Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 June 1936

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833. PUBLISHED DAILY. No. 146. Vol. XCIV. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1936. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 136 1 —Reuter. OBJECTION TO NEW TARIFFS W' Blunt Demand To Jettison Empire Trade Policy Canberra, July 25. WHAT he described as a deliberate attempt by Japan to coerce the Commonwealth’s trade policy was revealed by Mr. J. A. Lyons, broadcasting following an announcement from Tokyo of
    —Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 261 1 irrespective of race and religion.—British Radio. Planes Patrol Railways London, June 25. Palestine messages state lorries con--royed by Cameron Highlanders were fired on yesterday on the Jericho road five miles west of Good Samaritan. Low flying aeroplanes now patrol the railways and main joads. A contingent
    irrespective of race and religion.—British Radio.  -  261 words
  • 45 1 —Reuter. Shanghai, June 25 A reliable report from Hankow states that the vanguard of the Kwangsi forces reached Hengchow and fired on Government troops stationed at the city gates who suffered minor casualties. Later the Kwangsi troops withdrew but the situation is tense.-
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 34 1 The Sheik of Bahrein, who is at present visiting England, was received in audience by the King at Buckingham Palace yesterday noon and was invested with the insignia of the K.C.I.E.
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  • 57 1 Back To 90 Per Cent. Level Paris, June 25. The International Tin Committee has fixed the quota for the third quarter of 1936 at 90 per cent, compared with 85 per cent, at present —Reuter. The commodity was weak in London following the announcement, but shares were
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  • 60 1 London, June 25. Sir Miles Lampson, High Commissioner tn Egypt, will return to Cairo by air on Saturday to resume conversations with the Egyptian Government. Sir Miles arrived In England on June 4 and has since been in consultation with his Government in regard to matters which
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  • 260 1 Local Shipping Delayed Penang experienced its heaviest rainfall for the year yesterday and early this morning. Between 11.40 yesterday morning and 2.15 a.m. today, 2.81 inches were recorded at Fort Cdrnwallis. The previous highest for the month was 21 mm. on June 8 and for the
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  • 96 1 —British Radio. Mr. Anthony Eden And The Negus London, June 25. It is announced by the Ethiopian LegaI tion that the Emperor of Ethiopia and cerI tain members of his suite will leave London for Geneva this afternoon. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, flew tc Paris
    —British Radio.  -  96 words
  • 273 1 Fantastic Story From China “A large planet will, in the near future, collide with the earth. Certain parts of Asia including all of South China, are in the danger zone. The Hongkong Government is taking all necessary steps ensure the safety of the inhabitants. “The League of
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  • 41 1 —Reuter. Philadelphia, June 25. Police 'were called to restore order at. the evening meeting of the Democratic? Party Convention when Roosevelt and Al Smith supporters came to blows. Tlu> Smithites were ejected after a lively fist fight.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 190 1 U.S. FRENCH PROTESTS —Reuter. Japanese Soldiers’ Conduct Peiping, June 25. The United States and French Embassies have protested to the Japanese Embassy regarding the alleged rough treatment or their nationals by Japanese soldiers during de military parade at Peiping on June 23. It is stated that a Japanese soldier lunged
    —Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 423 1 —Reuter. London, June 25. I The Dardanelles Conference which will -adjourn today until after the League Assembly IT not going as smoothly as anticipated. The discussions hitherto revealed potentialities of discord, especially between the British and Soviet viewpoints. M. Litvinoff, voiciny the Soviet claims that the
    —Reuter.  -  423 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 H. TOKISATSU ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS No. 68-70, Bisbop Street, PENANG Telephone No. 772.
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    • 63 1 PERAK RACE ENTRIES —Page 14. Sausage sales are up again hence the jubilation. No need for sampling here, for none will ever equal our freshly made PORK AND BEEF SAUSAGES We've been selling these for years; always praised, never a complaint. If you would know real sausage goodness, try t
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  • 24 2 ,M. Paul Boncour, leader of the French delegation to the Dardanelles Conference, supports the Soviet ckitlins regarding freedom of the Straits.
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  • 730 2 Nazis Beat Poles In Streets DEAD STORM-TROOPER CALLED MARTYR Danzig, June IS The funeral of the storm trooper Deskowski, who died as a result of injuries sustained during a political brawl last week, was made today the occasion of a tremendous Nazi manifestation here. From
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  • 713 2 FRENCH CABINET DECISION: SHOCK TO RIGHT Paris, June 18. THF President of the Republic this afternoon signed a decree dissolving the Croix de Feu, the Solidarite b'rancaise, the Francistes, the Jeunesses Patriots, and several smaller leagues. This measure was promised in general terms by the
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  • 183 2 Herr Hitler On Valuable I Link I Berlin, June 17. Senor Jose Joaquim de Lima e Silda loniz de Aragao presented his credentials I s the first Ambassador of Brazil in Ger--1 nany to Herr Hitler this morning. The new Ambassador, who has hitherto •een accredited
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  • 409 2 ROAD 3, MARKETS, SCHOOLS AND LAW COURTS I am now able to give some exclusive details of the reforms and development workr put in hand by the Italians since their occupation of Abyssinia; writes tie Diplomatic Correspondent in the Daily Telegraph. Inhabitants of Addis Ababa
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  • 191 2 Malabele Loyally To The King Bulawayo, June 15. “The Matabele never divide their loyalty. It was given to the King of England. It was given for all time." Thus said the representatives of the Matabele j Chiefs when today they met Sir Herbert Stanley, the Governor,
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  • 153 2 Oxford, June 16. A horse that was being ridden by an undergraduate in a performance of “As You Like It” by the O.U.£>.£. wis 1 electrocuted this afternoon shortly before it was ridden into the arena'. The rider, Mr. Willoughby Gray, of Hertford College, who
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 2 M. Litvinoff reiterated the Russian’s <larmsj for special treatment at the plenary meeting of the DairdaF nelies Conference.
