewe. He weighs over 25st.
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  • 749 7 Keynote Of The New Empire Air Transport Scheme (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 30. /\NE of the important aspects of modern transport, from a business p 4nt of view, is its frequency of service: as well as its speed; a> d the basis
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  • 127 7 Firewood Dealer's Successful Application i I A former firewood dealer made a sue-. cessful application before Mr. Justice Gor-j don Smith in the Bankruptcy Court, Penang, yesterday for discharge from bankruptcy. 1 Mr. C. O. Lim, the assistant Official Assignee, said that the applicant. Koay Boon Yah,
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  • 161 7 Redgrave Hall, a mansion near Diss, Suffolk, with a deer park of about 300 acres and a 43-acre lake, is to be offered rent free for two years to a good tenant who will take the property on a long lease at a nominal rental. The
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  • 324 7 Municipal Clerk Bound Over “Accused has committed a stupid offence, and has lost a job He has now no regular em--1 ployment. He is married and has one child These words were used by Mr. B. E. Ross, appealing for mercy on behalf of his client, Che
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  • 178 7 Police Gong Disappears Under Sentry's Nose Singapore police headquarters bristled with anger while members of the public laughed heartily when it was lecrned that: an audacious theft had taken placeMnct only under the ncses of inspectors and' constables but also in the august surround- j Ings of a
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  • 173 7 Mr. Charles Baxter, of Dundee, who was injured in a climbing accident while on holiday in Skye, has become engaged to marry Miss Margaret Rennick, a school teacher, of Fleet, Hampshire, who played a prominent part in his rescue. While climbing on one of the Coolin
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  • 1072 7 Judge On Her “Stringent Contract” London, Oct. 30. I An injunction was granted against Miss Bette Davis, the film star, by Mr. Justice Branson in the King’s Bench Division this week. The injunction, applied for by Warner Bros. lnc. t was to prevent her from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 298 7 KEEPING FIT AT SEVENTY After Being Crippled by Rheumatism This old man's life had been made miserable by rheumatism, but since he tried Kruschen Salts several years ago, he has been perfectly free. His daughter and her husband have profited by his experience. Read how the whole family keep themselves
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  • 544 8 EVEN those not closely interest-tj ed in American politics are compelled to take notice when so important an event as a presidential election serves as a reminder that another four years have slipped off the calendar. Issues highly important to America and often having a direct
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  • 211 8 Official Reply To Col. Rae's Queries (From Our Special Representative.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 6. Following queries made by the Hon. Col. Rae on the advisability of lifting the import duty on saccharine the Hon. Mr. W.D. Barron. Commissioner of Customs and Excise, pointed out in the Federal
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  • 584 8 Musical Treat —Clever Pianiits U Penang —Brave Show By Tiny Tots —Armistice Day Bag Of Silver Dollars. THOSE of you who were not present at the Town Hall last 1 night missed three hours of first-class entertainment. Students of the Academy of Music, Penang, were the performers,
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  • 515 8 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8.00 a.m. Matfrs and Litany. Psalm 118. Hymn 155. 8.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese). 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Confirmation by the Lord Bishop of Diocese. Psalm 1.2 Chant 261. Magnificat Chant 47 Nunc Dimittis 61 Nunc Dimittsi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 331 8 Don’t Forget Your Friends At Home! You can get this fine old Whisky V (E for despatch in specially decorated J® 08l Christmas Cases, delivered where in England, Scotland or VH ®wL Wales at the following prices Bam 1820 Still going Strong RED LABEL Per case of 12 bottles $64.03.