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  • 91 2 Herr Himmier To Have Seat In Cabinet Berlin, June 17. By decree of the Chancellor Herr Himmler has been appointed head of all the police forces in Germany, with full authority to deal with all police matters. His appointment also carries with it the right to a
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  • 89 2 £6,000.000 Already Paid Berlin June 17. Herr Reinhardt, permanent head of the Ministry of Finance, announced today that from the beginning of July regular subsidies of 17s. 6d. a month woulds be paid to parents for the support of a fifth child and every further
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 304 2 THe< IDEAL FOOD 'ggSWtifiP for All PUPPIES DOGS SHERLEY’S LACTOL The difficulty of healthy pups and keeping adult dogs fitin hot climates is overcome by LACTOL. It is the ideal diet for all dogs from birth. LACTOL ensures strong bones, fine constitution, and healthy flesh and provides the highest degree
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  • 107 3 Reuter. Grand Jury Indictment SENSATIONAL LEAKAGES Los Angeles, June 25. >mas Thompson, an expetty officer of American Navy and Toshio Miyazaki, r ibed as a lieutenant commander in Japanese navy have been indicated by a ■deral grand jury on nineteen charges of
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 252 3 .—Reuter. Dependent On AngloJapanese Agreement London, June 25. Mr. Yoshida, the new Japanese Ambas--iior in London interviewed by Reuter, uughingly disclaimed the rumours that he ni come specially charged with the work >t an Anglo-Japanese entente. He must r.rst examine the whole field, then
    .—Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 79 3 —British Radio. Details Satisfactorily Settled London, June 24. In reply to a request in the House of Commons for a statement, concerning the >ints of difference of interpretation regarding the Anglo-German Naval agreement the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Samuel Hoare, said he welcomed the opportunity
    —British Radio.  -  79 words
  • 102 3 ttle most careful consideration to time of the Palestine Government. Bri-ti-h P.adio. May Be Examined By Palestine Government London, June 24. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ormsbyiore, was asked in the House of Commons, whether arrangements would be made for reception and examination of broadcasts in
    ttle most careful consideration to time of the Palestine Government. Briti-h P.adio.  -  102 words
  • 110 3 —Reuter. Attempt To Blow Up Dynamite Store Manila, June 25. A plot to blow up the dynamite depot of the British-owned Smith Bell company was foiled by police who receiving information at the last moment raced from the city to the depot and discovered a quantity of
    —Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 71 3 Minister Urges Repeal Of Press Act (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, June 25. Bangkok is preparing to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the introduction of the constitutional regime which occurs on Saturday. Last night the Minister for Defence in a national broadcast urged that the time had
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  • 483 3 The wedding of Captain J. L. L. Lotinga, The Royal Fusiliers, and Miss Mary Bridget Thomas took place at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster. The Rev. C. R. Montgomery, Vicar of St. John’s Church, Wallasey (the bride’s cousin), officiated, assisted by the Rev.