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    • 58 8 A MIXTURE I MiLD COOL It has been blended with the same care as has been the tradition of the firm of Marcovitch for these hundred years past, they appear to have produced a blend of tobacco which suits the average pipe smoker. Available Everywhere ir 1 oz, 2 oz
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  • 388 9 Hon. Mr. E. D. SHEARN Complaints Not Made In A Formal Resolution (From Our Special Representative). Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 6. Alighting speech by His Excellency the High Conimissiorier, Sir Shcnton 1 homas, in which he attacked the Hon. Mr. E. D. Shearn in terms of mingled irony
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  • 296 9 Mrs. James' Pupils Entertain impressive PIECES BY SENIOR GIRLS pupils of the Academy of Music, Penang, gave a musical recital before a large mdience at the Town Hall, Penang, last night The performers ranged from tiny tots to girls in their teens, and the entertainment they provided was
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  • 175 9 Af Tennis And Badminton The Penang Teachers defeated the Kedah “Erics” yesterday at the Free School courts in friendly matches of tennis and badminton. The matches had originally been fixed to be played at the- Old Frees Association but the sodden condition of the ground
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  • 123 9 Probables vs The Rest The following teams will line out for a rugby practice today:— I PROBABLES: J F. Keay; A. H. West, L. G. Lee, J. A. P. Cameron and C. N. Hogan; M. Pestana and D. G. W. Montgomery; A. R. Anderson W. D. C.
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  • 126 9 Menace To The Industry LUCID MAIDEN SPEECH BY Lt. COL. HORNIDGE (From Our Specail Representative.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 6 A Jucid maiden speech by the Hon. Lt. Col. G.M.P. Homidge, the new Unofficial Mining Member from Perak, which was loudly applauded and described by the Legal
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  • 361 9 Rovers And Casuals Draw Again The Rovers again held the Casuals to a draw in the replay of the Penang Chinese Football Cup competition at the Renong Ground yesterday. Result: Rovers j Casuals j the teams Casuals: Aw Heng Thuan; Guan Bee and Tung Sin Huat; Siew
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  • 103 9 TIN YESTERDAY TODAT London—(Spot) £224.5.0 £235.ML London—(3 months) £221.0.0 £232.0.0. Singapore $llB.OO Business Done Penning Business Done COPRA.—(Sundried) $6.30 $6.50 BLACK PEPPER $B.OO $6.50 RUBBER London Bftd BAd New York 17gc(G) 17i*«c(G) Singapore-Spot 29|c 29fe. NovyDec. 29Jc 29{e Janyifar. 292 c 30c April/June 292 c 30ie TAPIOCA >—
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 360 9 FOR SALE FOR SALE One G.E.C. Refrigerator, i one year old. Large size. Cost $3OO. will accept 5200 or nearest—owner going on leave. Apply MacNeice, 302, Mac Alister Road, Penang. PENANG SPORTS CLUB GOLF SECTION The Penang Rugby Team is travelling up by boat to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday 12th
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    • 199 9 SITUATION VACANT t Vacancy occurs in Perak for young; European Office Assistant: knowledge| of share transfer work and mining ac-. counts a recommendation. Apply immediately, stating when available, with copies of recent references and particulars of experience to Box 68, c|o Pinang Gazette. rangeng tin no LIABILITY Notice Of Dividend
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    • 157 9 "E. O." Hotel PENANG Tonight Extension to 2 a m. OFFICIAL POPPY DAY BALL Late Launch late Hill Train Arranged Please Book Early :o: Sunday, Bth November at 9.30 p.m. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT i>y THE NEW "E. O." ORCHESTRA Under the Direction of Mr. ERIC NECKHEIM :o: Wednesday, 11th November EX-SERVICES
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  • 3129 10 7 DRAFT BUDGET FOR 1937 Official Minutes Of Municipal Commissioners’ Meetings AT the meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners held on Oct. 27. the Deputy President, Mr. W.L. Blythe, said that the draft budget for 1937 had been drawn up. It is anticipated, he said,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 76 10 Tcnighfs The Night! THE BEST TWO DOLLARSWORTH IN MALAYA. ANNUAL ,RAG BALL’ AT THE 66 «7 J&- 99 ILL*© KX» FROM 9-45 P.M. 1U It (In Aid of Earl Haig's Poppy Day Fund) SIDE-SHOWS CABARET PRIZE DANCES NOVELTIES DANCE HOSTESSES-BANGERS SPUDS DRESS Anything Comfortable. TICKETS —s2 Each. Get One As
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  • Latest London and Local Share and Commodity Market Quotations
    • 320 11 Strong The Stock Exchange was again Mr ong. with no cessation m the boom an tins. London, Nov. 6. Yesterday Rise or Fall Con. 5 p c., 1944-64 H7ft Eunduir. 4 p-c., 1960-9« 117 H -j-% War Ix>an, 3ft p.c 106 H Straits 6 p-c.. 1936-51 102«
      320 words
    • 112 11 London, Nov. 6. RUBBER Firm Spot 81V buyers Bft sellers. Jan. March 8J buyers B,’ s sellers. April June 8 A buyers 81 sellers. July Sept. 8!J buyers 82 sellers. New York 17.55 cts. COPRA Straits S.O. Rotterdam. £16.12.6. PEPPER White Muntok in bond Ed. Nov.(Jan. 4ftd.