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  • 161 3 JUSTICE —NOT MADE IN JAPAN —Reuter. Criticism Of A British Court Peiping, June 25. Strong dissatisfaction at the methods of the British Consular Court hearing of charges against Herbert Cooke and Ralph Hunt was expressed at an interview with Japanese Embassy officials who announced that they had complained to Tokio
    —Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 258 3 Coating Of A Rare Metal A new process has been developed, after a long period of experiment, to treat silver with the precious metal rhodium in such a way as to render it untarnishable without any impairment of beauty. An exhibition of old and new
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  • 62 3 British Radio. London, June 24. Speaking in London today Mr. Winston Churchill expressed his dissatisfaction with the present methods of discussing the arrangements for national defence. In his view, parliament should set up a committee representing all parties, to interrogate the Govt. Secretary, under the protection of confidence
    British Radio.  -  62 words
  • 308 3 Regent Opens Rural Show (From Our Own Correspondent, Singapore, June 25. At noon today H.H. Tungku Makhota, Regent of Jofiore, opened the first Central Johore Agricultural Show on the padang at Batu Pahat. Farmers and villagers have travelled as many as 50 miles to show their
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  • 171 3 —Reuter Wireless. Demonstration Cancelled London, June 26. In view of the Free State Government’s proclaiming the I.R.A. illegal, the I.R.A. today called off the banned demonstration it had arranged to hold in the Bodenstown, Churchyard in County Kildare, the burialplace of Wolfe Tone. The Government took very
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  171 words
  • 84 3 London, June 24. The King, who recently carried out several inspections of the army units, on Tuesday, will inspect the Naval Barracks at Portsmouth and will visit certain Royal Air Force aerodromes on July Bth making the journeys between various stations by air. -—British Radio. o
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  • 179 3 crew attended the birthday parade. Reuter Wireless. No Claim For The Vessel's Return London, June 2L The curious legal position of the Girt Pat was referred to in an interview with, the director of the company owwing the vessel. He said the Company had decided, to
    crew attended the birthday parade. Reuter Wireless.  -  179 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 “Oversea” Cabin Trunk SrTTli Built on genuine three ply foun- elation covered brown waterproof aV canvas. Bentwood battens with B B Ra] strong metal corners, steel hinges B B and leather back joint. Size 36 ins. by 19} ins. by 12} ins. The ‘Tourist’ Cabin Trunk I Strong plywood foundation
      159 words

  • 2202 4 A New Analysis iAMERICAN AND BRITISH CONDITIONS ]_N the cinema world, as in other commcicial regions, knowledge conies li cm measurement and comparison The opportunity offering, it was difficult. to resist Cue temptation to contrast tie film industry in Great Britain with its much. larger,
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  • 634 4 TAPING JUBILEE MEMORIAL GERMAN DOGS FOR MALAGA The Taiping Jubilee Memorial, in the form of a concrete jetty at the Taiping Lakes, is now nearing completion. The contractor is Mr. N. Eliathamby, J.P.J who has made a good job of the work. When the jetty is completed,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 355 4 < w-iZ 5- V/ o ARDATH TOBACCO CO., t-TO,, LONDON, ENGLAND. I ■M r!■ 111 II 111 IR 1■ 1 nu I Ir i I AN IDEAL BAB Y S FOO D. KREMIIK A NON-R A N C 8 D FULL CREAM HUMANIZED MILK. K REMILK is prepared from pure
      355 words

  • 503 5 NARROW EXCLUSIVENESS TREND DEPLORED ANOTHER year of good work Stood to the credit of the Society, said Mr. G A. H. Wille who presided at the annual general meeting of the Ceylon Society, of Arts held at the Art Gallery in moving the adoption of the
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  • 1075 5 The Problem of Hongkong 8 C> Clementi, former Governor of t and Hongkong recently deliveress on the ‘‘Future of Hongkong'' the Royal Empire Society. Below 1' printed the Chinese reply to it, by J r. t is Binions’’ of the “People's Tribune,' Shanghai. The problem
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  • 77 5 Committee Preparing Glossary Of 1,000 Since the appointment of the Sinhalese Terms Committee for the purpose of finding Sinhalese equivalents for technical and scientific term? in textbooks for adoption in the Sinhalese versions of such publications, many Sinhalese authors have availed themselves of the services of
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  • 61 5 The anniversary of the Labour Union, Ochonthara, was celebrated recently. Mr. K. M. Subramanyan presiding. A resolution condemning "the cam-, paign carried on in Ceylon against the Malayalee population” was passed. By another resolution the meeting requested the Madras, Cochin and Travancore Governments to devise measures
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  • 329 5 Fumigation Officer To Be Recruited From London Colombo, June 18. N expert Fumigation Officer is to be recruited from England almost immediately to carry out anti-plague fumigation in the Colombo harbour, undertake deratisation measures, and train local Sanitary officers in fumigation methods. It is understood
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  • 93 5 But Infected Rats Being Caught Daily All the contacts in the segregation camp ftt Norwood, 13 in number, have been discharged, and the boutiques were opened given to their respective owners. Dr. A. M. Samarasinghe, Medical Officer of Health, has received a telegram stating that the tests
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  • 106 5 Demand For Skins In England Inquiries are being officially made regarding the feasibility of establishing a reptile farm in Ceylon and the question will shortly be considered by the Ministry of Labour, Industry and Commerce. It is understood that the Trade Commissioner in London has
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  • 142 5 One Of Ceylon's Best Buyers Owing to a budgetary deficit the Egyptian Cabinet has decided to increase the import duty on tea and tobacco by 25 pence per kilogramme. For the first five months of this year. Ceylon exported 1,219,879 lb of tea to Egypt.