      112 words
    • 124 11 I-ondon on Previously Latest 1 dr,s 105 29(64 105 11|64 Xew Y °rk 4.884 4.87 A Montreal 4.88 4.871 Brussels 28.91 28.821 neva 21.25 21.21 S Amsterdam 9.08 9.09 MlUn 92% 92% J lin 12.14 J 12.12 Stockholm 19.39% 19.39% c l>enhagen 22.40 22.40 Osl 19.90 19.90 ;;enna
      124 words
    • 170 11 KENNEDY CO. The following are ths latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY A Ceu’s fib»™ cAst today:— MINING J Ampat 5|3 5| 9 Ayer Weng 1.90 2.00 B. Selangor 1.09 1.12 Chenderiang 20] 21 j 11 Hong Fatt 1.121 l.lTJcum Idris Hydraulic 9| 10| Jelapang 21| 22| Jelebu 1.09 1 12
      170 words
    • 820 11 IMPROVED AMERICAN CONSUMPTION (From Our Own Corresps ndent) London, Oct. 22. For the first time since the end of June, 1934, United Kingdom rubber stocks are below the 100,000 tons level. The decline in the past week amounted to 1,409 tons, thereby bringing the surplus
      820 words
    • 172 11 A.A. ANTHONY CO. M TIN Buyers Sellers tv Batu Selangor 1.07% 1.12% Hong Fatt 1.10 1.15 Jelebu 1.07% 1.12% Kuchai 1.90 2.00 Lukut 1.37% 1.42% North Taiping 60 65 Petalings 8.50 9.00 Rahman Hyd. 1.10 1.15 Rintau Ordy 107% 1.12% Rantau Pref. 112% 1.17% Sungei Luas 1.75 1.80 Sungei Way
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    • 30 11 Tonghurst Rubber Estates, Ltd.—First and find dividend 4 per cent., less tax, for for year to Mar. 31 (same), payable after annual meeting to be held early in November.
      30 words
    • 160 11 LEAN CO. TODAY’S OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING >— Ampats 4(6 5 Hitams 54 59 Hong Fatts 1.05 115 Jelapangs iB|6 19|6 Johans 27 30 Katus 22*6 23|6 Lukuts 1.25 1.35cd Fangnga Rivers 10[ 111 Rahmans 1.15 12 0 Rantau Ords. 1.15 x .20 -Do- Prefs. 1.17| 1, 2 2
      160 words
  • 540 11 The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics. S.S. and F.M.S., during the period October 17 to 23. 1926, inclusive and are available for public use in the Reference Library. Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by members of the public resident
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 144 11 BANKS. Experience Teaches One To Save. But How Many Have Found A Way To Put By Their Spare Dollars OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED. offer you facilities of their SAVINGS DEPARTMENT For Systematic Saving. BEGIN YOUR SAVINGS NOW For Rules and Regulations j Apply j MANAGER, < Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Ltd.,
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    • 557 11 e CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Uncorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid-up Capital £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE:— 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.O. Agencies Branohee: Alor Star Hong Kong Rangoon NAmritrar Iloilo Saigon Bangl >k Ipoh Semarang I Batavia Karachi Seram
      557 words

    • 502 12 Treaty Ratification Expected Early Next Year ■JOPE of a successful conclusion in the coming year to negotiations for tbe St. Lawrence Waterway project is expressed by President Roosevelt. THE President’s expression was contained in a letter to Mr. Fred J. Freestone, chairman of the executive committee
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    • 211 12 PENANG ARRIVALS DEPARTURES In Port Today S.S. “ROHN V' from Singapore and Port Swettenham sails at noon for Negapatam, Karikal, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Pondichery and Madras. !S.S. "CALCHAS” from Liverpool sails for Hong Kong, Shanghai, and J apan. M.V. “GLENOGLE” from Far East via Singapore—sails same day for Colombo, Suez,
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    • 179 12 For Japan-Australia Service An important addition to the fleet of the OJS.K. Line was made lately when the new cargo-passenger motor liner Canberra Maru was put into commission on the regular Japan-Australia service. A second ship of a similar design, the Tokyo Maru, is under construction,
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    • 291 12 Ship That Vanished In The Channel The formal investigation into the loss of the s.s. Kentbrook was continued at the Institution of Civil Engineers last week. Mr. Walter Hedley, K.C., who presided —assisted by Capt. A. E. Dodd, Capt. A. L. Gordon and Mr. A.