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  • 288 5 PROPOSED PURCHASE FOR Rs. 15,000 Dehwala, June 18. When the supplementary vote of Rs--35,000 fcr the purchase by Government of the Zoological Gardens at Dehwala and. it? management thereafter was referred to at yesterday’s Council meeting the matter was deferred till tomorrow or Friday a»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 511 6 r; J GREAT SUCCESS BOTH SHOWS PACKED iv ~~—“7 mZFZjH) JUS BSH|W Inr' MANY HAVE COME TO SEE IT AGAIN! 6-15 TONIGHT 9-30 Season Extended Till Tomorrow MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2-45 P.M. 6-15 TONIGHT 9-30 r —mew~i 6-30 TONIGHT 9-35 Matinee Tomorrow At 2-4 S 2“^'fZ rX"g~' J” Matinees Tomorrow
      511 words

  • 653 7 Tamil On Grievous Hurt Charges AN Imhan, Ulague, was yesterday charged before Mr. M. C. Hay, District Judge, Penang, with (1) causing grievous r t "r a u a C r anle< Rasammal with a dangerous weapon l.atu 1-ciiinghi on March 7, and (2) that at
    653 words
  • 116 7 News Editor Of "Daily Mirror" It is not generally known in Malaya writes the “Egoist” in the Times of Malaya, that Sir Shenton Thomas has a link with the Press in that his third brother (younger) is a London journalist and is, in fact, Kews Editor
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  • 53 7 Two hawkers, Choy Ah Lan and Loo Ah Soi, appeared before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham, the Penang police magistrate, yesterday, charged with causing obstruction with their carts at the junction of Kuala Kangsar Road and Chowrasta Road on June 25. Both accused pleaded guilty «and were
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  • 69 7 Two ricksha pullers, Lock Mah Chan and Lok Gin Lai, were arraigned before Mr. H. A.L. Luckham, in the Police Court yester day, charged with soliciting passengers a the Jetty, Church Street Ghaut, on Jun--24. The first accused, who had a letter from his passenger, a
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  • 73 7 DISOBEYED ORDER TO STOP Ooh Ah Khow pleaded guilty before Mr. H.A.L. Luckham, the Police Magistrate, Penang, yesterday, to a charge of disobeying the lawful order of a Police constable by failing to stop his bicycle when signalle i to do so at the junction of Pitt Street
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  • 42 7 Yeok Kok Eng appeared before Mr. H. A.L. Luckham, the Penang Polic Magistrate, yesterday, charged with riding a bicycle along McNair Street, after sunset and before sunrise, without a light. The accused pleaded guilty and was fined $2.
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  • 123 7 z Muar, June 21. An agricultural show and arts and crafts exhibition, with also a baby show, will be held at Muar on July 23 and 24. At a meeting held at the office of the State Commissioner, Muar, a general committee was appointed This will
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  • 129 7 Castle Attack Charge Vienna, June 18. The official Austrian Press Office issued an unusually sharp denial today concerning a message which had been broadcast yesterday by the German radio station. The German message alleged that the Public Security Director of Upper Austria (Count Revertera) had
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  • 64 7 PLANS ALREADY UNDER DISCUSSION The Executive Council, sitting at Government House, Singapore, on Wednesday morning, were to discuss plans for the celebration of the Coronation of King Edward VIII in Singapore and the rest of the Straits Settlements in May next year. Once again Penang
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  • 144 7 Rs. 1,000 To Colombo Relief Fund His Highness the Sultan of Johore, now holidaying in Ceylon, has donated Rs. 1,000 to the Mayor’s Relief Fund to succour those rendered homeless e.nd destitute as a result of last month’s flood in and around Colombo. His cheque was
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  • 164 7 Anger Af 3 erm: Reporf Cairo, June IS. j Egyptians are deeply incensed by the reported decision of the Nazi Government to regard Turks as Aryans and Egyptians as non-Aryans. They are particularly angry at General Goering's reported statement referring to the “necessity to establish distinctions of
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  • 205 7 —Reuter Wireless. Five Arabs Killed By British Escort Jerusalem, June 24. A sergeant and one private of the Cheshire Regiment forming part of an 1 escort to a train from Jerusalem to the coast were slightly injured and at least five Arab attackers were killed during a double
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  205 words
  • 293 7 25,000 PATIENTS RECEIVE TREATMENT The St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital, Singapore, during 1935 admitted ever 1,509 persona as in-patients. The number of outpatients who received treatment was 23,353. This represents about 70 persons for every day in the year. SICK CHILDREN In 1935 there were over 300
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  • 291 7 Advance Base That Was Demilitarised OTHER ISLANDS TO BE ARMED The report that Herr Hitler made a sea cruise during the week-end is believed, in certain quarters, to be connected with the refortification of the German North Sea coast. I understand that Heligoland is receiving special attention;
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  • 335 7 TWO FURTHER CHARGES Two further charges were preferred against the three privates of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. W. G. Dickson, John McCloskey and John Elliott who wen recently sentenced by the second magi;trate Singapore to eight months’ imprisonment each, in the third court, Singapore, before Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 a m® 5 BULLFINCH S a a*’ 6 K a ts c 3 BIJ m m p yg is ssi o 83 s® m gAi VA, 3K* es# Wk a -ww J FOR < ;b > PURITY > The Butter for Everybody s" SOLE AGENTS: J 1 J® > >
      82 words

  • 632 8 THE body corporate of the Great British Public, from John o’ Groats to the southernmost tip of Singapore, from Lowestoft to Vancouver, is convalescent—definitely ■on the road to recovery. As a small outpost of Empire, we n Malaya must rejoice to witness the passing of the.: crisis.
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  • 148 8 With the object of collecting fundX to help in the upkeep of the Kai Wan See Orphanage, Chuan Chew province, Fukien, Mr. Yeap Cheng Gan, a well-known philanthropist, arrived in Penang yesterday from Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Yeap is a native of Chuan Chew i himself and
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  • 587 8 A Mail Day Annoyance —A Malayan Share Handbook —Trade Spurt Last Month YESTERDAY was inward sea and air mail day, and in consequence I muttered imprecations usual upon such occasions when 1 have to extract —that is the only fitting word —a number of periodicals from their
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 141 8 Tio the Editor. Dear Sir, —One day while 1 was taking a vacation at a beautiful lake in north Idaho, a porter rapped on the door of a bathroom where 1 was singing in my bath, and said there were people sleeping. I love to sing.
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    • 103 8 Tio the Editor. Dear Sir, —Allow me to congratuI late you on the Special Kedah Supplement which you issued a week or two ago. On my return to Bangkok from the north a few days ago I was privileged to read a copy qf the Sup- plement
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    • 159 8 Plea For Mixed Doubles To Be Included To the Editor Dear Sir, —The Penang Badminton Association is now getting busy in holding the annual Open Cham- pionship the events J are: Men’s Singles, Men’s doubles, i Ladies singles Ladies doubles; but much I to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 Z, <s? I I* h c <", :< -MMIMMI >z/ I s I rW.W<D?r r^M 1 .I i V’l--------- z I 1 t S- I :.S MA>MglUg|M ??KMMW MkTKIHIAj jj>O2S—“® < L» r*Y B■t 8 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH. HOSTESS; one who
      289 words
    • 37 8 EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION r^Tr J w cogm| 4 i Mi-» Bbr« n of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE CO.. COGNAC. EoUbUshed in 183& Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipob A Koala Lompor.
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  • 1383 9 ABUSE OF COURT PROCESS ALLEGED An unusual suit was heard before Mr. Justice Gordon Smith on Wednesday and yesterday, at the conclusion of which his lordship reserved Judgment. lhe claim was based on a judgment in the Penang Supreme I Court. On this judgment
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  • 194 9 —Reuter. l Cox Leading In First i i Round BOYER TEARS UP HIS CARD London, June 25. Cox is leading with a score of 70 in the first round of the Competition proper of the British Open Golf Championship. The competition proper of the British Open
    —Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 223 9 New Mae West Film At Majestic .Vow I'm a Lad. With- Mae West, Paul Cavanagh, Ivan Lebedeff, Fred Kohler, paramount picture. At the Majestic. In her new film Mae West leaves the Gay Nineties and brings her curves and wisecracks to a modern part. The story
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  • 169 9 Later Start Made This Morning The Imperial Airways plane Delphinus, which is to be used as a relief machine in carrying mails and passengers between Calcutta and Penang, took off from Bayan Lepas at six this morning. It was originally intended that the plane leave Penang for
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  • 275 9 U.S. Doubles Star Beaten In Three Sets ATTRACTIVE TENNIS AT WIMBLEDON London, June 25 There was a very attractive programme at Wimbledon today m which the men’s singles championsnip was boiled down to the last sixteen. In the third round Perry, playing very brilliantly, overwhelmed the American
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  • 81 9 PENANG, JUNE 26 On London Bank Demand 2 4 1 On London Bank 4 months 2 4 332 Private 3 m s Credit Private 3ms Documentary 24 1 x. On New York Demand 58 U On France Demand 84 3 On India T.T. «4 I‘2 On Bangkok T.T. 126
    81 words
  • 109 9 Inf Yesterday Today London—(Spot) £185.10.0 £181.0.0 London—(3 kobU») £182.0.0 £178.5.0 Singapore $91.50 $86.00 Business Done Penang Business Done COPRA—(Sundrted) $5.20 $5-25 BLACK PEPPER $9.00 $9-00 RUBBER S London 7 Vid 7%d New York 15%c(G) 16c(G> Singapore —Spot 2614 c 26%c July/Sept. 26 1 2 c 26%c Oct/Dec, 26
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 247 9 TO LET j Fully furnished Bungalow for six months commencing Ist August at reasonable rent. Apply Box No. 43, c/o Pinang Gazette. ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY) i In the High Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG In Bankruptcy No. 39' of 1936. RE Cheah Ewe Chong. Notice is
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    • 61 9 “E. O." Hotel PENANG. TOMORROW Extension to 1 a.m. Dinner Dance WHEN VISITING SINGAPORE STAY AT RAFFLES HOTEL. FOUND... J at 39, Beach St M Penang. t j on any week day A REMARKABLE BRITISH TOOTH BRUSH. 7 ji THE '’MERITOR" It is the brush for you Make its acquaintance
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  • Financial & Commercial Section
    • 915 10 U. S. Demand Stimulated In their market report dated London June 17 Messrs. Symington and Wilson state: Since our last report the market has again been steady thouga w.thcut any partacukir activity. The feature cf the market continues to be the demand for «pot and near rubber.