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    • 663 12 MOD IFICATIONS OF MACHINERY P. O. LINER TO BE WITHDRAWN ROM SERVICE The P. O. liner Strathmore win withdrawn from service at the end of th year. It is understood that she win into dock for overhaul for a period of proximately six weeks. The ship has no w been
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1844 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES Z.H.J.’s CHANGES IN RADIO E ASIATIC PROGRAMMES Pr.RSONALITIES-109 LUVR Children’s Hour listeners will hear testation ZH J (Pensng) announces. night “Chasing the Luck” a play by Ross certain changes in t.'eir Asrit.c program- Hutchinson with music by Michael Sayer, mes with effect from Nov. 1. Jf w
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 798 13 ■LUk FUMMBi; UM LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Lem Due (in conjunction with Glen A Shire Line) Penan* London z-tvnOGLE London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp A GLENo Middlesborough. N ALIGN Marseilles, London, Rotterdam, Hamburg 7 C D and Glasgow. Nov M 9 MENELAUS London, Rotterdam Hamburg, Hull and B Swansea. NoV- Dec
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    • 36 13 DODWELL CASTLE LINE SAILINGS FOR New York, Boston and Baltimore (via Cape of Good Hope) Due Due Penang New York m.v. GREYSTOKE CASTLE Nov. Dec. 19 29 JLQUIHTB Paterson. Simons Co., Ltd. Ttol Nos 668 MO
      36 words
    • 639 13 PQ and Gt VZ BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co., underi Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenham, contract with His Majesty's Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “BULAN” Nov. 13 Outwards from London for China -Tanan, SAILINGS OF STEAMERS OF THE! 4»“. BRTITSH INDIA
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 644 13 RADIO ISRLIH IMA 9.67 Mc> (31.38 m.). DJB 15. M Mcja. (19.74 m.) IMN 9.1 Mc)a (11.45 m.). TODAY 1.20 News in German. I.3s—Weekend concert (continued).—Greetings to listeners. 2.20 —News and economic review in English. 2.35 p.m.—Today in Germany. Sound pictures.—Women around Liszt. A radio-play by Vera Bern;
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    • 435 13 corded programme. 9.46 p.m.—Time signal. Ciose down. TOMORROW 7.16 p.m.—Bengali music. 7.36—Modern Bengali song. B.ol—Weather report, news and announcements in Bengali. 8.16 Weather report, news and announcements in English. B.3l—Talk in English. “Safety First Motoring.’ ’8.48— Recital.t 9.31 The new light symphony orchestra.! “Three English Dances." 9.46—Time signal. Close down.
      435 words

  • 1011 14 Acceptances Selections For Today Following are the acceptances for today s races at Ipoh, to aether with selections by “Rapier” and “Windsor Lad RACE 1, Horses—Class 3—Div. 2—l Mile Distance—2.3o P m 00 0 WONDER BAR 9.00 Mr T<X T 43 2 LAST CRUSADER 805 Mr. A. Ramsay
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  • 1720 14 Inter-State Malay Soccer The Kedah Malays fielded a team «even Malaya Cup players and yet they were held to a draw by the Penang Mohamedan Football Association in the annual inter-State Malay soccer match played yesterday on the St. Xavier’s Institution ground. Four goals
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 14 I C. 8. BARNETT, carried Jar 131 runs for the M C.C. in their mg match against Victoria at yesterday. (See page 9).
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  • 384 14 FIXTURES FOR TODAY London, Nov. 7. Following are the fixtures in the English and Scottish football leagues for today:— ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIVISION 1 Arsenal vs. Leeds U. Bolton vs. Middlesbro* Brentford vs. Birmingham Derby C. vs. Stoke C. Everton vs. West Brom A. Huddersfield T. vs. Manchester OL
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 173 14 Q u Why do some children always look so Healthy -and Well?” Angier's is the answer The surest way to keep f children healthy and *1 robust and able to go out R in ail weathers without any ill after-effects—is to re stores build up their powers of resistance or
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  • 562 15 SEQUEL 70 DEFIANCE OF AMERICAN A. A. U. JESSE OWENS, America s flying negro sprinter, is finding that even a triple Olympic champion cannot do just as he likes. Owens has openly defied th'e American Amateur Athletic Union of he U. S. A., but he has
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  • 321 15 SCULLLVG: There will be another match for the Sculling Championship of England on Easter Monday, March 29, the start taking place at 2.15 p m. A lot of people will be asking why, there having been three championship contests on the
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  • 226 15 Play To Start After "Puasa" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 5. The Perak open billiards championship promises to be a very successful one this year and arrangements are well in hand for the tournament, which will be conducted by the Ipoh Y.M.C.A. immediately after the “Puasa.”
    226 words
  • 85 15 County Cricket Club will feel keenly next season the loss of their captain, A.P.F. Chapman, who is retiring from first-class cricket because of the increasing claims r f business. An astute captain, a dashing lefthand batsman, and one of the most brilliant fielders “close
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  • 181 15 J. Crouch Appointed i The 21-years-old jockey J. Crouch has been appointed to ride next year as first jockey to the King. Crouch, who learned race-riding under Stanley Wootton, the Epsom trainer, only came of age on Aug. 30. His apprenticeship and his right to
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  • 197 15 Midland Cruiser Champion Finished In Third Jock McAvoy (Rochdale) middleweight champion of Great Britain, scored a quick victory over Bill Wainwright (Birmingham), the Midland light heavy-weight titleholder, at Belle Vue, Manchester. Wainwright, who haS nearly a stone weight advantage, gave a plucky display before being knocked
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  • 819 15 Memorial To Sir Harry Preston Planned— Tenn is Low- Down from Australia T will gladden the hearts of all those who knew Sir Harry Preston—and he was the friend of poor men as well as Princes—to learn that his memory is to be perpetuated in a way
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 274 15 >«ru HAvt tv «uwv I (A*N>MG OOuAU r ''V*? ..M .JIBS* f VOU ivt ?»»*P** C j WOMOMING wwat s *<*© IkK TM« WTVM MW iqjf rH ,< »<■«<*< vo v sMo«iu» m hooimc- H K you 60 k» y vMy r «.atm» t tAOiY SVT *ou F»SI «T$ rrw-
      274 words

  • 241 16 DANCING SEARS SALLY EILERS and Ricardo Cortez in their first big scene of A Man Wth V< ir now in course of production at the new Pinewood St.i-Jics. Ivor. Bucks. Incidentally, this is Ricardo Cortez’s first British film. REMINDER.—PoIice in the West Country are checking
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  • Penang Trade Fair
    • 1006 1 if six o’clock this evening at the Fun and Frolic Park, Penang, the Penang Trade Fair organised*by Amalgamated Amusements Ltd. will be officially opened by the Hon. Mr. A. M. Goodman. Resident Councillor, Penang. The Fair opening coincides with a wave of renewed optimism regarding the future of
      1,006 words
    • 1919 2 A Country Which Always Comes Up Smiling The elasticity provided iti the econo- 1 1 mic structure of British Malaya pro- s vides a writer in the Septend>er-Octo-ber issue of the Midland Bank Review r with a subject which he examines
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    • 198 3 Skilled Labour Shortage Orders for jewellery, flags and souvenirs for the Coronation are bringing a lot of Vjrurk to Birmingham. Two firms of flag-makers in the city jjave already extended their works to meet fhe jemand and between 20 and 30 million flags will be manufactured in Birmingham