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    • 55 10 Killinghall’s Good Interim A trio of rubber dividends is announced. Bertam is paying per cent. The meeting is on July 23. Killinghall declares an interim of 12 z 2 per cent. Warrants will be posted on July 8. North Hummock is to pay two per cent All
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    • 110 10 .—Reuter. Reduction In Duties On Textiles Simla, June 24. The Government of India has announced acceptance of the following recommendations by the Cotton Tariff Boerd and notification has been issued giving effect thereto from tomorrow. Firstly, the duty on plain grey cotton piecegoods to be reduced from 25
      .—Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 149 10 —Reuter. Reasons For French And Dutch Decisions London, June 24. The reduction in the Netherlands Bank Rate which follows yesterday’s similar action by the French central institution has not surprised foreign exchange operators who regard the measure as purely orthodox in view of the virtual cessation of
      —Reuter.  -  149 words
    • 96 10 In Demand On Dividend Declarations Excellent dividend declarations have been responsible for a substantial rise in Kaffir shares on the London Stock Exchange during the past day or two. Sub Nigels have been an outstanding feature of strength, while West Witwatersrands and Ventersposts have moved sharply ahead oh
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    • 473 10 Flax Crop Prospects I I Flax—lrish. There is nothing to report about the markets. The acreage under flax this year has not yet been published, but the reports of the young braird indicate that farmers will have another good 1 season. Courtrai. —There is no change in
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    • 52 10 I Output figures of the various dredges of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N. L. for the week ended at 7 a. m. on the 22nd instant, No. 5 Dredge 67.20 piculs, No. 7 Dredge 117.60 piculs, No. 8 Dredge 28.27 piculs, Ronpibon Dredge 130.00 piculs. Total
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    • 662 10 The following publications w’ere issued or received by the Department of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., during the period June 13 to 19. 1936, inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by- members of the public resident
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    • 66 10 Dividends Resumed After Six Years The London market was very pleased with the news of the" rĕsumpt on, after an interval of six years, ot dividend payments by Ransomes, Sims S Jeffries Ltd., although the payment is no more than 2U> per cent, profits at £67,038 are very nearly
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 469 10 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HONG KONG AND ,reruKPS>n SHANGHAI BANKING HANDEL CORPORATION N. V. i (Incorporated in Hong Kong.) The Liability of members ig limited to thw iwnc TPUYNG extent t_nd in manner prescribed by (NETHERLANDS TKAUi Ordinance No. 6of 1929 of the SOCIETY.) Colony. Head Office :—HONG KONG. jtlablished in Amsteriiam
      469 words
    • 372 10 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTBAU* AND CHINA (f in E Ugland by Royal Charter Paid-up Capital £S,OOO Otn Reserve Fund £3.000,00 > Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,ooo,OiXi HEAD OFFICE 38, Bigbopsgate, London. E.C. Branches Alor Star F- rc Kong Rangoon Amritsar Iloilo Saigon Bangkok loon Sema-anv Batavia Karachi SerembaX no:-n
      372 words

  • Latest London and Local Share and Commodity Market Quotations
    • 376 11 London, June 25. The London Stock Exchange continued firm with British Funds strong. Tins were •undecided. Share of £1 denomination unless Yesterday Rise or fall otherwise stated Conversion Loan, 5 p.c., 1944-64 118% Funding Loan, 4 p.c, 1960-90 117 War Loan, 3% p.c 106% Straits 6
      376 words
    • 115 11 London, June 25, RUBBER: Steady. Spot 7% buyers, 7ft sellers. August 7ft buyers, 7% sellers. Oct.. Dec. 7% buyers, 7H sellers. Jan.[March 7}J buyers, 7% sellers. New York 15.94 cts. United Kingdom Stocks, London 57,048 tons Liverpool 67,213 tons COPRA Straits S.D. to Rotterdam £14.2.6. TEPPER White
      115 words
    • 116 11 London on Previously Latest Paris 76 11(64 76 5(64 New York 5.02% 5.02 ft Montreal 5.03% 5.03% Brussels 29.74 29.73% Geneva 15.43 15.42 Amsterdam 7.42% 7.40% Milan 63H 63% Berlin 12.49 12.47 Prague 121 121% Copenhagen 22.39% 22.39% Oslo 19.90 19.90 Vienna 26% 26% Madrid
      116 words
    • 208 11 KENNEDY CO. The following are the latest quotations in MESSRS. KENNEDY A Co.’s Share List today Buyers Sellers RUBBER Allenby 1.52% 1.60 Broga 80 85 Glenealy 1.70 1.80 Indragiri 1.00 1.10 Kuala Sidim 2.25 2.40 Mentakab 36 39 Sungei Tukang 1.02% 1.07% Tapah 162% 1.70 MINING Batu
      208 words
    • 97 11 600.000 Square Miles Accessible Canada has within her boundaries about 60C.000 square miles of accessible timber in a growing condition, according to the Forestry Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The cut of standing timber in 1934 amounted to 2.300,000,000 cubic feet. In addition it was estimated
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    • 35 11 The directors of Lunas Rubber Estates Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 4 per cent, in respect of the year ending Oct. 31, 1936, payable to shareholders registered on July 15.
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    • 31 11 There has been a certain amount of offering of Tea shares on the London Stock Exchange and with little fresh support prices have Seen marked down all round.