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    • 124 3 A well-known St. Helens (Lancashire) firm of glass manufacturers is beginning the production of translucent glass bricks which will be called ‘Tnsulight,” on account of their insulation properties against sound and heat and their power of transmitting and diffusing light. Glass brick constructions
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    • 112 3 A new engine, designed and built by a young Bury engineer, promises some remarkable developments in the internal combustion engine. A 2 I|2 h.p. engine oropelled a motor-cycle at a timed speed of 100 miles an hour. The maximum speed of the engine is 14,000 revolutions a
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    • 89 3 An experiment to settle the question of whether it is more profitable to operate h’gh-priced heavy-duty vehicles for a period years than moderately-priced vehicles eplaced every year or two, is being underaken by the transport director of the Bri•‘ish American Oil Company in Canada. A British
      89 words
    • 113 3 Stall No. Stallholders 1 2 Fraser Neave Ltd. 3 Borneo Co., Ltd., 4 C.A.A. (Cheng Lee). 5 6 Paterson Simons. 7 8 Kek Seng. 9 Ban Poh Medic Hall. 10 Nwe Bean Juice Co. 11 Sin Huat Aun. 12 13 Kean Choon. 14 Penang Hobby Shop. 15 F.
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    • 159 3 A new type of steel hatch cover is being manufactured in West Hartlepool and Sunderland. The cover is an arrangement of simple lids locked under pressure on to ordinary hatch coamings. The covers form a steel lid to the coamings, fitting in the same way os a
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    • 120 3 Visitors to Birmingham will now have an opportunity of seeing industry from the! inside In anticipation of a large number of tourists visiting England for the Coro-, nation, arrangements have been made by the City of Birmingham Information Bureau for those who continue their journey to
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    • 72 3 A lasting advertisement for Sheffield workmanship is to be seen in one of the showcases in the banqueting hall of Edinburgh Castle, where lies a seventeenthcentury pocket knife discovered during recent excavations at the castle. It was found to be the work of a freeman of the
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    • 164 3 Exceptional Demand for Cans Latest reports from America state that tinplate mills as a whole are operating at about 90 per cent of standard running time. This operating rate is notable for this time of year, when tinplate for packers’ cans is near the end of the
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    • 112 3 Welsh steel-works are beating a seven years’ production record. In the first eight months of the year 1,557,600 tons were produced compared with 1,214,000 tons fci 1935. Orders for next three months will keep South Wales in the output lead for the whole of Britain. In Swansea
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 184 1 VIOLET CAFE WEMBLEY PARK Phone IH7 Phone 1117 New Rooms With Electric Fan Bell Installations. and Special Cantonese Dishes Supplied. Admission Tickets to the Park riven Free to Patrons and their when Dinners are ordered. will convince you. EXPERIENCE TEACHES ONE TO SAVE. BUT HOW MANY CONKLIN (NOZAO PENS HAVE
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    • 32 1 VIOLET CAFE WEMBLEY PARK (1) Arctic Soup $3.00 (2) Shanghai Duck $1.50 (3) Eastern Rolls $1.20 (4) Shark's Fins $l.OO (5) Asparagus Crab-Roe .80 Special Order at 10 aun. 14, Stewart Lane.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 ■■■■■—■■l R. I 1 I =====l WING LOOK Best For Your Health RESTAURANT Suitable For Xmas Presents. 300, PENANG ROAD, PENANG S.S. u *Phone 758. Do you drink tea If you do, are you sure you are drinking the right kind of tea Good Chinese tea has long been known
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 SIN GUAN KEE KEK SENG No. 357, Beach Street, Penang i COMPANY. PENANG ROAD. Mairafocfitrer of Opposite A. C. S. Union BEST COFFEE POWDER lee Cpeanli Cold Drinks and FLAG BRAND Iced Fruits served Day and Night. TRADE MARK. Marriages and Tea Parties Exquisite Flavour Guaranteed. Catered for. Heap Seng
      173 words