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    • 285 11 The following are the changes in our quotations up to noon today Yesterday Today Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers TINS 1 Ampats 4 6 5(0 4|6 s|oc Ayer Wengs 1.40 1.45 1.40 1.45 ex B. Selangors 69 71% 69 71% Chenderiangs 13(0 1319 13:0 13(9 Hong Fatts 79 82
      285 words
    • 194 11 Buyer» Sellers RUBBER Allenbys 1-50 1.57% Ayer Panas 140 1.45 Bassetts 55 57 B. Lintangs 110 1.15 Mmtakahs 37% 40 New Scudais 1.32% 1.37% Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.05 Tapahs 1.65 1-72% Ulu Benuts 42% 45 TINS Ampats 4 9 5(3c Ayer Wengs 1-40 1.45 c Chenderiangs 13 3
      194 words
    • 178 11 Buyers Seller» TIN Ayer Weng 1.40 1.45 Batu Selangor 67% 70 Hong Fatt 77% 82% Jelebu 75 80 Klang River 1.75 1.85 Kuchai 67% 72% Lukut 95 TOO North Taiping 52% 55 Rahman Hyd. 92% 95 Rantau Ordy. 62% 65c Rantau Pref. 75 77% Sungei Luas 1.27%
      178 words
    • 215 11 LEAN CO. TODAYS OPENING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers MINING Ampats 4 7% 5 l%c Batu Selangors 69 71 Jelebus 79 83 Katus 17 9 18j3 K. Kampars 10 3 10 9 K. Lanjuts 16,7% 173 Kramats 45 3 46 6 Pungahs 19 0 19 6 Rantau Pref. 75 77 %c R.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 140 11 sTE E L b u n° c c Portable Tanks j.! Storage Tanks E x P or Drums 7 Refuse Bins Shelving. Benches. EASTERN MPG. —MI co., River Road. PENANG it Friday, 26th June. 7936.< > Wembley Cabaret THE BRIGHTEST, PEPPIEST, HAPPIEST SPOT IN PENANG. DANCING 8.30 P.M.—MIDNIGHT TABLE RESERVATIONS—’PHONE
      140 words

  • 519 12 Broadcasting And The Press: Need Bor An Agreement A- claim that a property right in news should be recognized by the giant of legislation was made during a discussion at the Empire Press Union Conference in London recently. Major Astor, M.P., presided at the opening of
    519 words
  • 553 12 The following is a list of vessels arriving snd sailing from Penang during tbe ween: IN PORTS S.s. "DEUCALION” from Singapore for Marseilles, L’don, R’dam, H’burg, «tad Glasgow. S.S. “KASHIMA MARU” from Japan via Singapore. Sails same day tor Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Marseilles, Gibraltar,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 653 12 RADIO TOPICS PROGRAMMES B. EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSION 2 OSJ 21.53 Hc|a. (18.93 metres). G3G 17.79 Mc|s. (16.86 metres) 6.20 p.m.— Big Ben. “Empire Magazine,” No. 2.* Consisting of .surprises, a sketch, stunts, a serial, visitors, and types. Edited by Cecil Madden. 7.00 —The B. B. C. Dance Orchestra directed
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    • 696 12 announcements. Greenwich Time Signal at What everybody likes (Popular music) 11.20 p.m. 11.35—The BBC Dance B.oo—lndies in the good old days. 8.20 Orchestra directed by Henry Hall. 12.20 Songs by Jan Liereman.—Chamber a m —Close down. music.—Dence music by the Hawanan •Electrical Recording. j Syncopaters. 11.20-Varied programme, f
      696 words
    • 926 12 PARIS RADIO COLONIAL, FRANCE. Call-letters of the station: W.L. 19.68 metres T.P.A. 2 W.L. 25.23 metres T.P.A. 3 W.L. 25.60 metres T.P.A. 4 TODAY 25.23 nhz~lLBBo KC 1.20 p.m. —Relay from P.T.T. transmitter. 1.40 —Records. 2.00 —Relay from P.T.T. transmitter.—Records. 2.50 —Talk on events in France. 3.05 Records. 3.35
      926 words

  • 238 13 Replacement Of Capital Ships Washington. Admiral Standley, Acting Secretary of the Navy, in reply to an inquiry a week ago whether the United States intended to proceed immediately with the replacement of the seven capital ships that will have reached the age-limit of 26 years by 1942,
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  • 138 13 Surplus For Half Year Of 8,292,226 Yen The surplus of earnings for the term ending March 31, 1936, after deducting current expenditure for the past half-year amounts to yen 8,292,226 out of which there have been provided for: Depreciation of the fleet and buildings Yen 4,046,041,
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  • 778 13 Nearly 60,000 Are Members Of The Navy League The Anglo-German Naval Agreement of June, 1935, formally released Germany from the naval restrictions o f the Versailles Treaty, and left her free to maintain a fleet the total tonn age of which “shall never exceed a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 603 13 ■Wy y T J 3 rd I i BLUK FUMMBU UME V rnsel*. LONDON AND NORTH CONTINENT Ta«~ Du. (in canjunctlQß with den A Shir» Ltai) a DEUCALION. Mars, Vdon. K dam H’bujTgow RADNORSHIRE Udon. R dam. Hamburg, Mlddlesboro and J< e July 23 Antwerp. T A. PATROCLUS. Mars. L’don,
      603 words
    • 377 13 TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. From Arrive Arrive Penang Marseilles New York July 2 PRES. POLK July 29 Aug. 11 July 16 PRES. ADAMS Aug. 12 Aug. 25 July 30 PRES. HARRISON Aug. 26 Sept. 8 A wonderful opportunity to visit Cairo en route. PACIFIC SERVICE. Have you travelled on our
      377 words
    • 601 13 P and BRITISH INDIA Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., undwr Penang, Teluk Anson, Port Swettenhono, contract with His Majesty’s Government Malacca and Singapore Service. London and Far East Mail Service. S/S “MA'f'A HARI” June 26 Outwards from London for China and S/S “BULAN” July 3 Japan. SAILINGS OF STEAMER
      601 words

  • 1021 14 151 HORSES AND PONIES ENTRIES for the Perak Turf Club July meeting have filled in exceptionally well, a total of 151 horses and ponies being entered for the threeday meeting to be run on July 4.. 8 and 11. Only Class 3
    1,021 words
  • 488 14 Over 40 Competitors To Take Part CHINESE RECREATION CLUB NOT REPRESENTED Te annual athletic meet of the Penang Amateur Athletic Association will be held on the Esplanade on Saturday, July 4, starting at 4 pm. More than 40 competitors have entered representing various clubs, associations and
    488 words
  • 162 14 June Mixed Foursomes Results Mrs. Eland and Robinson 41— 9’4 31’4 (Winners) Mr. Mrs. McGuffin 44 9 =35 (Runners Up) Mr. Mrs. Stone 46 —10 =36 Mrs. Patterson J. B. Ross 43 6V4=36*4 Mr. Mrs. A.P.H. Holmes 46 Mr. Mrs. Douglas 46 9 =37 Miso
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  • 146 14 After a hard fight which ran into three sets, Lim Thiam Tet, the Junior Champion of Perak, lost to Cheah Wat Hun in the Perak Lawn Tennis Championship singles yesterday at Ipoh. Leong Hoe Yeng and Lincoln Leong were surprisingly beaten by Khalily and Choon
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  • 46 14 A WIMBLEDON FALL —Mss Caro line Babcock, the American Wightman Cup player, snapped in an unusual “pose” during practice at Wimbledon. She was beaten on Wednesday by Mis s Kay Stammers, the British player, in the second round of the. women’s singlesat Wimbledon.
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  • 159 14 To Be Held At Alor Star Tomorrow (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star, June 23. The entries for the Kedah Gymkhana Club Race meeting which will be held tomorrow are as follows RACE 1 Lerrick, Pacoletic, Lucky Number, Babz 11, Larrikin and The Imp. RACE
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  • 283 14 LAST MINUTE GOAL BY SECK NAM A feature of the second division match played on the Dato Kramat ground yesterday was a final rally made by the Municipal XI, in which Seek Nam scored, to enable them to draw with the Hidyatol Anwar Football Club.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 43 14 'PHONE 543. PENANG. SATURDAY Dinner Dance Extension to 1 a.m. :o: MUSIC by JIMMY ANGEL'S SWING RHYTHM ORCHESTRA. B S I ZJF r I /< PABCO I 0 fl 0 i Iv Jfe»» Paints Enamels R I XM Varnish es. B Sime,DarbySCo., Ltd. ISL
      43 words

  • 1374 15 Quashed GAINS NARROW VICTORY OVER Omaha IN GOLD CUP Mahmoud DEFEATED BY 5 LENGTHS; Champion OUTCLASSED (From Our Own Corespondent}. Fleet Street, June 19. Ercitement ran tremendously high when Quashed and Omaha fought out a finish for the Ascot Gold Cup which will live
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  • 268 15 Golf Adams And Collinge Tie At Belleisle James Adams (Romford) and Tom Collinge, a young professional from Swinton t Park, Manchester, tied for first place in the Scottish Penfold Open golf tournament at Belleisle, Ayr, at a total of 287 strokes for seventy-two holes. They will replay
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  • 581 15  -  PETERSEN SECURES ANOTHER BOXING "PLUM £3,500 TO MEET FOORD CROWLEY'S CHANCE FOR WORLD TITLE KENNINGTON murt hand it to Jack Petersen. a money-getter he is unique. Whether in good or indifferent form, he commands four-figure payments just the same. He landed another big prize on June 16—13,500
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 176 15 “I’ve found something Something quit, Inlr I ■P 1 different in cigarettes VWI U. Try one they come from yr- -r /W x- Xr*. MfWW WKllik J vMKk tf Yes, quite differ- i /Wu c.)/ 7. “Heres a new pleasure a new j ent fascinating How the y make ex
      176 words

  • 116 16 BRILLIANT SUNSHINE with temperatures in the seventies. This little Chap was one of hundreds who went to Wembley Pool to keep cool, and found the instructor ready to help him in his swimming ambitions. HEAT WAVE REACHES ENGLAND HUNT CUP. DAY, Racegoer» wore more striking
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 69 16 A New Model* r o/ America favorite toothbrush The modern toothbrush has been made 60% more effective. Superb bristles now jwater-proofed: soggy toothbrush ended. Germ-proof —sealed in sparkling glass. Ten gorgeous new colors. Afour Absolute, 100% Satisfaction is Guaranteed? 'Broadest GUARANTEE Pt*pr given on a Toothbrush n w Dr.WeMV I
      69 words